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оо фгос а «
Е.А Барашкова
сборник упражнений
Часть 2__________
К учебнику М.З. Биболетовой,
Н.Н. Трубаневой «Enjoy English. 8 класс»
Учебно-методический комплект
Е.А. Барашкова
английского языка
Часть II
К учебнику М.З. Биболетовой и др.
«Enjoy English. 8 класс» (Обнинск: Титул)
8 класс
Российской Академией Образования
Издание пятое,
переработанное и дополненное
МОСКВА • 2014
УДК 373:811.Il l
ББК 81.2Англ-2
Имена авторов и название цитируемых изданий указаны на титульном листе данной
книги (ст. 1274 п. 1части четвёртой Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации).
Изображение учебника «Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English:
учебник для 8 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. / М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева. - Обнинск: Титул»
приведено на обложке данного издания исключительно в качестве иллюстративного мате­
риала (ст. 1274 п. 1 части четвёртой Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации).
Барашкова, Б.А.
Б24 Грамматика английского языка. Сборник упражнений: часть II: 8 класс:
к учебнику М.З. Биболетовой и др. «Enjoy English. 8 класс» / Е.А. Бараш­
кова. — 5-е изд., перераб. и доп. — М. : Издательство «Экзамен», 2014. —
110, [2] с. (Серия «Учебно-методический комплект»)
ISBN 978-5-377-06826-6
Данное пособие полностью соответствует федеральному государственному
образовательному стандарту (второго поколения). Оно представляет собой второй
компонент учебного комплекта, состоящего из четырёх книг:
• Грамматика английского языка. Сборник упражнений. Часть I
• Грамматика английского языка. Сборник упражнений. Часть II
• Грамматика английского языка. Книга для родителей
• Грамматика английского языка. Проверочные работы.
Пособие содержит 280 грамматических упражнений, обеспечивающих усвое­
ние и закрепление правил грамматики, которые изучаются в 8 классе. Характер
упражнений позволяет выполнять их максимально быстро, что экономит силы
и время учащихся и помогает в короткие сроки добиться хорошего знания грамма­
Для учащихся 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений, изучающих англий­
ский язык по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой и др. «Enjoy English. 8 класс».
Приказом № 729 Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации
учебные пособия издательства «Экзамен» допущены к использованию в обще­
образовательных учреждениях.
УДК 373:811.111
ББК 81.2Англ-2
Подписано в печать 03.06.2013. Формат 70x100/16.
Гарнитура «Школьная». Бумага офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 3,40.
Уел. печ. л. 9,1. Тираж 10 000 экз. Заказ № 1937/13.
ISBN 978-5-377-06826-6 © Барашкова Е.А., 2014
© Издательство «ЭКЗАМЕН», 2014
СБОРНИК включает в себя 280 упражнений на отработку
грамматического материала по программе восьмого класса.
Сборник упражнений состоит из двух частей. Это вторая
Перед каждым упражнением указан параграф Книги для
родителей, в котором объясняются соответствующие граммати­
ческие явления.
В конце Сборника есть тематический указатель, с помощью
которого можно быстро найти упражнения на каждое грам­
матическое правило.
Сборник рекомендуется преподавателям английского языка
в качестве дополнительного пособия для отработки грамматики.
Он также может быть использован учащимися и их родителями
для самостоятельной работы.
Ключи к упражнениям находятся в Книге для родителей.
146. C om plete th e se n te n c e s w ith d, t h e or no article.
(§ 20)
1. i s ....... ... frozen water.
2. .........iron is ......hard strong metal.
3. .........horseshoes are made o f .......... iron.
4. .........marmalade i s .......... kind o f .........,. jam made fro m ........
oranges a n d .... ....lemons.
5. .........saw1is .. ....... tool for cutting ..........wood a n d ...........
6. We cannot live w ithout.........water.
7. Why i s .........water so cold?
8........ ....teapot i s ........... container for m aking.........tea.
9........ .... teaspoon is ......... small spoon that you use to put
....sugar in to ...... ... tea.
10...... ....ladybirds are .........small red insects w ith ........ .. black
147. Complete the sentences with Э/ЭП, th e or no
(§ 20)
1.............document i s ......... piece o f ......... paper containing.........
official information.
1saw — пила
2 ....butcher is someone whose job is to se ll.........meat.
3 .......... vegetarian is someone who chooses not to eat ........
meat o r
4 ..........bears a re .........large wild animals w ith ......... thick fur.
5............ balloon i s ......... small coloured bag o f ......... thin rubber
filled w ith .....air.
6 .......... diplomat is ........ official whose job is to represent
their government i n ........foreign country.
7 ..........cottage is built o f ......... stone.
8............ diamond i s ........very hard valuable stone.
9 ..........container is made o f ......... glass.
10. She d ran k o f ......... milk.
148. Complete the sentences with а/ЗП, th e or no
(§ 20)
1. Do you lik e.......hotel you are staying in?
2........... hotel is .......building where you pay to stay in .........
room and have.......meals.
3. Is i t hotel i n
4. Can you tell m e.......way t o ........nearest hotel?
5. You enjoyed.......ballet last night, didn’t you?
6 ......... ballet is ....... type of dancing used for telling .......
7 starts i n ........ few minutes.
8. Our teacher often shows us ....... films about ....... Great
9. I don’t like ....... film. It’s ....... American film. I never
w atch.......American films. I don’t like them.
10......... post office is ....... place where ....... stamps can be
bought. You can also send.......letters a n d ........ parcels.
149. Complete the sentences with a, the or no article.
(§ 20)
1. I have never cooked su ch
2. W hat’s .......main argument?
3. W h a t.......silly songs!
4. Let’s open.......window.......... boy must get some fresh air.
5. You must stop a t light!
6. Jane spoke.......German when she was i n ........ Berlin.
7........... Browns visited ....... Moscow ....... last month. They
stayed a t .......hotel i n .........centre o f It was near
....... Bolshoy Theatre. They could see ....... Moskva River
from their balcony.
8. My grandfather w as.......electrician.
9. W hat d id .......electrician say?
10. Can you fin d o n ........history o f ........ telephone for
me? I’ll be happy to get any interesting inform ation o n .......
150. Complete the sentences with 3 , th e or no article.
(§ 20)
1. B efore.......clocks were invented........ people to ld ........ time
by looking a t .......Sun.
2. D u rin g .......winter months ......... Sun is so low in
that it’s hidden below.......horizon.
3..............tropical lands lie n e a r...........equator. They a r e ...........
warmest parts o f
4. Who discovered th a t.........Earth is round?
5............. weather is always hot a t ...........equator because...........
Sun is high overhead.
6. The teacher was reading.........Bible to her pupils.
7 ...........police will arrive in h a lf.......... hour.
8 ...........Smiths are going to v is it...........Vladimir a t ...........end
o f .........month. I think they’ll have........ good time.
9. You are not using ......... computer at ......... moment, are
you? was built i n .......... fifteenth century.
151. Write the plural.
(§ i)
1. He likes h is ...............(toy).
2. T h e...............(child) are singing R ussian.............. . (song).
3. There are fo u r...............(photo) in the bag.
4. How m any.................(potato) are there in the bag?
5. How many new ................(zoo) are there in these ....................
6. A re ..............(wolf) cleverer th a n ............... (deer)!
7. There are tw o ...................(woman) in the car.
8. Do you clean y o u r..................(tooth) in the afternoon?
9. H is......................(brother) a re ......................... (sportsman).
10. Have you ever k e p t.................(fish) as ................... (pet)!
152. Write out the nouns which cannot be used with the
article d.
(§§ 2-3)
address advice clothes combination industry
information knowledge money month news
price progress trousers voice water weather
153. Complete the sentences.
(§§ 2-3)
1. Can you give me any
2. Can you give me any
3. Can you give me any
4. Can you give me any
5. Can you give me any
6. Can you give me any
7. Can you give me any
to my brother.
to her.
10. How did you g e t......
(Эти марки принадлежат)
(Эти деньги принадлежат)
.. (эти сведения)!
154. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
(§§ 2-3, § 20)
1. Какая интересная книга!
2. Какие интересные книги!
3. Какая интересная новость!
4. Какие хорошие новости!
5. Какой глупый фильм!
6. Какой глупый совет!
7. Какие глупые советы!
8. У меня идея.
9. У меня хорошая новость.
10. Какие красивые волосы!
155. Use the words in brackets to complete the
(§§ 2-3, § 23)
1. W h a t.............. (be) the weather like today?
2. W h a t.............. (be) the weather like yesterday?
3. W h a t..............(be) the w eather............ like tomorrow?
4. W hat fine weather w e................(have) today!
5. Knowledge..............(be) power1.
6. Mr M iller................(buy) the skis last month. Now the skis
................(belong) to him.
7. Bad new s................(travel) fast.
8. The m oney................(belong) to me. But you can take it.
9. W ho.............the m oney................. (belong) to?
10. Look at the mice! W ho...........the m ice............... (belong) to?
156. Fill in little or few.
(§ 16)
1. There i s ................water in the cup.
2. I couldn’t give him any stamps. I had v ery ..................
3. There is a lot of honey in the fridge, but there is v e ry ...........
4. The teacher can’t believe her eyes. Tom has made very
................mistakes in the dictation.
5. - How many sandwiches have you made?
- I am sorry, I have made v ery ................sandwiches.
6. I am sorry I h av e................friends.
7. Don’t forget to buy some milk! We have g o t..................
8. It was raining. There were very ................ children in the
9. I’m sorry I h a v e ................time today, but we can discuss
your problem tomorrow.
10. W e’ll hav e................apples in our garden this autum n.
1power — сила
157. Fill in a little or a few.
(§ 17)
1. Could you give h im
2. Could you b u y ................honey?
3. He le ft................minutes ago.
4. He le ft................juice for you. I t’s in the fridge.
5. I saw the film ................weeks ago.
6. T here's................cheese in the fridge, you can take it.
7. Have you got ............. minutes? I'd like to tell you
something interesting.
8. I Who can help me?
9. He is going to London f o r ................days.
10. I n ................days I shall see Scotland.
158. Translate from Russian into English.
(§§ 16-17)
1. много слов ...........................................................
2. мало слов ...........................................................
3. несколько слов ...........................................................
4. много денег .......................................................... .
5. мало денег ...........................................................
6. немного денег ...........................................................
7. мало воды ...........................................................
8. немного яблок ...........................................................
9. малолюден, ...........................................................
10. немного сыра ...........................................................
159. Complete the sentences as in the examples.
(§ 16)
There aren't many children in the park.
There are very few children in the park.
We haven’t got much bread.
w e have got very little bread.
1. There isn't much salad in the fridge.
salad in the fridge.
2. There aren't many apples in the basket.
.....................................................................apples in the basket.
3. She hasn't got many cassettes.
............................................................................ cassettes.
4. I can't spend much money on toys. on toys.
5. They don't have many words to learn.
......................................................................words to learn.
6. There isn’t much furniture in the room. in the room.
7. There aren’t many things in the wardrobe.
things in the wardrobe.
8. There isn’t much snow in the forest.
9. He hasn’t met many people there.
10. He didn’t ask many questions.
snow in the forest,
people there.
160. Use the words in brackets to complete the
sentences. Use the Present Simple or the Future
(§ 26, §§ 35-36)
1. If I ................(see) Ann, I ................. (tell) her everything.
2. If h e ................(see) Susan, h e ................................. (thank) her
for the invitation.
3. If sh e ....................(see) Kate, she ........................... (invite) her
to the party.
4. If w e..............(see) the teacher, w e ............................ (discuss)
it with her.
5. If they ................ (see) the manager, they .........................
(ask) him about it.
6. If Ja n e ................(come), I ................... (show) her the photos.
7. If the g irls................(come), I ................ (give) them the toys.
8. If sh e ...................(ask) me the question, I ..................................
(explain) everything to her.
9. If sh e ..................(phone) me today, I ...........................................
(congratulate) her.
10. If J e rry ..................(come) late, the teach er...............................
(speak) to his parents.
161. Use the words in brackets to complete the
sentences. Use the Present Simple or the Future
(§ 26, §§ 35-36)
1. He usually gets up late. If you ..................... (phone) him
now, y o u .......................(wake) him up.
2. When I ..................... (return) to Moscow, I ...................
(invite) my cousins to a meal.
3. When we ................ (get) home, we ................. {phone)
Granny to tell her the news.
4. If w e ....................(not / hurry) up, w e .......................{be) late
for school.
5. If y o u ................(not / write) these exercises, y o u ..................
{get) a bad mark.
6. If y o u ..................(not / buy) a present for your grandfather
today, y o u ......................{have) to do it tomorrow.
7. If w e.................. (not / have) a test tomorrow, w e....................
{go) to the cinema.
8. If we .........................{have) a test tomorrow, w e.......................
(not / go) to the cinema.
9. If y o u ....................(not / phone) her tomorrow, she ................
{get) angry with you.
10. If you ....................{phone) her tomorrow, sh e ...................(be)
happy to talk to you.
162. Complete the sentences as in the example.
(§ 31)
i have always wanted (a,n,t,w) to be a doctor.
He has always lived (e,i,v,l) there.
1. I t ............................................(e,b) my dream.
2. I ............................................. (a,n,w,t) to study Italian.
3. I ............................................. (o,w,k,n) him.
4. H e ..........................................(w,t,n,a) to visit London.
5. I t ............................................(Ъ,е) his dream to visit London.
6. I ............................................... (i,l,v,e) in this house.
7. W e..........................................(w,n,o,k) her.
8. T hey..................................(a,w,t,n) to live in the country.
9. I t .............................................(e,b) our dream to make friends
with her.
10. She .............................................................................. (e,v,l,i) at
her grandm other’s.
163. Fill in since or for.
She has lived h e re ............... 1997.
2. She has lived h e re ............... two years.
3. I have had the b a ll............ .. last June.
4. He has had the b a ll........... ... three months.
5. I have liked fairy-tales.... .........I was a baby.
6. She has been a w orker..... ........she left school.
7. We have had three tests ..............Monday.
8. They have stayed h e re ..............two days.
9. I have had the telephone ..............three weeks.
10 . I have had the telephone ..............Christmas.
164. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
(§ 31)
1. Она всегда хотела жить здесь.
2. Она живет здесь с 2003.
3. Она живет здесь два года.
4. Они живут здесь три месяца.
5. Они живут здесь с декабря.
6. Я всегда знал их.
7. Я знаю их с 2002.
8. У меня этот компьютер уже два года.
9. У меня этот компьютер с января.
10. У него этот телефонный номер уже пять месяцев.
165. Which is right? Complete the sentences.
(§ 20, § 23)
1. He ................................. (has never seen / never saw) such
............(a / the / -) big room.
2. Mr B row n..................(is / was / has been / will be) a teacher.
He teaches my brother.
3. Mr B row n...................(is / was / has been / will be) a teacher
since 1995.
4. Mr B row n...................(is / was / has been / will be) a teacher
for 10 years.
5. Mr B row n...............................(is / was / has been / will be) a
teacher ten years ago, but now he is a businessman.
6. W e................................(live / have lived) in Moscow. You can
visit ................ (us / our) ,........................ (some / any) time
you want.
7. W e ............................... (live / have lived) in Moscow for five
8. T h ey ................................. (live / have lived) in Moscow for a
long time.
9.........................................(Do you live / Did you live / Have you
lived) here five years ago?
10. How long..........................(do you live / have you lived) here?
166. C o m p le te th e se n te n ce s. Use the Present Simple or
the Present Perfect.
(§ 23, § 26, § 31)
1. H e .......................... (want) to be a fireman.
2. H e .......................... (always / want) to be a fireman.
3. H e ..........................(always / have) this telephone number.
4. H e ......................(have) this telephone number for two years.
5. H e ........................(have) this telephone number since 2002.
6. Mrs C lark................................(know) him since 1991.
7. S h e..........................(know) him very well.
8. S he..........................(always / know) him.
9. The C larks..........................(live) in New York.
10. The C larks..........................(always / live) in New York.
167. Complete the sentences.
(§ 23)
1. she / be a teacher
......................for three years.
2. she / be a teacher
.............................since 2002.
3. she / be a teacher 2002.
4. she / be a teacher
5. she / be a teacher year.
6. he / know them
....................for two months.
7. they / have this car
....................... for five years.
8. I / live here
..............................since 2001.
9. I / live here
.................................. in 2001.
10. we / know her
......................for many years.
168. Write a tag for each sentence.
1. He has always wanted to be an architect,
2. He is always la te ,..............?
3. He has to com e,.................?
4. He’s always dreamed of being a pilot,
5. He’s a p ilo t,................?
6. He’s gone to St P etersburg,................
7. He’s in St P etersburg,................?
8. He’s been to St P etersburg,................
9. There’s a new cinema in the a re a ,......
10. I t’s a new cinem a,................?
169. Which is right? Complete the sentences.
(§§ 2-3, §§ 14-15, § 20, § 31, § 48)
1. T h ere.............(is / are) n o t....................(many / much) fruit
salad i n ........(a / the / -) frid g e,................... (is it / is there)?
2. W hat furniture ................... (is there / are there) in ..........
(a / the / -) kitchen?
3. M oney................ .....(don’t / doesn’t) make her happy.
4. W here................ (is / are) my clothes?
5. My b ro th er........ .................(hasn’t been / wasn’t) ...................
(to / in) London ..............(already / yet).
6. I ........................... ..........(haven’t been to / wasn’t in) Vladimir
for three years.
7. Sam is ill. H e .... ................(is / has been / was) ill for several
8. We didn't have ..........................(many / much) time. We had
.............. (many / much) things to do.
9. They n ever........ ...........(agree / don’t agree) with us.
10. Nobody .............. ....................(calls / don’t call / doesn’t call)
me Kate.
170. Correct the mistakes.
(§§ 2-3, §§ 16-17, §§ 31-32, § 40, 48)
1. The; police v✓ ant5to find the man whc>has the
2. We have got a few tea at ho me, don't bu / an /■
3. The! old mari hai1 a 1ttle mor ey, ne c DUldYt buy
food fo ■ his family.
