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September 2014
Copy for the October 2014 edition needs to be handed in by
Sunday, 14th September.
Please submit items in good time.
You can leave copy in the “B” Pigeon Hole for Richard Brown to collect,
or hand it directly to him on a Sunday morning.
You can also e-mail copy to
Thank You. Editor
Principal Contacts
Minister: Rev. Sue Powell is on a Sabbatical until 1 Dec
Church Secretary: Mrs Mavis Righini Tel: 020 8462 1168
NOTE: All enquires to Mavis
Treasurer: Mr. Simon Narracott Tel: 020 8462 2004
Lettings Secretary: Mrs Undine Connolly Tel: 020 8776 0108
Caretaker: Mr. Ian Jones Tel: 020 8313 1556
Church Website
Editor: Mr Richard Brown
Contents : - Items not covered by the diary of events.
111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU
Sunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.
We are a member of the United Reformed Church.
We believe in Justice and Peace.
This month’s website: -
The website of the month is the Coram’s Fields Charity. The charity,
which provides children’s play facilities, is one of London’s oldest.
Here is the web address:
Now, turn to Page 15 for more details. Ed
Sunday Services;
Notes on preachers 2
Church Notices 3 - 5
Things you never hear in Church 4
Women’s Fellowship 5
Holiday at Home 6 - 7
Contact Coffee Morning 8
Catalyst Needs You! 9
Christian Aid Items 10 -11
Notice Board 12 - 13
The Inns of Court 14
Website of the month 15
Letter to John Curry 16
Saints’ days in September;
Latch appeal 17
Southern Synod letter 18 - 19
WW1 Centenary Memorial;
The way things once were 20
Holiday at Home; Hayes
Community Bus outings 21, 24
Editor’s end note 24
Church Organisations I B C
Letter from the Minister
Hello All,
When I took on the job of Church Secretary just
over 2 years ago, I knew I'd have many duties and
letter writing would be one.
So here we are with Sue's 3 months sabbatical stretching ahead and the
letter in the Catalyst needs writing. A very different type of letter and
who will read it?
As I write this during August, holidays are very much in our minds, even
though most of us try to avoid going away now because it is more
expensive. While away I always like to attend a church service and for
the last few years I have been going to Quarr Abbey on the Isle of
Wight. A very different type of service to what I am used to but a
change can be very refreshing. Eleven monks lead the Mass: each year
there seems to be one less; yet another place of worship that is seeing
a decline in the faithful.
It is a challenge to each one of us to bring more into the Christian family
and it can begin with a smile. People who live near you, whom you may not
know, will more than likely know that you attend church. They see you
leave the house at a certain time on a Sunday morning, so that means
you are an advert for the church. Let us all make a point of smiling at
the stranger, the neighbour, so that folk can see that being a Christian
brings about joy, happiness and acceptance of all.
If you live locally and read the Catalyst month by month but rarely
attend our services, how about joining us? We would love to see you
more often, for God's love is for all.
I look forward to seeing you all soon.
NOTE: - Our Minister is away on her Sabbatical until December 2014.
So, during that period the Minister’s letter will be written by
Church Officers. Ed
Sunday Services
September 2014
7th Sun
10.30 am - Morning Service - Geoff Larcombe
6.30 pm - Holy Communion - Marion Bayley
14th Sun
10.30 am - Morning Service - Jim Holman
6.30 pm - Evening Service - Judy Davies
21st Sun
10.30 am - Morning Service - Tony Russell
6.30 pm - Evening Service - Alan Kienlen
28th Sun
10.30 am - Morning Service -
6.30 pm - Evening Service - David Stoner
October 2014
10.30 am - Morning Service - John Cox
6.30 pm - Holy Communion - Marion Bayley
Some notes on the visiting preachers.
v Revd Geoff Larcombe is a local representative from the Bible
Society. He spoke at the Bible celebration supper in the spring of
v Mrs. Marion Bayley is a Lay Preacher and an Elder from our sister
church in Beckenham. She regularly leads our services.
v Jim Holman is a Methodist preacher. He has conducted services
at HFC in the past.
v Judy Davies gave a talk about Beatrix Potter to the Women’s
Fellowship in May 2014.
v Tony Russell is very well known to us. He is a member of HFC.
v Alan Kienlen is well known to us. He was church secretary and
an elder at HFC.
v David Stoner is well known to us. He is a member of various
groups at HFC.
v John Cox is known to us, having conducted services at HFC in
the past.
News of the Church Family
Announcements are welcome :-
BMD - Changes of address, etc.
We regret to record that Kay Atkinson died on
18 August. We offer our sincere condolences to
Tony and his family at this sad time.
Your prayers would be appreciated for: -
Jim Pearson, Mike Duke, Ruth Rees, Jessie Martin, and Helen Hebbes.
Church Meetings
The next Elders’ meeting will be on Tuesday, 2nd September at 8.00
pm in the small hall.
The next Church meeting, will be on Sunday 28th September at 12.00
noon – after the morning service.
Women's Contact Group
Please note: We will be enjoying a lunchtime meal on the 1st of
September. The format of future monthly meetings will depend upon this
experiment. More details from Sylvia.
Sylvia Mack
Tuesday Prayer Meetings for September
Held at 10.00am at the following homes:-
2nd Martin Nunn’s. 9th Betty Coster’s.
16th Brenda Cordingley’s. 23rd The Church.
30th Martin Nunn’s
Then in October: -
7th Martin Nunn’s.
Please address any queries to Martin Nunn.
Saturday Fellowship
The September meeting will be on the 6th at 2.30pm at Barbara Jones’
home. Martin Nunn will be leading a Bible Study. In October we will
be meeting on the 4th at 2.30pm at the same place.
You are welcome to join us.
Men's Group
The next Men’s Group Meeting will be a meal at The White Bear at
8.00 pm on Thursday 18 September. Contact John Curry.
Ministry of Flowers
Thank you to those who will be providing flowers in September.
A big thank you to those who kindly arrange the flowers when needed.
After the Sunday evening services, the flowers are distributed to
members and friends, bringing joy to the recipients.
Mavis Righini
Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club
We welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied
by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Friday
afternoons between 2 and 4pm during term time. The fee is £1 per
family – tea, squash and biscuits are provided. This is a time when
adults can meet up, while the children in their care are busy playing
with toys and activities in the company of other children.
Our first meeting for the Autumn term is on September 12th.
The half term holiday is on October 31st.
We hope Sue Fitzgerald the photographer will be at the club on
October 24th but we are waiting to have this confirmed..
We look forward to seeing you.
Judith Stoner - Secretary.
Bible Study Group
This Group will next meet in January.
Worship Group
The Wednesday Reflections Group meets at 6.30pm on the 4th
Wednesday of each month.
Linda Michie
Book Club
We meet on the first Thursday of the month at 8.00pm in the small hall.
Wendy Smith will be taking the lead.
Sue Powell
7th - Jean Ritchie 14th - Jean Ritchie
21st - Win Browne 28th - Joan and Bob Cook
Personally, I find witnessing much more enjoyable than golf.
Notice Sheets – September
7th Pamela Collison 8658 0748
14th & 21st Joan Smith 8462 3920
28th Brenda Cordingley 8462 3867
5th Brenda Cordingley
If you require items to be included in the notice sheets, please
contact the appropriate person by the previous Tuesday.
Women's Fellowship
Meetings are in the small hall at 2.00 p.m., unless otherwise stated,
on Tuesdays and finish about 3.30 p.m. The first (open) meeting
will take place on 16th Sept - please bring your favourite poem.
The Women's Fellowship autumn programme includes an afternoon on
November 25th for filling shoe boxes for Smile International. We would
be grateful for contributions for these boxes. For guidance about
suitable contents see the Smile leaflets on the table at the back of
the Church. The boxes are given to children in the third world by the
Smile Organisation. June Fox talked to us about her experiences
delivering shoe boxes - she is coming again on Nov 4th. Do come
and have an enjoyable afternoon with us.
Looking back on our activities of last session we have had interesting
speakers on Hospices of Hope - Romania, the history of the Olympic
Games, the story of the tomb of the unknown warrior to widen our
horizons; music with the Shortlands and Tootswood Singers; gentle
exercises to keep us fit and two outings. The outing to Crockham Hill
where the WI provides a delicious tea has been an annual event for
some years. The other outing to a member’s garden in Pickhurst Lane
was a new and very enjoyable venture.
