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Fifth Semester B.E. Degree
Time: 3 hrs.
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Answer any FIW full questions, selecting
atleast TWO questions from each part
$ r a. what is Software Engineering?
PART - A ;'
'.._' (02 Merks)
g b. List the attributes of good software system and key challenges facinfuY{vrare enqjl::.TC:
E '^ (lo Marks)
I c. What are legacy systems? Explain components of legacy systems, ] {1- (08 Marks)
E .t5g 2 a. Explain dimensions of dependability properties and systgm"!frperties that are related to
g 3 dependability.
(08 Marks)
gE b. Explain the approaches to improve reliability. .,. t (03 Marks)
:g + d. Explain testing phases with figure. . ) ,n r (04 Msrks)
:E & N-'
H ; 3 a. Distinguish between functional and non funffil requirements with example. (04 Marks)
! ; b. Explain the types of non functional reqpirements with example. (06 Marks)
; .E c. Identifu the stakeholders of ATM syq$mfnd classifr them according to viewpoints.
g Z
. (10 Marks)
-e 4 a. Explain any 2 types of object mqdrils in detail. (08 Marks)
: g b. Explain state machine modcl'ofmicro oven. (06 Morks)
e i c. Differentiate between milditiines and deliverables. (02 Marks)
€ I d. List the activities of riaR hranagement with figure. (04 Marks)
rE 1+)
gi ,u PARr-B
E i 5 a. Explain clie6erver architecture with example. (06 Marks)
eE b. Explain Ai$figures centralized control and event driven systems. (10 Marks)
E F c. List thefrbposals made about how to identify object classes. (04 Marks)
o.i .'l
g .E 6 a. yS4t is pair programming? Write its advantages. (04 Mrrks)
E E b. aSfflat is extreme programming? List principles of agile method. (06 Marks)
: f - QYxplain activities involved in reengineering process with figure. (10 Marks)
g g ,}A"1. write the difference between verification and validation. (r0 Merks)
f Hi$) b. Explain the clean room software development process with figure in detail. (0s Mrrks)
:X ' c. List classes of interface errors. (05 Marks)
-'i "i I Write short notes on the following:
$ a. Factors governing staffselection.
€ b. PCMM levels
$ c. Submodels of COCOMO II
E d. Maslow's hierarchy of needs. (20 Marks)
,f {. ,F ,1. *
Time: 3 hrs.
Systems Software
Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting
at least TWO questions from each part.
1 a. Give any two differences between SIC and SIC/XE machine architecture.
b. Explain in detail the architecture of a SIC I)(E machine.
c. Write a subroutine in SIC/)G to read a 100-byte record from a device
use immediate and register-to-register instructions. i,
Max. Marks:100
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(04 Marks)
(06 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
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What is a forward reference? How to solve this forward reference in"bssCmbler?
What are the 3 different records used in object program and writp,,tLreii formats?
Generate the obiect code for the instructions shown below:ect cooe tor tne mstructlons snown
1) 0006 cl-ooP +JSUB RDREC
2) 0017 J CLOOP
3) 0020 LDA #3
4) 103C +LDT #4096
s) 0024. J @RETADR
Note: JSUB = 8, J = 3C, LDA = 00, LDT = 4TIRDREC = 1036, RETADR = 0030
Enlist the various machine independent assLmbler features. (05 Marks)
With suitable example, explain the usedLTORG assembler directive. (05 Marks)
Explain the multi pass assembler.w.ith'example. (10 Marks)
What are basic functions of a,.i6rtder? Develop an algorithm for a bootstrap loader. (10 Marks)
What is the difference bet^v{ifu linkage editor and linking loader? (04 Marks)
Explain various data strgffies used for a linking loader. (06 Marks)
. t,'"",',-i.'.;.1 PART - B
Explain the relati'b#ship between editing and viewing buffers with relevant diagram.
"'' (lo Marks)
Differentlfti5ffitween tracing and traceback functions in a debugging system. (04 Marks)
Mentio-1,"3qfti6 different precessions for future assembler and compiler consistent interface
wilffigging system. (06 Marks)
6 a. _*H,Ff.the different tables used for a macroprocessor. Explain their functions. (08 Marks)
b,,; iplain with example, concatenation of macro parameter and generation of unique lables.
(12 Marks).sa t+tu .t
,-,*ft. Explain the structure of LEX specification with example.
'"'i b. What is symbol table? Write a LEX program to implement symbol table.
8 a. What is YACC? Explain the different sections used in writing the YACC specification.
b. Explain conflicts in YACC with example.
c. Write YACC program to check whether the
grammar or not.
