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English 343-001
        January, 30 2012
Discussion Topics

 Reminders/announcements

 Short Video on how to use immigration stories in class.

 Going over last week‟s concepts.

 Identity: Holliday et. al.& Pavlenkov: Being represented, Multi-
  facedness, artifacts of culture, think description (emic vs etic
  perspective), identity narratives, autobiographies.

 Group work: Analyzing Identity Narratives

 Kumaravadivelu Chapter 2

 Becoming American: The Chinese Experience. Documentary by Bill
 Change in DUE date of the first assignment, Language
  and culture trajectory: New deadline: February 14.

 Add B 1.5 to the Holliday et. al. reading

 Grad student meeting at 8:10 about book review project

 See me after class if you are still experiencing problems
  with blogs.

 Please post your entries by 4:00 pm LATEST.
Immigration Stories as Classroom
Overview of concepts
      from last week
Important terms and concepts
                                2006 CHPATER 2
 Ethnic reductionism         Habitus
                              Cultural capital
 Cultural essentialism
                              Otherization/cultural
 Nonessentialism              otherization
 Liberal multiculturalism    The principle of linguistic
  (Holliday, Kubota)
 Small cultures and large
  cultures                    Whorfian hypothesis
                               (strong vs weak version)
Habitus and cultural
  capital(Pierre Bourdieu)
Critical Pedagogy in TESOL relies heavily on a wide range of theorists such as Pierre
Bourdieu, Michael Bakhtin, M. Foucault, Paula Freire.

Piere Bourdue, a sociologist of education asks: Who gets education? How does education
reproduce the inequalities of society? (especially in the case of minority students)
“English could serve a gatekeeping function, and standardized tests drive the

These notions helps us analyze the inequality in language education!

Habitus: How we act and think in the world.

 Acquired dispositions through extensive involvement in the practice of everyday life.

 Think: Which are the events that influenced every American in the same way?

Cultural Capital: Ways of speaking and literacy practices. Non-financial assets such as
knowledge. Individuals accumulate cultural capital through education and socialization

Examples: Access to English is recognized as having value. One with financial capital can
pay for English classes. One‟s knowledge of English supplies cultural and social capital.
gaining a cultural capital. “The dispositions that constitutes habitus are inculcated,
structured, generative, and transposable. Given that the cultural capital values upper-
class dispositions, is it possible for education to transform those relations of domination?
Otherization and Orientalizm

 Reductive process that ascribe an imagined superior identity to the Self and an
  imagined inferior identity to the Other. “Colonizers systematically devalue the
  colonized and how develuation expends to every aspect of life. See Memi‟s The
  Colonizer and the colonized.

Orientalism (coined by Edward Said)

 Western representation of the Other (i.e. East). “Orientalism is a systematically
  constructed discourse by which the West “ was able to manage—and produce—the
  Orient politically, sociologically, ideologically, scientifically, and imaginatively”
  (Said, 1978). Eg. Accents of Arabs in Aladdin. Aladdin is also Arab bur speaks
  English in Standard English.

 Produces an essentialist and static Other.

 Cultures, just like people, are not islands by themselves. They are all
  interconnected, making every culture, in effect, a hybrid culture.
The connection between language and culture
(Kumar p. 21-23)

Linguistic relativity. Sapir-Wholf Hypothesis
“No two languages are sufficiently similar to represent the same
social reality” (Sapir, 1949 p. 162).
The Apache equivalent of “He invited people to a feast is “He or
somebody goes for eaters of cooked food”--Apaches speak
differently because they think differently.
According to this view, the grammar structure of a language
determines one‟s view of world- Considered TOO STRONG
(with racial overtones).
Weaker version: Language influences thought.
The use of you (see page 21)
Pavlenkov & Holliday et al
               Identity, Narrative inquiry
Your voices on Identity
narratives, representation
    and immigrant stories
Jean says….
   Pavlenko's article shows many excerpts of the stories told by immigrants who came from
    the southern and eastern part of Europe. Their stories and experiences show a lot of
    what they went through in order to "Americanize" themselves into the culture that had
    just begun to live in. It makes me sad to read that many of these immigrants "shed" their
    own culture to pursue the American one. It's as if they thought that stripping themselves
    of their own culture would make it easier to obtain the American Dream that so many
    came to have. Reading this article, I initially thought to myself "Immigrants don't really
    do this anymore." However, thinking about that thought, I corrected myself and began to
    think about the people I know who are immigrants and what they did to Americanize
    themselves. My parents have a few friends that moved to America not too long ago, and
    they are doing their very best to be as American as possible. Now I'm wondering "What
    does it really mean to be American? Because there really is no specific guideline to being
    American. America is made of a myriad of cultures." The family is from South Korea and
    have done almost anything and everything to become "American." I asked their six year
    old son, "What does it mean to be American?" He answered with words like "English,"
    "hamburgers and hotdogs," "having Caucasian friends," and things of that nature. But are
    these really the qualities that make us American? It concerns me that people are willing
    to drop their own culture at the drop of a hat to become English speaking American. It
    does sound drastic (and it is), but there really are people who do believe in this notion.

