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十年か百年もがんばれ!おつかれさまでした! おめでとうとありとうございます!私たち(ファン)にずっと笑顔になりますから、嵐も笑顔になりたいよ! 《下の絵は十年の楽しいときの衣装です。ちょっとおかしいけど、すみません。(^_^‘)》 「嵐を巻き起こす世界中に」と言ったけど、アメリカに行けるまでに待っているよ。私も日本語を習っているでもファンクラブに入れないよ! (T_T)(≧_≦) 相葉雅紀 二宮和也 櫻井翔 松本潤 大野智 私 BECKY SU HOUSTON  TEXAS、USA 書いた日 (^_^‘) NOTE:体が「ARASHI」を読んでいますよ。
Happy 10th Anniversary嵐 To 相葉雅紀 松本潤 二宮和也 大野智 櫻井翔 I can't express in English, let alone Japanese how amazing you 5 are. In whatever you do, Performing music live, acting in doramas/movies, variety shows you are Amazing (凄い)! . ありがとうfor creating music that always makes me happy (嬉しい) For causing a storm throughout the world, ありがとう 翔くん、、ありがとうfor coming to New York and giving us the chance to see ヤッタマン。凄いですよ!I never thought something like that would happen, and that I would attend. Again ありがとう! 嵐が大好き! 嵐、thank you for 10 years of happiness. You are truly wonderful. I love you all from the bottom of my heart! I hope you can create a storm throughout the WHOLE world. Not just in Japan, but everywhere! -Kyla Rhome Pennsylvania, USA
嵐のみんなさんへ、 私はジュリアンです。アメリカ人です。そして、私は嵐の大ファンです! きょ年は嵐の10年の記念日!おめでとうございます! 嵐はすごい。世界じゅうの、多くの人が嵐の音楽を聞いています、番組を見ています、とドラマを見ています! ほんとうに、嵐はすごくモテです。 ありごと。今日、私の笑顔は嵐ので。だから、ほうんとにあいがとうございます。 これからもう、頑張ってください! 私はいつも嵐をおえんしています! ジュリアンより Juliane; Maryland
Dear 嵐, My name is Nicole Chen,15 years old and living in California。I found out about you guys when my uncle took me to Japan in August 2008 and I saw your Truth PV on CDTV/MusicStation。I was amazed by your dancing and got hooked, plus the different and unique personalities that make 嵐,嵐。 =w= I guess you can say that 嵐 has changed my life。I hope that someday, you guys will be able to hold concerts in America,likeLA。I will look forward to that day :D 嵐,please continue to work hard and do your best! I will always root for you guys ^0^ Congratulations on your 10th anniversary! :DDD << Aiba-chan, I drew this for your birthday last year~ (: It doesn’t really look like you huh? Sorry ><;;
^__^Arashi<3 嵐のみなさんへ! Idolとしてすっごく頑張ってます! 私の人生を変えたの、嵐のみなさんです! これからも頑張ってください。 おうえんしています! california                                                                                                                高橋理紗
ありがとう  嵐 Happy 10th year! Thank you for making music that makes me smile everyday. I hope that one day I can go to an Arashi concert (in Japan or elsewhere!). I can’t wait for that day!  <3 クリステイ オー (20)、 Virginia, USA
嵐大好きです! 10周年おめでとうございます! いつかアメリカで嵐のコンサートにいきたいです。 ^.^  Bringing people together!  From all over! Stephanie Mackres aka Steff and Go Michigan, U.S.A
OMEDETOU GOZAIMASU, Arashi-san! Dear Ohno-kun, Sho-chan, Aiba-kun, Nino-kun, and Matsujun, Congratulations on ten years of making the world a brighter place.  Thank you for the fun, laughter, and music!  Here's to another ten years! Sincerely, Melissa Ritchings Franklin, New Hampshire USA
Arashi Arashi for dream~! 嵐のみんなさんへ、 わたしのなまえはシルビーです。 わたしは13さいです。 わたしはカリフォルニアのしゅとのサクラメントからこのおてがみをかいています。  わたしは、嵐のうたがとてもすきで、嵐はわたしのあこがれです。  いまわたしは、にほんごをべんきょうしています。  にほんごがうまくなったら,にほんにりょこうをして嵐にあいにいきます。  アメリカにはたくさんの嵐のファンがいるので、ぜひこちらへツアーにきてください。  10しゅうねんきねん、おめでとうございます。  これからもがんばってください。わたしもおうえんします!  そして、  マツジュン ーはやいけどお誕生日おめでとう!        シルビーより  2009年7月18日 Sylvie Doan, California
Arashi Q G QQ Q q “You are my sunshine...” 	Congratulations on ten years! Although we haven’t been your fans for very long, we feel very fortunate to have found a happy oasis through Arashi. You have changed both of our lives for the better. Each of you are unique and talented people that make Arashi so wonderful. Thank you for your hard work and dedication that brings joy to so many people.  G      From two smiling fans in Colorado,               Sarah and Tessa Contreras G “…You are my soul soul…” G
A・RA・SHIA・RA・SHIfordream♥ おめでとう!!大野くん、相葉くん、二宮くん、櫻井くん、松本くん!! こんにちは!私は嵐の大ファンなんです。嘘をつきたくないので、実は十ヶ月前にしかあまり嵐の音楽に聞きませんでした。でも友達がわたしを無理やり「風の向こうへ」 と「truth」を聞かせたきっかけではまってしまいました(笑)。もっと嵐 の曲を聞いた後、嵐の皆さんが歌とダンスの才能でいっぱいと気づ きました!ヴァらイエティー番組にもいつも笑わせたりもします。今回 嵐が世界中のツアーをするように願っています!!もしあれば、ぜひ ニューヨークに来てください。アメリカの東海岸にはファンがたくさんい ます!私たち(アメリカのファンたち)はいつも、いつまでも応援してい ます!! もし苦労にあっても、私たちが支えてくれます。みんなは嵐が いつでも笑顔のままでいられるように願っています。(^_^) アレクシスより  To all of the members of Arashi, thank you for always being able to put a SMILE on my face. =)  I hope you guys have A LOT of LUCK in the future! Congratulations on your 10th anniversary!  I can’t wait to see what’s next for everyone in 嵐!!! :D   ~ Alexis (New York)
私は自分のベランダでは嵐のシンボル塗装を離れるとき、私は毎日それを参照してください. (I painted the arashi symbol on my porch so when I leave I see it everyday) :D すべて私笑顔を作る。すべてがユニークで素晴らしい。このような素晴らしい音楽をしていただきありがとうございます (you all make me smile. you are all so unique and amazing. thank you for making such amazing music) がんばっちゃえ嵐!  幸せな10周年記念!私は非常に満足しているすべての. は, 素晴らしい仕事を維持する! 私の貧しい日本語、私はまだ勉強中ですて申し訳なく . 君たちはまだ長い間ロッキング出してほしいと、みんなは本当に素晴らしいです!(happy tenth anniversary! I am very happy for you all. Keep up the awesome work! Sorry for my poor japanese, I am still learning.) 私は残念にGoogleの翻訳を使用するよう、私はそうではなく、私の悲惨なのかもしれません日本語の英語を使用することができるかもしれない英語含まれていた。(i am sorry i had to use google translator, so i included the english so maybe you might be able to use the english instead of my horrible japanese.) ミシガンからの愛がたくさん! 皆さんの愛をたくさん : アシュレイ  (lots of love from michigan! Love you guys a bunch :) - ashley
OmedetouGozaimasu!!! Congratulations on your 10th Anniversary!!!! Good luck with your next 10 years together.  All of your fans throughout the United States wish you immense happiness and success.  You are truly and inspiration to the world with all that you do and all that you have accomplished.  I am excited to see what you will think of next.  But whatever it is I am sure that it will be nothing short of spectacular!     Ganbatte!!!! A no Arashi in Love Park, Philly!!!! Daria Moore
