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October 19th, 2023
PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
Menjadi Institusi Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis
Penyakit Dalam yang unggul dan berdaya saing nasional,
dalam menyelenggarakan Tri Dharma perguruan tinggi
dengan mengembangkan IPTEKDOK khususnya berwawasan
penyakit di lingkungan lahan basah.
PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
1. Menyelenggarakan program pendidikan dokter spesialis Penyakit Dalam yang menghasilkan SDM
berkualitas sebagai pendukung pembangunan nasional terutama permasalahan kesehatan berwawasan
penyakit di lingkungan lahan basah
2. Menyelenggarakan penelitian yang menghasilkan IPTEKDOK sesuai dengan kebutuhan prioritas
pembangunan nasional terutama permasalahan kesehatan berwawasan penyakit di lingkungan lahan
3. Menyelenggarakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dan menyebarluaskan IPTEKDOK untuk
meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat terutama permasalahan kesehatan berwawasan penyakit di
lingkungan lahan basah.
4. Memantapkan kerjasama dengan pemerintah daerah diwilayah Kalimantan, perguruan tinggi dalam dan
luar negeri, pengusaha dan para pihak lainnya untuk peningkatan pelaksanaan Tridharma Perguruan
Tinggi dan Pengadaan sumber dana (Income generating).
5. Meningkatkan transparansi dan akuntabilitas dalam manajemen pengelolaan Program Pendidikan Dokter
Spesialis Penyakit Dalam
PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
Wednesday, October 19th 2023
MR Facilitator : dr. Sigit Prasetia Kurniawan, SpPD, K-HOM, FINASIM
Co-Facilitator I : dr. Nurul Aina, SpPD, FINASIM
Co-Facilitator II : dr. Lingga Suryakusumah, SpPD
Supervisor on Duty : dr. Diah Sukmawati Hidayah, MMR, SpPD
Duty Team
Chief/III : dr. Adlan
R6 : dr. Rudex
R5 : dr. Anna
IIB : dr. Ninis, dr. Coni
IIA : dr. Topan
IB : dr. Kevin, dr. Fadil
IA : dr. Syaidy, dr. Alex
PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
No Name/Age Diagnosis Info
1. Mr. R/48 yo
Severe Anemia, Hematemesis Melena, Hypoalbuminemia,
Tulip lt. 3
2. Mrs. T/56 yo
Severe Anemia, Adenocarcinoma gaster metastase liver,
Pulmonary nodule, AKI, Esophagitis
Tulip lt. 3
3. Mr. AS/83 yo
Acute Gout, ACKD, TB on treatment, Hypoalbumin, Prostate
Mawar 2b
4. Mr. A/65 yo ACKD, Anemia, Chronic cough, hyperuricemia, Ht. st.2 Mawar 2a
5. Mr. Is/62 yo
Severe Anemia, CKD st. 5 on HD, HT, Polycystic kidney
Tulip lt.3
6. Mrs. TY/38 yo
DoC, severe Anemia, Melena, CKD st. 5 on HD, HT
Tulip lt.3
7. Mr. JH/58 yo
DoC, HCC CTP C BCLD D, with cancer pain, Melena, AKI,
New Patient at ER (12/01/2022)
New Patient at ER (18/10/2023)
No Name/Age Diagnosis Info
1. Mr. JH/58 yo
DoC, HCC CTP C BCLD D, with cancer pain, Melena, AKI,
Consult to
Stagnant at ER < 24h (18/10/2023)
No Name/Age Diagnosis Info
1. - - -
Stagnant at ER > 24h (18/10/2023)
No Name/Age Diagnosis Info
Dead Patients at ER (18/10/2023)
No Name/Age Diagnosis Info
New Patients at ICU (18/10/2023)
No Name/Age Diagnosis Info
1. Mr. Ef/66 yo
Syok Cardiogenic, Melena non variceal, Anorexia Geriatric,
AKI dd ACKD, HF, OMI, Geriatric Problem
From Mawar
New Patients at ICCU (18/10/2023)
Problem Diagnosed Answered
1. Mrs. RS/ 42 yo/
RMK 01532470
treatment, upgrade
LFT, HT stage 2, Ca
cervix stage 3B susp
pulmo metastasis
post chemotherapy
1. Leukopenia with neutropenia
1.1 chemotherapy induced
(paclitaxel, carboplatin)
1.2 Bone marrow infiltration
2. Ca cervix stadium 3B dg pulmo
metastasis on chemotherapy
3. Elevated liver enzyme
3.1 metastasis?
3.2 reactive rt chemotherapy
4. HT on normotension
• Diet TKTP 1600 kkal
• RG < 5 gram/day
• Leucogen, same as Ts DPJP
• Po Curcuma 3x1 caps
• Indication and chemotherapy eligibility
from TS DPJP
Plan IPD:
• Evaluate SGOT/SGPT 72 hours later
• USG Abdomen
• We do not join care this patient
Consult To IPD ( 18/10/2023)
Problem Diagnosed Answered
2. Mrs. FE/59 yo/
RMK 01534478
Treatment 1. AIHA warm type with severe Anemia
2. T inverted lead I,II,AVL,V1
2.1 normal variant
2.2 related anemia
3. Low Back Pain dt Fraktur
Compression VL1-L2 +
Spondylolisthesis VL5-S1 Asia
Impairment Scale E
4. Ulkus decubitus grade 1
5. Colitis improved
Acc change leader
• Soft diet TKTP 1500 kkal/day
• PRC transfusion (8-7.2)× 4 × 50= 160
cc,1 kolf PRC Leukodepleted
• IVFD NaCl 0.9% 1500 cc/24 hours
• Inj. Methylprednisolone 62.5mg/12
• Inj. Omeprazole 40mg/24 hours
• Po Imuran (Azathioprine) 2x50mg
• Check DR post correction
• Aware of transfusion reaction
• Repeat EKG post transfusion
• Compress decubitus wound
• Join care with HOM division at ward
Consult To IPD ( 18/10/2023)
Problem Diagnosed Answered
3. Mrs. S/54 yo/
RMK 01536742
AKI Treatment 1. Rentensio Urine + Hydronephrosis
bilateral Dt obstructive uropathy
2. AKI stage III dd ACKD
Acute insult : volume depletion
Chronic insult : PNC
3. Severe Hypoalbumin
4. Ischemic anterior + Prolonged QT
4.1 ACS
4.2 CCS
5. Non Keratizing Squamous Cell
Carcinoma Cervix
• Avoid nephrotoxic drugs
• Monitor urine output and equal fluid
balance everyday
• Check UL
• Check Ureum/Creatinin per 48 hours
• Transfusion albumin 20% 100cc
• Stop antrain
• Co Cardiology
• Join care with nephrology division IPD
Consult To IPD ( 18/10/2023)
PDP 23
PDW 22
ISO/TB 0/0
PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
No Name/Age Diagnosis Info
1. Mr. R/ 26 yo
Hyperleukocytosis with Low Risk TLS, Anemia NN,
Hepatosplenomegaly, Thrombocytosis, Asymptomatic
Hyperuricemia, Hypokalemia
Polyclinic HOM
2. Mrs. N/ 54 yo
CLL RAI 1 BINET A, Neutropenia without Febrile,
Polyclinic HOM
3. Mrs. E/ 24 yo
AFI Day 7, Leukopenia, Coated Tongue dt Thypoid Fever dd Dengue
fever, Other viral infection, hypokalemia
From ER
4. Mrs. WB / 30 yo
Adenocarcinoma colon with cancer pain, Febrile neutropenia, SLE
with mild disease activity, Multiple Colon Polyposis, T inverted
without chest pain on V1
From ER
5. Mrs. F/ 62 yo DOC, SOB, AKI st 3 dd ACKD stge V newly diagnostic, HT, HNP
From Alamanda,
Passed away 18.52
6. Mr. RE/48 yo
Anemia MH, Hematemesis Melena (Non variceal Bleeding), Mild
hyponatremia hypoosmolar euvolemia
From ER
7. Mrs.T /57 yo
Anemia NN, Adenocarcinoma gaster st IV, Pulmonary Nodule rt
Metastasis Process T3bN2M13. AKI stage 4, Esofagitis LA grd B,
Asymptomatic moderate hyponatremia hipoosmolar hypovolemia,
Cancer Cachexia
8. Mr. I/62 yo
Anemia MH, CKD stg 5 on HD (1x per minggu) HT. Polycystic
Kidney Disease
From ER
New Patients at WARD (18/10/2023)
No Name/Age Diagnosis Info
1. - - -
Dead Patients at WARD (18/10/2023)
No Name/Age Diagnosis Info
1. Mrs. F / 62 yo
DOC, AKI st 3 dd ACKD stge V newly, Anemia NN,
Dead at18.52 WITA
2. Mr. K/51 yo
COC, Syok sepsis Qsofa 3 with SOI DFU Wagner,
DOC dt hipoglikemik, anemia MH, DM tipe 2, DFU
Wagner 4 pedis dextra, Wagner 2 maleolus sinistra,
HT, Hiponatremia hipoosmolar euvolume, Severe
hypoalbuminemia Malnutrisi11. Deformitas of upper
ekstremitas dextra dt trauma.
