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November 2015
Copy for the December 2015 - January 2016 edition needs to be
handed in by
Sunday, the 15th of November.
Please submit items in good time
You can leave copy in the “B” Pigeon Hole for Richard Brown to
collect, or hand it directly to him on a Sunday morning.
You can also e-mail copy to
Thank You. Editor
Principal Contacts
Minister: Rev. Sue Powell Tel: 020 8462 2212
Church Secretary: Mrs Mavis Righini Tel: 020 8462 1168
Treasurer: Mr. Simon Narracott Tel: 020 8462 2004
Lettings Secretary: Mrs Undine Connolly Tel: 020 8776 0108
Caretaker: Mr. Ian Jones Tel: 020 8313 1556
Church Website
Editor: Mr Richard Brown
Contents : - Items not covered by the diary of events.
111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU
Sunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.
We are a member of the United Reformed Church.
We believe in Justice and Peace.
This month’s website: -
This month the Main Christmas Tree Festival charity, The Chartwell
Cancer Trust, is featured
The web address is
Now, turn to Page 20 for more information. Ed
Sunday Services;
A Word to the Wise 2
Church Notices 3 - 5
Hayes Phil Choir 5
Notes from the Editor 6
Your page 7
Hayes Philharmonic Choir 8
Jessie Martin 9 - 11
Notice Board 12 - 13
Home support; The Pulpit 14
Christmas Tree Festival Prog. 16
The Christmas Tree Festival 17
Edith Cavell; Our Christmas Fair 18
I wear my poppy with pride;
The way things once were 19
Website of the month 20 - 21
Memo from GOD 24
Church Organisations I B C
Letter from the Minister
Dear Friends
November holds the time that we focus on remembering those who have
fought and lost their lives in war, protecting us from invaders, and
protecting our way of life.
The Remembrance Service always feels very special as we together hold
the pain and loss of many throughout our land; memories of those lost
long ago, and for those lost very recently.
Today we are far more aware of the problems that those who return
from places of war face in their daily lives, whether coping with
disability or mental trauma or both.
The poppy field last year at the Tower of London spoke powerfully to
many of us, and those of us who went were greatly moved by the huge
number of poppies planted there. To hear the Last Post played in the
evening in that place was very special.
As we gather together this year to remember and to pay our respects, it
is vital that we hold onto the faith that all is not lost when we die.
Those who died in service to their country, those who died in the
bombing raids here in the UK, all those who gave their lives in whatever
way to protect us – they all need to be remembered, and we need to
remember that they are where they should be, at home with God.
As we gather to give thanks this year, we will remember all those who
number among the saints, who gave all that we might know freedom.
The great gift that they have given has won for us the freedoms we
May we never take them for granted.
Sunday Services
Some notes on the visiting preachers.
November 2015
10.30 am - Morning Service - Major Cliff Kent
6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister
Remembrance Day
10.30 am - Parade Service - The Minister
6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister
10.30 am - Morning Service - John Cox
6.30 pm - Evening Service - Keith Nye
10.30 am - Holy Communion - The Minister
6.30 pm - Evening Service - Mrs Judy Davies
10.30 am - Morning Service - Geoff Larcombe
6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister with
Pickhurst Junior Academy
December 2015
10.30 am - Morning Service - Jim Holman
6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister. CTH with
Musicians from Hayes Secondary School
v Major Cliff Kent belongs to the Regent Hall Branch of The Salvation
Army (the only church in Oxford Street, London). He was formerly from
the Thornton Heath branch of The Salvation Army. He has conducted
Sunday worship at HFC on many occasions.
v John Cox is known to us, having conducted services at HFC in the past.
v Keith Nye is one of the readers from St. Mary’s Church at Plaistow
v Mrs Judy Davies is well known to us. She has conducted services at HFC
on a number of occasions.
v Revd Geoff Larcombe is a local representative from the Bible Society.
He spoke at the Bible celebration supper in the spring of 2011.
v Jim Holman is a Methodist preacher. He has conducted services at
HFC in the past.
A Word to the Wise
Patience is the companion of wisdom - Saint Augustine
Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress,
no matter how slow - Aristotle.
News of the Church Family
Announcements are welcome :-
BMD - Changes of address, etc.
We are saddened to announce that John Curry
passed away on the 29th of September.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his family. Hayes Free Church has
lost one of it’s dynamos. GB John.
Your prayers would be appreciated for: -
Helen Hebbes, and David and Ann Watson.
Church Meetings
The next Elders’ meeting will be at 8.00 pm in the small hall on Tuesday,
3rd of November.
The next Church meeting will be on Sunday 22nd of November at
12.00 noon – after the morning service.
Women's Contact Group
The contact group had their monthly lunch at the new tea room in
Hayes on the 5th of October, and it was a great success (last minute
change of venue).
Fifteen members attended - the largest number ever !
We have arranged to go there again on the first Monday in November
at 12.30 pm.
Sylvia Mack
Tuesday Prayer Meetings for November
Held at 10.00 am at the following homes:-
3rd Martin Nunn’s. 10th Betty Coster’s.
17th Brenda Cordingley’s. 24th The Church.
Then in December: -
1st Martin Nunn’s.
Please address any queries to Martin Nunn.
Saturday Fellowship
The venue for Saturday Fellowship has moved from Ruth White’s home
to Barbara Jones’s home at 133, Pickhurst Lane. The time remains at
2.30 pm and the leader is still Martin Nunn.
You are welcome to join us.
For November we will NOT be meeting.
House Church
We have a house church at my house - 133, Pickhurst Lane. It takes
place on the third Wednesday in the month at 7.30 pm.
The dates are as follows; November 18th and December 16th.
We will be looking at the Ten Commandments. Anyone who would like
to join us is welcome.
Men's Group
The next Men’s Group meeting will be on Thursday 19 November in
the small hall at 8.00 pm and will be a Musical Quiz organised by
Chris Fitzgerald.
Ministry of Flowers
Thank you to those who will be providing flowers in November.
A big thank you to those who kindly arrange the flowers when needed.
1st - Malcolm and Teresa Cheyne 8th - Mike Duke
15th - Jean Ritchie 22nd - T.B.A
29th - Mavis Righini - i.m.o. Mum and Dad, Lorna and Gilbert Plater
After the Sunday evening services, the flowers are distributed to
members and friends, bringing joy to the recipients.
Mavis Righini
Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club
We welcome all babies and children under school age,
accompanied by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club
on Friday afternoons between 2 and 4pm during term time. The fee is
£1 per family – tea, squash and biscuits are provided. This is a time
when adults can meet up, while the children in their care are busy
playing with toys and activities in the company of other children.
Our Christmas Party will take place at the end of term on the 4th of
Wendy Smith
Messy Church
This meets on the 4th Wednesday of every month in the church from
3.30 - 4.30 pm, and children from 2 to 12 years are welcome.
Book Club
We will be meeting at 8.00 pm on Thursday, 5th of November.
Notice Sheets – November
1st Joan Smith 8462 3920
8th & 15th Pam Collison 8658 0748
22nd & 29th Brenda Cordingley 8462 3867
Then in December: -
6th Joan Smith
If you require items to be included in the notice sheets, please
contact the appropriate person by the previous Tuesday.
Women's Fellowship
Meetings are in the small hall at 2.00 p.m., unless otherwise stated,
on Tuesdays and finish about 3.30 p.m.
For November we have: -
3rd Betty Coster talks about Holland.
10th Gentle exercises with Pat Marshall.
17th Christine Pope entertains with poetry.
24th Talk by John Ruler.
Members who use this service are asked to phone Marion
Swanborough on 8462 3981 by 9.00 am on any Tuesday when they
are unable to come to the meetings.
As always, we welcome all ladies to our meetings. Please come along
for a pleasant afternoon. We do have a very varied programme
with plenty to interest everyone.
Hayes Phil Choir
will be giving its Christmas concert
on Saturday 12th December at 7.45pm
in the Parish Church.
You will be just about drawing breath after the Tree Festival, so do
give it a whirl. It is always a lovely occasion with a feel of the old
village Hayes, and will enable you to keep up the Christmas spirit
which began with the festival.
Is there anyone who would be prepared to share with us
the experience of preparing and printing the Sunday Link.
It involves 2 weeks at a time and the frequency depends on
the number in the team.
Joan Smith, Pamela Collison, Brenda C.