Dear Everyone in Arashi, I’m a big fan from New York and I love your music and all of you! It’s hard to be an international fan because I cannot attend your concerts but I will always love you guys and your music forever! HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSERY SINCE DEBUT!! From, Nicole Ohno-san: You seem like such a great guy. Your singing voice is soothing and I love listening to it. Work hard leader!! Kazunari-san: I just have to say I loved your acting in “Letters From Iwo Jima” you were amazing! Your humor always makes me laugh! Sho-san: I always love watching you on News Zero! I think a smart guy is very cool~! Keep working hard to write your raps and to learn more about the world! Matsumoto-san: I love your acting and your bright smile always cheers up my day! Aiba-san: I love Tensai Shimura Dobutsen and your Hula dancing was awesome~!
The friendship between the members of Arashi serves as an inspiration for me. Even though there is a great language barrier, the members’ friendship is so genuine and like no other that no words can describe it,  whether it be in English or Japanese. It  makes me very happy and proud to be a 6th member of Arashi. Congratulations in reaching your tenth year! I wish you more power! I will always and forever will be  support Arashi! All Art by Inna Manalo, NY
Arashi CONGRATULATIONS!! ON YOUR10th ANNIVERSARY!! In reality, in all of 2007, I wanted to die. Then I found Arashi, and a reason to live. After a year of fake smiles and crying, laughing and goofing around became natural for me. Thank you so much! Wow, ten years? That’s amazing. Arashi is truly my favorite band. I love Arashi no Shukudai-kun! I can’t say I have a favorite member, but there are things about the members that I love. I love how Ohno is spacing out all the time, I love that I can say Nino and I share a common ground, the love of video games. I’m quite sure I could beat you, Nino, if we had a competition! I love that MatsuJun has a very good sense of style, in America we would call him a “fashionista”. Aiba, I love your childishness, how you always seem to take life so freely and happily. And finally, Sakurai Sho, I love how you are always seen as someone who will bring Arashi’s points down on Vs. Arashi, even though you’re smart and strong. Arashi is my favorite band because you guys are silly, and you are just LOVE. Ganbatte!    -Brayden Swanson ~Ft.Wayne, Indiana - USA A.Ra.Shi., WISH, Sakura Sake, Love So Sweet, KittoDaijoubu, Truth, We Can Make It, Hero, Happiness, Kaze no Mukou he, Nice naKokoroiki, Fight Song, Donna Kotoba De, Hip Hop Boogie, Friendship, Niji, YabaiYabaiYabai, Take Me Faraway
私のいちばん。。。 嵐のみんなさんです!! 櫻井 翔 – お母さん!News ZERO~  You’re Captain Failboat!  The one people always go to and make fun of. But you do your job well. Every time you always take it like a champ. I always laugh when Nino-San picks on you!  十年 おめでとうございます!!! 松本 潤 – The one I always see in dramas. Each new drama or movie you are in, you bring in a new you! Each time, you make me laugh, you make me cry, you make me feel for you with different emotions. Your teasing of the other members is <3 too! 相葉 雅紀 – Every other word that comes out of your mouth is either thoughtless and rude or pervert words of wisdom~ But you know what! Everyone loves you for that! Your strange experiments and charismatic personality is always hard to dislike!  二宮 和也 – It’s Magic! Your magic trips will surprise and create smiles everywhere around you! Game nerd, money saver, and prankster of Arashi. Arashi wouldn’t be the same without you there. You complete them that no one else can. One of your biggest fans! Benny Wu カリフォニアより。 From California. 大野 智– The riida! Your artwork is amazing, your dance steps are almost flawless, and your songs always make me come back for more. You did your very best ‘leading’ Arashi and things wouldn’t have turned out so well if you didn’t stay. You are my favorite, the special lover of all foods, and the leader of Arashi.
Happy10thAnniversary Arashi!!! Arashi- Congratulations on your 10th year!! I hope that this is the best year for you and  that all of your hopes and dreams in Arashi come true!! Arashi is truly a wonderful group! Your friendship, your laughs, and your smiles is what I like best about Arashi. I hope that Arashi can  go on like this for another 10 years and never change! Thank you for everything! It is because of Arashi that I can smile each and every day and be happy.  ^_^ Maybe one day soon  Sakurai-san, Aiba-san, Ninomiya-san, Ohno- san, and Matsumoto-san can come and visit  America and plan a concert for here in the near  future! It would be great!! You have a lot of fans here!! Arashi has taken the                             United States  bySTORM! <3 Your fan from Virginia, Rabah
嵐 By:  W.L. Ang (California)
Congratulations Arashi This is to you on your 10th anniversary! I wish I could be in Japan to celebrate along with your Japanese Fans!! Continue to do your best in all that you do. I’m grateful to be able to listen to your music. And I’m happy I was able to at least get the chance to meet on of you. Thank you Sho for coming to NYC and for interviewing me for NEWS Zero. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to see Arashi in concert.  Until then continue to release your music for the world to hear. Once again Thank you and Congratulations. Continue to cause a Storm around the world!! From your New York Fan Stephanie.
