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MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012

                 A to Z
                 of CSE

Presented by Michael Lambert

                               MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012

            CSE Overview
            Selecting Channels &
            Building Data Feeds
            Tips for Achieving
   AGENDA   Higher Exposure

                   MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
CSE Overview                                                        #MonCon

 What do We Know Today? - Some Statistics*

     ~50% of online shopping decisions
     influenced by “shopping destination
     sites/marketing channels”
     ~80% of eCommerce marketing
     campaigns that drive sales come from
     SEO/SEM; Marketplaces; and PPC
     Product Advertising
     ~5% of eCommerce marketing is now
     driven by mobile commerce

* Reflects generally accepted statistics averaged from various resources as:
CPC Strategy, Forrester Research, Internet Retailer, MerchantAdvantage, and
Practical eCommerce

                                                                               MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
CSE Overview                                                   #MonCon

Online Shopping Channels, Affiliates, and Other eCommerce Sites Reach Millions
                            of Shoppers Everyday

                                                       MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
CSE Overview                                                       #MonCon

There are 100+ eCommerce Channels from which to choose
Each channel varies in their offerings by click costs, target demographic, product categories and
other parameters. Selecting the correct channel to add or remove is vital and should be based
on your marketing strategies.

                                                                  MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
CSE Overview                                                 #MonCon

Online Shopping Channels Expand Reach and Expose Brand
    There are 3 main categories of shopping channels:


                   Pay Per Action (PPA)/

                                                  Pay Per Click (PPC)...

                                           MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
CSE Overview                                                                                 #MonCon

 Why Do Shoppers Use Marketing Channels?*

      Price - 94% of online shoppers invest time to find the best price for products
      Access - 100% of products you want can be found online, instantly
      Compare - 65% of online shoppers spend 15+ minutes comparison shopping for products
      on Marketing Channels before making a purchase; 36% spend 30+ minutes
      Trust - 54% of online shoppers visit 4+ Websites before finalizing purchase
      Fun - finding the product you want - at the price you want - is a ‘game’

 Conclusion: Marketing Channels ‘greatly’ influence an
 online shopper’s experience and purchase decisions

* Reflects generally accepted historical data averaged from various 2010/2011 resources as: CPC Strategy, E-
tailing Group Study, Forrester Research, Internet Retailer, MerchantAdvantage, and Practical eCommerce

                                                                                                               MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
CSE Overview                                                       #MonCon

 Why Do eCommerce Merchants Use Marketing Channels?

      Revenues - access to millions of shoppers who spend money to buy products online
      Profitability – monetize Return on Ad Spend/ROI and customer acquisition cost
      Customer Quality - ~20% of USA online shoppers use Marketing Channels to
      purchase products and spend ~25% more than the average online shopper*
      Customer Acquisition - customer can be marketed to in the future, repeat business
      Customer Awareness - visibility of brand/products on ‘other’ shopping-based URLs
      SEO Relevancy - search engines access merchant product listings with frequency

 Conclusion: Marketing Channels are an essential to part of an effective, cost-effective,
 and comprehensive online marketing strategy to sell products online to grow revenues
 and acquire new customers
* Forrester Research

                                                                    MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
CSE Overview                                                                     #MonCon

Why Is It Difficult For eCommerce Merchants To Use Marketing Channels?

    Resources & Time - no time to manage multi-channel product campaigns without assistance
    & tool

    Choice/Access - finding “the right” channels to sell products among 200+ is complicated

    Support - access to direct help from channel account managers when you need it is limited

    Technical Requirements - each channel has their own product data feed
    Cost Management - pay-per-click channels require daily monitoring/updating of campaigns

    Data Updating - lack automated processes to create/manage data feeds to ensure

    Data Quality - options to optimize and map all product details in data feed are
    ROI/Conversion Management - lack proper tools to track and respond to product marketing
    campaigns performance within and across channels, in real time, to ensure profits

Conclusion: Layers of complexity to work with Marketing Channels scares off many merchants …
BUT ‘complexity’ can be a competitive ADVANTAGE when you have the right team and marketing
platform behind you!