4. Mr Page; ha<j litt e mone)/. He wa:5 ha эру- He <:oulc
buf a new 5;tarr p for his coll ectic n.
5. I a way 5knDW f im.
6. I h,ave ived in t lis town for 199S
7. I кnow theni very well. ] have kr own the m wnen
theу weare fcrabies.
8. When I have been a babу I Vvas afrai j of mice
9. I a n sure уou vrill a ole tо sp eak Sparlish in three
10. Sh<э ha<i to invite Susan's br<othe ■ to ner >artr,
hacjn't ;he?
i7i. Fill inlittle, a little, few or a few.
(§§ 16-17)
1. There are v ery ..............museums in this town.
2. I have g o so I can't buy a new bike.
3. Do you have to wash many cups? - No, only...............
4. Is there much bread on the table? - No, only................
5. Have you got many questions to ask? - No, only................
6. I only need..............minutes to learn the words.
7. I h ave..............books at home, I have to go to the library.
8. We have got .............. food for dinner, you can do the
shopping tomorrow.
9. I m ust d o ..............exercises now, I can speak to you later.
10. There a r e ..............grammar exercises in our text-book, the
teacher often gives us another book.
172. Translate from Russian into English.
(§§ 15-17)
1. много волков ...................................
2. мало оленей ...................................
3. много мышей ...................................
4. мало кошек ...................................
5. несколько кошек ...................................
6. несколько вопросов ............................................................
7. мало слов ............................................................
8. много упражнений ............................................................
9. немного картинок ............................................................
10. мало стихотворений ............................................................
173. Translate from Russian into English.
(§§ 15-17)
1. много еды ............................................................
2. мало еды ............................................................
3. немного еды ............................................................
4. мало воды ............................................................
5. немного сока ............................................................
6. немного мяса ............................................................
7. мало сахара ............................................................
8. много соли ............................................................
9. немного сыра ............................................................
10. мало меда ............................................................
174. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple.
Active or passive?
(§ 38)
1. The gloves.......................(make) in China.
2. Mrs Brow n...................(make) gloves for her grandchildren.
3. Tom and Bill got building bricks. Yesterday they
....................(build) a tower and a bridge.
4. The tow er.......................(build) a year ago.
5. My grandm other......................(grow) beautiful roses in her
6. These nice roses.......................(grow) in her garden.
7. The children.......................(copy) the picture.
8. The p ictu re.......................(copy) several centuries ago.
9. The bo y ....................(use) a calculator to do the sums.
10. The calculator.......................(use) again.
175. Complete the sentences. Use the Present Simple or
the Present Perfect.
(§ 26, § 31)
1. The S m iths....................(live) in London now.
2. The S m iths....................(always / live) in London.
3. The S m iths..............(live) in London since 1998.
4. The S m iths...........(live) in London for ten years.
5. I ....................(want) to be a driver.
6. I ....................(alw ays / want) to be a driver.
7. W e....................(have) this house since December.
8. Mrs P ark er....................(know) them since 1990.
9. S he....................(know) them very well.
10. S he....................(always / know) them.
176. Make questions with Who. (Who is the subject of a
sentence.) Write short answers.
(§§ 50-51)
1. - Moscow?
- J e rry ............... (Jerry has been to Moscow.)
2. - .............................................................inMoscow?
- J e rry ............... (Jerry is in Moscow.)
3. - .............................................................inMoscow?
- J e rry ............... (Jerry was in Moscow.)
4. - .............................................................toMoscow?
- His cousins....................(His cousins have been to Moscow.)
5. - Moscow?
- His cousins.................... (His cousins are in Moscow.)
6. - ......................................... in Moscow?
- His cousins.................... (His cousins were in Moscow.)
7. - ......................................... to Moscow every year?
- J e rry ............... (Jerry goes to Moscow every year.)
8. - ......................................... to Moscow every year?
- His cousins....................
(His cousins go to Moscow every year.)
9. - ......................................... to Moscow?
- J e rry ............... (Jerry has to go to Moscow.)
10. - ......................................... to Moscow?
- His cousins............... (His cousins have to go to Moscow.)
177. Ask a question about the information underlined in
each of the following sentences, using Who or
(§§ 49- 50)
- Somebody gave him the cassette.
- Who gave him the cassette?
- Mike gave him something interesting.
- What did Mike give him?
1. - Somebody brought this toy to the kitchen.
2. - Linda brought something interesting.
3. - Somebody was cleaning the floor.
4. - Sveta was cleaning something.
5. - Somebody has cooked porridge for us.
6. - Granny has cooked something nice.
7. - Somebody found the tickets yesterday.
8. - Anton found something yesterday.
9. - Something has helped him.
10. - Tom helped somebody.
178. Ask a question about the information underlined in
each of the following sentences, using Where,
When or another question word.
(§ 49)
1. - .........................................................................................................
- At 5 o’clock. (They finished their work at 5 o’clock.)
- Yesterday. (It rained yesterday.)
3. - ...............................................................................
- Next month. (It will snow next month.)
4. - ..........................................................................................................
- That museum. (He has always wanted to visit that
5. - ..........................................................................................................
- Text Five. (We have to translate Text Five.)
6. - ..........................................................................................................................................................
- Text Five. (He has to translate Text Five.)
7. - ..........................................................................................................
- Two. (He has to translate two texts.)
8. - ........................................................................................................................................................................
- Three. (He had to translate three poems.)
9. - .....................................................................................................
- He is always late because he doesn’t want to get up
10. - ........................................................................................................................................
- In Germany. (He’s in Germany now.)
179. Which is right? Complete the sentences.
(§ 23, § 38, §§ 50-51)
1................................ (Did he read / Was he reading) when you
....................(phoned / were phoning) him yesterday?
2. W ho..............(has / was / did) invited him to the party?
3. W ho..............(is / are / did) invited to the party?
4. W ho................(was / were / did) punished for that?
5. W ho.................(is / are / did / has) punished him?
6. - W ho......................(go / goes) there every day?
- M ary..................(goes / does).
7. Mary ..................... (can’t / m ustn’t) answer the telephone.
S he...........................(washes / is washing) h e r.............. (hair /
8. F u rn itu re..........(is / are).................. (make / made) of wood.
9. The museum ....................... (visits / has visited / is visited)
by ........................... (thousand / thousands) of people every
10. The town has th ir ty .........................(thousand / thousands)
180. Complete the sentences as in the example. Use the
words from the box.
(§ 54)
eat get listen play read repair
speak teach travel watch work
He enjoys travelling by train.
1 .......................................................up early.
2 ............................................................. porridge for breakfast.
3 ............................................................. children.
4 ............................................................. his bike.
5 ............................................................. to the music.
6 ............................................................. TV.
7 ............................................................. detective stories.
8 .......................................................the guitar
9 the garden.
10 ...........................................................English.
181. Fill insay ortell.
(§ 59)
1. She wants t o ........................something.
2. She wants t o about it.
3. Let m e something interesting.
4. You m u st........................everything you know.
5. They didn’t ........................ anything.
6. They didn’t ........................ her anything.
7. You anything.
8. W hat did y o u ........................?
9. W hat did y o u ........................him?
10. He didn’t ........................a word.
182. Fill insaid ortold.
(§ 59)
1. I .................nothing at all.
2. I .................them nothing.
3. W’s right?
4. W ho.................him the news?
5. H e was a mistake.
6. And then sh e ................. something strange.
7. The to bring the textbooks.
8. The teacher.................that we must bring the textbooks.
9. The teacher ................. to us that we m ust bring the text­
10. “I’ll help you,” h e ..............quickly.
183. Use the words in brackets to complete the
sentences. Active or passive?
(§ 23, § 36, § 38)
1. If the weather ................... (be) bad tomorrow, we
......................(play) chess.
2. When he ...................... (come) home, he .............................
(telephone) you.
3. If I ..............(be) free tomorrow, I .................. (go) to the park.
4. T ea........................(bring) to England many centuries ago.
5. O ranges..........................................(not / grow) in England.
6. Yesterday Mr. Jo h n so n ...............................(receive) a letter.
In the letter he ...................... (ask) to come to the police
station. He ......................... (wonder) why he ....................
(want) by the police.
7. Last month Mr. Clark ..................................... (rewrite1) the
end of the book. The last p ag e...................................(rewrite)
five times.
8. At this time yesterday I ...............................(write) a test.
9. If I .......................(see) Tom again, I .........................(tell) him
10. If you ............................ (help) him, he ...........................
(finish) his work in time.
1rewrite —переписывать
184. Which is right? Complete the sentences.
(§ 13, § 31, § 59)
1. I can’t find my book................................ (W hatever/
Whenever / Wherever) can it be?
2. Let me have the magic cup, I’ll give you
................................... {whatever / whenever / wherever) you
3 .......................... {W hatever/ Whenever / Wherever)
someone looks at me I don’t know what to do.
4 ............................ {Whatever / Whenever / Wherever) you go,
I’ll find you.
5. We go fishing ......................................... {whatever/
whenever / wherever) we can.
6. I can’t h e a r..............{something / nothing / anything).
7.............................. {Whenever / Wherever / Whoever) they
........ {have been / were) hungry, they ............... {said /
told), “Cook, little pot!” and the magic pot cooked nice
porridge for them.
8.................... {Tell / Say) her that I .............................. {have
gone / went) out.
9. I am so tired. I ........................................{don’t sleep / didn’t
sleep / haven’t slept) for two days.
1 0 .1 {always want / have always
{this / these) cities.wanted) to see
185. Correct the mistakes.
(§ 3, § 11, §§ 16-17, § 20, § 31, §§ 50-51)
1 . Whо of you liste ned to t эе ггidio yesterdaУ?
2 . Do<2Sthe pc•lice kno^v about :he rnone;y?
3. Fevi da /s later €ivenrthing weis ready
4. I ki10W theni for thnге y<jars
5. Frank's brol:hen wa it to be эоИсeman.
6 . Whо is play ng tenn s? - Theу is.
7. Whо ar 2 hungry ? -
rhey areя
8 . Whо shall help rne t это rrow?
9. Whо have Engli:;h oii Th jrsd эу?
1 0 . WhO W(ire at theг stadiunl last Fri day?
186. Complete the sentences with 3, th e or no article.
(§ 20)
1. Is th e re near here?
2. W here i s .......nearest hospital?
3............ hospital is ....... place where ....... doctors and .......
nurses look a fte r.......people who are ill.
4. He is healthy. He has never been in
5. - He has broken his leg.
- How awful! Is he i n
6. Could you name some countries where they speak .......
7 ...........English language is very popular now.
8 ...........English a n d .......... French a r e .......... official languages
o f .......Canada.
9. There was ....... piano in ....... corner of ....... room but
nobody could p lay.....piano.
10......... weather was b a d ,........ Mike a n d ........ Ted couldn’t play
187. Write the plural.
(§ i)
1...................(monkey) live in h o t...............{country).
2. There are tw elve..............{month) in a year.
3. There will be a lot of (doctor), .....................
(fireman) a n d ........................(policeman) there.
4 ............. (koala) live in ..............(tree) and e a t............... (leaf).
5 .....................(mouse) have very sh arp .................. (tooth).
6. T h e................(child) can sit on th e ................... (chair).
7. T he................(dog) have little ................... (puppy).
8. T h e................(woman) can make n ice..................(dress).
9. T h e...........................(sportsman) don’t e a t................ (potato).
10. The ...................... (farmer) have got a lot of .............. (cow)
a n d .................(sheep).
188. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
(§§ 2-3, § 20)
1. Эта такая интересная игра!
It’s su ch ..................................................................
2. Какая хорошая погода!
W h a t.....................................................................
3. Какая ужасная погода!
W h a t.....................................................................
4. Какая интересная мысль!
W h a t.....................................................................
5. Какой интересный совет!
W h a t.....................................................................
6. Какие интересные сведения!
W h a t.....................................................................
7. Какие полезные советы!
W h a t.....................................................................
8. Уверен, он напишет много хороших книг.
I’m sure he will w rite ......................................................
9. Он добился больших успехов.
Не has m ade...............................
10. Он сделал хороший фильм.
Не has m ade...............................
189. Complete the sentences.
(§§ 2-3)
1. I don’t need .................. ...................(эти сведения).
2. I don’t need .................. ...................(эти цветы).
3. I don’t need .................. ...................(эти советы).
4. I don’t need .................. ...................(эти карандаши).
5. I don’t need .................. ...................(эти деньги).
6. I don’t like .................... ...................(эти новости).
7. I don’t like .................... ...................(эти игры).
8. I don’t like .................... ...................(такую погоду).
9. I don’t need .................. ...................(такие сведения).
10. I need ............................. ...................(полезные советы).
190. Make sentences.
(§ 27)
I hate ]t when b o y s
my friend
my pet
do(es) a stupid thing
ask(s) me a lot of questions
look(s) upset
cry / cries
take( s) my toys
feel(s ) sorry for me
give(s) advice
191. Translate from Russian into English.
(§ 27)
1. Я не люблю, когда он спрашивает меня о школе.
............................................................................. he asks me about
2. Вы не любите, когда я даю вам советы.
........................................................................... I give you advice.
3. Он не любит, когда я опаздываю.
.......................................................................................... I am late.
4. М ама не любит, когда я получаю плохие отметки.
.............................................................................. I get bad marks.
5. Моя собака не любит, когда я купаю ее.
.......................................................................................... I wash it.
6. Дети не любят, когда учителя задают им много
................................................................ their teachers ask them
a lot of questions.
7. Дети не любят, когда мама дает им лекарство.
...............................................................their mother gives them
8. Родители не любят, когда дети плачут.
.......................................................................... their children cry.
9. Я не люблю, когда обо мне говорят.
.................................................................. they chatter about me.
10. Учитель не любит, когда ученики оставляют тетради
..................................................................... his pupils leave their
note-books at home.
192. Complete the sentences as in the examples.
(§ 27)
I hate it when it is hot ( 0 , ш .
I like it when it is sunny^^/i).
1 .................................................................................................(o,l,c,d).
2 .................................................................................................(o,o,l,c).
3 ............................................................................................(i,y,n,d,w ).
4.........................................................................................(o,y,m ,r,t,s).
5 ..............................................................................................(a,r,m ,w ).
6 ....................................................................................... (y,u,o,d,c,l).
7 ........................................................................................... (a,i,y,r,n).
8 .............................................................................................(o,y,£,g,g).
9 ..............................................................................when the weather
i s ...............(a,d,b).
10.......................................................................................when there is
193. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
(§ 58)
He says that
I am
i i
he is
1. “I am twelve.”
He says .............................................
2. “I am a teacher.”
She sa y s............................................
3. “I am at home .”
Helen sa y s.......................................
4. “7 am b u sy”
The sportsman sa y s .......................
5. “We are from Russia.”
He says .............................................
6. “We are from Vladimir.”
She sa y s...........................................
7. “7 have got a dog.”
He says ............................................
8. “I have got a cat.”
She sa y s...........................................
9. “We have lunch at school.”
She sa y s...........................................
10. “We have English on Thursday.”
He says ............................................
........ a teacher. home.
................. busy.
.... from Russia,
from Vladimir.
................a dog.
.................a cat.
lunch at school.
........English on
194. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
(§ 58)
1. “It is my b ike”
He says .........................................................
2. “I t is my d o ll”
She sa y s........................................................ .......................... doll.
3. “They must bring my dictionary.”
He says ......................................................... ..............dictionary.
4. “They can see my photos.”
She sa y s........................................................
5. “Our dog is clever.”
They s a y clever.
6. “You can take your b a ll”
He says ......................................................... .......................... ball.
7. “You must bring your pen.”
She sa y s........................................................ ...........................pen.
8. “Your school is wonderful.”
He says ......................................................... wonderful.
9. “Yourpet is funny.”
She sa y s........................................................ ................. is funny.
10. “You must clean your room.”
He says .........................................................
195. C hange th e se n te n c e s to indirect speech.
(§ 58)
1. “I am a student.”
He says ......................................................... ..........a student.
2. “J don’t understand your question.”
He says ..................................................
3. “I like your poem ”
She sa y s....................................................................poem.
4. “I didn’t see your dog.”
He says ................................................................... dog.
5. “I don’t believe you.”
She sa y s...................................................................
6. “We want to show you our garden.”
They s a y
7. “We can’t find our bags.”
They say ..................................................................bags.
8. “We are looking for your bike.”
They say
9. “I ’ll never forget your story.”
He says ....................................................................story.
10. “I have lost my pen.”
She sa y s................................................................... pen.
196. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
(§ 6i)
“Don’t open the book, Jane.”
The teacher asks Jane not to open the book.
1. “Don't put on boots, children.”
The teacher asks the children .......................................
2. “Don’t buy anything tomorrow, Ted.”
Mother ask s............................................... anything tomorrow.
3. “Don’t take anything, Susan.”
Granny asks ................................................................. anything.
4. “Don the late, Jerry.”
Tom ask s....................................................................................
5. “Don’t bring any sweets, M ary.”
Mrs Norman a s k s...................................................... anysweets.
6. “Don’t draw anything on the wall, N ick!”
Granny asks ............................................ anything on the wall.
7. “Don’t wash the toy, Sam .”
Mother ask s................................................................. the toy.
8. “Don’t stay at the hotel, M r Sm ith.”
Mr Adams a s k s ........................................................ at the hotel.
9. “Don’t miss the train, Bob.”
Ted asks................................................................. the train.
10. “Don’t be afraid of the dog, Helen!”
Mrs Slow asks ...............................................................of the dog.
197. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
( § 6 1 )
“Open the books, children.”
The teacher a s k s the children t o o p e n the books.
“Don’t read the text, Tom.”
The teacher to ll s Tom PIQt tO Г6ЭС1 the text.
1. “Return the book in time!”
J e rry ........N o ra..................... the book in time.
2. “Don’t move the chairs,please.”
The teacher........the children..................... the chairs.
3. “Don’t go there by car.”
Mrs T aylor...........her husband.................. there by car.
4. “Invite all your friends to the party.”