アメリカで。。。 HELLO! (^_^)/~ 私はリズです! NEW YORK NEW YORK よろしくおねがいします! このVTRは、日本語クラスの学生たちに よって作られました。なぜなら彼らは 嵐が大好きだからです。  嵐の歌を聴くと、私たちは幸せな 気持ちになります。 私たちは、クラスで昼ご飯を食べながら、 嵐の宿題くんを見ます。  去年も、日本語クラブで 「花より男子」と 「魔王」と 「流星の絆」を見ました。  9月に高校が始まるときに、多分「ザ•クイズショウ」を見る予定です。  本当に、いろいろとありがとうございます! 嵐10周年おめでそうございます! ね、わかるかな?5人×10周年=アメリカ50州(*^。^*) 偶然かな?きっといつか、アメリカに来てね〜!! おねがいします!  LIZ YARI SHANTEL NAYA MAYRA SHAVONNE DREIDRA EMILY KETLEY リズ ヤリ シャンテル ナイヤ マイラ シャヴォンヌ ディアドラ エミリー ケトレー
嵐のみなさんおめでとうございます! 嵐のみなさんおめでとうございます! Congratulations on your 10th anniversary! Please come to America soon!  We are waiting!! Thank you from Jemeene in Alabama :D
Dear Arashi, Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary!  You have all made such an impact on my life and I can't thank you enough for that.  Sho - Thank you for showing me that even at 27, it's still okay to not act your age all the time. You've inspired me to follow what I believe I should be doing in my life, regardless of what my college diploma says. Jun - Thank you for showing me that although there may be chaos all around you, that doesn't mean that you always have to join the chaos. It's okay to be the one that brings sanity to the situation.  Nino - Thank you for showing me that you don't have to be a kid to love video games and magic tricks. And that having a sarcastic sense of humor isn't always a bad thing.  Ohno - Thank you for being you. Although you may not always say things in interviews and on your shows, your singing and dancing shine through during concerts and in PVs.  Aiba - Thank you for always making me smile and laugh and for showing me that sometimes I should think outside the box and ask questions. Curiosity is a good thing in life. Please don't ever change.  As a group, your music has brought together people from all over the globe. I've met people, not only online but in my own hometown, that I might never have gotten to be friends with if it wasn't for your music. I've found a piece of myself that I thought I had lost a long time ago when I decided I needed to be a "grown up" and will always thank you for showing me that being an adult doesn't mean having to forget the things that you love.  Please continue making amazing music and we will always support you no matter what the future brings. You've influenced so many of our lives and this project is just a small way for us to thank you for all the happiness you've given us. I hope that someday we will get the opportunity to see you perform live in America and that your experience here will be a wonderful one.  Happy 10 year anniversary and many wishes for many many more years to come.  Love and Aloha, Jeni (from Hilo, Hawaii) …Me… Arashi in Easter Egg form. :)
十周年おめでとう! 嵐コンサート! 私にとって夏は:すいか、日焼け、そして でも、チケットをゲットすることはすごく難しいんで、来年も AAA をやってください!けど、Arashi Around Asia じゃなくて Arashi Around America だよ! 絶対きてね! 小籠包がロスアンゼルスでも食べられる! 嵐に会えてよかった :0) 以上、Julia Young, Californiaでした。
Though I don’t speak much Japanese, I am still able to feel the emotions coming from your music and other work. The friendship between the members of Arashi is felt on the other side of the world regardless of language barriers. I hope to continue supporting you as best I can! Art by Michelle Hessing (Mika) New York, NY USA
じゅん = ♥♥♥♥♥ Congratulations on making it to 10 years! I am so glad that I was introduced to your music. You guys are amazing in just about everything you do! I am so impressed with the attitude you have! You all have made it this far, and you have a wonderful bond together. I love that I can always watch your shows, knowing that your brilliant smiles will brighten my day and make me smile regardless of the day I have had! I have always wanted to visit Japan, but after being introduced to your group, I want to go even more. I’m very sad I can’t make it to your 10th anniversary  concert. I am so upset I can’t get there – I have this feeling it will be HUGE! I do hope, one day, to make it to a concert. So keep rocking hard and I’ll be there someday! P.S.  You have many fans in America waiting for you! <3 From:: Krista :: クリスタ Murfreesboro  Tennessee, USA
Hi Arashi and Aiba’s mom! You are the best band ever! All of your music is great! Even your dance moves are amazing!  In my spare time, I study Japanese so that one day I will be able to understand your beautiful lyrics. Last year, I went to Japan, but you weren’t playing any shows. My parents won’t send me to Japan again, so I was hoping you could play a show here in America. Preferably in Seattle during the summer or a weekend. The bird is my pet, I named him Crazy Moon after your song. My bird likes to listen to your music. Keep being an amazing band! You are all amazing! Sincerely, Your fan, Ruthie Winkler from Spokane, WA
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ARASHI!  For 10 years your music has inspired us to keep striving for our dreams. Your energy and friendship has always put a smile on our faces after a long day at school and work and for that we cannot thank you enough.  We hope you have a chance to meet your international fans in the USA one day.  We will always support and love Arashi for the endless smiles and encouragement you bring us. With Love from New York City, Christina  and Katherine Wong  <3 daisuki desu <3
♥ 10年が過ぎる。♥ こんにちは! お元気ですか。 私はテイラーです アメリカじん、18才です。ARASHI が大好き! いろいろお世話になる。ありがとう〜!がんばって下さい。 Please continue to work hard. Thank you for 10 years of music! ^_^ Please come to America when you can!  Taylor, California, US
to ARASHI… 私たちは大ファンだし、嵐のことが大好きです.そろそろアメリカに尋ねてくださいね!私たちの心までにも’嵐’を巻き起こしているよ. Across the ocean, your voices have reached America. Through your songs, I’ve gained the strength to face every day head-on; the five of you have never failed to bring a smile to my face. From the shores of Hawaii until now, it’s true- ARASHI has created a storm throughout the world.  CONGRATULATIONS on your tenth anniversary! Sally, 17, California
To Arashi:]~ おめでとございます!^0^ 相葉 雅紀      大野 智       松本 潤      櫻井 翔    二宮 和也 Congratulations on your 10th year! Although I’ve only been Arashi’s fan for only a year, I really love Arashi! :] I wish I can go to Japan and attend Arashi’s 10th year anniversary tour, but sadly, I cannot fly to Japan… I’m 13 years old!~ I know that may sound young-it IS young- but that just means Arashi has a wide range of fans, right? ^^ I’m grateful to Arashi because your music makes me happy and cheerful when I have a bad day or If I’m sad. :D  Watching Arashi on TV makes me laugh a lot, I’m glad I can laugh whole-heartedly again! Thank you, Arashi! <3 My wish is for Arashi to have a concert here in America! I know it may be impossible, but I really hope Arashi can hold a concert here someday! I’d buy the ticket immediately :] これからずとがんばてくださいね!~ Happy 10th Anniversary!^-^ The other pictures on top are my drawings!~ My attempt at drawing ChibiArashi! :] <3 Sorry for bad quality, but do you think it looks a little like you?:D ともだち:"Never thought storms are something to look forward to but Arashi is the kind of storm I don't mind having in my life. Happy 10th Anniversary!“ – From Vida <--- From Micchy [alícε 夏]  Sacramento, California
