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Investera INTE i enskilda aktier!
- Två argument – ett existentiellt och ett finansiellt. Del 5 i serien ”Just. Keep.
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Dagens avsnitt #254
• Vår tolkning, försvenskning och utvikning av bloggaren Nick
Magiullis på ”” bok ”Just. Keep. Buying.” kap 11-
• Jag har inget emot enskilda aktieinvesterare men jag har en grej mot
”stock-picking” som huvudsaklig strategi för småsparare. Jag är själv
med i aktiespararna och barnen är med i unga aktiesparare.
• Det är helt okej att göra det som hobby, för skojs skull och ibland för att
synda. Bara man gör det ansvarigt.
• Repetition på en artikel vi gjorde 2015 ”Om du investerar i enskilda
aktier så är du en förlorare”
• Besök gärna forumet – många diskussioner på ämnet
Hälsa på i vår community
I vår RikaTillsammans-community får du exklusivt
extra-material, FikaTillsammans-podd och fler tips. Du
väljer själv din engagemangsnivå.
11. Think Like an Owner and Buy Income-
Producing Assets
”To really grow your income, think like an owner and use your money to buy
income-producing assets.”
Wally Jay: “The biggest mistake is for an instructor to teach exactly the way he was
taught. Once a teacher said to me, ‘All of my boys fight like me.’ Then when we got on
the mat, not one of his students could beat one of mine. Not one. So I told him that he
had to individualize his instruction.”
Tillgångar som ger naturlig avkastning: aktier, räntor, bankkonto,
mark, skog, fastigheter, onoterade bolag, royalties, eget företag
Tillgångar som inte ger inkomst: konst, vin, guld, krypto
12. Don’t Buy Individual Stocks
” Buying individual stocks and expecting to outperform is like flipping a
coin. You might succeed, but even if you do, how do you know it wasn’t just
Nick i boken
Battling emotions is just the tip of the stock picking iceberg. I know
because I used to pick stocks years ago as well. In addition to the
emotional difficulties, you also have to deal with periods of
underperformance and the possibility that you don’t actually have any
stock picking skill.
As a result, I’ve since given up picking individual stocks and I
recommend that you do the same. But, my reasoning for why you
shouldn’t pick individual stocks has evolved over time.
Originally, I gave up on buying individual stocks because of what I will
call the financial argument. It’s a good argument and one you may
have heard before, but it pales in comparison to the existential
argument against stock picking.
Den finansiella motiveringen till att inte köpa
enskilda aktier
The traditional argument against stock picking (the financial argument)
is one that has been around for decades. It goes as follows: since most
people (even the professionals) can’t beat a broad index of companies,
you shouldn’t bother trying.
• Barras (2010): 99,6 % av professionella fondförvaltare slår inte index över 30 år
Är aktier bättre än räntor?
Studie av Henrik Bessembinder (2018)
med titeln: ”Do stocks outperform
treasury bills?”
4 % av alla aktier på den amerikanska
börsen förklarar hela uppgången på
aktiemarknaden mellan 1926 – 2018.
Fem företag (Exxon, Apple, Microsoft,
GE och IBM) står för 10 % av hela
uppgången på hela börsen.
“The results also help to explain why active strategies, which tend to be poorly
diversified, most often underperform,” says Bessembinder, who found that
the largest returns come from very few stocks overall — just 86 stocks (26 168)
have accounted for $16 trillion in wealth creation, half of the stock market
total, over the past 90 years. All of the wealth creation can be attributed to the
thousand top-performing stocks, while the remaining 96 percent of stocks
collectively matched one-month T-bills.
The degree to which stock market wealth creation is concentrated in a few
top-performing firms has increased over time, and was particularly strong
during the most recent three years (2018-2020), when five firms accounted for
22% of net wealth creation. These results should be of interest to any long-
term investor assessing the relative merits of broad diversification vs. narrow
portfolio selection.
Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev
Prenumerera på vårt kostnadsfria månatliga nyhetsbrev. Där
får du våra bästa tips, artiklar och guldkorn. Läs mer:
Blackstar Funds – fördelning av avkastning
Undersökte amerikanska bolag
1983 – 2006:
• 20 % förlorade 75 % eller mer
av sitt värde.
