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Programming Methods
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
What we’ll learn
• Introduction to file input and output
• Using loops to process files
• Using files and arrays
• Processing records
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
File Input And Output
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Three Steps using a File
• Open the file
• Opening a file – create a connection between the file and the program
• Opening an output file – creates the file on the disk and allows the program to
write data to it
• Opening an input file – allows the program to read data from the file
• Process the file – either written to the file (if it is an output file) or
read from the file (if it is an input file)
• Close the file – when the program is finished using the file, the file
must be closed
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Two Types of files
• Text – contains data that has been encoded as text, using a scheme
such as ASCII or Unicode
• Binary - contains data that has not been converted to text
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Text File
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Binary File
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Two Ways of Accessing a File
• Sequential access
• You access data from the beginning of the file to the end of the file
• Example: cassette tape players. If you want to listen to the last song on a
cassette tape, you have to either fast-forward over all of the songs that come
before it or listen to them
• There is no way to jump directly to a specific song
• Direct access / random access file
• You can jump directly to any piece of data in the file without reading the data
that comes before it
• Example: MP3 player. You can jump directly to any song that you want to
listen to
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Performing File Operations
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Five Operations
• Declaring a file
• Opening a file
• Reading a file
• Writing a file
• Closing a file
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Concept File – Declaring
• Most languages support several types of fi les, but the broadest types
are fi les that can be used for input and fi les that can be used for
• Each type of file has a data type defined in the language you are using.
• You declare files in the same way you declare variables and
constants—by giving each file a data type and an identifier.
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Declaration File – Declaring
fileMode fileName
fileMode fileName
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Example File – Declaring
inputFile employeeData
outputFile updateData
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
File – Opening
• In most programming languages, before an application can
use a data file, it must open the file.
• Opening a file locates it on a storage device and associates a
variable name within your program with the file.
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Declaration File – Opening
Open filename “File Location”
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Example File – Opening
Open employeeData “EmployeeData.dat”
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
File – Reading
• Before you can use stored data within a program, you must load the
data into computer memory.
• You never use the data values that are stored on a storage device
• Instead, you use a copy that is transferred into memory. When you
copy data from a file on a storage device into RAM, you read from
the file.
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Declaration of File – Reading
Read variable from fileData
Read variable from fileData
Read variable from fileData
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Example File – Reading
Read name from employeeData
Read address from employeeData
Read payRate from employeeData
Read name, address, payRate from employeeData
Read EmployeeRecord from employeeData
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
File – Writing
• When you store data in a computer fi le on a persistent
storage device, you write to the file.
• This means you copy data from RAM to the file.
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Declaration of File – Writing
Write variable to filename
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Example File – Writing
write name, address, payRate to updatedData
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
File – Close
• When you finish using a fi le, the program should close the file - that
is, the file is no longer available to your application.
• Failing to close an input file (a file from which you are reading data)
usually does not present serious consequences; the data still exists in
the file.
• However, if you fail to close an output file (a file to which you are
writing data), the data might become inaccessible
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Declaration of File – Close
Close filename
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Example File – Close
Close inventoryFile
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Example Use Case File Open, Write, Close
• A program that opens two fi les, reads employee data from
the input fi le, alters the employee’s pay rate, writes the
updated record to an output fi le, and closes the fi les.
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
InputFile employeeData
OutputFile updatedData
string name
string address
num payRate
num RAISE = 2.00
while not eof
open employeeData "EmployeeData.dat"
open updatedData "UpdatedData.dat"
input name, address, payRate from employeeData
payRate = payRate + RAISE
output name, address, payRate to updatedData
input name, address, payRate from employeeData
close employeeData
close updatedData
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
InputFile employeeData
OutputFilie updatedData
String name, address
Num payRate
Num RAISE = 2.00
Not eof? detailLoop()
Close updatedData
Open employeeData
Open updatedData
Input name, address,
payRate from
payRate = payRate + RAISE
Output name, address,
payRate to
Input name, address,
payRate from
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Files + Loop
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Concept Using Loop to Process Files
• Files usually hold large amounts of data, and programs
typically use a loop to process the data in a file
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Example Using Loop to Process Files
// Variable to hold the number of days
Declare Integer numDays
// Counter variable for the loop
Declare Integer counter
// Variable to hold an amount of sales
Declare Real sales
// Declare an output file.
