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diploma 2015
Becoming one with the machine.
The Audi Kinematics race car concept is based on the idea that
racing is now limited by
human physical and cognitive limitations.
Thus the need of a cockpit fully integrating an exaskeleton, a
mechanical extension of the human body that allows pilots to
express their talent and virtuosity on the circuit at speeds that
are currently not possible due to the effect on the human body.
Furthermore, this device also acts as a protective support in
case of a crash.
Protected and enhanced by the exoskeleton, the race driver can
go further and faster, beyond the limits currently set.
The consequence on the architecture of the vehicule is that the
whole cockpit is extracted from the race car during pitstops.
The overall design draws influences from current audi race cars,
jet fighters (mig fighters and the space shuttle (cockpit DLOs)
Jean-Baptiste ALLAIRE
Emergency Vertical Aircraft
The starting point of the project was the fact that the main limi-
tation in any aerial emergency rescue system is not harware, but
the pilot.
What if with the advent of drones, we could have a more effi-
cient system, where the rescue staff would not have to wait for
helicopters to come pick them up, and be able to travel autono-
mously to emergency areas ?
EVA is a hybrid betweena drone and a rescue helicopter ; it is a
autonomous rescue vehicle, adapted to extreme environments.
It is small, compact and light enough to be suited for interven-
tion anywhere, at anytime, and in areas where helicopters are
too large to go (city centers, steep mountains areas).
It can either lift, or house a rescue victim within it’s body, and
can carry one member of the rescue staff to or from the rescue
Jean-Baptiste built a fully fuctional ½ scale prototype, that flew
for a couple of minutes the night diploma’s were celebrated, in
front of an enthousiastic but baffled audience, before crashing
with panache.
It is now fully rebuilt.
Comfort et usability at the bedside of our
Nappy is a mobile sitting/sleeping solution destined to close
people visiting familly and friends at the hospital so they can
rest and sleep when they don’t have any choice but to wait. In
a stressful and fearful environment, that possessed such cold
and mechanic design, which is an odd to the victory of man on
nature, Nappy bring a feeling of security and confort. Because
of its design inspired by natural cocoons and very different from
they are used to in a a place like this, users feels related to it and
wants to try it. The fœtus position reminds my of the puspose of
the cocoon : heal and rebirth process as it should be in a hos-
pital. Nappy is a mobile and expending device which gives to it
huge adaptability advantage
Dimitri BARAKA
All road - Amphibian - Smart Rescue Vehicle
In the last ten years, tsunamis have hit increasingly differentes
areas in Asia.
First aid teams need to work faster during the first 24 hours after
the disaster to reduce human loss. How can a ground based
vehicle help first aid teams to be fast and efficient in these
conditions ?
The Hero is a All-road Amphibian Smart rescue vehicle adapted
to ground based emergency rescue areas such as floods,
earthquakes or tsunamis.
The aim was to design a vehicule with a non agressive, non
military vehicle design language, with soft boat design styling
cues while in an amphibious context, and high ground clearance
when making its way through ruins.
Drones located on the roof « project » and lead the rescue team
into the rescue areas.
Timothée BARRAND
Grow your difference
Shido is a prothesis for children that will grow along them and
will allow them to be proud of their difference and with time
change their look to consider their handicap as an augmentation
and not a reduction. Through this project my main goal was not
to study the technical aspect of a prosthesis, I wanted to build a
project that would create a bond between my creation and the
kid that would use it. That’s why my project is called « Shido »
it means osmosis in Japanese. Just like in nature some living
organism choose to live together in order to help each other
and become stronger through their relation, my prothesis works
just like that, the kid and it need each other in order to keep
moving and grow stronger and in the end blossom beautifully.
The name was also inspired by the Japanese art of bonsai. The
way they control the growth of those tiny trees in order to find
beauty and a form of art in nature is mesmerizing. The fact that
this art depends of the eyes and hand of a human really helped
me developed my own reflexion. My own prothesis is growing
too, because in order to follow the development of its human it
will need to change size too. A part of it is made out of a plant,
trough the care and attention of its bearer it will change size,
aesthetic and in the end will be a reflection of the bond between
the two of them and a living proof of the adventure and life they
went through together.
Urban Move
Célos is a hybrid between a scooter and a bicycle. More
important, it’s a new way of moving in the city, with comfort and
style. This new kind of scooter/bike is easily foldable. Thus you
can take public transport with it, store it effortlessly etc…
Célos can be used as a scooter ; riding on the sidewalk ; from
station to station… You can also ride it as a bicycle, to move
faster in the city.
It ‘s equipped with large tires, rubber Brooks saddle, and its
geometry makes a comfortable ride. Its reflective devices,
its lights and its cyclocross front brake ensures optimum
safety. Easy to use, it requires little maintenance thanks to its
singlespeed set-up and the carbon drive belt.
Célos is perfect to make shorter daily trips and the carbon belt
as well as the mudguards prevent clothing from getting dirty.
It’s a great way to move in the city.
Célos combines the lightness of a scooter and the efficiency of
a bicycle
My City at hand
IKKLY is a device which fits into a dynamic participative citizen
on the scale of the city inspired by already existing initiatives
that are participative budget and « carrotmob ». Thanks to the
application IKKLY, each one can propose, co-opt and participate
in the social actions which govern the life of its city, so allowing
to re-forge a dense network of links on a local scale. Its
interface allows to locate easily all the current initiatives and
substantiates visually the interactions between inhabitants and
the network which develops around each of them. The urban
mast constitutes its perfect complement: by taking place in
the city like a beacon, he asserts the importance which the
social activism has to take in the city and incites the population
to enlist in by communicating on the life of the network IKKLY.
strong feeling of membership in a community is thus developed,
in which each participates to progress and to whom the
members get closer. It is also the recognition of each which
is highlighted by a stronger decision-making weight on the
orientations of his city. With IKKLY, the strength of commitment
of the citizen is visual and democratic; it joins within the network
and in the city, embodied and visible by all.
With IKKLY, get a grip on our city !
Arthur BIOT
Recipes for Gentlemen
What ’ st he food is a range of ready meal swich us es fresh and
heal thy products, infact What s the food is firmly commited to
don’ t us ear tificial sar omas and colourant in their meals . WTF
suggest three big range of meals : the first one is a base off ish,
the second one of red meat and the lates tisa vegan range. The
preparation is ver y si mple: contrary to the ot her ready meals ,
What ’s the food is a range of ready mmeals that you can dress
your self. If we compare the classic ready meals and What ‘s the
food, the difference is that a classic ready meal is made of one
unity of food, wich is frequent l y too salty, too greas y and with
a lot of additives . Contrary of classics tandars, What’s the food
is compose of differents unity, so you «cook» your dish by your
self with heal thythings . The target of the brans is active people,
singles , wich love the good meals and have between 18 and 30.
Distinguish Distinguish your self is very important, WTF know
that, so the brand is established in the street, like the street food
concept. The meal sare sold in distribut or that you can find in a
special app made by What’s the food.
Antoine BLAS
Autonomous Cutting Drone
Global agriculture is predominantly represented by conventional
agriculture. His balance is negative because it consumes more
material than it produces. In addition it causes significant
environmental damage.
However, there are more respectful techniques that can be
incorporated into conventional agriculture.
One of these techniques is agroforestry. By establishing lines of
trees in cultures, one can reduce the use of chemicals and the
creation of habitats for native species. But the location of trees
requires from the farmer tought additional maintenance work.
Mantis is born from this analysis.
Mantis is a vehicle capable of moving in the fields autonomously
and cutting trees on a previously saved profile.
This cup has two objectives, the first is to prune the tree so that
it can reach adulthood with an optimal size, the second is to
reduce the maximum shade crops. the cut branches are crushed
directly by Mantis to be promoted to the industry.
MAASE (Mail Art Sensoriel)
Weaving our links differently in a wireless era
Maase is a social communicatiion network without wireless,
which takes into consideration the degree of avalability in
comunication. It consists on sevral textile interfaces which
permit to comunicate whith my mates in a new way. During
the day, with only the catch of a hand, I n capture thingshich 
permit to communicate with my mates in a new way.  During
the day, with onlu the catch of a hand,, I can capture things i
am living nd keep it for my relatives. No more alerts, no tons of
communications, no more wireless : the messages i create are
rare and crafty i feel releved. Neither of us are disturbed duryn
the day. One at home, i lay Maase aily on its hng on its coat
rack. Then, my messages are transmitted to my friends through
the wired network. The messages skip into their textile devicce
called Maase Home and open only when needed. The message
depicts my captions in a poetic way, appreciated only when they
go time to read it : the textile comes to life to immerse me into
this shared moment.
In Vino Culpas, In Aqua Virtutes
“V²O” is an operation of co-branding of brands like Le Repair
de Bacchus or Nicolas, with a brand of water. This operation
had as objective to promote a reasonable consumption of wine
proposing to the consumers to buy a bottle of water, in the same
time as the bough of a wine bottle. “V²O” develop the seven
deadly sins in order to valorize the selected wines bringing an
original way to choose them. In this way the wine is presented
in three steps. First of all, it is qualified by the sin representing
it. Secondly two adjectives come to describe to the user the
savors that he will feel during the degustation. Finally the nature
of the win is give in order to reassure the person giving him an
information that he understand better. The same process is use
for the water. Furthermore “V²O” purpose to the user a bottle
holder who will transform itself in a display on the table, in order
to make inseparable the water bottle from the wine bottle.
Curious culinary kits
The overall challenge is to lift people out of their comfort
zone through experimentation. In this approach, the culinary
environment was chosen for its diversity but also because we all
know the culinary routine. The concept is a monthly subscription
box containing everything needed to develop an unusual
recipe. There are three categories of experience; «Travel» which
includes recipes from other cultures in the world, «Past» that
has forgotten old style recipes, and «Future» based on future
projective recipes. The usage scenario is the following; the
individual subscribes on the web and get the box delivered at
home. Inside, he finds indredients, the material for the realization
of the recipe if necessary, and a leaflet introducing the recipe,
describes the method of preparation and offers information
on each ingredient. The individual cooks and experiments
the original recipe with friends. A box in each category of
experience have been realized for this project. The first one
allows you to experiment edible insects of Thailand, the second
one provided the necessary to recreate Hypocras, a popular
wine of the Middle Ages, and the third one allows to test the
molecular food with the preparation of Agar Agar pearls.
My toolbox of intelligences
In 1983, Howard Gardner published his book Frames of mind in
which he explained the multiple intelligences theory. According
to the American psychologist, there are eight different ways to
be intelligent. These intelligences offer us many ways to learn
and to make progress during our life. Since 2010, more and more
teachers have been experimented this theory in their classes.
The results are amazing. Unfortunately, many people still doubt
the validity of this theory even though scientists have confirmed
it. Le trésor offers teachers a way to implement the multiple
intelligences theory in their classes. Intelligences are our tools
to succeed in school. So, in the tool box, children and their
teacher can find a book with a story and a wood game. Thanks
to the story, the teacher can easily introduce the concept of
the multiple intelligences and with the wood game he can set
up activities to develop the intelligences of the children. The
teacher is also invited to download an application. Thanks to
the app, the teacher can follow up on his pupils. Children are
also invited to think about their learning process. It’s all about
becoming an actor of their own learning for them. The teacher
is now just a guide and an observer. The app also offers a social
network for the teachers working with le trésor to connect and
swap experiences. The parents are also part of the game as they
can follow the adventure of their children on the application. We
are all different but we are all intelligent. Our intelligences are
our tool for life. Take care of this treasure.
Speed sensations for all
Cinetic is a concept of three-wheeled vehicle that is always
pushing further the limits of disability. Indeed, in a world where
speed is synonymous with performance, disabled people are
often the ones who have to live slowly. Conversely, the thrill
of speed can be pleasant and source of adrenaline. Cinetic is
specially designed with an adapted wheelchair. This allows the
pilot to board without having to leave the seat of the wheelchair.
The vehicle operates as a carver, the front is separated from the
rear wheels. Thus, the front of the vehicle allows an inclination
of 25 ° on each side. The two rear wheels stay plated ground
for greater stability. Cinetic allow to discover or rediscover the
sensations of speed while providing security and autonomy.
Damien BOVIE
Innovative and mobile sea bird
Alcidae tackles the issue of UFO’s (Un-identified Floating
Objects) at sea.
The triangular packages features 3 foils at each corner, that
also act as rudders, enabling they yacht to avoid obstables with
agility, as the inertia is reduce to nothing.
The yacht no longer need to turn, as it simply moves sideways.
This innovative architecture required to rethink the layout of
the living quaters, this yacht featuring all the creature comforts
required in this class of boats.
Victor BRAUN
MORGAN - 4 +
Timeless poetry at the service of
With Morgan-4+, I sought to create a frugal and dandy lifestyle
made of balance and elegance, to create a timeless poetry in
search of sustainability. Morgan-4+ is the automotive archetype
with the whole essence of Morgan. A 2+2 coupe with the 3 lines
of a Morgan and a long hood, voluptuous hips, a remote cock-
pit and fleeing back. A perennial car made of quality materials,
based on a local wood frame – ash - all being handmade, the-
refore traceable. A sustainable automobile, either per the style
than by design. I wanted actually an apparent simplicity, by crea-
ting a non-ostentatious luxury in itself. A style made of timeless
curves and volumes contrasting with modern hues and cuts,
paying homage to the past while looking to the future going
along with driving sensations turned to contemplation. I was loo-
king for lightness, refinement, elegance, playing with symmetry,
creating a humble charisma.
Discovering your baby everyday
Premature birth is a situation where parents are left unprepared.
During Hospitalization, one has to overcome uncertainty and
anxiety – sometimes for a long period. Neonéo accompanies
parents through early exchanges with their baby. It reassures
them on its health status. Neonéo is made up of a journal, an
annotation space and an health monitoring accessible from
every numeric device (web, desktop, tablet). Moments spent at
the hospital with the baby are retained so that this experience
could be shared. Parents keep a permanent link with their
baby through essential information stemming from nurse’s
monitoring report and evolution health data. At the end of the
hospitalization, Neonéo becomes a physical photo album.
A social starter for isolated elderly people
The Echlo project is a voice driven device installed at the home
of a solitary senior, giving access to a platform of services,
receiving events accessible and filtered according to the desires
of the elderly.
The product is in the form of a digital calendar composed of
large buttons for easy grip and a high definition voice module
whose volume is adjustable in connection with the calendar
backlighted keys to associate voice events to the corresponding
Pressing a key allows a voice reminder of the events of the day.
Echlo gives back meaning to everyday life, associated with
its platform of services, and it provides an opportunity to
rebuild social bonds through renewed activities and thus
relieve our seniors from loneliness. The Echlo service platform
could be described as a connexion with the social life in the
neighbourhood and Echlo as a starter to tempt you out.
A playful approach to identify the
dyslexia in school
«L’Espace DYS» is an entertaining tool for tracking dyslexia
in elementary schools. It appears as a container that has been
reshaped to meet the needs for diagnosing dyslexia while
having a funny look. This kind of structure makes it possible to
obtain a great mobility and a space modularity in order to be
able to move easily from one school to another. In “L’Espace
DYS”, there are 5 activities that allow to detect dyslexia. This
place permits children to be completely immersed in the
universe of the «galaxy of dyslexia» via playing. The tools of the
device have been created in collaboration with the hospital of
Grenoble and the CNRS of Lyon. The goal of this approach is to
help the greatest number of dyslexic children and their families
by allowing a national tracking in children from seven years old,
so that they can be helped as soon as possible.
Materiel is speaking -Fashion for the blind
Home Sweet Home is a system that aims to improve the
relationship that have blind people with clothing. This project
aims to give more weight to the textural, leaving the possibility
to the blind people to design and choose his or her clothes
according to his feelings and dreams. In this sense, he or she
does not rely any more upon others vision.
It is defined in three areas:
+ Home: the first part is a textured catalog consisting of pages of
detachable material. The catalog is using a textural touch screen
using the «3D morphing» technology, which highlights images.
The raw material presentation allows him to dream.
+ Sweet: the second part of the system is in a store that
would offer a strong sensual experience with materials, while
capitalizing on touch, in order to create an intense dialogue
between the client and materials. First the visually impaired
person will touch the raw material. In a second step, after
choosing clothes depending on the material, he or she could
arrange them on a mannequin to rediscover his or her own
human proportions. Thirdly the blind person could test his
garment in real conditions in a special booth that could recreate
the seasons different temperatures and sensations.
+ Home: The third part of the system is a furniture that has
the particularity to offer blind spatial and textural information,
helping him or her to choose his or her clothes quickly without
disturbing his or her wardrobe, to dress quickly and not to lose
trace of his or her clothes.
Made in France
Hyle is an automotive interior addressing color and trim issues,
designed for Bugatti.
Hyle showcases natural, recycled and ecological materials, mots
of them coming from the French production, combined with the
expertise of French crafts.
The materials are not necessarily those one might call «noble»:
flax fiber, rattan, oak, leather board (chipboard leather) as well
as a rather special material developed by the young Designer
Greek Spyros Kisis, a composite made from the waste of the
production of artichokes (flower, stems and leaves included in
an organic resin).
The materials are, for the most part, left bare, with their defects
but also their grades: materials irregularities provide shades,
transparencies, different depths and result in a unique interior
desig (specificity, one of the mots important values of luxury)
Your preferred travel
The acceleration of the contemporary world has spawned a
growing individualism. The individual space has taken over the
social space. The goal of my project is to recreate a social space
from all individual spaces.
Train Préférence is a modular interior for TGV in france. It
consists of two parts: a layout and a seat. The layout ensures
that the seats located near the corridor are slidable to create
different spaces, based on reservations. One can thus have
spaces at two, four or six. The seat is inserted into this space. It
is suspended from the ceiling of the carriage to create a storage
space under the seat where you can slide a cabin size suitcase.
Each seat is individual and have two armrests, one containing a
tablet and a port-cup, the other a socket. The back of the seat
is cut out to let pass the light. A lockable trunk is at the top of
the back of the seat. This allow to leave his personal values
and leave in tranquility its place. To isolate themselves, visually
and acoustically from the rest of the travelers, two curtains can
create a semi-enclosed space. Reading lights are located under
the trunk.
Train Préférence allows to travel according to our desires
without harming the social space.
Welcome home
We just need to look around us and ask a few questions to
parents to figure out that smartphones are nowadays a problem
for interacting physically with others.
The Elementaire project is made to help parents create
disconnection habits with family members through a game. You
just have to leave your phone on a base to win points. Then, you
can visualize your score through a light pattern on the object.