(10 Marks)
(05 Marks)
given string bnan(n > 0) is accepted by
(05 Marks)
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Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examin;fr;;;J6*e/July 2015
Time: 3 hrs.
Operating Systems
Note: Answer any FIW full questions, selecting
atleast TWO questions from each part.
1 a. What are the activities for which the operating system is responsible for, in conneet 'with :
Max. Marks: 100
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What are virtual machines? Explain the benefit of creating virtual machines, (05 Marks)
i) Process management ii) File management.
Explain any two tlpes of system calls.
With a diagram, explain different states of a process.
Differentiate between direct and indirect interprocess corlmunication
Explain any three multithreading models in brief
Fig. Qa(b)
Explain the different methods used to recover from deadlock.
(10 Marks)
(05 Marks)
(04 Marks)
(04 Marks)
(03 Marks)
Consider the following set of() 09sSCS :
Process Arrival time Burst time
Pr 0 5
Pz 1 1
P: 2 4
Compute average turn around d timp and av,q.'4 'waiting time using FCFS, preemptive SJF
and RR (quantum - 4). (09 Marks)
Explain Peterson's solution to critical section problem. (06 Marks)
Describe the mutual - exclusion implementation with TestAndSet0. (06 Marks)
Mention three classical problems of synchrontzation. Explain any one in detail. (08 Marks)
Consider the following snapshot,of
.,. Po
AnsWer the following questions using banker's algorithm
i)" , What is the content of the matrix need?
ii) Is the system in a safe state?
iiD If a request from process Pr arrives for (1, 0, 2), can the request be granted
immediately? (12 Marks)
b. For the following resource-allocation graph, write the corresponding wait - for graph.
(04 Marks)
oI a system :
Allocation Max Available
2 0 0
3 02
3 22
4 3 3
3 32
c. /O4 MorLs)
b. Discuss on the performance of demand paging.
c. What is Belady's anomaly? Explain with an example.
a. Mention any five :
i) File attributes
ii) File operations.
c. Compare contiguous and linked allocation methods for disk space.
d. Explain bit vector free-space management technique.
7 a. With an illustrative example, distinguish betweba SSTF, FCFS, SCAIJi ,rl
schedulings. ,,.,. i =''
b. What are boot block and bad blocks? Explain, .
c. Explain the goals and principles of pro,tectibn.
8 Write short notes on : . .', '- ''
a. Design principles of Linu* ,yrte#j
b. Linux virtual memory system
c. Segmentation : '
d. LRU page replacement hlgorithm.
a. With a supporting paging hardware, explain in detail concept of paging with an example for
a 32 -byt. memory with 4 - type pages with a process being 16-bytes. How many bits are
reserved for page number and page offset in the logical address. Suppose the logical address
is 5, calculate the corresponding physical address, after populating memory and pag€ table.
(10 Marks)
(05 Marks)
(05 Marks)
(05 Marks)
b. With supporting diagrams distinguish between single-level and two-level directory structure.
(05 Marks)
(05 Marks)
(05 Marks)
(08 Marks)
(06 Marks)
(06 Marks)
(20 Marks)
2 of 2
Time: 3 hrs.
Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2015
Database Management Systems
Max. Marks:10P15
Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting ffiY,";p
at least TWO questions from each parl
ffiffi*arks).g 1 a. Briefly discuss the advantages of using DBMS. ,^.[frto ll"rt rl
E b. Discuss the main characteristics of the database approach. How does jf di&r from the
E traditional file systems?
3 2 a. List the summary of the notations of ER diagram. Include symbolqbld ER diagram and
T ,neirmeanings. " '
, I b. Define an entity and an attribute. Explain the different t1pes ota$ilbubs that occur in an ER
P= model with an example. (hr' (10 Merks)
E 3 3 a. Explain SELECT and PROJECT operations in relatioqd ffibra with an example. (10 Marks)
:H +
b. Explain different types ofJOIN operations in relatio(Olleebra with example. (10 Mrrk)
q 4 a. With respect to SQL, explain with example : A r
E f i) DROP command iD ALTER commggff (10 Merrs)
€ E b. Given the schema, )
E E EMP (frame, tname, ssn, bdate, addrers, s€x, salary, supperssn, dno)
.g E DEPT (dname, dnumber. mgrssn, rgE$Eftdate)
? E PEll-rocGs@-dleo 1)t-rt)f r rJrlv tuuulllugl. uruu, ,,  ,
PRoJEtr Oou*., p**uq prdrftlYuml
;E Y',',:1'i"3^T:::#re^3'l:::r";ss=
€ E i) List female empilffis from dno:20 eaming more than 50000.