私の嵐 カリフォニアより In the middle of the night, I was woken by a strong storm, one also known as an Arashi. It was one I have known for years, but only now did I stop and feel the force of its passion. It was stronger than I had thought it would have been. It filled me up with the sweetest of all music. The window has been burst open and I am completely drenched. And now the storm is diligent. I am now surrounded; it is enveloping me with a spirit that remains too vivacious. I can’t help my self but think this is nothing more than an overdone wonderful fairy-tale dream. I find myself asking questions, and my answers are incomplete, but nevertheless vivacious. Much of what I am looking for lies in front of me, obvious, waiting in that gentle music. Despite my ignorance, my cause is not lost. There is still time. What an amazing feeling, passion. I had a realization: if I could feel such strong feelings, then this is possibly no dream. I look about to gather my surroundings. I realize I am familiar with Arashi. I met it long ago, the memory flees. It never became, it has always been diligent. This valiant storm, this Arashi, has awoken my passion with its own. The music of my life has begun its diligent strain. And we will forever continue to live in this vivacious dream. And yet I know the truth, it stands there before me, obvious, an oblivious unending dream. Before my senses catch it, I am swept away into the midst of this storm, this great Arashi. Roaring in my ears, I am captivated by all that is heard, all of these sounds are vivacious. Perhaps you can feel it, too, this feeling that fills me. It is so strong, it is only called passion. My heart is ready to burst, I am excited. Is it possible a storm can be diligent?  But it is true! So true it makes me feel joy. Can you hear it? It is wonderful dancing music. I realize another thing that is new. I have changed too. Somehow I have become diligent. I have come to enjoy these new feelings because they are so strong and amazingly vivacious. I want to feel this way, and dance in the wind and rain that are a part of loving this Arashi. I laugh as my body stiffly moves through the rain. It begins to loosen up thanks to the music. My feet are firmly on the ground, though my soul is flying through the tempest, as if in a wild dream. Elation no longer surprises me; I have learned that it is a feeling akin to passion.  嵐のみんなさんへ 十年おめでとうございます!この詩は英語ですけど、日本語にもいみがいっぱいです。詩は日本語に書いていませんでしたから,本当にすみませんでした。時間がありなかったから、英語だけです。ちなみに、この詩はあなたたちのファンの気持ちが入りたかったですけど、このままでじゅうぶんではありません。この気持ちをわかってください。そして、みんなさんわアメリカにきてください!まってるよ~ 	これからずっと嵐のファン。 		バズケエズ アストリッド It started so long ago, and I can only hope it will never end. Ten years have left my sweet music. What, ten years? Insane, a lie! How can that be true? Have I not just begun this insatiable dream? No lies, only truths. This storm rages before me. In all this time it has become this diligent. And I feel pride, as if it were mine, this tempest that belongs to none but moves for all, Arashi. I am now caught up, but I stay so far behind. These winds, new to me, have left plenty of passion. I am not alone. Others are closer to the eye. They understand why it is so vivacious. And that is what this is. I can use no other word, despite all of the synonyms, just passion. Swaying, I am lifted to the sky. I now have something for which I want to be diligent. I am smiling so wide, even though I know that someday I may have to wake from this dancing dream. I can feel a slight descend, a sinking. I do not want to lose all this that feels so vivacious.  But I remember that if anything, I will always have this sweet beautiful sound called music. I feel release, I am safe. I am home. I have always been. I can see now what makes Arashi. From California
Take Me Far Away Hip Hop Boogie Niji Hello Goodbye HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY!!! Kitto Daijobu Yabay-Yabay-Yabay 嵐 おめでとうございます!! I would like to thank you so much for being Arashi. For working hard and giving it your all! You guys are truly a force to be reckoned with; a Storm that has truly conquered the world. Thank you for your dedication to the each other and to your fans. It’s amazing how far you guys have come and I am truly proud to be called an Arashi Fan. Aiba-san: Thank you for all those crazy experiments and for bringing Ailando into my life. You have truly turned many bad days into great ones. Ohno-san: Thank you for being a great Riida! You have one of the best voices in all of JE and I would like to thank you for sharing this and your dance skills with us. Sakurai-san: Thank you for your intelligence. For bringing knowledge and incite of what happens. But most of all, thank you for your dorkiness. It really makes my day. Nino-san: I don’t think Arashi can be Arashi without you Nino! Thank you for your sarcastic nature. I really LOVE that.  Matsumoto-san: My ichiban. Thank You most of all! It is because of you that I got to even know about Arashi. Thank you for being passionate, hard working, and just awesome! You truly are the best and I will forever be grateful to you for bring Arashi, a light in my darkness, back into my life. 本当にありがとうございます! ファンのYuliza Floresより (24歳 ロサンゼルス、カリフォルニア州) A.RA.SHI Oh Yeah! Dangan Liner On Sunday
嵐へ 名前はミケーラです。 今、カリフォルニアに住んでいます。 嵐の大ファンで、一番好きなメンバーは櫻井翔です。 日本に行くことができないけど、いつか嵐のコンサートに行きたいです。 今までありがとうございます。 Keep being awesome~  私と嵐のポスター。 ごめんね相葉ちゃん! Mikayla, CA
無限の嵐 To everybody in Arashi, Arashi has saved my life and stopped my tears more times than I can count. You are an irreplaceable piece of my heart, and nothing will ever change that. Without Arashi, I would not be who I am today. You have also helped me improve greatly with my music. An example is the piano version of Koe in the background, which I play. Congratulations on ten years of being together! When I see your bond, my day instantly brightens. To me, you have already achieved your dream of becoming the top. You really have created a storm throughout the world. I will always be supporting you, no matter what!  America patiently waits for your visit! ^.^ From, Cynthia Sun (a resident of California)

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  • 1. 十年か百年もがんばれ!おつかれさまでした! おめでとうとありとうございます!私たち(ファン)にずっと笑顔になりますから、嵐も笑顔になりたいよ! 《下の絵は十年の楽しいときの衣装です。ちょっとおかしいけど、すみません。(^_^‘)》 「嵐を巻き起こす世界中に」と言ったけど、アメリカに行けるまでに待っているよ。私も日本語を習っているでもファンクラブに入れないよ! (T_T)(≧_≦) 相葉雅紀 二宮和也 櫻井翔 松本潤 大野智 私 BECKY SU HOUSTON  TEXAS、USA 書いた日 (^_^‘) NOTE:体が「ARASHI」を読んでいますよ。
  • 2.