                                                                                         MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012

            CSE Overview
            Selecting Channels &
            Building Data Feeds
            Tips for Achieving
   AGENDA   Higher Exposure

                   MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Selecting Channels & Products                                            #MonCon

           Question: Where should you start?
Start using the free sites which
will allow a less expensive
learning curve and require less
research to choose.

                            On a free site it makes sense to
                            simply select all products from your
                            Catalog making it easy to choose

               Answer: Free and Easy?

                                               MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Selecting Channels & Products                                                       #MonCon

How should you select Marketing Channels?
  Break down Marketing Channel landscape into 5 categories for ease of understanding

                                                            MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Selecting Channels & Products                                             #MonCon

Research each
perspective channel
   Request any performance
   statistics available from the
   Request target demographics and
   strong categories
   Review Cost and any special
   Look for competitors on the

 Review your own statistics when available for future involvement

                                                MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Selecting Channels & Products                                              #MonCon

Product & Site Matching
In order to make these channels as profitable as possible, online retailers
need to analyze the performance of each product on the various channels,
and market only the products with the best performance, removing the
products that aren’t converting and only wasting click costs.

           Allow at least 1 week for major product decisions
           Allow at least 3 months for major channel decisions

                                                    MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Selecting Channels & Products                                                #MonCon

Analyze Performance
Review performance statistics using Chanalytics(sm) and any other
available tools to indicate what changes, if any, should be done within the
product selection or product optimization phases (tips in this presentation).

                                            Change                  Check
                        Remove                                 Check UPC Info

                                                                   Model #

                                                      MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Selecting Channels & Products                                                         #MonCon

  How Do Merchants Monetize Marketing Channel Strategies?
    Simply feeding products and catalogs to channels has a low value proposition.
        Feeding to channels is a process, and deceptively difficult to do well.

1. Each marketing channel has                                2. 25-30% of products given to
their own unique requirements to                             marketing channel are
receive product catalog data        Product & Site           miscategorized, or not listed, due
                                      Matching,              to mapping issues

                    Optimize Raw     Marketing             Analyze
                    Product Data   Essential Steps       Performance

4. Modifying marketing
strategies weekly maximizes        Adapt Marketing                 3. It is essential to track
affect of marketing channels          Strategy                     clicks/purchases ratios to ensure
DRAMATICALLY and keeps                                             positive Return on Ad Spend
you ahead of the competition                                       (“ROAS”)
                                                                    “        ”

                                                           MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012

            CSE Overview
            Selecting Channels &
            Building Data Feeds
            Tips for Achieving
   AGENDA   Higher Exposure

                   MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Building Data Feeds                                                        #MonCon

                                   Proper Tools To Format / Manipulate Data:
                                        Microsoft Excel or MS Access
                                        Relational Database
                                        Marketing Software Suite
                                   Optimization Knowledge:
                                        Know The Feed Specifications
                                        Work on Channel Category Values
                                   Utilize Analytics:
                                        Free Analytics (i.e.: Google)
                                        Analytics Packages (i.e.: Omniture, CoreMetrics)
                                        Marketing Software (i.e.: Chanalytics)

“With the addition of MerchantAdvantage, submission of our CommerceV3 product
catalog to online shopping sites has become easy and reliable. Sales have increased
30% from the optimized shopping feeds generated by the MerchantAdvantage
platform.” -, Commerce V3 Customer

                                                              MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Building Data Feeds                                               #MonCon

Three keys for success in CSE efforts

   File Flexibility – Merchants need the ability to build any type of file
   format so that Marketing controls the channel selection, not
   Merchants need powerful data manipulation tools that allow
   marketers to optimize content and create custom campaigns
   Analytics – Merchants need custom analytical tools that give
   analytics down to the SKU level for intelligent performance
   measurement and feed optimization strategies

                                                    MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Building Data Feeds                                          #MonCon

      File Formats                  Transport Protocols

Comma Separated Files           FTP (immediate or
(.CSV)                          scheduled)
Tab Delimited Files (.txt)      SFTP (immediate or
Other Character                 scheduled)
Delimited Files                 HTTP (immediate or
MS Excel Files                  scheduled)
XML Files (.xml)                Local file upload
                                (immediate only)
                             **Additionally, MerchantAdvantage provides
                             every merchant with an ftp/http storage

                                           MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Building Data Feeds                                                                            #MonCon

