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An Architect As A Future Career
I am most interested in being an Architect as a future career. An Architect plan and design houses,
factories and any other structures. This kind of matches my career workstyles because my
number one work style was investigative and this somewhat matches it because I guess this job
could involve some of that because all the new stuff you learn from it but it 's more of a creative
job, which was my second highest one. It's more of a creative job because you 're building things
and drawing and you need to be very creative to do that (which I am) and you need to be creative
because this job requires a lot of thinking. When you build the models you need to think about all
kinds of things like is it safe, is it built right and many more questions you will need to constantly
ask yourself. I want to be an Architect because I always wanted to design my own house. I wanted to
be an Architect for a while now. I have always liked building and designing things and just being
able to see the finished process, so this is why I want to be an Architect. An Architect helps designs
houses for people or for a business. He does this by using a computer program, doing it on paper or
making a 3D model of the house. I would enjoy this job because I like to draw and use a computer
and I like to help build things. This relates to my work behavior style because I will be getting paid
good and I don 't have designated hours to work on it, I would just need to have it done before a
certain time.
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My Philosophy Of Teaching And Learning
My Philosophy of Teaching and Learning
In regard to how I teach, I want students to discover facts, not just learn them by rote. Information
Systems is an ideal field for such a teaching strategy. I live by the quote, "All things are common
sense if taught well." I think in my subject this is especially true. I work to be successful at
teaching students how to discover information, they will have a more effective way of absorbing
the background data and looking at new information when it is presented. I find ways to simplify
difficult material in a manner that is usable and easy to remember.
I believe that students can be excited about learning. I like to bring in examples of how the
information that they are learning can play a part in the students' lives. I want to get my students
more involved in the teaching and learning process. I feel that there will always be a benefit to
learning how to teach. Therefore, I intend to give students more opportunities to teach their fellow
students the information that they are learning in my classes. Currently, I have been able to provide
teaching opportunities in budgeting and finances at a local high school and a local middle school.
I feel it is important to understand the skill or knowledge level that the students are bringing into the
classroom. Due to my interest in utilizing current best practices I stay in contact with professionals
in the field to ensure what is taught is important. I believe it is important for
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Reflection Paper
When trust is threatened, learn the lesson Learning something new is something to strive for.
However, are all the lessons we learn good ones? After all, there are two sides to every coin. A lot
of the times it is easy to find the bad lessons learned but what about the good? Well, that takes a
lot more thought. Ironically these were the thoughts running through my head that day, that
dreadful day which is permanently burned into the back of my mind. It had all started well, I
rode the bus to school, and went to my classes, it was similar any other day. There was one thing
though, it was game day, my favorite kind of day. My team had not lost a game yet. As the last
period bell rang we all clattered to the locker room with anticipation. We had maybe half an hour
before warm–ups started and there we all sat, in the forest green locker room, eating snack and
goofing off. We were only eighth graders after all. As usual, when it was time to put on our shoes,
socks, and knee pads on, I sat in one of the lockers one the second row, using the concrete slab we
all considered a bench to balance. That was when it all started, one of the girls challenged me to
see if I could fit completely in to the locker, being the "not very trusting" person I am, I didn't
accept this challenge until two girls had already done it and my competitive nature overpowered my
caution. Finally, I started wiggling back into the locker pulling one leg up at a time until those cold
green walls completely
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Short Story
An hour later, his leather jacket and helmet stowed with his motorbike, Phenix dropped from the
twenty–foot high rammed earth wall of the temple where Kalyssandra and the monks lived,
landing like a sleek shadow on the ground. He crouched low, using the heavy shrubs as cover to
scan the temple perched precariously close to the natural ridgeline of the peak. There was no need
for the security of a wall to cover the rear, as an intruder would need a mode of flight to gain
entrance. As for mortals, the elements and an unequivocal death resulting from a plunge to the
jagged ravines below acted as a good deterrent. Even in the soft sable lighting, he could see the
garden was a magnificent recreation and miniaturization of the larger more content...
Past a lotus pond ringed with weeping willows, the leaves within kissing breath of the inky
waters. He crossed an arched covered bridge spanning the pond to the far side of which stood a
pavilion. In the shadows of one of several crimson stone columns holding the heavy wood and stone
roof aloft, he listened and adopting the stealth of a hunting cat, he slipped through a pair of
red–lacquered lattice doors. A tall dark spirit screen used to deflect ghosts and unwanted spirits
from entering the room faced him. Phenix angled his head, first checked left then right before
walking toward the end of the screen to peer into the interior of the large room, lit within from the
soft yellow glow of a row of candles sitting in small bronze dishes atop a stone altar overlooked by
a statue of Buddha. With the certainty of knowing he was not alone, Phenix crossed the black
flagstones to pause beside one of the many red lacquered wood columns dotted throughout the
room. "I know you are there," he said to a deep shadowed corner, using the principal dialect of the
region. A resigned sigh floated out of the darkness followed by the soft susurration of cloth
moving. "I congratulate you on your stealth, stranger," a soft tenor voice answered. From out
behind the shelter of the altar, a tall figure cloaked in darkness stepped. "However, you insult our
hospitality by not entering through the front door of our home; therefore I offer no apologies for the
welcome." "It is not your
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I was a 17 year old, simple guy with a body neither strong or fast just your average with normal
problems an normal School life , but a natural event change everything an when I mean natural it
means that was cause by the burst of a black hole that take the Lives of all in earth but the strangest
thing is it doesn't go to heaven nor hell, even reincarnation dint haven also there wasn't a soul only
the consciousness stay.
At first I didn't think too much about this or stay depressed because the world explode you can tell
that this world was beautiful but our self always wake things more complicated.
wars, rape, kills revenge, etc....was thank to us, and if you are thinking that I am religious, I am not.
nor did more content...
while Gabriel was wrecking his brains Samuel was butting effort in his divine senses because he has
sense a shred of energy that wasn't from them.
(I think that they know now about this situation, because it seems that they are observing us but
they are more far away from us)Samuel said to Gabriel while looking to the endless void of space
like he was seeing a painting white a precision that would make everyone thing in their mind "ARE
("sigh".......then so there is no remedy )said while putting his finger in his in the of his forehead
while trying to relax himself from what is going to come.
while Gabriel was trying to relax while cursing to does mortal soul for being so weak, Samuel but
his hand in one of the shoulders of Gabriel while saying to Gabriel.
(Go?)said Samuel with a complicated face .
(yep)said Gabriel without turning his face back.
