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Видавнича група «Основа»
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Издательская группа «Основа» —
«Электронные книги»
ISBN 978-611-00-0197-7
Серія «Мій конспект»
Заснована 2008 року
УДК 372.8=111
ББК 74.268.1Англ
Кіктенко Т. М.
К38 Англійська мова. 6 клас за підручником О. Д. Карп’юк
“English pupil’s book 6”. I семестр. — Х.: Вид. група «Ос­но­
ва», 2012.— 96 с. — (Серія «Мій конспект»).
ISBN 978-611-00-0197-7.
Видання «Мій конспект» — це нова серія посібників, які став-
лять за мету надати допомогу вчителеві в підготовці та про­веденні
уроку. Автори пропонують базову основу конспектів 102 уроків
англійської мови (48 — І семестр, 54 — ІІ семестр) на відривних
аркушах із використанням додаткових матеріалів та підручника
О. Д.Кар­п’юк “English pupil’s book 6”. Узявши за основу посібник,
учитель може створити власний конспект уроку.
Для вчителів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів.
УДК 372.8=111
ББК 74.268.1Англ
Навчальне видання
Серія «Мій конспект»
Кіктенко Тамара Миколаївна
Англійська мова.
6 клас за підручником
О. Д. Карп’юк “English pupil’s book 6”
I семестр
Головний редактор О. С. Любченко
Редактор А. Л. Мирошніченко
Відповідальний за видання Ю. М. Афанасенко
Технічний редактор О. В. Лєбєдєва
Коректор О. М. Журенко
Підп. до друку 17.06.2009. Формат 60×90/8.
Папір офсет. Гарнітура Шкільна. Друк офсет.
Ум. друк. арк. 12,00. Зам. № 9-06/08-05.
ТОВ «Видавнича група “Основа”»
61001 м. Харків, вул. Плеханівська, 66
тел. (057) 731-96-33
Свідоцтво суб’єкта видавничої справи
Свідоцтво ДК № 2911 від 25.07.2007 р.
© Кіктенко Т. М., 2009
© ТОВ «Видавнича група “Основа”», 2012
Lesson 1.	 Hello again ........................................................................  5
Lesson 2.	 Our friends all over the world ................................................  7
Lesson 3.	 Personal information ...........................................................  9
Lesson 4.	 Brush up your grammar ...................................................... 11
Unit 1. We need information
Lesson 5.	 Let’s make a school newspaper .............................................. 13
Lesson 6.	 Gathering ideas ................................................................. 15
Lesson 7.	 What should we do? ........................................................... 17
Lesson 8.	 At the library .................................................................... 19
Lesson 9.	 Writing an e-mail .............................................................. 21
Lesson 10.	Computers in our life .......................................................... 23
Lesson 11.	It’s time for reading ........................................................... 25
Lesson 12.	Can we count “information”? ............................................... 27
Lesson 13.	Is it easy to study? ............................................................. 29
Lesson 14.	Home Reading. The Ant and the Grasshopper .......................... 31
Unit 2. School Life
Lesson 15.	I love school. And you? ....................................................... 33
Lesson 16.	Who has done the homework? ............................................... 35
Lesson 17.	Have you done your English? ............................................... 37
Lesson 18.	Extra-school activities ........................................................ 39
Lesson 19.	School life ........................................................................ 41
Lesson 20.	Our favourite subjects ........................................................ 43
Lesson 21.	It’s time for reading ........................................................... 45
Lesson 22.	Let’s brush up our grammar ................................................. 47
Lesson 23.	Is your school life interesting? ............................................. 49
Lesson 24.	Home Reading ................................................................... 51
Unit 3. Bigger! Stronger! Faster!
Lesson 25.	I love sports. And you? ....................................................... 53
Lesson 26.	Sports and games ............................................................... 55
Lesson 27.	Play, Go or Do? ................................................................. 57
Lesson 28.	Join the Team! ................................................................... 59
Lesson 29.	My favourite sport ............................................................. 61
Lesson 30.	Olympic Games .................................................................. 63
Lesson 31.	It’s time for reading ........................................................... 65
Lesson 32.	Let’s brush up our grammar ................................................. 67
Lesson 33.	Sports in our life ................................................................ 69
Lesson 34.	Home Reading. Sports Day .................................................. 71
Unit 4. Round the Calendar
Lesson 35.	Winter is coming ............................................................... 73
Lesson 36.	It’s so cold today ................................................................ 75
Lesson 37.	It’s December now, isn’t it? ................................................. 77
Lesson 38.	What are Holidays? ............................................................ 79
Lesson 39.	My Favourite Holiday ......................................................... 81
Lesson 40.	New Year’s Day ................................................................. 83
Lesson 41.	It’s time for reading ........................................................... 85
Lesson 42.	Let’s brush up our grammar ................................................. 87
Lesson 43.	Holidays round the world .................................................... 89
Lesson 44.	Home Reading. A Typical Year in Britain (p. 160)..................... 91
Lesson 45.	Listening Comprehension .................................................... 93
Lesson 46.	Speaking .......................................................................... 94
Lesson 47.	Reading ........................................................................... 95
Lesson 48.	Writing ........................................................................... 96
Lesson 1
Hello again
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання й усного мовлення;
формувати навички вимови; удосконалювати навички монологічного
висловлювання з опорою на лексико-граматичну структуру; розвивати
мовну здогадку; виховувати увагу, інтерес до англійської мови.
1.	 Warm-up
Answer some questions just for fun.
How many birthdays does the average man have?1)	
Some months have 31 days; how many have 28?2)	
A pair of twins is how many people?3)	
How many days of the week start with the letter ‘T’?4)	
What are they?5)	
A man builds a house rectangular in shape. All sides have southern
exposure. A big bear walks by, what color is the bear? Why?
2.	 Listening
Line game
Divide the class into two groups. One lines up on the left side, one on
the right. Ask the front student in each group a question. The first one
to answer correctly gets to sit down. The other who can’t answer goes to
the back of his / her team. The winning team is the first where everyone
is sat down! Make sure the questions come thick and fast.
Sample list of question
•	 How are you?
•	 What’s your name?
•	 How old are you?
•	 How old is Natasha?
•	 Do you like winter?
•	 Do you play football?
•	 When is your birthday?
•	 Where do you live?
•	 What time is it?
•	 What time do you get up?
•	 What time do you go to bed?
•	 What music group do you
•	 Who is your favourite TV
•	 Who is your favourite movie
•	 Who is your favourite sing-
•	 Who is your favourite foot-
ball player?
•	 Who is your favourite tea­
•	 Who is your favourite actor?
•	 Who is your favourite ac-
•	 What is your favourite sub-
•	 What is your favourite food?
•	 What is your favourite TV
•	 Who is your English teacher?
•	 Who is your best friend?
•	 How many people are there in
your family?
•	 How many pets do you have?
•	 How many brothers and sis-
ters do you have?
•	 What is your mother’s name?
•	 What is your father’s name?
•	 What is your English teach-
er’s name?
•	 Who teaches football?
•	 Who teaches Ukranian?
•	 What sport does (name) play?
(any classmate’s name)
•	 What subject does (name)
teach? (any teacher’s name)
3.	Reading
Read the text in Ex. 1, p.4 and answer the questions.
Are the children classmates? (1)	 Yes)
How old are they? (2)	 11)
Who has no sisters or brothers? (3)	 Chrystyna)
Who got a computer last summer? (4)	 Ivan)
Who can make pictures on computer? (5)	 Chrystyna)
Who has a younger sister? (6)	 Taras)
Who taught Ivan to use the computer? (7)	 His elder brother)
Who likes English? (8)	 Taras and Ivan)
Who is fond of taking pictures? (9)	 Taras)
Who is good at working on a computer? (10)	 Chrystyna)
What helps the children to make new friends? (11)	 English)
4.	 Speaking
Work in pairs.
Do Ex. 2, p.5. Write down your personal information in the chart
and make up dialogues.
Address _______________________________________________________
Tel. __________________________________________________________
Family _ ______________________________________________________
Likes /Dislikes _________________________________________________
Favourite subject _______________________________________________
Sample dialogue
— What’s your name in English?
— I’m __ .
— What’s your address?
— It’s 5, Ivanova Street, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
— What’s your telephone number?
— It’s 764589
— Have you got any sisters or brothers? How many __ .
— Yes (No). I’ve got __ .
— What do you like doing?
— I like playing computer games.
— What’s your favourite subject at school?
— I like __ . (It is __ )
5.	 Writing
Write a short paragraph about your partner using the information
from the previous task.
6.	 Grammar practice
Do Ex. 4, p. 5.
7.	 Summary
Who’s your best friend?1)	
What’s his name?2)	
Has he got any brothers or sisters?3)	
What’s his brother’s (sister’s) name?4)	
What do you like doing together?5)	
What is the name of your school?6)	
8.	 Homework
Do Ex. 5, p. 5.
Lesson 2
Our friends all over the world
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення; формувати навички ви-
мови; удосконалювати навички діалогічного висловлювання з опорою на
лексико-граматичну структуру; розвивати мовну здогадку; виховувати
увагу, інтерес до англійської мови.
1.	 Warm-up
Write the words which associate with the following countries: Great
Britain, the USA Ukraine.
Example: Great Britain — fog, kilt, whisky, Oxford, islands…
2.	 Listening
Listen to the text and do the tasks.
How the Welsh speak
Everybody from the UK is British, but be careful: only people from
England are English. People from Wales think of themselves as Welsh;
people from Scotland as Scottish; people from the Republic of Ireland as
Irish and people from Northern Ireland as either British or Irish.
People in Wales speak English but they have their own language —
Welsh. Though some Welsh people learn Welsh before they learn Eng-
lish and some of these people never learn much English nowadays only
more than 20 per cent of the population speak Welsh as a first language.
Some Welsh families speak Welsh to each other at home, but they read
English newspapers and	English books, that is why when they speak
Welsh they sometimes put in English words.
Welsh people are very proud of their national language, and they
are proud of Wales too.
True or False
All people in Great Britain are English.1)	
People in Wales speak only Welsh.2)	
People in Wales use two languages: English and Wales.3)	
Answer the questions
What languages do people speak in Great Britain?1)	
Do many people speak Welsh as a first language?2)	
Why do people sometimes mix English and Welsh words?3)	
Are the Welsh proud of their country?4)	
3.	 Speaking
Practice it in short dialogues.
Imagine a country and say where you are from.
— Where are you from?
— I’m from Poland. Are you from Poland too?
— Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Do Ex. 1, p. 6.
4.	 Writing
Practise the pronunciation of the names of the countries and nation-
alities from Ex. 2, p. 6.
Do Ex. 2, p. 6.
Write the nationalities in four groups according to their endings.
Americ-	 Brit-	 Swed-	 Portugu-	 Span-
Germ-	 Russ-	 Japan-	 Ital-	 Turk-
Chin-	 Argentin-	 Ukrain-
-an -ian -ish -ese
5.	 Speaking and writing
Make up short dialogues.
— Where are you from?
— I’m from German.
— What nationality are you?
— I’m German.
Do Ex. 3, p. 6.
6.	Reading and writing
Do Ex. 4, p. 6.
Read about Pablo and then write about yourself.
— My name’s Pablo. I’m Spanish and I’m from Spain. Languages
are my hobby. I speak Spanish, French, English, Hungarian and Ger-
man. And I also speak a little Ukrainian! My English is quite good but
my German is very goor.
My name’s __ . I’m __ and __ from __ I speak __ and __ .
7.	 Speaking
Do Ex. 5, p. 7.
8.	 Summary
Bring some photos of different people to the class and ask pupils to
guess their nationalities.
— I think the girl / woman / boy / man in the picture is (Chinese).
— No, I think he / she’s (Japanese).
— And I think the couple/people in that picture are __ .
— No, I think they are __ .
9.	 Homework
Write a short paragraph about importance of studying foreign lan-
Lesson 3
Personal information
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички аудіювання й читання, уживання лексич-
ного матеріалу за темою «Сім’я»; розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів;
виховувати позитивне ставлення до родинних стосунків.
1.	 Warm-up
Answer the questions.
What’s your surname?1)	
How do you spell it?2)	
What’s your name?3)	
How old are you?4)	
Where are you from?5)	
What’s your address?6)	
How do you spell it? (The name of the street)7)	
What’s your telephone number?8)	
2.	 Speaking
Work in pairs
Ask questions about Dan to complete the chart. Use the questions
above as prompts.
Student A Student B
Name Dan
Age 15
Address Flat 6, 29, Hull Road, Glasgow
Telephone 0904 776351
Surname Birch
Country Scotland
Zip code GL04HT
— What’s his name?
— He’s Dan.
3.	Reading
Do Ex. 1, p. 8.
4.	 Listening
Listen to the short stories carefully and answer the questions as
quickly as you can.
Will is from the USA. He is a singer in the band. He is eighteen years
old and he is good-looking. His hair is blond and his eyes are blue. His
favourite colour is red.
1)	 What nationality is Will?
2)	 Where is he from?
3)	 Is he a singer?
4)	 How old is he?
5)	 What colour is his hair?
6)	 What colour is his eyes?
7)	 What’s his favourite colour?
Linda is from Poland. She is an actress. She is twenty-five years old
and she is pretty. Her hair is brown and her eyes are grey. Her favourite
colour is green.
1)	 What nationality is Linda?
2)	 Where is she from?
3)	 Is she a singer?
4)	 How old is she?
5)	 What colour is her hair?
6)	 What colour is her eyes?
7)	 What’s her favourite colour?
5.	Reading and speaking
Do Ex. 2, p. 8.
Key: the correct order of the sentences — 4, 1, 9, 6, 2, 10, 5, 7, 3, 8.
6.	Reading and speaking
Practise the family vocabulary,
Study the family tree and say whether the following statements are
true or false. If they are false say the correct answer.
Pete + Jane
Theresa Tom + Ann Dick + Mary Dorothy
Louis Charlie Beatrice
1)	 Jane is Dorothy’s mother.
2)	 Pete is Ann’s father.
3)	 Tom is Mary’s husband.
4)	 Theresa is Tom’s wife.
5)	 Louis is Charlie’s brother.
6)	 Beatrice is Louis’s cousin.
7)	 Dorothy is Beatrice’s aunt.
8)	 Tom is Louis’s uncle.
9)	 Charlie is Mary’s nephew.
10)	Beatrice is Theresa’s niece.
11)	Ann is Theresa’s sister-in-law.
12)	Tom is Dorothy’s brother.
13)	Dorothy is Pete’s daughter.
14)	Ann is Mary’s sister.
15)	Pete is Charlie’s grandfather.
16)	Beatrice is an only child.
17)	Dorothy has two children.
18)	Jane is Beatrice’s grandmother.
19)	Louis is Jane’s grandson.
20)	Dorothy is single.
Do Ex. 3, 4, p. 8–9.
7.	 Summary
Answer some questions about the relationships.
Is your grandfather only your mother’s father?1)	
Is your aunt your mother’s or your father’s sister?2)	
Do your parents make you help them with the housework? What do3)	
they make you do?
Do your parents let you invite friends to your home (very often,4)	
rather often, very seldom, rarely)?
Do your parents make you go in for sport? Which?5)	
8.	 Homework
Make up a project (p. 9)
Lesson 4
Brush up your grammar
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання граматичних структур груп
Simple and Continuous у мовленні, удосконалювати навички усного мов-
лення, читання й письма; розвивати мовну здогадку; виховувати зацікав-
леність у розширенні своїх знань.
1.	 Warm-up
Bring some photos of famous people and ask pupils to answer the
— Where is he / she from?	 — She is from Italy.
— What language does he/she speak?	 — She speaks Italian.
— What nationality is he/she?	 — She is Italian.
— What does he / she do?	 — She is an actress.
2.	 Grammar practice
Revise the rules and do Ex. 1, 2, p. 10
Complete the sentences.
When my mobile phone rang I __ .1)	
When I was passing the shop-window I __ .2)	
When it started raining I __ .3)	
My mother saw me when I __ .4)	
That great idea came to me when I __ .5)	
I burnt my finger when I __ .6)	
When somebody knocked I __ .7)	
When I was driving the policeman __ .8)	
We saw many interesting things when we __ .9)	
When I heard this music I __ .10)	
3.	Reading and writing
Read the text, find and write out 4 sentences with Past Simple and
4 sentences with Past Continuous.
London Fog
It was a very foggy day in London. The fog was so thick that it was
impossible to see more than a foot or so. Buses, cars and taxies were not
able to run and were standing by the side of the road. People were trying
to find their way about on foot but were losing their way in the fog.
Mr Brown had a very important meeting at the House of Commons
and had to get there but no one could take him. He tried to walk there
but found that he was quite lost. Suddenly he bumped into a stranger.
The stranger asked if he could help him. Mr Brown answered he wanted
to get to the Houses of Parliament. The stranger told him he would take
him there. Mr Brown thanked him and they started to walk there.
The fog was getting thicker with every minute but the stranger had
no difficulty in finding the way. He walked along the street, turned
down another, crossed a square and at last after about half an hour’s
walk they arrived at the Houses of Parliament.
Mr Brown couldn’t understand how the stranger found his way.
“It’s wonderful”, he said. “How do you find the way in this fog?”
“It is not trouble at all for me, sir”, said the stranger. “I’m blind”.
Put the questions to the underlined words in the sentences.
Answer the questions.
What was the weather like in London that day?1)	
How did the people move in such weather?2)	
Where did Mr Brown have to get?3)	
Whom did he meet in the fog?4)	
How long did it take them to get to the Houses of Parliament?5)	
Why was it easy to the stranger to find the way in the fog?6)	
4.	 Grammar practice
Do Ex. 3, 4, 5, p. 10-11.
5.	Reading and speaking
Do Ex. 6, p. 11.
6.	 Grammar practice
Do Ex. 7, p. 11.
7.	 Summary
Answer the questions.
When did you do your homework yesterday?1)	
What were you doing when your mother came?2)	
Do you usually do your homework in the evening?3)	
Have you done your homework for today?4)	
8.	 Homework
Retell the story “London Fog” from the part of Mr Brown.
Unit 1. We need information
Lesson 5
Let’s make a school newspaper
Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удоскона-
лювати навички усного мовлення й письма; учити робити пропозицію;
розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати доброзичливе ставлен-
ня до співрозмовника.
1.	 Warm-up
Answer the questions.
What is your favourite lesson?1)	
How many lessons have you got every day?2)	
How often have you got English lessons?3)	
Clap your hands if the sentence is correct.
We count in the music class.1)	
We sing in the music class.2)	
We read in the drawing lesson.3)	
We speak English at the English lesson.4)	
We write in the drawing class.5)	
We read in the reading lesson.6)	
We speak Ukrainian at the Literature lesson.7)	
We jump at the Physical Training lesson.8)	
We run at the Maths lesson.9)	
We do the sums at the Maths lesson.10)	
2.	 Speaking
Making suggestions
Refer pupils to the box Making suggestions. Point out the five dif-
ferent ways of making suggestions and practice the example exchange
T-P to show how to use the information in the chart to make them.
Practise the examples chorally and individually.
Give pupils some practice in making suggestions in different ways
by giving cues for suggestions, e.g.
Making suggestions
Replying suggestions
Yes No
Why don’t we
We would
like to
We can
What about
… ?
What about
go to the cinema / have a pic-
nic /
play football / go to the
beach /
walk in the woods / buy some
stickers /
have a cup of coffee /
a record / a cup of coffee
reading an article?
searching it through the In-
All right.
Good idea.
That’s a good
Sorry, I can’t.
Sorry, I can’t.
I’m too tired.
How about… /
going to the
theatre / … in-
Sample dialogues
— Let’s go to the cinema tonight.
— Sorry, I can’t. How about going to the theatre instead tomorrow?
— Why don’t we go to the cinema? / What about going to the cinema?
— That’s a good idea.
— I’m so thirsty.
— What about some orange juice?
Practise short dialogues in pairs or in chain, one by one.
3.	Reading and speaking
Do Ex. 1, p. 12 and find suggestions there. Use the phrases from the
box to exchange them.
4.	 Speaking
Do Ex. 2, p. 12.
5.	 Writing
Fill in the gaps in the dialogue and then in pairs make your own one.
music a CD birthday an alarm clock present a book
R u t h: What shall we give Carol for her __ ?
J o a n: What about __ ?
R u t h: I’m not sure.
J o a n: What do you suggest then?
R u t h: Let’s give her __ .
J o a n: That’s not a very exciting __ .