All planned and to be enjoyed by ladies who are young at heart on a
Tuesday afternoon. Do come and join us - you will be very welcome.
(At the time of going to press, the remainder of the September and
October programme was not available. Ed)
Members who use the mini-ambulance are asked to phone
Marion Swanborough on 8462 3981 by 9.00 am on any Tuesday when
they are unable to come to the meetings.
As always, we welcome all ladies to our meetings. Please come along for a
pleasant afternoon. We do have a very varied programme with plenty to
interest everyone.
Sue & Marion
Continued on page 7..........
I requested a member of Beckenham URC who provides material for
their magazine to let me have a copy of her summary of the Holiday
at Home activities which could also go in our September Catalyst.
Other information is contained in this summary but I have left it in as it
provides a picture of the life of our sister church at Beckenham. Many
thanks to Pat Power.
Mike Duke
The five ‘Beckenham Belles’ went on their annual holiday to Hayes
Free Church again this year. A wonderful full week with games,
puzzles, keep fit and talks before lunch. Then more activities to keep
mind and body alert. Good at our delicate age!! A group from the
W.I. performed a play on Monday afternoon called ‘Granny’s 100th
birthday’. It was just hilarious. Our Sue had a cameo role as the
Queen’s lady in waiting all dressed up in posh frock and picture hat.
Well done girls. Wednesday was Day-trip day. We went to a church
near Tunbridge Wells which had stained glass windows by Marc
Chagall, Absolutely magical. Then to Ightham Mote for tea. One
could imagine Henry VIII strutting about there after his wedding to
Catherine of Aragon. A pleasant afternoon in the Kent countryside.
We had flower arranging on Thursday morning then a musical
afternoon with a Sing-along with Roland and Dave. Friday was fish
and chips lunch and a nice dessert followed by a film.
We thank Reverend Sue and all her helpers for all the hard work
making this a great week for all of us. Thanks also to all at H.F.C. for
their warm welcome.
We ended our ‘Crescent club’ year with our usual garden party
hosted by Sue this year at the manse. Great fellowship which we hold
dear. We pray for all our poorly club members and wish them well.
We lost two members this year-Marjorie Davey and Jean Cullen: may
they rest in peace. We look forward to another year in our
harmonious club with a varied diary which the committee has
selected for everyone.
PS Good philosophy ‘Initium est dimidium facti’ or as ‘the beginning is
half of the end’
Pat Power
A selection of Holiday from Home photographs
There is a display of all of the photographs in the Small Hall.
Wednesday’s outing
Turn to Page 21 for Thursday’s photographs
Women’s Contact Coffee Morning
We will be holding the next coffee morning from
10.00am to 12.00 noon in the Small Hall on the
13th of September.
We are continuing to raise monies to contribute to disaster
relief funds in different parts of the world.
We hope to see you at the Coffee Morning, and why not bring a friend?
Please note that the monies raised from the coffee mornings are
separate from those raised through the refreshments trolley after
Sunday morning services.
Barbara Jones
The Fairtrade Sunday Stall
We hold a fair trade stall after the morning service on the 2nd and 4th
Sunday of each month.
The stall will be held on the 14th and 28th of September.
Please continue to support your fair trade stall. Thank you.
Richard and Barbara.
Contact coffee mornings
Our coffee mornings continue to enable us to help people in other
parts of the world that need our support. The following are two
appeals we have responded to recently.
We gave £150 to Tearfund for the Central African Republic where
people have been deeply traumatised grieving the loss of loved ones.
Across the border in South Sudan civil conflict has also escalated and
people are facing famine.
Our second donation of £100 went to the ‘To be a girl campaign’
which is a project run by Water Aid. It enables communities to have
decent sanitation and girls especially to have private washing and
toilet facilities. Cultural beliefs in countries like Nepal often have a
devastating impact on girls' lives. Water Aid are looking to reach
130,000 girls with this project.
Thank you to those who support our coffee mornings - all the money
we collect goes to deserving projects. In the words of Tearfund ‘we
are following Jesus where the need is greatest’.
Catalyst Needs You!
This page will be kept for YOUR contributions - NOTHING ELSE will go on this page.
Hopefully, you will be inspired to share some pictures, poetry or stories.
On 23 July “White Gables”, the Alzheimer’s Day Centre in
Bromley Common, held their annual Garden Party and this
photo shows John standing outside the Potting Shed that
was purchased with half the money donated in memory of
Marjorie. The Day Centre had specifically requested such a
gift which will be used by the residents. There is a plaque
on the top left hand side of the shed saying “In loving
memory of MARJORIE CURRY who was cared for by the
staff of White Gables from October 2006-April 2009”.
The other half of the money raised will be used to refurbish
the bathroom and convert it into a hairdressing salon for
the residents. This seemed appropriate as Marjorie always
had her hair shampooed each week. The staff were
extremely pleased with these gifts.
I thought you’d like to see how your gifts had been spent.
John Curry
A big thank you to all those who participated in the fund-raising during
Christian Aid Week this year. The house-to-house collection totalled
£1,167.22, and there were further donations of £35.00. The Quiz
evening organised by John and David raised £203.50, Barbara's
coffee morning £167.00 and I hosted a tea party in Beckenham
which brought in a further £185.21. The grand total amounted to
I know a number of people are not keen on the street collections but I
hope they will agree that the above figures prove they are
Kathryn Strachan
A prayer from Christian Aid
Prince of Peace, we pray for the peace that brings freedom out of
fear, hope out of grief, dignity out of violation.
Lead our sisters and brothers out of the valley of the shadow of death
to a place of still waters, green pastures and restoration.
And give us a fire to work tirelessly for your justice, so that we may all
share in your fullness of life.
‘Faith by itself, if not accompanied by action, is dead.’ James 2:17
John Curry writes: -
“I was invited by Christian Aid to attend their head office in London on
19 June to receive an award for completing 34 years service as
coordinator for the house-to-house collections in HFC. Only two other
ladies received the same award and between us we had done 102
years service!! (34 years each). This was the first year they had given
awards, and as it went so well, it will become an annual event.”
Extracts from the letter from Christian Aid are on Page 16.
Christian Aid Circle the City walk
May 18th 2014
Christian Aid Week ended with beautiful weather which was good
news for the city walk.
This year Sylvia was stewarding with me and once again we were at St.
Botolph's, Bishopsgate. Mike and I have stewarded here many times
and I have written before about the history of the church. This year I
thought I would tell you a little history of one of the other churches on
the route, BEVIS Marks Synagogue.
(Wren contemporary)
This is the oldest synagogue in Britain. Jews
had been expelled from England in 1290,
but returned at the invitation of Oliver
Cromwell in the 1650s. A temporary
synagogue was used for a few decades,
until this permanent place of worship was
opened in 1701. This is a synagogue of the Spanish and Portuguese
Jews congregation, and its architecture is similar to their Great
Synagogue in Amsterdam, although Wren’s churches, and the
nonconformist meeting houses of this country, may also have had
some influence on the style. The interior remains much as it has been
for the last 300 years and more, with many interesting features such
as the Large Candelabra, a gift from Amsterdam which symbolise
the seven days of the week.
Photograph taken from the Bevis Marks Synagogue leaflet.
A Sunday school teacher asked, 'Johnny, do you think Noah did a lot
of fishing when he was on the Ark ?'
'No,' replied Johnny. 'How could he, with just two worms.'
From Friday 28 November to Saturday
13 December. The Festival will be
open each day from 2.00pm
from 1 December to 6 December.
The church will be open at service
times each Sunday
(10.30 am and 6.30 pm).
This is a taster of events which will be on
offer: -
¶ A deaf choir of 60 children which
took part in the opening ceremony
for the London Olympics.
¶ A jazz band
¶ School Choirs
¶ Films
¶ The Beckenham Concert Band
The full programme will appear in
October’s edition of Catalyst.
The Reading Game
Sat 6th September
7.30 -10.00
£8 includes a Ploughman's
To raise funds for HFC
Tickets available from
Malcolm and Teresa
25 October
Have a look at all the
All will be welcome
Joan Smith organised a
brilliant Garden Party and
cream tea, and with a bring
and buy and raffle raised
£429 for church funds.