Type                     Name      Requirement    Description                                  Examples

                         Country   Required       The ISO 3166 country code. The default       US
                                                  is your feeds target country

                         Region    Optional       Geographical region – in US the two letter   MA
                                                  abbreviation, zip or * wildcard

                         Service   Optional       The service class or delivery speed          Ground

                         price     Required       Fixed deliver price (including VAT)          6.49 USD

Tab Delimited           Separate each sub-attribute with a colon and each delivery attribute
                        group with a comma. Do not enclose sub-attribute values within
Example                 quotations. All colons, even for blank values, are required, i.e. three
                        colons are required.
                        US:::6.49 USD
                        US:024*:Ground:6.49 USD,US:MA:Express:13.12 USD

       An example of one field in a specifications document
                                                                   MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Building Data Feeds                                            #MonCon

When saved locally, a feed document might look something like this:

                                                   MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012

            CSE Overview
            Selecting Channels &
            Building Data Feeds
            Tips for Achieving
   AGENDA   Higher Exposure

                   MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Tips for Higher Exposure                                             #MonCon

Tip #1:

 Be Sure Every Product Has an Image
          The image should be clear
          Don’t upload placeholders or generic image
          If you don’t have an image, GET ONE!

                   Bad Image                           Good Image

                                                       MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Tips for Higher Exposure                                                      #MonCon

Tip #2:

 Upload Your Store Logo
          Logos build trust
          Logos catch people’s attention, increasing CTR
          Make sure logo is clear, readable, configured so it appears ‘crisp’
          whatever size it appears
              Size your logo appropriately!
              If you use the wrong size – the result will be stretched or distorted

                          If No Logo Allowed/Present ensure that
                          listing stands out, no www., capitalize,
                          and hyperlink to appropriate URL landing
                          page –

                                                                MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Tips for Higher Exposure                                                       #MonCon

Tip #3:
 Categorize Your Product Listings Using Full Channel Taxonomy
          Use ‘full’ categorization options to help target your products
          Gain competitive advantage over those that don’t
          MerchantAdvantage ‘Global Cats’ Tool Automates this process

  What Most Merchants Do                               What You Should Do
  (goose egg)

                                                                     MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Tips for Higher Exposure                                                         #MonCon

Tip #4:
 Expand Product Name/Title Field
          #1: Use entire field to add descriptive words
          If product name is “511 Jeans”, consider using either male/female, sizing info, &
          type to make it “Men’s 511 Jeans 32W X 32L Black”
                               ’                                ”
          #2: Use Keywords in Product Name Field
               Be sure to use keywords that are being searched
          Take example a step further and add “Men’s 511 Skinny Jeans 32W X 32L
          Black” - The term “skinny jeans” is a popular term for this product
          #3: Include Manufacturer/Brand in Product Name when Relevant if the channel
          doesn’t automatically
               Brands and manufacturers are heavily searched keywords (will vary per
          For example, add “Men’s 511 Skinny Jeans 32W X 32L Black by Levi’s”. This
          could also be written as “Men’s Levi’s 511 Skinny Jeans 32W X 32L Black”
              So how does this translate to how you see data in your shopping cart

                                                                    MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Tips for Higher Exposure                                                                        #MonCon

Tip #4 (continued):

Example 1:                                              Example 2 :
Data as imported from Shopping Cart Technology:         Data as imported from Shopping Cart Technology:

Manufacturer     Model #    Description    Condition    Manufacturer     Model #    Description     Condition

LVI              511        32Wx32L        new          SNY              XBR757     45 Color TV
                                                                                      ”             new
                            skinny black                                            with surround
                            jeans, men                                              sound

 Convert/Merge/Optimize Data From These Fields To:          Convert/Optimize Data From These Fields To:
Data as it SHOULD BE presented to marketing channel:    Data as it SHOULD BE presented to marketing channel:
<<NEW Men s Levi s 511 Skinny Jeans 32W x 32L Black>>
           ’     ’                                      <<Sony XBR757 45 inch NEW Color TV with Surround Sound>>

    Convert ‘shopping cart technology’ data to ‘marketing friendly’ data (yellow area
      Do NOT use: Special Characters (&, e.g., etc.., +, $, ‘, “); Promotional Text (free
           shipping, sale); HTML Tags; or Hard Returns when converting data

                                                                           MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Tips for Higher Exposure                                                      #MonCon

Tip #5:

 Use appropriate Keywords in the Description Field
          Determine what the keywords are for the product and include them in
          description remembering this is NOT shown within your website.

