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               New Voice
                  of the
                   Insights from the
                   Global Chief Information
                   Officer Study

Travel and Transportation Executive Summary
Travel and Transportation Executive Summary                                     1

In a fast-moving business environment, how can today’s Chief Information
Officer (CIO) make the biggest impact on behalf of the entire organization?
To answer that question, we listened to over 2,500 CIOs worldwide,
including 149 Travel and Transportation CIOs representing six industry
sub-segments in 35 countries. The sub-segments include Airlines; Airports
and Terminals; Freight and Logistics; Railroad (passenger and freight);
Shipping; and Travel and Hospitality. These interviews, along with our
statistical and financial analyses, made clearer the changing demands on
CIOs. Not satisfied to be known only as consummate IT experts or
perpetual seekers of savings, CIOs are redefining their role.

The voice of the CIO is being heard in new ways as CIOs are increasingly
recognized as full-fledged members of the senior executive team.
Successful CIOs are much more actively engaged in setting strategy,
enabling flexibility and change, and solving business problems – not just IT

Within the Travel and Transportation industry, significant pressures have
affected both the top and bottom lines for every segment. These factors,
including significant economic downturns in many markets, the rising
costs of fuel, and fewer travelers for business and leisure, are just some of
the changes that have dramatically impacted all segments of the industry.
These issues in turn have influenced how the Travel and Transportation
industry as a whole innovates and interacts with customers. Overall, 65
percent of Travel and Transportation CIOs anticipate the need for
substantial change within their organization – change that will drive
smarter operations and growth within their organization. However, only 55
percent of these CIOs indicate that they have been successful in these
endeavors in the past. On top of the industry issues, differences in
opinions between the CEO and CIO as to what are the most important
actions to address further contribute to the challenges faced by today’s
Travel and Transportation CIO. To address these issues and accelerate
improvements to their business, CIOs are allocating their time much
differently than before.
2                                                             The New Voice of the CIO

    Today’s Travel and Transportation CIOs spend an impressive 56 percent of
    their time on activities that spur innovation. These efforts include
    generating buy-in for innovative plans, implementing new technologies
    and managing non-technology business issues. The remaining 44
    percent is spent on essential, more traditional CIO tasks related to
    managing the ongoing technology environment: reducing IT costs,
    mitigating enterprise risks and leveraging automation to reduce costs
    elsewhere in the business.

    CIOs universally acknowledge that some of their most important objectives
    too often seem to clash: How can we support the introduction of new
    services while avoiding the disruption of existing services? How can I
    reduce costs while improving services? How will I balance the need to
    influence business strategy with the need to provide top-notch IT support?

    The study demonstrates that successful CIOs manage and excel at the
    extremes of three seemingly contradictory pairs of roles. They go beyond
    cost-cutting and day-to-day IT management – become strong
    collaborators within the business, driving innovation, creating value and
    executing pragmatically. Interestingly, there is a lot of variability across the
    T&T segments in terms of the actions taken by CIOs to drive impact.

    Complementary, yet sometimes conflicting roles
    One CIO summed it up well: “In IT, we are not magicians, but we are
    certainly jugglers.” On any given day, CIOs are poised for the unexpected
    – leading an organization that solves myriad problems for both internal and
    external customers. Without question, IT functions represent the lifeblood
    of most businesses. CIOs told us that they can only turn more attention to
    new technology ideas after addressing current IT needs.

    After thousands of interviews, we found that successful CIOs actually
    blend three pairs of roles. These dual roles may seem contradictory, but
    they are actually complementary. To characterize each role, we have
    coined a term that describes its dominant quality. At any given time, a
    CIO is:

    • An Insightful Visionary and an Able Pragmatist
    • A Savvy Value Creator and a Relentless Cost Cutter
    • A Collaborative Business Leader and an Inspiring IT Manager.
Travel and Transportation Executive Summary                                     3

By integrating these three pairs of roles, the CIO:

Makes innovation real
It’s not enough to just plan for innovation; it requires a robust foundation.
As an Insightful Visionary, a CIO is perceptive – promoting a broad
technology agenda to help the business profit from leading-edge
initiatives. The flip side of the Visionary is the Able Pragmatist role. As a
Pragmatist, a CIO must deal with the realities of the business. The
Pragmatist also facilitates the productivity of current IT solutions to allow
more time and more budget dollars for innovation.

Raises the ROI of IT
Using IT to produce greater business value is vital, accompanied by an
ongoing focus on lowering costs and heightening efficiencies. A Savvy
Value Creator finds new ways to help customers and the organization
profit from how data is used. The Relentless Cost Cutter, its counterpart,
is focused on managing budgets and processes to eliminate or reduce

Expands business impact
To contribute the most to the organization, proven expertise in both
business and technical matters is vital. Part of the time, CIOs will engage
with the enterprise as Collaborative Business Leaders to drive new
business initiatives and cultural shifts jointly with fellow chief executives
(CxOs). At other times, the Inspiring IT Manager role occupies center stage
to motivate the IT organization and deliver superior IT performance.
4                                                          The New Voice of the CIO

    Adjusting the mix, one pair at a time
    It’s no surprise that CIOs must reconcile seemingly opposing mindsets.
    But our findings revealed ways in which they can be more effective in this
    everyday balancing act. Even some experienced CIOs acknowledged that
    they are sufficiently strong in just one or two of the six CIO roles. Still,
    every role requires at least some attention.

    The realities facing each individual influence how a CIO can and should
    manage change at any given time. Within Travel and Transportation, we
    not only looked at the group as a whole, but also analyzed data at the
    segment levels that make up this industry: Airlines; Airports and Terminals;
    Freight and Logistics; Railroad (passenger and freight); Shipping; and
    Travel and Hospitality. To simplify the terminology in this report, we
    primarily refer to CIOs who work in organizations with high PBT (profit
    before tax) growth as “High-growth CIOs” and to those working in
    organizations with low PBT growth as “Low-growth CIOs.” (see page 16,
    “How our research was conducted.”)