At the same time they finish, a light that would make everyone on blind by seeing this envelope
them and like they were never there vanish. at the same time the other party of scout from the
demons vanish as well but this time instead of an intense light they were swallow by a portal that
was so dark that would make the voids darkness see as a
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The Great Depression is remembered as one of the all time lows for economic and financial growth
in American history. Companies were unprepared for the economic turmoil that erupted on October
29, 1929 (Buronio, 2012). In order to never repeat the same economic turmoil in the 20th century,
companies must constantly be aware of the fault lines that could lead to failure. In some cases,
companies must reinvent themselves if they want to survive over a long period of time (Bertolini,
Duncan, Waldeck, 2015).
An article called ", Knowing When To Reinvent," was composed by three company leaders, one
being a CEO, to inform other company leaders about potential fault lines that have caused many
companies to have downfalls. However, to prevent economic downfalls, the authors compiled a list
of the downfalls and how to avoid them. Many companies have taken what seemed to be drastic
measures to be successful in a changing marketplace. The thesis outlines the five fault lines within
the article which are: customer needs, performance metrics, industry position, business model, and
talent and capabilities (Bertolini et al., 2015).
Several key points are presented in the article for how companies can be successful. The first, is that
companies must be innovative and be willing "to change their core products or business models"
(Bertolini et al., 2015, p. 90) to keep up with the change in the marketplace. This may require that
they rebrand their product, or change their business
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When I Respect Research Paper
Over the latter parts of my 18–years of existence I have gotten pretty good at people watching.
Therefore, I have become prone to know who I respect and those I don't. The way one speaks,
acts, and obeys has a strong influence on how they will be first viewed. First impressions are very
important and if one is saying mean things, lashing out, or disrespecting my view of said person
will more than likely be negative. Overall, respect is a characteristic that is not simply received
but gained. Growing up my parents taught me to look at people and see their hearts, not the
clothes they are wearing or the shoes on their feet. This trait hasn't always been easy to come by
and by no means is it natural. Upon first glance of an individual with a scouring look on their face,
anyone would not think highly of them, at least I don't. For all I know they could just be having a
rough day or perhaps received bad news but I don't think about that until after my wrongful
judgement has been more content...
I tend to watch the actions of people I pass by and can't help but notice when someone is on their
phone, completely clueless to what is going on around them. This makes it easy to be invisible to
someone in need. I have zero respect for someone who is unwilling to help another when they
have the opportunity to make a big impact. When someone is struggling, my first intention is to
help and when a passerby keeps walking I have a hard time to comprehend. This could be because
of how I was raised. Moreover, helping is not limited to assisting someone in need. Not everyone
is a genius, therefore, people need homework help and that is an easy service to grant. Everywhere
you look there is someone in need whether they admit it or not. Being a person who is so
self–involved will get you nowhere in life but if you humble yourself, you will be able to see the
world for how it is and not how you want it to
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My Greatest Challenges In Life
What has been one of your greatest challenges in life? For me, it has been growing up, and
evolving from my adolescence years to adulthood. Which means going from high school to college,
and having my first job. Going to college and having my first job was a great accomplishment that
required a lot of responsibility and commitment. It was an immense step to take and face many
challenges, but I was able to overcome them one by one.
My first day of class was very challenging and nerve wracking. By eight o' clock I was out the door
and walking to my car. It was a lovely morning, as the sun was making its way up the horizon. I got
into my car, and as I let the engine heat up and many thoughts came to mind. "Am I going to like
college? What is it going to be like? Will I get lost trying to find my classes?"
I got to the campus after a 30–minute drive. After minutes of searching, I finally found a parking
space. I got out of my car and suddenly, "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" I heard a loud noise coming from
above. I looked up and realized there was a giant bell on top of the building. I was startled and
became even more anxious. My stomach felt as if it had millions of butterflies because of how
nervous I was. I made my way inside the building, trying to control my nerves. Gladly my class
wasn't that difficult to find. "Take a seat wherever you want." I heard as I walked into the
classroom. It was the teacher who had greeted me from behind his desk. He looked like a very nice
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800 Word Essay
800 Word Essay
Food, health and medical technologies have a large impact on individuals and communities today
and in the future. Throughout this paper, discussion will involve the issues that society faces
regarding food and health and how we can create a healthier and safer world for our future.
The food industry has a large impact on individuals and will affect wider communities in the
future. The rush of today's society has pushed food production to become more commercialized
with prepackaged/premade based foods. For numerous reasons such as time, work and costs of
living, people are wanting meals that are cheap, fast, easy and don't require much effort. This is due
to many obligations and priorities in life that are put more content...
A simple strategy such as losing five kilograms has the potential to result in 27% to 34% fewer
cardiovascular related hospital admissions and deaths over the next twenty years. Obesity plays a
major role in todays and the future societies health and health care system. Action needs to take
place in order to reduce the effects of this health issue. A few examples of this are: Creating more
of an awareness of the effects obesity has on individuals and the community can help reduce the
growth of this health issue. Educating people and children more on how to create a healthy lifestyle
including healthy eating and exercise will reduce obesity greatly and describing practical strategies
that would enable Australian to loose weight and keep the weight down will also have a positive
impact on society.
Medical technology is advancing at a rapid rate. For example, a very common procedure is an
endoscopy and colonoscopy which checks for bowel and stomach cancers and some other
conditions. New technology is being trialed at the moment, instead of a patient going under an
anesthetic and having to have a special diet and bowel preparation prior to the procedure, this will
now be done by taking a capsule in a tablet like form where the patient will swallow the capsule that
contains a tiny camera and batteries and then be later eliminated by the patients natural bowel
movements. This is swallowed by the patient and will travel through the gastro intestinal system,
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The Star Wars Trilogy Essays
The Star Wars Trilogy
The First of the three part series, Star Wars, is the tale of a band of heros who team together for
the good of the universe and the money. The story begins as Princess Leia is held hostage by the
Galactic empire in order to crush the rebellion against them. During the attack on Leia's ship two
droids, R2–D2 and C–P30, escape through an escape pod. They landed on a foreign planet and were
captured and sold to their new master Luke Skywalker. The Empire chases the droids because they
have a secret map detailing the whereabouts of the rebel base. As the empire searches for the map
they destroy Luke's home. With no where to go R2–D2 leads Luke to Old Ben. more
The heros flee to the rebel base to warn them and a last ditch attempt to destroy the Death Star is
made. Luke is chased by Vader and Solo comes to the rescue. Luke destroys the Death star and wins.
The Second movie, The Empire Strikes Back, sees the return of all the characters from the previous
movie. The rebel base is now on an ice planet. The
Empire again attacks and the rebels flee. Leia, Solo, Chewie and the Droids find them selves
stranded in the Falcon from the others and Luke heads out to find
Yoda, Bens Master, and learn the force. The Falcon lands in a mining colony run by Lando Calrision.
There they are caught by the Empire in an Attempt to catch
Luke and turn him to the Dark Side. Luke has found Yoda and has a vision that his friends are in
danger. He goes to save them against Yoda's warning and not knowing of the trap.
