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A Smarter Content Delivery System
                                            To Accelerate Complex Content
The Evolution of                            A Holistic, Fresh                            Central Management:
Legacy CDNs                                 Approach To Internet                           • Centralized management
1998 to 2010 were twelve years of           Content Delivery                                 architecture, rather than
explosive, global growth in the use                                                          distributed approach, enabling
                                            In 2008, Cotendo took a fresh
of the Internet. In 1998, the year                                                           better and easier control of
                                            approach to the problem of online
Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)                                                             content and visibility of all online
                                            content delivery. Using a holistic view
first appeared, the Internet was a                                                           traffic, while still being fully
                                            of the Internet, Cotendo’s software
landscape of static objects used by                                                          redundant and fault tolerant;
                                            engineers and Internet experts
just 147 million people, only 3.6% of       leveraged the latest software develop-         • Centralized management tools that
the world’s population. In December         ment techniques to maximize                      provide full control to manage
2009, the number of users had grown         efficiency at each step in the process           the configuration and publish
more than ten fold, to over                 of the content delivery value chain.             in real time;
1.7 billion users–over 25% of the           They also focused on the important             • Real-time, online reporting (not
world’s population*.                        and unmet need for flexible content              just daily or weekly reports).
                                            acceleration and site acceleration
The Internet of today looks and acts                                                     Whole Site Acceleration:
                                            services, as well as the need for
nothing like the Internet of 1998.                                                         • Integrated suite of content
                                            sophisticated management of per-
However, the prevailing approach to                                                          delivery and website acceleration
                                            formance and cost. The goal was to
managing and accelerating content                                                            solutions;
                                            develop the next-generation content
on the Internet is built on the original
                                            delivery platform, using intelligent           • Accelerated delivery of ALL types
1998 architecture. A patchwork of
                                            server software, which would drive               of content–small objects, large
in-house developed and acquired
                                            optimized content in the ways outlined
                                                            000001                           objects, dynamic (non-cacheable)
solutions have been glued onto the
                                            in the next section.                             or static (cacheable) content, and
original foundation, as traditional
CDNs add mountains of servers to try        Infrastructure:                                  either standard or Secure Sockets
to push more volume and variety of                                                           Layer (SSL) delivery;
                                              • Unified and optimized server,
content through fatter “pipes.”                                                            • Fast, secure, and reliable whole
                                                rather than the traditional
                                                approach of bolting on more                  site acceleration of both static
At the same time, the expectations                                                           and dynamic content;
of global end users for the efficient           servers and infrastructure;
delivery of static and dynamic content        • More economical and efficient              • Highly efficient and advanced
has grown as the amount of content              use of hardware—one server                   distributed Domain Name
and number of online users grows.               performing all content delivery              Service (DNS);
Over time, throwing more servers and            tasks, instead of having dedicated       From this groundbreaking work
bigger pipes at the problem becomes             servers for each individual service.     emerged the Cotendo Unity Platform,
increasingly expensive, burdening the           (The multiple-server model of            a new class of purpose-built CDN and
content provider, while not addressing          old-fashioned CDNs results in            Site Acceleration services, based on
the fundamental challenges of deliver-          less efficient performance, as           an evaluation of the key issues that
ing today’s diverse content efficiently.        well as complex and inefficient          content providers face today, around
The old-fashioned “fatter pipes”                integration.)                            performance, efficiency, and function-
approach is being overwhelmed by the                                                     ality. The tight integration among the
immense volume of online content and                                                     services in the Cotendo Unity Platform
the global demand for access                                                             yields the maximum performance in
to the content.                                                                          content acceleration for co-mingled
                                                                                         and co-located delivery and DNS
                                                                                         services, streamlining delivery of all
                                                                                         types of content to end users around
                                                                                         the globe.

                                            *Internet Growth and Statistics—Internet Usage Stats, September 2009:
© 2010 Cotendo, Inc. All rights reserved.—1/29/10

          866.749.6462 | INTL +44 20 33188363 | |                                            1
The Cotendo                                 Cotendo’s “Secret Sauce”—
                                        SSL                                 Unity Platform                              Unified Proxy Delivery
                                                   NA                       The Cotendo Unity Platform is based         The core of the Cotendo Unity
                         TE RY              ACC SI M
                     D ON VE RK
                         LI O                  EL TE I
                                                 ER                         on the following services, which also       Platform is the Unified Proxy Delivery

                   NE E                            A
                                  TI TION                                   serve as the foundation for its             Server. To efficiently handle all types