Dead at 02.05
Dead Patients at WARD (18/10/2023)
Mrs. T/ 56 YO
PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat / RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
• Name/Age : Mrs. T/ 56 y.o
• Birth of date : 3th June 1966
• Medical Record : 01513257
• Occupation : Housewife
• Marital status : Had Married
• Last Education : Senior High School
• Adresses : Brigend Hasan Basry gg Rahim 2
Identity : Mrs. T / 56 y.o
Chief complaint : Weakness
• Patient came to the emergency room with complaint of weakness since 1
week ago. complaint did not improve with rest, food cannot enter. The
patient looks pale.
• Patient also had nausea and vomited 1 time per day, also complaint of
decreased appetite.
• 1 year ago patient complained about decreased of appetite for 1 month,
nausea, and black tarry stools, and went to RS Islam for treatment, and
went to RS Ulin for diagnosis and treatment. The patient was diagnosed
with tumor in the stomach based on endoscopy and the biopsy result in
Adenocarcinoma gaster and has chemotherapy for 5 times.
• Patient felt a hard lump on the right side of her stomach that has been
getting bigger since 4 months ago, getting bigger since 2 weeks ago.
She also complained of heartburn. Complaint of abdominal pain was
• History of black stools and black vomit 2 weeks ago, but now there are no
black stools or black vomit
• History of Gastric cancer with liver metastases by digestive surgery planned
surgery but refused by patient
• The patient complained about the decrease in her appetite because her
stomach felt full quickly.
• Urination decreased 2 times/day, approximately 300cc/24 hours, pain
when urinate (-), blood (-)
• History of first chemotherapy in March 2023 with a regimen of cisplatin, 5
FU, and leucovurin completed in 6 cycles in July 2023.
• No complaints about urination, frequency 4-5 times, normal amount. Pain
when urination was denied.
• History of repeated transfusions since the start of chemotherapy due to
anemia, most recently last month 6 bags of red blood transfusion.
• Patient was scheduled for a contrast abdominal CT scan on 10/23/23 due
to restaging post-first chemotherapy
• Hypertension was denied, Diabetes mellitus was denied
Liver disease (-), kidney disease (-), Heart disease (-), Stroke (-), Tuberculosis (-)
The first chemotherapy was in March 2023 with a regimen of cisplatin, 5 FU, and
leucovorin completed in 6 cycles in July 2023
HT (-), DM (-), Malignancy (-), heart disease (-), kidney disease(-)
- Patient did not have history of consuming alcohol
- Patient did not have history of herbal
- Patient did not have history of drug abuse
Physical Examination
General appearance: looked moderate ill
GCS : E4 V5 M6
Weight : 42 Kg
Height : 155 Cm
BMI : 17.5 (Underweight)
UOP : 500 cc/24 hours
Diuresis : 0.4 cc/kgBB/hours
BP: 110/80mmHg
HR: 109 bpm  98
RR: 20 bpm Tax: 36.3 oC SpO2: 98 on RA
: Pale conjunctiva (+/+), sclera icteric (-), palpebra oedema (-), moon face (-)
: Pale (-), cyanosis (-), dry mucosa (-), ulcer (-)
: Papilla atrophy (-)
: Atrophy M. Temporalis (-), hair loss (-), Moon face (-), buffalo hump (-)
Lymph node
: 5+2 cm H2O, hepatojugular reflux (-)
: Lymph node enlargement (-)
: mass (-), bruit (-), pain (-/-)
Axilla : Lymph node enlargement (-)
Thorax Heart
: Ictus cordis seen
: Ictus palpable at ICS V midclavicula line sinistra, thrill (-)
: LMH (Left Margin of Heart) ictus cordis at ICS V midclavicularis line sinistra
: RHM (Right Margin of Heart) : sternalis line dextra
 ICS II Parasternalis line dextra: aortic valve murmur (-)
 ICS II Parasternalis line sinistra: pulmonal valve murmur (-)
 ICS IV-V Parasternalis line sinistra: tricuspid valve murmur (-)
 ICS IV-V midclavicularis line sinistra: mitral valve murmur (-)
Inspection: symmetrical thoracal expansion, intercostal retraction (-)
Percussion Breath Sound Ronchi Wheezing Egophony
D = S Sonor Sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - -
D = S Sonor Sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - -
D = S Sonor Sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - -
D = S Sonor Sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - -
D = S Sonor Sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - -
D = S Sonor Sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - -
Physical Examination
Physical Examination
Inspection: symmetrical thoracal expansion, intercostal retraction (-)
Percussion Breath Sound Ronchi Wheezing Egophony
D = S sonor sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - -
D = S sonor sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - -
D = S sonor sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - -
D = S sonor sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - -
D = S sonor sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - -
D = S sonor sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - -
D = S sonor sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - -
Inspection : Soefl (+), striae (+), venectation (-), protrude umbilicus (-), no pulsation was seen.
Auscultation : Bowel sounds (+) 10 bpminute, other sounds (-)
Percussion : tympanic sound Inferior border of right rib --> dullness (liver)
Inferior border of left rib -> tympani (gastric)
Traube space timpani
Palpation : Abdominal tenderness (+) epigastric
Defensive muscular (-)
Superficial mass (-)
Intra-abdominal mass (-)
The patient's face doesn’t look painful when the abdomen is palpated
Blast (-)
Free fluid examination : Shifting dullness (-)
Right hypochondriacal : mass palpable, humped, hard, immobile, uk. 7x7 cm
Liver palpation : not palpable liver
Palpation of the spleen : Schuffner method: spleen difficult to evaluate
Palpation of McBurney's point: Tenderness (-), pain relief (-), Local muscular defans (-)
Ballotement : Impression was not felt on right/left
CVA tap pain : Right (-/-) left (-/-)
Inguinal Lymphadenopathy (-)
Spoon nails (-/-), clubbing fingers (-/-), petechiae (-)
Edema superior (-/-), Oedema inferior ext edema (-/-), pitting edema (-)
CRT < 2”, cold (-/-)
Enlarged lymph nodes (-/-), flapping tremor (-), palmar erythema (-)
Motoric (5/5/5/5), sensorics normal
Anal sphincter clamps tightly, rectal ampulla does not collapse, mass (-), blood (-), feces (-), melena (-
Physical Examination
Clinical Manifestation
Lab 18/10/23 Normal
Haemoglobin 5.1 14.0 – 18.0
Leukocyte 9.3 4.0 – 10.5
Erythrocyte 1.71 4.10 – 6.00
Haematocrit 16.3 56.0 – 56.0
Platelet 451 150 – 450
RDW-CV 15.7 12.1 – 14.0
MCV 95.3 75.0 – 96.0
MCH 29.8 28.0 – 56.0
MCHC 31.3 33.0 – 37.0
Laboratory Results
Lab 18/10/23 Normal
Basophil% 0.2 0.0 – 1.0
Eosinophil % 0.6 1.0 – 3.0
Neutrophil% 85.7 50.0 – 81.0
Lymphocyte% 7.6 20.0 – 40.0
Monocyte % 5.9 2.0 – 8.0
Basophil# 0.02 < 1.00
Eosinophil# 0.06 <3.00
Neutrophil# 7.94 2.50-7.00
Limfosit# 0.70 1.25-4.00
Monosit# 0.55 0.30-1.00
Laboratory Results
Lab 9/9/23 18/10/23 Normal
RGB - 108 >200
Albumin - 3.5 3.5-5.2
SGOT - 70 5 - 34
SGPT - 37 0 - 55
Ureum 45 0-50
Creatinine 1.21 1.63 0.46 – 1.25
Natrium - 128 136-145
Kalium - 4.8 3.5-5.1
Chlorida - 104 98-107
LDH 174 - -
CEA 5.04 - -
Normal Lab 15/10/2023 Normal
Urinalysis Sediment
Color Yellow Yellow Leucocyte 1-3 2-4
Clearly Clear Clear Erythrocyte 0-2 0-1
1.025 1.005 – 1030 Epithel 1+ Negative
pH 6.0 5,0 – 6,5 Crystal Negative Negative
Keton Negative Negative Silinder Negative Negative
Protein 1+ Negative Bacteria Negative Negative
Glucose Negative Negative Etc Negative Negative
Bilirubin Negative Negative
Occult blood Negative Negative
Nitrite Negative Negative
Urobilinogen 0.2 0.1-1.0
Leukocytes Trace Negative
Identity Mrs. T/ 56 yo
Position PA
Density Enough
Inspiration Enough
Soft Tissue Normal
Bone Intact
Trachea Normal
Hilus D/S Normal
Mediastinum Wide
Cor CTR 48%
Hemidiaphragm Sinistra (normal)
Dextra ( normal)
Sinistra : sharp
Dextra : sharp
Parenchym Infiltrate (-)
Conclusion Expertise(-)
Opaque nodule with other small opaque nodules around it 7th
intercostal right posterior soft tissue mass
Chest X-ray
Opaque nodule with other small opaque nodules around it 6th
intercostal right posterior soft tissue mass
ECG Interpretations 18/10/2023
sinus rhythm Q wave : pathological Q (-)
Regular QRS Complex : 0.08 s, RBBB -, LBBB -
Heart Rate 98 bpm
ST segment : isoelectric, ST elevation (-), ST
depression (-)
Normal Axis T inverted (-) peak tall T (-), U wave (-)
Horizontal Axis: no rotation
R/S <1
R V5/6 + S V1 <56  RVH (-), LVH (-)
P wave : 0.08 s, P mitral (-), P pulmonal (-
PR interval : 0.12 s
Conclusion :
Sinus rhytm, 98 bpm, LAE
ECG Interpretations 18/10/2023
Endoscopy (05/11/2022 Pre Chemotherapy)
Esophagitis LA grade B
The mass from the lesser
curvature of the corpus to the
gastric antrum is suspiciously
Abdominal CT Scan 06/01/2023 (Pre Kemo)
- Susp gastric mass.
