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5 Paragraph Essay Outline
Throughout all of high school, students are taught to write papers following the outline of a
five–paragraph essay. The five–paragraph essay is a format of essay having five paragraphs: one
introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs with support and development, and one concluding
paragraph. This basic structure has proven to be effective for many students however the format
itself has been accused of being "rigid and arbitrary" as well as being accused of valuing mechanical
organizational schemes rather than in depth thinking. (1) Is the five–paragraph essay as flawed as
some people make it out to be? A five paragraph essay breaks down like this: The first paragraph
contains a one sentence (or maybe a two sentence) thesis statement, which
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Five Paragraph Themes
The III Effect of the Five Paragraph Theme article by Kimberly Wesley is more about persuading
students to write other types of essays rather than just the common five paragraph essay that's been
taught for countless years. In my opinion, I prefer not to write my essays in the five paragraph
theme because it isn't remarkably conducive to not only high school students like me, but as well as
other writers. As of my own experience in writing throughout my school years, there's no doubt in
confessing that I have had more than three main ideas for a certain essay, while on the other hand,
there have been essays where I would struggle to come up with even two ideas! According to a
college student (my sister), I have been told that the FPT is not
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How To Write an Essay
The most common essay pattern is five–paragraph essay, beginning with introduction that initiate the
single main idea, three paragraphs that each contains one supporting reason for the main idea and the
conclusion. However, some people still wonder that why they cannot make successful and
fascinating essays. Five–paragraph essay does not guarantee full score in SAT and TOEFLwriting
test. Interesting essay never came from putting words into template such as the five–paragraph
pattern. Writing an essay needs more profound attempts and arts of writer. This essay will be
divided into 4 parts including the meaning of the essay, the structure of the essay, the SOAPS
analysis, the purpose of the writers and tips for writing an essay. Essay, more content...
Between body paragraphs, the writer needs to add transition to support a continuity of an essay.
The conclusion, the last part of an essay, can be considered as a water cone that was used to
summarize an excessive amount of ideas given in the body paragraphs and introduction by recap the
thesis and bring the essay to another level. The conclusion should end with the original thought of
the writer that left reader to think about the content of an essay.
Writing an essay, writers need to focus on the main ideas, brainstorm thoughts, look for resources
and distill the content. Furthermore, essay writer has to revise and redact their papers including
strengthen significant examples and ideas. There was a method that helps a writer easily begin
writing an essay called the SOAPS analysis.
The SOAPS analysis is the way that writer analyzing his essay including subject, occasion,
audience, purpose and speaker. So many writers avoid this process because they do not know the
importance of this approach. For instances, my subject is the way to write an essay. I wanted
coming Thai Scholars to read so they are my audiences. As a speaker, I should use the tone
between informal and formal to prevent new writers who are reading my essay bored and my
purpose is to share my knowledge throughout my experiences. Moreover, we should learn main
purposes of essay writers so we can make a pre–understanding of every essay. There are four major
purpose of writing an essay including
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Five–paragraph essay is a brief, non–fiction composition that describes, clarifies, argues, or analyzes
a subject.
1.Starting with a hook. In order to persuade readers to continue reading, an effective introduction
needs to grab their attention. To do this, an introduction can use one or more of several techniques–it
can start with an objective statement, make reference to a surprising scene or situation, start with
rhetorical question, start with a problem that needs a solution. The second sentence should tell the
reader more about the topic without providing background information, which leads to a thesis
statement. Usually, the introductory paragraph gives the main idea and the supporting arguments of
the essay, each of them will become
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Anne Frank 5 Paragraphs
This is where you will start writing your essay. Remember that it needs to be 5 paragraphs and all
your sentences need to be well thought out and amazing. I want to be impressed with your writing
and what you think about Anne Frank. This is where your second paragraph starts. You will talk
about courage and give me lots of good examples.
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5-Paragraph Writing Flaws
The problems with the 5–paragraph writing is the same problems that the author was praising. The
problems with this writing is that firstly, the three subtopics do give you a limited way of thinking.
You can only give three points, it makes your mind not willing to go in depth about the topic at
hand, it doesn't let your brain wander. Then if you want to write more about one of the subpoints,
you can't because you're only allowing yourself 5 paragraphs to write everything. Another thing that
the author mentioned was that he writes this way for all his essays, yet gets good grades on it. That
might be true, but you're never going to grow as a writer, your writing is mediocre. You're brain is
trained on only having 5 paragraphs, that makes your
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The Five Paragraph Essay and My Own Writing Style
The five paragraph essay is tremendously valuable to me as a student. I have realized throughout
my research that this format is seldom used by professionals; it is mostly used by students like
me. I believe I now understand why that is; it seems to be a very clear way of composing a paper.
It has a great deal of structure to it, and allows for more consistency and a better flow. Without
having such structure, it is easy to go off on tangents, and at the same time, confuse the reader. The
five–paragraph essay is essentially a sealant. Just like sealant fastens things together and helps ensure
that things are in order, well–fitted, and secure. So too, the five paragraph essay makes sure that all
of the various writing components more content...