Would you be willing to share your personal narrative?
Ryann says…
 The paper (Pavlenkov‟s article) focused on the narrative
  identities constructed in first-generation American immigrant
  autobiographies. We often forget to look at autobiographies
  which are really powerful sources that provide real-life
  perspectives from someone‟s personal journey. As a learner,
  hearing other‟s experiences helps me make connections and
  relate to the material…. The many stories that were in this
  article were chronicles of the first immigrants to undergo the
  process of Americanization. Their stories were originally
  needed to provide hope for other immigrants, help educate
  mainstream citizens and continue the process of
  Americanization in the U.S. As I read this article I asked
  myself, why does undergoing Americanization require
  individuals to give up their own personal culture and heritage?
  Why can someone not belong to more than one culture? I am
  a student and a daughter. I am also a big sister, a friend and a
  tutor. I can‟t belong to only one cultural identity. Why can‟t
  immigrants keep their culture while assimilating to the
  American culture?
Ashley Lenz says…
 Even before reading the material for this week, I had an experience that
  led me to relate to a lot of what this week‟s chapters convey. Whether it
  be from speaking Spanish, living abroad in Spain, or having a Mexican
  boyfriend, I have always felt more at home with people who are part of
  a Latino culture. I feel that in my heart, I identify myself as somewhat of
  a Latina; however, my exterior ethnicity makes it hard for others to see
  me as such…. Reading about Roberto from Peru, who would‟ve done
  anything to become more “gringo,” I realize that looking at the situation
  from a distance, it seems sad that someone would want to give up their
  culture and change everything about who they are and where they come
  from for anything else. Maybe because I come from that “gringo”,
  American culture and do not feel as a strong member, so I find it hard to
  find what could be so special that you would want to become a part of
  it. However I see that all over the world there are people who wish to
  change their identities to become someone else and that I am not the
  only one that feels trapped in between where I come from and where I
  wish to be.