- Multiple liver nodules
suggestive of liver
- No visible enlargement
of the abdominal para
aorta lymph nodes
PA Biopsy (11/07/2022)
Gastric adenocarcinoma
USG Abdominal 02/08/2023 Post Chemotherhapy
There is no obvious gastric mass
No intrahepatal metastases were seen
There was no visible enlargement of the
paraaortic/parailiac lymph nodes
Radiologically, the liver, gallbladder,
spleen, pancreas, bilateral kidneys and
urinary bladder are within normal limits.
• Liver size 12 cm, multiple
USG Bedside
Regiment of Chemoteraphy
7 months ago
Weight loss
Gastric cancer
with liver
2 months ago
Mass right
2 weeks ago
History of Black
stools and black
1 week ago
Mass right
Summary of Database
• Weaknesses
• Looks pale
• Nausea and vomit,
• History of black vomiting
• Stomach felt full quickly
• Decrease of body weight
• Mass in the abdomen
dextra and the middle of
the stomach
• History of repeated
hospitalization due to
• Diagnosed with
Adenocarcinoma gaster
• planned abdominal CT
scan for restagging
KU: looks moderately ill
GCS: E4 V5 M6
BP : 110/80mmHg
Pulse: 98x/menit
RR : 22x/menit
T : 36.3⁰C
SpO2 : 98 % on RA
BW: 42 Kg / TB: 155cm/ IMT: 17.5
UOP : 500 cc/24 hours
Diuresis : 0.4 cc/kgBB/hours
WHO dehidration score 8 (mild moderate
Head/neck : pale conjunctiva (+)
Abdomen: Distended (-), BS (+), soefl,
tenderness (+) a/r epigastric
Status location a/r right hipocondriaca:
palpable hard mass, diameter 7 cm, uneven
surface, unclear boundaries, mobile,
tenderness (+)
Rectal Toucher: melena (-), blood (-)
Laboratory 18/10/23
Hb 5.1/MCV 95.3/ MCH 29.8
Leukosit 9.300/N% 85.7/L% 7.6
Tromb 451.000/Eritrosit 1.71
RDW 15.7
SGOT 70/ SGPT 37
GDS 108
Ur 45/Cr 1.63
Na 128/K 4.8/ Cl 104
Osm 267 (hipoosmolar)
Laboratorium 4/9/23 RS Ulin
LDH 174
CEA 5.04
EKG 18/10/23
Sinus rhytm, 98 bpm, LAE
Rontgen thorax 18/10/23
Opaque nodule with other small
opaque nodules around it 6th
intercostal right posterior soft tissue
Urinalysis 19/10/23
Yellow clear
pH 6.0, Spesific gravity 1.025
Prot +1
Gastric Biopsy Results 07/11/22
Gastric biopsy: Adenocarcinoma
of the stomach
Endoscopy results 05/11/22 Ulin
Esophagitis LA grade B
Mass curvatura minor corpus to
gastric antrum suspected
CT scan abdoment Ulin Hospital
- gastric mass susp. malignancy
- multiple Hepar nodules
suggestive of liver metastases
- no visible KGB enlargement
paraaourta abdominalis
USG abdomen 2/8/23 after
No obvious gastric mass
No visible intrahepatal
No visible paraaortic/parailiac
KGB enlargement
Radiologically Hepar, Gallbladder,
Spleen, Pancreas, bilateral Kidney
and Vesica Urinaria within normal
Regimen kemoterapi March
2023 six cycle
1. Severe anemia NN
2. Nausea vomite with mild moderate dehydration
3. AKI stage 1
4. Adenocarcinoma gaster st IV post kemoterapi with cancer
5. Esofagitis LA grd B
6. Asymptomatic moderate hiponatremia hipoosmolar
PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
CUE AND CLUE Problem List
Planning Diagnosis
Therapy monitoring
Mrs.T/ 56 yo
• Weaknesses, Looks pale
• Nausea and vomite, low intake
• Post chemotherapy 6 cycle dt adenocarcinoma gaster
• History of black vomiting and black stool continuously 2 weeks ago
• History of repeated hospitalization due to anemia and got
1. Severe Anemia NN 1.1 Chronic
Blood loss
1.2 Chronic
Benzidine test
Peripheral blood
O2 NC 3 lpm
PRC transfusion:
(10 – 5.1) x 42 x 4 = 823 cc =
4bags PRC
Given 1 bag /12hours
+ Ca gluconas 1amp there after
Planning monitoring
- Weakness, signs of
O2 hunger, bleeding,
transfusion reaction
- Vital sign
- CBC evaluation after
Planning education
- Complain might be
related to the
malignancy &
inadequate nutrition
- Report if there is
Physical examination
RR 20 bpm
SpO2 : 98 % on RA
Pale conjunctiva (+)
Abd: palpable mass (+) a/r right
RT: melena (-), blood (-)
Laboratory 18/10/23
Hb 5.1/MCV 95.3/ MCH 29.8
Eritrosit 1.71
RDW 15.7
EKG 18/10/23
Sinus rhytm, 98 bpm, LAE
Gastric biopsy 07/11/22:
Adenocarcinoma gaster
CUE AND CLUE Problem List Initial Diagnosis Planning Diagnosis
Therapy monitoring
Mrs.T/ 56 yo
• Nausea and vomite
• Decreased of appetite
• Adenocarcinoma gaster, post chemotherapy 6 cycle (cisplatin,5FU,
leucovorin), 3 months ago
2. Nausea vomite with
mild moderate
2.1 related to
malignancy +
2.2 PUD
Endoscopy if needed Non-pharmacology
Drink water 1500cc/day
Rehydration: 109/100x42 x30 =
1373.4 cc
Maintenance = 2000 cc
Total 3373.4 cc
 IVFD Nacl 0.9%: 1500cc in the
1st 8hours, 1500cc in the next
16 hours
Maintenance IVFD Nacl 0.9%
- Omeprazole 40mg/24h
- Ondancentron 4 mg/8 h
Sucralfat syr 4x10 ml
Planning monitoring
- Nausea vomite, sign of
- Fluid balance
- Urine output/day
- Vital sign
Planning education
- Complain might be
related to the
underlying malignancy
- Nutriton intake, small
portion and regularly
Physical examination
Pulse: 109 bpm  post rehydration,
Pulse 96 bpm
UOP : 500 cc/24 hours
Diuresis : 0.4 cc/kgBB/hours
sunkend eye (+) dry turgor (+) dry lips
tenderness (+) a/r epigastric, mass (+)
a/r right hipocondriaca
WHO dehydration score = 8
Laboratory 18/10/23
Na 128/K 4.8/ Cl 104
Osm 267 (hipoosmolar)
Ur 45/ Cr 1.63
Endoscopy results 05/11/22
Esophagitis LA grade B
Mass curvatura minor corpus to
gastric antrum suspected malignant
Gastric biopsy 07/11/22:
Adenocarcinoma gaster
CUE AND CLUE Problem List Initial Diagnosis Planning Diagnosis
Mrs. T/56 yo
• Weaknesses
• Nausea and vomite
• Decreased appetite
• HT (-) DM (-)
3. AKI st 1 ec volume
- Avoid Nephrotoxic drug
- Drink water 1500cc/day
Rehydration: 109/100x42 x30 = 1373.4
Maintenance = 2000 cc
Total 3373.4 cc
 IVFD Nacl 0.9%: 1500cc in the 1st
8hours, 1500cc in the next 16 hours
Maintenance IVFD Nacl 0.9% 1500 cc/
Planning Monitoring :
- UO, Balance fluid
- Ur Cr 48 h
Planning Education
- Avoid dehydration
- Avoid nephrotoxic
Phy. Exam:
BP : 110/80mmHg
Head: sunkend eye (+)
dry turgor (+) dry lips
Abd: tenderness (+) a/r
epigastric, mass (+) a/r
right hipocondriaca
UOP : 500 cc/24
Diuresis : 0.4
WHO dehydration
score = 8
Lab 18/10/23
Hb 5.1 MCV 95.3 MCH 29.8
Ur 45/ Cr 1.63 eGFR 37
BUN: Cr 12.9:1
Lab 9/9/23
Cr 1.21
Urinalysis 19/10/23
Yellow clear
pH 6.0, Spesific gravity 1.025
Prot +1
USG abdomen 2/8/23 after
bilateral Kidney and Vesica
Urinaria within normal limits
CUE AND CLUE Problem List Initial Diagnosis Planning Diagnosis
Therapy monitoring
Mrs.T/ 56 yo
• Mass in the abdomen dextra and the middle of the stomach
• Decreased appetite
• Stomach felt full quickly
• Decrease of body weight
• Post chemotherapy 6 cycle (cisplatin,5FU, leucovorin)
• Diagnosed with tumor in the stomach based on endoscopy and the biopsy
result Adenocarcinoma gaster
4. Gastric
stage IV post
with cancer pain
And cancer
- Basal Callory x 25 = 1237 kkal
- Age (-10%), ill (+20%), activity
(+10%) = 1703 kcal /day
- Carbohydrate 60%= 1022 kcal/day =
255.5 g/day
- Protein 1gr/kg/day = 49 gr = 196
- Fat = 485 kcal/day = 53.8 g/day
Diet High Calorie High Protein 1703
Tramadol 100mg in Nacl 0.9%
100cc/8 h
Consider consult HOM division for
Consult Nutrisionist in ward
Planning monitoring
- Diet/intake
- Ecog and karnofsky
- BW, mass
- CBC, comprehensive
chemistry profile
- CT scan abdomen
- HER 2, PD-L1
Planning education
- Staging is required to
allow planning of
definitive therapy
- Nutriton intake, small
portion and regularly
Physical examination
Karnofsky 60
BW: 42 Kg / TB: 155cm/ IMT:
17.5 (Underweight)
Status lokalis a/r right
palpable hard mass, diameter
7 cm, uneven surface, unclear
boundaries, mobile,