Once I have identified my main themes, I start to freewrite by linking them all together. My process
of freewriting is similar to the process suggested in the lecture. The concepts in the lecture included
the five–paragraph essay, as well as its inner–component: prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing.
Prewrtitng is basically all of the actions that are taken during the drafting process. This often
involves brainstorming and the collecting of relevant data. It is the first step that was mentioned
and is considered to be a gathering process. My freewriting process primarily consists of
prewriting, although I mostly rely on my own thought process versus using alternative sources. We
learned that drafting is when a person's ideas start forming actual sentences. It is the process of
connecting ideas. This is precisely what I do when I freewrite, but prewriting involves more
supporting of ideas. Although revision was mentioned in the lecture, I tend to incorporate it into
my freewriting without it being a separate process. Revision is basically making the sentences and
the structure more succinct. It involves making the writing as clear as possible for the reader.
Editing was also covered in the lecture. It involves making sure the correct grammar is being used
and that the spelling is correct. I also use this process in freewriting, although much of it comes
automatically as I start typing. As a result of completing this analysis, I realize
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Unteaching The Five– Paragraph essay by Marie Foley is a light hearted but argumentive piece
focusing on the way most school aged children are taught to write. Foley's main point comes down
to the very first words in the essay; "The five–paragraph formula confuses and alienates students and
undermines our most basic goals as writing instructors." Foley believes that by teaching children to
write in a formulated manner we are not letting them explore and learn through their own writing.
We are instead giving them the freedom to discontinue the thought process once they feel that the
essay they have produced meets the formula standards they have been kept to, and refuse to part
with. Marie Foley then brings up a critique by William Coles on
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To Kill A Mockingbird 5 Paragraph Essay
Introductory Paragraph Throughout most novels, characters encounter obstacles or events that once
faced change their lives for the better or worse. In this book, that obstacle is racism. This is evident
in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird when ... ____________________. Due to...
____________________. In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, Dolphus Raymond, Tom Robinson
and Bob Ewell each encounter racism in different ways; however, they all suffer as a result.
Body Paragraph #1 Dolphus Raymond is one of the many victims of racism in Maycomb, as he is
forced to live a life of false impressions. After Mr.Raymond let Dill take a sip of his drink, he
discreetly said, "...if I weave a little and drink out of this sack, folks can say Dolphus Raymond's in
the clutches of whiskey..."(Lee, 200). Mr. Raymond is letting the people of Maycomb inaccurately
believe he is a drunk to give them a reason to tolerate his decision to be in a relationship with an
African American woman. Dill identifies Mr.Raymond in the crowd of colored people drinking out
of his sack then commented, "'Why's he sitting with the colored folks?' [Jem then replies]
more content...
When Scout arrives home from school to explain to Atticus what her classmates have been calling
him he stated that "I'm simply defending a negro...but there's been some high talk around town to
the effect that I shouldn't be defending this man." (Lee. 75). Entirely based on the fact that Tom is
black he is seen as less than therefore does not deserve the justice services offered to the white
community. During Aunt Alexandra's get together, Atticus pulls her and Calpurnia aside and tells
them the bad news. "Tom's dead...they shot him. He was running. It was during their exercise
period. They said he just broke into a blind raving charge at the fence and started climbing over.
Right in front of them."
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5 Paragraph Essay: The Middle Kingdom Of Egypt
The Middle kingdom of Egypt is a very interesting also is about the 12 dynasty. This dynasty
relates to also the 11th and 14th dynasty.This dynasty focused on foreign policy's,aggressive and a
whole lot of other things that match into this dynasty.I choose this dynasty because it seems like a
very emotional dynasty.This is the dynasty that I wanted to explain and to talk about in a 5
paragraph essay. During this time of the dynasty the middle kingdom mostly focused on
aggressive foreign policy.But it also focuses on a queen who has also ruled in the 12 dynasty.Her
name is Queen Sobekneferu she is the first actual female to rule over a kingdom and do it without a
king.But she was also the last ruler of the 12 dynasty as well as the first,the
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Five Paragraph Essay I like the book more than the movie. In the book, I can really understand
who is Arthur and the knights. But in the movie, I cannot recognize their faces. Some of the parts
in the movie is 18+, but in the movie, there is non. And the last reason is the book shows events
clearly and who does it happens. In the movie, I didn't understand why these things happen. So I
think the book is better. I can know who is Arthur in the book. We don't need to know their face in
the book. We just need to know who do it and what is their name. But in the movie, when I look at
their faces, they just all look the same. I cannot recognize the main character and others in the movie.
If I look in the movie, I don't know who do it
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5 Paragraph Essay: Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal
Use the space below to make your argument. Take a stance. Defend it with facts and evidence. 5
Paragraph Essay. Intro Paragraph. 3 Body Paragraphs. Conclusion Paragraph.
Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal is a huge controversial topic between weather it was a success or
failure. In my personal opinion the New Deal was a success. Even though it did not end the Great
Depression as a whole, it did help millions get through the struggles of the Great Depression.
Franklin Roosevelt's goal of the New Deal was to provide relief, recovery, and reform. The New
Deal also had huge impacts on different groups.
