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‫בהמשך‬‫למברק‬1-6631141‫מ‬-1/91‫של‬‫השואה‬ ‫זכר‬ ‫ושימור‬ ‫באנטישמיות‬ ‫למאבק‬ ‫המחלקה‬:
‫נמשך‬ ‫השנה‬ ‫גם‬‫העולם‬ ‫ברחבי‬‫החלטת‬ ‫לפי‬ ‫הבינ''ל‬ ‫השואה‬ ‫יום‬ ‫ציון‬‫האו''ם‬7/96‫מ‬-1//2.‫צוין‬ ‫היום‬
‫ב‬‫מאות‬‫האירועים‬ .‫היום‬ ‫חשיבות‬ ‫על‬ ‫בכירה‬ ‫הנהגה‬ ‫והצהרות‬ ‫חינוכיות‬ ‫פעילויות‬ ,‫טקסים‬ ,‫אירועים‬
‫לאירועים‬ ‫דוגמאות‬ ‫כמה‬ ‫להלן‬ ,‫הקרובים‬ ‫בימים‬ ‫ימשכו‬‫והתבטאויות‬:‫העולם‬ ‫מרחבי‬
‫מזכ''ל‬‫קליגר‬ ‫נוח‬ ‫השואה‬ ‫ניצול‬ ‫של‬ ‫ידו‬ ‫את‬ ‫לוחץ‬ ‫האו''ם‬
January 2017
Secretary-General's remarks at
Observance of the International Day of
Commemoration in Memory of the
Victims of the Holocaust [as delivered]
**Archived video of the speech will soon be available on**
Today is a day to remember, reflect and look forward.
We are here to honour the victims of the Holocaust, an unparalleled crime against humanity.
We are together to mourn the loss of so many and of so much.
The world has a duty to remember that the Holocaust was a systematic attempt to eliminate the
Jewish people and so many others.
I am humbled by the presence here today of Holocaust survivors. Thank you for bearing witness
across seven decades so that others may live in dignity. There is no better education for the future
than the guarantee that we will always be able to remember the past and to honour the victims of
the tragedies of that past.
I would like to pay tribute to one survivor in particular, Elie Wiesel, who passed away last
year. He became one of the world’s most passionate voices for mutual respect and acceptance,
and the United Nations was proud to have him as one of our Messengers of Peace.
It would be a dangerous error to think of the Holocaust as simply the result of the insanity of a
group of criminal Nazis. On the contrary, the Holocaust was the culmination of millennia of
hatred and discrimination targeting the Jews – what we now call anti-Semitism.
Imperial Rome not only destroyed the temple in Jerusalem, but also made Jews pariahs in many
ways. The attacks and abuse grew worse through the triumph of Christianity and the propagation
of the idea that the Jewish community should be punished for the death of Jesus – an absurdity
that helped to trigger massacres and other tremendous crimes against Jews around the world for
centuries to come.
The same happened in my own country, Portugal, reaching its height with the order by King
Manuel in the 16th century expelling all Jews who refused to convert. This was a hideous crime
and an act of enormous stupidity. It caused tremendous suffering to the Jewish community – and
deprived Portugal of much of the country’s dynamism. Before long, the country entered a
prolonged cycle of impoverishment.
Many Portuguese Jews eventually settled in the Netherlands. Lisbon’s loss was Amsterdam’s
gain, as the Portuguese Jewish community played a key role in transforming the Netherlands into
the global economic powerhouse of the 17th century.
The Portuguese example also demonstrates that anti-Semitism, more than a question of religion, is
essentially an expression of racism. The proof is that the converted Jews, the so-called “new
Christians”, faced discrimination by the old Christians, and suffered continued persecution by the
Portuguese Inquisition.
When I became Prime Minister in 1995, I felt it was absolutely necessary, even if only with a
symbolic gesture, to demonstrate my country's rejection and repentance of Portugal’s
merciless attacks against the Jewish community.
In 1996, Parliament revoked the letter of expulsion. I then had the honour of visiting the
Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam to formally present a copy of that decree and apologize on
behalf of my country. Tragically, that beautiful synagogue was almost empty, because the
community Portugal had expelled was almost completely destroyed by the Holocaust. Anti-
Semitism always tends to come back.
Portugal recently adopted a law allowing the descendants of those expelled in the 16th century to
regain Portuguese nationality. Last year, more than 400 took advantage of this offer.
I am also very proud to note that just a few weeks ago, my wife signed, on behalf of the Lisbon
Municipality, an agreement with the Israeli Community of Lisbon to establish the Lisbon Jewish
Museum. This will be a way to pay tribute to the memory of those my country mistreated so
History keeps moving forward, but anti-Semitism keeps coming back.
The renowned scholar Simon Schama has noted that in the 19th century, Jews were even blamed
for modernity, including for disasters of international finance in which they themselves were
among the first victims.
Schama also noted that Jews often faced a lose-lose situation. When they successfully integrated
and came to “look like” anyone else, they became subjects of suspicion. Others who looked
different were blamed for that, too. Both groups came together in the Nazi crematoria.
After the Holocaust, the world seemed eager to find a more cooperative path. The founding of the
United Nations was one expression of that moment. The UN Charter, the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights and the Genocide Convention enshrined a commitment to equality and human
Humankind dared to believe that tribal identities would diminish in importance.
We were wrong. Those like me who grew up in the post-war era never imagined we would again
face rising attacks on Jews in my own part of the world – in Europe.
Anti-Semitism is alive and kicking. Irrationality and intolerance are back.
But we still see Holocaust denial, despite the facts. There is also a new trend of Holocaust
revisionism, with the rewriting of history and even the honouring of disgraced officials from those
Hate speech and anti-Semitic imagery are proliferating across the Internet and social media.
Violent extremist groups use anti-Semitic appeals to rouse their forces and recruit new followers.
All this is in complete contrast to tolerance, the primacy of reason and universal values.
Moreover, as the former Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom, Lord Jonathan Sacks, said last year,
“The hate that begins with Jews never ends with Jews”.
Today, we see anti-Semitism, along with racism, xenophobia, anti-Muslim hatred and other forms
of intolerance, triggered by populism. I am extremely concerned at the discrimination faced by
minorities, refugees and migrants across the world.
I find the stereotyping of Muslims deeply troubling. A “new normal” of public discourse is taking
hold, in which prejudice is given a free pass and the door is opened to even more extreme hatred.
Steps from this chamber, you will find a powerful exhibition on Nazi propaganda. It is called
“State of deception” and is the product of our fruitful partnership with the United States Holocaust
Memorial Museum.
As this exhibition details, propaganda helped erode the bonds of humanity. The word “Jewish”
was used constantly in association with society’s ills. Hardship and instability created fertile
ground for scapegoating. It is true that many citizens disapproved of discrimination. But a
majority accepted such sentiments, even if only passively. Ultimately, indifference prevailed,
dehumanization took hold, and the descent into barbarity was quick.
These are lessons for our time, too.
We need to be vigilant. We need to invest in education and youth. We need to strengthen social
cohesion so that people feel that diversity is a plus, not a threat.
The United Nations itself must do more to strengthen its human rights machinery, and to push for
justice for the perpetrators of grave crimes.
Our “Together” campaign is focusing on countries hosting refugees and migrants. Our Holocaust
Outreach Programme is active on all continents.
The Holocaust also saw great acts of heroism, from ordinary people who protected others to
diplomats who, at grave risk to themselves, defied the Nazis to enable thousands of people to
escape certain death. Some of these are well known – Sweden’s Raoul Wallenberg and Japan’s
Chiune Sugihara. Some are less so -- Iran’s Abdol Hossein Sardari and, I am proud to say,
Portugal’s Consul in Bordeaux, Aristides de Sousa Mendes.
Today, we can be inspired by many cooperative efforts to bring diverse groups together. We need
to deepen this solidarity.
After the horrors of the 20th century, there should be no room for intolerance in the 21st.
I guarantee you that as Secretary-General of the United Nations, I will be in the frontline of the
battle against anti-Semitism and all other forms of hatred.
That is the best way to build a future of dignity and equality for all – and the best way to honour
the victims of the Holocaust we will never allow to be forgotten.
Thank you very much.
‫האירופי‬ ‫האיחוד‬
Brussels - 25 January 2017
The European Jewish Congress in partnership with the newly elected President of the European
Parliament Mr Antonio Tajani organised the International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Ceremony on 25 January 2017.
This year the Ceremony was devoted to Restoring Identities of the victims of the Shoah. As long
as we cannot put a name or a picture to them, we cannot save them. Some of these people were
blessed with an added ability to convey not only their own identities and individuality, but also
that of many others, through literature, art and music. Therefore, the Ceremony started with a
moving video on the legacy of Felix Nussbaum and his power to encapsulate the horror of the
Shoah through his paintings.
Mr. Antonio Tajani opened the Ceremony, followed by an address by Dr Moshe Kantor, President
of the European Jewish Congress. UNESCO Ambassador for Holocaust Education Beate
Klarsfeld and Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Chairman of the European
Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation Rt. Hon.Tony Blair were also among the speakers.
Mr Tajani called on those present to remember ‘the terrible mistakes of the past’ in order to draw
lessons for a “future based on freedom, democracy and respect for human dignity.” He firmly
affirmed “no Jew should be forced to leave Europe” and expressed his concerns over the
persistence and increase of antisemitism and the shrinking Jewish population in Europe.
Dr Moshe Kantor emphasised the need not to forget that “we, European Jews, want to remain in
Europe and be loyal to it as we have always been. We count on Europe to continue to show its
loyalty to us, loyalty to the idea that the Jews have a future here in Europe."
Beate Klarsfeld, who investigated the crimes of Nazis and helped to bring them to justice draw
attention to those present that "there are more battles to fight, like the one against populism in
During the ceremony, the “European Medal of Tolerance” was awarded to film director Andrei
Konchalovsky for his cinematographic work against extremism and intolerance and especially for
his latest Holocaust-drama ‘Paradise’. Mr Konchalovsky reminded the audience of the importance
to teach the younger generations about the horrors of the Shoah.
The ceremony featured a unique artistic performance by Maestro Vladimir Spivakov as soloist and
conductor of the Moscow Virtuosi Orchestra.
Holocaust survivors, EU leaders, Members of the European Parliament, Ambassadors, Presidents
of Jewish communities across Europe, religious leaders as well as renowned intellectuals and
artists attended the event.
Click here to view the Photo Gallery
‫ושל‬ ‫במקום‬ ‫התקשורת‬ ‫אמצעי‬ ‫ע''י‬ ‫שמסוקר‬ ‫תערוכה‬ ,‫השואה‬ ‫יום‬ ‫מטקס‬ ‫לתמונות‬ ‫לינק‬
‫אורן‬ ‫שגרירנו‬‫רוזנבלט‬
Ontem, na Galeria Tamar Golan, foi inaugurada a exposição "Memória do Holocausto", por
ocasião do Dia Internacional de Comemoração em Memória das Vítimas do Holocausto, que
será assinalado no próximo dia 27 de Janeiro. Tratou-se de uma iniciativa conjunta da
Embaixada de Israel, da Fundação Arte e Cultura e do Colégio Português. Durante a
cerimónia O Embaixador de Israel, Sr. Oren Rozenblat, afirmou que: "O Dia Internacional de
Comemoração em Memória das Vítimas do Holocausto, é um momento de reflexão, onde
podemos lembrar as vítimas do holocausto e contemplar o que pode acontecer quando o
racismo e o ódio são deixados sem controle". Queremos agradecer ao Professor Mário
Carneiro e os alunos do Colégio Português que prepararam a exposição e participaram na
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
This Friday markd the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Every year on
January 27, the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration
camp, countries around the world honor the victims of the Nazi era and develop
educational programs to help prevent future genocides. International Holocaust
. AUnited Nations Resolution 60/7Remembrance Day was established in 2005 by
number of remembrance events were held in Washington this Friday, including a
commemoration ceremony at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on International Holocaust
Remembrance Day
January 27, 2017
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the International Day of
Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust:
“Today, on the 72nd
anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, we remember the more than six
million Jews murdered during the Holocaust and the countless other victims of Nazi brutality.
“The Holocaust serves as a tragic reminder of the horrors that can be born of racism and hate. We must
always remember those who experienced the worst of humanity – in ghettos, cattle cars, and Nazi death
camps – and never forget our collective responsibility to prevent the seeds of intolerance and hate from
taking root in our communities, country, and world.
“As we take time today to reflect on the haunting legacy of the Holocaust, let us pay tribute to the
strength and spirit of the Jewish people and the many others who persevered during one of the darkest
periods of human history.
“Today, and every day, we reaffirm our commitment to stand against anti-Semitism, xenophobia, and
prejudice in all its forms. It is through this commitment that we remember those we have lost and honour
those whose stories must never be forgotten.”
Statement by Minister Freeland on International Holocaust Remembrance Day
January 27, 2017 - Ottawa, Ontario - Global Affairs Canada
The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today issued the
following statement:
“One of the darkest chapters in human history unfolded at the Auschwitz-Birkenau
concentration and extermination camp, liberated 72 years ago today.
“The systematic murder of 6 million Jews during the Holocaust, or Shoah, and of
millions of others, all killed by the brutal Nazi regime, is a story of tragedy, loss and
unimaginable suffering. Today, we honour their memory and pay tribute to the brave
survivors. From Auschwitz-Birkenau and other Nazi camps emerged inspirational
stories of strength and courage, including many told by Jewish-Canadian survivors,
which remain a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit.
“Last year I visited Auschwitz-Birkenau with the prime minister. It was an experience
that forever changed me and will remain with me throughout my life.
“The lessons learned from the Holocaust must guide our efforts to fight antisemitism
and prevent mass atrocities globally. Canada has learned that the first step is to reject
narratives of fear and exclusion. As Canadians, we must stand up for the values that
bind us. We must uphold human dignity, respect diversity and ensure inclusion for all.
“It is important for Canada to make its voice heard and to increase Holocaust
awareness and knowledge. As a proud member of the International Holocaust
Remembrance Alliance, Canada last year adopted the Alliance’s definition of
antisemitism. There is no place for manifestations of antisemitism toward Jewish or
non-Jewish individuals or their property, or Jewish community institutions or
religious facilities.
“Canada also rejects any denial of the Holocaust. We are working with others to
ensure that the stories of the victims and the important lessons of the Shoah are never
forgotten, that victims and families are properly compensated for the assets
confiscated by the Nazis and that Nazi war criminals continue to be brought to justice.