R u th: Why don’t we give her __ ? She enjoys listening to __ .
J o a n: That’s a good idea.
6.	 Speaking
Practise the new vocabulary.
Let’s learn new words.
Stick the slips with these words onto the blackboard (or write down)
and ask pupils to find new words for them or the words they have known
at the lesson and write them down into their vocabularies: information,
column, language, newspaper, share, letter, suggest, learn, suggestion,
computer, heading, advice
Find these words in Ex. 1,2 and explain the word share. I share
a room with my brother.
Practise the new words chorally giving Ukrainian equivalents.
7.	 Speaking
Work in pairs.
Do Ex. 3, p. 12.
Student A Student B
is making suggestions
to make a survey
to take photos
to search the information / pictures
through the Internet
to share ideas with somebody
to think out interesting headings
to write an article about…
to prepare quizzes and crosswords
agrees or disagrees
I (don’t) think it’s good
(useful, interesting, really good)
Great idea.
That’s a good idea.
I’ve got a better idea.
That sounds good / great.
How about… instead
8.	 Summary
Name as many words as you can which are connected with making
a newspaper or a magazine.
9.	 Homework
You’re going to have a party with your classmates. Write down some
suggestions for decorations and transforming the classroom.
Lesson 6
Gathering ideas
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць, усно-
го мовлення й читання; учити давати пораду, співпрацювати в групі.
1.	 Warm-up
Make suggestions as for decoration the classroom before the party.
2.	 Listening
Listen to the text and answer the questions.
Pete was a lazy boy. He didn’t like to do his homework. He didn’t
learn his English words either.
One day in class his English teacher asked him, “Pete, what is the
Ukrainian for table?”
“I don’t know”, answered Pete.
“Well, then, what is the Ukrainian for father?”
“I don’t know”, said Pete again.
“What do you know then?” the teacher asked him. “Tell me, please,
what three words do lazy pupils usually say?”
“I don’t know”, was the answer.
“Correct at last”, said the teacher.
Why didn’t Pete like to do his homework?1)	
Could he answer any teacher’s question?2)	
Did he understand the last question?3)	
3. 	 Speaking
Practise the new vocabulary.
Make suggestions and give advice using the words from the box on
page 13.
Suggestions Advice
Why don’t we share the work?
Let’s write about a history lesson.
What about making a column about
unusual things?
You should share the work.
You should write about a history lesson.
You should make a column about
something unusual
4.	Reading
Do Ex.4, p. 13.
5. 	 Speaking and writing
Practise the new vocabulary.
a heading1)	
a column2)	
an article3)	
a subject4)	
a library6)	
a magazine7)	
Fill in the gaps with the new words.
share article column library heading
1)	 I’d like to write the sport __ in our newspaper.
2)	 I’ve got an unexpected __ for this article.
3)	 My brother is a student, he __ a room with his friend.
4)	 Our __ is on the first floor.
5)	 Could you write an __ about the last competition.
6.	Reading and speaking
Do Ex. 5, p. 13.
7.	 Writing
Find all the new words from the box on p. 12–13 and make your own
8.	 Speaking
Make up sentences using the prompts from Ex.6, p. 13.
9.	 Summary
Work in pairs.
Make up and act out your own dialogue about making a school news-
paper or magazine. Use the following prompts:
‘	 Why don’t we make the sport (gardening, cooking) column in our
Let’s interview our teachers to know their attitude towards youth-
ful fashion.
What about taking the photos for this article?1)	
Who wants to answer the letters from our readers?2)	
10.	Homework
Write some pieces of advice as for making a report about any topic
of any subject.
Lesson 7
What should we do?
Цілі: формувати навички вживання модальних дієслів у мовленні; удоско-
налювати вміння робити пропозицію та надавати пораду; розвивати
культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів.
1.	 Warm-up
Do Ex. 1, p. 14
2.	 Listening
Practise the verb can.
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
Linda is depressed. She’s having a party today, but her friends can’t
— John, can you go to Linda’s party?
— I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to go to the library.
— What about Tom? Can he go to Linda’s party?
— No, he can’t. He has to fix his car.
— What about Henry and Nancy?
— No, they cannot go to the party either. Henry has to go to the den-
tist and Nancy has to work tonight.
L i n d a. Chris, I’m having a party tonight, can you come over?
— Gee, Linda, I wish I could but I can’t. I have to work.
— Oh, well, that’s too bad. It seems that tonight nobody can come.
— Why don’t you plan your party for tomorrow night?
— Good idea! That’s what I’ll do.
1)	 Why can’t John come?
2)	 Why can’t Tom come?
3)	 Why can’t Henry come?
4)	 Why can’t Nancy come?
5)	 Why can’t Chris come?
6)	 Why can’t all her friends come?
3.	 Speaking
Practise the verbs may / might.
Ask your pupils to pretend they are waiting for a famous pop singer
to their school but she is not here yet.
Change the sentences using may / might (not):
1)	 Perhaps her train is late. — Her train may be late.
2)	 Perhaps she doesn’t know the way.
3)	 It’s just possible she thinks it’s on another day.
4)	 Perhaps there’s a traffic jam.
5)	 Perhaps she’s not feeling well today.
6)	 It’s just possible she has a good reason.
7)	 There’s a slight possibility that she doesn’t want to come to us at
Do Ex. 2, p, 14.
1)	 We may buy…
2)	 I may give him…
3)	 It might rain…
4)	 He might not get…
5)	 I might not go…
6)	 She may not go…
4.	 Speaking
Practise the verb must.
Do Ex. 3, p. 15.
5.	Reading and speaking
Do Ex. 4, p. 15.
6.	 Writing
Practise the modal verbs.
Do Ex. 5, 6, p. 15.
7.	 Summary
Give short answers.
Can you use the Internet?1)	
Should I do this work?2)	
May I take this book?3)	
Could you open the window?4)	
Do you have to go to the library today?5)	
Does she have to write about this poet?6)	
May I ask a question?7)	
Must we be back here by 6 o’clock?8)	
Should they read this article?9)	
8.	 Homework
Write some possible answers to the question What are you going to
do tonight? (Using may / might)
Lesson 8
At the library
Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удоскона-
лювати навички усного мовлення з опорою на лексико-граматичні струк-
тури; розвивати мовну здогадку; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до
1.	 Warm-up
Answer the questions.
Give possible answers.
•	 What are you going to do tonight? — I might go to the disco or
I might visit my grandparents. I really can’t decide.
1)	 What are you going to cook tonight? (Pizza, a cheese omelette)
2)	 What are you going to give your friend for his birthday? (A CD,
a book)
3)	 Where are you going for your holidays? (To the country, to the
4)	 How are you going to come to class tomorrow? (By bus, walk)
5)	 What are you going to be when you grow up? (A manager,
a programmer)
2.	Reading
Do Ex. 1, p. 16.
3.	Reading and writing
Practise the new vocabulary.
Find the words from the box on page 16 in the text and read the sen-
tences with them.
Match the words with their definitions.
1)	 a dictionary
2)	 a reference book
3)	 a university
4)	 a library
5)	 a librarian
6)	 ancient
7)	 to store
8)	 to appear
9)	 to join
10)	 If you need a piece of
11)	 If you need a piece of
a)	 belonging to a time long ago
b)	 someone who works in a library
c)	 to start to be seen
d)	 an educational institution at the highest level
e)	 a book such as a dictionary that you look at to
find information
f)	 to become a member of an organization or
a group
g)	 a room or building containing books
h)	 a book that gives a list of words in alphabeti-
cal order and explains their meanings
i)	 to keep facts or information
j)	 ask your parents or your friend
k)	 go to the library or search through the
Do Ex. 2, p. 16.
4.	 Speaking
Do Ex. 3, 4, p. 16–17.
5.	 Speaking
Work in pairs.
Do Ex. 5, p. 17 and make up your own dialogue.
6.	 Summary
Are you fond of reading?1)	
Do you prefer looking for information in the library or through the2)	
Have you got a library at home? Are there many books in it?3)	
What books have you got?4)	
Do you always read books up to the end?5)	
Do you think that reading books is more convenient than reading6)	
the same information in computer?
7.	 Homework
Do Ex. 6, p. 17.
Lesson 9
Writing an e-mail
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички письма й говоріння, уживання прикметни-
ків із прийменниками в мовленні; сприяти розвитку самостійного мис-
лення; розвивати культуру спілкування.
1.	 Warm-up
Think of as many words as you can connected with the library.
Check Ex. 6, p. 17.
2.	Reading and speaking
Before reading
Answer the questions.
What is an e-mail? It’s an electronic mail, a message which we send1)	
by computer.
Can you e-mail?2)	
Why do people prefer to e-mail nowadays but not to post their let-3)	
ters? — I think…
Read the tips for writing an e-mail and complete the sentence:
•	 We should __ and e-mails should be __ .
Read the letter in Ex. 1 and do Ex. 2, p. 19.
3.	 Speaking
Ex. 3, p. 19.
Sample story
Alec was bad at English. His English teacher gave him a good piece
of advice. Alec used the Internet first. Next he found the “E-mail
Friends’ Club” website. Then he chose the name of his future friend and
made an e-mail friend. After that they started sending e-mails to each
other. Finally his English became much better.
Work in pairs.
Do Ex. 4, p. 19.
— I’d like to send an e-mail to my friend but I don’t know how to do
it. Can you help me?
— Sure.
— What should I do first?
— First you should give a subject to your e-mail.
— What should I do next?
— Then you should greet your friend.
— And after that?
— Write your e-mail but not too long and make your ideas clear.
— What should I do finally?
— Imagine how your friend is glad to receive your letter.
— Thank you. You were very helpful.
5.	 Listening and speaking
Practise adjectives with prepositions.
Practise these expressions in different word combinations chorally
and individually.
good at
bad at
crazy about
fond of
keen on
interested in
music, football, dancing, shopping, telling
scared stories,
playing the piano, playing basketball, learning
cooking, history, chess, old coins, painting
Do Ex. 5, p. 19.
6. Speaking
Work in pairs.
Make up short dialogues using different types of questions.
Sample questions
Are you good at Maths?1)	
Are you fond of pop music?2)	
What are you interested in?3)	
7.	 Summary
Make up 6 sentences about yourself using adjectives with preposi-
I’m good at __ .
8.	 Homework
Ex. 6, p. 19.
Lesson 10
Computers in our life
Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удоскона-
лювати навички аудіювання; розвивати логічне мислення; виховувати ін-
терес до англійської мови.
1.	 Warm-up
Answer the questions in Ex. 1, p. 20.
Check Ex. 6, p. 19.
2.	 Listening
Read the text twice.
I’m Alex and I’m crazy about computer games. I think they are
great because you can do everything you wish not only watch. But my
mother says that computer games are very bad as there is a lot of shoot-
ing and killing there. She also worries that I spend too much time on
the computer and that it is bad for my health. It would be better for me
to go out or go in for sports or communicate with my friends. I think so
too, but what can I do? When I start playing or searching information
through the Internet I don’t notice the time. The Internet is very im-
portant as news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real
life and you know about it just at the same time. Sometimes the Inter-
net helps me to do my homework. And, of course, I communicate with
my friends all over the world sending e-mails with the help of compu-
ter. But my mother’s sure that it can’t be good for me just to sit and
look at the computer for hours and hours and not to talk to anybody. In
future I want to be good at computers and to know everything about
Write positive and negative things about computers into two col-
Positive Negative
True or false
1)	 Alex is fond of computer games.
2)	 His mother likes these computer games.
3)	 Spending much time in front of the computer is useful for health.
4)	 Alex’s mother doesn’t let him to communicate with his friends.
5)	 Alex spends about two hours on the computer every day.
6)	 The Internet is very useful.
7)	 Alex has got friends only in his school.
8)	 Alex’s mother worries about her son.
Answer the questions.
1)	 Why does Alex like computer games?
2)	 Why does his mother worry?
3)	 What is more useful for health in her opinion?
4)	 Why is the Internet more useful than, for example, TV?
5)	 How does Alex communicate with his friends all over the world?
6)	 What is his dream?
3.	 Listening and speaking
Practise the new vocabulary.
Do Ex. 2, p. 20.
4.	Reading
Do Ex. 3, p. 21.
5.	 Speaking
Do Ex. 4, p. 21.
Ask pupils to:
a)	 look through the words in the cards and choose the necessary
ones for the discussion;
I think; I believe; I agree / disagree; to get information; modern compu-
ter programmes; educational sites; to send e-mails; to share ideas; play
games; to use dictionaries; charts; to discover new things; to check up;
to remember different things; to be useful; the quickest way of testing;
to prepare a lot; to get the best marks
b)	 discuss the questions in the exercise;
c)	 organize feedback and talk about their conclusions with the rest
of the class.
6.	 Summary
Complete the definitions:
If you want to start the computer you press __ .1)	
If you want to get information you connect to __ .2)	
If you are interested in something special, find the necessary __ .3)	
If you want to be healthy, don’t sit too close to a computer __ .4)	
If you want to give commands to the computer, you use __ .5)	
If you want to type something, you use __ .6)	
If you want to communicate with your friends in another country,7)	
you send __ .
7.	 Homework
Write some pieces of advice as for safe working on the computer us-
ing should /shouldn’t.
Lesson 11
It’s time for reading
Цілі: формувати лексичні навички; розвивати вміння читати й переказу-
вати; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення; розвивати логічне мис-
1.	 Warm-up
Give your partner some advice how to work on the computer using
should /shouldn’t.
What things are associated with the following words: hate, laugh,
sad, cry, baby-animal, fix.
2.	Reading
Before you read
Answer the questions.
What stories do you prefer: funny or sad, amazing or horror?1)	
How do you feel when you read a sad (funny) story?2)	
Do you usually worry about characters?3)	
Practise the vocabulary.
Explain the new words giggle, leaky, faucet, fix, a giggle box, break
out and then ask to draw lines from the words on the left to the correct
words on the write. Then write these sentences.
1)	 When she saw something unusual, a)	 wash the vegetables
2)	 The drops of water was falling b)	 so her friends called her a giggle
3)	 Turn on the faucet and c)	 of a leaking tap
4)	 The bike is broken d)	 she started giggling
5)	 The story was so funny that e)	 so you should fix it
6)	 She laughed a lot f)	 she couldn’t stop breaking out
Match the following words with their Ukrainian equivalents.
1)	 laugh
2)	 cry
3)	 stairs
4)	 giggle
5)	 a bell
6)	 sad
7)	 a giggle box
8)	 faucet
9)	 fix
10)	 ring
людина, яка постійно смієтьсяj)	
Ask pupils to read the text for gist and answer the questions:
What is the story about?1)	
What are the main characters’ names?2)	
Ask pupils to read the story again and do Ex. 2, p. 23.
Ask pupils to rearrange the sentences according to the text:
Dana always cried too much when the story was sad.1)	
Dana hated stories.2)	
In fact, Dana liked stories very much.3)	
Dana asked her teacher to let her leave reading lessons.4)	
Dana always laughed too much when the story was funny.5)	
Do Ex. 3, p. 23.
After you read
Do Ex. 4, p. 23.
5.	 Summary
Ask pupils to retell the story sentence by sentence one by one.
6.	 Homework
Retell the story very shortly in the written form.
Lesson 12
Can we count “information”?
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання слів much, many, lots of, a lot of
зі зчислюваними й незчислюваними іменниками; удосконалювати на-
вички усного мовлення з опорою на лексико-граматичні структури,
аудіювання й письма; розвивати мовну здогадку; виховувати зацікав-
леність у розширенні своїх знань.
1.	 Warm-up
Revise countable and uncountable nouns.
Say nouns and ask pupils to write them down into two columns: ap-
ple, air, information, newspaper, advice, furniture, chair, website, key,
money, country, homework, music, family.
Countable Uncountable
apple air
Check orally.
Do Ex. 1, p. 24.
2.	 Grammar practice
Explain the rule in the box on p. 24.
Do Ex. 2, p. 24.
3.	 Listening
Pupils listen to the texts and answer the questions.
Kevin likes chocolate sweets. in fact, he eats them all the time. His
parents often tell him that he eats too many sweets. But Kevin doesn’t
think so. He thinks they are delicious.
1)	 What does Kevin like?
2)	 How do you know?
3)	 What do his parents often tell him?
4)	 Does Kevin think so?
Sandy likes coffee. In fact, she drinks it all the time. Her doctor of-
ten tells her that she drinks too much coffee. But Sandy doesn’t think
so. She thinks it’s delicious.
1)	 What does Sandy like?
2)	 How do you know?
3)	 What does her doctor often tell her?
4)	 Does Sandy think so?
Adam doesn’t like carrots. In fact, he never eats them. His parents
often tell him that they are useful and he should eat them as many as he
needs. But Adam doesn’t care. He thinks they taste terrible.
1)	 Does Adam like carrots?
2)	 How do you know?
3)	 What do his parents often tell him?
4)	 Does Adam care?
Beth doesn’t like cheese. In fact, she never eats it. Her mother often
tells her that it is useful and she should eat it as much as she needs. But
Beth doesn’t care. She thinks it tastes terrible.
1)	 Does Beth like cheese?
2)	 How do you know?
3)	 What does her mother often tell her?
4)	 Does Beth care?
4.	 Writing
Do Ex. 3, p. 25.
1)	 How many dollars have you got?
2)	 Is there much help of him?
3)	 How many photos have you got?
4)	 How much time do you need?
5)	 How many useful tips are there in the article?
6)	 Do they store much interesting information on the subject?
7)	 How many grammar reference books are there in that book
8)	 How much money has he got?
9)	 How many dictionaries are there in the classroom?
5.	 Practise parts of speech
Do Ex. 4, p. 25.
Pupils read information in the box and give their own examples.
Then they fill in the following table.
Verbs Nouns Adjectives Adverbs Prepositions Articles
6.	Reading
Read the Helpful Tips with the class.
Ask pupils to answer the True / False statements.
1)	 You should understand all the words.
2)	 At first you should understand the main idea.
3)	 You can understand new words only with the help of dictionary.
4)	 You should write down all the words in your vocabulary.
5)	 You should learn new words regularly.
7.	 Summary
Read the following words and ask pupils to choose the odd part of
speech out and say what part of speech it is.
Example: magazine, write, column, book — The odd word is “write’.
It is a verb.
wonderful, interesting, helpful,1)	 wonder (noun)
between,2)	 the (article), to, at
search,3)	 advice (noun), advise, use
shelf, library,4)	 useful (adjective), history
really5)	 (adverb), clever, ancient, large
shortly, quickly, much,6)	 new (adjective)
button, screen,7)	 press (verb), mouse
8.	 Homework
Make up 10 sentences with countable and uncountable nouns (con-
nected with computers and information)
Lesson 13
Is it easy to study?
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання лексичних одиниць із теми й на-
вички усного мовлення, аудіювання й письма; розвивати мовленнєву ре-
акцію учнів і культуру спілкування; виховувати позитивне ставлення до
1.	 Warm-up
Is English difficult for you, or is it easy?1)	
How long does it take you to do your English homework carefully?2)	
Have you got a computer? What do you use it for?3)	
Does it help you to learn the language?4)	
Why is it important to know English?5)	
2.	 Listening
Listen to the story just for fun and do the task.
Tim was a young sailor. He lived in Scotland, but he was often away
with his ship.
One summer he came back from a long voyage and found new neigh-
bours near his mother’s house. They had a pretty daughter, and Tim
soon loved her very much. He said to her, “My next voyage will begin in
a few days’ time, Jill. I love you, and I’ll marry you when I come back.
I’ll think about you all the time, and I’ll write to you and send you
a present from every port”.
Tim’s first port was Freetown in Africa, and he sent Jill a parrot
from there. It spoke five languages.
When Tim’s ship reached New Zealand, there was a letter from Jill.
It said, “Thank you for the parrot, Tim. It tasted much better than
a chicken”.
True or False
1)	 Tim was often away because he was a salesman.
2)	 Tim loved the girl who lived next to his mother’s house.
3)	 Tim promised to marry her before his voyage.
4)	 Tim promised to send her something from every port.
5)	 His first stop was in America.
6)	 Tim bought a parrot for Jill.
7)	 The parrot could speak different languages.
8)	 Not far from Australia Tim got a letter from Jill.
9)	 Jill was pleased with the tasty parrot.
3.	 Writing
Do Ex. 1, p. 26.
4.	 Writing and speaking
Sample dialogue
— Let’s go out tonight.
— OK. Where do you want to go?
— Why don’t we go to the Internet club?
— It isn’t open today.
— OK. Let’s play volleyball.