 “Wenge finish” may have
little meaning to consumers in
a larger venue – change it to
“dark wood finish” for CSE
                                       Updated Description

                                        Original Description:

                                                                MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Tips for Higher Exposure                                                          #MonCon

Tip #6:
 Be Sure to Fill Out ‘Additional’ and ‘Suggested Fields’
          Shipping info, taxes, sizing, gender, new/used, etc.,,
          Most people only fill out required fields (HUGE MISTAKE)…fill out ALL fields!
          Many engines give “extra love” for completed fields

  What Most Merchants Do                                   What You Should Do

                                                                     MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Tips for Higher Exposure                                                    #MonCon

Tip #7:
   Review Your (and your competitions) Listings on the Various Marketing Channels
          How does the product name look?
          Does your listing stand out?
          Would you click on the listing?

[see how products are showing up across 13
   marketing channels, including Amazon,
      & eBay]

                                                                MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Tips for Higher Exposure                                                        #MonCon

Tip #8:
  Review the channels rules in the specifications guide
          Do consumers look for your products by manufacturer, model number or variation
          (perhaps include in product name field) – this can also avoid multiple products
          (different by options only) being classified as ONE product
          Is there a maximum character count limit for a field (your product name could look bad
          or even be unrecognizable if they choose where to cut it off)

  Without Conversion                            Converted

 Randy Red MotorCycle Hel                      Randy Red Helmet

                                                                   MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Tips for Higher Exposure                          #MonCon

Tip #9:
  Manage Your Adspend Budget
          Set Budget
          Manage Bids
          Properly Fund
              Specials & Discounts

                                     MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Tips for Higher Exposure                                                    #MonCon

Tip #10:
 Monitor Marketing Channel Performance by Category and Individual SKU
       Reports from Marketing Channel
       …and also from…

                                                             MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
Tips for Higher Exposure                                                     #MonCon

Tip #10 (continued):
  Monitor ALL Marketing Channels’ Performance by Category and Individual SKU
          Reports from 3rd party – MerchantAdvantage/Google/Yahoo …etc…Analytic Packages

Category Analysis                                                                  SKU Analysis

                                                                MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012

                  CSE Overview
                  Selecting Channels &
                  Building Data Feeds
Time permitting
                  Tips for Achieving
   Q&A            Higher Exposure

                         MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012

                                           Michael Lambert

          thank you!                       (e)
                                           (p) 305-895-9466

Please visit to download a copy of this presentation,
         see pictures and videos, and tell us what you think about the conference.
                                                          MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012

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A to Z of Comparison Shopping Engines, by Michael Lambert of MerchantAdvantage