5 ts ii) List 'CSE' dwffinent details.
E * iiil n"ti."r.*ffitot.,-d; and salary of all employees who work in depaftnent
S 3 PRorEcrdmsrdrft-Yum;
E < WORKS ON (essu,=W, hoffi "
gE DEPENDINTI "*)'rd ! ur-:a^ +L^ Crnr
{ E
rrr/rr -vur-r-q*^%d,LrDuu(.lllr/, r.(r.,llr(lr.rJw (rr.lJ D(u(IrJ vr ClIr vIllPIrJvvD wltw
$ ts no.50 #EH"o j iv) Sele,gSffiameofemployeewhose l$letterisR and3'dletterisM.I i iv) Sele($C name of employee whose l"letterisR and3roleterisM.
$ S
the name of tle manager of each department. (r0 Ma*s)
FE tl.} PART-B
Bg s a.-.S)ainuefoltowing,
$H .QDaBBt sut"functionsinSQL ii)Inser!updateanddeletecommands (r0Merts)
E € * V How are triggers and assertions defined in SQL? Explain with example. (10 Merks)
E E fQd
r a. What is functional dependency (FD)? Write an algorithm to fnd a minimal cover for a set of
$K) functional dependencies. Consauct minimal cover M for the set of functional dependencies
Xft- which are :
I B -A, D -A,AB -'D. (10 Mrrk)
Z b. Explain INF, 2NF and 3NF with examples. (10 M8rk.)
E 7 a. Explain multi valued dependency and fourth normal form, with an example. (10 Mrrks)
g' b. Explain: i) Inclusion dependencies ant ii) Domain key norrral form (10 Marks)
8 a. Briefly discuss the 2 phase locking (2PL) protocol used in concurrency control. 1to wtarrs;
b. Explain all the phases involved in ARIES algorithm with an example. (10 Marks)
Fifth Semester B.E. Degree
Time: 3 hrs.
Max. Marks:100
(06 Marks)
(08 Marks)
(08 Marks)
(06 Marks)
(10 Marks)
each of the
(08 Marks)
(06 Marks)
(06 Marks)
(06 Marks)
of 10 base
(08 Marks)
importance of
(06 Marks)
(06 Marks)
(08 Marks)
(06 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(I0 Marks)
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Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting
atleast TWO questions from each port.
I a. What is data communication? What are the five components of data communi.A,.1*rfi:.rft1
: ':, .
c. What are the four level of addresses used in internet employing TCP/IP,:.. " , (04 Marks)
2 a. Using Shannon's theorem, compute the maximum bit rate for a ctrannbl having a band width
of 3100 Hz and signal to noise ratio of 20 db.
' (06 Marks)
b. Sketch the signal waveforms when 01001110 is transmit using following line coding
3 a. Four I - kbps connections are multiplexed together?rinit is 1 bit. Find : i) the duration of
l-bit before multiplexing ii) the duration of a tinicsht, iii) the duration a frame. (06 Marks)
b. Define direct sequence spread spectrum (p$SS) ana explain how it achiever band with
schemes : i) Rz ii) NRZ - L iii) Manchester coding.
c. Explain different types of transmission modes.
spread using relevant sketch.
c' What is virtual circuit network? ListtE4u. characteristics of the same.
4 a. Given the data word 1001 and diyisor 1011 :
i) Show the generation code word at the sender site
ii) Show the checking of code'word at receiver site (assume no error).
,,.; ,,
'.,"' PART - B
5 a. With neat,diagram of point - to point protocol (PPP) frame format, explain
b. Explaih stop and wait automatic repeat request protocol.
c. W ii framing? With necessary sketches explain bit stuffing and unstuffing.
6 u lVith neat diagram explain TDMA.
b. Mention different caiegories of standard Ethernet and explain implementation
5 - thick Ethernet.
c. Mention the five goals of fast Ethernet. And give the
b. Explain process of error defeetion and error detection using block coding. (06 Marks)
c. What is internet check sum? List the steps under taken by sender to calculate check sum.lss.
,, ,=' (04 Marks)
What is blue tooth? Explain its architecture.
Explain the following connecting devices :
i) Hub ii) Bridge iii) Router iv) Gateway.
Discuss cellular telephone in brief
List the deficiencies of IPV4 and advantages of IPV6 over IPV4.
Draw format of an IPV6 datagramand explain.