Would you be willing to share your narrative?
Moon says…
 When I read this passage from Pavkelkov, this described how I
  felt. I recently became a citizen of United States. I lived in
  U.S. for ten years. I spend my youth years in United States
  and I will in the future. I am Korean and I lived there for a
  long time. Many of my Korean friends think that I am too
  Americanized. Many of my non-Korean friends think that I am
  very Korean. I used to be very confused with my own identity.
  I felt like I got rejected by both of cultures that I live with.
  My English proficiency isn‟t perfect as Americans but neither
  is my Korean. I was always questioning which cultures that I
  need to accept in order to get accepted in both societies.
  Then, I realized that I didn‟t get rejected by both cultures, I
  am accepting both cultures which make me who I am. I
  understand the perspective of both cultures because I accept
  them. I don‟t necessary agree with some of Korean norms or
  American norms. I just know and understand both cultures.
Moon continues..
 I agree that many immigrants‟ especially Asian immigrants believe that
  they need to give up their native culture to become „American.‟
  Therefore, they give up using their native language. I had this argument
  with my friend on Sunday. She told me that many other immigrants or
  second generation kids understand their native language and speak
  perfectly. However, many Korean immigrants or second generation kids
  cannot speak Korean very well. She blamed that it is Korean parents
  which is 1st generation think that it is not necessary to teach Korean
  since they live in America. I believe that it is very hard for immigrants to
  accept some cultural norms that is opposite of their culture. Therefore,
  they are likely to give up their culture since they are living in America. I
  see many of my Korean friends. They are Americanized, or Koreanized.
  In Korean society, we have a name for it: Fob and Twinkie. Fob means
  “fresh off the boat” which is for immigrants who accept only their native
  culture. Twinkie is for usually second generation, which for people who
  reject their native culture and accept American culture. Usually, fobs
  and twinkies don‟t like each other. Fobs don‟t understand that twinkies
  are so Americanized when they are Korean. Twinkies don‟t understand
  that why fobs keep their cultural norms so much when they live in the
Alice says…
 As I read this article (Pavlenkov‟s), I was struck by the
  power of language to define and “otherize” speakers of
  different languages, as well as influence them.
  Language, a powerful cultural carrier, shaped the
  personal and national identities of immigrants. In the
  case of American English, English transformed from a
  language of national unity used to help immigrants
  assimilate to American life to a language that now
  entails that new English speakers in the U.S. must lose
  significant parts of their identities associated with their
  native languages and cultures. In other words, English in
  contemporary America implies that the idea of
  monolingualism is part of America‟s national identity.
Alice continues…
 English was not only practical for conducting daily life in
  America, but it also became a status symbol, similar to
  the immigrant narratives described in Pavlenko‟s article.
  However, I can‟t help but think that a significant part of
  a person‟s heritage is lost with the rejection of his or
  her native language. Language is a link to previous
  generations and can form an important part of
  someone‟s personal or community identity. This history
  leads me to question how we teach English in an
  American-based ESL context today. What are some
  practical ways that we, as educators, can teach our
  students to utilize the power of English without
  rejecting their other cultural and linguistic heritages?
Sarah Johnson says…
 Pavlenko concluded that earlier immigrants had an easier time learning English for
  several reasons: many were already multi-lingual, so learning a new language was
  a familiar process; the types of jobs acquired by these immigrant often required
  limited English-speaking skills, so they assumed proficiency while really having a
  basic understanding of the language; laws at the time required the learning of
  English, so by learning English, they were only doing what was expected of them
  and what all of their compatriots were doing or had already done. Modern day
  immigrants have a more difficult time gaining English proficiency because the
  expectations for "proficiency" are higher, there is a general feeling of nationalism
  that leads many immigrants to resist formerly common forms of assimilation, and
  they feel that learning the new language will mean abandoning their own. It is this
  last assumption that I do not quite agree with, although I know this conclusion is
  based on what seems to be quite extensive research. I'm not sure I agree because
  the school at which I teach, while maintaining a generally homogeneous
  population, did experience for a few years a sporadic influx of Hispanic migrant
  workers. The experiences I've had with these families reflect more what Pavlenko
  described of the turn-of-the-century immigrants than the modern ones,
  particularly with regard to their lack of abandonment of their native language.
  These families almost uniformly had learned a basic level of English, as their jobs
  required, yet they maintained a use of both languages when speaking with friends
  and families. These families did not seem reluctant in the least to learn (more)
  English, but they also kept a strong hold on their first language.
Aurlie wonders…
 In history we are taught that American is the melting
  pot but now I wonder if that is really true? If we all melt
  and become one, why is there still discrimination? The
  other question is, should we all melt? Why can we just
  co-exist and try to learn from one another instead of
  wanting to change one another.
Tomas wonders…
 Why did all of the literature avoid the concept of how a
  name comes to shape your identity?

      What do we do in the EFL/ESL classroom w/r/t names
    of students? Should we give them English names?

      In what ways can we become more aware of our
    essentialist bias through which we view the world?
Identity and language
 Languages are not only markers of identity but also sites of
  resistance, empowerment, solidarity, or discrimination.

 Giddens says our identities are reflexively organized information
  about possible ways of life (how to act and how to be). What a
  person is understood to be varies across cultures—do you agree
  with this?

 One‟s identity is not set and stone; it is not only in the behavior
  or people‟s reactions, but it‟s in the narrative you tell about
  yourself. It integrates events which occur in your world—It‟s an
  ongoing story about self.

 Do you see your identity as a matter of keeping “a particular
  narrative going” or would you use another metaphor? What
  metaphor would you use to describe your identity. Explain your
Discussion questions on identity
 How is identity of one individual created?

 To what extend is any one individual‟s identity a matter
  of personality and to what extent do influences from
  the socio-cultural context impact?

 If identities do change, what factors are responsible for
  such change?