Declare OutputFile salesFile
// Get the number of days.
Display "For how many days do you have
Input numDays
// Open a file named sales.dat.
Open salesFile "sales.dat"
// Get the amount of sales for each day and
write it to the file.
For counter = 1 To numDays
// Get the sales for a day.
Display "Enter the sales for day #",
Input sales
// Write the amount to the file.
Write salesFile sales
End For
// Close the file.
Close salesFile
Display "Data written to sales.dat."
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Flowchart Start
Integer numDays,
Real sales
outputFile salesFile
Display “For how
many days do you
have sales?”
Input numDays
Open salesFile “sales.dat”
Set counter = 1
Counter <=
Close salesFile
Display “Data
written to sales.dat”
Display “Enter the
sales for day #”,
Input sales
Write slesFile sales
Set counter = counter + 1
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Reading A File With A Loop And Detecting
The End of the File (EoF)
• Program needs some way of knowing when the end of the file has
been reached so it will not try to read beyond it
• Most programming languages provide a library function for this
• Eof function
• Accepts a file’s internal name as an argument, and returns True if the end of
the file has been reached or False if the end of the file has not been reached
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Declaration EoF
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Example EoF
// Declare an input file.
Declare InputFile salesFile
// Declare a variable to hold a sales amount
// that is read from the file.
Declare Real sales
// Open the sales.dat file.
Open salesFile "sales.dat"
Display "Here are the sales amounts:"
// Read all of the items in the file
// and display them.
While NOT eof(salesFile)
Read salesFile sales
Display currencyFormat(sales)
End While
// Close the file.
Close salesFile
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Flowchart Start
InputFile salesFile
Real sales
Open salesFile “sales.dat”
Close salesFile
Read slesFile sles
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Files + Array
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Concept Files + Arrays
• For some algorithms, files and arrays can be used together effectively.
• You can easily write a loop that saves the contents of an array to a file,
and vice versa.
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Example Files + Arrays: Open  Writes  Close
Constant Integer SIZE = 5
Declare Integer numbers[SIZE] = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
// Counter variable to use in the loop.
Declare Integer index
// Declare an output file.
Declare OutputFile numberFile
// Open the values.dat file.
Open numberFile "values.dat“
// Write each array element to the file.
For index = 0 To SIZE - 1
Write numberFile numbers[index]
End For
// Close the file.
Close numberFile
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Example Files + Arrays: Open  Read Close
Constant Integer SIZE = 5
Declare Integer numbers[SIZE]
// Counter variable to use in the loop, initialized
// with 0.
Declare Integer index = 0
// Declare an input file.
Declare InputFile numberFile
// Open the values.dat file.
Open numberFile "values.dat“
// Read the contents of the file into the array.
While (index <= SIZE – 1) AND (NOT eof(numberFile))
Write numberFile numbers[index]
Set index = index + 1
End While
// Close the file.
Close numberFile
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Processing and Managing Record
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Concepts Processing & Managing Records
• The data that is stored in a file is frequently organized in records
• A record is a complete set of data about an item
• A field is an individual piece of data within a record
• Example, we want to store data about employees in a file
• The file will contain a record for each employee
• Each record will be a collection of fields, such as name, ID number, and
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Type of Processing and Managing Record
• Adding records
• Displaying records
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Example Use Case Records Adding and
• Midnight Coffee Roasters, Inc. is a small company that imports raw
coffee beans from around the world and roasts them to create a variety
of gourmet coffees.
• Julie, the owner of the company, has asked you to design a series of
programs that she can use to manage her inventory. After speaking
with her, you have determined that a file is needed to keep inventory
• Each record should have two fields to hold the following data:
• Description: a string containing the name of the coffee
• Quantity in inventory: the number of pounds in inventory, as a real number
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
// Variables for the fields
Declare String description
Declare Real quantity
// A variable to control the loop.