— Good idea. What time do you want to play?
— At half past five. What about going to the café now?
— OK. Let’s go.
5.	 Speaking
Give your father a piece of advice how to learn English. Use the
prompts: to repeat the material every two or three days, to listen much
to memorize the pronunciation, to listen to English songs and watch
films, read English books a lot.
6.	Reading and speaking
Do Ex. 4, p. 26.
7.	 Speaking
Do Ex. 5, p. 27.
8.	 Summary
Why is it necessary to study how to use computers?
Is it easier to learn languages with the help of computer? Why?
Write some ideas for and against using computers by children.
For Against
9.	 Homework
Make the project (p. 27).
Lesson 14
Home Reading. The Ant and the Grasshopper
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання, мовлення, уживання в мовленні
граматичної структури Past Simple і модальних дієслів; формувати лек-
сичні навички; розвивати логічне мислення.
1.	 Warm-up
What is the story about?1)	
What are the main characters?2)	
Do you know a Ukrainian story which is similar to this one?3)	
2.	 Speaking
True or False
Say which of these statements are true and which are false.
1)	 The ant played a musical instrument.
2)	 The grasshopper was lazy.
3)	 The grasshopper liked music very much.
4)	 The grasshopper was busy with carrying food.
5)	 The ant worked hard.
6)	 The grasshopper was cheerful even in autumn.
7)	 When winter came the ant was OK.
8)	 The ant was glad to see the grasshopper in his anthill.
3.	 Writing
Put the sentences into the correct order.
1)	 When the winter arrived the grasshopper stopped playing his vio-
2)	 The ant didn’t help the grasshopper.
3)	 She carried food to the anthill.
4)	 The ant didn’t like singing and dancing.
5)	 The ant was very different from the grasshopper.
6)	 The grasshopper came to the ant’s house.
Key: 5, 3, 4, 1, 6, 2.
4.	Reading
Broken sentences
Cut out and shuffle the parts of the sentences. Students in pairs
have to sort out the cards to make up the sentences.
The grasshopper didn’t work and… …played his violin all the time
The ant worked hard from… …morning till night
The grasshopper was cheerful and
…at the ant
The grasshopper sang and danced… …in autumn too
The grasshopper came to the anthill… …because he was very angry
The ant didn’t want to help the grass-
hopper …
…because he laughed at him in the
5.	 Speaking
Answer the questions.
What musical instrument did grasshopper play?1)	
Did he love summer?2)	
What did he do in summer?3)	
Did the ant live far from the grasshopper?4)	
Why do we say that the ant was different from the grasshopper?5)	
What did the ant do?6)	
Why did the grasshopper laugh at the ant?7)	
What advice did the ant give to the grasshopper?8)	
Did the grasshopper follow the advice?9)	
What happened when the winter came?10)	
Why did the grasshopper come to the anthill?11)	
What did he ask?12)	
Why didn’t the ant help him?13)	
What is the best moral of the story? Prove your opinion.14)	
6.	 Summary
Retell the story from the part of
a)	 the ant;
b)	 the grasshopper.
7.	 Homework
Get ready with the next home reading (p. 157).
Unit 2. School Life
Lesson 15
I love school. And you?
Цілі: формувати навички вживання граматичної структури Present Perfect
у писемному й усному мовленні; удосконалювати навички усного мов-
лення й аудіювання, уживання лексичних одиниць; розвивати мовну здо-
гадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розши-
ренні своїх знань.
1.	 Warm-up
Answer the questions.
Do you want to know as much as possible about things around us?1)	
What helps you to get more information about the world?2)	
Fill in the names of your school subjects and you will solve this puzzle.
Key: Geography, Ukrainian, German, Literature, Drawing, Maths,
2.	 Listening
Ask pupils to listen to the children’s opinions about school and agree
or disagree with them.
(Write on the board the prompts to help pupils to express their opin-
ions after each text: Yes! I think so!.. No! I can’t say… I don’t know! I’m
not sure that…)
What do these children feel about school?
T i m. Our school is not the best, but I like it. I’m in the football team.
It’s fun. Our hockey team is the best in the city.
T r a c y. My dad always says, “Homework first”. I hate it. It’s so
boring. The only thing at school that I like to do is to draw.
H e l e n. Oh, school is the best thing in the world. I’m doing well
a lot of subjects. I get only good marks. I see friends that I like very
W i l l. I don’t like school very much. I have some problems with lan-
guages. Besides, I’m always afraid that the teacher can call to my par-
3.	 Presentation of Present Perfect
Walk around the class, performing different actions and then com-
menting on them using the present perfect, e.g. I’ve opened the door.
I’ve closed my book. I’ve dropped my pen. I’ve sat down. Ask students to
do different actions and answer the question: What have you done?
e.g.	 T. What have you done?
	 S. I’ve written my name.
Then get students to ask each other about a third student,
e.g. 	 S1. What has Anton done?
	 S2. He has just opened his book.
Explain the rule (page 28), write example sentences on the board
and practice them chorally and individually.
4.	Reading
Read the dialogue (ex .1, p. 28) and find the present perfect forms.
Read them aloud. Make your own examples with these forms using the
following expressions: learn the new words, do the sum, draw the picture,
read the text, learn the rule, learn the poem, search the information
about, write the composition. Explain the new words to hurry and I hope
so. Find them in the text and give your own examples.
Make up your own dialogue.
5.	 Writing
Use Present Perfect to make positive sentences.
1)	 They / buy / a new house
2)	 You / eat / four bananas!
3)	 We / finish / our work
4)	 He / lose/ his key.
5)	 She / have / a shower.
Use the Present Perfect to make questions.
1)	 you / see / Jeremy?
2)	 he / read / this book?
3)	 they / visit / this museum?
4)	 she / make / pizza?
5)	 you / write / this article?
6.	 Speaking
Do Ex. 2, p. 28.
7.	 Summary
Name a subject and ask pupils to say that they have done something
connected with it.
For example: Maths — I’ve done the sum.
Ukrainian — write the letter,1)	
Art — draw the poster,2)	
Literature — read the story,3)	
English — learn the new words,4)	
Geography — find this river on the map,5)	
History — fill in the chart,6)	
Computer Studies — make a presentation,7)	
German — make up the dialogue.8)	
8.	 Homework
Your friend has just come back from an incredible country. Ask him
6 questions about his experience using the following words: eat, drink,
see, visit, speak, ride, fly. E.g. Have you eaten crocodile meat?
Lesson 16
Who has done the homework?
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення з опорою на лексико-
граматичні структури, навички вживання граматичної структури Present
Perfect; розвивати культуру спілкування; виховувати доброзичливе став-
лення до співрозмовника.
1.	 Warm-up
Work in pairs.
Broken dialogues. Match the parts of the dialogues.
1)	 Let’s have some coffee.
2)	 Do you know anything about Pam?
3)	 Have you written the composition?
4)	 The information is on your table.
5)	 Why are you so sad?
6)	 Have you done the sum?
a)	 No, I was very busy yesterday.
b)	 I have forgotten to learn the
new words
c)	 Have you printed it?
d)	 Oh no, thank you, I have had
two cups of tea
e)	 Yes, it was not difficult
f)	 Yes, I’ve got an e-mail from her
Key: 1 d, 2 f, 3 a, 4 c, 5 b, 6 e.
2.	 Speaking
Let’s talk about unusual experience.
Have you eaten crocodile meat?1)	
Have you spoken to a queen?2)	
Have you flown in a helicopter?3)	
Have you drunk coconut milk?4)	
Have you seen a falling star?5)	
Have you visited Nature Museum?6)	
Have you ridden a horse (camel)?7)	
3.	 Practise Present Perfect
Make up sentences as quickly as you can.
T e a c h e r. He / choose / a book.
P u p i l. He has chosen a book.
They / win / the game.1)	
My / sister / pass / the exam.2)	
I / understand / the rule.3)	
We / make / our school newspaper.4)	
She / buy / a new reference book.5)	
The teacher / check / the exercise.6)	
I / connect / with my friends.7)	
He / send / his e-mail.8)	
She / complete / the form.9)	
They / meet / their friends.10)	
The librarian / help / me.11)	
My friend / give / me a good piece of advice.12)	
I / use / Helpful Tips in this lesson.13)	
I / join / this team.14)	
My friend / suggest / to do the homework together.15)
4.	Reading and speaking
Read the dialogue in Ex. 3 and answer the questions in Ex. 4, p. 29.
Explain new expressions to be afraid of and Lazy bone!
Work in pairs.
Practise short dialogues:
— Have you learnt the Ukrainian poem for today?
— I’m afraid I haven’t. I was in no mood to learn anything.
— Lazy bone!
Work in groups of three.
Ask pupils to make up their own dialogues.
Give each group a set of the handout and demonstrate first to show
the class what they have to do.
Pupil 1 Pupil 2 Pupil 3
You haven’t done your
English. You had a
You have forgotten to do
your Maths. You were
busy with your computer
You haven’t done your
History. Ask to help you
with it
Pupil 1 Pupil 2 Pupil 3
You haven’t done your
Nature Studies. You
were away at the week-
You have forgotten to
search the necessary in-
formation on the compu-
ter. You were busy with
your bike
You haven’t learnt the
new words. Ask to help
you with it
Pupil 1 Pupil 2 Pupil 3
You haven’t written the
Ukrainian composition.
You had an earache
You have forgotten to
learn the new rule. You
were busy with shopping
You haven’t done your
German. Ask to help
you with it
Read helpful tips and answer the question:
•	 Why should you make grammar rules by yourself?
6.	 Summary
Read the text and circle the verbs that are in the present perfect.
My friend is travelling by ship. He has a nice cabin. He’s visited
some countries in Europe but he hasn’t been to Turkey. He has to talk to
lots of people but he hasn’t met a pop star. He has ridden a camel in
Egypt. He hasn’t swum in the sea because he’s left his swimming cos-
tume at home. But he has a good time.
7.	 Homework
Write a short note to your mother about what you have done at home
before going out.
Lesson 17
Have you done your English?
Цілі: вдосконалювати вживання граматичної структури Present Perfect зі
словами already, yet, ever; удосконалювати навички письма; розвивати
увагу дітей та кмітливість.
1.	 Warm-up
Let’s revise irregular verbs.
Cut out the cards and give a card to each student. Each card consists
of 6 irregular verbs. As each verb is called out the students cross them
out on their cards. At the end of the game the winning student reads out
three forms of the verbs on his/her card. You may call the words out of
the teacher’s board (English or L1) or cut it into 20 squares, mix them
up and draw them out one by one.
Teacher’s board
Go Sing Eat Take Make Do
Write Learn Wear Become Give Run
Bring Begin Fly Drink Sleep Buy
Catch Forget Leave Hit Swim Break
Card 1
sing take do
eat make
Card 2
write wear
learn take
give become
Card 3
begin fly go
drink run
Card 4
do run
sleep write
buy sing
Card 5
catch write
forget sing
leave sleep
Card 6
hit leave
drink eat swim
Card 7
break go
bring sleep
catch swim
Card 8
begin hit
break learn
forget make
Card 9
bring buy
drink wear run
Card 10
break take
become eat
fly run
2.	 Speaking
Explain using the words just, already. Help pupils with the irregu-
lar verbs they need for their dialogues.
Work in pairs.
Make up short dialogues, use the sentences from your homework.
M o t h e r. Anton, sweep the floor, please.
Y o u. I have already (just) swept it.
3.	 Writing
Do Ex. 1, p. 30. Then practise the pronunciation of the verbs cho-
rally and individually.
4.	 Practise
Practise the negative form of Present Perfect using yet and before.
Do Ex. 2, 3, p. 30.
5.	 Listening and speaking
Explain how to make up questions in the Present Perfect using ever.
Write down the prompts on the board and then pupils in chain ask
and answer about their experience.
S1. Have you ever been to Kyiv? S2. Yes, I have. Have you ever
played with a bear? S3. No, I haven’t. Have you ever…?
Prompts: read / a comic
have / an operation1)	
see / a shark2)	
eat / an English pudding3)	
see / a rainbow4)	
make / an omelette5)	
break / your arm6)	
hear / about unusual things7)	
visit / a dentist8)	
swim / in the ocean9)	
6.	 Writing
Do Ex. 4, p. 31.
7.	 Summary
Using the previous prompts say how many times you have done these
things in your life. You may add your own examples.
I’ve never been to Kyiv. or I’ve been to Kyiv two times.
8.	 Homework
Your friend asks you if you are ready with your homework for to-
morrow. Write a few sentences what you have already done and what
you haven’t done yet.
Lesson 18
Extra-school activities
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання, уживання нової лексики в грама-
тичній структурі Present Perfect; розвивати пам’ять, творчий характер;
виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника.
1.	 Warm-up
Let’s revise irregular verbs.
Cut out the cards and give a card to each student. Each card consists
of 6 irregular verbs. As each verb is called out the students cross them
out on their cards. At the end of the game the winning student reads out
three forms of the verbs on his/her card. You may call the words out of
the teacher’s board (English or L1) or cut it into 20 squares, mix them
up and draw them out one by one.
Teacher’s board
Build Cost Hurt Choose Cut Feel
Fall Drive Feed Find Get Have
Hide Keep Know Meet Pay Lose
Win Ride Read See Put Think
2.	 Speaking
Work in pairs.
Make up short dialogues. Use the sentences from your homework.
— Have you done your History for today?
— Yes, I have. And what about you? Have you written down the new
words into the vocabulary?
3.	Reading
Read the text (p.32) and say what it is about.
Find the Present Perfect form verbs and write them down into your
exercise-books. Then read the sentences with them.
Find the new words from New Vocabulary Box in the text, translate
them and use them in the other sentences.
Our team __ very well yesterday.1)	
I sing in our school __ twice a week.2)	
Our school __ helps us with any problems.3)	
We have got different __ __ every day.4)	
My friend plays the violin in our school __ which often __ concerts.5)	
Are you hungry? I have already __ .6)	
My sister always buys __ magazines.7)	
I’ve just visited __ of black and white photographs.8)	
Key: performed, choir, principal, extra-school activities, orchestra,
holds, served food, fashion, an exhibition.
Do Ex. 2, p. 33.
4.	 Listening and speaking
Work in pairs.
Make up short dialogues using prompts in Ex. 3, p. 33.
5.	 Summary
What extra-school activities did you have during the last school
6.	 Homework
Do Ex. 4, p. 33.
Card 1
win get read
hide choose
Card 2
keep meet
hurt feel
see think
Card 3
see have think
drive feed
Card 4
cost keep
build get
read think
Card 5
ride choose
keep know
build pay
Card 6
find meet
win cost ride
Card 7
have know
find fall
hide put
Card 8
lose hurt
get have
cost drive
Card 9
feed cut
drive lose fall
Card 10
choose hide
cut feel
know pay
Lesson 19
School life
Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удоскона-
лювати навички вживання the Present Perfect; розвивати мовну здогадку;
виховувати загальну культуру учнів.
1.	 Warm-up
Tell about your experience.
What extra-school activities have you ever had? (Homework)
2.	 Listening and speaking
Tom’s school has got a lot of extra-school activities. Look at the
timetable and listen to the text and say which activities Tom has, in your
table tennis, cricket, swimming pool
Spanish club, choir, Cooking club
orchestra, basketball, school theatre
film club, design, swimming pool
football, orient dancing, fashion shows
disco, choir, school theatre
T o m. I like a lot of things. Most of all I enjoy sports but only
team games. I am fond of singing and listening to music. I can’t play
any musical instrument but I would like to learn. Our school often
holds different performances and I like to take part in them. I like
dancing too but only break dancing. I also love drawing and learning
Example: I think that on Friday Tom plays football (because he likes
team games), but he doesn’t have orient dancing (because he likes break
3.	Reading
Before reading
Answer the questions.
How many lessons have you got every day?1)	
Have you got lessons on Saturday?2)	
What are your favourite subjects?3)	
What subjects don’t you like? Why?4)	
What extra-school activities have you chosen this year? Why did5)	
you decide to do it?
I decided to go to the swimming-pool because I like swimming.
I decided to __ because __ .
Read the text (p. 34).
Match activities and places.
Activity Place
English lesson
an assembly hall
a science lab
a classroom
a canteen
a football field
a gym
a swimming-pool
a court
Example: We play basketball in the gym. I have lunch in the school
Do Ex. 2, p. 35.
4.	 Speaking
Practise the new vocabulary.
Write down the words from the box into two columns and then say
what you are allowed and not allowed to do.
shout in the canteen run in the lab come back home late miss lessons
come to school without school uniform draw at the English lessons
watch TV when we want run during the breaks
use a computer more than 2 hours play football in the gym
go to the swimming-pool
We are allowed to… We are not allowed to…
Example: We are allowed to run during the breaks but we are not
allowed to run in the lab.
5.	 Writing
Do Ex. 3, p. 35.
6.	 Summary
Complete the following phrases:
I like to go to school because __ (like Maths, meet with my friends,1)	
have a lot of extra-school activities, know many interesting things)
I don’t like go to school because __ (have to wear a school uniform,2)	
get up early, don’t like Maths)
7.	 Homework
Do Ex. 4, p. 35.
Lesson 20
Our favourite subjects
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання, письма й говоріння;
розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів; учити співпрацювати в групі.
1.	 Warm-up
Answer the questions of the homework (Ex. 4, p. 35).
Practise the vocabulary
Write the model on the board and then ask pupils to substitute the
necessary words instead of underlined ones.
Model: At the English lessons we role-play different situations.
Maths	 do the sums
Literature	 learn poems by heart
Nature Studies	 study the planets in the Solar System
Music	 sing folk songs
History	 read about Ukrainian hetmans
	 P.T.				 play football
Geography	 show different countries on the map
Art		 draw funny animals
Ukrainian language	 write compositions
Computer Studies	 learn to use a computer
Science	 mix up chemicals together
English	 study British culture
competitions	 support our team
T. Maths, do the sums.
P. At the Maths lessons we do the sums.
3.	 Listening and speaking
Answer the questions in Ex. 1 (a), p. 36.
Listen to the text.
Dear Paul,
How are you? Thank you for your letter. Last time I promised you to
tell about my school.
So, this year I’m in the sixth form. We have got some new subjects,
for example Geography which I like very much, so we’ve got more les-
sons every day. As I wrote last time we have lunch from 12 o’clock to
12.20. Some pupils eat in the canteen but I like bringing my own lunch
because my mother makes great sandwiches.
Now we’ve got 5 or 6 lessons every day so we’ve got a lot of home-
work and it takes us several hours to do it. Sometimes we have to sit up
to write a composition, to prepare a report or to learn a poem by heart.
As I like Ukrainian Literature I read a lot too.
I’m interested in foreign countries, their culture and peoples so the
subject I like most is English. We have very interesting English lessons
because our teacher trains us in different ways. We learn new words,
dramatize texts and dialogues, discuss interesting things, do role-plays,
listen to tapes and speak a lot. Our teacher usually supports us when we
work in pairs and make up our own conversations.
Are things very different at your school?
Best wishes,
Answer the questions.
1)	 How many favourite subjects has Paul got? What are they?
2)	 Why doesn’t he have lunch in the canteen?
3)	 Why has he got much homework?
4)	 What is Fred interested in? Why?
5)	 What do they usually do at the English lessons?
6)	 Who helps them to make their own conversation?
4.	 Practise the vocabulary
Do Ex. 2, p. 36 .
5.	 Speaking and writing
Group work
Work in groups of six.
Do Ex. 3, p. 37.
Write a short report about your classmates’ favourite subjects.
Example: Five pupils in our group like Maths. All pupils like His-
tory. Only two pupils like Geography.
6.	Reading and speaking
Do Ex. 4 (a), p. 37.
7.	 Writing
Do Ex. 4 (b), p. 37.
8.	 Summary
Answer the question.
•	 What do you usually do at __ lesson? — We __ .
Make a chain: T P1 P2 P3…
9.	 Homework
Write a short paragraph about your school and about your favourite
Lesson 21
It’s time for reading
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення; виховувати
інтерес до іноземної мови; розвивати мовну здогадку.
1.	 Warm-up
Tell us about your favourite subjects.
What activities do you usually have at different lessons?
2.	Reading
Before you read
Answer the questions.
1)	 What foreign languages do you study at school?
Is it easy (difficult) for you to study them?
2)	 What activities do you like most — listening, reading, speaking or
may be writing?
Let’s revise the alphabet and then we’ll revise spelling.
•	 Who remembers how we should pronounce words? (Each letter is
pronounced like in the alphabet)
Work in pairs.