Women’s Contact Coffee Morning
We will be holding the next coffee mornings
from 10.00am to 12.00 noon in the Small Hall
on the 14th of November.
We are continuing to raise monies to contribute to
disaster relief funds in different parts of the world.
We hope to see you at the Coffee Morning, and why not bring a friend?
Please note that the monies raised from the coffee mornings are
separate from those raised through the refreshments trolley after
Sunday morning services.
Barbara Jones
The Fairtrade Sunday Stall
We hold a fair trade stall after the morning service on the 2nd and 4th
Sunday of each month.
The stall will be held on the 8th and 22nd of November. Please note
that on the 8th, the stall will be a modest one as we will have been at
the Christmas Fair on the 7th.
We have Christmas cards and various gifts available.
Please continue to support your stall.
Thank you.
Richard and Barbara.
Notes from the Editor
The Cover Picture
The image is from a slide show of photographs of London which
were taken at the beginning of the 20th century and before. The
early photographs are displayed alongside modern photographs
taken from as close as possible to the same spots. The slide show is
fascinating and can be seen on You Tube under the title “The
Oldest footage of London ever”. The slide-show is the property of
Yestervid/Al Paton.
Thank you
I would like to thank everyone who contributed material for this
edition of Catalyst early. It helped me considerably in bringing
Catalyst to you on time.
Regards. Editor
This page will be kept for YOUR contributions - NOTHING ELSE will go on this page.
Hopefully, you will be inspired to share some pictures, poetry or stories.
Your Page
If you wish to send Seasonal Greetings
to friends and Church Members,
without using Christmas cards,
do use Catalyst.
Space will be reserved for your messages.
Hand, or email, your message to the Editor by the press date
for the December / January edition.
No more than 6 lines, please.
For more information about these events, please contact the organisers: -
Pamela Collison for the Charity Card & Gift Sale on 020 8658 0748
Daphne Cummings for the Christmas Fair on 020 8777 2487, or
Alan Hotten on 020 8462 1250
Jessie Martin
(01/09/1920 - 06/08/2015)
It was quite a while after we came to Hayes Free Church that I got to
know Jessie. At first she seemed quite a dour lady who kept herself to
herself and didn’t relish any interference. As I joined John Moren’s
House Group I found her a lady who knew her Bible very well and
enjoyed the discussions. I remember Jessie asking me about the Trinity
when I gave her a lift home from House Group – she couldn’t
understand it! I assured her that neither could I but if the Bible said it I
believed it to be true. Her reply was that she had been taught to never
believe something that you couldn’t understand so that was that. After
that we had many ‘interesting discussions.’
We became good friends and I learnt more about Jessie’s earlier life.
She was born in New Cross in 1920 and moved to Addiscombe shortly
after her brother was born in 1923. Her father had died before Jessie
and her mother moved to Hayes in the late 1950’s.
She was an independent professional woman who had a very
successful Civil Service career that spanned 43 years – she was
gazetted in the London Gazette in 1936 when she was issued with her
Clerical Assistants Grade 1 Certificate. She worked in the Air Ministry –
Ministry of Public Buildings and Works and finally in the Property Services
Agency - among other things she oversaw the commissioning of the
new Mint in Wales. When she retired in 1980 as a Senior Executive
Officer she received a letter from the Director of the PSA which said
“you established a wide reputation for your efficient and dedicated
attitude towards your work…..we will greatly miss the benefit of your
wealth of knowledge and experience”.
When buying the house in Hayes – as a single woman she was not
allowed to have a mortgage unless it was guaranteed by a man – her
brother acted as her guarantor – she hated it so much she paid off the
mortgage very quickly and released herself from the shackles of being
beholden to a man (even if it was her brother).
She dearly loved her brother who worked abroad in the RAF. He had
three sons who Jessie adored and she was able to care for them during
the holidays from Boarding School until they flew out to be with their
parents. They had wonderful times with her – Simon was even taken to
a Rolling Stones concert through which Jessie sat with her fingers in her
ears! She took Robert’s side when at 15years of age customs
confiscated the 200 Rothmans cigarettes he was trying to bring back
from Cyprus to take to school (for a friend you understand!) and lent
Jamie the money to buy his first car when he moved to London as a
Continued on the next page .....
penniless Articled Clerk in Lincoln’s Inn. She always remembered all
their birthdays and those of her great nephews and nieces.
Her mother had told Jessie that she should never learn to drive – she
would be very likely to kill someone and she would never marry,
no-one would want her and she would be needed to care for her
mother anyway. When her mother had to go into a Care Home Jessie
visited her most days and always felt guilty at not being able to care
for her at home. After her Mother passed away in 1970 Jessie seemed
to decide that nobody was ever going to tell her what to do. Hence
her determination to get her own way which became more
pronounced as she aged – a trait of hers we all recognised.
She was widely read and could discuss all sorts of diverse subjects – she
enjoyed reading enormously – her wide knowledge also came in
handy for one of her other main preoccupations – cross words. She was
an adventurous traveller (China just after Mao – Ceylon (before it
became Sri Lanka!!) – South Africa at the height of the Apartheid era –
down the Nile before it became fashionable) but also enjoyed her
many luxury cruises in less exotic places on the Swan Hellenic line
where she always had the same cabin!!
Her deep faith was an inseparable part of her life and she worshipped
at Hayes Free Church for over 50 years. In that time
she was a leader of the older group in the Junior Church and was
involved in plays etc done by the children and made their costumes.
Jessie loved being at church, particularly traditional services, not bands
etc. and latterly complained about the speakers not speaking clearly.
She saw a consultant who advised that there was no physical problem
and simple hearing aids might help. Jessie was sad that even
expensive ones wouldn’t be any better!
She was the church Flower Arranger for many year and organised
Flower Festivals for one of which she made straw models to enhance a
number of the arrangements
When the youth groups in the Borough were offered paint by Dulux to
enable the youngsters to decorate and improve the premises where
they met the leaders got stuck in and Jessie came along to do her bit
with her 1 inch wide paint brush. She carried on doing the walls of one
of the rooms while other adults were using their wide brushes. My
informant said ‘ She was a perfectionist’
She took over as leader of the Women’s Fellowship – one of my earliest
dealing with her was when she asked me to do a talk after the annual
lunch . It was then I heard how when Jessie was arranging the menu
and deciding what to order she turned down other members
Continued on the next page .....
..... Continued from the previous page
suggestion that the male drivers of the mini ambulance should be given
two slices of ham, everyone else only had one. Jessie strongly turned
that idea down as there was no reason for men to have larger portions.
But she seemed able to take a joke. One memory was of the times Jessie
was on a tour to the Holy Land and while at Tiberias. John Robinson,
who was leading the party, called to Jessie to look at a certain view.
When she was gazing at it he turned on the shower under which she
happened to be standing and gave it a quick flick.
Her reaction wasn’t recorded!
She often gave pieces of art she had done to Bring and Buy Sales –
painting was a major joy in her life.
She had a close friendship with Ivy Mant and with a number of the ladies
they spent holidays together.
Jessie couldn’t stand draughts so when travelling with others no windows
could be opened. When I took four of the friends down to Roger Wildes
on a hot day I made sure Jessie came with her hat, scarf and gloves so
that the rest of us were able to breathe.
Apart from her church activities she enjoyed the Women’s Institute and
was President of the local Branch for two years.
She was also a long standing member of Toc H.
Jessie had many friends as was evidenced by the number of visitors she
had when in the Care Home. Overriding all was her love for her three
nephews, Robert, Simon and Jamie and their families – her friends were
happy to see that mutual family love and understood that Jessie put
them first and didn’t hesitate to refuse gifts or turn other people away
Jessie was independent, intolerant, made no compromise, frightened,
prickly, had no hidden agenda, made it clear who and what she
wanted but somehow we understood each other. It was a great
privilege and challenge to help her and to be in the dark places with
her in recent years. To dry her tears and pray with her as well as telling
her ‘We can do it together’ and that God loved her, He really, really did.
I’ve tried to put this together from what Robert and I both said at Jessie’s
funeral and close with Robert’s last words –
“Jessie’s last words to me on 20 July – just before I flew back to Cambodia
– were – “I hope I’m not here when you get back” - she got her wish and
is now where she had wanted to be for some time – so we should
indeed celebrate and be thankful for her life but also for her death”
Thank you…..
Brenda Cordingley
..... Continued from the previous page
Beckenham Chorale
Autumn Concert
Saturday 21st November
at 7.45
St. George’s Church, Beckenham
Britten – St. Nicholas
Haydn – Little Organ Mass
Tenor solo: Matthew Sandy
Orchestra with the Holst
Chamber Choir of
James Allen’s Girls’ School.
Tickets at the Box Office
or on the door
Maggie Greenwood
Subscriptions for Catalyst
Subscriptions for 2016 are due in December. The cost is
£6 if you wish to receive Catalyst via the pigeonholes at the
back of the church. Please let Judith or David Stoner have this
amount as soon as possible. There is an envelope attached to
this issue of Catalyst for you to use.
If you wish to have the magazine sent by post, the cost is £11
and you should send your subscription to:
Judith and David Stoner
113 Bourne Way
Bromley BR2 7EX
Cheques should be made payable to Hayes Free Church.
It would be helpful if subscribers who no longer wish to
receive Catalyst by post would let us know.
Oakhill Road, Beckenham, Kent
Beckenham United Reformed Church
If you are living independently at home, but getting older
and would like help with household tasks, meals,
shopping or transport; or would like help using your
computer, pursuing indoor interests or getting out by
wheelchair or by car; or would like to give a break to
someone who usually looks after you; or would like help
with something not mentioned here - please get in touch
with me. My goal is to maintain your independent lifestyle
with a kind and committed service.
Christopher White 020 8149 6933 or
Pilgrimage to Greece in the Steps of St Paul
After the success of our two pilgrimages to the Holy
Land in 2011 and 2013 and our visit to the Seven
Churches of Revelation in Turkey earlier this year we
are planning a pilgrimage to Greece from 5th-13th
September 2016.
We shall visit all the places associated with Paul in
Greece from Neapolis (Kavala) where the gospel
was first brought to Europe down through, Philippi,
Thessalonica, Corinth, and Athens where Paul
preached about, “The Unknown God” on Mars Hill.
We shall also visit the amazing Meteora monasteries
and the site of the oracle at Delphi as well as an
optional day cruise round three islands in the Aegean.
The basic cost of the tour is £1645 and we shall be
travelling again with McCabe’s Pilgrimages.
Before advertising more widely, we would like to give
our friends from HFC an early opportunity to book.
Please contact us if you would like more information
and a booking form and brochure.
Marion & Bill Bowman
From 2.00pm on Saturday 28th and Monday 30th November, Friday 4th and
Saturday 5th December.
Members and Friends of Hayes Free Church and
River City Saxes - “Four Saxophones Swing into Christmas”
Sunday 29th November at 6.30pm - Evening Service
The Trees can be viewed at the Church at the following times:
From 3.30pm on Tuesday 1st , Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd December
(extended opening until 8.00pm on Tuesday and Thursday only)
On each Sunday the church will be open at 10.30am and 6.30pm for services
Programme of Entertainment
Friday 27th November at 7.30pm - OPENING CONCERT
Saturday 28th November at 7.00pm - Wind and Words (Poetry and Clarinet) -
“ ‘Twas the Night before Christmas” and
Croydon Guitar Club Entertains with Popular Songs
with Pickhurst Junior Academy
Monday 30th November at 7.30pm - Bishop Justus School Concert
Wednesday 2nd December at 7.30pm - Concert by The Wandle Ringers
Friday 4th December at 7.00pm - Quiz Night (bring your own drinks and nibbles)
(Tickets £2.00 from Christine Rees 07989 192928 or Alistair Wilson 020 8402 0026 )
Saturday 5th December at 7.45pm - Concert by Beckenham Concert Band
Sunday 6th December at 6.30pm - Churches Together in Hayes
with the Musicians from Hayes School
Hayes Free Church,
111 Pickhurst Lane,
Hayes (Kent) BR2 7HU
All the money
raised will go to
Hayes Free Church
Christmas Tree
In aid of The Chartwell Cancer Trust
From Friday 27th November to Sunday 6th December 2015
Alzheimer’s is a disease that causes dementia.
The article continues to discuss different types of dementia..
Frontotemporal dementia or FTD (sometimes called Pick’s disease) is a
relatively rare form of dementia. FTD is caused by damage to cells in
areas of the brain called the frontal and temporal lobes. The frontal
lobes regulate our personality, emotions and behaviour, as well as
reasoning, planning and decision-making. The temporal lobes are
involved in the understanding and production of language.
There are several different conditions which affect the frontal and
temporal lobes of the brain – together called frontotemporal lobar
degeneration. These include:
• Behavioural variant FTD (bvFTD)
• Semantic dementia (the word semantic means the meaning of
• Progressive non-fluent aphasia (aphasia is a language disorder
where people have problems speaking and writing)
• Dementia associated with motor neurone disease
FTD is the second most common cause of dementia in people under
65, FTD usually affects people between the ages of 30-60
Symptoms The early symptoms depend on which area of the brain is
• In behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia, the parts of the
frontal lobe which regulate social behaviour may be most affected.
• In semantic dementia, the parts of the temporal lobe which
support understanding of language and factual knowledge are
most affected.
• In progressive non-fluent aphasia, parts of the frontal and temporal
lobes which control speech are most affected.
Concludes in December
The Christmas Tree Festival
We are now getting very near the time of the festival, and everything
seems to be falling into place. But I still need more help.
· If you are able to help with stewarding I would be very grateful if
you would put your name down on the rota in the church.
· Besides this we will also, I am afraid, need some furniture removers -
I have kept this to a minimum but there is inevitably some, and if
you can help with this I would be glad to hear from you.
· And if your preference is for helping with refreshments, then please
have a word with Jean Ritchie.
Christine Rees
Edith Cavell was a British nurse in charge of a hospital in Belgium
during the First World War. She saved the lives of soldiers from both
sides and helped Allied soldiers escape from German-occupied
Belgium during the First World War, for which she was arrested.
Her strong Christian beliefs led her to help all those who needed it: she
said, "I can’t stop while there are lives to be saved."
Despite international pleas for mercy, she was shot by a German firing
squad. The night before her execution, she told the Revd. Gahan, the
Anglican chaplain who gave her Holy Communion: "Patriotism is not
enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone."
In the Anglican Church, 12th October is her commemoration day. This
year Nurse Cavell is featured on a special £5 coin to mark the
centenary of the war.
From the Boughton Monchelsea Parish magazine
Our Christmas Fair
Saturday 7th November
10.30 a.m. — 2.00 p.m.
The following people have kindly offered to run stalls: -
CAKES - Connie Russell & Daphne Cummings.
CHRISTMAS FAYRE (cakes, puddings & fancies) - Joan Smith.
BOOKS - Tony Russell.
BOTTLES - Philip & Kate Sheardown.
JAMS & PRESERVES - Martin Nunn & Betty Coster.
CHRISTMAS FLOWERS - Margaret Tannock.
BRlC-A-BRAC - Doreen Hobbs.
JEWELLERY - Barbara Jones.
Please give your contributions to the above people, OR
place them in a box in the vestibule.
The BOTTLE stall would welcome non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks,
cans of drink, washing up liquid, after shave, perfume, shampoo
tomato ketchup, etc.
Please bring your bottles to the hall on Friday 6th Nov after 8.00 p.m.
ANY other offers of help will be greatly appreciated. -
Contact Daphne Cummings on 020 8777 2487, or
Alan Hotten on 020 8462 1250
The way things once were
Taken from a long email from a contact in Australia. The sender
explains that the statistics may only refer to UK, although there are
many sayings from New Zealand.
* Turkeys were definitely seasonal.
* Pineapples came in chunks in a tin; we had only ever seen a
picture of a real one.
* We never heard of Croissants we certainly couldn't pronounce it,
* We thought that Baguettes were a problem the French needed to
deal with.
* Garlic was used to ward off vampires, but never used to flavour
The above is circulating on the Internet.
Lets hope it is shared extensively worldwide.
Website of the month: - The Chartwell Cancer Trust
Wording gleaned from the web-site: -
About Us
“We are a total charity; the Trustees are volunteers”
Our Aim
To maintain increased staffing levels in the Chartwell Cancer Unit, The
Princess Royal University Hospital so dedicated professionals can spend
more time with patients and provide a better level of care and service
for us all.
To improve the conditions in the unit for both patients and staff ensuring
that the Unit is as well staffed and comfortable as any other unit in the UK.
Trustees: Michael Douglas, Gile Juttla, Chris Regan and Bobby Beech.
Michael, Gile and Chris know how it feels to face cancer having
received treatment in the unit and have all recovered. Founder Michael
Douglas set the Charity up in 2005 after seeing first hand a very serious
shortfall in the staff versus patient ratio within the Chartwell Unit. Local
business woman Bobby Beech set up “The Positive Path”, now one of the
CCT’s biggest Annual Fundraisers.
“More and more you hear about someone who has been affected by this
dreadful disease, whether it’s a friend, colleague or a close family
member” says Trustee Bobby Beech.
Staff funded by The CCT
With your help we continue to fund:
Two Healthcare Assistants:
Sally Groom (since 2005) and Ruth Curry (since 2007).
Clinical Fellow:
Dr Nardair Kebaier to work alongside Consultant Oncologists within the
Breast Oncology Team at the PRUH We also funded Senior
Haematologist Dr Anil Lakhani until his retirement in August 2014.
We have just recently agreed to fund two Clinical Nurse Specialists in 2015.
Continued on the next page .....
..... Continued from the previous page
Funding Advisory Committee
In 2014 we set up a team of experts to assess the most urgent needs of
cancer patients across the various King’s sites, advise and consult with us
on where the funds are best spent.
Events Committee
The aim .... is to present new fundraising events & ideas. The Committee,
meets ... monthly.... If you would like to join our ... Committee and/or
attend .... our meetings please contact the office on 01959 570322.
How you can help
By supporting us now you can help to change people’s futures!
Become a Patron or Make a Donation
(Online use) Charity Checkout to take you through a few easy steps. (OR)
Donations can be posted to The Chartwell Cancer Trust, Room 1, Aileen
McHugo Building, Westmore Green, Tatsfield, Kent TN16 2AG. Please
make cheques payable to The Chartwell Cancer Trust. Please do not
send in cash donations. If you are eligible for us to claim gift aid on your
behalf, please complete this downloadable form and post it with your
Many people who have been treated in the Chartwell Unit like to leave a
legacy as a thankyou for the care they received, and to support the Unit.
Please contact 01959 570322 if you require further information.
Other ways to help
We organise a number of events throughout the year .... We are always
looking for help in the office, .... If you would like to volunteer to help
please call 01959 570322.
Hayes Free Church Christmas Tree Festival, Pickhurst Lane, Bromley ....
The Festival will run from 27 November to 6 December where there will be
a series of evening wonderful concert and choir performances each
night. Christmas trees decorated by various organisations including The
Chartwell Cancer Trust will be on display.
Chartwell Cancer Trust Charity Christmas Dinner, House of Commons
Friday 11 December ...... Places are already being booked – call the
office for tickets and more information. (Places are limited).
Charity Tandem Skydive 2016 A more adventurous way to fundraise! ......
If you would like to join our CCT running team email: or file out our online enquiry form HERE
November 2015
1st Sun
10.30 am - Morning Service - Major Cliff Kent
6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister
2nd Mon 12.30 pm - Women’s Contact Group Page 3
3rd Tue
10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3
2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5
8.00 pm - Elders’ Meeting Page 3
4th Wed
5th Thu 8.00 pm - Book Club Page 4
6th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4
7th Sat 10.30 am - Christmas Fair Pp 8,18
8th Sun
Remembrance Day
10.30 am - Parade Service - The Minister
Followed by Fairtrade Stall Page 6
6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister
9th Mon
10th Tue
10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3
2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5
11th Wed Remembrance Day
12th Thu
13th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4
14th Sat 10.00 am - Women’s Contact Coffee Morning Page 6
15th Sun
10.30 am - Morning Service - John Cox
4.00 pm - Christingle Service
6.30 pm - Evening Service - Keith Nye
16th Mon
17th Tue
10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3
2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5
18th Wed 7.30 pm - House Church Page 4
19th Thu 8.00 pm - Men’s Group Page 4
20th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4
21st Sat
This feature was John Curry’s idea.
12 December Compassionate Friends’ Service - 6.00 pm.
25 December Service at 10.30 am.
27 December Joint Service with Beckenham URC - 10.30 am
at Beckenham.
December 2015
1st Tue
10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3
2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5
2nd Wed 7.30 pm - Christmas Tree Festival event Page 16
3rd Thu
4th Fri
2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4
7.00 pm - Christmas Tree Festival event Page 16
5th Sat 7.45 pm - Christmas Tree Festival event Page 16
6th Sun
10.30 am - Morning Service - Jim Holman
6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister. CTH with
Musicians from Hayes Secondary School -
Christmas Tree Festival Closing Service
November 2015
22nd Sun
10.30 am - Holy Communion - The Minister
Followed by Fairtrade Stall Page 6
12.00 Noon - Church Meeting Page 3
6.30 pm - Evening Service - Mrs Judy Davies
23rd Mon
24th Tue
10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3
2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5
25th Wed 3.30 pm - Messy Church Page 4
26th Thu
27th Fri
2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4
7.30 pm - Christmas Tree Festival Opens Page 16
28th Sat 7.00 pm - Christmas Tree Festival event Page 16
29th Sun
10.30 am - Morning Service - Geoff Larcombe
6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister with
Pickhurst Junior Academy
30th Mon
St. Andrew's Day
6.30 pm - Christmas Tree Festival event Page 16
Memo From GOD
I am God.
Today I will be handling all of your problems.
Please remember that I do not need your help.
If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle,
do not attempt to resolve it.
Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. It will be
addressed in My time, not yours. Once the matter is placed into the
box, do not hold on to it.
If you find yourself stuck in traffic, don't despair. There are people in
this world for whom driving is an unheard of privilege.
Should you have a bad day at work, think of the man who has been
out of work for years.
Should you despair over a relationship gone bad, think of the person
who has never known what it's like to love and be loved in return.
Should you grieve the passing of another weekend, think of the
woman in dire straits, working twelve hours a day, seven days a
week to feed her children.
Should your car break down, leaving you miles away from assistance,
think of the paraplegic who would love the opportunity to take that
Should you notice a new grey hair in the mirror, think of the cancer
patient in chemotherapy who wishes she had hair to examine.
Should you find yourself at a loss and pondering what is life all about,
asking "What is my purpose?", be thankful. There are those who
didn't live long enough to get the opportunity.
Should you find yourself the victim of other people's bitterness,
ignorance, smallness or insecurities, remember, things could be
worse. You could be them!!!
Day Organisation Contact Phone
10.25am Sunday Club Mike Duke 020 8462 5103
9.15 -12.15pm
12.15 -12.45pm
Pre School Group
P/School lunch club
Jayne Carvell 07913 299773
5.45pm Brownies Sarah Humphrey 020 3539 8113
6.30pm Cubs Brenda Petts 020 8325 3956
8.00pm - 1st Women's Contact
Sylvia Mack 020 8462 1938
10.00am Prayer Meeting Martin Nunn 020 8462 5918
2.00pm Women's Fellowship MarionSwanborough 020 8462 3981
7.15pm Scouts - 1st troop Paul Hasling 020 3236 0083
3.30pm - 4th Messy Church Mavis Righini 020 8462 1168
5.30pm Rainbows Jenny Longman 07730 574962
6.00pm Beavers Brenda Petts 020 8325 3956
7.30pm - 3rd House Church Barbara Jones 020 8325 5619
8.00pm Explorers Tom Strachan 07745 813 295
5.30pm Brownies Stevie Blair. 020 8325 3469
7.15 - 8.45pm Rangers Georgina Chappell 07983 471308
7.15pm Scouts - 2nd troop Julia Hart 07518 361038
8.00pm - 1st HFC Book Club Wendy Smith 020 8462 1779
8.00pm - 3rd Men's Group Bruce Tannock 020 8325 6264
8.00pm - 2nd,
& 4th
Ignatian Spirituality
David Hawthorn 020 8249 7188
9.00 - 12.00pm Coffee morning during term times
2.00pm Mothers & Toddlers Wendy Smith 020 8462 1779
6.30pm Guides Teresa Cheyne 020 8777 6042
2.30pm - 1st Saturday Fellowship Martin Nunn 020 8462 5918
NOTE: - Some of the organisations meet once or twice per month.
This is indicated by 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. The numbers relate to which
week day of the month, NOT the calendar date.
The Universal Prayer for Peace
This prayer has been used by millions of people of all faiths around the
world. It is based on a traditional prayer from India, and invites us to be
part of a global pilgrimage in understanding.
