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Problem Statement
Tommy T. Bush
UNT University
Problem Statement
While there are several different variables which may be
barriers to academic excellence and achievement, there are two
factors that might account for the required academic
improvement and achievement in elementary schools. These
factors include lack of motivation as well as presence of
learning disabilities. Therefore, it is important to identify those
factors that lead to learning difficulties. For instance, teachers
who are not aware of various characteristics of such areas of
concern might become ineffective in their work more so when
dealing with students with learning disabilities. Thus, in an
effort to better help learners with learning disabilities, it is
important for the teachers and other stakeholders to be aware of
the several differences between those learners who do not attain
their academic goals due to lower motivation as well as those
who struggle with frustrations resulting from their learning
Moreover, many learners are in need of motivation in order to
achieve their academic goals. Thus, there is need to emphasize
on the importance of motivation for learners’ success in
education. This is because lack of motivation is usually very
detrimental for their academic achievement thus resulting to
learners paying less attention to details and activities, lower
grades and presenting negative attitudes and behavior towards
learning. Motivation therefore is an important aspect for
learners to experience so as to overcome academic challenges as
well as develop positive attitudes and mindsets about learning
and education in general.
The most significant function of education is to encourage
interest in learning among students with learning disabilities.
This is supposed to be done in a way that brings about the
desired benefits and impacts to them as well as the society. This
will ensure they are effectively integrated into the society and
will enable them to obtain academic achievement. Thus, it is
important to acknowledge that motivation is important for all
learners’ academic achievements. However, as much as
motivation plays a significant role in academic achievement for
all learners, learners with learning disabilities are usually more
vulnerable to lack of motivation throughout their life in school
and education in general. Hence, lack of motivation as well as
attention problems are likely to affect their learning efforts.
They often face massive barriers in their academic achievement
as well as adult outcomes compared to their peer without
learning disabilities. Thus, it is necessary that importance of
motivation is stressed so as to help learners with disabilities to
overcome these challenges.
Additionally, academic excellence often derived from a growth
mindset as well as motivation. For instance a growth mindset
refers to an individual believing in him/herself that intelligence
improves with application of learning and effort. Thus there is
an empirical link between academic motivation and growth
mindset. Thus, these two aspect are important factor for
academic success, particularly for learners with learning
disabilities. These aspects not only supports the learners’
academic achievement, but as well might benefit learners with
learning disabilities that face various learning challenges.
Moreover, given that they are more vulnerable to lack of
motivation, learners in elementary school are even more
vulnerable because of the critical development stage which is
often marked by declines of academic motivation. In addition,
learners with learning disabilities usually tend to have negative
beliefs about themselves as well as why motivation might be
beneficial to support their learning and improve their individual
abilities. Thus this highlights the critical development stage
among elementary learners with learning disabilities, hence the
need to motivation so as to achieve academically.
BUSI 740
to tutor: the topic for this literature review is supply chain
Literature Review Assignment Instructions
You will research and write a literature review on a topic
relevant to your course. You will have approximately 7 modules
to research and write the paper. At the beginning of Module 2:
Week 2, your instructor will provide a list of approved topics
for this assignment.
Be sure to check the Announcement page and your email for the
approved topics. Simply select a topic, and then begin working
on the project. Do not “recycle” any work from any previous
courses you have taken. Your research paper will be a
comprehensive thematic review of the scholarly literature
related to your topic.
What is a literature review?
“A literature review discusses published information in a
particular subject area, and sometimes information in a
particular subject area within a certain period.
A literature review can be just a simple summary of the sources,
but it usually has an organizational pattern and combines both
summary and synthesis. A summary is a recap of the important
information of the source, but a synthesis is a re-organization,
or a reshuffling, of that information. It might give a new
interpretation of old material or combine new with old
interpretations. Or it might trace the intellectual progression of
the field, including major debates. And depending on the
situation, the literature review may evaluate the sources and
advise the reader on the most pertinent or relevant.”[i]
How is a literature review different from an academic research
“The main focus of an academic research paper is to develop a
new argument, and a research paper will contain a literature
review as one of its parts. In a research paper, you use the
literature as a foundation and as support for a new insight that
you contribute. The focus of a literature review, however, is to
summarize and synthesize the arguments and ideas of others
without adding new contributions.”[ii] The academic research
paper also covers a range of sources, but it is usually a select
number of sources, because the emphasis is on the argument.