  • 3. Happy 10th Anniversary嵐 To 相葉雅紀 松本潤 二宮和也 大野智 櫻井翔 I can't express in English, let alone Japanese how amazing you 5 are. In whatever you do, Performing music live, acting in doramas/movies, variety shows you are Amazing (凄い)! . ありがとうfor creating music that always makes me happy (嬉しい) For causing a storm throughout the world, ありがとう 翔くん、、ありがとうfor coming to New York and giving us the chance to see ヤッタマン。凄いですよ!I never thought something like that would happen, and that I would attend. Again ありがとう! 嵐が大好き! 嵐、thank you for 10 years of happiness. You are truly wonderful. I love you all from the bottom of my heart! I hope you can create a storm throughout the WHOLE world. Not just in Japan, but everywhere! -Kyla Rhome Pennsylvania, USA
  • 4. 嵐のみんなさんへ、 私はジュリアンです。アメリカ人です。そして、私は嵐の大ファンです! きょ年は嵐の10年の記念日!おめでとうございます! 嵐はすごい。世界じゅうの、多くの人が嵐の音楽を聞いています、番組を見ています、とドラマを見ています! ほんとうに、嵐はすごくモテです。 ありごと。今日、私の笑顔は嵐ので。だから、ほうんとにあいがとうございます。 これからもう、頑張ってください! 私はいつも嵐をおえんしています! ジュリアンより Juliane; Maryland
  • 5. Dear 嵐, My name is Nicole Chen,15 years old and living in California。I found out about you guys when my uncle took me to Japan in August 2008 and I saw your Truth PV on CDTV/MusicStation。I was amazed by your dancing and got hooked, plus the different and unique personalities that make 嵐,嵐。 =w= I guess you can say that 嵐 has changed my life。I hope that someday, you guys will be able to hold concerts in America,likeLA。I will look forward to that day :D 嵐,please continue to work hard and do your best! I will always root for you guys ^0^ Congratulations on your 10th anniversary! :DDD << Aiba-chan, I drew this for your birthday last year~ (: It doesn’t really look like you huh? Sorry ><;;
  • 6. ^__^Arashi<3 嵐のみなさんへ! Idolとしてすっごく頑張ってます! 私の人生を変えたの、嵐のみなさんです! これからも頑張ってください。 おうえんしています! california                                                                                                                高橋理紗
  • 7. ありがとう  嵐 Happy 10th year! Thank you for making music that makes me smile everyday. I hope that one day I can go to an Arashi concert (in Japan or elsewhere!). I can’t wait for that day! <3 クリステイ オー (20)、 Virginia, USA
  • 8. 嵐大好きです! 10周年おめでとうございます! いつかアメリカで嵐のコンサートにいきたいです。 ^.^ Bringing people together! From all over! Stephanie Mackres aka Steff and Go Michigan, U.S.A
  • 9. OMEDETOU GOZAIMASU, Arashi-san! Dear Ohno-kun, Sho-chan, Aiba-kun, Nino-kun, and Matsujun, Congratulations on ten years of making the world a brighter place. Thank you for the fun, laughter, and music! Here's to another ten years! Sincerely, Melissa Ritchings Franklin, New Hampshire USA
  • 10. Arashi Arashi for dream~! 嵐のみんなさんへ、 わたしのなまえはシルビーです。 わたしは13さいです。 わたしはカリフォルニアのしゅとのサクラメントからこのおてがみをかいています。  わたしは、嵐のうたがとてもすきで、嵐はわたしのあこがれです。  いまわたしは、にほんごをべんきょうしています。  にほんごがうまくなったら,にほんにりょこうをして嵐にあいにいきます。  アメリカにはたくさんの嵐のファンがいるので、ぜひこちらへツアーにきてください。  10しゅうねんきねん、おめでとうございます。  これからもがんばってください。わたしもおうえんします!  そして、  マツジュン ーはやいけどお誕生日おめでとう!       シルビーより 2009年7月18日 Sylvie Doan, California
  • 11. Arashi Q G QQ Q q “You are my sunshine...” Congratulations on ten years! Although we haven’t been your fans for very long, we feel very fortunate to have found a happy oasis through Arashi. You have changed both of our lives for the better. Each of you are unique and talented people that make Arashi so wonderful. Thank you for your hard work and dedication that brings joy to so many people. G From two smiling fans in Colorado, Sarah and Tessa Contreras G “…You are my soul soul…” G
  • 12. A・RA・SHIA・RA・SHIfordream♥ おめでとう!!大野くん、相葉くん、二宮くん、櫻井くん、松本くん!! こんにちは!私は嵐の大ファンなんです。嘘をつきたくないので、実は十ヶ月前にしかあまり嵐の音楽に聞きませんでした。でも友達がわたしを無理やり「風の向こうへ」 と「truth」を聞かせたきっかけではまってしまいました(笑)。もっと嵐 の曲を聞いた後、嵐の皆さんが歌とダンスの才能でいっぱいと気づ きました!ヴァらイエティー番組にもいつも笑わせたりもします。今回 嵐が世界中のツアーをするように願っています!!もしあれば、ぜひ ニューヨークに来てください。アメリカの東海岸にはファンがたくさんい ます!私たち(アメリカのファンたち)はいつも、いつまでも応援してい ます!! もし苦労にあっても、私たちが支えてくれます。みんなは嵐が いつでも笑顔のままでいられるように願っています。(^_^) アレクシスより  To all of the members of Arashi, thank you for always being able to put a SMILE on my face. =) I hope you guys have A LOT of LUCK in the future! Congratulations on your 10th anniversary! I can’t wait to see what’s next for everyone in 嵐!!! :D ~ Alexis (New York)
  • 13. 私は自分のベランダでは嵐のシンボル塗装を離れるとき、私は毎日それを参照してください. (I painted the arashi symbol on my porch so when I leave I see it everyday) :D すべて私笑顔を作る。すべてがユニークで素晴らしい。このような素晴らしい音楽をしていただきありがとうございます (you all make me smile. you are all so unique and amazing. thank you for making such amazing music) がんばっちゃえ嵐! 幸せな10周年記念!私は非常に満足しているすべての. は, 素晴らしい仕事を維持する! 私の貧しい日本語、私はまだ勉強中ですて申し訳なく . 君たちはまだ長い間ロッキング出してほしいと、みんなは本当に素晴らしいです!(happy tenth anniversary! I am very happy for you all. Keep up the awesome work! Sorry for my poor japanese, I am still learning.) 私は残念にGoogleの翻訳を使用するよう、私はそうではなく、私の悲惨なのかもしれません日本語の英語を使用することができるかもしれない英語含まれていた。(i am sorry i had to use google translator, so i included the english so maybe you might be able to use the english instead of my horrible japanese.) ミシガンからの愛がたくさん! 皆さんの愛をたくさん : アシュレイ (lots of love from michigan! Love you guys a bunch :) - ashley
  • 14. OmedetouGozaimasu!!! Congratulations on your 10th Anniversary!!!! Good luck with your next 10 years together. All of your fans throughout the United States wish you immense happiness and success. You are truly and inspiration to the world with all that you do and all that you have accomplished. I am excited to see what you will think of next. But whatever it is I am sure that it will be nothing short of spectacular! Ganbatte!!!! A no Arashi in Love Park, Philly!!!! Daria Moore