“It is our solemn duty to honour all victims and ensure that justice is served. May the
distance of time never dull our memory of the unspeakable evil committed during the
‫ראש‬ ‫הודעת‬‫האופוזיציה‬:‫אמברוז‬ ‫רונה‬ ‫חה''פ‬ ‫בקנדה‬
Today, we remember and honour the millions of innocent men, women, and children that
were brutally exterminated by the Nazis during the Second World War. Six million people of
the Jewish faith perished in the Holocaust. We remember them by vowing to never forget.
We must take this sombre occasion to reaffirm our commitment as Canadians in the spirit of
empathy and remembrance. We will preserve their memories and promote the honour of
those who endured one of humanity’s darkest times so their suffering may never be
It is also important to recognize the strength and perseverance of those who survived this
dark chapter in history. They have become a continual inspiration for many generations.
Unfortunately, we must confront the reality that anti-Semitism still persists across the globe
– and can even be found in our own communities here in Canada. Today is a reminder that
we must re-dedicate ourselves to the fight against the prejudice and hatred that led to such
cruel barbarity and inhumanity.
I encourage all Canadians to learn about this evil chapter in history, to honour and
remember the victims of the Shoah, and to reflect on the dangers of anti-Semitism. We must
renew our commitment to a solemn vow: Never forget. Never again.
Screening of the film "Denial" and discussion with Robert Jan van Pelt
Join the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre on 24 January at 7pm for the screening of the film,
"Denial,” based on the libel suit brought against historian, Deborah Lipstadt and her publisher by
Holocaust denier, David Irving. Following the film screening, a discussion will be held with Robert Jan
van Pelt, who worked as an expert witness in Lipstadt’s groundbreaking trial and is world-renowned
for his research about architecture and the Holocaust.
Venue: Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre (5151 Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine)
Free tickets via Eventbrite
Consult the museum website
See the Facebook event
Holocaust Survivors talk about their experiences
Learn about the history of the Holocaust from those who survived it. Join us on International Holocaust
Remembrance Day (27 January) from 10am - 3pm to hear testimony from survivors, Ted Bolgar (in
English at 11 am) and Elie Dawang (in French at 1 pm) highlighting their personal experiences during
the Shoah, and take a self-guided tour of the Museum free of charge.
Venue: Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre (5151 Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine)
Consult the museum website
Exhibition: "Destroyed Synagogues in Germany: A Virtual Reconstruction"
International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Winnipeg will be the launch of the exhibit, "Destroyed
Synagogues in Germany: A Virtual Reconstruction" at the Mennonite Heritage Gallery on January
28 at 7:30 pm. The Freeman Family Holocaust Education Centre is a co-sponsor of the exhibit along
with the University of Manitoba. The exhibit will continue until March 11 and will include a
pedagogical unit which will sent out to educators throughout the province of Manitoba. Admission is
free. More information.
Remembering Elie Wiesel and Yaffa Eliach
In Halifax, the Atlantic Jewish Council presents Remembering Elie Wiesel and Yaffa Eliach, a tribute
featuring a visual display, music and readings on Thursday, January 26 at 6:30 p.m. at Paul O’Regan
Hall, Halifax Central Library. This is an event for International Holocaust Remembrance Day, and
includes Olga Milosevich, retired CBC Radio broadcaster; Garry Williams, Artistic Director of
DaPoPo Theatre, Dr. Dorota Glowacka from University of King’s College and David Korn, Holocaust
Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize-winning author and Holocaust survivor, whose work for Holocaust
remembrance continues to influence, passed away on July 2, 2016. Dr. Yaffa Eliach, prominent and
pioneering scholar of the Holocaust and survivor who launched the first Center for Holocaust Studies
Documentation and Research in the USA, passed away on November 8, 2016. The event is presented
by the Atlantic Jewish Council and the University of King's College with the support of the Halifax
Central Library and is free and open to all.
The Evidence Room
On 29 January at 11am the Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre is proud to
present the Toronto book launch of The Evidence Room, documenting the architecture of the
Auschwitz gas chamber. The book is the companion piece to the acclaimed exhibit which premiered at
the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale. The architects and producers present a discussion on this
haunting exhibition and catalogue. Read more here.
Presented in partnership with New Jewish Press and the Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies,
University of Toronto. Generously supported by the Esther Bem Memorial Fund.
Venue: Vivian and David Campbell Conference Facility | Munk School of Global Affairs | University
of Toronto, 1 Devonshire Place
Winnipeg City Council
On 27
January, IHRA Delegate and Chair of the Freeman Family Foundation Holocaust Education Centre,
addressed the Mayor of Winnipeg and the City Council. The Mayor of Winnipeg, Brian Bowman and
Councillor Marty Morantz also spoke. Mayor Bowman officially acknowledged International
Holocaust Remembrance Day in the City of Winnipeg and announced that the flag will fly at half-mast
on the 27th from sunrise to sunset.
Image: Mayor Bowman (right), Belle Jarniewski and Councillor Morantz.
‫שגרירנו‬‫כ‬ ‫בהשתתפות‬ ‫ביוהנסבורג‬ ‫העם‬ ‫ורצח‬ ‫השואה‬ ‫במרכז‬ ‫שהתקיים‬ ‫בטקס‬ ‫דברים‬ ‫נשא‬-
1//‫במרכזי‬ ‫הקתיימו‬ ‫דומים‬ ‫טקסי‬ .‫שואה‬ ‫ניצולי‬ ‫כולל‬ ,‫איש‬‫להלהן‬ .‫ודרבן‬ ‫בקייפטאון‬ ‫שואה‬
:‫לנק‬ ‫ארתור‬ ‫לדרא''פ‬ ‫ישראל‬ ‫שגריר‬ ‫לדברי‬ ‫לינק‬
News from the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association
Representatives of the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association have participated in a
week-long series of meetings and discussions held in Phnom Penh on the occasion of the
Cambodian Victory Over Genocide Day and the UN International Holocaust Remembrance
On International Holocaust Remembrance Day Pope Francis
meets with EJC Delegation headed by its President Dr. Moshe
Kantor at the Vatican
EJC President Dr. Moshe Kantor met with the Pope in the Vatican today and said that he considers
the audience a gesture of brotherhood towards every Jew.
“Jews still bear the marks of the Shoah in their hearts and even today continue to be threatened by
Antisemitism in all its vicious forms,” Dr. Kantor said, praising the visit by the Pope to Auschwitz
last year.
"The Holocaust is a memorial to human cruelty" the Pope replied.
Dr. Kantor spoke with the Pope about many other issues, especially commending him for his
strong moral approach against terrorism and extremism.
“We commend your condemnation of global terrorism, and join you in your fight against what you
described as ‘the plague of terrorism’,” Dr. Kantor said. “We need a reaffirmation of the principles
that bind the three great monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, about what unites
us and say a strong no to violence and hate, and yes to tolerance and reconciliation.”
“As a representative of the Jewish People I would also like to express my deep sadness and
condemnation of the persecution and destruction of ancient Christian communities in the Middle
East.” Kantor added.
The Pope and Dr. Kantor also spoke about interfaith work and building bridges between the two
 ‫להלןלהל‬KVK
In 2017 the main event to commemorate the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the
Holocaust took place on Wednesday 26th of January in Santa Fe City, Argentina. The event is
organized by the National Secretary of Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism along with the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, the National Ministry of Education and Sports, the Government of the Province of
Santa Fe, the Townhall of the City of Santa Fe and the organizations which make up the local IHRA
chapter. Speeches were held by national authorities and one holocaust survivor. Furthermore, musical
and theatrical interpretations were held, as well as the lighting of a Candle of Remembrance.
Last Places Before Deportation – the Assembly Camps in Leopoldstadt, Vienna. Survivors Tell
Their Stories
The event took place at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna) on
January 2017 at 11am. It is hosted by the Austrian Parliament, in cooperation with the Institute for
Cultural Sciences and the History of Theatre of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW). The event
is based on the exhibition of the same name, which is currently on display in the crypt of the
Heldendenkmal and sheds light on the four assembly camps in Vienna’s Leopoldstadt that became the
last places for over 45,000 Jews before they were deported from Vienna in 1941/42. Attendees were
welcomed by the President of the National Council Doris Bures and the President of the ÖAW, Anton
Zellinger. A panel of respected historians moderated by Gerhard Baumgartner discussed the facts and
background information and a clip was shown from the film “Letzte Orte, Letzte Zeugen” (Vienna
2016). The event’s main highlight was a conversation with the surviving eyewitnesses Arik Bauer,
renowned painter, singer and poet, and Helga Feldner-Busztin, a medical doctor. The event was
attended by academics, politicians and an interested public.
Remembrance Ceremony at Vienna’s Heldenplatz
This year’s event was held under the motto: “72 Years After the War: No Resurgence of Ideologies of
Inequality”. It will took place on Vienna’s Heldenplatz (Äußere Burgtor) on Holocaust Remembrance
Day at 10am and commemorates the liberation of Auschwitz and remembers the countless victims of
the Holocaust. It was organized by the association Jetzt Zeichen Setzen [“Send a Signal Now”], a broad
alliance formed by members of civil society, which stands up against racist, antisemitic and sexist
ideologies, right-wing agitation, discrimination and violence. Speeches were held by prominent
politicians and other persons of note, including Andreas Mailath-Pokorny, David Ellensohn and Oskar
Deutsch, and music was provided by the Jewish Choir Vienna. A large and diverse audience came,
comprising members of civil society, survivors, politicians, people from the fields of culture, science
and the arts, the media and young people.
Hour of Remembrance in Linz
On 30 January 2017 at 7.30pm the Austrian Friends of Yad Vashem in cooperation with the City of
Linz will hold an “Hour of Remembrance” at the Old Town Hall in Linz to mark International
Holocaust Remembrance Day. Following words of welcome by the Chairman of the Austrian Friends,
Günther Schuster, and an address by the Mayor of Linz, Klaus Luger, there will be a scenic reading of
the diary of Etty Hillesum (1914–1943), adapted and directed by Dr. Johannes Neuhauser and
performed by Bettina Buchholz, Katharina Wawrik, Georg Bonn and Erich Josef Langwiesner. Etty
Hillesum was Jewish and kept her diary, in which she recorded her experiences, fears, encounters and
thoughts, between 1941 and 1943. In 1943 she was murdered in Auschwitz - Birkenau. A supporting
musical program will be provided by Simon Raab and Luci Karnig. The event will be attended by local
politicians, prominent figures from the fields of art and culture and interested members of the public.
Belgian Senate.
On Friday 27 January the plenary session of the Senate observed “International Day of Remembrance
for the Victims of the Holocaust”. Chairperson of the Senate, Ms. Defraigne addressed the
democratically elected representatives of the Belgian Nation remembering and honoring the victims of
the Holocaust and other victims of the Nazi regime and drew lessons for present day society and for the
Venue: Belgian Senate. 27 January 10:00 a.m.
Institute of War Veterans – Defense Ministry.
One of the War Veterans Institute’s missions is “transmission of memories”. With the support of the
Defense Ministry, the Institute organizes every year a round trip by plane from Brussels to Auschwitz,
for young students. The study trip is presided over by the Defense Minister.
This year, 110 students accompanied the Defense Minister, Mr. Steven Vandeput. On 24th
of January.
Kazerne Dossin - Mechelen: Evening with Simon Gronowski and Koenraad Tinel.
The lawyer Simon Gronowski and the artist Koenraad Tinel were children during the Second World
War. Simon was born into a Jewish family; his mother and sister perished in Auschwitz. Koenraad’s
father was a Flemish nationalist who collaborated with the Nazi occupier. Sixty-five years later, they
met and became friends. In honor of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Kazerne Dossin
has invited those two friends to tell their story: how they lived with their families in Brussels and in
Gent before the war, what the rise of Nazism meant for them, what happened to them during the war
and how, as for so many, the memory of the genocide will always mark them. This story of fear,
despair, hope, regret, friendship and forgiveness was intermingled with fragments from the
documentary ‘War children’.
Venue: Kazerne Dossin: Memorial, Museum and Documentation Centre on Holocaust and Human
Rights, Thursday 26 January 2017, 8pm
Portraits and Deportation Lists of the Victims deported from Mechelen online
On the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Kazerne Dossin officially opened
the online availability of the deportation lists (Transportliste) and photographs of victims deported from
Eupen - German speaking Community of Belgium: Movie première :„Beate und Marlene. Eine
Gesellschaft braucht die Ausnahmen“ (Beate and Marlene. A Community needs
exceptions). Director: Clemens Heinrich.
The movie focuses on the lives of Marlene Dietrich who in the US supported emigrants from Nazi
Germany and of Beate Klarsfeld, who for many years has been working to punish perpetrators of
crimes of the Nazi regime and to keep the memory of the Jewish victims of the Nazi regime alive. The
film shows the biographies of these two women, in particular their anti-nazi attitudes and actions.
Venue: Autonome Hochschule der DG, Monschauerstr. 57, B - 4700 Eupen. Friday 27 January 2017,
7:30 pm.
« Génocides, violences de masse, résistance et bande dessinée » - (Genocide, mass
violence, resistance and comic strip)
Within the framework of International Day of Remembrante of the Victims of the Holocaust on 27th of
January, the unit "Démocratie ou Barbarie" (Democracy or Barbarism) organises on 24th of January a
study day on the theme Genocide, mass violence, resistance and comic strip/graphic novel. The
contributors will take up the issue by presenting an overview or their own - or by another author -
comic strip. A closing round table will focus on the following questions: "How to draw the
unspeakable? How does the comic strip handle these questions? Is this a medium through which young
generations can be reached?"
Venue: Centre belge de la bande dessinée, rue des Sables 20 à 1000 Bruxelles - 24 January 2017 -
09:00 -15:30.
Auschwitz Foundation – Essay competition “Link and Remember”
The Auschwitz Foundation organizes every year on or around 27th
of January, Remembrance day for
the victims of the Holocaust, an essay competition in the schools for students of the 9th
grade (age : +/-
15). The competition aims at having students of all schools (public/ private; neutral/ religion based;
general/technical…) reflecting on the theme “civic courage”. The theme is thus not exclusively linked
to the past or to the concentration camps but may also treat more present day issues like “intolerance,
racism, democratic values, civic education…” The laureats receive a diploma and are offered a free
study trip to Auschwitz-Birkenau in 2017 (value 500€). The theme of 2017 is “In the name of
democracy anything goes”.
Venue: Flemish and French speaking secondary schools
Date: on or around 27th
of January 2017
European Parliament
On Wednesday, the 25th
January, the European Parliament, in cooperation with the European Jewish
Congress (EJC) will be holding the official annual International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Ceremony and Reception.
