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3D printing
Does it pose a threat to our existence?

Xue Jiang
Rianne Links				
Dominic Perera
0. Contents
Introduction					Everyone					3
What is 3D printing?			            Rianne Links				4
Stakeholder Network									6
	Human					Rianne Links				7
	Non Human				Xui Jiang					12
Technological Deterministic
Approach 					Dominic Perera			 16
Social Constructivism
Approach						Dominic Perera			 19
Conclusion					Everyone					21
Bibliography					Everyone					22
Infographic: Timeline of Events	   Rianne Links				26
1. Introduction
Since the early 90s, the use of 3D printers are on the increase, gaining popularity in both industrial and domestic
sectors. Following a video made by Defense Distributed (a collective group of friends) on a 3D printable gun,
governments and 3D printer manufacturers have raised their concerns - overlapping freedom and crime.

The paper will attempt to explore how a 3D printable gun can pose a threat to our security, outlining human and
non-human factors involved. Can we trust the person next to us? Is it ethical to print a gun in our garage or backyard?
Who will have access to 3D printers? Teenagers? These are some of the issues deeply concerning our rights to
freedom, information and security.

To get a better view of all the factors that influence the 3D printable gun, reference the visual representation at the end
of this paper of all the factors involved.
2. About the
3D printer
3D printer are used in the industry for years now but only more recent they became popular with normal customers.
The prices of a 3D printer have been decreased from up to 1 million dollar to as little as 1.000 dollar. But what is 3D
printing exactly and how can it be used? 1

What is a 3D printer?
As a rapid manufacturing technique, 3D printing is quite different from 2D printing on paper. A 3D printer constructs
an object out of plastic, creating it layer by layer. The 3D printer uses a digital Computer Aided Design (CAD) that you
can make yourself or download online. There are lots of 3D designs online available for things you might need: flower
vases, bracelets and much more. It is also possible to create your own design, using for example CAD or even Google
Sketchup. 2

History of 3D printing
3D printers have been around since the 1980, but where large, expensive and very limited for a long period of time.
The term ‘3D printer’ has been used first in 1995 by two graduate students at MIT who changed a normal inkjet printer
into a printer that that prints a binding solution.


3D printing is becoming more and more mainstream to use in a commercial setting too. Nike, for example, used to
spend thousands of Dollars to create multi-colored prototypes of shoes and they had to wait weeks to develop. Now
that they use a 3D printer to print these models, they can print multiple prototypes per day for a lot less money.

The rise of the 3D printer brings a lot of opportunities, but there are also a couple of threats that we need to be aware
of. With the possibility to print anything you want, how many times you want, economies of scale decrease. For exam-
ple, if you make a certain object in a factory, the costs decrease the more of this object you develop. With the use of a
3D printer, it doesn’t matter how much of the exact same object you make. The object can be tweaked as often as you
like and this will not affect the costs. 3

Another thread might be the copyright issues. What are the copyrights on an object that you have printed using your
3D printer? What are the rules when it comes to printing for example keys? These are topics that that might need to
be covered in new regulations around 3D printing. 4

The final threat is the possibility to print almost anything that you can think of, even dangerous objects like guns. This
is the main focus of this essay.



3. Stakeholder
There are a lot of actors involved, both human and non-human. This chapter will give an overview of the human and
the non human actors.
Human Actors

Defense Distributed: who are involved?
Cody Rutledge Wilson and a couple of his friends decided to work together under a collective name to make
3D printable guns: Defense Distributed. This is not a company or corporation, they just work together under this
name.5 The other people involved are Benjamin W. Denio, Sean Kublin, Haroon Khalid, Propagare, Daniel J. Bizzell,
Brad Bridges, C.G. Hancock. Some of them are using their own name and others are using pseudonyms. Two of them
link to their personal Twitter profiles: Cody Rutledge Wilson, who is the spokesperson, and Propagare.6

Maker of 3D printer that is used
In their promotional video, Defense Distributed told that they are focussing on the hobbyists; people who made their
own RepRap printer, or people who bought a commercial printer. They were testing their design using the Mojo 3D
printer5 7 and the uPrint SE 3D printer, both made by Stratesys.8 On September 26th, it became clear that Stratesys
Inc. was not too happy that their 3D printer was used for this. They sent a note to Defense Distributed that their lease
was going to be cancelled because Defense Distributed doesn’t have a federal firearm manufacturer’s license, so
Stratasys seized their printer.9 10

Maker of the design of the guns
Defense Distributed has three guns. One of them is already available as a download: the AR-15. This gun is designed
by Michael Guslick, an amateur gunsmith, using the username HaveBlue on the AR-15 forum. The designs for the
other 2 guns, the WikiWep A and B, will become available in November 2012, according to the Defense Distributed

People who have donated money to Defense Distributed
Defense Distributed needed $ 20.000 in donations to execute the project. They started raising this money from
internet donors in July 2012 via the crowdsourcing website IndiGoGo and later via their own website.12 On
September 19th they reached their goal. They raised around $ 2.000 via IndiGoGo and the rest via their own website.
After they raised $ 10.000, an anonymous donor doubled this to $ 20.000 so that they reached their goal.









Cody Wilson says about the contributors:

“They wanted to get this done, I think it shows they really believe in a future where the gun is inalienable…a kind of
faith in American individualism, the sovereignty of the individual.”
- Cody Wilson

People commenting on Defense Dist website
Defense Distributed has a commenting function on 23 pages on their website.13 A few of the pages have a lot of
comments (between 10 and 50). Those pages are the FAQ page, the Manifesto and the page about the AR-15 gun

          The comments on this page mainly agree with the idea behind this project, but do not think that a gun is the
          right way to show the world that information should be free in the age of the internet and technology.14

          “I don’t follow your gun logic. Certainly we can think of more suitable & humanitarian uses for a
          technology powerful enough to cheaply ‘print’ virtually anything non-organic into existence…
          What result was intended when the decision to start with the gun was made?”
          - Justin

          Most of the comments on this page are saying that the manifesto is not good enough. Both people who are
          pro or against the idea of a printable gun agree that the manifesto needs to be better.15