Time: 3 hrs.
f tr,ut*Ar'
Max. Marks:1CI.0
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(06 Marks)
R such that
(06 Marks)
(09 Marks)
(05 Marks)
(05 Marks)
(05 Marks)
'M' whose transition table
Fifth Semester B.E. Degree ExaminatioilJifrfrelJuly ZA15
Formal Languages and Automata Theory
c 'ao
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6 q-J
-q c)
- cc:
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r. C)
i.& c)
1 a. Design a DFA to read strings mode up of letters "CHARIOT" and recog *;;'these strings
that contains the word "CAT" as a substring. ..,d;
.' (0g Marks)
b. Draw DFA to accept the language L = { o : o has add number of fl$"eiid follorn ed by even
number of 0's. Completely define DFA and transition function. r,,,"oi;
"* &"' (06 Marks)
Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting
atleast TWO questions from each part.
c. Convert the following NFA to its equivalent DFA. {_l': t
2 a. Prove that if L - L(A) for some DFA, then there is{,' ' gular expression
L = L(R). ,4.I+,
b. For the following DFA, obtain regul &&"oRrttrar expresstons
{I"€tr 1
iOr 9z Qt
"'a9z,Ir Q: 9r
.4., s Y-1 Qi 2
1 +. 10)*.
to given automation
. .., "i"
. :itt
fi, I "'o""" lt:
1. . i----I-
"s I?qr+H t=-T;^--T_,
i. t+-*UA-]-
f: . |,ts'j'r,'"q: i
Construct NFA for regufu expre$sion V = (0
l' '**'State and prove pumpingl'ffiha for regular
Show that L = {An' I u >;.m'is not regular.
Construct 0 minimu$j-;aifribmation equivalent
given belcrw : ).,,|!;i|i,!
,' trr;ft
'+,. I States,, d,T.*,
,;,t: tl5^ ,:*t"{*" I Qt
t''"'i I q,
i' l--:,-
What is a grammer? Explain the classification of grammers with examples.
Obtain the grammer to generate the following languages :
i) L = {ot : nu(co) mod 2 = O where or e(a, b)*}
ii) L = {cD : o is a palindrome, where ro e (a, b)* }
iii) L=anb'nlu>1
Show that the following grammer is ambiguous :
(10 Marks)
(07 Marks)
(06 Marks)
(07 Marks)
0 I
9Qo 9o Q:
Qr Qz Qs
Qz Q: 9q
Q: Qo Qs
Qq 9o Qo
Qs 9r Q+
Qe* Qr Q:
L of 2
5 a, Construct PDA for the language and simulate this PDA
L= {ai bj.k lj = i +k, i, k> o. (roMarks)
b. Define PDA. Explain the langu age accepted by PDA. (05 Marks)
Explain the PDA with two stocks. (05 Marks)
6 a. Simplify the grammer by eliminating useless productions.
B -+C lb
E -+ d lAb.
b. Convert the following CFG to CNF.
S -+ aB lbA
B-+blaSlaBB. (06 Marks)
c. Prove that context free languages are closed:under union, concatenation and star. (08 Marks):
7 a. Explain the programming techniques for turing machine.
b. Construct a TM for L = {au b" cu,l * i i1. cive the graphical repr:esentation fcr the obtainer-1
(06 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 il{arks)
(20 h{arks)
I Explain the fbllowing
a. Post correspondence profilem
b. Recursively enumerable language
c. Recursive languageS
d. Universal languagbs.
2of2 $'

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5th Semester (June; July-2015) Computer Science and Information Science Engineering Question Papers

  • 1. 10IS51USN Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Software Time: 3 hrs. Engineering Max. Marks: 100 Note: Answer any FIW full questions, selecting atleast TWO questions from each part $ r a. what is Software Engineering? PART - A ;' '.._' (02 Merks) g b. List the attributes of good software system and key challenges facinfuY{vrare enqjl::.TC: E '^ (lo Marks) I c. What are legacy systems? Explain components of legacy systems, ] {1- (08 Marks) E .t5g 2 a. Explain dimensions of dependability properties and systgm"!frperties that are related to g 3 dependability. ^} (08 Marks) gE b. Explain the approaches to improve reliability. .,. t (03 Marks) :g + d. Explain testing phases with figure. . ) ,n r (04 Msrks) :E & N-' H ; 3 a. Distinguish between functional and non funffil requirements with example. (04 Marks) ! ; b. Explain the types of non functional reqpirements with example. (06 Marks) ; .E c. Identifu the stakeholders of ATM syq$mfnd classifr them according to viewpoints. g Z -. . (10 Marks) E -e 4 a. Explain any 2 types of object mqdrils in detail. (08 Marks) : g b. Explain state machine modcl'ofmicro oven. (06 Morks) e i c. Differentiate between milditiines and deliverables. (02 Marks) € I d. List the