                                L- URA

                                                                            continuing innovation:                      of content (small and large files,

                                                    RE ONT
                           CON REA


                                                      AL ROL

                                                                                                                        dynamic and static content, and


                                                                              • Content Delivery—Increases the          secure or standard HTTP), Cotendo

                                                                                speed of delivery of static content

                                                                                                                        developed highly efficient software

                                        A    IME
                                     RE L-T

                                       P O RTIN G
                                                                                of all types, with the flexibility to   that will boost the performance of any

                                                                                manage all aspects of caching

                                       CDN                                                                              standard server, enabling it to out-
                                                                                and delivery;                           perform any competing server. This
                                                                              • Dynamic Site Acceleration (DSA)—        software facilitates efficient handling
                                                                                Accelerates the performance             of many requests, simultaneously, and
                                                                                of dynamic Web pages, such              includes a proprietary file system and
                                                                                as personalized content, Web            I/O management subsystem to enable
                                                                                applications, and Software as a         high I/O throughput with minimal time
                                                                                Service (SaaS) solutions;               required to fetch a file from the cache,
                                                                                                                        regardless of its size or type.
                                                                              • SSL Delivery—Enables robust
            The Cotendo                                                         security, immediate full-
                                                                                                                        Cotendo Content Delivery
                                                                                range SSL;
            Unity Platform                                                                                              Traditional CDNs were designed to
            delivers synergies                                                • Whole Site Acceleration—
                                                                                                                        accelerate static objects on a website
                                                                                Combines Cotendo’s three
            in accessibility,                                                                                           by architecting the site to store the
                                                                                content acceleration services–
                                                                                                                        static objects in a different host
            simplicity, and agility                                             Content Delivery, Dynamic Site
                                                                                                                        location, away from the main site,
            that traditional CDNs                                               Acceleration, and SSL Delivery–
                                                                                                                        CNAME-ing only that host to the CDN
            cannot produce.                                                     to ensure easy and seamless
                                                                                                                        provider. This separation was crucial,
                                                                                integration for all content delivery
                                                                                                                        as the CDN handled only the static
                                                                                requirements, served from the
                                                                                                                        pages, and the non-cacheable objects
                                                                                same platform;
                                                                                                                        were served directly from the origin
                                                                              • CDN Balancer—Balances                   server. However, this approach is
            Cotendo Content                                                     performance and cost-of-delivery        inherently inefficient, as it requires
                                                                                by allocating CDN resources based       modification of the existing site. It is
            Delivery service,
                                                                                on geography, time of day, balance      also error prone as links–internal or
            combined with                                                       by load versus capacity of the          external–may still direct to the
            Dynamic Site                                                        origin server, and more;                original host.
            Acceleration and                                                  • Advanced Domain Name Service
                                                                                                                        With Cotendo, all content can be
            SSL, delivers Whole                                                 (ADNS)—Utilizes sophisticated
                                                                                                                        served from the same server, there
            Site Acceleration–                                                  controls to instantly adjust DNS
                                                                                                                        is no effort required to integrate the
                                                                                configurations, balance traffic
            one service served                                                                                          CDN to serve the site, and separation
                                                                                between different resources, and
                                                                                                                        between different types of objects is
            from one hostname–                                                  bolster security by protecting
                                                                                                                        not required.
            resulting in smooth                                                 from Distributed Denial of Service
            and easy integration                                                (DDoS) attacks;                         The Cotendo Unity Platform is built on
                                                                              • Site Assure—Monitors core Web           a real-time content control layer that
            and maximum
                                                                                services and other resources,           isn’t bound by typical hardware or
            flexibility.                                                                                                software constraints. Cotendo’s flexible
                                                                                and automates failover response
                                                                                to minimize risk and ensure             software platform was designed from
                                                                                maximum uptime;                         the ground up for real-time content
                                                                                                                        control and advanced functionality, to
                                                                              • Real-Time Reporting—Leverages
                                                                                                                        maximize the key CDN performance
                                                                                detailed performance metrics
                                                                                                                        areas of delivery speed and system
                                                                                24/7, for making optimal IT and
                                                                                                                        efficiency. The resulting Cotendo CDN
                                                                                business decisions in real time.
                                                                                                                        easily manages larger volumes of
                                                                                                                        content with less hardware, yielding
                                                                                                                        greater performance efficiencies.
© 2010 Cotendo, Inc. All rights reserved.