    Many factors impact the decisions about how much emphasis a CIO
    places on any single role, including macroeconomic and regional
    conditions, industry-specific forces and various organizational
    characteristics, as well as the CIO’s own skills and aspirations.

    Despite the multiple forces at play, our findings show that successful CIOs
    discover ways to focus on high-value projects in support of their

    In the following pages, we share with you the voices of many Travel and
    Transportation CIOs, including what they are doing to achieve three
    primary goals: to make innovation real, to raise the ROI of IT and to
    expand business impact.
Travel and Transportation Executive Summary                                                                         5

Insightful Visionary and
Able Pragmatist
The Insightful Visionary is active in setting strategy, and helps the business
explore how technology can drive innovation. The Able Pragmatist sets            “I am driving for IT to be viewed
the stage for enacting innovation. Key Visionary actions are to push              as a partner to the business, and
business/technology integration, champion innovation and expand CIO               not an internal supplier. This is
influence. Key Pragmatist actions are to enable the corporate vision, make        integral to driving additional
working together easy and concentrate on core competencies.                       value as the relationship develops.”
                                                                                  CIO, European Railroad
High-growth CIOs in the Travel and Transportation area are very involved
in the senior levels of the organization, in contrast to Low-growth CIOs.
More than 58 percent are part of the senior management team, and
approximately 90 percent report either to the CEO or to a direct report of
the CEO. In doing so, they spend a lot of time on enabling and supporting
the business vision, often by linking business and technology. Although
Travel and Transportation CIOs are allocating large portions of their time
and effort to the integration of business and technology, they have a way
to go in positioning IT as an enabler of the business vision. They report
that the rest of the organization still sees IT more as a core service
provider than a driver of innovation.
6                                                                                                              The New Voice of the CIO

                                  Figure 1    IT in T&T businesses centers mostly around core services.
                                              Despite their influence and exposure to senior management, they fail to position IT as an
                                              enabler of the business vision.

                                                             Provider of core services     28%

                                                Provider of industry-specific solutions    26%

                                                       Facilitator of process efficiency   23%

                                              Enabler of business and corporate vision     22%                          Perception

                                              On the flip side of this role, High-growth CIOs who are Able Pragmatists
                                              are using collaboration and partnering technologies to spur innovation and
                                              better position IT as an innovator.

                                   Figure 2   Collaboration and partnering are key.
                                              High-growth CIOs are Able Pragmatists, who use collaboration and leverage third-party
                                              services more often to enable the business vision.

                                              Low growth                   33%

    High-growth T&T CIOs actively use
          collaboration and partnering
       technology for innovation within       High growth
                    the IT organization                                                                                            more
                                              Low growth         22%

    High-growth T&T CIOs actively use
          collaboration and partnering
      technology for innovation across        High growth
                  the entire orgnzation                                                                                            more

                                                Are you well-versed in how emerging technologies and innova-
                                                tive processes can address uncovered business needs in your
                                                In what ways will you partner with third parties to increase the
                                                time you devote to driving innovation within the business?
                                                How can you expand the use of collaborative and communica-
                                                tion tools to widen the knowledge networks of employees and
                                                Do you measure implementation results so that business
                                                colleagues not only understand the results, but are convinced
                                                and inspired as well?
Travel and Transportation Executive Summary                                                                           7

Raising the
Savvy Value Creator and
Relentless Cost Cutter
The Savvy Value Creator devises better solutions by understanding
customers’ needs, while the Relentless Cost Cutter is vigilant about            “The business expects the ‘hygiene’
trimming expenses wherever possible. Key Value Creator actions are to            of running IT to be done. If you
make the data “sing,” reach customers in new ways, and enhance                   don’t do that properly, then there
integration and transparency. Key Cost Cutter actions are to standardize         is no point in talking about
to economize, centralize the infrastructure and keep cost reduction a top        innovation.”
priority.                                                                        CIO, Middle East Airline

It comes as no surprise that Travel and Transportation CIOs are focusing
on turning data into actionable information; in an industry where data is
critical to running the business, it is not optional to ignore this need.
High-growth CIOs are Savvy Value Creators. They are not only working on
turning data into actionable information, they also realize that customers
will expect world-class integration and transparency within a short period
of time. Although there is a gap between the CIOs’ stated focus areas and
the criteria by which they expect to be measured, they are pushing ahead
with data analytics and optimization in order to position their organizations
for the future.
8                                                                                                         The New Voice of the CIO

                             Figure 3   Data analytics and optimization are top of mind.
                                        A potential issue for the Savvy Value Creator is the gap between stated focus areas and the
                                        criteria by which CIOs are measured.

                                         Business intelligence and analytics        80%
                                                             Mobility solutions     75%

               Top innovation plans                              Virtualization     69%
                                                           SOA/Web services         69%
                                                           Self-service portals     68%

                                                            Cost effectiveness      52%
                                                             Project execution      48%

    Performance assessment criteria               New system implementation         32%
                                                      Aligning business and IT      30%
                                              Business Intelligence initiatives     1%

                                        With the significant economic impact to all Travel and Transportation
                                        segments in the last few years, cost cutting continues to be a high priority
                                        for all CIOs in T&T segments – even higher than in other industry segments.

                             Figure 4   Cost Cutters standardize and economize.
                                        Cost cutting ranks higher as a performance criteria for T&T CIOs than for CIOs from
                                        other industries.