• 39 % förlorade du pengar på.
• 20 % var en signifikant
Individuella aktier mot Russel 3000-index
• BlackStar Funds undersökte
amerikanska bolag 1983 – 2006
(total avkastning)
• 64 % av alla aktier hade lägre
totalavkastning än index
• 36 % slog index
• 6 % överpresterade dramatiskt
Årlig avkastning för aktierna
• BlackStar Funds undersökte
amerikanska bolag 1983 –
2006 (årlig avkastning):
• 64 % hade lägre årlig
avkastning än sitt index
Bessembinder global studie 2020
63 105 aktier från 42 länder över 30 år (januari 1990 till och med juni
2020). Fördelning av hela uppgången:
• Top 5 (Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet and Tencent) ~11%
• Top 0.2% (119 firms) ~50%
• Top 0.5% (316 firms) ~ 72%
• Top 1.5% (947 firms) ~100%
• Dvs. Mindre än 1 000 av 63 105 stod för hela värdeskapandet.
• Hälften av alla aktier slog inte räntefonder (56,6 % av USA och 61,3 %
av övriga). 55 % skapade en negativ buy-and-hold-avkastning.
Sammanfattning Blackstar & Bessembinder
Våra odds som enskilda aktieinvesterare
• 4 av 10 aktier förlorar du pengar på
• 7 av 10 aktier går du plus på MEN förlorar mot index
• 2 av 10 aktier förlorar 75+ % av sitt värde
• 2 av 10 aktier står för hela uppgången
• 4 av 100 aktier slår index med mer än 500 %
• 5 av 10 aktier försvinner från börsen inom 10 år dör
• Det vanligaste resultatet för en aktie är -100 %.
TIN Ny Teknik vs LF Global Index
Spiltan Investmentbolag vs LF Global Index
ARK Innovation vs LF Global Index
Aktien SBB vs LF Global Index
Vårt vad med aktiva fondförvaltare
Bessembinder igen:
The results presented here reaffirm the importance of portfolio
diversification, particularly for those investors who view performance in
terms of the mean and variance of portfolio returns.
In addition to the points made in a typical textbook analysis, the results
here focus attention on the possibility that poorly diversified portfolios
will underperform because they omit the relatively few stocks that
generate large positive returns.
Actively managed portfolios tend to be concentrated. For example,
Kacperczyk, Sialm, and Zheng (2005) show that actively managed equity
mutual funds hold a median of only 65 stocks.
Hälften av alla noterade bolag dör inom 10 år
“Of the 28,853 companies that traded on U.S. markets since 1950,
22,469 (78 percent) died by 2009. In fact, half of all companies in any
given cohort of U.S. publicly traded companies disappear within 10
Bessembinder: “More than half of CRSP common stocks deliver
negative lifetime returns. The single most frequent outcome (when
returns are rounded to the nearest 5%) observed for individual
common stocks over their full life- times is a loss of 100%.”
“Of the 20 companies in the Dow Jones Industrial Average in March
1920, not a single one was still in the index 100 years later. Nothing lasts
Medianlivslängden mellan 1926 och 2016 för ett noterat bolag är 7.5 år.
Bessembinder igen:
The results in this paper imply that the returns to active stock selection
can be very large, if the investor is either fortunate or skilled enough to
select a concentrated portfolio containing stocks that go on to earn
extreme positive returns. Of course, the key question of whether an
investor can reliably identify in advance such “home run” stocks, or can
identify a manager with the skill to do so, remains.
Den svåra frågan
• Kan jag vara säker på att jag kommer att kunna plocka ut vinnarna när
proffsen uppenbarligen inte klarar det?
De flesta på Avanza klarar inte det
Det existeniella argumentet
The existential argument against stock picking is simple—how do you
know if you are good at picking individual stocks? In most domains, the
amount of time it takes to judge whether someone has skill in that
domain is relatively short.
• T.ex. Basket eller programmering.
• Kan man på 1 timme säga om någon eller man själv är bra
Existentiella argumentet (forts.)
How long would it take to determine if someone is a good stock picker?
An hour? A week? A year? Try multiple years, and even then you still
may not know for sure.