activities of riaR hranagement with figure. (04 Marks) rE 1+) gi ,u PARr-B E i 5 a. Explain clie6erver architecture with example. (06 Marks) eE b. Explain Ai$figures centralized control and event driven systems. (10 Marks) E F c. List thefrbposals made about how to identify object classes. (04 Marks) o.i .'l g .E 6 a. yS4t is pair programming? Write its advantages. (04 Mrrks) E E b. aSfflat is extreme programming? List principles of agile method. (06 Marks) : f - QYxplain activities involved in reengineering process with figure. (10 Marks) >,! g g ,}A"1. write the difference between verification and validation. (r0 Merks) f Hi$) b. Explain the clean room software development process with figure in detail. (0s Mrrks) :X ' c. List classes of interface errors. (05 Marks) lJ< -'i "i I Write short notes on the following: $ a. Factors governing staffselection. € b. PCMM levels $ c. Submodels of COCOMO II E d. Maslow's hierarchy of needs. (20 Marks) ,f {. ,F ,1. *
  • 2. USN Time: 3 hrs. Systems Software Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting at least TWO questions from each part. PART - A 1 a. Give any two differences between SIC and SIC/XE machine architecture. b. Explain in detail the architecture of a SIC I)(E machine. c. Write a subroutine in SIC/)G to read a 100-byte record from a device use immediate and register-to-register instructions. i, 10es52 Max. Marks:100 ii,:i. ,....,rr. "ir"' :ii ..,ii. !. 'n li1; ':l ,,,** "{,P"Marks) "*fl (10 Marks) oF5'.."ihto BUFFER "u,,j (06 Marks) (04 Marks) (06 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 Marks) 2a. b. c. 3a. b. c. 4a. b. c. 5a. b. c. oq) () crl c, a G, ro c) (B C) (h bo- EE J4, Eo =!n-* ll ioo .= e.l (ds b ?.0 a)( -c() Li l- oB 3s 3E bd (E0 OEboccl (B }ECg ',t }B 5E 48"tra. q) (J 9iiaocrt lE .dE L (t) ep>! bo- tr40 ()= L! 6-) XLr- >.. ' qJ< *N c) o Z ((l E o atr What is a forward reference? How to solve this forward reference in"bssCmbler? What are the 3 different records used in object program and writp,,tLreii formats? Generate the obiect code for the instructions shown below:ect cooe tor tne mstructlons snown 1) 0006 cl-ooP +JSUB RDREC 2) 0017 J CLOOP 3) 0020 LDA #3 4) 103C +LDT #4096 s) 0024. J @RETADR Note: JSUB = 8, J = 3C, LDA = 00, LDT = 4TIRDREC = 1036, RETADR = 0030 Enlist the various machine independent assLmbler features. (05 Marks) With suitable example, explain the usedLTORG assembler directive. (05 Marks) Explain the multi pass assembler.w.ith'example. (10 Marks) What are basic functions of a,.i6rtder? Develop an algorithm for a bootstrap loader. (10 Marks) What is the difference bet^v{ifu linkage editor and linking loader? (04 Marks) Explain various data strgffies used for a linking loader. (06 Marks) *''"*.#t- . t,'"",',-i.'.;.1 PART - B Explain the relati'b#ship between editing and viewing buffers with relevant diagram. ,,*,. "'' (lo Marks) Differentlfti5ffitween tracing and traceback functions in a debugging system. (04 Marks) Mentio-1,"3qfti6 different precessions for future assembler and compiler consistent interface wilffigging system. (06 Marks) .]4'3' 6 a. _*H,Ff.the different tables used for a macroprocessor. Explain their functions. (08 Marks) _ b,,; iplain with example, concatenation of macro parameter and generation of unique lables. (12 Marks).sa t+tu .t ,-,*ft. Explain the structure of LEX specification with example. '"'i b. What is symbol table? Write a LEX program to implement symbol table. 8 a. What is YACC? Explain the different sections used in writing the YACC specification. b. Explain conflicts in YACC with example. c. Write YACC program to check whether the grammar or not. (10 Marks) (05 Marks) given string bnan(n > 0) is accepted by (05 Marks)