  • 15. Dear Everyone in Arashi, I’m a big fan from New York and I love your music and all of you! It’s hard to be an international fan because I cannot attend your concerts but I will always love you guys and your music forever! HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSERY SINCE DEBUT!! From, Nicole Ohno-san: You seem like such a great guy. Your singing voice is soothing and I love listening to it. Work hard leader!! Kazunari-san: I just have to say I loved your acting in “Letters From Iwo Jima” you were amazing! Your humor always makes me laugh! Sho-san: I always love watching you on News Zero! I think a smart guy is very cool~! Keep working hard to write your raps and to learn more about the world! Matsumoto-san: I love your acting and your bright smile always cheers up my day! Aiba-san: I love Tensai Shimura Dobutsen and your Hula dancing was awesome~!
  • 16. The friendship between the members of Arashi serves as an inspiration for me. Even though there is a great language barrier, the members’ friendship is so genuine and like no other that no words can describe it, whether it be in English or Japanese. It makes me very happy and proud to be a 6th member of Arashi. Congratulations in reaching your tenth year! I wish you more power! I will always and forever will be support Arashi! All Art by Inna Manalo, NY
  • 17.
  • 18. Arashi CONGRATULATIONS!! ON YOUR10th ANNIVERSARY!! In reality, in all of 2007, I wanted to die. Then I found Arashi, and a reason to live. After a year of fake smiles and crying, laughing and goofing around became natural for me. Thank you so much! Wow, ten years? That’s amazing. Arashi is truly my favorite band. I love Arashi no Shukudai-kun! I can’t say I have a favorite member, but there are things about the members that I love. I love how Ohno is spacing out all the time, I love that I can say Nino and I share a common ground, the love of video games. I’m quite sure I could beat you, Nino, if we had a competition! I love that MatsuJun has a very good sense of style, in America we would call him a “fashionista”. Aiba, I love your childishness, how you always seem to take life so freely and happily. And finally, Sakurai Sho, I love how you are always seen as someone who will bring Arashi’s points down on Vs. Arashi, even though you’re smart and strong. Arashi is my favorite band because you guys are silly, and you are just LOVE. Ganbatte! -Brayden Swanson ~Ft.Wayne, Indiana - USA A.Ra.Shi., WISH, Sakura Sake, Love So Sweet, KittoDaijoubu, Truth, We Can Make It, Hero, Happiness, Kaze no Mukou he, Nice naKokoroiki, Fight Song, Donna Kotoba De, Hip Hop Boogie, Friendship, Niji, YabaiYabaiYabai, Take Me Faraway
  • 20. 私のいちばん。。。 嵐のみんなさんです!! 櫻井 翔 – お母さん!News ZERO~ You’re Captain Failboat! The one people always go to and make fun of. But you do your job well. Every time you always take it like a champ. I always laugh when Nino-San picks on you! 十年 おめでとうございます!!! 松本 潤 – The one I always see in dramas. Each new drama or movie you are in, you bring in a new you! Each time, you make me laugh, you make me cry, you make me feel for you with different emotions. Your teasing of the other members is <3 too! 相葉 雅紀 – Every other word that comes out of your mouth is either thoughtless and rude or pervert words of wisdom~ But you know what! Everyone loves you for that! Your strange experiments and charismatic personality is always hard to dislike! 二宮 和也 – It’s Magic! Your magic trips will surprise and create smiles everywhere around you! Game nerd, money saver, and prankster of Arashi. Arashi wouldn’t be the same without you there. You complete them that no one else can. One of your biggest fans! Benny Wu カリフォニアより。 From California. 大野 智– The riida! Your artwork is amazing, your dance steps are almost flawless, and your songs always make me come back for more. You did your very best ‘leading’ Arashi and things wouldn’t have turned out so well if you didn’t stay. You are my favorite, the special lover of all foods, and the leader of Arashi.
  • 21. Happy10thAnniversary Arashi!!! Arashi- Congratulations on your 10th year!! I hope that this is the best year for you and that all of your hopes and dreams in Arashi come true!! Arashi is truly a wonderful group! Your friendship, your laughs, and your smiles is what I like best about Arashi. I hope that Arashi can go on like this for another 10 years and never change! Thank you for everything! It is because of Arashi that I can smile each and every day and be happy. ^_^ Maybe one day soon Sakurai-san, Aiba-san, Ninomiya-san, Ohno- san, and Matsumoto-san can come and visit America and plan a concert for here in the near future! It would be great!! You have a lot of fans here!! Arashi has taken the United States bySTORM! <3 Your fan from Virginia, Rabah
  • 22. 嵐 By: W.L. Ang (California)
  • 23. Congratulations Arashi This is to you on your 10th anniversary! I wish I could be in Japan to celebrate along with your Japanese Fans!! Continue to do your best in all that you do. I’m grateful to be able to listen to your music. And I’m happy I was able to at least get the chance to meet on of you. Thank you Sho for coming to NYC and for interviewing me for NEWS Zero. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to see Arashi in concert. Until then continue to release your music for the world to hear. Once again Thank you and Congratulations. Continue to cause a Storm around the world!! From your New York Fan Stephanie.
  • 24.
  • 25. アメリカで。。。 HELLO! (^_^)/~ 私はリズです! NEW YORK NEW YORK よろしくおねがいします! このVTRは、日本語クラスの学生たちに よって作られました。なぜなら彼らは 嵐が大好きだからです。 嵐の歌を聴くと、私たちは幸せな 気持ちになります。 私たちは、クラスで昼ご飯を食べながら、 嵐の宿題くんを見ます。 去年も、日本語クラブで 「花より男子」と 「魔王」と 「流星の絆」を見ました。 9月に高校が始まるときに、多分「ザ•クイズショウ」を見る予定です。 本当に、いろいろとありがとうございます! 嵐10周年おめでそうございます! ね、わかるかな?5人×10周年=アメリカ50州(*^。^*) 偶然かな?きっといつか、アメリカに来てね〜!! おねがいします! LIZ YARI SHANTEL NAYA MAYRA SHAVONNE DREIDRA EMILY KETLEY リズ ヤリ シャンテル ナイヤ マイラ シャヴォンヌ ディアドラ エミリー ケトレー
  • 26. 嵐のみなさんおめでとうございます! 嵐のみなさんおめでとうございます! Congratulations on your 10th anniversary! Please come to America soon! We are waiting!! Thank you from Jemeene in Alabama :D
  • 27. Dear Arashi, Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! You have all made such an impact on my life and I can't thank you enough for that. Sho - Thank you for showing me that even at 27, it's still okay to not act your age all the time. You've inspired me to follow what I believe I should be doing in my life, regardless of what my college diploma says. Jun - Thank you for showing me that although there may be chaos all around you, that doesn't mean that you always have to join the chaos. It's okay to be the one that brings sanity to the situation. Nino - Thank you for showing me that you don't have to be a kid to love video games and magic tricks. And that having a sarcastic sense of humor isn't always a bad thing. Ohno - Thank you for being you. Although you may not always say things in interviews and on your shows, your singing and dancing shine through during concerts and in PVs. Aiba - Thank you for always making me smile and laugh and for showing me that sometimes I should think outside the box and ask questions. Curiosity is a good thing in life. Please don't ever change. As a group, your music has brought together people from all over the globe. I've met people, not only online but in my own hometown, that I might never have gotten to be friends with if it wasn't for your music. I've found a piece of myself that I thought I had lost a long time ago when I decided I needed to be a "grown up" and will always thank you for showing me that being an adult doesn't mean having to forget the things that you love. Please continue making amazing music and we will always support you no matter what the future brings. You've influenced so many of our lives and this project is just a small way for us to thank you for all the happiness you've given us. I hope that someday we will get the opportunity to see you perform live in America and that your experience here will be a wonderful one. Happy 10 year anniversary and many wishes for many many more years to come. Love and Aloha, Jeni (from Hilo, Hawaii) …Me… Arashi in Easter Egg form. :)
  • 28. 十周年おめでとう! 嵐コンサート! 私にとって夏は:すいか、日焼け、そして でも、チケットをゲットすることはすごく難しいんで、来年も AAA をやってください!けど、Arashi Around Asia じゃなくて Arashi Around America だよ! 絶対きてね! 小籠包がロスアンゼルスでも食べられる! 嵐に会えてよかった :0) 以上、Julia Young, Californiaでした。
  • 29.
  • 30. Though I don’t speak much Japanese, I am still able to feel the emotions coming from your music and other work. The friendship between the members of Arashi is felt on the other side of the world regardless of language barriers. I hope to continue supporting you as best I can! Art by Michelle Hessing (Mika) New York, NY USA
  • 31.
  • 32. じゅん = ♥♥♥♥♥ Congratulations on making it to 10 years! I am so glad that I was introduced to your music. You guys are amazing in just about everything you do! I am so impressed with the attitude you have! You all have made it this far, and you have a wonderful bond together. I love that I can always watch your shows, knowing that your brilliant smiles will brighten my day and make me smile regardless of the day I have had! I have always wanted to visit Japan, but after being introduced to your group, I want to go even more. I’m very sad I can’t make it to your 10th anniversary concert. I am so upset I can’t get there – I have this feeling it will be HUGE! I do hope, one day, to make it to a concert. So keep rocking hard and I’ll be there someday! P.S. You have many fans in America waiting for you! <3 From:: Krista :: クリスタ Murfreesboro Tennessee, USA
  • 33. Hi Arashi and Aiba’s mom! You are the best band ever! All of your music is great! Even your dance moves are amazing! In my spare time, I study Japanese so that one day I will be able to understand your beautiful lyrics. Last year, I went to Japan, but you weren’t playing any shows. My parents won’t send me to Japan again, so I was hoping you could play a show here in America. Preferably in Seattle during the summer or a weekend. The bird is my pet, I named him Crazy Moon after your song. My bird likes to listen to your music. Keep being an amazing band! You are all amazing! Sincerely, Your fan, Ruthie Winkler from Spokane, WA
  • 34. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ARASHI! For 10 years your music has inspired us to keep striving for our dreams. Your energy and friendship has always put a smile on our faces after a long day at school and work and for that we cannot thank you enough. We hope you have a chance to meet your international fans in the USA one day. We will always support and love Arashi for the endless smiles and encouragement you bring us. With Love from New York City, Christina and Katherine Wong <3 daisuki desu <3
  • 35. ♥ 10年が過ぎる。♥ こんにちは! お元気ですか。 私はテイラーです アメリカじん、18才です。ARASHI が大好き! いろいろお世話になる。ありがとう〜!がんばって下さい。 Please continue to work hard. Thank you for 10 years of music! ^_^ Please come to America when you can! Taylor, California, US
  • 36. to ARASHI… 私たちは大ファンだし、嵐のことが大好きです.そろそろアメリカに尋ねてくださいね!私たちの心までにも’嵐’を巻き起こしているよ. Across the ocean, your voices have reached America. Through your songs, I’ve gained the strength to face every day head-on; the five of you have never failed to bring a smile to my face. From the shores of Hawaii until now, it’s true- ARASHI has created a storm throughout the world. CONGRATULATIONS on your tenth anniversary! Sally, 17, California
  • 37. To Arashi:]~ おめでとございます!^0^ 相葉 雅紀 大野 智 松本 潤 櫻井 翔 二宮 和也 Congratulations on your 10th year! Although I’ve only been Arashi’s fan for only a year, I really love Arashi! :] I wish I can go to Japan and attend Arashi’s 10th year anniversary tour, but sadly, I cannot fly to Japan… I’m 13 years old!~ I know that may sound young-it IS young- but that just means Arashi has a wide range of fans, right? ^^ I’m grateful to Arashi because your music makes me happy and cheerful when I have a bad day or If I’m sad. :D Watching Arashi on TV makes me laugh a lot, I’m glad I can laugh whole-heartedly again! Thank you, Arashi! <3 My wish is for Arashi to have a concert here in America! I know it may be impossible, but I really hope Arashi can hold a concert here someday! I’d buy the ticket immediately :] これからずとがんばてくださいね!~ Happy 10th Anniversary!^-^ The other pictures on top are my drawings!~ My attempt at drawing ChibiArashi! :] <3 Sorry for bad quality, but do you think it looks a little like you?:D ともだち:"Never thought storms are something to look forward to but Arashi is the kind of storm I don't mind having in my life. Happy 10th Anniversary!“ – From Vida <--- From Micchy [alícε 夏] Sacramento, California