Lead us from death to life,
from falsehood to truth.
Lead us from despair to hope,
from fear to trust.
Lead us from hate to love,
from war to peace.
Let peace fill
our hearts,
our world,
our universe.
Let us dream together,
pray together,
work together,
to build one world
of peace and justice
for all.
The Building contractors’ salute.
Final Thought

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2015 nov

  • 1. November 2015 Catalyst THE MAGAZINE OF HAYES FREE CHURCH (U.R.C.)
  • 2. Copy for the December 2015 - January 2016 edition needs to be handed in by Sunday, the 15th of November. Please submit items in good time You can leave copy in the “B” Pigeon Hole for Richard Brown to collect, or hand it directly to him on a Sunday morning. You can also e-mail copy to Thank You. Editor Principal Contacts Minister: Rev. Sue Powell Tel: 020 8462 2212 Church Secretary: Mrs Mavis Righini Tel: 020 8462 1168 Treasurer: Mr. Simon Narracott Tel: 020 8462 2004 Lettings Secretary: Mrs Undine Connolly Tel: 020 8776 0108 Caretaker: Mr. Ian Jones Tel: 020 8313 1556 Church Website Catalyst Editor: Mr Richard Brown Contents : - Items not covered by the diary of events. HAYES FREE CHURCH 111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU Sunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. We are a member of the United Reformed Church. We believe in Justice and Peace. This month’s website: - This month the Main Christmas Tree Festival charity, The Chartwell Cancer Trust, is featured The web address is Now, turn to Page 20 for more information. Ed Sunday Services; A Word to the Wise 2 Church Notices 3 - 5 Hayes Phil Choir 5 Notes from the Editor 6 Your page 7 Hayes Philharmonic Choir 8 Jessie Martin 9 - 11 Notice Board 12 - 13 Home support; The Pulpit 14 Christmas Tree Festival Prog. 16 Alzheimer’s; The Christmas Tree Festival 17 Edith Cavell; Our Christmas Fair 18 I wear my poppy with pride; The way things once were 19 Website of the month 20 - 21 Memo from GOD 24 Church Organisations I B C
  • 3. 1 Letter from the Minister Dear Friends November holds the time that we focus on remembering those who have fought and lost their lives in war, protecting us from invaders, and protecting our way of life. The Remembrance Service always feels very special as we together hold the pain and loss of many throughout our land; memories of those lost long ago, and for those lost very recently. Today we are far more aware of the problems that those who return from places of war face in their daily lives, whether coping with disability or mental trauma or both. The poppy field last year at the Tower of London spoke powerfully to many of us, and those of us who went were greatly moved by the huge number of poppies planted there. To hear the Last Post played in the evening in that place was very special. As we gather together this year to remember and to pay our respects, it is vital that we hold onto the faith that all is not lost when we die. Those who died in service to their country, those who died in the bombing raids here in the UK, all those who gave their lives in whatever way to protect us – they all need to be remembered, and we need to remember that they are where they should be, at home with God. As we gather to give thanks this year, we will remember all those who number among the saints, who gave all that we might know freedom. The great gift that they have given has won for us the freedoms we enjoy. May we never take them for granted.
  • 4. 2 Sunday Services Some notes on the visiting preachers. November 2015 1st 10.30 am - Morning Service - Major Cliff Kent 6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister 8th Remembrance Day 10.30 am - Parade Service - The Minister 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister 15th 10.30 am - Morning Service - John Cox 6.30 pm - Evening Service - Keith Nye 22nd 10.30 am - Holy Communion - The Minister 6.30 pm - Evening Service - Mrs Judy Davies 29th 10.30 am - Morning Service - Geoff Larcombe 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister with Pickhurst Junior Academy December 2015 6th 10.30 am - Morning Service - Jim Holman 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister. CTH with Musicians from Hayes Secondary School v Major Cliff Kent belongs to the Regent Hall Branch of The Salvation Army (the only church in Oxford Street, London). He was formerly from the Thornton Heath branch of The Salvation Army. He has conducted Sunday worship at HFC on many occasions. v John Cox is known to us, having conducted services at HFC in the past. v Keith Nye is one of the readers from St. Mary’s Church at Plaistow Green. v Mrs Judy Davies is well known to us. She has conducted services at HFC on a number of occasions. v Revd Geoff Larcombe is a local representative from the Bible Society. He spoke at the Bible celebration supper in the spring of 2011. v Jim Holman is a Methodist preacher. He has conducted services at HFC in the past. A Word to the Wise Patience is the companion of wisdom - Saint Augustine Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow - Aristotle.
  • 5. 3 News of the Church Family Announcements are welcome :- BMD - Changes of address, etc. Deaths We are saddened to announce that John Curry passed away on the 29th of September. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family. Hayes Free Church has lost one of it’s dynamos. GB John. Your prayers would be appreciated for: - Helen Hebbes, and David and Ann Watson. Church Meetings The next Elders’ meeting will be at 8.00 pm in the small hall on Tuesday, 3rd of November. The next Church meeting will be on Sunday 22nd of November at 12.00 noon – after the morning service. Women's Contact Group The contact group had their monthly lunch at the new tea room in Hayes on the 5th of October, and it was a great success (last minute change of venue). Fifteen members attended - the largest number ever ! We have arranged to go there again on the first Monday in November at 12.30 pm. Sylvia Mack Tuesday Prayer Meetings for November Held at 10.00 am at the following homes:- 3rd Martin Nunn’s. 10th Betty Coster’s. 17th Brenda Cordingley’s. 24th The Church. Then in December: - 1st Martin Nunn’s. Please address any queries to Martin Nunn. Saturday Fellowship The venue for Saturday Fellowship has moved from Ruth White’s home to Barbara Jones’s home at 133, Pickhurst Lane. The time remains at 2.30 pm and the leader is still Martin Nunn. You are welcome to join us. For November we will NOT be meeting.
  • 6. 4 House Church We have a house church at my house - 133, Pickhurst Lane. It takes place on the third Wednesday in the month at 7.30 pm. The dates are as follows; November 18th and December 16th. We will be looking at the Ten Commandments. Anyone who would like to join us is welcome. Barbara Men's Group The next Men’s Group meeting will be on Thursday 19 November in the small hall at 8.00 pm and will be a Musical Quiz organised by Chris Fitzgerald. Ministry of Flowers Thank you to those who will be providing flowers in November. A big thank you to those who kindly arrange the flowers when needed. 1st - Malcolm and Teresa Cheyne 8th - Mike Duke 15th - Jean Ritchie 22nd - T.B.A 29th - Mavis Righini - i.m.o. Mum and Dad, Lorna and Gilbert Plater After the Sunday evening services, the flowers are distributed to members and friends, bringing joy to the recipients. Mavis Righini Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club We welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Friday afternoons between 2 and 4pm during term time. The fee is £1 per family – tea, squash and biscuits are provided. This is a time when adults can meet up, while the children in their care are busy playing with toys and activities in the company of other children. Our Christmas Party will take place at the end of term on the 4th of December. Wendy Smith Messy Church This meets on the 4th Wednesday of every month in the church from 3.30 - 4.30 pm, and children from 2 to 12 years are welcome. Book Club We will be meeting at 8.00 pm on Thursday, 5th of November.
  • 7. 5 Notice Sheets – November 1st Joan Smith 8462 3920 8th & 15th Pam Collison 8658 0748 22nd & 29th Brenda Cordingley 8462 3867 Then in December: - 6th Joan Smith If you require items to be included in the notice sheets, please contact the appropriate person by the previous Tuesday. Women's Fellowship Meetings are in the small hall at 2.00 p.m., unless otherwise stated, on Tuesdays and finish about 3.30 p.m. For November we have: - 3rd Betty Coster talks about Holland. 10th Gentle exercises with Pat Marshall. 17th Christine Pope entertains with poetry. 24th Talk by John Ruler. MINI-AMBULANCE Members who use this service are asked to phone Marion Swanborough on 8462 3981 by 9.00 am on any Tuesday when they are unable to come to the meetings. As always, we welcome all ladies to our meetings. Please come along for a pleasant afternoon. We do have a very varied programme with plenty to interest everyone. Marion Hayes Phil Choir will be giving its Christmas concert on Saturday 12th December at 7.45pm in the Parish Church. You will be just about drawing breath after the Tree Festival, so do give it a whirl. It is always a lovely occasion with a feel of the old village Hayes, and will enable you to keep up the Christmas spirit which began with the festival. Is there anyone who would be prepared to share with us the experience of preparing and printing the Sunday Link. It involves 2 weeks at a time and the frequency depends on the number in the team. Joan Smith, Pamela Collison, Brenda C.