That way, parents and children have to have a break together
and share time without receiving notifications. The object works
with magnet sensors that are connected to an Arduino.
The second part of the project is made to improve our behaviour
in our everyday life. By adding a little magnet on the smartphone
you can now control your availability at any time. It is simple;
when you put the magnet on the top of your phone you are
completely available. And, when you put the magnet on the
bottom no one can disturb you anymore.
Elementaire was my graduation diploma project and will be
presented during the Innodesign International Biennale of Metz
Guillaume CONGY
Learn by building your own bike
BOB is an educational project aimed at making accessible
mechanical skills. The modular frame will be the basis of
tranformation of BOB from a simple bicycle to a 125cm
motorbike. During this transformation, the user will gain
mechanical skills though the various maintenance and
replacement procedures.
An mobile App provides the Knowledge base the user needs to
understand, practive, maintain and modify his frame from bike to
This App is also where the online BOB community gathers to
share, learn and inspire eachother.
Margaux de MERCURIO
The educational tool to better play together
RÉCRÉACTION is a system that allows children and the teacher to
work together to create spaces of group games in the courtyard.
Recess is a fun time children are naturally open to learning social
life. By working on the rules of life in school (in classroom and
in the courtyard), on values and objectives that enable the
development of children’s autonomy. (Value each, cultivate team
spirit, experience, learning in action). The collective construction
of the playground have tools. A guide accompanies the teacher
in project stages. Then recreate models of the modules are used
in the classroom to decide as a group what they would like to
create spaces. The modules are then recreate installed several
in the courtyard: we must organize. RÉCRÉACTION project is
to promote the games for the children to imagine and realize
playgrounds and games their way ‘.
Listening to you memories
Eko is a devise, which provides to blind and seeing people an
innovative way to take their souvenirs: Listen, capture, print and
share! Eko is designed to share, gather and to improve personal
senses. Blind and seeing people’s ways of life, have a lot to take
one from another. Their ways to perceive and to feel everything
around them is really different but complementary.
Eko’s value isn’t only in capturing souvenirs. This concept
adapts itself to the one’s using it: Used by a blind person, Eko
will help him to express himself, to capture and share his own
vision, in order to break the image they suffer from: an image of
handicapped. Used by a seeing person, Eko will allow him for
develloping the famous blind people’s sixth sense. As he has to
learn to take a souvenir with another sense, he has to leave his
comfort zone and to go into a word where he is not the king.
To conclude, Eko is an innovative way to take souvenirs, to
express and to improve oneself.
Bénédicte DÉROBERT
The Amazon Elegance
Bllom is a brand created to help women who are dealing with
breast cancer.
The mastectomy is a traumatising step which concerns a lot of
women. Bloom takes action to relieve every day life and help
those women to accept this new body. Bloom is developped
in two parts : an informative support and specific clothes. The
informative support is a a group of three illustrated booklets
which explain the different steps of the disease. The first
clothe specificaly concieve to help women after the surgery
is a protective support bra which brings comfort after the
mastectomy. The second clothe is a asymmetrical bra which
allows to hide or partly show the scar. This underwear helps to
recreate a sensual relation between the woman and her husband
and to give back to the operated zone its sexual caracter. Finally,
a modular jacket on which can be fixed volumes of fabric alllows
to hide the asymmetry caused by the lost of a breast. It is also
an alternative to the prosthesis. Bloom helps to reinforce the
relation and the communication between those women and their
surroundings and to give them more self-confidence. ,
Not to rot in prison
Mûr is a numeric painting tool for long-sentence prisoners.
Detention works as a punishment, but doesn’t work at
rehabilitation. Dehumanization, infantilization, oblivion are
key-words of the long years spent in prison. In the end, it
creates revolt and anger feelings. They are cut from all form of
consideration, and from reality. When they go out, they are, for
most of them, inapte to rehabilitation. Those who make it better
are the ones who are lucky to work, to read, to write, to go to
school, but limited are the positions. Mûr is an individual tool, a
ball working with a tablet, aimed to numeric painting. The ball is
the painting tool, the tablet the sheet. Paintings can be shared
so that they will be exhibited into co-working and artistic spaces.
Little by little, the prisoner can write his feelings and stories
with painting. He also receives paintings from visitors, who
can answer to the painting from the exhibition space through
the same tool. Each painting generate access to numeric
books, music, conferences, radio podcasts, for prisoner’s
acknowledgement. Expression and escape, gratitude : Mûr
creates social link and meaning to prison.
2 Feet 2 Hands
Become the crafyman of your own shoes
“2 Feet 2 Hands” is a brand that proposes a shoe making
experience. It is a place, where we are guided by a professional,
with available tools and different shoes types and sizes
proposed. Available materials on site are bought locally or
salvaged from industrials or private individual.
The “2 pieds 2 mains” experience begins at home, on the brand
website. We choose our type of shoes among a collection that
diversify themselves according to difficulty and making time.
We schedule an appointment and arrive to the workshop the
planned day. We are welcomed by the guiding team that explains
us the different steps of the making process.
The making steps are materialized by furniture pieces adapted to
each stage and disposed in line, in order, like a production line.
We follow the instructions until the shoes are over and we can
directly leave the store with them on the feet.
But in reality, the main interest of this project is to redefine an
alternative economic system, that could concretize itself in
numerous production sectors. And proposing, at the same time,
to work on our individual self-esteem and give a particular value
back to our products.
Playful information sharing and
diversity of opinion
With the current burst of the information technology, we have
to face the issue of organizing information contents in order
to prevent it to overwhelm us. It raises the question of how the
current passive and non-selective access to information could
be transformed into a more active and efficient usage.
The concept of ‘Corbeille Café’ is organized around three
fundamental elements: A team of information experts first aims
to create a multimedia library and its presentation in the form
of virtual menus. The consumption - co-construction circular
open space is organized around the integration of furniture
elements and a projection system. Finally an interface is
proposed, which is designed in thee degrees of participation:
the Entrée aggregates contents as polls about News topics. The
‘Plat Principal’ is a decomposition prism of News subjects into
three different classes. The ‘Dessert’ assembles participants into
discussion groups in order to produce a restitution of crucial
points debated during a moovie session.
The ‘Corbeille Café’ addresses the imperative requirements of
active information treatment through proposing a hybrid counter
where knowledge is made available on demand into a projection
system. In contrast to the traditional salon – meeting space for
a closed community – the ‘Corbeille Café’ is an open space in
the manner of American drivein: a thematically programmed and
evolving meeting point.
Stéphane DUBUR
Autonomous container trucks
for the last Km delivery
This project is due for 2030, when autonomous vehicles will
be in the streets and people used to have them around, and it
deals on the theme of the last mile freight delivery. The buyers
of such a system (B2B) could be freight transport companies,
express deliveries institutions, private companies, etc.., while
the users of the system (B2C) could be merchants, supermarkets
managers or anybody who has ordered something on the
Internet and wishes to receive it at home. A truck
(driven by a truck driver) carries 3 autonomous electric contai-
ners only on major roads (highways, ring roads) from the logistic
platform up to the suburb of the city, where the containers are
loaded / unloaded by the truck in special parkings (logistics
areas) disposed in strategic areas around the city.
The tour of a truck no longer consists in making deliveries down-
town, but in loading / unloading the autonomous containers in
the «logistics areas»; it is then the autonomous containers which
drive by themselves up to the shop (or private home) inside the
city where the deliveries need to be made.
Such a system can reduce the pollution (by using clean ener-
gies: gas for the truck, electricity for the containers) and reduce
traffic jam / increase traffic flow (by having the right size for the
right vehicle: a big truck on the major roads, small containers for
the city).
Apprehend technology
If we wanted to define the right word of our century, it would
definetely be «technical». Technology is in permanent growth as
a result human beings are fearfull of technology. The Peugeot
Platine is a reflective project where human beings must have
confidence and trust in technology.This fear, as known as « the
Robot fear », is the idea that technology overtaking human
beings. So, the modern object is the root of the XXI century
Peugeot Platine comes from a reflection throught Human being
has to be confident with Technology. The goal is to propose a
transitive space where humans could comprehend a new type
of object. Within micro-mobility and two wheeled vehicles, the
user keeps a full control on an advanced technology vehicule.
Moreover, Platine is an alternative to move in cities.
Inspired by the Peugeot Grand Bi bike, it is a new vehicule
architecture based on the gyroscopic system. Beside, this
concept enhance the reinterpretation of Peugeot brand
identity values as the « Coupe franche ». The « Coupe franche »
particularity is a leather holstered seat of the vehicle.
This concept has a sport look with a levitation seat and a driving
position adapted to user physical effort. Therefore, Platine can
be considered as a transitory vehicule which allows human to
accept and to tame modern technology.
HONDA 3SB - Sub Spatial Stag Beetle
Taste the speed, Feel the speed
The HONDA 3SB project is an habitable supersonic drone, which
is able to retranscrit some aspects of a spatial travel, by staying
in the atmosphere.
By using a turboramjet, the vehicle can reach the height of thirty
kilometers and give the opportunity to its two passengers to
admire a spatial landscape, even if they are three times less
higher than the Karman line (frontier
between the atmosphere and the space).
Moreover, thanks to its dual mode system, the semi-automatic
aircraft is controled by a professional pilot, who stays on the
earth floor, during the take off and the landing down phases.
Furthurmore, when the vehicle is stabilized to the constant
speed of Mach 3, the accelerations almost disappear. The first
passenger can take its control, to experiment the high speed
and contempling the Earth from the black sky at the same time.
Thereby, more people will realize their dream in the next years,
that is living an emotional and sensational space experience.
Modesty has its outfit
Respect and modesty.
Old age causes a loss of mobility. This lack of mobility drives
elderly people to become dependent on others. Stay at home
carers necessary to complete daily tasks, such as bathing.
However this is a very intimate task. The carer undresses,
washes and dresses the patient again. This is why Thémis prefers
covering his body during these uncomfortable moments. Thémis,
wears a bathrobe to cover his body while helping the elderly and
moving around the house. Kimon effectively replaces a bathrobe
by adapting itself to the handicaps. It protects the modesty and
maintains warmth during care.
Grow Startup happiness
Let me introduce you TRIBE the first productivity tool based on
Nobody talks in your company ? Some people feels useless ?
Product didn’t develop fast enough ? Nobody is in the office in
the same time ? You feel that you are the only one working ? You
don’t feel confortable in your workplace ?
All those issues are connected. And the key is happiness. A study
from the Warwick university show that happiness can increase
productivity by 37%. Increasing your salaries happiness is tricky
but possible.
With TRIBE you can stimulate 4 universes : Performance -
because people need to feel useful Environnement - because
your body needs to feel great Team - because you need to
understand the people you work with Project - because you
need to understand your role.
TRIBE is based on a Curative Organizational Model in order
to give the best indications as possible. TRIBE collects the
organisation’s data, analyze and advice the stakeholders.
TRIBE is conceive to work perfectly with startup’s workflows and
provide an amazing entrepreneurship experience. TRIBE is fully
customizable to respond to each team’s specific needs.
TRIBE is an open source platform, you can connect any smart
objects to visualize and manage information.
It’s been a pleasure, I hope to see you soon on Tribe !
Let the silence play
Arlekino is a game for deaf and non-deaf children. It creates a
link between them thanks to silent communication. The games
intention is to make children use physical language to imitate
and reproduce an idea and communicate it to other children.
The recommended age group is children from 5 to 10 years old.
The objectives of the game are: strengthen the sensory deficit
of the deaf child in a society that is often indifferent to them;
to strengthen the communication between deaf and non-deaf
children through their body; and finally to erase the diversity.
Firstly, non-deaf children improve the gestural communication
and the capacity to manage in unusual situations where they
cannot use words. Secondly, Arlekino encourages deaf children
and non-deaf children to interact with each other and have fun,
and teach the importance of silence at the same time. Silence
allows them to think of the best way of expressing themselves.
In conclusion, Arlekino uses an often overlooked method of
communication as a way to interact and leaves children free to
express themselves as they prefer, all while keeping silent.
Nicolas FOURNY
An aerial experience
Saab AERO 1000 is a system composed of two vehicles, land
and air, offering a phantasmagorical experience of flight. The
concept is based on a cell, cockpit and trunk, transferring
from a car to a plane thanks to jacks on this first one. By car
they are also used to incline the cell in turns to reproduce
flying sensations. In plane mode the cockpit has a transparent
floor to increase the floating sensation. Both vehicles doesn’t
require special license, the car is autonomous and the aircraft is
remotely controlled. However they both can be driven in manual
mode with the rights authorizations. Nevertheless in addition to
be designed for an optimal experience of the flight, the cockpit
stand out by an apparent simplicity to support the desire to
understand the control of the plane.
Make your leisure unforgettable
My project of diploma as for starting point the wellness the
wellness and happiness. To reach happiness a part is not
negligible, the memory. Thus photography makes it possible to
capture one moment, to re-examine it and to remind it. And thus
to build its happiness. L’Explorateur is a camera of loan which
one would find in the places where one is likely to live happy
moments between friends or in family and where one does not
think forcing of taking his camera. I.e. parks, nature reserves,
zoos, aquariums or amusement parks. He would be used to take
pictures and, not important, he would adapt to all situations.
L’Explorateur at conceived summer so that each one can use it
and can make photographs of qualities. By a system of ring the
user changes objectives and of filter without removing or adding
With l’Explorateur to take pictures as pro becomes a game of
Confront you OCD
Top® has been designed in order to help people who are
suffering from OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) to be
aware of their anxiety in real time.
With this device, the aim is to help people having this disorder
while they are practicing for cognitive and behavioral therapy.
These exercises, which help reducing the importance of the
OCD in one’s daily life, are often though and laborious. This is
why Top® has been designed as a clip that can be attached to a
bracelet or to underwear. It accompanies the person during the
different stages of increase of anxiety.
The idea is that the person can wear this object in order to be
reassured and encouraged between consultations with the
therapist: each exercise is a step towards healing.
To complete this object, an application has been developed so
as the person can visualize one’s progression and efforts. The
user, thanks to the application, can encourage other people
having this disorder, based on the hypothesis that social support
and experiences sharing have a beneficial effect. An application
has also been conceived for patient’s close circle. This object
and this application, also allow therapists to extend the
evaluation in situation, which comes closer to the approaches
of the Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) that consist in
evaluating the patient in his natural environment to have precise
Christopher GIROUX
The versatile family vehicle
For a long time, the rural world was characterized by its
homogeneity and a strong stability. Pace of life, traditions, and
social attitudes were influenced and inherited by the farmer’s
way of life. Rural territories and its occupants used to live with
seasons rhythm in a relative harmony with the landscapes and
the environment they were using to live… But that harmony
and that stability were also relative as humans started agrarian
exploitation of the environment, they started to think and
structure those activities around the notion of rationalism.
Gradually, technical and scientific evolutions, but also a certain
type of desecration of the concept of “nature” reinforced this
rationalism and drive humans to the world we all know today.
A legitimate track, however it was a brake for the fair links
that existed between humans and our environment. The rural
world has been the center of this link and is also part of this
disturbed relation. Humans industrialized the environment.
We have urbanized landscapes and the nowadays-rural areas
are complex and diversified universes as well people have
diversified their activities. At the center of this complication, the
relation between urban and rural area became different and the
mobility is the base of this evolution. And the vehicles to answer
to this need of mobility are sometimes not well adapted to those
changes. The Volkswagen Activ’UP is a compact MPVwhich is
adapted to the complication of the rural pace of life. In a rural
world now containing a strong urban culture, the peoples’ life
is made of a great variety of uses situations. Those situations
are on the both side urban and rural, from outdoor activities to
daily-life use. With simple storage and a great variety of exterior
design elements, Activ’UP will be adapted to most of those
activities. From do-ityourself work to gardening through family
trip or even simple daily-life commuting, at the age of “smart-
vehicles”, Activ’Up is adaptable to a large range of activities
with simple technical answer. Proposing simple solutions, and
thinking about this vehicle as a simple object made to answer to
users’ needs was something really important for me. With that
Satisfying basic needs and social life of coas-
tal populations victims of a natural disaster
Éon is a humanitarian 90m long hybrid landing ship with three
After reaching a place devastated by a tsunami or hurricane, he
is able to produce and distribute water and food to the refugees,
but also to serve as a hospital ship. Éon provides the necessary
material for the construction of a temporary village around the
ship, becoming the center of the refugee community.
First, the boat will go to a devastated area by a tsunami or
hurricane. Then the boat land on the beach with its flat bottom.
The sails are within balms when the boat is in a situation of
beaching. Then, first aid, supplies and equipment are landed. The
ambulance present on board can bring the wounded people in
the ship’s hospital.
During the second phase, the crew assembles houses in kit for
refugees around to the boat. Thus was established the village of
Finally, the access gateway is lowered, allowing refugees to
enter the main deck of the boat from the front, and so they can
come every day to bring food and water, the boat is capable of
producing in autonomous. It is indeed equipped with a sea water
desalination system and a greenhouse where they grow various
vegetables and high poisons through a system combining
hydroponics and aquaculture.
Once the basic needs of refugees are ensured by other means,
the boat can start to another affected area.
Éon therefore provided a more humane alternative, autonomous
and sustainable for help and sustenance disaster refugees.
Tue ton Tabac !
Sensory space for preventing tobacco
This project called « TTT » for «Tue ton tabac » or «kill your
tobacco» is financed by both the health and education ministers.
The point is to have secondary school students live a unique
sensorial experience and immersion related to their tobacco
The truck is composed of five closed rooms. It is inspired from
the movie « The Cube ». Students by group of five will go through
the truck, without knowing what is behind each door. At first
students will be asked to provide personal data, such as their
name and the quantity of cigarettes they smoke per day. The
goal is to personalize the experience. Inside the truck they will
be guided by screens.
The first room is named « The Lung »: The student will blow
in a pipe that will make smoke appear in the room. The walls
will transform by getting darker and grainy like the inside of a
smoker’s lung.
The second room is named « The Mask »: Participants have to
make an obstacle race. Half way thru the race they will put on
a mask which alters their breathing according to their nicotine
intake in a scope of ten to twenty years.
The third room is named « Superman »: Students are explained
endorphins effects with the use of an AirFly or gravity simulator.
The fourth room is named « Chamber of Smells »: A foul odour
enters into the room, the students have to turn buttons with the
shape of cigarettes to stop the smell.