Pupils write different words and ask each other: — Spell the word
Practise the vocabulary
Explain the words imagine, claw, keyhole, kerchief, own, kettle and
then ask them to draw lines from the words on the left to the correct
words on the write. Then write these sentences.
1)	 This key doesn’t fit to
2)	 Not only cats and dogs have got
3)	 I felt so bad that I forgot
4)	 You may boil some water
5)	 Around her neck she
6)	 Close your eyes and
a)	 my own name
b)	 in the kettle
c)	 had a nice kerchief
d)	 this keyhole
e)	 imagine a tropical island
f)	 claws
Ask pupils to read the text for gist and answer the questions:
What is the story about?1)	
What are the main characters’ names?2)	
Ask pupils to read the story again and find the opposites to the fol-
lowing words (in the text or remember themselves).
The best, right, hate, good, shut, easy, beginning, difficult, the
worst, remember.
1)	 the best the worst
2)	 right wrong
3)	 hate like
4)	 good bad
5)	 shut open
6)	 easy difficult
7)	 beginning end
8)	 difficult easy
9)	 the worst the best
10)	 remember forget
Find the sentences in the text with some of these examples.
Complete the sentences.
I learn by heart with the help of __ . (1)	 My own system)
Work hard and you will be __ . (2)	 The best)
Before writing the word I should __ . (3)	 Imagine it)
I don’t remember how to write “conversation”. Can you help me with4)	
__ ? (Spelling)
We don’t read letter5)	 k before letter n __ . (At the beginning of the
After you read
Answer the questions Ex. 2, p.39.
Try to retell the story very shortly. Use the words in the box.
the worst spelling advised system
difficult best imagine
Jimmy was __ pupil in his form. It was very __ for him to remember
the __ of the words. And once he asked Lilly, the __ pupil of the class, to
help him. Lilly __ him to __ the words on the same rule. Jimmy liked
this __ very much.
3.	 Summary
Do Ex. 3, p. 39.
4.	 Homework
Retell the story from the first person.
Start like this: It was difficult for me to remember the spelling of
some words. And I asked my friend to help me…
Lesson 22
Let’s brush up our grammar
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання граматичних структур Present
Perfect у мовленні, удосконалювати навички усного мовлення й письма;
учити співпрацювати в групі; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до
1.	 Warm-up
Imagine that something has happened right now. Say about it using
the word just and the following words: fall, break, win, see, find, do,
write, hear, meet, be.
Example: I have just seen a monster.
2.	 Speaking
Tell about your rules how to remember the spelling of the words.
3.	 Practise the Present Perfect Tense.
Revise the irregular verbs. You may use the games from lessons 3, 4.
Open the brackets. Put the verbs into Present Perfect.
Her mother just (to make) a new skirt.1)	
I just (to open) a box of chocolates.2)	
They just (to talk) about it.3)	
Henry just (to tell) me an interesting story.4)	
We just (to write) an exercise.5)	
Susan already (to read) the newspaper.6)	
His grandmother already (to make) a tasty cake.7)	
My friends already (to learn) a lot of English words.8)	
My little sister just (to have) lunch.9)	
Charles never (to be) to Odessa.10)	
Our teacher (not to see) her today yet.11)	
My friends (to play) basketball this morning yet.12)	
John (not to clean) the carpet yet.13)	
Make up questions.
Have you ever
your basketball team?
to the local library?
cups or glasses?
a purse in the street?
a ghost?
the gold medal?
chess with the champion of your school?
something interesting about Hollywood?
your homework with pleasure?
a very long composition?
the school competition?
Do Ex. 2, p. 40.
Work in groups.
Ask pupils to imagine that they are preparing for somebody’s birth-
day party. Hand them out lists of preparations which they should do and
ask them to make up short dialogues.
Decorate the room1)	
Send the invitations — v2)
Cut the sandwiches3)	
Choose the music4)	
Lay the table5)	
Draw the funny posters — v6)	
Make the cake — v7)	
Buy the prizes — v8)	
Wrap the presents — v9)	
Find the candles for the cake10)	
Clean the room — v11)	
— Have we sent the invitations yet?
— Yes, we have. We’ve already done it.
— And what about the room? Have we decorated the room yet?
— No, not yet.
Then each group should say what they have already done and what
they haven’t done yet.
We’ve already sent the invitations, __ , but we haven’t decorated
the room, __ , yet.
You may tick different activities in the handouts for each group.
Do Ex. 3, p. 40.
Do Ex. 4, p. 40 and then say about some things which you have never
done yet.
4.	 Writing
Read the letter in Ex. 5, p. 41 and fill in the necessary verbs in the
correct form.
Now write the verbs from the box on the board, ask pupils to close
their books and write the similar postcard about their holidays.
5.	 Summary
Let’s practise Present Perfect again.
Name Kyiv Moscow Yalta Lviv
Masha v x
Go over the question and the answer.
— Have you ever been to Kyiv?— Yes, I have with the class.
Pupils go around the class asking questions then they sum up:
Masha has been to Kyiv, but she hasn’t been toYalta.
6.	 Homework
Do Ex. 6, p. 41.
Lesson 23
Is your school life interesting?
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення й аудіювання, система-
тизувати лексичний матеріал з теми, розвивати мовленнєву реакцію уч-
нів; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника.
1.	 Warm-up
In groups, use this chart to ask your partners about their likes and
dislikes. Then tell about it.
— Do you like learning?
— Do you like reading?
— Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Masha v
Sasha x
— Masha likes counting. Sasha doesn’t like reading thick books.
2.	 Writing and speaking
Do Ex. 1, 2, p. 42.
3.	 Speaking
You are a Ukrainian pupil. Using prompts from Ex. 3, p.42 inter-
view your foreign friends. What questions would you ask to your Bri­
tish friends about their school life? Find out:
•	 which city your friends have come from;
•	 how their schools are called;
•	 if they have favourite subjects;
•	 how many lessons they have every day;
•	 what extra-school activities they take part in;
•	 how many times a week they go to school;
•	 if they have to wear a school uniform;
•	 how many pupils there are in their classes;
•	 if they have got strict school rules;
•	 if they like all the teachers in their schools.
4.	 Listening
There are two situations in which a grown-up and a pupil are ex-
changing their opinions about schools. Which of these opinions belong
to a grown-up and which belong to a pupil? How did you guess? Do you
agree with these opinions?
M a t t.I don’t like school very much. I have some problems with
Maths and Geography. I’m always nervous when we have a test. Besides
I hate doing homework. I think that everything is boring at school.
School is a waste of time. I think I can get all information from books,
TV and the Internet.
M a r y.I lived in the country and I went to the small school in our
village. We were all together — boys and girls of all ages. It was like one
big happy family. My school days were very happy. The teaching was
very good and there were a lot of extra-school activities. I sang in the
school choir.
And what about you? Are you happy at school? Or is your school life
boring? Tell about it.
5.	 Speaking
Read the task in Ex. 4, p.42 and make up a dialogue with your part-
Greet your partner and ask what
has happened?
Greet your partner and say
that you are ill and have a cold
Say that you are sorry and some new
things have happened at school
Ask what is going on at school
Say that now you have got a new
English teacher
Ask what your new teacher’s
name is
Say the teacher’s
Ask if he /she is
Answer that the teacher is young
and strict
Ask if the teacher gives a lot
of homework?
Answer yes, but say that he/she
will be with your class only to the
end of the term
Say that it sounds good and
thank your partner for the
6.	 Summary
Answer the questions.
Do you like your school?1)	
Can you tell five things you like about your school?2)	
Have you got any problems with any school subjects?3)	
Do you feel nervous when you have tests?4)	
Do you like doing homework?5)	
Which extra-school activities do you take part in?6)	
Have you made friends with pupils from other classes?7)	
7.	 Homework
Do Ex. 5, p. 42; project p. 4.
Lesson 24
Home Reading
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання, усного мовлення, уживання
в мов­ленні граматичних структур і лексичних одиниць із теми, розвивати
вміння послідовно висловлюватися іноземною мовою; розвивати мовну
1.	 Warm-up
Work in pairs.
Continue the following conversations.
1)	 — As for me, I like Literature.
— Can you explain why you like Literature?
— I like __ because __ .
— I agree, I think __ is useful because __ .
You may use the following words and phrases: to discuss; to learn by
heart; to read creative works written by; foreign writers, poets; to give
complete answers; to interested in literature studying; creative tasks;
to develop thinking.
2)	 — Are you going to take part in any extra-school activity?
— I hope so. I think I’ll join __ .
— Why __ ?
— __ .
You may use the following words and phrases: sport activity; to go
in for sports; singing in the choir; to play in the orchestra; to be inter-
ested in; interesting; chess; wood carving; swimming; to be good for
health; dancing; school theatre; perform.
2.	Reading
Paul’s French Lesson (p. 157).
Before you read
Answer the questions.
Do you like studying foreign languages?1)	
What other foreign languages do you study at school?2)	
Have you got any difficulties in studying foreign languages?3)	
Are you sure that studying foreign languages is very important4)	
nowadays? Why?
Look at these words and phrases. What do you think the text is go-
ing to be about?
to come back from holiday	 French	 teach	 new language	 learn
Read the text and see if you were right.
While you read
The words you need. Find these words in the text while you are reading.
•	 to feel ashamed — соромитись
•	 to waste — витрачати даремно
•	 to be able to — бути в змозі щось робити
•	 during the holidays — протягом канікул
•	 hero — герой
•	 to make use of — використовувати
•	 even — навіть
•	 hopefully — з надією
•	 so far — до цього часу
Which of these sentences are true?
1)	 Paul came back from school.
2)	 Paul came back from his holiday.
3)	 Dennis studied French during his holiday.
4)	 Dennis played ball during his holiday.
5)	 A teacher taught Paul French.
6)	 Paul learnt French twice a week.
7)	 Paul worked hard at his French.
8)	 Paul can make use of his new language.
9)	 Now Paul is able to write and read French.
10)	Now Paul isn’t able to write and read French.
Say and write who said the following.
1)	 “I’ve learnt to speak French!”
2)	 “That’s what I like to hear!”
3)	 “He taught me every day”.
4)	 “That’s all I know so far”.
5)	 “Why don’t you make use of your French?”
6)	 “Will you teach me to count?”
7)	 “I lost about a pound in weight”.
After you read
Answer the questions.
1)	 Who came to see Dennis’s family?
2)	 Where did he come from?
3)	 What language has he learnt?
4)	 Why did Dennis feel ashamed?
5)	 What was Dennis’s parents’ opinion about his holiday?
6)	 Why did Dennis think that Paul was like a hero?
7)	 Who taught Paul French?
8)	 Why did Paul lose in weight?
9)	 Can Paul say anything in French?
10)	Can he count in French?
11)	What the only word has Paul learnt in French?
12)	Why did Dennis’s parents start laughing?
Write this story. Put one of these words in each gap.
he holiday×2 was new make parents summer ashamed word French
Paul came back from his __ . He was very glad because __ could
speak French. A student spent __ with him and taught him a __ lan-
guage. Dennis’s parents said it __ good news so Dennis felt __ because
he had wasted his __ playing the ball. Dennis’s mother proposed to __
use of Paul’s French then and there. But Paul couldn’t say a __ . Every-
thing he knew was the name “Jack” in __ . And he couldn’t understand
why Dennis’s __ started laughing.
And what do you think about it? Isn’t it funny?
3.	 Summary
Retell the story from the first person. Start like this: Once I came
back from my holiday. There __ .
4.	 Homework
Get ready with the next home reading (p. 158)
Unit 3. Bigger! Stronger! Faster!
Lesson 25
I love sports. And you?
Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць і вживання
слів somebody, anything; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення й чи-
тання; розвивати мовну здогадку; виховувати позитивне ставлення до
спорту і здорового способу життя.
1.	 Warm-up
Answer the questions.
Is your school big or small?1)	
What floor is the library in your school on?2)	
How many pupils are there in your school?3)	
How many school holidays do you have during your school year?4)	
What is your favourite subject?5)	
What do you do at your English lessons?6)	
Is English an easy language for you?7)	
2.	 Speaking
Answer the questions.
Can you __ well?1)	
What team are you a fan of?2)	
Is there a gym or a sports ground in your school?3)	
Do you do morning exercises every day?4)	
Do you take care of your health? How?5)	
3.	 Listening
Ask pupils to listen about the children’s hobbies and fill in the
Alex usually gets up at 7. He goes to school at 7.45. He goes to school
every day by bus. He doesn’t go to school on Saturdays and Sundays. In
the evening he plays the piano or plays with his computer. His hobby is
computer games. Alex has a pet cat. It’s grey and white.
Dave goes shopping every day. He buys fruit and vegetables. He
likes apples and tomatoes. He has a pet dog. It’s black. After school Dave
likes to watch videos. He goes to bed at 11. His favourite sport is tennis.
His hobby is music.
Larry likes to go to cafes. On Sundays he usually goes to the cinema.
He likes music, so he often buys cassettes. He has a cat. It’s black and
white. He can play chess on his computer. His hobby is photography.
Robert goes out at six o’clock every morning and plays basketball.
He plays basketball every day and tennis every Saturday. Sport is his
hobby. He usually has sausages and eggs, some toast and a glass of juice
for breakfast. Robert has a pet dog. It’s black and grey. Robert always
goes to bed at 10 o’clock.
Sam goes to school on foot. For breakfast he usually eats bananas.
He likes to go to the discos. His hobby is cooking. In the evening he likes
to watch videos. He has got a hamster.
Bob goes to school by underground. On Sundays he usually plays
tennis with his father. His hobby is painting. He likes to paint animals
very much. He has got a pet parrot. It’s colourful and can speak a little.
Bob usually buys apples for it on his way back home.
Fill in the chart and tell about the children who like sports.
Hobby Alex Dave Larry Robert Sam Bob
Computer games
4.	 Speaking
Practise the new vocabulary.
Using pictures make up as many sentences as you can.
David and his friend
Her brother
Our uncle
All my friends
My sister
horse riding
sport events
5.	Reading
Read the dialogue Ex. 1, p. 44 and answer the questions in Ex. 2, p. 44.
Make up your own dialogue (Ex. 3, p. 44).
6.	 Grammar practice
Explain the rule (p. 44), write example sentences on the board and
practise them chorally and individually. Note that we use a singular
verb after all these words.
Nothing is right.
Everyone was
Somebody is in the
Nobody likes coffee
Is everybody here?
Does anybody like tea?
Look, is there anything on
the table?
Listen, is there anyone out-
She doesn’t know anybody.
I don’t like everything
I can’t see anything here.
There wasn’t anyone yes-
Fill in the gaps.
1)	 She didn’t say __ about her problems.
2)	 Is there __ in the box?
3)	 Is there __ in the hall? — No, everybody is in bed.
4)	 __ is talking downstairs.
5)	 I was very hungry, but I found __ to eat in the fridge.
7.	 Summary
Work in pairs.
Ask your classmates about their favourite kinds of sports.
What is your favourite kind of sport?
Can you __ well?
8.	 Homework
Write down some sentences about your favourite sport.
Lesson 26
Sports and games
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички аудіювання й усного мовлення, активізу-
вати діалогічне висловлювання з метою контролю засвоєння поданого
лексичного матеріалу; удосконалювати навички вживання нових лексич-
них одиниць; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника;
розвивати мовну здогадку.
1.	 Warm-up
Answer the questions.
What sports are you fond of?1)	
What winter / summer sports do you know?2)	
What do you prefer: to go in for sports or to watch sports events on3)	
TV or the stadium?
Name 5 or 6 widespread sports in Ukraine. (4)	 Football, basketball,
hockey, skiing, athletics and so on)
What are the most popular sports in Britain? (5)	 Football, tennis, golf,
2.	 Speaking
Show the pictures of cricket, football, golf and tennis to pupils and
ask them to name these kinds of sport. Then ask them to change the un-
derlined words in the sentences on the board to make them true.
1)	 Cricket is a winter game and it is played in school, colleges and uni-
2)	 Golf was first played in England in 1877.
3)	 The two best football teams play in the Cup Final at Wimbledon,
near London.
4)	 People played football in England as early as 1550.
5)	 Golf national teams compete with each other every year.
6)	 International cricket matches last for 5 weeks.
7)	 Skiing, skating and sailing have always been popular in Britain.
8)	 Golf began to develop in Wales.
Key: 1 — summer, 2 — tennis, 3 — Wembley Stadium in London,
4 —cricket, 5 — football, 6 — days, 7 — swimming, boating, 8— Scot-
Say some words about each of these kinds of sports and then answer the
question: Why aren’t the British very interested in skiing and skating.
3.	 Writing
Practise the vocabulary.
What is the difference between sports and games? Write down the
following words into the correct columns: running, football, rugby,
long jump, volleyball, gymnastics, high jump, basketball, swimming,
karate, hockey, tennis, cycling, fencing, horse riding, athletics, soccer,
baseball, boxing, badminton.
Sports Games
long jump football
4.	Reading and speaking
Read the dialogue in Ex. 4 and act it out. What is the difference bet­
ween field events and track events?
Work in pairs.
Do Ex. 5, p. 45.
5.	 Listening
Listen to the text and fill in the chart. But at first compare:
British English	 American English
football	 soccer
American football	 football
Baseball is an American game between two teams and is played on
a field with a bat and a small white ball. Each team consists of nine play-
ers. The teams take turns playing in the field and batting the ball. A base-
ball game has nine “innings”. That means that every team plays in the
field nine times and is “at bat” nine times. The object of the game is to
score more “runs” than the other team. Only the team at bat can score
runs. The team with the most runs at the end of nine innings wins.
Basketball is played on a court with a large orange ball. There are
five players on each team. Each team moves the ball across the court by
bouncing or “dribbling” it. The object of the game is to shoot the ball
into the basket to score a point. The team with the most points wins.
Football is a field game between two teams, played with an oval-
shaped ball. Each team consists of eleven players, who carry, throw, or
kick the ball. The quarterback starts by throwing, or passing, the ball to
one of the players, called a receiver. The receiver tries to run with it to-
wards the goal. The players of the other team try to prevent him from
reaching the goal line. The team with the most points wins.
Soccer is a field game between two teams, played with a white round
ball. The goalkeeper is the only one who can touch the ball with his or
her hands. The other players are only allowed to kick the ball or bump it
with their heads. The object of the game is to kick the ball past the goal-
keeper into the goal. The team with the most points or goals wins.
Game Place
Number of players
in each team
The object
of the game
Game Place Necessary things
Number of
players in
each team
The object
of the game
Baseball field a bat, a small white ball 9 to score more “runs”
court a large orange ball 5 to shoot the ball into
the basket
Football field an oval-shaped ball 11 to throw the ball into
the goal
Soccer field a white round ball 11 to kick the ball into
the goal
6.	 Summary
Answer the questions.
What sports and games are popular with your classmates?1)	
What do you prefer: games or individual sports?2)	
What is the difference between football and American football?3)	
7.	 Homework
Do Ex. 6, p. 45, copy the new words into the vocabularies.
Lesson 27
Play, Go or Do?
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення з опорою на
лексико-граматичні структури; розвивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву
реакцію учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.
1.	 Warm-up
Match the sport with the location.
1)	 golf
2)	 boxing
3)	 tennis
4)	 swimming
5)	 football
6)	 athletics
7)	 ice-skating
a)	 rink
b)	 pool
c)	 stadium
d)	 pitch
e)	 court
f)	 ring
g)	 course
Key: 1 g, 2 f, 3 e, 4 b, 5 d, 6 c, 7 a.
2.	Reading and speaking
Read the text (on the board or the cards) and fill in the words given
Subject daily swimming summer healthy sports ground competitions
Ukrainian people have always paid much attention to sport. Sport
keeps people fit and (1) and makes them better disciplined in their (2)
life. Many kinds of sports, both winter and (3), are popular in Ukraine.
Millions of people go in for sports and take part in (4). Physical training
is a (5) at school and universities. You can hardly find a school or a col-
lege without (6). At sports clubs people go in for aerobics, body-build-
ing, (7), skating and so on.
Key: 1) healthy 2) daily 3) summer 4) competitions 5) subject
6) sports ground 7) swimming.
3.	 Writing
Do Ex. 1, p. 46.
4.	 Listening and speaking
Explain the rule how to use go, play and do, then practise them in
speech. Name the kinds of sports and ask pupils to make up word combi-
nations, e.g. volleyball — play volleyball, jumping — go jumping.