  • 8. 6 Women’s Contact Coffee Morning We will be holding the next coffee mornings from 10.00am to 12.00 noon in the Small Hall on the 14th of November. We are continuing to raise monies to contribute to disaster relief funds in different parts of the world. We hope to see you at the Coffee Morning, and why not bring a friend? Please note that the monies raised from the coffee mornings are separate from those raised through the refreshments trolley after Sunday morning services. Barbara Jones The Fairtrade Sunday Stall We hold a fair trade stall after the morning service on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. The stall will be held on the 8th and 22nd of November. Please note that on the 8th, the stall will be a modest one as we will have been at the Christmas Fair on the 7th. We have Christmas cards and various gifts available. Please continue to support your stall. Thank you. Richard and Barbara. Notes from the Editor The Cover Picture The image is from a slide show of photographs of London which were taken at the beginning of the 20th century and before. The early photographs are displayed alongside modern photographs taken from as close as possible to the same spots. The slide show is fascinating and can be seen on You Tube under the title “The Oldest footage of London ever”. The slide-show is the property of Yestervid/Al Paton. Thank you I would like to thank everyone who contributed material for this edition of Catalyst early. It helped me considerably in bringing Catalyst to you on time. Regards. Editor
  • 9. 7 This page will be kept for YOUR contributions - NOTHING ELSE will go on this page. Hopefully, you will be inspired to share some pictures, poetry or stories. Your Page If you wish to send Seasonal Greetings to friends and Church Members, without using Christmas cards, do use Catalyst. Space will be reserved for your messages. Hand, or email, your message to the Editor by the press date for the December / January edition. No more than 6 lines, please.
  • 10. 8 For more information about these events, please contact the organisers: - Pamela Collison for the Charity Card & Gift Sale on 020 8658 0748 Daphne Cummings for the Christmas Fair on 020 8777 2487, or Alan Hotten on 020 8462 1250
  • 11. 9 Jessie Martin (01/09/1920 - 06/08/2015) It was quite a while after we came to Hayes Free Church that I got to know Jessie. At first she seemed quite a dour lady who kept herself to herself and didn’t relish any interference. As I joined John Moren’s House Group I found her a lady who knew her Bible very well and enjoyed the discussions. I remember Jessie asking me about the Trinity when I gave her a lift home from House Group – she couldn’t understand it! I assured her that neither could I but if the Bible said it I believed it to be true. Her reply was that she had been taught to never believe something that you couldn’t understand so that was that. After that we had many ‘interesting discussions.’ We became good friends and I learnt more about Jessie’s earlier life. She was born in New Cross in 1920 and moved to Addiscombe shortly after her brother was born in 1923. Her father had died before Jessie and her mother moved to Hayes in the late 1950’s. She was an independent professional woman who had a very successful Civil Service career that spanned 43 years – she was gazetted in the London Gazette in 1936 when she was issued with her Clerical Assistants Grade 1 Certificate. She worked in the Air Ministry – Ministry of Public Buildings and Works and finally in the Property Services Agency - among other things she oversaw the commissioning of the new Mint in Wales. When she retired in 1980 as a Senior Executive Officer she received a letter from the Director of the PSA which said “you established a wide reputation for your efficient and dedicated attitude towards your work…..we will greatly miss the benefit of your wealth of knowledge and experience”. When buying the house in Hayes – as a single woman she was not allowed to have a mortgage unless it was guaranteed by a man – her brother acted as her guarantor – she hated it so much she paid off the mortgage very quickly and released herself from the shackles of being beholden to a man (even if it was her brother). She dearly loved her brother who worked abroad in the RAF. He had three sons who Jessie adored and she was able to care for them during the holidays from Boarding School until they flew out to be with their parents. They had wonderful times with her – Simon was even taken to a Rolling Stones concert through which Jessie sat with her fingers in her ears! She took Robert’s side when at 15years of age customs confiscated the 200 Rothmans cigarettes he was trying to bring back from Cyprus to take to school (for a friend you understand!) and lent Jamie the money to buy his first car when he moved to London as a Continued on the next page .....
  • 12. 10 penniless Articled Clerk in Lincoln’s Inn. She always remembered all their birthdays and those of her great nephews and nieces. Her mother had told Jessie that she should never learn to drive – she would be very likely to kill someone and she would never marry, no-one would want her and she would be needed to care for her mother anyway. When her mother had to go into a Care Home Jessie visited her most days and always felt guilty at not being able to care for her at home. After her Mother passed away in 1970 Jessie seemed to decide that nobody was ever going to tell her what to do. Hence her determination to get her own way which became more pronounced as she aged – a trait of hers we all recognised. She was widely read and could discuss all sorts of diverse subjects – she enjoyed reading enormously – her wide knowledge also came in handy for one of her other main preoccupations – cross words. She was an adventurous traveller (China just after Mao – Ceylon (before it became Sri Lanka!!) – South Africa at the height of the Apartheid era – down the Nile before it became fashionable) but also enjoyed her many luxury cruises in less exotic places on the Swan Hellenic line where she always had the same cabin!! Her deep faith was an inseparable part of her life and she worshipped at Hayes Free Church for over 50 years. In that time she was a leader of the older group in the Junior Church and was involved in plays etc done by the children and made their costumes. Jessie loved being at church, particularly traditional services, not bands etc. and latterly complained about the speakers not speaking clearly. She saw a consultant who advised that there was no physical problem and simple hearing aids might help. Jessie was sad that even expensive ones wouldn’t be any better! She was the church Flower Arranger for many year and organised Flower Festivals for one of which she made straw models to enhance a number of the arrangements When the youth groups in the Borough were offered paint by Dulux to enable the youngsters to decorate and improve the premises where they met the leaders got stuck in and Jessie came along to do her bit with her 1 inch wide paint brush. She carried on doing the walls of one of the rooms while other adults were using their wide brushes. My informant said ‘ She was a perfectionist’ She took over as leader of the Women’s Fellowship – one of my earliest dealing with her was when she asked me to do a talk after the annual lunch . It was then I heard how when Jessie was arranging the menu and deciding what to order she turned down other members Continued on the next page ..... ..... Continued from the previous page
  • 13. 11 suggestion that the male drivers of the mini ambulance should be given two slices of ham, everyone else only had one. Jessie strongly turned that idea down as there was no reason for men to have larger portions. But she seemed able to take a joke. One memory was of the times Jessie was on a tour to the Holy Land and while at Tiberias. John Robinson, who was leading the party, called to Jessie to look at a certain view. When she was gazing at it he turned on the shower under which she happened to be standing and gave it a quick flick. Her reaction wasn’t recorded! She often gave pieces of art she had done to Bring and Buy Sales – painting was a major joy in her life. She had a close friendship with Ivy Mant and with a number of the ladies they spent holidays together. Jessie couldn’t stand draughts so when travelling with others no windows could be opened. When I took four of the friends down to Roger Wildes on a hot day I made sure Jessie came with her hat, scarf and gloves so that the rest of us were able to breathe. Apart from her church activities she enjoyed the Women’s Institute and was President of the local Branch for two years. She was also a long standing member of Toc H. Jessie had many friends as was evidenced by the number of visitors she had when in the Care Home. Overriding all was her love for her three nephews, Robert, Simon and Jamie and their families – her friends were happy to see that mutual family love and understood that Jessie put them first and didn’t hesitate to refuse gifts or turn other people away Jessie was independent, intolerant, made no compromise, frightened, prickly, had no hidden agenda, made it clear who and what she wanted but somehow we understood each other. It was a great privilege and challenge to help her and to be in the dark places with her in recent years. To dry her tears and pray with her as well as telling her ‘We can do it together’ and that God loved her, He really, really did. I’ve tried to put this together from what Robert and I both said at Jessie’s funeral and close with Robert’s last words – “Jessie’s last words to me on 20 July – just before I flew back to Cambodia – were – “I hope I’m not here when you get back” - she got her wish and is now where she had wanted to be for some time – so we should indeed celebrate and be thankful for her life but also for her death” Thank you….. Brenda Cordingley ..... Continued from the previous page
  • 14. 12 NOTICE Beckenham Chorale Autumn Concert Saturday 21st November at 7.45 at St. George’s Church, Beckenham Britten – St. Nicholas Haydn – Little Organ Mass Tenor solo: Matthew Sandy Orchestra with the Holst Chamber Choir of James Allen’s Girls’ School. Tickets at the Box Office or on the door Maggie Greenwood Subscriptions for Catalyst Subscriptions for 2016 are due in December. The cost is £6 if you wish to receive Catalyst via the pigeonholes at the back of the church. Please let Judith or David Stoner have this amount as soon as possible. There is an envelope attached to this issue of Catalyst for you to use. If you wish to have the magazine sent by post, the cost is £11 and you should send your subscription to: Judith and David Stoner 113 Bourne Way Bromley BR2 7EX Cheques should be made payable to Hayes Free Church. It would be helpful if subscribers who no longer wish to receive Catalyst by post would let us know.