  • 1. #MonCon MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 2. #MonCon A to Z of CSE Marketing Presented by Michael Lambert CTO-Founder MerchantAdvantage @caseycarey MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 3. #MonCon CSE Overview Selecting Channels & Products Building Data Feeds today’s Tips for Achieving AGENDA Higher Exposure Q&A MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 4. CSE Overview #MonCon What do We Know Today? - Some Statistics* ~50% of online shopping decisions influenced by “shopping destination sites/marketing channels” ~80% of eCommerce marketing campaigns that drive sales come from SEO/SEM; Marketplaces; and PPC Product Advertising ~5% of eCommerce marketing is now driven by mobile commerce (“mCommerce”) * Reflects generally accepted statistics averaged from various resources as: CPC Strategy, Forrester Research, Internet Retailer, MerchantAdvantage, and Practical eCommerce MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 5. CSE Overview #MonCon Online Shopping Channels, Affiliates, and Other eCommerce Sites Reach Millions of Shoppers Everyday MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 6. CSE Overview #MonCon There are 100+ eCommerce Channels from which to choose Each channel varies in their offerings by click costs, target demographic, product categories and other parameters. Selecting the correct channel to add or remove is vital and should be based on your marketing strategies. MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 7. CSE Overview #MonCon Online Shopping Channels Expand Reach and Expose Brand There are 3 main categories of shopping channels: Free… Pay Per Action (PPA)/ Marketplace… Pay Per Click (PPC)... MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 8. CSE Overview #MonCon Why Do Shoppers Use Marketing Channels?* Price - 94% of online shoppers invest time to find the best price for products Access - 100% of products you want can be found online, instantly Compare - 65% of online shoppers spend 15+ minutes comparison shopping for products on Marketing Channels before making a purchase; 36% spend 30+ minutes Trust - 54% of online shoppers visit 4+ Websites before finalizing purchase Fun - finding the product you want - at the price you want - is a ‘game’ Conclusion: Marketing Channels ‘greatly’ influence an online shopper’s experience and purchase decisions * Reflects generally accepted historical data averaged from various 2010/2011 resources as: CPC Strategy, E- tailing Group Study, Forrester Research, Internet Retailer, MerchantAdvantage, and Practical eCommerce MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 9. CSE Overview #MonCon Why Do eCommerce Merchants Use Marketing Channels? Revenues - access to millions of shoppers who spend money to buy products online Profitability – monetize Return on Ad Spend/ROI and customer acquisition cost Customer Quality - ~20% of USA online shoppers use Marketing Channels to purchase products and spend ~25% more than the average online shopper* Customer Acquisition - customer can be marketed to in the future, repeat business Customer Awareness - visibility of brand/products on ‘other’ shopping-based URLs SEO Relevancy - search engines access merchant product listings with frequency Conclusion: Marketing Channels are an essential to part of an effective, cost-effective, and comprehensive online marketing strategy to sell products online to grow revenues and acquire new customers * Forrester Research MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 10. CSE Overview #MonCon Why Is It Difficult For eCommerce Merchants To Use Marketing Channels? Resources & Time - no time to manage multi-channel product campaigns without assistance & tool Choice/Access - finding “the right” channels to sell products among 200+ is complicated Support - access to direct help from channel account managers when you need it is limited Technical Requirements - each channel has their own product data feed specifications/guidelines Cost Management - pay-per-click channels require daily monitoring/updating of campaigns Data Updating - lack automated processes to create/manage data feeds to ensure performance Data Quality - options to optimize and map all product details in data feed are numerous/confusing ROI/Conversion Management - lack proper tools to track and respond to product marketing campaigns performance within and across channels, in real time, to ensure profits Conclusion: Layers of complexity to work with Marketing Channels scares off many merchants … BUT ‘complexity’ can be a competitive ADVANTAGE when you have the right team and marketing platform behind you! MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 11. #MonCon CSE Overview Selecting Channels & Products Building Data Feeds today’s Tips for Achieving AGENDA Higher Exposure Q&A MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 12. Selecting Channels & Products #MonCon Question: Where should you start? Start using the free sites which will allow a less expensive learning curve and require less research to choose. On a free site it makes sense to simply select all products from your Catalog making it easy to choose products. Answer: Free and Easy? MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 13. Selecting Channels & Products #MonCon How should you select Marketing Channels? Break down Marketing Channel landscape into 5 categories for ease of understanding MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 14. Selecting Channels & Products #MonCon Research each perspective channel Request any performance