The issue is that causality is harder to determine with stock picking than
with other domains. When you shoot a basketball or write a computer
program, the result comes immediately after the action. The ball goes
in the hoop or it doesn’t. The program runs correctly or it doesn’t. But,
with stock picking, you make a decision now and have to wait for it to
pay off. The feedback loop can take years.
And the payoff you do eventually get has to be compared to the payoff
of buying an index fund like the S&P 500. So, even if you make money
on absolute terms, you can still lose money on relative terms.
Utfallet behöver inte ens ha med dig att göra
GME – man köpte aktien 2020 för att man gillade bolaget och trodde de
skulle kunna förbättra verksamheten. Reddit kommer in bilden och det
blir en markering mot finansbranschen och kursen rusar.
Även om man fick ett positivt resultat så hade det inget med den
ursprungliga analysen att göra.
“Did the stock go up because of some change you anticipated or was it
another change altogether? What about when market sentiment shifts
against you? Do you double down and buy more, or do you reconsider?
These are just a few of the questions you have to ask yourself with
every investment decision you make as a stock picker. It can be a never-
ending state of existential dread. You may convince yourself that you
know what’s going on, but do you really know?”
Bessembinder related works
• Savor and Wilson (2013) show that approximately 60% of the cumulative
stock market excess return accrues on the relatively few days where
macroeconomic announcements are made.
• Lucca and Moench (2016) show that half of the excess return in US
markets since 1980 accrues on the day before Federal Reserve Open
Market Committee (FOMC) meetings.
Tack @Christian100 på forumet.
Existentiella argumentet (forts.)
For some people, the answer is clearly, “Yes.” For example, in “Can Mutual Fund
‘Stars’ Really Pick Stocks?” researchers found that “the large, positive alphas of the
top ten percent of funds, net of costs, are extremely unlikely to be a result of sampling
variability (luck).”80 In other words, 10% of people who pick stocks professionally do
actually have skill that persists over time. However, this also suggests that 90%
probably don’t.
For argument’s sake, let’s assume that the top 10% of stock pickers and the bottom
10% of stock pickers can easily identify their skill (or lack thereof). This means that, if
we choose a stock picker at random, there is a 20% chance we could identify their skill
level and an 80% chance that we couldn’t! This implies that four out of five stock
pickers would find it difficult to prove that they are good at stock picking.
Existentiella argumentet (forts.)
And even if you are someone who can demonstrate their stock picking
prowess (i.e., the top 10%), your issues don’t stop there. For example,
what happens when you inevitably experience a period of
underperformance? After all, underperformance isn’t a matter of if, but
This is the existential crisis that I am talking about. Why would you want
to play a game (or make a career) out of something that you can’t
prove that you are good at?
[..] And even if you are someone who can demonstrate their stock
picking prowess (i.e., the top 10%), your issues don’t stop there. For
example, what happens when you inevitably experience a period of
underperformance? After all, underperformance isn’t a matter of if, but
Existentiella argumentet (forts.)
As a study by Baird noted, “at some point in their careers, virtually all top-
performing money managers underperform their benchmark and their
peers, particularly over time periods of three years or less.”
Just imagine how nerve-racking this must be when it finally happens.
Yes, you had skill in the past, but what about now? Is your
underperformance a normal lull that even the best investors
experience, or have you lost your touch?
Lekhink + mät din avkastningen
• Det behöver inte vara antingen eller
• Lägg 5 - 10 % av ditt investerbara kapital i en lekhink.
• Givet att du gör det för att tjäna pengar (och inte för skojs skull)
• Räkna ut avkastningen på:
• Löpande
• På årsbasis (CAGR)
• Total basis
• Jämför med korrekt index:
• T.ex. svensk portfölj av aktier med fonden PLUS Allabolag Sverige
• T.ex. utländsk portfölj med Länsförsäkringar Global Indexnära
• T.ex. med LYSA / Opti som du hade kunnat placera i annat fall
Lycka till med ditt sparande!
Jan och Caroline Bolmeson
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#254 - Vanligaste totalavkastningen för en enskild aktie är -100 %... | Del 5. Just. Keep. Buying.