The event, which will be attended by leading European Union officials, heads of European Jewish
communities, diplomats and other figures will be the first official event hosted by the elected European
Parliament President Antonio Tajani.
At the event, Dr. Moshe Kantor, President of the EJC, will talk about the depersonalization which led
to the Holocaust, signs of which are still happening to this day.
“It is now more than 70 years since the annihilation of six million of Europe’s Jews and in that time,
many more massacres and crimes against humanity have taken place around the world,” said Kantor.
“Today, we can even sit in the comfort of our homes and watch them taking place live on our
televisions and smart phones. We can even empathize in real time by sending a heartfelt tweet or
sharing a Facebook post. And yet we do not prevent the genocide or the next one.”
“As long as we do not know names, identities, loves, fears, careers, relationships and experiences – as
long as we cannot put a name or a picture to them – we cannot save them. They are faceless, which is
exactly what the killers intended. It is because of this that we have devoted this International Holocaust
Remembrance Day, here in the European Parliament, in 2017 to Restoring Identities of those who were
Beate Klarsfeld, famed Nazi hunter and UNESCO Honorary Ambassador and Special Envoy for
Education about the Holocaust and the Prevention of Genocide, will also be speaking at the event.
At the event, the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation will bestow the 2016 Medal of
Tolerance on Andrei Konchalovsky, Film director, producer and screenwriter, author of “Paradise” for
which he is a winner of the Silver Lion for Best Director and considered for a nomination at the 89th
Academy Awards 2017.
Venue: Yehudi Menuhin Hall on Wednesday 25th
at 12.30pm.
On 27 January a commemorative event will was held in the Senate, the Upper Chamber of the
Parliament of the Czech Republic.
Holocaust Remembrance Day commemoration ceremony in Tallinn at Rahumäe Jewish
Addresses was given by:
 Ms Mailis Reps, Minister of Education and Research
 Ms Alla Jakobson, Chairman of the Jewish Community of Estonia
 H.E. Mr Søren Kelstrup, Danish Ambassador to Estonia, Doyen of the Diplomatic Corps
Prayer by Shmuel Kot, Chief Rabbi in Estonia
Holocaust Remembrance Day conference for educators, subject of the conference is „Holocaust
in Film“
 Opening remarks by Ms. Malle Talvet-Mustonen, Head of Estonian Delegation to the
International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance and by
Mr. Amnon-Juzef Luvishtshuk, Reprentative of the Jewish Community of Estonia.
Presentation „Holocaust in Film“ was delivered by a documentary film marker, producer and historian
Mr Riho Västrik. A short film „Manna“ shown is about Estonian Jews who were murdered in the Pärnu
synagogue in the summer of 1941. There was also a screening of video interview (by Malle Talvet-
Mustonen) with Holocaust survivor Theodor Balberyszsky and later workshop for teachers „Using film
and video as learning tools in Holocaust education“.
The conference is organized in cooperation with the Unitas Foundation, Estonian Institute of Historical
Memory, Ministry of Education and Science, International Holocaust Remembrance Allience, Estonian
Atlantic Treaty Association, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and Youth Agency.
On International Holocaust Remembrance Day both Jewish Museum and History Museum are open, in
the History Museum there is a special presentation of the exhibiton „State on the chessboard. Nazi
occupation in Estonia 1941-1944“.
The main remembrance event was this year be held on 26 January in Helsinki. The venue is Säätytalo
(House of the Estates) a former parliament meeting hall nowadays used mainly for government
presentations. The main organizer of the event is the Finnish Holocaust Remembrance Association, a
politically and religiously unaffiliated NGO. Among the attendees, some 150 guests, were represented
the membership of the association, the Finnish Jewish and Roma communities, civil society, university,
NGO and government partners, religious communities and representatives of foreign countries. This
year the ambassadors of Denmark, Austria, Germany and Israel addressed participants at the event.
The event includeed speeches and music, followed by a short reception. The main speakers this year
will Prime Minister Juha Sipilä, representing the Finnish government and Cecilie Felicia Stokholm
Banke, representing this years’ partner country, Denmark, and the Danish Institute for International
Studies. Cecilie Felicia Stokholm Banke is Head of the Danish Delegation to the IHRA.
From 25-28 January a national meeting between young “remembrance ambassadors” (on the initiative
of the French Holocaust Memorial Sites Network) was held at the Mémorial de la Shoah.
The flame under the Arc de Triomphe was reignited by the Union des Déportés d’Auschwitz on the
27th of January at 6 pm.
There was a ceremony at the synagogue at the Place des Vosges, attended by the Great Rabbi of Paris
and the President of the Consistory on the 25th
of January at 7 pm.
The film Drancy, dernière étape avant l’abîme, by Cécile Clairval-Milhaud, was shown during a
commemoration at the Cercle Bernard Lazare on the 26th
of January at 8.30 pm.
The film Le Survivant Matricule 157279 was shown at the Farband in the presence of Nicolas
Ribowski, the film director, on the 23rd
of January at 7.45 pm.
The play Personne ne m’aurait cru, alors je me suis tu, based on the testimony of Sam Braun, former
deportee, was performed at the Théâtre de l’Epée de bois in Vincennes, from the 24th to the 28th of
The Mémorial de la Shoah coordinates, with the support of the Ministry of Defence and the National
Office of Veterans and War Victims, commemorations with a pedagogical purpose, in partnership with
the Œuvre Nationale du Bleuet de France and 10 institutions in charge of memorial sites linked with
persecution, internment, deportation and extermination of French Jews.
Maison d’Izieu (01)
Memorial site of the camp des Milles (13)
Memorial site of Chambon-sur-Lignon (43)
Cercil - Musée-mémorial des enfants du Vél' d’Hiv’, Orléans (45)
Mémorial de l'internement et de la déportation, camp de Royallieu-Compiègne (60)
Amicale du camp de Gurs (64)
Mémorial du camp de Rivesaltes (66)
Centre européen du résistant déporté - Struthof-Natzweiler (67)
Centre d'histoire de la Résistance et de la Déportation in Lyon (69)
Mémorial de Montluc (69)
Mémorial de la Shoah, Paris (75), Drancy (93) and Toulouse (31)
In Rothau (67), the Garden of Remembrance and Human Rights was inaugurated in front of the
Rothau station through which deportees were taken to camp Natzweiler-Struthof, on the 27th
of January
at 10 am.
Concerning media, Arte will held special evening on the theme “Liberation from the camps” on the
of January, from 8.30 pm. At 8.50 pm, the documentary Beate et Serge Klarsfeld : le combat
d’une vie, by Wolfgang Schoen, was shown, followed by the documentary Sauver Auschwitz, by
Jonathan Hayoun, supported by the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah at 10.40 pm..
The education community was encouraged to take part in the organization of this Remembrance Day.
The homepage Enseigner l'histoire de la Shoah, set up by the Mémorial de la Shoah and the French
Education Ministry, gathers useful information for teachers.
A new edition of Album d’Auschwitz was released, with a DVD and an internet documentary to put it in
perspective with the album by Karl Höcker, deputy captain of Auschwitz.
Mémoires de la Shoah - Grands entretiens de l'INA is a series of 115 filmed interviews of witnesses
(deportees, hidden children, members of the Resistance, Righteous) and historians, coproduced by the
INA and the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah.
Mémoire Demain - Témoignages de déportés filmés à Auschwitz-Birkenau is a DVD produced by the
Union des Déportés d’Auschwitz, with the support of the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah.
Mémoires européennes des camps nazis is an internet documentary which offers a theoretical reflection
on issues linked with teaching deportation in Nazi internment and extermination camps, produced by
Canopé network.
Opening of the exhibition "Bricks, Shoes, Me -Reflections from Auschwitz"
An exhibition organised by the International Auschwitz Committee in cooperation with the
Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand and the International Youth Meeting Centre in
Oswiecim/Auschwitz. The exhibition was opened by Mr. Sigmar Gabriel, the Vice-Chancellor of
Germany and Prof. Felix Kolmer, Auschwitz survivor from Prague.
Venue: Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand, Stauffenbergstraße 13-14, Berlin
An evening dedicated to Felka Platek and Felix Nussbaum
On 26 January at 19:30 the International Auschwitz Committee and the City of Wolfsburg, together
with the organisation "Hallenbad-Kultur am Schachtweg", organised an evening dedicated to the
Jewish artists Felka Platek and Felix Nussbaum. The evening featured a reading by Eva-Maria Kurz
and Gerd Grasse as well as music by Goran Stevanovic, accordian.
Venue: Hallenbad-Kultur am Schachtweg, Schachtweg 31, 38440 Wolfsburg
National Remembrance Day of the Greek Jews Martyrs and Heroes of the Holocaust.
Sunday 29 January 2017
The event were organised by the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki and the Region of Central
Main Ceremony
Frida Liappa Hall, Warehouse D, Port of Thessaloniki
11.00 Arrivals
11.30 Memorial Service
11.45 Addresses
- Representative of the Government
- Ambassador of Israel Ms. Irit Ben Abba
- Governor of the Region of Central Macedonia, Mr. Apostolos Tzitzikostas
- Deputy Head of the Metropolitan Unit of Thessaloniki, Ms. Paraskevi Patoulidou
- Mayor of Thessaloniki, Mr. Yiannis Boutaris
- President of the Central Board of the Jewish Communities in Greece and of the Jewish Community of
Thessaloniki, Mr. David Saltiel
12.15 Keynote: President of the New Democracy Party and Leader of the Opposition Mr. Kyriakos
12.30 Awarding of the "Righteous Among the Nations” title of Yad Vashem to Spyridon G. Stavridis,
for the rescue the family of Joseph Menachem Stroumtsa during the Holocaust
12.45 Music interlude: MEMORY I
Holocaust Monument of the Jews of Thessaloniki, Eleftherias Square
13.15 Wreath laying
Jewish Museum of Thessaloniki, 13, Agiou Mina Str.
14.00 Opening of the exhibition "The day after the Holocaust"
Other events:
Painting Exhibition: "The other alphabet"
• Saturday, January 28, 2017, 19:30 (Foyer, Emilios Riadis Hall M2)
The exhibition presents 23 works of the artist Samuel Tampoch.
Theatrical performance: "The students of Umberto Primo" Thessaloniki Concert Hall . – Theater
Company “Dream”
• Saturday, January 28, 2017, 21:00 (Emilios Riadis Hall M2)
• Sunday 29 January 2017, 17:00 (Emilios Riadis Hall M2)
Screening of the film: "Turkish Passport». Consulate General of Turkey, Jewish Community of
Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki International Film Festival
• Wednesday, February 1, 2017, 19:30 (John Cassavetes Hall Warehouse A, Port of Thessaloniki)
Theatrical Performance: "Terror and misery of the Third Reich", by the third grade students of the
Deskeio Junior High School of Parga
• Thursday, February 2, 2017, 19:00 (Vafopoulio Cultural Center, 3 Vafopoulou Str.)
On 27 January at 1pm, the Government of Hungary held a commemoration ceremony at the Pava Street
Holocaust Memorial Centre. Speakers include Dr Laszlo Palkovics, State Secretary of the Ministry of
Human Capacities, the Ambassador of the State Of Israel and the Chairman of Mazsihisz. Event
Holocaust Memorial Day is commemorated in Ireland on the Sunday nearest to 27 January each year. It
takes place on 29 January 2017 at the Mansion House, Dublin. The Lord Mayor, Deputy Prime
Minister, former President of Ireland, Ministers, Ambassadors, religious leaders and others will attend.
Six candles are lit in memory of 6 million Jews murdered in the Holocaust and candles for all of the
other victim groups. Jewish second and third generation survivors light the candles in memory of the
Jewish victims and representative organisations light the candles in memory of the other victims
(people with disabilities, Roma, Homosexuals etc.)
The commemoration cherishes the memory of those who perished and recalls the millions of innocent
Jewish men, women and children and others, who were persecuted during the Nazi Holocaust because
of their ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliations or their religious beliefs. As a
signatory of Stockholm, Ireland has undertaken to commemorate the Holocaust every year and to teach
the lessons from it for the future. The ceremony includes readings, survivors’ recollections, candle-
lighting and music. It will be attended by people from all walks of Irish life and will be attended by
around 700 people.
22 January
10:30 – 13:00 : Israeli Government Cabinet Meeting to mark International Holocaust Remembrance
Day, to discuss the state of Holocaust Commemoration around the world. The IHRA working
definition of antisemitism was proposed for adoption, and the decision was accepted unanimously by
the Knesset.
24 January
09:00- Onwards: The Knesset, Israel- Governmental sessions marking International Holocaust
Remembrance Day were held in the following Ministerial Committees: the Finance Committee, the
Education, Culture and Sport Committee, the Legislature and Law Committee, and the Immigration
and Absorption Committees- all attended by representatives of Holocaust organizations and survivors.
09:00-16:00: Symposium- Polish Jewry, History and Memory- "Massuah" Institute for Holocaust
Studies, Kibbutz Tel Yitzchak, Israel
14.30: Knesset League of Holocaust Organizations Meeting, attended by Survivors, Representatives
and Government Ministers.
16.00: The Knesset Plenary marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day with a special session
25 January
19:00: On the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day Beit Terezin opened the exhibit
"A Brown Folder – Homage to Felix Bloch" curated by Ruth Lubin at the Municipal gallery of Hadera.
26 January
11:00: The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs screened "I Am My Brother's Keeper" for all staff,
opened with remarks from IHRA HoD Ran Yaakoby and followed by a lecture from Ms. Irena
Steinfeldt, Director of the Righteous Among the Nations Department, Yad Vashem.
16:30-18:00: Yad Vashem hosted an event marking the International Day of Commemoration in
Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust for members of the diplomatic corps in Israel. International
ambassadors and representatives from over 40 countries attended this event, including France,
Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, the United States and Russia. In the Yad Vashem
Synagogue, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the audience followed by Yad Vashem
Chairman Avner Shalev. After the formal remarks, guests were given a guided tour of "Stars Without a
Heaven," an exhibition about children in the Holocaust currently on display at Yad Vashem's
Exhibitions Pavilion. The event was concluded with a lecture by Dr. Haim Gertner, Director of the Yad
Vashem Archives Division and Fred Hillman Chair for Holocaust Documentation, entitled "Visible
Voices: Holocaust Testimonies and the Challenges of Meaningful Remembrance."