M ................ . ... all my friends to the party.
5. “Don’t tell them the news.”
Tom ........his frie n d .................. ... them the news.
6. “Speak louder, please!”
The teacher........the p u p il...... ..............louder.
7. “Listen to me!”
The teacher........the p u p il...... her.
8. “Don’t ask me the question!”
Tom ........his little brother .... ............................ the question.
9. “Buy some apples, please.”
M other........m e......................... ....some apples.
10. “Don’t buy any oranges.”
G ranny........m e......................... ....any oranges.
198. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
(§ 62)
1. “W hy are they late?”
The teacher w onders................ ............................................late.
2. “When is she busy?”
Tom w onders............................. ...........................................busy.
3. “Where is he from?”
Bill w onders............................... ..........................................from.
4. “W hen were they in France?”
The officer ask s.......................................................... in France.
5. “How many chairs are there in the room?”
The teacher a sk the room.
6. “How old is he?”
Nelly w onders...................................................................................
7. “How old are you?”
They a sk ............................................................................................
8. “Where are you from?”
They a sk ............................................................................................
9. “When were you ill?”
She ask s.............................................................................................
10. “W hy are you crying?”
He ask s..................................................................................crying.
199. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
(§ 62)
1. “W hy do they come late?”
My grandm other ask s............................................................ late.
2. “W hy did they invite Pete?”
Tom ask s...................................................................................Pete.
3. “When do they go to the country?” .
Helen w the country.
4. “When did they go to the country?”
She w the country.
5. “Where does he come from?”
The pupils w onder................................................................ from.
6. “Where do you come from?”
The children w onder........................................................... from.
7. “How much cheese did you buy yesterday?”
Mother ask s................................................................. yesterday.
8. “When do you go to the swimming pool?”
My teacher ask the swimming pool.
9. “When did you go to Vladimir?”
My friend w onders.................................................. to Vladimir.
10. “W hat does he like?”
She w onders......................................................................................
200. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
(§ 63)
1. “Can he speak English?”
Linda ask s........................................................................English.
2. “M ust she go there?”
Ted ask s.......................................................................... there.
3. “Is it raining?”
Granny a sk s.....................................................................raining.
4. “Was the trip interesting?”
Mr Porter ask s........................................................... interesting.
5. “Has he come?”
The teacher ask s..............................................................................
6. “Are they at home?”
Bill ask s............................................................................ at home.
7. “Is there a ball in the box?”
Nancy ask s................................................................... in the box.
8. “Are there two pens in the pencil-case?”
Peter asks ............................................................... in the pencil-
9. “Could you run fast?”
Helen ask
10. “Have we got a new cassette?”
The boys a s k ........................................................a new cassette.
201. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
(§ 63)
1. “Do you celebrate the holiday?”
Betty a s k s .................................................................. the holiday.
2. “Do you come home late?”
My grandparents ask ................................................ home late.
3. “Do you watch TV in the morning?”
My grandfather a sk the morning.
4. “Does she work there?”
The policeman ask s.............................................................there.
5. “Does he often go to the stadium?”
Mary a sk s............................................................ to the stadium.
6. “Does he grow vegetables?”
My grandm other a s k s ..............................................vegetables.
7. “Did they live in M anchester in 1999?”
Mr Phillips asks .................................................. in Manchester
in 1999.
8. “Did you translate two books last year?”
The pupils a s k ............................................two books last year.
9. “Did she teach M athematics at school?”
Ted ask s.................................................Mathematics at school.
10. “Does he like coffee?”
Mary ask
202. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
(§§ 62-63)
1. “When was he in India?”
Nelly ask s............................................... in India.
2. “Was he in Italy?”
Nelly a sk Italy.
3. “Where is she going?”
Bill ask s................................................................
4. “Is she going to the museum?”
Bill ask s............................................................... to the museum.
5. “W hy are they laughing?”
Tom ask s.................................................................
6. “Are they laughing at the picture?”
Tom ask s............................................ at the picture.
7. “W hat do they sell?”
Helen ask s..............................................................
8. “Do they sell toys?”
Helen ask s........................................................ toys.
9. “When did he clean the room?”
Mother ask s............................................... the room.
10. “Did he clean the room yesterday?”
Mother ask s................................................the room yesterday.
203. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
(§§ 62-63)
“W hy are you tired?”
Mother ask s.......................................
“Are you tired?”
Mother ask s........................................
“W hat is he reading?”
I w onder.............................................
“Is he reading?”
I w onder.............................................
“When does he go to school?”
Linda w onders..................................
“Does he go to school?”
Linda a sk s..........................................
“W hy do they go by train?”
Mark w onders...................................
“Do they go by train?”
Mark w onders...................................
“Where do they go in summer?”
Anton w onders.................................
“Do they go to Anapa in summer?”
Anton ask s.........................................
tired. school. school. train. train. summer.
to Anapa in summer.
204. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
(§ 58, § 60)
1. “I am going to play chess”
Tom says th a t......................................................... to play chess.
Tom said th a t......................................................... to play chess.
2. “I am happy to see yo u ”
She says th a see
She said th a see
3. “We are cleaning our classroom”
The boys say that .......................................................classroom.
The boys said t h a t..................................................... classroom.
4. “Tom is in London”
They say th a London.
They said th a t................................................... in London.
5. “I have five lessons on M onday.”
Mary says th a t.......................five lessons on Monday.
Mary said th a t.......................five lessons on Monday.
6. “She has lunch at school”
Pete says th a t..........................lunch at school.
Pete said th a t..........................lunch at school.
7. “We can speak three languages ”
They say that ...................................................three languages.
They said th a t..................................................three languages.
8. “I can help you ”
He says th at ....................................................................................
He said t h a t......................................................................................
9. “It is raining”
Nancy says th a t ............................................................................
Nancv said t h a t ...............................................................................
10. “We have a nice house”
They say th a t......................................a nice house.
They said th a t......................................a nice house.
205. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
(§ 58, § 60)
1. “I do my homework in the afternoon.”
Bill says t h a t ........................ his homework in the afternoon.
Bill said that ........................ his homework in the afternoon.
2. “I like to play the piano”
The girl says th a t......................................the piano.
The girl said th a t......................................the piano.
3. “I go there with my frien d ”
David says th a t................................. there w ith ..........friend.
David said th a t.................................there w ith .......... friend.
4. “M y friend wants to see you.”
Mike says th a t............................................ to see...........
Mike said th a see............
5. “M y teacher often speaks to my grandmother.”
Nick says th a t .......................................................grandmother.
Nick said t h a t .......................................................grandmother.
6. “We don't remember his address.”
They say th a t......................................his address.
They said th a t......................................his address.
7. “We don’t know her name.”
They say th a t.........................................her name.
They said th a t...................................................... hername.
8. “I don’t understand the joke.”
She says th a t............................................. the joke.
She said th a t............................................. the joke.
9. “The cake tastes wonderful”
They say th a t.
They said that
10. “I feel bad.”
206. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
( § 61)
1. “Will you write the date, please!”
The teacher told T om ....................................................the date.
2. “Please come on tim e”
The teacher told the children...................................... on time.
3. “Don’t make any sandwiches”
Mother told m e................................................. any sandwiches.
4. “Do your homework!”
Mother told m e................................................................................
5. “Don’t put on the coat.”
Mother told m e............................................................... the coat.
6. “Answer my question!”
Mr Brown told Sam ..................................................... question.
7. “Don’t ask me about it!”
My sister told m e............................................................about it.
8. “Don’t take my book!”
Jane told J e rry
9. “Don’t give me the cup!”
Mrs Turner told Mrs H arris.........................................the cup.
10. “Don’t sit on the desk!”
The teacher told Nick ... on the desk.
207. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
(§§ 58-63)
1. “I shall go to the post office.”
Paul said th a the post office.
2. “They will have to write a test.”
The teacher said that .....................................................................
write a test.
3. “He will visit his grandmother.”
Mary said that .......................................................................... his
4. “We shall have a good time.”
The girls said th a t.........................................a good time.
5. “We won’t open the box.”
Diana said th a t.....................................................the box.
6. “I shan’t do that again.”
Little Tom said th a t.........................................that again.
7. “Will he answer my question?”
Barbara ask ed ............................
8. “When will they come?”
David w ondered.........................
9. “I never lose my books.”
Mr Carter said that books.
10. “Г т going to play chess with you.”
H arry said th a play
chess w ith ....................
208. Write these words for the indirect speech.
(§ 58)
1. today ...........................................................
2. now ...........................................................
3. yesterday ...........................................................
4. last week ...........................................................
5. two days ago ...........................................................
6. this book ...........................................................
7. these toys ...........................................................
8. tomorrow ...........................................................
9. next year ...........................................................
10. here ...........................................................
209. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
(§§ 58-60, § 63)
1. “We shall have a party tomorrow”
Richard said th a t..................................................................
2. “I shall call you tomorrow ”
Carl said th a t........................3
3. “We shall work hard next sum m er”
Philip said th a t...................................
4. “We are going to read this book next m onth”
Nelly said th a t.....................................................
5. “We are going to the country next w eek”
Mrs Thompson said th a t............................
6. “I shall come back in two d a ys”
Sally said th a t..............................
7. “They will know everything in three m onths”
Peter said th a t......................................................
8. “Can you do it today?”
Ann asked.....................
9. “M u uncle is in India now ”
Mike said th a t......................
10. “Will you go to school next Saturday?”
Mother asked Tom ...................................
210. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
(§§ 58-60, §§ 62-63)
1. “They'll be here on tim e ”
John sa id ......................................................................
2. “I can’t be here today.”
Mr Patterson sa id .......
3. “I can’t find it here.”
Ann sa id .....................
4. “Can your uncle come here today?”
Linda wondered.................................
5. “W hat are you going to do?”
Granny asked m e ..................
6. “We shall write a test in two d a ys”
The boys sa id ......................................
7. “They will have holidays in three weeks.”
The children sa id .........................................
8. “I don’t like this book.”
My grandfather sa id ....
9. “W hy are you busy today?”
Mother asked m e.................
10. “Will they be busy next week?”
My friend w ondered.................
211. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
(§§ 58-60)
Julia said that
1. “I have seen her today.’
Sam sa id .........................
We have seen this
4 4 4
they had seen that
film .’
2. “I have read three books this month.’
Tom sa id ................................................
3. “We have visited two countries this year.’
The Browns sa id ...........................................
4. “M y mother hasn’t been on holiday this year.’
James sa id ..............................................................
5. “M y uncle went to Kiev yesterday.’
Boris sa id ............................................
6. “We discussed these books yesterday.’
The students sa id ...................................7
7. “Our teacher gave us these books at the previous lesson.’
The pupils sa id ........................................................................
8. “We didn’t do many exercises yesterday.”
Emma sa id .......................................................
9. “I met my friends here last week.”
Alan sa id ...........................................
10. “I cleaned my room two days ago.”
Mike sa id ............................................
212. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
(§§ 58-60, §§ 62-63)
1. “W hy was she late last M onday?”
Bob asked.....................................................................
2. “W hy were you tired yesterday?”
Granny asked.................................
3. “Where was the book?”
My teacher asked....................
4. “Where were you yesterday?”
Helen asked..............................5
5. “Did you go to London last week?”
Mr Harrison asked..........................
6. “Did he find out your address?”
Simon asked .................................
7. “Did you read this book?”
Jerry asked.......................
8. “Did you see these films?”
My friend asked ...............
9. “W as she at school yesterday?”
Peter asked ..................................
10. “Were you afraid of this dog?”
Andrew asked ............................
213. Use the words in brackets to complete the
(§ 23)
1. B ob..................(live) in London now. B o b ...................(move)
to London five years ago. He .............. (live) there for five
2. How lo n g .....y o u ............ (live) in this house?
3.......... you ever ........... (eat) milk pudding? When ..... you
...........(eat) it?
4. I ...............(not / decide) what to do. I ........... (think) about it.
5. I .................(not / like) computer games. I ................ (think)
they are boring.
6. W h a t..........y o u .............. (do) when I .................... {phone) you
yesterday? - 1 .............................{play) chess with Oleg.
7. S h e....................{live) here for three years.
8. I t ....................{be) famous for hundreds of years.
9. I ........alw ays.................. {want) to visit the British Museum.
10. When Granny ................. {come) into the bathroom we
.................{wash) the dog.
214. Which is right? Complete the sentences.
(§§ 1- 2, § 10, § 13, §§ 26- 31, §§ 42- 43, § 48, §§ 58- 59)
1. H e ..............................{washed / was washing) h is .....................
{hair / hairs) when the telephone ............................ {rang /
was ringing), that was why he .................................. {didn’t
answer / wasn’t answering) it.
2..................................... {It was / There was) snowing when I
............................{left / was leaving) the museum.
3. I .....................{like / like it) when i t ................... {rain / rains).
4. She didn’t ........................{say / tell) a word t o .........................
{somebody / anybody / nobody).
5. He ......................... {lives / has lived) here ......................
{since / for) April.
6. She ....................... {knows / has known) him ........................
{since / for) many years. She .............................. {thinks / is
thinking) he is a very good dentist.
7. The ............................. {fireman / firemen) are very brave,
............................{isn’t it / are they / aren’t they)l
8. He had no questions for y o u ,................................... {had he /
didn’t he / did he)?
9. I didn’t ........................(know / knew / known) ..........................
(who / whose) b ik e.......................... (there was / it was / it is).
1 0 .1 wonder w h ere.......................(did she buy / does she buy /
she bought)........................ (that / those) toys.
215. Correct the sentences.
(§ 12, §§ 49- 50, §§ 58- 63)
П_у ^_j W
1. Whо di<i plaу fo Dtba 1th<i ott er day?
2. Ou г teacher asks us don't to spe эк Russi<зп in cla<;s.
3. Which cjave Toni the money:
4. He said the Bro1/vns had moved t э a rlew houe e
thrее уears ago
5. He wondere‘d w«3S t t ere any food in the house -
6. Shei asl<:ed i10W manу cities lad le visiteci.
7. Bill 's motheг said she wi 1go to t le s:hoo1to spea к
to :he teacl-ler.
8. Aml said th at stle would pho ne him ir1 tw<э da1/s.
9. What will Ыi the:weiathe ■ like!toniorr()W ?
10. The;re i ; sorneth ing :hat I wa nt t<) sa)' the tea cher
216. Complete the sentences with 3, the or no article.
(§ 20)
1. Did your grandfather p lay .......volleyball when he w as........
2............volleyball i s ........ popular game i n ........ Russia.
3 is spread all o v
4. There i s .......nice lawn1in front o f ........ N ikitins’ house. We
often p lay there.
5. Don’t be late f o r
6. I go t o i n ........ afternoon.
7. I often go t o library.
8........... Mrs W illiams i s
9. I’d like to b u y ball. I don’t lik e .........ball I bought
.......last spring.
10......... polar bears are ....... large white bears that live near
.......N orth Pole.
217. Complete the sentences with 3, th e or no article.
(§ 20)
1............last year we went t o ........ Urals, let’s go t o ........ Crimea
this year.
2. How can I get t o .......Sheremetyevo airport?
1lawn — лужайка
2typical — типичный
3. W hat’s on at “.......Slava”?
4. Can you tell m e .......way t o ........ King’s Hotel?
5............ Mike’s uncle has .......very interesting job. He often
goes t o .......Far East. - Does he? Is h e ........ scientist? Does
he stu d y .......Pacific Ocean?
6. Mike is n o t.......good pupil. He could find n eith er........ Alps
n o r.......Altai on this map.
7 .........Oka flows in to ........ Volga.
8 .........Pushkin Theatre is o n ........ left.
9. Have you ever v isited .......Tolstoy Literary Museum?
10. Let’s go t o ....... Izmailovo Park? - That’s ....... good idea.
Shall we go there b y .......bus or b y
218. Complete each sentence with little, few , 3 little
or a few.
(§§ 16- 17)
1. He has g o t............ money. He can’t buy a piano.
2. He has g o t............ money. He is going to buy a guitar.
3. I have g o t..........rubles. I think I shall be able to buy the
4. I have g o t...........rubles in my collection. Sorry I can’t give
you any.
5. I’ll come back i n .................days.
6. O nly..............people have snowdrops in their garden.
7. There is ............... snow in our garden this winter, I am
afraid is it bad for the flowers.
8. We have to do the shopping in town because there are
...........shops in our village.
9. A lot of people have to leave the town because there are there.
1 0 .1 hope I’ll be free soon. Today I have......... work to do.
219. Complete each sentence with tOO, 3 1SO or either.
(§ 55)
1. I don’t like honey. Pete doesn’t like honey.................
2. I am going to the museum.
My brother is going th e re .................
3. They will go to the art exhibition after classes.
Their friends will go th e re ...............
4. He doesn’t like football. I don’t like the gam e.................
5. When I came, M argaret was having lunch, her sister was
................eating something.
6. I have never been to Kiev, my parents haven’t been there
7. - I haven’t got any friends in France.
- 1haven’t ..................
8. He wasn’t happy to see us. - She wasn’t ...........
9. - He is a great doctor.
- She is a very good doctor.................
10. He knows five foreign languages.
S he...............knows several foreign languages.
220. Write questions.
(§ 42, § 49)
1 . - .........................................................................................
- Next Tuesday. (I shall come next Tuesday.)
- At the swimming pool. (I’ll be at the swimming pool.)
3. - ...................................................................................
- A dog. (I have got a dog.)
4. - ............................................................................................
- Two. (I bought two cassettes last Friday.)
5. - ............................................................................................
- I’m going to give him the toy because he likes to play.
6. - ........................................................................................................................
- Green. (My bike is green.)
7. - ...................................................................................
- He’s lost his glasses.
8. - ............................................................................................................
- Two days ago. (He lost his glasses two days ago.)
9. - ...................................................................................
- A stadium. (There is a stadium near the park.)
10. - ...................................................................................
- A sweet. (There was a sweet on the desk.)
221. Ask a question about the information underlined in
each of the following sentences, using W h o and
W hat.
