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A	Strategically	Simple	Look	at	Business	Innovation	
Praveen	Puri	
Strategic	Simplicity℠	
President,	Puri	Consulting	LLC
What	is	business	innovation,	and	why	is	it	important	for	
Innovation	is	applied	creativity,	and	is	about	using	new	ideas	and	fresh	thinking	to	find	new	
ways	of	creating	value	for	people.	Some	examples	include:	treatments	for	cancer,	social	media	
platforms,	consumer	products,	and	movie	franchises.	
Business	innovation	is	about	applying	innovation	to	challenges	and	opportunities	that	mesh	
with	your	company’s	vision	and	strategy.		It’s	about	creating	customer	value	that	also	benefits	
your	company’s	bottom	line.	
These	days,	it’s	important	for	all	businesses,	including	small	and	middle-sized	ones,	to	engage	
in	innovation	because	simply	continuing	to	sell	the	same	products	and	services	leads	to	a	dead	
end.		Technology	is	changing	too	fast,	and	worldwide	competition	is	too	strong,	to	simply	try	
and	ride	the	status	quo.	
If	you	don’t	want	to	wake	up	one	day	to	find	that	your	customers	have	deserted	you	(a	la	
Blockbuster),	or	regard	you	as	a	commodity	(forced	to	continually	lower	your	prices),	then	you	
simply	have	to	stay	on	top	of	trends,	and	find	new	ways	of	delivering	value	to	your	customers.
Don’t	Be	Intimidated	By	Innovation	
It’s	easy	to	feel	overwhelmed	at	the	thought	of	being	innovative.		“But	I’m	not	a	creative	type!”	
you	might	say.	“I	have	a	business	to	run.		I	can’t	just	lock	myself	into	a	garage	and	pound	out	
But	this	is	a	misleading	view	of	innovation.	Popular	culture	and	the	media	tend	to	equate	
innovation	with	20-somethings	from	Silicon	Valley,	creating	Facebook,	Uber,	or	the	iPhone.	
I	like	to	equate	innovation	with	a	1930’s	jazz	pianist	named	Art	Tatum.	Whenever	Tatum	
travelled	to	a	new	nightclub,	and	sat	down	to	practice	for	that	night’s	performance,	he	would	
frequently	find	something	wrong	with	the	piano–it	could	be	out	of	tune,	or	a	broken	pedal	or	
key.		Rather	than	get	angry,	Tatum	would	get	excited!		He	wasn’t	interested	in	just	fixing	the	
problem.		He	focused	on	the	opportunity	to	give	a	unique,	one	of	a	kind,	performance.		So	he	
would	work	the	flaws	into	the	act,	highlight	them,	and	use	them	to	his	advantage.	
This	is	how	strategic	innovation	is	on	a	daily	basis.		Work	with	what	you	have,	and	improve	it.		
Never	try	to	simply	fix	problems	and	return	to	the	status	quo.		Always	look	for	the	opportunity	
to	rise	above	it!		It	has	nothing	to	do	with	coding	or	isolating	yourself.
Relationships	Rule	Business	
Before	we	discus	some	principles	for	strategic	innovation,	it’s	important	to	stress	that	the	key	
to	long-term	success	in	business	is	to	build	long-term	relationships–with	customers,	suppliers,	
employees,	and	referral	sources.	
Innovative	products	and	services	are	just	the	entry	point.	
Then	sales,	service,	and	how	you	treat	people	become	paramount.		All	these	areas	can	benefit	
from	strategic	innovation	and	creative	thinking.	
Always	concentrate	on	finding	ways	to	provide	value	to	customers	and	prospects,	rather	than	
focusing	on	money	and	making	the	sale.	
Put	their	interests	first	and	picture	in	your	mind	that	“they	are	under	your	protection”.	
This	is	the	secret	to	being	seen	as	a	trusted	adviser	vs.	a	commodity	provider.
Four	Principles	for	Business	Innovation	
1. Core	Strength	–	What	is	your	company’s	base	of	expertise?	Products	/	services	must	be	
2. Market	Gaps	–	Capture	an	underserved	niche	in	the	market.		This	was	the	secret	to	
Facebook’s	success.	
3. Quality	Oriented	Expansion	–	New	products	/	services	based	on	expansion	of	qualities.	
4. Value	Added	Expansion	–	New	products	/	services	based	on	adding	value	on	top	of	
existing	offerings.
Principle	#1	 Core	Strength	
Innovation	(new	products,	services,	processes,	markets,	etc.)	must	be	justified	by	filtering	
them	against	your	company’s	areas	of	strength	and	expertise.	
Enter	new	markets	by	using	intersections–areas	of	strength	that	exist	in	both	the	current	and	
future	market.		For	example,	if	your	company	supplies	hunting	gear,	and	you	want	to	expand	
into	the	fishing	market,	you	may	want	to	start	by	making	boots	for	fishermen.		You	would	not	
want	to	start	with	fishing	poles,	where	you	don’t	have	the	expertise	or	credibility.	
One	idea	is	to	partner	with	a	company	that	has	expertise,	credibility,	and	brand.		Example:	an	
ice	cream	company	partnering	with	Mondelez	to	create	Oreo-based	ice	creams	and	shakes.	
Remember	that	you	must	be	able	to	provide	customer	support	for	any	new	products	or	
services	that	you	create.	
Finally,	be	cautious	when	entering	foreign	or	regulated	(i.e.	medical	or	financial)	markets–even	
when	innovating	from	core	strength.
Principle	#2	 Market	Gaps	
Existing	products/services	–	What	client	needs	are	not	being	met	by	your	current	
Business	demographics	–	Example:	your	software	serves	big	law	firms	but	not	small	
Market	subsets	–	Facebook	started	this	way:	First,	they	connected	Harvard	students.		
Then,	Ivy	League	colleges.		Next,	all	college	students.		Finally,	opened	up	to	the	public.	
Special	needs	–	Examples:	Kosher,	vegans,	diabetics,	and	the	elderly.	
Special	situations	–	For	example,	a	landscaper	offering	a	service	to	hang	Christmas	tree	
Principle	#3	 Quality	Oriented	Expansion	
Colors	and	materials	–	Offer	existing	products	in	different	colors	and	made	from	
different	materials.		Example:	white	chocolate	Kit	Kat.	
Mix	and	Match	–	Combine	products	/	services	to	create	new	ones.		Example:	Kellogg’s	
milk/cereal	snack	bars.	
Increase	one	or	more	aspects	–	For	example,	extra-strength	bleach	or	more	
comprehensive	auditing.	
Decrease	aspects	–	Example:		an	easier	to	use,	less	functional	version	of	a	software	
Multiple	market	tiers	(low	end,	middle,	luxury)	–	Example:	Mercedes.	With	the	caveat	
that	you	differentiate	your	offerings	so	you	do	not	dilute	your	brand.
Principle	#4	 Value	Added	Expansion	
Create	packages	–	Example:	selling	a	book	with	audios,	videos,	and	seminars.	
Customization	–	Create	versions	of	generic	products/services	that	are	tailored	for	
specific	needs	or	audiences.	
Move	from	passive	to	active	(or	vice	versa)	–	Move	back	and	forth	among	the	
continuum	from	passive	(products/books)	through	mentoring	(being	on	retainer)	to	
active	(coaching/consulting).	
Teach	and	learn	–	Create	live	events	and	training	to	help	customers	get	more	out	of	your	
products	and	services.	
Investment	vs.	cost	–	Charge	more	for	products	/	services.		The	best	firms	focus	on	
strong	ROI,	not	cost.
Five	Tips	For	Generating	Innovative	Ideas	
1. Talk	to	sales	–	Your	salespeople	know	what	clients	want.	
2. Work	with	your	service	department	–	Analyze	data	to	find	gaps,	teaching	areas.	
3. Read	the	news	–	Keep	up	with	the	latest	technology	and	trends.	
4. Talk	to	customers	–	build	relationships,	listen	to	their	needs.	
5. Fail	quickly	and	often	–	Continually	test	new	offerings.		Cancel	or	expand.
Tip	#1	Talk	to	Sales	
Ask	sales	force	for	ideas	–	They	talk	to	customers.	
Best	interest	of	customers	–	Avoid	encouraging	or	incentivizing	sales	people	to	push	new	
products	or	services	unless	they	truly	add	value	for	the	customer.	
Eliminate	or	don’t	create	–	Listen	carefully	if	sales	advises	to	eliminate	or	don’t	create	an	
offering.		Sometimes	the	best	innovation	is	the	one	you	don’t	do.	
Feedback	–	Encourage	sales	to	provide	you	with	feedback	(theirs	and	their	customers’)	for	
new	offerings.