Solo is frozen and sent to Jabba the hut who he owes money. The others escape. Luke and Vader
fight. Vader frustrated that Luke won't change cuts off his arm and jumps out to the waste shoot.
There he hangs on to his life as he waits for the others to rescue him. While heading back to the
rebel fleet Vader telepathically contacts Luke And tells him he is his Father.
The Third Part, The Return Of the Jedi, starts as Leia,, Luke, Chewie,
Lando and the droids head of to rescue Han. After a Battle they kill Jabber and
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My Childhood Memories
When I was little, I used to be attached to my grandparents. My grandparents used to live next to
my family in Puerto Rico. When I was a little girl, my sister and I we loved to spend the whole
day with my grandparents at their house. The reasons we loved to spend the rest of the day in my
grandparents' house was their food and the coffee. My grandmother used to make good food, and
every time I ate I would lick my fingers. Another reason that I love my grandparents were the way
they taught us how to be good kids, and help others when they need it the extra help. The day I left
them to come to Boston it was unfortunate for me because I was never going to eat the food that my
grandma uses to make and drink the coffee that my grandpa used more content...
That instant I knew I had to ask my father what was going on. I was like Papi is everything ok,
and he looked at me with those sad eyes. That moment I was like no Papi don't tell my mama had
left us, please don't say that he couldn't hide that from me because he knew how much we loved our
grandparents. My dad didn't want me to hear that my only grandparent that was still alive had passed
away to a better life with God.
My grandmother passed away on March 4, 2007, and on the next day, we took the first flight to
Puerto Rico with the whole family. It was a long trip on the airplane. I couldn't stop thinking that I
was not going to see my grandma alive, and that I was going to see her in a coffin. Then we
finally got to San Juan, Puerto Rico. I was anxious to get to PeГ±uelas that's where I am from, but
to be able to get there we had to take a taxi which it was an hour and fifty–two minutes. When we
finally saw the sign that said Welcome to PeГ±uelas my heart was beating so fast. My dad told
the taxi driver to take us to Santa Teresita which was the funeral house. All the family was already
there, but at that moment I didn't care about seeing the family all I wanted was to run and go to
the room where my grandma was. I started crying and screaming, asking why she was gone. She
looked so pealed in that coffin for me it was another person, but for me, I knew it was her. Now
every day I regret not being in Puerto Rico
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Synthesis Essay On Global Warming
Global warming has been a controversial topic for years and some have even denied its existence;
however, as more studies are being published every day in regards to our changing climate, it is
hard to ignore this growing issue and how humans contribute to it. The term greenhouse gases refers
to the group of gases that are primarily responsible for global warming and chief among these gases
is carbon dioxide. Rising carbon dioxide levels can be attributed to a combination of burning fossil
fuels such as coal, natural gas, and petroleum as well as deforestation in general ( Source A). To
slow the effects of global warming, it is important for leaders in our society to consider their
greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide, and more content...
According to an article focused on environmental awareness, "the world's average surface
temperature rose by approximately 1 degree Fahrenheit, the fastest rate in any period over the last
1000 years" (Source A). Damage has already been done to the environment but it is not the time
to throw our hands up, it is the time for leaders in all sectors to tackle this issue head on. We know
that carbon dioxide is the culprit, so now it is imperative to implement the solution and take a
hard look at who is producing the most greenhouse gases. Big changes need to take place but they
can only be done in steps and not all at once to be effective. In an excerpt from a book about
global warming, Mark Maslin brings up the point that many feel the Kyoto Protocol does not go
far enough; scientists believe that a 60% cut of greenhouse gas emissions is necessary in order to
"prevent major climate change" (Source E). A sixty percent cut of emissions should be what
countries work up to achieving but first and foremost, every country needs to agree to the Kyoto
Protocol guidelines. The Kyoto Protocol itself should not be viewed as the end in the discussion of
greenhouse gas restrictions, but rather the first stepping stone to a much broader and effective
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Descriptive Essay About My Neighborhood
My neighborhood that I live in is LA, specifically South LA. The neighborhood is quite dangerous
every once in awhile you hear gunshots at night, police sirens, and the ambulance sirens there are
always something in the neighborhood. The people of my neighborhood mainly consists of African
Americans, Mexicans who maybe documented or undocumented, and whites who are low income.
The houses around my place are mainly apartments and houses that look torn down, but it's not all
bad the neighborhood has convenience stores, laundromat place, church, elementary school, and one
small restaurant. One thing that I do love about my neighborhood is definitely the palm trees lined
up with the houses it reminds beverly hill famous palm trees in the streets except when you see my
neighborhood it looks all scary like a dead ghost town. Another thing about the people is they're
mainly older people around older 30s to 40s except with heavy attitude. They're always stealing
things, having fights, and have parties every weekend with such loud noise that why I get
uncomfortable when my dorm gets quiet because I never experience quiet moment for a period in
time. My neighbor has quite the history especially with the cops and firefighters I remember there
was this one time where a little boy died by a car accident and he was someone I knew at school
because I used to hang out with him. The people who knew him pay respects for the parents, but
nothing more than that because to them he just
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The Great Gatsby
The books events are told by its narrator, Nick Carraway, a young Yale graduate, who is both a part
of and separate from the world he describes. Upon moving to New York, he rents a house next to
the mansion of an unconventional millionaire. Every Saturday, Gatsby throws a party at his
mansion and all the great and the good of the young fashionable world come to marvel at his
luxuriousness Despite his rich lifestyle, Gatsby is unhappy and Nick finds out why. Long ago,
Gatsby fell in love with a young girl, Daisy. Although she has always loved Gatsby, she is currently
married to Tom Buchanan. Gatsby asks Nick to help him meet Daisy once more, and Nick finally
agrees arranging tea for the both of them at his house. The two ex–lovers meet and more
Gerald Scott was published in 1925. This story is has to do with a rich young man whose name is Jay
Gatsby. In the book, many people have different dreams for their life. However, their dreams
cannot be accomplished, and they become shattered in the end. The story begins with Nick who
is the narrator of this story. Nick is a straightforward person who knows all the events in the book.
Some people believe that Nick is just a bystander when he describes this story. I don't think so. He is
the only person that felt bad for Gatsby when was killed. His mood was ever–changing with the
advancing story. I believe this is evidence that he is not only the narrator but also the protagonist
in the story. All of the plots are around the lead characters, Gatsby and Daisy. As the story
unravels, their personalities are revealed. On the surface, Gatsby was born in the rich family and
he was very gentle and confident. Daisy wanted to be rich and she liked money. In fact, Gatsby
has a pathetic personality. If he were poor, he would not have had the confidence to pursue Daisy.