Likewise, a literature review can also have an “argument,” but
it is not as important as covering a number of sources. In short,
an academic research paper and a literature review contain some
of the same elements. In fact, many academic research papers
will contain a literature review section. But it is the aspect of
the study (the argument or the sources) that is emphasized that
determines what type of document it is.
Why write literature reviews?
“Literature reviews provide you with a handy guide to a
particular topic. If you have limited time to conduct research,
literature reviews can give you an overview or act as a stepping
stone. For professionals, they are useful reports that keep them
up to date with what is current in the field. For scholars, the
depth and breadth of the literature review emphasizes the
credibility of the writer in his or her field. Literature reviews
also provide a solid background for a research paper’s
investigation. Comprehensive knowledge of the literature of the
field is essential to most research papers.”[iii]
What is the format for literature reviews?
“Just like most academic papers, literature reviews also must
contain at least three basic elements: an introduction or
background information section; the body of the review
containing the discussion of sources; and, finally, a conclusion
and/or recommendations section to end the paper.
· Introduction: Gives a quick idea of the topic of the literature
review, such as the central theme or organizational pattern.
· Body: Contains your discussion of sources and is organized
· Conclusions/Recommendations: Discuss what you have drawn
from reviewing literature so far. Where might the discussion
What is a thematic literature review?
“Thematic reviews of literature are organized around a topic or
issue, rather than the progression of time.”v
“Sometimes, though, you might need to add additional sections
that are necessary for your study, but do not fit in the
organizational strategy of the body. What other sections you
include in the body is up to you. Put in only what is necessary.
Here are a few other sections you might want to consider:
· Current Situation: Information necessary to understand the
topic or focus of the literature review.
· History: The chronological progression of the field, the
literature, or an idea that is necessary to understand the
literature review, if the body of the literature review is not
already a chronology.
· Methods and/or Standards: The criteria you used to select the
sources in your literature review or the way in which you
present your information. For instance, you might explain that
your review includes only peer-reviewed articles and journals.
· Questions for Further Research: What questions about the
field has the review sparked? How will you further your
research as a result of the review?”vi
This section is required and must be included in your paper.
· This section of the literature review is where you integrate
faith and learning in this course.
After reading Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your
Work to God’s Work,” write a 3–5-page section that integrates
the Genesis model, i.e., the creation-fall-redemption-
consummation framework, with the learning objectives of this
course, which is part of the required 15 pages of content.
Conclude with how your integration may be used for furthering
God’s purposes for business on earth.
Important Points to Consider
The paper is to be written in strict conformance to current APA
standards and must contain at
least 15 pages of content (excluding the title page,
abstract, and references), utilizing at least 12 scholarly
The paper is to be submitted through Turnitin at the end of
Module 8: Week 8. It is highly recommended that you download
and read the instructions to avoid any stress created by issues
that are the result of waiting until the last minute.
Three levels of current APA headings must be used throughout
the paper, as this is a graduate-level research paper.
Some students do not fully understand the difference between
plagiarism and paraphrasing. Paraphrasing is when you take a
source or someone else’s idea and say it in your own words.
When you paraphrase, you must still give the author’s name,
date, title of the source, the scholarly journal where it came
from, and the exact website address or book.
However, when you directly quote a source, it must have
quotation marks around the quote, or (if 40 words or more) it
must be set in block quotation format. You must also give
detailed information of where you acquired the quote.
For the purpose of this academic paper, adhere to the follow
rules when quoting or using a source:
· Do not directly quote more than 120 words from any one
· If the source is 2,000 words or less, do not directly quote more
than 50 words from any one source.
· Do not use the same source more than a total of 3 times within
the whole document for quoting or paraphrasing.
· Quotes must contain the section (if provided) and paragraph or
page numbers of the quote, and this information must be placed
in the reference.
· In all instances, use current APA guidelines for citations and
The paper must not be a series of quotations.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the
Turnitin plagiarism tool.
[i] Literature Reviews
[ii] Ibid
[iii] Ibid
[iv] Ibid
v Ibid
vi Ibid
Page 4 of 4
Review of Literature
Tommy Bush
UNT University
Review of Literature
Despite the massive increase of published research in sports,
interdisciplinary approaches to research have in the recent past
gained a lot of attention globally due to the emphasis on dealing
with complex issues such as sports. This is because the
scientific production of knowledge continues to move towards
problem-oriented research, hence important in understanding of
sports and development of fitting solutions. Sports consists of
various interacting elements such as individuals, tasks,
environment constraints, however, several researches have
employed interdisciplinary approach in trying to understand the
whole concept of sports and sports performance.