statistics available from the channel Request target demographics and strong categories Review Cost and any special offerings Look for competitors on the channel Review your own statistics when available for future involvement MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 15. Selecting Channels & Products #MonCon Product & Site Matching In order to make these channels as profitable as possible, online retailers need to analyze the performance of each product on the various channels, and market only the products with the best performance, removing the products that aren’t converting and only wasting click costs. Suggestion- Allow at least 1 week for major product decisions Allow at least 3 months for major channel decisions MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 16. Selecting Channels & Products #MonCon Analyze Performance Review performance statistics using Chanalytics(sm) and any other available tools to indicate what changes, if any, should be done within the product selection or product optimization phases (tips in this presentation). ChanalyticsReporters m Price Change Check Category Remove Check UPC Info Verify Verify Link Model # MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 17. Selecting Channels & Products #MonCon How Do Merchants Monetize Marketing Channel Strategies? Simply feeding products and catalogs to channels has a low value proposition. Feeding to channels is a process, and deceptively difficult to do well. 1. Each marketing channel has 2. 25-30% of products given to their own unique requirements to marketing channel are receive product catalog data Product & Site miscategorized, or not listed, due Matching, to mapping issues Categorization eCommerce Optimize Raw Marketing Analyze Product Data Essential Steps Performance 4. Modifying marketing strategies weekly maximizes Adapt Marketing 3. It is essential to track affect of marketing channels Strategy clicks/purchases ratios to ensure DRAMATICALLY and keeps positive Return on Ad Spend you ahead of the competition (“ROAS”) “ ” MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 18. #MonCon CSE Overview Selecting Channels & Products Building Data Feeds today’s Tips for Achieving AGENDA Higher Exposure Q&A MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 19. Building Data Feeds #MonCon Proper Tools To Format / Manipulate Data: Microsoft Excel or MS Access Relational Database Marketing Software Suite Optimization Knowledge: Know The Feed Specifications Work on Channel Category Values Utilize Analytics: Free Analytics (i.e.: Google) Analytics Packages (i.e.: Omniture, CoreMetrics) Marketing Software (i.e.: Chanalytics) “With the addition of MerchantAdvantage, submission of our CommerceV3 product catalog to online shopping sites has become easy and reliable. Sales have increased 30% from the optimized shopping feeds generated by the MerchantAdvantage platform.” -, Commerce V3 Customer MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 20. Building Data Feeds #MonCon Three keys for success in CSE efforts File Flexibility – Merchants need the ability to build any type of file format so that Marketing controls the channel selection, not technology Merchants need powerful data manipulation tools that allow marketers to optimize content and create custom campaigns Analytics – Merchants need custom analytical tools that give analytics down to the SKU level for intelligent performance measurement and feed optimization strategies MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 21. Building Data Feeds #MonCon File Formats Transport Protocols Comma Separated Files FTP (immediate or (.CSV) scheduled) Tab Delimited Files (.txt) SFTP (immediate or Other Character scheduled) Delimited Files HTTP (immediate or MS Excel Files scheduled) XML Files (.xml) Local file upload (immediate only) **Additionally, MerchantAdvantage provides every merchant with an ftp/http storage area MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 22. Building Data Feeds #MonCon Type Name Requirement Description Examples Country Required The ISO 3166 country code. The default US is your feeds target country Region Optional Geographical region – in US the two letter MA abbreviation, zip or * wildcard Service Optional The service class or delivery speed Ground price Required Fixed deliver price (including VAT) 6.49 USD Tab Delimited Separate each sub-attribute with a colon and each delivery attribute group with a comma. Do not enclose sub-attribute values within Example quotations. All colons, even for blank values, are required, i.e. three colons are required. US:::6.49 USD US:024*:Ground:6.49 USD,US:MA:Express:13.12 USD An example of one field in a specifications document MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 23. Building Data Feeds #MonCon When saved locally, a feed document might look something like this: MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 24. #MonCon CSE Overview Selecting Channels & Products Building Data Feeds today’s Tips for Achieving AGENDA Higher Exposure Q&A MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 25. Tips for Higher Exposure #MonCon Tip #1: Be Sure Every Product Has an Image The image should be clear Don’t upload placeholders or generic image If you don’t have an image, GET ONE! Bad Image Good Image MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 26. Tips for Higher Exposure #MonCon Tip #2: Upload Your Store Logo Logos build trust Logos catch people’s attention, increasing CTR Make sure logo is clear, readable, configured so it appears ‘crisp’ whatever