tenderness (+)
Laboratory 18/10/23
SGOT 70/ SGPT 37
Rontgen thorax 18/10/23 post chemotherapy
Opaque nodule with other small opaque
nodules around it 6th intercostal right posterior
soft tissue mass (enlargement)
CT scan abdoment Ulin Hospital 06/1/23
- gastric mass susp. malignancy
- multiple Hepar nodules suggestive of liver
- no visible KGB enlargement paraaourta
Gastric biopsy 07/11/22:
Adenocarcinoma gaster
USG abdomen 2/8/23 after chemotherapy
Normal limits
CUE AND CLUE Problem List Initial Diagnosis Planning Diagnosis
Therapy monitoring
Mrs.T/ 56 yo
• Nausea and vomite
• Decreased appetite
• Weight loss 60 Kg  42Kg in 7 month
• Dysphagia (-), odynophagia (-), heart burn (-)
5. Esofagitis
(LA gr B)
Diet High Calorie High Protein 1703
IV :
Omeprazole 40mg/24h
Sucralfat syr 4x10 ml
Planning monitoring
- Nausea, vomite
Planning education
- Nutrion intake small
portion and regularly
Physical examination
Abd: tenderness (+) a/r
Endoscopy results 05/11/22
Esophagitis LA grade B
Mass curvatura minor corpus to gastric
antrum suspected malignant
CUE AND CLUE Problem List Initial Diagnosis Planning Diagnosis
Therapy monitoring
Mrs.T/ 56 yo
• Weaknesses
• Nausea and vomite
• Decreased appetite
• Urination was decreased
6. Asymptomatic
6.1. Ekstra renal
6.1.1 GI loss
6.1.2 Low intake
6.2 Renal loss
Sodium urine if
Drink water 1500cc/day
Rehydration: 109/100x42 x30 =
1373.4 cc
Maintenance = 2000 cc
Total 3373.4 cc
 IVFD NS 0.9%: 1500cc in the
1st 8hours, 1500cc in the next
16 hours
Maintenance IVFD Nacl 0.9%
1500 cc/24h
Planning monitoring
- Weakness, nausea and
- UO, fluid balance
- Vital signs, signs of
dehydration, SE
Planning education
- Balanced nutrition &
adequate fluid intake
Physical examination
Pulse: 109 bpm  post
rehydration, Pulse 96 bpm
Head: sunkend eye (+) dry
turgor (+) dry lips (+)
UOP : 500 cc/24 hours
Diuresis : 0.4
WHO dehydration score = 8
Laboratory 18/10/23
RBG 108
Na 128/K 4.8/ Cl 104
Osm 267 (hipoosmolar)
Gastric biopsy 07/11/22:
Adenocarcinoma gaster
CT scan abdoment Ulin Hospital 06/2/23
- gastric mass susp. malignancy
- multiple Hepar nodules suggestive of liver
- no visible KGB enlargement paraaourta
1 19/10/23 Severe anemia NN Subjective:
Weakness +, melena -
BP : 100/70mmHg
Pulse: 99x/menit
RR : 22x/menit
T : 36.3⁰C
SpO2 : 98 % on RA
Severe anemia NN
Therapy :
O2 NC 3 lpm
PRC transfusion:
(10 – 5.1) x 42 x 4 = 823 cc = 4bags PRC
Given 1 bag /12hours
+ Ca gluconas 1amp there after
CBC evaluation after transfusion
Dr. Firdinia Dr. Yulia,SpPD
Progress Note
2. 19/10/23 Nausea vomite with mild
moderate dehydration
Nausea -, Vomite –
BP : 100/70mmHg
Pulse: 99x/menit
RR : 22x/menit
T : 36.3⁰C
SpO2 : 98 % on RA
WHO dehydration score 6
Nausea vomite with mild moderate dehydration
Therapy :
Maintenance IVFD Nacl 0.9% 1500cc/24h
- Omeprazole 40mg/24h
- Ondancentron 4 mg/8 h
Sucralfat syr 4x10 ml
- Monitoring sign of dehydration
Dr. Firdinia Dr. Yulia,SpPD
Progress Note
3 19/10/23 AKI st 1 ec volume depletion Subjective:
Weaknesses -, Nausea -, vomite -
BP : 100/70mmHg
Pulse: 99x/menit
RR : 22x/menit
T : 36.3⁰C
SpO2 : 98 % on RA
AKI st 1 ec volume depletion
Therapy :
Maintenance IVFD Nacl 0.9% 1500cc/24h
- Fluid balance
- Urine output/day
Dr. Firdinia Dr. Yulia,SpPD
Progress Note
4 19/10/23 Gastric adenocarcinoma stage
IV post chemotherapy
(progression disease)
with cancer pain
And cancer cachexia
Epigastric pain decreased,
Feel full
BP : 100/70mmHg
Pulse: 99x/menit
RR : 22x/menit
T : 36.3⁰C
SpO2 : 98 % on RA
Gastric adenocarcinoma stage IV post chemotherapy
(progression disease)
with cancer pain
And cancer cachexia
Therapy :
Diet High Calorie High Protein 1703 kcal/day
Tramadol 100mg in Nacl 0.9%
100cc/8 h
Evaluasion Ecog and karnofsky score
CT scan abdomen contras
Check HER 2
Dr. Firdinia Dr. Yulia,SpPD
Progress Note
5 19/10/23 Esophagitis
(LA gr B)
Nausea -, vomite –
BP : 100/70mmHg
Pulse: 99x/menit
RR : 22x/menit
T : 36.3⁰C
SpO2 : 98 % on RA
Esophagitis (LA gr B)
Therapy :
IV :
Omeprazole 40mg/24h
Sucralfat syr 4x10 ml
Dr. Firdinia Dr. Yulia,SpPD
Progress Note
6. 19/10/23 Asymptomatic moderate
hyponatremia hypoosmolar
Nausea -, vomite –
BP : 100/70mmHg
Pulse: 99x/menit
RR : 22x/menit
T : 36.3⁰C
SpO2 : 98 % on RA
UO : 300cc/9 h
Diur: 0.8 cc/kg/h
AKI st 1 ec volume depletion
Therapy :
Maintenance IVFD Nacl 0.9% 1500 cc/24h
- Fluid balance
- Urine output/day
Dr. Firdinia Dr. Yulia,SpPD
Progress Note
PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
Gastric adenocarcinoma
PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin

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  • 1. MORNING REPORT October 19th, 2023 PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
  • 2. VISI PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN DOKTER SPESIALIS ILMU PENYAKIT DALAM FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS LAMBUNG MANGKURAT Menjadi Institusi Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam yang unggul dan berdaya saing nasional, dalam menyelenggarakan Tri Dharma perguruan tinggi dengan mengembangkan IPTEKDOK khususnya berwawasan penyakit di lingkungan lahan basah. PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
  • 3. MISI PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN DOKTER SPESIALIS ILMU PENYAKIT DALAM FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS LAMBUNG MANGKURAT 1. Menyelenggarakan program pendidikan dokter spesialis Penyakit Dalam yang menghasilkan SDM berkualitas sebagai pendukung pembangunan nasional terutama permasalahan kesehatan berwawasan penyakit di lingkungan lahan basah 2. Menyelenggarakan penelitian yang menghasilkan IPTEKDOK sesuai dengan kebutuhan prioritas pembangunan nasional terutama permasalahan kesehatan berwawasan penyakit di lingkungan lahan basah. 3. Menyelenggarakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dan menyebarluaskan IPTEKDOK untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat terutama permasalahan kesehatan berwawasan penyakit di lingkungan lahan basah. 4. Memantapkan kerjasama dengan pemerintah daerah diwilayah Kalimantan, perguruan tinggi dalam dan luar negeri, pengusaha dan para pihak lainnya untuk peningkatan pelaksanaan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi dan Pengadaan sumber dana (Income generating). 5. Meningkatkan transparansi dan akuntabilitas dalam manajemen pengelolaan Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
  • 4. MORNING REPORT Wednesday, October 19th 2023 MR Facilitator : dr. Sigit Prasetia Kurniawan, SpPD, K-HOM, FINASIM Co-Facilitator I : dr. Nurul Aina, SpPD, FINASIM Co-Facilitator II : dr. Lingga Suryakusumah, SpPD Supervisor on Duty : dr. Diah Sukmawati Hidayah, MMR, SpPD Duty Team Chief/III : dr. Adlan R6 : dr. Rudex R5 : dr. Anna IIB : dr. Ninis, dr. Coni IIA : dr. Topan IB : dr. Kevin, dr. Fadil IA : dr. Syaidy, dr. Alex PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
  • 5. ER PATIENTS PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
  • 6. No Name/Age Diagnosis Info 1. Mr. R/48 yo Severe Anemia, Hematemesis Melena, Hypoalbuminemia, Hyponatremia Tulip lt. 3 2. Mrs. T/56 yo Severe Anemia, Adenocarcinoma gaster metastase liver, Pulmonary nodule, AKI, Esophagitis Tulip lt. 3 3. Mr. AS/83 yo Acute Gout, ACKD, TB on treatment, Hypoalbumin, Prostate hyperplasia Mawar 2b 4. Mr. A/65 yo ACKD, Anemia, Chronic cough, hyperuricemia, Ht. st.2 Mawar 2a 5. Mr. Is/62 yo Severe Anemia, CKD st. 5 on HD, HT, Polycystic kidney disease Tulip lt.3 6. Mrs. TY/38 yo DoC, severe Anemia, Melena, CKD st. 5 on HD, HT Tulip lt.3 7. Mr. JH/58 yo DoC, HCC CTP C BCLD D, with cancer pain, Melena, AKI, Hyperkalemia ER New Patient at ER (12/01/2022) New Patient at ER (18/10/2023)