Daisy wanted to have a steady life. Although she liked Gatsby, she knew that he wouldn't be able
to give her that. Therefore, she decided to just stay with her husband. My favorite character in the
book happens to be Nick because he was the one person who actually understood who Gatsby
really was. I felt sad for Gatsby. He didn't get anything in the end. He even lost his life. When I
read about Gatsby's watching Daisy's house, I feel sad because he was lonely and I could feel his
loneliness. Although he had so much money, he couldn't have the one thing he really wanted. What
he could do was watching Daisy's house to miss her. To sum up, I learned something deep from this
book. One thing is about Gatsby. On the face, he is brilliant. But in fact, he is a lonely person.
Sometimes, people envy rich men. They don't realize that rich people have their own
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Reflective Reflection Essay
Caring and support the first protective factor in the resiliency wheel stated the most important way
to provide that is how you talk to yourself. I always tell the students I work with how powerful
positive self–talk can be and that having positive thoughts can actually change your frame of mind
and attitude. So one would think that I would follow through with positive self–talk, yet I tend to be
a very hard on myself, inner critic. I do though when starting to feel anxious in certain situations that
I will use self–talk, which helps me to feel calm. High expectations, the second protective factor in
the wheel of resiliency takes into consideration the importance of messages we hear from those
around us. I really believe in giving positive messages, that children whose parents set
expectations for them, give them the positive support and care they need that they will meet
those set expectations. Sometimes I really feel we need to be our own cheerleader, especially
when we are facing challenges we may never have encountered before and need the motivation
and inspiration. Meaningful participation/contribution, the third factor in the resiliency wheel is
the ability to help others with their problems. As much as I would like to be able to be able to
donate my time, experience to a good cause I literally do not have the time in my schedule to do
one more thing. I do get great joy from working with the kids I see daily. I am always interested in
their day to day life and how they
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Examples Of Ambition In Life
An Essay on My Ambition in Life
Ambition is not always praiseworthy. Sometimes odium attaches to it. Milton calls it 'the last
infirmity of noble minds'. Ambition for power and conquest has wrought no end of misery in this
world. But ambition also inspires man to 'scorn delights and live laborious days'. It rouses the
spirit of emulation in gifted persons. In the humbler stations of life, to which most of us belong, it
acts as an impetus to good work. Surely such an ambition is not to be condemned. Ambition
becomes a vice only if I seek to improve my position in life at the expense of other, or to serve my
own interest without offending others. When, for example, I am asked to state what my ambition in
life is, the assumption certainly is more content...
I confess a weakness for the ideals of a teacher. I know that a teacher in our country is bound to be
poor. Yet to be a teacher is to me a noble ambition. I like to imagine myself watching the slowly
expanding minds of young people like the petals of flowers, and helping them to receive eagerly
the light of knowledge. But then I hesitate when I think of the poverty, and drudgery of a teacher's
life. It may it may be that, driven by this poverty, I may be forced to sacrifice the ideals that I
cherish in order to do my duties to myself and my family. To take up duties to which one cannot be
blind to the heroism that underlies a teacher's calling. To me that is an inspiring
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Interpersonal Communication Essay
In every society nonverbal communication is one of the most powerful tools that a person can use to
interpret the message that is being delivered. Even though verbal communication is fairly
straightforward, nonverbal communication allows others to sense the true emotions of the person
that is expressing them. For example even though a person may say that they are not irritated, their
usage of voice may display otherwise. Nonverbal communication not only reveals hidden messages,
but it also complements, substitutes, and exaggerates verbal communication.
It was 8:00 a.m. on April 9, 1999 and I was saying goodbye to my parents at the San Francisco
Airport. While I was walking away from my parent's gate more content...
Many people formed this personal space by placing luggage around them, extending a body part, or
using a companion to consume space. Most people stood at least a half an arm's distance away from
each other, but if this distance felt threatened people were sure to express nonverbal and sometime
verbal behaviors.
Some individuals gazed away and let out a loud sigh, while others would just gaze at the person
invading their space to hopefully make them realize that they were getting too close for comfort.
Individuals would also try and avoid the person invading their space while moving forward, but to
the side to also avoid the person in front of them. Some people would just avoid the line all together
and go sit back down in their seat, while others would verbally say "excuse me" to make the person
realize that they were causing uncomfortable feelings.
Verbal behavior was not uncommon in the boarding line, but the way people delivered the
messages they spoke had many different meanings. For example some people would sarcastically
say, "Boy this line is moving fast." Sarcasm was obvious in these situations because of the irritating
tone of the sentence, and the chuckles and gasps sometimes followed at the end. Even though most
of the people that talked displayed rude and irritated behaviors, some people were actually patient
and concerned. For example one lady actually thought the boarding line was moving pretty fast. Her
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Personal Narrative Essay
Narrative Essay In the summer of 2013 I moved in my dad's house for the summer to learn how to
cook. Moving from Cherokee, AL to Florence, AL was a stressful move. My Mother and I agreed it
was best I learn from someone that has being in the field for over 15 years. The game plan was to go
work with my dad a Dale's Steakhouse with my dad all summer. I made sure I grab my notebook and
plenty of pencils so I can ask him questions. The idea of moving to my dad's house was my decision
but it was a good and something I know I will use in college. My dad's cooking background is
legendary in my eyes. As a youth my dad learn from his dad the important of cooking. When he
was talking to me about the in and out of being a chef, it was more content...
It was the summer of 1989 my started his new job at Shoney's Family Restaurant. At start he
didn't know what to expect from his old shift leader at a new work place it's to say he was
nervous. But he knew this is a new learning experience at cooking. Day by day he learn, fix, and
made mistake but he never got down from it. At the age 17 my dad question his decision about
cooking. His manager talk to him after work talking about working in the cooking industry, at the
time my dad told me that he became very frustrating of what he want to do till that night . About
summer of 1991 my dad begin Culinary School at the University of North Alabama. Now my was
he was a little bit afraid about going to a big college but he know what he was going for and know
what he was going to accomplished his goal. Now at this time he done took an internship at
Dale's Steakhouse. He was overjoy know he was going to be working at one of the top
steakhouse in North Alabama. His first day was sort like my first day long and hectic but he
overcome the odds and did his job to perfection. 2 weeks go by an he was offer a positon at Dale's
so he quit college an took a full time positon cooking. From there he learn the ins and outs of the
restaurant Business. At the end of the Summer I return back to Cherokee, AL to get ready for my
senior of high school. Spending the summer with my dad not only taught how to cook but also
made me realize I didn't want to be a
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Professional Writing Essay
"To write is human, to write well is divine" (Anonymous, 2010). So, why is it important to write
professionally and what constitutes professional writing? Contrary to popular belief, professional
writing is not merely being paid to write; although, professional writers are paid well. In short,
professional writing is writing at the next level with a purpose. It is important to show the basic
aspects of professional writing (knowing the audience, knowing the purpose, being persuasive, and
getting to the point) so that one is able to accomplish the act of communicating effectively and
looking professional in doing so.
Let's not confuse professional writing (business writing) with recreational writing (creative writing).
When more content...
Writing the message with the audience in mind will not only help shape the style of the message
itself but the tone in which it is presented as well as the formality of the language used. Tone is the
main tool used to effectively and efficiently sell the message and its purpose. Advanced word usage
(conversational yet professional, positive, courteous, inclusive and familiar to the reader) is
important in writing. Use of active or passive voice, emphasis through style, coherent sentence
structure, coherent paragraph structure and placement of the main idea within the message are all
used to set the tone and shape the readers frame of mind. Tone also dictates the clarity in which the
message is delivered. The most important thing is to format the document and design the content of
your message with the reader in mind so that they will understand the message clearly and quickly
as well as accept the message readily.
Professional writing is not industry specific or medium specific. For that matter it is not just for
professionals or professional purposes. It is not just for writing a novel or a business letter or
inter–office memo. It can be used for direct messages that require action, making requests, delivery
of bad news, giving instruction, reports or proposals, marketing, school research projects, goodwill
messages, or something as informal as sending an email to a family member. Is the address correct?
Does the subject line summarize the idea of the
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800 Word Essay

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  • 2. My Philosophy Of Teaching And Learning My Philosophy of Teaching and Learning In regard to how I teach, I want students to discover facts, not just learn them by rote. Information Systems is an ideal field for such a teaching strategy. I live by the quote, "All things are common sense if taught well." I think in my subject this is especially true. I work to be successful at teaching students how to discover information, they will have a more effective way of absorbing the background data and looking at new information when it is presented. I find ways to simplify difficult material in a manner that is usable and easy to remember. I believe that students can be excited about learning. I like to bring in examples of how the information that they are learning can play a part in the students' lives. I want to get my students more involved in the teaching and learning process. I feel that there will always be a benefit to learning how to teach. Therefore, I intend to give students more opportunities to teach their fellow students the information that they are learning in my classes. Currently, I have been able to provide teaching opportunities in budgeting and finances at a local high school and a local middle school. I feel it is important to understand the skill or knowledge level that the students are bringing into the classroom. Due to my interest in utilizing current best practices I stay in contact with professionals in the field to ensure what is taught is important. I believe it is important for Get more content on
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  • 4. Short Story An hour later, his leather jacket and helmet stowed with his motorbike, Phenix dropped from the twenty–foot high rammed earth wall of the temple where Kalyssandra and the monks lived, landing like a sleek shadow on the ground. He crouched low, using the heavy shrubs as cover to scan the temple perched precariously close to the natural ridgeline of the peak. There was no need for the security of a wall to cover the rear, as an intruder would need a mode of flight to gain entrance. As for mortals, the elements and an unequivocal death resulting from a plunge to the jagged ravines below acted as a good deterrent. Even in the soft sable lighting, he could see the garden was a magnificent recreation and miniaturization of the larger more content... Past a lotus pond ringed with weeping willows, the leaves within kissing breath of the inky waters. He crossed an arched covered bridge spanning the pond to the far side of which stood a pavilion. In the shadows of one of several crimson stone columns holding the heavy wood and stone roof aloft, he listened and adopting the stealth of a hunting cat, he slipped through a pair of red–lacquered lattice doors. A tall dark spirit screen used to deflect ghosts and unwanted spirits from entering the room faced him. Phenix angled his head, first checked left then right before walking toward the end of the screen to peer into the interior of the large room, lit within from the soft yellow glow of a row of candles sitting in small bronze dishes atop a stone altar overlooked by a statue of Buddha. With the certainty of knowing he was not alone, Phenix crossed the black flagstones to pause beside one of the many red lacquered wood columns dotted throughout the room. "I know you are there," he said to a deep shadowed corner, using the principal dialect of the region. A resigned sigh floated out of the darkness followed by the soft susurration of cloth moving. "I congratulate you on your stealth, stranger," a soft tenor voice answered. From out behind the shelter of the altar, a tall figure cloaked in darkness stepped. "However, you insult our hospitality by not entering through the front door of our home; therefore I offer no apologies for the welcome." "It is not your Get more content on
  • 5. Essay I was a 17 year old, simple guy with a body neither strong or fast just your average with normal problems an normal School life , but a natural event change everything an when I mean natural it means that was cause by the burst of a black hole that take the Lives of all in earth but the strangest thing is it doesn't go to heaven nor hell, even reincarnation dint haven also there wasn't a soul only the consciousness stay. At first I didn't think too much about this or stay depressed because the world explode you can tell that this world was beautiful but our self always wake things more complicated. wars, rape, kills revenge, etc....was thank to us, and if you are thinking that I am religious, I am not. nor did more content... while Gabriel was wrecking his brains Samuel was butting effort in his divine senses because he has sense a shred of energy that wasn't from them. (I think that they know now about this situation, because it seems that they are observing us but they are more far away from us)Samuel said to Gabriel while looking to the endless void of space like he was seeing a painting white a precision that would make everyone thing in their mind "ARE THOSE THE EYES OF AN ANGEL?!!!!!!". ("sigh".......then so there is no remedy )said while putting his finger in his in the of his forehead while trying to relax himself from what is going to come. while Gabriel was trying to relax while cursing to does mortal soul for being so weak, Samuel but his hand in one of the shoulders of Gabriel while saying to Gabriel. (Go?)said Samuel with a complicated face . (yep)said Gabriel without turning his face back. At the same time they finish, a light that would make everyone on blind by seeing this envelope them and like they were never there vanish. at the same time the other party of scout from the demons vanish as well but this time instead of an intense light they were swallow by a portal that was so dark that would make the voids darkness see as a Get more content on
  • 6. The Great Depression is remembered as one of the all time lows for economic and financial growth in American history. Companies were unprepared for the economic turmoil that erupted on October 29, 1929 (Buronio, 2012). In order to never repeat the same economic turmoil in the 20th century, companies must constantly be aware of the fault lines that could lead to failure. In some cases, companies must reinvent themselves if they want to survive over a long period of time (Bertolini, Duncan, Waldeck, 2015). An article called ", Knowing When To Reinvent," was composed by three company leaders, one being a CEO, to inform other company leaders about potential fault lines that have caused many companies to have downfalls. However, to prevent economic downfalls, the authors compiled a list of the downfalls and how to avoid them. Many companies have taken what seemed to be drastic measures to be successful in a changing marketplace. The thesis outlines the five fault lines within the article which are: customer needs, performance metrics, industry position, business model, and talent and capabilities (Bertolini et al., 2015). Several key points are presented in the article for how companies can be successful. The first, is that companies must be innovative and be willing "to change their core products or business models" (Bertolini et al., 2015, p. 90) to keep up with the change in the marketplace. This may require that they rebrand their product, or change their business Get more content on