 What‟s the relationship between language and identity?
Holliday A.1.1 Deep seated
essentialism: Discussion on Parisa
 Summarize Parisa‟s example.
 What did you make out of the comments that Parisa
  received from her colleagues? What are some of the
  essentialist attributes behind Parisa‟s colleagues‟
  behaviors? Give instances from the excerpt where Parisa
  was “othered” or “misrepresented” (be specific)
 How do you think Parisa‟s colleagues would act if they
  were holding a non-essentialist view of culture? (see pg.
Discussion: Think of a situation you have been in which is
like the Perisa example and describe it in similar detail.
Important terms
 Multi-facetedness of people

 Thick-description (Clifford Geertz): Seeing and explaining the
  complexity of a social event by looking at it from different layers (see
  the figure on pg 9). A thick description of a human behavior or a social
  event explains not just the behavior, but its context so that the behavior
  becomes meaningful to an outsider (see emic vs etic levels of cultural
  analysis on page 241—dangers of contrasting selves)

 Emic vs etic level of cultural analysis (pg. 241). Different cultural groups
  operate in different norms that only make sense within the groups, not
  between the groups. Emic perspective comes from a persin witin the
  culture (or who offers thic description on that culture). Etic description
  comes from an observer.

 Keniith Pike (1954) suggests that “there are two perspectives that can be
  employed in the study of a society‟s cultural system, just as there are
  two perspectives that can be used in the study of a language‟s sound
  system. In both cases, it is possible to take the point of view of either
  the insider or the outsider.” (phonemic and phonetic)
A.1.2: Chinese teaches
 What was going on in the Chinese teachers example
  on page 12? How is Chinese society represented by
  Zhang and Ming?
Cultural identity and
deconstruction of self
 What people say about their own cultural identity
  should be read as the image they wish to project at a
  particular time rather than as an evidence of an
  essentialist national culture (p. 13)

Have you experienced a situation similar to the Chinese
teachers? What are some of the differing ideologies we
hold as teachers about our own pedagogical practices in
the U.S.? Is there a unified way of explaining our
experience? What are the cultural resources you draw as
you form your ideologies about teaching ESL/EFL or any
other subject?
 We are linked through a common experience, we have
  our icons, our ideologies and our communal history to
  draw on, and we encapsulate all of this in our
  discourses. Because all of us inhabit different cultural
  groups, we are in fact all unique in our cultural
  identities (p. 19)
Who is Aneta Pavlenko?

 Professor of TESOL at Temple
  University, NY.

 Winner of the 2009 TESOL
  Award for Distinguished
  Research and of the British

 Research Interests:
  Multilingualism, bilingualism,
  immigrant narratives,
  language and identity.

 Check out her website!
Pavlenko‟s study
 Analysis of 11 narrative of immigrant memoirs and
  autobiographies published between the years of 1901 and

 Methodology: A sociohistoric approach to study personal
  narratives” which sees autobiography as a literary and
  sociological form that creates particular images of subjects in
  particular historical moments” (genre that is shaped by the
  local contexts)

 Research questions: which identities are negotiated? What is
  the role of language? Does the portray of second language
  learning in 20th century differs from those in immigrant
The analysis of earlier narratives
 Inequality between immigrants.

 Some felt the need to establish and argue for their

 English was seen as the key of assimilation, but the
  omission of “language” in the earlier narratives is
  intriguing. (see the examples)

 Stories of “happy linguistic assimilation”: Second
  language learning as a successful and easy process. No
  mention of linguistic discrimination.
The analysis of later narratives
 Linguistic hybridity
 Recognition of ethnicity, race and gender.
 Linguistic identities are negotiated in different ways
  according to the narrators sociohistorical realities.
 National identity became strongly bound to
  monolingalism in English.
 Present immigrants find themselves in a situation where
  learning English means giving up the first language.
 Accounts of painful experiences
Identity narrative analysis
 In your groups read the narratives from three different
  groups. What are some of the emerging themes do you
  see in these narratives? How do they negotiate their
  identities? How is second language and culture learning

1. Narrative excerpts from “The inner world of the
   immigrant child”

2. Narrative excerpts from Eva Hoffman, Fen Shen, H.Kim
Group Work: Narrative analysis
Analyzing language choices and content of the immigrant narratives:

 What identities are narrated in this excerpt? Which events in their
  learning trajectory have become particularly significant and which have
  likely been omitted as a result of this choice?

 What are some of the emerging themes you see in these narratives? How
  do they negotiate their identities? How is second language and culture
  learning represented?

 Examine the audience the narrator chose to address.