                                        Overall                                   43%

               Cost management
                                        T&T                                                                                  +21%

                                          In what ways can you work with the business to extract the
                                          maximum financial return from the current IT portfolio?
                                          Do you actively reach out to the business to jointly capture
                                          relevant information and do you suggest new ways it can provide
                                          How can you leverage competitors’ experiences to further
                                          optimize business and IT processes?
                                          If you were your own successor, what are the top three things
                                          you would do to generate a 20 percent increase in performance
                                          from your IT investments?
Travel and Transportation Executive Summary                                                                                 9

Collaborative Business Leader and
Inspiring IT Manager
The Business Leader thoroughly understands the organization’s core
business and builds strong partnerships, internally and externally. The          “Shortage of IT personnel is
Inspiring IT Manager demonstrates personal IT expertise and advocates             chronic. . . talent that
for stronger skills across the IT organization. Key Business Leader actions       understands both IT and business
are to know the business, get involved with business peers in non-IT              is required urgently.”
projects, and present and measure IT in business terms. Key IT Manager            CIO, Asia Pacific Freight and Logistics
actions are to cultivate truly extraordinary IT talent, lead the IT forces and    company
enhance the data.

Travel and Transportation CIOs are well regarded by their management
teams, more so than in other industries. Among High-growth CIOs, not
only are they considered more collaborative, they also receive high scores
and credit for technology’s contribution to the business:
10                                                                                        The New Voice of the CIO

                 Figure 5   CIOs in the T&T industry are highly regarded.
                            T&T CIOs are well received by their management teams, more than at other industries
                            and particularly high-growth T&T companies.

                            Low growth                               53%

           Full sample      High growth                                                                       +47%
                            Low growth                                          67%

                            High growth                                                                       +37%

                            Travel and Transportation CIOs are equally well regarded by their own
                            teams, particularly in the area of fostering expertise and managing
                            technology within the organization.

                 Figure 6   Safeguarding and optimizing data is paramount.
                            T&T CIOs are Inspiring IT Managers who foster IT expertise to extract and preserve
                            critical business data.

                            Low growth
                                  18%            18%          15%            17%             17%           15%
     Allocation of time     High growth
                                     27%                   21%           14%           14%         14%       10%

                              Implementing       Creating            Managing           Ongoing          Managing     Ongoing
                              new technology     innovative plans    non-technology     technology       ongoing      technology
                              and business       and getting         business issues    cost             technology   problem solving
                              initiatives        buy-in                                 reduction        activities

                              Do you leverage business relationships throughout the enterprise
                              to expand your scope of responsibilities beyond the IT
                              How can you start an ongoing dialogue between the business
                              and IT that also drives shared objectives and measurements?
                              Are you a role model with state-of-the-art expertise in at least
                              one IT domain?
                              Do you have a flexible, comprehensive plan to enhance business
                              and technology skills throughout the IT organization?
                              Is your IT organization passionate about protecting and improv-
                              ing the quality of enterprise data?
Travel and Transportation Executive Summary                                                                                                                                        11

                     Managing dual roles in the future
                     Despite the multiple forces at play, our findings show that CIOs have
                     discovered ways to focus on what matters most to them and their                                                                      “We cannot continue our current
                     organizations.                                                                                                                        (way) by extension of our past way
                                                                                                                                                           of doing business. Alongside. we
                     CIOs in Travel and Transportation have faced significant issues during the                                                            need to be able to not just respond
                     last several years – not only the obvious economic challenges, but also                                                               to the users’ demands, but also be
                     disconnects between senior executive priorities, which exacerbate the                                                                 able to proactively give ideas to the
                     challenges CIOs face in making innovation real, raising the ROI of IT and
                     expanding business impact.                                                                                                                CIO, Asia Pacific Travel & Hospitality

                     CEOs and CIOs are aligned in terms of the need for significant business
                     model innovation over the next few years. More than 50 percent of CEOs
                     report they are planning significant changes to their business in order to
                     capitalize on global integration opportunities. Both CEOs and CIOs also
                     recognize the need to collaborate both internally and with external

Figure 7             Differences exist between CEOs and CIOs.
                     Differences between CEOs and CIOs on the importance of environment, budgets and
                     technology exacerbate the challenges.

           Percent of CEOs Reporting Factor as Change Driver

                                                               40%                                    Globalization
                                                                          Environmental               factors

                                                               20%                                                    Technological

                                                                                                                                      More important to CEOs
                                                               10%            Other                                                   More important to CIOs

                                                                     0%       10%         20%       30%         40%        50%

                                                                      Percent of CIOs Reporting Factor as Change Driver
12                                                                                                                                 The New Voice of the CIO

                                                    However, disconnects remain in several key areas. While CIOs rank
                                                    concerns around macroeconomic, technological and budgetary issues as
                                                    very high on their priority list, CEOs are focused on people skills,
                                                    globalization, regulatory concerns and environmental issues as the most
                                                    important factors impacting Travel and Transportation organizations.
                                                    Reconciling these differences in order to drive successful change for the
                                                    business remains a key challenge for the CIO.

                                                    In analyzing the data from all of the interviews and discussions we
                                                    conducted, we’ve developed profile analyses in the form of a spider
                                                    diagram to provide a visual for each of the six dimensions. As shown in
                                                    Figure 8, High-growth Travel and Transportation CIOs stretch to perform in
                                                    five of the six dimensions. High-growth CIOs focus more on being an
                                                    Insightful Visionary, Savvy Value Creator and a Collaborative Business
                                                    Leader. Low-growth CIOs focus more on the Inspiring IT manager role, but
                                                    both groups place equal importance on the Relentless Cost Cutter role.

                                      Figure 8      Disconnects remain in several key areas.
                                                    There is a large variability across sub-industries as it relates to actions taken by CIOs to a
                                                    “Very Large Extent.”

                                                    Percentage of T&T CIOs taking the action to a very large extent.
                                                    0%                                              50%                                                     100%

     Insightful      Proactively push IT as an      •	 Shipping                                                                       •	 Freight and Logistics;
     Visionary       innovation element                                                                                                  Railroads
                                                    •	 Shipping                                            •	 Airlines; Airports
                     Collect innovation ideas
                                                                                                              and Terminals

     Pragmatist      Utilize third-party business                           •	 Freight and Logistics;                               •	 Airlines
                     or IT services                                            Airports and Terminals
                     Use collaboration and                                        •	 Airports and •	 All others
                     communication tools                                             Terminals

     Value Creator   Have strong data                    •	 Airports and                                                                                    •	 Shipping
                     goverrnance model                      Terminals

                     Sell into to outside parties     •	 All segments

     Cost Cutter     Is infrastructure completely •	 Shipping                                             •	 Railroads; Freight and Logistics;
                     owned/operated?                                                                         Airports and Terminals
                                                        •	 Airports and                                  •	 Shipping
                     Will processes be stand/
                     low cost

     Collaborative   What score would the                                                                 •	 All segments
     Leader          entire senior team give
                     tech for its contribution to
                     the business?