  • 7. When I Respect Research Paper Over the latter parts of my 18–years of existence I have gotten pretty good at people watching. Therefore, I have become prone to know who I respect and those I don't. The way one speaks, acts, and obeys has a strong influence on how they will be first viewed. First impressions are very important and if one is saying mean things, lashing out, or disrespecting my view of said person will more than likely be negative. Overall, respect is a characteristic that is not simply received but gained. Growing up my parents taught me to look at people and see their hearts, not the clothes they are wearing or the shoes on their feet. This trait hasn't always been easy to come by and by no means is it natural. Upon first glance of an individual with a scouring look on their face, anyone would not think highly of them, at least I don't. For all I know they could just be having a rough day or perhaps received bad news but I don't think about that until after my wrongful judgement has been more content... I tend to watch the actions of people I pass by and can't help but notice when someone is on their phone, completely clueless to what is going on around them. This makes it easy to be invisible to someone in need. I have zero respect for someone who is unwilling to help another when they have the opportunity to make a big impact. When someone is struggling, my first intention is to help and when a passerby keeps walking I have a hard time to comprehend. This could be because of how I was raised. Moreover, helping is not limited to assisting someone in need. Not everyone is a genius, therefore, people need homework help and that is an easy service to grant. Everywhere you look there is someone in need whether they admit it or not. Being a person who is so self–involved will get you nowhere in life but if you humble yourself, you will be able to see the world for how it is and not how you want it to Get more content on
  • 8. My Greatest Challenges In Life What has been one of your greatest challenges in life? For me, it has been growing up, and evolving from my adolescence years to adulthood. Which means going from high school to college, and having my first job. Going to college and having my first job was a great accomplishment that required a lot of responsibility and commitment. It was an immense step to take and face many challenges, but I was able to overcome them one by one. My first day of class was very challenging and nerve wracking. By eight o' clock I was out the door and walking to my car. It was a lovely morning, as the sun was making its way up the horizon. I got into my car, and as I let the engine heat up and many thoughts came to mind. "Am I going to like college? What is it going to be like? Will I get lost trying to find my classes?" I got to the campus after a 30–minute drive. After minutes of searching, I finally found a parking space. I got out of my car and suddenly, "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" I heard a loud noise coming from above. I looked up and realized there was a giant bell on top of the building. I was startled and became even more anxious. My stomach felt as if it had millions of butterflies because of how nervous I was. I made my way inside the building, trying to control my nerves. Gladly my class wasn't that difficult to find. "Take a seat wherever you want." I heard as I walked into the classroom. It was the teacher who had greeted me from behind his desk. He looked like a very nice person, Get more content on
  • 9. 800 Word Essay 800 Word Essay Food, health and medical technologies have a large impact on individuals and communities today and in the future. Throughout this paper, discussion will involve the issues that society faces regarding food and health and how we can create a healthier and safer world for our future. The food industry has a large impact on individuals and will affect wider communities in the future. The rush of today's society has pushed food production to become more commercialized with prepackaged/premade based foods. For numerous reasons such as time, work and costs of living, people are wanting meals that are cheap, fast, easy and don't require much effort. This is due to many obligations and priorities in life that are put more content... A simple strategy such as losing five kilograms has the potential to result in 27% to 34% fewer cardiovascular related hospital admissions and deaths over the next twenty years. Obesity plays a major role in todays and the future societies health and health care system. Action needs to take place in order to reduce the effects of this health issue. A few examples of this are: Creating more of an awareness of the effects obesity has on individuals and the community can help reduce the growth of this health issue. Educating people and children more on how to create a healthy lifestyle including healthy eating and exercise will reduce obesity greatly and describing practical strategies that would enable Australian to loose weight and keep the weight down will also have a positive impact on society. Medical technology is advancing at a rapid rate. For example, a very common procedure is an endoscopy and colonoscopy which checks for bowel and stomach cancers and some other conditions. New technology is being trialed at the moment, instead of a patient going under an anesthetic and having to have a special diet and bowel preparation prior to the procedure, this will now be done by taking a capsule in a tablet like form where the patient will swallow the capsule that contains a tiny camera and batteries and then be later eliminated by the patients natural bowel movements. This is swallowed by the patient and will travel through the gastro intestinal system, taking Get more content on
  • 10. The Star Wars Trilogy Essays The Star Wars Trilogy The First of the three part series, Star Wars, is the tale of a band of heros who team together for the good of the universe and the money. The story begins as Princess Leia is held hostage by the Galactic empire in order to crush the rebellion against them. During the attack on Leia's ship two droids, R2–D2 and C–P30, escape through an escape pod. They landed on a foreign planet and were captured and sold to their new master Luke Skywalker. The Empire chases the droids because they have a secret map detailing the whereabouts of the rebel base. As the empire searches for the map they destroy Luke's home. With no where to go R2–D2 leads Luke to Old Ben. more content... The heros flee to the rebel base to warn them and a last ditch attempt to destroy the Death Star is made. Luke is chased by Vader and Solo comes to the rescue. Luke destroys the Death star and wins. The Second movie, The Empire Strikes Back, sees the return of all the characters from the previous movie. The rebel base is now on an ice planet. The Empire again attacks and the rebels flee. Leia, Solo, Chewie and the Droids find them selves stranded in the Falcon from the others and Luke heads out to find Yoda, Bens Master, and learn the force. The Falcon lands in a mining colony run by Lando Calrision. There they are caught by the Empire in an Attempt to catch Luke and turn him to the Dark Side. Luke has found Yoda and has a vision that his friends are in danger. He goes to save them against Yoda's warning and not knowing of the trap. Solo is frozen and sent to Jabba the hut who he owes money. The others escape. Luke and Vader fight. Vader frustrated that Luke won't change cuts off his arm and jumps out to the waste shoot. There he hangs on to his life as he waits for the others to rescue him. While heading back to the rebel fleet Vader telepathically contacts Luke And tells him he is his Father. The Third Part, The Return Of the Jedi, starts as Leia,, Luke, Chewie, Lando and the droids head of to rescue Han. After a Battle they kill Jabber and Get more content on