 What are the implications of this linguistic choice for their narrative?
  Were the stories elicited in two languages or just one? Is it possible that
  proficiency or attrition have influenced the manner of the presentation
  or the amount of detail offered by the narrator? (Pavkenkov, 2009)

 Next week: Readings, writing a learning log

Happy reading! Happy blogging!

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343002 week 3

  • 1. English 343-001 January, 30 2012
  • 2. Agenda Discussion Topics  Reminders/announcements  Short Video on how to use immigration stories in class.  Going over last week‟s concepts.  Identity: Holliday et. al.& Pavlenkov: Being represented, Multi- facedness, artifacts of culture, think description (emic vs etic perspective), identity narratives, autobiographies.  Group work: Analyzing Identity Narratives  Kumaravadivelu Chapter 2  Becoming American: The Chinese Experience. Documentary by Bill Moyers
  • 3. Reminders/Announcements  Change in DUE date of the first assignment, Language and culture trajectory: New deadline: February 14.  Add B 1.5 to the Holliday et. al. reading  Grad student meeting at 8:10 about book review project  See me after class if you are still experiencing problems with blogs.  Please post your entries by 4:00 pm LATEST.
  • 4. Immigration Stories as Classroom Research  e=related
  • 5. Overview of concepts from last week
  • 6. Important terms and concepts HOLLIDAY ET AL.: KUMARAVADIVELU, 2006 CHPATER 2  Ethnic reductionism  Habitus (Baumann)  Cultural capital  Cultural essentialism  Otherization/cultural  Nonessentialism otherization  Liberal multiculturalism  The principle of linguistic (Holliday, Kubota) relativity  Small cultures and large cultures  Whorfian hypothesis (strong vs weak version)
  • 7. Habitus and cultural capital(Pierre Bourdieu) Critical Pedagogy in TESOL relies heavily on a wide range of theorists such as Pierre Bourdieu, Michael Bakhtin, M. Foucault, Paula Freire. Piere Bourdue, a sociologist of education asks: Who gets education? How does education reproduce the inequalities of society? (especially in the case of minority students) “English could serve a gatekeeping function, and standardized tests drive the curriculum” These notions helps us analyze the inequality in language education! Habitus: How we act and think in the world.  Acquired dispositions through extensive involvement in the practice of everyday life.  Think: Which are the events that influenced every American in the same way? Cultural Capital: Ways of speaking and literacy practices. Non-financial assets such as knowledge. Individuals accumulate cultural capital through education and socialization Examples: Access to English is recognized as having value. One with financial capital can pay for English classes. One‟s knowledge of English supplies cultural and social capital. gaining a cultural capital. “The dispositions that constitutes habitus are inculcated, structured, generative, and transposable. Given that the cultural capital values upper- class dispositions, is it possible for education to transform those relations of domination?
  • 8. Otherization and Orientalizm Otherization  Reductive process that ascribe an imagined superior identity to the Self and an imagined inferior identity to the Other. “Colonizers systematically devalue the colonized and how develuation expends to every aspect of life. See Memi‟s The Colonizer and the colonized. Orientalism (coined by Edward Said)  Western representation of the Other (i.e. East). “Orientalism is a systematically constructed discourse by which the West “ was able to manage—and produce—the Orient politically, sociologically, ideologically, scientifically, and imaginatively” (Said, 1978). Eg. Accents of Arabs in Aladdin. Aladdin is also Arab bur speaks English in Standard English.  Produces an essentialist and static Other.  Cultures, just like people, are not islands by themselves. They are all interconnected, making every culture, in effect, a hybrid culture.
  • 9. The connection between language and culture (Kumar p. 21-23) Linguistic relativity. Sapir-Wholf Hypothesis “No two languages are sufficiently similar to represent the same social reality” (Sapir, 1949 p. 162). The Apache equivalent of “He invited people to a feast is “He or somebody goes for eaters of cooked food”--Apaches speak differently because they think differently. According to this view, the grammar structure of a language determines one‟s view of world- Considered TOO STRONG (with racial overtones). Weaker version: Language influences thought. The use of you (see page 21)
  • 10. Pavlenkov & Holliday et al Identity, Narrative inquiry
  • 11. Your voices on Identity narratives, representation and immigrant stories