                   866.749.6462 | INTL +44 20 33188363 | |                                                                 2
Cotendo Dynamic                           Cotendo SSL
    Cotendo Content                         Site Acceleration                         Cotendo SSL provides a wide range
                                            Cotendo Dynamic Site Acceleration         of options for configuring an optimal
    Delivery and Dynamic
                                            (DSA) is a highly efficient and robust    secure delivery channel for all Web-
    Site Acceleration work                                                            delivered content, whether it is
                                            DSA service focused on improving
    together to seamlessly                  the delivery of non-cacheable             static or dynamic. As the IP address
    deliver both cacheable                  website content.                          resolution of a server is done on the
                                                                                      DNS level, when it is still unknown
    static content and
                                            DSA provides a high degree of             whether the requested content is
    non-cacheable                           protocol and connection optimization      HTTP or HTTPS, secure traffic going to
    dynamic content. The                    that significantly increases delivery     the same host cannot be diverted to
    Cotendo Web-based                       performance of dynamic content from       another IP address. To overcome this
                                            the origin location to the regionally     challenge, traditional CDNs require
    management interface
                                            closest Cotendo DSA content delivery      modification of the site/application so
    provides real-time                      location. This acceleration is accom-     that the secured content will be served
    setup and unified                       plished through protocol and connec-      from a dedicated (different) host.
    management of ALL                       tion optimization. DSA also decreases     With Cotendo SSL, instead of separat-
                                            the load on the dynamic content           ing content into several servers and
    Cotendo services.
                                            server and provides much higher ef-       hosts, Cotendo’s intelligent software
                                            ficiency and leverage of Web applica-     can handle both types of traffic on the
                                            tion assets, relative to the number of    same server, automatically determin-
                                            customers supported. The result is        ing whether or not the content
                                            lower Web server load, faster server      is SSL protected and handling
                                            response times, and accelerated per-      it appropriately.
                                            formance of the connection between
                                            the user and the website.

                                                                  Low Latency               Optimized connection
                                                                 High Capacity            eases database load and
                                                                Global Network             maximizes performance

                                                                                                ? Latency        Customer
                                                                                                ? Capacity          Origin

                                                                             Dynamic Site                       Dynamic Content
    Cotendo SSL is                                                           Acceleration                       Web Applications

    a secure, high-                           End User Requests
    performance delivery
    option for both
    Cotendo Content
                                            In addition, Cotendo DSA offers           Due to the nature of the SSL protocol,
    Delivery and Cotendo                    the flexibility of multiple deploy-       such as the key exchange process in
    Dynamic Site                            ment methods with asymmetric or           the initiation of an SSL session, the
    Acceleration.                           symmetric site acceleration, as well      combination of SSL with DSA acceler-
                                            as a mixed-mode model where both          ates dynamic and secure content and
    The three, combined,
                                            methods may be used to reflect            often produces a dramatic reduction
    are the foundation of                   different conditions and business rules   in latency, resulting in the serving of
    Cotendo Whole Site                      in different geographic regions. The      objects up to 10 times faster than the
    Acceleration.                           flexibility of choosing acceleration      origin. This is particularly important in
                                            modes enables online businesses to        the E-Commerce checkout process.
                                            balance the costs and benefits of each
                                            mode for a given location and service.

© 2010 Cotendo, Inc. All rights reserved.

          866.749.6462 | INTL +44 20 33188363 | |                                           3
Cotendo Whole                             service behavior, as well as the ability
                                            Site Acceleration                         to layer rules for different contexts or
    The Cotendo CDN and                                                               real-time conditions.
    Site Acceleration Suite                 The Cotendo Whole Site Acceleration
                                            solution combines Content Delivery,       Cotendo Views makes it easy to
    delivers improved
                                            Dynamic Site Acceleration, and Secure     integrate a site utilizing DSA, static
    performance, security,                  SSL to serve all content from a single    content (CDN) and SSL, control-
    control, agility, and                   host. A completely integrated system,     ling cache parameters, different SSL
    visibility for websites                 Whole Site Acceleration provides easy     deployment methods, and more. All
                                            integration and seamless handling         of the configuration is done on the
    and Web applications
                                            of different types of content, accel-     central management interface and
    for both static and                     erating all content and applications      requires no modification of the origin
    dynamic content.                        delivered by an origin server to an       servers or of the website’s code.
                                            end customer. Whole Site Acceleration
                                            puts an end to segregation of content     Cotendo Advanced DNS
                                            by type, since it serves as a proxy for   At the heart of fast delivery of online
                                            all the content provider’s Web traffic.   content is efficient Domain Name
                                            This combination delivers outstanding     Service (DNS) manipulation. With
                                            performance, control, agility,            Cotendo’s approach for Advanced DNS
                                            and visibility.                           management, the required address
                                                                                      is retrieved on the first query. Tradi-
                                            To enable easy integration without
                                                                                      tional CDNs have evolved through a
                                            re-architecture of the website,
                                                                                      patch-work of distributed solutions
                                            Cotendo provides Cotendo Views.
                                                                                      to highly inefficient DNS services, in
                                            Cotendo Views is an advanced
                                                                                      which reaching the correct content
                                            control technology included as a
                                                                                      server requires a set of several back-
                                            core component of Cotendo’s Unity
                                                                                      and-forth queries to get the right
                                            platform. Cotendo Views allows
                                                                                      IP address to the right server. This
                                            sophisticated definition, as well
                                                                                      latency slows the delivery of informa-
                                            as selective refinement, of object
                                                                                      tion to end users.
                                            behavior and handling. It is enabled
                                            by a core software architecture that
                                                            000001                    Cotendo’s Advanced DNS (ADNS) is a
                                            anticipates a CDN customer’s require-     high-performance, globally-distributed
                                            ment for granular content control,        DNS service for any website or Web
                                            unbound from traditional constraints      application, regardless of the physical
                                            or methods. Cotendo Views enables         location of the server and the
                                            control via both logical and contex-      end user.
                                            tual rules for Web object and Web