(§§ 49- 50)
1. - Somebody invited Nina to the party.2
2. - Nina invited somebody to the party.
3. - This name means something.
4. - Somebody took the money.
5. - Somebody phoned the police.
6. - The teacher phoned somebody.
7. - Somebody left the bag in the bus.
8. - Anton left something on the chair.
9. - Somebody is watering the flowers.
10. - They are watering something.
222. Write a tag for each sentence.
( § 48)
1. He’s found something interesting th e re ,...
2. He’s found nothing interesting th e re ,.......
3. He is interested in travelling,..................?
4. He has never been interested in travelling,
5. He has to travel a lo t,................. ?
6. He had to travel a lo t,.................?
7. He’s at the a irp o rt,..................?
8. He’s gone to the a irp o rt,..................?
9. There’s a new airport not far from this town,
10. It’s a new a irp o rt,..................?
223. Write a tag for each sentence.
(§ 48)
1. Mr Brown asked nobody,.................?
2. The police caught h im ,.................?
3. The jeans looked fu n n y ,.................?
4. There is no snow ,.................?
5. There won’t be any problem s,.................?
6. She used to do the shopping in the m orning,...........?
7. There are a few apples in the frid g e,.................?
8. I am your stu d e n t,.................?
9. He’s read y ,.................. ?
10. He’s com e,.................. ?
224. S a y or tell? Put the verbs into the correct form.
(§ 59)
1. “I hope everything will be OK,” sh e a tired voice.
2. “I about it two months ago,” h e ............... coldly.
3. You m u st.........................him what todo.
4. Stand up, children, and .................: “Good morning, Mr
5. W hat did sh e .............. ?
6. W hat did sh e ..............him?
7. W hat did sh e him?
8. W hat did sh e this?
9. W hat did sh e ..........about that?
10. You have anything about that.
225. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
(§ § 58- 63)
1. “Don’t speak Russian!”
The teacher told u s ....................................................
2. “Don’t run!”
The teacher told u s ....................................................
3. “I lost my money yesterday.”
Mary sa id .....................................................................
4. “I am going to wash my bike today.”
Philip sa id ............................................
5. “Who wrote this poem?”
The teacher w ondered...
6. “W hat is the time?”
Granny asked.........
7. “W hat is the weather like today?”
Mother asked...................................8
8. “W hat is the matter?”
The teacher wondered
9. “Shall we go to the library tomorrow?”
The pupils asked......................................
10. “Have you ever been to Sergiev Posad?”
Paul asked...................................................
226. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
(§ 64)
“W ill she ask about it?”
I wonder if she will ask about it.
“When will she ask about it?”
I don’t know when she will ask about it.
1. “Will he arrive tomorrow?”
Susan ask s.......................................................................
2. “When will he arrive?”
Susan ask s....................
3. “Will she have a party on Sunday?”
Paul doesn’t know ..............................
4. “When will she have a party?”
Paul doesn’t know ....................5
5. “W ill she go to the baker’s tomorrow?”
I am not su re ............................................
6. “When will she go to the baker’s?”
I am not su re ....................................
7. “W ill they go to S t Petersburg?”
I w onder.........................................
8. “When will they go to S t Petersburg?”
I w onder....................................................
9. “W ill he speak to the manager?”
Alice ask s.......................................
10. “When will he speak to the manager?”
Alice ask s.................................................
227. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
(§§ 62-63)
1. “Where is he?”
Mary asked..................................................................
2. “Where was he two days ago?”
Caroline asked............................................................
3. “W hy did she go with us?”
Mark asked.........................4
4. “Who has broken this glass?”
The teacher asked...................
5. “W hy is Nick crying?”
Mother asked.............................................
6. “How much did he pay for the tickets?”
Ms Parker asked.......................................
7. “Do they like the game?”
Mr Smith asked........................
8. “Will he be ready in an hour?”
The teacher asked.....................
9. “Will it rain tomorrow?”
Paul asked .......................................................
10. “Did Jack move to his new flat last week?”
Jane asked........................................................
228. Use the words in brackets to complete the
(§ 23, § 36, § 64)
1. I don’t know if M other.................(work) tomorrow.
2. I’ll have to do the shopping if Mother ................. (work)
3. Bob will go out when h e ..............(finish) his work.
4. I wonder when h e .................(do) his homework tomorrow.
5. I am not sure if sh e ....................(arrive) next Sunday.
6. I will be able to meet her if she .................... (arrive) on
7. I want to ask her if sh e .......................(arrive) next Sunday.
8. I wonder if the te s t.................(be) difficult.
(be)9. I’m afraid I’ll get a bad mark if the test .....
10. Do you know when w e.................(write) the test?
229. Use the words in brackets to complete the
(§ 23)
1. J a n e ..............(sit) down under a tree a n d ............... (begin) to
cry. An old lad y ..............(come) up to her a n d ............... (ask)
her why sh e ..............(cry).
2. When I ........... (be) a little child I ........... (want) to be a
3. W hat are your plans? - I ................. (meet) my friend this
4. At the moment the pupils.......................(have) a test. I think
th e y ............... (know) the results tomorrow.
5. -W h a t.....y o u ............ (do) at 6 o'clock yesterday?
- I .......................(watch) TV.
6. When you ................. (telephone) me I .................... (do) my
7. I .................... (come) home late last Wednesday. Granny
.......................... (sleep), Mother ............................. (wash) up,
F ath er.......................(speak) over the telephone.
8. I ................ (know) he ................... (speak) five languages. I
............................. (not / understand) which language he
........................ (speak) now.
9. He still .................... (remember) the doctor he ...............
(meet) in Kiev a few years ago.
10. Mr Parker ................... (buy) a new football yesterday.
He u su a lly ....................... (play) football on Sunday. Today
......................(be) Sunday. H e ............................(play) football
now. H e ....................(like) the new ball.
230. Use the words in brackets to complete the
(§ 23)
1. I .............. (come) home late yesterday. My little brother
.............. (sleep), my grandfather .............. (read) a
newspaper, my p aren ts..............(watch) TV.
2. W usually............ (do) your homework?
3. ........y o u ............ ... (do) your homework yet?
4. ........y o u ............ ... (do) your homework yesterday?
5. ........ it usually
.............. (take) you much time to do your
6. ........ it .......... ...... (take) you much time to do your
homework yesterday?
7. ........i t ...............
(take) you much time to do your homework
8. ........i t ............... (snow) now?
9. ........i t ............... (snow) at this time yesterday?
10. usually. .............(snow) in April?
231. Complete the questions with Who or Which.
(§ 12)
1 .......invited him to the party?
2 .............of them invited him to the party?
3 .......of the girls is Mary?
4 Mary? Is she Tom’s sister?
5............... of you speaks Italian?
6 .............of the museums is open now?
7 speaking to the teacher?
8 .............of them is going to speak to the teacher?
9 .............of your friends lives in this street?
10.............lived in this house?
232. Which is right? Correct the sentences.
(§ 6, §§ 11- 12)
1 ...........(Who / Which) of you knows French?
2.................... (Who / W hich) has brought the flowers? They
smell s o .................. (nice / nicely).
3 .................(Who / Which / W hat) is your phone number?
4. An author is a person ....................... (which / who / whose)
writes books.
5. A garden is a piece of land, usually near a house, ..............
(which / who / whose) is used for growing flowers.
6............................. (Whatever I Whenever / Wherever /
Whoever) he did, he did i t ..............(good / well).
7.............................. (Whatever / Whenever / Wherever /
Whoever) I phone him, he is always at home.
8. - Shall I buy the magazine or take it from the library?
- ...................... (Whatever / Whenever / Wherever /
Whoever) you like.
9. (Whatever / Whenever / Wherever / Whoever)
you go, I’ll find you.
10......................... (Whatever / Whenever / Wherever / Whoever)
gives her advice she is always ready to follow ..............(it /
233. Which is right? Correct the sentences.
(§ 23,.§ 5 8 -6 1 )
1. He asks th em .................(don’t to / not to) play there.
2. Mrs S m ith .................(said / told) me n o t...........................(to
close / close) the door.
3. We ............................ (are going to have / will have / have)
a party tonight. We ..................... (do / did / have done)
4. Have you got any wooden toys? - No, I’ve only got plastic
........................(one / ones).
5. W hat are her plans? When ............................................ (does
she come / will she come / is she going to come) home?
6. - When ...............................(does she come / has she come /
did she come) home yesterday?
- .................. (In / At) four o’clock.
7. We promise you ...................................... (have / will have /
are going to have) a good time.
8. - ................................ (Does she come / Has she come / Did
she come) home yet?
- I ....................... (don’t know / didn’t know / haven’t
known). I ...................(don’t see / didn’t see / haven’t seen)
her today.
9. W hat ................. (did you do / were you doing) when the
telephone.............. (rang / was ringing).
10................ (It is / There is )................(anybody / nobody) in the
234. Correct the sentences.
(§ 1, § 17, § 20, § 48, § 59-62)
ГЧ_У К У  У y j К У К У V_Г
1. I haver 't seen b1oskva r ver yet.
2. Would 'i^ou ike :o gc to 1:he J>out a Afr ica
in ^ayl
3. Loridon is a ver/ large c ty. It is ane af the
lar gest city:; in :he vvorlc1.
4. I a n St re he wi I I be OK in few dclys.
5. I a n ricjht, amn't I?
6. I w
ir w aere is he now.
7. He ask«;wh en c an tiley :om(
8. Th<гу wond«;r wllat coes she like.
9. Torn asks tlaem don t bring any f aod.
10. He tells he :an jwirrl we 1.
235. Correct the sentences.
(§ 42, §§ 58-63)
|"V 7—^ 7—V 7 V 7 V 7 V 7 ^ 7 V 7~V 7~V 7 V 7 У 7“
1. Thei king asked the arinc:ess to wait f ar me.
2. Theг fair
■yto d the boу that sile must eavea hir i.
3. Theг gir asked t ie c lildr 2П Vhat are
theу doing.
4. He aske;d what л/as the arob em.
5. He aske;d did th 2y have a pnablein.
6. She; wondet s do theу know the vrord:
7. He said he (didn t me:et t nem befc>re.
8. The;re v/as г lake not far fror ri theair house|и
Theire vias iavei'У deiep 1ake.
9. The; king said that tlie p ■ ince WOljld leiave
the pal ace 1:omcirrov/.
10. The: pri ice ;said that he vill t e carefu
236. Complete the sentences with 3, the or no article.
(§ 20)
1........... last Friday ....... Mr W est received ....... letter from
.......police...........letter was short.
2. W hat i s ......main argument?
3........... lunch i s ........ meal that you have i n ........ middle o f ........
4. W e’ll w rite .......dictation a t ........ end o f ........ lesson.
5. Have you called.......police?
6. There i s .......strange man a t ........ front door.
7. He went in to a t ........ age of 17.
8........... police will arrive soon.
9. Never tell m e.......lie.
10. Why can’t you tell m e.......truth?
237. Complete the sentences with 3, the or no article.
(§ 20)
1. He liv e s.......mile from his office, so it’s easy to come by
2. Do you go to o n ........ Saturday?
3. They never go to b y ........bus.
4. It’s 8 o’clock. It’s time to go t o ....... school.
5. I’m leaving ....... hospital tomorrow. I t’ll be nice to be at
.......home again.
6. There i s not far fro m ........ airport.
7. W here i s .......nearest hospital?
8. He is seriously ill. - W hat ....... sad news! Is he in .......
9........... Mr Nikitin is ....... politician. He is visiting .......
Jaroslavl. He has seen ....... factory, ....... school, .......
stadium. He’ll v is tomorrow.
10. There i s not far from our house. There a r e .........
955 pupils i n
238. Complete the sentences with 3, th e or no article.
(§ 20)
1. - Yesterday we bought....... bed.
- W here did you p u t.......bed?
- We put it i n .......bedroom.
2. W h a t.......comfortable bed!
3. You should stay i n .......bed for three days.
4. He went to .......bed a fte r........dinner.
5. There i s .......little bed i n ........ corner o f ........ room.
6. There i s .......little box u n d er........ bed.
7. Is he still i n .......bed?
8. W here shall I p u t.......blanket? Put it o n ........bed.
9........... Mr. Green switched off ....... light and went to .......
10.........little Mary lost her doll i n .........bed.
239. Write the plural.
(§ l)
1. The little ...........(girl) are afraid o f ............... (mouse).
2. These..............(man) can h u n t............... (deer).
3.................. (lion) often h u n t............... (deer).
4. There were th re e ..............(woman) at the bus stop.
5. W here do you keep th e ..............(glass)?
6................(wolf) are clever............... (animal).
7. You can give th e ...........(toy) to th e ............... (baby).
8...................(boy) a n d ............ (girl) want to m eet............ (fairy).
9. We have got a lot o f ..............(potato).
10. You can see th e ..............(photo).
240. Which is right? Complete the sentences.
(§ 6)
1. That sounds .................(good / well).
2. It ra in s.................(hard / hardly).
3. He went back.................(quick / quickly).
4. She spoke v ery .................(slow / slowly).
5. Why are you s o ................(slow / slowly) today?
6. You don’t look v ery .................(happy / happily) today.
7. “I’ll go to London next m onth,” she sa id ................. (happy /
8. That sounds.................(bad / badly).
9. I am sure you will find my house..............(easy / easily).
10. It i s ....................(easy / easily) to find my house.
241. Which is right? Complete the sentences.
(§ 6)
1. The bed looked..............(comfortable / comfortably).
2. Are y o u ..............(comfortable / comfortably)?
3. We were .............. (hungry / hungrily), so we ate dinner
..............(quick / quickly).
4. The place looks..............(different / differently).
5. The man looks.............. (angry / angrily).
6. The man looked at m e.............. (angry / angrily).
7. “Do I look .............. (beautiful / beautifully)?” she asked
..............(quick / quickly).
8. “Oh, Granny, h o w .................(strange / strangely) you look
today!” Little Red Riding Hood1said.
9. “I’ll stay with you,” she sa id ..............(happy / happily).
10. Sally shook her h ead ................. (sad / sadly).
242. Which is right? Complete the sentences.
(§ 6)
1. He could...........(hard / hardly) wait to open the box.
2. She w orked.................(hard / hardly), but her mother still
wasn’t ..................(happy / happily).
3. He sm iled.................(happy / happily) at the news.
4. There was a ........... (happy / happily) smile on his face.
5. Cinderella married the prince and they lived
(happy / happily) ever after.
6. Mary did all the work v ery ..............(happy / happily).
7. The children were playing............... (quiet / quietly).
1Little Red Riding Hood — Красная Шапочка
8. B e.................(quiet / quietly)! The baby is sleeping!
9. She is a .................(nice / nicely) singer.
10. She sin g s.................(nice / nicely).
243. Complete the sentences with myself, yourself,
himself, herself, itself, ourselves,
yourselves or themselves.
(§ 9)
1. Mary can do i t .............................................................
2. Mike can do i t ..............................................................
3. Mike, you can do i t ....................................................
4. Boys, you can do i t .....................................................
5. Mary, you can do i t ....................................................
6. Girls, you can do i t .....................................................
7. We can do i t ..................................................................
8. The boys can do i t ........................................................
9. I can do i t .......................................................................
10. The dog can do i t ..........................................................
244. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
(§ 9)
1. Она сделает это сама.
2. М ы сделаем это сами.
3. Они сделают это сами.
4. Кошка сделает это сама.
5. Я сделаю эт о сам а.
6. Он сделает это сам.
7. Том, сделай это сам.
8. Том и М айк, сделайте это сами.
9. Том сделает это сам.
10. Бетти сделает это сама.
245. Complete each sentence with tOO, dlSOor either.
(§ 55)
1. Mr. Patterson works in a bank. Mr. Richardson works
there ................
2. My Granny is fond of music, I like m usic.............
3. Tom and Pete are not students. I am not a stu d en t................
4. We want to spend our holidays in London. They ..............
will be happy to visit London.
5. He never goes shopping. He doesn’t wash u p ................
6. She often does the cooking. She cleans the kitchen................
7. She isn’t fond of reading. She doesn’t like film s................
8. There is no carpet on the floor, there isn’t a carpet on the
w all................
9. They never eat honey. They don’t eat sw eets.............
10. They eat a lot of fruit. T vegetables.
246. Which is right? Complete the sentences.
(§§ 15-17, § 59)
say or tell?
1. Why did h e ..............this?
2. He did n o about it.
3. Don’t ..............anybody about it.
many or much?
4. He didn’t b u y for his new flat.
5. This work won’t ta k e ..............time.
6. Have we g o t..............apples for the children?
few, a few, littleora little?
7. There i s ..............cheese. We can’t make cheese sandwiches
for everybody.
8. - Would you like some more cake?
- Yes, please. But ju s t................
9. I’ll be ready i n ...............minutes.
10. He was unhappy. He h a d ..............friends at school.
247. Change the sentences to indirect speech.
(§ 58, §§ 60-63)1
1. “Don’t ask him this question today.”
Ann told S usan...............................................................