Congratulations and thanks to
Joan and her team of
helpers on such a successful
For those of you who attended last year you'll be pleased to know that
we're doing another this year and for those of you who couldn't make it
do please come along.
A Three Course meal is on offer after the Morning Service @ a price of £10
per head. The money will be used to boost the Church finances in order
to pay for repairs of our ageing boiler enabling us to sit comfortably in
Church and at the various meetings which will take place during the
cold winter which lies ahead.
If you have any special dietary needs please let me know and I will
endeavour to accommodate you. Entry is by ticket only to assist with
Margaret Tannock
I'm pleased to announce that following the success of last year the
Bromley Rock Choir will be returning to Hayes Free Church to provide
you with an entertaining evening from 7.30pm and we will again be
serving mince pies and mulled wine during the interval.
The cost of a ticket will be the same as last year - £10 and the money
collected will go to provide equipment which will enhance
the lives of the students @ Nash College who join us in Church
on Sunday mornings.
Thanks to the generosity of many of you last year we have been able
to provide a Magic Carpet for the new Sensory Room which was
opened by the Mayor in June. So for those of you who came last
year and we hope will return this year please encourage other folk to
come along so we can get another project off the ground.
I will have tickets for sale so please see me.
Margaret Tannock.
The Inns of Court
On 16th July, a beautiful sunny day, nine of our Contact Women’s
Group were taken to court by Alistair.
Well, to the Inns of Court actually.
Until the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act of 1919 no women were
admitted to any of the Inns of Court. The first female barrister was
called to the bar of Inner Temple in 1922.
There are four Inns of Court, Inner and
Middle Temple, Lincoln’s Inn and Gray’s
Inn. Since the 14th Century they have
always been involved with providing
accommodation and tutoring
apprentices of law, many then being
called to the bar.
Nearby is the large Victorian gothic style
Royal Courts of Justice which we looked
inside. We were intrigued when Alistair
pointed out the figure of Jesus above
the outer arch with Solomon and Alfred
the Great at a lower level and a stone
cat and dog over the judges’ entrance,
representing litigants in court.
We finished our tour by going into St Clement Danes church, probably
founded in the 9th century. It was gutted in the Blitz, and restoration
finished in 1958. It is the central church of the Royal Air Force, and we
were impressed by the peaceful interior and by the many Welsh slate
squadron and unit badges set in the floor.
We really enjoyed our educational tour and also eating al fresco at
the oldest Inn in London!
Doreen Hobbs
Quiz Night
To raise funds for Aurora Deaf Aid Africa (for children)
in the church hall Sat Sept 13th 7.00 for 7.30 start.
£5 per person. Bring own drinks glass and food
Please let Sarah Dobridge (nee Connolly) know if you are coming
but pay on the door.
Contact at: -
or text 07730 185871
or let David or Undine know
Main topics in the website: -
· Home
· Choose a pilgrimage
· Latest news
· Giving back
· See survey results
· Information - free call
Website of the Month Coram’s Fields
The website is to be updated soon. Extracts from the current website
are lower down the page.
St Andrews Church stands at Holborn Circus. This is a fine example of
one of Sir Christopher
Wren’s churches.
In the South west porch
there is a memorial
stone to Captain
Thomas Coram. He
set up a Foundling
hospital, and gave
land for the safe
enjoyment of children.
The land is known as
Coram’s Fields,
located at 93,
Guildford Street - a 19
minute walk from
Holborn Circus. If you
plan to visit these
places, I can
recommend a super
cafe in New Fetter
Lane - open Mondays
to Fridays.
The following is
extracted from the
Coram's Fields is a
unique seven acre
playground and park
for children and
young people living in
or visiting London.
It includes a Youth Centre, Children's Centre, Community Nursery,
Sports Programme, a city farm and a cafe which is open from March
until October.
The park is open all year round from 9am until dusk and is free and
open to children and young people under 16. No adult can enter
Coram's Fields without a child and our friendly on-site staff ensure that
everyone can enjoy their visit.
Letter Emailed to John Curry
From: Chris Andre-Watson
Sent: Tuesday, July 8, 2014 3:16 PM
Cc: Christine Allen
Subject: Long Service Award
Dear John,
Apologies for the delay in sending these to you but the original email
address I had was incorrect. I hope you have recovered from your
surprise award and we would love to follow this up in two ways. Firstly
we would love to put a bit about you in your local newspaper of
course if you were willing. We feel that your story may inspire
someone in your area to get involved or encourage other existing
supporters. Secondly we would like to feature your story in the
London section of the next Christian Aid News which is due out in
October. I would love to do a brief interview with you and that might
require you coming in so that we get a clearer solo picture of you.
Do get in contact with me if you are willing and able to do this. It
would be good if we could arrange this before the end of July in
order to meet our publication schedules. Once again thanks for your
support and apologies for the email mishap. I look forward to hearing
from you.
Yours sincerely
Rev Chris Andre-Watson
Christian Aid
London Church Coordinator
Waltham Forest, Barking, Redbridge, Romford.
35-41 Lower Marsh, London SE1 7RL
020 7523 2084
PS. John was interviewed
on 14th July.
Saints’ Days in September.
21st Saint Matthew the Apostle, patron saint of Accountants, bankers,
tax collectors, perfumers and civil servants.
29th Michaelmas The feast of St Michael the Archangel, guardian of
the Catholic Church and protector of the Jewish people. Patron
saint of Police officers, military, grocers, mariners, sickness.
Saint Matthew the Apostle
The Collect
O EVERLASTING God, who hast ordained and constituted the services of
Angels and men in a wonderful order: Mercifully grant that, as thy holy
Angels alway do thee service in heaven, so by thy appointment they
may succour and defend us on earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
For the Epistle: Revelation 12. 7-12
St Michael the Archangel
The Collect
O ALMIGHTY God, who by thy blessed Son didst call Matthew from the
receipt of custom to be an Apostle and Evangelist: Grant us grace to
forsake all covetous desires and inordinate love of riches, and to follow
the same thy Son Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee and
the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.
For the Epistle: 2 Corinthians 4. 1-6
All information taken from the Church of England website
An Appeal for Accommodation
LATCH is seeking hosts with spare rooms who would be paid a
monthly rent to house a homeless young person as well as
regular donations and legacies.
For more information please call Dawn on 020 8460 0042.
23rd July 2014
Dear friend,
As you will be aware General Assembly in Cardiff earlier this month
spent considerable time in discussion and prayer about the issue of
same-sex marriage.
The resolution that was eventually passed reflected the wide range of
views expressed on the floor of Assembly. It respected the views of
those who wished General Assembly to allow same-sex marriages in
their churches immediately as well as the deeply held convictions of
those opposed to the marriage of same-sex couples. However, it
also respected the wish of a majority that the celebration of same-
sex marriages should be a matter for broader consultation within the
wider church.
The resolution is as follows:A clear majority of members of Assembly
expressed the view that local congregations should be permitted to
offer same-sex marriage to those who seek that opportunity.
However, because our decision-making process is based on the
seeking of full consensus, Assembly was unable to reach agreement.
Assembly therefore resolves to pursue this discussion in the most
constructive and consultative way that it can, as follows: 1) to invite
Synods and local congregations
a) To reflect on the report of the facilitation group
b) to discuss whether they would wish a future meeting of
Assembly to authorise local church meetings to offer same-sex
marriage services, and
c) To report their views to the General Secretary by 31 March
2) to authorise the officers of Assembly to furnish these discussions with
appropriate resources including an offer of the support of facilitators.
Therefore, in order to assist this consultation, and to gauge opinion
across the denomination, each minister and church will be receiving
copies of the One Plus One booklet, the document from the URC’s
Human Sexuality Task Group, to assist discussion within local churches.
Southern Synod
Synod office · East Croydon URC · Addiscombe Grove · Croydon CR0 5LP
Telephone 020 8688 3730 Fax No 020 8688 2698
Website -
Continued on next page ....
The main aim of One plus One is to help us to understand the personal,
pastoral and theological issues around marriage in general, as a way
into discussing same-sex marriage in particular. This booklet will be
sent out in September accompanied by a letter from the Rev John
Proctor, General Secretary of the URC, which will outline the process
to be followed.
At Synod Office we will hold the names of some skilled and
experienced people who are willing to visit local churches and to
guide you in your discussion of this matter. If facilitation will assist your
congregation, please do not hesitate to ask for it.