  • 1. Investera INTE i enskilda aktier! - Två argument – ett existentiellt och ett finansiellt. Del 5 i serien ”Just. Keep. Buying.” 254
  • 2. Bildspel till avsnitt #254 På bloggen RikaTillsammans finns det kompletterande material i form av en artikel, en video och ett poddavsnitt. Sök ”254” på för att få extramaterialet.
  • 3. Dagens avsnitt #254 • Vår tolkning, försvenskning och utvikning av bloggaren Nick Magiullis på ”” bok ”Just. Keep. Buying.” kap 11- 12. • Jag har inget emot enskilda aktieinvesterare men jag har en grej mot ”stock-picking” som huvudsaklig strategi för småsparare. Jag är själv med i aktiespararna och barnen är med i unga aktiesparare. • Det är helt okej att göra det som hobby, för skojs skull och ibland för att synda. Bara man gör det ansvarigt. • Repetition på en artikel vi gjorde 2015 ”Om du investerar i enskilda aktier så är du en förlorare” • Besök gärna forumet – många diskussioner på ämnet
  • 4. Hälsa på i vår community I vår RikaTillsammans-community får du exklusivt extra-material, FikaTillsammans-podd och fler tips. Du väljer själv din engagemangsnivå.
  • 5.
  • 6. 11. Think Like an Owner and Buy Income- Producing Assets ”To really grow your income, think like an owner and use your money to buy income-producing assets.” Wally Jay: “The biggest mistake is for an instructor to teach exactly the way he was taught. Once a teacher said to me, ‘All of my boys fight like me.’ Then when we got on the mat, not one of his students could beat one of mine. Not one. So I told him that he had to individualize his instruction.” Tillgångar som ger naturlig avkastning: aktier, räntor, bankkonto, mark, skog, fastigheter, onoterade bolag, royalties, eget företag Tillgångar som inte ger inkomst: konst, vin, guld, krypto
  • 7. 12. Don’t Buy Individual Stocks ” Buying individual stocks and expecting to outperform is like flipping a coin. You might succeed, but even if you do, how do you know it wasn’t just luck?”
  • 8. Nick i boken Battling emotions is just the tip of the stock picking iceberg. I know because I used to pick stocks years ago as well. In addition to the emotional difficulties, you also have to deal with periods of underperformance and the possibility that you don’t actually have any stock picking skill. As a result, I’ve since given up picking individual stocks and I recommend that you do the same. But, my reasoning for why you shouldn’t pick individual stocks has evolved over time. Originally, I gave up on buying individual stocks because of what I will call the financial argument. It’s a good argument and one you may have heard before, but it pales in comparison to the existential argument against stock picking.
  • 9. Den finansiella motiveringen till att inte köpa enskilda aktier The traditional argument against stock picking (the financial argument) is one that has been around for decades. It goes as follows: since most people (even the professionals) can’t beat a broad index of companies, you shouldn’t bother trying. • Barras (2010): 99,6 % av professionella fondförvaltare slår inte index över 30 år • SPIVA:
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12. Är aktier bättre än räntor? Studie av Henrik Bessembinder (2018) med titeln: ”Do stocks outperform treasury bills?” 4 % av alla aktier på den amerikanska börsen förklarar hela uppgången på aktiemarknaden mellan 1926 – 2018. Fem företag (Exxon, Apple, Microsoft, GE och IBM) står för 10 % av hela uppgången på hela börsen.
  • 13. Bessembinder “The results also help to explain why active strategies, which tend to be poorly diversified, most often underperform,” says Bessembinder, who found that the largest returns come from very few stocks overall — just 86 stocks (26 168) have accounted for $16 trillion in wealth creation, half of the stock market total, over the past 90 years. All of the wealth creation can be attributed to the thousand top-performing stocks, while the remaining 96 percent of stocks collectively matched one-month T-bills. The degree to which stock market wealth creation is concentrated in a few top-performing firms has increased over time, and was particularly strong during the most recent three years (2018-2020), when five firms accounted for 22% of net wealth creation. These results should be of interest to any long- term investor assessing the relative merits of broad diversification vs. narrow portfolio selection.
  • 14. Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev Prenumerera på vårt kostnadsfria månatliga nyhetsbrev. Där får du våra bästa tips, artiklar och guldkorn. Läs mer:
  • 15. Blackstar Funds – fördelning av avkastning Undersökte amerikanska bolag 1983 – 2006: • 20 % förlorade 75 % eller mer av sitt värde. • 39 % förlorade du pengar på. • 20 % var en signifikant vinnare.