  • 3. USN 10css3d) - "'t ..'' ,.', . c -** - 'r '.:: ". Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examin;fr;;;J6*e/July 2015 Time: 3 hrs. Operating Systems Note: Answer any FIW full questions, selecting atleast TWO questions from each part. PART _ A 1 a. What are the activities for which the operating system is responsible for, in conneet 'with : Max. Marks: 100 0) Q Q !v (d a (B C) o! 8R J- C6 J 7(n bo rl cco .= c cOxt C):Y otrF0) E! *,a aX oO o0c >ii -(sss= E(g -a'a 5iJ(hd c. 6_ =/3o-l n.= 6: tq r() 5.Y>.,= rro u c' bo =g) o -, < -N 0) z (t ! b. c. 2a. b. c. d" What are virtual machines? Explain the benefit of creating virtual machines, (05 Marks) i) Process management ii) File management. Explain any two tlpes of system calls. With a diagram, explain different states of a process. Differentiate between direct and indirect interprocess corlmunication Explain any three multithreading models in brief Fig. Qa(b) Explain the different methods used to recover from deadlock. (10 Marks) (05 Marks) (04 Marks) (04 Marks) (03 Marks) a. b. c. a. Consider the following set of() 09sSCS : Process Arrival time Burst time Pr 0 5 Pz 1 1 P: 2 4 Compute average turn around d timp and av,q.'4 'waiting time using FCFS, preemptive SJF and RR (quantum - 4). (09 Marks) Explain Peterson's solution to critical section problem. (06 Marks) Describe the mutual - exclusion implementation with TestAndSet0. (06 Marks) Mention three classical problems of synchrontzation. Explain any one in detail. (08 Marks) Consider the following snapshot,of .,. Po .pr Pz P: P+ AnsWer the following questions using banker's algorithm i)" , What is the content of the matrix need? ii) Is the system in a safe state? iiD If a request from process Pr arrives for (1, 0, 2), can the request be granted immediately? (12 Marks) b. For the following resource-allocation graph, write the corresponding wait - for graph. (04 Marks) C$;'?.{TI+;flr1" ;,1tr36iP*lt ti oI a system : Allocation Max Available AIBIC AIB C A B C 010 2 0 0 3 02 211 002 7s3 3 22 902 222 4 3 3 3 32 c. /O4 MorLs)
  • 4. b. Discuss on the performance of demand paging. c. What is Belady's anomaly? Explain with an example. a. Mention any five : i) File attributes ii) File operations. c. Compare contiguous and linked allocation methods for disk space. d. Explain bit vector free-space management technique. 7 a. With an illustrative example, distinguish betweba SSTF, FCFS, SCAIJi ,rl schedulings. ,,.,. i ='' b. What are boot block and bad blocks? Explain, . c. Explain the goals and principles of pro,tectibn. 8 Write short notes on : . .', '- '' a. Design principles of Linu* ,yrte#j b. Linux virtual memory system c. Segmentation : ' d. LRU page replacement hlgorithm. 10css3 PART - B a. With a supporting paging hardware, explain in detail concept of paging with an example for a 32 -byt. memory with 4 - type pages with a process being 16-bytes. How many bits are reserved for page number and page offset in the logical address. Suppose the logical address is 5, calculate the corresponding physical address, after populating memory and pag€ table. (10 Marks) (05 Marks) (05 Marks) (05 Marks) b. With supporting diagrams distinguish between single-level and two-level directory structure. (05 Marks) (05 Marks) (05 Marks) and LOOK DISK (08 Marks) (06 Marks) (06 Marks) (20 Marks) {<*{<rkx 2 of 2
  • 5. 06css4USN Time: 3 hrs. Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2015 Database Management Systems Max. Marks:10P15 Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting ffiY,";p at least TWO questions from each parl PART - A ffiffi*arks).g 1 a. Briefly discuss the advantages of using DBMS. ,^.[frto ll"rt rl E b. Discuss the main characteristics of the database approach. How does jf di&r from the E traditional file systems? ,_{? (loMrd(s) 3 2 a. List the summary of the notations of ER diagram. Include symbolqbld ER diagram and T ,neirmeanings. " ' "-)U (loMarkg , I b. Define an entity and an attribute. Explain the different t1pes ota$ilbubs that occur in an ER P= model with an example. (hr' (10 Merks) E 3 3 a. Explain SELECT and PROJECT operations in relatioqd ffibra with an example. (10 Marks) :H + b. Explain different types ofJOIN operations in relatio(Olleebra with example. (10 Mrrk) E q 4 a. With respect to SQL, explain with example : A r E f i) DROP command iD ALTER commggff (10 Merrs) € E b. Given the schema, ) E E EMP (frame, tname, ssn, bdate, addrers, s€x, salary, supperssn, dno) .g E DEPT (dname, dnumber. mgrssn, rgE$Eftdate) ? E PEll-rocGs@-dleo 1)t-rt)f r rJrlv tuuulllugl. uruu, ,, , PRoJEtr Oou*., p**uq prdrftlYuml ;E Y',',:1'i"3^T:::#re^3'l:::r";ss= € E i) List female empilffis from dno:20 eaming more than 50000. 