Your views should be set to the General Secretary by 31st March 2015.
At Synod, we are also being asked for our views. Therefore, we shall
begin our discussion at the November Synod Together meeting on
Saturday 8th November 2014 where the issue of same sex marriage
will be introduced. However, we will need a fuller discussion with
facilitation at a Synod Together meeting on Saturday 13th March 2015,
venue to be decided. Please keep that date free in your diary.
Following 31st March 2015, subject to outcome of the gathering of
views, Mission Council may be called upon to call a one item, one
day General Assembly to return to this issue, to be attended by those
who attended this year.
As a denomination we have always been committed to holding
together people of different opinions and views in one Christian
fellowship. Please continue to pray for our church that in all our
discussions over the issue of same-sex marriage we may discover
something of the love of Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Synod Moderator The Revd Nicola Furley-Smith 020 8688 3730
Synod Clerk The Revd Derrick Dzandu-Hedidor 020 8660 3415
Synod Treasurer Mr Ian Fleming 020 8337 8581
.... Continued from previous page
The way things once were
This year’s theme covers sayings or poetry from the First World War
By Ivor Gurney
This item is held by the
Gloucs Archives.
It’s not known where the
poem was written.
This item is from The First
World War Poetry Digital
it/gwa); © University of
For further research into
Ivor Gurney, there is
The Ivor Gurney Society
They have a website at
The Centenary Memorial of the First World War
I am referring to the Tower of London memorial which consists of
ceramic poppies which are being placed in the moat. By the 11th of
November 2014, over 880,000 will form the completed memorial.
You can participate in three ways.
First, you can “Own your piece of history” by buying a poppy from the
memorial at £25 plus p&p. Proceeds will go to at least 6 services
related charities.
Second, you can help with the construction of the memorial. You
need to be fit as the work is physical. Certainly over 18's in our
uniformed groups could, take part.
Third, you can make a dedication for a contribution.
All of the information is most easily accessed through the Tower of
London website at If you do not have access to
a computer or the Internet, please talk to a friend with Internet
access who is willing to help.
If you wish to participate, but cannot get access to the Internet etc,
then please talk to me. I could order poppies as a last resort.
Richard Brown
A word of warning. Battlefield photographs will be used in Oct and
Nov. The purpose is to illustrate the sacrifices which our troops made.
Hayes Community Bus Outings
During the time I have been coming to Hayes Free Church I heard
about the trips with the Hayes Community Bus. As my husband is not
able to walk very far these days I thought it would be good to try
these trips.
We were able to join them for several outings so far this year – the first
one we went on was to Greenwich and we had lunch in the Trafalgar
Pub which was very good and were able to wander outside and look
at the view across the Thames. The next one was to the Jail Inn, Jail
Lane – this was a very pleasant run out into the country and a good
lunch in the pub.
On the third trip we went to Tonbridge for lunch which was very enjoy-
able and then were taken to Tudeley to see the Chagall stained glass
windows at All Saints Church.
We also had tea there.
On the last trip we went to Chiddingstone, which was a really good
trip – very sunny day and we had lunch in the small cafe and then
some of us were able to visit the old village of Chiddingstone and
some of the party went inside the Chiddingstone Manor House which
was very impressive.
We usually have about 12 people on the bus and together with Colin
Righini who is a most capable, friendly and interesting driver we all
have a very enjoyable and friendly day out.
Claire Douglas
Turn to page 24 for some photographs taken on the outings.
.... Continued from Page 7 - Holiday at Home
September 2014
1st Mon 1.00 pm - Women’s Contact Group Page 3
2nd Tue
10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer meeting Page 3
8.00 pm - Elders’ meeting Page 3
3rd Wed
4th Thu 8.00 pm - Book Club Page 4
5th Fri
6th Sat
2.30 pm - Saturday Fellowship Page 3
7.30 pm - The Reading Game Page 12
7th Sun
10.30 am - Morning Service - Geoff Larcombe
6.30 pm - Holy Communion - Marion Bayley
8th Mon
9th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer meeting Page 3
10th Wed
11th Thu
12th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4
13th Sat
10.00 am - Women’s Contact Coffee Morning Page 8
7.00 pm - Quiz Night Page 14
14th Sun
10.30 am - Morning Service - Jim Holman
Followed by Fairtrade stall Page 8
6.30 pm - Evening Service - Judy Davies
15th Mon
16th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer meeting Page 3
17th Wed
18th Thu
2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5
8.00 pm - Men’s Group Page 3
19th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4
20th Sat
21st Sun
10.30 am - Morning Service - Tony Russell
6.30 pm - Evening Service - Alan Kienlen
22nd Mon
23rd Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer meeting Page 3
12 Oct Harvest Festival and lunch. (see Page 12)
25 Oct Westminster College, Cambridge - Open Day. (see P13)
26 Oct 12.00 Noon - Church Meeting.
7 - 9 Nov WW1 Exhibition in the Village Hall.
15 Nov Christmas Fair & Charity Christmas Card Sale.
22 Nov Christmas Fair at Beckenham URC.
29 Nov - 7 Dec Christmas Tree Festival
13 Dec 6.00 pm - Compassionate Friends Service.
16 Dec 3.45 pm - Christingle Service.
25 Dec 10.30 am - Service.
28 Dec Joint Service with Beckenham URC at HFC.
October 2014
1st Wed
2nd Thu 8.00 pm - Book Club Page 4
3rd Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4
4th Sat 2.30 pm - Saturday Fellowship Page 3
5th Sun
10.30 am - Morning Service - John Cox
6.30 pm - Holy Communion - Marion Bayley
September 2014
24th Wed 6.30 pm - Wednesday Reflections Group Page 4
25th Thu
26th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4
27th Sat
28th Sun
10.30 am - Morning Service -
Followed by Fairtrade stall Page 8
12.00 noon - Church meeting Page 3
6.30 pm - Evening Service - David Stoner
29th Mon
30th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer meeting Page 3
See Page 21 for the related article..
hank you everyone for your contributions to Catalyst. The stories
and reports all show that we are friends and members of a
wonderful caring and active church .
Please keep the stories etc coming. All contributions are most
gratefully received.
Now, I am sure there are some ideas for following up some of the
pieces. If these ideas materialise, they will be publicised in Catalyst or
in church through the usual channels.
It has been a joy putting this edition together. Ed
Day Organisation Contact Phone
10.25am Sunday Club Mike Duke 8462 5103
9.15 -12.15pm
12.15 -12.45pm
Pre School Group
P/School lunch club
Jayne Carvell 07913 299773
5.45pm Brownies Sarah Humphrey 8249 9982
6.30pm Cubs Brenda Petts 8325 3956
8.00pm - 1st Women's Contact
Sylvia Mack 8462 1938
10.00am Prayer Meeting Martin Nunn 8462 5918
2.00pm Women's Fellowship MarionSwanborough 8462 3981
7.00pm Scouts Paul Hasling 3236 0083
3.30pm - 4th Messy Church Mavis Righini 8462 1168
5.15pm Rainbows Jenny Longman 07730 574962
6.00pm Beavers Brenda Petts 8325 3956
6.30pm - 4th Reflections Group Bill Michie 8658 4167
8.00pm Explorers Tom Strachan 07745 813 295
5.30pm Brownies Stevie Blair. 8325 3469
7.15 - 8.45pm Rangers Georgina Chappell 07983 471308
8.00pm - 1st HFC Book Club Wendy Smith 8462 1779
8.00pm - 3rd Men's Group Bruce Tannock 8325 6264
8.00pm - 2nd,
& 4th
Ignatian Spirituality
David Hawthorn 8249 7188
9.00 - 12.00pm Coffee morning during term times
2.00pm Mothers & Toddlers Judith Stoner 8462 3023
6.30pm Guides Teresa Cheyne 8777 6042
2.30pm - 1st Saturday Fellowship Martin Nunn 8462 5918
NOTE: - Some of the organisations meet once or twice per month.
This is indicated by 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. The numbers relate to which
week day of the month, NOT the calendar date.
Final Thought
“The hand that points the way is part of the hand
that supplies the need.
Rhoda’s quotation first used in June 1991
Some thoughts for prayer
v Pray for those who are scared.
v Pray for those who despair
v Pray for those who work for peace.
v Praise God and offer the Peace.