17:00 The Ghetto Fighter's House presented a Symposium for International Holocaust Remembrance
Day: "In Our Image- Demonization of the "Other" In Nazi Culture". GHETTO FIGHTERS' HOUSE
18:00: "Dorot Hemshech” Next Generations Association conference in cooperation with Yad Vashem
on Bystanders- attended by Ms. Irena Steinfeldt, Director of the Righteous Among the Nations
Department, Yad Vashem
23-26 January
The Cinematheque Chain screened "Not A Family Film" across Israel in seven locations, attended by
the Director Chen Steinberg and Director of the Visual Centre of Yad Vashem, Liat Ben Habib, in
some instances.
27 January
10.00: International Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony for Italian Nationals, International School
for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem
09.30-11.30: Israeli International Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony, "Massuah", Tel Yitzchak,
Featured speakers: Prof. Yitzchak Kashti, Chairman; Mr. Meron Reuben, Chief of State
Protocol, MFA; Israeli Minister of Justice, MK Ayelet Shaked, Prof. Karine Nahon, IDC Herzliya,
The Efroni Choir, Conductor Dr. Hesseg
Keynote Address: HE Ambassador David Quarrey, British Ambassador to Israel.
Master of Ceremonies: Kobi Meidan
As in previous years, a special online event, the IRemember Wall on Yad Vashem's Facebook page,
provided people across the globe with a unique opportunity to engage in online commemorative
activity. Each participant will be "linked" to a name of one of the over 4.3 million men, women and
children currently found in the Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names, thus creating an
opportunity for personal commemoration.
Finally, Yad Vashem staff members participated in conferences, seminars, exhibitions, ceremonies,
lectures, and government meetings around the world to mark January 27th- including the European
Parliament, UNESCO HQ in Paris, Austria, the UK, and Germany among others. Yad Vashem
Exhibitions, Films, and Educational Materials were used to mark the day in over 50 countries
13/11/2016 – 04/06/2017
National school competition Shevillim – VIII edition
Increase in the young people the knowledge of the Jewish culture promoting a contact between school
and Jewish community. Arrived at the VIII edition, the competion proposes, to the students of all the
schools, the creation of a work about a topic of the Jewish culture. The type of work is free and the
students can freely create the final product. The awarding will be at the Jewish Museum “Fausto Levi”,
-Location: Via Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, 43, 43019 - Parma, Soranga
- Sponsor: Jewish Comunity of Parma and Museum of Soranga
-Support: UCEI, District of Parma, Municipality of Soranga
10/01/2017 – 27/01/2017
Survivors: portraits, memories and voices
Between the 1998 and the 2003, the photographer Simone Gosso met the survivors to the Nazi Camps.
This is a selection of 40 photos portraying the places and the faces of them, with their tale-interviews,
incorporated in the "Corpus Survivors"; an artistic research, a travel in the memory of things, places
and stories of people that became victims of a big collective tragedy.
From a project of “Ocra Lab Idee per comunicare” of Cristina Ballerini.
-Location: Casa della Memoria - Via San Francesco di Sales, 5 - Rome
-Sponsor: ANED (National Association of Ex-Deportees to the Nazi Camps)
-Support: UCEI, Municipality of Rome, Libraries of Rome
11/01/2017 – 12/01/2017
VIII edition “Memories of stumbling”
Installation of 24 Stolpersteine (stumbling blocks) on the sidewalks in front of the houses of the racial
and political deportees.
-Location: Rome
-Sponsor: Adachiara Zevi, “Art in Memory” association
18/01/2017 – 19/01/2017
Visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau
Every year The Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) organizes an institutional trip
to Poland and to the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp in collaboration with UCEI and Fondazione Museo
della Shoah (Foundation for the Museum of the Shoah), which sees the participation, together with the
Minister and other members of the Government, of a number of students from secondary schools.
These visits create an example for many more schools, associations and groups.
-Location: Cracovia, Auschwitz-Birkenau - Poland
-Sponsor: MIUR, UCEI, Fondazione Museo della Shoah
22/01/2017 – 18/04/2017
Art in Memory
Sunday 22 January 2017, at 11:00 there was the inauguration, in the Synagogue of Ostia Antica, of the
VIII edition of "ART IN MEMORY", the biennial international of Contemporary Art created and
curated by Adachiara Zevi and organized by the Cultural Association “Arteinmemoria”.
-Location: Ostia Antica Archeological Site - Viale dei Romagnoli 717, 00119 - Rome
-Sponsor: Adachiara Zevi, Association “Arte in memoria”
-Support: Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, General Direction of Museums,
Ostia Antica Archeological Site , UCEI, Jewish Community of Rome.
Run for memory
Our why: For the first time in Europe, the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities (UCEI) proposes a
collective moment where it will be possible to remember the memory of the Shoah with a run. The
sport has the capacity to celebrate our humanity go beyond the difference of religion, belief, culture
and gender and the meeting with the other, an important moment to go beyond borders and barriers.
Our idea is to confirm the life; the life goes on anyway and despite the people who tried to murder the
Jews and other people, with genocides and massacres.
- Location: Piazza 16 ottobre 1943 – Rome
-Sponsor: UCEI
-Support: Council of Ministries, Municipality of Rome, Lazio, Israel Embassy in Italy
22/01/2017 – 08/03/2017
Mickel Kincha – The second generation
Exhibition of the works of Israeli cartoonist Mickel Kincha
-Location: Jewish museum - Via Valdonica, 1/5, 40126 - Bologna
- Sponsor: MEB Bologna
24/01/2017 – 28/02/2017
TOUCH: Touch some stories of deported Jewish citizens of Ferrara
Albertina Bassani Magrini, Silvio Finzi, Silvio Magrini, Amelia Melli, Zaira Melli, Germana Ravenna,
Marcello Ravenna, Lindo Saralvo, Maria Zamorani, Renato Castelfranchi. They are about 10 of the
150 citizens of Ferrrara That, between the end of 1943 and the beginning of 1944, were victims of the
Nazis. There is a commemorative plaque in the front of the building where are the Jewish Community
and the Synagogues, Via Mazzini.
Now, thanks to this exhibition, people can know better the Identities, faces and stories of women and
men, children and old men killed. TOUCH: Touch some stories of deported Jewish citizens of
Ferrara, promoted by the National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah - MEIS and the Institute
of Contemporary History of Ferrara, sponsored by the Jewish Community of Ferrara, in the occasion of
the Memorial Day 2017 .
Curated the photographers and Piero Cavagna Giulio Malfer, TOUCH it is been inaugurated Tuesday
24 January, at 18:00. The biographies tale, in first person, the lives of the 10 Jews of Ferrara and the
pictures, covered with a black thermochromics that reacts to the touch of the people and the pictures,
from the oblivion, come back to the life, at least temporarily.
-Location: National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah (MEIS) - Via Piangipane, 81, 44121 -
A Jewish family of Ferrara: the history of Italy tells by the “Calabresi”(1867-1945)
The history of Italy through the pictures and the stories of the Calabresi’s Family, a Jewish family of
- Location: Museo Risorgimento e Resistenza, Corso d’Ercole I d’Estem 19, Ferrara
Law and legality: the weapons of the democracy, from the memory of the Shoah to an integration
of the human rights in the UE
With this conference, we want focus on the power of law: the weapon of defense or destruction of the
legal system.
Starting with an excursus of the anti-Semitism law, the actuality and the social values will be examined
so that the memory of the Shoah, in the future, will be used not only to remember the past but also to
consider the importance of the restoring order after the end of the war.
- Location: Palazzo Mattei di Paganica - Piazza della Enciclopedia Italiana, 4 - Rome
The ceremony of deposition of a garland to remember the Jews of Ferrara imprisoned in the
barracks in January 1944. The duty towards the law and towards the man.
- Location: Caserma Bevilacqua – Corso Ercole I D’este - Ferrara
The memory of the Shoah and “I giusti fra le nazioni”
Convention in the Department of Law of the University of Ferrara
- Location: University of Ferrara - Corso Ercole I d'Este, 37, 44121 - Ferrara
- Sponsor: University of Ferrara, MEIS, UCEI
“Serata colorata” – Music of the internment camp of Ferramonti
The concert proposes a Thirties typical repertoire very present in the area of Ferramonti, where
composers, friends of Kurt Weil, lived. There is also a wonderful “Ciaccona”of the composer Tomaso
Antoio Vitali, composed in 1700: the arrangement had been found between the documents of the
people interned.
-Location: Via Pietro de Coubertin, 30, 00196 - Rome
Milan remembers the Shoah. Tribute to Elie Wiesel
The Concert and the story.
- Location: Milan conservatory, via Conservatorio, 12, 20122 - Milan
-Sponsor: CDEC
Remembrance Day
Every year through the General Direction for Students, Integration and Participation, MIUR organize a
national contest and in collaboration with UCEI, now in its 15th year, named “Young people remember
the Shoah”, dedicated to students at all levels of school education, in order to promote studies and
analyses of the tragic event which marked European history in the 20th century.
Every year, on the occasion of the “Remembrance Day”, the winners of the competition are awarded
by the Minister of Education University and Research and are received by the President of Republic
together with the highest representatives of the State, and the President of the Jewish Communities of
-Location: Palazzo del Quirinale, Rome
-Sponsor: MIUR
“The other resistance: from the forgotten shipwreck to the building of a monument on the Greek
- Location: Museo Risorgimento e Resistenza, Corso d’Ercole I d’Estem 19, Ferrara
Arte viva: arts to keep alive the memory
Artistic full immersion in the “Remembrance Day”: painting, poetry, story and territory.
The artists give voice and form to their personal idea and conception of the Shoah and the Second
World War.
- Location: Palace Liborio Romano - piazza Indipendenza 32, 73053 - Patù, LE
-Sponsor: Don Liborio Romano Association
-Support: Municipality of Patù, ANPI of Lecce
Seminar for teachers: “Shoah – teach and remember”
The association “Memoriale sardo per la Shoah” and International School for Holocaust Studies - Yad
Vashem propose the I Seminar for teachers: “Shoah: teach and remember”
- Location: Liceo Eleonora d'Arborea - Via Carboni Boi - Cagliari
-Sponsor: Association “Memoriale Sardo della Shoah”; Società Letteraria Dante Alighieri; Yad
-Support: liceo Eleonora d'Arborea Cagliari; Liceo Ginnaio G.M. Dettori Cagliari; Ufficio Scolastico
Pass the baton: pass down the memory
Shoah and Tkumà. Young people of the "Young Kehillah" remember: “What does it mean: share the
Memory?” “Ask to the history, ask what we are”.
-Location: International School For Holocaust Studies - Room 212- Yad Vashem - Jerusalem
-Sponsor: Italy Embassy in Tel Aviv, Intalian, Italian Cultural Institute of Tel Aviv, Yad Vashem
-Support: Hevrat Yehude Italia, Young Kehillà, UCEI, UGEI, Dreyfus’s Project
Witness of Liliana Segre: direct online on the site of the newspaper “Corriere della Sera”
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Prime minister says hearts of
Russians ache at memory of
Russian Politics & Diplomacy
January 26, 21:29 UTC+3
"This tragedy affected us all, no matter what our religion is", Dmitry Medvedev said
© Alexander Afanasiev/Russian government's press service/TASS, archiive
MOSCOW, January 26. /TASS/. The tragedy of Holocaust showed the world how
dangerous anti-Semitism can be, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said
on Thursday while visiting the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow
ahead of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. According to the prime
minister, Russians’ hearts ache at the memory of the Holocaust.
Medvedev pointed out that on January 27, 1945, Soviet troops had liberated the
Auschwitz concentration camp so this is why the International Holocaust
Remembrance Day is celebrated on this day.
"The Holocaust is one of the most horrible crimes carried out by the Nazis. As
many as 6,000,000 Jews were killed in the Nazi factories of death. According to
various estimates, 2,700,00 Jews were eliminated on the territory of the Soviet
Union alone. This is the reason why we share the pain of the Jewish people, this
tragedy affected us all, no matter what our religion is," Medvedev said after a tour
of the museum. "We should not forget what happened then in order to prevent
this tragedy from repeating itself," he added.
The Russian prime minister also said that two months ago he had visited the Yad
Vashem Holocaust Memorial Center in Jerusalem and had been greatly
impressed. "The important thing is that this Moscow museum aims at preserving
the true memory of those horrific events," Medvedev stressed.
He also said that the Holocaust had shown the world how dangerous anti-
Semitism and chauvinism could be, how easy civilized humans could cross the
line and turn into monsters. "Unfortunately, ethnic and religious xenophobia is
now taking a new form turning into terrorism which spreads the same deadly
ideology and the same desire to kill and destroy," the Russian prime minister
Medvedev added that a while ago Russia’s government had approved a special
state program for the implementation of the ethnic policy aimed at ensuring
consent in society. "Your museum and the Federation of Jewish Communities do
much to help our people learn tolerance. This is not only one of the largest
Jewish museums but also one of those that employ cutting-edge technology and
at the same time evoke high emotional intensity," Medvedev said. He added that
it was very important to bring kids and young people to the museum, and praised
the museum’s educational programs.
The wrenching of history
The tragedy of Holocaust shows the importance of rebuffing the purported
attempts to wrench history and remembering the exploits of liberators from
Nazism, Dmitry Medvedev said:
"Holocaust was the biggest crime against humanity, a bloody embodiment of
racist theories."
14 photo
Windows on war: TASS posters in support of USSR WWII effort
"This wasn’t a tragedy of the Jewish people only but rather a global catastrophe,
the pain for the whole humankind," the telegram said. "That’s why it’s so
important today to rebuff toughly the purported wrenching of history and the
attempts to whitewash murderers and criminals."
"We know truth about the victims of Nazism and liberators and keep it alive,"
Medvedev said.
He thanked the Russian Jewish Congress for contribution to the maintenance of
memories about the victims about Holocaust.
"You are doing much to consolidate inter-ethnic peace and concord; you offer
care and attention to the former prisoners of Nazi camps and to the people who
liberated them - the veterans of World War II," Medvedev said adding that the
RJC activities deserved the highest possible assessment, assistance and
‘Holocaust. The Untold Stories’ commemorative party devoted to Holocaust
Remembrance Day and the 72nd anniversary since liberation of the Auschwitz-
Birkenau concentration camp by units of the Red Army was hosted by the
Novaya Opera theater in Moscow.
The UN established the International Holocaust Remembrance Day on
November 1, 2005. Israel, Canada, Australia, Russia, Ukraine and the U.S. were
initiators of a resolution of the UN General Assembly on appointing the date.
‫כאן‬ ‫עד‬.