                                                                                                    Low Latency
                                                                                                    High Performance
    Combining Cotendo                                                                               Global Deployment
    ADNS with Site Assure
                                                                             Distributed DNS
                                                                                                    Faster Performance with
    reflects service                                                                                common DNS & CDN/DSA
    status in real time,
                                                                                                    Integrated management with
    automatically directing                                                                         Content Delivery Manager
                                                                                 Cotendo CDN
    traffic to the right
    resource to ensure                                                                                         Customer
                                              End User Requests                                                   Origin
    business and
    service continuity.                                                        Cotendo Dynamic
                                                                               Site Acceleration

© 2010 Cotendo, Inc. All rights reserved.

          866.749.6462 | INTL +44 20 33188363 | |                                            4
DNS is a common target of Distrib-          on monitored conditions of the origin
                                            uted Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks       server. Site Assure simplifies high
    The combination                         that can take the entire online service     availability with easy integration. Site
    of Whole Site                           down. Cotendo’s distributed ADNS            Assure requires no change to the
    Acceleration with                       service is architected to be highly         Web architecture. It provides rules to
                                            redundant and can withhold and block        manage out-of-norm events, e.g. the
    Cotendo Site Assure
                                            heavy attacks due to its efficiency         server is down, the site is down,
    and Cotendo ADNS                        and architecture.                           or the load on a specific server is
    results in optimal                                                                  up or down.
                                            In addition, Cotendo’s Advanced DNS
    service continuity and
                                            can balance traffic between different       Cotendo CDN Balancer
    zero downtime.                          data centers based on different
                                                                                        Cotendo CDN Balancer enables the
                                            policies (geo-proximity, weight, time
                                                                                        allocation of Web traffic based on
                                            of day, or other). For customers
                                                                                        monetization strategy, business
                                            with multiple data centers or origins,
                                                                                        policies, and IT policies. With its
                                            combining ADNS with Cotendo Whole
    Cotendo CDN Balancer                                                                flexible, Web-based management
                                            Site Delivery enables accelerated
                                                                                        console, companies create rules based
    works with DSA and                      delivery of content, allowing Cotendo
                                                                                        on weighted allocation of traffic, user’s
    the Cotendo Content                     servers to efficiently fetch content
                                                                                        location, time of day, and domain
                                            from the origin server closest to them.
    Delivery service to                                                                 accessed. Changes to the configura-
    configure the most                                                                  tion are reflected immediately, in real
                                            Cotendo Site Assure
                                                                                        time, on the network. CDN Balancer
    efficient and cost-                     Cotendo Site Assure is a fully custom-      can be used not only with Cotendo
    effective content                       izable, 24X7, smart monitoring, and         Unity Platform services, but also with
    delivery resources for                  automatic failover service. It maintains    existing resources, including other
                                            maximum origin service availability by      CDNs, for a multi-vendor strategy,
    global content delivery
                                            monitoring core websites and applica-       or with the company’s own
    needs, and enables the                  tions from multiple distributed agents,     internal resources.
    creation of customer-                   and implements routing policies based
    specific, flexible
    policies and rules to                                  000001
    most effectively use
    a multi-vendor                                                                                                Serve from
    CDN approach.
                                               Requests from Origin Area                  GeoIP

                                                                                                                  Your Own
                                              Requests from Rest of World

                                                                                     Cotendo                      Other CDN
                                                                                   CDN Balancer                   Providers
                                                                                 Adjust Load Distribution
                                                                                      in Real Time

© 2010 Cotendo, Inc. All rights reserved.