Running, football, rugby, long jump, volleyball, gymnastics, high
jump, basketball, swimming, karate, hockey, tennis, cycling, fencing,
horse riding, athletics, soccer, baseball, boxing, badminton.
Do Ex. 2, p. 46.
5.	Reading
Read the text and answer the questions.
Is Sport So Important for Us?
— I am Alison and I am not very fond of sports. I’m a bit plump and
it is difficult for me to run and jump. I don’t like to compete, but I like
to watch sports on TV. Best of all I like watching figure skating. I some-
times go skating myself.
— I am Peter. Sport plays a great role in my life. I love every kind of
sports — football, hockey, volleyball and basketball. I also play chess
and I love to play football. I go to our local football club every spare
minute and my dream is to become a football player. I also watch foot-
ball on TV a lot.
— I am Ann. I am not crazy about sports, but I think it is very im-
portant to keep in good form and stay healthy. I want to become a model,
so I take great care about my body. I go jogging every day, and I attend
fitness room three times a week. When I have the time, I also attend
classes of aerobics, but they are quite expensive, so I can’t go as often as
I want.
— My name is Alex. I don’t understand people who think only about
sports and physical perfection of their body or watch others doing the
same on TV. Such people miss out a lot in their lives. It is much more fun
to train brains. In the modern world people do not need muscles, diffi-
cult things can be done by machines. I’m happy sitting on my sofa with
a book or in front of the computer.
Write down only a name.
1)	 Who is fond of training brains?
2)	 Who likes training football?
3)	 Who likes figure skating?
4)	 Who keeps fit for health and good figure?
5)	 Who hates competing?
6)	 Who is fond of many kinds of sports?
Answer the questions.
1)	 What is Ann’s ambition?
2)	 Why doesn’t Alison like sports?
3)	 How does Alex spend his spare time?
4)	 Why doesn’t Ann often attend classes of aerobics?
5)	 What does Alex think important for people nowadays?
6)	 Where does Peter play football?
6.	 Grammar practice
Do Ex. 3, p. 46.
7.	 Writing
Explain how to use nothing and nobody and do Ex. 5, p. 47.
8.	 Speaking
Do Ex. 6, p. 47.
9.	 Summary
Answer the question:
Is sport important for us? Why?
10.	Homework
Learn the dialogues in Ex. 6, p. 47.
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6 англ кіктенко_по карп’юк_1_пособ_2012_укр

  • 1. 1 Харків Видавнича група «Основа» 2012 Книга скачана с сайта http://e� Издательская группа «Основа» — «Электронные книги»
  • 2. 2 ISBN 978-611-00-0197-7 Серія «Мій конспект» Заснована 2008 року УДК 372.8=111 ББК 74.268.1Англ К38 Кіктенко Т. М. К38 Англійська мова. 6 клас за підручником О. Д. Карп’юк “English pupil’s book 6”. I семестр. — Х.: Вид. група «Ос­но­ ва», 2012.— 96 с. — (Серія «Мій конспект»). ISBN 978-611-00-0197-7. Видання «Мій конспект» — це нова серія посібників, які став- лять за мету надати допомогу вчителеві в підготовці та про­веденні уроку. Автори пропонують базову основу конспектів 102 уроків англійської мови (48 — І семестр, 54 — ІІ семестр) на відривних аркушах із використанням додаткових матеріалів та підручника О. Д.Кар­п’юк “English pupil’s book 6”. Узявши за основу посібник, учитель може створити власний конспект уроку. Для вчителів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. УДК 372.8=111 ББК 74.268.1Англ Навчальне видання Серія «Мій конспект» Кіктенко Тамара Миколаївна Англійська мова. 6 клас за підручником О. Д. Карп’юк “English pupil’s book 6” I семестр Головний редактор О. С. Любченко Редактор А. Л. Мирошніченко Відповідальний за видання Ю. М. Афанасенко Технічний редактор О. В. Лєбєдєва Коректор О. М. Журенко Підп. до друку 17.06.2009. Формат 60×90/8. Папір офсет. Гарнітура Шкільна. Друк офсет. Ум. друк. арк. 12,00. Зам. № 9-06/08-05. ТОВ «Видавнича група “Основа”» 61001 м. Харків, вул. Плеханівська, 66 тел. (057) 731-96-33 е-mail: Свідоцтво суб’єкта видавничої справи Свідоцтво ДК № 2911 від 25.07.2007 р. © Кіктенко Т. М., 2009 © ТОВ «Видавнича група “Основа”», 2012
  • 3. Content Introduction Lesson 1. Hello again ........................................................................  5 Lesson 2. Our friends all over the world ................................................  7 Lesson 3. Personal information ...........................................................  9 Lesson 4. Brush up your grammar ...................................................... 11 Unit 1. We need information Lesson 5. Let’s make a school newspaper .............................................. 13 Lesson 6. Gathering ideas ................................................................. 15 Lesson 7. What should we do? ........................................................... 17 Lesson 8. At the library .................................................................... 19 Lesson 9. Writing an e-mail .............................................................. 21 Lesson 10. Computers in our life .......................................................... 23 Lesson 11. It’s time for reading ........................................................... 25 Lesson 12. Can we count “information”? ............................................... 27 Lesson 13. Is it easy to study? ............................................................. 29 Lesson 14. Home Reading. The Ant and the Grasshopper .......................... 31 Unit 2. School Life Lesson 15. I love school. And you? ....................................................... 33 Lesson 16. Who has done the homework? ............................................... 35 Lesson 17. Have you done your English? ............................................... 37 Lesson 18. Extra-school activities ........................................................ 39 Lesson 19. School life ........................................................................ 41 Lesson 20. Our favourite subjects ........................................................ 43 Lesson 21. It’s time for reading ........................................................... 45 Lesson 22. Let’s brush up our grammar ................................................. 47 Lesson 23. Is your school life interesting? ............................................. 49 Lesson 24. Home Reading ................................................................... 51 Unit 3. Bigger! Stronger! Faster! Lesson 25. I love sports. And you? ....................................................... 53 Lesson 26. Sports and games ............................................................... 55 Lesson 27. Play, Go or Do? ................................................................. 57 Lesson 28. Join the Team! ................................................................... 59 Lesson 29. My favourite sport ............................................................. 61 Lesson 30. Olympic Games .................................................................. 63 Lesson 31. It’s time for reading ........................................................... 65 Lesson 32. Let’s brush up our grammar ................................................. 67 Lesson 33. Sports in our life ................................................................ 69 Lesson 34. Home Reading. Sports Day .................................................. 71 3
  • 4. 4 Unit 4. Round the Calendar Lesson 35. Winter is coming ............................................................... 73 Lesson 36. It’s so cold today ................................................................ 75 Lesson 37. It’s December now, isn’t it? ................................................. 77 Lesson 38. What are Holidays? ............................................................ 79 Lesson 39. My Favourite Holiday ......................................................... 81 Lesson 40. New Year’s Day ................................................................. 83 Lesson 41. It’s time for reading ........................................................... 85 Lesson 42. Let’s brush up our grammar ................................................. 87 Lesson 43. Holidays round the world .................................................... 89 Lesson 44. Home Reading. A Typical Year in Britain (p. 160)..................... 91 Lesson 45. Listening Comprehension .................................................... 93 Lesson 46. Speaking .......................................................................... 94 Lesson 47. Reading ........................................................................... 95 Lesson 48. Writing ........................................................................... 96
  • 5. 5 Клас Дата Introduction Lesson 1 Hello again Цілі: вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання й усного мовлення; формувати навички вимови; удосконалювати навички монологічного висловлювання з опорою на лексико-граматичну структуру; розвивати мовну здогадку; виховувати увагу, інтерес до англійської мови. Procedure 1. Warm-up Answer some questions just for fun. How many birthdays does the average man have?1) Some months have 31 days; how many have 28?2) A pair of twins is how many people?3) How many days of the week start with the letter ‘T’?4) What are they?5) A man builds a house rectangular in shape. All sides have southern exposure. A big bear walks by, what color is the bear? Why? 2. Listening Line game Divide the class into two groups. One lines up on the left side, one on the right. Ask the front student in each group a question. The first one to answer correctly gets to sit down. The other who can’t answer goes to the back of his / her team. The winning team is the first where everyone is sat down! Make sure the questions come thick and fast. Sample list of question • How are you? • What’s your name? • How old are you? • How old is Natasha? • Do you like winter? • Do you play football? • When is your birthday? • Where do you live? • What time is it? • What time do you get up? • What time do you go to bed? • What music group do you like? • Who is your favourite TV star? • Who is your favourite movie star? • Who is your favourite sing- er? • Who is your favourite foot- ball player? • Who is your favourite tea­ cher? • Who is your favourite actor? • Who is your favourite ac- tress? • What is your favourite sub- ject? • What is your favourite food? • What is your favourite TV show? • Who is your English teacher? • Who is your best friend? • How many people are there in your family? • How many pets do you have? • How many brothers and sis- ters do you have? • What is your mother’s name? • What is your father’s name? • What is your English teach- er’s name? • Who teaches football? • Who teaches Ukranian? • What sport does (name) play? (any classmate’s name) • What subject does (name) teach? (any teacher’s name)
  • 6. 6 3. Reading Read the text in Ex. 1, p.4 and answer the questions. Are the children classmates? (1) Yes) How old are they? (2) 11) Who has no sisters or brothers? (3) Chrystyna) Who got a computer last summer? (4) Ivan) Who can make pictures on computer? (5) Chrystyna) Who has a younger sister? (6) Taras) Who taught Ivan to use the computer? (7) His elder brother) Who likes English? (8) Taras and Ivan) Who is fond of taking pictures? (9) Taras) Who is good at working on a computer? (10) Chrystyna) What helps the children to make new friends? (11) English) 4. Speaking Work in pairs. Do Ex. 2, p.5. Write down your personal information in the chart and make up dialogues. Name_________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Tel. __________________________________________________________ Family _ ______________________________________________________ Likes /Dislikes _________________________________________________ Favourite subject _______________________________________________ Sample dialogue — What’s your name in English? — I’m __ . — What’s your address? — It’s 5, Ivanova Street, Kharkiv, Ukraine. — What’s your telephone number? — It’s 764589 — Have you got any sisters or brothers? How many __ . — Yes (No). I’ve got __ . — What do you like doing? — I like playing computer games. — What’s your favourite subject at school? — I like __ . (It is __ ) 5. Writing Write a short paragraph about your partner using the information from the previous task. 6. Grammar practice Do Ex. 4, p. 5. 7. Summary Who’s your best friend?1) What’s his name?2) Has he got any brothers or sisters?3) What’s his brother’s (sister’s) name?4) What do you like doing together?5) What is the name of your school?6) 8. Homework Do Ex. 5, p. 5.
  • 7. 7 Клас Дата Lesson 2 Our friends all over the world Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення; формувати навички ви- мови; удосконалювати навички діалогічного висловлювання з опорою на лексико-граматичну структуру; розвивати мовну здогадку; виховувати увагу, інтерес до англійської мови. Procedure 1. Warm-up Write the words which associate with the following countries: Great Britain, the USA Ukraine. Example: Great Britain — fog, kilt, whisky, Oxford, islands… 2. Listening Listen to the text and do the tasks. How the Welsh speak Everybody from the UK is British, but be careful: only people from England are English. People from Wales think of themselves as Welsh; people from Scotland as Scottish; people from the Republic of Ireland as Irish and people from Northern Ireland as either British or Irish. People in Wales speak English but they have their own language — Welsh. Though some Welsh people learn Welsh before they learn Eng- lish and some of these people never learn much English nowadays only more than 20 per cent of the population speak Welsh as a first language. Some Welsh families speak Welsh to each other at home, but they read English newspapers and English books, that is why when they speak Welsh they sometimes put in English words. Welsh people are very proud of their national language, and they are proud of Wales too. True or False All people in Great Britain are English.1) People in Wales speak only Welsh.2) People in Wales use two languages: English and Wales.3) Answer the questions What languages do people speak in Great Britain?1) Do many people speak Welsh as a first language?2) Why do people sometimes mix English and Welsh words?3) Are the Welsh proud of their country?4) 3. Speaking Practice it in short dialogues. Imagine a country and say where you are from. — Where are you from? — I’m from Poland. Are you from Poland too? — Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Do Ex. 1, p. 6. 4. Writing Practise the pronunciation of the names of the countries and nation- alities from Ex. 2, p. 6. Do Ex. 2, p. 6.
  • 8. 8 Write the nationalities in four groups according to their endings. Americ- Brit- Swed- Portugu- Span- Germ- Russ- Japan- Ital- Turk- Chin- Argentin- Ukrain- -an -ian -ish -ese 5. Speaking and writing Make up short dialogues. — Where are you from? — I’m from German. — What nationality are you? — I’m German. Do Ex. 3, p. 6. 6. Reading and writing Do Ex. 4, p. 6. Read about Pablo and then write about yourself. — My name’s Pablo. I’m Spanish and I’m from Spain. Languages are my hobby. I speak Spanish, French, English, Hungarian and Ger- man. And I also speak a little Ukrainian! My English is quite good but my German is very goor. My name’s __ . I’m __ and __ from __ I speak __ and __ . 7. Speaking Do Ex. 5, p. 7. 8. Summary Bring some photos of different people to the class and ask pupils to guess their nationalities. Example — I think the girl / woman / boy / man in the picture is (Chinese). — No, I think he / she’s (Japanese). — And I think the couple/people in that picture are __ . — No, I think they are __ . 9. Homework Write a short paragraph about importance of studying foreign lan- guages.
  • 9. 9 Клас Дата Lesson 3 Personal information Цілі: вдосконалювати навички аудіювання й читання, уживання лексич- ного матеріалу за темою «Сім’я»; розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати позитивне ставлення до родинних стосунків. Procedure 1. Warm-up Answer the questions. What’s your surname?1) How do you spell it?2) What’s your name?3) How old are you?4) Where are you from?5) What’s your address?6) How do you spell it? (The name of the street)7) What’s your telephone number?8) 2. Speaking Work in pairs Ask questions about Dan to complete the chart. Use the questions above as prompts. Student A Student B Name Dan Surname Age 15 Country Address Flat 6, 29, Hull Road, Glasgow Postcode Telephone 0904 776351 Name Surname Birch Age Country Scotland Address Zip code GL04HT Telephone Example — What’s his name? — He’s Dan. 3. Reading Do Ex. 1, p. 8. 4. Listening Listen to the short stories carefully and answer the questions as quickly as you can. Will is from the USA. He is a singer in the band. He is eighteen years old and he is good-looking. His hair is blond and his eyes are blue. His favourite colour is red. 1) What nationality is Will? 2) Where is he from? 3) Is he a singer? 4) How old is he? 5) What colour is his hair? 6) What colour is his eyes? 7) What’s his favourite colour? Linda is from Poland. She is an actress. She is twenty-five years old and she is pretty. Her hair is brown and her eyes are grey. Her favourite colour is green. 1) What nationality is Linda? 2) Where is she from?
  • 10. 10 3) Is she a singer? 4) How old is she? 5) What colour is her hair? 6) What colour is her eyes? 7) What’s her favourite colour? 5. Reading and speaking Do Ex. 2, p. 8. Key: the correct order of the sentences — 4, 1, 9, 6, 2, 10, 5, 7, 3, 8. 6. Reading and speaking Practise the family vocabulary, Study the family tree and say whether the following statements are true or false. If they are false say the correct answer. Pete + Jane Theresa Tom + Ann Dick + Mary Dorothy Louis Charlie Beatrice 1) Jane is Dorothy’s mother. 2) Pete is Ann’s father. 3) Tom is Mary’s husband. 4) Theresa is Tom’s wife. 5) Louis is Charlie’s brother. 6) Beatrice is Louis’s cousin. 7) Dorothy is Beatrice’s aunt. 8) Tom is Louis’s uncle. 9) Charlie is Mary’s nephew. 10) Beatrice is Theresa’s niece. 11) Ann is Theresa’s sister-in-law. 12) Tom is Dorothy’s brother. 13) Dorothy is Pete’s daughter. 14) Ann is Mary’s sister. 15) Pete is Charlie’s grandfather. 16) Beatrice is an only child. 17) Dorothy has two children. 18) Jane is Beatrice’s grandmother. 19) Louis is Jane’s grandson. 20) Dorothy is single. Do Ex. 3, 4, p. 8–9. 7. Summary Answer some questions about the relationships. Is your grandfather only your mother’s father?1) Is your aunt your mother’s or your father’s sister?2) Do your parents make you help them with the housework? What do3) they make you do? Do your parents let you invite friends to your home (very often,4) rather often, very seldom, rarely)? Do your parents make you go in for sport? Which?5) 8. Homework Make up a project (p. 9)
  • 11. 11 Клас Дата Lesson 4 Brush up your grammar Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання граматичних структур груп Simple and Continuous у мовленні, удосконалювати навички усного мов- лення, читання й письма; розвивати мовну здогадку; виховувати зацікав- леність у розширенні своїх знань. Procedure 1. Warm-up Bring some photos of famous people and ask pupils to answer the questions. — Where is he / she from? — She is from Italy. — What language does he/she speak? — She speaks Italian. — What nationality is he/she? — She is Italian. — What does he / she do? — She is an actress. 2. Grammar practice Revise the rules and do Ex. 1, 2, p. 10 Complete the sentences. When my mobile phone rang I __ .1) When I was passing the shop-window I __ .2) When it started raining I __ .3) My mother saw me when I __ .4) That great idea came to me when I __ .5) I burnt my finger when I __ .6) When somebody knocked I __ .7) When I was driving the policeman __ .8) We saw many interesting things when we __ .9) When I heard this music I __ .10) 3. Reading and writing Read the text, find and write out 4 sentences with Past Simple and 4 sentences with Past Continuous. London Fog It was a very foggy day in London. The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see more than a foot or so. Buses, cars and taxies were not able to run and were standing by the side of the road. People were trying to find their way about on foot but were losing their way in the fog. Mr Brown had a very important meeting at the House of Commons and had to get there but no one could take him. He tried to walk there but found that he was quite lost. Suddenly he bumped into a stranger. The stranger asked if he could help him. Mr Brown answered he wanted to get to the Houses of Parliament. The stranger told him he would take him there. Mr Brown thanked him and they started to walk there. The fog was getting thicker with every minute but the stranger had no difficulty in finding the way. He walked along the street, turned down another, crossed a square and at last after about half an hour’s walk they arrived at the Houses of Parliament. Mr Brown couldn’t understand how the stranger found his way. “It’s wonderful”, he said. “How do you find the way in this fog?” “It is not trouble at all for me, sir”, said the stranger. “I’m blind”. Put the questions to the underlined words in the sentences.
  • 12. 12 Answer the questions. What was the weather like in London that day?1) How did the people move in such weather?2) Where did Mr Brown have to get?3) Whom did he meet in the fog?4) How long did it take them to get to the Houses of Parliament?5) Why was it easy to the stranger to find the way in the fog?6) 4. Grammar practice Do Ex. 3, 4, 5, p. 10-11. 5. Reading and speaking Do Ex. 6, p. 11. 6. Grammar practice Do Ex. 7, p. 11. 7. Summary Answer the questions. When did you do your homework yesterday?1) What were you doing when your mother came?2) Do you usually do your homework in the evening?3) Have you done your homework for today?4) 8. Homework Retell the story “London Fog” from the part of Mr Brown.
  • 13. 13 Клас Дата Unit 1. We need information Lesson 5 Let’s make a school newspaper Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удоскона- лювати навички усного мовлення й письма; учити робити пропозицію; розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати доброзичливе ставлен- ня до співрозмовника. Procedure 1. Warm-up Answer the questions. What is your favourite lesson?1) How many lessons have you got every day?2) How often have you got English lessons?3) Clap your hands if the sentence is correct. We count in the music class.1) We sing in the music class.2) We read in the drawing lesson.3) We speak English at the English lesson.4) We write in the drawing class.5) We read in the reading lesson.6) We speak Ukrainian at the Literature lesson.7) We jump at the Physical Training lesson.8) We run at the Maths lesson.9) We do the sums at the Maths lesson.10) 2. Speaking Making suggestions Refer pupils to the box Making suggestions. Point out the five dif- ferent ways of making suggestions and practice the example exchange T-P to show how to use the information in the chart to make them. Practise the examples chorally and individually. Give pupils some practice in making suggestions in different ways by giving cues for suggestions, e.g. Making suggestions Replying suggestions Yes No Let’s Why don’t we We would like to We can What about … ? What about go to the cinema / have a pic- nic / play football / go to the beach / walk in the woods / buy some stickers / have a cup of coffee / a record / a cup of coffee reading an article? searching it through the In- ternet? Yes. OK. Right. All right. Good idea. That’s a good idea Sorry, I can’t. Let’s... Sorry, I can’t. I’m too tired. How about… / going to the theatre / … in- stead‑ Sample dialogues — Let’s go to the cinema tonight. — Sorry, I can’t. How about going to the theatre instead tomorrow?