  • 12. Jean says….  Pavlenko's article shows many excerpts of the stories told by immigrants who came from the southern and eastern part of Europe. Their stories and experiences show a lot of what they went through in order to "Americanize" themselves into the culture that had just begun to live in. It makes me sad to read that many of these immigrants "shed" their own culture to pursue the American one. It's as if they thought that stripping themselves of their own culture would make it easier to obtain the American Dream that so many came to have. Reading this article, I initially thought to myself "Immigrants don't really do this anymore." However, thinking about that thought, I corrected myself and began to think about the people I know who are immigrants and what they did to Americanize themselves. My parents have a few friends that moved to America not too long ago, and they are doing their very best to be as American as possible. Now I'm wondering "What does it really mean to be American? Because there really is no specific guideline to being American. America is made of a myriad of cultures." The family is from South Korea and have done almost anything and everything to become "American." I asked their six year old son, "What does it mean to be American?" He answered with words like "English," "hamburgers and hotdogs," "having Caucasian friends," and things of that nature. But are these really the qualities that make us American? It concerns me that people are willing to drop their own culture at the drop of a hat to become English speaking American. It does sound drastic (and it is), but there really are people who do believe in this notion. Would you be willing to share your personal narrative?
  • 13. Ryann says…  The paper (Pavlenkov‟s article) focused on the narrative identities constructed in first-generation American immigrant autobiographies. We often forget to look at autobiographies which are really powerful sources that provide real-life perspectives from someone‟s personal journey. As a learner, hearing other‟s experiences helps me make connections and relate to the material…. The many stories that were in this article were chronicles of the first immigrants to undergo the process of Americanization. Their stories were originally needed to provide hope for other immigrants, help educate mainstream citizens and continue the process of Americanization in the U.S. As I read this article I asked myself, why does undergoing Americanization require individuals to give up their own personal culture and heritage? Why can someone not belong to more than one culture? I am a student and a daughter. I am also a big sister, a friend and a tutor. I can‟t belong to only one cultural identity. Why can‟t immigrants keep their culture while assimilating to the American culture?
  • 14. Ashley Lenz says…  Even before reading the material for this week, I had an experience that led me to relate to a lot of what this week‟s chapters convey. Whether it be from speaking Spanish, living abroad in Spain, or having a Mexican boyfriend, I have always felt more at home with people who are part of a Latino culture. I feel that in my heart, I identify myself as somewhat of a Latina; however, my exterior ethnicity makes it hard for others to see me as such…. Reading about Roberto from Peru, who would‟ve done anything to become more “gringo,” I realize that looking at the situation from a distance, it seems sad that someone would want to give up their culture and change everything about who they are and where they come from for anything else. Maybe because I come from that “gringo”, American culture and do not feel as a strong member, so I find it hard to find what could be so special that you would want to become a part of it. However I see that all over the world there are people who wish to change their identities to become someone else and that I am not the only one that feels trapped in between where I come from and where I wish to be. Would you be willing to share your narrative?
  • 15. Moon says…  When I read this passage from Pavkelkov, this described how I felt. I recently became a citizen of United States. I lived in U.S. for ten years. I spend my youth years in United States and I will in the future. I am Korean and I lived there for a long time. Many of my Korean friends think that I am too Americanized. Many of my non-Korean friends think that I am very Korean. I used to be very confused with my own identity. I felt like I got rejected by both of cultures that I live with. My English proficiency isn‟t perfect as Americans but neither is my Korean. I was always questioning which cultures that I need to accept in order to get accepted in both societies. Then, I realized that I didn‟t get rejected by both cultures, I am accepting both cultures which make me who I am. I understand the perspective of both cultures because I accept them. I don‟t necessary agree with some of Korean norms or American norms. I just know and understand both cultures.
  • 16. Moon continues..  I agree that many immigrants‟ especially Asian immigrants believe that they need to give up their native culture to become „American.‟ Therefore, they give up using their native language. I had this argument with my friend on Sunday. She told me that many other immigrants or second generation kids understand their native language and speak perfectly. However, many Korean immigrants or second generation kids cannot speak Korean very well. She blamed that it is Korean parents which is 1st generation think that it is not necessary to teach Korean since they live in America. I believe that it is very hard for immigrants to accept some cultural norms that is opposite of their culture. Therefore, they are likely to give up their culture since they are living in America. I see many of my Korean friends. They are Americanized, or Koreanized. In Korean society, we have a name for it: Fob and Twinkie. Fob means “fresh off the boat” which is for immigrants who accept only their native culture. Twinkie is for usually second generation, which for people who reject their native culture and accept American culture. Usually, fobs and twinkies don‟t like each other. Fobs don‟t understand that twinkies are so Americanized when they are Korean. Twinkies don‟t understand that why fobs keep their cultural norms so much when they live in the U.S.