At the end of the activities each student will decide if he re-
duces is smoking by one cigarette every day according to the
daily consumption he declared. A national challenge could be
launched on social networks to find out which school will be able
to reduce the most cigarettes consumption. The goal is to create
a positive group effect to lower tobacco consumption.
Olivier HAMY
Ecosystemic Hive
LA CASE is a design project to integrate beekeeping in the
urban space. The hive uses the same system than the traditional
one. It brings a new ergonomic comfort and readability. The
manipulation of the differents elements and the observation of
bees is facilitated because of the structure in «drawers».
The top part has two positions, open and closed designed to
keep the equipments available for people who has access to.
Delivered in «kit» the struture is complete and ready for use. Its
location is free. The only constraint is that it has to be positioned
on the ground.
To make this project the most comprehensive possible a
packaging and an smartphone application had been imaginated
: the goal is that each citizen can become an actor of the hive.
By providing the necessary resources they participate in the
viability of the hive. Through the application you can know where
the hives are situated, and where the «honey spaces» exist.
Sidney HARDY
One Situation, One Vehicle
EON Concept – Create a light vehicle on demand.
EON is a mobility system located in the center of the city. Thanks
to an autonomous entity, it allows the user to simply create a
vehicle designed to meet his needs. The EON system is based
on the duo horse/carriage. The carriage increases the horse’s
capacities in terms of passengers, luggages and comfort. The
goal of the EON concept is to make the wheel a standard in
order to create different typologies of vehicle. Those vehicles
are divided in two parts: the totem, made of stretched fabric and
the pod who has the moving capacities. Totems, made of fabric,
can fold on themselves in order to occupy less space when
unused. A prototype has then been built with 3D printed parts in
ABS and stretchable fabric, to validate the concept.
Your evolutive sneakers
Mü allows people to create them own morphologically and
culturally adapted sneakers.
The shoe consists of 4 parts that the user can assemble:
- The sole, that defines the use and the identity of the shoes to
be adapted to the social environment where the user goes.
- The slipper, which provides comfort and airing to the foot.
- The “Wings” which are made out of leather. They create an
expressive space on the shoe, by enveloping it. The user can
trace what he is inspired by (Type, people, logos…) on a pre-cut
paper wing. It will be printed or pyrograved on the final leather
- The puck, which is adapted to its user foot morphology
(studied in store) and is ready to be set on every Mü shoe.
Thanks to this part, the weight of the user is conveniently
distributed throughout the foot and he can have a healthy
The entire shoe is made of leather and “Vitrimère”. It combines
the flexibility of gum and the ability of the glass to be melted.
Thanks to such materials, it is possible to renew your shoes
without wasting anything. When the sole is used, we can add a
few materials to complete a new one or make a totally different
one using the same materials.
The 4-part structure makes people able to have infinity of models
with the same parts.
To conclude, this project tries to give a new approach of the
treasure that represents cultures and the diversity it welcomes.
Mü shoes meet that values allowing people to express their
identity by wearing morphologically adapted clothes.
Victor HU
A world where everything is possible
In a world where the digital tools are omnipresent in everyday
life, we consider it as a trustful value and as an end as itself. And
yet, they are an impediment to relationship between parents and
children. Moreover, they connect us all to a virtual world and
turn us dependent on it. K+ transforms the digital tools into a
transition tool, from the reality to the virtual, through a game. K+
is a printing press, an application and kaplas. You will be asked
to build first in the real world in order to play on the app. The
press allows you to affix a personal identity on the kapla, helping
the app to recognize it. The constructions’ capture lead to a 3D
modeling and the possibility of building a new and personal
universe. Thus, you can share your creations by giving one of
your kapla to someone. It acts like a secret code, opening the
access of your library. The imaginary and toughness asked from
the kapla aim at creating an exchange of knowledge among
parents and children, to forge a family bond. K+ also captures a
fleeting moment, a souvenir.
Ride the lost roads - a new vision of adventure
in 2040
Because of rural exodus in 2040, 90% of the population will live
in big cities with nearby airports and train stations to travel from
city to city. Finally, countryside travel is abandonned and roads
are not used anymore. As roads are not maintained, traffic law
does not apply and the only code remaining is the one of the
derelict road.
The main parts of abandonned roads are still in good condition,
drivable, but at some points the road features obstacles that
should not be there. Destroyed bridge, cars in the way, dead
ends... These are all different and unstable, preventing the driver
to get through and keep on.
Because of gravity it’s hard to get through obstacles. It’s
possible to rebuild the road, climb or remove obstacles. But this
is not compatible with efficient and fun travel.
Even derelict, roads are still existing infrastrutures that can be
used again with an adapted vehicle. The idea is to make lost
roads a new playground for a riding sport experience giving the
rider sensations and freedom. Inspired by the kitesurf and it’s
ability to jump, the KTM KITE XSCAPE bike features motorized
wings linked to the wheel that can deploy in the air above the
bike forming a wing with turbines that can tow the bike and give
it the forward thrust to go over obstacles.
Nap at the construction site
The modern social life works faster and faster so that gives us
no breathing time. Our short break is generally swallowed by
this fast-paced information age. The modern people do not take
a nap any more. Some of them have no habit like this, and some
of them have no conditions to do. For instance, someone who
works on the building site, these builders have no comfortable
environment to take a rest. But we have to point out that if we
take a nap at noon, it is good to refreshment. And its effect is
similar to an all-night sleep. EASYDOR is designed especially
for the builder’s nap on the building site. It has double functions.
When we needn’t sleep, it is a bench at the locker room; When
the builder needs to take a nap, this bench is convertible into a
bed with drapery conveniently, for a quite private space.
Jeremy KOCH
Armband for deaf communicaion
MEDIUM is a connected armband for deaf or hearing impaired
people as well as earing people who deal with this world/
environment. This communication device is based on the will to
help these two worlds/ environments get closer, both with their
linguistic and cultural resources.
This armband is based on 2 different technologies:
+ Sound recognition, enabling MEDIUM to react to a pre-
recorded acoustic sampler and then identifynit.
+ Electromyography (EMG), a medical technic enabling the
identification of movements by catching the various electrical
currents produced by the muscular activity.
MEDIUM offers four different modes and applications:
earO, gestO, dicO and resO.
Touching being at the core of the transmission, earO mode gives
the opportunity to favour access to sound information. But this
tactile communication also aims at making the sign language
stand out. With gestO, the armband increases the reach of
signs in situations where the communication system is failing,
by turning sounds and signs into tactile messages. In fact, on
top of the existing sounds and signs, new ones can be edited by
each user. By exploiting the EMG recognition to identify signs,
MEDIUM includes also a new style of dictionary: the dicO mode.
dicO makes the translation of a word into a sign or vice versa.
Last but not least, the resO mode aims at promoting the signs
language and its learning, facilitating exchanges between deaf
or hearing impaired people, using this language, with others.
Listening earth
Terra Nostra is an accompaniment device for farmers in
transition towards agricultural practices more respectful for the
environment. The organization puts at the disposal of farmers
a set of smart tools intended to data’s collection on their
exploitation at various strategic places. Intended to provide
measurement informations concerning the quality of the ground,
the water, the air and the crop plants; these sensors also allow
the mapping of all data for a better decision making and a
more precise approach in the use of water, manure or in inputs.
The goal is indeed to reduce the fossil fuels’ consumption. By
using this system, farmers commits themselves to improve
their culturals methods and to deliver a certain amount of data,
particularly important for researchers to help them finding
proper solutions which going to face the numerous issues. The
government can also take benefits from this data to suggest
sensible policies fitting with the reality on the ground. In return
for his commitment, and efforts, the farmer is reward by a label
wich proove his active process in the adoption of eco-conscious
pratices. He can also join a farmers’ network to get a better
knowledge in the way to achieve this green’s benefits and to
share with others his expertise
My neighbor is the deliverer
Bee Colis is a free responsible delivery service which implies
that people have to gather themselves. Indeed, a certain number
of orders has to be done on e-shopping websites partners so
that a delivery can happen in the neighbourhood.
Once this is done, Be Colis allows users to follow their parcel
in a fun way, thanks to a set of map that change according to
what has been bought.. Moreover, it is possible to enjoy an
exclusive content related to the order as well. Last but not least,
customers can have their parcels delivered to their neighbours,
called « ambassadeurs ». So in case of absence, no worry,
delivery is guaranteed!
The new wilds breakaway
CAMPLA is born from a	society	of the comfort and the instan
forecast witch makes people sleepy and assisted.	  	
The products of this brand are made to make wild camping	
accessible for everyone and anywhere despite	any interdictions.	
We need to keep be able to move in different environment to	
 meet difficulties and practice the agility and
not lose this shrewdness.	
A skills absolutely lost	 in the Urban comfort where all	
the devices are turned towards us.	
The goal of these products is not to give a simple trick to camp	
 everywhere but furthermore to give the key of the unexpected,	
 which is at the origin of everyone shrewdness. As a resume	
 these objects are tools to go camp, slink in the nature	 to find	
our shrewdness in front of the nature surprise.	
 A tent,a stove  with his grid and a fireproof carpet.	
Four additional objects you need to camp where you want ,
Out of your own body
The starting point of the projet was the « inframince » (infra-
thin) concept from marcel Duchamp, an aesthetic concept
designating an imperceptible difference or gap, sometimes only
imaginable between two phenomena.
Ecstatic is a large (213ft) trimaran/catamaran sail yacht, with a
center hull that can disconnect from the main structure, to be
tracted much as a water-skier would by the main structure. Thus
enabling the passenger to live the unique experience of « out of
body » experience, and to be able to observe oneself from the
The owners has a unique view of their boat sailing…. while sailing
on the boat!
The center hull also features fully transparent surfaces, thus
abolishing the distance between the interior space and it ‘s
confort, and the exterior environment of the sea.
Whereas in traditional hulls, you live « inside », here you feel
Finally, the boat’s 3 hulls sit on foils, thus increasing the
smoothness of the experience, while increasing the speed of the
Overall design language emphasises the lightness and thinness
of the design, attempting again to gring « inframince » qualitities
to the boat.
You Data Astrology
The digital data : «Big data» are essentially generted by social
networks and allow to inform a company about your interests
and your consumer habits. At the moment, digital data are
detained by some multinatial just for a commercial purpose.
This poject allows people to regain control of their digital
universe !
Ephemeris is an interactive experience which aims to collect the
individual digital data before analysing them with an algorithm,
to propose advice and recommendations for example think
about your biological rythm and your nutriton, respect your
This opportunities of personal devlopment are then planned
under the shape of a night sky in which we are free to navigate :
the astrology 2.0?
A poetic and friendly way to humnize data in a constantly
evolving world.
Hogun LEE
Enhance disability, make it desirable
Nowadays, disabled people are sti ll not fully integrated in
society. However, the development of new technologies allows
handicapped individuals to have the same opportunitie that
nondi sabled people. More recently, superhero figures such as
iron man and robocop have bee, particularly popular with the
general public.
The fisrt bionic colympics will be hosted inzuri chin 2016, there
isa real big potential for bionics. The idea behend my concept is
to build a vehicle for bionic olympics for 2030.
Thist his singleseater vehicle would be an extension of a
handcycle that would use the same system thanks to high
technologies. This new concept of cars would offer a brand new
driving experience, with a big potential to become a new sport
that will attract publi interestn the nea future
It would represent a new and different approach to disability.
Rather than offering solutions to give di sabled people new
possibilities, i have developed a projet that would give them
confidence in their own ability, give them assurance and imporve
their selfesteem. A project that would focus on what is essential.
Alexandre LEJEUNE
The small research laboratory on game
Le playful is a small laboratory of play. It is a place of discovery
and gathering meant to question ourselves about play, games,
how we play and about misconceptions mainly on the subject
of video games. To show and reveal the potential behind such
a young form of expression, deeply tethered to its commercial
applications and categorized as another consumable good,
affecting its development and how it is perceived. Le playful is
carried out through different formats of gatherings —to think
about play— or diverse activities —to create and experiment—
that include elements of play, made to explore play and games
throughout multiple themes and areas, to cultivate and nourish
its experimental and alternative culture. Le playful is like a small
community garden of experimental play in an era dominated by
Apprenez à déguster vos pains avec vos plats
To support this concept, I first redesigned bakery: The House
of Bread. This new sign with a yellow logo, to remind the
color of the wheat ear (primary ingredient in making bread),
is represented by a pentagon. This pentagon, with five side
represents the link between the food, bread, and the 5 senses.
Then typography is very rounded for even more greed. Finally,
the pentagon alone represents a house, a sign of expertise,
authenticity and warm appearance.
To accompany the bakery, I pushed my concept to packaging,
by rethinking the bread bin. Too often forgotten, the bread bin is
now very outdated and take up much space in our kitchens. Thus
it is no longer present in our kitchens. It is from this observation
that I wanted to create a packaging bread inspired by these
bread bins, while adapting to today’s needs: - One packaging
for all the rolls, so there is no problem of bread box according
to the size of the loaves. - A packaging carton as the carton is
ideal material to keep moisture because the cardboard absorbs.
In addition, it keeps the crispy bread because the board has the
ability to breathe let the bread.
In order to support the baking and packaging, I have wan-
ted to create a way to put words to the tastes of bread. For
this I first created a paper that surrounds the bread with
words that describe the bread, taste, appearance, ... Thus
the consumer discovers the qualifiers bread through this
paper that surrounds the bread. Then I also created effec-
tive communication through a book, «the guide rolls» that
recounts the whole concept and presents each of breads.
It is classified according to the rolls, and is associated with
a dish / food each with an explanation of why that particu-
lar dish with bread.
The Ultra lite Limo
The Bugatti Mistral is a chauf The Bugatti Mistralis a chauffeured
limousine using ultralight materials, usually dedicated to
motor sport. Thus, the over all weight of the vehicle is lower
than similar cars. This all ows alower consumpt i on and ther
efore less impact on the environment. Inspired by the 1928
Bugatti Royale, the Mistral has two distinct parts: the front,
whichincludes the st eering cockpit and the trunk; and the back,
which is where the passengers take place. Throught reatment of
specific for ms and lines, the vehicle, despite its unprecedented
and unusual proportions, looks visually light and the capsule
in the back seems to float . The interior of the visually light
and the capsule in the back seems to float. The interior of the
capsule (dedicated to passengers) wants to be very simple
and minimalist to reduce effectively the weight of the vehicle.
Thanks to a « floating» seat, the feel ing oflight ness is present
while remaining very luxurious and comfortable. A tablet and a
screen allow entertained or to work during the trip. We find in
this vehicle use of physical and aesthetic light ness to allevi at
et he over all weight of the vehicle and so meet environmentalst
Delphine MACÉ
A tourist experience combining strong
sensations and meeting with populations
The starting point of my project was to translate European
identity through mobility. The result is a rentable electric
roadster that allows tourists to take on typical European roads
while driving, or relaxation while being driven autonomously by
the car.
The vehicle architecture changes, with a shorter wheelbase,
raising the passenger cell in autonomous mode so they can
enjoy the scenery, or a longer wheelbase, with a passenger cell
closer to the road, when in driving mode.
Lancelot MALET
Mobility by and for children
« Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist
once he grows up »
« It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to
paint like a child »
Pablo Picasso.
As a starting point to his project , Lancelot’s design brief started
by asking 7-10 year old children to imagine, and draw, what
vehicle they would use to get to school Alone.
After putting aside duckf-eeted wheels, and giga-rockets, or
more worryingly red demon rabbits chained to the vehicle, he
set himself to design, as an adult designer, the synthesis of their
He then got feedback from the same children on his designs,
refining the concept for the final project taking into account their
A.lone is an atonomous bi-modal (air and ground) vehicle
designed specifically for children.
Nowdays, adults have mobility autonomy thanks to cars,
motorbikes etc. Children have bicycles, scooters etc to go to
school, but always under their parent’s supervision.
The concept is to provide total autonomy to children, equivalent
to that provided to adults, to extend his mobility scope.
A.lone is adapted to children measuring between 80cm to
150cm, between the age of 4 to 10. The interior design of the
vehicle allows for children growth and is adapted to various
This vehicle features 3 « wheel/rotor units » that provide rolling
capabilities for ground travel, and lifting capabilities for air
travel. Thus, the vehicle that can drive on the road, but also take
of to avoid traffic jams.
The child is the only one able to switch from one mode to the
Each child is given an RFID chip, securing access to the vehicle
only to him, but also allowing geo-positioning for parental
NO !
The Tasty Embassy
Sensitize people on “anti-cliché” so that they can discover a
country, a culture through unusual and unknown products, this is
the main mission of NO!
It is important to update a culinary exoticism, which is trivialized
and popularized nowadays. For authenticity, No! offers a real
collaboration with embassies and cultural services which submit
5 products that are not “clichés” of the country.
All these products will be reunited in an ephemeral and evolving
space where 8 countries are represented and were we may
taste, buy, discuss about products. A space which may invest
very different places, supermarket car park, university campus ...
Sébastien MARIOT
Looking differently our second hand objects
The Emmaüs’ Remix appear as range of packaging able to give
a second life to used everyday objects. Simple objects without
fashion added value or another things, depending on three
themes: toys, tool and table service. Packagings become part
of the object, as part of daily rituals use through interaction
container / content. Economically very accessible, this concept
allows poorest to access at beautiful and well thought out.
As part of the social economy is in correspondence with the
expectations trend of sharing and pooling resources to curb the
current consumption. This packaging is completely recyclable,
itself being made from recycled ecological footprint is low, it
aims to limit waste.
By upgrading second-hand objects and the circuits that promote
it, it works to their requalification. This approach allows to go to
meet people who are now far from these circuits. By promoting
solidarity gestures donations to associations, it should
encourage them to give more. The developed economic system
will create jobs: reconditioning can be operated in partnership
with associations working for social inclusion of ‘big excluded
from society. « A project generally follows the path I wish to
bring in design today: participate to the development of a
simpler world more just, more beautiful. In the case REMIX splint
it by providing more humanity and history to objects around us,
claiming their poetic potential in their own simplicity.
A new way of exploring
From the hostile nature to deep down in your heart
The Centaur chariot is a chariot intended for adventure and
the great adventurers who explore the world without being
motorized. It is at the same time multifunction and any grounds
(earth, water, snow ). Thanks to its biosphere, kind of embarked
camera, the adventurer can store invaluable data in the form
of pictures or movies which will allow him to exploit at best his
trip (work, report …) The exceptional qualities of ergonomics
(ease of use and room optimization to tidy up equipment,
clothes, food) of the Centaur chariot, allows the adventurer
to free himself from certain difficulties of access in a hostile
or still unexploited environnement. It is indeed designed and
adapted to explore parts of countries so mysterious and dense
as the Amazonia for example. Very easy to use, the man hauls
the folded up chariot during the day (1m65) and unfolds it in
sleeping mode in the evening to bivouac (2m40), so protecting
it from climatic harshness and potential dangers. Relieved of
certain logistic contingencies, the adventurer can focus on the
essential part and overtake his own limits to go to meet himself.