  • 11. My Childhood Memories When I was little, I used to be attached to my grandparents. My grandparents used to live next to my family in Puerto Rico. When I was a little girl, my sister and I we loved to spend the whole day with my grandparents at their house. The reasons we loved to spend the rest of the day in my grandparents' house was their food and the coffee. My grandmother used to make good food, and every time I ate I would lick my fingers. Another reason that I love my grandparents were the way they taught us how to be good kids, and help others when they need it the extra help. The day I left them to come to Boston it was unfortunate for me because I was never going to eat the food that my grandma uses to make and drink the coffee that my grandpa used more content... That instant I knew I had to ask my father what was going on. I was like Papi is everything ok, and he looked at me with those sad eyes. That moment I was like no Papi don't tell my mama had left us, please don't say that he couldn't hide that from me because he knew how much we loved our grandparents. My dad didn't want me to hear that my only grandparent that was still alive had passed away to a better life with God. My grandmother passed away on March 4, 2007, and on the next day, we took the first flight to Puerto Rico with the whole family. It was a long trip on the airplane. I couldn't stop thinking that I was not going to see my grandma alive, and that I was going to see her in a coffin. Then we finally got to San Juan, Puerto Rico. I was anxious to get to PeГ±uelas that's where I am from, but to be able to get there we had to take a taxi which it was an hour and fifty–two minutes. When we finally saw the sign that said Welcome to PeГ±uelas my heart was beating so fast. My dad told the taxi driver to take us to Santa Teresita which was the funeral house. All the family was already there, but at that moment I didn't care about seeing the family all I wanted was to run and go to the room where my grandma was. I started crying and screaming, asking why she was gone. She looked so pealed in that coffin for me it was another person, but for me, I knew it was her. Now every day I regret not being in Puerto Rico Get more content on
  • 12. Synthesis Essay On Global Warming Global warming has been a controversial topic for years and some have even denied its existence; however, as more studies are being published every day in regards to our changing climate, it is hard to ignore this growing issue and how humans contribute to it. The term greenhouse gases refers to the group of gases that are primarily responsible for global warming and chief among these gases is carbon dioxide. Rising carbon dioxide levels can be attributed to a combination of burning fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and petroleum as well as deforestation in general ( Source A). To slow the effects of global warming, it is important for leaders in our society to consider their greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide, and more content... According to an article focused on environmental awareness, "the world's average surface temperature rose by approximately 1 degree Fahrenheit, the fastest rate in any period over the last 1000 years" (Source A). Damage has already been done to the environment but it is not the time to throw our hands up, it is the time for leaders in all sectors to tackle this issue head on. We know that carbon dioxide is the culprit, so now it is imperative to implement the solution and take a hard look at who is producing the most greenhouse gases. Big changes need to take place but they can only be done in steps and not all at once to be effective. In an excerpt from a book about global warming, Mark Maslin brings up the point that many feel the Kyoto Protocol does not go far enough; scientists believe that a 60% cut of greenhouse gas emissions is necessary in order to "prevent major climate change" (Source E). A sixty percent cut of emissions should be what countries work up to achieving but first and foremost, every country needs to agree to the Kyoto Protocol guidelines. The Kyoto Protocol itself should not be viewed as the end in the discussion of greenhouse gas restrictions, but rather the first stepping stone to a much broader and effective Get more content on
  • 13. Descriptive Essay About My Neighborhood My neighborhood that I live in is LA, specifically South LA. The neighborhood is quite dangerous every once in awhile you hear gunshots at night, police sirens, and the ambulance sirens there are always something in the neighborhood. The people of my neighborhood mainly consists of African Americans, Mexicans who maybe documented or undocumented, and whites who are low income. The houses around my place are mainly apartments and houses that look torn down, but it's not all bad the neighborhood has convenience stores, laundromat place, church, elementary school, and one small restaurant. One thing that I do love about my neighborhood is definitely the palm trees lined up with the houses it reminds beverly hill famous palm trees in the streets except when you see my neighborhood it looks all scary like a dead ghost town. Another thing about the people is they're mainly older people around older 30s to 40s except with heavy attitude. They're always stealing things, having fights, and have parties every weekend with such loud noise that why I get uncomfortable when my dorm gets quiet because I never experience quiet moment for a period in time. My neighbor has quite the history especially with the cops and firefighters I remember there was this one time where a little boy died by a car accident and he was someone I knew at school because I used to hang out with him. The people who knew him pay respects for the parents, but nothing more than that because to them he just Get more content on
  • 14. The Great Gatsby The books events are told by its narrator, Nick Carraway, a young Yale graduate, who is both a part of and separate from the world he describes. Upon moving to New York, he rents a house next to the mansion of an unconventional millionaire. Every Saturday, Gatsby throws a party at his mansion and all the great and the good of the young fashionable world come to marvel at his luxuriousness Despite his rich lifestyle, Gatsby is unhappy and Nick finds out why. Long ago, Gatsby fell in love with a young girl, Daisy. Although she has always loved Gatsby, she is currently married to Tom Buchanan. Gatsby asks Nick to help him meet Daisy once more, and Nick finally agrees arranging tea for the both of them at his house. The two ex–lovers meet and more content... Gerald Scott was published in 1925. This story is has to do with a rich young man whose name is Jay Gatsby. In the book, many people have different dreams for their life. However, their dreams cannot be accomplished, and they become shattered in the end. The story begins with Nick who is the narrator of this story. Nick is a straightforward person who knows all the events in the book. Some people believe that Nick is just a bystander when he describes this story. I don't think so. He is the only person that felt bad for Gatsby when was killed. His mood was ever–changing with the advancing story. I believe this is evidence that he is not only the narrator but also the protagonist in the story. All of the plots are around the lead characters, Gatsby and Daisy. As the story unravels, their personalities are revealed. On the surface, Gatsby was born in the rich family and he was very gentle and confident. Daisy wanted to be rich and she liked money. In fact, Gatsby has a pathetic personality. If he were poor, he would not have had the confidence to pursue Daisy. Daisy wanted to have a steady life. Although she liked Gatsby, she knew that he wouldn't be able to give her that. Therefore, she decided to just stay with her husband. My favorite character in the book happens to be Nick because he was the one person who actually understood who Gatsby really was. I felt sad for Gatsby. He didn't get anything in the end. He even lost his life. When I read about Gatsby's watching Daisy's house, I feel sad because he was lonely and I could feel his loneliness. Although he had so much money, he couldn't have the one thing he really wanted. What he could do was watching Daisy's house to miss her. To sum up, I learned something deep from this book. One thing is about Gatsby. On the face, he is brilliant. But in fact, he is a lonely person. Sometimes, people envy rich men. They don't realize that rich people have their own Get more content on
  • 15. Reflective Reflection Essay Caring and support the first protective factor in the resiliency wheel stated the most important way to provide that is how you talk to yourself. I always tell the students I work with how powerful positive self–talk can be and that having positive thoughts can actually change your frame of mind and attitude. So one would think that I would follow through with positive self–talk, yet I tend to be a very hard on myself, inner critic. I do though when starting to feel anxious in certain situations that I will use self–talk, which helps me to feel calm. High expectations, the second protective factor in the wheel of resiliency takes into consideration the importance of messages we hear from those around us. I really believe in giving positive messages, that children whose parents set expectations for them, give them the positive support and care they need that they will meet those set expectations. Sometimes I really feel we need to be our own cheerleader, especially when we are facing challenges we may never have encountered before and need the motivation and inspiration. Meaningful participation/contribution, the third factor in the resiliency wheel is the ability to help others with their problems. As much as I would like to be able to be able to donate my time, experience to a good cause I literally do not have the time in my schedule to do one more thing. I do get great joy from working with the kids I see daily. I am always interested in their day to day life and how they Get more content on