  • 7. No Name/Age Diagnosis Info 1. Mr. JH/58 yo DoC, HCC CTP C BCLD D, with cancer pain, Melena, AKI, Hyperkalemia Consult to Nephrologist Stagnant at ER < 24h (18/10/2023)
  • 8. No Name/Age Diagnosis Info 1. - - - Stagnant at ER > 24h (18/10/2023)
  • 9. No Name/Age Diagnosis Info - Dead Patients at ER (18/10/2023)
  • 10. No Name/Age Diagnosis Info - New Patients at ICU (18/10/2023)
  • 11. No Name/Age Diagnosis Info 1. Mr. Ef/66 yo Syok Cardiogenic, Melena non variceal, Anorexia Geriatric, AKI dd ACKD, HF, OMI, Geriatric Problem From Mawar New Patients at ICCU (18/10/2023)
  • 12. No Identity (Name/Age/MR/ Department) Problem Diagnosed Answered 1. Mrs. RS/ 42 yo/ RMK 01532470 Leukopenia treatment, upgrade LFT, HT stage 2, Ca cervix stage 3B susp pulmo metastasis post chemotherapy 5x 1. Leukopenia with neutropenia 1.1 chemotherapy induced (paclitaxel, carboplatin) 1.2 Bone marrow infiltration 2. Ca cervix stadium 3B dg pulmo metastasis on chemotherapy 3. Elevated liver enzyme 3.1 metastasis? 3.2 reactive rt chemotherapy induced 4. HT on normotension Therapy • Diet TKTP 1600 kkal • RG < 5 gram/day • Leucogen, same as Ts DPJP • Po Curcuma 3x1 caps • Indication and chemotherapy eligibility from TS DPJP Plan IPD: • Evaluate SGOT/SGPT 72 hours later • USG Abdomen • We do not join care this patient Consult To IPD ( 18/10/2023)
  • 13. No Identity (Name/Age/MR/ Department) Problem Diagnosed Answered 2. Mrs. FE/59 yo/ RMK 01534478 Treatment 1. AIHA warm type with severe Anemia Makrositer 2. T inverted lead I,II,AVL,V1 2.1 normal variant 2.2 related anemia 3. Low Back Pain dt Fraktur Compression VL1-L2 + Spondylolisthesis VL5-S1 Asia Impairment Scale E 4. Ulkus decubitus grade 1 5. Colitis improved Acc change leader Therapy: • Soft diet TKTP 1500 kkal/day • PRC transfusion (8-7.2)× 4 × 50= 160 cc,1 kolf PRC Leukodepleted IV • IVFD NaCl 0.9% 1500 cc/24 hours • Inj. Methylprednisolone 62.5mg/12 hours • Inj. Omeprazole 40mg/24 hours Po • Po Imuran (Azathioprine) 2x50mg Plan: • Check DR post correction • Aware of transfusion reaction • Repeat EKG post transfusion • Compress decubitus wound • Join care with HOM division at ward Consult To IPD ( 18/10/2023)
  • 14. No Identity (Name/Age/MR/ Department) Problem Diagnosed Answered 3. Mrs. S/54 yo/ RMK 01536742 AKI Treatment 1. Rentensio Urine + Hydronephrosis bilateral Dt obstructive uropathy 2. AKI stage III dd ACKD Acute insult : volume depletion Chronic insult : PNC 3. Severe Hypoalbumin 4. Ischemic anterior + Prolonged QT 4.1 ACS 4.2 CCS 5. Non Keratizing Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cervix • Avoid nephrotoxic drugs • Monitor urine output and equal fluid balance everyday • Check UL • Check Ureum/Creatinin per 48 hours Saran: • Transfusion albumin 20% 100cc • Stop antrain • Co Cardiology • Join care with nephrology division IPD Consult To IPD ( 18/10/2023)
  • 15. WARD PATIENTS TEAM PATIENTS PDP 23 PDW 22 ISO/TB 0/0 PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
  • 16. No Name/Age Diagnosis Info 1. Mr. R/ 26 yo Hyperleukocytosis with Low Risk TLS, Anemia NN, Hepatosplenomegaly, Thrombocytosis, Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia, Hypokalemia Polyclinic HOM 2. Mrs. N/ 54 yo CLL RAI 1 BINET A, Neutropenia without Febrile, Thrombocytopenia Polyclinic HOM 3. Mrs. E/ 24 yo AFI Day 7, Leukopenia, Coated Tongue dt Thypoid Fever dd Dengue fever, Other viral infection, hypokalemia From ER 4. Mrs. WB / 30 yo Adenocarcinoma colon with cancer pain, Febrile neutropenia, SLE with mild disease activity, Multiple Colon Polyposis, T inverted without chest pain on V1 From ER 5. Mrs. F/ 62 yo DOC, SOB, AKI st 3 dd ACKD stge V newly diagnostic, HT, HNP From Alamanda, Passed away 18.52 6. Mr. RE/48 yo Anemia MH, Hematemesis Melena (Non variceal Bleeding), Mild hyponatremia hypoosmolar euvolemia From ER 7. Mrs.T /57 yo Anemia NN, Adenocarcinoma gaster st IV, Pulmonary Nodule rt Metastasis Process T3bN2M13. AKI stage 4, Esofagitis LA grd B, Asymptomatic moderate hyponatremia hipoosmolar hypovolemia, Cancer Cachexia Polyclinic 8. Mr. I/62 yo Anemia MH, CKD stg 5 on HD (1x per minggu) HT. Polycystic Kidney Disease From ER New Patients at WARD (18/10/2023)
  • 17. No Name/Age Diagnosis Info 1. - - - 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Dead Patients at WARD (18/10/2023)
  • 18. No Name/Age Diagnosis Info 1. Mrs. F / 62 yo DOC, AKI st 3 dd ACKD stge V newly, Anemia NN, HT, HNP Dead at18.52 WITA 2. Mr. K/51 yo COC, Syok sepsis Qsofa 3 with SOI DFU Wagner, DOC dt hipoglikemik, anemia MH, DM tipe 2, DFU Wagner 4 pedis dextra, Wagner 2 maleolus sinistra, HT, Hiponatremia hipoosmolar euvolume, Severe hypoalbuminemia Malnutrisi11. Deformitas of upper ekstremitas dextra dt trauma. Dead at 02.05 Dead Patients at WARD (18/10/2023)
  • 19. CASE PRESENTATION Mrs. T/ 56 YO PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat / RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
  • 20. • Name/Age : Mrs. T/ 56 y.o • Birth of date : 3th June 1966 • Medical Record : 01513257 • Occupation : Housewife • Marital status : Had Married • Last Education : Senior High School • Adresses : Brigend Hasan Basry gg Rahim 2 Identity
  • 21. Identity : Mrs. T / 56 y.o Chief complaint : Weakness HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS : • Patient came to the emergency room with complaint of weakness since 1 week ago. complaint did not improve with rest, food cannot enter. The patient looks pale. • Patient also had nausea and vomited 1 time per day, also complaint of decreased appetite. • 1 year ago patient complained about decreased of appetite for 1 month, nausea, and black tarry stools, and went to RS Islam for treatment, and went to RS Ulin for diagnosis and treatment. The patient was diagnosed with tumor in the stomach based on endoscopy and the biopsy result in Adenocarcinoma gaster and has chemotherapy for 5 times. • Patient felt a hard lump on the right side of her stomach that has been getting bigger since 4 months ago, getting bigger since 2 weeks ago. She also complained of heartburn. Complaint of abdominal pain was Anamnesis
  • 22. • History of black stools and black vomit 2 weeks ago, but now there are no black stools or black vomit • History of Gastric cancer with liver metastases by digestive surgery planned surgery but refused by patient • The patient complained about the decrease in her appetite because her stomach felt full quickly. • Urination decreased 2 times/day, approximately 300cc/24 hours, pain when urinate (-), blood (-) • History of first chemotherapy in March 2023 with a regimen of cisplatin, 5 FU, and leucovurin completed in 6 cycles in July 2023. • No complaints about urination, frequency 4-5 times, normal amount. Pain when urination was denied. • History of repeated transfusions since the start of chemotherapy due to anemia, most recently last month 6 bags of red blood transfusion. • Patient was scheduled for a contrast abdominal CT scan on 10/23/23 due to restaging post-first chemotherapy • Hypertension was denied, Diabetes mellitus was denied Anamnesis