  • 38. 私の嵐 カリフォニアより In the middle of the night, I was woken by a strong storm, one also known as an Arashi. It was one I have known for years, but only now did I stop and feel the force of its passion. It was stronger than I had thought it would have been. It filled me up with the sweetest of all music. The window has been burst open and I am completely drenched. And now the storm is diligent. I am now surrounded; it is enveloping me with a spirit that remains too vivacious. I can’t help my self but think this is nothing more than an overdone wonderful fairy-tale dream. I find myself asking questions, and my answers are incomplete, but nevertheless vivacious. Much of what I am looking for lies in front of me, obvious, waiting in that gentle music. Despite my ignorance, my cause is not lost. There is still time. What an amazing feeling, passion. I had a realization: if I could feel such strong feelings, then this is possibly no dream. I look about to gather my surroundings. I realize I am familiar with Arashi. I met it long ago, the memory flees. It never became, it has always been diligent. This valiant storm, this Arashi, has awoken my passion with its own. The music of my life has begun its diligent strain. And we will forever continue to live in this vivacious dream. And yet I know the truth, it stands there before me, obvious, an oblivious unending dream. Before my senses catch it, I am swept away into the midst of this storm, this great Arashi. Roaring in my ears, I am captivated by all that is heard, all of these sounds are vivacious. Perhaps you can feel it, too, this feeling that fills me. It is so strong, it is only called passion. My heart is ready to burst, I am excited. Is it possible a storm can be diligent? But it is true! So true it makes me feel joy. Can you hear it? It is wonderful dancing music. I realize another thing that is new. I have changed too. Somehow I have become diligent. I have come to enjoy these new feelings because they are so strong and amazingly vivacious. I want to feel this way, and dance in the wind and rain that are a part of loving this Arashi. I laugh as my body stiffly moves through the rain. It begins to loosen up thanks to the music. My feet are firmly on the ground, though my soul is flying through the tempest, as if in a wild dream. Elation no longer surprises me; I have learned that it is a feeling akin to passion. 嵐のみんなさんへ 十年おめでとうございます!この詩は英語ですけど、日本語にもいみがいっぱいです。詩は日本語に書いていませんでしたから,本当にすみませんでした。時間がありなかったから、英語だけです。ちなみに、この詩はあなたたちのファンの気持ちが入りたかったですけど、このままでじゅうぶんではありません。この気持ちをわかってください。そして、みんなさんわアメリカにきてください!まってるよ~ これからずっと嵐のファン。 バズケエズ アストリッド It started so long ago, and I can only hope it will never end. Ten years have left my sweet music. What, ten years? Insane, a lie! How can that be true? Have I not just begun this insatiable dream? No lies, only truths. This storm rages before me. In all this time it has become this diligent. And I feel pride, as if it were mine, this tempest that belongs to none but moves for all, Arashi. I am now caught up, but I stay so far behind. These winds, new to me, have left plenty of passion. I am not alone. Others are closer to the eye. They understand why it is so vivacious. And that is what this is. I can use no other word, despite all of the synonyms, just passion. Swaying, I am lifted to the sky. I now have something for which I want to be diligent. I am smiling so wide, even though I know that someday I may have to wake from this dancing dream. I can feel a slight descend, a sinking. I do not want to lose all this that feels so vivacious. But I remember that if anything, I will always have this sweet beautiful sound called music. I feel release, I am safe. I am home. I have always been. I can see now what makes Arashi. From California
  • 39. Take Me Far Away Hip Hop Boogie Niji Hello Goodbye HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY!!! Kitto Daijobu Yabay-Yabay-Yabay 嵐 おめでとうございます!! I would like to thank you so much for being Arashi. For working hard and giving it your all! You guys are truly a force to be reckoned with; a Storm that has truly conquered the world. Thank you for your dedication to the each other and to your fans. It’s amazing how far you guys have come and I am truly proud to be called an Arashi Fan. Aiba-san: Thank you for all those crazy experiments and for bringing Ailando into my life. You have truly turned many bad days into great ones. Ohno-san: Thank you for being a great Riida! You have one of the best voices in all of JE and I would like to thank you for sharing this and your dance skills with us. Sakurai-san: Thank you for your intelligence. For bringing knowledge and incite of what happens. But most of all, thank you for your dorkiness. It really makes my day. Nino-san: I don’t think Arashi can be Arashi without you Nino! Thank you for your sarcastic nature. I really LOVE that. Matsumoto-san: My ichiban. Thank You most of all! It is because of you that I got to even know about Arashi. Thank you for being passionate, hard working, and just awesome! You truly are the best and I will forever be grateful to you for bring Arashi, a light in my darkness, back into my life. 本当にありがとうございます! ファンのYuliza Floresより (24歳 ロサンゼルス、カリフォルニア州) A.RA.SHI Oh Yeah! Dangan Liner On Sunday
  • 40. 嵐へ 名前はミケーラです。 今、カリフォルニアに住んでいます。 嵐の大ファンで、一番好きなメンバーは櫻井翔です。 日本に行くことができないけど、いつか嵐のコンサートに行きたいです。 今までありがとうございます。 Keep being awesome~ 私と嵐のポスター。 ごめんね相葉ちゃん! Mikayla, CA
  • 41. 無限の嵐 To everybody in Arashi, Arashi has saved my life and stopped my tears more times than I can count. You are an irreplaceable piece of my heart, and nothing will ever change that. Without Arashi, I would not be who I am today. You have also helped me improve greatly with my music. An example is the piano version of Koe in the background, which I play. Congratulations on ten years of being together! When I see your bond, my day instantly brightens. To me, you have already achieved your dream of becoming the top. You really have created a storm throughout the world. I will always be supporting you, no matter what! America patiently waits for your visit! ^.^ From, Cynthia Sun (a resident of California)