  • 15. 13 BOARD Oakhill Road, Beckenham, Kent Beckenham United Reformed Church
  • 16. 14 SUPPORT AT HOME If you are living independently at home, but getting older and would like help with household tasks, meals, shopping or transport; or would like help using your computer, pursuing indoor interests or getting out by wheelchair or by car; or would like to give a break to someone who usually looks after you; or would like help with something not mentioned here - please get in touch with me. My goal is to maintain your independent lifestyle with a kind and committed service. Christopher White 020 8149 6933 or
  • 17. 15 Pilgrimage to Greece in the Steps of St Paul ****** After the success of our two pilgrimages to the Holy Land in 2011 and 2013 and our visit to the Seven Churches of Revelation in Turkey earlier this year we are planning a pilgrimage to Greece from 5th-13th September 2016. We shall visit all the places associated with Paul in Greece from Neapolis (Kavala) where the gospel was first brought to Europe down through, Philippi, Thessalonica, Corinth, and Athens where Paul preached about, “The Unknown God” on Mars Hill. We shall also visit the amazing Meteora monasteries and the site of the oracle at Delphi as well as an optional day cruise round three islands in the Aegean. The basic cost of the tour is £1645 and we shall be travelling again with McCabe’s Pilgrimages. Before advertising more widely, we would like to give our friends from HFC an early opportunity to book. Please contact us if you would like more information and a booking form and brochure. Marion & Bill Bowman
  • 18. 16 From 2.00pm on Saturday 28th and Monday 30th November, Friday 4th and Saturday 5th December. Members and Friends of Hayes Free Church and River City Saxes - “Four Saxophones Swing into Christmas” Sunday 29th November at 6.30pm - Evening Service The Trees can be viewed at the Church at the following times: From 3.30pm on Tuesday 1st , Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd December (extended opening until 8.00pm on Tuesday and Thursday only) On each Sunday the church will be open at 10.30am and 6.30pm for services Programme of Entertainment Friday 27th November at 7.30pm - OPENING CONCERT Saturday 28th November at 7.00pm - Wind and Words (Poetry and Clarinet) - “ ‘Twas the Night before Christmas” and Croydon Guitar Club Entertains with Popular Songs with Pickhurst Junior Academy Monday 30th November at 7.30pm - Bishop Justus School Concert Wednesday 2nd December at 7.30pm - Concert by The Wandle Ringers Friday 4th December at 7.00pm - Quiz Night (bring your own drinks and nibbles) (Tickets £2.00 from Christine Rees 07989 192928 or Alistair Wilson 020 8402 0026 ) Saturday 5th December at 7.45pm - Concert by Beckenham Concert Band Sunday 6th December at 6.30pm - Churches Together in Hayes with the Musicians from Hayes School Hayes Free Church, 111 Pickhurst Lane, Hayes (Kent) BR2 7HU All the money raised will go to Hayes Free Church Christmas Tree Festival In aid of The Chartwell Cancer Trust From Friday 27th November to Sunday 6th December 2015
  • 19. 17 Alzheimer’s is a disease that causes dementia. The article continues to discuss different types of dementia.. Frontotemporal dementia or FTD (sometimes called Pick’s disease) is a relatively rare form of dementia. FTD is caused by damage to cells in areas of the brain called the frontal and temporal lobes. The frontal lobes regulate our personality, emotions and behaviour, as well as reasoning, planning and decision-making. The temporal lobes are involved in the understanding and production of language. There are several different conditions which affect the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain – together called frontotemporal lobar degeneration. These include: • Behavioural variant FTD (bvFTD) • Semantic dementia (the word semantic means the meaning of language) • Progressive non-fluent aphasia (aphasia is a language disorder where people have problems speaking and writing) • Dementia associated with motor neurone disease FTD is the second most common cause of dementia in people under 65, FTD usually affects people between the ages of 30-60 Symptoms The early symptoms depend on which area of the brain is affected. • In behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia, the parts of the frontal lobe which regulate social behaviour may be most affected. • In semantic dementia, the parts of the temporal lobe which support understanding of language and factual knowledge are most affected. • In progressive non-fluent aphasia, parts of the frontal and temporal lobes which control speech are most affected. Concludes in December The Christmas Tree Festival We are now getting very near the time of the festival, and everything seems to be falling into place. But I still need more help. · If you are able to help with stewarding I would be very grateful if you would put your name down on the rota in the church. · Besides this we will also, I am afraid, need some furniture removers - I have kept this to a minimum but there is inevitably some, and if you can help with this I would be glad to hear from you. · And if your preference is for helping with refreshments, then please have a word with Jean Ritchie. Christine Rees
  • 20. 18 EDITH CAVELL Edith Cavell was a British nurse in charge of a hospital in Belgium during the First World War. She saved the lives of soldiers from both sides and helped Allied soldiers escape from German-occupied Belgium during the First World War, for which she was arrested. Her strong Christian beliefs led her to help all those who needed it: she said, "I can’t stop while there are lives to be saved." Despite international pleas for mercy, she was shot by a German firing squad. The night before her execution, she told the Revd. Gahan, the Anglican chaplain who gave her Holy Communion: "Patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone." In the Anglican Church, 12th October is her commemoration day. This year Nurse Cavell is featured on a special £5 coin to mark the centenary of the war. From the Boughton Monchelsea Parish magazine Our Christmas Fair on Saturday 7th November 10.30 a.m. — 2.00 p.m. The following people have kindly offered to run stalls: - CAKES - Connie Russell & Daphne Cummings. CHRISTMAS FAYRE (cakes, puddings & fancies) - Joan Smith. BOOKS - Tony Russell. BOTTLES - Philip & Kate Sheardown. JAMS & PRESERVES - Martin Nunn & Betty Coster. CHRISTMAS FLOWERS - Margaret Tannock. BRlC-A-BRAC - Doreen Hobbs. JEWELLERY - Barbara Jones. Please give your contributions to the above people, OR place them in a box in the vestibule. The BOTTLE stall would welcome non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks, cans of drink, washing up liquid, after shave, perfume, shampoo tomato ketchup, etc. Please bring your bottles to the hall on Friday 6th Nov after 8.00 p.m. ANY other offers of help will be greatly appreciated. - Contact Daphne Cummings on 020 8777 2487, or Alan Hotten on 020 8462 1250
  • 21. 19 The way things once were Taken from a long email from a contact in Australia. The sender explains that the statistics may only refer to UK, although there are many sayings from New Zealand. Editor EATING IN THE UK IN THE FIFTIES * Turkeys were definitely seasonal. * Pineapples came in chunks in a tin; we had only ever seen a picture of a real one. * We never heard of Croissants we certainly couldn't pronounce it, * We thought that Baguettes were a problem the French needed to deal with. * Garlic was used to ward off vampires, but never used to flavour food. The above is circulating on the Internet. Lets hope it is shared extensively worldwide.
  • 22. 20 Website of the month: - The Chartwell Cancer Trust Wording gleaned from the web-site: - About Us “We are a total charity; the Trustees are volunteers” Our Aim To maintain increased staffing levels in the Chartwell Cancer Unit, The Princess Royal University Hospital so dedicated professionals can spend more time with patients and provide a better level of care and service for us all. To improve the conditions in the unit for both patients and staff ensuring that the Unit is as well staffed and comfortable as any other unit in the UK. Trustees Trustees: Michael Douglas, Gile Juttla, Chris Regan and Bobby Beech. Michael, Gile and Chris know how it feels to face cancer having received treatment in the unit and have all recovered. Founder Michael Douglas set the Charity up in 2005 after seeing first hand a very serious shortfall in the staff versus patient ratio within the Chartwell Unit. Local business woman Bobby Beech set up “The Positive Path”, now one of the CCT’s biggest Annual Fundraisers. “More and more you hear about someone who has been affected by this dreadful disease, whether it’s a friend, colleague or a close family member” says Trustee Bobby Beech. Staff funded by The CCT With your help we continue to fund: Two Healthcare Assistants: Sally Groom (since 2005) and Ruth Curry (since 2007). Clinical Fellow: Dr Nardair Kebaier to work alongside Consultant Oncologists within the Breast Oncology Team at the PRUH We also funded Senior Haematologist Dr Anil Lakhani until his retirement in August 2014. We have just recently agreed to fund two Clinical Nurse Specialists in 2015. Continued on the next page .....
  • 23. 21 ..... Continued from the previous page Funding Advisory Committee In 2014 we set up a team of experts to assess the most urgent needs of cancer patients across the various King’s sites, advise and consult with us on where the funds are best spent. Events Committee The aim .... is to present new fundraising events & ideas. The Committee, meets ... monthly.... If you would like to join our ... Committee and/or attend .... our meetings please contact the office on 01959 570322. How you can help By supporting us now you can help to change people’s futures! Become a Patron or Make a Donation (Online use) Charity Checkout to take you through a few easy steps. (OR) Donations can be posted to The Chartwell Cancer Trust, Room 1, Aileen McHugo Building, Westmore Green, Tatsfield, Kent TN16 2AG. Please make cheques payable to The Chartwell Cancer Trust. Please do not send in cash donations. If you are eligible for us to claim gift aid on your behalf, please complete this downloadable form and post it with your donation. Legacies Many people who have been treated in the Chartwell Unit like to leave a legacy as a thankyou for the care they received, and to support the Unit. Please contact 01959 570322 if you require further information. Other ways to help We organise a number of events throughout the year .... We are always looking for help in the office, .... If you would like to volunteer to help please call 01959 570322. Events Hayes Free Church Christmas Tree Festival, Pickhurst Lane, Bromley .... The Festival will run from 27 November to 6 December where there will be a series of evening wonderful concert and choir performances each night. Christmas trees decorated by various organisations including The Chartwell Cancer Trust will be on display. Chartwell Cancer Trust Charity Christmas Dinner, House of Commons Friday 11 December ...... Places are already being booked – call the office for tickets and more information. (Places are limited). Charity Tandem Skydive 2016 A more adventurous way to fundraise! ...... If you would like to join our CCT running team email: or file out our online enquiry form HERE
  • 24. 22 November 2015 1st Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Major Cliff Kent 6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister 2nd Mon 12.30 pm - Women’s Contact Group Page 3 3rd Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 8.00 pm - Elders’ Meeting Page 3 4th Wed 5th Thu 8.00 pm - Book Club Page 4 6th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 7th Sat 10.30 am - Christmas Fair Pp 8,18 8th Sun Remembrance Day 10.30 am - Parade Service - The Minister Followed by Fairtrade Stall Page 6 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister 9th Mon 10th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 11th Wed Remembrance Day 12th Thu 13th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 14th Sat 10.00 am - Women’s Contact Coffee Morning Page 6 15th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - John Cox 4.00 pm - Christingle Service 6.30 pm - Evening Service - Keith Nye 16th Mon 17th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 18th Wed 7.30 pm - House Church Page 4 19th Thu 8.00 pm - Men’s Group Page 4 20th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 21st Sat
  • 25. 23 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY This feature was John Curry’s idea. 12 December Compassionate Friends’ Service - 6.00 pm. 25 December Service at 10.30 am. 27 December Joint Service with Beckenham URC - 10.30 am at Beckenham. December 2015 1st Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 2nd Wed 7.30 pm - Christmas Tree Festival event Page 16 3rd Thu 4th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 7.00 pm - Christmas Tree Festival event Page 16 5th Sat 7.45 pm - Christmas Tree Festival event Page 16 6th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Jim Holman 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister. CTH with Musicians from Hayes Secondary School - Christmas Tree Festival Closing Service November 2015 22nd Sun 10.30 am - Holy Communion - The Minister Followed by Fairtrade Stall Page 6 12.00 Noon - Church Meeting Page 3 6.30 pm - Evening Service - Mrs Judy Davies 23rd Mon 24th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 25th Wed 3.30 pm - Messy Church Page 4 26th Thu 27th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 7.30 pm - Christmas Tree Festival Opens Page 16 28th Sat 7.00 pm - Christmas Tree Festival event Page 16 29th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Geoff Larcombe 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister with Pickhurst Junior Academy 30th Mon St. Andrew's Day 6.30 pm - Christmas Tree Festival event Page 16
  • 26. 24 Memo From GOD I am God. Today I will be handling all of your problems. Please remember that I do not need your help. If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do not attempt to resolve it. Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. It will be addressed in My time, not yours. Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold on to it. If you find yourself stuck in traffic, don't despair. There are people in this world for whom driving is an unheard of privilege. Should you have a bad day at work, think of the man who has been out of work for years. Should you despair over a relationship gone bad, think of the person who has never known what it's like to love and be loved in return. Should you grieve the passing of another weekend, think of the woman in dire straits, working twelve hours a day, seven days a week to feed her children. Should your car break down, leaving you miles away from assistance, think of the paraplegic who would love the opportunity to take that walk. Should you notice a new grey hair in the mirror, think of the cancer patient in chemotherapy who wishes she had hair to examine. Should you find yourself at a loss and pondering what is life all about, asking "What is my purpose?", be thankful. There are those who didn't live long enough to get the opportunity. Should you find yourself the victim of other people's bitterness, ignorance, smallness or insecurities, remember, things could be worse. You could be them!!!
  • 27. CHURCH ORGANISATIONS Day Organisation Contact Phone Sunday 10.25am Sunday Club Mike Duke 020 8462 5103 Weekdays 9.15 -12.15pm 12.15 -12.45pm Pre School Group P/School lunch club Jayne Carvell 07913 299773 Monday 5.45pm Brownies Sarah Humphrey 020 3539 8113 6.30pm Cubs Brenda Petts 020 8325 3956 8.00pm - 1st Women's Contact Group Sylvia Mack 020 8462 1938 Tuesday 10.00am Prayer Meeting Martin Nunn 020 8462 5918 2.00pm Women's Fellowship MarionSwanborough 020 8462 3981 7.15pm Scouts - 1st troop Paul Hasling 020 3236 0083 Wednesday 3.30pm - 4th Messy Church Mavis Righini 020 8462 1168 5.30pm Rainbows Jenny Longman 07730 574962 6.00pm Beavers Brenda Petts 020 8325 3956 7.30pm - 3rd House Church Barbara Jones 020 8325 5619 8.00pm Explorers Tom Strachan 07745 813 295 Thursday 5.30pm Brownies Stevie Blair. 020 8325 3469 7.15 - 8.45pm Rangers Georgina Chappell 07983 471308 7.15pm Scouts - 2nd troop Julia Hart 07518 361038 8.00pm - 1st HFC Book Club Wendy Smith 020 8462 1779 8.00pm - 3rd Men's Group Bruce Tannock 020 8325 6264 8.00pm - 2nd, & 4th Ignatian Spirituality Group David Hawthorn 020 8249 7188 Friday 9.00 - 12.00pm Coffee morning during term times 2.00pm Mothers & Toddlers Wendy Smith 020 8462 1779 6.30pm Guides Teresa Cheyne 020 8777 6042 Saturday 2.30pm - 1st Saturday Fellowship Martin Nunn 020 8462 5918 NOTE: - Some of the organisations meet once or twice per month. This is indicated by 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. The numbers relate to which week day of the month, NOT the calendar date.
  • 28. The Universal Prayer for Peace This prayer has been used by millions of people of all faiths around the world. It is based on a traditional prayer from India, and invites us to be part of a global pilgrimage in understanding. Lead us from death to life, from falsehood to truth. Lead us from despair to hope, from fear to trust. Lead us from hate to love, from war to peace. Let peace fill our hearts, our world, our universe. Let us dream together, pray together, work together, to build one world of peace and justice for all. The Building contractors’ salute. Final Thought