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692 2  грамм. англ. языка. сб. упр. к уч. биболетовой. 8кл. в 2ч. ч.2-2014 -112с
692 2  грамм. англ. языка. сб. упр. к уч. биболетовой. 8кл. в 2ч. ч.2-2014 -112с
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692 2 грамм. англ. языка. сб. упр. к уч. биболетовой. 8кл. в 2ч. ч.2-2014 -112с

  • 1. оо фгос а « Е.А Барашкова ГРАММАТИКА АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА сборник упражнений Часть 2__________ К учебнику М.З. Биболетовой, Н.Н. Трубаневой «Enjoy English. 8 класс» учени___________класса______ ______________школы_______
  • 2. Учебно-методический комплект Е.А. Барашкова Грамматика английского языка сборникупражнений Часть II К учебнику М.З. Биболетовой и др. «Enjoy English. 8 класс» (Обнинск: Титул) 8 класс Рекомендовано Российской Академией Образования Издание пятое, переработанное и дополненное Издательство «ЭКЗАМЕН» МОСКВА • 2014
  • 3. УДК 373:811.Il l ББК 81.2Англ-2 Б24 Имена авторов и название цитируемых изданий указаны на титульном листе данной книги (ст. 1274 п. 1части четвёртой Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации). Изображение учебника «Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English: учебник для 8 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. / М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева. - Обнинск: Титул» приведено на обложке данного издания исключительно в качестве иллюстративного мате­ риала (ст. 1274 п. 1 части четвёртой Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации). Барашкова, Б.А. Б24 Грамматика английского языка. Сборник упражнений: часть II: 8 класс: к учебнику М.З. Биболетовой и др. «Enjoy English. 8 класс» / Е.А. Бараш­ кова. — 5-е изд., перераб. и доп. — М. : Издательство «Экзамен», 2014. — 110, [2] с. (Серия «Учебно-методический комплект») ISBN 978-5-377-06826-6 Данное пособие полностью соответствует федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту (второго поколения). Оно представляет собой второй компонент учебного комплекта, состоящего из четырёх книг: • Грамматика английского языка. Сборник упражнений. Часть I • Грамматика английского языка. Сборник упражнений. Часть II • Грамматика английского языка. Книга для родителей • Грамматика английского языка. Проверочные работы. Пособие содержит 280 грамматических упражнений, обеспечивающих усвое­ ние и закрепление правил грамматики, которые изучаются в 8 классе. Характер упражнений позволяет выполнять их максимально быстро, что экономит силы и время учащихся и помогает в короткие сроки добиться хорошего знания грамма­ тики. Для учащихся 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений, изучающих англий­ ский язык по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой и др. «Enjoy English. 8 класс». Приказом № 729 Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации учебные пособия издательства «Экзамен» допущены к использованию в обще­ образовательных учреждениях. УДК 373:811.111 ББК 81.2Англ-2 Подписано в печать 03.06.2013. Формат 70x100/16. Гарнитура «Школьная». Бумага офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 3,40. Уел. печ. л. 9,1. Тираж 10 000 экз. Заказ № 1937/13. ISBN 978-5-377-06826-6 © Барашкова Е.А., 2014 © Издательство «ЭКЗАМЕН», 2014
  • 4. ОТ АВТОРА СБОРНИК включает в себя 280 упражнений на отработку грамматического материала по программе восьмого класса. Сборник упражнений состоит из двух частей. Это вторая часть. Перед каждым упражнением указан параграф Книги для родителей, в котором объясняются соответствующие граммати­ ческие явления. В конце Сборника есть тематический указатель, с помощью которого можно быстро найти упражнения на каждое грам­ матическое правило. Сборник рекомендуется преподавателям английского языка в качестве дополнительного пособия для отработки грамматики. Он также может быть использован учащимися и их родителями для самостоятельной работы. Ключи к упражнениям находятся в Книге для родителей. 3
  • 5. UNIT 3 SECTIONS 1-3 146. C om plete th e se n te n c e s w ith d, t h e or no article. (§ 20) 1. i s ....... ... frozen water. 2. .........iron is ......hard strong metal. 3. .........horseshoes are made o f .......... iron. 4. .........marmalade i s .......... kind o f .........,. jam made fro m ........ oranges a n d .... ....lemons. 5. .........saw1is .. ....... tool for cutting ..........wood a n d ........... metal. 6. We cannot live w ithout.........water. 7. Why i s .........water so cold? 8........ ....teapot i s ........... container for m aking.........tea. 9........ .... teaspoon is ......... small spoon that you use to put ....sugar in to ...... ... tea. 10...... ....ladybirds are .........small red insects w ith ........ .. black spots. 147. Complete the sentences with Э/ЭП, th e or no article. (§ 20) 1.............document i s ......... piece o f ......... paper containing......... official information. 1saw — пила 4
  • 6. 2 ....butcher is someone whose job is to se ll.........meat. 3 .......... vegetarian is someone who chooses not to eat ........ meat o r 4 ..........bears a re .........large wild animals w ith ......... thick fur. 5............ balloon i s ......... small coloured bag o f ......... thin rubber filled w ith .....air. 6 .......... diplomat is ........ official whose job is to represent their government i n ........foreign country. 7 ..........cottage is built o f ......... stone. 8............ diamond i s ........very hard valuable stone. 9 ..........container is made o f ......... glass. 10. She d ran k o f ......... milk. 148. Complete the sentences with а/ЗП, th e or no article. (§ 20) 1. Do you lik e.......hotel you are staying in? 2........... hotel is .......building where you pay to stay in ......... room and have.......meals. 3. Is i t hotel i n 4. Can you tell m e.......way t o ........nearest hotel? 5. You enjoyed.......ballet last night, didn’t you? 6 ......... ballet is ....... type of dancing used for telling ....... story. 7 starts i n ........ few minutes. 8. Our teacher often shows us ....... films about ....... Great Britain. 5
  • 7. 9. I don’t like ....... film. It’s ....... American film. I never w atch.......American films. I don’t like them. 10......... post office is ....... place where ....... stamps can be bought. You can also send.......letters a n d ........ parcels. 149. Complete the sentences with a, the or no article. (§ 20) 1. I have never cooked su ch 2. W hat’s .......main argument? 3. W h a t.......silly songs! 4. Let’s open.......window.......... boy must get some fresh air. 5. You must stop a t light! 6. Jane spoke.......German when she was i n ........ Berlin. 7........... Browns visited ....... Moscow ....... last month. They stayed a t .......hotel i n .........centre o f It was near ....... Bolshoy Theatre. They could see ....... Moskva River from their balcony. 8. My grandfather w as.......electrician. 9. W hat d id .......electrician say? 10. Can you fin d o n ........history o f ........ telephone for me? I’ll be happy to get any interesting inform ation o n ....... subject. 150. Complete the sentences with 3 , th e or no article. (§ 20) 1. B efore.......clocks were invented........ people to ld ........ time by looking a t .......Sun. 6
  • 8. 2. D u rin g .......winter months ......... Sun is so low in that it’s hidden below.......horizon. 3..............tropical lands lie n e a r...........equator. They a r e ........... warmest parts o f 4. Who discovered th a t.........Earth is round? 5............. weather is always hot a t ...........equator because........... Sun is high overhead. 6. The teacher was reading.........Bible to her pupils. 7 ...........police will arrive in h a lf.......... hour. 8 ...........Smiths are going to v is it...........Vladimir a t ...........end o f .........month. I think they’ll have........ good time. 9. You are not using ......... computer at ......... moment, are you? was built i n .......... fifteenth century. 151. Write the plural. (§ i) 1. He likes h is ...............(toy). 2. T h e...............(child) are singing R ussian.............. . (song). 3. There are fo u r...............(photo) in the bag. 4. How m any.................(potato) are there in the bag? 5. How many new ................(zoo) are there in these .................... (country)! 6. A re ..............(wolf) cleverer th a n ............... (deer)! 7. There are tw o ...................(woman) in the car. 8. Do you clean y o u r..................(tooth) in the afternoon? 9. H is......................(brother) a re ......................... (sportsman). 10. Have you ever k e p t.................(fish) as ................... (pet)! 7
  • 9. 152. Write out the nouns which cannot be used with the article d. (§§ 2-3) address advice clothes combination industry information knowledge money month news price progress trousers voice water weather 153. Complete the sentences. (§§ 2-3) 1. Can you give me any 2. Can you give me any 3. Can you give me any 4. Can you give me any 5. Can you give me any 6. Can you give me any 7. Can you give me any 8...................................... to my brother. 9.......................................... to her. 10. How did you g e t...... (цветы)! (советы)! (сведения)! (идеи)! (кассеты)! (деньги)! (марки)! (Эти марки принадлежат) (Эти деньги принадлежат) .. (эти сведения)! 8
  • 10. 154. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. (§§ 2-3, § 20) 1. Какая интересная книга! 2. Какие интересные книги! 3. Какая интересная новость! 4. Какие хорошие новости! 5. Какой глупый фильм! 6. Какой глупый совет! 7. Какие глупые советы! 8. У меня идея. 9. У меня хорошая новость. 10. Какие красивые волосы! 155. Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. (§§ 2-3, § 23) 1. W h a t.............. (be) the weather like today? 2. W h a t.............. (be) the weather like yesterday? 9
  • 11. 3. W h a t..............(be) the w eather............ like tomorrow? 4. W hat fine weather w e................(have) today! 5. Knowledge..............(be) power1. 6. Mr M iller................(buy) the skis last month. Now the skis ................(belong) to him. 7. Bad new s................(travel) fast. 8. The m oney................(belong) to me. But you can take it. 9. W ho.............the m oney................. (belong) to? 10. Look at the mice! W ho...........the m ice............... (belong) to? 156. Fill in little or few. (§ 16) 1. There i s ................water in the cup. 2. I couldn’t give him any stamps. I had v ery .................. 3. There is a lot of honey in the fridge, but there is v e ry ........... jam. 4. The teacher can’t believe her eyes. Tom has made very ................mistakes in the dictation. 5. - How many sandwiches have you made? - I am sorry, I have made v ery ................sandwiches. 6. I am sorry I h av e................friends. 7. Don’t forget to buy some milk! We have g o t.................. 8. It was raining. There were very ................ children in the park. 9. I’m sorry I h a v e ................time today, but we can discuss your problem tomorrow. 10. W e’ll hav e................apples in our garden this autum n. 1power — сила 10
  • 12. 157. Fill in a little or a few. (§ 17) 1. Could you give h im 2. Could you b u y ................honey? 3. He le ft................minutes ago. 4. He le ft................juice for you. I t’s in the fridge. 5. I saw the film ................weeks ago. 6. T here's................cheese in the fridge, you can take it. 7. Have you got ............. minutes? I'd like to tell you something interesting. 8. I Who can help me? 9. He is going to London f o r ................days. 10. I n ................days I shall see Scotland. 158. Translate from Russian into English. (§§ 16-17) 1. много слов ........................................................... 2. мало слов ........................................................... 3. несколько слов ........................................................... 4. много денег .......................................................... . 5. мало денег ........................................................... 6. немного денег ........................................................... 7. мало воды ........................................................... 8. немного яблок ........................................................... 9. малолюден, ........................................................... 10. немного сыра ........................................................... 11
  • 13. 159. Complete the sentences as in the examples. (§ 16) There aren't many children in the park. There are very few children in the park. We haven’t got much bread. w e have got very little bread. 1. There isn't much salad in the fridge. salad in the fridge. 2. There aren't many apples in the basket. .....................................................................apples in the basket. 3. She hasn't got many cassettes. ............................................................................ cassettes. 4. I can't spend much money on toys. on toys. 5. They don't have many words to learn. ......................................................................words to learn. 6. There isn’t much furniture in the room. in the room. 7. There aren’t many things in the wardrobe. things in the wardrobe. 8. There isn’t much snow in the forest. 9. He hasn’t met many people there. 10. He didn’t ask many questions. snow in the forest, people there. questions.
  • 14. 160. Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. Use the Present Simple or the Future Simple. (§ 26, §§ 35-36) 1. If I ................(see) Ann, I ................. (tell) her everything. 2. If h e ................(see) Susan, h e ................................. (thank) her for the invitation. 3. If sh e ....................(see) Kate, she ........................... (invite) her to the party. 4. If w e..............(see) the teacher, w e ............................ (discuss) it with her. 5. If they ................ (see) the manager, they ......................... (ask) him about it. 6. If Ja n e ................(come), I ................... (show) her the photos. 7. If the g irls................(come), I ................ (give) them the toys. 8. If sh e ...................(ask) me the question, I .................................. (explain) everything to her. 9. If sh e ..................(phone) me today, I ........................................... (congratulate) her. 10. If J e rry ..................(come) late, the teach er............................... (speak) to his parents. 161. Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. Use the Present Simple or the Future Simple. (§ 26, §§ 35-36) 1. He usually gets up late. If you ..................... (phone) him now, y o u .......................(wake) him up. 13
  • 15. 2. When I ..................... (return) to Moscow, I ................... (invite) my cousins to a meal. 3. When we ................ (get) home, we ................. {phone) Granny to tell her the news. 4. If w e ....................(not / hurry) up, w e .......................{be) late for school. 5. If y o u ................(not / write) these exercises, y o u .................. {get) a bad mark. 6. If y o u ..................(not / buy) a present for your grandfather today, y o u ......................{have) to do it tomorrow. 7. If w e.................. (not / have) a test tomorrow, w e.................... {go) to the cinema. 8. If we .........................{have) a test tomorrow, w e....................... (not / go) to the cinema. 9. If y o u ....................(not / phone) her tomorrow, she ................ {get) angry with you. 10. If you ....................{phone) her tomorrow, sh e ...................(be) happy to talk to you. 162. Complete the sentences as in the example. (§ 31) i have always wanted (a,n,t,w) to be a doctor. He has always lived (e,i,v,l) there. 1. I t ............................................(e,b) my dream. 2. I ............................................. (a,n,w,t) to study Italian. 3. I ............................................. (o,w,k,n) him. 4. H e ..........................................(w,t,n,a) to visit London. 14
  • 16. 5. I t ............................................(Ъ,е) his dream to visit London. 6. I ............................................... (i,l,v,e) in this house. 7. W e..........................................(w,n,o,k) her. 8. T hey..................................(a,w,t,n) to live in the country. 9. I t .............................................(e,b) our dream to make friends with her. 10. She .............................................................................. (e,v,l,i) at her grandm other’s. 163. Fill in since or for. (§§ 1. 31-32) She has lived h e re ............... 1997. 2. She has lived h e re ............... two years. 3. I have had the b a ll............ .. last June. 4. He has had the b a ll........... ... three months. 5. I have liked fairy-tales.... .........I was a baby. 6. She has been a w orker..... ........she left school. 7. We have had three tests ..............Monday. 8. They have stayed h e re ..............two days. 9. I have had the telephone ..............three weeks. 10 . I have had the telephone ..............Christmas. 164. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. (§ 31) 1. Она всегда хотела жить здесь. 15
  • 17. 2. Она живет здесь с 2003. 3. Она живет здесь два года. 4. Они живут здесь три месяца. 5. Они живут здесь с декабря. 6. Я всегда знал их. 7. Я знаю их с 2002. 8. У меня этот компьютер уже два года. 9. У меня этот компьютер с января. 10. У него этот телефонный номер уже пять месяцев. 165. Which is right? Complete the sentences. (§ 20, § 23) 1. He ................................. (has never seen / never saw) such ............(a / the / -) big room. 2. Mr B row n..................(is / was / has been / will be) a teacher. He teaches my brother. 3. Mr B row n...................(is / was / has been / will be) a teacher since 1995. 16
  • 18. 4. Mr B row n...................(is / was / has been / will be) a teacher for 10 years. 5. Mr B row n...............................(is / was / has been / will be) a teacher ten years ago, but now he is a businessman. 6. W e................................(live / have lived) in Moscow. You can visit ................ (us / our) ,........................ (some / any) time you want. 7. W e ............................... (live / have lived) in Moscow for five years. 8. T h ey ................................. (live / have lived) in Moscow for a long time. 9.........................................(Do you live / Did you live / Have you lived) here five years ago? 10. How long..........................(do you live / have you lived) here? 166. C o m p le te th e se n te n ce s. Use the Present Simple or the Present Perfect. (§ 23, § 26, § 31) 1. H e .......................... (want) to be a fireman. 2. H e .......................... (always / want) to be a fireman. 3. H e ..........................(always / have) this telephone number. 4. H e ......................(have) this telephone number for two years. 5. H e ........................(have) this telephone number since 2002. 6. Mrs C lark................................(know) him since 1991. 7. S h e..........................(know) him very well. 8. S he..........................(always / know) him. 9. The C larks..........................(live) in New York. 10. The C larks..........................(always / live) in New York. 17
  • 19. 167. Complete the sentences. (§ 23) 1. she / be a teacher ......................for three years. 2. she / be a teacher .............................since 2002. 3. she / be a teacher 2002. 4. she / be a teacher 5. she / be a teacher year. 6. he / know them ....................for two months. 7. they / have this car ....................... for five years. 8. I / live here ..............................since 2001. 9. I / live here .................................. in 2001. 10. we / know her ......................for many years. 168. Write a tag for each sentence. (§48) 1. He has always wanted to be an architect, 2. He is always la te ,..............? 3. He has to com e,.................? 18
  • 20. 4. He’s always dreamed of being a pilot, 5. He’s a p ilo t,................? 6. He’s gone to St P etersburg,................ 7. He’s in St P etersburg,................? 8. He’s been to St P etersburg,................ 9. There’s a new cinema in the a re a ,...... 10. I t’s a new cinem a,................? 169. Which is right? Complete the sentences. (§§ 2-3, §§ 14-15, § 20, § 31, § 48) 1. T h ere.............(is / are) n o t....................(many / much) fruit salad i n ........(a / the / -) frid g e,................... (is it / is there)? 2. W hat furniture ................... (is there / are there) in .......... (a / the / -) kitchen? 3. M oney................ .....(don’t / doesn’t) make her happy. 4. W here................ (is / are) my clothes? 5. My b ro th er........ .................(hasn’t been / wasn’t) ................... (to / in) London ..............(already / yet). 6. I ........................... ..........(haven’t been to / wasn’t in) Vladimir for three years. 7. Sam is ill. H e .... ................(is / has been / was) ill for several days. 8. We didn't have ..........................(many / much) time. We had .............. (many / much) things to do. 9. They n ever........ ...........(agree / don’t agree) with us. 10. Nobody .............. ....................(calls / don’t call / doesn’t call) me Kate. 19
  • 21. 170. Correct the mistakes. (§§ 2-3, §§ 16-17, §§ 31-32, § 40, 48) 1. The; police v✓ ant5to find the man whc>has the doc:umeants. 2. We have got a few tea at ho me, don't bu / an /■ 3. The! old mari hai1 a 1ttle mor ey, ne c DUldYt buy food fo ■ his family. 4. Mr Page; ha<j litt e mone)/. He wa:5 ha эру- He <:oulc buf a new 5;tarr p for his coll ectic n. 5. I a way 5knDW f im. 6. I h,ave ived in t lis town for 199S 7. I кnow theni very well. ] have kr own the m wnen theу weare fcrabies. 8. When I have been a babу I Vvas afrai j of mice 9. I a n sure уou vrill a ole tо sp eak Sparlish in three months 10. Sh<э ha<i to invite Susan's br<othe ■ to ner >artr, hacjn't ;he? 20
  • 22. UNIT 3 SECTIONS 4-5 i7i. Fill inlittle, a little, few or a few. (§§ 16-17) 1. There are v ery ..............museums in this town. 2. I have g o so I can't buy a new bike. 3. Do you have to wash many cups? - No, only............... 4. Is there much bread on the table? - No, only................ 5. Have you got many questions to ask? - No, only................ 6. I only need..............minutes to learn the words. 7. I h ave..............books at home, I have to go to the library. 8. We have got .............. food for dinner, you can do the shopping tomorrow. 9. I m ust d o ..............exercises now, I can speak to you later. 10. There a r e ..............grammar exercises in our text-book, the teacher often gives us another book. 172. Translate from Russian into English. (§§ 15-17) 1. много волков ................................... 2. мало оленей ................................... 3. много мышей ................................... 4. мало кошек ................................... 5. несколько кошек ................................... 21
  • 23. 6. несколько вопросов ............................................................ 7. мало слов ............................................................ 8. много упражнений ............................................................ 9. немного картинок ............................................................ 10. мало стихотворений ............................................................ 173. Translate from Russian into English. (§§ 15-17) 1. много еды ............................................................ 2. мало еды ............................................................ 3. немного еды ............................................................ 4. мало воды ............................................................ 5. немного сока ............................................................ 6. немного мяса ............................................................ 7. мало сахара ............................................................ 8. много соли ............................................................ 9. немного сыра ............................................................ 10. мало меда ............................................................ 174. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple. Active or passive? (§ 38) 1. The gloves.......................(make) in China. 2. Mrs Brow n...................(make) gloves for her grandchildren. 3. Tom and Bill got building bricks. Yesterday they ....................(build) a tower and a bridge. 4. The tow er.......................(build) a year ago. 22