                     Data available for relevant                                           •	 Airlines                                                       •	 Shipping
     Inspiring IT
     Manager         end-users?
                     Proactively craft data into    •	 Shipping                                       •	 Freight and
                     actionable information?                                                             Logistics
Travel and Transportation Executive Summary                                   13

While High-growth Travel and Transportation CIOs do a good job in
stretching across all six roles, CIOs in the segments are taking varied
approaches in support of their roles and goals, and have different opinions
on the best approach to achieve their objectives. Some examples of these
differences include:

• Shipping is the only segment of T&T that does not see IT in the role of
  innovator. The rest of the T&T sub-industry CIOs report upward of 70
  percent that they push IT as an Innovation Element.
• Freight & Logistics, Airport & Terminals and Railroad CIOs strongly
  believe in a centralized infrastructure, in contrast to Airline CIOs, who
  strongly favor outsourcing their IT infrastructure.
• More than 75 percent of Shipping, Airline, and Travel & Hospitality CIOs
  utilize third-party services, but more than 40 percent of Railroad CIOs
  use no such services at all.
• More than 75 percent of Travel & Hospitality, Freight & Logistics, and
  Airline CIOs use collaboration and communication tools, but 50 percent
  of Airport & Terminal and Shipping CIOs report no use of these tools.
• Shipping CIOs report that strong Data Governance Models are in place.
  A large number (between 21 percent and 45 percent) of CIOs from the
  rest of the sub-industries indicate a complete lack of such models.

All segments agree that technology makes a strong contribution to the
business, and on the importance of converting data into actionable
information. The challenge for Travel and Transportation CIOs is how to
become a driver of change and innovation within their organization.
14                                                                        The New Voice of the CIO

     Figure 9 Obvious gaps exist between High-growth and Low-growth CIOs.
              High-Growth T&T CIOs stretch more to perform in five of the six dimensions, when
              compared to Low-Growth CIOs


                    Inspiring IT                  5                        Savvy Value
                      Manager                                              Creator

                    Relentless                                             Collaborative
                   Cost Cutter                                             Business Leader

                                               Pragmatist                                Low-growth

              What Travel and Transportation
              CIOs are doing
              CIOs within each segment are focusing on the activities most important to
              them, and in parallel report that substantive change to the IT organization
              – and the enterprise – is needed. In order to successfully make these
              changes, Travel and Transportation CIOs will need to partner more closely
              with the business in order to drive transformation that can truly make a
              Over time, we expect CIOs to regularly assess how much emphasis is
              appropriate on each of the three pairs of roles. Our profiles offer CIOs a
              more structured approach to identify where they want to increase their
              focus and how to do it. Whichever role you choose to emphasize, we look
              forward to working with you.
Travel and Transportation Executive Summary                                    15

Figure 10 Innovation has various aspects.
          T&T CIOs have developed ambitious plans to enable their companies’ innovation

                   Business intelligence and analytics    80%

                                    Mobility solutions    75%

                                   SOA/Web services       69%

                                         Virtualization   69%

                                  Self-service portals    68%

                  Customer and partner collaboration      66%

                   Risk management and compliance         65%

                        Technology-driven innovation      60%

                             Unified communications       57%

                      Business process management         57%

                           Application harmonization      57%

                                    Flexible sourcing     53%

                  Collaboration and social networking     50%

                    Service management frameworks         49%

                                             Green IT     46%

           Enterprisewide human capital development       43%

                              Web 2.0 and mash ups        39%

                Cloud computing/software as service       36%
                                                Other     11%

           For further information, please send an e-mail to the IBM Institute for
           Business Value at To download the complete IBM
           Global Chief Information Officer Study, visit our Web site:
16                                                          The New Voice of the CIO

     How our research was conducted
     This report is the inaugural edition of our IBM Chief Information Officer
     (CIO) study – the latest in the ongoing C-Suite Study Series developed by
     the IBM Institute for Business Value. To better understand the challenges
     and goals of today’s CIOs, we met face-to-face with 2,598 of them, in
     what is the largest known sample of these executives. Between January
     and April 2009, we interviewed these CIOs, who represent different sizes
     of organizations in 78 countries and 19 industries.1

     Our analysis used 2004-2007 profit before tax (PBT) growth, relative to
     peers in their industries, to associate organizations with one of three
     growth levels: High, Medium or Low. For organizations where this
     information was not available, we used statistical correlation to assign
     levels, based on closest overall similarity of answers.

     About the IBM Institute for
     Business Value
     The IBM Institute for Business Value, part of IBM Global Business
     Services, develops fact-based strategic insights for senior business
     executives around critical industry-specific and cross-industry issues.
     Browse through our research library at

     Charles Vincent, Vice President & Partner, Distribution & Industrial Sector
     Leader and Travel & Transportation Industry Leader, Growth Markets
     Eric Conrad, Vice President & Partner, Travel & Transportation Global
     Industry Leader
     Salima Lin, Associate Partner, Global Strategy and Market Development
     Special thanks to Yuri Karadjov for his contributions and support.
Travel and Transportation Executive Summary                                                              17

Notes and Sources
1 CIOs we interviewed in the following countries were counted in the Growth Markets category:
  Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Brazil, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech
  Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Gabon, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Hong Kong, Hungary, India,
  Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines,
  Poland, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovenia, Slovakia, South Africa,
  Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela and Vietnam. The Western Europe
  category includes CIOs from: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
  Ireland, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden,
  Switzerland, and United Kingdom. The North America category consists of CIOs from:
  Bahamas, Canada, Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Trinidad/Tobago and the United States.