5 ts ii) List 'CSE' dwffinent details. E * iiil n"ti."r.*ffitot.,-d; and salary of all employees who work in depaftnent S 3 PRorEcrdmsrdrft-Yum; E < WORKS ON (essu,=W, hoffi " gE DEPENDINTI "*)'rd ! ur-:a^ +L^ Crnr { E rrr/rr -vur-r-q*^%d,LrDuu(.lllr/, r.(r.,llr(lr.rJw (rr.lJ D(u(IrJ vr ClIr vIllPIrJvvD wltw $ ts no.50 #EH"o j iv) Sele,gSffiameofemployeewhose l$letterisR and3'dletterisM.I i iv) Sele($C name of employee whose l"letterisR and3roleterisM. $ S v) {qfie the name of tle manager of each department. (r0 Ma*s) FE tl.} PART-B Bg s a.-.S)ainuefoltowing, - $H .QDaBBt sut"functionsinSQL ii)Inser!updateanddeletecommands (r0Merts) E € * V How are triggers and assertions defined in SQL? Explain with example. (10 Merks) E E fQd r a. What is functional dependency (FD)? Write an algorithm to fnd a minimal cover for a set of $K) functional dependencies. Consauct minimal cover M for the set of functional dependencies Xft- which are : I B -A, D -A,AB -'D. (10 Mrrk) Z b. Explain INF, 2NF and 3NF with examples. (10 M8rk.) E E 7 a. Explain multi valued dependency and fourth normal form, with an example. (10 Mrrks) g' b. Explain: i) Inclusion dependencies ant ii) Domain key norrral form (10 Marks) 8 a. Briefly discuss the 2 phase locking (2PL) protocol used in concurrency control. 1to wtarrs; b. Explain all the phases involved in ARIES algorithm with an example. (10 Marks)
  • 6. USN Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Gomputer Time: 3 hrs. 10QSss Max. Marks:100 (06 Marks) (08 Marks) (08 Marks) (06 Marks) (10 Marks) each of the (08 Marks) (06 Marks) (06 Marks) (06 Marks) of 10 base (08 Marks) importance of (06 Marks) (06 Marks) (08 Marks) (06 Marks) (10 Marks) (I0 Marks) (') o I () !v ! a (v E a 9 I C) I d 0) ! '9aa- . C,X 9_ .Y'rd Cg ../ :rel il bo ,l a€',- _l_ .= c 63 <- Lan 96"(.) =-0) -'-9- -8et- I I Ad aX -,LV grO :- -,LV -v9 o0tr(3(B -L IJ >?)(g str= 'od -2,' B 5 .!J .J' - orv(); ChU ()= 4()(,lE?.- EEi- 6) 5:y>! oo-ao0d ()= :+9ts? =d)v:i (J -lr< -c! I Z a(€ ! Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting atleast TWO questions from each port. PART _ A I a. What is data communication? What are the five components of data communi.A,.1*rfi:.rft1 : ':, . b.Exp1aintheoSIreferencemodel,listingthefunctionsofeachlayerinbrief. c. What are the four level of addresses used in internet employing TCP/IP,:.. " , (04 Marks) 2 a. Using Shannon's theorem, compute the maximum bit rate for a ctrannbl having a band width of 3100 Hz and signal to noise ratio of 20 db. ' (06 Marks) b. Sketch the signal waveforms when 01001110 is transmit using following line coding 3 a. Four I - kbps connections are multiplexed together?rinit is 1 bit. Find : i) the duration of l-bit before multiplexing ii) the duration of a tinicsht, iii) the duration a frame. (06 Marks) b. Define direct sequence spread spectrum (p$SS) ana explain how it achiever band with schemes : i) Rz ii) NRZ - L iii) Manchester coding. c. Explain different types of transmission modes. spread using relevant sketch. c' What is virtual circuit network? ListtE4u. characteristics of the same. : 4 a. Given the data word 1001 and diyisor 1011 : i) Show the generation code word at the sender site ii) Show the checking of code'word at receiver site (assume no error). ,,.; ,, '.,"' PART - B 5 a. With neat,diagram of point - to point protocol (PPP) frame format, explain fields. b. Explaih stop and wait automatic repeat request protocol. c. W ii framing? With necessary sketches explain bit stuffing and unstuffing. 6 u lVith neat diagram explain TDMA. b. Mention different caiegories of standard Ethernet and explain implementation 5 - thick Ethernet. c. Mention the five goals of fast Ethernet. And give the ..AUTONEGOTIATION". b. Explain process of error defeetion and error detection using block coding. (06 Marks) c. What is internet check sum? List the steps under taken by sender to calculate check sum.lss. ,, ,=' (04 Marks) la. b. c. 8a. b. What is blue tooth? Explain its architecture. Explain the following connecting devices : i) Hub ii) Bridge iii) Router iv) Gateway. Discuss cellular telephone in brief List the deficiencies of IPV4 and advantages of IPV6 over IPV4. Draw format of an IPV6 datagramand explain.