  • 24. 5. My grandm other......................(grow) beautiful roses in her garden. 6. These nice roses.......................(grow) in her garden. 7. The children.......................(copy) the picture. 8. The p ictu re.......................(copy) several centuries ago. 9. The bo y ....................(use) a calculator to do the sums. 10. The calculator.......................(use) again. 175. Complete the sentences. Use the Present Simple or the Present Perfect. (§ 26, § 31) 1. The S m iths....................(live) in London now. 2. The S m iths....................(always / live) in London. 3. The S m iths..............(live) in London since 1998. 4. The S m iths...........(live) in London for ten years. 5. I ....................(want) to be a driver. 6. I ....................(alw ays / want) to be a driver. 7. W e....................(have) this house since December. 8. Mrs P ark er....................(know) them since 1990. 9. S he....................(know) them very well. 10. S he....................(always / know) them. 176. Make questions with Who. (Who is the subject of a sentence.) Write short answers. (§§ 50-51) 1. - Moscow? - J e rry ............... (Jerry has been to Moscow.) 23
  • 25. 2. - .............................................................inMoscow? - J e rry ............... (Jerry is in Moscow.) 3. - .............................................................inMoscow? - J e rry ............... (Jerry was in Moscow.) 4. - .............................................................toMoscow? - His cousins....................(His cousins have been to Moscow.) 5. - Moscow? - His cousins.................... (His cousins are in Moscow.) 6. - ......................................... in Moscow? - His cousins.................... (His cousins were in Moscow.) 7. - ......................................... to Moscow every year? - J e rry ............... (Jerry goes to Moscow every year.) 8. - ......................................... to Moscow every year? - His cousins.................... (His cousins go to Moscow every year.) 9. - ......................................... to Moscow? - J e rry ............... (Jerry has to go to Moscow.) 10. - ......................................... to Moscow? - His cousins............... (His cousins have to go to Moscow.) 177. Ask a question about the information underlined in each of the following sentences, using Who or What. (§§ 49- 50) - Somebody gave him the cassette. - Who gave him the cassette? - Mike gave him something interesting. - What did Mike give him? 24
  • 26. 1. - Somebody brought this toy to the kitchen. -Who.................................. 2. - Linda brought something interesting. -What................................. 3. - Somebody was cleaning the floor. 4. - Sveta was cleaning something. 5. - Somebody has cooked porridge for us. 6. - Granny has cooked something nice. 7. - Somebody found the tickets yesterday. 8. - Anton found something yesterday. 9. - Something has helped him. 10. - Tom helped somebody. 178. Ask a question about the information underlined in each of the following sentences, using Where, When or another question word. (§ 49) 1. - ......................................................................................................... - At 5 o’clock. (They finished their work at 5 o’clock.) 25
  • 27. 2. - Yesterday. (It rained yesterday.) 3. - ............................................................................... - Next month. (It will snow next month.) 4. - .......................................................................................................... - That museum. (He has always wanted to visit that museum.) 5. - .......................................................................................................... - Text Five. (We have to translate Text Five.) 6. - .......................................................................................................................................................... - Text Five. (He has to translate Text Five.) 7. - .......................................................................................................... - Two. (He has to translate two texts.) 8. - ........................................................................................................................................................................ - Three. (He had to translate three poems.) 9. - ..................................................................................................... - He is always late because he doesn’t want to get up early. 10. - ........................................................................................................................................ - In Germany. (He’s in Germany now.) 179. Which is right? Complete the sentences. (§ 23, § 38, §§ 50-51) 1................................ (Did he read / Was he reading) when you ....................(phoned / were phoning) him yesterday? 2. W ho..............(has / was / did) invited him to the party? 3. W ho..............(is / are / did) invited to the party? 26
  • 28. 4. W ho................(was / were / did) punished for that? 5. W ho.................(is / are / did / has) punished him? 6. - W ho......................(go / goes) there every day? - M ary..................(goes / does). 7. Mary ..................... (can’t / m ustn’t) answer the telephone. S he...........................(washes / is washing) h e r.............. (hair / hairs). 8. F u rn itu re..........(is / are).................. (make / made) of wood. 9. The museum ....................... (visits / has visited / is visited) by ........................... (thousand / thousands) of people every month. 10. The town has th ir ty .........................(thousand / thousands) people. 180. Complete the sentences as in the example. Use the words from the box. (§ 54) eat get listen play read repair speak teach travel watch work He enjoys travelling by train. 1 .......................................................up early. 2 ............................................................. porridge for breakfast. 3 ............................................................. children. 4 ............................................................. his bike. 5 ............................................................. to the music. 6 ............................................................. TV. 7 ............................................................. detective stories. 27
  • 29. 8 .......................................................the guitar 9 the garden. 10 ...........................................................English. 181. Fill insay ortell. (§ 59) 1. She wants t o ........................something. 2. She wants t o about it. 3. Let m e something interesting. 4. You m u st........................everything you know. 5. They didn’t ........................ anything. 6. They didn’t ........................ her anything. 7. You anything. 8. W hat did y o u ........................? 9. W hat did y o u ........................him? 10. He didn’t ........................a word. 182. Fill insaid ortold. (§ 59) 1. I .................nothing at all. 2. I .................them nothing. 3. W’s right? 4. W ho.................him the news? 5. H e was a mistake. 6. And then sh e ................. something strange. 7. The to bring the textbooks. 8. The teacher.................that we must bring the textbooks. 28
  • 30. 9. The teacher ................. to us that we m ust bring the text­ books. 10. “I’ll help you,” h e ..............quickly. 183. Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. Active or passive? (§ 23, § 36, § 38) 1. If the weather ................... (be) bad tomorrow, we ......................(play) chess. 2. When he ...................... (come) home, he ............................. (telephone) you. 3. If I ..............(be) free tomorrow, I .................. (go) to the park. 4. T ea........................(bring) to England many centuries ago. 5. O ranges..........................................(not / grow) in England. 6. Yesterday Mr. Jo h n so n ...............................(receive) a letter. In the letter he ...................... (ask) to come to the police station. He ......................... (wonder) why he .................... (want) by the police. 7. Last month Mr. Clark ..................................... (rewrite1) the end of the book. The last p ag e...................................(rewrite) five times. 8. At this time yesterday I ...............................(write) a test. 9. If I .......................(see) Tom again, I .........................(tell) him everything. 10. If you ............................ (help) him, he ........................... (finish) his work in time. 1rewrite —переписывать 29
  • 31. 184. Which is right? Complete the sentences. (§ 13, § 31, § 59) 1. I can’t find my book................................ (W hatever/ Whenever / Wherever) can it be? 2. Let me have the magic cup, I’ll give you ................................... {whatever / whenever / wherever) you ask. 3 .......................... {W hatever/ Whenever / Wherever) someone looks at me I don’t know what to do. 4 ............................ {Whatever / Whenever / Wherever) you go, I’ll find you. 5. We go fishing ......................................... {whatever/ whenever / wherever) we can. 6. I can’t h e a r..............{something / nothing / anything). 7.............................. {Whenever / Wherever / Whoever) they ........ {have been / were) hungry, they ............... {said / told), “Cook, little pot!” and the magic pot cooked nice porridge for them. 8.................... {Tell / Say) her that I .............................. {have gone / went) out. 9. I am so tired. I ........................................{don’t sleep / didn’t sleep / haven’t slept) for two days. 1 0 .1 {always want / have always {this / these) cities.wanted) to see
  • 32. 185. Correct the mistakes. (§ 3, § 11, §§ 16-17, § 20, § 31, §§ 50-51) 1 . Whо of you liste ned to t эе ггidio yesterdaУ? 2 . Do<2Sthe pc•lice kno^v about :he rnone;y? 3. Fevi da /s later €ivenrthing weis ready 4. I ki10W theni for thnге y<jars 5. Frank's brol:hen wa it to be эоИсeman. 6 . Whо is play ng tenn s? - Theу is. 7. Whо ar 2 hungry ? - rhey areя 8 . Whо shall help rne t это rrow? 9. Whо have Engli:;h oii Th jrsd эу? 1 0 . WhO W(ire at theг stadiunl last Fri day? 31
  • 33. UNIT 3 SECTION 6 186. Complete the sentences with 3, th e or no article. (§ 20) 1. Is th e re near here? 2. W here i s .......nearest hospital? 3............ hospital is ....... place where ....... doctors and ....... nurses look a fte r.......people who are ill. 4. He is healthy. He has never been in 5. - He has broken his leg. - How awful! Is he i n 6. Could you name some countries where they speak ....... English? 7 ...........English language is very popular now. 8 ...........English a n d .......... French a r e .......... official languages o f .......Canada. 9. There was ....... piano in ....... corner of ....... room but nobody could p lay.....piano. 10......... weather was b a d ,........ Mike a n d ........ Ted couldn’t play 187. Write the plural. (§ i) 1...................(monkey) live in h o t...............{country). 2. There are tw elve..............{month) in a year. 32
  • 34. 3. There will be a lot of (doctor), ..................... (fireman) a n d ........................(policeman) there. 4 ............. (koala) live in ..............(tree) and e a t............... (leaf). 5 .....................(mouse) have very sh arp .................. (tooth). 6. T h e................(child) can sit on th e ................... (chair). 7. T he................(dog) have little ................... (puppy). 8. T h e................(woman) can make n ice..................(dress). 9. T h e...........................(sportsman) don’t e a t................ (potato). 10. The ...................... (farmer) have got a lot of .............. (cow) a n d .................(sheep). 188. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. (§§ 2-3, § 20) 1. Эта такая интересная игра! It’s su ch .................................................................. 2. Какая хорошая погода! W h a t..................................................................... 3. Какая ужасная погода! W h a t..................................................................... 4. Какая интересная мысль! W h a t..................................................................... 5. Какой интересный совет! W h a t..................................................................... 6. Какие интересные сведения! W h a t..................................................................... 7. Какие полезные советы! W h a t..................................................................... 8. Уверен, он напишет много хороших книг. I’m sure he will w rite ...................................................... 33
  • 35. 9. Он добился больших успехов. Не has m ade............................... 10. Он сделал хороший фильм. Не has m ade............................... 189. Complete the sentences. (§§ 2-3) 1. I don’t need .................. ...................(эти сведения). 2. I don’t need .................. ...................(эти цветы). 3. I don’t need .................. ...................(эти советы). 4. I don’t need .................. ...................(эти карандаши). 5. I don’t need .................. ...................(эти деньги). 6. I don’t like .................... ...................(эти новости). 7. I don’t like .................... ...................(эти игры). 8. I don’t like .................... ...................(такую погоду). 9. I don’t need .................. ...................(такие сведения). 10. I need ............................. ...................(полезные советы). 190. Make sentences. (§ 27) I hate ]t when b o y s girls my classmates my friend people my pet do(es) a stupid thing ask(s) me a lot of questions look(s) upset argue(s) cry / cries take( s) my toys feel(s ) sorry for me give(s) advice 34
  • 36. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 191. Translate from Russian into English. (§ 27) 1. Я не люблю, когда он спрашивает меня о школе. ............................................................................. he asks me about school. 2. Вы не любите, когда я даю вам советы. ........................................................................... I give you advice. 3. Он не любит, когда я опаздываю. .......................................................................................... I am late. 4. М ама не любит, когда я получаю плохие отметки. .............................................................................. I get bad marks. 5. Моя собака не любит, когда я купаю ее. .......................................................................................... I wash it. 6. Дети не любят, когда учителя задают им много вопросов. ................................................................ their teachers ask them a lot of questions. 35
  • 37. 7. Дети не любят, когда мама дает им лекарство. ...............................................................their mother gives them medicine. 8. Родители не любят, когда дети плачут. .......................................................................... their children cry. 9. Я не люблю, когда обо мне говорят. .................................................................. they chatter about me. 10. Учитель не любит, когда ученики оставляют тетради дома. ..................................................................... his pupils leave their note-books at home. 192. Complete the sentences as in the examples. (§ 27) I hate it when it is hot ( 0 , ш . I like it when it is sunny^^/i). 1 .................................................................................................(o,l,c,d). 2 .................................................................................................(o,o,l,c). 3 ............................................................................................(i,y,n,d,w ). 4.........................................................................................(o,y,m ,r,t,s). 5 ..............................................................................................(a,r,m ,w ). 6 ....................................................................................... (y,u,o,d,c,l). 7 ........................................................................................... (a,i,y,r,n). 8 .............................................................................................(o,y,£,g,g). 9 ..............................................................................when the weather i s ...............(a,d,b). 10.......................................................................................when there is ...........................(u,i,e,s,n,s,h,n). 36
  • 38. 193. Change the sentences to indirect speech. (§ 58) He says that 44 I am i i he is ten”. ten. 1. “I am twelve.” He says ............................................. 2. “I am a teacher.” She sa y s............................................ 3. “I am at home .” Helen sa y s....................................... 4. “7 am b u sy” The sportsman sa y s ....................... 5. “We are from Russia.” He says ............................................. 6. “We are from Vladimir.” She sa y s........................................... 7. “7 have got a dog.” He says ............................................ 8. “I have got a cat.” She sa y s........................................... 9. “We have lunch at school.” She sa y s........................................... 10. “We have English on Thursday.” He says ............................................ Thursday. .............twelve. ........ a teacher. home. ................. busy. .... from Russia, from Vladimir. ................a dog. .................a cat. lunch at school. ........English on 37
  • 39. 194. Change the sentences to indirect speech. (§ 58) 1. “It is my b ike” He says ......................................................... 2. “I t is my d o ll” She sa y s........................................................ .......................... doll. 3. “They must bring my dictionary.” He says ......................................................... ..............dictionary. 4. “They can see my photos.” She sa y s........................................................ 5. “Our dog is clever.” They s a y clever. 6. “You can take your b a ll” He says ......................................................... .......................... ball. 7. “You must bring your pen.” She sa y s........................................................ ...........................pen. 8. “Your school is wonderful.” He says ......................................................... wonderful. 9. “Yourpet is funny.” She sa y s........................................................ ................. is funny. 10. “You must clean your room.” He says ......................................................... 195. C hange th e se n te n c e s to indirect speech. (§ 58) 1. “I am a student.” He says ......................................................... ..........a student. 38
  • 40. questions. 2. “J don’t understand your question.” He says .................................................. 3. “I like your poem ” She sa y s....................................................................poem. 4. “I didn’t see your dog.” He says ................................................................... dog. 5. “I don’t believe you.” She sa y s................................................................... 6. “We want to show you our garden.” They s a y 7. “We can’t find our bags.” They say ..................................................................bags. 8. “We are looking for your bike.” They say 9. “I ’ll never forget your story.” He says ....................................................................story. 10. “I have lost my pen.” She sa y s................................................................... pen. 196. Change the sentences to indirect speech. (§ 6i) “Don’t open the book, Jane.” The teacher asks Jane not to open the book. 1. “Don't put on boots, children.” The teacher asks the children ....................................... boots. 39
  • 41. 2. “Don’t buy anything tomorrow, Ted.” Mother ask s............................................... anything tomorrow. 3. “Don’t take anything, Susan.” Granny asks ................................................................. anything. 4. “Don the late, Jerry.” Tom ask s.................................................................................... 5. “Don’t bring any sweets, M ary.” Mrs Norman a s k s...................................................... anysweets. 6. “Don’t draw anything on the wall, N ick!” Granny asks ............................................ anything on the wall. 7. “Don’t wash the toy, Sam .” Mother ask s................................................................. the toy. 8. “Don’t stay at the hotel, M r Sm ith.” Mr Adams a s k s ........................................................ at the hotel. 9. “Don’t miss the train, Bob.” Ted asks................................................................. the train. 10. “Don’t be afraid of the dog, Helen!” Mrs Slow asks ...............................................................of the dog. 197. Change the sentences to indirect speech. ( § 6 1 ) “Open the books, children.” The teacher a s k s the children t o o p e n the books. “Don’t read the text, Tom.” The teacher to ll s Tom PIQt tO Г6ЭС1 the text. 1. “Return the book in time!” J e rry ........N o ra..................... the book in time. 40
  • 42. 2. “Don’t move the chairs,please.” The teacher........the children..................... the chairs. 3. “Don’t go there by car.” Mrs T aylor...........her husband.................. there by car. 4. “Invite all your friends to the party.” M ................ . ... all my friends to the party. 5. “Don’t tell them the news.” Tom ........his frie n d .................. ... them the news. 6. “Speak louder, please!” The teacher........the p u p il...... ..............louder. 7. “Listen to me!” The teacher........the p u p il...... her. 8. “Don’t ask me the question!” Tom ........his little brother .... ............................ the question. 9. “Buy some apples, please.” M other........m e......................... ....some apples. 10. “Don’t buy any oranges.” G ranny........m e......................... ....any oranges. 198. Change the sentences to indirect speech. (§ 62) 1. “W hy are they late?” The teacher w onders................ ............................................late. 2. “When is she busy?” Tom w onders............................. ...........................................busy. 3. “Where is he from?” Bill w onders............................... ..........................................from. 41