(These items should
have appeared in the
previous edition of
Apologies for the delay Ed)

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2014 sep

  • 1. Catalyst September 2014 THE MAGAZINE OF HAYES FREE CHURCH (U.R.C.)
  • 2. Copy for the October 2014 edition needs to be handed in by Sunday, 14th September. Please submit items in good time. You can leave copy in the “B” Pigeon Hole for Richard Brown to collect, or hand it directly to him on a Sunday morning. You can also e-mail copy to Thank You. Editor Principal Contacts Minister: Rev. Sue Powell is on a Sabbatical until 1 Dec Church Secretary: Mrs Mavis Righini Tel: 020 8462 1168 NOTE: All enquires to Mavis Treasurer: Mr. Simon Narracott Tel: 020 8462 2004 Lettings Secretary: Mrs Undine Connolly Tel: 020 8776 0108 Caretaker: Mr. Ian Jones Tel: 020 8313 1556 Church Website Catalyst Editor: Mr Richard Brown Contents : - Items not covered by the diary of events. HAYES FREE CHURCH 111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU Sunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. We are a member of the United Reformed Church. We believe in Justice and Peace. This month’s website: - The website of the month is the Coram’s Fields Charity. The charity, which provides children’s play facilities, is one of London’s oldest. Here is the web address: Now, turn to Page 15 for more details. Ed Sunday Services; Notes on preachers 2 Church Notices 3 - 5 Things you never hear in Church 4 Women’s Fellowship 5 Holiday at Home 6 - 7 Contact Coffee Morning 8 Catalyst Needs You! 9 Christian Aid Items 10 -11 Notice Board 12 - 13 The Inns of Court 14 Website of the month 15 Letter to John Curry 16 Saints’ days in September; Latch appeal 17 Southern Synod letter 18 - 19 WW1 Centenary Memorial; The way things once were 20 Holiday at Home; Hayes Community Bus outings 21, 24 Editor’s end note 24 Church Organisations I B C
  • 3. 1 Letter from the Minister Hello All, When I took on the job of Church Secretary just over 2 years ago, I knew I'd have many duties and letter writing would be one. So here we are with Sue's 3 months sabbatical stretching ahead and the letter in the Catalyst needs writing. A very different type of letter and who will read it? As I write this during August, holidays are very much in our minds, even though most of us try to avoid going away now because it is more expensive. While away I always like to attend a church service and for the last few years I have been going to Quarr Abbey on the Isle of Wight. A very different type of service to what I am used to but a change can be very refreshing. Eleven monks lead the Mass: each year there seems to be one less; yet another place of worship that is seeing a decline in the faithful. It is a challenge to each one of us to bring more into the Christian family and it can begin with a smile. People who live near you, whom you may not know, will more than likely know that you attend church. They see you leave the house at a certain time on a Sunday morning, so that means you are an advert for the church. Let us all make a point of smiling at the stranger, the neighbour, so that folk can see that being a Christian brings about joy, happiness and acceptance of all. If you live locally and read the Catalyst month by month but rarely attend our services, how about joining us? We would love to see you more often, for God's love is for all. I look forward to seeing you all soon. Mavis NOTE: - Our Minister is away on her Sabbatical until December 2014. So, during that period the Minister’s letter will be written by Church Officers. Ed
  • 4. 2 Sunday Services September 2014 7th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Geoff Larcombe 6.30 pm - Holy Communion - Marion Bayley 14th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Jim Holman 6.30 pm - Evening Service - Judy Davies 21st Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Tony Russell 6.30 pm - Evening Service - Alan Kienlen 28th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - 6.30 pm - Evening Service - David Stoner October 2014 5th 10.30 am - Morning Service - John Cox 6.30 pm - Holy Communion - Marion Bayley Some notes on the visiting preachers. v Revd Geoff Larcombe is a local representative from the Bible Society. He spoke at the Bible celebration supper in the spring of 2011. v Mrs. Marion Bayley is a Lay Preacher and an Elder from our sister church in Beckenham. She regularly leads our services. v Jim Holman is a Methodist preacher. He has conducted services at HFC in the past. v Judy Davies gave a talk about Beatrix Potter to the Women’s Fellowship in May 2014. v Tony Russell is very well known to us. He is a member of HFC. v Alan Kienlen is well known to us. He was church secretary and an elder at HFC. v David Stoner is well known to us. He is a member of various groups at HFC. v John Cox is known to us, having conducted services at HFC in the past.
  • 5. 3 News of the Church Family Announcements are welcome :- BMD - Changes of address, etc. Deaths We regret to record that Kay Atkinson died on 18 August. We offer our sincere condolences to Tony and his family at this sad time. Your prayers would be appreciated for: - Jim Pearson, Mike Duke, Ruth Rees, Jessie Martin, and Helen Hebbes. Church Meetings The next Elders’ meeting will be on Tuesday, 2nd September at 8.00 pm in the small hall. The next Church meeting, will be on Sunday 28th September at 12.00 noon – after the morning service. Women's Contact Group Please note: We will be enjoying a lunchtime meal on the 1st of September. The format of future monthly meetings will depend upon this experiment. More details from Sylvia. Sylvia Mack Tuesday Prayer Meetings for September Held at 10.00am at the following homes:- 2nd Martin Nunn’s. 9th Betty Coster’s. 16th Brenda Cordingley’s. 23rd The Church. 30th Martin Nunn’s Then in October: - 7th Martin Nunn’s. Please address any queries to Martin Nunn. Saturday Fellowship The September meeting will be on the 6th at 2.30pm at Barbara Jones’ home. Martin Nunn will be leading a Bible Study. In October we will be meeting on the 4th at 2.30pm at the same place. You are welcome to join us. Men's Group The next Men’s Group Meeting will be a meal at The White Bear at 8.00 pm on Thursday 18 September. Contact John Curry.
  • 6. 4 Ministry of Flowers Thank you to those who will be providing flowers in September. A big thank you to those who kindly arrange the flowers when needed. After the Sunday evening services, the flowers are distributed to members and friends, bringing joy to the recipients. Mavis Righini Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club We welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Friday afternoons between 2 and 4pm during term time. The fee is £1 per family – tea, squash and biscuits are provided. This is a time when adults can meet up, while the children in their care are busy playing with toys and activities in the company of other children. Our first meeting for the Autumn term is on September 12th. The half term holiday is on October 31st. We hope Sue Fitzgerald the photographer will be at the club on October 24th but we are waiting to have this confirmed.. We look forward to seeing you. Judith Stoner - Secretary. Bible Study Group This Group will next meet in January. Worship Group The Wednesday Reflections Group meets at 6.30pm on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Linda Michie Book Club We meet on the first Thursday of the month at 8.00pm in the small hall. Wendy Smith will be taking the lead. Sue Powell 7th - Jean Ritchie 14th - Jean Ritchie 21st - Win Browne 28th - Joan and Bob Cook THINGS YOU NEVER HEAR IN CHURCH Personally, I find witnessing much more enjoyable than golf.