  • 23. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS Liver disease (-), kidney disease (-), Heart disease (-), Stroke (-), Tuberculosis (-) HISTORY OF MEDICATION The first chemotherapy was in March 2023 with a regimen of cisplatin, 5 FU, and leucovorin completed in 6 cycles in July 2023 FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY HT (-), DM (-), Malignancy (-), heart disease (-), kidney disease(-) PERSONAL AND SOCIAL HISTORY - Patient did not have history of consuming alcohol - Patient did not have history of herbal - Patient did not have history of drug abuse Anamnesis
  • 24. Physical Examination General appearance: looked moderate ill GCS : E4 V5 M6 Weight : 42 Kg Height : 155 Cm BMI : 17.5 (Underweight) UOP : 500 cc/24 hours Diuresis : 0.4 cc/kgBB/hours VAS 5 BP: 110/80mmHg HR: 109 bpm  98 bpm RR: 20 bpm Tax: 36.3 oC SpO2: 98 on RA Head Eye Mouth Tongue Etc : Pale conjunctiva (+/+), sclera icteric (-), palpebra oedema (-), moon face (-) : Pale (-), cyanosis (-), dry mucosa (-), ulcer (-) : Papilla atrophy (-) : Atrophy M. Temporalis (-), hair loss (-), Moon face (-), buffalo hump (-) Neck JVP Lymph node Thyroid : 5+2 cm H2O, hepatojugular reflux (-) : Lymph node enlargement (-) : mass (-), bruit (-), pain (-/-) Axilla : Lymph node enlargement (-) Thorax Heart Inspection Palpation Percussion Auscultation : Ictus cordis seen : Ictus palpable at ICS V midclavicula line sinistra, thrill (-) : LMH (Left Margin of Heart) ictus cordis at ICS V midclavicularis line sinistra : RHM (Right Margin of Heart) : sternalis line dextra  ICS II Parasternalis line dextra: aortic valve murmur (-)  ICS II Parasternalis line sinistra: pulmonal valve murmur (-)  ICS IV-V Parasternalis line sinistra: tricuspid valve murmur (-)  ICS IV-V midclavicularis line sinistra: mitral valve murmur (-)
  • 25. Thorax Lung (Anterior) Inspection: symmetrical thoracal expansion, intercostal retraction (-) Vocal Fremitus Percussion Breath Sound Ronchi Wheezing Egophony D = S Sonor Sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - - D = S Sonor Sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - - D = S Sonor Sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - - D = S Sonor Sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - - D = S Sonor Sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - - D = S Sonor Sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - - Physical Examination
  • 26. Physical Examination Thorax Lung (Posterior) Inspection: symmetrical thoracal expansion, intercostal retraction (-) Vocal Fremitus Percussion Breath Sound Ronchi Wheezing Egophony D = S sonor sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - - D = S sonor sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - - D = S sonor sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - - D = S sonor sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - - D = S sonor sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - - D = S sonor sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - - D = S sonor sonor Vesicular Vesicular - - - - - -
  • 27. Abdomen Inspection : Soefl (+), striae (+), venectation (-), protrude umbilicus (-), no pulsation was seen. Auscultation : Bowel sounds (+) 10 bpminute, other sounds (-) Percussion : tympanic sound Inferior border of right rib --> dullness (liver) Inferior border of left rib -> tympani (gastric) Traube space timpani Palpation : Abdominal tenderness (+) epigastric Defensive muscular (-) Superficial mass (-) Intra-abdominal mass (-) The patient's face doesn’t look painful when the abdomen is palpated Blast (-) Free fluid examination : Shifting dullness (-) Right hypochondriacal : mass palpable, humped, hard, immobile, uk. 7x7 cm Liver palpation : not palpable liver Palpation of the spleen : Schuffner method: spleen difficult to evaluate Palpation of McBurney's point: Tenderness (-), pain relief (-), Local muscular defans (-) Ballotement : Impression was not felt on right/left CVA tap pain : Right (-/-) left (-/-) Inguinal Lymphadenopathy (-) Extremity Spoon nails (-/-), clubbing fingers (-/-), petechiae (-) Edema superior (-/-), Oedema inferior ext edema (-/-), pitting edema (-) CRT < 2”, cold (-/-) Enlarged lymph nodes (-/-), flapping tremor (-), palmar erythema (-) Motoric (5/5/5/5), sensorics normal Rectal Toucher: Anal sphincter clamps tightly, rectal ampulla does not collapse, mass (-), blood (-), feces (-), melena (- ) Physical Examination
  • 29. Lab 18/10/23 Normal Haemoglobin 5.1 14.0 – 18.0 Leukocyte 9.3 4.0 – 10.5 Erythrocyte 1.71 4.10 – 6.00 Haematocrit 16.3 56.0 – 56.0 Platelet 451 150 – 450 RDW-CV 15.7 12.1 – 14.0 MCV 95.3 75.0 – 96.0 MCH 29.8 28.0 – 56.0 MCHC 31.3 33.0 – 37.0 Laboratory Results Lab 18/10/23 Normal Basophil% 0.2 0.0 – 1.0 Eosinophil % 0.6 1.0 – 3.0 Neutrophil% 85.7 50.0 – 81.0 Lymphocyte% 7.6 20.0 – 40.0 Monocyte % 5.9 2.0 – 8.0 Basophil# 0.02 < 1.00 Eosinophil# 0.06 <3.00 Neutrophil# 7.94 2.50-7.00 Limfosit# 0.70 1.25-4.00 Monosit# 0.55 0.30-1.00
  • 30. Laboratory Results Lab 9/9/23 18/10/23 Normal RGB - 108 >200 Albumin - 3.5 3.5-5.2 SGOT - 70 5 - 34 SGPT - 37 0 - 55 Ureum 45 0-50 Creatinine 1.21 1.63 0.46 – 1.25 Natrium - 128 136-145 Kalium - 4.8 3.5-5.1 Chlorida - 104 98-107 LDH 174 - - CEA 5.04 - -
  • 31. Lab 15/10/20 23 Normal Lab 15/10/2023 Normal Urinalysis Sediment Color Yellow Yellow Leucocyte 1-3 2-4 Clearly Clear Clear Erythrocyte 0-2 0-1 Specific Gravity 1.025 1.005 – 1030 Epithel 1+ Negative pH 6.0 5,0 – 6,5 Crystal Negative Negative Keton Negative Negative Silinder Negative Negative Protein 1+ Negative Bacteria Negative Negative Glucose Negative Negative Etc Negative Negative Bilirubin Negative Negative Occult blood Negative Negative Nitrite Negative Negative Urobilinogen 0.2 0.1-1.0 Leukocytes Trace Negative Urinalysis
  • 32. Identity Mrs. T/ 56 yo Position PA Density Enough Inspiration Enough Soft Tissue Normal Bone Intact Trachea Normal Hilus D/S Normal Mediastinum Wide Cor CTR 48% Hemidiaphragm Sinistra (normal) Dextra ( normal) Costophrenicus Sinus Sinistra : sharp Dextra : sharp Parenchym Infiltrate (-) Conclusion Expertise(-) Opaque nodule with other small opaque nodules around it 7th intercostal right posterior soft tissue mass Chest X-ray A B A B C C Opaque nodule with other small opaque nodules around it 6th intercostal right posterior soft tissue mass
  • 34. sinus rhythm Q wave : pathological Q (-) Regular QRS Complex : 0.08 s, RBBB -, LBBB - Heart Rate 98 bpm ST segment : isoelectric, ST elevation (-), ST depression (-) Normal Axis T inverted (-) peak tall T (-), U wave (-) Horizontal Axis: no rotation R/S <1 R V5/6 + S V1 <56  RVH (-), LVH (-) P wave : 0.08 s, P mitral (-), P pulmonal (- ) PR interval : 0.12 s Conclusion : Sinus rhytm, 98 bpm, LAE ECG Interpretations 18/10/2023
  • 35. Endoscopy (05/11/2022 Pre Chemotherapy) Results Esophagitis LA grade B The mass from the lesser curvature of the corpus to the gastric antrum is suspiciously malignant
  • 36. Abdominal CT Scan 06/01/2023 (Pre Kemo) Results - Susp gastric mass. malignancy - Multiple liver nodules suggestive of liver metastases - No visible enlargement of the abdominal para aorta lymph nodes
  • 38. USG Abdominal 02/08/2023 Post Chemotherhapy Results There is no obvious gastric mass No intrahepatal metastases were seen There was no visible enlargement of the paraaortic/parailiac lymph nodes Radiologically, the liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, bilateral kidneys and urinary bladder are within normal limits.