This study used various literatures to investigate the importance
of interdisciplinary nature of projects to understand sports. It
was through this that made it possible to quantify various
representative task designs as well as individual differences.
Therefore, this study aims at analysing the role and significance
of interdisciplinary nature of projects in sports and sports
performance through a structured literature review on various
aspects of sports and portray a holistic and an overarching
picture of this concept. Additionally, it will also provide new
perspectives on vital issues in sports by outlining theoretical
gaps which provide the basis for future study inquiry on the
whole concept of interdisciplinary approach in sports.
In the recent past, the field of sport has received significant
attention in terms of interdisciplinary approach to the study of
various aspects such as practice, players, performance and the
general aspect of sports and its importance to the society.
Interdisciplinary approach has been defined as the use of
multiple disciplines to address complex situations and in this
case sports. Therefore, because sports is a very broad field that
has got many scientists and researchers who specialize in key
areas. This study will be of great benefit to the interdisciplinary
nature of projects in that it will offer selection of measurement
as well as design of test that are essential for consideration.
This will significantly help this research to capture many
interacting aspect of sports science (Piggott et al., 2019).
Additionally, it will also offer a more comprehensive
understanding of the concepts of sports performance that is
theoretically driven and has several practical implications for
the development of players.
Moreover, several efforts have been made in regards to
integration of interdisciplinary approach in sports so as to
improve performance in sports. This consists of various
researches which have been conducted over the last few decades
to help understand the value and significance of
interdisciplinary approach in general understanding of sports
performance. Therefore, it has been through this approach that
made it possible to quantify individual differences and
representative task designs which are important in sports. For
instance, the use of integrative physical education became an
important motivation factor among the players and led to active
participation in sports hence enhance sports performance. This
approach in sports is important because it allows individuals to
exploit their potential by use of their abilities, strengths, skills
as well as existing knowledge that significantly encourages
effective participation (Hess et al., 2019). Hence, the need for
interdisciplinary approach in sports to enable individuals to be
equipped with much needed practical and theoretical knowledge
through various sporting activities significant for sports
Literature review
Interdisciplinary nature of has significantly revolutionized the
ways in which the general concept of sport and sports
performance operate. It has provided platforms which have been
essential in creating new ways in which various sports are view
in terms of practice, individual participation, significance, and
general performance. This is because this approach has provided
was in which various disciplines can be used in dealing with
extreme complexities that come with different sport skills (Ott
et al., 2018). For instance, in sports even the most simplest
actions often rely heavily on complex interactions, hence this
will play a vital role in helping individuals by making sure they
gain their individual abilities to smoothly control several
aspects that shape and affect these complicated skills and
It will also be essential in the integration of several strategies
as well as techniques which play a major role to this study by
creating various linkages across different disciplines, cultures
and sectors, thus provide a more comprehensive understanding
of sports in general. This study will also be essential in helping
development of plans for individual players and help set
specific improvement goals from the findings, weaknesses and
strengths (Hess et al., 2019). This approach will has been
essential in determining how different resources are allocated to
various sporting activities and enhance the component of
decision making in sports that is tailored towards improving
sports performance.
According to researchers, an interdisciplinary approach has
been an important aspect that supports performance in sports
which involves task, individual interactions and various
environmental factors. For this reason, sports has been studied
based on physical and physiological components such as agility
and aerobic. This is because it is believed that competition
performance often involves interactions between physiological,
psychological as well as perpetual-cognitive motor components
which are essential in general sports performance. Thus, this
study aims at dealing with limited publication and research on
the concept of interdisciplinary nature of projects in sports so as
to clear various ambiguities as witnessed in previous studies
and research. Thus, it will be essential since it will allows for
integration of multiple disciplines that entails key strategies and
techniques which are important in creating linkages when
dealing with the impact of sports (Piggott et al., 2019).
Interdisciplinarity for instance, is often understood as the
research process which aims at addressing various topics that
are very complex or ambiguous such as sports which need to be
dealt with by using more than a single discipline.