  • 7. 5 Notice Sheets – September September 7th Pamela Collison 8658 0748 14th & 21st Joan Smith 8462 3920 28th Brenda Cordingley 8462 3867 October 5th Brenda Cordingley If you require items to be included in the notice sheets, please contact the appropriate person by the previous Tuesday. Women's Fellowship Meetings are in the small hall at 2.00 p.m., unless otherwise stated, on Tuesdays and finish about 3.30 p.m. The first (open) meeting will take place on 16th Sept - please bring your favourite poem. The Women's Fellowship autumn programme includes an afternoon on November 25th for filling shoe boxes for Smile International. We would be grateful for contributions for these boxes. For guidance about suitable contents see the Smile leaflets on the table at the back of the Church. The boxes are given to children in the third world by the Smile Organisation. June Fox talked to us about her experiences delivering shoe boxes - she is coming again on Nov 4th. Do come and have an enjoyable afternoon with us. Looking back on our activities of last session we have had interesting speakers on Hospices of Hope - Romania, the history of the Olympic Games, the story of the tomb of the unknown warrior to widen our horizons; music with the Shortlands and Tootswood Singers; gentle exercises to keep us fit and two outings. The outing to Crockham Hill where the WI provides a delicious tea has been an annual event for some years. The other outing to a member’s garden in Pickhurst Lane was a new and very enjoyable venture. All planned and to be enjoyed by ladies who are young at heart on a Tuesday afternoon. Do come and join us - you will be very welcome. (At the time of going to press, the remainder of the September and October programme was not available. Ed) MINI-AMBULANCE Members who use the mini-ambulance are asked to phone Marion Swanborough on 8462 3981 by 9.00 am on any Tuesday when they are unable to come to the meetings. As always, we welcome all ladies to our meetings. Please come along for a pleasant afternoon. We do have a very varied programme with plenty to interest everyone. Sue & Marion
  • 8. 6 Continued on page 7.......... HOLIDAY AT HOME –AUGUST 2014 ------------------------- I requested a member of Beckenham URC who provides material for their magazine to let me have a copy of her summary of the Holiday at Home activities which could also go in our September Catalyst. Other information is contained in this summary but I have left it in as it provides a picture of the life of our sister church at Beckenham. Many thanks to Pat Power. Mike Duke The five ‘Beckenham Belles’ went on their annual holiday to Hayes Free Church again this year. A wonderful full week with games, puzzles, keep fit and talks before lunch. Then more activities to keep mind and body alert. Good at our delicate age!! A group from the W.I. performed a play on Monday afternoon called ‘Granny’s 100th birthday’. It was just hilarious. Our Sue had a cameo role as the Queen’s lady in waiting all dressed up in posh frock and picture hat. Well done girls. Wednesday was Day-trip day. We went to a church near Tunbridge Wells which had stained glass windows by Marc Chagall, Absolutely magical. Then to Ightham Mote for tea. One could imagine Henry VIII strutting about there after his wedding to Catherine of Aragon. A pleasant afternoon in the Kent countryside. We had flower arranging on Thursday morning then a musical afternoon with a Sing-along with Roland and Dave. Friday was fish and chips lunch and a nice dessert followed by a film. We thank Reverend Sue and all her helpers for all the hard work making this a great week for all of us. Thanks also to all at H.F.C. for their warm welcome. We ended our ‘Crescent club’ year with our usual garden party hosted by Sue this year at the manse. Great fellowship which we hold dear. We pray for all our poorly club members and wish them well. We lost two members this year-Marjorie Davey and Jean Cullen: may they rest in peace. We look forward to another year in our harmonious club with a varied diary which the committee has selected for everyone. PS Good philosophy ‘Initium est dimidium facti’ or as ‘the beginning is half of the end’ Pat Power
  • 9. 7 A selection of Holiday from Home photographs There is a display of all of the photographs in the Small Hall. Monday Tuesday Wednesday’s outing Turn to Page 21 for Thursday’s photographs
  • 10. 8 Women’s Contact Coffee Morning We will be holding the next coffee morning from 10.00am to 12.00 noon in the Small Hall on the 13th of September. We are continuing to raise monies to contribute to disaster relief funds in different parts of the world. We hope to see you at the Coffee Morning, and why not bring a friend? Please note that the monies raised from the coffee mornings are separate from those raised through the refreshments trolley after Sunday morning services. Barbara Jones The Fairtrade Sunday Stall We hold a fair trade stall after the morning service on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. The stall will be held on the 14th and 28th of September. Please continue to support your fair trade stall. Thank you. Richard and Barbara. Contact coffee mornings Our coffee mornings continue to enable us to help people in other parts of the world that need our support. The following are two appeals we have responded to recently. We gave £150 to Tearfund for the Central African Republic where people have been deeply traumatised grieving the loss of loved ones. Across the border in South Sudan civil conflict has also escalated and people are facing famine. Our second donation of £100 went to the ‘To be a girl campaign’ which is a project run by Water Aid. It enables communities to have decent sanitation and girls especially to have private washing and toilet facilities. Cultural beliefs in countries like Nepal often have a devastating impact on girls' lives. Water Aid are looking to reach 130,000 girls with this project. Thank you to those who support our coffee mornings - all the money we collect goes to deserving projects. In the words of Tearfund ‘we are following Jesus where the need is greatest’. Barbara
  • 11. 9 Catalyst Needs You! This page will be kept for YOUR contributions - NOTHING ELSE will go on this page. Hopefully, you will be inspired to share some pictures, poetry or stories. On 23 July “White Gables”, the Alzheimer’s Day Centre in Bromley Common, held their annual Garden Party and this photo shows John standing outside the Potting Shed that was purchased with half the money donated in memory of Marjorie. The Day Centre had specifically requested such a gift which will be used by the residents. There is a plaque on the top left hand side of the shed saying “In loving memory of MARJORIE CURRY who was cared for by the staff of White Gables from October 2006-April 2009”. The other half of the money raised will be used to refurbish the bathroom and convert it into a hairdressing salon for the residents. This seemed appropriate as Marjorie always had her hair shampooed each week. The staff were extremely pleased with these gifts. I thought you’d like to see how your gifts had been spent. John Curry
  • 12. 10 CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 2014 ------------------ A big thank you to all those who participated in the fund-raising during Christian Aid Week this year. The house-to-house collection totalled £1,167.22, and there were further donations of £35.00. The Quiz evening organised by John and David raised £203.50, Barbara's coffee morning £167.00 and I hosted a tea party in Beckenham which brought in a further £185.21. The grand total amounted to £1,572.72. I know a number of people are not keen on the street collections but I hope they will agree that the above figures prove they are worthwhile. Kathryn Strachan A prayer from Christian Aid Jesus ---------- Prince of Peace, we pray for the peace that brings freedom out of fear, hope out of grief, dignity out of violation. Lead our sisters and brothers out of the valley of the shadow of death to a place of still waters, green pastures and restoration. And give us a fire to work tirelessly for your justice, so that we may all share in your fullness of life. Amen. ‘Faith by itself, if not accompanied by action, is dead.’ James 2:17 John Curry writes: - “I was invited by Christian Aid to attend their head office in London on 19 June to receive an award for completing 34 years service as coordinator for the house-to-house collections in HFC. Only two other ladies received the same award and between us we had done 102 years service!! (34 years each). This was the first year they had given awards, and as it went so well, it will become an annual event.” Extracts from the letter from Christian Aid are on Page 16.
  • 13. 11 Christian Aid Circle the City walk May 18th 2014 ----------------------- Christian Aid Week ended with beautiful weather which was good news for the city walk. This year Sylvia was stewarding with me and once again we were at St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate. Mike and I have stewarded here many times and I have written before about the history of the church. This year I thought I would tell you a little history of one of the other churches on the route, BEVIS Marks Synagogue. Barbara BEVIS MARKS SYNAGOGUE (Wren contemporary) This is the oldest synagogue in Britain. Jews had been expelled from England in 1290, but returned at the invitation of Oliver Cromwell in the 1650s. A temporary synagogue was used for a few decades, until this permanent place of worship was opened in 1701. This is a synagogue of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews congregation, and its architecture is similar to their Great Synagogue in Amsterdam, although Wren’s churches, and the nonconformist meeting houses of this country, may also have had some influence on the style. The interior remains much as it has been for the last 300 years and more, with many interesting features such as the Large Candelabra, a gift from Amsterdam which symbolise the seven days of the week. Photograph taken from the Bevis Marks Synagogue leaflet. DID NOAH FISH? A Sunday school teacher asked, 'Johnny, do you think Noah did a lot of fishing when he was on the Ark ?' 'No,' replied Johnny. 'How could he, with just two worms.'
  • 14. 12 NOTICE THE CHRISTMAS TREE APPEAL IN AID OF DEAF ACCESS From Friday 28 November to Saturday 13 December. The Festival will be open each day from 2.00pm from 1 December to 6 December. The church will be open at service times each Sunday (10.30 am and 6.30 pm). This is a taster of events which will be on offer: - ¶ A deaf choir of 60 children which took part in the opening ceremony for the London Olympics. ¶ A jazz band ¶ School Choirs ¶ Films ¶ The Beckenham Concert Band The full programme will appear in October’s edition of Catalyst. The Reading Game Sat 6th September 7.30 -10.00 £8 includes a Ploughman's Supper To raise funds for HFC Tickets available from Malcolm and Teresa Cheyne 25 October WESTMINSTER COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE OPEN DAY Have a look at all the changes! All will be welcome GARDEN PARTY on 28 JUNE. Joan Smith organised a brilliant Garden Party and cream tea, and with a bring and buy and raffle raised £429 for church funds. Congratulations and thanks to Joan and her team of helpers on such a successful afternoon.