          AR-15 gun design
          The comments on this page are mainly a discussion about if it is legal to use this gun. Several reasons are
          named why it might not be legal and why it might be legal.16

          “I’m excited about this technology, but what about the requirement of serial numbers?”
          - Nicolem




People who comment on social media
Defense Distributed is active on several social media sites; Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

           The 295 people (at the time of writing) who liked their Facebook page are all interested in this concept.
           Some of them are believe in the concept, some of them are sceptical.17 Occasionally someone posts a com-
           ment about the 3D printable gun on their facebook page. Since the start of the Facebook page on
           August 24th, 24 people commented with their ideas about this project. Most of them are positive reviews,
           for example this one:

           “This is probably the most amazing project I have ever seen. I hope you guys get this off the ground level
           and make something revolutionary out of it.”
           - Griffith Hughes

           Defense Distributed has 1154 followers on Twitter (at the time of writing). There is not much interaction going
           on with their followers. The account has only 186 tweets.18

           Defense Distributed posted their video on YouTube on July 27th 2012. Since then, around 90.000 people
           watched the video and more than 1.200 commented on it. The people who have commented on this video
           are less informed than the ones on the Defense Distributed website, therefor the opinions are not very nu-

           “Oh good. I was starting to worry that America didn’t have enough cheap easily accessible firearms to go
           around. /sarcasm”
           - Senfen

           AR-15 forum
           The designer of the AR-15 3D print design posted his testing results on the AR-15 forum under the name
           of HaveBlue. This post has approximately 200 comments, most of them really positive. The comments are
           mostly from other gun making hobbyists and are mainly about the technical side and do not focus on the
           ethical issues.20




“Nice, glad someone finally got around to it”
          - RDTCU

          Blog of designer of AR-15
          Michael Guslick, the designer of the printable parts of the AR-15 wrote 3 blogs about this design under the
          name of HaveBlue, on his website with the same name. The first blog has 38 comments, the second one
          has 57 comments and the third one 15. The comments on these blogs mainly focus on the ethical issues
          regarding how legal it is to print your own gun, using a 3D printer.21

          “You have just turned the 3d printer into ‘dangerous goods’, thanks a lot. There is always one that has to
          wreck it for the rest of us. Now the government will try to take them away or legislate them.” - Anonymous

Expert’s view
Several experts in the field of 3D printing and experts in the field of gun development have commented on the 3D
printable guns from Defense Distributed.

          Andrew Blake
          RT Web producer
          Andrew Blake did an interview about this subject with RT, a Russian/English news channel. He states that
          3D printers are becoming more mainstream and cheaper to buy. That is why more and more people will
          have their own 3D printer. This brings a lot of opportunities, but also some threats. The printable gun is one
          of them. People who don’t have a gun license are also able to print this gun and use it. Those are the main
          concerns of Andrew Blake.22

Movements against the printable gun
Of course, not everyone is a proponent of the possibility to print your own gun. There are some movement against the
Defense Distributed.

          Defense Distributed used to use 2 different 3D printers from Stratesys: the Mojo 3D printer and the uPrint SE
          3D printer. Stratasys didn’t want their name to be associated with printing guns, so they ended their lease.23




           The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) in the United States is not happy with the 3D printable guns of
           Defense Distributed. On their Facebook page, they made several comments addressing this issue.24

People who download and print the gun
It is at this point not possible to see how many people have downloaded the design of the AR-15 gun. From the com-
ments on this website25, the blog26 and the AR-15 forum27, we do know that the people who downloaded
the design are either amature gunsmiths, interested in guns or interested in 3D printing. The amature gunsmiths are
interested in creating their own gun and tweaking it to make it even more personalized for them. People who are
interested in guns are mainly looking for a cheaper way to get a gun. People who are interested in 3D printing want to
know more about the possibilities of 3D printing.

People who use the gun
Up until now, Michael Guslick is the only one who has actually used the AR-15 3D printed gun. To test the gun, he
fired 200 shots. The results were positive: the 3D printed part of the gun didn’t break and worked fine.28

People who were harmed by one of the guns
Up until now, no one has been harmed by one of the guns.



Non Human Actors

The Defense Distributed website became more and more popular after many websites wrote about the story that
Wilson (the director of the Defense Distributed ) and his group doing the 3D printable gun.

“A Cody Wilson, the law student at the University of Texas leading the group, says: “In the future, no one is going
to be able to decide who has a gun but you. This is a project that intends to help subvert older hierarchies and these
older modes of thinking.”
- Mic Wright (2012)28

          Defense Distributed is a website built up by a group of libertarian gun lovers from different backgrounds
          who want to spread the idea of printing 3D guns to public and get donated by more people from the world.29
          Defense Dist lists three guns: the AR-15, the WikiWep A and WikiWep B. At this moment it is only possible to
          print the 3D file for the AR-15 gun. The lower receiver of this gun is printable with a 3D printer. This file is
          designed by Michael Guslick. For encouraging more people to take part in design the weapon file, Defense
          Dist also set up a wiki weapon design contest, the first winner will get $ 3.000. This is a crowdsourcing
          method to attract more public to contribute to this weapon file design.

          Crowdfunding site: IndieGoGo
          Since Defense Distributed is not able to finance this whole project by themselves, they decided to start a
          fundraising on IndieGoGo to ask for donations. IndieGoGo is a website that people can use to search for
          donations for all kinds of projects.30 It plays a significant role and help this gun group to get fund and plan
          for their weapon project. After 22 days, IndieGoGo stopped their project because they discovered project of
          printing guns was illegal. At that time the Defense Distribute have already received $ 20.000 of funding. After
          that they decided to continue this fundraising on their own website.31

          Defense Distributed put the video on YouTube using the account of DXLiberty. This video called ‘The Wiki
          Weapon’, Cody Wilson explains their project of the 3D printable guns; how it works, which printer they are





using and who is involved. At this moment the video got 886.366 views. 1.301 people clicked the ‘like’ but-
           ton, 579 people said they do not like the video. 1.243 people commented on the video.32