Interdisciplinary approach offers new tools for rapid scaling in
sports performance. This is because, the use multiple disciplines
in various aspects of sports helps in removing the boundaries or
complexities between the management of sports and new
technologies, techniques, strategies being used by providing
various concepts and tools which are currently experiencing
drastic change in various ways in different sports (Thomson et
al., 2019). Many sports face challenges in terms of practice,
general understanding of sports practice and performance.
Therefore, the use of interdisciplinary approach will be
essential in regards to pursuing interests, motivations as well as
objectives in terms of general sports performance.
It is therefore evident that, interdisciplinary approach is
required in sports since is it always necessitated by the
complexities particularly by the structures and behaviors of the
systems. Thus, it provides the potential to address the separate
aspects through which disciplinary knowledge and examination
of those aspects are done via integrating disciplinary
knowledge. For instance, the emergency of sports science as
field is as a result of various sub-disciplines which have been
formed through disintegration, fragmentation and multi or
interdisciplinary collaboration that have become common in
sports today (Gadais, 2019). Hence, it is important in dealing
with importance of sports and performance via interdisciplinary
approach that’s essential in developing a field based on aspects
relating to sports that appreciate new thinking, creativity across
all disciplines.
The use of interdisciplinary approach in this study is important
since it reveals the significant contribution of motor, cognitive,
psychological, and perpetual components of individual
constraints which often predict disposal efficiency in sports. An
important finding that is consistent with perception of the
coaches that superior performance in sports is usually related to
these individual components (Ott et al., 2018). In addition,
coping with psychological pressure as well as making
appropriate and accurate decision are vital since they allow the
player to apply their individual physical capabilities effectively
and efficiently.
Thus, it provides consistency with previous research which
reported better classification of talents identified as well as
non-talent identified players based on combined technical,
perpetual-cognitive and physical components. Hence use of
interdisciplinary approach in sports is key to this study. This
also shows that physiological capacity of players is very
important, because players for instance in football need to
sprint or run with the ball on the pitch, while perpetual-
cognitive and psychological components make a significant
contribution to effective disposal of the ball to teammates
(Gadais, 2019). Thus, interdisciplinary approach is important in
explaining such complexities which are vital in sports
performance. This is important in demonstrating how these
components’ interactions is vital to comprehensive
understanding of sports performance.
The need for clearly defined parameters which are inherent to
literature search are the core pillars which help in
distinguishing integrative reviews from various alternative
approaches. Thus, in this particular research there were several
distinct variables, sports and sports performance which clearly
delineated various key boundaries of boundaries of literature
search, thus, the need to develop an interdisciplinary approach
in understanding where there is convergence as well as a
distinct development of the field of sports (Ott et al., 2018).
This is important in defining sports and applying this term in
practice, research as well as policy domains which are not short
of complications thus important for interdisciplinary to explain
the whole concept from play, leisure as well as physical
activities and other important aspects.
This paper adopted a structured literature review, a method
which is used to study a corpus of various scholarly literature in
order to create various insights, critical reflections, and
research questions and develop paths for future studies and
research. This method was adopted since it is based on the
quantitative, form-oriented as well as positivist content analysis
when used in literature review. It usually follows a ten-step
process that enables scholars and researchers to potentially
develop a more informed and relevant research paths and
questions (Piggott et al., 2019). In this case for instance, this
method was meant to provide a comprehensive understanding of
interdisciplinary approach in sports and how the use multiple
disciplines influence various aspects of sports and performance.
The research designs were properly established in this field,
hence it enhanced the robustness in the findings on several
aspects of sports performance. Therefore, in order to achieve
the objective, the structured literature review was used so as to
offer the most appropriate clarifications to the concept of
interdisciplinary natures of projects approach in different
sports. This also provides several suggestions for future
research and is of a particular significance since it is the best
and right tool for studying this phenomenon (Thomson et al.,
2019). Moreover, this methodology also employed was
imperative and qualitative in nature which entailed a study
based on data collection for different sports.
Gadais, T. (2019). Sport for development and peace: current
perspectives of research.
Sports Science and Human Health-Different
Hess, C. W., Gnacinski, S. L., & Meyer, B. B. (2019). A review
of the sport-injury and-rehabilitation literature: From
abstraction to application.
The Sport Psychologist,
33(3), 232-243.
Ott, S. D., Bailey, C. M., & Broshek, D. K. (2018). An
interdisciplinary approach to sports concussion evaluation and
management: The role of a neuropsychologist.
Archives of clinical neuropsychology,
33(3), 319-329.