Tip	#2	Work	With	Your	Service	Department	
Look	out	for	trends	-	If	multiple	customers	call	up	reporting	the	same	issues,	then	you	may	
have	an	opportunity.	
Demographics	–	Are	certain	subgroups	of	customers	reporting	the	same	issues?	
Gaps	–	Are	multiple	customers	reporting	missing	functionality,	or	is	something	too	complex	or	
require	too	many	steps?	
Education	–	Are	customers	struggling	to	use	your	products	or	services?	Do	they	underutilize	
portions	of	it?		This	might	provide	an	opportunity	to	create	educational	products	or	services,	
such	as	manuals	or	classes.		Think	Apple’s	Genius	Bar.	
Advanced	–	Are	there	customers	who	want	to	get	“under	the	hood”	of	your	product	/	service,	
and	customize	/	fix	things	themselves?		There	might	be	an	opportunity	for	offering	advanced	
training	and	tools.
Tip	#3	Read	/	Study	Voraciously	
Newspapers	–	On	a	daily	basis,	read	the	Wall	Street	Journal,	plus	your	local	newspaper	and/or	
New	York	Times.	It	should	take	you	a	maximum	of	½	hour	to	go	through	the	papers.		Scan	
headlines,	then	read	the	first	and	last	paragraphs	of	articles	of	interest.		If	still	interested,	then	
read	the	whole	article.		Approach	reading	from	an	abundant	mentality–don’t	worry	about	not	
reading	the	majority	of	the	paper.		One	idea	sparked	by	one	article	can	more	than	pay	for	the	
yearly	subscription.	
Business	magazines	–	Examples:	Forbes,	Fortune,	Crain’s	Chicago	Business,	The	Economist	
Industry	publications	–	Specialty	newsletters	and	magazines	
Events	–	Seminars	and	conventions.	
Cast	a	wide	net	–	Be	open	to	ideas	from	other	fields	and	industries.		A	big	part	of	innovation	is	
cross-pollination	and	transplantation	of	ideas.
Tip	#4	Talk	To	Customers	
Listen	–	Ask	them	provocative,	open-ended	(not	yes/no)	questions	to	get	them	to	do	most	of	
the	talking.	
Value	–	Rather	than	asking	for	feedback	on	specific	ideas,	find	out	what	they	value.	
Future	picture	–	Have	them	describe	what	a	perfect	future	for	them	would	look	like,	X	years	
Best	Interest	–	Always	focus	on	their	best	interest.		Don’t	be	afraid	to	throw	out	your	cleverest	
pet	ideas	if	they	won’t	serve	your	customers.		Remember,	have	an	abundant	mindset–you	are	
not	a	“one	hit	wonder”.		With	practice,	you	can	exercise	and	develop	your	innovation	muscle	
and	turn	on	the	spigot	whenever	you	want.	
Respect	their	viewpoints	–	If	a	customer’s	thinking	is	different	from	yours,	never	assume	
they	are	damaged	or	irrational.	
Distinguish	–	Be	able	to	separate	out	mundane	support	issues	from	genuine,	innovative	ideas.
Tip	#5	Fail	Quickly	and	Often	
Prototype	–	Create	a	“quick	and	dirty”	basic	version	with	limited	features.	
Test	market	–	Roll	out	quietly	to	a	small	subset	of	customers.	
Pull	plug	–	If	sales/feedback	not	strong,	end	quickly.	
Expect	failure	–	A	high	success	rate	means	you	are	not	pushing	the	envelope.	
Play	time	–	Give	key	people	time	each	week	to	play	and	create.	
Collaboration	–	Encourage	sharing	ideas	within	the	company.		Stress	that	the	most	valued	
employees	are	the	ones	who	freely	share	their	ideas	/	expertise,	not	the	ones	that	hoard	
Reward	failed	innovation	–	Reward	some	failed	ideas	that	demonstrate	cleverness	/	
Business	Innovation	and	Marketing	
All	parts	of	business	can	benefit	from	innovation–not	just	product	and	service	creation.		Let’s	
take	a	quick	look	at	marketing	innovation.	
Today,	we	are	no	longer	in	the	Information	Age.		We	have	a	glut	of	information.		There	are	tons	
of	websites,	blogs,	books,	etc.	out	there.		We	are	now	in	the	Attention	Scarcity	Age.		Attention	is	
the	new	scarce	resource.		If	we	try	to	traditionally	market	or	advertise	a	product,	it’s	easy	to	
get	lost	in	the	noise.	