  • 39. • Liver size 12 cm, multiple nodules USG Bedside
  • 41. 7 months ago Weight loss Gastric cancer with liver metastases First chemotherapy 2 months ago Mass right hypochondrium 2 weeks ago History of Black stools and black vomitting 1 week ago Weakness Nause Vomitting Enlargement Mass right hypochondrium TIMELINE
  • 42. Summary of Database RESUME OF DATABASE ANAMNESIS PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OTHER EXAMINATION • Weaknesses • Looks pale • Nausea and vomit, Heartburn • History of black vomiting • Stomach felt full quickly • Decrease of body weight • Mass in the abdomen dextra and the middle of the stomach • History of repeated hospitalization due to anemia • Diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma gaster • planned abdominal CT scan for restagging Objective KU: looks moderately ill GCS: E4 V5 M6 BP : 110/80mmHg Pulse: 98x/menit RR : 22x/menit T : 36.3⁰C SpO2 : 98 % on RA VAS 5 BW: 42 Kg / TB: 155cm/ IMT: 17.5 (Underweight) UOP : 500 cc/24 hours Diuresis : 0.4 cc/kgBB/hours WHO dehidration score 8 (mild moderate dehydration) Head/neck : pale conjunctiva (+) Abdomen: Distended (-), BS (+), soefl, tenderness (+) a/r epigastric Status location a/r right hipocondriaca: palpable hard mass, diameter 7 cm, uneven surface, unclear boundaries, mobile, tenderness (+) Rectal Toucher: melena (-), blood (-) Laboratory 18/10/23 Hb 5.1/MCV 95.3/ MCH 29.8 Leukosit 9.300/N% 85.7/L% 7.6 Tromb 451.000/Eritrosit 1.71 RDW 15.7 SGOT 70/ SGPT 37 GDS 108 Ur 45/Cr 1.63 Na 128/K 4.8/ Cl 104 Osm 267 (hipoosmolar) Laboratorium 4/9/23 RS Ulin LDH 174 CEA 5.04 EKG 18/10/23 Sinus rhytm, 98 bpm, LAE Rontgen thorax 18/10/23 Impression: Opaque nodule with other small opaque nodules around it 6th intercostal right posterior soft tissue mass Urinalysis 19/10/23 Yellow clear pH 6.0, Spesific gravity 1.025 Prot +1 Gastric Biopsy Results 07/11/22 Gastric biopsy: Adenocarcinoma of the stomach Endoscopy results 05/11/22 Ulin Hospital Esophagitis LA grade B Mass curvatura minor corpus to gastric antrum suspected malignant CT scan abdoment Ulin Hospital 06/1/23 - gastric mass susp. malignancy - multiple Hepar nodules suggestive of liver metastases - no visible KGB enlargement paraaourta abdominalis USG abdomen 2/8/23 after chemotherapy No obvious gastric mass No visible intrahepatal metastases No visible paraaortic/parailiac KGB enlargement Radiologically Hepar, Gallbladder, Spleen, Pancreas, bilateral Kidney and Vesica Urinaria within normal limits. Regimen kemoterapi March 2023 six cycle Cisplatin 5FU leucovurin
  • 43. 1. Severe anemia NN 2. Nausea vomite with mild moderate dehydration 3. AKI stage 1 4. Adenocarcinoma gaster st IV post kemoterapi with cancer pain 5. Esofagitis LA grd B 6. Asymptomatic moderate hiponatremia hipoosmolar hipovolemia PROBLEM LIST PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
  • 44. CUE AND CLUE Problem List Diagnosis Planning Diagnosis Therapy monitoring Mrs.T/ 56 yo • Weaknesses, Looks pale • Nausea and vomite, low intake • Post chemotherapy 6 cycle dt adenocarcinoma gaster • History of black vomiting and black stool continuously 2 weeks ago • History of repeated hospitalization due to anemia and got transfusion 1. Severe Anemia NN 1.1 Chronic Blood loss 1.2 Chronic disease Benzidine test Peripheral blood smear Reticulocyte Non-pharmacology O2 NC 3 lpm Pharmacology PRC transfusion: (10 – 5.1) x 42 x 4 = 823 cc = 4bags PRC Given 1 bag /12hours + Ca gluconas 1amp there after Planning monitoring - Weakness, signs of O2 hunger, bleeding, transfusion reaction - Vital sign - CBC evaluation after transfusion Planning education - Complain might be related to the underlying malignancy & complication (bleeding, inadequate nutrition intake) - Report if there is bleeding manifestations Physical examination RR 20 bpm SpO2 : 98 % on RA Pale conjunctiva (+) Abd: palpable mass (+) a/r right hipocondriaca RT: melena (-), blood (-) Laboratory 18/10/23 Hb 5.1/MCV 95.3/ MCH 29.8 Eritrosit 1.71 RDW 15.7 EKG 18/10/23 Sinus rhytm, 98 bpm, LAE Gastric biopsy 07/11/22: Adenocarcinoma gaster
  • 45. CUE AND CLUE Problem List Initial Diagnosis Planning Diagnosis Therapy monitoring Mrs.T/ 56 yo • Nausea and vomite • Decreased of appetite • Adenocarcinoma gaster, post chemotherapy 6 cycle (cisplatin,5FU, leucovorin), 3 months ago 2. Nausea vomite with mild moderate dehydration 2.1 related to malignancy + esofagitis 2.2 PUD Endoscopy if needed Non-pharmacology Drink water 1500cc/day Pharmacology Rehydration: 109/100x42 x30 = 1373.4 cc Maintenance = 2000 cc Total 3373.4 cc  IVFD Nacl 0.9%: 1500cc in the 1st 8hours, 1500cc in the next 16 hours Maintenance IVFD Nacl 0.9% 1500cc/24h IV: - Omeprazole 40mg/24h - Ondancentron 4 mg/8 h PO: Sucralfat syr 4x10 ml Planning monitoring - Nausea vomite, sign of dehydration - Fluid balance - Urine output/day - Vital sign Planning education - Complain might be related to the underlying malignancy - Nutriton intake, small portion and regularly Physical examination Pulse: 109 bpm  post rehydration, Pulse 96 bpm UOP : 500 cc/24 hours Diuresis : 0.4 cc/kgBB/hours sunkend eye (+) dry turgor (+) dry lips (+) tenderness (+) a/r epigastric, mass (+) a/r right hipocondriaca WHO dehydration score = 8 Laboratory 18/10/23 Na 128/K 4.8/ Cl 104 Osm 267 (hipoosmolar) Ur 45/ Cr 1.63 Endoscopy results 05/11/22 Esophagitis LA grade B Mass curvatura minor corpus to gastric antrum suspected malignant Gastric biopsy 07/11/22: Adenocarcinoma gaster
  • 46. CUE AND CLUE Problem List Initial Diagnosis Planning Diagnosis Planning Therapy Planning monitoring Mrs. T/56 yo • Weaknesses • Nausea and vomite • Decreased appetite • HT (-) DM (-) 3. AKI st 1 ec volume depletion Non-Farmakologi - Avoid Nephrotoxic drug - Drink water 1500cc/day Pharmacology Rehydration: 109/100x42 x30 = 1373.4 cc Maintenance = 2000 cc Total 3373.4 cc  IVFD Nacl 0.9%: 1500cc in the 1st 8hours, 1500cc in the next 16 hours Maintenance IVFD Nacl 0.9% 1500 cc/ 24h Planning Monitoring : - UO, Balance fluid - Ur Cr 48 h Planning Education - Avoid dehydration - Avoid nephrotoxic drug Phy. Exam: BP : 110/80mmHg Head: sunkend eye (+) dry turgor (+) dry lips (+) Abd: tenderness (+) a/r epigastric, mass (+) a/r right hipocondriaca UOP : 500 cc/24 hours Diuresis : 0.4 cc/kgBB/hours WHO dehydration score = 8 Lab 18/10/23 Hb 5.1 MCV 95.3 MCH 29.8 Ur 45/ Cr 1.63 eGFR 37 BUN: Cr 12.9:1 Lab 9/9/23 Cr 1.21 Urinalysis 19/10/23 Yellow clear pH 6.0, Spesific gravity 1.025 Prot +1 USG abdomen 2/8/23 after chemotherapy bilateral Kidney and Vesica Urinaria within normal limits INITIAL PLAN