  • 17. Alice says…  As I read this article (Pavlenkov‟s), I was struck by the power of language to define and “otherize” speakers of different languages, as well as influence them. Language, a powerful cultural carrier, shaped the personal and national identities of immigrants. In the case of American English, English transformed from a language of national unity used to help immigrants assimilate to American life to a language that now entails that new English speakers in the U.S. must lose significant parts of their identities associated with their native languages and cultures. In other words, English in contemporary America implies that the idea of monolingualism is part of America‟s national identity.
  • 18. Alice continues…  English was not only practical for conducting daily life in America, but it also became a status symbol, similar to the immigrant narratives described in Pavlenko‟s article. However, I can‟t help but think that a significant part of a person‟s heritage is lost with the rejection of his or her native language. Language is a link to previous generations and can form an important part of someone‟s personal or community identity. This history leads me to question how we teach English in an American-based ESL context today. What are some practical ways that we, as educators, can teach our students to utilize the power of English without rejecting their other cultural and linguistic heritages?
  • 19. Sarah Johnson says…  Pavlenko concluded that earlier immigrants had an easier time learning English for several reasons: many were already multi-lingual, so learning a new language was a familiar process; the types of jobs acquired by these immigrant often required limited English-speaking skills, so they assumed proficiency while really having a basic understanding of the language; laws at the time required the learning of English, so by learning English, they were only doing what was expected of them and what all of their compatriots were doing or had already done. Modern day immigrants have a more difficult time gaining English proficiency because the expectations for "proficiency" are higher, there is a general feeling of nationalism that leads many immigrants to resist formerly common forms of assimilation, and they feel that learning the new language will mean abandoning their own. It is this last assumption that I do not quite agree with, although I know this conclusion is based on what seems to be quite extensive research. I'm not sure I agree because the school at which I teach, while maintaining a generally homogeneous population, did experience for a few years a sporadic influx of Hispanic migrant workers. The experiences I've had with these families reflect more what Pavlenko described of the turn-of-the-century immigrants than the modern ones, particularly with regard to their lack of abandonment of their native language. These families almost uniformly had learned a basic level of English, as their jobs required, yet they maintained a use of both languages when speaking with friends and families. These families did not seem reluctant in the least to learn (more) English, but they also kept a strong hold on their first language.
  • 20. Aurlie wonders…  In history we are taught that American is the melting pot but now I wonder if that is really true? If we all melt and become one, why is there still discrimination? The other question is, should we all melt? Why can we just co-exist and try to learn from one another instead of wanting to change one another.
  • 21. Tomas wonders…  Why did all of the literature avoid the concept of how a name comes to shape your identity?  What do we do in the EFL/ESL classroom w/r/t names of students? Should we give them English names?  In what ways can we become more aware of our essentialist bias through which we view the world?
  • 22. Identity and language  Languages are not only markers of identity but also sites of resistance, empowerment, solidarity, or discrimination.  Giddens says our identities are reflexively organized information about possible ways of life (how to act and how to be). What a person is understood to be varies across cultures—do you agree with this?  One‟s identity is not set and stone; it is not only in the behavior or people‟s reactions, but it‟s in the narrative you tell about yourself. It integrates events which occur in your world—It‟s an ongoing story about self.  Do you see your identity as a matter of keeping “a particular narrative going” or would you use another metaphor? What metaphor would you use to describe your identity. Explain your metaphor.
  • 23. Discussion questions on identity  How is identity of one individual created?  To what extend is any one individual‟s identity a matter of personality and to what extent do influences from the socio-cultural context impact?  If identities do change, what factors are responsible for such change?  What‟s the relationship between language and identity?
  • 24. Holliday A.1.1 Deep seated essentialism: Discussion on Parisa  Summarize Parisa‟s example.  What did you make out of the comments that Parisa received from her colleagues? What are some of the essentialist attributes behind Parisa‟s colleagues‟ behaviors? Give instances from the excerpt where Parisa was “othered” or “misrepresented” (be specific)  How do you think Parisa‟s colleagues would act if they were holding a non-essentialist view of culture? (see pg. 11) Discussion: Think of a situation you have been in which is like the Perisa example and describe it in similar detail.