  • 43. 4. “W hen were they in France?” The officer ask s.......................................................... in France. 5. “How many chairs are there in the room?” The teacher a sk the room. 6. “How old is he?” Nelly w onders................................................................................... 7. “How old are you?” They a sk ............................................................................................ 8. “Where are you from?” They a sk ............................................................................................ 9. “When were you ill?” She ask s............................................................................................. 10. “W hy are you crying?” He ask s..................................................................................crying. 199. Change the sentences to indirect speech. (§ 62) 1. “W hy do they come late?” My grandm other ask s............................................................ late. 2. “W hy did they invite Pete?” Tom ask s...................................................................................Pete. 3. “When do they go to the country?” . Helen w the country. 4. “When did they go to the country?” She w the country. 5. “Where does he come from?” The pupils w onder................................................................ from. 42
  • 44. 6. “Where do you come from?” The children w onder........................................................... from. 7. “How much cheese did you buy yesterday?” Mother ask s................................................................. yesterday. 8. “When do you go to the swimming pool?” My teacher ask the swimming pool. 9. “When did you go to Vladimir?” My friend w onders.................................................. to Vladimir. 10. “W hat does he like?” She w onders...................................................................................... 200. Change the sentences to indirect speech. (§ 63) 1. “Can he speak English?” Linda ask s........................................................................English. 2. “M ust she go there?” Ted ask s.......................................................................... there. 3. “Is it raining?” Granny a sk s.....................................................................raining. 4. “Was the trip interesting?” Mr Porter ask s........................................................... interesting. 5. “Has he come?” The teacher ask s.............................................................................. 6. “Are they at home?” Bill ask s............................................................................ at home. 7. “Is there a ball in the box?” Nancy ask s................................................................... in the box. 43
  • 45. 8. “Are there two pens in the pencil-case?” Peter asks ............................................................... in the pencil- case. 9. “Could you run fast?” Helen ask 10. “Have we got a new cassette?” The boys a s k ........................................................a new cassette. 201. Change the sentences to indirect speech. (§ 63) 1. “Do you celebrate the holiday?” Betty a s k s .................................................................. the holiday. 2. “Do you come home late?” My grandparents ask ................................................ home late. 3. “Do you watch TV in the morning?” My grandfather a sk the morning. 4. “Does she work there?” The policeman ask s.............................................................there. 5. “Does he often go to the stadium?” Mary a sk s............................................................ to the stadium. 6. “Does he grow vegetables?” My grandm other a s k s ..............................................vegetables. 7. “Did they live in M anchester in 1999?” Mr Phillips asks .................................................. in Manchester in 1999. 8. “Did you translate two books last year?” The pupils a s k ............................................two books last year. 44
  • 46. 9. “Did she teach M athematics at school?” Ted ask s.................................................Mathematics at school. 10. “Does he like coffee?” Mary ask 202. Change the sentences to indirect speech. (§§ 62-63) 1. “When was he in India?” Nelly ask s............................................... in India. 2. “Was he in Italy?” Nelly a sk Italy. 3. “Where is she going?” Bill ask s................................................................ 4. “Is she going to the museum?” Bill ask s............................................................... to the museum. 5. “W hy are they laughing?” Tom ask s................................................................. 6. “Are they laughing at the picture?” Tom ask s............................................ at the picture. 7. “W hat do they sell?” Helen ask s.............................................................. 8. “Do they sell toys?” Helen ask s........................................................ toys. 9. “When did he clean the room?” Mother ask s............................................... the room. 10. “Did he clean the room yesterday?” Mother ask s................................................the room yesterday. 45
  • 47. 203. Change the sentences to indirect speech. (§§ 62-63) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. “W hy are you tired?” Mother ask s....................................... “Are you tired?” Mother ask s........................................ “W hat is he reading?” I w onder............................................. “Is he reading?” I w onder............................................. “When does he go to school?” Linda w onders.................................. “Does he go to school?” Linda a sk s.......................................... “W hy do they go by train?” Mark w onders................................... “Do they go by train?” Mark w onders................................... “Where do they go in summer?” Anton w onders................................. “Do they go to Anapa in summer?” Anton ask s......................................... tired. tired. school. school. train. train. summer. to Anapa in summer. 204. Change the sentences to indirect speech. (§ 58, § 60) 1. “I am going to play chess” Tom says th a t......................................................... to play chess. Tom said th a t......................................................... to play chess. 46
  • 48. 2. “I am happy to see yo u ” She says th a see She said th a see 3. “We are cleaning our classroom” The boys say that .......................................................classroom. The boys said t h a t..................................................... classroom. 4. “Tom is in London” They say th a London. They said th a t................................................... in London. 5. “I have five lessons on M onday.” Mary says th a t.......................five lessons on Monday. Mary said th a t.......................five lessons on Monday. 6. “She has lunch at school” Pete says th a t..........................lunch at school. Pete said th a t..........................lunch at school. 7. “We can speak three languages ” They say that ...................................................three languages. They said th a t..................................................three languages. 8. “I can help you ” He says th at .................................................................................... He said t h a t...................................................................................... 9. “It is raining” Nancy says th a t ............................................................................ Nancv said t h a t ............................................................................... 10. “We have a nice house” They say th a t......................................a nice house. They said th a t......................................a nice house. 47
  • 49. 205. Change the sentences to indirect speech. (§ 58, § 60) 1. “I do my homework in the afternoon.” Bill says t h a t ........................ his homework in the afternoon. Bill said that ........................ his homework in the afternoon. 2. “I like to play the piano” The girl says th a t......................................the piano. The girl said th a t......................................the piano. 3. “I go there with my frien d ” David says th a t................................. there w ith ..........friend. David said th a t.................................there w ith .......... friend. 4. “M y friend wants to see you.” Mike says th a t............................................ to see........... Mike said th a see............ 5. “M y teacher often speaks to my grandmother.” Nick says th a t .......................................................grandmother. Nick said t h a t .......................................................grandmother. 6. “We don't remember his address.” They say th a t......................................his address. They said th a t......................................his address. 7. “We don’t know her name.” They say th a t.........................................her name. They said th a t...................................................... hername. 8. “I don’t understand the joke.” She says th a t............................................. the joke. She said th a t............................................. the joke. 48
  • 50. 9. “The cake tastes wonderful” wonderful. wonderful. They say th a t. They said that 10. “I feel bad.” 206. Change the sentences to indirect speech. ( § 61) 1. “Will you write the date, please!” The teacher told T om ....................................................the date. 2. “Please come on tim e” The teacher told the children...................................... on time. 3. “Don’t make any sandwiches” Mother told m e................................................. any sandwiches. 4. “Do your homework!” Mother told m e................................................................................ 5. “Don’t put on the coat.” Mother told m e............................................................... the coat. 6. “Answer my question!” Mr Brown told Sam ..................................................... question. 7. “Don’t ask me about it!” My sister told m e............................................................about it. 8. “Don’t take my book!” Jane told J e rry 9. “Don’t give me the cup!” Mrs Turner told Mrs H arris.........................................the cup. 49
  • 51. 10. “Don’t sit on the desk!” The teacher told Nick ... on the desk. 207. Change the sentences to indirect speech. (§§ 58-63) 1. “I shall go to the post office.” Paul said th a the post office. 2. “They will have to write a test.” The teacher said that ..................................................................... write a test. 3. “He will visit his grandmother.” Mary said that .......................................................................... his grandmother. 4. “We shall have a good time.” The girls said th a t.........................................a good time. 5. “We won’t open the box.” Diana said th a t.....................................................the box. 6. “I shan’t do that again.” Little Tom said th a t.........................................that again. 7. “Will he answer my question?” Barbara ask ed ............................ question. 8. “When will they come?” David w ondered......................... 9. “I never lose my books.” Mr Carter said that books.
  • 52. 10. “Г т going to play chess with you.” H arry said th a play chess w ith .................... 208. Write these words for the indirect speech. (§ 58) 1. today ........................................................... 2. now ........................................................... 3. yesterday ........................................................... 4. last week ........................................................... 5. two days ago ........................................................... 6. this book ........................................................... 7. these toys ........................................................... 8. tomorrow ........................................................... 9. next year ........................................................... 10. here ........................................................... 209. Change the sentences to indirect speech. (§§ 58-60, § 63) 1. “We shall have a party tomorrow” Richard said th a t.................................................................. 2. “I shall call you tomorrow ” Carl said th a t........................3 3. “We shall work hard next sum m er” Philip said th a t................................... 51
  • 53. 4. “We are going to read this book next m onth” Nelly said th a t..................................................... 5. “We are going to the country next w eek” Mrs Thompson said th a t............................ 6. “I shall come back in two d a ys” Sally said th a t.............................. 7. “They will know everything in three m onths” Peter said th a t...................................................... 8. “Can you do it today?” Ann asked..................... 9. “M u uncle is in India now ” Mike said th a t...................... 10. “Will you go to school next Saturday?” Mother asked Tom ................................... 210. Change the sentences to indirect speech. (§§ 58-60, §§ 62-63) 1. “They'll be here on tim e ” John sa id ...................................................................... 52
  • 54. 2. “I can’t be here today.” Mr Patterson sa id ....... 3. “I can’t find it here.” Ann sa id ..................... 4. “Can your uncle come here today?” Linda wondered................................. 5. “W hat are you going to do?” Granny asked m e .................. 6. “We shall write a test in two d a ys” The boys sa id ...................................... 7. “They will have holidays in three weeks.” The children sa id ......................................... 8. “I don’t like this book.” My grandfather sa id .... 9. “W hy are you busy today?” Mother asked m e................. 10. “Will they be busy next week?” My friend w ondered................. 53
  • 55. 211. Change the sentences to indirect speech. (§§ 58-60) Julia said that 1. “I have seen her today.’ Sam sa id ......................... We have seen this 4 4 4 they had seen that film .’ film. 2. “I have read three books this month.’ Tom sa id ................................................ 3. “We have visited two countries this year.’ The Browns sa id ........................................... 4. “M y mother hasn’t been on holiday this year.’ James sa id .............................................................. 5. “M y uncle went to Kiev yesterday.’ Boris sa id ............................................ 6. “We discussed these books yesterday.’ The students sa id ...................................7 7. “Our teacher gave us these books at the previous lesson.’ The pupils sa id ........................................................................ 54
  • 56. 8. “We didn’t do many exercises yesterday.” Emma sa id ....................................................... 9. “I met my friends here last week.” Alan sa id ........................................... 10. “I cleaned my room two days ago.” Mike sa id ............................................ 212. Change the sentences to indirect speech. (§§ 58-60, §§ 62-63) 1. “W hy was she late last M onday?” Bob asked..................................................................... 2. “W hy were you tired yesterday?” Granny asked................................. 3. “Where was the book?” My teacher asked.................... 4. “Where were you yesterday?” Helen asked..............................5 5. “Did you go to London last week?” Mr Harrison asked.......................... 55
  • 57. 6. “Did he find out your address?” Simon asked ................................. 7. “Did you read this book?” Jerry asked....................... 8. “Did you see these films?” My friend asked ............... 9. “W as she at school yesterday?” Peter asked .................................. 10. “Were you afraid of this dog?” Andrew asked ............................ 213. Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. (§ 23) 1. B ob..................(live) in London now. B o b ...................(move) to London five years ago. He .............. (live) there for five years. 2. How lo n g .....y o u ............ (live) in this house? 3.......... you ever ........... (eat) milk pudding? When ..... you ...........(eat) it? 4. I ...............(not / decide) what to do. I ........... (think) about it. 5. I .................(not / like) computer games. I ................ (think) they are boring. 56
  • 58. 6. W h a t..........y o u .............. (do) when I .................... {phone) you yesterday? - 1 .............................{play) chess with Oleg. 7. S h e....................{live) here for three years. 8. I t ....................{be) famous for hundreds of years. 9. I ........alw ays.................. {want) to visit the British Museum. 10. When Granny ................. {come) into the bathroom we .................{wash) the dog. 214. Which is right? Complete the sentences. (§§ 1- 2, § 10, § 13, §§ 26- 31, §§ 42- 43, § 48, §§ 58- 59) 1. H e ..............................{washed / was washing) h is ..................... {hair / hairs) when the telephone ............................ {rang / was ringing), that was why he .................................. {didn’t answer / wasn’t answering) it. 2..................................... {It was / There was) snowing when I ............................{left / was leaving) the museum. 3. I .....................{like / like it) when i t ................... {rain / rains). 4. She didn’t ........................{say / tell) a word t o ......................... {somebody / anybody / nobody). 5. He ......................... {lives / has lived) here ...................... {since / for) April. 6. She ....................... {knows / has known) him ........................ {since / for) many years. She .............................. {thinks / is thinking) he is a very good dentist. 7. The ............................. {fireman / firemen) are very brave, ............................{isn’t it / are they / aren’t they)l 8. He had no questions for y o u ,................................... {had he / didn’t he / did he)? 57
  • 59. 9. I didn’t ........................(know / knew / known) .......................... (who / whose) b ik e.......................... (there was / it was / it is). 1 0 .1 wonder w h ere.......................(did she buy / does she buy / she bought)........................ (that / those) toys. 215. Correct the sentences. (§ 12, §§ 49- 50, §§ 58- 63) П_у ^_j W 1. Whо di<i plaу fo Dtba 1th<i ott er day? 2. Ou г teacher asks us don't to spe эк Russi<зп in cla<;s. 3. Which cjave Toni the money: 4. He said the Bro1/vns had moved t э a rlew houe e thrее уears ago 5. He wondere‘d w«3S t t ere any food in the house - 6. Shei asl<:ed i10W manу cities lad le visiteci. 7. Bill 's motheг said she wi 1go to t le s:hoo1to spea к to :he teacl-ler. 8. Aml said th at stle would pho ne him ir1 tw<э da1/s. 9. What will Ыi the:weiathe ■ like!toniorr()W ? 10. The;re i ; sorneth ing :hat I wa nt t<) sa)' the tea cher 58
  • 60. UNIT 3 SECTION 7 216. Complete the sentences with 3, the or no article. (§ 20) 1. Did your grandfather p lay .......volleyball when he w as........ child? 2............volleyball i s ........ popular game i n ........ Russia. 3 is spread all o v 4. There i s .......nice lawn1in front o f ........ N ikitins’ house. We often p lay there. 5. Don’t be late f o r 6. I go t o i n ........ afternoon. 7. I often go t o library. 8........... Mrs W illiams i s . typical2grandmother. 9. I’d like to b u y ball. I don’t lik e .........ball I bought .......last spring. 10......... polar bears are ....... large white bears that live near .......N orth Pole. 217. Complete the sentences with 3, th e or no article. (§ 20) 1............last year we went t o ........ Urals, let’s go t o ........ Crimea this year. 2. How can I get t o .......Sheremetyevo airport? 1lawn — лужайка 2typical — типичный 59
  • 61. 3. W hat’s on at “.......Slava”? 4. Can you tell m e .......way t o ........ King’s Hotel? 5............ Mike’s uncle has .......very interesting job. He often goes t o .......Far East. - Does he? Is h e ........ scientist? Does he stu d y .......Pacific Ocean? 6. Mike is n o t.......good pupil. He could find n eith er........ Alps n o r.......Altai on this map. 7 .........Oka flows in to ........ Volga. 8 .........Pushkin Theatre is o n ........ left. 9. Have you ever v isited .......Tolstoy Literary Museum? 10. Let’s go t o ....... Izmailovo Park? - That’s ....... good idea. Shall we go there b y .......bus or b y 218. Complete each sentence with little, few , 3 little or a few. (§§ 16- 17) 1. He has g o t............ money. He can’t buy a piano. 2. He has g o t............ money. He is going to buy a guitar. 3. I have g o t..........rubles. I think I shall be able to buy the postcard. 4. I have g o t...........rubles in my collection. Sorry I can’t give you any. 5. I’ll come back i n .................days. 6. O nly..............people have snowdrops in their garden. 7. There is ............... snow in our garden this winter, I am afraid is it bad for the flowers. 8. We have to do the shopping in town because there are ...........shops in our village. 60
  • 62. 9. A lot of people have to leave the town because there are there. 1 0 .1 hope I’ll be free soon. Today I have......... work to do. 219. Complete each sentence with tOO, 3 1SO or either. (§ 55) 1. I don’t like honey. Pete doesn’t like honey................. 2. I am going to the museum. My brother is going th e re ................. 3. They will go to the art exhibition after classes. Their friends will go th e re ............... 4. He doesn’t like football. I don’t like the gam e................. 5. When I came, M argaret was having lunch, her sister was ................eating something. 6. I have never been to Kiev, my parents haven’t been there 7. - I haven’t got any friends in France. - 1haven’t .................. 8. He wasn’t happy to see us. - She wasn’t ........... 9. - He is a great doctor. - She is a very good doctor................. 10. He knows five foreign languages. S he...............knows several foreign languages. 220. Write questions. (§ 42, § 49) 1 . - ......................................................................................... - Next Tuesday. (I shall come next Tuesday.) 61
  • 63. 2. - At the swimming pool. (I’ll be at the swimming pool.) 3. - ................................................................................... - A dog. (I have got a dog.) 4. - ............................................................................................ - Two. (I bought two cassettes last Friday.) 5. - ............................................................................................ - I’m going to give him the toy because he likes to play. 6. - ........................................................................................................................ - Green. (My bike is green.) 7. - ................................................................................... - He’s lost his glasses. 8. - ............................................................................................................ - Two days ago. (He lost his glasses two days ago.) 9. - ................................................................................... - A stadium. (There is a stadium near the park.) 10. - ................................................................................... - A sweet. (There was a sweet on the desk.) 221. Ask a question about the information underlined in each of the following sentences, using W h o and W hat. (§§ 49- 50) 1. - Somebody invited Nina to the party.2 2. - Nina invited somebody to the party. 62
  • 64. 3. - This name means something. 4. - Somebody took the money. 5. - Somebody phoned the police. 6. - The teacher phoned somebody. 7. - Somebody left the bag in the bus. 8. - Anton left something on the chair. 9. - Somebody is watering the flowers. 10. - They are watering something. 222. Write a tag for each sentence. ( § 48) 1. He’s found something interesting th e re ,... 2. He’s found nothing interesting th e re ,....... 3. He is interested in travelling,..................? 4. He has never been interested in travelling, 5. He has to travel a lo t,................. ? 6. He had to travel a lo t,.................? 7. He’s at the a irp o rt,..................? 8. He’s gone to the a irp o rt,..................?