  • 15. 13 BOARD HARVEST LUNCH SUNDAY 12 OCTOBER For those of you who attended last year you'll be pleased to know that we're doing another this year and for those of you who couldn't make it do please come along. A Three Course meal is on offer after the Morning Service @ a price of £10 per head. The money will be used to boost the Church finances in order to pay for repairs of our ageing boiler enabling us to sit comfortably in Church and at the various meetings which will take place during the cold winter which lies ahead. If you have any special dietary needs please let me know and I will endeavour to accommodate you. Entry is by ticket only to assist with catering. Margaret Tannock BROMLEY ROCK CHOIR 20TH DECEMBER I'm pleased to announce that following the success of last year the Bromley Rock Choir will be returning to Hayes Free Church to provide you with an entertaining evening from 7.30pm and we will again be serving mince pies and mulled wine during the interval. The cost of a ticket will be the same as last year - £10 and the money collected will go to provide equipment which will enhance the lives of the students @ Nash College who join us in Church on Sunday mornings. Thanks to the generosity of many of you last year we have been able to provide a Magic Carpet for the new Sensory Room which was opened by the Mayor in June. So for those of you who came last year and we hope will return this year please encourage other folk to come along so we can get another project off the ground. I will have tickets for sale so please see me. Margaret Tannock.
  • 16. 14 The Inns of Court ------------ On 16th July, a beautiful sunny day, nine of our Contact Women’s Group were taken to court by Alistair. Well, to the Inns of Court actually. Until the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act of 1919 no women were admitted to any of the Inns of Court. The first female barrister was called to the bar of Inner Temple in 1922. There are four Inns of Court, Inner and Middle Temple, Lincoln’s Inn and Gray’s Inn. Since the 14th Century they have always been involved with providing accommodation and tutoring apprentices of law, many then being called to the bar. Nearby is the large Victorian gothic style Royal Courts of Justice which we looked inside. We were intrigued when Alistair pointed out the figure of Jesus above the outer arch with Solomon and Alfred the Great at a lower level and a stone cat and dog over the judges’ entrance, representing litigants in court. We finished our tour by going into St Clement Danes church, probably founded in the 9th century. It was gutted in the Blitz, and restoration finished in 1958. It is the central church of the Royal Air Force, and we were impressed by the peaceful interior and by the many Welsh slate squadron and unit badges set in the floor. We really enjoyed our educational tour and also eating al fresco at the oldest Inn in London! Doreen Hobbs Quiz Night To raise funds for Aurora Deaf Aid Africa (for children) in the church hall Sat Sept 13th 7.00 for 7.30 start. £5 per person. Bring own drinks glass and food Please let Sarah Dobridge (nee Connolly) know if you are coming but pay on the door. Contact at: - or text 07730 185871 or let David or Undine know
  • 17. 15 Main topics in the website: - · Home · Choose a pilgrimage · Latest news · Giving back · See survey results · Information - free call Website of the Month Coram’s Fields The website is to be updated soon. Extracts from the current website are lower down the page. St Andrews Church stands at Holborn Circus. This is a fine example of one of Sir Christopher Wren’s churches. In the South west porch there is a memorial stone to Captain Thomas Coram. He set up a Foundling hospital, and gave land for the safe enjoyment of children. The land is known as Coram’s Fields, located at 93, Guildford Street - a 19 minute walk from Holborn Circus. If you plan to visit these places, I can recommend a super cafe in New Fetter Lane - open Mondays to Fridays. The following is extracted from the website:- Coram's Fields is a unique seven acre playground and park for children and young people living in or visiting London. It includes a Youth Centre, Children's Centre, Community Nursery, Sports Programme, a city farm and a cafe which is open from March until October. The park is open all year round from 9am until dusk and is free and open to children and young people under 16. No adult can enter Coram's Fields without a child and our friendly on-site staff ensure that everyone can enjoy their visit.
  • 18. 16 Letter Emailed to John Curry -------- From: Chris Andre-Watson Sent: Tuesday, July 8, 2014 3:16 PM To: Cc: Christine Allen Subject: Long Service Award Dear John, Apologies for the delay in sending these to you but the original email address I had was incorrect. I hope you have recovered from your surprise award and we would love to follow this up in two ways. Firstly we would love to put a bit about you in your local newspaper of course if you were willing. We feel that your story may inspire someone in your area to get involved or encourage other existing supporters. Secondly we would like to feature your story in the London section of the next Christian Aid News which is due out in October. I would love to do a brief interview with you and that might require you coming in so that we get a clearer solo picture of you. Do get in contact with me if you are willing and able to do this. It would be good if we could arrange this before the end of July in order to meet our publication schedules. Once again thanks for your support and apologies for the email mishap. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely Rev Chris Andre-Watson Christian Aid London Church Coordinator Waltham Forest, Barking, Redbridge, Romford. 35-41 Lower Marsh, London SE1 7RL 020 7523 2084 ----------------- PS. John was interviewed on 14th July.
  • 19. 17 Saints’ Days in September. 21st Saint Matthew the Apostle, patron saint of Accountants, bankers, tax collectors, perfumers and civil servants. 29th Michaelmas The feast of St Michael the Archangel, guardian of the Catholic Church and protector of the Jewish people. Patron saint of Police officers, military, grocers, mariners, sickness. Saint Matthew the Apostle The Collect O EVERLASTING God, who hast ordained and constituted the services of Angels and men in a wonderful order: Mercifully grant that, as thy holy Angels alway do thee service in heaven, so by thy appointment they may succour and defend us on earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen For the Epistle: Revelation 12. 7-12 St Michael the Archangel The Collect O ALMIGHTY God, who by thy blessed Son didst call Matthew from the receipt of custom to be an Apostle and Evangelist: Grant us grace to forsake all covetous desires and inordinate love of riches, and to follow the same thy Son Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen. For the Epistle: 2 Corinthians 4. 1-6 -------------------------------------- All information taken from the Church of England website An Appeal for Accommodation ---------------------- LATCH is seeking hosts with spare rooms who would be paid a monthly rent to house a homeless young person as well as regular donations and legacies. For more information please call Dawn on 020 8460 0042.
  • 20. 18 23rd July 2014 Dear friend, As you will be aware General Assembly in Cardiff earlier this month spent considerable time in discussion and prayer about the issue of same-sex marriage. The resolution that was eventually passed reflected the wide range of views expressed on the floor of Assembly. It respected the views of those who wished General Assembly to allow same-sex marriages in their churches immediately as well as the deeply held convictions of those opposed to the marriage of same-sex couples. However, it also respected the wish of a majority that the celebration of same- sex marriages should be a matter for broader consultation within the wider church. The resolution is as follows:A clear majority of members of Assembly expressed the view that local congregations should be permitted to offer same-sex marriage to those who seek that opportunity. However, because our decision-making process is based on the seeking of full consensus, Assembly was unable to reach agreement. Assembly therefore resolves to pursue this discussion in the most constructive and consultative way that it can, as follows: 1) to invite Synods and local congregations a) To reflect on the report of the facilitation group b) to discuss whether they would wish a future meeting of Assembly to authorise local church meetings to offer same-sex marriage services, and c) To report their views to the General Secretary by 31 March 2015 2) to authorise the officers of Assembly to furnish these discussions with appropriate resources including an offer of the support of facilitators. Therefore, in order to assist this consultation, and to gauge opinion across the denomination, each minister and church will be receiving copies of the One Plus One booklet, the document from the URC’s Human Sexuality Task Group, to assist discussion within local churches. Southern Synod Synod office · East Croydon URC · Addiscombe Grove · Croydon CR0 5LP Telephone 020 8688 3730 Fax No 020 8688 2698 Website - Continued on next page ....