  • 14. 14 — Why don’t we go to the cinema? / What about going to the cinema? — That’s a good idea. — I’m so thirsty. — What about some orange juice? Practise short dialogues in pairs or in chain, one by one. 3. Reading and speaking Do Ex. 1, p. 12 and find suggestions there. Use the phrases from the box to exchange them. 4. Speaking Do Ex. 2, p. 12. 5. Writing Fill in the gaps in the dialogue and then in pairs make your own one. music a CD birthday an alarm clock present a book R u t h: What shall we give Carol for her __ ? J o a n: What about __ ? R u t h: I’m not sure. J o a n: What do you suggest then? R u t h: Let’s give her __ . J o a n: That’s not a very exciting __ . R u th: Why don’t we give her __ ? She enjoys listening to __ . J o a n: That’s a good idea. 6. Speaking Practise the new vocabulary. Let’s learn new words. Stick the slips with these words onto the blackboard (or write down) and ask pupils to find new words for them or the words they have known at the lesson and write them down into their vocabularies: information, column, language, newspaper, share, letter, suggest, learn, suggestion, computer, heading, advice Find these words in Ex. 1,2 and explain the word share. I share a room with my brother. Practise the new words chorally giving Ukrainian equivalents. 7. Speaking Work in pairs. Do Ex. 3, p. 12. Student A Student B is making suggestions to make a survey to take photos to search the information / pictures through the Internet to share ideas with somebody to think out interesting headings to write an article about… to prepare quizzes and crosswords agrees or disagrees I (don’t) think it’s good (useful, interesting, really good) Great idea. That’s a good idea. I’ve got a better idea. That sounds good / great. How about… instead 8. Summary Name as many words as you can which are connected with making a newspaper or a magazine. 9. Homework You’re going to have a party with your classmates. Write down some suggestions for decorations and transforming the classroom.
  • 15. 15 Клас Дата Lesson 6 Gathering ideas Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць, усно- го мовлення й читання; учити давати пораду, співпрацювати в групі. Procedure 1. Warm-up Make suggestions as for decoration the classroom before the party. 2. Listening Listen to the text and answer the questions. Pete was a lazy boy. He didn’t like to do his homework. He didn’t learn his English words either. One day in class his English teacher asked him, “Pete, what is the Ukrainian for table?” “I don’t know”, answered Pete. “Well, then, what is the Ukrainian for father?” “I don’t know”, said Pete again. “What do you know then?” the teacher asked him. “Tell me, please, what three words do lazy pupils usually say?” “I don’t know”, was the answer. “Correct at last”, said the teacher. Why didn’t Pete like to do his homework?1) Could he answer any teacher’s question?2) Did he understand the last question?3) 3. Speaking Practise the new vocabulary. Make suggestions and give advice using the words from the box on page 13. Suggestions Advice Why don’t we share the work? Let’s write about a history lesson. What about making a column about unusual things? You should share the work. You should write about a history lesson. You should make a column about something unusual 4. Reading Do Ex.4, p. 13. 5. Speaking and writing Practise the new vocabulary. Match. a heading1) a column2) an article3) a subject4) useful5) a library6) a magazine7) history8) nature9) share10) історіяa) кориснийb) ділитисьc) заголовокd) статтяe) природаf) колонкаg) предметh) журналi) бібліотекаj)
  • 16. 16 Fill in the gaps with the new words. share article column library heading 1) I’d like to write the sport __ in our newspaper. 2) I’ve got an unexpected __ for this article. 3) My brother is a student, he __ a room with his friend. 4) Our __ is on the first floor. 5) Could you write an __ about the last competition. 6. Reading and speaking Do Ex. 5, p. 13. 7. Writing Find all the new words from the box on p. 12–13 and make your own sentences. 8. Speaking Make up sentences using the prompts from Ex.6, p. 13. 9. Summary Work in pairs. Make up and act out your own dialogue about making a school news- paper or magazine. Use the following prompts: ‘ Why don’t we make the sport (gardening, cooking) column in our magazine? Let’s interview our teachers to know their attitude towards youth- ful fashion. What about taking the photos for this article?1) Who wants to answer the letters from our readers?2) 10. Homework Write some pieces of advice as for making a report about any topic of any subject.
  • 17. 17 Клас Дата Lesson 7 What should we do? Цілі: формувати навички вживання модальних дієслів у мовленні; удоско- налювати вміння робити пропозицію та надавати пораду; розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів. Procedure 1. Warm-up Do Ex. 1, p. 14 2. Listening Practise the verb can. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. Linda is depressed. She’s having a party today, but her friends can’t come. — John, can you go to Linda’s party? — I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to go to the library. — What about Tom? Can he go to Linda’s party? — No, he can’t. He has to fix his car. — What about Henry and Nancy? — No, they cannot go to the party either. Henry has to go to the den- tist and Nancy has to work tonight. L i n d a. Chris, I’m having a party tonight, can you come over? — Gee, Linda, I wish I could but I can’t. I have to work. — Oh, well, that’s too bad. It seems that tonight nobody can come. — Why don’t you plan your party for tomorrow night? — Good idea! That’s what I’ll do. 1) Why can’t John come? 2) Why can’t Tom come? 3) Why can’t Henry come? 4) Why can’t Nancy come? 5) Why can’t Chris come? 6) Why can’t all her friends come? 3. Speaking Practise the verbs may / might. Ask your pupils to pretend they are waiting for a famous pop singer to their school but she is not here yet. Change the sentences using may / might (not): 1) Perhaps her train is late. — Her train may be late. 2) Perhaps she doesn’t know the way. 3) It’s just possible she thinks it’s on another day. 4) Perhaps there’s a traffic jam. 5) Perhaps she’s not feeling well today. 6) It’s just possible she has a good reason. 7) There’s a slight possibility that she doesn’t want to come to us at all. Do Ex. 2, p, 14. Key: 1) We may buy… 2) I may give him… 3) It might rain…
  • 18. 18 4) He might not get… 5) I might not go… 6) She may not go… 4. Speaking Practise the verb must. Do Ex. 3, p. 15. 5. Reading and speaking Do Ex. 4, p. 15. 6. Writing Practise the modal verbs. Do Ex. 5, 6, p. 15. 7. Summary Give short answers. Can you use the Internet?1) Should I do this work?2) May I take this book?3) Could you open the window?4) Do you have to go to the library today?5) Does she have to write about this poet?6) May I ask a question?7) Must we be back here by 6 o’clock?8) Should they read this article?9) 8. Homework Write some possible answers to the question What are you going to do tonight? (Using may / might)
  • 19. 19 Клас Дата Lesson 8 At the library Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удоскона- лювати навички усного мовлення з опорою на лексико-граматичні струк- тури; розвивати мовну здогадку; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника. Procedure 1. Warm-up Answer the questions. Give possible answers. • What are you going to do tonight? — I might go to the disco or I might visit my grandparents. I really can’t decide. 1) What are you going to cook tonight? (Pizza, a cheese omelette) 2) What are you going to give your friend for his birthday? (A CD, a book) 3) Where are you going for your holidays? (To the country, to the seaside) 4) How are you going to come to class tomorrow? (By bus, walk) 5) What are you going to be when you grow up? (A manager, a programmer) 2. Reading Do Ex. 1, p. 16. 3. Reading and writing Practise the new vocabulary. Find the words from the box on page 16 in the text and read the sen- tences with them. Match the words with their definitions. 1) a dictionary 2) a reference book 3) a university 4) a library 5) a librarian 6) ancient 7) to store 8) to appear 9) to join 10) If you need a piece of information 11) If you need a piece of advice a) belonging to a time long ago b) someone who works in a library c) to start to be seen d) an educational institution at the highest level e) a book such as a dictionary that you look at to find information f) to become a member of an organization or a group g) a room or building containing books h) a book that gives a list of words in alphabeti- cal order and explains their meanings i) to keep facts or information j) ask your parents or your friend k) go to the library or search through the Internet Do Ex. 2, p. 16. 4. Speaking Do Ex. 3, 4, p. 16–17. 5. Speaking Work in pairs. Do Ex. 5, p. 17 and make up your own dialogue.
  • 20. 20 6. Summary Are you fond of reading?1) Do you prefer looking for information in the library or through the2) Internet? Have you got a library at home? Are there many books in it?3) What books have you got?4) Do you always read books up to the end?5) Do you think that reading books is more convenient than reading6) the same information in computer? 7. Homework Do Ex. 6, p. 17.
  • 21. 21 Клас Дата Lesson 9 Writing an e-mail Цілі: вдосконалювати навички письма й говоріння, уживання прикметни- ків із прийменниками в мовленні; сприяти розвитку самостійного мис- лення; розвивати культуру спілкування. Procedure 1. Warm-up Think of as many words as you can connected with the library. Check Ex. 6, p. 17. 2. Reading and speaking Before reading Answer the questions. What is an e-mail? It’s an electronic mail, a message which we send1) by computer. Can you e-mail?2) Why do people prefer to e-mail nowadays but not to post their let-3) ters? — I think… Reading Read the tips for writing an e-mail and complete the sentence: • We should __ and e-mails should be __ . Read the letter in Ex. 1 and do Ex. 2, p. 19. 3. Speaking Ex. 3, p. 19. Sample story Alec was bad at English. His English teacher gave him a good piece of advice. Alec used the Internet first. Next he found the “E-mail Friends’ Club” website. Then he chose the name of his future friend and made an e-mail friend. After that they started sending e-mails to each other. Finally his English became much better. Work in pairs. Do Ex. 4, p. 19. — I’d like to send an e-mail to my friend but I don’t know how to do it. Can you help me? — Sure. — What should I do first? — First you should give a subject to your e-mail. — What should I do next? — Then you should greet your friend. — And after that? — Write your e-mail but not too long and make your ideas clear. — What should I do finally? — Imagine how your friend is glad to receive your letter. — Thank you. You were very helpful.
  • 22. 22 5. Listening and speaking Practise adjectives with prepositions. Practise these expressions in different word combinations chorally and individually. I You He She We They is are good at bad at crazy about fond of keen on interested in music, football, dancing, shopping, telling scared stories, playing the piano, playing basketball, learning English, cooking, history, chess, old coins, painting Do Ex. 5, p. 19. 6. Speaking Work in pairs. Make up short dialogues using different types of questions. Sample questions Are you good at Maths?1) Are you fond of pop music?2) What are you interested in?3) 7. Summary Make up 6 sentences about yourself using adjectives with preposi- tions. I’m good at __ . 8. Homework Ex. 6, p. 19.
  • 23. 23 Клас Дата Lesson 10 Computers in our life Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удоскона- лювати навички аудіювання; розвивати логічне мислення; виховувати ін- терес до англійської мови. Procedure 1. Warm-up Answer the questions in Ex. 1, p. 20. Check Ex. 6, p. 19. 2. Listening Read the text twice. I’m Alex and I’m crazy about computer games. I think they are great because you can do everything you wish not only watch. But my mother says that computer games are very bad as there is a lot of shoot- ing and killing there. She also worries that I spend too much time on the computer and that it is bad for my health. It would be better for me to go out or go in for sports or communicate with my friends. I think so too, but what can I do? When I start playing or searching information through the Internet I don’t notice the time. The Internet is very im- portant as news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real life and you know about it just at the same time. Sometimes the Inter- net helps me to do my homework. And, of course, I communicate with my friends all over the world sending e-mails with the help of compu- ter. But my mother’s sure that it can’t be good for me just to sit and look at the computer for hours and hours and not to talk to anybody. In future I want to be good at computers and to know everything about them. Write positive and negative things about computers into two col- umns. Positive Negative True or false 1) Alex is fond of computer games. 2) His mother likes these computer games. 3) Spending much time in front of the computer is useful for health. 4) Alex’s mother doesn’t let him to communicate with his friends. 5) Alex spends about two hours on the computer every day. 6) The Internet is very useful. 7) Alex has got friends only in his school. 8) Alex’s mother worries about her son. Answer the questions. 1) Why does Alex like computer games? 2) Why does his mother worry? 3) What is more useful for health in her opinion? 4) Why is the Internet more useful than, for example, TV? 5) How does Alex communicate with his friends all over the world? 6) What is his dream?
  • 24. 24 3. Listening and speaking Practise the new vocabulary. Do Ex. 2, p. 20. 4. Reading Do Ex. 3, p. 21. 5. Speaking Do Ex. 4, p. 21. Ask pupils to: a) look through the words in the cards and choose the necessary ones for the discussion; I think; I believe; I agree / disagree; to get information; modern compu- ter programmes; educational sites; to send e-mails; to share ideas; play games; to use dictionaries; charts; to discover new things; to check up; to remember different things; to be useful; the quickest way of testing; to prepare a lot; to get the best marks b) discuss the questions in the exercise; c) organize feedback and talk about their conclusions with the rest of the class. 6. Summary Complete the definitions: If you want to start the computer you press __ .1) If you want to get information you connect to __ .2) If you are interested in something special, find the necessary __ .3) If you want to be healthy, don’t sit too close to a computer __ .4) If you want to give commands to the computer, you use __ .5) If you want to type something, you use __ .6) If you want to communicate with your friends in another country,7) you send __ . 7. Homework Write some pieces of advice as for safe working on the computer us- ing should /shouldn’t.
  • 25. 25 Клас Дата Lesson 11 It’s time for reading Цілі: формувати лексичні навички; розвивати вміння читати й переказу- вати; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення; розвивати логічне мис- лення. Procedure 1. Warm-up Give your partner some advice how to work on the computer using should /shouldn’t. What things are associated with the following words: hate, laugh, sad, cry, baby-animal, fix. 2. Reading Before you read Answer the questions. What stories do you prefer: funny or sad, amazing or horror?1) How do you feel when you read a sad (funny) story?2) Do you usually worry about characters?3) Practise the vocabulary. Explain the new words giggle, leaky, faucet, fix, a giggle box, break out and then ask to draw lines from the words on the left to the correct words on the write. Then write these sentences. 1) When she saw something unusual, a) wash the vegetables 2) The drops of water was falling b) so her friends called her a giggle box 3) Turn on the faucet and c) of a leaking tap 4) The bike is broken d) she started giggling 5) The story was so funny that e) so you should fix it 6) She laughed a lot f) she couldn’t stop breaking out laughing Match the following words with their Ukrainian equivalents. 1) laugh 2) cry 3) stairs 4) giggle 5) a bell 6) sad 7) a giggle box 8) faucet 9) fix 10) ring cумнийa) ремонтуватиb) дзвінокc) кранd) плакатиe) сходиf) гоготатиg) дзвонитиh) сміятисьi) людина, яка постійно смієтьсяj) Ask pupils to read the text for gist and answer the questions: What is the story about?1) What are the main characters’ names?2) Reading Ask pupils to read the story again and do Ex. 2, p. 23.
  • 26. 26 Ask pupils to rearrange the sentences according to the text: Dana always cried too much when the story was sad.1) Dana hated stories.2) In fact, Dana liked stories very much.3) Dana asked her teacher to let her leave reading lessons.4) Dana always laughed too much when the story was funny.5) Do Ex. 3, p. 23. After you read Do Ex. 4, p. 23. 5. Summary Ask pupils to retell the story sentence by sentence one by one. 6. Homework Retell the story very shortly in the written form.
  • 27. 27 Клас Дата Lesson 12 Can we count “information”? Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання слів much, many, lots of, a lot of зі зчислюваними й незчислюваними іменниками; удосконалювати на- вички усного мовлення з опорою на лексико-граматичні структури, аудіювання й письма; розвивати мовну здогадку; виховувати зацікав- леність у розширенні своїх знань. Procedure 1. Warm-up Revise countable and uncountable nouns. Say nouns and ask pupils to write them down into two columns: ap- ple, air, information, newspaper, advice, furniture, chair, website, key, money, country, homework, music, family. Countable Uncountable apple air Check orally. Do Ex. 1, p. 24. 2. Grammar practice Explain the rule in the box on p. 24. Do Ex. 2, p. 24. 3. Listening Pupils listen to the texts and answer the questions. Kevin likes chocolate sweets. in fact, he eats them all the time. His parents often tell him that he eats too many sweets. But Kevin doesn’t think so. He thinks they are delicious. 1) What does Kevin like? 2) How do you know? 3) What do his parents often tell him? 4) Does Kevin think so? Sandy likes coffee. In fact, she drinks it all the time. Her doctor of- ten tells her that she drinks too much coffee. But Sandy doesn’t think so. She thinks it’s delicious. 1) What does Sandy like? 2) How do you know? 3) What does her doctor often tell her? 4) Does Sandy think so? Adam doesn’t like carrots. In fact, he never eats them. His parents often tell him that they are useful and he should eat them as many as he needs. But Adam doesn’t care. He thinks they taste terrible. 1) Does Adam like carrots? 2) How do you know? 3) What do his parents often tell him? 4) Does Adam care?
  • 28. 28 Beth doesn’t like cheese. In fact, she never eats it. Her mother often tells her that it is useful and she should eat it as much as she needs. But Beth doesn’t care. She thinks it tastes terrible. 1) Does Beth like cheese? 2) How do you know? 3) What does her mother often tell her? 4) Does Beth care? 4. Writing Do Ex. 3, p. 25. Key: 1) How many dollars have you got? 2) Is there much help of him? 3) How many photos have you got? 4) How much time do you need? 5) How many useful tips are there in the article? 6) Do they store much interesting information on the subject? 7) How many grammar reference books are there in that book shop? 8) How much money has he got? 9) How many dictionaries are there in the classroom? 5. Practise parts of speech Do Ex. 4, p. 25. Pupils read information in the box and give their own examples. Then they fill in the following table. Verbs Nouns Adjectives Adverbs Prepositions Articles 6. Reading Read the Helpful Tips with the class. Ask pupils to answer the True / False statements. 1) You should understand all the words. 2) At first you should understand the main idea. 3) You can understand new words only with the help of dictionary. 4) You should write down all the words in your vocabulary. 5) You should learn new words regularly. 7. Summary Read the following words and ask pupils to choose the odd part of speech out and say what part of speech it is. Example: magazine, write, column, book — The odd word is “write’. It is a verb. wonderful, interesting, helpful,1) wonder (noun) between,2) the (article), to, at search,3) advice (noun), advise, use shelf, library,4) useful (adjective), history really5) (adverb), clever, ancient, large shortly, quickly, much,6) new (adjective) button, screen,7) press (verb), mouse 8. Homework Make up 10 sentences with countable and uncountable nouns (con- nected with computers and information)
  • 29. 29 Клас Дата Lesson 13 Is it easy to study? Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання лексичних одиниць із теми й на- вички усного мовлення, аудіювання й письма; розвивати мовленнєву ре- акцію учнів і культуру спілкування; виховувати позитивне ставлення до навчання. Procedure 1. Warm-up Is English difficult for you, or is it easy?1) How long does it take you to do your English homework carefully?2) Have you got a computer? What do you use it for?3) Does it help you to learn the language?4) Why is it important to know English?5) 2. Listening Listen to the story just for fun and do the task. Tim was a young sailor. He lived in Scotland, but he was often away with his ship. One summer he came back from a long voyage and found new neigh- bours near his mother’s house. They had a pretty daughter, and Tim soon loved her very much. He said to her, “My next voyage will begin in a few days’ time, Jill. I love you, and I’ll marry you when I come back. I’ll think about you all the time, and I’ll write to you and send you a present from every port”. Tim’s first port was Freetown in Africa, and he sent Jill a parrot from there. It spoke five languages. When Tim’s ship reached New Zealand, there was a letter from Jill. It said, “Thank you for the parrot, Tim. It tasted much better than a chicken”. True or False 1) Tim was often away because he was a salesman. 2) Tim loved the girl who lived next to his mother’s house. 3) Tim promised to marry her before his voyage. 4) Tim promised to send her something from every port. 5) His first stop was in America. 6) Tim bought a parrot for Jill. 7) The parrot could speak different languages. 8) Not far from Australia Tim got a letter from Jill. 9) Jill was pleased with the tasty parrot. 3. Writing Do Ex. 1, p. 26. 4. Writing and speaking Sample dialogue — Let’s go out tonight. — OK. Where do you want to go? — Why don’t we go to the Internet club? — It isn’t open today. — OK. Let’s play volleyball. — Good idea. What time do you want to play? — At half past five. What about going to the café now? — OK. Let’s go.