  • 7. USN Time: 3 hrs. f tr,ut*Ar' tLrBraAn'l.,ii lN_# 10css6 Max. Marks:1CI.0 ,-"1 *.,r, ..,. ,ti i, "d 1j'"t1r, .,, '11"t1*,t '"n' ,r-$i*r. (06 Marks) R such that (06 Marks) (09 Marks) (05 Marks) (05 Marks) (05 Marks) 'M' whose transition table Fifth Semester B.E. Degree ExaminatioilJifrfrelJuly ZA15 Formal Languages and Automata Theory d o (J 5s tr a C) = 8P &;. CCcJ ^^ ll c 'ao .; J- .=N d$ 6 q-J c)t -q c) a o2 (/'d U) i<x(Je 60 o0= -!J - cc: d- bs 4()5i ar o!v iri r. C) 5.v ilo =oo o= i.& c) Xr- Jq -N o Z L PART - A 1 a. Design a DFA to read strings mode up of letters "CHARIOT" and recog *;;'these strings that contains the word "CAT" as a substring. ..,d; .' (0g Marks) b. Draw DFA to accept the language L = { o : o has add number of fl$"eiid follorn ed by even number of 0's. Completely define DFA and transition function. r,,,"oi; "* &"' (06 Marks) Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting atleast TWO questions from each part. c. Convert the following NFA to its equivalent DFA. {_l': t ,-jru*f * 2 a. Prove that if L - L(A) for some DFA, then there is{,' ' gular expression L = L(R). ,4.I+, b. For the following DFA, obtain regul &&"oRrttrar expresstons States E:f {I"€tr 1 iOr 9z Qt "'a9z,Ir Q: 9r .4., s Y-1 Qi 2 1 +. 10)*. languages. to given automation 3a. b. c. . .., "i" . :itt 4a. b. U. fi, I "'o""" lt: 1. . i----I- "s I?qr+H t=-T;^--T_, i. t+-*UA-]- f: . |,ts'j'r,'"q: i Construct NFA for regufu expre$sion V = (0 l' '**'State and prove pumpingl'ffiha for regular Show that L = {An' I u >;.m'is not regular. Construct 0 minimu$j-;aifribmation equivalent given belcrw : ).,,|!;i|i,! ,' trr;ft '+,. I States,, d,T.*, i,"';l * ,;,t: tl5^ ,:*t"{*" I Qt ,., t''"'i I q, i' l--:,- What is a grammer? Explain the classification of grammers with examples. Obtain the grammer to generate the following languages : i) L = {ot : nu(co) mod 2 = O where or e(a, b)*} ii) L = {cD : o is a palindrome, where ro e (a, b)* } iii) L=anb'nlu>1 Show that the following grammer is ambiguous : S-+alSalbSSlSSblSbS. t (10 Marks) (07 Marks) (06 Marks) (07 Marks) States input 0 I 9Qo 9o Q: Qr Qz Qs Qz Q: 9q Q: Qo Qs Qq 9o Qo Qs 9r Q+ Qe* Qr Q: L of 2
  • 8. t' # 10css6 PART - B 5 a, Construct PDA for the language and simulate this PDA L= {ai bj.k lj = i +k, i, k> o. (roMarks) b. Define PDA. Explain the langu age accepted by PDA. (05 Marks) Explain the PDA with two stocks. (05 Marks) 6 a. Simplify the grammer by eliminating useless productions. SAB A+a B -+C lb C-+D D-+ElbC E -+ d lAb. b. Convert the following CFG to CNF. S -+ aB lbA A-+alaSIbAA B-+blaSlaBB. (06 Marks) c. Prove that context free languages are closed:under union, concatenation and star. (08 Marks): 7 a. Explain the programming techniques for turing machine. b. Construct a TM for L = {au b" cu,l * i i1. cive the graphical repr:esentation fcr the obtainer-1 (06 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 il{arks) (20 h{arks) TM.... I Explain the fbllowing a. Post correspondence profilem b. Recursively enumerable language c. Recursive languageS d. Universal languagbs. {<***rr ,1i f; d 2of2 $'