  • 65. 9. There’s a new airport not far from this town, 10. It’s a new a irp o rt,..................? 223. Write a tag for each sentence. (§ 48) 1. Mr Brown asked nobody,.................? 2. The police caught h im ,.................? 3. The jeans looked fu n n y ,.................? 4. There is no snow ,.................? 5. There won’t be any problem s,.................? 6. She used to do the shopping in the m orning,...........? 7. There are a few apples in the frid g e,.................? 8. I am your stu d e n t,.................? 9. He’s read y ,.................. ? 10. He’s com e,.................. ? 224. S a y or tell? Put the verbs into the correct form. (§ 59) 1. “I hope everything will be OK,” sh e a tired voice. 2. “I about it two months ago,” h e ............... coldly. 3. You m u st.........................him what todo. 4. Stand up, children, and .................: “Good morning, Mr Brown.” 5. W hat did sh e .............. ? 6. W hat did sh e ..............him? 7. W hat did sh e him? 8. W hat did sh e this? 64
  • 66. 9. W hat did sh e ..........about that? 10. You have anything about that. 225. Change the sentences to indirect speech. (§ § 58- 63) 1. “Don’t speak Russian!” The teacher told u s .................................................... 2. “Don’t run!” The teacher told u s .................................................... 3. “I lost my money yesterday.” Mary sa id ..................................................................... 4. “I am going to wash my bike today.” Philip sa id ............................................ 5. “Who wrote this poem?” The teacher w ondered... 6. “W hat is the time?” Granny asked......... 7. “W hat is the weather like today?” Mother asked...................................8 8. “W hat is the matter?” The teacher wondered
  • 67. 9. “Shall we go to the library tomorrow?” The pupils asked...................................... 10. “Have you ever been to Sergiev Posad?” Paul asked................................................... 226. Change the sentences to indirect speech. (§ 64) “W ill she ask about it?” I wonder if she will ask about it. “When will she ask about it?” I don’t know when she will ask about it. 1. “Will he arrive tomorrow?” Susan ask s....................................................................... 2. “When will he arrive?” Susan ask s.................... 3. “Will she have a party on Sunday?” Paul doesn’t know .............................. 4. “When will she have a party?” Paul doesn’t know ....................5 5. “W ill she go to the baker’s tomorrow?” I am not su re ............................................ 66
  • 68. 6. “When will she go to the baker’s?” I am not su re .................................... 7. “W ill they go to S t Petersburg?” I w onder......................................... 8. “When will they go to S t Petersburg?” I w onder.................................................... 9. “W ill he speak to the manager?” Alice ask s....................................... 10. “When will he speak to the manager?” Alice ask s................................................. 227. Change the sentences to indirect speech. (§§ 62-63) 1. “Where is he?” Mary asked.................................................................. 2. “Where was he two days ago?” Caroline asked............................................................ 3. “W hy did she go with us?” Mark asked.........................4 4. “Who has broken this glass?” The teacher asked...................
  • 69. 5. “W hy is Nick crying?” Mother asked............................................. 6. “How much did he pay for the tickets?” Ms Parker asked....................................... 7. “Do they like the game?” Mr Smith asked........................ 8. “Will he be ready in an hour?” The teacher asked..................... 9. “Will it rain tomorrow?” Paul asked ....................................................... 10. “Did Jack move to his new flat last week?” Jane asked........................................................ 228. Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. (§ 23, § 36, § 64) 1. I don’t know if M other.................(work) tomorrow. 2. I’ll have to do the shopping if Mother ................. (work) tomorrow. 3. Bob will go out when h e ..............(finish) his work. 4. I wonder when h e .................(do) his homework tomorrow. 5. I am not sure if sh e ....................(arrive) next Sunday. 6. I will be able to meet her if she .................... (arrive) on Sunday. 7. I want to ask her if sh e .......................(arrive) next Sunday. 8. I wonder if the te s t.................(be) difficult. 68
  • 70. (be)9. I’m afraid I’ll get a bad mark if the test ..... difficult. 10. Do you know when w e.................(write) the test? 229. Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. (§ 23) 1. J a n e ..............(sit) down under a tree a n d ............... (begin) to cry. An old lad y ..............(come) up to her a n d ............... (ask) her why sh e ..............(cry). 2. When I ........... (be) a little child I ........... (want) to be a singer. 3. W hat are your plans? - I ................. (meet) my friend this afternoon. 4. At the moment the pupils.......................(have) a test. I think th e y ............... (know) the results tomorrow. 5. -W h a t.....y o u ............ (do) at 6 o'clock yesterday? - I .......................(watch) TV. 6. When you ................. (telephone) me I .................... (do) my homework. 7. I .................... (come) home late last Wednesday. Granny .......................... (sleep), Mother ............................. (wash) up, F ath er.......................(speak) over the telephone. 8. I ................ (know) he ................... (speak) five languages. I ............................. (not / understand) which language he ........................ (speak) now. 9. He still .................... (remember) the doctor he ............... (meet) in Kiev a few years ago. 69
  • 71. 10. Mr Parker ................... (buy) a new football yesterday. He u su a lly ....................... (play) football on Sunday. Today ......................(be) Sunday. H e ............................(play) football now. H e ....................(like) the new ball. 230. Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. (§ 23) 1. I .............. (come) home late yesterday. My little brother .............. (sleep), my grandfather .............. (read) a newspaper, my p aren ts..............(watch) TV. 2. W usually............ (do) your homework? 3. ........y o u ............ ... (do) your homework yet? 4. ........y o u ............ ... (do) your homework yesterday? 5. ........ it usually homework? .............. (take) you much time to do your 6. ........ it .......... ...... (take) you much time to do your homework yesterday? 7. ........i t ............... tomorrow? (take) you much time to do your homework 8. ........i t ............... (snow) now? 9. ........i t ............... (snow) at this time yesterday? 10. usually. .............(snow) in April? 231. Complete the questions with Who or Which. (§ 12) 1 .......invited him to the party? 2 .............of them invited him to the party? 70
  • 72. 3 .......of the girls is Mary? 4 Mary? Is she Tom’s sister? 5............... of you speaks Italian? 6 .............of the museums is open now? 7 speaking to the teacher? 8 .............of them is going to speak to the teacher? 9 .............of your friends lives in this street? 10.............lived in this house? 232. Which is right? Correct the sentences. (§ 6, §§ 11- 12) 1 ...........(Who / Which) of you knows French? 2.................... (Who / W hich) has brought the flowers? They smell s o .................. (nice / nicely). 3 .................(Who / Which / W hat) is your phone number? 4. An author is a person ....................... (which / who / whose) writes books. 5. A garden is a piece of land, usually near a house, .............. (which / who / whose) is used for growing flowers. 6............................. (Whatever I Whenever / Wherever / Whoever) he did, he did i t ..............(good / well). 7.............................. (Whatever / Whenever / Wherever / Whoever) I phone him, he is always at home. 8. - Shall I buy the magazine or take it from the library? - ...................... (Whatever / Whenever / Wherever / Whoever) you like. 71
  • 73. 9. (Whatever / Whenever / Wherever / Whoever) you go, I’ll find you. 10......................... (Whatever / Whenever / Wherever / Whoever) gives her advice she is always ready to follow ..............(it / them). 233. Which is right? Correct the sentences. (§ 23,.§ 5 8 -6 1 ) 1. He asks th em .................(don’t to / not to) play there. 2. Mrs S m ith .................(said / told) me n o t...........................(to close / close) the door. 3. We ............................ (are going to have / will have / have) a party tonight. We ..................... (do / did / have done) everything. 4. Have you got any wooden toys? - No, I’ve only got plastic ........................(one / ones). 5. W hat are her plans? When ............................................ (does she come / will she come / is she going to come) home? 6. - When ...............................(does she come / has she come / did she come) home yesterday? - .................. (In / At) four o’clock. 7. We promise you ...................................... (have / will have / are going to have) a good time. 8. - ................................ (Does she come / Has she come / Did she come) home yet? - I ....................... (don’t know / didn’t know / haven’t known). I ...................(don’t see / didn’t see / haven’t seen) her today. 72
  • 74. 9. W hat ................. (did you do / were you doing) when the telephone.............. (rang / was ringing). 10................ (It is / There is )................(anybody / nobody) in the classroom. 234. Correct the sentences. (§ 1, § 17, § 20, § 48, § 59-62) ГЧ_У К У У y j К У К У V_Г 1. I haver 't seen b1oskva r ver yet. 2. Would 'i^ou ike :o gc to 1:he J>out a Afr ica in ^ayl 3. Loridon is a ver/ large c ty. It is ane af the lar gest city:; in :he vvorlc1. 4. I a n St re he wi I I be OK in few dclys. 5. I a n ricjht, amn't I? 6. I w о D CL ir w aere is he now. 7. He ask«;wh en c an tiley :om( 8. Th<гу wond«;r wllat coes she like. 9. Torn asks tlaem don t bring any f aod. 10. He tells he :an jwirrl we 1. 73
  • 75. 235. Correct the sentences. (§ 42, §§ 58-63) |"V 7—^ 7—V 7 V 7 V 7 V 7 ^ 7 V 7~V 7~V 7 V 7 У 7“ 1. Thei king asked the arinc:ess to wait f ar me. 2. Theг fair — ■yto d the boу that sile must eavea hir i. 3. Theг gir asked t ie c lildr 2П Vhat are theу doing. 4. He aske;d what л/as the arob em. 5. He aske;d did th 2y have a pnablein. 6. She; wondet s do theу know the vrord: 7. He said he (didn t me:et t nem befc>re. 8. The;re v/as г lake not far fror ri theair house|и Theire vias iavei'У deiep 1ake. 9. The; king said that tlie p ■ ince WOljld leiave the pal ace 1:omcirrov/. 10. The: pri ice ;said that he vill t e carefu 74
  • 76. UNIT 4 SECTIONS 1-3 236. Complete the sentences with 3, the or no article. (§ 20) 1........... last Friday ....... Mr W est received ....... letter from .......police...........letter was short. 2. W hat i s ......main argument? 3........... lunch i s ........ meal that you have i n ........ middle o f ........ day. 4. W e’ll w rite .......dictation a t ........ end o f ........ lesson. 5. Have you called.......police? 6. There i s .......strange man a t ........ front door. 7. He went in to a t ........ age of 17. 8........... police will arrive soon. 9. Never tell m e.......lie. 10. Why can’t you tell m e.......truth? 237. Complete the sentences with 3, the or no article. (§ 20) 1. He liv e s.......mile from his office, so it’s easy to come by .......bus. 2. Do you go to o n ........ Saturday? 3. They never go to b y ........bus. 4. It’s 8 o’clock. It’s time to go t o ....... school. 75
  • 77. 5. I’m leaving ....... hospital tomorrow. I t’ll be nice to be at .......home again. 6. There i s not far fro m ........ airport. 7. W here i s .......nearest hospital? 8. He is seriously ill. - W hat ....... sad news! Is he in ....... hospital? 9........... Mr Nikitin is ....... politician. He is visiting ....... Jaroslavl. He has seen ....... factory, ....... school, ....... stadium. He’ll v is tomorrow. 10. There i s not far from our house. There a r e ......... 955 pupils i n 238. Complete the sentences with 3, th e or no article. (§ 20) 1. - Yesterday we bought....... bed. - W here did you p u t.......bed? - We put it i n .......bedroom. 2. W h a t.......comfortable bed! 3. You should stay i n .......bed for three days. 4. He went to .......bed a fte r........dinner. 5. There i s .......little bed i n ........ corner o f ........ room. 6. There i s .......little box u n d er........ bed. 7. Is he still i n .......bed? 8. W here shall I p u t.......blanket? Put it o n ........bed. 9........... Mr. Green switched off ....... light and went to ....... bed. 10.........little Mary lost her doll i n .........bed. 76
  • 78. 239. Write the plural. (§ l) 1. The little ...........(girl) are afraid o f ............... (mouse). 2. These..............(man) can h u n t............... (deer). 3.................. (lion) often h u n t............... (deer). 4. There were th re e ..............(woman) at the bus stop. 5. W here do you keep th e ..............(glass)? 6................(wolf) are clever............... (animal). 7. You can give th e ...........(toy) to th e ............... (baby). 8...................(boy) a n d ............ (girl) want to m eet............ (fairy). 9. We have got a lot o f ..............(potato). 10. You can see th e ..............(photo). 240. Which is right? Complete the sentences. (§ 6) 1. That sounds .................(good / well). 2. It ra in s.................(hard / hardly). 3. He went back.................(quick / quickly). 4. She spoke v ery .................(slow / slowly). 5. Why are you s o ................(slow / slowly) today? 6. You don’t look v ery .................(happy / happily) today. 7. “I’ll go to London next m onth,” she sa id ................. (happy / happily). 8. That sounds.................(bad / badly). 9. I am sure you will find my house..............(easy / easily). 10. It i s ....................(easy / easily) to find my house. 77
  • 79. 241. Which is right? Complete the sentences. (§ 6) 1. The bed looked..............(comfortable / comfortably). 2. Are y o u ..............(comfortable / comfortably)? 3. We were .............. (hungry / hungrily), so we ate dinner ..............(quick / quickly). 4. The place looks..............(different / differently). 5. The man looks.............. (angry / angrily). 6. The man looked at m e.............. (angry / angrily). 7. “Do I look .............. (beautiful / beautifully)?” she asked ..............(quick / quickly). 8. “Oh, Granny, h o w .................(strange / strangely) you look today!” Little Red Riding Hood1said. 9. “I’ll stay with you,” she sa id ..............(happy / happily). 10. Sally shook her h ead ................. (sad / sadly). 242. Which is right? Complete the sentences. (§ 6) 1. He could...........(hard / hardly) wait to open the box. 2. She w orked.................(hard / hardly), but her mother still wasn’t ..................(happy / happily). 3. He sm iled.................(happy / happily) at the news. 4. There was a ........... (happy / happily) smile on his face. 5. Cinderella married the prince and they lived (happy / happily) ever after. 6. Mary did all the work v ery ..............(happy / happily). 7. The children were playing............... (quiet / quietly). 1Little Red Riding Hood — Красная Шапочка 78
  • 80. 8. B e.................(quiet / quietly)! The baby is sleeping! 9. She is a .................(nice / nicely) singer. 10. She sin g s.................(nice / nicely). 243. Complete the sentences with myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves or themselves. (§ 9) 1. Mary can do i t ............................................................. 2. Mike can do i t .............................................................. 3. Mike, you can do i t .................................................... 4. Boys, you can do i t ..................................................... 5. Mary, you can do i t .................................................... 6. Girls, you can do i t ..................................................... 7. We can do i t .................................................................. 8. The boys can do i t ........................................................ 9. I can do i t ....................................................................... 10. The dog can do i t .......................................................... 244. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. (§ 9) 1. Она сделает это сама. 2. М ы сделаем это сами. 3. Они сделают это сами. 4. Кошка сделает это сама. 79
  • 81. 5. Я сделаю эт о сам а. 6. Он сделает это сам. 7. Том, сделай это сам. 8. Том и М айк, сделайте это сами. 9. Том сделает это сам. 10. Бетти сделает это сама. 245. Complete each sentence with tOO, dlSOor either. (§ 55) 1. Mr. Patterson works in a bank. Mr. Richardson works there ................ 2. My Granny is fond of music, I like m usic............. 3. Tom and Pete are not students. I am not a stu d en t................ 4. We want to spend our holidays in London. They .............. will be happy to visit London. 5. He never goes shopping. He doesn’t wash u p ................ 6. She often does the cooking. She cleans the kitchen................ 7. She isn’t fond of reading. She doesn’t like film s................ 8. There is no carpet on the floor, there isn’t a carpet on the w all................ 9. They never eat honey. They don’t eat sw eets............. 10. They eat a lot of fruit. T vegetables. 80
  • 82. 246. Which is right? Complete the sentences. (§§ 15-17, § 59) say or tell? 1. Why did h e ..............this? 2. He did n o about it. 3. Don’t ..............anybody about it. many or much? 4. He didn’t b u y for his new flat. 5. This work won’t ta k e ..............time. 6. Have we g o t..............apples for the children? few, a few, littleora little? 7. There i s ..............cheese. We can’t make cheese sandwiches for everybody. 8. - Would you like some more cake? - Yes, please. But ju s t................ 9. I’ll be ready i n ...............minutes. 10. He was unhappy. He h a d ..............friends at school. 247. Change the sentences to indirect speech. (§ 58, §§ 60-63)1 1. “Don’t ask him this question today.” Ann told S usan............................................................... 81