  • 16. Examples Of Ambition In Life An Essay on My Ambition in Life Ambition is not always praiseworthy. Sometimes odium attaches to it. Milton calls it 'the last infirmity of noble minds'. Ambition for power and conquest has wrought no end of misery in this world. But ambition also inspires man to 'scorn delights and live laborious days'. It rouses the spirit of emulation in gifted persons. In the humbler stations of life, to which most of us belong, it acts as an impetus to good work. Surely such an ambition is not to be condemned. Ambition becomes a vice only if I seek to improve my position in life at the expense of other, or to serve my own interest without offending others. When, for example, I am asked to state what my ambition in life is, the assumption certainly is more content... I confess a weakness for the ideals of a teacher. I know that a teacher in our country is bound to be poor. Yet to be a teacher is to me a noble ambition. I like to imagine myself watching the slowly expanding minds of young people like the petals of flowers, and helping them to receive eagerly the light of knowledge. But then I hesitate when I think of the poverty, and drudgery of a teacher's life. It may it may be that, driven by this poverty, I may be forced to sacrifice the ideals that I cherish in order to do my duties to myself and my family. To take up duties to which one cannot be blind to the heroism that underlies a teacher's calling. To me that is an inspiring Get more content on
  • 17. Interpersonal Communication Essay In every society nonverbal communication is one of the most powerful tools that a person can use to interpret the message that is being delivered. Even though verbal communication is fairly straightforward, nonverbal communication allows others to sense the true emotions of the person that is expressing them. For example even though a person may say that they are not irritated, their usage of voice may display otherwise. Nonverbal communication not only reveals hidden messages, but it also complements, substitutes, and exaggerates verbal communication. It was 8:00 a.m. on April 9, 1999 and I was saying goodbye to my parents at the San Francisco Airport. While I was walking away from my parent's gate more content... Many people formed this personal space by placing luggage around them, extending a body part, or using a companion to consume space. Most people stood at least a half an arm's distance away from each other, but if this distance felt threatened people were sure to express nonverbal and sometime verbal behaviors. Some individuals gazed away and let out a loud sigh, while others would just gaze at the person invading their space to hopefully make them realize that they were getting too close for comfort. Individuals would also try and avoid the person invading their space while moving forward, but to the side to also avoid the person in front of them. Some people would just avoid the line all together and go sit back down in their seat, while others would verbally say "excuse me" to make the person realize that they were causing uncomfortable feelings. Verbal behavior was not uncommon in the boarding line, but the way people delivered the messages they spoke had many different meanings. For example some people would sarcastically say, "Boy this line is moving fast." Sarcasm was obvious in these situations because of the irritating tone of the sentence, and the chuckles and gasps sometimes followed at the end. Even though most of the people that talked displayed rude and irritated behaviors, some people were actually patient and concerned. For example one lady actually thought the boarding line was moving pretty fast. Her Get more content on
  • 18. Personal Narrative Essay Narrative Essay In the summer of 2013 I moved in my dad's house for the summer to learn how to cook. Moving from Cherokee, AL to Florence, AL was a stressful move. My Mother and I agreed it was best I learn from someone that has being in the field for over 15 years. The game plan was to go work with my dad a Dale's Steakhouse with my dad all summer. I made sure I grab my notebook and plenty of pencils so I can ask him questions. The idea of moving to my dad's house was my decision but it was a good and something I know I will use in college. My dad's cooking background is legendary in my eyes. As a youth my dad learn from his dad the important of cooking. When he was talking to me about the in and out of being a chef, it was more content... It was the summer of 1989 my started his new job at Shoney's Family Restaurant. At start he didn't know what to expect from his old shift leader at a new work place it's to say he was nervous. But he knew this is a new learning experience at cooking. Day by day he learn, fix, and made mistake but he never got down from it. At the age 17 my dad question his decision about cooking. His manager talk to him after work talking about working in the cooking industry, at the time my dad told me that he became very frustrating of what he want to do till that night . About summer of 1991 my dad begin Culinary School at the University of North Alabama. Now my was he was a little bit afraid about going to a big college but he know what he was going for and know what he was going to accomplished his goal. Now at this time he done took an internship at Dale's Steakhouse. He was overjoy know he was going to be working at one of the top steakhouse in North Alabama. His first day was sort like my first day long and hectic but he overcome the odds and did his job to perfection. 2 weeks go by an he was offer a positon at Dale's so he quit college an took a full time positon cooking. From there he learn the ins and outs of the restaurant Business. At the end of the Summer I return back to Cherokee, AL to get ready for my senior of high school. Spending the summer with my dad not only taught how to cook but also made me realize I didn't want to be a Get more content on
  • 19. Professional Writing Essay "To write is human, to write well is divine" (Anonymous, 2010). So, why is it important to write professionally and what constitutes professional writing? Contrary to popular belief, professional writing is not merely being paid to write; although, professional writers are paid well. In short, professional writing is writing at the next level with a purpose. It is important to show the basic aspects of professional writing (knowing the audience, knowing the purpose, being persuasive, and getting to the point) so that one is able to accomplish the act of communicating effectively and looking professional in doing so. Let's not confuse professional writing (business writing) with recreational writing (creative writing). When more content... Writing the message with the audience in mind will not only help shape the style of the message itself but the tone in which it is presented as well as the formality of the language used. Tone is the main tool used to effectively and efficiently sell the message and its purpose. Advanced word usage (conversational yet professional, positive, courteous, inclusive and familiar to the reader) is important in writing. Use of active or passive voice, emphasis through style, coherent sentence structure, coherent paragraph structure and placement of the main idea within the message are all used to set the tone and shape the readers frame of mind. Tone also dictates the clarity in which the message is delivered. The most important thing is to format the document and design the content of your message with the reader in mind so that they will understand the message clearly and quickly as well as accept the message readily. Professional writing is not industry specific or medium specific. For that matter it is not just for professionals or professional purposes. It is not just for writing a novel or a business letter or inter–office memo. It can be used for direct messages that require action, making requests, delivery of bad news, giving instruction, reports or proposals, marketing, school research projects, goodwill messages, or something as informal as sending an email to a family member. Is the address correct? Does the subject line summarize the idea of the Get more content on