size it appears Size your logo appropriately! If you use the wrong size – the result will be stretched or distorted logos If No Logo Allowed/Present ensure that listing stands out, no www., capitalize, and hyperlink to appropriate URL landing page – MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 27. Tips for Higher Exposure #MonCon Tip #3: Categorize Your Product Listings Using Full Channel Taxonomy Use ‘full’ categorization options to help target your products Gain competitive advantage over those that don’t MerchantAdvantage ‘Global Cats’ Tool Automates this process What Most Merchants Do What You Should Do (goose egg) MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 28. Tips for Higher Exposure #MonCon Tip #4: Expand Product Name/Title Field #1: Use entire field to add descriptive words If product name is “511 Jeans”, consider using either male/female, sizing info, & type to make it “Men’s 511 Jeans 32W X 32L Black” ’ ” #2: Use Keywords in Product Name Field Be sure to use keywords that are being searched Take example a step further and add “Men’s 511 Skinny Jeans 32W X 32L Black” - The term “skinny jeans” is a popular term for this product #3: Include Manufacturer/Brand in Product Name when Relevant if the channel doesn’t automatically Brands and manufacturers are heavily searched keywords (will vary per industry) For example, add “Men’s 511 Skinny Jeans 32W X 32L Black by Levi’s”. This ’ could also be written as “Men’s Levi’s 511 Skinny Jeans 32W X 32L Black” ’ So how does this translate to how you see data in your shopping cart technology?... MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 29. Tips for Higher Exposure #MonCon Tip #4 (continued): Example 1: Example 2 : Data as imported from Shopping Cart Technology: Data as imported from Shopping Cart Technology: Manufacturer Model # Description Condition Manufacturer Model # Description Condition LVI 511 32Wx32L new SNY XBR757 45 Color TV ” new skinny black with surround jeans, men sound Convert/Merge/Optimize Data From These Fields To: Convert/Optimize Data From These Fields To: Data as it SHOULD BE presented to marketing channel: Data as it SHOULD BE presented to marketing channel: <<NEW Men s Levi s 511 Skinny Jeans 32W x 32L Black>> ’ ’ <<Sony XBR757 45 inch NEW Color TV with Surround Sound>> Convert ‘shopping cart technology’ data to ‘marketing friendly’ data (yellow area above) Do NOT use: Special Characters (&, e.g., etc.., +, $, ‘, “); Promotional Text (free shipping, sale); HTML Tags; or Hard Returns when converting data MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 30. Tips for Higher Exposure #MonCon Tip #5: Use appropriate Keywords in the Description Field Determine what the keywords are for the product and include them in description remembering this is NOT shown within your website. Example: “Wenge finish” may have little meaning to consumers in a larger venue – change it to “dark wood finish” for CSE descriptions Updated Description Original Description: MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 31. Tips for Higher Exposure #MonCon Tip #6: Be Sure to Fill Out ‘Additional’ and ‘Suggested Fields’ Shipping info, taxes, sizing, gender, new/used, etc.,, Most people only fill out required fields (HUGE MISTAKE)…fill out ALL fields! Many engines give “extra love” for completed fields What Most Merchants Do What You Should Do MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 32. Tips for Higher Exposure #MonCon Tip #7: Review Your (and your competitions) Listings on the Various Marketing Channels How does the product name look? Does your listing stand out? Would you click on the listing? [see how products are showing up across 13 marketing channels, including Amazon, & eBay] MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 33. Tips for Higher Exposure #MonCon Tip #8: Review the channels rules in the specifications guide Do consumers look for your products by manufacturer, model number or variation (perhaps include in product name field) – this can also avoid multiple products (different by options only) being classified as ONE product Is there a maximum character count limit for a field (your product name could look bad or even be unrecognizable if they choose where to cut it off) Without Conversion Converted RANDY RED MOTORCYCLE HELMET ARAI Corsair V RANDY RED MOTORCYCLE HELMET Randy Red MotorCycle Hel Randy Red Helmet MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 34. Tips for Higher Exposure #MonCon Tip #9: Manage Your Adspend Budget Set Budget Manage Bids Properly Fund Holidays Specials & Discounts MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 35. Tips for Higher Exposure #MonCon Tip #10: Monitor Marketing Channel Performance by Category and Individual SKU Reports from Marketing Channel …and also from… MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 36. Tips for Higher Exposure #MonCon Tip #10 (continued): Monitor ALL Marketing Channels’ Performance by Category and Individual SKU Reports from 3rd party – MerchantAdvantage/Google/Yahoo …etc…Analytic Packages & Category Analysis SKU Analysis MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 37. #MonCon CSE Overview Selecting Channels & Products Building Data Feeds Time permitting Tips for Achieving Q&A Higher Exposure Q&A MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012
  • 38. #MonCon Michael Lambert MerchantAdvantage thank you! (e) (p) 305-895-9466 Please visit to download a copy of this presentation, see pictures and videos, and tell us what you think about the conference. MonCon EAST | May 18–20, 2012