Declare String another = "Y"
// Declare an output file in append mode.
Declare OutputFile AppendMode coffeeFile
// Open the file.
Open coffeeFile "coffee.dat"
While toUpper(another) == "Y"
// Get the description.
Display "Enter the description."
Input description
// Get the quantity on hand.
Display "Enter the quantity on hand ", "(in pounds)."
Input quantity
// Append the record to the file.
Write coffeeFile description, quantity
// Determine whether the user wants to enter another
Display "Do you want to enter another record? ",
Display "(Enter Y for yes, or anything else for no.)"
Input another
// Display a blank line.
End While
// Close the file.
Close coffeeFile
Display "Data appended to coffee.dat."
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
// Variables for the fields
Declare String description
Declare Real quantity
// Declare an input file.
Declare InputFile coffeeFile
// Open the file.
Open coffeeFile "coffee.dat"
While NOT eof(coffeeFile)
// Read a record from the file.
Read coffeeFile description, quantity
// Display the record.
Display "Description: ", description, "Quantity: ", quantity, "
End While
// Close the file.
Close coffeeFile
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Flowchart – Exercise
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Example Use Case Searching for a Record
• Julie has been using the first two programs that you designed for her.
• She now has several records stored in the coffee.dat file, and has asked you to
design another program that she can use to search for records.
• She wants to be able to enter a string and see a list of all the records containing
that string in the description field.
• For example, suppose the file contains the following records:
• If she enters “Sumatra” as the value to search for, the program should display all
of these records.
Description Quantity
Sumatra Dark Roast 12
Sumatra Medium Roast 30
Sumatra Decaf 20
Sumatra Organic Medium Roast 15
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
// Variables for the fields
Declare String description
Declare Real quantity
// A variable to hold the search value.
Declare String searchValue
// A Flag to indicate whether the value was found.
Declare Boolean found = False
// Declare an input file.
Declare InputFile coffeeFile
// Get the value to search for.
Display "Enter a value to search for."
Input searchValue
// Open the file.
Open coffeeFile "coffee.dat"
While NOT eof(coffeeFile)
// Read a record from the file.
Read coffeeFile description, quantity
// If the record contains the search value, then display it.
If contains(description, searchValue) Then
// Display the record.
Display "Description: ", description, "Quantity: ",
quantity, " pounds"
// Set the found flag to true.
Set found = True
End If
End While
// If the value was not found in the file,
// display a message indicating so.
If NOT found Then
Display searchValue, " was not found."
End If
// Close the file.
Close coffeeFile
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Flowchart – Exercise
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Example Use Case Modifying for a Record
• Julie is very happy with the programs that you have designed so far. Your
next job is to design a program that she can use to modify the quantity field
in an existing record.
• This will allow her to keep the records up to date as coffee is sold or more
coffee is added to inventory.
• To modify a record in a sequential file, you must create a second temporary
file. You copy all of the original file’s records to the temporary file, but
when you get to the record that is to be modified, you do not write its old
contents to the temporary file. Instead, you write its new modified values to
the temporary file. Then, you finish copying any remaining records from the
original file to the temporary file.
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
• The temporary file then takes the place of the original file. You delete
the original file and rename the temporary file, giving it the name that
the original file had on the computer’s disk. Here is the general
algorithm for your program:
1. Open the original file for input and create a temporary file for output.
2. Get the description field of the record to be modified and the new value for
the quantity field.
3. While not at the end of the original file:
Read a record.
If this record’s description field matches the description entered, then:
Write the new data to the temporary file.
Else write the existing record to the temporary file.
4. Close the original file and the temporary file.
5. Delete the original file.
6. Rename the temporary file, giving it the name of the original file.
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
• Notice that at the end of the algorithm you delete the original file and then
rename the temporary file. Most programming languages provide a way to
perform these operations. In pseudocode we will use the Delete statement to
delete a file on the disk. You simply provide a string containing the name of
the file that you wish to delete, such as:
Delete "coffee.dat“
• To change the name of a file, we will use the Rename statement. For
Rename "temp.dat", "coffee.dat“
• indicates that we are changing the name of the file temp.dat to coffee.dat.