Many Relief programs/projects were put into place to help Americans during their struggles. One
of FDR's relief programs that was apart of the New Deal was the Federal Emergency Relief
Administration(FERA). FERA helped millions of people by funding 500 million dollars to give
direct relief to the needy(Chart). There was also, Civilian Conservationist Corps (CCC) that put
young men to work in public project in mainly conservation work and parks(Chart). There were also
a couple of more public relief programs also put into place by the New Deal. All of the Relief
projects offered direct relief and created jobs to millions which provided a steady paycheck to
families and individuals(The Impact of the New Deal).
The second part of FDR's more content...
One of the projects was the Security and Exchange Commision(SEC), this project was designed to
protect one of the main causes of the Great Depression, the stock market, along with
investors(Chart). Another huge project was Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), it
protected the peoples bank deposits and ensured the reliability of the banking system. Lastly, the
National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), let unions have the right to organize and gave them more
freedom(Chart). All of the reform projects stabilized the banking system and helped union
membership(Impacts of the New
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Summary of Unteaching the Five-paragraph Essay
In an excerpt of Unteaching the Five–Paragraph Essay," Marie Foley reveals how the
Five–Paragraph Essay formula contradicts writing instructor's most basic goals. Foley shows that
the formula deters from generating individual thinking. In today's society, essays are used by
millions of people in order to express their different ideas. The Five–Paragraph Essay formula was
originally developed to help retain the efficiency and clarity of the essay. Foley, however, believes
that this process eventually separates the student from his or her written expression and should be
used only as a first step tool for beginning student writers. Foley insists that the formula blocks
discovery, squelches authenticity and undermines the reader's need more content...
The formula is comfortable and familiar to them. It becomes imprinted.
Foley contends that in addition to blocking discovery, the Five–Paragraph Essay formula squelches
the student's authenticity. Foley states, "filling the structure with the requisite 500 words, they go
through the motions of writing, but they seldom create something authentically theirs," (232). Foley
knew that students feel much more at liberty to freely express themselves in their personal journals
and in their letters to friends, but take on a different identity for the essay. The students' character,
personality, and convictions are locked away until given the opportunity to free write.
On a more serious level, coherence is undermined while being one of the writer's and reader's most
basic need. "The problem is not that the Five–Paragraph formula produces incoherence but rather
that it limits students to a superficial, predictable level or coherence," (232) states Foley. This
allows for students to throw any three liberally related ideas together for the body of the essays.
Once students fabricate a thesis statement that elucidates for their three ideas, the students feel they
have mastered structure. Foley states, "To be asked merely to enumerate three aspects of any topic
relieves the student of the need to probe relationships... it robs them of any motivation to do so,"
(232). Juxtaposition is not
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Module 5 Paragraph Essay
In the book "Gifted Hands" Ben Carson explains each letter of "THINK BIG". "THINK BIG"
stands for Talent, Honesty, Insight, Nice, Knowledge, Big, In–Depth Learning, and God. I believe
the three most successful letters in "THINK BIG" are Honesty, Nice ,and God.These are the most
important for success because they make a big difference in your life and they can give you hope
for your patient. H is for HONESTY which everyone needs in life because being honest can make
you friends with someone.It can allow people to know what's going on instead of being in the dark
which can make them upset.It gains your trust which is really
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In "Breaking the Five–Paragraph–Theme Barrier" professor Thomas Nunnally describes his
experience teaching the popular writing tool. The five–paragraph theme requires an introductory
paragraph, three middle paragraphs that each have their own ideas, and a concluding paragraph.
Nunnally believes that this writing model should only be used as a writing tool and not the backbone
to all essays (Nunnally). I agree with Nunnally's stance, but also think that by the age of sixteen,
students should no longer be given the opportunity to rely on the model for writing opportunities. **
The five–paragraph theme was created to be a general teaching tool for inexperience writers. It
allows the writers to easily formulate a structure essay. It tells you that you only need three
supporting details for your thesis and that each do not need to be in depth. Most teachers say that a
paragraph is only roughly 4–5 sentences long. As a result, if every paragraph is short then you're
only writing approximately 20–25 sentences. A writer can easily follow the structure given and
finish an essay in a well timely–manner. The model is effective for beginners, but ineffective for
professionals (Nunnally).
Until a certain point, the model is effective for writers. It is a practical, easy template that allows a
writer to quickly set up and then write an essay, more content...
Nunnally states its purpose to "provide[s] for effective inculcation of concepts such as unity,
coherence, and development (Nunnally)." The model is structured to unite each paragraph to each
other by using a thesis statement paragraph, three supporting paragraphs for said idea and finally, to
summarize your essay. The use of transitional words allows the author to smoothly connect each
paragraph and idea. Finally, the model develops chronologically. The author will introduce, prove
and conclude. The five–paragraph model fulfills its purpose for the inexperienced writers
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Write 3-5 Paragraphs
Directions: Write 3–5 paragraphs about who you are. This should include name, place of birth, and
number of young/older siblings. You may include things about what you did this summer, what
you would like to do when you grow up, hobbies, and favorite subject(s). In addition, you have to
identify yourself with a specific I.B. learner profile(s). You should answer the following questions
in your paragraphs: Why does this particular I. B. Learner Profile fits you, and what are you going
to do to sustain this I.B. Learner Profile? You are not limited to one I. B. Learner Profile but you
do have to explain why that particular learner profile fits your learning personality. (Example: I am
a risk–taker because I raise my hand to answer a question
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Kill The Five-Paragraph Essay By Kerri Smith
Teaching the process of a five–paragraph essay seems to be a popular strategy when it comes to
teaching new writers; however, not everyone agrees that five–paragraph essays are the best way to
go about introducing the writing process. John Warner, author of "Kill the 5–Paragraph Essay"
believes the process gives writers little freedom and is a "tool for the worst of teachers to hide
amongst the good." On the other hand, Kerri Smith, author of "In the Defense of the Five–Paragraph
Essay" claims "students who know the five–paragraph essay intimately are more prepared to take on
the challenge of college–level writing." Both first–year composition professors make great
arguments; however, Warner's article seems to argue his point effectively. more content...
Warren's reasoning also backs his claims quite well. Evidence, appeals, assumptions, and reasonings
make an argumentative essay, without them the writing has little strength and credibility. Smith fails
to adequately present her argument. She uses little evidence as to why she defends the
five–paragraph essay, drags out her personal experiences for two out of the five paragraphs in her
writing, and has little credible reasoning. At one point in her article, she states many professors do
not care about the organization and would be happy "if they could write well." Organization,
planning, and content are all important to creating quality and strong essays. Stating professors do
not care about organization of an essay, Smith claims professors do not want appropriate
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Statement of Rhetorical Analysis On February 22, 2016 author John Warner published an article on
Just Visiting entitled "Kill the 5–Paragraph Essay." Warner creatively talks about how rudimentary of
a structure this type of essay holds. Writers are locked inside a cage of regulations and guidelines
making them unable to write the essay as they please, but rather having to piece together regulated
sentences and paragraphs because that's what they have been told would score high on certain test
questions. The article targets people of all kinds, but is more directed towards early college aged
students. The purpose behind this article is to get them to expand their horizon, disregard all the
regulations they have been previously taught and start to write in a much more open–minded sense.
Analysis of John Warner's "Kill the 5–Paragraph Essay" Simply spoken, the aging youth are facing a
very large dilemma when it comes to making the transition from high school to college level courses.
As many have been taught in the past, just as many will be taught in the future, the commonly
known 5–paragraph essay is quickly becoming an eyesore in the writer's community. John Warner
published an article in which he deploys a full on assault to persuade others to do away with this
type of essay format all together. In his article "Kill the 5–paragraph Essay" Warner establishes his
credibility, paints an imaginary picture of the 5–paragraph essay and uses logical and emotional
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5 Paragraphs Assignment Analysis
The experience I gain from the five paragraphs assignment was insightful. I was focused on the
assigned topic and it was not as difficult as I first thought. Staying focus was the main task. I
believe I will learn more concepts of writing better papers in this class. It will be challenging for me
but I will not give up on writing. It was reveal to me how important it is to communicate through
writing. Being able to express you thoughts in writing is considered to be a requirement in the
corporate world today.
I would not consider myself to be a reader. A reader go and purchase books to read for enjoyment.
I read information a work such as emails, memos, and letters. I never like reading much but it is
important to know how to read. I believe
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Romeo and Juliet 5 Paragraph Essay
In many literary works, there are methods that authors use to make a story better. In The Tragedy
of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, dramatic irony is the driving method. Dramatic
irony is something in which characters do not know something, but the reader or audience knows
what the true reality is. According to some researchers, "A staple of Elizabethan and
Shakespearean drama was dramatic irony" (Halio 25). Furthermore some researchers also belive
that dramatic irony is very prominent in the play, " One of the more prominent literary devices in
the play is irony" (Sauer 673). Romeo and Juliet, and also their friends and families face a lot of
instances of dramatic irony in the story. Dramatic irony creates suspense and adds more
Due to the nurse being so unclear, Juliet thinks that both Romeo and Tybalt both have died. Once
things clear up, Juliet figures out that Romeo has killed Tybalt, and her first reaction to this is
anger toward Romeo. After things cool down, she feels bad that she has said this, and she takes
her words back. Once Juliet learns about the punishment Romeo gets she feels the worst she has
ever felt. Romeo was given the sentence of exile, which in the time period meant no connection
to people, whatsoever. Due to this Juliet knows that she might never ever see the love of her life,
at all. To Juliet this meant that there would be no more Romeo, "Juliet feels that Romeo is no
longer her lover, and she can't have him again" (Moffat 139). She started crying a lot after this, so
much that her parents had to come to her room and see what was going on. When Lady Capulet
inquired as to why Juliet was crying, Juliet right away said that she was crying about the horrible
death of Tybalt. Lady Capulet responds to this by saying, "Well, girl thou weep'st not so much for
his death, as that the villain lives which slaughtered him" (Romeo and Juliet 3.5.65–66). Juliet had
just tricked her mother into thinking that she wasn't crying for Romeo, but rather Tybalt. The
dramatic irony in this case is that the reader knows that Juliet is lying to her mother, but Lady
Capulet actually believes this, and goes along with it. Dramatic irony was a
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5 Paragraphs Essay

  • 1. 5 Paragraph Essay Outline Throughout all of high school, students are taught to write papers following the outline of a five–paragraph essay. The five–paragraph essay is a format of essay having five paragraphs: one introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs with support and development, and one concluding paragraph. This basic structure has proven to be effective for many students however the format itself has been accused of being "rigid and arbitrary" as well as being accused of valuing mechanical organizational schemes rather than in depth thinking. (1) Is the five–paragraph essay as flawed as some people make it out to be? A five paragraph essay breaks down like this: The first paragraph contains a one sentence (or maybe a two sentence) thesis statement, which Get more content on
  • 2. Five Paragraph Themes The III Effect of the Five Paragraph Theme article by Kimberly Wesley is more about persuading students to write other types of essays rather than just the common five paragraph essay that's been taught for countless years. In my opinion, I prefer not to write my essays in the five paragraph theme because it isn't remarkably conducive to not only high school students like me, but as well as other writers. As of my own experience in writing throughout my school years, there's no doubt in confessing that I have had more than three main ideas for a certain essay, while on the other hand, there have been essays where I would struggle to come up with even two ideas! According to a college student (my sister), I have been told that the FPT is not Get more content on
  • 3. How To Write an Essay The most common essay pattern is five–paragraph essay, beginning with introduction that initiate the single main idea, three paragraphs that each contains one supporting reason for the main idea and the conclusion. However, some people still wonder that why they cannot make successful and fascinating essays. Five–paragraph essay does not guarantee full score in SAT and TOEFLwriting test. Interesting essay never came from putting words into template such as the five–paragraph pattern. Writing an essay needs more profound attempts and arts of writer. This essay will be divided into 4 parts including the meaning of the essay, the structure of the essay, the SOAPS analysis, the purpose of the writers and tips for writing an essay. Essay, more content... Between body paragraphs, the writer needs to add transition to support a continuity of an essay. The conclusion, the last part of an essay, can be considered as a water cone that was used to summarize an excessive amount of ideas given in the body paragraphs and introduction by recap the thesis and bring the essay to another level. The conclusion should end with the original thought of the writer that left reader to think about the content of an essay. Writing an essay, writers need to focus on the main ideas, brainstorm thoughts, look for resources and distill the content. Furthermore, essay writer has to revise and redact their papers including strengthen significant examples and ideas. There was a method that helps a writer easily begin writing an essay called the SOAPS analysis. The SOAPS analysis is the way that writer analyzing his essay including subject, occasion, audience, purpose and speaker. So many writers avoid this process because they do not know the importance of this approach. For instances, my subject is the way to write an essay. I wanted coming Thai Scholars to read so they are my audiences. As a speaker, I should use the tone between informal and formal to prevent new writers who are reading my essay bored and my purpose is to share my knowledge throughout my experiences. Moreover, we should learn main purposes of essay writers so we can make a pre–understanding of every essay. There are four major purpose of writing an essay including Get more content on
  • 4. Five–paragraph essay is a brief, non–fiction composition that describes, clarifies, argues, or analyzes a subject. 1.Starting with a hook. In order to persuade readers to continue reading, an effective introduction needs to grab their attention. To do this, an introduction can use one or more of several techniques–it can start with an objective statement, make reference to a surprising scene or situation, start with rhetorical question, start with a problem that needs a solution. The second sentence should tell the reader more about the topic without providing background information, which leads to a thesis statement. Usually, the introductory paragraph gives the main idea and the supporting arguments of the essay, each of them will become Get more content on
  • 5. Anne Frank 5 Paragraphs This is where you will start writing your essay. Remember that it needs to be 5 paragraphs and all your sentences need to be well thought out and amazing. I want to be impressed with your writing and what you think about Anne Frank. This is where your second paragraph starts. You will talk about courage and give me lots of good examples. Get more content on
  • 6. 5-Paragraph Writing Flaws The problems with the 5–paragraph writing is the same problems that the author was praising. The problems with this writing is that firstly, the three subtopics do give you a limited way of thinking. You can only give three points, it makes your mind not willing to go in depth about the topic at hand, it doesn't let your brain wander. Then if you want to write more about one of the subpoints, you can't because you're only allowing yourself 5 paragraphs to write everything. Another thing that the author mentioned was that he writes this way for all his essays, yet gets good grades on it. That might be true, but you're never going to grow as a writer, your writing is mediocre. You're brain is trained on only having 5 paragraphs, that makes your Get more content on
  • 7. The Five Paragraph Essay and My Own Writing Style The five paragraph essay is tremendously valuable to me as a student. I have realized throughout my research that this format is seldom used by professionals; it is mostly used by students like me. I believe I now understand why that is; it seems to be a very clear way of composing a paper. It has a great deal of structure to it, and allows for more consistency and a better flow. Without having such structure, it is easy to go off on tangents, and at the same time, confuse the reader. The five–paragraph essay is essentially a sealant. Just like sealant fastens things together and helps ensure that things are in order, well–fitted, and secure. So too, the five paragraph essay makes sure that all of the various writing components more content... Once I have identified my main themes, I start to freewrite by linking them all together. My process of freewriting is similar to the process suggested in the lecture. The concepts in the lecture included the five–paragraph essay, as well as its inner–component: prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. Prewrtitng is basically all of the actions that are taken during the drafting process. This often involves brainstorming and the collecting of relevant data. It is the first step that was mentioned and is considered to be a gathering process. My freewriting process primarily consists of prewriting, although I mostly rely on my own thought process versus using alternative sources. We learned that drafting is when a person's ideas start forming actual sentences. It is the process of connecting ideas. This is precisely what I do when I freewrite, but prewriting involves more supporting of ideas. Although revision was mentioned in the lecture, I tend to incorporate it into my freewriting without it being a separate process. Revision is basically making the sentences and the structure more succinct. It involves making the writing as clear as possible for the reader. Editing was also covered in the lecture. It involves making sure the correct grammar is being used and that the spelling is correct. I also use this process in freewriting, although much of it comes automatically as I start typing. As a result of completing this analysis, I realize Get more content on
  • 8. Unteaching The Five– Paragraph essay by Marie Foley is a light hearted but argumentive piece focusing on the way most school aged children are taught to write. Foley's main point comes down to the very first words in the essay; "The five–paragraph formula confuses and alienates students and undermines our most basic goals as writing instructors." Foley believes that by teaching children to write in a formulated manner we are not letting them explore and learn through their own writing. We are instead giving them the freedom to discontinue the thought process once they feel that the essay they have produced meets the formula standards they have been kept to, and refuse to part with. Marie Foley then brings up a critique by William Coles on Get more content on
  • 9. To Kill A Mockingbird 5 Paragraph Essay Introductory Paragraph Throughout most novels, characters encounter obstacles or events that once faced change their lives for the better or worse. In this book, that obstacle is racism. This is evident in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird when ... ____________________. Due to... ____________________. In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, Dolphus Raymond, Tom Robinson and Bob Ewell each encounter racism in different ways; however, they all suffer as a result. Body Paragraph #1 Dolphus Raymond is one of the many victims of racism in Maycomb, as he is forced to live a life of false impressions. After Mr.Raymond let Dill take a sip of his drink, he discreetly said, "...if I weave a little and drink out of this sack, folks can say Dolphus Raymond's in the clutches of whiskey..."(Lee, 200). Mr. Raymond is letting the people of Maycomb inaccurately believe he is a drunk to give them a reason to tolerate his decision to be in a relationship with an African American woman. Dill identifies Mr.Raymond in the crowd of colored people drinking out of his sack then commented, "'Why's he sitting with the colored folks?' [Jem then replies] more content... When Scout arrives home from school to explain to Atticus what her classmates have been calling him he stated that "I'm simply defending a negro...but there's been some high talk around town to the effect that I shouldn't be defending this man." (Lee. 75). Entirely based on the fact that Tom is black he is seen as less than therefore does not deserve the justice services offered to the white community. During Aunt Alexandra's get together, Atticus pulls her and Calpurnia aside and tells them the bad news. "Tom's dead...they shot him. He was running. It was during their exercise period. They said he just broke into a blind raving charge at the fence and started climbing over. Right in front of them." Get more content on
  • 10. 5 Paragraph Essay: The Middle Kingdom Of Egypt The Middle kingdom of Egypt is a very interesting also is about the 12 dynasty. This dynasty relates to also the 11th and 14th dynasty.This dynasty focused on foreign policy's,aggressive and a whole lot of other things that match into this dynasty.I choose this dynasty because it seems like a very emotional dynasty.This is the dynasty that I wanted to explain and to talk about in a 5 paragraph essay. During this time of the dynasty the middle kingdom mostly focused on aggressive foreign policy.But it also focuses on a queen who has also ruled in the 12 dynasty.Her name is Queen Sobekneferu she is the first actual female to rule over a kingdom and do it without a king.But she was also the last ruler of the 12 dynasty as well as the first,the Get more content on
  • 11. Five Paragraph Essay I like the book more than the movie. In the book, I can really understand who is Arthur and the knights. But in the movie, I cannot recognize their faces. Some of the parts in the movie is 18+, but in the movie, there is non. And the last reason is the book shows events clearly and who does it happens. In the movie, I didn't understand why these things happen. So I think the book is better. I can know who is Arthur in the book. We don't need to know their face in the book. We just need to know who do it and what is their name. But in the movie, when I look at their faces, they just all look the same. I cannot recognize the main character and others in the movie. If I look in the movie, I don't know who do it Get more content on
  • 12. 5 Paragraph Essay: Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal Use the space below to make your argument. Take a stance. Defend it with facts and evidence. 5 Paragraph Essay. Intro Paragraph. 3 Body Paragraphs. Conclusion Paragraph. Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal is a huge controversial topic between weather it was a success or failure. In my personal opinion the New Deal was a success. Even though it did not end the Great Depression as a whole, it did help millions get through the struggles of the Great Depression. Franklin Roosevelt's goal of the New Deal was to provide relief, recovery, and reform. The New Deal also had huge impacts on different groups. Many Relief programs/projects were put into place to help Americans during their struggles. One of FDR's relief programs that was apart of the New Deal was the Federal Emergency Relief Administration(FERA). FERA helped millions of people by funding 500 million dollars to give direct relief to the needy(Chart). There was also, Civilian Conservationist Corps (CCC) that put young men to work in public project in mainly conservation work and parks(Chart). There were also a couple of more public relief programs also put into place by the New Deal. All of the Relief projects offered direct relief and created jobs to millions which provided a steady paycheck to families and individuals(The Impact of the New Deal). The second part of FDR's more content... One of the projects was the Security and Exchange Commision(SEC), this project was designed to protect one of the main causes of the Great Depression, the stock market, along with investors(Chart). Another huge project was Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), it protected the peoples bank deposits and ensured the reliability of the banking system. Lastly, the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), let unions have the right to organize and gave them more freedom(Chart). All of the reform projects stabilized the banking system and helped union membership(Impacts of the New Get more content on
  • 13. Summary of Unteaching the Five-paragraph Essay In an excerpt of Unteaching the Five–Paragraph Essay," Marie Foley reveals how the Five–Paragraph Essay formula contradicts writing instructor's most basic goals. Foley shows that the formula deters from generating individual thinking. In today's society, essays are used by millions of people in order to express their different ideas. The Five–Paragraph Essay formula was originally developed to help retain the efficiency and clarity of the essay. Foley, however, believes that this process eventually separates the student from his or her written expression and should be used only as a first step tool for beginning student writers. Foley insists that the formula blocks discovery, squelches authenticity and undermines the reader's need more content... The formula is comfortable and familiar to them. It becomes imprinted. Foley contends that in addition to blocking discovery, the Five–Paragraph Essay formula squelches the student's authenticity. Foley states, "filling the structure with the requisite 500 words, they go through the motions of writing, but they seldom create something authentically theirs," (232). Foley knew that students feel much more at liberty to freely express themselves in their personal journals and in their letters to friends, but take on a different identity for the essay. The students' character, personality, and convictions are locked away until given the opportunity to free write. On a more serious level, coherence is undermined while being one of the writer's and reader's most basic need. "The problem is not that the Five–Paragraph formula produces incoherence but rather that it limits students to a superficial, predictable level or coherence," (232) states Foley. This allows for students to throw any three liberally related ideas together for the body of the essays. Once students fabricate a thesis statement that elucidates for their three ideas, the students feel they have mastered structure. Foley states, "To be asked merely to enumerate three aspects of any topic relieves the student of the need to probe relationships... it robs them of any motivation to do so," (232). Juxtaposition is not Get more content on
  • 14. Module 5 Paragraph Essay In the book "Gifted Hands" Ben Carson explains each letter of "THINK BIG". "THINK BIG" stands for Talent, Honesty, Insight, Nice, Knowledge, Big, In–Depth Learning, and God. I believe the three most successful letters in "THINK BIG" are Honesty, Nice ,and God.These are the most important for success because they make a big difference in your life and they can give you hope for your patient. H is for HONESTY which everyone needs in life because being honest can make you friends with someone.It can allow people to know what's going on instead of being in the dark which can make them upset.It gains your trust which is really Get more content on
  • 15. In "Breaking the Five–Paragraph–Theme Barrier" professor Thomas Nunnally describes his experience teaching the popular writing tool. The five–paragraph theme requires an introductory paragraph, three middle paragraphs that each have their own ideas, and a concluding paragraph. Nunnally believes that this writing model should only be used as a writing tool and not the backbone to all essays (Nunnally). I agree with Nunnally's stance, but also think that by the age of sixteen, students should no longer be given the opportunity to rely on the model for writing opportunities. ** The five–paragraph theme was created to be a general teaching tool for inexperience writers. It allows the writers to easily formulate a structure essay. It tells you that you only need three supporting details for your thesis and that each do not need to be in depth. Most teachers say that a paragraph is only roughly 4–5 sentences long. As a result, if every paragraph is short then you're only writing approximately 20–25 sentences. A writer can easily follow the structure given and finish an essay in a well timely–manner. The model is effective for beginners, but ineffective for professionals (Nunnally). Until a certain point, the model is effective for writers. It is a practical, easy template that allows a writer to quickly set up and then write an essay, more content... Nunnally states its purpose to "provide[s] for effective inculcation of concepts such as unity, coherence, and development (Nunnally)." The model is structured to unite each paragraph to each other by using a thesis statement paragraph, three supporting paragraphs for said idea and finally, to summarize your essay. The use of transitional words allows the author to smoothly connect each paragraph and idea. Finally, the model develops chronologically. The author will introduce, prove and conclude. The five–paragraph model fulfills its purpose for the inexperienced writers Get more content on
  • 16. Write 3-5 Paragraphs Directions: Write 3–5 paragraphs about who you are. This should include name, place of birth, and number of young/older siblings. You may include things about what you did this summer, what you would like to do when you grow up, hobbies, and favorite subject(s). In addition, you have to identify yourself with a specific I.B. learner profile(s). You should answer the following questions in your paragraphs: Why does this particular I. B. Learner Profile fits you, and what are you going to do to sustain this I.B. Learner Profile? You are not limited to one I. B. Learner Profile but you do have to explain why that particular learner profile fits your learning personality. (Example: I am a risk–taker because I raise my hand to answer a question Get more content on
  • 17. Kill The Five-Paragraph Essay By Kerri Smith Teaching the process of a five–paragraph essay seems to be a popular strategy when it comes to teaching new writers; however, not everyone agrees that five–paragraph essays are the best way to go about introducing the writing process. John Warner, author of "Kill the 5–Paragraph Essay" believes the process gives writers little freedom and is a "tool for the worst of teachers to hide amongst the good." On the other hand, Kerri Smith, author of "In the Defense of the Five–Paragraph Essay" claims "students who know the five–paragraph essay intimately are more prepared to take on the challenge of college–level writing." Both first–year composition professors make great arguments; however, Warner's article seems to argue his point effectively. more content... Warren's reasoning also backs his claims quite well. Evidence, appeals, assumptions, and reasonings make an argumentative essay, without them the writing has little strength and credibility. Smith fails to adequately present her argument. She uses little evidence as to why she defends the five–paragraph essay, drags out her personal experiences for two out of the five paragraphs in her writing, and has little credible reasoning. At one point in her article, she states many professors do not care about the organization and would be happy "if they could write well." Organization, planning, and content are all important to creating quality and strong essays. Stating professors do not care about organization of an essay, Smith claims professors do not want appropriate college–level Get more content on
  • 18. Statement of Rhetorical Analysis On February 22, 2016 author John Warner published an article on Just Visiting entitled "Kill the 5–Paragraph Essay." Warner creatively talks about how rudimentary of a structure this type of essay holds. Writers are locked inside a cage of regulations and guidelines making them unable to write the essay as they please, but rather having to piece together regulated sentences and paragraphs because that's what they have been told would score high on certain test questions. The article targets people of all kinds, but is more directed towards early college aged students. The purpose behind this article is to get them to expand their horizon, disregard all the regulations they have been previously taught and start to write in a much more open–minded sense. Analysis of John Warner's "Kill the 5–Paragraph Essay" Simply spoken, the aging youth are facing a very large dilemma when it comes to making the transition from high school to college level courses. As many have been taught in the past, just as many will be taught in the future, the commonly known 5–paragraph essay is quickly becoming an eyesore in the writer's community. John Warner published an article in which he deploys a full on assault to persuade others to do away with this type of essay format all together. In his article "Kill the 5–paragraph Essay" Warner establishes his credibility, paints an imaginary picture of the 5–paragraph essay and uses logical and emotional Get more content on
  • 19. 5 Paragraphs Assignment Analysis The experience I gain from the five paragraphs assignment was insightful. I was focused on the assigned topic and it was not as difficult as I first thought. Staying focus was the main task. I believe I will learn more concepts of writing better papers in this class. It will be challenging for me but I will not give up on writing. It was reveal to me how important it is to communicate through writing. Being able to express you thoughts in writing is considered to be a requirement in the corporate world today. I would not consider myself to be a reader. A reader go and purchase books to read for enjoyment. I read information a work such as emails, memos, and letters. I never like reading much but it is important to know how to read. I believe Get more content on
  • 20. Romeo and Juliet 5 Paragraph Essay In many literary works, there are methods that authors use to make a story better. In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, dramatic irony is the driving method. Dramatic irony is something in which characters do not know something, but the reader or audience knows what the true reality is. According to some researchers, "A staple of Elizabethan and Shakespearean drama was dramatic irony" (Halio 25). Furthermore some researchers also belive that dramatic irony is very prominent in the play, " One of the more prominent literary devices in the play is irony" (Sauer 673). Romeo and Juliet, and also their friends and families face a lot of instances of dramatic irony in the story. Dramatic irony creates suspense and adds more content... Due to the nurse being so unclear, Juliet thinks that both Romeo and Tybalt both have died. Once things clear up, Juliet figures out that Romeo has killed Tybalt, and her first reaction to this is anger toward Romeo. After things cool down, she feels bad that she has said this, and she takes her words back. Once Juliet learns about the punishment Romeo gets she feels the worst she has ever felt. Romeo was given the sentence of exile, which in the time period meant no connection to people, whatsoever. Due to this Juliet knows that she might never ever see the love of her life, at all. To Juliet this meant that there would be no more Romeo, "Juliet feels that Romeo is no longer her lover, and she can't have him again" (Moffat 139). She started crying a lot after this, so much that her parents had to come to her room and see what was going on. When Lady Capulet inquired as to why Juliet was crying, Juliet right away said that she was crying about the horrible death of Tybalt. Lady Capulet responds to this by saying, "Well, girl thou weep'st not so much for his death, as that the villain lives which slaughtered him" (Romeo and Juliet 3.5.65–66). Juliet had just tricked her mother into thinking that she wasn't crying for Romeo, but rather Tybalt. The dramatic irony in this case is that the reader knows that Juliet is lying to her mother, but Lady Capulet actually believes this, and goes along with it. Dramatic irony was a Get more content on