          866.749.6462 | INTL +44 20 33188363 | |                                             5
Cotendo Real-Time                          Unrivaled Customer
                                            Reporting                                  Support—An Example
                                            Cotendo Real-Time Reporting is    implemented
                                            a Web-based, real-time reporting           Cotendo services–Content Delivery,
                                            system for the Cotendo Unity               Dynamic Site Acceleration, Secure
                                            Platform. Unlike traditional CDNs          Sockets Layer (SSL) Acceleration,
                                            that might take hours or days to           and Advanced Domain Name Service
                                            report on content delivery (due to         (ADNS)—in September 2009.
                                            their patchwork of distributed servers
                                            and applications), Cotendo’s Unity
                                            Platform provides the essential view
                                                                                          “It has been a really
                                            of all content delivery activity within
                                            minutes of the occurrence. Real-Time          simple process.
    Cotendo Real-Time
                                            Reporting provides actionable control         Cotendo has taken
    Reporting works with                    over both the CDN’s performance and           ownership of it and,
    each of the Unity                       expense. Reports provide an up-to-
                                                                                          at every step, if I have
    Platform services.                      date view of data and information
                                            about delivery of content to end users.       any questions, they
    The combination of the
                                                                                          have been immediately
    Cotendo Web-based                       Real-Time Reporting provides trans-
                                                                                          responsive. In our
    management interface,                   parency and visibility to the delivery
                                            process and provides tools to analyze         evaluation of the
    Real-Time Reporting
                                            traffic and make decisions in real time.      major CDN vendors,
    and services for                        In addition, Cotendo provides real-           Cotendo impressed
    monitoring and load                     time, detailed analytics about
                                                                                          us that their support
    balancing, enable full                  search engines’ crawlers’ activities
                                            on websites and the tools to enhance          would be unmatched.
    control and visibility
                                            web performance before Search                 That’s proven to be the
    of all online traffic                   Engine Optimization (SEO) rankings            case and it was a huge
    at all times.                           are compromised.
                                                                                          factor in our choice
                                            Getting Started Is Fast                       of Cotendo.”
                                            And Easy                                      Jason Kyle,
                                            Fast, straightforward implementation—         eCommerce Director,
                                            The Cotendo Unity Platform requires 
                                            no change to the website and no HTML
                                            code changes or other modifications.
                                            Typical sites are up and running
                                            in minutes.

© 2010 Cotendo, Inc. All rights reserved.

          866.749.6462 | INTL +44 20 33188363 | |

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A Smarter Content Delivery System To Accelerate Complex Content

  • 1. A Smarter Content Delivery System To Accelerate Complex Content The Evolution of A Holistic, Fresh Central Management: Legacy CDNs Approach To Internet • Centralized management 1998 to 2010 were twelve years of Content Delivery architecture, rather than explosive, global growth in the use distributed approach, enabling In 2008, Cotendo took a fresh of the Internet. In 1998, the year better and easier control of approach to the problem of online Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) content and visibility of all online content delivery. Using a holistic view first appeared, the Internet was a traffic, while still being fully of the Internet, Cotendo’s software landscape of static objects used by redundant and fault tolerant; engineers and Internet experts just 147 million people, only 3.6% of leveraged the latest software develop- • Centralized management tools that the world’s population. In December ment techniques to maximize provide full control to manage 2009, the number of users had grown efficiency at each step in the process the configuration and publish more than ten fold, to over of the content delivery value chain. in real time; 1.7 billion users–over 25% of the They also focused on the important • Real-time, online reporting (not world’s population*. and unmet need for flexible content just daily or weekly reports). acceleration and site acceleration The Internet of today looks and acts Whole Site Acceleration: services, as well as the need for nothing like the Internet of 1998. • Integrated suite of content sophisticated management of per- However, the prevailing approach to delivery and website acceleration formance and cost. The goal was to managing and accelerating content solutions; develop the next-generation content on the Internet is built on the original delivery platform, using intelligent • Accelerated delivery of ALL types 1998 architecture. A patchwork of server software, which would drive of content–small objects, large in-house developed and acquired optimized content in the ways outlined 000001 objects, dynamic (non-cacheable) solutions have been glued onto the in the next section. or static (cacheable) content, and original foundation, as traditional CDNs add mountains of servers to try Infrastructure: either standard or Secure Sockets to push more volume and variety of Layer (SSL) delivery; • Unified and optimized server, content through fatter “pipes.” • Fast, secure, and reliable whole rather than the traditional approach of bolting on more site acceleration of both static At the same time, the expectations and dynamic content; of global end users for the efficient servers and infrastructure; delivery of static and dynamic content • More economical and efficient • Highly efficient and advanced has grown as the amount of content use of hardware—one server distributed Domain Name and number of online users grows. performing all content delivery Service (DNS); Over time, throwing more servers and tasks, instead of having dedicated From this groundbreaking work bigger pipes at the problem becomes servers for each individual service. emerged the Cotendo Unity Platform, increasingly expensive, burdening the (The multiple-server model of a new class of purpose-built CDN and content provider, while not addressing old-fashioned CDNs results in Site Acceleration services, based on the fundamental challenges of deliver- less efficient performance, as an evaluation of the key issues that ing today’s diverse content efficiently. well as complex and inefficient content providers face today, around The old-fashioned “fatter pipes” integration.) performance, efficiency, and function- approach is being overwhelmed by the ality. The tight integration among the immense volume of online content and services in the Cotendo Unity Platform the global demand for access yields the maximum performance in to the content. content acceleration for co-mingled and co-located delivery and DNS services, streamlining delivery of all types of content to end users around the globe. *Internet Growth and Statistics—Internet Usage Stats, September 2009: © 2010 Cotendo, Inc. All rights reserved.—1/29/10 866.749.6462 | INTL +44 20 33188363 | | 1
  • 2. The Cotendo Cotendo’s “Secret Sauce”— SSL Unity Platform Unified Proxy Delivery NT DY NA The Cotendo Unity Platform is based The core of the Cotendo Unity TE RY ACC SI M D ON VE RK LI O EL TE I ER on the following services, which also Platform is the Unified Proxy Delivery C TW C NE E A ME TI TION serve as the foundation for its Server. To efficiently handle all types TI L- URA ON continuing innovation: of content (small and large files, RE ONT CON REA C G AL ROL FI -TIME dynamic and static content, and NCED M O NITO • Content Delivery—Increases the secure or standard HTTP), Cotendo ASSU SITE S speed of delivery of static content VA developed highly efficient software DN RE A IME RE L-T RE AD P O RTIN G of all types, with the flexibility to that will boost the performance of any RI manage all aspects of caching NG CDN standard server, enabling it to out- BALANCER and delivery; perform any competing server. This • Dynamic Site Acceleration (DSA)— software facilitates efficient handling Accelerates the performance of many requests, simultaneously, and of dynamic Web pages, such includes a proprietary file system and as personalized content, Web I/O management subsystem to enable applications, and Software as a high I/O throughput with minimal time Service (SaaS) solutions; required to fetch a file from the cache, regardless of its size or type. • SSL Delivery—Enables robust The Cotendo security, immediate full- Cotendo Content Delivery range SSL; Unity Platform Traditional CDNs were designed to delivers synergies • Whole Site Acceleration— accelerate static objects on a website Combines Cotendo’s three in accessibility, by architecting the site to store the content acceleration services– static objects in a different host simplicity, and agility Content Delivery, Dynamic Site location, away from the main site, that traditional CDNs Acceleration, and SSL Delivery– CNAME-ing only that host to the CDN cannot produce. to ensure easy and seamless provider. This separation was crucial, integration for all content delivery as the CDN handled only the static requirements, served from the pages, and the non-cacheable objects 000001 same platform; were served directly from the origin • CDN Balancer—Balances server. However, this approach is Cotendo Content performance and cost-of-delivery inherently inefficient, as it requires by allocating CDN resources based modification of the existing site. It is Delivery service, on geography, time of day, balance also error prone as links–internal or combined with by load versus capacity of the external–may still direct to the Dynamic Site origin server, and more; original host. Acceleration and • Advanced Domain Name Service With Cotendo, all content can be SSL, delivers Whole (ADNS)—Utilizes sophisticated served from the same server, there Site Acceleration– controls to instantly adjust DNS is no effort required to integrate the configurations, balance traffic one service served CDN to serve the site, and separation between different resources, and between different types of objects is from one hostname– bolster security by protecting not required. resulting in smooth from Distributed Denial of Service and easy integration (DDoS) attacks; The Cotendo Unity Platform is built on • Site Assure—Monitors core Web a real-time content control layer that and maximum services and other resources, isn’t bound by typical hardware or flexibility. software constraints. Cotendo’s flexible and automates failover response to minimize risk and ensure software platform was designed from maximum uptime; the ground up for real-time content control and advanced functionality, to • Real-Time Reporting—Leverages maximize the key CDN performance detailed performance metrics areas of delivery speed and system 24/7, for making optimal IT and efficiency. The resulting Cotendo CDN business decisions in real time. easily manages larger volumes of content with less hardware, yielding greater performance efficiencies. © 2010 Cotendo, Inc. All rights reserved. 866.749.6462 | INTL +44 20 33188363 | | 2
  • 3. Cotendo Dynamic Cotendo SSL Cotendo Content Site Acceleration Cotendo SSL provides a wide range Cotendo Dynamic Site Acceleration of options for configuring an optimal Delivery and Dynamic (DSA) is a highly efficient and robust secure delivery channel for all Web- Site Acceleration work delivered content, whether it is DSA service focused on improving together to seamlessly the delivery of non-cacheable static or dynamic. As the IP address deliver both cacheable website content. resolution of a server is done on the DNS level, when it is still unknown static content and DSA provides a high degree of whether the requested content is non-cacheable protocol and connection optimization HTTP or HTTPS, secure traffic going to dynamic content. The that significantly increases delivery the same host cannot be diverted to Cotendo Web-based performance of dynamic content from another IP address. To overcome this the origin location to the regionally challenge, traditional CDNs require management interface closest Cotendo DSA content delivery modification of the site/application so provides real-time location. This acceleration is accom- that the secured content will be served setup and unified plished through protocol and connec- from a dedicated (different) host. management of ALL tion optimization. DSA also decreases With Cotendo SSL, instead of separat- the load on the dynamic content ing content into several servers and Cotendo services. server and provides much higher ef- hosts, Cotendo’s intelligent software ficiency and leverage of Web applica- can handle both types of traffic on the tion assets, relative to the number of same server, automatically determin- customers supported. The result is ing whether or not the content lower Web server load, faster server is SSL protected and handling response times, and accelerated per- it appropriately. formance of the connection between the user and the website. Low Latency Optimized connection High Capacity eases database load and 000001 Global Network maximizes performance ? Latency Customer ? Capacity Origin Non-Cachable Dynamic Site Dynamic Content Cotendo SSL is Acceleration Web Applications a secure, high- End User Requests performance delivery option for both Cotendo Content In addition, Cotendo DSA offers Due to the nature of the SSL protocol, Delivery and Cotendo the flexibility of multiple deploy- such as the key exchange process in Dynamic Site ment methods with asymmetric or the initiation of an SSL session, the Acceleration. symmetric site acceleration, as well combination of SSL with DSA acceler- as a mixed-mode model where both ates dynamic and secure content and The three, combined, methods may be used to reflect often produces a dramatic reduction are the foundation of different conditions and business rules in latency, resulting in the serving of Cotendo Whole Site in different geographic regions. The objects up to 10 times faster than the Acceleration. flexibility of choosing acceleration origin. This is particularly important in modes enables online businesses to the E-Commerce checkout process. balance the costs and benefits of each mode for a given location and service. © 2010 Cotendo, Inc. All rights reserved. 866.749.6462 | INTL +44 20 33188363 | | 3
  • 4. Cotendo Whole service behavior, as well as the ability Site Acceleration to layer rules for different contexts or The Cotendo CDN and real-time conditions. Site Acceleration Suite The Cotendo Whole Site Acceleration solution combines Content Delivery, Cotendo Views makes it easy to delivers improved Dynamic Site Acceleration, and Secure integrate a site utilizing DSA, static performance, security, SSL to serve all content from a single content (CDN) and SSL, control- control, agility, and host. A completely integrated system, ling cache parameters, different SSL visibility for websites Whole Site Acceleration provides easy deployment methods, and more. All integration and seamless handling of the configuration is done on the and Web applications of different types of content, accel- central management interface and for both static and erating all content and applications requires no modification of the origin dynamic content. delivered by an origin server to an servers or of the website’s code. end customer. Whole Site Acceleration puts an end to segregation of content Cotendo Advanced DNS by type, since it serves as a proxy for At the heart of fast delivery of online all the content provider’s Web traffic. content is efficient Domain Name This combination delivers outstanding Service (DNS) manipulation. With performance, control, agility, Cotendo’s approach for Advanced DNS and