Give	enough	value	that	they	can’t	ignore	you	=	the	new	art	of	marketing	boiled	down	to	one	
To	give	away	valuable	content	(and	not	just	an	informercial),	we	have	to	innovate	by	realizing	
that	we	are	in	the	“edutainment”	business.	We	are	our	own	HGTV	or	Food	Networks.	
We	have	to	give	value	through	both	education	and	entertainment.		We	have	to	have	online	and	
offline	events	and	offerings	that	cross-promote	and	feed	off	each	other,	creating	a	positive	
Marketing	Innovation	Example:	A	Restaurant	
Let's	say	that	you	own	a	restaurant.		Then,	don't	consider	yourself	in	the	restaurant	
business.		Think	of	yourself	as	your	own	Food	Network	-	your	job	is	giving	value	to	people	
through	entertainment	and	education.		The	actual	food	and	dining	experience	is	simply	one	
part	of	it.	
Here	are	a	few	ideas:	
1.	Theme	nights	at	the	restaurant.		An	example	is	kid's	game	night,	where	kids	can	also	win	
"food	bucks"	to	be	used	in	the	future.	
2.	Cooking	classes–both	live	(in	the	restaurant)	and	online	(You	Tube	videos).	
4.	Special	nights	-	for	example,	a	performance	by	the	award	winning	local	high	school	orchestra	
or	a	wine	and	cheese	party	at	a	local	luxury	car	dealership	to	see	the	latest	cars,	mingle,	and	
hear	live	music.	
5.	Secret	menus	and	special	limited-time	dishes	only	listed	online.
General	Do’s	…	
Focus	on	customers’	best	interests	–	more	important	than	selling	more	stuff.	
Err	on	the	side	of	too	much	value	–	Always	create	high	quality	products	/	services.	
Have	a	strategy	–	New	offerings	should	be	aligned	with	strategy	and	strengths.	
Diversify	–	Have	a	spectrum	of	offerings:	from	low	price	products	through	to	high	price,	high	
touch	services.
Clutter	–	Don’t	provide	too	many	offerings	that	overlap	and	confuse.	
Be	discouraged	by	failure	–	Keep	pushing	the	envelope	and	you	will	have	long	term	success	at	
React	to	one-off	feedback	–	Pay	attention	to	trends	and	multiply-reported	feedback,	not	
individual	gripes.
Business	innovation	is	an	important	part	of	business	success.		It	can	also	be	the	most	fun	and	
interesting	part.	
It’s	exciting	when	you	realize	how	much	it	evens	the	odds	between	old	and	new,	and	big	and	
small	companies.		Innovation’s	disruptive	power	means	that	a	firm’s	(or	person’s)	past	isn’t	as	
important	as	it	once	was.	
One	idea,	conceived	in	one	instant,	can	catapult	a	firm,	or	an	individual,	in	front	of	leaders	who	
have	been	entrenched	for	decades.	
We	are	in	a	post-Information	Age.		We	are	drowning	in	Big	Data	and	have	access	to	more	
information	through	Google	than	ancient	philosophers	had	in	all	the	ancient	temples	and	
We	are	in	the	Attention	Scarcity	Age.		What	we	focus	our	attention	on	is	the	new	scarce	and	
precious	resource.		We	have	also	moved	from	atoms	to	bits.		Hardware	prices	are	dropping	like	
rocks,	3D	printing	is	establishing	itself,	so	value	is	now	in	abstract	things	such	as	algorithms,	
data,	ideas,	strategies,	and	plans.
More	Information	and	Resources	
I	hope	you	have	found	this	white	paper	to	be	interesting	and	informative.	
I	started	Puri	Consulting	after	a	30-year	career	in	strategic	simplicity℠	and	innovation,	in	both	
the	corporate	and	start-up	world.	I	love	sharing	insights	and	ideas	with	others,	as	well	as	
helping	companies	turn	problems	into	opportunities.	
I	have	a	monthly	column	in	the	“Chicago	Business	Journal”,	which	you	can	access	at	
You	can	also	read	my	blog	at,	visit	my	website	
(,	or	email	me	at	
Finally,	please	feel	free	to	call	or	email	me	if	you	would	like	to	set	up	a	meeting	to	talk.		
Even	if	you	aren’t	currently	looking	to	improve	your	business,	or	create	new	products	or	
services,	I’m	always	looking	to	connect	and	build	relationships	with	interesting	people.	
Praveen	Puri

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