  • 25. Important terms  Multi-facetedness of people  Thick-description (Clifford Geertz): Seeing and explaining the complexity of a social event by looking at it from different layers (see the figure on pg 9). A thick description of a human behavior or a social event explains not just the behavior, but its context so that the behavior becomes meaningful to an outsider (see emic vs etic levels of cultural analysis on page 241—dangers of contrasting selves)  Emic vs etic level of cultural analysis (pg. 241). Different cultural groups operate in different norms that only make sense within the groups, not between the groups. Emic perspective comes from a persin witin the culture (or who offers thic description on that culture). Etic description comes from an observer.  Keniith Pike (1954) suggests that “there are two perspectives that can be employed in the study of a society‟s cultural system, just as there are two perspectives that can be used in the study of a language‟s sound system. In both cases, it is possible to take the point of view of either the insider or the outsider.” (phonemic and phonetic)
  • 26. A.1.2: Chinese teaches  What was going on in the Chinese teachers example on page 12? How is Chinese society represented by Zhang and Ming?
  • 27. Cultural identity and deconstruction of self  What people say about their own cultural identity should be read as the image they wish to project at a particular time rather than as an evidence of an essentialist national culture (p. 13) Have you experienced a situation similar to the Chinese teachers? What are some of the differing ideologies we hold as teachers about our own pedagogical practices in the U.S.? Is there a unified way of explaining our experience? What are the cultural resources you draw as you form your ideologies about teaching ESL/EFL or any other subject?
  • 28.  We are linked through a common experience, we have our icons, our ideologies and our communal history to draw on, and we encapsulate all of this in our discourses. Because all of us inhabit different cultural groups, we are in fact all unique in our cultural identities (p. 19)
  • 29. Who is Aneta Pavlenko?  Professor of TESOL at Temple University, NY.  Winner of the 2009 TESOL Award for Distinguished Research and of the British Association  Research Interests: Multilingualism, bilingualism, immigrant narratives, language and identity.  Check out her website!
  • 30. Pavlenko‟s study  Analysis of 11 narrative of immigrant memoirs and autobiographies published between the years of 1901 and 1935.  Methodology: A sociohistoric approach to study personal narratives” which sees autobiography as a literary and sociological form that creates particular images of subjects in particular historical moments” (genre that is shaped by the local contexts)  Research questions: which identities are negotiated? What is the role of language? Does the portray of second language learning in 20th century differs from those in immigrant autobiographies?
  • 31. The analysis of earlier narratives  Inequality between immigrants.  Some felt the need to establish and argue for their Americanness.  English was seen as the key of assimilation, but the omission of “language” in the earlier narratives is intriguing. (see the examples)  Stories of “happy linguistic assimilation”: Second language learning as a successful and easy process. No mention of linguistic discrimination.
  • 32. The analysis of later narratives  Linguistic hybridity  Recognition of ethnicity, race and gender.  Linguistic identities are negotiated in different ways according to the narrators sociohistorical realities.  National identity became strongly bound to monolingalism in English.  Present immigrants find themselves in a situation where learning English means giving up the first language.  Accounts of painful experiences
  • 33. Identity narrative analysis  In your groups read the narratives from three different groups. What are some of the emerging themes do you see in these narratives? How do they negotiate their identities? How is second language and culture learning represented? 1. Narrative excerpts from “The inner world of the immigrant child” 2. Narrative excerpts from Eva Hoffman, Fen Shen, H.Kim
  • 34. Group Work: Narrative analysis Analyzing language choices and content of the immigrant narratives:  What identities are narrated in this excerpt? Which events in their learning trajectory have become particularly significant and which have likely been omitted as a result of this choice?  What are some of the emerging themes you see in these narratives? How do they negotiate their identities? How is second language and culture learning represented?  Examine the audience the narrator chose to address.  What are the implications of this linguistic choice for their narrative? Were the stories elicited in two languages or just one? Is it possible that proficiency or attrition have influenced the manner of the presentation or the amount of detail offered by the narrator? (Pavkenkov, 2009) REPORT YOUR FINDINGS TO THE WHOLE CLASS
  • 35. Assignments  Next week: Readings, writing a learning log Happy reading! Happy blogging!