visibility. management, the required address is retrieved on the first query. Tradi- To enable easy integration without tional CDNs have evolved through a re-architecture of the website, patch-work of distributed solutions Cotendo provides Cotendo Views. to highly inefficient DNS services, in Cotendo Views is an advanced which reaching the correct content control technology included as a server requires a set of several back- core component of Cotendo’s Unity and-forth queries to get the right platform. Cotendo Views allows IP address to the right server. This sophisticated definition, as well latency slows the delivery of informa- as selective refinement, of object tion to end users. behavior and handling. It is enabled by a core software architecture that 000001 Cotendo’s Advanced DNS (ADNS) is a anticipates a CDN customer’s require- high-performance, globally-distributed ment for granular content control, DNS service for any website or Web unbound from traditional constraints application, regardless of the physical or methods. Cotendo Views enables location of the server and the control via both logical and contex- end user. tual rules for Web object and Web Low Latency High Performance Combining Cotendo Global Deployment Security ADNS with Site Assure Distributed DNS Faster Performance with reflects service common DNS & CDN/DSA status in real time, Integrated management with automatically directing Content Delivery Manager Cotendo CDN traffic to the right resource to ensure Customer End User Requests Origin business and service continuity. Cotendo Dynamic Site Acceleration © 2010 Cotendo, Inc. All rights reserved. 866.749.6462 | INTL +44 20 33188363 | | 4
  • 5. DNS is a common target of Distrib- on monitored conditions of the origin uted Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks server. Site Assure simplifies high The combination that can take the entire online service availability with easy integration. Site of Whole Site down. Cotendo’s distributed ADNS Assure requires no change to the Acceleration with service is architected to be highly Web architecture. It provides rules to redundant and can withhold and block manage out-of-norm events, e.g. the Cotendo Site Assure heavy attacks due to its efficiency server is down, the site is down, and Cotendo ADNS and architecture. or the load on a specific server is results in optimal up or down. In addition, Cotendo’s Advanced DNS service continuity and can balance traffic between different Cotendo CDN Balancer zero downtime. data centers based on different Cotendo CDN Balancer enables the policies (geo-proximity, weight, time allocation of Web traffic based on of day, or other). For customers monetization strategy, business with multiple data centers or origins, policies, and IT policies. With its combining ADNS with Cotendo Whole Cotendo CDN Balancer flexible, Web-based management Site Delivery enables accelerated console, companies create rules based works with DSA and delivery of content, allowing Cotendo on weighted allocation of traffic, user’s the Cotendo Content servers to efficiently fetch content location, time of day, and domain from the origin server closest to them. Delivery service to accessed. Changes to the configura- configure the most tion are reflected immediately, in real Cotendo Site Assure time, on the network. CDN Balancer efficient and cost- Cotendo Site Assure is a fully custom- can be used not only with Cotendo effective content izable, 24X7, smart monitoring, and Unity Platform services, but also with delivery resources for automatic failover service. It maintains existing resources, including other maximum origin service availability by CDNs, for a multi-vendor strategy, global content delivery monitoring core websites and applica- or with the company’s own needs, and enables the tions from multiple distributed agents, internal resources. creation of customer- and implements routing policies based specific, flexible policies and rules to 000001 most effectively use a multi-vendor Serve from Origin CDN approach. Requests from Origin Area GeoIP Information Cotendo Content Delivery Your Own Resources Requests from Rest of World Cotendo Other CDN CDN Balancer Providers Adjust Load Distribution in Real Time © 2010 Cotendo, Inc. All rights reserved. 866.749.6462 | INTL +44 20 33188363 | | 5
  • 6. Cotendo Real-Time Unrivaled Customer Reporting Support—An Example Cotendo Real-Time Reporting is implemented a Web-based, real-time reporting Cotendo services–Content Delivery, system for the Cotendo Unity Dynamic Site Acceleration, Secure Platform. Unlike traditional CDNs Sockets Layer (SSL) Acceleration, that might take hours or days to and Advanced Domain Name Service report on content delivery (due to (ADNS)—in September 2009. their patchwork of distributed servers and applications), Cotendo’s Unity Platform provides the essential view “It has been a really of all content delivery activity within minutes of the occurrence. Real-Time simple process. Cotendo Real-Time Reporting provides actionable control Cotendo has taken Reporting works with over both the CDN’s performance and ownership of it and, each of the Unity expense. Reports provide an up-to- at every step, if I have Platform services. date view of data and information about delivery of content to end users. any questions, they The combination of the have been immediately Cotendo Web-based Real-Time Reporting provides trans- responsive. In our management interface, parency and visibility to the delivery process and provides tools to analyze evaluation of the Real-Time Reporting traffic and make decisions in real time. major CDN vendors, and services for In addition, Cotendo provides real- Cotendo impressed monitoring and load time, detailed analytics about us that their support balancing, enable full search engines’ crawlers’ activities on websites and the tools to enhance would be unmatched. control and visibility web performance before Search That’s proven to be the of all online traffic Engine Optimization (SEO) rankings case and it was a huge at all times. are compromised. factor in our choice 000001 Getting Started Is Fast of Cotendo.” And Easy Jason Kyle, Fast, straightforward implementation— eCommerce Director, The Cotendo Unity Platform requires no change to the website and no HTML code changes or other modifications. Typical sites are up and running in minutes. © 2010 Cotendo, Inc. All rights reserved. 866.749.6462 | INTL +44 20 33188363 | |