By thinking of adventure, it was necessary to imagine a not only
compact but useful and reassuring object which is essential for
the explorer, as his continuation.
Consequently is the idea of the Centaur where the man is
brought to be at one with the object like in the Mythology.
Easing child treatment through illusions
Disum is a device for installation of care for child from 3 to
6 years. It includes five packaging dealing each a form of
administration (pharmaceutical). The idea is to divert the
attention of the child with the illusion to taking medication
with his mom or dad. The frog and the cauldron deal syrup and
make their mixture, Holo the healer robot takes care of sprays
whether it be for the nose, mouth or ears, it’s always equipped
with good bit to carry out its mission. Meanwhile, the zebu
explorer Jojo holds a magic cream that it hides in its box jungle
of empty appearance. The Mermaid hidden in its box is able to
create an illusion with its tear and will make discover to anyone
who follows these instructions. And finally the hexs trap in a
book that will enable a solid diversion for the appearance of the
When the experience reveals the potential
Nowadays students almost have only one tangible way to know
who they are. I’m speaking of the school report. Nevertheless
this point of reference isn’t enough reliable. That is why many
teenagers feel frustrated because they do not feel valued for
what they have done outside school. Hermios is a system that
enable personal fulfillment for teenagers from 14 to 17 years
old. It is composed of 3 elements: - 30 connected totems made
of cork and ABS that can be hanged on the wall. Each piece
tells the teenager what he is made of: an interest, an aspect of
his personality or an ability. - A mobile application that enable
the user to follow his experiences and to link the totem to their
digital information. - 4 manuals to explain to who is concern
what should be done This whole system enables the teenager
to have a tangible representation of himself directly based on
his everyday experiences. Thanks to that they will answer basic
questions more easily: What can I do? What am I interested
in? Who am I? A brand new and innovative approach that uses
the project method and the personal analysis to reveal the
teenager’s potential. Step by step, he discovers himself. Each
discovery is then related to a totem. All the totems are then
freely put together by the teenager to form a wall construction.
Thanks to a storing mobile application it will be possible to link
each element to it’s corresponding experiences.
Wind objects / Poetic trail
The project was born from a reflection on the idea of Trace and
its poetry. It is a manifesto object, an experimental attempt
to respond to the question: How can one materialize the
imperceptible, the trace of time? WIND’s SHAPE proposes to
record the trace of an event, of a particular day, by offering an
object that the wind itself will manufacture. A machine receives
a liquid material that will be shaped by the wind’s fluctuations.
Over time, the item hardens so every object takes on a unique
aspect. By making one piece a day, each article showcases
a unique pattern, specific to the weather of the day. Via our
website, the user can easily pre-order his set for a particular
date. Every WIND’s SHAPE object encapsulates, in its very own
material, the memory of a day and keeps its story alive for ever.
Daniele MISSO
Stange errors
Have you ever thought about the role memory plays in our
lives and how lucky we are everyday to be able to say “I
remember”? Mnemonic Design Project aims to guide you in a
personal reflection on the importance of memory as the base
of our coherent being, our reason, our feelings and our actions.
Products were designed after spending over two months in
an assisted living centre at the Charles Foix Hospital in Ivry-
sur-Seine which hosts advanced-stage Alzheimer’s patients.
Restoring a sense of dignity and normalcy to those people
became a priority in this work.
Three chapters were defined reflecting upon those three crucial
moments in patients’ lives: dressing, eating and practising their
memory. At least with that which remains. By exploring each
chapter you can get closer to what the disease really implies
as well as discover a range of solutions which were carefully
designed in order to enhance the daily life of the patient. The
entire range of products is available for purchase but they are
not for sale in pharmacies or any medical supply stores. Our idea
was to target everybody as a potential buyer; our goal was to
share what we learnt about living without memory.
Make yourself up differently
The world of beauty and cosmetics is based solely on
visualization today. Consequently, this realm of beauty is
hardly accessible to the visually impaired person. Looking after
ourselves cosmetically, is a right that the visually impaired
deserve. Therefore, I have developed a unique make-up kit for
the visually impaired: MYUD (Make Yourself Up Differently), for
those women who wish to begin the make-up process or learn
more techniques. This intuitive pallet is personalized to the
need of each women, due to the experience which begins at the
moment one enters the shop. The woman gets personal service
and beautician advice on how to make-up herself. The shop
experience stimulates autonomy, thanks to a connected pallete
which guides the woman. This shop and the pallete MYUD are
accessible to all women, since the make-up seeks to integrate all
with zero discrimination.
Watching over night nurses
Work in the 21st century is characterized by globalization
and more spatial and temporal flexibility. Human beings have
to adapt to new rates to remain competitive. Tempo targets
invisible people : night workers, and in particlar nurses who, as
their biological clock is disrupted, are more exposed to physical
and mental disorders.
Tempo’s design perfectly integrates in a work environment
andallows topractice a moderat physical activity. Tempo is
combined with lumino and chromotherapy. One of the major
benefits of those physiologial adjustments is a beetter and
deeper sleep, and as a result, a healthier life. An app has been
designed so users can track their imporvements and connect
with other night workers.
The perpetual renewal bag
Today the bag is one of the most used accessories. We possessit
inimportant quantity. Each of them has aspecic function while
their content sispermanent lyvariable. The idea thus was to work
on areversible packaging freeing it self common sizes by being
inspired by natural structures.
A exible modular system allowing to pass of a design adapted to
a function in an evolutionary design. Atom is a bag which repeat
sinits differences to optimize its use and assure its of ce.
A shape which for msit self and deconstructs according to our
desires offering a multitude of possibilities which have limit only
our creativity
Be Your Own Designer
The real estate crisis has substantially affected the sale of
furniture. In fact, only three market leaders were left after the
dismantling of the Group Mobilier Européen, during the 2014
to 2015 period. Due to this, consumers tended to use more and
more second hand furniture, thanks to ad listing websites such
as Leboncoin, Ebay etc. Parallely, online sales are growing as
well, although this may lead buyers to take some bad choices.
Besides, most furniture shops are on the outskirts of Paris,
demanding a lot of time and energy for consumers.
With Pimp My Flat, there is no need to run around, since it
allows you to find all your favorite designer’s furniture, brands
and secondhand furniture, in the heart of the city –such as
IKEA, Alinea, MaisonMonde, Castorama, Home, Fly, Madura,
Kartell, etc. Imagine your future home by orchestrating a good
plan decoration, while incorporating your own most-cherished
furniture.Become your own interior designer with the help of the
newest technology! Now you can visualize your spaces using
virtual reality, whilst being assisted by professional guidance
and friends advice, allowing you to be proud of your project
Marine PASSI
Nothing is lost ! Peelings are transformed
Peelo is a catering service that reprocesses fruit and vegetable
peels which often are neglected in cooking. Indeed, 30% of our
household waste are peelings. Yet, it is full of vitamins, full of
taste and a culinary ideas generator. So how can we reduce this
waste? We have been neglecting our respect towards nature
because of mass consumption. But let’s be human now! At Peelo,
nothing is destroyed, peels are transforming into appetizing
food. Enjoy on-site vegetable dishes: starkers vegetable dish
OR, be surprised by its original peelings recipe. Don’t want to
miss any of both? Take your Peelo Bag home which contains the
recipe of the vegetable dish you didn’t eat on-site! Your Peelo
Bag is filled with all the ingredients needed to prepare the dish
and a recipe card. And now, let’s cook! Be part of the reducing of
your own waste, and alleviate its impact on the earth!
Zero compromise for driving pleasure
The dream of the humanity lies in its desire to live in a perfect
world. This dream remains a utopia, but we have all the same
purpose: to find a balance between dream and reality. The
strength of the man lives in his capacity to explore.
Why does the man continue to challenge authority which
he knows to be necessary? Why are we looking for strong
sensations? Maybe it is to escape, and try to forget our everyday
life, maybe it is also one of our deepest dreams that remains
difficult to implement. The fact of feeling living physically is
probably the answer to to humanity’s desire to escape, to avoid
a reality.
I have identified a new kind of sports car that allows the driver to
experience the full sensations of motoring. My BMW project is a
vehicle designed for driving instructors, equipped with double
controls, with the expert and the novice operating and sharing
controls in total symbiosis.
It has extreme proportions, with the vehicle architecture
placing driver and co-driver fully overhanging the rear wheels,
enhancing the perspective of the car’s hood and its movements.
Vittoria PERINO
In the canteen , learns and preserves the
gestures of eating well
The dream of the humanity lies in its desire to live in a perfect
world. This dream remains a utopia, but we have all the same
purpose: to find a balance between dream and reality. The
strength of the man lives in his capacity to explore.
Why does the man continue to challenge authority which
he knows to be necessary? Why are we looking for strong
sensations? Maybe it is to escape, and try to forget our everyday
life, maybe it is also one of our deepest dreams that remains
difficult to implement. The fact of feeling living physically is
probably the answer to to humanity’s desire to escape, to avoid
a reality.
I have identified a new kind of sports car that allows the driver to
experience the full sensations of motoring. My BMW project is a
vehicle designed for driving instructors, equipped with double
controls, with the expert and the novice operating and sharing
controls in total symbiosis.
It has extreme proportions, with the vehicle architecture
placing driver and co-driver fully overhanging the rear wheels,
enhancing the perspective of the car’s hood and its movements.
Be guided by your intuition
A perfumery for us men. Episode is a « niche » perfumery which
sales fragances created by renowned perfumers. Inspired by the
philosophy of the movie Star Wars, the perfumery offers a new
way to choose your fragrance and thus, to enable men to stand
out from the feminine area as far as perfumery is concerned.
Come enjoy a wonderful sensory experiment troughout an
initiatory trip. This will enable you to translate a specific part of
your life to a pure fragance.
Helped by a professional, you will be able to confirm, to
exchange and to initiate your nose in order to discover your
private fragance just with pictures and raw materials.
Immersed in a mystic and interactive atmosphere, you should let
talk your instinct in order to go back home with a private
« Episode » in its premium case.
« Let go your conscious self and act on instinct» Obi Wan Kenobi,
Star Wars A New Hope.
Clément PORÉE
Almost Flying Vehicle
Densification of chinese megacities combined	with social	
tensions resulting from	a century of revolutions and disruptions	
are creating a stressfull daily atmosphere. Urban mobility does	
not escape that facet.	 Within this caogulated	 and unequal	
context, A.F.V. realizes a dream: taking	 off above the trafic, and	
do not care about slowdown and danger any more. Using the
existing network of urban elevated roads, A.F.V. is a light electric	
one seater vehicle. Capable of	squeez	through trafic jams due	
to a adjustable width, it also allows to rise about thirty meters
above crowded streets. A.F.V. is offered for rent according
to various packages. It disrupts the schema of a statutory
automobile and replaces by an	efficient shared vehicle.	
The textile creation open source store
GraFIT is a workshop store f customized clothes creation. It
offers you a package including a creation, a piece of fabric and
a coffee! The essence of the project is the Opn Source : Every
creation is made by the GraFITist customer who enriches the
inspiration database of GraFIT. These creations are accessible
and reusble by the GraFITiste creator.
How to materialize your creation? Select a blank garment model
whether it’s a shirt or pant, you choose the color and the size.
Then get creative ! A main structure show man GraFITist creation
which evolves randomly every 2 minutes on tactile screens.
Don’t hesitate to like them add them to you digital inspiration
box in order to use them one registered.
When you want to make a creation, borrow the shared tools like
pens, felt-pens, sharpies, compass, scanners and tablets. Then
you can try on your creations rights away in the fitting room
thanks to interactive mirrors. Do you have a favourite creation?
Go to the heckout to make it real! No need to worry about the
textile impression. GraFIT takes care of everything : enjoy your
drink that is included in your package and leave the place with
your own creation !
Séverine PRADEAU
From green to glass
Glass is a beautiful material used in construction or in individual
housing. Its been a part our everyday life for thousands of years.
We are so used to it that we sometimes forget it. However
glass is a material that flirts with our imaginary with is fragile
appearance and the way it catches the light. Clochet uses glass
features to allow people who live in apartment and don’t have
enough light or heat to grow their own aromatic plants. Clochet
offers the possibility to learn how to grow with hydroponics and
have the rewarding experience of seeing your own plant grow.
Clochet, du verre au vert, grow better, eat healthier and learn.
The bike that makes its user independent
Technology used in modern motorbikes has disempowered
users who no longer know how to, or are simply not able to,
repair, or carry out basic maintenance.
What if you could own a bike, specifically designed with easy
maintenance and repair in mind, and with all the necessary
equipement built in to ensure that maintenance could be carried
out in any situation ?
The Ural, built in 1939 to be the soviet’s people bike, is known for
being robust, using trusted and tested technology.
The modern Ural Solo-T gives back power to the biker !
It is a modern bike with a confortable driving position, a
compact, minimalist stance, and a cafe racer look.
The entire bike is designed for quick easy maintenance :
- access to the engine is facilitated by the seat/tank unit
mounted on a hinge.
- the engine itself can be easily disassembled from the frame for
more complex procedures.
- a toolbox is stored under the tank unit, and two kick-stands are
built in the frame.
- the headlight set is removable and can be used as a light
during repair.
- the driver control panel is a computer that can be plugged in
the bike for diagnosis.
- an mobile App concept was developped for diagnosis
assistance, tutorials and forum e-community assistance.
Mathieu SCALA
Give a boost to your washing machine
After writing a dissertation on «the origin of our diversity», I
finalised my diploma and validated my 5th year at Strate, school
of design with a concept Laundromat project. The goal was to
take a boring, everyday chore and make it pleasant, fun activity.
Boost is a Laundromat that mixes an innovative service and
product. I imagined a new washing machine that transforms
human energy into electricity and money. The system utilises
the pedaling motion of the consumer to assist in powering the
washing machine. Morever, a smartphone application keeps the
physical and economics past of clients and creates relationship
in a friendly competition. Not only will the consumer benefit from
the opportunity to exercise during this daily chore, but they will
pay less and help save the planet.
Guillaume SCHOTT
Carpe Diem
Cool is a system made of a watch case and an app that helps
students reduce stress caused by their work. The case detects
stress through heart rate. Thereafter, the app starts to help the
student to take the right initiative to relax. The activities are
offered to the student based on his tastes. Indeed, stress can
be reduced, but the most effective way is to offer fun activities
for which the student has affinities. The application also alert
the student when the activity ends to help him return to work.
Each activity is analyzed by the application and kept, depending
on its effectiveness. Cool also allows when to connect stressed
students between them to share a longer and effective activity.!
If the stress is not detected, the case has a button to notify
the application to record the heart frequency. This button
suggest, during school hours, activities such as meditation and
respiration, which can quickly lower the heart rate.
Access the rally experience with a
I decided to work on the hostile territory because it is a subject
where mans will always be confronted. I worked on a project
for today but it is a project that could be applied to other areas,
such as space or the seabed. My first goal was precisely to
allow the man to have a freedom that he don’t have today, in
an area that remains a small minority. Relative to my personal
preferences and the problems raised I focused on mechanical
sport, more precisely in dry environments such as desert or
This vehicle is designed to enable novices to live the full
experience of rally raid racing, with the feeling of total
autonomy, while being assisted by an on-board instructor. The
instructor is located on the roof of the vehicle, out of the way of
the novice’s angle of vision, in a motorbike riding position. The
novice can lose his mind in his adventure and enjoy this one.
Both novice and instructor share by-wire controls, the novice
drives with traditional steering and pedals like on a buggy, while
the instructor can adjust trajectory by leaning left or right as
on a motorbike. Sensors placed under the instructor’s saddle
sense their movements in order to have the priority over the
In the end, the two have an intense experience  : one
accessing the	 pleasure
of the rally, the other experiencing strong feelings with lot of
danger, and the «random» aspect linked to the choice of the
Marshmallows at random
Because our vending machines are not very glamorous, and
because handmade sweet making is perceived as old-fashioned,
here is Goomi, a playful vending machine that brings back fun
to an unknown sweet: the handmade marshmallow, not to be
mistaken with the famous Haribo shamallow. Goomi offers
hundreds of random combinations of tastes, colors and textures,
and surprises the consumer each time! This authentic dessert
awakes your senses and surprises yourself by its original
combinations, while it emphasizes a handmade production
through collaboration with a confectioner. A “pousse-pousse”
packaging enables you to enjoy your marshmallow coated and
sprinkled. The experience ends with a surprise: you have a 10%
chance to get an extra marshmallow for free.
Awakening to tolerance
When interacting with others we are full of prejudices and
fears, yet we are evolving towards a multicultural society.
Today	 cultural	harmony is lacking in our society, so let us
not judge what we do not know : Let us become aware of
differences in order to learn to live well together. Ex-aequo
is an awakening education kits of difference device initiated
to encourage schools to talk about the ethnic, linguistic and
cultural differences among children from 4 to 10 years old. It
aims to awake children’s curiosity and educate their minds
to recognition and respect of others. Adapted to the learning
development of children, it consists of three kits suitable for the
first three learning cycles of school: Kindergarten: Awakening
kit of ethnic difference
• Get students acquainted to different	skin color
• Make	students realize that difference	is positive Cycle II :
Awakening kit of linguistic difference					
•Raise	 awareness among students to	 different languages and	
writing Cycle III	: Awakening kit of cultural difference
•Introduce the	 students to different ways of life, languages,
cultures and faiths present in the world. In a playful way, the
children become aware of the diversity which surrounds them	
and can become masters of their own thoughts and interactions.