  Our CIO respondents represented 19 industries. The Communications sector includes: media
  and entertainment; telecommunications; and energy and utilities. The Distribution sector
  includes: agriculture; airlines; consumer products and wholesale; food, beverages and tobacco;
  life sciences and pharmaceuticals; mail, package and freight delivery; professional services;
  railroads; real estate; retail; transportation and logistics; and travel and tourism. The Industrial
  sector includes: aerospace and defense; automotive; chemicals and petroleum; computers
  and office equipment; electronics; energy (production and refining); engineering and machinery;
  forest and paper products; industrial products; and network and other communications
  equipment. The Financial Services sector includes: banking; financial markets; and insurance.
  The Public sector includes: education; government and public service; and healthcare payers
  and providers.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2010

  IBM Global Business Services
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  Produced in the United States of America
  April 2010
  All Rights Reserved

  IBM, the IBM logo and are trademarks or registered
  trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in
  the United States, other countries, or both. If these and other IBM
  trademarked terms are marked on their first occurrence in this
  information with a trademark symbol (® or ™), these symbols
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  References in this publication to IBM products and services do not
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  which IBM operates.


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The New Voice of the CIO: Travel, Transportation and the CIO Role

  • 1. The New Voice of the CIO Insights from the Global Chief Information Officer Study Travel and Transportation Executive Summary
  • 2.
  • 3. Travel and Transportation Executive Summary 1 Introduction In a fast-moving business environment, how can today’s Chief Information Officer (CIO) make the biggest impact on behalf of the entire organization? To answer that question, we listened to over 2,500 CIOs worldwide, including 149 Travel and Transportation CIOs representing six industry sub-segments in 35 countries. The sub-segments include Airlines; Airports and Terminals; Freight and Logistics; Railroad (passenger and freight); Shipping; and Travel and Hospitality. These interviews, along with our statistical and financial analyses, made clearer the changing demands on CIOs. Not satisfied to be known only as consummate IT experts or perpetual seekers of savings, CIOs are redefining their role. The voice of the CIO is being heard in new ways as CIOs are increasingly recognized as full-fledged members of the senior executive team. Successful CIOs are much more actively engaged in setting strategy, enabling flexibility and change, and solving business problems – not just IT problems. Within the Travel and Transportation industry, significant pressures have affected both the top and bottom lines for every segment. These factors, including significant economic downturns in many markets, the rising costs of fuel, and fewer travelers for business and leisure, are just some of the changes that have dramatically impacted all segments of the industry. These issues in turn have influenced how the Travel and Transportation industry as a whole innovates and interacts with customers. Overall, 65 percent of Travel and Transportation CIOs anticipate the need for substantial change within their organization – change that will drive smarter operations and growth within their organization. However, only 55 percent of these CIOs indicate that they have been successful in these endeavors in the past. On top of the industry issues, differences in opinions between the CEO and CIO as to what are the most important actions to address further contribute to the challenges faced by today’s Travel and Transportation CIO. To address these issues and accelerate improvements to their business, CIOs are allocating their time much differently than before.
  • 4. 2 The New Voice of the CIO Today’s Travel and Transportation CIOs spend an impressive 56 percent of their time on activities that spur innovation. These efforts include generating buy-in for innovative plans, implementing new technologies and managing non-technology business issues. The remaining 44 percent is spent on essential, more traditional CIO tasks related to managing the ongoing technology environment: reducing IT costs, mitigating enterprise risks and leveraging automation to reduce costs elsewhere in the business. CIOs universally acknowledge that some of their most important objectives too often seem to clash: How can we support the introduction of new services while avoiding the disruption of existing services? How can I reduce costs while improving services? How will I balance the need to influence business strategy with the need to provide top-notch IT support? The study demonstrates that successful CIOs manage and excel at the extremes of three seemingly contradictory pairs of roles. They go beyond cost-cutting and day-to-day IT management – become strong collaborators within the business, driving innovation, creating value and executing pragmatically. Interestingly, there is a lot of variability across the T&T segments in terms of the actions taken by CIOs to drive impact. Complementary, yet sometimes conflicting roles One CIO summed it up well: “In IT, we are not magicians, but we are certainly jugglers.” On any given day, CIOs are poised for the unexpected – leading an organization that solves myriad problems for both internal and external customers. Without question, IT functions represent the lifeblood of most businesses. CIOs told us that they can only turn more attention to new technology ideas after addressing current IT needs. After thousands of interviews, we found that successful CIOs actually blend three pairs of roles. These dual roles may seem contradictory, but they are actually complementary. To characterize each role, we have coined a term that describes its dominant quality. At any given time, a CIO is: • An Insightful Visionary and an Able Pragmatist • A Savvy Value Creator and a Relentless Cost Cutter • A Collaborative Business Leader and an Inspiring IT Manager.
  • 5. Travel and Transportation Executive Summary 3 By integrating these three pairs of roles, the CIO: Makes innovation real It’s not enough to just plan for innovation; it requires a robust foundation. As an Insightful Visionary, a CIO is perceptive – promoting a broad technology agenda to help the business profit from leading-edge initiatives. The flip side of the Visionary is the Able Pragmatist role. As a Pragmatist, a CIO must deal with the realities of the business. The Pragmatist also facilitates the productivity of current IT solutions to allow more time and more budget dollars for innovation. Raises the ROI of IT Using IT to produce greater business value is vital, accompanied by an ongoing focus on lowering costs and heightening efficiencies. A Savvy Value Creator finds new ways to help customers and the organization profit from how data is used. The Relentless Cost Cutter, its counterpart, is focused on managing budgets and processes to eliminate or reduce costs. Expands business impact To contribute the most to the organization, proven expertise in both business and technical matters is vital. Part of the time, CIOs will engage with the enterprise as Collaborative Business Leaders to drive new business initiatives and cultural shifts jointly with fellow chief executives (CxOs). At other times, the Inspiring IT Manager role occupies center stage to motivate the IT organization and deliver superior IT performance.
  • 6. 4 The New Voice of the CIO Adjusting the mix, one pair at a time It’s no surprise that CIOs must reconcile seemingly opposing mindsets. But our findings revealed ways in which they can be more effective in this everyday balancing act. Even some experienced CIOs acknowledged that they are sufficiently strong in just one or two of the six CIO roles. Still, every role requires at least some attention. The realities facing each individual influence how a CIO can and should manage change at any given time. Within Travel and Transportation, we not only looked at the group as a whole, but also analyzed data at the segment levels that make up this industry: Airlines; Airports and Terminals; Freight and Logistics; Railroad (passenger and freight); Shipping; and Travel and Hospitality. To simplify the terminology in this report, we primarily refer to CIOs who work in organizations with high PBT (profit before tax) growth as “High-growth CIOs” and to those working in organizations with low PBT growth as “Low-growth CIOs.” (see page 16, “How our research was conducted.”) Many factors impact the decisions about how much emphasis a CIO places on any single role, including macroeconomic and regional conditions, industry-specific forces and various organizational characteristics, as well as the CIO’s own skills and aspirations. Despite the multiple forces at play, our findings show that successful CIOs discover ways to focus on high-value projects in support of their organizations. In the following pages, we share with you the voices of many Travel and Transportation CIOs, including what they are doing to achieve three primary goals: to make innovation real, to raise the ROI of IT and to expand business impact.
  • 7. Travel and Transportation Executive Summary 5 Making innovation real Insightful Visionary and Able Pragmatist The Insightful Visionary is active in setting strategy, and helps the business explore how technology can drive innovation. The Able Pragmatist sets “I am driving for IT to be viewed the stage for enacting innovation. Key Visionary actions are to push as a partner to the business, and business/technology integration, champion innovation and expand CIO not an internal supplier. This is influence. Key Pragmatist actions are to enable the corporate vision, make integral to driving additional working together easy and concentrate on core competencies. value as the relationship develops.” CIO, European Railroad High-growth CIOs in the Travel and Transportation area are very involved in the senior levels of the organization, in contrast to Low-growth CIOs. More than 58 percent are part of the senior management team, and approximately 90 percent report either to the CEO or to a direct report of the CEO. In doing so, they spend a lot of time on enabling and supporting the business vision, often by linking business and technology. Although Travel and Transportation CIOs are allocating large portions of their time and effort to the integration of business and technology, they have a way to go in positioning IT as an enabler of the business vision. They report that the rest of the organization still sees IT more as a core service provider than a driver of innovation.
  • 8. 6 The New Voice of the CIO Figure 1 IT in T&T businesses centers mostly around core services. Despite their influence and exposure to senior management, they fail to position IT as an enabler of the business vision. Provider of core services 28% Provider of industry-specific solutions 26% Facilitator of process efficiency 23% Enabler of business and corporate vision 22% Perception gap On the flip side of this role, High-growth CIOs who are Able Pragmatists are using collaboration and partnering technologies to spur innovation and better position IT as an innovator. Figure 2 Collaboration and partnering are key. High-growth CIOs are Able Pragmatists, who use collaboration and leverage third-party services more often to enable the business vision. Low growth 33% +109% High-growth T&T CIOs actively use collaboration and partnering technology for innovation within High growth the IT organization more 69% Low growth 22% +68% High-growth T&T CIOs actively use collaboration and partnering technology for innovation across High growth the entire orgnzation more 37% Are you well-versed in how emerging technologies and innova- tive processes can address uncovered business needs in your industry? In what ways will you partner with third parties to increase the time you devote to driving innovation within the business? How can you expand the use of collaborative and communica- tion tools to widen the knowledge networks of employees and partners? Do you measure implementation results so that business colleagues not only understand the results, but are convinced and inspired as well?
  • 9. Travel and Transportation Executive Summary 7 Raising the ROI of IT Savvy Value Creator and Relentless Cost Cutter The Savvy Value Creator devises better solutions by understanding customers’ needs, while the Relentless Cost Cutter is vigilant about “The business expects the ‘hygiene’ trimming expenses wherever possible. Key Value Creator actions are to of running IT to be done. If you make the data “sing,” reach customers in new ways, and enhance don’t do that properly, then there integration and transparency. Key Cost Cutter actions are to standardize is no point in talking about to economize, centralize the infrastructure and keep cost reduction a top innovation.” priority. CIO, Middle East Airline It comes as no surprise that Travel and Transportation CIOs are focusing on turning data into actionable information; in an industry where data is critical to running the business, it is not optional to ignore this need. High-growth CIOs are Savvy Value Creators. They are not only working on turning data into actionable information, they also realize that customers will expect world-class integration and transparency within a short period of time. Although there is a gap between the CIOs’ stated focus areas and the criteria by which they expect to be measured, they are pushing ahead with data analytics and optimization in order to position their organizations for the future.
  • 10. 8 The New Voice of the CIO Figure 3 Data analytics and optimization are top of mind. A potential issue for the Savvy Value Creator is the gap between stated focus areas and the criteria by which CIOs are measured. Business intelligence and analytics 80% Mobility solutions 75% Top innovation plans Virtualization 69% SOA/Web services 69% Self-service portals 68% Cost effectiveness 52% Project execution 48% Performance assessment criteria New system implementation 32% Aligning business and IT 30% Business Intelligence initiatives 1% With the significant economic impact to all Travel and Transportation segments in the last few years, cost cutting continues to be a high priority for all CIOs in T&T segments – even higher than in other industry segments. Figure 4 Cost Cutters standardize and economize. Cost cutting ranks higher as a performance criteria for T&T CIOs than for CIOs from other industries. Overall 43% Cost management T&T +21% more 52% In what ways can you work with the business to extract the maximum financial return from the current IT portfolio? Do you actively reach out to the business to jointly capture relevant information and do you suggest new ways it can provide value? How can you leverage competitors’ experiences to further optimize business and IT processes? If you were your own successor, what are the top three things you would do to generate a 20 percent increase in performance from your IT investments?