  • 21. 19 The main aim of One plus One is to help us to understand the personal, pastoral and theological issues around marriage in general, as a way into discussing same-sex marriage in particular. This booklet will be sent out in September accompanied by a letter from the Rev John Proctor, General Secretary of the URC, which will outline the process to be followed. At Synod Office we will hold the names of some skilled and experienced people who are willing to visit local churches and to guide you in your discussion of this matter. If facilitation will assist your congregation, please do not hesitate to ask for it. Your views should be set to the General Secretary by 31st March 2015. At Synod, we are also being asked for our views. Therefore, we shall begin our discussion at the November Synod Together meeting on Saturday 8th November 2014 where the issue of same sex marriage will be introduced. However, we will need a fuller discussion with facilitation at a Synod Together meeting on Saturday 13th March 2015, venue to be decided. Please keep that date free in your diary. Following 31st March 2015, subject to outcome of the gathering of views, Mission Council may be called upon to call a one item, one day General Assembly to return to this issue, to be attended by those who attended this year. As a denomination we have always been committed to holding together people of different opinions and views in one Christian fellowship. Please continue to pray for our church that in all our discussions over the issue of same-sex marriage we may discover something of the love of Christ. Yours in Christ, Nicola Synod Moderator The Revd Nicola Furley-Smith 020 8688 3730 Synod Clerk The Revd Derrick Dzandu-Hedidor 020 8660 3415 Synod Treasurer Mr Ian Fleming 020 8337 8581 .... Continued from previous page
  • 22. 20 The way things once were This year’s theme covers sayings or poetry from the First World War Michaelmas By Ivor Gurney This item is held by the Gloucs Archives. It’s not known where the poem was written. ------------------------------------- This item is from The First World War Poetry Digital Archive. ( it/gwa); © University of Oxford ------------------------------------------ For further research into Ivor Gurney, there is The Ivor Gurney Society They have a website at The Centenary Memorial of the First World War I am referring to the Tower of London memorial which consists of ceramic poppies which are being placed in the moat. By the 11th of November 2014, over 880,000 will form the completed memorial. You can participate in three ways. First, you can “Own your piece of history” by buying a poppy from the memorial at £25 plus p&p. Proceeds will go to at least 6 services related charities. Second, you can help with the construction of the memorial. You need to be fit as the work is physical. Certainly over 18's in our uniformed groups could, take part. Third, you can make a dedication for a contribution. All of the information is most easily accessed through the Tower of London website at If you do not have access to a computer or the Internet, please talk to a friend with Internet access who is willing to help. If you wish to participate, but cannot get access to the Internet etc, then please talk to me. I could order poppies as a last resort. Richard Brown A word of warning. Battlefield photographs will be used in Oct and Nov. The purpose is to illustrate the sacrifices which our troops made.
  • 23. 21 Hayes Community Bus Outings ------------------------- During the time I have been coming to Hayes Free Church I heard about the trips with the Hayes Community Bus. As my husband is not able to walk very far these days I thought it would be good to try these trips. We were able to join them for several outings so far this year – the first one we went on was to Greenwich and we had lunch in the Trafalgar Pub which was very good and were able to wander outside and look at the view across the Thames. The next one was to the Jail Inn, Jail Lane – this was a very pleasant run out into the country and a good lunch in the pub. On the third trip we went to Tonbridge for lunch which was very enjoy- able and then were taken to Tudeley to see the Chagall stained glass windows at All Saints Church. We also had tea there. On the last trip we went to Chiddingstone, which was a really good trip – very sunny day and we had lunch in the small cafe and then some of us were able to visit the old village of Chiddingstone and some of the party went inside the Chiddingstone Manor House which was very impressive. We usually have about 12 people on the bus and together with Colin Righini who is a most capable, friendly and interesting driver we all have a very enjoyable and friendly day out. Claire Douglas Turn to page 24 for some photographs taken on the outings. .... Continued from Page 7 - Holiday at Home Thursday
  • 24. 22 September 2014 1st Mon 1.00 pm - Women’s Contact Group Page 3 2nd Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer meeting Page 3 8.00 pm - Elders’ meeting Page 3 3rd Wed 4th Thu 8.00 pm - Book Club Page 4 5th Fri 6th Sat 2.30 pm - Saturday Fellowship Page 3 7.30 pm - The Reading Game Page 12 7th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Geoff Larcombe 6.30 pm - Holy Communion - Marion Bayley 8th Mon 9th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer meeting Page 3 10th Wed 11th Thu 12th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 13th Sat 10.00 am - Women’s Contact Coffee Morning Page 8 7.00 pm - Quiz Night Page 14 14th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Jim Holman Followed by Fairtrade stall Page 8 6.30 pm - Evening Service - Judy Davies 15th Mon 16th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer meeting Page 3 17th Wed 18th Thu 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 8.00 pm - Men’s Group Page 3 19th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 20th Sat 21st Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Tony Russell 6.30 pm - Evening Service - Alan Kienlen 22nd Mon 23rd Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer meeting Page 3
  • 25. 23 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 12 Oct Harvest Festival and lunch. (see Page 12) 25 Oct Westminster College, Cambridge - Open Day. (see P13) 26 Oct 12.00 Noon - Church Meeting. 7 - 9 Nov WW1 Exhibition in the Village Hall. 15 Nov Christmas Fair & Charity Christmas Card Sale. 22 Nov Christmas Fair at Beckenham URC. 29 Nov - 7 Dec Christmas Tree Festival 13 Dec 6.00 pm - Compassionate Friends Service. 16 Dec 3.45 pm - Christingle Service. 25 Dec 10.30 am - Service. 28 Dec Joint Service with Beckenham URC at HFC. October 2014 1st Wed 2nd Thu 8.00 pm - Book Club Page 4 3rd Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 4th Sat 2.30 pm - Saturday Fellowship Page 3 5th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - John Cox 6.30 pm - Holy Communion - Marion Bayley September 2014 24th Wed 6.30 pm - Wednesday Reflections Group Page 4 25th Thu 26th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 27th Sat 28th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Followed by Fairtrade stall Page 8 12.00 noon - Church meeting Page 3 6.30 pm - Evening Service - David Stoner 29th Mon 30th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer meeting Page 3
  • 26. 24 Tudeley Chiddingstone See Page 21 for the related article.. Greenwich T hank you everyone for your contributions to Catalyst. The stories and reports all show that we are friends and members of a wonderful caring and active church . Please keep the stories etc coming. All contributions are most gratefully received. Now, I am sure there are some ideas for following up some of the pieces. If these ideas materialise, they will be publicised in Catalyst or in church through the usual channels. It has been a joy putting this edition together. Ed
  • 27. CHURCH ORGANISATIONS Day Organisation Contact Phone Sunday 10.25am Sunday Club Mike Duke 8462 5103 Weekdays 9.15 -12.15pm 12.15 -12.45pm Pre School Group P/School lunch club Jayne Carvell 07913 299773 Monday 5.45pm Brownies Sarah Humphrey 8249 9982 6.30pm Cubs Brenda Petts 8325 3956 8.00pm - 1st Women's Contact Group Sylvia Mack 8462 1938 Tuesday 10.00am Prayer Meeting Martin Nunn 8462 5918 2.00pm Women's Fellowship MarionSwanborough 8462 3981 7.00pm Scouts Paul Hasling 3236 0083 Wednesday 3.30pm - 4th Messy Church Mavis Righini 8462 1168 5.15pm Rainbows Jenny Longman 07730 574962 6.00pm Beavers Brenda Petts 8325 3956 6.30pm - 4th Reflections Group Bill Michie 8658 4167 8.00pm Explorers Tom Strachan 07745 813 295 Thursday 5.30pm Brownies Stevie Blair. 8325 3469 7.15 - 8.45pm Rangers Georgina Chappell 07983 471308 8.00pm - 1st HFC Book Club Wendy Smith 8462 1779 8.00pm - 3rd Men's Group Bruce Tannock 8325 6264 8.00pm - 2nd, & 4th Ignatian Spirituality Group David Hawthorn 8249 7188 Friday 9.00 - 12.00pm Coffee morning during term times 2.00pm Mothers & Toddlers Judith Stoner 8462 3023 6.30pm Guides Teresa Cheyne 8777 6042 Saturday 2.30pm - 1st Saturday Fellowship Martin Nunn 8462 5918 NOTE: - Some of the organisations meet once or twice per month. This is indicated by 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. The numbers relate to which week day of the month, NOT the calendar date.
  • 28. Final Thought “The hand that points the way is part of the hand that supplies the need. Rhoda’s quotation first used in June 1991 Some thoughts for prayer v Pray for those who are scared. v Pray for those who despair v Pray for those who work for peace. v Praise God and offer the Peace. (These items should have appeared in the previous edition of Catalyst. Apologies for the delay Ed)