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THE INDEPENDENT TUESDAY 09 JUNE 2015 Sign in RegisterApps eBooks i Jobs Dating Shop
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4 things we know about the secretive Bilderberg
Group and 1 thing we'll never know
1 Why you might start seeing
this profile picture on Facebook
a lot more
2 Are you smarter than the
most knowledgeable town in
3 This artist photographed
real life soldiers posing as toys
to draw attention to a conflict
in Africa
4 You've been tucking your
shirt in wrong this whole time
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Most Shared Most Viewed Most Commented
Thomas Vermaelen 'told to give
back' his Champions League
winners medal - as he didn't play
a single minute in the
Beyonce attracts criticism after
'boring' vegan diet
Aarthi Agarwal, Bollywood
actress, dies aged 31 of a heart
The Bilderberg Group has long been the subject of speculation.
But what do we really know about the secretive international
meetings between top politicians and bosses?
We know where the meetings are held
The secretive meeting brings together big international business and top-level
JON STONE Tuesday 09 June 2015
Shares: 2K
'The Apple
revolution isn't
5 These are the most iconic
film quotations of all time
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Stop the Yulin Dog Meat
Festival in China: Animal
welfare campaigners restart
petition amid distrust over
government 'ban'
Kate Moss easyJet incident:
Passengers come forward to
defend 'disruptive' supermodel
The location of the meetings is now public. Last year, the Danish
capital of Cophenhagen was the venue of choice.
This year, the world's elites will travel to the Interalpen-Hotel
Tyrol in the Austrian Alps.
We know who attends them
revolution isn't
merely about
beautiful products –
they know what we
want before even
we do'
Hamish McRae: WWDC
shows how we will live in
a few years' time
Sex toys for men:
why are they still
Chicago man's
apartment raided
over mass leak of
nude celebrity
Promoted stories from the web
14 Bad Habits Not To Bring To The
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by TaboolaSponsored Links
The group releases a list of attendees. From the UK this year
George Osborne and Ed Balls are attending.
Other people going to the 2015 meet-up include José Barroso,
the former EU Commission President, and executives from firms
including Google, BP, Shell, and Deutsche Bank.
We know what's on the agenda
Vermaelen 'told to
give back' his
Champions League
medal... he didn't play a
single minute in the
1000's of Boots
Practically Given
Away - Take the…
Dollar Shave Club
This Startup is Making Big Razor
Companies Desperate
10 Stars That Were Madoff Scam
The Motley Fool
Buffett Admits This Is A "Real Threat"
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Prior to meetings the group releases broad subject areas for
debate. This year, all we know is that they'll be discussing
"Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Chemical Weapons
Threats, Current Economic Issues, European Strategy,
Globalisation, Greece, Iran, Middle East, NATO, Russia,
Terrorism, United Kingdom, USA, US Elections".
A lot of these subjects hints are very broad-ranging. 'United
Kingdom', for instance, could be a reference to the Brexit, the
recent elections, or both.
We know they take security very
by TaboolaPromoted Links
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Moscow produces
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Austrian Police officers check cars near the town of Telfs
The area around the meetings is put into complete lockdown.
There is no need to rely on private security: national
governments of host countries cooperate fully and provide police
This year's summit starts on Thursday but already a zone
around the Interalpen-Hotel Tyro has been established by
Austrian police with security checks on vehicles entering and
exiting the area.
Arrests have been made at previous meetings, including of
journalists trying to find out what is going on.
Syria: Descent into
the abyss
An unforgettable
anthology of
contemporary reportage
GCSE students are
tweeting about
their exams again...
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of birth says about
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9 June 2015 Go
But... we'll never know what was said
People who attend the events do not, as a rule, talk about the
specifics of what was discussed. This includes politicians whose
job is to represent their constituents.
There are no minutes taken of the meetings, and no reports are
made of any conclusions reached. No votes are taken and no
policies proscribed. Journalists trying to interview participants at
meetings have previously been arrested.
The specifics of most international summits and meetings tend to
be fairly opaque, but some public announcement is usually made
as to conclusions reached.
Boris Becker: I'm
'proud' to be
remembered for
cupboard 'romp'
JK Rowling confirms
what we've long
been thinking in
cryptic tweet
Where has the iPod
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Not so with the Bilderberg Group; the global establishment
departs as quietly as it arrives.
Promoted stories from the web by TaboolaSponsored Links
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Fairytale in New York: These
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Why Aren't Homeowners
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Dollar Shave Club
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a $13 Billion Industry
The Motley Fool
The Average American Is
Wasting $1,343 on Cable TV
Weddings on
Pinterest: Inside the
world of the
pinners dreaming of
their perfect
Game of Thrones is
now officially
spoiling George RR
Martin's future
'Kate Moss being
removed from an
easyJet flight is a
clash of two
immovable forces'
Grace Dent on what led
Croydon's finest export
to become 'disruptive'
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More from The Independent by Taboola
With the influx of refugees in
Kos, should we still go there
on holiday?
The first arrest has been
made for manspreading
How to tuck your
shirt in properly
(you've been doing it
Game of Gnomes:
Mystery as 107 little
men turn up in
woman's garden
Sex Pistols' credit
card: Six reasons
why it isn't the final
nail in punk rock's
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World News in Pictures 1 of 50
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Post a Comment
DENNISJOHNSON 8 minutes ago
The best laid plans of mice and men.......often go awry
REPLY + 0 –
BOOYAA33 22 minutes ago
Anyone who is perceptive enough to figure all of this out is
branded a crackpot, publicly branded, and worse. Smell the
REPLY + 0 –
OHRIGHTYOK 24 minutes ago
Fifth thing we know-The Independent obviously has vested
interests since it has been like a stuck record about Ed Balls
attending, yet mentioned NO ONE ELSE IN SIMILAR
HEADLINES, even though the most influential are SITTING
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TORIES, not EX Labour losers-now why would anyone have an
interest in diverting interest away from UK government
ministers who attend? Hmmm.
REPLY + 1 –
RWALKER561 24 minutes ago
Well just think about this. If there was an annual conference for
all the leading radical left-wingers in this world, how would that
go down with the press and all the conspiracy theorists ...and, of
course, the trans-Atlantic security services.
I suggest that would generate much more hysteria, which would,
in turn, just go to show what the world's power brokers really
think about the citizens they try to control.
REPLY + 1 –
RAWHEADREX 52 minutes ago
It does not bode well for people when the "smarter than thou"
crowd meets to decide what is best for those whom they do not
number among themselves.
REPLY + 0 –
RAHMDALEY 53 minutes ago
The Central Banks (at the orders of the Bilderberg) Are Losing
Control Of The Financial Markets. Every great con game
eventually comes to an end. For years, global central banks have
been manipulating the financial marketplace with their
monetary voodoo. Somehow, they have convinced investors
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around the world to invest tens of trillions of dollars into bonds
that provide a return that is way under the real rate of inflation.
For quite a long time I have been insisting that this is highly
Why would any rational investor want to put money into
investments that will make them poorer on a purchasing power
basis in the long run? And when any central bank initiates a
policy of “quantitative easing”, any rational investor should
immediately start demanding a higher rate of return on the
bonds of that nation. Creating money out of thin air and
pumping into the financial system devalues all existing money
and creates inflation.
Therefore, rational investors should respond by driving interest
rates up. Instead, central banks told everyone that interest rates
would be forced down, and that is precisely what happened. But
now things have shifted. Investors are starting to behave more
rationally and the central banks are starting to lose control of
the financial markets, and that is a very bad sign for the rest of
And of course it isn’t just bond yields that are out of control. No
matter how hard they try, financial authorities in Europe can’t
seem to fix the problems in Greece, and the problems in Italy,
Spain, Portugal and France just continue to escalate as well.
REPLY + 0 –
JAMESUNGER 58 minutes ago
One company,
One government,
One world.
And when one's jobless,
becomes he ___________,
and the entire family therewith,
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No surplus population!
The New World Order
Eine Firma,
Eine Regierung,
Eine Welt.
Und wenn man arbeitlos
wird er lebenlos,
und die ganze Familie damit.
Keine surplus Bevölkerung!
Die Neue WeltOrdnung.
REPLY + 0 –
Every successful - and a number of unsuccessful (including
Hillary) - US presidential candidate has attended.
Guess we've made some progress from the days when the media
uniformly denied the very existence of Bilderberg and called
anyone talking about it a conspiracy nut.
It violates the Logan Act.
REPLY + 1 –
TAMPAJOEY 60 minutes ago
Nuke'em and do the world a favor.
REPLY + 0 –
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RAHMDALEY 1 hours ago
The EU was designed by Bilderberg bankers.... They are
scamming the World along with the Bank of England and the
Federal Reserve. Central Banks are pushing the World towards
financial ruin.
REPLY + 0 –
RBILLEAUD 1 hours ago
Please, you guys are vastly overestimating the power these
people have. Yes, they are a bunch of rich and powerful people
getting together and trying to figure out how to become richer
and more powerful, but the fact is the don't control jack.
They've been around since 1954 and these silly conspiracy
theories about how they are going to take over the world have
been around almost as long. If that's their plan, they're taking
awful long time to do it. Heck, they can't even control the
economic factors that can mean big profits or losses for most of
them. A lot of these guys have taken big beatings financially,
especially the last decade or so, but also back in the mid-70s.
This stuff does make for a great YouTube video though doesn't
REPLY + -1 –
RAHMDALEY 1 hours ago
Is your post a JOKE???? LOL!!!! Or do you work for the
Bilderberg bankers?
REPLY + 4 –
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GORDONBLOYER 57 minutes ago
Alex Jones leads the nut jobs on the non issue. There is
no leader of this group and they control nothing but
themselves. After over fifty years they have taken over
nothing and they control nothing.
REPLY + -1 –
RAHMDALEY 49 minutes ago
Another tool speaks..... LOL!!!
+ 0 –
PLEADTHE2ND 2 hours ago
It's time for all of us to gather and tell them what the future is
going to be like and if they don't like it then we can opt them out
of the future for good.
REPLY + 0 –
PAXROMANA 2 hours ago
When they have to hide it, it means it can't stand the light of day.
But rest assured whatever it is, and whatever they decide, it will
be to their benefit. So that these already outrageously wealthy
elitists can feed their greed. And for the rest of us little
people...well, were just pawns in their purse, to be used and
abused at their discretion.
REPLY + 2 –
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TONEBONE 1 hours ago
I'm nobody's pawn.. except to the one that created and
saved me.. they have no greater lease on life than I do..
Just empty words from empty suits.
REPLY + 0 –
GOLDSILVER_ 1 hours ago
You are no doubt a socialist left wing liberal! Be grateful
we have responsible people like this in society! Bet you
voted for obuma, the food stamp president! Scum!
REPLY + 0 –
SYDMORAN 2 hours ago
Save me one!
REPLY + 0 –
EDSWORD 2 hours ago
The meeting is to discuss the problems in instituting the new
world order. The topic of how to take guns from Americans will
certainly come up. Other subjects will include population
control and of course how to centralize power.
REPLY + 1 –
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DUNEDAIN 2 hours ago
Groups like this undermine the role of governments and
societies to direct their people according to moral traditions,
customs and national identities, for they make decisions that in
time are geared to obliterate the very boundaries that nurture
them. They act as more than a resource, but through consensus,
serve as a shadow government trying to shape the world into
their image. Many losers here.
REPLY + 2 –
GEGSR1 2 hours ago
They eat Caviar to discuss how to keep the minions in control.
Equality will never happen.
REPLY + 2 –
BOBJACKSON 2 hours ago
Castries, Henri de Chairman and CEO, AXA Group FRA
Achleitner, Paul M. Chairman of the Supervisory Board,
Deutsche Bank AG DEU
Agius, Marcus Non-Executive Chairman, PA Consulting Group
Ahrenkiel, Thomas Director, Danish Intelligence Service (DDIS)
Allen, John R. Special Presidential Envoy for the Global
Coalition to Counter ISIL, US Department of State USA
Altman, Roger C. Executive Chairman, Evercore USA
Applebaum, Anne Director of Transitions Forum, Legatum
Institute POL
Apunen, Matti Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum
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Apunen, Matti Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum
Baird, Zoë CEO and President, Markle Foundation USA
Balls, Edward M. Former Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer
Balsemão, Francisco Pinto Chairman, Impresa SGPS PRT
Barroso, José M. Durão Former President of the European
Commission PRT
Baverez, Nicolas Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP FRA
Benko, René Founder, SIGNA Holding GmbH AUT
Bernabè, Franco Chairman, FB Group SRL ITA
Beurden, Ben van CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc NLD
Bigorgne, Laurent Director, Institut Montaigne FRA
Boone, Laurence Special Adviser on Financial and Economic
Affairs to the President FRA
Botín, Ana P. Chairman, Banco Santander ESP
Brandtzæg, Svein Richard President and CEO, Norsk Hydro
Bronner, Oscar Publisher, Standard Verlagsgesellschaft AUT
Burns, William President, Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace USA
Calvar, Patrick Director General, DGSI FRA
Castries, Henri de Chairman, Bilderberg Meetings; Chairman
and CEO, AXA Group FRA
Cebrián, Juan Luis Executive Chairman, Grupo PRISA ESP
Clark, W. Edmund Retired Executive, TD Bank Group CAN
Coeuré, Benoît Member of the Executive Board, European
Central Bank INT
Coyne, Andrew Editor, Editorials and Comment, National Post
Damberg, Mikael L. Minister for Enterprise and Innovation
De Gucht, Karel Former EU Trade Commissioner, State
Minister BEL
Dijsselbloem, Jeroen Minister of Finance NLD
Donilon, Thomas E. Former U.S. National Security Advisor;
Partner and Vice Chair, O’Melveny & Myers LLP USA
Döpfner, Mathias CEO, Axel Springer SE DEU
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Dowling, Ann President, Royal Academy of Engineering GBR
REPLY + 2 –
JAMESUNGER 57 minutes ago
One company,
One government,
One world.
And when one's jobless,
becomes he ___________,
and the entire family therewith,
No surplus population!
The New World Order
Eine Firma,
Eine Regierung,
Eine Welt.
Und wenn man arbeitlos
wird er lebenlos,
und die ganze Familie damit.
Keine surplus Bevölkerung!
Die Neue WeltOrdnung.
REPLY + 0 –
BOBJACKSON 2 hours ago
But... we don't know what was said
Actually that is illegal if you are there as a public official.
REPLY + 1 –
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RBILLEAUD 2 hours ago
Not so. Open meetings laws only apply here in the US.
Our State Department officials go overseas all the time
and there are often private conversations off the
REPLY + -1 –
MATTHEW 1 hours ago
Actually, it IS ILLEGAL, for an elected public
official. It is a violation of the Logan act. Learn
how to read, troll
+ 1 –
JAKE 2 hours ago
These slim balls are funded in part by American tax dollars.
Stop giving it to them. They abuse us with our own tax money.
USA is a nation of written laws, AND they are codified.
And, you all have computers now, so stop acting stupid and
ignorant. Read your tax law, THEN follow it.
Search tax regs for "exempt income means", www DOT ecfr
DOT gov ...and read the legal definition of "Exempt income".
Be sure to read both 1.861-8T(d)(2)(ii) and (iii). When enough
Americans know actual US income tax law, it will be obeyed,
even by govt. Then ask your so-called "tax professional" why
he/she never bothered to search for legal definition of "Exempt
income", or told you about it. Of course, tax court judges
already know about Exempt income, and they say you shouldn't
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follow regulations, because that particular section is frivolous.
Yet, there it is. Politicians lie, but code does not. Follow the law,
then obey.
Learn more:
Computer scientist data mines tax code,
whatistaxed DOT com
REPLY + 3 –
Everyone on the planet is lulled. Like the Jonestown Kool-Aid
rehearsals. After a while, you are mollified.
REPLY + 3 –
JAMESUNGER 55 minutes ago
Spectator Sports & the Media are the opiate of the
REPLY + 0 –
OHRIGHTYOK 19 minutes ago
Come on wake up-you really think the tools of
distraction havent changed in all this time? U
sound like a paid troll. There are many tools of
distraction now including fake social media
comments and causes designed to divide and
conquer so we argue among ourselves.
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+ 0 –
USATHOUGHTS 2 hours ago
What was not mentioned to be on the agenda was the coming
Credit Crash. So, suspect this was at the top of the Agenda. How
to protect; Power & Wealth.
Without going into the reasons for this it is important to know
whom from Japan was invited. It is expected from a few well
known Financial Investigative Firms that Japan may precipitate
the Credit Crash.
What I take from all this is to keep a lot of cash on hand and
keep my asset base secure.
From what I see going on in Europe and America the cash I
speak of must be in your own hands, not a bank or even a safety
deposit box. Keep that in mind - nothing to lose but everything
to gain.
REPLY + 0 –
The world is doomed. Cabals and cartels have a predictable life
REPLY + 2 –
SIERRABRAVO1134 2 hours ago
ISIS needs to blow these people up
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REPLY + 1 –
BOBJACKSON 2 hours ago
They control ISIS. So...
REPLY + -1 –
MDAWG 2 hours ago
Who do you think created ISIS?
REPLY + 2 –
CHARLESH 2 hours ago
If a large meteor needed an impact sight, I couldn't think of one
more appropriate.
REPLY + 2 –
MICKEYBITSKO 3 hours ago
Who cares. People can get together and talk. I have no right to
know what they're talking about.
People are paranoid idiots.
REPLY + -2 –
BOBJACKSON 2 hours ago
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Yea just paranoid. Ha.
REPLY + 1 –
CA2010 2 hours ago
PEOPLE can - government officials, should not.
Especially when the transparency is non-existent. The
Brownshirts love people like you.
REPLY + 2 –
JAMESUNGER 54 minutes ago
Spot on !
+ 0 –
Multinationals and political leaders have the world sewn up for
their benefit.This is a jolly for the amoral vermin who run our
REPLY + 4 –
DEPEND 3 hours ago
Last week I had an accidental meeting with someone who told
me about the Marshall plan after World War II, and how many
high-ranking Nazis had gone into banking and how they became
the driving force behind the structure forming the current EU
and the euro etcetera. He knew everything about the wealthy
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Arabs in London and their taste and the oligarchs in Russia,
peasants, and so on as well.
REPLY + 1 –
USATHOUGHTS 3 hours ago
"OFLIFE" below has a good point. Recording devices small
enough to fit in a tie clip, hearing aid, etc. yet never done.
I think the answer is clear. Do so, but only in exchange of ones
life. Of course their lives are of too great an importance.
What politician from America was invited? None I suspect! And,
certainly not Hussain.
REPLY + 0 –
CHARLESH 2 hours ago
Hillary Clinton's chief campaign advisor is there.
REPLY + 2 –
GORDONBLOYER 52 minutes ago
Bill is there? No interns for him.
+ 0 –
FARINGDON 2 hours ago
The list is publicly available here:
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As you can see, several Americans.
REPLY + 0 –
MARKBRANDER 3 hours ago
Should have read the rapidly unfolding events of Revelation
REPLY + 2 –
JOHNNYBEGOOD 2 hours ago
I Agree
REPLY + 1 –
these aren't government meetings as Civil Servants don't keep
Minutes. As they aren't government meetings why should the
tax-payer foot the bill for security?
REPLY + 3 –
MARKBRANDER 3 hours ago
For those who are interested in what is really on the agenda this
year, know one thing first, these people are satanists. They are
very worried about the rapidly unfolding events of Revelation
which involve the power of God that is now coming into the
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earth. Their secret space program and some of their DUMB's
have already been destroyed.... learn all about the
extraordinary events of Revelation 12 at revelation12 DOT ca
REPLY + 0 –
RAHMDALEY 3 hours ago
The EU was designed by bankers at the 1955 Bilderberg
meeting. With the help of Euro socialism, it took them a few
decades to make it happen. Unwitting liberals support their
cause which will ultimately result in financial ruin. Cheers from
the USA!
Notice how the banker designed EU has been forcing countries
like the UK and France to accept HUGE waves of 3rd World
immigrants over the last 25 years. As they claim, we are
supposed to (falsely) think that this helps the economies in the
UK and France. In truth, the bankers know that this harms the
current citizens, but it incrementally helps their banker agenda
by lowering the voting power of the educated middle class.
These same bankers (with the help of unwitting liberals) are
pulling the same scam on the USA. The elite want to bring any
legal or illegal immigrant that they can find into Western
democracies. This is how billionaires and bankers are taking
over the Western World. We are witnessing the greatest transfer
of Wealth in history from the middle class to elitist bankers.
REPLY + 1 –
JAMESUNGER 51 minutes ago
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One company,
One government,
One world.
And when one's jobless,
becomes he ___________,
and the entire family therewith,
No surplus population!
The New World Order
Eine Firma,
Eine Regierung,
Eine Welt.
Und wenn man arbeitlos
wird er lebenlos,
und die ganze Familie damit.
Keine surplus Bevölkerung!
Die Neue WeltOrdnung.
REPLY + 0 –
OHRIGHTYOK 15 minutes ago
Best way to spot a fake bot or paid government
troll/automatic program is one which repeats
pretty much the same message numerous times.
Interesting to note which news stories have
such bots tasked to them to distract people, ie,
which are considered more important to
distract people from. Talk about accidentally
drawing attention to one's self!
+ 0 –
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GORDONBLOYER 48 minutes ago
The EU is falling apart so I guess their plan is not
working. The Euro may collapse. They don't appear to
be too smart. What happened to NAU and the Anero
that Alex Jones was predicting? LOL, Jones is a joke.
REPLY + 0 –
BANDIDO776 3 hours ago
Thanks to for pushing this in the open.
REPLY + 1 –
austria is a great place to hold these meetings, the austrians were
the most highly motivated nazis after all
REPLY + 1 –
JAMESUNGER 49 minutes ago
Das ist nicht wahr. Ich habe Österreichische
Verwandten die Gegen-Nazis waren. That is not true. I
have Austrian Relatives that Anti-Nazis were. The
great-grandfather was put under house-arrest (after
being imprisoned) for voicing opinions against Hitler.
REPLY + 0 –
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OFLIFE 3 hours ago
So you are telling me that with all our tech today, NO ONE has
been able to sneak a tiny recording device etc into the meeting?
REPLY + 2 –
OHRIGHTYOK 12 minutes ago
Problem is that when the public clamour for this
reaches a certain point, a fake recording will get
'leaked', either with one poor fool getting hung out to
dry as scapegoat, or being deliberately boring so we lose
interest. They are experts at this for a reason.
REPLY + 0 –
SWEETTEA71 3 hours ago
Where is ISIS when you need them?
REPLY + -1 –
isis is the moslem brotherhood, they only do what
bildeberg tells them to do
REPLY + 0 –
isis is the m.. brotherhood, they only do what the
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bildeberg group tells them to do
REPLY + 0 –
BVISTA 4 hours ago
they discuss the most important issue at hand - the problem of
over-population and the remedy of technology to cure the issue.
once robotics are in place to handle the jobs that people used to
do, then the issue of de-population can be enacted. a
combination of laws (single child per couple) and targeted
release of pathogens to lower the population rate to pre-1960's
levels. the world will be better off (global warming, etc) and the
elite will be in control of this brave new world.
REPLY + 2 –
OFLIFE 3 hours ago
Have you read Stark by Ben Elton? Similar concept.
REPLY + 1 –
M100S2 2 hours ago
It was the only one of his books I ever managed
to finish, and it was a huge struggle to do that.
He's a crap author and a comedian well past his
use by date.
+ 0 –
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JAMESUNGER 48 minutes ago
One company,
One government,
One world.
And when one's jobless,
becomes he ___________,
and the entire family therewith,
No surplus population!
The New World Order
Eine Firma,
Eine Regierung,
Eine Welt.
Und wenn man arbeitlos
wird er lebenlos,
und die ganze Familie damit.
Keine surplus Bevölkerung!
Die Neue WeltOrdnung.
REPLY + 0 –
THATS_A_LOT- 4 hours ago
This group has a lot of balls going there - ED Balls
Sorry, juvenile joke for a very serious matter.
REPLY + 0 –
ENGINE26MEDIC 4 hours ago
I enjoy reading comments of people who defend a private group
that has the power of a state behind it. Name any other private
group that can have a countries police spend millions to insure
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group that can have a countries police spend millions to insure
their privacy and harass that countries citizens and journalist.
Why is the world in the shape it's in? Because it is filled with
useful idiots who think they are on the winning team by
defending scum like this.
REPLY + 2 –
JAMESUNGER 47 minutes ago
Spot on!
REPLY + 0 –
KCEDDIE 4 hours ago
America will be stuck with the Bill !
REPLY + 1 –
REPLY + 1 –
CADOLFAN 4 hours ago
America will soon become a footnote in history.
REPLY + 0 –
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JOHNGAULT 4 hours ago
Trolls are hard at work at this comment site spewing disinfo for
their criminal filth mafia bosses! how much do they pay you
scum to betray your nation and free humanity? Good work
Independent and Infowars for having the honor and courage to
cover the new Nazi mafia at their meeting! a tomahawk missile
at that hotel would be wonderful right now!!
REPLY + 4 –
GORDONBLOYER 45 minutes ago
Alex Jones is the scum.
REPLY + 0 –
OHRIGHTYOK 9 minutes ago
"John Gault" Ever heard of False Flag agents? Fake bots
thst immitate comments? Inflammatory comments
designed to make the Left look bad and defame them?
To look stupid and like conspiratory crazies?
Just a "random" few questions your comments raised.
REPLY + 0 –
I'm noticing that the future Sock Puppet of the World, King
Barrack Hussain Obama wasn't invited. Or perhaps it got lost in
the mail.
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REPLY + 3 –
JOHNHOLLADAY 3 hours ago
Along with Obama, Soros isn't attending - lot of key
people aren't.
To conspicuous. You can be sure Soros will have input.
You can also be sure Obama will be given
Look for a new and bigger war to break out soon after
they are done, or a major worldwide economic crash.
Within months after most of these meetings something
significant seems to happen – oops just a coincidence.
REPLY + -1 –
RAHMDALEY 3 hours ago
Obama already attended in May 2008 at the Virginia
meeting. They told Clinton to drop out of the race, and
that she would be Secretary of State. The Bilderberg
helped rig the 2008 election. Charming!
REPLY + 0 –
One nuke is all it would take and terrorists know this
REPLY + 2 –
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LES. HAYWARD 4 hours ago
Now that is a thought....
REPLY + 0 –
MACHISMO 4 hours ago
Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol in the Austrian Alps. Now ISIS can meet
them there.
REPLY + 0 –
GARRETHBYRNE 4 hours ago
Bilderberg didn't invite me.
REPLY + 2 –
RNAGEL 4 hours ago
300 million prosperous Americans is quite a market. 500
million financially strapped Americans is an even bigger market.
Guess which alternative is on the table at this meeting.
REPLY + 1 –
RANDYRUCKUS 4 hours ago
Just who do these ingrates think they are, to presume they know
what's best for not only us, but the world, when we can't even
trust them with our money or their word?
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FREEDOMHAWK 4 hours ago
Thinking up more scams to siphon more money away from the
working classes...
REPLY + 6 –
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4 things we know about the secretive bilderberg group

  • 1. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API THE INDEPENDENT TUESDAY 09 JUNE 2015 Sign in RegisterApps eBooks i Jobs Dating Shop New s > World Advanced search Article archive Topics Search The Independent Go NEWS VIDEO PEOPLE VOICES SPORT TECH LIFE PROPERTY ARTS + ENTS TRAVEL MONEY INDYBEST STUDENT OFFERS UK World Business People Science Environment Media Technology Education Images Obituaries Diary Corrections Newsletter Appeals 4 things we know about the secretive Bilderberg Group and 1 thing we'll never know 1 Why you might start seeing this profile picture on Facebook a lot more 2 Are you smarter than the most knowledgeable town in Britain? 3 This artist photographed real life soldiers posing as toys to draw attention to a conflict in Africa 4 You've been tucking your shirt in wrong this whole time
  • 2. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Most Shared Most Viewed Most Commented Thomas Vermaelen 'told to give back' his Champions League winners medal - as he didn't play a single minute in the competition Beyonce attracts criticism after 'boring' vegan diet announcement Aarthi Agarwal, Bollywood actress, dies aged 31 of a heart attack PRINT A A A The Bilderberg Group has long been the subject of speculation. But what do we really know about the secretive international meetings between top politicians and bosses? We know where the meetings are held The secretive meeting brings together big international business and top-level government JON STONE Tuesday 09 June 2015 Shares: 2K 'The Apple revolution isn't 5 These are the most iconic film quotations of all time VOICES
  • 3. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Stop the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in China: Animal welfare campaigners restart petition amid distrust over government 'ban' Kate Moss easyJet incident: Passengers come forward to defend 'disruptive' supermodel The location of the meetings is now public. Last year, the Danish capital of Cophenhagen was the venue of choice. This year, the world's elites will travel to the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol in the Austrian Alps. We know who attends them revolution isn't merely about beautiful products – they know what we want before even we do' Hamish McRae: WWDC shows how we will live in a few years' time Sex toys for men: why are they still taboo? Chicago man's apartment raided over mass leak of nude celebrity photos Promoted stories from the web Forbes 14 Bad Habits Not To Bring To The Workplace LOVE + SEX NEWS
  • 4. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API by TaboolaSponsored Links The group releases a list of attendees. From the UK this year George Osborne and Ed Balls are attending. Other people going to the 2015 meet-up include José Barroso, the former EU Commission President, and executives from firms including Google, BP, Shell, and Deutsche Bank. We know what's on the agenda Vermaelen 'told to give back' his Champions League medal... he didn't play a single minute in the competition JustFab 1000's of Boots Practically Given Away - Take the… Dollar Shave Club This Startup is Making Big Razor Companies Desperate Bankrate 10 Stars That Were Madoff Scam Victims The Motley Fool Buffett Admits This Is A "Real Threat" FOOTBALL
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  • 8. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Not so with the Bilderberg Group; the global establishment departs as quietly as it arrives. Promoted stories from the web by TaboolaSponsored Links Digital Trends Fairytale in New York: These Homes Look Like They Belong in a Storybook LowerMyBills Why Aren't Homeowners Taking Advantage of HARP? Dollar Shave Club How This Razor is Disrupting a $13 Billion Industry The Motley Fool The Average American Is Wasting $1,343 on Cable TV Weddings on Pinterest: Inside the world of the pinners dreaming of their perfect nuptials Game of Thrones is now officially spoiling George RR Martin's future books 'Kate Moss being removed from an easyJet flight is a clash of two gloriously immovable forces' Grace Dent on what led Croydon's finest export to become 'disruptive' TV VOICES
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  • 11. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Login TOP NEW OLD Post Post a Comment DENNISJOHNSON 8 minutes ago The best laid plans of mice and men.......often go awry REPLY + 0 – BOOYAA33 22 minutes ago Anyone who is perceptive enough to figure all of this out is branded a crackpot, publicly branded, and worse. Smell the illuminati??? REPLY + 0 – OHRIGHTYOK 24 minutes ago Fifth thing we know-The Independent obviously has vested interests since it has been like a stuck record about Ed Balls attending, yet mentioned NO ONE ELSE IN SIMILAR HEADLINES, even though the most influential are SITTING
  • 12. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API TORIES, not EX Labour losers-now why would anyone have an interest in diverting interest away from UK government ministers who attend? Hmmm. REPLY + 1 – RWALKER561 24 minutes ago Well just think about this. If there was an annual conference for all the leading radical left-wingers in this world, how would that go down with the press and all the conspiracy theorists ...and, of course, the trans-Atlantic security services. I suggest that would generate much more hysteria, which would, in turn, just go to show what the world's power brokers really think about the citizens they try to control. REPLY + 1 – RAWHEADREX 52 minutes ago It does not bode well for people when the "smarter than thou" crowd meets to decide what is best for those whom they do not number among themselves. REPLY + 0 – RAHMDALEY 53 minutes ago The Central Banks (at the orders of the Bilderberg) Are Losing Control Of The Financial Markets. Every great con game eventually comes to an end. For years, global central banks have been manipulating the financial marketplace with their monetary voodoo. Somehow, they have convinced investors
  • 13. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API around the world to invest tens of trillions of dollars into bonds that provide a return that is way under the real rate of inflation. For quite a long time I have been insisting that this is highly irrational. Why would any rational investor want to put money into investments that will make them poorer on a purchasing power basis in the long run? And when any central bank initiates a policy of “quantitative easing”, any rational investor should immediately start demanding a higher rate of return on the bonds of that nation. Creating money out of thin air and pumping into the financial system devalues all existing money and creates inflation. Therefore, rational investors should respond by driving interest rates up. Instead, central banks told everyone that interest rates would be forced down, and that is precisely what happened. But now things have shifted. Investors are starting to behave more rationally and the central banks are starting to lose control of the financial markets, and that is a very bad sign for the rest of 2015. And of course it isn’t just bond yields that are out of control. No matter how hard they try, financial authorities in Europe can’t seem to fix the problems in Greece, and the problems in Italy, Spain, Portugal and France just continue to escalate as well. REPLY + 0 – JAMESUNGER 58 minutes ago One company, One government, One world. And when one's jobless, becomes he ___________, and the entire family therewith,
  • 14. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API No surplus population! The New World Order Eine Firma, Eine Regierung, Eine Welt. Und wenn man arbeitlos wird er lebenlos, und die ganze Familie damit. Keine surplus Bevölkerung! Die Neue WeltOrdnung. REPLY + 0 – CHOCOHOLIC LEPRECHAUN 60 minutes ago Every successful - and a number of unsuccessful (including Hillary) - US presidential candidate has attended. Guess we've made some progress from the days when the media uniformly denied the very existence of Bilderberg and called anyone talking about it a conspiracy nut. It violates the Logan Act. REPLY + 1 – TAMPAJOEY 60 minutes ago Nuke'em and do the world a favor. REPLY + 0 –
  • 15. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API RAHMDALEY 1 hours ago The EU was designed by Bilderberg bankers.... They are scamming the World along with the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve. Central Banks are pushing the World towards financial ruin. REPLY + 0 – RBILLEAUD 1 hours ago Please, you guys are vastly overestimating the power these people have. Yes, they are a bunch of rich and powerful people getting together and trying to figure out how to become richer and more powerful, but the fact is the don't control jack. They've been around since 1954 and these silly conspiracy theories about how they are going to take over the world have been around almost as long. If that's their plan, they're taking awful long time to do it. Heck, they can't even control the economic factors that can mean big profits or losses for most of them. A lot of these guys have taken big beatings financially, especially the last decade or so, but also back in the mid-70s. This stuff does make for a great YouTube video though doesn't it? REPLY + -1 – RAHMDALEY 1 hours ago Is your post a JOKE???? LOL!!!! Or do you work for the Bilderberg bankers? REPLY + 4 –
  • 16. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API GORDONBLOYER 57 minutes ago Alex Jones leads the nut jobs on the non issue. There is no leader of this group and they control nothing but themselves. After over fifty years they have taken over nothing and they control nothing. REPLY + -1 – RAHMDALEY 49 minutes ago Another tool speaks..... LOL!!! + 0 – PLEADTHE2ND 2 hours ago It's time for all of us to gather and tell them what the future is going to be like and if they don't like it then we can opt them out of the future for good. REPLY + 0 – PAXROMANA 2 hours ago When they have to hide it, it means it can't stand the light of day. But rest assured whatever it is, and whatever they decide, it will be to their benefit. So that these already outrageously wealthy elitists can feed their greed. And for the rest of us little people...well, were just pawns in their purse, to be used and abused at their discretion. REPLY + 2 –
  • 17. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API TONEBONE 1 hours ago I'm nobody's pawn.. except to the one that created and saved me.. they have no greater lease on life than I do.. Just empty words from empty suits. REPLY + 0 – GOLDSILVER_ 1 hours ago You are no doubt a socialist left wing liberal! Be grateful we have responsible people like this in society! Bet you voted for obuma, the food stamp president! Scum! REPLY + 0 – SYDMORAN 2 hours ago Save me one! REPLY + 0 – EDSWORD 2 hours ago The meeting is to discuss the problems in instituting the new world order. The topic of how to take guns from Americans will certainly come up. Other subjects will include population control and of course how to centralize power. REPLY + 1 –
  • 18. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API DUNEDAIN 2 hours ago Groups like this undermine the role of governments and societies to direct their people according to moral traditions, customs and national identities, for they make decisions that in time are geared to obliterate the very boundaries that nurture them. They act as more than a resource, but through consensus, serve as a shadow government trying to shape the world into their image. Many losers here. REPLY + 2 – GEGSR1 2 hours ago They eat Caviar to discuss how to keep the minions in control. Equality will never happen. REPLY + 2 – BOBJACKSON 2 hours ago Chairman Castries, Henri de Chairman and CEO, AXA Group FRA Achleitner, Paul M. Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG DEU Agius, Marcus Non-Executive Chairman, PA Consulting Group GBR Ahrenkiel, Thomas Director, Danish Intelligence Service (DDIS) DNK Allen, John R. Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL, US Department of State USA Altman, Roger C. Executive Chairman, Evercore USA Applebaum, Anne Director of Transitions Forum, Legatum Institute POL Apunen, Matti Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum
  • 19. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Apunen, Matti Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA FIN Baird, Zoë CEO and President, Markle Foundation USA Balls, Edward M. Former Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer GBR Balsemão, Francisco Pinto Chairman, Impresa SGPS PRT Barroso, José M. Durão Former President of the European Commission PRT Baverez, Nicolas Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP FRA Benko, René Founder, SIGNA Holding GmbH AUT Bernabè, Franco Chairman, FB Group SRL ITA Beurden, Ben van CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc NLD Bigorgne, Laurent Director, Institut Montaigne FRA Boone, Laurence Special Adviser on Financial and Economic Affairs to the President FRA Botín, Ana P. Chairman, Banco Santander ESP Brandtzæg, Svein Richard President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA NOR Bronner, Oscar Publisher, Standard Verlagsgesellschaft AUT Burns, William President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace USA Calvar, Patrick Director General, DGSI FRA Castries, Henri de Chairman, Bilderberg Meetings; Chairman and CEO, AXA Group FRA Cebrián, Juan Luis Executive Chairman, Grupo PRISA ESP Clark, W. Edmund Retired Executive, TD Bank Group CAN Coeuré, Benoît Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank INT Coyne, Andrew Editor, Editorials and Comment, National Post CAN Damberg, Mikael L. Minister for Enterprise and Innovation SWE De Gucht, Karel Former EU Trade Commissioner, State Minister BEL Dijsselbloem, Jeroen Minister of Finance NLD Donilon, Thomas E. Former U.S. National Security Advisor; Partner and Vice Chair, O’Melveny & Myers LLP USA Döpfner, Mathias CEO, Axel Springer SE DEU
  • 20. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Dowling, Ann President, Royal Academy of Engineering GBR REPLY + 2 – JAMESUNGER 57 minutes ago One company, One government, One world. And when one's jobless, becomes he ___________, and the entire family therewith, No surplus population! The New World Order Eine Firma, Eine Regierung, Eine Welt. Und wenn man arbeitlos wird er lebenlos, und die ganze Familie damit. Keine surplus Bevölkerung! Die Neue WeltOrdnung. REPLY + 0 – BOBJACKSON 2 hours ago But... we don't know what was said Actually that is illegal if you are there as a public official. REPLY + 1 –
  • 21. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API RBILLEAUD 2 hours ago Not so. Open meetings laws only apply here in the US. Our State Department officials go overseas all the time and there are often private conversations off the record. REPLY + -1 – MATTHEW 1 hours ago Actually, it IS ILLEGAL, for an elected public official. It is a violation of the Logan act. Learn how to read, troll + 1 – JAKE 2 hours ago These slim balls are funded in part by American tax dollars. Stop giving it to them. They abuse us with our own tax money. USA is a nation of written laws, AND they are codified. And, you all have computers now, so stop acting stupid and ignorant. Read your tax law, THEN follow it. Search tax regs for "exempt income means", www DOT ecfr DOT gov ...and read the legal definition of "Exempt income". Be sure to read both 1.861-8T(d)(2)(ii) and (iii). When enough Americans know actual US income tax law, it will be obeyed, even by govt. Then ask your so-called "tax professional" why he/she never bothered to search for legal definition of "Exempt income", or told you about it. Of course, tax court judges already know about Exempt income, and they say you shouldn't
  • 22. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API follow regulations, because that particular section is frivolous. Yet, there it is. Politicians lie, but code does not. Follow the law, then obey. Learn more: Computer scientist data mines tax code, whatistaxed DOT com REPLY + 3 – HOLLOWSTOMACHLUNG 2 hours ago Everyone on the planet is lulled. Like the Jonestown Kool-Aid rehearsals. After a while, you are mollified. REPLY + 3 – JAMESUNGER 55 minutes ago Spectator Sports & the Media are the opiate of the people. REPLY + 0 – OHRIGHTYOK 19 minutes ago Come on wake up-you really think the tools of distraction havent changed in all this time? U sound like a paid troll. There are many tools of distraction now including fake social media comments and causes designed to divide and conquer so we argue among ourselves.
  • 23. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API + 0 – USATHOUGHTS 2 hours ago What was not mentioned to be on the agenda was the coming Credit Crash. So, suspect this was at the top of the Agenda. How to protect; Power & Wealth. Without going into the reasons for this it is important to know whom from Japan was invited. It is expected from a few well known Financial Investigative Firms that Japan may precipitate the Credit Crash. What I take from all this is to keep a lot of cash on hand and keep my asset base secure. From what I see going on in Europe and America the cash I speak of must be in your own hands, not a bank or even a safety deposit box. Keep that in mind - nothing to lose but everything to gain. REPLY + 0 – HOLLOWSTOMACHLUNG 2 hours ago The world is doomed. Cabals and cartels have a predictable life cycle. REPLY + 2 – SIERRABRAVO1134 2 hours ago ISIS needs to blow these people up
  • 24. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API REPLY + 1 – BOBJACKSON 2 hours ago They control ISIS. So... REPLY + -1 – MDAWG 2 hours ago Who do you think created ISIS? REPLY + 2 – CHARLESH 2 hours ago If a large meteor needed an impact sight, I couldn't think of one more appropriate. REPLY + 2 – MICKEYBITSKO 3 hours ago Who cares. People can get together and talk. I have no right to know what they're talking about. People are paranoid idiots. REPLY + -2 – BOBJACKSON 2 hours ago
  • 25. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Yea just paranoid. Ha. REPLY + 1 – CA2010 2 hours ago PEOPLE can - government officials, should not. Especially when the transparency is non-existent. The Brownshirts love people like you. REPLY + 2 – JAMESUNGER 54 minutes ago Spot on ! + 0 – BLACKFIRSCHARLIE 3 hours ago Multinationals and political leaders have the world sewn up for their benefit.This is a jolly for the amoral vermin who run our planet. REPLY + 4 – DEPEND 3 hours ago Last week I had an accidental meeting with someone who told me about the Marshall plan after World War II, and how many high-ranking Nazis had gone into banking and how they became the driving force behind the structure forming the current EU and the euro etcetera. He knew everything about the wealthy
  • 26. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Arabs in London and their taste and the oligarchs in Russia, peasants, and so on as well. REPLY + 1 – USATHOUGHTS 3 hours ago "OFLIFE" below has a good point. Recording devices small enough to fit in a tie clip, hearing aid, etc. yet never done. I think the answer is clear. Do so, but only in exchange of ones life. Of course their lives are of too great an importance. What politician from America was invited? None I suspect! And, certainly not Hussain. REPLY + 0 – CHARLESH 2 hours ago Hillary Clinton's chief campaign advisor is there. REPLY + 2 – GORDONBLOYER 52 minutes ago Bill is there? No interns for him. + 0 – FARINGDON 2 hours ago The list is publicly available here:
  • 27. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API html As you can see, several Americans. REPLY + 0 – MARKBRANDER 3 hours ago Should have read the rapidly unfolding events of Revelation 12.... REPLY + 2 – JOHNNYBEGOOD 2 hours ago I Agree REPLY + 1 – MOUTHOFTHEUMBER 3 hours ago these aren't government meetings as Civil Servants don't keep Minutes. As they aren't government meetings why should the tax-payer foot the bill for security? REPLY + 3 – MARKBRANDER 3 hours ago For those who are interested in what is really on the agenda this year, know one thing first, these people are satanists. They are very worried about the rapidly unfolding events of Revelation which involve the power of God that is now coming into the
  • 28. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API earth. Their secret space program and some of their DUMB's have already been destroyed.... learn all about the extraordinary events of Revelation 12 at revelation12 DOT ca REPLY + 0 – RAHMDALEY 3 hours ago The EU was designed by bankers at the 1955 Bilderberg meeting. With the help of Euro socialism, it took them a few decades to make it happen. Unwitting liberals support their cause which will ultimately result in financial ruin. Cheers from the USA! Notice how the banker designed EU has been forcing countries like the UK and France to accept HUGE waves of 3rd World immigrants over the last 25 years. As they claim, we are supposed to (falsely) think that this helps the economies in the UK and France. In truth, the bankers know that this harms the current citizens, but it incrementally helps their banker agenda by lowering the voting power of the educated middle class. These same bankers (with the help of unwitting liberals) are pulling the same scam on the USA. The elite want to bring any legal or illegal immigrant that they can find into Western democracies. This is how billionaires and bankers are taking over the Western World. We are witnessing the greatest transfer of Wealth in history from the middle class to elitist bankers. Cheers! REPLY + 1 – JAMESUNGER 51 minutes ago
  • 29. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API One company, One government, One world. And when one's jobless, becomes he ___________, and the entire family therewith, No surplus population! The New World Order Eine Firma, Eine Regierung, Eine Welt. Und wenn man arbeitlos wird er lebenlos, und die ganze Familie damit. Keine surplus Bevölkerung! Die Neue WeltOrdnung. REPLY + 0 – OHRIGHTYOK 15 minutes ago Best way to spot a fake bot or paid government troll/automatic program is one which repeats pretty much the same message numerous times. Interesting to note which news stories have such bots tasked to them to distract people, ie, which are considered more important to distract people from. Talk about accidentally drawing attention to one's self! + 0 –
  • 30. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API GORDONBLOYER 48 minutes ago The EU is falling apart so I guess their plan is not working. The Euro may collapse. They don't appear to be too smart. What happened to NAU and the Anero that Alex Jones was predicting? LOL, Jones is a joke. REPLY + 0 – BANDIDO776 3 hours ago Thanks to for pushing this in the open. REPLY + 1 – PANCAKERACHELCORRIE 3 hours ago austria is a great place to hold these meetings, the austrians were the most highly motivated nazis after all REPLY + 1 – JAMESUNGER 49 minutes ago Das ist nicht wahr. Ich habe Österreichische Verwandten die Gegen-Nazis waren. That is not true. I have Austrian Relatives that Anti-Nazis were. The great-grandfather was put under house-arrest (after being imprisoned) for voicing opinions against Hitler. REPLY + 0 –
  • 31. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API OFLIFE 3 hours ago So you are telling me that with all our tech today, NO ONE has been able to sneak a tiny recording device etc into the meeting? REPLY + 2 – oflife OHRIGHTYOK 12 minutes ago Problem is that when the public clamour for this reaches a certain point, a fake recording will get 'leaked', either with one poor fool getting hung out to dry as scapegoat, or being deliberately boring so we lose interest. They are experts at this for a reason. REPLY + 0 – SWEETTEA71 3 hours ago Where is ISIS when you need them? REPLY + -1 – PANCAKERACHELCORRIE 3 hours ago isis is the moslem brotherhood, they only do what bildeberg tells them to do REPLY + 0 – PANCAKERACHELCORRIE 3 hours ago isis is the m.. brotherhood, they only do what the
  • 32. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API bildeberg group tells them to do REPLY + 0 – BVISTA 4 hours ago they discuss the most important issue at hand - the problem of over-population and the remedy of technology to cure the issue. once robotics are in place to handle the jobs that people used to do, then the issue of de-population can be enacted. a combination of laws (single child per couple) and targeted release of pathogens to lower the population rate to pre-1960's levels. the world will be better off (global warming, etc) and the elite will be in control of this brave new world. REPLY + 2 – OFLIFE 3 hours ago Have you read Stark by Ben Elton? Similar concept. REPLY + 1 – oflife M100S2 2 hours ago It was the only one of his books I ever managed to finish, and it was a huge struggle to do that. He's a crap author and a comedian well past his use by date. + 0 –
  • 33. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API JAMESUNGER 48 minutes ago One company, One government, One world. And when one's jobless, becomes he ___________, and the entire family therewith, No surplus population! The New World Order Eine Firma, Eine Regierung, Eine Welt. Und wenn man arbeitlos wird er lebenlos, und die ganze Familie damit. Keine surplus Bevölkerung! Die Neue WeltOrdnung. REPLY + 0 – THATS_A_LOT- 4 hours ago This group has a lot of balls going there - ED Balls Sorry, juvenile joke for a very serious matter. REPLY + 0 – ENGINE26MEDIC 4 hours ago I enjoy reading comments of people who defend a private group that has the power of a state behind it. Name any other private group that can have a countries police spend millions to insure
  • 34. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API group that can have a countries police spend millions to insure their privacy and harass that countries citizens and journalist. Why is the world in the shape it's in? Because it is filled with useful idiots who think they are on the winning team by defending scum like this. REPLY + 2 – JAMESUNGER 47 minutes ago Spot on! REPLY + 0 – KCEDDIE 4 hours ago America will be stuck with the Bill ! REPLY + 1 – HOLLOWSTOMACHLUNG 2 hours ago clinton? REPLY + 1 – CADOLFAN 4 hours ago America will soon become a footnote in history. REPLY + 0 –
  • 35. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API JOHNGAULT 4 hours ago Trolls are hard at work at this comment site spewing disinfo for their criminal filth mafia bosses! how much do they pay you scum to betray your nation and free humanity? Good work Independent and Infowars for having the honor and courage to cover the new Nazi mafia at their meeting! a tomahawk missile at that hotel would be wonderful right now!! REPLY + 4 – GORDONBLOYER 45 minutes ago Alex Jones is the scum. REPLY + 0 – OHRIGHTYOK 9 minutes ago "John Gault" Ever heard of False Flag agents? Fake bots thst immitate comments? Inflammatory comments designed to make the Left look bad and defame them? To look stupid and like conspiratory crazies? Just a "random" few questions your comments raised. REPLY + 0 – UPCHUCKLIBERALS 4 hours ago I'm noticing that the future Sock Puppet of the World, King Barrack Hussain Obama wasn't invited. Or perhaps it got lost in the mail.
  • 36. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API REPLY + 3 – JOHNHOLLADAY 3 hours ago Along with Obama, Soros isn't attending - lot of key people aren't. Why? To conspicuous. You can be sure Soros will have input. You can also be sure Obama will be given guidance/orders. Look for a new and bigger war to break out soon after they are done, or a major worldwide economic crash. Within months after most of these meetings something significant seems to happen – oops just a coincidence. REPLY + -1 – RAHMDALEY 3 hours ago Obama already attended in May 2008 at the Virginia meeting. They told Clinton to drop out of the race, and that she would be Secretary of State. The Bilderberg helped rig the 2008 election. Charming! REPLY + 0 – HOLLOWSTOMACHLUNG 4 hours ago One nuke is all it would take and terrorists know this REPLY + 2 –
  • 37. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API LES. HAYWARD 4 hours ago Now that is a thought.... REPLY + 0 – MACHISMO 4 hours ago Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol in the Austrian Alps. Now ISIS can meet them there. REPLY + 0 – GARRETHBYRNE 4 hours ago Bilderberg didn't invite me. REPLY + 2 – RNAGEL 4 hours ago 300 million prosperous Americans is quite a market. 500 million financially strapped Americans is an even bigger market. Guess which alternative is on the table at this meeting. REPLY + 1 – RANDYRUCKUS 4 hours ago Just who do these ingrates think they are, to presume they know what's best for not only us, but the world, when we can't even trust them with our money or their word?
  • 38. pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Search The Independent Go Advanced search Article archive Topics READ MORE REPLY + 3 – FREEDOMHAWK 4 hours ago Thinking up more scams to siphon more money away from the working classes... REPLY + 6 – Terms & Policies Privacy Policy Cookie policy Code of Conduct Complaint form Email newsletters RSS Contact Us Subscriptions Apps Work for us Evening Standard Homes & Property iJobs Advertising Guide Syndication Novaya Gazeta (English) ES Business Connections ES Rentals London Live The price of freedom Why Tikrit still remains Just in time for ‘Jurassic World’... Scientists extract blood The supremacy of Parliament Part 3 of The The Apple revolution isn't merely about beautiful products There are a host of Second half Patrick Marber has
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