‫המחלקה‬ ,‫זך‬ ‫רות‬.‫השואה‬ ‫זכר‬ ‫ושימר‬ ‫באנטישמיות‬ ‫למאבק‬

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סיכום אירועי יום השואה 27 בינואר 2017

  • 1. 1 ‫בהמשך‬‫למברק‬1-6631141‫מ‬-1/91‫של‬‫השואה‬ ‫זכר‬ ‫ושימור‬ ‫באנטישמיות‬ ‫למאבק‬ ‫המחלקה‬: ‫נמשך‬ ‫השנה‬ ‫גם‬‫העולם‬ ‫ברחבי‬‫החלטת‬ ‫לפי‬ ‫הבינ''ל‬ ‫השואה‬ ‫יום‬ ‫ציון‬‫האו''ם‬7/96‫מ‬-1//2.‫צוין‬ ‫היום‬ ‫ב‬‫מאות‬‫האירועים‬ .‫היום‬ ‫חשיבות‬ ‫על‬ ‫בכירה‬ ‫הנהגה‬ ‫והצהרות‬ ‫חינוכיות‬ ‫פעילויות‬ ,‫טקסים‬ ,‫אירועים‬ ‫לאירועים‬ ‫דוגמאות‬ ‫כמה‬ ‫להלן‬ ,‫הקרובים‬ ‫בימים‬ ‫ימשכו‬‫והתבטאויות‬:‫העולם‬ ‫מרחבי‬ ‫האו''ם‬ ‫מזכ''ל‬‫קליגר‬ ‫נוח‬ ‫השואה‬ ‫ניצול‬ ‫של‬ ‫ידו‬ ‫את‬ ‫לוחץ‬ ‫האו''ם‬ January 2017 Secretary-General's remarks at Observance of the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust [as delivered] **Archived video of the speech will soon be available on** Today is a day to remember, reflect and look forward. We are here to honour the victims of the Holocaust, an unparalleled crime against humanity. We are together to mourn the loss of so many and of so much. The world has a duty to remember that the Holocaust was a systematic attempt to eliminate the Jewish people and so many others.
  • 2. 1 I am humbled by the presence here today of Holocaust survivors. Thank you for bearing witness across seven decades so that others may live in dignity. There is no better education for the future than the guarantee that we will always be able to remember the past and to honour the victims of the tragedies of that past. I would like to pay tribute to one survivor in particular, Elie Wiesel, who passed away last year. He became one of the world’s most passionate voices for mutual respect and acceptance, and the United Nations was proud to have him as one of our Messengers of Peace. It would be a dangerous error to think of the Holocaust as simply the result of the insanity of a group of criminal Nazis. On the contrary, the Holocaust was the culmination of millennia of hatred and discrimination targeting the Jews – what we now call anti-Semitism. Imperial Rome not only destroyed the temple in Jerusalem, but also made Jews pariahs in many ways. The attacks and abuse grew worse through the triumph of Christianity and the propagation of the idea that the Jewish community should be punished for the death of Jesus – an absurdity that helped to trigger massacres and other tremendous crimes against Jews around the world for centuries to come. The same happened in my own country, Portugal, reaching its height with the order by King Manuel in the 16th century expelling all Jews who refused to convert. This was a hideous crime and an act of enormous stupidity. It caused tremendous suffering to the Jewish community – and deprived Portugal of much of the country’s dynamism. Before long, the country entered a prolonged cycle of impoverishment. Many Portuguese Jews eventually settled in the Netherlands. Lisbon’s loss was Amsterdam’s gain, as the Portuguese Jewish community played a key role in transforming the Netherlands into the global economic powerhouse of the 17th century. The Portuguese example also demonstrates that anti-Semitism, more than a question of religion, is essentially an expression of racism. The proof is that the converted Jews, the so-called “new Christians”, faced discrimination by the old Christians, and suffered continued persecution by the Portuguese Inquisition. When I became Prime Minister in 1995, I felt it was absolutely necessary, even if only with a symbolic gesture, to demonstrate my country's rejection and repentance of Portugal’s merciless attacks against the Jewish community. In 1996, Parliament revoked the letter of expulsion. I then had the honour of visiting the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam to formally present a copy of that decree and apologize on behalf of my country. Tragically, that beautiful synagogue was almost empty, because the community Portugal had expelled was almost completely destroyed by the Holocaust. Anti- Semitism always tends to come back. Portugal recently adopted a law allowing the descendants of those expelled in the 16th century to regain Portuguese nationality. Last year, more than 400 took advantage of this offer. I am also very proud to note that just a few weeks ago, my wife signed, on behalf of the Lisbon Municipality, an agreement with the Israeli Community of Lisbon to establish the Lisbon Jewish Museum. This will be a way to pay tribute to the memory of those my country mistreated so badly. History keeps moving forward, but anti-Semitism keeps coming back. The renowned scholar Simon Schama has noted that in the 19th century, Jews were even blamed for modernity, including for disasters of international finance in which they themselves were
  • 3. 3 among the first victims. Schama also noted that Jews often faced a lose-lose situation. When they successfully integrated and came to “look like” anyone else, they became subjects of suspicion. Others who looked different were blamed for that, too. Both groups came together in the Nazi crematoria. After the Holocaust, the world seemed eager to find a more cooperative path. The founding of the United Nations was one expression of that moment. The UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Genocide Convention enshrined a commitment to equality and human rights. Humankind dared to believe that tribal identities would diminish in importance. We were wrong. Those like me who grew up in the post-war era never imagined we would again face rising attacks on Jews in my own part of the world – in Europe. Anti-Semitism is alive and kicking. Irrationality and intolerance are back. But we still see Holocaust denial, despite the facts. There is also a new trend of Holocaust revisionism, with the rewriting of history and even the honouring of disgraced officials from those days. Hate speech and anti-Semitic imagery are proliferating across the Internet and social media. Violent extremist groups use anti-Semitic appeals to rouse their forces and recruit new followers. All this is in complete contrast to tolerance, the primacy of reason and universal values. Moreover, as the former Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom, Lord Jonathan Sacks, said last year, “The hate that begins with Jews never ends with Jews”. Today, we see anti-Semitism, along with racism, xenophobia, anti-Muslim hatred and other forms of intolerance, triggered by populism. I am extremely concerned at the discrimination faced by minorities, refugees and migrants across the world. I find the stereotyping of Muslims deeply troubling. A “new normal” of public discourse is taking hold, in which prejudice is given a free pass and the door is opened to even more extreme hatred. Steps from this chamber, you will find a powerful exhibition on Nazi propaganda. It is called “State of deception” and is the product of our fruitful partnership with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. As this exhibition details, propaganda helped erode the bonds of humanity. The word “Jewish” was used constantly in association with society’s ills. Hardship and instability created fertile ground for scapegoating. It is true that many citizens disapproved of discrimination. But a majority accepted such sentiments, even if only passively. Ultimately, indifference prevailed, dehumanization took hold, and the descent into barbarity was quick. These are lessons for our time, too. We need to be vigilant. We need to invest in education and youth. We need to strengthen social cohesion so that people feel that diversity is a plus, not a threat. The United Nations itself must do more to strengthen its human rights machinery, and to push for justice for the perpetrators of grave crimes. Our “Together” campaign is focusing on countries hosting refugees and migrants. Our Holocaust
  • 4. 4 Outreach Programme is active on all continents. The Holocaust also saw great acts of heroism, from ordinary people who protected others to diplomats who, at grave risk to themselves, defied the Nazis to enable thousands of people to escape certain death. Some of these are well known – Sweden’s Raoul Wallenberg and Japan’s Chiune Sugihara. Some are less so -- Iran’s Abdol Hossein Sardari and, I am proud to say, Portugal’s Consul in Bordeaux, Aristides de Sousa Mendes. Today, we can be inspired by many cooperative efforts to bring diverse groups together. We need to deepen this solidarity. After the horrors of the 20th century, there should be no room for intolerance in the 21st. I guarantee you that as Secretary-General of the United Nations, I will be in the frontline of the battle against anti-Semitism and all other forms of hatred. That is the best way to build a future of dignity and equality for all – and the best way to honour the victims of the Holocaust we will never allow to be forgotten. Thank you very much. ‫האירופי‬ ‫האיחוד‬ Brussels - 25 January 2017 The European Jewish Congress in partnership with the newly elected President of the European Parliament Mr Antonio Tajani organised the International Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony on 25 January 2017. This year the Ceremony was devoted to Restoring Identities of the victims of the Shoah. As long as we cannot put a name or a picture to them, we cannot save them. Some of these people were blessed with an added ability to convey not only their own identities and individuality, but also that of many others, through literature, art and music. Therefore, the Ceremony started with a moving video on the legacy of Felix Nussbaum and his power to encapsulate the horror of the Shoah through his paintings. Mr. Antonio Tajani opened the Ceremony, followed by an address by Dr Moshe Kantor, President of the European Jewish Congress. UNESCO Ambassador for Holocaust Education Beate Klarsfeld and Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Chairman of the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation Rt. Hon.Tony Blair were also among the speakers. Mr Tajani called on those present to remember ‘the terrible mistakes of the past’ in order to draw lessons for a “future based on freedom, democracy and respect for human dignity.” He firmly affirmed “no Jew should be forced to leave Europe” and expressed his concerns over the persistence and increase of antisemitism and the shrinking Jewish population in Europe. Dr Moshe Kantor emphasised the need not to forget that “we, European Jews, want to remain in Europe and be loyal to it as we have always been. We count on Europe to continue to show its loyalty to us, loyalty to the idea that the Jews have a future here in Europe."
  • 5. 2 Beate Klarsfeld, who investigated the crimes of Nazis and helped to bring them to justice draw attention to those present that "there are more battles to fight, like the one against populism in Europe". During the ceremony, the “European Medal of Tolerance” was awarded to film director Andrei Konchalovsky for his cinematographic work against extremism and intolerance and especially for his latest Holocaust-drama ‘Paradise’. Mr Konchalovsky reminded the audience of the importance to teach the younger generations about the horrors of the Shoah. The ceremony featured a unique artistic performance by Maestro Vladimir Spivakov as soloist and conductor of the Moscow Virtuosi Orchestra. Holocaust survivors, EU leaders, Members of the European Parliament, Ambassadors, Presidents of Jewish communities across Europe, religious leaders as well as renowned intellectuals and artists attended the event. Click here to view the Photo Gallery ‫אנגולה‬ 126515 ‫ושל‬ ‫במקום‬ ‫התקשורת‬ ‫אמצעי‬ ‫ע''י‬ ‫שמסוקר‬ ‫תערוכה‬ ,‫השואה‬ ‫יום‬ ‫מטקס‬ ‫לתמונות‬ ‫לינק‬ ‫אורן‬ ‫שגרירנו‬‫רוזנבלט‬ Ontem, na Galeria Tamar Golan, foi inaugurada a exposição "Memória do Holocausto", por ocasião do Dia Internacional de Comemoração em Memória das Vítimas do Holocausto, que será assinalado no próximo dia 27 de Janeiro. Tratou-se de uma iniciativa conjunta da Embaixada de Israel, da Fundação Arte e Cultura e do Colégio Português. Durante a cerimónia O Embaixador de Israel, Sr. Oren Rozenblat, afirmou que: "O Dia Internacional de Comemoração em Memória das Vítimas do Holocausto, é um momento de reflexão, onde podemos lembrar as vítimas do holocausto e contemplar o que pode acontecer quando o racismo e o ódio são deixados sem controle". Queremos agradecer ao Professor Mário Carneiro e os alunos do Colégio Português que prepararam a exposição e participaram na erimóniac. ‫ארה''ב‬ International Holocaust Remembrance Day This Friday markd the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Every year on January 27, the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, countries around the world honor the victims of the Nazi era and develop educational programs to help prevent future genocides. International Holocaust . AUnited Nations Resolution 60/7Remembrance Day was established in 2005 by number of remembrance events were held in Washington this Friday, including a commemoration ceremony at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
  • 6. 7 :‫קנדה‬ Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on International Holocaust Remembrance Day January 27, 2017 The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust: “Today, on the 72nd anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, we remember the more than six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust and the countless other victims of Nazi brutality. “The Holocaust serves as a tragic reminder of the horrors that can be born of racism and hate. We must always remember those who experienced the worst of humanity – in ghettos, cattle cars, and Nazi death camps – and never forget our collective responsibility to prevent the seeds of intolerance and hate from taking root in our communities, country, and world. “As we take time today to reflect on the haunting legacy of the Holocaust, let us pay tribute to the strength and spirit of the Jewish people and the many others who persevered during one of the darkest periods of human history. “Today, and every day, we reaffirm our commitment to stand against anti-Semitism, xenophobia, and prejudice in all its forms. It is through this commitment that we remember those we have lost and honour those whose stories must never be forgotten.” Statement by Minister Freeland on International Holocaust Remembrance Day January 27, 2017 - Ottawa, Ontario - Global Affairs Canada The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today issued the following statement: “One of the darkest chapters in human history unfolded at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp, liberated 72 years ago today. “The systematic murder of 6 million Jews during the Holocaust, or Shoah, and of millions of others, all killed by the brutal Nazi regime, is a story of tragedy, loss and unimaginable suffering. Today, we honour their memory and pay tribute to the brave survivors. From Auschwitz-Birkenau and other Nazi camps emerged inspirational stories of strength and courage, including many told by Jewish-Canadian survivors, which remain a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit. “Last year I visited Auschwitz-Birkenau with the prime minister. It was an experience that forever changed me and will remain with me throughout my life.
  • 7. 6 “The lessons learned from the Holocaust must guide our efforts to fight antisemitism and prevent mass atrocities globally. Canada has learned that the first step is to reject narratives of fear and exclusion. As Canadians, we must stand up for the values that bind us. We must uphold human dignity, respect diversity and ensure inclusion for all. “It is important for Canada to make its voice heard and to increase Holocaust awareness and knowledge. As a proud member of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, Canada last year adopted the Alliance’s definition of antisemitism. There is no place for manifestations of antisemitism toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals or their property, or Jewish community institutions or religious facilities. “Canada also rejects any denial of the Holocaust. We are working with others to ensure that the stories of the victims and the important lessons of the Shoah are never forgotten, that victims and families are properly compensated for the assets confiscated by the Nazis and that Nazi war criminals continue to be brought to justice. “It is our solemn duty to honour all victims and ensure that justice is served. May the distance of time never dull our memory of the unspeakable evil committed during the Holocaust.” ‫ראש‬ ‫הודעת‬‫האופוזיציה‬:‫אמברוז‬ ‫רונה‬ ‫חה''פ‬ ‫בקנדה‬ Today, we remember and honour the millions of innocent men, women, and children that were brutally exterminated by the Nazis during the Second World War. Six million people of the Jewish faith perished in the Holocaust. We remember them by vowing to never forget. We must take this sombre occasion to reaffirm our commitment as Canadians in the spirit of empathy and remembrance. We will preserve their memories and promote the honour of those who endured one of humanity’s darkest times so their suffering may never be forgotten. It is also important to recognize the strength and perseverance of those who survived this dark chapter in history. They have become a continual inspiration for many generations. Unfortunately, we must confront the reality that anti-Semitism still persists across the globe – and can even be found in our own communities here in Canada. Today is a reminder that we must re-dedicate ourselves to the fight against the prejudice and hatred that led to such cruel barbarity and inhumanity. I encourage all Canadians to learn about this evil chapter in history, to honour and remember the victims of the Shoah, and to reflect on the dangers of anti-Semitism. We must renew our commitment to a solemn vow: Never forget. Never again.