  • 16. Individuella aktier mot Russel 3000-index • BlackStar Funds undersökte amerikanska bolag 1983 – 2006 (total avkastning) • 64 % av alla aktier hade lägre totalavkastning än index • 36 % slog index • 6 % överpresterade dramatiskt
  • 17. Årlig avkastning för aktierna • BlackStar Funds undersökte amerikanska bolag 1983 – 2006 (årlig avkastning): • 64 % hade lägre årlig avkastning än sitt index
  • 18. Bessembinder global studie 2020 63 105 aktier från 42 länder över 30 år (januari 1990 till och med juni 2020). Fördelning av hela uppgången: • Top 5 (Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet and Tencent) ~11% • Top 0.2% (119 firms) ~50% • Top 0.5% (316 firms) ~ 72% • Top 1.5% (947 firms) ~100% • Dvs. Mindre än 1 000 av 63 105 stod för hela värdeskapandet. • Hälften av alla aktier slog inte räntefonder (56,6 % av USA och 61,3 % av övriga). 55 % skapade en negativ buy-and-hold-avkastning.
  • 19. Sammanfattning Blackstar & Bessembinder Våra odds som enskilda aktieinvesterare • 4 av 10 aktier förlorar du pengar på • 7 av 10 aktier går du plus på MEN förlorar mot index • 2 av 10 aktier förlorar 75+ % av sitt värde • 2 av 10 aktier står för hela uppgången • 4 av 100 aktier slår index med mer än 500 % • 5 av 10 aktier försvinner från börsen inom 10 år dör • Det vanligaste resultatet för en aktie är -100 %.
  • 20.
  • 21. TIN Ny Teknik vs LF Global Index
  • 22. Spiltan Investmentbolag vs LF Global Index
  • 23. ARK Innovation vs LF Global Index
  • 24. Aktien SBB vs LF Global Index
  • 25. Vårt vad med aktiva fondförvaltare
  • 26. Bessembinder igen: The results presented here reaffirm the importance of portfolio diversification, particularly for those investors who view performance in terms of the mean and variance of portfolio returns. In addition to the points made in a typical textbook analysis, the results here focus attention on the possibility that poorly diversified portfolios will underperform because they omit the relatively few stocks that generate large positive returns. Actively managed portfolios tend to be concentrated. For example, Kacperczyk, Sialm, and Zheng (2005) show that actively managed equity mutual funds hold a median of only 65 stocks.
  • 27. Hälften av alla noterade bolag dör inom 10 år “Of the 28,853 companies that traded on U.S. markets since 1950, 22,469 (78 percent) died by 2009. In fact, half of all companies in any given cohort of U.S. publicly traded companies disappear within 10 years.” Bessembinder: “More than half of CRSP common stocks deliver negative lifetime returns. The single most frequent outcome (when returns are rounded to the nearest 5%) observed for individual common stocks over their full life- times is a loss of 100%.” “Of the 20 companies in the Dow Jones Industrial Average in March 1920, not a single one was still in the index 100 years later. Nothing lasts forever.” Medianlivslängden mellan 1926 och 2016 för ett noterat bolag är 7.5 år.
  • 28. Bessembinder igen: The results in this paper imply that the returns to active stock selection can be very large, if the investor is either fortunate or skilled enough to select a concentrated portfolio containing stocks that go on to earn extreme positive returns. Of course, the key question of whether an investor can reliably identify in advance such “home run” stocks, or can identify a manager with the skill to do so, remains.
  • 29. Den svåra frågan • Kan jag vara säker på att jag kommer att kunna plocka ut vinnarna när proffsen uppenbarligen inte klarar det?
  • 30. De flesta på Avanza klarar inte det
  • 31. Det existeniella argumentet The existential argument against stock picking is simple—how do you know if you are good at picking individual stocks? In most domains, the amount of time it takes to judge whether someone has skill in that domain is relatively short. • T.ex. Basket eller programmering. • Kan man på 1 timme säga om någon eller man själv är bra investerare?