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
// Variables for the fields
Declare String description
Declare Real quantity
// A variable to hold the search value.
Declare String searchValue
// A variable to hold the new quantity.
Declare Real newQuantity
// A Flag to indicate whether the value was found.
Declare Boolean found = False
// Declare an input file.
Declare InputFile coffeeFile
// Declare an output file to copy the original file to.
Declare OutputFile tempFile
// Open the original file.
Open coffeeFile "coffee.dat"
// Open the temporary file.
Open tempFile "temp.dat"
// Get the value to search for.
Display "Enter the coffee you wish to update."
Input searchValue
// Get the new quantity.
Display "Enter the new quantity."
Input newQuantity
While NOT eof(coffeeFile)
// Read a record from the file.
Read coffeeFile description, quantity
// Write either this record to the temporary
// file, or the new record if this is the
// one that is to be changed.
If description == searchValue Then
Write tempFile description, newQuantity
Set found = True
Write tempFile description, quantity
End If
End While
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
// Close the original file.
Close coffeeFile
// Close the temporary file.
Close tempFile
// Delete the original file.
Delete "coffee.dat"
// Rename the temporary file.
Rename "temp.dat", "coffee.dat"
// Indicate whether the operation was successful.
If found Then
Display "The record was updated."
Display searchValue, " was not found in the file."
End If
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Flowchart – Exercise
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Example Use Case Deleting a Record
• Your last task is to write a program that Julie can use to delete records
from the coffee.dat file. Like the process of modifying a record, the
process of deleting a record from a sequential access file requires that
you create a second temporary file.
• You copy all of the original file’s records to the temporary file, except
for the record that is to be deleted. The temporary file then takes the
place of the original file.
• You delete the original file and rename the temporary file, giving it the
name that the original file had on the computer’s disk.
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
• Here is the general algorithm for your program:
1. Open the original file for input and create a temporary file for output.
2. Get the description field of the record to be deleted.
3. While not at the end of the original file:
Read a record.
If this record’s description field does not match the description entered, then:
Write the record to the temporary file.
4. Close the original file and the temporary file.
5. Delete the original file.
6. Rename the temporary file, giving it the name of the original file.
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
// Variables for the fields
Declare String description
Declare Real quantity
// A variable to hold the search value.
Declare String searchValue
// Declare an input file.
Declare InputFile coffeeFile
// Declare an output file to copy the original file to.
Declare OutputFile tempFile
// Open the files.
Open coffeeFile "coffee.dat"
Open tempFile "temp.dat"
// Get the value to search for.
Display "Enter the coffee you wish to delete."
Input searchValue
While NOT eof(coffeeFile)
// Read a record from the file.
Read coffeeFile description, quantity
// If this is not the record to delete, then
// write it to the temporary file.
If description != searchValue Then
Write tempFile description, quantity
End If
End While
// Close the two files.
Close coffeeFile
Close tempFile
// Delete the original file.
Delete "coffee.dat"
// Rename the temporary file.
Rename "temp.dat", "coffee.dat"
Display "The file has been updated."
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
Flowchart – Exercise
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia
• A computer fi le is a collection of data stored on a non-volatile device
in a computer system. Although the contents of files differ, each file
occupies space on a section of a storage device, and each has a name
and a specific time of creation or last modification.
• When you use a data fi le in a program, you must declare it and open
it; opening a fi le associates an internal program identifier with the
name of a physical fi le on a storage device. When you read from a fi
le, the data is copied into memory. When you write to a fi le, the data
is copied from memory to a storage device. When you are done with a
fi le, you close it.
CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia

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9 Files

  • 1. CSWD1001 Programming Methods Files 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 1
  • 2. What we’ll learn • Introduction to file input and output • Using loops to process files • Using files and arrays • Processing records 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 2
  • 3. File Input And Output 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 3
  • 4. Three Steps using a File • Open the file • Opening a file – create a connection between the file and the program • Opening an output file – creates the file on the disk and allows the program to write data to it • Opening an input file – allows the program to read data from the file • Process the file – either written to the file (if it is an output file) or read from the file (if it is an input file) • Close the file – when the program is finished using the file, the file must be closed 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 4
  • 5. Two Types of files • Text – contains data that has been encoded as text, using a scheme such as ASCII or Unicode • Binary - contains data that has not been converted to text 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 5
  • 6. Text File 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 6
  • 7. Binary File 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 7
  • 8. Two Ways of Accessing a File • Sequential access • You access data from the beginning of the file to the end of the file • Example: cassette tape players. If you want to listen to the last song on a cassette tape, you have to either fast-forward over all of the songs that come before it or listen to them • There is no way to jump directly to a specific song • Direct access / random access file • You can jump directly to any piece of data in the file without reading the data that comes before it • Example: MP3 player. You can jump directly to any song that you want to listen to 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 8
  • 9. 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 9
  • 10. Performing File Operations 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 10
  • 11. Five Operations • Declaring a file • Opening a file • Reading a file • Writing a file • Closing a file 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 11
  • 12. Concept File – Declaring • Most languages support several types of fi les, but the broadest types are fi les that can be used for input and fi les that can be used for output. • Each type of file has a data type defined in the language you are using. • You declare files in the same way you declare variables and constants—by giving each file a data type and an identifier. 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 12
  • 13. Declaration File – Declaring fileMode fileName fileMode fileName 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 13
  • 14. Example File – Declaring inputFile employeeData outputFile updateData 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 14
  • 15. File – Opening • In most programming languages, before an application can use a data file, it must open the file. • Opening a file locates it on a storage device and associates a variable name within your program with the file. 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 15
  • 16. Declaration File – Opening Open filename “File Location” 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 16
  • 17. Example File – Opening Open employeeData “EmployeeData.dat” 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 17
  • 18. File – Reading • Before you can use stored data within a program, you must load the data into computer memory. • You never use the data values that are stored on a storage device directly. • Instead, you use a copy that is transferred into memory. When you copy data from a file on a storage device into RAM, you read from the file. 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 18
  • 19. Declaration of File – Reading Read variable from fileData Read variable from fileData Read variable from fileData 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 19
  • 20. Example File – Reading Read name from employeeData Read address from employeeData Read payRate from employeeData OR Read name, address, payRate from employeeData Read EmployeeRecord from employeeData 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 20
  • 21. File – Writing • When you store data in a computer fi le on a persistent storage device, you write to the file. • This means you copy data from RAM to the file. 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 21
  • 22. Declaration of File – Writing Write variable to filename 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 22
  • 23. Example File – Writing write name, address, payRate to updatedData 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 23
  • 24. File – Close • When you finish using a fi le, the program should close the file - that is, the file is no longer available to your application. • Failing to close an input file (a file from which you are reading data) usually does not present serious consequences; the data still exists in the file. • However, if you fail to close an output file (a file to which you are writing data), the data might become inaccessible 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 24
  • 25. Declaration of File – Close Close filename 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 25
  • 26. Example File – Close Close inventoryFile 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 26