           Another video of RT, a Russian / English news channel posted a video about this subject called “Make a
           Working GUN using a 3D Printer! 100% Legal. Amature GunSmith Makes an AR-15 Rifle”. This video has
           56.567 views. 101 people liked the video and 52 people disliked it and there are 203 comments under the
           video at the writing of this paper.33

           Defense Distributed has their own Twitter account.34 This account has 1,509 followers and 186 Tweets. Cody
           Wilson, the starter of Defense Distributed, also has a personal Twitter account where he talks about the 3D
           printable guns.35 This account has 260 followers and Wilson wrote 5,182 Tweets. Many of the Tweets talk
           about new technologies.

  is an Irish blog about the designs of 3D printable guns. This blog is
           written by Gunnar Threedis (2012)36. It talks about 3D printing and is written from September until now. Most
           of them talk about 3D printing and promoting new technology, but others of them also mentioned 3D
           printing for guns,they also have their Twitter called @3Dgundesigns37. but they only have 3 followers at this

           As Nick Bilson (2012) mentioned in his article, Michael Guslick (Have Blue) wrote a lot of blogs on Have
  Under the categories of RepRap, there are mainly 3 blog posts that talk about the process of
           designing and manufacturing the AR-15 3D printable gun. These blog posts are named Gunsmithing with a
           3D printer – Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.

           “He said the most notable example was the zip gun, which is made from off-the-shelf plumbing parts. (Not
           surprisingly, the schematics and instructions can be downloaded online.)”
           - Nick Bilson (2012)







Guslick wrote these articles so that people who are interested in 3D Printable guns can get a clear overview
          of the process. People can comment and share their ideas with HaveBlue.

          AR-15 forum
          The NRA set up a website for AR-15 ,they concentrates on AR-15 guns.39 The members of this group upload
          all kinds of information about different parts and instructions of AR-15 forum online.There are 1,269 Team
          Members, 1,310 Members, and 3,742 Guests until now on this website .

          Defense Distributed has their own Facebook page. This page has 295 ‘likes’ and at this moment around 20
          people are talking about this project. They started this Facebook page on 24th of August 2012.40

Raw materials (Plastic)
“Mr. Guslick managed to print some components for an AR-15 semiautomatic assault rifle — the kind of gun used in
the Aurora, Colo., shootings — on a 3D printer. He used ABS plastic, the same plastic used to make Legos.”
- Nick Bilson(2012)41

The plastics that is used for 3D printing are Thermoplastics. There are different kind of thermoplastics that can all be
used for 3D printing: ABS, ABSi, ABS-ESD7, ABS-M30, ABS-M30i, PC, PC-ISO, PC/ABS, ULTEM, PPSU. They have
different durability, strength, tensile.42

“For now, the task isn’t as easy as hitting print, say the few people who have successfully built guns using 3D
printers. The basic problem is not the printing technology, but the lack of plastics strong enough for a real gun.”
- Nick Bilson(2012)

3D printer
Defense Distributed has been using 2 3D printers, both made by Stratasys:43

          Mojo 3D Printer
          The Mojo 3D printer from Stratasys is the printer that Defense Distributed started to use in the beginning.
          It is an affordable but professional printer.






uPrint SE 3D Printer
          Two months later it becomes clear that Defense Distributed switched to the uPrint Se printer, also from
          Stratasys. This printer is more expensive than that Mojo printer. On September 26th though, Stratasys
          seized their printer due to the possible illegal activities of Defense Distributed.

Main technology and the price
Stratasys uses the ‘Fused Deposition Modeling’. It is explained on their website that their technology produces parts
layer-by-layer in engineering-grade thermoplastics under high heat.

3D printers are becoming faster and less expensive almost weekly. One manufacturer, MakerBot, has set up a retail
store in Manhattan. Chinese companies have started making them, and prices are falling to about $500.
- Nick Bilton(2012)44

Defense Distributed mobile app
Defense Dist has their own Android app for users to share information and communicate with each other. It contains a
question part for users to ask all kinds of questions, a video part containing videos with more background
information, a download part where you can download the 3D gun files, a sharing part to share all kinds of information
through social media and a donate option to donate money to Defense Distributed.45

The part of gun that is not printable
Defense Distributed list three guns on their website,The AR-15,The WikiWeapon A and the WikiWeapon B. The AR-15
is the only gun that is already available for download. For this gun it is only possible to print the lower receiver of the

The print design for the WikiWeapon A is not available yet. This gun is going to be printable, it only needs an electrical
solenoid for firing action.47 The print of the WikiWeapon B is not available yet either. This gun is going to be completely
printable, you do not need any external products.48






4. Technological
The Second Amendment of the United States constitution clearly states that it “protects the right of the people to keep
and bear arms.”49 That said, using a 3D printer to manufacture a firearm in the convenience of your bedroom or back-
yard is altogether a different matter. Mr. Nick Bilton from the New York Times says “a felon, unable to buy a gun legally
can print one at home.”50
He also stresses that teenagers with access to 3D printers can make them while their parents think they are “playing
with their computers.”51 This unconceivable notion of printing a fully functional gun, where the blueprint is freely
available to download from the internet, all just with a click of a button.52 Mr. Bilton also points out that any individual
with access to a 3D printer will not be restricted to any background checks, age limits, serial numbers marked on the
guns or sales receipts to trace the gun.53 A blogger agrees with this.



51 ibid

52 bid

53 bid
“My issue with it isn’t with the fact that they are printing the gun, and the financial impact on manufactur-
          ers. My beef with it is that people can acquire a firearm without having to go through any of the necessary
          background checks.”
          - Matthew Morgan54

Moreover, Mr. Wilson - the founder of Defense Distributed, in a video says, “We will have the reality of a weapons
system that can be printed out from your desk. Anywhere there is a computer, there is a weapon.”55 Daniel Gross,
president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and the Bray Centre to Prevent Gun Violence also said.

          “This becomes scary when you consider the fact that it could be yet another opportunity for people to evade
          background checks and get a gun,” 56
          - Daniel Gross

However, under most circumstances, it is not illegal to build your own gun, but it has been somewhat difficult.57 Ms.
Ginger Colburn, a spokeswoman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said the agency was
keeping a close watch on the 3D printers.58

          “A.T.F. always tries to stay ahead of the illegal activity and the novel firearms trafficking schemes, without
          impinging on individuals’ rights.”
          - Ginger Colburn 59

Mr. Bilton from NewYork Times further argues that it would be impossible to monitor whether people make their guns
on 3D printers. He points out that it would take an ATF agent in every home.60 Bilton further explains, that the inevi-
table action by the government to try to build technology in to the printers to prevent people from printing a gun is
utterly hopeless. 3D printers can print objects meaning it is capable of replicating it self by printing other printer parts.
Stephen Grimmelikhuijsen of the Dutch newspaper, The Economist, recently labeled the 3D printer to the “Third
Revolution”, putting pressure on the government consider the implications for society and the public sector.61 He says
“ 3D printing screams for renewed regulation”. On another page he says ”3D printing can also have an effect on the
processes in the government itself. Thus services even further disconnected from place and time.”62





58 ibid

59 ibid


61 sleutels-en-wapens-dit-


62 ibid
When it comes to 3D printers it apparent that 3D printers are causing the governments massive problems. Rather
than finding a solution to regulate 3D printers or license gun manufacturers.Following growing number of concerns
on he Defense Distributed website, Stratasys - 3D printer company which sold a 3D printer, withdrew its lease stat-
ing “You have also made it clear that you do not have a federal firearms manufacturers license. Based upon your lack
of a license and your public statements regarding your intentions in using our printer, Stratasys disagrees with your
opinion,” Legal counsel for Stratasys wrote to the group’s leader, University of Texas law student Cody Wilson. “It is
the policy of Stratasys not to knowingly allow its printers to be used for illegal purposes.”63

These insights and discussions take a remarkable correlation to a technologically deterministic view. This manner of
thinking largely ignores the human element as the initial issue and that without a 3D printer, a printable gun would
have never taken place, resulting in inevitable death, albeit no casualties have been reported at the time of writing this

63 gun-80111
5. Social
When it became embarrassingly apparent it wasn’t attainable to radically end the lease agreement of 3D printers or
shut down funding, the lanes changed to the notion of hard monitoring, regulating and organizing firearms licenses.
Another commenter on the Forbes website said,

          “What does printing have to do with producing a steel firearm? Anyone with a saw and file (or CNC equip-
          ment) has been able to do it for centuries.”
          - Callme Ishmael64

Mr. Guslick has also been testing the “Market Place” for 3D printing firearms. He requested permission from
ThingsVerse to post a 3D weapons design on the 3D designs sharing website Makerbot Industries.65 Mr. Guslick
stated that the senior leadership decided not to disallow but to discourage the postings of weapons designs.66

64 despite-being-booted-



66 ibid
Subsequently, Mr.Guslick posted the design and it ended up with an intensive legal discussion.
Consequently, ThingsVerse decided to ban weapon designs outright.67 However it is unclear whether they are enforc-
ing a ban or not since the designs are clearly visible on the site.

However, gun controlling or 3D printers for that matter, has taken a whole new route with the patriotic American gun
lovers. Some hold up high the Second Amendment of the US constitution. One comment on the Defense Distributed
fundraising page states: “ Freedom is never free. It has been paid for by the ultimate sacrifice of great military men
and women who have given their lives to defend our right of gun ownership for self protection.”68
Other comments largely focus on the freedom of gun ownership and personal security.

          “People being able to produce useful weaponry in their own homes is bound to lead to a freer society, as it
          overturns the supply-restriction behind the current firearm laws.” 69

Another states, “Legal firearm ownership is associated with reduced murder rates. Our murder rate has spiraled as
firearm and other weapon restrictions have increased. The US states with the most guns have the fewest murders.
The European states with the most guns have the fewest murders. Guess what? - Being able to effectively protect
yourself reduces the murder rate.” 70

This creed reluctantly throws itself at the other side of the ambit with respect to social constructivism. However, in this
particular instance, gun control as opposed to the technological deterministic viewpoint of banning or abrupt ending
of a 3D printer lease, gave rise to patriotic American citizen’s right to bear firearms as stated in the US constitution.
Nonetheless, this theory largely focuses and constructively suggests social choice determines the establishment of
certain technologies.

          “Social shaping of technologies approach fails to take in to account of the appropriation of technology by
          - MacKay and Gillespie (1992)





70 ibid
6. Conclusion
There are a lot of human factors involved in the 3D printable gun. Each with their own behavior and opinions. The
main human factors are the people behind Defense Distributed. They try to share their ideas with as many people as
possible, using for example social media sites. Different groups of people are interested in this project for different
reasons: either they are interesting in 3D printing and the possibilities, they are amateur gunsmiths and are interested
in innovative ways to make guns, they are interested in cheaper guns or they are interested in the esthetics behind
this idea.

A lot of non-human factors are involved in this project too. One of them is of course the 3D printer. Without the devel-
opment of this printer, nothing of this would have been possible. Online media is also a big part of this project. De-
fense Distributed communicates with people through their own website, their Twitter and Facebook and through the
use of YouTube videos.

The 3D printer is a powerful tool enabling us to rapid prototype various objects, in this case a fully functioning hand-
held gun. The public’s perspective changes from technological deterministic viewpoint to a social constructivist view-
point when harm or inevitable death is shed upon. Downloading a lethal weapon design invariably asks the legitimacy
of one’s security and safety in a technologically thriving age.

Ultimately, Guslick said he hopes his 3-D printed creation does not take away from the many possibilities that 3-D
printing has for our future.71

             “3-D printing will change our perception of mass production, with products being made more economi-
             cally, not to mention locally. Similarly, 3-D printing will expand to help redefine ergonomics as more of the
             items we use everyday will not just be designed for ‘humans’ but for ‘individuals.” 72
             - Michael Guslick


72 ibid
7. Bibliography
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30. Robb, J., A Working Assault Rifle Made With a 3-D Printer. Available at:
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32. Stratasys, Introducing the uPrint SE and uPrint SE Plus 3D Printers. Available at:
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35. Whyne, E., Eric Whyne: 3D Printing ...guns. Available at:
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37. Wright, M., Making guns in your garage: how 3D printers will revolutionise the manufacture of deadly weapons
– Telegraph Blogs. Available at:
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Essay: 3D printable gun by Defense Distributed

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Essay: 3D printable gun by Defense Distributed

  • 1. 3D printing Does it pose a threat to our existence? Xue Jiang Rianne Links Dominic Perera
  • 2. 0. Contents Introduction Everyone 3 What is 3D printing? Rianne Links 4 Stakeholder Network 6 Human Rianne Links 7 Non Human Xui Jiang 12 Technological Deterministic Approach Dominic Perera 16 Social Constructivism Approach Dominic Perera 19 Conclusion Everyone 21 Bibliography Everyone 22 Infographic: Timeline of Events Rianne Links 26
  • 3. 1. Introduction Since the early 90s, the use of 3D printers are on the increase, gaining popularity in both industrial and domestic sectors. Following a video made by Defense Distributed (a collective group of friends) on a 3D printable gun, governments and 3D printer manufacturers have raised their concerns - overlapping freedom and crime. The paper will attempt to explore how a 3D printable gun can pose a threat to our security, outlining human and non-human factors involved. Can we trust the person next to us? Is it ethical to print a gun in our garage or backyard? Who will have access to 3D printers? Teenagers? These are some of the issues deeply concerning our rights to freedom, information and security. To get a better view of all the factors that influence the 3D printable gun, reference the visual representation at the end of this paper of all the factors involved.
  • 4. 2. About the 3D printer 3D printer are used in the industry for years now but only more recent they became popular with normal customers. The prices of a 3D printer have been decreased from up to 1 million dollar to as little as 1.000 dollar. But what is 3D printing exactly and how can it be used? 1 What is a 3D printer? As a rapid manufacturing technique, 3D printing is quite different from 2D printing on paper. A 3D printer constructs an object out of plastic, creating it layer by layer. The 3D printer uses a digital Computer Aided Design (CAD) that you can make yourself or download online. There are lots of 3D designs online available for things you might need: flower vases, bracelets and much more. It is also possible to create your own design, using for example CAD or even Google Sketchup. 2 History of 3D printing 3D printers have been around since the 1980, but where large, expensive and very limited for a long period of time. The term ‘3D printer’ has been used first in 1995 by two graduate students at MIT who changed a normal inkjet printer into a printer that that prints a binding solution. 1 2
  • 5. Possibilities 3D printing is becoming more and more mainstream to use in a commercial setting too. Nike, for example, used to spend thousands of Dollars to create multi-colored prototypes of shoes and they had to wait weeks to develop. Now that they use a 3D printer to print these models, they can print multiple prototypes per day for a lot less money. Threats The rise of the 3D printer brings a lot of opportunities, but there are also a couple of threats that we need to be aware of. With the possibility to print anything you want, how many times you want, economies of scale decrease. For exam- ple, if you make a certain object in a factory, the costs decrease the more of this object you develop. With the use of a 3D printer, it doesn’t matter how much of the exact same object you make. The object can be tweaked as often as you like and this will not affect the costs. 3 Another thread might be the copyright issues. What are the copyrights on an object that you have printed using your 3D printer? What are the rules when it comes to printing for example keys? These are topics that that might need to be covered in new regulations around 3D printing. 4 The final threat is the possibility to print almost anything that you can think of, even dangerous objects like guns. This is the main focus of this essay. 3 4 schreeuwt-om-nieuwe-regelgeving.dhtml
  • 6. 3. Stakeholder Network There are a lot of actors involved, both human and non-human. This chapter will give an overview of the human and the non human actors.
  • 7. Human Actors Defense Distributed: who are involved? Cody Rutledge Wilson and a couple of his friends decided to work together under a collective name to make 3D printable guns: Defense Distributed. This is not a company or corporation, they just work together under this name.5 The other people involved are Benjamin W. Denio, Sean Kublin, Haroon Khalid, Propagare, Daniel J. Bizzell, Brad Bridges, C.G. Hancock. Some of them are using their own name and others are using pseudonyms. Two of them link to their personal Twitter profiles: Cody Rutledge Wilson, who is the spokesperson, and Propagare.6 Maker of 3D printer that is used In their promotional video, Defense Distributed told that they are focussing on the hobbyists; people who made their own RepRap printer, or people who bought a commercial printer. They were testing their design using the Mojo 3D printer5 7 and the uPrint SE 3D printer, both made by Stratesys.8 On September 26th, it became clear that Stratesys Inc. was not too happy that their 3D printer was used for this. They sent a note to Defense Distributed that their lease was going to be cancelled because Defense Distributed doesn’t have a federal firearm manufacturer’s license, so Stratasys seized their printer.9 10 Maker of the design of the guns Defense Distributed has three guns. One of them is already available as a download: the AR-15. This gun is designed by Michael Guslick, an amateur gunsmith, using the username HaveBlue on the AR-15 forum. The designs for the other 2 guns, the WikiWep A and B, will become available in November 2012, according to the Defense Distributed website.11 People who have donated money to Defense Distributed Defense Distributed needed $ 20.000 in donations to execute the project. They started raising this money from internet donors in July 2012 via the crowdsourcing website IndiGoGo and later via their own website.12 On September 19th they reached their goal. They raised around $ 2.000 via IndiGoGo and the rest via their own website. After they raised $ 10.000, an anonymous donor doubled this to $ 20.000 so that they reached their goal. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 indiegogo/
  • 8. Cody Wilson says about the contributors: “They wanted to get this done, I think it shows they really believe in a future where the gun is inalienable…a kind of faith in American individualism, the sovereignty of the individual.” - Cody Wilson People commenting on Defense Dist website Defense Distributed has a commenting function on 23 pages on their website.13 A few of the pages have a lot of comments (between 10 and 50). Those pages are the FAQ page, the Manifesto and the page about the AR-15 gun design. FAQ The comments on this page mainly agree with the idea behind this project, but do not think that a gun is the right way to show the world that information should be free in the age of the internet and technology.14 “I don’t follow your gun logic. Certainly we can think of more suitable & humanitarian uses for a technology powerful enough to cheaply ‘print’ virtually anything non-organic into existence… What result was intended when the decision to start with the gun was made?” - Justin Manifesto Most of the comments on this page are saying that the manifesto is not good enough. Both people who are pro or against the idea of a printable gun agree that the manifesto needs to be better.15 AR-15 gun design The comments on this page are mainly a discussion about if it is legal to use this gun. Several reasons are named why it might not be legal and why it might be legal.16 “I’m excited about this technology, but what about the requirement of serial numbers?” - Nicolem 13 14 15 16
  • 9. People who comment on social media Defense Distributed is active on several social media sites; Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Facebook The 295 people (at the time of writing) who liked their Facebook page are all interested in this concept. Some of them are believe in the concept, some of them are sceptical.17 Occasionally someone posts a com- ment about the 3D printable gun on their facebook page. Since the start of the Facebook page on August 24th, 24 people commented with their ideas about this project. Most of them are positive reviews, for example this one: “This is probably the most amazing project I have ever seen. I hope you guys get this off the ground level and make something revolutionary out of it.” - Griffith Hughes Twitter Defense Distributed has 1154 followers on Twitter (at the time of writing). There is not much interaction going on with their followers. The account has only 186 tweets.18 YouTube Defense Distributed posted their video on YouTube on July 27th 2012. Since then, around 90.000 people watched the video and more than 1.200 commented on it. The people who have commented on this video are less informed than the ones on the Defense Distributed website, therefor the opinions are not very nu- anced.19 “Oh good. I was starting to worry that America didn’t have enough cheap easily accessible firearms to go around. /sarcasm” - Senfen AR-15 forum The designer of the AR-15 3D print design posted his testing results on the AR-15 forum under the name of HaveBlue. This post has approximately 200 comments, most of them really positive. The comments are mostly from other gun making hobbyists and are mainly about the technical side and do not focus on the ethical issues.20 17 18 19 20
  • 10. “Nice, glad someone finally got around to it” - RDTCU Blog of designer of AR-15 Michael Guslick, the designer of the printable parts of the AR-15 wrote 3 blogs about this design under the name of HaveBlue, on his website with the same name. The first blog has 38 comments, the second one has 57 comments and the third one 15. The comments on these blogs mainly focus on the ethical issues regarding how legal it is to print your own gun, using a 3D printer.21 “You have just turned the 3d printer into ‘dangerous goods’, thanks a lot. There is always one that has to wreck it for the rest of us. Now the government will try to take them away or legislate them.” - Anonymous Expert’s view Several experts in the field of 3D printing and experts in the field of gun development have commented on the 3D printable guns from Defense Distributed. Andrew Blake RT Web producer Andrew Blake did an interview about this subject with RT, a Russian/English news channel. He states that 3D printers are becoming more mainstream and cheaper to buy. That is why more and more people will have their own 3D printer. This brings a lot of opportunities, but also some threats. The printable gun is one of them. People who don’t have a gun license are also able to print this gun and use it. Those are the main concerns of Andrew Blake.22 Movements against the printable gun Of course, not everyone is a proponent of the possibility to print your own gun. There are some movement against the Defense Distributed. Stratasys Defense Distributed used to use 2 different 3D printers from Stratesys: the Mojo 3D printer and the uPrint SE 3D printer. Stratasys didn’t want their name to be associated with printing guns, so they ended their lease.23 21 22 23 24
  • 11. CSGV The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) in the United States is not happy with the 3D printable guns of Defense Distributed. On their Facebook page, they made several comments addressing this issue.24 People who download and print the gun It is at this point not possible to see how many people have downloaded the design of the AR-15 gun. From the com- ments on this website25, the blog26 and the AR-15 forum27, we do know that the people who downloaded the design are either amature gunsmiths, interested in guns or interested in 3D printing. The amature gunsmiths are interested in creating their own gun and tweaking it to make it even more personalized for them. People who are interested in guns are mainly looking for a cheaper way to get a gun. People who are interested in 3D printing want to know more about the possibilities of 3D printing. People who use the gun Up until now, Michael Guslick is the only one who has actually used the AR-15 3D printed gun. To test the gun, he fired 200 shots. The results were positive: the 3D printed part of the gun didn’t break and worked fine.28 People who were harmed by one of the guns Up until now, no one has been harmed by one of the guns. 25 26 27
  • 12. Non Human Actors Websites The Defense Distributed website became more and more popular after many websites wrote about the story that Wilson (the director of the Defense Distributed ) and his group doing the 3D printable gun. “A Cody Wilson, the law student at the University of Texas leading the group, says: “In the future, no one is going to be able to decide who has a gun but you. This is a project that intends to help subvert older hierarchies and these older modes of thinking.” - Mic Wright (2012)28 Defense Distributed is a website built up by a group of libertarian gun lovers from different backgrounds who want to spread the idea of printing 3D guns to public and get donated by more people from the world.29 Defense Dist lists three guns: the AR-15, the WikiWep A and WikiWep B. At this moment it is only possible to print the 3D file for the AR-15 gun. The lower receiver of this gun is printable with a 3D printer. This file is designed by Michael Guslick. For encouraging more people to take part in design the weapon file, Defense Dist also set up a wiki weapon design contest, the first winner will get $ 3.000. This is a crowdsourcing method to attract more public to contribute to this weapon file design. Crowdfunding site: IndieGoGo Since Defense Distributed is not able to finance this whole project by themselves, they decided to start a fundraising on IndieGoGo to ask for donations. IndieGoGo is a website that people can use to search for donations for all kinds of projects.30 It plays a significant role and help this gun group to get fund and plan for their weapon project. After 22 days, IndieGoGo stopped their project because they discovered project of printing guns was illegal. At that time the Defense Distribute have already received $ 20.000 of funding. After that they decided to continue this fundraising on their own website.31 YouTube Defense Distributed put the video on YouTube using the account of DXLiberty. This video called ‘The Wiki Weapon’, Cody Wilson explains their project of the 3D printable guns; how it works, which printer they are 28 manufacture-of-deadly-weapons/ 29 30 31
  • 13. using and who is involved. At this moment the video got 886.366 views. 1.301 people clicked the ‘like’ but- ton, 579 people said they do not like the video. 1.243 people commented on the video.32 Another video of RT, a Russian / English news channel posted a video about this subject called “Make a Working GUN using a 3D Printer! 100% Legal. Amature GunSmith Makes an AR-15 Rifle”. This video has 56.567 views. 101 people liked the video and 52 people disliked it and there are 203 comments under the video at the writing of this paper.33 Twitter Defense Distributed has their own Twitter account.34 This account has 1,509 followers and 186 Tweets. Cody Wilson, the starter of Defense Distributed, also has a personal Twitter account where he talks about the 3D printable guns.35 This account has 260 followers and Wilson wrote 5,182 Tweets. Many of the Tweets talk about new technologies. Blogs is an Irish blog about the designs of 3D printable guns. This blog is written by Gunnar Threedis (2012)36. It talks about 3D printing and is written from September until now. Most of them talk about 3D printing and promoting new technology, but others of them also mentioned 3D printing for guns,they also have their Twitter called @3Dgundesigns37. but they only have 3 followers at this moment. As Nick Bilson (2012) mentioned in his article, Michael Guslick (Have Blue) wrote a lot of blogs on Have Under the categories of RepRap, there are mainly 3 blog posts that talk about the process of designing and manufacturing the AR-15 3D printable gun. These blog posts are named Gunsmithing with a 3D printer – Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. “He said the most notable example was the zip gun, which is made from off-the-shelf plumbing parts. (Not surprisingly, the schematics and instructions can be downloaded online.)” - Nick Bilson (2012) 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
  • 14. Guslick wrote these articles so that people who are interested in 3D Printable guns can get a clear overview of the process. People can comment and share their ideas with HaveBlue. AR-15 forum The NRA set up a website for AR-15 ,they concentrates on AR-15 guns.39 The members of this group upload all kinds of information about different parts and instructions of AR-15 forum online.There are 1,269 Team Members, 1,310 Members, and 3,742 Guests until now on this website . Facebook Defense Distributed has their own Facebook page. This page has 295 ‘likes’ and at this moment around 20 people are talking about this project. They started this Facebook page on 24th of August 2012.40 Raw materials (Plastic) “Mr. Guslick managed to print some components for an AR-15 semiautomatic assault rifle — the kind of gun used in the Aurora, Colo., shootings — on a 3D printer. He used ABS plastic, the same plastic used to make Legos.” - Nick Bilson(2012)41 The plastics that is used for 3D printing are Thermoplastics. There are different kind of thermoplastics that can all be used for 3D printing: ABS, ABSi, ABS-ESD7, ABS-M30, ABS-M30i, PC, PC-ISO, PC/ABS, ULTEM, PPSU. They have different durability, strength, tensile.42 “For now, the task isn’t as easy as hitting print, say the few people who have successfully built guns using 3D printers. The basic problem is not the printing technology, but the lack of plastics strong enough for a real gun.” - Nick Bilson(2012) 3D printer Defense Distributed has been using 2 3D printers, both made by Stratasys:43 Mojo 3D Printer The Mojo 3D printer from Stratasys is the printer that Defense Distributed started to use in the beginning. It is an affordable but professional printer. 39 40 41 manufacture-of-deadly-weapons/ 42 43
  • 15. uPrint SE 3D Printer Two months later it becomes clear that Defense Distributed switched to the uPrint Se printer, also from Stratasys. This printer is more expensive than that Mojo printer. On September 26th though, Stratasys seized their printer due to the possible illegal activities of Defense Distributed. Main technology and the price Stratasys uses the ‘Fused Deposition Modeling’. It is explained on their website that their technology produces parts layer-by-layer in engineering-grade thermoplastics under high heat. 3D printers are becoming faster and less expensive almost weekly. One manufacturer, MakerBot, has set up a retail store in Manhattan. Chinese companies have started making them, and prices are falling to about $500. - Nick Bilton(2012)44 Defense Distributed mobile app Defense Dist has their own Android app for users to share information and communicate with each other. It contains a question part for users to ask all kinds of questions, a video part containing videos with more background information, a download part where you can download the 3D gun files, a sharing part to share all kinds of information through social media and a donate option to donate money to Defense Distributed.45 The part of gun that is not printable Defense Distributed list three guns on their website,The AR-15,The WikiWeapon A and the WikiWeapon B. The AR-15 is the only gun that is already available for download. For this gun it is only possible to print the lower receiver of the gun.46 The print design for the WikiWeapon A is not available yet. This gun is going to be printable, it only needs an electrical solenoid for firing action.47 The print of the WikiWeapon B is not available yet either. This gun is going to be completely printable, you do not need any external products.48 44 manufacture-of-deadly-weapons/ 45 46 47 48
  • 16. 4. Technological Deterministic Approach The Second Amendment of the United States constitution clearly states that it “protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms.”49 That said, using a 3D printer to manufacture a firearm in the convenience of your bedroom or back- yard is altogether a different matter. Mr. Nick Bilton from the New York Times says “a felon, unable to buy a gun legally can print one at home.”50 He also stresses that teenagers with access to 3D printers can make them while their parents think they are “playing with their computers.”51 This unconceivable notion of printing a fully functional gun, where the blueprint is freely available to download from the internet, all just with a click of a button.52 Mr. Bilton also points out that any individual with access to a 3D printer will not be restricted to any background checks, age limits, serial numbers marked on the guns or sales receipts to trace the gun.53 A blogger agrees with this. 49 50 51 ibid 52 bid 53 bid
  • 17. “My issue with it isn’t with the fact that they are printing the gun, and the financial impact on manufactur- ers. My beef with it is that people can acquire a firearm without having to go through any of the necessary background checks.” - Matthew Morgan54 Moreover, Mr. Wilson - the founder of Defense Distributed, in a video says, “We will have the reality of a weapons system that can be printed out from your desk. Anywhere there is a computer, there is a weapon.”55 Daniel Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and the Bray Centre to Prevent Gun Violence also said. “This becomes scary when you consider the fact that it could be yet another opportunity for people to evade background checks and get a gun,” 56 - Daniel Gross However, under most circumstances, it is not illegal to build your own gun, but it has been somewhat difficult.57 Ms. Ginger Colburn, a spokeswoman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said the agency was keeping a close watch on the 3D printers.58 “A.T.F. always tries to stay ahead of the illegal activity and the novel firearms trafficking schemes, without impinging on individuals’ rights.” - Ginger Colburn 59 Mr. Bilton from NewYork Times further argues that it would be impossible to monitor whether people make their guns on 3D printers. He points out that it would take an ATF agent in every home.60 Bilton further explains, that the inevi- table action by the government to try to build technology in to the printers to prevent people from printing a gun is utterly hopeless. 3D printers can print objects meaning it is capable of replicating it self by printing other printer parts. Stephen Grimmelikhuijsen of the Dutch newspaper, The Economist, recently labeled the 3D printer to the “Third Revolution”, putting pressure on the government consider the implications for society and the public sector.61 He says “ 3D printing screams for renewed regulation”. On another page he says ”3D printing can also have an effect on the processes in the government itself. Thus services even further disconnected from place and time.”62 54 55 56 57 58 ibid 59 ibid 60 61 sleutels-en-wapens-dit- schreeuwt-om-nieuwe-regelgeving.dhtml 62 ibid
  • 18. When it comes to 3D printers it apparent that 3D printers are causing the governments massive problems. Rather than finding a solution to regulate 3D printers or license gun manufacturers.Following growing number of concerns on he Defense Distributed website, Stratasys - 3D printer company which sold a 3D printer, withdrew its lease stat- ing “You have also made it clear that you do not have a federal firearms manufacturers license. Based upon your lack of a license and your public statements regarding your intentions in using our printer, Stratasys disagrees with your opinion,” Legal counsel for Stratasys wrote to the group’s leader, University of Texas law student Cody Wilson. “It is the policy of Stratasys not to knowingly allow its printers to be used for illegal purposes.”63 These insights and discussions take a remarkable correlation to a technologically deterministic view. This manner of thinking largely ignores the human element as the initial issue and that without a 3D printer, a printable gun would have never taken place, resulting in inevitable death, albeit no casualties have been reported at the time of writing this paper. 63 gun-80111
  • 19. 5. Social Constructivism Approach When it became embarrassingly apparent it wasn’t attainable to radically end the lease agreement of 3D printers or shut down funding, the lanes changed to the notion of hard monitoring, regulating and organizing firearms licenses. Another commenter on the Forbes website said, “What does printing have to do with producing a steel firearm? Anyone with a saw and file (or CNC equip- ment) has been able to do it for centuries.” - Callme Ishmael64 Mr. Guslick has also been testing the “Market Place” for 3D printing firearms. He requested permission from ThingsVerse to post a 3D weapons design on the 3D designs sharing website Makerbot Industries.65 Mr. Guslick stated that the senior leadership decided not to disallow but to discourage the postings of weapons designs.66 64 despite-being-booted- off-indiegogo/ 65 66 ibid
  • 20. Subsequently, Mr.Guslick posted the design and it ended up with an intensive legal discussion. Consequently, ThingsVerse decided to ban weapon designs outright.67 However it is unclear whether they are enforc- ing a ban or not since the designs are clearly visible on the site. However, gun controlling or 3D printers for that matter, has taken a whole new route with the patriotic American gun lovers. Some hold up high the Second Amendment of the US constitution. One comment on the Defense Distributed fundraising page states: “ Freedom is never free. It has been paid for by the ultimate sacrifice of great military men and women who have given their lives to defend our right of gun ownership for self protection.”68 Other comments largely focus on the freedom of gun ownership and personal security. “People being able to produce useful weaponry in their own homes is bound to lead to a freer society, as it overturns the supply-restriction behind the current firearm laws.” 69 Another states, “Legal firearm ownership is associated with reduced murder rates. Our murder rate has spiraled as firearm and other weapon restrictions have increased. The US states with the most guns have the fewest murders. The European states with the most guns have the fewest murders. Guess what? - Being able to effectively protect yourself reduces the murder rate.” 70 This creed reluctantly throws itself at the other side of the ambit with respect to social constructivism. However, in this particular instance, gun control as opposed to the technological deterministic viewpoint of banning or abrupt ending of a 3D printer lease, gave rise to patriotic American citizen’s right to bear firearms as stated in the US constitution. Nonetheless, this theory largely focuses and constructively suggests social choice determines the establishment of certain technologies. “Social shaping of technologies approach fails to take in to account of the appropriation of technology by users” - MacKay and Gillespie (1992) 67 68 69 printers-will-revolutionise-the-manufacture-of-deadly-weapons/#comment-686296671%5D 70 ibid
  • 21. 6. Conclusion There are a lot of human factors involved in the 3D printable gun. Each with their own behavior and opinions. The main human factors are the people behind Defense Distributed. They try to share their ideas with as many people as possible, using for example social media sites. Different groups of people are interested in this project for different reasons: either they are interesting in 3D printing and the possibilities, they are amateur gunsmiths and are interested in innovative ways to make guns, they are interested in cheaper guns or they are interested in the esthetics behind this idea. A lot of non-human factors are involved in this project too. One of them is of course the 3D printer. Without the devel- opment of this printer, nothing of this would have been possible. Online media is also a big part of this project. De- fense Distributed communicates with people through their own website, their Twitter and Facebook and through the use of YouTube videos. The 3D printer is a powerful tool enabling us to rapid prototype various objects, in this case a fully functioning hand- held gun. The public’s perspective changes from technological deterministic viewpoint to a social constructivist view- point when harm or inevitable death is shed upon. Downloading a lethal weapon design invariably asks the legitimacy of one’s security and safety in a technologically thriving age. Ultimately, Guslick said he hopes his 3-D printed creation does not take away from the many possibilities that 3-D printing has for our future.71 “3-D printing will change our perception of mass production, with products being made more economi- cally, not to mention locally. Similarly, 3-D printing will expand to help redefine ergonomics as more of the items we use everyday will not just be designed for ‘humans’ but for ‘individuals.” 72 - Michael Guslick 71 72 ibid
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