  • 8. 8 Screening of the film "Denial" and discussion with Robert Jan van Pelt Join the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre on 24 January at 7pm for the screening of the film, "Denial,” based on the libel suit brought against historian, Deborah Lipstadt and her publisher by Holocaust denier, David Irving. Following the film screening, a discussion will be held with Robert Jan van Pelt, who worked as an expert witness in Lipstadt’s groundbreaking trial and is world-renowned for his research about architecture and the Holocaust. Venue: Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre (5151 Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine) Free tickets via Eventbrite Consult the museum website See the Facebook event Holocaust Survivors talk about their experiences Learn about the history of the Holocaust from those who survived it. Join us on International Holocaust Remembrance Day (27 January) from 10am - 3pm to hear testimony from survivors, Ted Bolgar (in English at 11 am) and Elie Dawang (in French at 1 pm) highlighting their personal experiences during the Shoah, and take a self-guided tour of the Museum free of charge. Venue: Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre (5151 Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine) Consult the museum website Exhibition: "Destroyed Synagogues in Germany: A Virtual Reconstruction" International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Winnipeg will be the launch of the exhibit, "Destroyed Synagogues in Germany: A Virtual Reconstruction" at the Mennonite Heritage Gallery on January 28 at 7:30 pm. The Freeman Family Holocaust Education Centre is a co-sponsor of the exhibit along with the University of Manitoba. The exhibit will continue until March 11 and will include a pedagogical unit which will sent out to educators throughout the province of Manitoba. Admission is free. More information. Remembering Elie Wiesel and Yaffa Eliach In Halifax, the Atlantic Jewish Council presents Remembering Elie Wiesel and Yaffa Eliach, a tribute featuring a visual display, music and readings on Thursday, January 26 at 6:30 p.m. at Paul O’Regan Hall, Halifax Central Library. This is an event for International Holocaust Remembrance Day, and
  • 9. / includes Olga Milosevich, retired CBC Radio broadcaster; Garry Williams, Artistic Director of DaPoPo Theatre, Dr. Dorota Glowacka from University of King’s College and David Korn, Holocaust survivor. Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize-winning author and Holocaust survivor, whose work for Holocaust remembrance continues to influence, passed away on July 2, 2016. Dr. Yaffa Eliach, prominent and pioneering scholar of the Holocaust and survivor who launched the first Center for Holocaust Studies Documentation and Research in the USA, passed away on November 8, 2016. The event is presented by the Atlantic Jewish Council and the University of King's College with the support of the Halifax Central Library and is free and open to all. The Evidence Room On 29 January at 11am the Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre is proud to present the Toronto book launch of The Evidence Room, documenting the architecture of the Auschwitz gas chamber. The book is the companion piece to the acclaimed exhibit which premiered at the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale. The architects and producers present a discussion on this haunting exhibition and catalogue. Read more here. Presented in partnership with New Jewish Press and the Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Toronto. Generously supported by the Esther Bem Memorial Fund. Venue: Vivian and David Campbell Conference Facility | Munk School of Global Affairs | University of Toronto, 1 Devonshire Place Winnipeg City Council
  • 10. 1/ On 27 January, IHRA Delegate and Chair of the Freeman Family Foundation Holocaust Education Centre, addressed the Mayor of Winnipeg and the City Council. The Mayor of Winnipeg, Brian Bowman and Councillor Marty Morantz also spoke. Mayor Bowman officially acknowledged International Holocaust Remembrance Day in the City of Winnipeg and announced that the flag will fly at half-mast on the 27th from sunrise to sunset. Image: Mayor Bowman (right), Belle Jarniewski and Councillor Morantz. ‫דרום‬-‫אפריקה‬ ‫שגרירנו‬‫כ‬ ‫בהשתתפות‬ ‫ביוהנסבורג‬ ‫העם‬ ‫ורצח‬ ‫השואה‬ ‫במרכז‬ ‫שהתקיים‬ ‫בטקס‬ ‫דברים‬ ‫נשא‬- 1//‫במרכזי‬ ‫הקתיימו‬ ‫דומים‬ ‫טקסי‬ .‫שואה‬ ‫ניצולי‬ ‫כולל‬ ,‫איש‬‫להלהן‬ .‫ודרבן‬ ‫בקייפטאון‬ ‫שואה‬ :‫לנק‬ ‫ארתור‬ ‫לדרא''פ‬ ‫ישראל‬ ‫שגריר‬ ‫לדברי‬ ‫לינק‬ 79770255498297 ‫קמבודיה‬ News from the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association
  • 11. 11 Representatives of the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association have participated in a week-long series of meetings and discussions held in Phnom Penh on the occasion of the Cambodian Victory Over Genocide Day and the UN International Holocaust Remembrance Day. ‫וותיקן‬ EJC IN ACTION On International Holocaust Remembrance Day Pope Francis meets with EJC Delegation headed by its President Dr. Moshe Kantor at the Vatican EJC President Dr. Moshe Kantor met with the Pope in the Vatican today and said that he considers the audience a gesture of brotherhood towards every Jew.
  • 12. 11 “Jews still bear the marks of the Shoah in their hearts and even today continue to be threatened by Antisemitism in all its vicious forms,” Dr. Kantor said, praising the visit by the Pope to Auschwitz last year. "The Holocaust is a memorial to human cruelty" the Pope replied. Dr. Kantor spoke with the Pope about many other issues, especially commending him for his strong moral approach against terrorism and extremism. “We commend your condemnation of global terrorism, and join you in your fight against what you described as ‘the plague of terrorism’,” Dr. Kantor said. “We need a reaffirmation of the principles that bind the three great monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, about what unites us and say a strong no to violence and hate, and yes to tolerance and reconciliation.” “As a representative of the Jewish People I would also like to express my deep sadness and condemnation of the persecution and destruction of ancient Christian communities in the Middle East.” Kantor added. The Pope and Dr. Kantor also spoke about interfaith work and building bridges between the two communities.  ‫להלןלהל‬KVK ‫ארגנטינה‬ In 2017 the main event to commemorate the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust took place on Wednesday 26th of January in Santa Fe City, Argentina. The event is organized by the National Secretary of Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism along with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Ministry of Education and Sports, the Government of the Province of Santa Fe, the Townhall of the City of Santa Fe and the organizations which make up the local IHRA chapter. Speeches were held by national authorities and one holocaust survivor. Furthermore, musical and theatrical interpretations were held, as well as the lighting of a Candle of Remembrance. ‫אוסטריה‬ Last Places Before Deportation – the Assembly Camps in Leopoldstadt, Vienna. Survivors Tell Their Stories The event took place at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna) on 24th January 2017 at 11am. It is hosted by the Austrian Parliament, in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Sciences and the History of Theatre of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW). The event is based on the exhibition of the same name, which is currently on display in the crypt of the Heldendenkmal and sheds light on the four assembly camps in Vienna’s Leopoldstadt that became the last places for over 45,000 Jews before they were deported from Vienna in 1941/42. Attendees were welcomed by the President of the National Council Doris Bures and the President of the ÖAW, Anton
  • 13. 13 Zellinger. A panel of respected historians moderated by Gerhard Baumgartner discussed the facts and background information and a clip was shown from the film “Letzte Orte, Letzte Zeugen” (Vienna 2016). The event’s main highlight was a conversation with the surviving eyewitnesses Arik Bauer, renowned painter, singer and poet, and Helga Feldner-Busztin, a medical doctor. The event was attended by academics, politicians and an interested public. Remembrance Ceremony at Vienna’s Heldenplatz This year’s event was held under the motto: “72 Years After the War: No Resurgence of Ideologies of Inequality”. It will took place on Vienna’s Heldenplatz (Äußere Burgtor) on Holocaust Remembrance Day at 10am and commemorates the liberation of Auschwitz and remembers the countless victims of the Holocaust. It was organized by the association Jetzt Zeichen Setzen [“Send a Signal Now”], a broad alliance formed by members of civil society, which stands up against racist, antisemitic and sexist ideologies, right-wing agitation, discrimination and violence. Speeches were held by prominent politicians and other persons of note, including Andreas Mailath-Pokorny, David Ellensohn and Oskar Deutsch, and music was provided by the Jewish Choir Vienna. A large and diverse audience came, comprising members of civil society, survivors, politicians, people from the fields of culture, science and the arts, the media and young people. Hour of Remembrance in Linz On 30 January 2017 at 7.30pm the Austrian Friends of Yad Vashem in cooperation with the City of Linz will hold an “Hour of Remembrance” at the Old Town Hall in Linz to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Following words of welcome by the Chairman of the Austrian Friends, Günther Schuster, and an address by the Mayor of Linz, Klaus Luger, there will be a scenic reading of the diary of Etty Hillesum (1914–1943), adapted and directed by Dr. Johannes Neuhauser and performed by Bettina Buchholz, Katharina Wawrik, Georg Bonn and Erich Josef Langwiesner. Etty Hillesum was Jewish and kept her diary, in which she recorded her experiences, fears, encounters and thoughts, between 1941 and 1943. In 1943 she was murdered in Auschwitz - Birkenau. A supporting musical program will be provided by Simon Raab and Luci Karnig. The event will be attended by local politicians, prominent figures from the fields of art and culture and interested members of the public. ‫בלגיה‬ Belgian Senate. On Friday 27 January the plenary session of the Senate observed “International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Holocaust”. Chairperson of the Senate, Ms. Defraigne addressed the democratically elected representatives of the Belgian Nation remembering and honoring the victims of the Holocaust and other victims of the Nazi regime and drew lessons for present day society and for the future.
  • 14. 14 Venue: Belgian Senate. 27 January 10:00 a.m. Institute of War Veterans – Defense Ministry. One of the War Veterans Institute’s missions is “transmission of memories”. With the support of the Defense Ministry, the Institute organizes every year a round trip by plane from Brussels to Auschwitz, for young students. The study trip is presided over by the Defense Minister. This year, 110 students accompanied the Defense Minister, Mr. Steven Vandeput. On 24th of January. Kazerne Dossin - Mechelen: Evening with Simon Gronowski and Koenraad Tinel. The lawyer Simon Gronowski and the artist Koenraad Tinel were children during the Second World War. Simon was born into a Jewish family; his mother and sister perished in Auschwitz. Koenraad’s father was a Flemish nationalist who collaborated with the Nazi occupier. Sixty-five years later, they met and became friends. In honor of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Kazerne Dossin has invited those two friends to tell their story: how they lived with their families in Brussels and in Gent before the war, what the rise of Nazism meant for them, what happened to them during the war and how, as for so many, the memory of the genocide will always mark them. This story of fear, despair, hope, regret, friendship and forgiveness was intermingled with fragments from the documentary ‘War children’. Venue: Kazerne Dossin: Memorial, Museum and Documentation Centre on Holocaust and Human Rights, Thursday 26 January 2017, 8pm Portraits and Deportation Lists of the Victims deported from Mechelen online On the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Kazerne Dossin officially opened the online availability of the deportation lists (Transportliste) and photographs of victims deported from Mechelen. Eupen - German speaking Community of Belgium: Movie première :„Beate und Marlene. Eine Gesellschaft braucht die Ausnahmen“ (Beate and Marlene. A Community needs exceptions). Director: Clemens Heinrich. The movie focuses on the lives of Marlene Dietrich who in the US supported emigrants from Nazi Germany and of Beate Klarsfeld, who for many years has been working to punish perpetrators of crimes of the Nazi regime and to keep the memory of the Jewish victims of the Nazi regime alive. The film shows the biographies of these two women, in particular their anti-nazi attitudes and actions. Venue: Autonome Hochschule der DG, Monschauerstr. 57, B - 4700 Eupen. Friday 27 January 2017, 7:30 pm.
  • 15. 12 « Génocides, violences de masse, résistance et bande dessinée » - (Genocide, mass violence, resistance and comic strip) Within the framework of International Day of Remembrante of the Victims of the Holocaust on 27th of January, the unit "Démocratie ou Barbarie" (Democracy or Barbarism) organises on 24th of January a study day on the theme Genocide, mass violence, resistance and comic strip/graphic novel. The contributors will take up the issue by presenting an overview or their own - or by another author - comic strip. A closing round table will focus on the following questions: "How to draw the unspeakable? How does the comic strip handle these questions? Is this a medium through which young generations can be reached?" Venue: Centre belge de la bande dessinée, rue des Sables 20 à 1000 Bruxelles - 24 January 2017 - 09:00 -15:30. Auschwitz Foundation – Essay competition “Link and Remember” The Auschwitz Foundation organizes every year on or around 27th of January, Remembrance day for the victims of the Holocaust, an essay competition in the schools for students of the 9th grade (age : +/- 15). The competition aims at having students of all schools (public/ private; neutral/ religion based; general/technical…) reflecting on the theme “civic courage”. The theme is thus not exclusively linked to the past or to the concentration camps but may also treat more present day issues like “intolerance, racism, democratic values, civic education…” The laureats receive a diploma and are offered a free study trip to Auschwitz-Birkenau in 2017 (value 500€). The theme of 2017 is “In the name of democracy anything goes”. Venue: Flemish and French speaking secondary schools Date: on or around 27th of January 2017 European Parliament On Wednesday, the 25th January, the European Parliament, in cooperation with the European Jewish Congress (EJC) will be holding the official annual International Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony and Reception. The event, which will be attended by leading European Union officials, heads of European Jewish communities, diplomats and other figures will be the first official event hosted by the elected European Parliament President Antonio Tajani. At the event, Dr. Moshe Kantor, President of the EJC, will talk about the depersonalization which led to the Holocaust, signs of which are still happening to this day.