  • 27. Example Use Case File Open, Write, Close • A program that opens two fi les, reads employee data from the input fi le, alters the employee’s pay rate, writes the updated record to an output fi le, and closes the fi les. 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 27
  • 28. Pseudocode Start Declarations InputFile employeeData OutputFile updatedData string name string address num payRate num RAISE = 2.00 housekeeping() while not eof detailLoop() Endwhile finish() End housekeeping() open employeeData "EmployeeData.dat" open updatedData "UpdatedData.dat" input name, address, payRate from employeeData Return detailLoop() payRate = payRate + RAISE output name, address, payRate to updatedData input name, address, payRate from employeeData Return finish() close employeeData close updatedData Return18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 28
  • 29. Flowchart Start Declare InputFile employeeData OutputFilie updatedData String name, address Num payRate Num RAISE = 2.00 housekeeping() Not eof? detailLoop() finish() End finish() Close employeeData Close updatedData Return housekeeping() Open employeeData “EmployeeData.dat” Open updatedData “UpdatedData.dat” Input name, address, payRate from employeeData Return detailLoop() payRate = payRate + RAISE Output name, address, payRate to updatedData Input name, address, payRate from employeeData Return 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 29
  • 30. Files + Loop 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 30
  • 31. Concept Using Loop to Process Files • Files usually hold large amounts of data, and programs typically use a loop to process the data in a file 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 31
  • 32. Example Using Loop to Process Files // Variable to hold the number of days Declare Integer numDays // Counter variable for the loop Declare Integer counter // Variable to hold an amount of sales Declare Real sales // Declare an output file. Declare OutputFile salesFile // Get the number of days. Display "For how many days do you have sales?" Input numDays // Open a file named sales.dat. Open salesFile "sales.dat" // Get the amount of sales for each day and write it to the file. For counter = 1 To numDays // Get the sales for a day. Display "Enter the sales for day #", counter Input sales // Write the amount to the file. Write salesFile sales End For // Close the file. Close salesFile Display "Data written to sales.dat." 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 32
  • 33. Flowchart Start Declare Integer numDays, counter Real sales outputFile salesFile Display “For how many days do you have sales?” Input numDays Open salesFile “sales.dat” A A Set counter = 1 Counter <= numDays Close salesFile Display “Data written to sales.dat” End Display “Enter the sales for day #”, counter Input sales Write slesFile sales Set counter = counter + 1 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 33
  • 34. Reading A File With A Loop And Detecting The End of the File (EoF) • Program needs some way of knowing when the end of the file has been reached so it will not try to read beyond it • Most programming languages provide a library function for this purpose • Eof function • Accepts a file’s internal name as an argument, and returns True if the end of the file has been reached or False if the end of the file has not been reached 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 34
  • 35. Declaration EoF Eof(internalFileName) 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 35
  • 36. Example EoF // Declare an input file. Declare InputFile salesFile // Declare a variable to hold a sales amount // that is read from the file. Declare Real sales // Open the sales.dat file. Open salesFile "sales.dat" Display "Here are the sales amounts:" // Read all of the items in the file // and display them. While NOT eof(salesFile) Read salesFile sales Display currencyFormat(sales) End While // Close the file. Close salesFile 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 36
  • 37. Flowchart Start Declare InputFile salesFile Real sales Open salesFile “sales.dat” Not eof(salesFile) Close salesFile End Read slesFile sles Display currencyFormat(sales) 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 37
  • 38. Files + Array 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 38
  • 39. Concept Files + Arrays • For some algorithms, files and arrays can be used together effectively. • You can easily write a loop that saves the contents of an array to a file, and vice versa. 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 39
  • 40. Example Files + Arrays: Open  Writes  Close Constant Integer SIZE = 5 Declare Integer numbers[SIZE] = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 // Counter variable to use in the loop. Declare Integer index // Declare an output file. Declare OutputFile numberFile // Open the values.dat file. Open numberFile "values.dat“ // Write each array element to the file. For index = 0 To SIZE - 1 Write numberFile numbers[index] End For // Close the file. Close numberFile 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 40
  • 41. Example Files + Arrays: Open  Read Close Constant Integer SIZE = 5 Declare Integer numbers[SIZE] // Counter variable to use in the loop, initialized // with 0. Declare Integer index = 0 // Declare an input file. Declare InputFile numberFile // Open the values.dat file. Open numberFile "values.dat“ // Read the contents of the file into the array. While (index <= SIZE – 1) AND (NOT eof(numberFile)) Write numberFile numbers[index] Set index = index + 1 End While // Close the file. Close numberFile 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 41
  • 42. Processing and Managing Record 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 42