  • 30. 30 5. Speaking Give your father a piece of advice how to learn English. Use the prompts: to repeat the material every two or three days, to listen much to memorize the pronunciation, to listen to English songs and watch films, read English books a lot. 6. Reading and speaking Do Ex. 4, p. 26. 7. Speaking Do Ex. 5, p. 27. 8. Summary Why is it necessary to study how to use computers? Is it easier to learn languages with the help of computer? Why? Write some ideas for and against using computers by children. For Against 9. Homework Make the project (p. 27).
  • 31. 31 Клас Дата Lesson 14 Home Reading. The Ant and the Grasshopper Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання, мовлення, уживання в мовленні граматичної структури Past Simple і модальних дієслів; формувати лек- сичні навички; розвивати логічне мислення. Procedure 1. Warm-up What is the story about?1) What are the main characters?2) Do you know a Ukrainian story which is similar to this one?3) 2. Speaking True or False Say which of these statements are true and which are false. 1) The ant played a musical instrument. 2) The grasshopper was lazy. 3) The grasshopper liked music very much. 4) The grasshopper was busy with carrying food. 5) The ant worked hard. 6) The grasshopper was cheerful even in autumn. 7) When winter came the ant was OK. 8) The ant was glad to see the grasshopper in his anthill. 3. Writing Put the sentences into the correct order. 1) When the winter arrived the grasshopper stopped playing his vio- lin. 2) The ant didn’t help the grasshopper. 3) She carried food to the anthill. 4) The ant didn’t like singing and dancing. 5) The ant was very different from the grasshopper. 6) The grasshopper came to the ant’s house. Key: 5, 3, 4, 1, 6, 2. 4. Reading Broken sentences Cut out and shuffle the parts of the sentences. Students in pairs have to sort out the cards to make up the sentences. The grasshopper didn’t work and… …played his violin all the time The ant worked hard from… …morning till night The grasshopper was cheerful and laughed… …at the ant The grasshopper sang and danced… …in autumn too The grasshopper came to the anthill… …because he was very angry The ant didn’t want to help the grass- hopper … …because he laughed at him in the summer
  • 32. 32 5. Speaking Answer the questions. What musical instrument did grasshopper play?1) Did he love summer?2) What did he do in summer?3) Did the ant live far from the grasshopper?4) Why do we say that the ant was different from the grasshopper?5) What did the ant do?6) Why did the grasshopper laugh at the ant?7) What advice did the ant give to the grasshopper?8) Did the grasshopper follow the advice?9) What happened when the winter came?10) Why did the grasshopper come to the anthill?11) What did he ask?12) Why didn’t the ant help him?13) What is the best moral of the story? Prove your opinion.14) 6. Summary Retell the story from the part of a) the ant; b) the grasshopper. 7. Homework Get ready with the next home reading (p. 157).
  • 33. 33 Клас Дата Unit 2. School Life Lesson 15 I love school. And you? Цілі: формувати навички вживання граматичної структури Present Perfect у писемному й усному мовленні; удосконалювати навички усного мов- лення й аудіювання, уживання лексичних одиниць; розвивати мовну здо- гадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розши- ренні своїх знань. Procedure 1. Warm-up Answer the questions. Do you want to know as much as possible about things around us?1) What helps you to get more information about the world?2) Puzzle Fill in the names of your school subjects and you will solve this puzzle. E N G L I S H Key: Geography, Ukrainian, German, Literature, Drawing, Maths, History. 2. Listening Ask pupils to listen to the children’s opinions about school and agree or disagree with them. (Write on the board the prompts to help pupils to express their opin- ions after each text: Yes! I think so!.. No! I can’t say… I don’t know! I’m not sure that…) What do these children feel about school? T i m. Our school is not the best, but I like it. I’m in the football team. It’s fun. Our hockey team is the best in the city. T r a c y. My dad always says, “Homework first”. I hate it. It’s so boring. The only thing at school that I like to do is to draw. H e l e n. Oh, school is the best thing in the world. I’m doing well a lot of subjects. I get only good marks. I see friends that I like very much. W i l l. I don’t like school very much. I have some problems with lan- guages. Besides, I’m always afraid that the teacher can call to my par- ents. 3. Presentation of Present Perfect Walk around the class, performing different actions and then com- menting on them using the present perfect, e.g. I’ve opened the door. I’ve closed my book. I’ve dropped my pen. I’ve sat down. Ask students to do different actions and answer the question: What have you done?
  • 34. 34 e.g. T. What have you done? S. I’ve written my name. Then get students to ask each other about a third student, e.g. S1. What has Anton done? S2. He has just opened his book. Explain the rule (page 28), write example sentences on the board and practice them chorally and individually. 4. Reading Read the dialogue (ex .1, p. 28) and find the present perfect forms. Read them aloud. Make your own examples with these forms using the following expressions: learn the new words, do the sum, draw the picture, read the text, learn the rule, learn the poem, search the information about, write the composition. Explain the new words to hurry and I hope so. Find them in the text and give your own examples. Make up your own dialogue. 5. Writing Use Present Perfect to make positive sentences. 1) They / buy / a new house 2) You / eat / four bananas! 3) We / finish / our work 4) He / lose/ his key. 5) She / have / a shower. Use the Present Perfect to make questions. 1) you / see / Jeremy? 2) he / read / this book? 3) they / visit / this museum? 4) she / make / pizza? 5) you / write / this article? 6. Speaking Do Ex. 2, p. 28. 7. Summary Name a subject and ask pupils to say that they have done something connected with it. For example: Maths — I’ve done the sum. Ukrainian — write the letter,1) Art — draw the poster,2) Literature — read the story,3) English — learn the new words,4) Geography — find this river on the map,5) History — fill in the chart,6) Computer Studies — make a presentation,7) German — make up the dialogue.8) 8. Homework Your friend has just come back from an incredible country. Ask him 6 questions about his experience using the following words: eat, drink, see, visit, speak, ride, fly. E.g. Have you eaten crocodile meat?
  • 35. 35 Клас Дата Lesson 16 Who has done the homework? Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення з опорою на лексико- граматичні структури, навички вживання граматичної структури Present Perfect; розвивати культуру спілкування; виховувати доброзичливе став- лення до співрозмовника. Procedure 1. Warm-up Work in pairs. Broken dialogues. Match the parts of the dialogues. 1) Let’s have some coffee. 2) Do you know anything about Pam? 3) Have you written the composition? 4) The information is on your table. 5) Why are you so sad? 6) Have you done the sum? a) No, I was very busy yesterday. b) I have forgotten to learn the new words c) Have you printed it? d) Oh no, thank you, I have had two cups of tea e) Yes, it was not difficult f) Yes, I’ve got an e-mail from her Key: 1 d, 2 f, 3 a, 4 c, 5 b, 6 e. 2. Speaking Let’s talk about unusual experience. Have you eaten crocodile meat?1) Have you spoken to a queen?2) Have you flown in a helicopter?3) Have you drunk coconut milk?4) Have you seen a falling star?5) Have you visited Nature Museum?6) Have you ridden a horse (camel)?7) 3. Practise Present Perfect Make up sentences as quickly as you can. T e a c h e r. He / choose / a book. P u p i l. He has chosen a book. They / win / the game.1) My / sister / pass / the exam.2) I / understand / the rule.3) We / make / our school newspaper.4) She / buy / a new reference book.5) The teacher / check / the exercise.6) I / connect / with my friends.7) He / send / his e-mail.8) She / complete / the form.9) They / meet / their friends.10) The librarian / help / me.11) My friend / give / me a good piece of advice.12) I / use / Helpful Tips in this lesson.13) I / join / this team.14) My friend / suggest / to do the homework together.15)
  • 36. 36 4. Reading and speaking Read the dialogue in Ex. 3 and answer the questions in Ex. 4, p. 29. Explain new expressions to be afraid of and Lazy bone! Work in pairs. Practise short dialogues: — Have you learnt the Ukrainian poem for today? — I’m afraid I haven’t. I was in no mood to learn anything. — Lazy bone! Work in groups of three. Ask pupils to make up their own dialogues. Give each group a set of the handout and demonstrate first to show the class what they have to do. Pupil 1 Pupil 2 Pupil 3 You haven’t done your English. You had a toothache You have forgotten to do your Maths. You were busy with your computer game You haven’t done your History. Ask to help you with it Pupil 1 Pupil 2 Pupil 3 You haven’t done your Nature Studies. You were away at the week- end You have forgotten to search the necessary in- formation on the compu- ter. You were busy with your bike You haven’t learnt the new words. Ask to help you with it Pupil 1 Pupil 2 Pupil 3 You haven’t written the Ukrainian composition. You had an earache You have forgotten to learn the new rule. You were busy with shopping You haven’t done your German. Ask to help you with it Read helpful tips and answer the question: • Why should you make grammar rules by yourself? 6. Summary Read the text and circle the verbs that are in the present perfect. My friend is travelling by ship. He has a nice cabin. He’s visited some countries in Europe but he hasn’t been to Turkey. He has to talk to lots of people but he hasn’t met a pop star. He has ridden a camel in Egypt. He hasn’t swum in the sea because he’s left his swimming cos- tume at home. But he has a good time. 7. Homework Write a short note to your mother about what you have done at home before going out.
  • 37. 37 Клас Дата Lesson 17 Have you done your English? Цілі: вдосконалювати вживання граматичної структури Present Perfect зі словами already, yet, ever; удосконалювати навички письма; розвивати увагу дітей та кмітливість. Procedure 1. Warm-up Let’s revise irregular verbs. Cut out the cards and give a card to each student. Each card consists of 6 irregular verbs. As each verb is called out the students cross them out on their cards. At the end of the game the winning student reads out three forms of the verbs on his/her card. You may call the words out of the teacher’s board (English or L1) or cut it into 20 squares, mix them up and draw them out one by one. Teacher’s board Go Sing Eat Take Make Do Write Learn Wear Become Give Run Bring Begin Fly Drink Sleep Buy Catch Forget Leave Hit Swim Break Card 1 go sing take do eat make Card 2 write wear learn take give become Card 3 bring begin fly go drink run Card 4 do run sleep write buy sing Card 5 catch write forget sing leave sleep Card 6 hit leave forget drink eat swim Card 7 break go bring sleep catch swim Card 8 begin hit break learn forget make
  • 38. 38 Card 9 bring buy go drink wear run Card 10 break take become eat fly run 2. Speaking Explain using the words just, already. Help pupils with the irregu- lar verbs they need for their dialogues. Work in pairs. Make up short dialogues, use the sentences from your homework. Example: M o t h e r. Anton, sweep the floor, please. Y o u. I have already (just) swept it. 3. Writing Do Ex. 1, p. 30. Then practise the pronunciation of the verbs cho- rally and individually. 4. Practise Practise the negative form of Present Perfect using yet and before. Do Ex. 2, 3, p. 30. 5. Listening and speaking Explain how to make up questions in the Present Perfect using ever. Write down the prompts on the board and then pupils in chain ask and answer about their experience. Example: S1. Have you ever been to Kyiv? S2. Yes, I have. Have you ever played with a bear? S3. No, I haven’t. Have you ever…? Prompts: read / a comic have / an operation1) see / a shark2) eat / an English pudding3) see / a rainbow4) make / an omelette5) break / your arm6) hear / about unusual things7) visit / a dentist8) swim / in the ocean9) 6. Writing Do Ex. 4, p. 31. 7. Summary Using the previous prompts say how many times you have done these things in your life. You may add your own examples. I’ve never been to Kyiv. or I’ve been to Kyiv two times. 8. Homework Your friend asks you if you are ready with your homework for to- morrow. Write a few sentences what you have already done and what you haven’t done yet.
  • 39. 39 Клас Дата Lesson 18 Extra-school activities Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання, уживання нової лексики в грама- тичній структурі Present Perfect; розвивати пам’ять, творчий характер; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника. Procedure 1. Warm-up Let’s revise irregular verbs. Cut out the cards and give a card to each student. Each card consists of 6 irregular verbs. As each verb is called out the students cross them out on their cards. At the end of the game the winning student reads out three forms of the verbs on his/her card. You may call the words out of the teacher’s board (English or L1) or cut it into 20 squares, mix them up and draw them out one by one. Teacher’s board Build Cost Hurt Choose Cut Feel Fall Drive Feed Find Get Have Hide Keep Know Meet Pay Lose Win Ride Read See Put Think 2. Speaking Work in pairs. Make up short dialogues. Use the sentences from your homework. Example: — Have you done your History for today? — Yes, I have. And what about you? Have you written down the new words into the vocabulary? 3. Reading Read the text (p.32) and say what it is about. Find the Present Perfect form verbs and write them down into your exercise-books. Then read the sentences with them. Find the new words from New Vocabulary Box in the text, translate them and use them in the other sentences. Our team __ very well yesterday.1) I sing in our school __ twice a week.2) Our school __ helps us with any problems.3) We have got different __ __ every day.4) My friend plays the violin in our school __ which often __ concerts.5) Are you hungry? I have already __ .6) My sister always buys __ magazines.7) I’ve just visited __ of black and white photographs.8) Key: performed, choir, principal, extra-school activities, orchestra, holds, served food, fashion, an exhibition. Do Ex. 2, p. 33. 4. Listening and speaking Work in pairs. Make up short dialogues using prompts in Ex. 3, p. 33.
  • 40. 40 5. Summary What extra-school activities did you have during the last school year? 6. Homework Do Ex. 4, p. 33. Card 1 build win get read hide choose Card 2 keep meet hurt feel see think Card 3 fall see have think drive feed Card 4 cost keep build get read think Card 5 ride choose keep know build pay Card 6 find meet feel win cost ride Card 7 have know find fall hide put Card 8 lose hurt get have cost drive Card 9 feed cut put drive lose fall Card 10 choose hide cut feel know pay
  • 41. 41 Клас Дата Lesson 19 School life Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удоскона- лювати навички вживання the Present Perfect; розвивати мовну здогадку; виховувати загальну культуру учнів. Procedure 1. Warm-up Tell about your experience. What extra-school activities have you ever had? (Homework) 2. Listening and speaking Tom’s school has got a lot of extra-school activities. Look at the timetable and listen to the text and say which activities Tom has, in your opinion. Timetable Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday table tennis, cricket, swimming pool Spanish club, choir, Cooking club orchestra, basketball, school theatre film club, design, swimming pool football, orient dancing, fashion shows disco, choir, school theatre T o m. I like a lot of things. Most of all I enjoy sports but only team games. I am fond of singing and listening to music. I can’t play any musical instrument but I would like to learn. Our school often holds different performances and I like to take part in them. I like dancing too but only break dancing. I also love drawing and learning languages. Example: I think that on Friday Tom plays football (because he likes team games), but he doesn’t have orient dancing (because he likes break dancing). 3. Reading Before reading Answer the questions. How many lessons have you got every day?1) Have you got lessons on Saturday?2) What are your favourite subjects?3) What subjects don’t you like? Why?4) What extra-school activities have you chosen this year? Why did5) you decide to do it? Example: I decided to go to the swimming-pool because I like swimming. I decided to __ because __ . Reading Read the text (p. 34).
  • 42. 42 Match activities and places. Activity Place football lunch performance basketball choir Science English lesson orchestra swimming tennis an assembly hall a science lab a classroom a canteen a football field a gym a swimming-pool a court Example: We play basketball in the gym. I have lunch in the school canteen. Do Ex. 2, p. 35. 4. Speaking Practise the new vocabulary. Write down the words from the box into two columns and then say what you are allowed and not allowed to do. shout in the canteen run in the lab come back home late miss lessons come to school without school uniform draw at the English lessons watch TV when we want run during the breaks use a computer more than 2 hours play football in the gym go to the swimming-pool We are allowed to… We are not allowed to… Example: We are allowed to run during the breaks but we are not allowed to run in the lab. 5. Writing Do Ex. 3, p. 35. 6. Summary Complete the following phrases: I like to go to school because __ (like Maths, meet with my friends,1) have a lot of extra-school activities, know many interesting things) I don’t like go to school because __ (have to wear a school uniform,2) get up early, don’t like Maths) 7. Homework Do Ex. 4, p. 35.
  • 43. 43 Клас Дата Lesson 20 Our favourite subjects Цілі: вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання, письма й говоріння; розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів; учити співпрацювати в групі. Procedure 1. Warm-up Answer the questions of the homework (Ex. 4, p. 35). Practise the vocabulary Write the model on the board and then ask pupils to substitute the necessary words instead of underlined ones. Model: At the English lessons we role-play different situations. Maths do the sums Literature learn poems by heart Nature Studies study the planets in the Solar System Music sing folk songs History read about Ukrainian hetmans P.T. play football Geography show different countries on the map Art draw funny animals Ukrainian language write compositions Computer Studies learn to use a computer Science mix up chemicals together English study British culture competitions support our team Example T. Maths, do the sums. P. At the Maths lessons we do the sums. 3. Listening and speaking Answer the questions in Ex. 1 (a), p. 36. Listen to the text. Dear Paul, How are you? Thank you for your letter. Last time I promised you to tell about my school. So, this year I’m in the sixth form. We have got some new subjects, for example Geography which I like very much, so we’ve got more les- sons every day. As I wrote last time we have lunch from 12 o’clock to 12.20. Some pupils eat in the canteen but I like bringing my own lunch because my mother makes great sandwiches. Now we’ve got 5 or 6 lessons every day so we’ve got a lot of home- work and it takes us several hours to do it. Sometimes we have to sit up to write a composition, to prepare a report or to learn a poem by heart. As I like Ukrainian Literature I read a lot too. I’m interested in foreign countries, their culture and peoples so the subject I like most is English. We have very interesting English lessons because our teacher trains us in different ways. We learn new words, dramatize texts and dialogues, discuss interesting things, do role-plays, listen to tapes and speak a lot. Our teacher usually supports us when we work in pairs and make up our own conversations. Are things very different at your school? Best wishes, Fred.
  • 44. 44 Answer the questions. 1) How many favourite subjects has Paul got? What are they? 2) Why doesn’t he have lunch in the canteen? 3) Why has he got much homework? 4) What is Fred interested in? Why? 5) What do they usually do at the English lessons? 6) Who helps them to make their own conversation? 4. Practise the vocabulary Do Ex. 2, p. 36 . 5. Speaking and writing Group work Work in groups of six. Do Ex. 3, p. 37. Write a short report about your classmates’ favourite subjects. Example: Five pupils in our group like Maths. All pupils like His- tory. Only two pupils like Geography. 6. Reading and speaking Do Ex. 4 (a), p. 37. 7. Writing Do Ex. 4 (b), p. 37. 8. Summary Answer the question. • What do you usually do at __ lesson? — We __ . Make a chain: T P1 P2 P3… 9. Homework Write a short paragraph about your school and about your favourite subjects.