  • 16. 17 “It is now more than 70 years since the annihilation of six million of Europe’s Jews and in that time, many more massacres and crimes against humanity have taken place around the world,” said Kantor. “Today, we can even sit in the comfort of our homes and watch them taking place live on our televisions and smart phones. We can even empathize in real time by sending a heartfelt tweet or sharing a Facebook post. And yet we do not prevent the genocide or the next one.” “As long as we do not know names, identities, loves, fears, careers, relationships and experiences – as long as we cannot put a name or a picture to them – we cannot save them. They are faceless, which is exactly what the killers intended. It is because of this that we have devoted this International Holocaust Remembrance Day, here in the European Parliament, in 2017 to Restoring Identities of those who were murdered.” Beate Klarsfeld, famed Nazi hunter and UNESCO Honorary Ambassador and Special Envoy for Education about the Holocaust and the Prevention of Genocide, will also be speaking at the event. At the event, the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation will bestow the 2016 Medal of Tolerance on Andrei Konchalovsky, Film director, producer and screenwriter, author of “Paradise” for which he is a winner of the Silver Lion for Best Director and considered for a nomination at the 89th Academy Awards 2017. Venue: Yehudi Menuhin Hall on Wednesday 25th at 12.30pm. ‫צ'כיה‬ On 27 January a commemorative event will was held in the Senate, the Upper Chamber of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. ‫אסטוניה‬ Holocaust Remembrance Day commemoration ceremony in Tallinn at Rahumäe Jewish Cemetery Addresses was given by:  Ms Mailis Reps, Minister of Education and Research  Ms Alla Jakobson, Chairman of the Jewish Community of Estonia  H.E. Mr Søren Kelstrup, Danish Ambassador to Estonia, Doyen of the Diplomatic Corps Prayer by Shmuel Kot, Chief Rabbi in Estonia
  • 17. 16 Holocaust Remembrance Day conference for educators, subject of the conference is „Holocaust in Film“  Opening remarks by Ms. Malle Talvet-Mustonen, Head of Estonian Delegation to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance and by Mr. Amnon-Juzef Luvishtshuk, Reprentative of the Jewish Community of Estonia. Presentation „Holocaust in Film“ was delivered by a documentary film marker, producer and historian Mr Riho Västrik. A short film „Manna“ shown is about Estonian Jews who were murdered in the Pärnu synagogue in the summer of 1941. There was also a screening of video interview (by Malle Talvet- Mustonen) with Holocaust survivor Theodor Balberyszsky and later workshop for teachers „Using film and video as learning tools in Holocaust education“. The conference is organized in cooperation with the Unitas Foundation, Estonian Institute of Historical Memory, Ministry of Education and Science, International Holocaust Remembrance Allience, Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and Youth Agency. On International Holocaust Remembrance Day both Jewish Museum and History Museum are open, in the History Museum there is a special presentation of the exhibiton „State on the chessboard. Nazi occupation in Estonia 1941-1944“. ‫פינלנד‬ The main remembrance event was this year be held on 26 January in Helsinki. The venue is Säätytalo (House of the Estates) a former parliament meeting hall nowadays used mainly for government presentations. The main organizer of the event is the Finnish Holocaust Remembrance Association, a politically and religiously unaffiliated NGO. Among the attendees, some 150 guests, were represented the membership of the association, the Finnish Jewish and Roma communities, civil society, university, NGO and government partners, religious communities and representatives of foreign countries. This year the ambassadors of Denmark, Austria, Germany and Israel addressed participants at the event. The event includeed speeches and music, followed by a short reception. The main speakers this year will Prime Minister Juha Sipilä, representing the Finnish government and Cecilie Felicia Stokholm Banke, representing this years’ partner country, Denmark, and the Danish Institute for International Studies. Cecilie Felicia Stokholm Banke is Head of the Danish Delegation to the IHRA. ‫צרפת‬ From 25-28 January a national meeting between young “remembrance ambassadors” (on the initiative of the French Holocaust Memorial Sites Network) was held at the Mémorial de la Shoah. The flame under the Arc de Triomphe was reignited by the Union des Déportés d’Auschwitz on the 27th of January at 6 pm.
  • 18. 18 There was a ceremony at the synagogue at the Place des Vosges, attended by the Great Rabbi of Paris and the President of the Consistory on the 25th of January at 7 pm. The film Drancy, dernière étape avant l’abîme, by Cécile Clairval-Milhaud, was shown during a commemoration at the Cercle Bernard Lazare on the 26th of January at 8.30 pm. The film Le Survivant Matricule 157279 was shown at the Farband in the presence of Nicolas Ribowski, the film director, on the 23rd of January at 7.45 pm. The play Personne ne m’aurait cru, alors je me suis tu, based on the testimony of Sam Braun, former deportee, was performed at the Théâtre de l’Epée de bois in Vincennes, from the 24th to the 28th of January. The Mémorial de la Shoah coordinates, with the support of the Ministry of Defence and the National Office of Veterans and War Victims, commemorations with a pedagogical purpose, in partnership with the Œuvre Nationale du Bleuet de France and 10 institutions in charge of memorial sites linked with persecution, internment, deportation and extermination of French Jews. Partners: Maison d’Izieu (01) Memorial site of the camp des Milles (13) Memorial site of Chambon-sur-Lignon (43) Cercil - Musée-mémorial des enfants du Vél' d’Hiv’, Orléans (45) Mémorial de l'internement et de la déportation, camp de Royallieu-Compiègne (60) Amicale du camp de Gurs (64) Mémorial du camp de Rivesaltes (66) Centre européen du résistant déporté - Struthof-Natzweiler (67) Centre d'histoire de la Résistance et de la Déportation in Lyon (69) Mémorial de Montluc (69) Mémorial de la Shoah, Paris (75), Drancy (93) and Toulouse (31) In Rothau (67), the Garden of Remembrance and Human Rights was inaugurated in front of the Rothau station through which deportees were taken to camp Natzweiler-Struthof, on the 27th of January at 10 am. Concerning media, Arte will held special evening on the theme “Liberation from the camps” on the 24th of January, from 8.30 pm. At 8.50 pm, the documentary Beate et Serge Klarsfeld : le combat d’une vie, by Wolfgang Schoen, was shown, followed by the documentary Sauver Auschwitz, by Jonathan Hayoun, supported by the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah at 10.40 pm..
  • 19. 1/ The education community was encouraged to take part in the organization of this Remembrance Day. The homepage Enseigner l'histoire de la Shoah, set up by the Mémorial de la Shoah and the French Education Ministry, gathers useful information for teachers. A new edition of Album d’Auschwitz was released, with a DVD and an internet documentary to put it in perspective with the album by Karl Höcker, deputy captain of Auschwitz. Mémoires de la Shoah - Grands entretiens de l'INA is a series of 115 filmed interviews of witnesses (deportees, hidden children, members of the Resistance, Righteous) and historians, coproduced by the INA and the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah. Mémoire Demain - Témoignages de déportés filmés à Auschwitz-Birkenau is a DVD produced by the Union des Déportés d’Auschwitz, with the support of the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah. Mémoires européennes des camps nazis is an internet documentary which offers a theoretical reflection on issues linked with teaching deportation in Nazi internment and extermination camps, produced by Canopé network. ‫גרמניה‬ Opening of the exhibition "Bricks, Shoes, Me -Reflections from Auschwitz" An exhibition organised by the International Auschwitz Committee in cooperation with the Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand and the International Youth Meeting Centre in Oswiecim/Auschwitz. The exhibition was opened by Mr. Sigmar Gabriel, the Vice-Chancellor of Germany and Prof. Felix Kolmer, Auschwitz survivor from Prague. Venue: Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand, Stauffenbergstraße 13-14, Berlin An evening dedicated to Felka Platek and Felix Nussbaum On 26 January at 19:30 the International Auschwitz Committee and the City of Wolfsburg, together with the organisation "Hallenbad-Kultur am Schachtweg", organised an evening dedicated to the Jewish artists Felka Platek and Felix Nussbaum. The evening featured a reading by Eva-Maria Kurz and Gerd Grasse as well as music by Goran Stevanovic, accordian. Venue: Hallenbad-Kultur am Schachtweg, Schachtweg 31, 38440 Wolfsburg ‫יוון‬ National Remembrance Day of the Greek Jews Martyrs and Heroes of the Holocaust. Sunday 29 January 2017
  • 20. 1/ The event were organised by the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki and the Region of Central Macedonia. Main Ceremony Frida Liappa Hall, Warehouse D, Port of Thessaloniki 11.00 Arrivals 11.30 Memorial Service 11.45 Addresses - Representative of the Government - Ambassador of Israel Ms. Irit Ben Abba - Governor of the Region of Central Macedonia, Mr. Apostolos Tzitzikostas - Deputy Head of the Metropolitan Unit of Thessaloniki, Ms. Paraskevi Patoulidou - Mayor of Thessaloniki, Mr. Yiannis Boutaris - President of the Central Board of the Jewish Communities in Greece and of the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki, Mr. David Saltiel 12.15 Keynote: President of the New Democracy Party and Leader of the Opposition Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis 12.30 Awarding of the "Righteous Among the Nations” title of Yad Vashem to Spyridon G. Stavridis, for the rescue the family of Joseph Menachem Stroumtsa during the Holocaust 12.45 Music interlude: MEMORY I Holocaust Monument of the Jews of Thessaloniki, Eleftherias Square 13.15 Wreath laying Jewish Museum of Thessaloniki, 13, Agiou Mina Str. 14.00 Opening of the exhibition "The day after the Holocaust" Other events: Painting Exhibition: "The other alphabet" • Saturday, January 28, 2017, 19:30 (Foyer, Emilios Riadis Hall M2) The exhibition presents 23 works of the artist Samuel Tampoch. Theatrical performance: "The students of Umberto Primo" Thessaloniki Concert Hall . – Theater Company “Dream” • Saturday, January 28, 2017, 21:00 (Emilios Riadis Hall M2) • Sunday 29 January 2017, 17:00 (Emilios Riadis Hall M2) Screening of the film: "Turkish Passport». Consulate General of Turkey, Jewish Community of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki International Film Festival • Wednesday, February 1, 2017, 19:30 (John Cassavetes Hall Warehouse A, Port of Thessaloniki) Theatrical Performance: "Terror and misery of the Third Reich", by the third grade students of the Deskeio Junior High School of Parga • Thursday, February 2, 2017, 19:00 (Vafopoulio Cultural Center, 3 Vafopoulou Str.)
  • 21. 11 ‫הונגריה‬ On 27 January at 1pm, the Government of Hungary held a commemoration ceremony at the Pava Street Holocaust Memorial Centre. Speakers include Dr Laszlo Palkovics, State Secretary of the Ministry of Human Capacities, the Ambassador of the State Of Israel and the Chairman of Mazsihisz. Event invitation. ‫אירלנד‬ Holocaust Memorial Day is commemorated in Ireland on the Sunday nearest to 27 January each year. It takes place on 29 January 2017 at the Mansion House, Dublin. The Lord Mayor, Deputy Prime Minister, former President of Ireland, Ministers, Ambassadors, religious leaders and others will attend. Six candles are lit in memory of 6 million Jews murdered in the Holocaust and candles for all of the other victim groups. Jewish second and third generation survivors light the candles in memory of the Jewish victims and representative organisations light the candles in memory of the other victims (people with disabilities, Roma, Homosexuals etc.) The commemoration cherishes the memory of those who perished and recalls the millions of innocent Jewish men, women and children and others, who were persecuted during the Nazi Holocaust because of their ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliations or their religious beliefs. As a signatory of Stockholm, Ireland has undertaken to commemorate the Holocaust every year and to teach the lessons from it for the future. The ceremony includes readings, survivors’ recollections, candle- lighting and music. It will be attended by people from all walks of Irish life and will be attended by around 700 people. ‫ישראל‬ 22 January 10:30 – 13:00 : Israeli Government Cabinet Meeting to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day, to discuss the state of Holocaust Commemoration around the world. The IHRA working definition of antisemitism was proposed for adoption, and the decision was accepted unanimously by the Knesset. 24 January 09:00- Onwards: The Knesset, Israel- Governmental sessions marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day were held in the following Ministerial Committees: the Finance Committee, the Education, Culture and Sport Committee, the Legislature and Law Committee, and the Immigration and Absorption Committees- all attended by representatives of Holocaust organizations and survivors.
  • 22. 11 09:00-16:00: Symposium- Polish Jewry, History and Memory- "Massuah" Institute for Holocaust Studies, Kibbutz Tel Yitzchak, Israel 14.30: Knesset League of Holocaust Organizations Meeting, attended by Survivors, Representatives and Government Ministers. 16.00: The Knesset Plenary marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day with a special session 25 January 19:00: On the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day Beit Terezin opened the exhibit "A Brown Folder – Homage to Felix Bloch" curated by Ruth Lubin at the Municipal gallery of Hadera. 26 January 11:00: The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs screened "I Am My Brother's Keeper" for all staff, opened with remarks from IHRA HoD Ran Yaakoby and followed by a lecture from Ms. Irena Steinfeldt, Director of the Righteous Among the Nations Department, Yad Vashem. 16:30-18:00: Yad Vashem hosted an event marking the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust for members of the diplomatic corps in Israel. International ambassadors and representatives from over 40 countries attended this event, including France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, the United States and Russia. In the Yad Vashem Synagogue, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the audience followed by Yad Vashem Chairman Avner Shalev. After the formal remarks, guests were given a guided tour of "Stars Without a Heaven," an exhibition about children in the Holocaust currently on display at Yad Vashem's Exhibitions Pavilion. The event was concluded with a lecture by Dr. Haim Gertner, Director of the Yad Vashem Archives Division and Fred Hillman Chair for Holocaust Documentation, entitled "Visible Voices: Holocaust Testimonies and the Challenges of Meaningful Remembrance." 17:00 The Ghetto Fighter's House presented a Symposium for International Holocaust Remembrance Day: "In Our Image- Demonization of the "Other" In Nazi Culture". GHETTO FIGHTERS' HOUSE MUSEUM 18:00: "Dorot Hemshech” Next Generations Association conference in cooperation with Yad Vashem on Bystanders- attended by Ms. Irena Steinfeldt, Director of the Righteous Among the Nations Department, Yad Vashem 23-26 January The Cinematheque Chain screened "Not A Family Film" across Israel in seven locations, attended by the Director Chen Steinberg and Director of the Visual Centre of Yad Vashem, Liat Ben Habib, in some instances.