2015 Strate School of Design Diploma Book
2015 Strate School of Design Diploma Book
2015 Strate School of Design Diploma Book
2015 Strate School of Design Diploma Book
2015 Strate School of Design Diploma Book
2015 Strate School of Design Diploma Book
2015 Strate School of Design Diploma Book
2015 Strate School of Design Diploma Book

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2015 Strate School of Design Diploma Book

  • 3. Adrien ACQUITTER KINEMATICS Becoming one with the machine. The Audi Kinematics race car concept is based on the idea that racing is now limited by human physical and cognitive limitations. Thus the need of a cockpit fully integrating an exaskeleton, a mechanical extension of the human body that allows pilots to express their talent and virtuosity on the circuit at speeds that are currently not possible due to the effect on the human body. Furthermore, this device also acts as a protective support in case of a crash. Protected and enhanced by the exoskeleton, the race driver can go further and faster, beyond the limits currently set. The consequence on the architecture of the vehicule is that the whole cockpit is extracted from the race car during pitstops. The overall design draws influences from current audi race cars, jet fighters (mig fighters and the space shuttle (cockpit DLOs) Mobilities
  • 4. Jean-Baptiste ALLAIRE EVA Emergency Vertical Aircraft The starting point of the project was the fact that the main limi- tation in any aerial emergency rescue system is not harware, but the pilot. What if with the advent of drones, we could have a more effi- cient system, where the rescue staff would not have to wait for helicopters to come pick them up, and be able to travel autono- mously to emergency areas ? EVA is a hybrid betweena drone and a rescue helicopter ; it is a autonomous rescue vehicle, adapted to extreme environments. It is small, compact and light enough to be suited for interven- tion anywhere, at anytime, and in areas where helicopters are too large to go (city centers, steep mountains areas). It can either lift, or house a rescue victim within it’s body, and can carry one member of the rescue staff to or from the rescue area. Jean-Baptiste built a fully fuctional ½ scale prototype, that flew for a couple of minutes the night diploma’s were celebrated, in front of an enthousiastic but baffled audience, before crashing with panache. It is now fully rebuilt. Mobilities
  • 5. Thibaud BAIGUINI NAPPY Comfort et usability at the bedside of our relatives Nappy is a mobile sitting/sleeping solution destined to close people visiting familly and friends at the hospital so they can rest and sleep when they don’t have any choice but to wait. In a stressful and fearful environment, that possessed such cold and mechanic design, which is an odd to the victory of man on nature, Nappy bring a feeling of security and confort. Because of its design inspired by natural cocoons and very different from they are used to in a a place like this, users feels related to it and wants to try it. The fœtus position reminds my of the puspose of the cocoon : heal and rebirth process as it should be in a hos- pital. Nappy is a mobile and expending device which gives to it huge adaptability advantage Product[s]
  • 6. Dimitri BARAKA HYUNDAI HERO All road - Amphibian - Smart Rescue Vehicle In the last ten years, tsunamis have hit increasingly differentes areas in Asia. First aid teams need to work faster during the first 24 hours after the disaster to reduce human loss. How can a ground based vehicle help first aid teams to be fast and efficient in these conditions ? The Hero is a All-road Amphibian Smart rescue vehicle adapted to ground based emergency rescue areas such as floods, earthquakes or tsunamis. The aim was to design a vehicule with a non agressive, non military vehicle design language, with soft boat design styling cues while in an amphibious context, and high ground clearance when making its way through ruins. Drones located on the roof « project » and lead the rescue team into the rescue areas. Mobilities
  • 7. Timothée BARRAND SHIDO Grow your difference Shido is a prothesis for children that will grow along them and will allow them to be proud of their difference and with time change their look to consider their handicap as an augmentation and not a reduction. Through this project my main goal was not to study the technical aspect of a prosthesis, I wanted to build a project that would create a bond between my creation and the kid that would use it. That’s why my project is called « Shido » it means osmosis in Japanese. Just like in nature some living organism choose to live together in order to help each other and become stronger through their relation, my prothesis works just like that, the kid and it need each other in order to keep moving and grow stronger and in the end blossom beautifully. The name was also inspired by the Japanese art of bonsai. The way they control the growth of those tiny trees in order to find beauty and a form of art in nature is mesmerizing. The fact that this art depends of the eyes and hand of a human really helped me developed my own reflexion. My own prothesis is growing too, because in order to follow the development of its human it will need to change size too. A part of it is made out of a plant, trough the care and attention of its bearer it will change size, aesthetic and in the end will be a reflection of the bond between the two of them and a living proof of the adventure and life they went through together. Interaction
  • 8. Hugo BERGER CELOS Urban Move Célos is a hybrid between a scooter and a bicycle. More important, it’s a new way of moving in the city, with comfort and style. This new kind of scooter/bike is easily foldable. Thus you can take public transport with it, store it effortlessly etc… Célos can be used as a scooter ; riding on the sidewalk ; from station to station… You can also ride it as a bicycle, to move faster in the city. It ‘s equipped with large tires, rubber Brooks saddle, and its geometry makes a comfortable ride. Its reflective devices, its lights and its cyclocross front brake ensures optimum safety. Easy to use, it requires little maintenance thanks to its singlespeed set-up and the carbon drive belt. Célos is perfect to make shorter daily trips and the carbon belt as well as the mudguards prevent clothing from getting dirty. It’s a great way to move in the city. Célos combines the lightness of a scooter and the efficiency of a bicycle Mobilities
  • 9. Simon BERGUE YKKLY My City at hand IKKLY is a device which fits into a dynamic participative citizen on the scale of the city inspired by already existing initiatives that are participative budget and « carrotmob ». Thanks to the application IKKLY, each one can propose, co-opt and participate in the social actions which govern the life of its city, so allowing to re-forge a dense network of links on a local scale. Its interface allows to locate easily all the current initiatives and substantiates visually the interactions between inhabitants and the network which develops around each of them. The urban mast constitutes its perfect complement: by taking place in the city like a beacon, he asserts the importance which the social activism has to take in the city and incites the population to enlist in by communicating on the life of the network IKKLY. strong feeling of membership in a community is thus developed, in which each participates to progress and to whom the members get closer. It is also the recognition of each which is highlighted by a stronger decision-making weight on the orientations of his city. With IKKLY, the strength of commitment of the citizen is visual and democratic; it joins within the network and in the city, embodied and visible by all. With IKKLY, get a grip on our city ! Product[s]
  • 10. Arthur BIOT WHAT’S THE FOOD ! Recipes for Gentlemen What ’ st he food is a range of ready meal swich us es fresh and heal thy products, infact What s the food is firmly commited to don’ t us ear tificial sar omas and colourant in their meals . WTF suggest three big range of meals : the first one is a base off ish, the second one of red meat and the lates tisa vegan range. The preparation is ver y si mple: contrary to the ot her ready meals , What ’s the food is a range of ready mmeals that you can dress your self. If we compare the classic ready meals and What ‘s the food, the difference is that a classic ready meal is made of one unity of food, wich is frequent l y too salty, too greas y and with a lot of additives . Contrary of classics tandars, What’s the food is compose of differents unity, so you «cook» your dish by your self with heal thythings . The target of the brans is active people, singles , wich love the good meals and have between 18 and 30. Distinguish Distinguish your self is very important, WTF know that, so the brand is established in the street, like the street food concept. The meal sare sold in distribut or that you can find in a special app made by What’s the food. Packaging
  • 11. Antoine BLAS MANTIS Autonomous Cutting Drone Global agriculture is predominantly represented by conventional agriculture. His balance is negative because it consumes more material than it produces. In addition it causes significant environmental damage. However, there are more respectful techniques that can be incorporated into conventional agriculture. One of these techniques is agroforestry. By establishing lines of trees in cultures, one can reduce the use of chemicals and the creation of habitats for native species. But the location of trees requires from the farmer tought additional maintenance work. Mantis is born from this analysis. Mantis is a vehicle capable of moving in the fields autonomously and cutting trees on a previously saved profile. This cup has two objectives, the first is to prune the tree so that it can reach adulthood with an optimal size, the second is to reduce the maximum shade crops. the cut branches are crushed directly by Mantis to be promoted to the industry. Mobilities
  • 12. Nancy BOEHM MAASE (Mail Art Sensoriel) Weaving our links differently in a wireless era Maase is a social communicatiion network without wireless, which takes into consideration the degree of avalability in comunication. It consists on sevral textile interfaces which permit to comunicate whith my mates in a new way. During the day, with only the catch of a hand, I n capture thingshich  permit to communicate with my mates in a new way.  During the day, with onlu the catch of a hand,, I can capture things i am living nd keep it for my relatives. No more alerts, no tons of communications, no more wireless : the messages i create are rare and crafty i feel releved. Neither of us are disturbed duryn the day. One at home, i lay Maase aily on its hng on its coat rack. Then, my messages are transmitted to my friends through the wired network. The messages skip into their textile devicce called Maase Home and open only when needed. The message depicts my captions in a poetic way, appreciated only when they go time to read it : the textile comes to life to immerse me into this shared moment. Interaction
  • 13. Pierre BOUJONNIER V2 O In Vino Culpas, In Aqua Virtutes “V²O” is an operation of co-branding of brands like Le Repair de Bacchus or Nicolas, with a brand of water. This operation had as objective to promote a reasonable consumption of wine proposing to the consumers to buy a bottle of water, in the same time as the bough of a wine bottle. “V²O” develop the seven deadly sins in order to valorize the selected wines bringing an original way to choose them. In this way the wine is presented in three steps. First of all, it is qualified by the sin representing it. Secondly two adjectives come to describe to the user the savors that he will feel during the degustation. Finally the nature of the win is give in order to reassure the person giving him an information that he understand better. The same process is use for the water. Furthermore “V²O” purpose to the user a bottle holder who will transform itself in a display on the table, in order to make inseparable the water bottle from the wine bottle. Packaging
  • 14. Tom BOULANGER BIZAR Curious culinary kits The overall challenge is to lift people out of their comfort zone through experimentation. In this approach, the culinary environment was chosen for its diversity but also because we all know the culinary routine. The concept is a monthly subscription box containing everything needed to develop an unusual recipe. There are three categories of experience; «Travel» which includes recipes from other cultures in the world, «Past» that has forgotten old style recipes, and «Future» based on future projective recipes. The usage scenario is the following; the individual subscribes on the web and get the box delivered at home. Inside, he finds indredients, the material for the realization of the recipe if necessary, and a leaflet introducing the recipe, describes the method of preparation and offers information on each ingredient. The individual cooks and experiments the original recipe with friends. A box in each category of experience have been realized for this project. The first one allows you to experiment edible insects of Thailand, the second one provided the necessary to recreate Hypocras, a popular wine of the Middle Ages, and the third one allows to test the molecular food with the preparation of Agar Agar pearls. Packaging
  • 15. Charotte BOURCIER LE TRESOR My toolbox of intelligences In 1983, Howard Gardner published his book Frames of mind in which he explained the multiple intelligences theory. According to the American psychologist, there are eight different ways to be intelligent. These intelligences offer us many ways to learn and to make progress during our life. Since 2010, more and more teachers have been experimented this theory in their classes. The results are amazing. Unfortunately, many people still doubt the validity of this theory even though scientists have confirmed it. Le trésor offers teachers a way to implement the multiple intelligences theory in their classes. Intelligences are our tools to succeed in school. So, in the tool box, children and their teacher can find a book with a story and a wood game. Thanks to the story, the teacher can easily introduce the concept of the multiple intelligences and with the wood game he can set up activities to develop the intelligences of the children. The teacher is also invited to download an application. Thanks to the app, the teacher can follow up on his pupils. Children are also invited to think about their learning process. It’s all about becoming an actor of their own learning for them. The teacher is now just a guide and an observer. The app also offers a social network for the teachers working with le trésor to connect and swap experiences. The parents are also part of the game as they can follow the adventure of their children on the application. We are all different but we are all intelligent. Our intelligences are our tool for life. Take care of this treasure. Interaction
  • 16. Thomas BOUSCH CINETIC Speed sensations for all Cinetic is a concept of three-wheeled vehicle that is always pushing further the limits of disability. Indeed, in a world where speed is synonymous with performance, disabled people are often the ones who have to live slowly. Conversely, the thrill of speed can be pleasant and source of adrenaline. Cinetic is specially designed with an adapted wheelchair. This allows the pilot to board without having to leave the seat of the wheelchair. The vehicle operates as a carver, the front is separated from the rear wheels. Thus, the front of the vehicle allows an inclination of 25 ° on each side. The two rear wheels stay plated ground for greater stability. Cinetic allow to discover or rediscover the sensations of speed while providing security and autonomy. Mobilities
  • 17. Damien BOVIE ALCIDAE Innovative and mobile sea bird Alcidae tackles the issue of UFO’s (Un-identified Floating Objects) at sea. The triangular packages features 3 foils at each corner, that also act as rudders, enabling they yacht to avoid obstables with agility, as the inertia is reduce to nothing. The yacht no longer need to turn, as it simply moves sideways. This innovative architecture required to rethink the layout of the living quaters, this yacht featuring all the creature comforts required in this class of boats. Mobilities
  • 18. Victor BRAUN MORGAN - 4 + Timeless poetry at the service of durability With Morgan-4+, I sought to create a frugal and dandy lifestyle made of balance and elegance, to create a timeless poetry in search of sustainability. Morgan-4+ is the automotive archetype with the whole essence of Morgan. A 2+2 coupe with the 3 lines of a Morgan and a long hood, voluptuous hips, a remote cock- pit and fleeing back. A perennial car made of quality materials, based on a local wood frame – ash - all being handmade, the- refore traceable. A sustainable automobile, either per the style than by design. I wanted actually an apparent simplicity, by crea- ting a non-ostentatious luxury in itself. A style made of timeless curves and volumes contrasting with modern hues and cuts, paying homage to the past while looking to the future going along with driving sensations turned to contemplation. I was loo- king for lightness, refinement, elegance, playing with symmetry, creating a humble charisma. Mobilities
  • 19. Franck BUSCAJA NEO NEO Discovering your baby everyday Premature birth is a situation where parents are left unprepared. During Hospitalization, one has to overcome uncertainty and anxiety – sometimes for a long period. Neonéo accompanies parents through early exchanges with their baby. It reassures them on its health status. Neonéo is made up of a journal, an annotation space and an health monitoring accessible from every numeric device (web, desktop, tablet). Moments spent at the hospital with the baby are retained so that this experience could be shared. Parents keep a permanent link with their baby through essential information stemming from nurse’s monitoring report and evolution health data. At the end of the hospitalization, Neonéo becomes a physical photo album. Interaction
  • 20. Adrien CARVES ECHLO A social starter for isolated elderly people The Echlo project is a voice driven device installed at the home of a solitary senior, giving access to a platform of services, receiving events accessible and filtered according to the desires of the elderly. The product is in the form of a digital calendar composed of large buttons for easy grip and a high definition voice module whose volume is adjustable in connection with the calendar backlighted keys to associate voice events to the corresponding day. Pressing a key allows a voice reminder of the events of the day. Echlo gives back meaning to everyday life, associated with its platform of services, and it provides an opportunity to rebuild social bonds through renewed activities and thus relieve our seniors from loneliness. The Echlo service platform could be described as a connexion with the social life in the neighbourhood and Echlo as a starter to tempt you out. Product[s] a.carves@stratecollege.ff
  • 21. Cyrielle CHABANNES L’ESPACE DYS A playful approach to identify the dyslexia in school «L’Espace DYS» is an entertaining tool for tracking dyslexia in elementary schools. It appears as a container that has been reshaped to meet the needs for diagnosing dyslexia while having a funny look. This kind of structure makes it possible to obtain a great mobility and a space modularity in order to be able to move easily from one school to another. In “L’Espace DYS”, there are 5 activities that allow to detect dyslexia. This place permits children to be completely immersed in the universe of the «galaxy of dyslexia» via playing. The tools of the device have been created in collaboration with the hospital of Grenoble and the CNRS of Lyon. The goal of this approach is to help the greatest number of dyslexic children and their families by allowing a national tracking in children from seven years old, so that they can be helped as soon as possible. Retail
  • 22. Jean-Baptiste CHANCERELLE HOME SWEET HOME Materiel is speaking -Fashion for the blind Home Sweet Home is a system that aims to improve the relationship that have blind people with clothing. This project aims to give more weight to the textural, leaving the possibility to the blind people to design and choose his or her clothes according to his feelings and dreams. In this sense, he or she does not rely any more upon others vision. It is defined in three areas: + Home: the first part is a textured catalog consisting of pages of detachable material. The catalog is using a textural touch screen using the «3D morphing» technology, which highlights images. The raw material presentation allows him to dream. + Sweet: the second part of the system is in a store that would offer a strong sensual experience with materials, while capitalizing on touch, in order to create an intense dialogue between the client and materials. First the visually impaired person will touch the raw material. In a second step, after choosing clothes depending on the material, he or she could arrange them on a mannequin to rediscover his or her own human proportions. Thirdly the blind person could test his garment in real conditions in a special booth that could recreate the seasons different temperatures and sensations. + Home: The third part of the system is a furniture that has the particularity to offer blind spatial and textural information, helping him or her to choose his or her clothes quickly without disturbing his or her wardrobe, to dress quickly and not to lose trace of his or her clothes. Product[s]
  • 23. Alix CHARRIER HYLE Made in France Hyle is an automotive interior addressing color and trim issues, designed for Bugatti. Hyle showcases natural, recycled and ecological materials, mots of them coming from the French production, combined with the expertise of French crafts. The materials are not necessarily those one might call «noble»: flax fiber, rattan, oak, leather board (chipboard leather) as well as a rather special material developed by the young Designer Greek Spyros Kisis, a composite made from the waste of the production of artichokes (flower, stems and leaves included in an organic resin). The materials are, for the most part, left bare, with their defects but also their grades: materials irregularities provide shades, transparencies, different depths and result in a unique interior desig (specificity, one of the mots important values of luxury) Mobilities
  • 24. Quentin CHEVRIER TRAIN PRÉFÉRENCE Your preferred travel The acceleration of the contemporary world has spawned a growing individualism. The individual space has taken over the social space. The goal of my project is to recreate a social space from all individual spaces. Train Préférence is a modular interior for TGV in france. It consists of two parts: a layout and a seat. The layout ensures that the seats located near the corridor are slidable to create different spaces, based on reservations. One can thus have spaces at two, four or six. The seat is inserted into this space. It is suspended from the ceiling of the carriage to create a storage space under the seat where you can slide a cabin size suitcase. Each seat is individual and have two armrests, one containing a tablet and a port-cup, the other a socket. The back of the seat is cut out to let pass the light. A lockable trunk is at the top of the back of the seat. This allow to leave his personal values and leave in tranquility its place. To isolate themselves, visually and acoustically from the rest of the travelers, two curtains can create a semi-enclosed space. Reading lights are located under the trunk. Train Préférence allows to travel according to our desires without harming the social space. Mobilities