Piggott, B., Müller, S., Chivers, P., Papaluca, C., & Hoyne, G.
(2019). Is sports science answering the call for interdisciplinary
research? A systematic review.
European journal of sport science,
19(3), 267-286.
Thomson, A., Cuskelly, G., Toohey, K., Kennelly, M., Burton,
P., & Fredline, L. (2019). Sport event legacy: A systematic
quantitative review of literature.
Sport management review,
22(3), 295-321.

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3Problem StatementTommy T. BushUNT Universit.docx

  • 1. 3 Problem Statement Tommy T. Bush UNT University 9/15/2022 Problem Statement While there are several different variables which may be barriers to academic excellence and achievement, there are two factors that might account for the required academic improvement and achievement in elementary schools. These factors include lack of motivation as well as presence of learning disabilities. Therefore, it is important to identify those factors that lead to learning difficulties. For instance, teachers who are not aware of various characteristics of such areas of concern might become ineffective in their work more so when dealing with students with learning disabilities. Thus, in an effort to better help learners with learning disabilities, it is
  • 2. important for the teachers and other stakeholders to be aware of the several differences between those learners who do not attain their academic goals due to lower motivation as well as those who struggle with frustrations resulting from their learning disabilities. Moreover, many learners are in need of motivation in order to achieve their academic goals. Thus, there is need to emphasize on the importance of motivation for learners’ success in education. This is because lack of motivation is usually very detrimental for their academic achievement thus resulting to learners paying less attention to details and activities, lower grades and presenting negative attitudes and behavior towards learning. Motivation therefore is an important aspect for learners to experience so as to overcome academic challenges as well as develop positive attitudes and mindsets about learning and education in general. The most significant function of education is to encourage interest in learning among students with learning disabilities. This is supposed to be done in a way that brings about the desired benefits and impacts to them as well as the society. This will ensure they are effectively integrated into the society and will enable them to obtain academic achievement. Thus, it is important to acknowledge that motivation is important for all learners’ academic achievements. However, as much as motivation plays a significant role in academic achievement for all learners, learners with learning disabilities are usually more vulnerable to lack of motivation throughout their life in school and education in general. Hence, lack of motivation as well as attention problems are likely to affect their learning efforts. They often face massive barriers in their academic achievement as well as adult outcomes compared to their peer without learning disabilities. Thus, it is necessary that importance of motivation is stressed so as to help learners with disabilities to overcome these challenges. Additionally, academic excellence often derived from a growth mindset as well as motivation. For instance a growth mindset
  • 3. refers to an individual believing in him/herself that intelligence improves with application of learning and effort. Thus there is an empirical link between academic motivation and growth mindset. Thus, these two aspect are important factor for academic success, particularly for learners with learning disabilities. These aspects not only supports the learners’ academic achievement, but as well might benefit learners with learning disabilities that face various learning challenges. Moreover, given that they are more vulnerable to lack of motivation, learners in elementary school are even more vulnerable because of the critical development stage which is often marked by declines of academic motivation. In addition, learners with learning disabilities usually tend to have negative beliefs about themselves as well as why motivation might be beneficial to support their learning and improve their individual abilities. Thus this highlights the critical development stage among elementary learners with learning disabilities, hence the need to motivation so as to achieve academically. BUSI 740 to tutor: the topic for this literature review is supply chain integration. Literature Review Assignment Instructions Instructions You will research and write a literature review on a topic relevant to your course. You will have approximately 7 modules to research and write the paper. At the beginning of Module 2: Week 2, your instructor will provide a list of approved topics for this assignment. (MY APPROVED TOPIC IS: SUPPLY CHAIN INTEGRATION) Be sure to check the Announcement page and your email for the
  • 4. approved topics. Simply select a topic, and then begin working on the project. Do not “recycle” any work from any previous courses you have taken. Your research paper will be a comprehensive thematic review of the scholarly literature related to your topic. What is a literature review? “A literature review discusses published information in a particular subject area, and sometimes information in a particular subject area within a certain period. A literature review can be just a simple summary of the sources, but it usually has an organizational pattern and combines both summary and synthesis. A summary is a recap of the important information of the source, but a synthesis is a re-organization, or a reshuffling, of that information. It might give a new interpretation of old material or combine new with old interpretations. Or it might trace the intellectual progression of the field, including major debates. And depending on the situation, the literature review may evaluate the sources and advise the reader on the most pertinent or relevant.”[i] How is a literature review different from an academic research paper? “The main focus of an academic research paper is to develop a new argument, and a research paper will contain a literature review as one of its parts. In a research paper, you use the literature as a foundation and as support for a new insight that you contribute. The focus of a literature review, however, is to summarize and synthesize the arguments and ideas of others without adding new contributions.”[ii] The academic research paper also covers a range of sources, but it is usually a select number of sources, because the emphasis is on the argument. Likewise, a literature review can also have an “argument,” but it is not as important as covering a number of sources. In short, an academic research paper and a literature review contain some of the same elements. In fact, many academic research papers will contain a literature review section. But it is the aspect of the study (the argument or the sources) that is emphasized that
  • 5. determines what type of document it is. Why write literature reviews? “Literature reviews provide you with a handy guide to a particular topic. If you have limited time to conduct research, literature reviews can give you an overview or act as a stepping stone. For professionals, they are useful reports that keep them up to date with what is current in the field. For scholars, the depth and breadth of the literature review emphasizes the credibility of the writer in his or her field. Literature reviews also provide a solid background for a research paper’s investigation. Comprehensive knowledge of the literature of the field is essential to most research papers.”[iii] What is the format for literature reviews? “Just like most academic papers, literature reviews also must contain at least three basic elements: an introduction or background information section; the body of the review containing the discussion of sources; and, finally, a conclusion and/or recommendations section to end the paper. · Introduction: Gives a quick idea of the topic of the literature review, such as the central theme or organizational pattern. · Body: Contains your discussion of sources and is organized thematically. · Conclusions/Recommendations: Discuss what you have drawn from reviewing literature so far. Where might the discussion proceed?”[iv] What is a thematic literature review? “Thematic reviews of literature are organized around a topic or issue, rather than the progression of time.”v “Sometimes, though, you might need to add additional sections that are necessary for your study, but do not fit in the organizational strategy of the body. What other sections you include in the body is up to you. Put in only what is necessary. Here are a few other sections you might want to consider: · Current Situation: Information necessary to understand the
  • 6. topic or focus of the literature review. · History: The chronological progression of the field, the literature, or an idea that is necessary to understand the literature review, if the body of the literature review is not already a chronology. · Methods and/or Standards: The criteria you used to select the sources in your literature review or the way in which you present your information. For instance, you might explain that your review includes only peer-reviewed articles and journals. · Questions for Further Research: What questions about the field has the review sparked? How will you further your research as a result of the review?”vi This section is required and must be included in your paper. · This section of the literature review is where you integrate faith and learning in this course. After reading Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work,” write a 3–5-page section that integrates the Genesis model, i.e., the creation-fall-redemption- consummation framework, with the learning objectives of this course, which is part of the required 15 pages of content. Conclude with how your integration may be used for furthering God’s purposes for business on earth. Important Points to Consider The paper is to be written in strict conformance to current APA standards and must contain at least 15 pages of content (excluding the title page, abstract, and references), utilizing at least 12 scholarly references. The paper is to be submitted through Turnitin at the end of Module 8: Week 8. It is highly recommended that you download and read the instructions to avoid any stress created by issues that are the result of waiting until the last minute. Three levels of current APA headings must be used throughout
  • 7. the paper, as this is a graduate-level research paper. Some students do not fully understand the difference between plagiarism and paraphrasing. Paraphrasing is when you take a source or someone else’s idea and say it in your own words. When you paraphrase, you must still give the author’s name, date, title of the source, the scholarly journal where it came from, and the exact website address or book. However, when you directly quote a source, it must have quotation marks around the quote, or (if 40 words or more) it must be set in block quotation format. You must also give detailed information of where you acquired the quote. For the purpose of this academic paper, adhere to the follow rules when quoting or using a source: · Do not directly quote more than 120 words from any one source. · If the source is 2,000 words or less, do not directly quote more than 50 words from any one source. · Do not use the same source more than a total of 3 times within the whole document for quoting or paraphrasing. · Quotes must contain the section (if provided) and paragraph or page numbers of the quote, and this information must be placed in the reference. · In all instances, use current APA guidelines for citations and references. The paper must not be a series of quotations. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. ________________________________________ [i] Literature Reviews ( [ii] Ibid [iii] Ibid [iv] Ibid v Ibid
  • 8. vi Ibid Page 4 of 4 7 Review of Literature Tommy Bush UNT University 3/10/2022 Review of Literature Abstract Despite the massive increase of published research in sports, interdisciplinary approaches to research have in the recent past gained a lot of attention globally due to the emphasis on dealing with complex issues such as sports. This is because the scientific production of knowledge continues to move towards problem-oriented research, hence important in understanding of
  • 9. sports and development of fitting solutions. Sports consists of various interacting elements such as individuals, tasks, environment constraints, however, several researches have employed interdisciplinary approach in trying to understand the whole concept of sports and sports performance. This study used various literatures to investigate the importance of interdisciplinary nature of projects to understand sports. It was through this that made it possible to quantify various representative task designs as well as individual differences. Therefore, this study aims at analysing the role and significance of interdisciplinary nature of projects in sports and sports performance through a structured literature review on various aspects of sports and portray a holistic and an overarching picture of this concept. Additionally, it will also provide new perspectives on vital issues in sports by outlining theoretical gaps which provide the basis for future study inquiry on the whole concept of interdisciplinary approach in sports. Introduction In the recent past, the field of sport has received significant attention in terms of interdisciplinary approach to the study of various aspects such as practice, players, performance and the general aspect of sports and its importance to the society. Interdisciplinary approach has been defined as the use of multiple disciplines to address complex situations and in this case sports. Therefore, because sports is a very broad field that has got many scientists and researchers who specialize in key areas. This study will be of great benefit to the interdisciplinary nature of projects in that it will offer selection of measurement as well as design of test that are essential for consideration. This will significantly help this research to capture many interacting aspect of sports science (Piggott et al., 2019). Additionally, it will also offer a more comprehensive understanding of the concepts of sports performance that is theoretically driven and has several practical implications for the development of players. Moreover, several efforts have been made in regards to
  • 10. integration of interdisciplinary approach in sports so as to improve performance in sports. This consists of various researches which have been conducted over the last few decades to help understand the value and significance of interdisciplinary approach in general understanding of sports performance. Therefore, it has been through this approach that made it possible to quantify individual differences and representative task designs which are important in sports. For instance, the use of integrative physical education became an important motivation factor among the players and led to active participation in sports hence enhance sports performance. This approach in sports is important because it allows individuals to exploit their potential by use of their abilities, strengths, skills as well as existing knowledge that significantly encourages effective participation (Hess et al., 2019). Hence, the need for interdisciplinary approach in sports to enable individuals to be equipped with much needed practical and theoretical knowledge through various sporting activities significant for sports performance. Literature review Interdisciplinary nature of has significantly revolutionized the ways in which the general concept of sport and sports performance operate. It has provided platforms which have been essential in creating new ways in which various sports are view in terms of practice, individual participation, significance, and general performance. This is because this approach has provided was in which various disciplines can be used in dealing with extreme complexities that come with different sport skills (Ott et al., 2018). For instance, in sports even the most simplest actions often rely heavily on complex interactions, hence this will play a vital role in helping individuals by making sure they gain their individual abilities to smoothly control several aspects that shape and affect these complicated skills and movements. It will also be essential in the integration of several strategies as well as techniques which play a major role to this study by
  • 11. creating various linkages across different disciplines, cultures and sectors, thus provide a more comprehensive understanding of sports in general. This study will also be essential in helping development of plans for individual players and help set specific improvement goals from the findings, weaknesses and strengths (Hess et al., 2019). This approach will has been essential in determining how different resources are allocated to various sporting activities and enhance the component of decision making in sports that is tailored towards improving sports performance. According to researchers, an interdisciplinary approach has been an important aspect that supports performance in sports which involves task, individual interactions and various environmental factors. For this reason, sports has been studied based on physical and physiological components such as agility and aerobic. This is because it is believed that competition performance often involves interactions between physiological, psychological as well as perpetual-cognitive motor components which are essential in general sports performance. Thus, this study aims at dealing with limited publication and research on the concept of interdisciplinary nature of projects in sports so as to clear various ambiguities as witnessed in previous studies and research. Thus, it will be essential since it will allows for integration of multiple disciplines that entails key strategies and techniques which are important in creating linkages when dealing with the impact of sports (Piggott et al., 2019). Interdisciplinarity for instance, is often understood as the research process which aims at addressing various topics that are very complex or ambiguous such as sports which need to be dealt with by using more than a single discipline. Interdisciplinary approach offers new tools for rapid scaling in sports performance. This is because, the use multiple disciplines in various aspects of sports helps in removing the boundaries or complexities between the management of sports and new technologies, techniques, strategies being used by providing various concepts and tools which are currently experiencing
  • 12. drastic change in various ways in different sports (Thomson et al., 2019). Many sports face challenges in terms of practice, general understanding of sports practice and performance. Therefore, the use of interdisciplinary approach will be essential in regards to pursuing interests, motivations as well as objectives in terms of general sports performance. It is therefore evident that, interdisciplinary approach is required in sports since is it always necessitated by the complexities particularly by the structures and behaviors of the systems. Thus, it provides the potential to address the separate aspects through which disciplinary knowledge and examination of those aspects are done via integrating disciplinary knowledge. For instance, the emergency of sports science as field is as a result of various sub-disciplines which have been formed through disintegration, fragmentation and multi or interdisciplinary collaboration that have become common in sports today (Gadais, 2019). Hence, it is important in dealing with importance of sports and performance via interdisciplinary approach that’s essential in developing a field based on aspects relating to sports that appreciate new thinking, creativity across all disciplines. The use of interdisciplinary approach in this study is important since it reveals the significant contribution of motor, cognitive, psychological, and perpetual components of individual constraints which often predict disposal efficiency in sports. An important finding that is consistent with perception of the coaches that superior performance in sports is usually related to these individual components (Ott et al., 2018). In addition, coping with psychological pressure as well as making appropriate and accurate decision are vital since they allow the player to apply their individual physical capabilities effectively and efficiently. Thus, it provides consistency with previous research which reported better classification of talents identified as well as non-talent identified players based on combined technical, perpetual-cognitive and physical components. Hence use of
  • 13. interdisciplinary approach in sports is key to this study. This also shows that physiological capacity of players is very important, because players for instance in football need to sprint or run with the ball on the pitch, while perpetual- cognitive and psychological components make a significant contribution to effective disposal of the ball to teammates (Gadais, 2019). Thus, interdisciplinary approach is important in explaining such complexities which are vital in sports performance. This is important in demonstrating how these components’ interactions is vital to comprehensive understanding of sports performance. The need for clearly defined parameters which are inherent to literature search are the core pillars which help in distinguishing integrative reviews from various alternative approaches. Thus, in this particular research there were several distinct variables, sports and sports performance which clearly delineated various key boundaries of boundaries of literature search, thus, the need to develop an interdisciplinary approach in understanding where there is convergence as well as a distinct development of the field of sports (Ott et al., 2018). This is important in defining sports and applying this term in practice, research as well as policy domains which are not short of complications thus important for interdisciplinary to explain the whole concept from play, leisure as well as physical activities and other important aspects. Methodology This paper adopted a structured literature review, a method which is used to study a corpus of various scholarly literature in order to create various insights, critical reflections, and research questions and develop paths for future studies and research. This method was adopted since it is based on the quantitative, form-oriented as well as positivist content analysis when used in literature review. It usually follows a ten-step process that enables scholars and researchers to potentially develop a more informed and relevant research paths and questions (Piggott et al., 2019). In this case for instance, this
  • 14. method was meant to provide a comprehensive understanding of interdisciplinary approach in sports and how the use multiple disciplines influence various aspects of sports and performance. The research designs were properly established in this field, hence it enhanced the robustness in the findings on several aspects of sports performance. Therefore, in order to achieve the objective, the structured literature review was used so as to offer the most appropriate clarifications to the concept of interdisciplinary natures of projects approach in different sports. This also provides several suggestions for future research and is of a particular significance since it is the best and right tool for studying this phenomenon (Thomson et al., 2019). Moreover, this methodology also employed was imperative and qualitative in nature which entailed a study based on data collection for different sports. References Gadais, T. (2019). Sport for development and peace: current perspectives of research. Sports Science and Human Health-Different Approaches. Hess, C. W., Gnacinski, S. L., & Meyer, B. B. (2019). A review of the sport-injury and-rehabilitation literature: From abstraction to application. The Sport Psychologist, 33(3), 232-243. Ott, S. D., Bailey, C. M., & Broshek, D. K. (2018). An interdisciplinary approach to sports concussion evaluation and management: The role of a neuropsychologist. Archives of clinical neuropsychology, 33(3), 319-329. Piggott, B., Müller, S., Chivers, P., Papaluca, C., & Hoyne, G. (2019). Is sports science answering the call for interdisciplinary
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