  • 43. Concepts Processing & Managing Records • The data that is stored in a file is frequently organized in records • A record is a complete set of data about an item • A field is an individual piece of data within a record • Example, we want to store data about employees in a file • The file will contain a record for each employee • Each record will be a collection of fields, such as name, ID number, and department 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 43
  • 44. Type of Processing and Managing Record • Adding records • Displaying records 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 44
  • 45. Example Use Case Records Adding and Displaying • Midnight Coffee Roasters, Inc. is a small company that imports raw coffee beans from around the world and roasts them to create a variety of gourmet coffees. • Julie, the owner of the company, has asked you to design a series of programs that she can use to manage her inventory. After speaking with her, you have determined that a file is needed to keep inventory records. • Each record should have two fields to hold the following data: • Description: a string containing the name of the coffee • Quantity in inventory: the number of pounds in inventory, as a real number 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 45
  • 46. Pseudocode // Variables for the fields Declare String description Declare Real quantity // A variable to control the loop. Declare String another = "Y" // Declare an output file in append mode. Declare OutputFile AppendMode coffeeFile // Open the file. Open coffeeFile "coffee.dat" While toUpper(another) == "Y" // Get the description. Display "Enter the description." Input description // Get the quantity on hand. Display "Enter the quantity on hand ", "(in pounds)." Input quantity // Append the record to the file. Write coffeeFile description, quantity // Determine whether the user wants to enter another record. Display "Do you want to enter another record? ", Display "(Enter Y for yes, or anything else for no.)" Input another // Display a blank line. Display End While // Close the file. Close coffeeFile Display "Data appended to coffee.dat." 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 46
  • 47. // Variables for the fields Declare String description Declare Real quantity // Declare an input file. Declare InputFile coffeeFile // Open the file. Open coffeeFile "coffee.dat" While NOT eof(coffeeFile) // Read a record from the file. Read coffeeFile description, quantity // Display the record. Display "Description: ", description, "Quantity: ", quantity, " pounds" End While // Close the file. Close coffeeFile 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 47
  • 48. Flowchart – Exercise 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 48
  • 49. Example Use Case Searching for a Record • Julie has been using the first two programs that you designed for her. • She now has several records stored in the coffee.dat file, and has asked you to design another program that she can use to search for records. • She wants to be able to enter a string and see a list of all the records containing that string in the description field. • For example, suppose the file contains the following records: • If she enters “Sumatra” as the value to search for, the program should display all of these records. Description Quantity Sumatra Dark Roast 12 Sumatra Medium Roast 30 Sumatra Decaf 20 Sumatra Organic Medium Roast 15 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 49
  • 50. Pseuducode // Variables for the fields Declare String description Declare Real quantity // A variable to hold the search value. Declare String searchValue // A Flag to indicate whether the value was found. Declare Boolean found = False // Declare an input file. Declare InputFile coffeeFile // Get the value to search for. Display "Enter a value to search for." Input searchValue // Open the file. Open coffeeFile "coffee.dat" While NOT eof(coffeeFile) // Read a record from the file. Read coffeeFile description, quantity // If the record contains the search value, then display it. If contains(description, searchValue) Then // Display the record. Display "Description: ", description, "Quantity: ", quantity, " pounds" // Set the found flag to true. Set found = True End If End While // If the value was not found in the file, // display a message indicating so. If NOT found Then Display searchValue, " was not found." End If // Close the file. Close coffeeFile 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 50
  • 51. Flowchart – Exercise 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 51
  • 52. Example Use Case Modifying for a Record • Julie is very happy with the programs that you have designed so far. Your next job is to design a program that she can use to modify the quantity field in an existing record. • This will allow her to keep the records up to date as coffee is sold or more coffee is added to inventory. • To modify a record in a sequential file, you must create a second temporary file. You copy all of the original file’s records to the temporary file, but when you get to the record that is to be modified, you do not write its old contents to the temporary file. Instead, you write its new modified values to the temporary file. Then, you finish copying any remaining records from the original file to the temporary file. 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 52
  • 53. • The temporary file then takes the place of the original file. You delete the original file and rename the temporary file, giving it the name that the original file had on the computer’s disk. Here is the general algorithm for your program: 1. Open the original file for input and create a temporary file for output. 2. Get the description field of the record to be modified and the new value for the quantity field. 3. While not at the end of the original file: Read a record. If this record’s description field matches the description entered, then: Write the new data to the temporary file. Else write the existing record to the temporary file. 4. Close the original file and the temporary file. 5. Delete the original file. 6. Rename the temporary file, giving it the name of the original file. 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 53