  • 25. Julien COCHARD ELEMENTAIRE Welcome home We just need to look around us and ask a few questions to parents to figure out that smartphones are nowadays a problem for interacting physically with others. The Elementaire project is made to help parents create disconnection habits with family members through a game. You just have to leave your phone on a base to win points. Then, you can visualize your score through a light pattern on the object. That way, parents and children have to have a break together and share time without receiving notifications. The object works with magnet sensors that are connected to an Arduino. The second part of the project is made to improve our behaviour in our everyday life. By adding a little magnet on the smartphone you can now control your availability at any time. It is simple; when you put the magnet on the top of your phone you are completely available. And, when you put the magnet on the bottom no one can disturb you anymore. Elementaire was my graduation diploma project and will be presented during the Innodesign International Biennale of Metz 2015. Interaction
  • 26. Guillaume CONGY BOB Learn by building your own bike BOB is an educational project aimed at making accessible mechanical skills. The modular frame will be the basis of tranformation of BOB from a simple bicycle to a 125cm motorbike. During this transformation, the user will gain mechanical skills though the various maintenance and replacement procedures. An mobile App provides the Knowledge base the user needs to understand, practive, maintain and modify his frame from bike to motorbike. This App is also where the online BOB community gathers to share, learn and inspire eachother. Mobilities
  • 27. Margaux de MERCURIO RÉCRÉ/ACTION The educational tool to better play together RÉCRÉACTION is a system that allows children and the teacher to work together to create spaces of group games in the courtyard. Recess is a fun time children are naturally open to learning social life. By working on the rules of life in school (in classroom and in the courtyard), on values and objectives that enable the development of children’s autonomy. (Value each, cultivate team spirit, experience, learning in action). The collective construction of the playground have tools. A guide accompanies the teacher in project stages. Then recreate models of the modules are used in the classroom to decide as a group what they would like to create spaces. The modules are then recreate installed several in the courtyard: we must organize. RÉCRÉACTION project is to promote the games for the children to imagine and realize playgrounds and games their way ‘. Product[s]
  • 28. Eric DELALANDE EKO Listening to you memories Eko is a devise, which provides to blind and seeing people an innovative way to take their souvenirs: Listen, capture, print and share! Eko is designed to share, gather and to improve personal senses. Blind and seeing people’s ways of life, have a lot to take one from another. Their ways to perceive and to feel everything around them is really different but complementary. Eko’s value isn’t only in capturing souvenirs. This concept adapts itself to the one’s using it: Used by a blind person, Eko will help him to express himself, to capture and share his own vision, in order to break the image they suffer from: an image of handicapped. Used by a seeing person, Eko will allow him for develloping the famous blind people’s sixth sense. As he has to learn to take a souvenir with another sense, he has to leave his comfort zone and to go into a word where he is not the king. To conclude, Eko is an innovative way to take souvenirs, to express and to improve oneself. Product[s]
  • 29. Bénédicte DÉROBERT BLOOM The Amazon Elegance Bllom is a brand created to help women who are dealing with breast cancer. The mastectomy is a traumatising step which concerns a lot of women. Bloom takes action to relieve every day life and help those women to accept this new body. Bloom is developped in two parts : an informative support and specific clothes. The informative support is a a group of three illustrated booklets which explain the different steps of the disease. The first clothe specificaly concieve to help women after the surgery is a protective support bra which brings comfort after the mastectomy. The second clothe is a asymmetrical bra which allows to hide or partly show the scar. This underwear helps to recreate a sensual relation between the woman and her husband and to give back to the operated zone its sexual caracter. Finally, a modular jacket on which can be fixed volumes of fabric alllows to hide the asymmetry caused by the lost of a breast. It is also an alternative to the prosthesis. Bloom helps to reinforce the relation and the communication between those women and their surroundings and to give them more self-confidence. , Product[s]
  • 30. Marion DESCLAUX MÛR Not to rot in prison Mûr is a numeric painting tool for long-sentence prisoners. Detention works as a punishment, but doesn’t work at rehabilitation. Dehumanization, infantilization, oblivion are key-words of the long years spent in prison. In the end, it creates revolt and anger feelings. They are cut from all form of consideration, and from reality. When they go out, they are, for most of them, inapte to rehabilitation. Those who make it better are the ones who are lucky to work, to read, to write, to go to school, but limited are the positions. Mûr is an individual tool, a ball working with a tablet, aimed to numeric painting. The ball is the painting tool, the tablet the sheet. Paintings can be shared so that they will be exhibited into co-working and artistic spaces. Little by little, the prisoner can write his feelings and stories with painting. He also receives paintings from visitors, who can answer to the painting from the exhibition space through the same tool. Each painting generate access to numeric books, music, conferences, radio podcasts, for prisoner’s acknowledgement. Expression and escape, gratitude : Mûr creates social link and meaning to prison. Interaction
  • 31. Fanny DESPREZ CURELY 2 Feet 2 Hands Become the crafyman of your own shoes “2 Feet 2 Hands” is a brand that proposes a shoe making experience. It is a place, where we are guided by a professional, with available tools and different shoes types and sizes proposed. Available materials on site are bought locally or salvaged from industrials or private individual. The “2 pieds 2 mains” experience begins at home, on the brand website. We choose our type of shoes among a collection that diversify themselves according to difficulty and making time. We schedule an appointment and arrive to the workshop the planned day. We are welcomed by the guiding team that explains us the different steps of the making process. The making steps are materialized by furniture pieces adapted to each stage and disposed in line, in order, like a production line. We follow the instructions until the shoes are over and we can directly leave the store with them on the feet. But in reality, the main interest of this project is to redefine an alternative economic system, that could concretize itself in numerous production sectors. And proposing, at the same time, to work on our individual self-esteem and give a particular value back to our products. Product[s]
  • 32. Arthur DINANT LA CORBEILLE - CAFE Playful information sharing and diversity of opinion With the current burst of the information technology, we have to face the issue of organizing information contents in order to prevent it to overwhelm us. It raises the question of how the current passive and non-selective access to information could be transformed into a more active and efficient usage. The concept of ‘Corbeille Café’ is organized around three fundamental elements: A team of information experts first aims to create a multimedia library and its presentation in the form of virtual menus. The consumption - co-construction circular open space is organized around the integration of furniture elements and a projection system. Finally an interface is proposed, which is designed in thee degrees of participation: the Entrée aggregates contents as polls about News topics. The ‘Plat Principal’ is a decomposition prism of News subjects into three different classes. The ‘Dessert’ assembles participants into discussion groups in order to produce a restitution of crucial points debated during a moovie session. The ‘Corbeille Café’ addresses the imperative requirements of active information treatment through proposing a hybrid counter where knowledge is made available on demand into a projection system. In contrast to the traditional salon – meeting space for a closed community – the ‘Corbeille Café’ is an open space in the manner of American drivein: a thematically programmed and evolving meeting point. Interaction
  • 33. Stéphane DUBUR RENAULT TRUCK 2030 Autonomous container trucks for the last Km delivery This project is due for 2030, when autonomous vehicles will be in the streets and people used to have them around, and it deals on the theme of the last mile freight delivery. The buyers of such a system (B2B) could be freight transport companies, express deliveries institutions, private companies, etc.., while the users of the system (B2C) could be merchants, supermarkets managers or anybody who has ordered something on the Internet and wishes to receive it at home. A truck (driven by a truck driver) carries 3 autonomous electric contai- ners only on major roads (highways, ring roads) from the logistic platform up to the suburb of the city, where the containers are loaded / unloaded by the truck in special parkings (logistics areas) disposed in strategic areas around the city. The tour of a truck no longer consists in making deliveries down- town, but in loading / unloading the autonomous containers in the «logistics areas»; it is then the autonomous containers which drive by themselves up to the shop (or private home) inside the city where the deliveries need to be made. Such a system can reduce the pollution (by using clean ener- gies: gas for the truck, electricity for the containers) and reduce traffic jam / increase traffic flow (by having the right size for the right vehicle: a big truck on the major roads, small containers for the city). Mobilities
  • 34. Karl DUJARDIN PLATINE Apprehend technology If we wanted to define the right word of our century, it would definetely be «technical». Technology is in permanent growth as a result human beings are fearfull of technology. The Peugeot Platine is a reflective project where human beings must have confidence and trust in technology.This fear, as known as « the Robot fear », is the idea that technology overtaking human beings. So, the modern object is the root of the XXI century trouble. Peugeot Platine comes from a reflection throught Human being has to be confident with Technology. The goal is to propose a transitive space where humans could comprehend a new type of object. Within micro-mobility and two wheeled vehicles, the user keeps a full control on an advanced technology vehicule. Moreover, Platine is an alternative to move in cities. Inspired by the Peugeot Grand Bi bike, it is a new vehicule architecture based on the gyroscopic system. Beside, this concept enhance the reinterpretation of Peugeot brand identity values as the « Coupe franche ». The « Coupe franche » particularity is a leather holstered seat of the vehicle. This concept has a sport look with a levitation seat and a driving position adapted to user physical effort. Therefore, Platine can be considered as a transitory vehicule which allows human to accept and to tame modern technology. Mobilities
  • 35. Matthieu DUPANLOUP HONDA 3SB - Sub Spatial Stag Beetle Taste the speed, Feel the speed The HONDA 3SB project is an habitable supersonic drone, which is able to retranscrit some aspects of a spatial travel, by staying in the atmosphere. By using a turboramjet, the vehicle can reach the height of thirty kilometers and give the opportunity to its two passengers to admire a spatial landscape, even if they are three times less higher than the Karman line (frontier between the atmosphere and the space). Moreover, thanks to its dual mode system, the semi-automatic aircraft is controled by a professional pilot, who stays on the earth floor, during the take off and the landing down phases. Furthurmore, when the vehicle is stabilized to the constant speed of Mach 3, the accelerations almost disappear. The first passenger can take its control, to experiment the high speed and contempling the Earth from the black sky at the same time. Thereby, more people will realize their dream in the next years, that is living an emotional and sensational space experience. Mobilities
  • 36. Marion ECHEVARD THÉMIS Modesty has its outfit Respect and modesty. Old age causes a loss of mobility. This lack of mobility drives elderly people to become dependent on others. Stay at home carers necessary to complete daily tasks, such as bathing. However this is a very intimate task. The carer undresses, washes and dresses the patient again. This is why Thémis prefers covering his body during these uncomfortable moments. Thémis, wears a bathrobe to cover his body while helping the elderly and moving around the house. Kimon effectively replaces a bathrobe by adapting itself to the handicaps. It protects the modesty and maintains warmth during care. Product[s]
  • 37. Nicolas FALLOURD TRIBE Grow Startup happiness Let me introduce you TRIBE the first productivity tool based on happiness. Nobody talks in your company ? Some people feels useless ? Product didn’t develop fast enough ? Nobody is in the office in the same time ? You feel that you are the only one working ? You don’t feel confortable in your workplace ? All those issues are connected. And the key is happiness. A study from the Warwick university show that happiness can increase productivity by 37%. Increasing your salaries happiness is tricky but possible. With TRIBE you can stimulate 4 universes : Performance - because people need to feel useful Environnement - because your body needs to feel great Team - because you need to understand the people you work with Project - because you need to understand your role. TRIBE is based on a Curative Organizational Model in order to give the best indications as possible. TRIBE collects the organisation’s data, analyze and advice the stakeholders. TRIBE is conceive to work perfectly with startup’s workflows and provide an amazing entrepreneurship experience. TRIBE is fully customizable to respond to each team’s specific needs. TRIBE is an open source platform, you can connect any smart objects to visualize and manage information. It’s been a pleasure, I hope to see you soon on Tribe ! Interaction
  • 38. Elena FOGLIARINI MOLEKOLA Let the silence play Arlekino is a game for deaf and non-deaf children. It creates a link between them thanks to silent communication. The games intention is to make children use physical language to imitate and reproduce an idea and communicate it to other children. The recommended age group is children from 5 to 10 years old. The objectives of the game are: strengthen the sensory deficit of the deaf child in a society that is often indifferent to them; to strengthen the communication between deaf and non-deaf children through their body; and finally to erase the diversity. Firstly, non-deaf children improve the gestural communication and the capacity to manage in unusual situations where they cannot use words. Secondly, Arlekino encourages deaf children and non-deaf children to interact with each other and have fun, and teach the importance of silence at the same time. Silence allows them to think of the best way of expressing themselves. In conclusion, Arlekino uses an often overlooked method of communication as a way to interact and leaves children free to express themselves as they prefer, all while keeping silent. Product[s]
  • 39. Nicolas FOURNY SAAB AERO 1000 An aerial experience Saab AERO 1000 is a system composed of two vehicles, land and air, offering a phantasmagorical experience of flight. The concept is based on a cell, cockpit and trunk, transferring from a car to a plane thanks to jacks on this first one. By car they are also used to incline the cell in turns to reproduce flying sensations. In plane mode the cockpit has a transparent floor to increase the floating sensation. Both vehicles doesn’t require special license, the car is autonomous and the aircraft is remotely controlled. However they both can be driven in manual mode with the rights authorizations. Nevertheless in addition to be designed for an optimal experience of the flight, the cockpit stand out by an apparent simplicity to support the desire to understand the control of the plane. Mobilities
  • 40. Méline GAUBAN EXPLORATEUR Make your leisure unforgettable My project of diploma as for starting point the wellness the wellness and happiness. To reach happiness a part is not negligible, the memory. Thus photography makes it possible to capture one moment, to re-examine it and to remind it. And thus to build its happiness. L’Explorateur is a camera of loan which one would find in the places where one is likely to live happy moments between friends or in family and where one does not think forcing of taking his camera. I.e. parks, nature reserves, zoos, aquariums or amusement parks. He would be used to take pictures and, not important, he would adapt to all situations. L’Explorateur at conceived summer so that each one can use it and can make photographs of qualities. By a system of ring the user changes objectives and of filter without removing or adding elements. With l’Explorateur to take pictures as pro becomes a game of child. Product[s]
  • 41. Céline GEHAMY TOP Confront you OCD Top® has been designed in order to help people who are suffering from OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) to be aware of their anxiety in real time. With this device, the aim is to help people having this disorder while they are practicing for cognitive and behavioral therapy. These exercises, which help reducing the importance of the OCD in one’s daily life, are often though and laborious. This is why Top® has been designed as a clip that can be attached to a bracelet or to underwear. It accompanies the person during the different stages of increase of anxiety. The idea is that the person can wear this object in order to be reassured and encouraged between consultations with the therapist: each exercise is a step towards healing. To complete this object, an application has been developed so as the person can visualize one’s progression and efforts. The user, thanks to the application, can encourage other people having this disorder, based on the hypothesis that social support and experiences sharing have a beneficial effect. An application has also been conceived for patient’s close circle. This object and this application, also allow therapists to extend the evaluation in situation, which comes closer to the approaches of the Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) that consist in evaluating the patient in his natural environment to have precise measurement. Product[s]
  • 42. Christopher GIROUX ACTIV UP The versatile family vehicle For a long time, the rural world was characterized by its homogeneity and a strong stability. Pace of life, traditions, and social attitudes were influenced and inherited by the farmer’s way of life. Rural territories and its occupants used to live with seasons rhythm in a relative harmony with the landscapes and the environment they were using to live… But that harmony and that stability were also relative as humans started agrarian exploitation of the environment, they started to think and structure those activities around the notion of rationalism. Gradually, technical and scientific evolutions, but also a certain type of desecration of the concept of “nature” reinforced this rationalism and drive humans to the world we all know today. A legitimate track, however it was a brake for the fair links that existed between humans and our environment. The rural world has been the center of this link and is also part of this disturbed relation. Humans industrialized the environment. We have urbanized landscapes and the nowadays-rural areas are complex and diversified universes as well people have diversified their activities. At the center of this complication, the relation between urban and rural area became different and the mobility is the base of this evolution. And the vehicles to answer to this need of mobility are sometimes not well adapted to those changes. The Volkswagen Activ’UP is a compact MPVwhich is adapted to the complication of the rural pace of life. In a rural world now containing a strong urban culture, the peoples’ life is made of a great variety of uses situations. Those situations are on the both side urban and rural, from outdoor activities to daily-life use. With simple storage and a great variety of exterior design elements, Activ’UP will be adapted to most of those activities. From do-ityourself work to gardening through family trip or even simple daily-life commuting, at the age of “smart- vehicles”, Activ’Up is adaptable to a large range of activities with simple technical answer. Proposing simple solutions, and thinking about this vehicle as a simple object made to answer to users’ needs was something really important for me. With that Mobilities
  • 43. Axel GROLLIER EON Satisfying basic needs and social life of coas- tal populations victims of a natural disaster Éon is a humanitarian 90m long hybrid landing ship with three masts. After reaching a place devastated by a tsunami or hurricane, he is able to produce and distribute water and food to the refugees, but also to serve as a hospital ship. Éon provides the necessary material for the construction of a temporary village around the ship, becoming the center of the refugee community. First, the boat will go to a devastated area by a tsunami or hurricane. Then the boat land on the beach with its flat bottom. The sails are within balms when the boat is in a situation of beaching. Then, first aid, supplies and equipment are landed. The ambulance present on board can bring the wounded people in the ship’s hospital. During the second phase, the crew assembles houses in kit for refugees around to the boat. Thus was established the village of refugees. Finally, the access gateway is lowered, allowing refugees to enter the main deck of the boat from the front, and so they can come every day to bring food and water, the boat is capable of producing in autonomous. It is indeed equipped with a sea water desalination system and a greenhouse where they grow various vegetables and high poisons through a system combining hydroponics and aquaculture. Once the basic needs of refugees are ensured by other means, the boat can start to another affected area. Éon therefore provided a more humane alternative, autonomous and sustainable for help and sustenance disaster refugees. Mobilities
  • 44. Violaine GUERMONT Tue ton Tabac ! Sensory space for preventing tobacco addiction This project called « TTT » for «Tue ton tabac » or «kill your tobacco» is financed by both the health and education ministers. The point is to have secondary school students live a unique sensorial experience and immersion related to their tobacco consumption. The truck is composed of five closed rooms. It is inspired from the movie « The Cube ». Students by group of five will go through the truck, without knowing what is behind each door. At first students will be asked to provide personal data, such as their name and the quantity of cigarettes they smoke per day. The goal is to personalize the experience. Inside the truck they will be guided by screens. The first room is named « The Lung »: The student will blow in a pipe that will make smoke appear in the room. The walls will transform by getting darker and grainy like the inside of a smoker’s lung. The second room is named « The Mask »: Participants have to make an obstacle race. Half way thru the race they will put on a mask which alters their breathing according to their nicotine intake in a scope of ten to twenty years. The third room is named « Superman »: Students are explained endorphins effects with the use of an AirFly or gravity simulator. The fourth room is named « Chamber of Smells »: A foul odour enters into the room, the students have to turn buttons with the shape of cigarettes to stop the smell. At the end of the activities each student will decide if he re- duces is smoking by one cigarette every day according to the daily consumption he declared. A national challenge could be launched on social networks to find out which school will be able to reduce the most cigarettes consumption. The goal is to create a positive group effect to lower tobacco consumption. Packaging
  • 45. Olivier HAMY LA CASE Ecosystemic Hive LA CASE is a design project to integrate beekeeping in the urban space. The hive uses the same system than the traditional one. It brings a new ergonomic comfort and readability. The manipulation of the differents elements and the observation of bees is facilitated because of the structure in «drawers». The top part has two positions, open and closed designed to keep the equipments available for people who has access to. Delivered in «kit» the struture is complete and ready for use. Its location is free. The only constraint is that it has to be positioned on the ground. To make this project the most comprehensive possible a packaging and an smartphone application had been imaginated : the goal is that each citizen can become an actor of the hive. By providing the necessary resources they participate in the viability of the hive. Through the application you can know where the hives are situated, and where the «honey spaces» exist. Product[s]
  • 46. Sidney HARDY AUDI EON One Situation, One Vehicle EON Concept – Create a light vehicle on demand. EON is a mobility system located in the center of the city. Thanks to an autonomous entity, it allows the user to simply create a vehicle designed to meet his needs. The EON system is based on the duo horse/carriage. The carriage increases the horse’s capacities in terms of passengers, luggages and comfort. The goal of the EON concept is to make the wheel a standard in order to create different typologies of vehicle. Those vehicles are divided in two parts: the totem, made of stretched fabric and the pod who has the moving capacities. Totems, made of fabric, can fold on themselves in order to occupy less space when unused. A prototype has then been built with 3D printed parts in ABS and stretchable fabric, to validate the concept. Mobilities
  • 47. Clément HELLEGOUARCH MÜ Your evolutive sneakers Mü allows people to create them own morphologically and culturally adapted sneakers. The shoe consists of 4 parts that the user can assemble: - The sole, that defines the use and the identity of the shoes to be adapted to the social environment where the user goes. - The slipper, which provides comfort and airing to the foot. - The “Wings” which are made out of leather. They create an expressive space on the shoe, by enveloping it. The user can trace what he is inspired by (Type, people, logos…) on a pre-cut paper wing. It will be printed or pyrograved on the final leather part. - The puck, which is adapted to its user foot morphology (studied in store) and is ready to be set on every Mü shoe. Thanks to this part, the weight of the user is conveniently distributed throughout the foot and he can have a healthy posture. The entire shoe is made of leather and “Vitrimère”. It combines the flexibility of gum and the ability of the glass to be melted. Thanks to such materials, it is possible to renew your shoes without wasting anything. When the sole is used, we can add a few materials to complete a new one or make a totally different one using the same materials. The 4-part structure makes people able to have infinity of models with the same parts. To conclude, this project tries to give a new approach of the treasure that represents cultures and the diversity it welcomes. Mü shoes meet that values allowing people to express their identity by wearing morphologically adapted clothes. Product[s]
  • 48. Victor HU K+ A world where everything is possible In a world where the digital tools are omnipresent in everyday life, we consider it as a trustful value and as an end as itself. And yet, they are an impediment to relationship between parents and children. Moreover, they connect us all to a virtual world and turn us dependent on it. K+ transforms the digital tools into a transition tool, from the reality to the virtual, through a game. K+ is a printing press, an application and kaplas. You will be asked to build first in the real world in order to play on the app. The press allows you to affix a personal identity on the kapla, helping the app to recognize it. The constructions’ capture lead to a 3D modeling and the possibility of building a new and personal universe. Thus, you can share your creations by giving one of your kapla to someone. It acts like a secret code, opening the access of your library. The imaginary and toughness asked from the kapla aim at creating an exchange of knowledge among parents and children, to forge a family bond. K+ also captures a fleeting moment, a souvenir. Product[s]
  • 49. Arthur HUBERT KTM KYTE XSCAPE Ride the lost roads - a new vision of adventure in 2040 Because of rural exodus in 2040, 90% of the population will live in big cities with nearby airports and train stations to travel from city to city. Finally, countryside travel is abandonned and roads are not used anymore. As roads are not maintained, traffic law does not apply and the only code remaining is the one of the derelict road. The main parts of abandonned roads are still in good condition, drivable, but at some points the road features obstacles that should not be there. Destroyed bridge, cars in the way, dead ends... These are all different and unstable, preventing the driver to get through and keep on. Because of gravity it’s hard to get through obstacles. It’s possible to rebuild the road, climb or remove obstacles. But this is not compatible with efficient and fun travel. Even derelict, roads are still existing infrastrutures that can be used again with an adapted vehicle. The idea is to make lost roads a new playground for a riding sport experience giving the rider sensations and freedom. Inspired by the kitesurf and it’s ability to jump, the KTM KITE XSCAPE bike features motorized wings linked to the wheel that can deploy in the air above the bike forming a wing with turbines that can tow the bike and give it the forward thrust to go over obstacles. Mobilities
  • 50. Yin JIANG EASYDOR Nap at the construction site The modern social life works faster and faster so that gives us no breathing time. Our short break is generally swallowed by this fast-paced information age. The modern people do not take a nap any more. Some of them have no habit like this, and some of them have no conditions to do. For instance, someone who works on the building site, these builders have no comfortable environment to take a rest. But we have to point out that if we take a nap at noon, it is good to refreshment. And its effect is similar to an all-night sleep. EASYDOR is designed especially for the builder’s nap on the building site. It has double functions. When we needn’t sleep, it is a bench at the locker room; When the builder needs to take a nap, this bench is convertible into a bed with drapery conveniently, for a quite private space. Product[s]
  • 51. Jeremy KOCH MEDIUM Armband for deaf communicaion MEDIUM is a connected armband for deaf or hearing impaired people as well as earing people who deal with this world/ environment. This communication device is based on the will to help these two worlds/ environments get closer, both with their linguistic and cultural resources. This armband is based on 2 different technologies: + Sound recognition, enabling MEDIUM to react to a pre- recorded acoustic sampler and then identifynit. + Electromyography (EMG), a medical technic enabling the identification of movements by catching the various electrical currents produced by the muscular activity. MEDIUM offers four different modes and applications: earO, gestO, dicO and resO. Touching being at the core of the transmission, earO mode gives the opportunity to favour access to sound information. But this tactile communication also aims at making the sign language stand out. With gestO, the armband increases the reach of signs in situations where the communication system is failing, by turning sounds and signs into tactile messages. In fact, on top of the existing sounds and signs, new ones can be edited by each user. By exploiting the EMG recognition to identify signs, MEDIUM includes also a new style of dictionary: the dicO mode. dicO makes the translation of a word into a sign or vice versa. Last but not least, the resO mode aims at promoting the signs language and its learning, facilitating exchanges between deaf or hearing impaired people, using this language, with others. Product[s]
  • 52. Alix LA COTTE TERRA NOSTRA Listening earth Terra Nostra is an accompaniment device for farmers in transition towards agricultural practices more respectful for the environment. The organization puts at the disposal of farmers a set of smart tools intended to data’s collection on their exploitation at various strategic places. Intended to provide measurement informations concerning the quality of the ground, the water, the air and the crop plants; these sensors also allow the mapping of all data for a better decision making and a more precise approach in the use of water, manure or in inputs. The goal is indeed to reduce the fossil fuels’ consumption. By using this system, farmers commits themselves to improve their culturals methods and to deliver a certain amount of data, particularly important for researchers to help them finding proper solutions which going to face the numerous issues. The government can also take benefits from this data to suggest sensible policies fitting with the reality on the ground. In return for his commitment, and efforts, the farmer is reward by a label wich proove his active process in the adoption of eco-conscious pratices. He can also join a farmers’ network to get a better knowledge in the way to achieve this green’s benefits and to share with others his expertise Product[s]
  • 53. Marie-Pia LABORDE BEE COLIS My neighbor is the deliverer Bee Colis is a free responsible delivery service which implies that people have to gather themselves. Indeed, a certain number of orders has to be done on e-shopping websites partners so that a delivery can happen in the neighbourhood. Once this is done, Be Colis allows users to follow their parcel in a fun way, thanks to a set of map that change according to what has been bought.. Moreover, it is possible to enjoy an exclusive content related to the order as well. Last but not least, customers can have their parcels delivered to their neighbours, called « ambassadeurs ». So in case of absence, no worry, delivery is guaranteed! Interaction
  • 54. Martin LANGEARD CAMPLA The new wilds breakaway CAMPLA is born from a society of the comfort and the instan forecast witch makes people sleepy and assisted.   The products of this brand are made to make wild camping accessible for everyone and anywhere despite any interdictions. We need to keep be able to move in different environment to  meet difficulties and practice the agility and not lose this shrewdness. A skills absolutely lost  in the Urban comfort where all the devices are turned towards us. The goal of these products is not to give a simple trick to camp  everywhere but furthermore to give the key of the unexpected,  which is at the origin of everyone shrewdness. As a resume  these objects are tools to go camp, slink in the nature  to find our shrewdness in front of the nature surprise.  A tent,a stove  with his grid and a fireproof carpet. Four additional objects you need to camp where you want , open.   Product[s]
  • 55. Eric LAURENT ECSTATIC Out of your own body The starting point of the projet was the « inframince » (infra- thin) concept from marcel Duchamp, an aesthetic concept designating an imperceptible difference or gap, sometimes only imaginable between two phenomena. Ecstatic is a large (213ft) trimaran/catamaran sail yacht, with a center hull that can disconnect from the main structure, to be tracted much as a water-skier would by the main structure. Thus enabling the passenger to live the unique experience of « out of body » experience, and to be able to observe oneself from the outside. The owners has a unique view of their boat sailing…. while sailing on the boat! The center hull also features fully transparent surfaces, thus abolishing the distance between the interior space and it ‘s confort, and the exterior environment of the sea. Whereas in traditional hulls, you live « inside », here you feel ouside. Finally, the boat’s 3 hulls sit on foils, thus increasing the smoothness of the experience, while increasing the speed of the boat. Overall design language emphasises the lightness and thinness of the design, attempting again to gring « inframince » qualitities to the boat. Mobilities
  • 56. Natalia LAZAREVIC EPHEMERIS You Data Astrology The digital data : «Big data» are essentially generted by social networks and allow to inform a company about your interests and your consumer habits. At the moment, digital data are detained by some multinatial just for a commercial purpose. This poject allows people to regain control of their digital universe ! Ephemeris is an interactive experience which aims to collect the individual digital data before analysing them with an algorithm, to propose advice and recommendations for example think about your biological rythm and your nutriton, respect your values... This opportunities of personal devlopment are then planned under the shape of a night sky in which we are free to navigate : the astrology 2.0? A poetic and friendly way to humnize data in a constantly evolving world. Product[s]
  • 57. Hogun LEE AUDI E-TRON BIONIC RACER Enhance disability, make it desirable Nowadays, disabled people are sti ll not fully integrated in society. However, the development of new technologies allows handicapped individuals to have the same opportunitie that nondi sabled people. More recently, superhero figures such as iron man and robocop have bee, particularly popular with the general public. The fisrt bionic colympics will be hosted inzuri chin 2016, there isa real big potential for bionics. The idea behend my concept is to build a vehicle for bionic olympics for 2030. Thist his singleseater vehicle would be an extension of a handcycle that would use the same system thanks to high technologies. This new concept of cars would offer a brand new driving experience, with a big potential to become a new sport that will attract publi interestn the nea future It would represent a new and different approach to disability. Rather than offering solutions to give di sabled people new possibilities, i have developed a projet that would give them confidence in their own ability, give them assurance and imporve their selfesteem. A project that would focus on what is essential. Mobilities
  • 58. Alexandre LEJEUNE LE PLAYFUL The small research laboratory on game Le playful is a small laboratory of play. It is a place of discovery and gathering meant to question ourselves about play, games, how we play and about misconceptions mainly on the subject of video games. To show and reveal the potential behind such a young form of expression, deeply tethered to its commercial applications and categorized as another consumable good, affecting its development and how it is perceived. Le playful is carried out through different formats of gatherings —to think about play— or diverse activities —to create and experiment— that include elements of play, made to explore play and games throughout multiple themes and areas, to cultivate and nourish its experimental and alternative culture. Le playful is like a small community garden of experimental play in an era dominated by supermarkets. Interaction
  • 59. Lucie LEMELE LA MAISON DU PAIN Apprenez à déguster vos pains avec vos plats To support this concept, I first redesigned bakery: The House of Bread. This new sign with a yellow logo, to remind the color of the wheat ear (primary ingredient in making bread), is represented by a pentagon. This pentagon, with five side represents the link between the food, bread, and the 5 senses. Then typography is very rounded for even more greed. Finally, the pentagon alone represents a house, a sign of expertise, authenticity and warm appearance. To accompany the bakery, I pushed my concept to packaging, by rethinking the bread bin. Too often forgotten, the bread bin is now very outdated and take up much space in our kitchens. Thus it is no longer present in our kitchens. It is from this observation that I wanted to create a packaging bread inspired by these bread bins, while adapting to today’s needs: - One packaging for all the rolls, so there is no problem of bread box according to the size of the loaves. - A packaging carton as the carton is ideal material to keep moisture because the cardboard absorbs. In addition, it keeps the crispy bread because the board has the ability to breathe let the bread. In order to support the baking and packaging, I have wan- ted to create a way to put words to the tastes of bread. For this I first created a paper that surrounds the bread with words that describe the bread, taste, appearance, ... Thus the consumer discovers the qualifiers bread through this paper that surrounds the bread. Then I also created effec- tive communication through a book, «the guide rolls» that recounts the whole concept and presents each of breads. It is classified according to the rolls, and is associated with a dish / food each with an explanation of why that particu- lar dish with bread. Packaging
  • 60. Thomas LIENHART BUGATTI MISTRAL The Ultra lite Limo The Bugatti Mistral is a chauf The Bugatti Mistralis a chauffeured limousine using ultralight materials, usually dedicated to motor sport. Thus, the over all weight of the vehicle is lower than similar cars. This all ows alower consumpt i on and ther efore less impact on the environment. Inspired by the 1928 Bugatti Royale, the Mistral has two distinct parts: the front, whichincludes the st eering cockpit and the trunk; and the back, which is where the passengers take place. Throught reatment of specific for ms and lines, the vehicle, despite its unprecedented and unusual proportions, looks visually light and the capsule in the back seems to float . The interior of the visually light and the capsule in the back seems to float. The interior of the capsule (dedicated to passengers) wants to be very simple and minimalist to reduce effectively the weight of the vehicle. Thanks to a « floating» seat, the feel ing oflight ness is present while remaining very luxurious and comfortable. A tablet and a screen allow entertained or to work during the trip. We find in this vehicle use of physical and aesthetic light ness to allevi at et he over all weight of the vehicle and so meet environmentalst andards Mobilities
  • 61. Delphine MACÉ LOTUS EUROPA A tourist experience combining strong sensations and meeting with populations The starting point of my project was to translate European identity through mobility. The result is a rentable electric roadster that allows tourists to take on typical European roads while driving, or relaxation while being driven autonomously by the car. The vehicle architecture changes, with a shorter wheelbase, raising the passenger cell in autonomous mode so they can enjoy the scenery, or a longer wheelbase, with a passenger cell closer to the road, when in driving mode. Mobilities
  • 62. Lancelot MALET A.LONE Mobility by and for children « Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up » « It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child » Pablo Picasso. As a starting point to his project , Lancelot’s design brief started by asking 7-10 year old children to imagine, and draw, what vehicle they would use to get to school Alone. After putting aside duckf-eeted wheels, and giga-rockets, or more worryingly red demon rabbits chained to the vehicle, he set himself to design, as an adult designer, the synthesis of their project. He then got feedback from the same children on his designs, refining the concept for the final project taking into account their criticism. A.lone is an atonomous bi-modal (air and ground) vehicle designed specifically for children. Nowdays, adults have mobility autonomy thanks to cars, motorbikes etc. Children have bicycles, scooters etc to go to school, but always under their parent’s supervision. The concept is to provide total autonomy to children, equivalent to that provided to adults, to extend his mobility scope. A.lone is adapted to children measuring between 80cm to 150cm, between the age of 4 to 10. The interior design of the vehicle allows for children growth and is adapted to various morphologies. This vehicle features 3 « wheel/rotor units » that provide rolling capabilities for ground travel, and lifting capabilities for air travel. Thus, the vehicle that can drive on the road, but also take of to avoid traffic jams. The child is the only one able to switch from one mode to the other. Each child is given an RFID chip, securing access to the vehicle only to him, but also allowing geo-positioning for parental control. Mobilities
  • 63. Florian MALLAMACI NO ! The Tasty Embassy Sensitize people on “anti-cliché” so that they can discover a country, a culture through unusual and unknown products, this is the main mission of NO! It is important to update a culinary exoticism, which is trivialized and popularized nowadays. For authenticity, No! offers a real collaboration with embassies and cultural services which submit 5 products that are not “clichés” of the country. All these products will be reunited in an ephemeral and evolving space where 8 countries are represented and were we may taste, buy, discuss about products. A space which may invest very different places, supermarket car park, university campus ... Packaging
  • 64. Sébastien MARIOT LE REMIX Looking differently our second hand objects The Emmaüs’ Remix appear as range of packaging able to give a second life to used everyday objects. Simple objects without fashion added value or another things, depending on three themes: toys, tool and table service. Packagings become part of the object, as part of daily rituals use through interaction container / content. Economically very accessible, this concept allows poorest to access at beautiful and well thought out. As part of the social economy is in correspondence with the expectations trend of sharing and pooling resources to curb the current consumption. This packaging is completely recyclable, itself being made from recycled ecological footprint is low, it aims to limit waste. By upgrading second-hand objects and the circuits that promote it, it works to their requalification. This approach allows to go to meet people who are now far from these circuits. By promoting solidarity gestures donations to associations, it should encourage them to give more. The developed economic system will create jobs: reconditioning can be operated in partnership with associations working for social inclusion of ‘big excluded from society. « A project generally follows the path I wish to bring in design today: participate to the development of a simpler world more just, more beautiful. In the case REMIX splint it by providing more humanity and history to objects around us, claiming their poetic potential in their own simplicity. Packaging