  • 11. Travel and Transportation Executive Summary 9 Expanding business impact Collaborative Business Leader and Inspiring IT Manager The Business Leader thoroughly understands the organization’s core business and builds strong partnerships, internally and externally. The “Shortage of IT personnel is Inspiring IT Manager demonstrates personal IT expertise and advocates chronic. . . talent that for stronger skills across the IT organization. Key Business Leader actions understands both IT and business are to know the business, get involved with business peers in non-IT is required urgently.” projects, and present and measure IT in business terms. Key IT Manager CIO, Asia Pacific Freight and Logistics actions are to cultivate truly extraordinary IT talent, lead the IT forces and company enhance the data. Travel and Transportation CIOs are well regarded by their management teams, more so than in other industries. Among High-growth CIOs, not only are they considered more collaborative, they also receive high scores and credit for technology’s contribution to the business:
  • 12. 10 The New Voice of the CIO Figure 5 CIOs in the T&T industry are highly regarded. T&T CIOs are well received by their management teams, more than at other industries and particularly high-growth T&T companies. Low growth 53% Full sample High growth +47% more 78% Low growth 67% T&T High growth +37% more 92% Travel and Transportation CIOs are equally well regarded by their own teams, particularly in the area of fostering expertise and managing technology within the organization. Figure 6 Safeguarding and optimizing data is paramount. T&T CIOs are Inspiring IT Managers who foster IT expertise to extract and preserve critical business data. Low growth 18% 18% 15% 17% 17% 15% Allocation of time High growth 27% 21% 14% 14% 14% 10% Implementing Creating Managing Ongoing Managing Ongoing new technology innovative plans non-technology technology ongoing technology and business and getting business issues cost technology problem solving initiatives buy-in reduction activities Do you leverage business relationships throughout the enterprise to expand your scope of responsibilities beyond the IT organization? How can you start an ongoing dialogue between the business and IT that also drives shared objectives and measurements? Are you a role model with state-of-the-art expertise in at least one IT domain? Do you have a flexible, comprehensive plan to enhance business and technology skills throughout the IT organization? Is your IT organization passionate about protecting and improv- ing the quality of enterprise data?
  • 13. Travel and Transportation Executive Summary 11 Managing dual roles in the future Despite the multiple forces at play, our findings show that CIOs have discovered ways to focus on what matters most to them and their “We cannot continue our current organizations. (way) by extension of our past way of doing business. Alongside. we CIOs in Travel and Transportation have faced significant issues during the need to be able to not just respond last several years – not only the obvious economic challenges, but also to the users’ demands, but also be disconnects between senior executive priorities, which exacerbate the able to proactively give ideas to the challenges CIOs face in making innovation real, raising the ROI of IT and business.” expanding business impact. CIO, Asia Pacific Travel & Hospitality Company CEOs and CIOs are aligned in terms of the need for significant business model innovation over the next few years. More than 50 percent of CEOs report they are planning significant changes to their business in order to capitalize on global integration opportunities. Both CEOs and CIOs also recognize the need to collaborate both internally and with external partners. Figure 7 Differences exist between CEOs and CIOs. Differences between CEOs and CIOs on the importance of environment, budgets and technology exacerbate the challenges. 50% Percent of CEOs Reporting Factor as Change Driver People skills 40% Globalization Environmental factors issues Regulatory 30% concerns Macroeconomic factors 20% Technological factors More important to CEOs 10% Other More important to CIOs Budgets 0% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Percent of CIOs Reporting Factor as Change Driver
  • 14. 12 The New Voice of the CIO However, disconnects remain in several key areas. While CIOs rank concerns around macroeconomic, technological and budgetary issues as very high on their priority list, CEOs are focused on people skills, globalization, regulatory concerns and environmental issues as the most important factors impacting Travel and Transportation organizations. Reconciling these differences in order to drive successful change for the business remains a key challenge for the CIO. In analyzing the data from all of the interviews and discussions we conducted, we’ve developed profile analyses in the form of a spider diagram to provide a visual for each of the six dimensions. As shown in Figure 8, High-growth Travel and Transportation CIOs stretch to perform in five of the six dimensions. High-growth CIOs focus more on being an Insightful Visionary, Savvy Value Creator and a Collaborative Business Leader. Low-growth CIOs focus more on the Inspiring IT manager role, but both groups place equal importance on the Relentless Cost Cutter role. Figure 8 Disconnects remain in several key areas. There is a large variability across sub-industries as it relates to actions taken by CIOs to a “Very Large Extent.” Percentage of T&T CIOs taking the action to a very large extent. 0% 50% 100% Insightful Proactively push IT as an • Shipping • Freight and Logistics; Visionary innovation element Railroads • Shipping • Airlines; Airports Collect innovation ideas and Terminals Pragmatist Utilize third-party business • Freight and Logistics; • Airlines or IT services Airports and Terminals Use collaboration and • Airports and • All others communication tools Terminals Value Creator Have strong data • Airports and • Shipping goverrnance model Terminals Sell into to outside parties • All segments Cost Cutter Is infrastructure completely • Shipping • Railroads; Freight and Logistics; owned/operated? Airports and Terminals • Airports and • Shipping Will processes be stand/ Terminals low cost Collaborative What score would the • All segments Leader entire senior team give tech for its contribution to the business? Data available for relevant • Airlines • Shipping Inspiring IT Manager end-users? Proactively craft data into • Shipping • Freight and actionable information? Logistics
  • 15. Travel and Transportation Executive Summary 13 While High-growth Travel and Transportation CIOs do a good job in stretching across all six roles, CIOs in the segments are taking varied approaches in support of their roles and goals, and have different opinions on the best approach to achieve their objectives. Some examples of these differences include: • Shipping is the only segment of T&T that does not see IT in the role of innovator. The rest of the T&T sub-industry CIOs report upward of 70 percent that they push IT as an Innovation Element. • Freight & Logistics, Airport & Terminals and Railroad CIOs strongly believe in a centralized infrastructure, in contrast to Airline CIOs, who strongly favor outsourcing their IT infrastructure. • More than 75 percent of Shipping, Airline, and Travel & Hospitality CIOs utilize third-party services, but more than 40 percent of Railroad CIOs use no such services at all. • More than 75 percent of Travel & Hospitality, Freight & Logistics, and Airline CIOs use collaboration and communication tools, but 50 percent of Airport & Terminal and Shipping CIOs report no use of these tools. • Shipping CIOs report that strong Data Governance Models are in place. A large number (between 21 percent and 45 percent) of CIOs from the rest of the sub-industries indicate a complete lack of such models. All segments agree that technology makes a strong contribution to the business, and on the importance of converting data into actionable information. The challenge for Travel and Transportation CIOs is how to become a driver of change and innovation within their organization.
  • 16. 14 The New Voice of the CIO Figure 9 Obvious gaps exist between High-growth and Low-growth CIOs. High-Growth T&T CIOs stretch more to perform in five of the six dimensions, when compared to Low-Growth CIOs Insightful Visionary 8 7 6 Inspiring IT 5 Savvy Value Manager Creator 4 3 2 1 Relentless Collaborative Cost Cutter Business Leader High-growth Low-growth Able Pragmatist Low-growth What Travel and Transportation CIOs are doing CIOs within each segment are focusing on the activities most important to them, and in parallel report that substantive change to the IT organization – and the enterprise – is needed. In order to successfully make these changes, Travel and Transportation CIOs will need to partner more closely with the business in order to drive transformation that can truly make a difference Over time, we expect CIOs to regularly assess how much emphasis is appropriate on each of the three pairs of roles. Our profiles offer CIOs a more structured approach to identify where they want to increase their focus and how to do it. Whichever role you choose to emphasize, we look forward to working with you.
  • 17. Travel and Transportation Executive Summary 15 Figure 10 Innovation has various aspects. T&T CIOs have developed ambitious plans to enable their companies’ innovation agendas. Business intelligence and analytics 80% Mobility solutions 75% SOA/Web services 69% Virtualization 69% Self-service portals 68% Customer and partner collaboration 66% Risk management and compliance 65% Technology-driven innovation 60% Unified communications 57% Business process management 57% Application harmonization 57% Flexible sourcing 53% Collaboration and social networking 50% Service management frameworks 49% Green IT 46% Enterprisewide human capital development 43% Web 2.0 and mash ups 39% Cloud computing/software as service 36% Other 11% For further information, please send an e-mail to the IBM Institute for Business Value at To download the complete IBM Global Chief Information Officer Study, visit our Web site: voiceofthecio
  • 18. 16 The New Voice of the CIO How our research was conducted This report is the inaugural edition of our IBM Chief Information Officer (CIO) study – the latest in the ongoing C-Suite Study Series developed by the IBM Institute for Business Value. To better understand the challenges and goals of today’s CIOs, we met face-to-face with 2,598 of them, in what is the largest known sample of these executives. Between January and April 2009, we interviewed these CIOs, who represent different sizes of organizations in 78 countries and 19 industries.1 Our analysis used 2004-2007 profit before tax (PBT) growth, relative to peers in their industries, to associate organizations with one of three growth levels: High, Medium or Low. For organizations where this information was not available, we used statistical correlation to assign levels, based on closest overall similarity of answers. About the IBM Institute for Business Value The IBM Institute for Business Value, part of IBM Global Business Services, develops fact-based strategic insights for senior business executives around critical industry-specific and cross-industry issues. Browse through our research library at Acknowledgements Charles Vincent, Vice President & Partner, Distribution & Industrial Sector Leader and Travel & Transportation Industry Leader, Growth Markets Eric Conrad, Vice President & Partner, Travel & Transportation Global Industry Leader Salima Lin, Associate Partner, Global Strategy and Market Development Special thanks to Yuri Karadjov for his contributions and support.
  • 19. Travel and Transportation Executive Summary 17 Notes and Sources 1 CIOs we interviewed in the following countries were counted in the Growth Markets category: Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Brazil, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Gabon, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovenia, Slovakia, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela and Vietnam. The Western Europe category includes CIOs from: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom. The North America category consists of CIOs from: Bahamas, Canada, Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Trinidad/Tobago and the United States. Our CIO respondents represented 19 industries. The Communications sector includes: media and entertainment; telecommunications; and energy and utilities. The Distribution sector includes: agriculture; airlines; consumer products and wholesale; food, beverages and tobacco; life sciences and pharmaceuticals; mail, package and freight delivery; professional services; railroads; real estate; retail; transportation and logistics; and travel and tourism. The Industrial sector includes: aerospace and defense; automotive; chemicals and petroleum; computers and office equipment; electronics; energy (production and refining); engineering and machinery; forest and paper products; industrial products; and network and other communications equipment. The Financial Services sector includes: banking; financial markets; and insurance. The Public sector includes: education; government and public service; and healthcare payers and providers.
  • 20. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2010 IBM Global Business Services Route 100 Somers, NY 10589 U.S.A. Produced in the United States of America April 2010 All Rights Reserved IBM, the IBM logo and are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. If these and other IBM trademarked terms are marked on their first occurrence in this information with a trademark symbol (® or ™), these symbols indicate U.S. registered or common law trademarks owned by IBM at the time this information was published. Such trademarks may also be registered or common law trademarks in other countries. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at “Copyright and trademark information” at Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. References in this publication to IBM products and services do not imply that IBM intends to make them available in all countries in which IBM operates. CIE03068-USEN-00