  • 54. • Notice that at the end of the algorithm you delete the original file and then rename the temporary file. Most programming languages provide a way to perform these operations. In pseudocode we will use the Delete statement to delete a file on the disk. You simply provide a string containing the name of the file that you wish to delete, such as: Delete "coffee.dat“ • To change the name of a file, we will use the Rename statement. For example, Rename "temp.dat", "coffee.dat“ • indicates that we are changing the name of the file temp.dat to coffee.dat. 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 54
  • 55. Pseudocode // Variables for the fields Declare String description Declare Real quantity // A variable to hold the search value. Declare String searchValue // A variable to hold the new quantity. Declare Real newQuantity // A Flag to indicate whether the value was found. Declare Boolean found = False // Declare an input file. Declare InputFile coffeeFile // Declare an output file to copy the original file to. Declare OutputFile tempFile // Open the original file. Open coffeeFile "coffee.dat" // Open the temporary file. Open tempFile "temp.dat" // Get the value to search for. Display "Enter the coffee you wish to update." Input searchValue // Get the new quantity. Display "Enter the new quantity." Input newQuantity While NOT eof(coffeeFile) // Read a record from the file. Read coffeeFile description, quantity // Write either this record to the temporary // file, or the new record if this is the // one that is to be changed. If description == searchValue Then Write tempFile description, newQuantity Set found = True Else Write tempFile description, quantity End If End While 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 55
  • 56. // Close the original file. Close coffeeFile // Close the temporary file. Close tempFile // Delete the original file. Delete "coffee.dat" // Rename the temporary file. Rename "temp.dat", "coffee.dat" // Indicate whether the operation was successful. If found Then Display "The record was updated." Else Display searchValue, " was not found in the file." End If 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 56
  • 57. Flowchart – Exercise 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 57
  • 58. Example Use Case Deleting a Record • Your last task is to write a program that Julie can use to delete records from the coffee.dat file. Like the process of modifying a record, the process of deleting a record from a sequential access file requires that you create a second temporary file. • You copy all of the original file’s records to the temporary file, except for the record that is to be deleted. The temporary file then takes the place of the original file. • You delete the original file and rename the temporary file, giving it the name that the original file had on the computer’s disk. 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 58
  • 59. • Here is the general algorithm for your program: 1. Open the original file for input and create a temporary file for output. 2. Get the description field of the record to be deleted. 3. While not at the end of the original file: Read a record. If this record’s description field does not match the description entered, then: Write the record to the temporary file. 4. Close the original file and the temporary file. 5. Delete the original file. 6. Rename the temporary file, giving it the name of the original file. 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 59
  • 60. Pseuducodeo // Variables for the fields Declare String description Declare Real quantity // A variable to hold the search value. Declare String searchValue // Declare an input file. Declare InputFile coffeeFile // Declare an output file to copy the original file to. Declare OutputFile tempFile // Open the files. Open coffeeFile "coffee.dat" Open tempFile "temp.dat" // Get the value to search for. Display "Enter the coffee you wish to delete." Input searchValue While NOT eof(coffeeFile) // Read a record from the file. Read coffeeFile description, quantity // If this is not the record to delete, then // write it to the temporary file. If description != searchValue Then Write tempFile description, quantity End If End While // Close the two files. Close coffeeFile Close tempFile // Delete the original file. Delete "coffee.dat" // Rename the temporary file. Rename "temp.dat", "coffee.dat" Display "The file has been updated." 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 60
  • 61. Flowchart – Exercise 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 61
  • 62. Summary • A computer fi le is a collection of data stored on a non-volatile device in a computer system. Although the contents of files differ, each file occupies space on a section of a storage device, and each has a name and a specific time of creation or last modification. • When you use a data fi le in a program, you must declare it and open it; opening a fi le associates an internal program identifier with the name of a physical fi le on a storage device. When you read from a fi le, the data is copied into memory. When you write to a fi le, the data is copied from memory to a storage device. When you are done with a fi le, you close it. 18/9/2018 CSWD1001 @ Kwan Lee First City Unversity Malaysia (FCUC) 62

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