  • 65. Virgil MARTIN CENTAURE A new way of exploring From the hostile nature to deep down in your heart The Centaur chariot is a chariot intended for adventure and the great adventurers who explore the world without being motorized. It is at the same time multifunction and any grounds (earth, water, snow ). Thanks to its biosphere, kind of embarked camera, the adventurer can store invaluable data in the form of pictures or movies which will allow him to exploit at best his trip (work, report …) The exceptional qualities of ergonomics (ease of use and room optimization to tidy up equipment, clothes, food) of the Centaur chariot, allows the adventurer to free himself from certain difficulties of access in a hostile or still unexploited environnement. It is indeed designed and adapted to explore parts of countries so mysterious and dense as the Amazonia for example. Very easy to use, the man hauls the folded up chariot during the day (1m65) and unfolds it in sleeping mode in the evening to bivouac (2m40), so protecting it from climatic harshness and potential dangers. Relieved of certain logistic contingencies, the adventurer can focus on the essential part and overtake his own limits to go to meet himself. By thinking of adventure, it was necessary to imagine a not only compact but useful and reassuring object which is essential for the explorer, as his continuation. Consequently is the idea of the Centaur where the man is brought to be at one with the object like in the Mythology. Mobilities
  • 66. Pierre MARTIN DISUM Easing child treatment through illusions Disum is a device for installation of care for child from 3 to 6 years. It includes five packaging dealing each a form of administration (pharmaceutical). The idea is to divert the attention of the child with the illusion to taking medication with his mom or dad. The frog and the cauldron deal syrup and make their mixture, Holo the healer robot takes care of sprays whether it be for the nose, mouth or ears, it’s always equipped with good bit to carry out its mission. Meanwhile, the zebu explorer Jojo holds a magic cream that it hides in its box jungle of empty appearance. The Mermaid hidden in its box is able to create an illusion with its tear and will make discover to anyone who follows these instructions. And finally the hexs trap in a book that will enable a solid diversion for the appearance of the suppository! Packaging
  • 67. Clara MARZANO HERMIOS When the experience reveals the potential Nowadays students almost have only one tangible way to know who they are. I’m speaking of the school report. Nevertheless this point of reference isn’t enough reliable. That is why many teenagers feel frustrated because they do not feel valued for what they have done outside school. Hermios is a system that enable personal fulfillment for teenagers from 14 to 17 years old. It is composed of 3 elements: - 30 connected totems made of cork and ABS that can be hanged on the wall. Each piece tells the teenager what he is made of: an interest, an aspect of his personality or an ability. - A mobile application that enable the user to follow his experiences and to link the totem to their digital information. - 4 manuals to explain to who is concern what should be done This whole system enables the teenager to have a tangible representation of himself directly based on his everyday experiences. Thanks to that they will answer basic questions more easily: What can I do? What am I interested in? Who am I? A brand new and innovative approach that uses the project method and the personal analysis to reveal the teenager’s potential. Step by step, he discovers himself. Each discovery is then related to a totem. All the totems are then freely put together by the teenager to form a wall construction. Thanks to a storing mobile application it will be possible to link each element to it’s corresponding experiences. Product[s]
  • 68. Marie MATSUURA FORME ALIZÉE Wind objects / Poetic trail The project was born from a reflection on the idea of Trace and its poetry. It is a manifesto object, an experimental attempt to respond to the question: How can one materialize the imperceptible, the trace of time? WIND’s SHAPE proposes to record the trace of an event, of a particular day, by offering an object that the wind itself will manufacture. A machine receives a liquid material that will be shaped by the wind’s fluctuations. Over time, the item hardens so every object takes on a unique aspect. By making one piece a day, each article showcases a unique pattern, specific to the weather of the day. Via our website, the user can easily pre-order his set for a particular date. Every WIND’s SHAPE object encapsulates, in its very own material, the memory of a day and keeps its story alive for ever. Product[s]
  • 69. Daniele MISSO MNEMONIC Stange errors Have you ever thought about the role memory plays in our lives and how lucky we are everyday to be able to say “I remember”? Mnemonic Design Project aims to guide you in a personal reflection on the importance of memory as the base of our coherent being, our reason, our feelings and our actions. Products were designed after spending over two months in an assisted living centre at the Charles Foix Hospital in Ivry- sur-Seine which hosts advanced-stage Alzheimer’s patients. Restoring a sense of dignity and normalcy to those people became a priority in this work. Three chapters were defined reflecting upon those three crucial moments in patients’ lives: dressing, eating and practising their memory. At least with that which remains. By exploring each chapter you can get closer to what the disease really implies as well as discover a range of solutions which were carefully designed in order to enhance the daily life of the patient. The entire range of products is available for purchase but they are not for sale in pharmacies or any medical supply stores. Our idea was to target everybody as a potential buyer; our goal was to share what we learnt about living without memory. Product[s]
  • 70. Agathe MONTAGNON MYUD Make yourself up differently The world of beauty and cosmetics is based solely on visualization today. Consequently, this realm of beauty is hardly accessible to the visually impaired person. Looking after ourselves cosmetically, is a right that the visually impaired deserve. Therefore, I have developed a unique make-up kit for the visually impaired: MYUD (Make Yourself Up Differently), for those women who wish to begin the make-up process or learn more techniques. This intuitive pallet is personalized to the need of each women, due to the experience which begins at the moment one enters the shop. The woman gets personal service and beautician advice on how to make-up herself. The shop experience stimulates autonomy, thanks to a connected pallete which guides the woman. This shop and the pallete MYUD are accessible to all women, since the make-up seeks to integrate all with zero discrimination. Packaging
  • 71. Laura NATAF TEMPO Watching over night nurses Work in the 21st century is characterized by globalization and more spatial and temporal flexibility. Human beings have to adapt to new rates to remain competitive. Tempo targets invisible people : night workers, and in particlar nurses who, as their biological clock is disrupted, are more exposed to physical and mental disorders. Tempo’s design perfectly integrates in a work environment andallows topractice a moderat physical activity. Tempo is combined with lumino and chromotherapy. One of the major benefits of those physiologial adjustments is a beetter and deeper sleep, and as a result, a healthier life. An app has been designed so users can track their imporvements and connect with other night workers. Product[s]
  • 72. Bruno PARISET ATOME The perpetual renewal bag Today the bag is one of the most used accessories. We possessit inimportant quantity. Each of them has aspecic function while their content sispermanent lyvariable. The idea thus was to work on areversible packaging freeing it self common sizes by being inspired by natural structures. A exible modular system allowing to pass of a design adapted to a function in an evolutionary design. Atom is a bag which repeat sinits differences to optimize its use and assure its of ce. A shape which for msit self and deconstructs according to our desires offering a multitude of possibilities which have limit only our creativity Product[s]
  • 73. Gun PARK PIMP MY FLAT Be Your Own Designer The real estate crisis has substantially affected the sale of furniture. In fact, only three market leaders were left after the dismantling of the Group Mobilier Européen, during the 2014 to 2015 period. Due to this, consumers tended to use more and more second hand furniture, thanks to ad listing websites such as Leboncoin, Ebay etc. Parallely, online sales are growing as well, although this may lead buyers to take some bad choices. Besides, most furniture shops are on the outskirts of Paris, demanding a lot of time and energy for consumers. With Pimp My Flat, there is no need to run around, since it allows you to find all your favorite designer’s furniture, brands and secondhand furniture, in the heart of the city –such as IKEA, Alinea, MaisonMonde, Castorama, Home, Fly, Madura, Kartell, etc. Imagine your future home by orchestrating a good plan decoration, while incorporating your own most-cherished furniture.Become your own interior designer with the help of the newest technology! Now you can visualize your spaces using virtual reality, whilst being assisted by professional guidance and friends advice, allowing you to be proud of your project Retail
  • 74. Marine PASSI PEELO Nothing is lost ! Peelings are transformed Peelo is a catering service that reprocesses fruit and vegetable peels which often are neglected in cooking. Indeed, 30% of our household waste are peelings. Yet, it is full of vitamins, full of taste and a culinary ideas generator. So how can we reduce this waste? We have been neglecting our respect towards nature because of mass consumption. But let’s be human now! At Peelo, nothing is destroyed, peels are transforming into appetizing food. Enjoy on-site vegetable dishes: starkers vegetable dish OR, be surprised by its original peelings recipe. Don’t want to miss any of both? Take your Peelo Bag home which contains the recipe of the vegetable dish you didn’t eat on-site! Your Peelo Bag is filled with all the ingredients needed to prepare the dish and a recipe card. And now, let’s cook! Be part of the reducing of your own waste, and alleviate its impact on the earth! Packaging
  • 75. Antoine PELLEAU BMW M-ZERO Zero compromise for driving pleasure The dream of the humanity lies in its desire to live in a perfect world. This dream remains a utopia, but we have all the same purpose: to find a balance between dream and reality. The strength of the man lives in his capacity to explore. Why does the man continue to challenge authority which he knows to be necessary? Why are we looking for strong sensations? Maybe it is to escape, and try to forget our everyday life, maybe it is also one of our deepest dreams that remains difficult to implement. The fact of feeling living physically is probably the answer to to humanity’s desire to escape, to avoid a reality. I have identified a new kind of sports car that allows the driver to experience the full sensations of motoring. My BMW project is a vehicle designed for driving instructors, equipped with double controls, with the expert and the novice operating and sharing controls in total symbiosis. It has extreme proportions, with the vehicle architecture placing driver and co-driver fully overhanging the rear wheels, enhancing the perspective of the car’s hood and its movements. Mobilities
  • 76. Vittoria PERINO THINK EAT In the canteen , learns and preserves the gestures of eating well The dream of the humanity lies in its desire to live in a perfect world. This dream remains a utopia, but we have all the same purpose: to find a balance between dream and reality. The strength of the man lives in his capacity to explore. Why does the man continue to challenge authority which he knows to be necessary? Why are we looking for strong sensations? Maybe it is to escape, and try to forget our everyday life, maybe it is also one of our deepest dreams that remains difficult to implement. The fact of feeling living physically is probably the answer to to humanity’s desire to escape, to avoid a reality. I have identified a new kind of sports car that allows the driver to experience the full sensations of motoring. My BMW project is a vehicle designed for driving instructors, equipped with double controls, with the expert and the novice operating and sharing controls in total symbiosis. It has extreme proportions, with the vehicle architecture placing driver and co-driver fully overhanging the rear wheels, enhancing the perspective of the car’s hood and its movements. Product[s]
  • 77. Marc PETIT EPISODE Be guided by your intuition A perfumery for us men. Episode is a « niche » perfumery which sales fragances created by renowned perfumers. Inspired by the philosophy of the movie Star Wars, the perfumery offers a new way to choose your fragrance and thus, to enable men to stand out from the feminine area as far as perfumery is concerned. Come enjoy a wonderful sensory experiment troughout an initiatory trip. This will enable you to translate a specific part of your life to a pure fragance. Helped by a professional, you will be able to confirm, to exchange and to initiate your nose in order to discover your private fragance just with pictures and raw materials. Immersed in a mystic and interactive atmosphere, you should let talk your instinct in order to go back home with a private « Episode » in its premium case. « Let go your conscious self and act on instinct» Obi Wan Kenobi, Star Wars A New Hope. Retail
  • 78. Clément PORÉE QOROS A.F.V. Almost Flying Vehicle Densification of chinese megacities combined with social tensions resulting from a century of revolutions and disruptions are creating a stressfull daily atmosphere. Urban mobility does not escape that facet. Within this caogulated and unequal context, A.F.V. realizes a dream: taking off above the trafic, and do not care about slowdown and danger any more. Using the existing network of urban elevated roads, A.F.V. is a light electric one seater vehicle. Capable of squeez through trafic jams due to a adjustable width, it also allows to rise about thirty meters above crowded streets. A.F.V. is offered for rent according to various packages. It disrupts the schema of a statutory automobile and replaces by an efficient shared vehicle. Mobilities
  • 79. Jennifer POSPISEK GRAF IT The textile creation open source store GraFIT is a workshop store f customized clothes creation. It offers you a package including a creation, a piece of fabric and a coffee! The essence of the project is the Opn Source : Every creation is made by the GraFITist customer who enriches the inspiration database of GraFIT. These creations are accessible and reusble by the GraFITiste creator. How to materialize your creation? Select a blank garment model whether it’s a shirt or pant, you choose the color and the size. Then get creative ! A main structure show man GraFITist creation which evolves randomly every 2 minutes on tactile screens. Don’t hesitate to like them add them to you digital inspiration box in order to use them one registered. When you want to make a creation, borrow the shared tools like pens, felt-pens, sharpies, compass, scanners and tablets. Then you can try on your creations rights away in the fitting room thanks to interactive mirrors. Do you have a favourite creation? Go to the heckout to make it real! No need to worry about the textile impression. GraFIT takes care of everything : enjoy your drink that is included in your package and leave the place with your own creation ! Retail
  • 80. Séverine PRADEAU CLOCHET From green to glass Glass is a beautiful material used in construction or in individual housing. Its been a part our everyday life for thousands of years. We are so used to it that we sometimes forget it. However glass is a material that flirts with our imaginary with is fragile appearance and the way it catches the light. Clochet uses glass features to allow people who live in apartment and don’t have enough light or heat to grow their own aromatic plants. Clochet offers the possibility to learn how to grow with hydroponics and have the rewarding experience of seeing your own plant grow. Clochet, du verre au vert, grow better, eat healthier and learn. Product[s]
  • 81. Victor RUAULT URAL SOLO-T The bike that makes its user independent Technology used in modern motorbikes has disempowered users who no longer know how to, or are simply not able to, repair, or carry out basic maintenance. What if you could own a bike, specifically designed with easy maintenance and repair in mind, and with all the necessary equipement built in to ensure that maintenance could be carried out in any situation ? The Ural, built in 1939 to be the soviet’s people bike, is known for being robust, using trusted and tested technology. The modern Ural Solo-T gives back power to the biker ! It is a modern bike with a confortable driving position, a compact, minimalist stance, and a cafe racer look. The entire bike is designed for quick easy maintenance : - access to the engine is facilitated by the seat/tank unit mounted on a hinge. - the engine itself can be easily disassembled from the frame for more complex procedures. - a toolbox is stored under the tank unit, and two kick-stands are built in the frame. - the headlight set is removable and can be used as a light during repair. - the driver control panel is a computer that can be plugged in the bike for diagnosis. - an mobile App concept was developped for diagnosis assistance, tutorials and forum e-community assistance. Mobilities
  • 82. Mathieu SCALA BOOST ! Give a boost to your washing machine After writing a dissertation on «the origin of our diversity», I finalised my diploma and validated my 5th year at Strate, school of design with a concept Laundromat project. The goal was to take a boring, everyday chore and make it pleasant, fun activity. Boost is a Laundromat that mixes an innovative service and product. I imagined a new washing machine that transforms human energy into electricity and money. The system utilises the pedaling motion of the consumer to assist in powering the washing machine. Morever, a smartphone application keeps the physical and economics past of clients and creates relationship in a friendly competition. Not only will the consumer benefit from the opportunity to exercise during this daily chore, but they will pay less and help save the planet. Retail
  • 83. Guillaume SCHOTT COOL Carpe Diem Cool is a system made of a watch case and an app that helps students reduce stress caused by their work. The case detects stress through heart rate. Thereafter, the app starts to help the student to take the right initiative to relax. The activities are offered to the student based on his tastes. Indeed, stress can be reduced, but the most effective way is to offer fun activities for which the student has affinities. The application also alert the student when the activity ends to help him return to work. Each activity is analyzed by the application and kept, depending on its effectiveness. Cool also allows when to connect stressed students between them to share a longer and effective activity.! If the stress is not detected, the case has a button to notify the application to record the heart frequency. This button suggest, during school hours, activities such as meditation and respiration, which can quickly lower the heart rate. Product[s]
  • 84. Kevin SERANIA PEUGEOT RCA Access the rally experience with a professional I decided to work on the hostile territory because it is a subject where mans will always be confronted. I worked on a project for today but it is a project that could be applied to other areas, such as space or the seabed. My first goal was precisely to allow the man to have a freedom that he don’t have today, in an area that remains a small minority. Relative to my personal preferences and the problems raised I focused on mechanical sport, more precisely in dry environments such as desert or canyon. This vehicle is designed to enable novices to live the full experience of rally raid racing, with the feeling of total autonomy, while being assisted by an on-board instructor. The instructor is located on the roof of the vehicle, out of the way of the novice’s angle of vision, in a motorbike riding position. The novice can lose his mind in his adventure and enjoy this one. Both novice and instructor share by-wire controls, the novice drives with traditional steering and pedals like on a buggy, while the instructor can adjust trajectory by leaning left or right as on a motorbike. Sensors placed under the instructor’s saddle sense their movements in order to have the priority over the novice. In the end, the two have an intense experience  : one accessing the pleasure of the rally, the other experiencing strong feelings with lot of danger, and the «random» aspect linked to the choice of the novice.   Mobilities
  • 85. Lucie SEVAISTRE GOOMI Marshmallows at random Because our vending machines are not very glamorous, and because handmade sweet making is perceived as old-fashioned, here is Goomi, a playful vending machine that brings back fun to an unknown sweet: the handmade marshmallow, not to be mistaken with the famous Haribo shamallow. Goomi offers hundreds of random combinations of tastes, colors and textures, and surprises the consumer each time! This authentic dessert awakes your senses and surprises yourself by its original combinations, while it emphasizes a handmade production through collaboration with a confectioner. A “pousse-pousse” packaging enables you to enjoy your marshmallow coated and sprinkled. The experience ends with a surprise: you have a 10% chance to get an extra marshmallow for free. Packaging
  • 86. Laura SUDRAUD EX AEQUO Awakening to tolerance When interacting with others we are full of prejudices and fears, yet we are evolving towards a multicultural society. Today cultural harmony is lacking in our society, so let us not judge what we do not know : Let us become aware of differences in order to learn to live well together. Ex-aequo is an awakening education kits of difference device initiated to encourage schools to talk about the ethnic, linguistic and cultural differences among children from 4 to 10 years old. It aims to awake children’s curiosity and educate their minds to recognition and respect of others. Adapted to the learning development of children, it consists of three kits suitable for the first three learning cycles of school: Kindergarten: Awakening kit of ethnic difference • Get students acquainted to different skin color • Make students realize that difference is positive Cycle II : Awakening kit of linguistic difference •Raise awareness among students to different languages and writing Cycle III : Awakening kit of cultural difference •Introduce the students to different ways of life, languages, cultures and faiths present in the world. In a playful way, the children become aware of the diversity which surrounds them and can become masters of their own thoughts and interactions. Product[s]