  • 23. 13 27 January 10.00: International Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony for Italian Nationals, International School for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem 09.30-11.30: Israeli International Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony, "Massuah", Tel Yitzchak, Israel Featured speakers: Prof. Yitzchak Kashti, Chairman; Mr. Meron Reuben, Chief of State Protocol, MFA; Israeli Minister of Justice, MK Ayelet Shaked, Prof. Karine Nahon, IDC Herzliya, The Efroni Choir, Conductor Dr. Hesseg Keynote Address: HE Ambassador David Quarrey, British Ambassador to Israel. Master of Ceremonies: Kobi Meidan Online: As in previous years, a special online event, the IRemember Wall on Yad Vashem's Facebook page, provided people across the globe with a unique opportunity to engage in online commemorative activity. Each participant will be "linked" to a name of one of the over 4.3 million men, women and children currently found in the Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names, thus creating an opportunity for personal commemoration. Finally, Yad Vashem staff members participated in conferences, seminars, exhibitions, ceremonies, lectures, and government meetings around the world to mark January 27th- including the European Parliament, UNESCO HQ in Paris, Austria, the UK, and Germany among others. Yad Vashem Exhibitions, Films, and Educational Materials were used to mark the day in over 50 countries worldwide. ‫איטליה‬ 13/11/2016 – 04/06/2017 National school competition Shevillim – VIII edition Increase in the young people the knowledge of the Jewish culture promoting a contact between school and Jewish community. Arrived at the VIII edition, the competion proposes, to the students of all the schools, the creation of a work about a topic of the Jewish culture. The type of work is free and the students can freely create the final product. The awarding will be at the Jewish Museum “Fausto Levi”, Parma.
  • 24. 14 -Location: Via Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, 43, 43019 - Parma, Soranga - Sponsor: Jewish Comunity of Parma and Museum of Soranga -Support: UCEI, District of Parma, Municipality of Soranga 10/01/2017 – 27/01/2017 Survivors: portraits, memories and voices Between the 1998 and the 2003, the photographer Simone Gosso met the survivors to the Nazi Camps. This is a selection of 40 photos portraying the places and the faces of them, with their tale-interviews, incorporated in the "Corpus Survivors"; an artistic research, a travel in the memory of things, places and stories of people that became victims of a big collective tragedy. From a project of “Ocra Lab Idee per comunicare” of Cristina Ballerini. -Location: Casa della Memoria - Via San Francesco di Sales, 5 - Rome -Sponsor: ANED (National Association of Ex-Deportees to the Nazi Camps) -Support: UCEI, Municipality of Rome, Libraries of Rome 11/01/2017 – 12/01/2017 VIII edition “Memories of stumbling” Installation of 24 Stolpersteine (stumbling blocks) on the sidewalks in front of the houses of the racial and political deportees. -Location: Rome -Sponsor: Adachiara Zevi, “Art in Memory” association 18/01/2017 – 19/01/2017 Visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau Every year The Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) organizes an institutional trip to Poland and to the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp in collaboration with UCEI and Fondazione Museo della Shoah (Foundation for the Museum of the Shoah), which sees the participation, together with the Minister and other members of the Government, of a number of students from secondary schools. These visits create an example for many more schools, associations and groups.
  • 25. 12 -Location: Cracovia, Auschwitz-Birkenau - Poland -Sponsor: MIUR, UCEI, Fondazione Museo della Shoah 22/01/2017 – 18/04/2017 Art in Memory Sunday 22 January 2017, at 11:00 there was the inauguration, in the Synagogue of Ostia Antica, of the VIII edition of "ART IN MEMORY", the biennial international of Contemporary Art created and curated by Adachiara Zevi and organized by the Cultural Association “Arteinmemoria”. -Location: Ostia Antica Archeological Site - Viale dei Romagnoli 717, 00119 - Rome -Sponsor: Adachiara Zevi, Association “Arte in memoria” -Support: Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, General Direction of Museums, Ostia Antica Archeological Site , UCEI, Jewish Community of Rome. 22/07/2017 Run for memory Our why: For the first time in Europe, the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities (UCEI) proposes a collective moment where it will be possible to remember the memory of the Shoah with a run. The sport has the capacity to celebrate our humanity go beyond the difference of religion, belief, culture and gender and the meeting with the other, an important moment to go beyond borders and barriers. Our idea is to confirm the life; the life goes on anyway and despite the people who tried to murder the Jews and other people, with genocides and massacres. - Location: Piazza 16 ottobre 1943 – Rome -Sponsor: UCEI -Support: Council of Ministries, Municipality of Rome, Lazio, Israel Embassy in Italy 22/01/2017 – 08/03/2017 Mickel Kincha – The second generation Exhibition of the works of Israeli cartoonist Mickel Kincha -Location: Jewish museum - Via Valdonica, 1/5, 40126 - Bologna
  • 26. 17 - Sponsor: MEB Bologna 24/01/2017 – 28/02/2017 TOUCH: Touch some stories of deported Jewish citizens of Ferrara Albertina Bassani Magrini, Silvio Finzi, Silvio Magrini, Amelia Melli, Zaira Melli, Germana Ravenna, Marcello Ravenna, Lindo Saralvo, Maria Zamorani, Renato Castelfranchi. They are about 10 of the 150 citizens of Ferrrara That, between the end of 1943 and the beginning of 1944, were victims of the Nazis. There is a commemorative plaque in the front of the building where are the Jewish Community and the Synagogues, Via Mazzini. Now, thanks to this exhibition, people can know better the Identities, faces and stories of women and men, children and old men killed. TOUCH: Touch some stories of deported Jewish citizens of Ferrara, promoted by the National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah - MEIS and the Institute of Contemporary History of Ferrara, sponsored by the Jewish Community of Ferrara, in the occasion of the Memorial Day 2017 . Curated the photographers and Piero Cavagna Giulio Malfer, TOUCH it is been inaugurated Tuesday 24 January, at 18:00. The biographies tale, in first person, the lives of the 10 Jews of Ferrara and the pictures, covered with a black thermochromics that reacts to the touch of the people and the pictures, from the oblivion, come back to the life, at least temporarily. -Location: National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah (MEIS) - Via Piangipane, 81, 44121 - Ferrara 25/01/2017 A Jewish family of Ferrara: the history of Italy tells by the “Calabresi”(1867-1945) The history of Italy through the pictures and the stories of the Calabresi’s Family, a Jewish family of Ferrara. - Location: Museo Risorgimento e Resistenza, Corso d’Ercole I d’Estem 19, Ferrara 26/01/2017 Law and legality: the weapons of the democracy, from the memory of the Shoah to an integration of the human rights in the UE With this conference, we want focus on the power of law: the weapon of defense or destruction of the legal system.
  • 27. 16 Starting with an excursus of the anti-Semitism law, the actuality and the social values will be examined so that the memory of the Shoah, in the future, will be used not only to remember the past but also to consider the importance of the restoring order after the end of the war. - Location: Palazzo Mattei di Paganica - Piazza della Enciclopedia Italiana, 4 - Rome 26/01/2017 The ceremony of deposition of a garland to remember the Jews of Ferrara imprisoned in the barracks in January 1944. The duty towards the law and towards the man. - Location: Caserma Bevilacqua – Corso Ercole I D’este - Ferrara 26/01/2017 The memory of the Shoah and “I giusti fra le nazioni” Convention in the Department of Law of the University of Ferrara - Location: University of Ferrara - Corso Ercole I d'Este, 37, 44121 - Ferrara - Sponsor: University of Ferrara, MEIS, UCEI 26/01/2017 “Serata colorata” – Music of the internment camp of Ferramonti The concert proposes a Thirties typical repertoire very present in the area of Ferramonti, where composers, friends of Kurt Weil, lived. There is also a wonderful “Ciaccona”of the composer Tomaso Antoio Vitali, composed in 1700: the arrangement had been found between the documents of the people interned. -Location: Via Pietro de Coubertin, 30, 00196 - Rome 26/01/17 Milan remembers the Shoah. Tribute to Elie Wiesel The Concert and the story. - Location: Milan conservatory, via Conservatorio, 12, 20122 - Milan -Sponsor: CDEC
  • 28. 18 27/01/2017 Remembrance Day Every year through the General Direction for Students, Integration and Participation, MIUR organize a national contest and in collaboration with UCEI, now in its 15th year, named “Young people remember the Shoah”, dedicated to students at all levels of school education, in order to promote studies and analyses of the tragic event which marked European history in the 20th century. Every year, on the occasion of the “Remembrance Day”, the winners of the competition are awarded by the Minister of Education University and Research and are received by the President of Republic together with the highest representatives of the State, and the President of the Jewish Communities of Italy. -Location: Palazzo del Quirinale, Rome -Sponsor: MIUR 27/01/2017 “The other resistance: from the forgotten shipwreck to the building of a monument on the Greek coast” - Location: Museo Risorgimento e Resistenza, Corso d’Ercole I d’Estem 19, Ferrara 27/01/2017 Arte viva: arts to keep alive the memory Artistic full immersion in the “Remembrance Day”: painting, poetry, story and territory. The artists give voice and form to their personal idea and conception of the Shoah and the Second World War. - Location: Palace Liborio Romano - piazza Indipendenza 32, 73053 - Patù, LE -Sponsor: Don Liborio Romano Association -Support: Municipality of Patù, ANPI of Lecce 27/01/2017 Seminar for teachers: “Shoah – teach and remember”
  • 29. 1/ The association “Memoriale sardo per la Shoah” and International School for Holocaust Studies - Yad Vashem propose the I Seminar for teachers: “Shoah: teach and remember” - Location: Liceo Eleonora d'Arborea - Via Carboni Boi - Cagliari -Sponsor: Association “Memoriale Sardo della Shoah”; Società Letteraria Dante Alighieri; Yad Vashem -Support: liceo Eleonora d'Arborea Cagliari; Liceo Ginnaio G.M. Dettori Cagliari; Ufficio Scolastico Regionale. 27/01/2017 Pass the baton: pass down the memory Shoah and Tkumà. Young people of the "Young Kehillah" remember: “What does it mean: share the Memory?” “Ask to the history, ask what we are”. -Location: International School For Holocaust Studies - Room 212- Yad Vashem - Jerusalem -Sponsor: Italy Embassy in Tel Aviv, Intalian, Italian Cultural Institute of Tel Aviv, Yad Vashem -Support: Hevrat Yehude Italia, Young Kehillà, UCEI, UGEI, Dreyfus’s Project 27/01/2017 Witness of Liliana Segre: direct online on the site of the newspaper “Corriere della Sera” ‫רוסיה‬  Select a Currency  United States Dollar  Euro  Russian Rouble  Great Britain Pound  Swiss Franc  Japanese Yen  Chinese Yuan  29.01.2017
  • 30. 3/  28.01.2017  27.01.2017  26.01.2017  25.01.2017  24.01.2017  23.01.2017 News FeedRussian Politics & Diplomacy  World  Business & Economy  Military & Defense  Science & Space  Society & Culture  Sport  Press Review o o o o o o o o News Feed NewsSearchTopics All  Prime minister says hearts of Russians ache at memory of Holocaust Russian Politics & Diplomacy January 26, 21:29 UTC+3 "This tragedy affected us all, no matter what our religion is", Dmitry Medvedev said
  • 31. 31 Share © Alexander Afanasiev/Russian government's press service/TASS, archiive MOSCOW, January 26. /TASS/. The tragedy of Holocaust showed the world how dangerous anti-Semitism can be, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on Thursday while visiting the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow ahead of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. According to the prime minister, Russians’ hearts ache at the memory of the Holocaust. Medvedev pointed out that on January 27, 1945, Soviet troops had liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp so this is why the International Holocaust Remembrance Day is celebrated on this day. "The Holocaust is one of the most horrible crimes carried out by the Nazis. As many as 6,000,000 Jews were killed in the Nazi factories of death. According to various estimates, 2,700,00 Jews were eliminated on the territory of the Soviet Union alone. This is the reason why we share the pain of the Jewish people, this tragedy affected us all, no matter what our religion is," Medvedev said after a tour of the museum. "We should not forget what happened then in order to prevent this tragedy from repeating itself," he added. The Russian prime minister also said that two months ago he had visited the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Center in Jerusalem and had been greatly impressed. "The important thing is that this Moscow museum aims at preserving the true memory of those horrific events," Medvedev stressed.
  • 32. 31 He also said that the Holocaust had shown the world how dangerous anti- Semitism and chauvinism could be, how easy civilized humans could cross the line and turn into monsters. "Unfortunately, ethnic and religious xenophobia is now taking a new form turning into terrorism which spreads the same deadly ideology and the same desire to kill and destroy," the Russian prime minister said. Medvedev added that a while ago Russia’s government had approved a special state program for the implementation of the ethnic policy aimed at ensuring consent in society. "Your museum and the Federation of Jewish Communities do much to help our people learn tolerance. This is not only one of the largest Jewish museums but also one of those that employ cutting-edge technology and at the same time evoke high emotional intensity," Medvedev said. He added that it was very important to bring kids and young people to the museum, and praised the museum’s educational programs. The wrenching of history The tragedy of Holocaust shows the importance of rebuffing the purported attempts to wrench history and remembering the exploits of liberators from Nazism, Dmitry Medvedev said: "Holocaust was the biggest crime against humanity, a bloody embodiment of racist theories." Gallery 14 photo Windows on war: TASS posters in support of USSR WWII effort "This wasn’t a tragedy of the Jewish people only but rather a global catastrophe, the pain for the whole humankind," the telegram said. "That’s why it’s so important today to rebuff toughly the purported wrenching of history and the attempts to whitewash murderers and criminals." "We know truth about the victims of Nazism and liberators and keep it alive," Medvedev said. He thanked the Russian Jewish Congress for contribution to the maintenance of memories about the victims about Holocaust.
  • 33. 33 "You are doing much to consolidate inter-ethnic peace and concord; you offer care and attention to the former prisoners of Nazi camps and to the people who liberated them - the veterans of World War II," Medvedev said adding that the RJC activities deserved the highest possible assessment, assistance and gratitude. ‘Holocaust. The Untold Stories’ commemorative party devoted to Holocaust Remembrance Day and the 72nd anniversary since liberation of the Auschwitz- Birkenau concentration camp by units of the Red Army was hosted by the Novaya Opera theater in Moscow. The UN established the International Holocaust Remembrance Day on November 1, 2005. Israel, Canada, Australia, Russia, Ukraine and the U.S. were initiators of a resolution of the UN General Assembly on appointing the date. ‫כאן‬ ‫עד‬. ‫המחלקה‬ ,‫זך‬ ‫רות‬.‫השואה‬ ‫זכר‬ ‫ושימר‬ ‫באנטישמיות‬ ‫למאבק‬