  • 32. Existentiella argumentet (forts.) How long would it take to determine if someone is a good stock picker? An hour? A week? A year? Try multiple years, and even then you still may not know for sure. The issue is that causality is harder to determine with stock picking than with other domains. When you shoot a basketball or write a computer program, the result comes immediately after the action. The ball goes in the hoop or it doesn’t. The program runs correctly or it doesn’t. But, with stock picking, you make a decision now and have to wait for it to pay off. The feedback loop can take years. And the payoff you do eventually get has to be compared to the payoff of buying an index fund like the S&P 500. So, even if you make money on absolute terms, you can still lose money on relative terms.
  • 33. Utfallet behöver inte ens ha med dig att göra GME – man köpte aktien 2020 för att man gillade bolaget och trodde de skulle kunna förbättra verksamheten. Reddit kommer in bilden och det blir en markering mot finansbranschen och kursen rusar. Även om man fick ett positivt resultat så hade det inget med den ursprungliga analysen att göra. “Did the stock go up because of some change you anticipated or was it another change altogether? What about when market sentiment shifts against you? Do you double down and buy more, or do you reconsider? These are just a few of the questions you have to ask yourself with every investment decision you make as a stock picker. It can be a never- ending state of existential dread. You may convince yourself that you know what’s going on, but do you really know?”
  • 34. Bessembinder related works • Savor and Wilson (2013) show that approximately 60% of the cumulative stock market excess return accrues on the relatively few days where macroeconomic announcements are made. • Lucca and Moench (2016) show that half of the excess return in US markets since 1980 accrues on the day before Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) meetings. Tack @Christian100 på forumet.
  • 35. Existentiella argumentet (forts.) For some people, the answer is clearly, “Yes.” For example, in “Can Mutual Fund ‘Stars’ Really Pick Stocks?” researchers found that “the large, positive alphas of the top ten percent of funds, net of costs, are extremely unlikely to be a result of sampling variability (luck).”80 In other words, 10% of people who pick stocks professionally do actually have skill that persists over time. However, this also suggests that 90% probably don’t. For argument’s sake, let’s assume that the top 10% of stock pickers and the bottom 10% of stock pickers can easily identify their skill (or lack thereof). This means that, if we choose a stock picker at random, there is a 20% chance we could identify their skill level and an 80% chance that we couldn’t! This implies that four out of five stock pickers would find it difficult to prove that they are good at stock picking.
  • 36. Existentiella argumentet (forts.) And even if you are someone who can demonstrate their stock picking prowess (i.e., the top 10%), your issues don’t stop there. For example, what happens when you inevitably experience a period of underperformance? After all, underperformance isn’t a matter of if, but when. This is the existential crisis that I am talking about. Why would you want to play a game (or make a career) out of something that you can’t prove that you are good at? [..] And even if you are someone who can demonstrate their stock picking prowess (i.e., the top 10%), your issues don’t stop there. For example, what happens when you inevitably experience a period of underperformance? After all, underperformance isn’t a matter of if, but when.
  • 37. Existentiella argumentet (forts.) As a study by Baird noted, “at some point in their careers, virtually all top- performing money managers underperform their benchmark and their peers, particularly over time periods of three years or less.” Just imagine how nerve-racking this must be when it finally happens. Yes, you had skill in the past, but what about now? Is your underperformance a normal lull that even the best investors experience, or have you lost your touch?
  • 38. Lekhink + mät din avkastningen • Det behöver inte vara antingen eller • Lägg 5 - 10 % av ditt investerbara kapital i en lekhink. • Givet att du gör det för att tjäna pengar (och inte för skojs skull) • Räkna ut avkastningen på: • Löpande • På årsbasis (CAGR) • Total basis • Jämför med korrekt index: • T.ex. svensk portfölj av aktier med fonden PLUS Allabolag Sverige • T.ex. utländsk portfölj med Länsförsäkringar Global Indexnära • T.ex. med LYSA / Opti som du hade kunnat placera i annat fall
  • 39. Lycka till med ditt sparande! Jan och Caroline Bolmeson
  • 40. Bildspel till avsnitt #252 På bloggen RikaTillsammans finns det kompletterande material i form av en artikel, en video och ett poddavsnitt. Sök ”252” på för att få extramaterialet.