  • 45. 45 Клас Дата Lesson 21 It’s time for reading Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення; виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови; розвивати мовну здогадку. Procedure 1. Warm-up Tell us about your favourite subjects. What activities do you usually have at different lessons? 2. Reading Before you read Answer the questions. 1) What foreign languages do you study at school? Is it easy (difficult) for you to study them? 2) What activities do you like most — listening, reading, speaking or may be writing? Let’s revise the alphabet and then we’ll revise spelling. • Who remembers how we should pronounce words? (Each letter is pronounced like in the alphabet) Work in pairs. Pupils write different words and ask each other: — Spell the word friend. Practise the vocabulary Explain the words imagine, claw, keyhole, kerchief, own, kettle and then ask them to draw lines from the words on the left to the correct words on the write. Then write these sentences. 1) This key doesn’t fit to 2) Not only cats and dogs have got 3) I felt so bad that I forgot 4) You may boil some water 5) Around her neck she 6) Close your eyes and a) my own name b) in the kettle c) had a nice kerchief d) this keyhole e) imagine a tropical island f) claws Reading Ask pupils to read the text for gist and answer the questions: What is the story about?1) What are the main characters’ names?2) Ask pupils to read the story again and find the opposites to the fol- lowing words (in the text or remember themselves). The best, right, hate, good, shut, easy, beginning, difficult, the worst, remember. 1) the best the worst 2) right wrong 3) hate like 4) good bad 5) shut open 6) easy difficult 7) beginning end 8) difficult easy 9) the worst the best 10) remember forget
  • 46. 46 Find the sentences in the text with some of these examples. Complete the sentences. I learn by heart with the help of __ . (1) My own system) Work hard and you will be __ . (2) The best) Before writing the word I should __ . (3) Imagine it) I don’t remember how to write “conversation”. Can you help me with4) __ ? (Spelling) We don’t read letter5) k before letter n __ . (At the beginning of the words) After you read Answer the questions Ex. 2, p.39. Try to retell the story very shortly. Use the words in the box. the worst spelling advised system difficult best imagine Jimmy was __ pupil in his form. It was very __ for him to remember the __ of the words. And once he asked Lilly, the __ pupil of the class, to help him. Lilly __ him to __ the words on the same rule. Jimmy liked this __ very much. 3. Summary Do Ex. 3, p. 39. 4. Homework Retell the story from the first person. Start like this: It was difficult for me to remember the spelling of some words. And I asked my friend to help me…
  • 47. 47 Клас Дата Lesson 22 Let’s brush up our grammar Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання граматичних структур Present Perfect у мовленні, удосконалювати навички усного мовлення й письма; учити співпрацювати в групі; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника. Procedure 1. Warm-up Imagine that something has happened right now. Say about it using the word just and the following words: fall, break, win, see, find, do, write, hear, meet, be. Example: I have just seen a monster. 2. Speaking Tell about your rules how to remember the spelling of the words. 3. Practise the Present Perfect Tense. Revise the irregular verbs. You may use the games from lessons 3, 4. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into Present Perfect. Her mother just (to make) a new skirt.1) I just (to open) a box of chocolates.2) They just (to talk) about it.3) Henry just (to tell) me an interesting story.4) We just (to write) an exercise.5) Susan already (to read) the newspaper.6) His grandmother already (to make) a tasty cake.7) My friends already (to learn) a lot of English words.8) My little sister just (to have) lunch.9) Charles never (to be) to Odessa.10) Our teacher (not to see) her today yet.11) My friends (to play) basketball this morning yet.12) John (not to clean) the carpet yet.13) Make up questions. Have you ever be see play read write do find win break support your basketball team? to the local library? cups or glasses? a purse in the street? a ghost? the gold medal? chess with the champion of your school? something interesting about Hollywood? your homework with pleasure? a very long composition? the school competition? Do Ex. 2, p. 40. Work in groups. Ask pupils to imagine that they are preparing for somebody’s birth- day party. Hand them out lists of preparations which they should do and ask them to make up short dialogues. Decorate the room1) Send the invitations — v2)
  • 48. 48 Cut the sandwiches3) Choose the music4) Lay the table5) Draw the funny posters — v6) Make the cake — v7) Buy the prizes — v8) Wrap the presents — v9) Find the candles for the cake10) Clean the room — v11) Example — Have we sent the invitations yet? — Yes, we have. We’ve already done it. — And what about the room? Have we decorated the room yet? — No, not yet. Then each group should say what they have already done and what they haven’t done yet. We’ve already sent the invitations, __ , but we haven’t decorated the room, __ , yet. You may tick different activities in the handouts for each group. Do Ex. 3, p. 40. Do Ex. 4, p. 40 and then say about some things which you have never done yet. 4. Writing Read the letter in Ex. 5, p. 41 and fill in the necessary verbs in the correct form. Now write the verbs from the box on the board, ask pupils to close their books and write the similar postcard about their holidays. 5. Summary Let’s practise Present Perfect again. Name Kyiv Moscow Yalta Lviv Masha v x Go over the question and the answer. — Have you ever been to Kyiv?— Yes, I have with the class. Pupils go around the class asking questions then they sum up: Masha has been to Kyiv, but she hasn’t been toYalta. 6. Homework Do Ex. 6, p. 41.
  • 49. 49 Клас Дата Lesson 23 Is your school life interesting? Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення й аудіювання, система- тизувати лексичний матеріал з теми, розвивати мовленнєву реакцію уч- нів; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника. Procedure 1. Warm-up In groups, use this chart to ask your partners about their likes and dislikes. Then tell about it. — Do you like learning? — Do you like reading? — Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Counting Reading thick books Learning new words Writing compositions Doing sums Singing English songs Masha v Sasha x Ira Marina — Masha likes counting. Sasha doesn’t like reading thick books. 2. Writing and speaking Do Ex. 1, 2, p. 42. 3. Speaking You are a Ukrainian pupil. Using prompts from Ex. 3, p.42 inter- view your foreign friends. What questions would you ask to your Bri­ tish friends about their school life? Find out: • which city your friends have come from; • how their schools are called; • if they have favourite subjects; • how many lessons they have every day; • what extra-school activities they take part in; • how many times a week they go to school; • if they have to wear a school uniform; • how many pupils there are in their classes; • if they have got strict school rules; • if they like all the teachers in their schools. 4. Listening There are two situations in which a grown-up and a pupil are ex- changing their opinions about schools. Which of these opinions belong to a grown-up and which belong to a pupil? How did you guess? Do you agree with these opinions? M a t t.I don’t like school very much. I have some problems with Maths and Geography. I’m always nervous when we have a test. Besides I hate doing homework. I think that everything is boring at school. School is a waste of time. I think I can get all information from books, TV and the Internet. M a r y.I lived in the country and I went to the small school in our village. We were all together — boys and girls of all ages. It was like one
  • 50. 50 big happy family. My school days were very happy. The teaching was very good and there were a lot of extra-school activities. I sang in the school choir. And what about you? Are you happy at school? Or is your school life boring? Tell about it. 5. Speaking Role-play Read the task in Ex. 4, p.42 and make up a dialogue with your part- ner. A B Greet your partner and ask what has happened? Greet your partner and say that you are ill and have a cold Say that you are sorry and some new things have happened at school Ask what is going on at school Say that now you have got a new English teacher Ask what your new teacher’s name is Say the teacher’s name Ask if he /she is young Answer that the teacher is young and strict Ask if the teacher gives a lot of homework? Answer yes, but say that he/she will be with your class only to the end of the term Say that it sounds good and thank your partner for the conversation 6. Summary Answer the questions. Do you like your school?1) Can you tell five things you like about your school?2) Have you got any problems with any school subjects?3) Do you feel nervous when you have tests?4) Do you like doing homework?5) Which extra-school activities do you take part in?6) Have you made friends with pupils from other classes?7) 7. Homework Do Ex. 5, p. 42; project p. 4.
  • 51. 51 Клас Дата Lesson 24 Home Reading Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання, усного мовлення, уживання в мов­ленні граматичних структур і лексичних одиниць із теми, розвивати вміння послідовно висловлюватися іноземною мовою; розвивати мовну здогадку. Procedure 1. Warm-up Work in pairs. Continue the following conversations. 1) — As for me, I like Literature. — Can you explain why you like Literature? — I like __ because __ . — I agree, I think __ is useful because __ . You may use the following words and phrases: to discuss; to learn by heart; to read creative works written by; foreign writers, poets; to give complete answers; to interested in literature studying; creative tasks; to develop thinking. 2) — Are you going to take part in any extra-school activity? — I hope so. I think I’ll join __ . — Why __ ? — __ . You may use the following words and phrases: sport activity; to go in for sports; singing in the choir; to play in the orchestra; to be inter- ested in; interesting; chess; wood carving; swimming; to be good for health; dancing; school theatre; perform. 2. Reading Paul’s French Lesson (p. 157). Before you read Answer the questions. Do you like studying foreign languages?1) What other foreign languages do you study at school?2) Have you got any difficulties in studying foreign languages?3) Are you sure that studying foreign languages is very important4) nowadays? Why? Look at these words and phrases. What do you think the text is go- ing to be about? to come back from holiday French teach new language learn Reading Read the text and see if you were right. While you read The words you need. Find these words in the text while you are reading. • to feel ashamed — соромитись • to waste — витрачати даремно • to be able to — бути в змозі щось робити • during the holidays — протягом канікул • hero — герой
  • 52. 52 • to make use of — використовувати • even — навіть • hopefully — з надією • so far — до цього часу Which of these sentences are true? 1) Paul came back from school. 2) Paul came back from his holiday. 3) Dennis studied French during his holiday. 4) Dennis played ball during his holiday. 5) A teacher taught Paul French. 6) Paul learnt French twice a week. 7) Paul worked hard at his French. 8) Paul can make use of his new language. 9) Now Paul is able to write and read French. 10) Now Paul isn’t able to write and read French. Say and write who said the following. 1) “I’ve learnt to speak French!” 2) “That’s what I like to hear!” 3) “He taught me every day”. 4) “That’s all I know so far”. 5) “Why don’t you make use of your French?” 6) “Will you teach me to count?” 7) “I lost about a pound in weight”. After you read Answer the questions. 1) Who came to see Dennis’s family? 2) Where did he come from? 3) What language has he learnt? 4) Why did Dennis feel ashamed? 5) What was Dennis’s parents’ opinion about his holiday? 6) Why did Dennis think that Paul was like a hero? 7) Who taught Paul French? 8) Why did Paul lose in weight? 9) Can Paul say anything in French? 10) Can he count in French? 11) What the only word has Paul learnt in French? 12) Why did Dennis’s parents start laughing? Write this story. Put one of these words in each gap. he holiday×2 was new make parents summer ashamed word French Paul came back from his __ . He was very glad because __ could speak French. A student spent __ with him and taught him a __ lan- guage. Dennis’s parents said it __ good news so Dennis felt __ because he had wasted his __ playing the ball. Dennis’s mother proposed to __ use of Paul’s French then and there. But Paul couldn’t say a __ . Every- thing he knew was the name “Jack” in __ . And he couldn’t understand why Dennis’s __ started laughing. And what do you think about it? Isn’t it funny? 3. Summary Retell the story from the first person. Start like this: Once I came back from my holiday. There __ . 4. Homework Get ready with the next home reading (p. 158)
  • 53. 53 Клас Дата Unit 3. Bigger! Stronger! Faster! Lesson 25 I love sports. And you? Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць і вживання слів somebody, anything; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення й чи- тання; розвивати мовну здогадку; виховувати позитивне ставлення до спорту і здорового способу життя. Procedure 1. Warm-up Answer the questions. Is your school big or small?1) What floor is the library in your school on?2) How many pupils are there in your school?3) How many school holidays do you have during your school year?4) What is your favourite subject?5) What do you do at your English lessons?6) Is English an easy language for you?7) 2. Speaking Answer the questions. Can you __ well?1) What team are you a fan of?2) Is there a gym or a sports ground in your school?3) Do you do morning exercises every day?4) Do you take care of your health? How?5) 3. Listening Ask pupils to listen about the children’s hobbies and fill in the chart. Alex usually gets up at 7. He goes to school at 7.45. He goes to school every day by bus. He doesn’t go to school on Saturdays and Sundays. In the evening he plays the piano or plays with his computer. His hobby is computer games. Alex has a pet cat. It’s grey and white. Dave goes shopping every day. He buys fruit and vegetables. He likes apples and tomatoes. He has a pet dog. It’s black. After school Dave likes to watch videos. He goes to bed at 11. His favourite sport is tennis. His hobby is music. Larry likes to go to cafes. On Sundays he usually goes to the cinema. He likes music, so he often buys cassettes. He has a cat. It’s black and white. He can play chess on his computer. His hobby is photography. Robert goes out at six o’clock every morning and plays basketball. He plays basketball every day and tennis every Saturday. Sport is his hobby. He usually has sausages and eggs, some toast and a glass of juice for breakfast. Robert has a pet dog. It’s black and grey. Robert always goes to bed at 10 o’clock. Sam goes to school on foot. For breakfast he usually eats bananas. He likes to go to the discos. His hobby is cooking. In the evening he likes to watch videos. He has got a hamster. Bob goes to school by underground. On Sundays he usually plays tennis with his father. His hobby is painting. He likes to paint animals
  • 54. 54 very much. He has got a pet parrot. It’s colourful and can speak a little. Bob usually buys apples for it on his way back home. Fill in the chart and tell about the children who like sports. Hobby Alex Dave Larry Robert Sam Bob Photography Cooking Sport Painting Computer games Music 4. Speaking Practise the new vocabulary. Using pictures make up as many sentences as you can. Nan Dick You David and his friend Her brother Our uncle She All my friends I My sister like likes races athletics climbing fencing gymnastics horse riding karate sailing skateboarding sport events 5. Reading Read the dialogue Ex. 1, p. 44 and answer the questions in Ex. 2, p. 44. Make up your own dialogue (Ex. 3, p. 44). 6. Grammar practice Explain the rule (p. 44), write example sentences on the board and practise them chorally and individually. Note that we use a singular verb after all these words. Nothing is right. Everyone was friendly. Somebody is in the room. Nobody likes coffee Is everybody here? Does anybody like tea? Look, is there anything on the table? Listen, is there anyone out- side? She doesn’t know anybody. I don’t like everything here. I can’t see anything here. There wasn’t anyone yes- terday Fill in the gaps. 1) She didn’t say __ about her problems. 2) Is there __ in the box? 3) Is there __ in the hall? — No, everybody is in bed. 4) __ is talking downstairs. 5) I was very hungry, but I found __ to eat in the fridge. 7. Summary Work in pairs. Ask your classmates about their favourite kinds of sports. What is your favourite kind of sport? Can you __ well? 8. Homework Write down some sentences about your favourite sport.
  • 55. 55 Клас Дата Lesson 26 Sports and games Цілі: вдосконалювати навички аудіювання й усного мовлення, активізу- вати діалогічне висловлювання з метою контролю засвоєння поданого лексичного матеріалу; удосконалювати навички вживання нових лексич- них одиниць; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника; розвивати мовну здогадку. Procedure 1. Warm-up Answer the questions. What sports are you fond of?1) What winter / summer sports do you know?2) What do you prefer: to go in for sports or to watch sports events on3) TV or the stadium? Name 5 or 6 widespread sports in Ukraine. (4) Football, basketball, hockey, skiing, athletics and so on) What are the most popular sports in Britain? (5) Football, tennis, golf, cricket.) 2. Speaking Show the pictures of cricket, football, golf and tennis to pupils and ask them to name these kinds of sport. Then ask them to change the un- derlined words in the sentences on the board to make them true. 1) Cricket is a winter game and it is played in school, colleges and uni- versities. 2) Golf was first played in England in 1877. 3) The two best football teams play in the Cup Final at Wimbledon, near London. 4) People played football in England as early as 1550. 5) Golf national teams compete with each other every year. 6) International cricket matches last for 5 weeks. 7) Skiing, skating and sailing have always been popular in Britain. 8) Golf began to develop in Wales. Key: 1 — summer, 2 — tennis, 3 — Wembley Stadium in London, 4 —cricket, 5 — football, 6 — days, 7 — swimming, boating, 8— Scot- land. Say some words about each of these kinds of sports and then answer the question: Why aren’t the British very interested in skiing and skating. 3. Writing Practise the vocabulary. What is the difference between sports and games? Write down the following words into the correct columns: running, football, rugby, long jump, volleyball, gymnastics, high jump, basketball, swimming, karate, hockey, tennis, cycling, fencing, horse riding, athletics, soccer, baseball, boxing, badminton. Sports Games long jump football 4. Reading and speaking Read the dialogue in Ex. 4 and act it out. What is the difference bet­ ween field events and track events?
  • 56. 56 Work in pairs. Do Ex. 5, p. 45. 5. Listening Listen to the text and fill in the chart. But at first compare: British English American English football soccer American football football Baseball is an American game between two teams and is played on a field with a bat and a small white ball. Each team consists of nine play- ers. The teams take turns playing in the field and batting the ball. A base- ball game has nine “innings”. That means that every team plays in the field nine times and is “at bat” nine times. The object of the game is to score more “runs” than the other team. Only the team at bat can score runs. The team with the most runs at the end of nine innings wins. Basketball is played on a court with a large orange ball. There are five players on each team. Each team moves the ball across the court by bouncing or “dribbling” it. The object of the game is to shoot the ball into the basket to score a point. The team with the most points wins. Football is a field game between two teams, played with an oval- shaped ball. Each team consists of eleven players, who carry, throw, or kick the ball. The quarterback starts by throwing, or passing, the ball to one of the players, called a receiver. The receiver tries to run with it to- wards the goal. The players of the other team try to prevent him from reaching the goal line. The team with the most points wins. Soccer is a field game between two teams, played with a white round ball. The goalkeeper is the only one who can touch the ball with his or her hands. The other players are only allowed to kick the ball or bump it with their heads. The object of the game is to kick the ball past the goal- keeper into the goal. The team with the most points or goals wins. Game Place Necessary things Number of players in each team The object of the game Key: Game Place Necessary things Number of players in each team The object of the game Baseball field a bat, a small white ball 9 to score more “runs” Basket- ball court a large orange ball 5 to shoot the ball into the basket Football field an oval-shaped ball 11 to throw the ball into the goal Soccer field a white round ball 11 to kick the ball into the goal 6. Summary Answer the questions. What sports and games are popular with your classmates?1) What do you prefer: games or individual sports?2) What is the difference between football and American football?3) 7. Homework Do Ex. 6, p. 45, copy the new words into the vocabularies.
  • 57. 57 Клас Дата Lesson 27 Play, Go or Do? Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення з опорою на лексико-граматичні структури; розвивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань. Procedure 1. Warm-up Match the sport with the location. 1) golf 2) boxing 3) tennis 4) swimming 5) football 6) athletics 7) ice-skating a) rink b) pool c) stadium d) pitch e) court f) ring g) course Key: 1 g, 2 f, 3 e, 4 b, 5 d, 6 c, 7 a. 2. Reading and speaking Read the text (on the board or the cards) and fill in the words given below. Subject daily swimming summer healthy sports ground competitions Ukrainian people have always paid much attention to sport. Sport keeps people fit and (1) and makes them better disciplined in their (2) life. Many kinds of sports, both winter and (3), are popular in Ukraine. Millions of people go in for sports and take part in (4). Physical training is a (5) at school and universities. You can hardly find a school or a col- lege without (6). At sports clubs people go in for aerobics, body-build- ing, (7), skating and so on. Key: 1) healthy 2) daily 3) summer 4) competitions 5) subject 6) sports ground 7) swimming. 3. Writing Do Ex. 1, p. 46. 4. Listening and speaking Explain the rule how to use go, play and do, then practise them in speech. Name the kinds of sports and ask pupils to make up word combi- nations, e.g. volleyball — play volleyball, jumping — go jumping. Running, football, rugby, long jump, volleyball, gymnastics, high jump, basketball, swimming, karate, hockey, tennis, cycling, fencing, horse riding, athletics, soccer, baseball, boxing, badminton. Do Ex. 2, p. 46. 5. Reading Read the text and answer the questions. Is Sport So Important for Us? — I am Alison and I am not very fond of sports. I’m a bit plump and it is difficult for me to run and jump. I don’t like to compete, but I like
  • 58. 58 to watch sports on TV. Best of all I like watching figure skating. I some- times go skating myself. — I am Peter. Sport plays a great role in my life. I love every kind of sports — football, hockey, volleyball and basketball. I also play chess and I love to play football. I go to our local football club every spare minute and my dream is to become a football player. I also watch foot- ball on TV a lot. — I am Ann. I am not crazy about sports, but I think it is very im- portant to keep in good form and stay healthy. I want to become a model, so I take great care about my body. I go jogging every day, and I attend fitness room three times a week. When I have the time, I also attend classes of aerobics, but they are quite expensive, so I can’t go as often as I want. — My name is Alex. I don’t understand people who think only about sports and physical perfection of their body or watch others doing the same on TV. Such people miss out a lot in their lives. It is much more fun to train brains. In the modern world people do not need muscles, diffi- cult things can be done by machines. I’m happy sitting on my sofa with a book or in front of the computer. Write down only a name. 1) Who is fond of training brains? 2) Who likes training football? 3) Who likes figure skating? 4) Who keeps fit for health and good figure? 5) Who hates competing? 6) Who is fond of many kinds of sports? Answer the questions. 1) What is Ann’s ambition? 2) Why doesn’t Alison like sports? 3) How does Alex spend his spare time? 4) Why doesn’t Ann often attend classes of aerobics? 5) What does Alex think important for people nowadays? 6) Where does Peter play football? 6. Grammar practice Do Ex. 3, p. 46. 7. Writing Explain how to use nothing and nobody and do Ex. 5, p. 47. 8. Speaking Do Ex. 6, p. 47. 9. Summary Answer the question: Is sport important for us? Why? 10. Homework Learn the dialogues in Ex. 6, p. 47.