  • 47. CUE AND CLUE Problem List Initial Diagnosis Planning Diagnosis Therapy monitoring Mrs.T/ 56 yo • Mass in the abdomen dextra and the middle of the stomach • Decreased appetite • Stomach felt full quickly • Decrease of body weight • Post chemotherapy 6 cycle (cisplatin,5FU, leucovorin) • Diagnosed with tumor in the stomach based on endoscopy and the biopsy result Adenocarcinoma gaster 4. Gastric adenocarcinoma stage IV post chemotherapy with cancer pain And cancer cachexia Non-pharmacology - Basal Callory x 25 = 1237 kkal - Age (-10%), ill (+20%), activity (+10%) = 1703 kcal /day - Carbohydrate 60%= 1022 kcal/day = 255.5 g/day - Protein 1gr/kg/day = 49 gr = 196 kcal/day - Fat = 485 kcal/day = 53.8 g/day Diet High Calorie High Protein 1703 kcal/day Pharmacology Tramadol 100mg in Nacl 0.9% 100cc/8 h Consider consult HOM division for restaging Consult Nutrisionist in ward Planning monitoring - Diet/intake - Ecog and karnofsky score - BW, mass enlargement - CBC, comprehensive chemistry profile - CT scan abdomen contras - HER 2, PD-L1 Planning education - Staging is required to allow planning of definitive therapy - Nutriton intake, small portion and regularly Physical examination ECOG 2 Karnofsky 60 VAS 5 BW: 42 Kg / TB: 155cm/ IMT: 17.5 (Underweight) Status lokalis a/r right hipocondriaca: palpable hard mass, diameter 7 cm, uneven surface, unclear boundaries, mobile, tenderness (+) Laboratory 18/10/23 SGOT 70/ SGPT 37 Rontgen thorax 18/10/23 post chemotherapy Opaque nodule with other small opaque nodules around it 6th intercostal right posterior soft tissue mass (enlargement) CT scan abdoment Ulin Hospital 06/1/23 - gastric mass susp. malignancy - multiple Hepar nodules suggestive of liver metastases - no visible KGB enlargement paraaourta abdominalis Gastric biopsy 07/11/22: Adenocarcinoma gaster USG abdomen 2/8/23 after chemotherapy Normal limits
  • 48. CUE AND CLUE Problem List Initial Diagnosis Planning Diagnosis Therapy monitoring Mrs.T/ 56 yo • Nausea and vomite • Decreased appetite • Weight loss 60 Kg  42Kg in 7 month • Dysphagia (-), odynophagia (-), heart burn (-) 5. Esofagitis (LA gr B) Non-pharmacology Diet High Calorie High Protein 1703 kcal/day Pharmacology IV : Omeprazole 40mg/24h PO: Sucralfat syr 4x10 ml Planning monitoring - Nausea, vomite Planning education - Nutrion intake small portion and regularly Physical examination Abd: tenderness (+) a/r epigastric, Endoscopy results 05/11/22 Esophagitis LA grade B Mass curvatura minor corpus to gastric antrum suspected malignant
  • 49. CUE AND CLUE Problem List Initial Diagnosis Planning Diagnosis Therapy monitoring Mrs.T/ 56 yo • Weaknesses • Nausea and vomite • Decreased appetite • Urination was decreased 6. Asymptomatic moderate hyponatremia hypoosmolar hypovolemia 6.1. Ekstra renal loss 6.1.1 GI loss 6.1.2 Low intake 6.2 Renal loss Sodium urine if needed Non-pharmacology Drink water 1500cc/day Pharmacology Rehydration: 109/100x42 x30 = 1373.4 cc Maintenance = 2000 cc Total 3373.4 cc  IVFD NS 0.9%: 1500cc in the 1st 8hours, 1500cc in the next 16 hours Maintenance IVFD Nacl 0.9% 1500 cc/24h Planning monitoring - Weakness, nausea and vomite - UO, fluid balance - Vital signs, signs of dehydration, SE Planning education - Balanced nutrition & adequate fluid intake Physical examination Pulse: 109 bpm  post rehydration, Pulse 96 bpm Head: sunkend eye (+) dry turgor (+) dry lips (+) UOP : 500 cc/24 hours Diuresis : 0.4 cc/kgBB/hours WHO dehydration score = 8 Laboratory 18/10/23 RBG 108 Na 128/K 4.8/ Cl 104 Osm 267 (hipoosmolar) Gastric biopsy 07/11/22: Adenocarcinoma gaster CT scan abdoment Ulin Hospital 06/2/23 - gastric mass susp. malignancy - multiple Hepar nodules suggestive of liver metastases - no visible KGB enlargement paraaourta abdominalis
  • 50.
  • 51. No Date PROBLEM SOAP TTD PPDS TTD DPJP 1 19/10/23 Severe anemia NN Subjective: Weakness +, melena - Objective: BP : 100/70mmHg Pulse: 99x/menit RR : 22x/menit T : 36.3⁰C SpO2 : 98 % on RA Assessment: Severe anemia NN Therapy : O2 NC 3 lpm PRC transfusion: (10 – 5.1) x 42 x 4 = 823 cc = 4bags PRC Given 1 bag /12hours + Ca gluconas 1amp there after Plans: CBC evaluation after transfusion Dr. Firdinia Dr. Yulia,SpPD Progress Note
  • 52. No Date PROBLEM SOAP TTD PPDS TTD DPJP 2. 19/10/23 Nausea vomite with mild moderate dehydration Subjective: Nausea -, Vomite – Objective: BP : 100/70mmHg Pulse: 99x/menit RR : 22x/menit T : 36.3⁰C SpO2 : 98 % on RA WHO dehydration score 6 Assessment: Nausea vomite with mild moderate dehydration Therapy : Maintenance IVFD Nacl 0.9% 1500cc/24h IV: - Omeprazole 40mg/24h - Ondancentron 4 mg/8 h PO: Sucralfat syr 4x10 ml Plans: - Monitoring sign of dehydration Dr. Firdinia Dr. Yulia,SpPD Progress Note
  • 53. No Date PROBLEM SOAP TTD PPDS TTD DPJP 3 19/10/23 AKI st 1 ec volume depletion Subjective: Weaknesses -, Nausea -, vomite - Objective: BP : 100/70mmHg Pulse: 99x/menit RR : 22x/menit T : 36.3⁰C SpO2 : 98 % on RA UO Assessment: AKI st 1 ec volume depletion Therapy : Maintenance IVFD Nacl 0.9% 1500cc/24h Plans: - Fluid balance - Urine output/day Dr. Firdinia Dr. Yulia,SpPD Progress Note
  • 54. No Date PROBLEM SOAP TTD PPDS TTD DPJP 4 19/10/23 Gastric adenocarcinoma stage IV post chemotherapy (progression disease) with cancer pain And cancer cachexia Subjective: Epigastric pain decreased, Feel full Objective: BP : 100/70mmHg Pulse: 99x/menit RR : 22x/menit T : 36.3⁰C SpO2 : 98 % on RA Assessment: Gastric adenocarcinoma stage IV post chemotherapy (progression disease) with cancer pain And cancer cachexia Therapy : Diet High Calorie High Protein 1703 kcal/day Pharmacology Tramadol 100mg in Nacl 0.9% 100cc/8 h Plan: Evaluasion Ecog and karnofsky score CT scan abdomen contras Check HER 2 Dr. Firdinia Dr. Yulia,SpPD Progress Note
  • 55. No Date PROBLEM SOAP TTD PPDS TTD DPJP 5 19/10/23 Esophagitis (LA gr B) Subjective: Nausea -, vomite – Objective: BP : 100/70mmHg Pulse: 99x/menit RR : 22x/menit T : 36.3⁰C SpO2 : 98 % on RA Assessment: Esophagitis (LA gr B) Therapy : IV : Omeprazole 40mg/24h PO: Sucralfat syr 4x10 ml Dr. Firdinia Dr. Yulia,SpPD Progress Note
  • 56. No Date PROBLEM SOAP TTD PPDS TTD DPJP 6. 19/10/23 Asymptomatic moderate hyponatremia hypoosmolar hypovolemia Subjective: Nausea -, vomite – Objective: BP : 100/70mmHg Pulse: 99x/menit RR : 22x/menit T : 36.3⁰C SpO2 : 98 % on RA UO : 300cc/9 h Diur: 0.8 cc/kg/h Assessment: AKI st 1 ec volume depletion Therapy : Maintenance IVFD Nacl 0.9% 1500 cc/24h Plans - Fluid balance - Urine output/day Dr. Firdinia Dr. Yulia,SpPD Progress Note
  • 57. THEORY AND GUIDELINE PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
  • 58. Gastric adenocarcinoma PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
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  • 69. ANEMIA PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
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  • 72. MELENA PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
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  • 75. DEHIDRASI PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
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  • 77. HIPONATREMIA PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
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  • 80. ESOFAGITIS PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
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  • 84. COLITIS PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
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  • 87. PULMONARY NODULE PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
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  • 90. TROMBOCYTOSIS PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
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  • 93. THANK YOU PPDS-1 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat/ RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin