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October 2014
111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU 
Sunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. 
We are a member of the United Reformed Church. 
We believe in Justice and Peace. 
Principal Contacts 
Minister: Rev. Sue Powell is on a Sabbatical until 1 Dec 
Church Secretary: Mrs Mavis Righini Tel: 020 8462 1168 
NOTE: All enquires to Mavis 
Treasurer: Mr. Simon Narracott Tel: 020 8462 2004 
Lettings Secretary: Mrs Undine Connolly Tel: 020 8776 0108 
Caretaker: Mr. Ian Jones Tel: 020 8313 1556 
Church Website 
Editor: Mr Richard Brown 
Contents : - Items not covered by the diary of events. 
Sunday Services; 
Notes on preachers; Apology 2 
Church Notices 3 - 5 
News Headlines 4 
Women’s Fellowship; In Mem’m 5 
Grace of the month 6 
Catalyst Needs You! 7 
Christmas Tree Festival 8 - 9 
Commitment For Life 9 
This month’s website: - 
The website of the month is the Kaos Organisation. Their Choir will be 
performing at the Christmas Tree Festival Opening Concert. 
Here is the web address: 
Now, turn to Page 13 for more details. Ed 
Copy for the November 2014 edition needs to be handed in by 
Sunday, 12th October. 
Please submit items in good time. 
You can leave copy in the “B” Pigeon Hole for Richard Brown to collect, 
or hand it directly to him on a Sunday morning. 
You can also e-mail copy to 
Thank You. Editor 
Notice Board 10 - 11 
Saints’ days in October 12 
Website of the Month 13 
Did God create evil? 14 - 15 
So it is written 15 
Hope; The way things once were 16 
To be eight again 17 
Prayer of the month; Remember 20 
Church Organisations I B C
Letter from the Church Secretary 
Hello friends, 
As I sit and write this letter it is a 
glorious September day. Looking out into 
the garden I see the flowers blooming, a dragonfly flits 
across our pond and the birds drop in for a meal. Some of you 
will see apples ripening on the trees and possibly blackberries 
ready to pick. How wonderful is God's creation of nature, so 
varied and some quite free for us to enjoy. 
We will soon be celebrating Harvest Festival and it is our 
opportunity to give of God's bounty, to those who struggle to 
have sufficient money to pay for daily food. Let us all join 
our youngsters in the Uniformed Organisations by bringing 
our gifts, to show that we all realise the importance of 
supporting those less fortunate than ourselves. 
We also will have the opportunity of giving to 'Commitment 
for Life' which is the United Reformed Churches specific 
outreach to those in need around the world. 
I look forward to Harvest Festival on October 12th and 
hope to see the church full of people giving thanks for all 
God's goodness to us, the one God who loves us all. 
NOTE: - Our Minister is away on her Sabbatical until December 2014. 
So, during that period the Minister’s letter will be written by the 
Church Secretary. Ed 
Sunday Services 
October 2014 
5th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - John Cox 
6.30 pm - Holy Communion - Marion Bayley 
12th Sun 
10.30 am - Parade Service - Jim Holman. 
Harvest Festival 
6.30 pm - Evening Service - Judy Davies 
19th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - John Cox 
6.30 pm - Evening Service - Alan Kienlen 
26th Sun 10.30 am - Holy Communion - Bill Michie 
6.30 pm - Evening Service - Bill Michie 
November 2014 
2nd 10.30 am - Morning Service - Keith Nye 
6.30 pm - Holy Communion - Judy Davies 
Some notes on the visiting preachers. 
v John Cox is known to us, having conducted services at HFC in 
the past. 
v Mrs. Marion Bayley is a Lay Preacher and an Elder from our sister 
church in Beckenham. She regularly leads our services. 
v Jim Holman is a Methodist preacher. He has conducted services 
at HFC in the past. 
v Judy Davies is well known to us. She has conducted services at 
HFC on a number of occasions. 
v Alan Kienlen is well known to us. He was church secretary and 
an elder at HFC. 
v Bill Michie is well known to us all. He is a Lay Preacher at HFC. 
v Keith Nye is one of the readers from St. Mary’s Church at Plaistow 
An Apology 
In September’s edition of Catalyst, the letter on page 21 was from 
Jean Haddon. It was not from Claire Douglas. 
News of the Church Family 
Announcements are welcome :- 
BMD - Changes of address, etc. 
Your prayers would be appreciated for: - 
Jim Pearson, Mike Duke, Ruth Rees, Jessie Martin, 
Tony Atkinson and Helen Hebbes. 
Church Meetings 
The next Elders’ meeting will be on Tuesday, 7th October at 8.00 pm in 
the small hall. 
The next Church meeting, will be on Sunday 26th October at 12.00 
noon – after the morning service. 
Women's Contact Group 
Please note: We will be enjoying a lunchtime meal at 12.30pm on the 6th 
of October at The Conservative Club, 27 Elmfield Road, Bromley BR1 1LZ. 
Sylvia Mack 
Tuesday Prayer Meetings for October 
Held at 10.00am at the following homes:- 
7th Martin Nunn’s. 14th Betty Coster’s. 
21st Brenda Cordingley’s. 28th The Church. 
Then in November: - 
4th Martin Nunn’s. 
Please address any queries to Martin Nunn. 
Saturday Fellowship 
The October meeting will be on the 4th at 2.30pm at Barbara Jones’ 
home. Martin Nunn will be leading a Bible Study. In November we will 
be meeting on the 1st at 2.30pm at the same place. 
You are welcome to join us. 
Men's Group 
The next Men’s Group Meeting is on Thursday 16 October at 8.00 pm 
when there will be a quiz, organised by Chris Fitzgerald, in the small 
Ministry of Flowers 
Thank you to those who will be providing flowers in October. 
5th - Jean Ritchie 12th - Maggie Greenwood 
19th - David and Undine Connolly 
A big thank you to those who kindly arrange the flowers when needed. 
After the Sunday evening services, the flowers are distributed to 
members and friends, bringing joy to the recipients. 
Mavis Righini 
Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club 
We welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied 
by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Friday 
afternoons between 2 and 4pm during term time. The fee is £1 per 
family – tea, squash and biscuits are provided. This is a time when 
adults can meet up, while the children in their care are busy playing 
with toys and activities in the company of other children. 
On October 24th we have the photographer Sue Fitzgerald coming to 
the club. 
Our half term holiday is on October 31st when there is no meeting. 
We look forward to seeing you. 
Judith Stoner - Secretary. 
Bible Study Group 
This Group will next meet in January. 
Worship Group 
The Wednesday Reflections Group meets at 6.30pm on the 4th 
Wednesday of each month. 
Linda Michie 
Book Club 
We meet on the first Thursday of the month at 8.00pm in the small hall. 
Wendy Smith will be taking the lead. 
i.m.o. Undine’s mother 
26th - Malcolm & Teresa Cheyne 
News Headlines 
20-Year Friendship Ends at Altar.
Notice Sheets – October 
5th Brenda Cordingley 8462 3867 
12th & 19th Pamela Collison 8658 0748 
26th Joan Smith 8462 3920 
2nd Joan Smith 
If you require items to be included in the notice sheets, please 
contact the appropriate person by the previous Tuesday. 
Women's Fellowship 
Meetings are in the small hall at 2.00 p.m., unless otherwise stated, 
on Tuesdays and finish about 3.30 p.m. 
The Women's Fellowship autumn programme includes an afternoon on 
November 25th for filling shoe boxes for Smile International. We would 
be grateful for contributions for these boxes. For guidance about 
suitable contents see the Smile leaflets on the table at the back of 
the Church. The boxes are given to children in the third world by the 
Smile Organisation. June Fox talked to us about her experiences 
delivering shoe boxes - she is coming again on Nov 4th. Do come 
and have an enjoyable afternoon with us. 
Members who use the mini-ambulance are asked to phone 
Marion Swanborough on 8462 3981 by 9.00 am on any Tuesday when 
they are unable to come to the meetings. 
As always, we welcome all ladies to our meetings. Please come along for a 
pleasant afternoon. We do have a very varied programme with plenty to 
interest everyone. 
In Memoriam 
A new widow requested the epitaph ‘Rest in Peace’ for her husband’s 
tombstone. When she later found he had left his fortune to his mistress, 
she attempted to get the engraver to change the carving. 
This was impossible; the words were carved in the stone and could not 
be changed. 
“In that case,” she said, “please add ‘Till We Meet Again.’ ” 
From The Buckland Parish Magazine – May 2007
Women’s Contact Coffee Morning 
We will be holding the next coffee morning 
from 10.00am to 12.00 noon in the Small Hall 
on the 11th of October. 
We are continuing to raise monies to contribute to 
disaster relief funds in different parts of the world. 
We hope to see you at the Coffee Morning, and why not bring a friend? 
Please note that the monies raised from the coffee mornings are 
separate from those raised through the refreshments trolley after 
Sunday morning services. 
Barbara Jones 
The Fairtrade Sunday Stall 
We hold a fair trade stall after the morning service on the 2nd and 4th 
Sunday of each month. 
The stall will be held on the 12th and 26th of October. 
Please continue to support your fair trade stall. Thank you. 
Richard and Barbara. 
O God, our father, 
In a world where many are lonely 
we thank you for friendship and community; 
In a world where many are despairing, 
we thank you for hope; 
In a world that many find meaningless, 
we thank you for faith; 
In a world where many are hungry, 
we thank you for this food. 
Through Christ, our Lord. 
From The Buckland Parish Magazine – May 2007
Catalyst Needs You! 
This page will be kept for YOUR contributions - NOTHING ELSE will go on this page. 
Hopefully, you will be inspired to share some pictures, poetry or stories. 
Editor’s from Church many 
The contributions of Catalyst held reserved for edition many of you. 
page is September’s from about London and feel 
This and friends. of suitable material to tell us the Saturday examples have anything enjoyed Does anyone weekend. I certainly House there is lots to share with you. 
However, more of that in a later edition. Its up to YOU to 
share experiences this time around.... Editor 
White space 
waiting for you to fill. 
The Festival will be open each day from 2.00 pm from 1 December to 6 December. 
The Church will be open at service times each Sunday (10.30 am and 6.30 pm) 
Programme of Entertainment for the Festival 
Friday 28th Opening Concert - The Kaos Signing Choir 
For Deaf & Hearing Children 
They sang at The Opening Ceremony at The 
London 2012 Olympic Games, and have 
appeared at the Royal Albert Hall. 
Plus items from Hayes Free Church performers. 
All money raised will go to 
Deaf Access in Bromley. 
Registered Charity l050990 
Admission charges: - 
The Silver Lane 7 Jazz Band £8.00 and 
The Velvet Harmony Choir £6.00. 
Tickets from John Moren 020 8460 6726. 
Father Christmas film & tea. 
Children £2.00 Adults £4.00. 
Tickets from John Curry 020 8249 3663. 
7.30 pm 
Saturday 29th The Silver Lane 7 Jazz band 7.30 pm 
Sunday 30th Pickhurst Junior School 6.30 pm 
Monday 1st Bishop Justus School 7.30 pm 
Tuesday 2nd Velvet Harmony Ladies Choir 7.30 pm 
Wednesday 3rd Wandle Ringers 7.30 pm 
Thursday 4th Sing Choir (a Cappella Choir) 7.30 pm 
Friday 5th Film “A Man Called Peter”. A true story starring 
Richard Todd and Jean Peters. 1955 
7.30 pm 
Saturday 6th Beckenham Concert Band 7.45 pm 
Sunday 7th Churches Together in Hayes with musical 
accompaniment by Hayes School musicians. 
6.30 pm 
Saturday 13th Film Raymond Briggs “Father Christmas” 
followed by tea for children 
3.00 pm 
111, Pickhurst Lane 
Bromley BR2 7HU 
Cheques should be made payable to: - 
Deaf Access
Hayes Free Church Christmas Tree Appeal 
More information 
Deaf Access 
One in six people nationally have a hearing loss. In Bromley, that is 
over 55,000 people. They are 44% more likely to have a mental health 
issue caused by inaccessible services, frustration, isolation and 
communication worries. 
Since 1996 Deaf Access have been here for people who are deaf or 
hard of hearing their families, carers and professionals. As a team with 
over 45 years experience they are experts on hearing loss, equipment, 
support and information. Registered charity no: 1050990. 
Kaos Signing Choir for Deaf & Hearing Children 
A choir of 60 children from London who are appearing at the Royal 
Festival Hall, have taken part in the opening ceremony for the 
London Olympics and have been on television. 
Registered charity no: 1080310. 
Turn to Page 13 for more information about Kaos. 
You may not remember exactly what this is so here is a quick reminder. 
‘It is the world development programme of the United Reformed 
Church. Churches are encouraged to take action, pray and give for 
people across the world especially in our four partner countries - 
region of Bangladesh, Central America [Honduras, Guatemala, 
Nicaragua and El Salvador] Israel and the occupied Palestinian 
territory and Zimbabwe. We work in partnership with Christian Aid and 
the World Development Movement raising over half a million pounds 
per annum from contributing churches.’ 
At the rear of this Catalyst is attached a small booklet which will 
provide an insight into how the money is spent also an envelope 
should you like to make a contribution to the work being undertaken. 
If you wish to write a cheque please make it payable to Hayes Free 
[UR] Church. 
It is suggested this year for a number of reasons that before you make 
your donation you show by placing a tick alongside the name of the 
country on the gift envelope you wish to receive your contribution. 
Details of the countries notified in this way will be collated and the 
details of the one receiving the largest support will be notified when 
our church’s monies are forwarded for processing. 
If possible could you put any contribution you wish to make in the 
offertory plate by the end of October. 
Many thanks Mike Duke
Teresa organised a very 
enjoyable game and 
raised £215 for church 
Our grateful thanks go to 
Teresa and also to 
Margaret for the 
Ploughman’s Supper. 
Another enjoyable and 
successful evening. 
25 October 
Have a look at all the 
All will be welcome 
A Reminder 
The Women's Fellowship will spend 
an afternoon on November 25th 
filling shoe boxes for Smile International. 
We would be grateful for contributions for these boxes. 
For guidance about suitable contents see the Smile 
leaflets on the table at the back of the Church. 
There is also a box on the table waiting for your 
The boxes are given to children in the third world by the 
Smile Organisation.
For those of you who attended last year you'll be pleased to know that 
we're doing another this year and for those of you who couldn't make it 
do please come along. 
A Three Course meal is on offer after the Morning Service @ a price of £10 
per head. The money will be used to boost the Church finances in order 
to pay for repairs of our ageing boiler enabling us to sit comfortably in 
Church and at the various meetings which will take place during the 
cold winter which lies ahead. 
If you have any special dietary needs please let me know and I will 
endeavour to accommodate you. Entry is by ticket only to assist with 
Margaret Tannock 
Is all under one roof. 
We are combining our popular 
And our 
Saturday 15th November 
from 10.30 a.m. 
Including all of your favourite things 
Coffees, Lunches and Santa’s Grotto 
A warm welcome is guaranteed for all. 
Entance at 50p per person.
Saints’ Days in October. 
18th Saint Luke the Evangelist. Patron saint of artists, physicians and 
28th Saint Simon and Saint Jude, Apostles. Simon, patron saint of 
woodcutters and tanners. Jude, patron saint of lost causes and 
desperate cases. 
Saint Luke 
The Collect 
ALMIGHTY God, who called St Luke the Physician, whose praise is in the 
Gospel, to be an Evangelist, and Physician of the soul: May it please 
thee that, by the wholesome medicines of the doctrine delivered by 
him, all the diseases of our souls may be healed; through the merits 
of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 
The Epistle - 2 St. Timothy 4.5-15 
The Gospel - St. Luke 10.1-7 
St Simon and St Jude 
The Collect 
O ALMIGHTY God, who hast built thy Church upon the foundation of the 
Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the head corner-stone: 
Grant us so to be joined together in unity of spirit by their doctrine, that 
we may be made an holy temple acceptable unto thee; through Jesus 
Christ our Lord. Amen. 
The Epistle - St. Jude 1-8 
The Gospel - St. John 15.17-end 
All information taken from the Church of England website
Website of the Month Kaos Organisation 
This page compliments the Hayes Free Church Christmas Tree Festival.. 
Extracts from the current website follow. 
The Kaos Organisation is a 
Youth Arts Charity based 
in Haringey. Established in 
February 1995, with a firm 
belief in the vital 
importance of the 
creative arts, we have a 
practical ethos of 
communication and 
co-operation. Our motto is: Excellence through teamwork and fun! 
Deaf Awareness and Inclusion 
We actively work to raise Deaf Awareness and promote inclusion in 
all of our workshops and groups. In all of our weekly workshops 
participants learn to sing and sign, and all our productions are Sign 
Language interpreted. 
Since 1995, 15 young hearing people have passed Level 1 BSL after 
attending Kaos’s ‘Hands Up’ British Sign Language Course. Several 
have now gone on to Level 2 BSL. One of our students has gone on 
to university to read Deaf Studies and another is now a Qualified 
BSL Interpreter with Deaf and Deaf-Blind people. Two of our regular 
volunteers have passed their BSL Level 1 exam after studying at 
Blanche Nevile School for Deaf Children. 
Company Structure 
The Kaos Organisation is a company limited by guarantee with 
charitable status. 
Company number: 3692918 
Registered charity no: 1080310 
Our Board of Trustees is: 
Chris Parrish (Chair) 
Aleata Simpson 
Julia Coyne 
Tessa Thomas 
Did God create everything that exists? Does evil exist? Did God create 
A University professor at a well known institution of higher learning 
challenged his students with this question: "Did God create 
everything that exists?" A student bravely replied, "Yes he did!" 
"God created everything?" The professor asked. "Yes sir, he certainly 
did," the student replied. 
The professor answered, "If God created everything, then God 
created evil. And, since evil exists, and according to the principal 
that our works define who we are, then we can assume God is evil." 
The student became quiet and did not answer the professor's 
hypothetical definition. The professor, quite pleased with himself, 
boasted to the students that he had proven once more that the 
Christian faith was a myth. 
Another student raised his hand and said, "May I ask you a question, 
professor?" "Of course," replied the professor. 
The student stood up and asked, "Professor, does cold exist?" "What 
kind of question is this? Of course it exists. Have you never been cold?" 
The other students snickered at the young man's question. 
The young man replied, "In fact, sir, cold does not exist. According to 
the laws of physics, what we consider cold is in reality the absence of 
heat. Every body or object is susceptible to study when it has or 
transmits energy, and heat is what makes a body or matter have or 
transmit energy. Absolute zero (-460 F) is the total absence of heat; 
and all matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction at that 
temperature. Cold does not exist. We have created this word to 
describe how we feel if we have no heat." 
The student continued, "Professor, does darkness exist?" The professor 
responded, "Of course it does." 
The student replied, "Once again you are wrong, sir, darkness does not 
exist, either. Darkness is in reality the absence of light. Light we can 
study, but not darkness. In fact, we can use Newton's prism to break 
white light into many colours and study the various wave lengths of 
each color. You cannot measure darkness. A simple ray of light can 
break into a world of darkness and illuminate it. How can you know 
how dark a certain space is? You measure the amount of light 
present. Isn't this correct? Darkness is a term used by man to describe 
what happens when there is no light present." 
Continued on next page ....
.... Continued from previous page 
Finally the young man asked the professor, "Sir, does evil exist?" Now 
uncertain, the professor responded, "Of course, as I have already 
said. We see it everyday. It is in the daily examples of man's 
inhumanity to man. It is in the multitude of crime and violence 
everywhere in the world. These manifestations are nothing else but 
To this the student replied, "Evil does not exist, sir, or at least it does not 
exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness 
and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of 
God. God did not create evil. Evil is the result of what happens when 
man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold 
that comes when there is no heat, or the darkness that comes when 
there is no light." 
The professor sat down. 
The young man's name - - Albert Einstein.... 
So it is written 
A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert. 
During some point of the journey, they had an argument, 
and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one 
who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, he 
wrote in the sand: Today my best friend slapped me in the 
They kept on walking, until they found an oasis, where they 
decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped 
got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but his friend 
saved him. After he recovered from the near drowning, he 
wrote on a stone: Today my best friend saved my life. 
The friend, who had slapped and saved his best friend, asked 
him, "After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand, and now, you 
write on a stone, why?" 
The other friend replied: "When someone hurts us, we should 
write it down in sand, where the winds of forgiveness can 
erase it away, but when someone does something good for 
us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever 
erase it. Learn to write your hurts in the sand and to carve 
your blessings in stone. 
- + - 
Churches in Carlisle washed cars and GAVE people a surprise gift 
of 50p rather than asking them for money - putting faith into words 
and action as part of Hope14. 
A white-van-man came to get his van cleaned and was stunned 
when they gave him money. He asked them why and they 
explained. So he went to church where he heard that they were 
going to help a family whose home needed a make-over. He 
went too and brought his work-mates. Together they carpeted 
the whole house for the family. And now he has signed up for an 
Alpha course. 
That's what Hope14 is about: faith in action AND words. 
Be prepared to tell your story and who knows what God will do! 
Roy Crowne, HOPE Director 
The way things once were 
This year’s theme covers sayings or poetry from the First World War 
British Casualties. 
At Heilly, France - Sept 1916 
This item, held at the Imperial War Museum Photographic Archive, is from 
The First World War Poetry Digital Archive. (; © University of Oxford 
To be 8 again! 
A man was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching his wife, who was 
looking at herself in the mirror. 
Since her birthday was not far off he asked what she'd like to have for 
her birthday. 
'I'd like to be eight again', she replied, still looking in the mirror. 
On the morning of her Birthday, he arose early, made her a nice big 
bowl of Coco Pops, and then took her to Adventure World theme 
park. What a day! 
He put her on every ride in the park; the Death Slide, the Wall of Fear, 
the Screaming Roller Coaster, everything there was. 
Five hours later they staggered out of the theme park. 
Her head was reeling and her stomach felt upside down. He then 
took her to a McDonald's where he ordered her a Happy Meal with 
extra fries and a chocolate shake. 
Then it was off to a movie, popcorn, a soda pop, and her favourite 
candy, M&M's. What a fabulous adventure! 
Finally she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed 
He leaned over his wife with a big smile and lovingly asked, 'Well Dear, 
what was it like being eight again? 
Her eyes slowly opened and her expression suddenly changed. 
'I meant my dress size, you stupid old fool.' 
The moral of the story: Even when a man is listening, he is going to get 
it wrong. 
October 2014 
1st Wed 
2nd Thu 8.00 pm - Book Club Page 4 
3rd Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Group Page 4 
4th Sat 2.30 pm - Saturday fellowship Page 3 
5th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - John Cox 
6.30 pm - Holy Communion - Marion Bayley 
6th Mon 12.30 pm - Women’s Contact Group Page 3 
7th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 
8.00 pm - Elders’ Meeting Page 3 
8th Wed 
9th Thu 
10th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Group Page 4 
11th Sat 10.00 am - Women’s Contact Coffee Morning Page 6 
12th Sun 
10.30 am - Parade Service - Jim Holman. Harvest Festival 
Followed by Fairtrade Stall Page 6 
12.00 pm - Harvest Lunch Page 11 
6.30 pm - Evening Service - Judy Davies 
13th Mon 
14th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 
15th Wed 
16th Thu 10.00 am - Men’s Group Page 3 
17th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Group Page 4 
18th Sat 
19th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - John Cox 
6.30 pm - Evening Service - Alan Kienlen 
20th Mon 
21st Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 
22nd Wed 6.30 pm - Worship Group Page 4 
23rd Thu 
24th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Group Page 4
October 2014 
November 2014 
1st Sat 2.30 pm - Saturday fellowship Page 3 
2nd Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Keith Nye 
6.30 pm - Holy Communion - Judy Davies 
7 - 9 Nov WW1 Exhibition in the Village Hall. 
15 Nov Christmas Fair & Charity Christmas Card Sale. 
22 Nov Christmas Fair at Beckenham URC. 
29 Nov - 7 Dec Christmas Tree Festival 
13 Dec 6.00 pm - Compassionate Friends Service. 
16 Dec 3.45 pm - Christingle Service. 
25 Dec 10.30 am - Service. 
28 Dec Joint Service with Beckenham URC at HFC. 
25th Sat 
26th Sun 
BST Ends 
10.30 am - Holy Communion - Bill Michie 
Followed by Fairtrade Stall Page 6 
12 Noon - Church Meeting Page 3 
6.30 pm - Evening Service - Bill Michie 
27th Mon 
28th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 
29th Wed 
30th Thu 
31st Fri
From the Buckland Parish magazine - May 2007 
May God be with thee in every pass, 
Jesus be with thee on every knoll, 
Spirit be with thee by water’s roll, 
On headland, on ridge, and on grass; 
Each sea and land, each moor 
and each mead, 
Each eve’s lying-down, each 
rising’s morn, 
In the wave-trough, or on 
foam-crest borne, 
Each step which thy journey doth lead. 
From Poems of the Western Highlanders 
Remember me when lam gone away, 
Gone far away into the silent land; 
When you can no more hold me by the hand, 
Nor I half turn to go, yet turning stay. 
Remember me when no more day by day 
You tell me of our future that you plann'd: 
Only remember me; you understand 
It will be late to counsel then or pray. 
Yet if you should forget me for a while 
And afterwards remember, do not grieve: 
For if the darkness and corruption leave 
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had, 
Better by far you should forget and smile 
Than that you should remember and be sad. 
By Christina Rossetti
Day Organisation Contact Phone 
10.25am Sunday Club Mike Duke 8462 5103 
9.15 -12.15pm 
Pre School Group 
12.15 -12.45pm 
P/School lunch club 
Jayne Carvell 07913 299773 
5.45pm Brownies Sarah Humphrey 8249 9982 
6.30pm Cubs Brenda Petts 8325 3956 
8.00pm - 1st Women's Contact 
Sylvia Mack 8462 1938 
10.00am Prayer Meeting Martin Nunn 8462 5918 
2.00pm Women's Fellowship Marion Swanborough 8462 3981 
7.00pm Scouts Paul Hasling 3236 0083 
3.30pm - 4th Messy Church Mavis Righini 8462 1168 
5.15pm Rainbows Jenny Longman 07730 574962 
6.00pm Beavers Brenda Petts 8325 3956 
6.30pm - 4th Reflections Group Bill Michie 8658 4167 
8.00pm Explorers Tom Strachan 07745 813 295 
5.30pm Brownies Stevie Blair. 8325 3469 
7.15 - 8.45pm Rangers Georgina Chappell 07983 471308 
8.00pm - 1st HFC Book Club Wendy Smith 8462 1779 
8.00pm - 3rd Men's Group Bruce Tannock 8325 6264 
8.00pm - 2nd, 
& 4th 
Ignatian Spirituality 
David Hawthorn 8249 7188 
9.00 - 12.00pm Coffee morning during term times 
2.00pm Mothers & Toddlers Judith Stoner 8462 3023 
6.30pm Guides Teresa Cheyne 8777 6042 
2.30pm - 1st Saturday Fellowship Martin Nunn 8462 5918 
NOTE: - Some of the organisations meet once or twice per month. 
This is indicated by 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. The numbers relate to which 
week day of the month, NOT the calendar date.
Final Thought 
“God expects the stock in your warehouse to be 
as good as that in your show window.” 
From Rhoda - September 1991 
Surprise in Heaven 
I dreamt death came the other night 
And heaven's gate swung wide, 
With kindly grace an angel came 
To usher me inside. 
And there, to my astonishment, 
Stood folk I'd known on earth; 
Some I had judged as quite unfit 
Or of but little worth. 
Indignant words rose to my lips, 
But never were set free, 
For every face showed stunned surprise - 
No one expected me! 
Louisa E M Dover . 
From "A Book of Prayer" collected 
and compiled by Canon W.F. Shail 
Christ Church, Dorset, U.K

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2014 oct

  • 1. Catalyst THE MAGAZINE OF HAYES FREE CHURCH (U.R.C.) October 2014
  • 2. HAYES FREE CHURCH 111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU Sunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. We are a member of the United Reformed Church. We believe in Justice and Peace. Principal Contacts Minister: Rev. Sue Powell is on a Sabbatical until 1 Dec Church Secretary: Mrs Mavis Righini Tel: 020 8462 1168 NOTE: All enquires to Mavis Treasurer: Mr. Simon Narracott Tel: 020 8462 2004 Lettings Secretary: Mrs Undine Connolly Tel: 020 8776 0108 Caretaker: Mr. Ian Jones Tel: 020 8313 1556 Church Website Catalyst Editor: Mr Richard Brown Contents : - Items not covered by the diary of events. Sunday Services; Notes on preachers; Apology 2 Church Notices 3 - 5 News Headlines 4 Women’s Fellowship; In Mem’m 5 Grace of the month 6 Catalyst Needs You! 7 Christmas Tree Festival 8 - 9 Commitment For Life 9 This month’s website: - The website of the month is the Kaos Organisation. Their Choir will be performing at the Christmas Tree Festival Opening Concert. Here is the web address: Now, turn to Page 13 for more details. Ed Copy for the November 2014 edition needs to be handed in by Sunday, 12th October. Please submit items in good time. You can leave copy in the “B” Pigeon Hole for Richard Brown to collect, or hand it directly to him on a Sunday morning. You can also e-mail copy to Thank You. Editor Notice Board 10 - 11 Saints’ days in October 12 Website of the Month 13 Did God create evil? 14 - 15 So it is written 15 Hope; The way things once were 16 To be eight again 17 Prayer of the month; Remember 20 Church Organisations I B C
  • 3. Letter from the Church Secretary Hello friends, As I sit and write this letter it is a glorious September day. Looking out into the garden I see the flowers blooming, a dragonfly flits across our pond and the birds drop in for a meal. Some of you will see apples ripening on the trees and possibly blackberries ready to pick. How wonderful is God's creation of nature, so varied and some quite free for us to enjoy. We will soon be celebrating Harvest Festival and it is our opportunity to give of God's bounty, to those who struggle to have sufficient money to pay for daily food. Let us all join our youngsters in the Uniformed Organisations by bringing our gifts, to show that we all realise the importance of supporting those less fortunate than ourselves. We also will have the opportunity of giving to 'Commitment for Life' which is the United Reformed Churches specific outreach to those in need around the world. I look forward to Harvest Festival on October 12th and hope to see the church full of people giving thanks for all God's goodness to us, the one God who loves us all. Mavis NOTE: - Our Minister is away on her Sabbatical until December 2014. So, during that period the Minister’s letter will be written by the Church Secretary. Ed 1
  • 4. Sunday Services October 2014 5th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - John Cox 6.30 pm - Holy Communion - Marion Bayley 2 12th Sun 10.30 am - Parade Service - Jim Holman. Harvest Festival 6.30 pm - Evening Service - Judy Davies 19th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - John Cox 6.30 pm - Evening Service - Alan Kienlen 26th Sun 10.30 am - Holy Communion - Bill Michie 6.30 pm - Evening Service - Bill Michie November 2014 2nd 10.30 am - Morning Service - Keith Nye 6.30 pm - Holy Communion - Judy Davies Some notes on the visiting preachers. v John Cox is known to us, having conducted services at HFC in the past. v Mrs. Marion Bayley is a Lay Preacher and an Elder from our sister church in Beckenham. She regularly leads our services. v Jim Holman is a Methodist preacher. He has conducted services at HFC in the past. v Judy Davies is well known to us. She has conducted services at HFC on a number of occasions. v Alan Kienlen is well known to us. He was church secretary and an elder at HFC. v Bill Michie is well known to us all. He is a Lay Preacher at HFC. v Keith Nye is one of the readers from St. Mary’s Church at Plaistow An Apology In September’s edition of Catalyst, the letter on page 21 was from Jean Haddon. It was not from Claire Douglas. Ed
  • 5. 3 News of the Church Family Announcements are welcome :- BMD - Changes of address, etc. Your prayers would be appreciated for: - Jim Pearson, Mike Duke, Ruth Rees, Jessie Martin, Tony Atkinson and Helen Hebbes. Church Meetings The next Elders’ meeting will be on Tuesday, 7th October at 8.00 pm in the small hall. The next Church meeting, will be on Sunday 26th October at 12.00 noon – after the morning service. Women's Contact Group Please note: We will be enjoying a lunchtime meal at 12.30pm on the 6th of October at The Conservative Club, 27 Elmfield Road, Bromley BR1 1LZ. Sylvia Mack Tuesday Prayer Meetings for October Held at 10.00am at the following homes:- 7th Martin Nunn’s. 14th Betty Coster’s. 21st Brenda Cordingley’s. 28th The Church. Then in November: - 4th Martin Nunn’s. Please address any queries to Martin Nunn. Saturday Fellowship The October meeting will be on the 4th at 2.30pm at Barbara Jones’ home. Martin Nunn will be leading a Bible Study. In November we will be meeting on the 1st at 2.30pm at the same place. You are welcome to join us. Men's Group The next Men’s Group Meeting is on Thursday 16 October at 8.00 pm when there will be a quiz, organised by Chris Fitzgerald, in the small hall.
  • 6. Ministry of Flowers Thank you to those who will be providing flowers in October. 5th - Jean Ritchie 12th - Maggie Greenwood 19th - David and Undine Connolly A big thank you to those who kindly arrange the flowers when needed. After the Sunday evening services, the flowers are distributed to members and friends, bringing joy to the recipients. Mavis Righini Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club We welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Friday afternoons between 2 and 4pm during term time. The fee is £1 per family – tea, squash and biscuits are provided. This is a time when adults can meet up, while the children in their care are busy playing with toys and activities in the company of other children. On October 24th we have the photographer Sue Fitzgerald coming to the club. Our half term holiday is on October 31st when there is no meeting. We look forward to seeing you. Judith Stoner - Secretary. Bible Study Group This Group will next meet in January. Worship Group The Wednesday Reflections Group meets at 6.30pm on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Linda Michie Book Club We meet on the first Thursday of the month at 8.00pm in the small hall. Wendy Smith will be taking the lead. 4 i.m.o. Undine’s mother 26th - Malcolm & Teresa Cheyne News Headlines 20-Year Friendship Ends at Altar.
  • 7. 5 Notice Sheets – October October 5th Brenda Cordingley 8462 3867 12th & 19th Pamela Collison 8658 0748 26th Joan Smith 8462 3920 November 2nd Joan Smith If you require items to be included in the notice sheets, please contact the appropriate person by the previous Tuesday. Women's Fellowship Meetings are in the small hall at 2.00 p.m., unless otherwise stated, on Tuesdays and finish about 3.30 p.m. The Women's Fellowship autumn programme includes an afternoon on November 25th for filling shoe boxes for Smile International. We would be grateful for contributions for these boxes. For guidance about suitable contents see the Smile leaflets on the table at the back of the Church. The boxes are given to children in the third world by the Smile Organisation. June Fox talked to us about her experiences delivering shoe boxes - she is coming again on Nov 4th. Do come and have an enjoyable afternoon with us. MINI-AMBULANCE Members who use the mini-ambulance are asked to phone Marion Swanborough on 8462 3981 by 9.00 am on any Tuesday when they are unable to come to the meetings. As always, we welcome all ladies to our meetings. Please come along for a pleasant afternoon. We do have a very varied programme with plenty to interest everyone. Marion In Memoriam A new widow requested the epitaph ‘Rest in Peace’ for her husband’s tombstone. When she later found he had left his fortune to his mistress, she attempted to get the engraver to change the carving. This was impossible; the words were carved in the stone and could not be changed. “In that case,” she said, “please add ‘Till We Meet Again.’ ” ------------ From The Buckland Parish Magazine – May 2007
  • 8. Women’s Contact Coffee Morning We will be holding the next coffee morning from 10.00am to 12.00 noon in the Small Hall on the 11th of October. We are continuing to raise monies to contribute to disaster relief funds in different parts of the world. We hope to see you at the Coffee Morning, and why not bring a friend? Please note that the monies raised from the coffee mornings are separate from those raised through the refreshments trolley after Sunday morning services. Barbara Jones The Fairtrade Sunday Stall We hold a fair trade stall after the morning service on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. The stall will be held on the 12th and 26th of October. Please continue to support your fair trade stall. Thank you. 6 Richard and Barbara. GRACE OF THE MONTH O God, our father, In a world where many are lonely we thank you for friendship and community; In a world where many are despairing, we thank you for hope; In a world that many find meaningless, we thank you for faith; In a world where many are hungry, we thank you for this food. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen --------------------------- From The Buckland Parish Magazine – May 2007
  • 9. Catalyst Needs You! This page will be kept for YOUR contributions - NOTHING ELSE will go on this page. Hopefully, you will be inspired to share some pictures, poetry or stories. promise members Editor’s from Church many The contributions of Catalyst held reserved for edition many of you. Open page is September’s from about London and feel This and friends. of suitable material to tell us the Saturday examples have anything enjoyed Does anyone weekend. I certainly House there is lots to share with you. However, more of that in a later edition. Its up to YOU to share experiences this time around.... Editor White space - waiting for you to fill. 7
  • 10. HAYES FREE CHURCH CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL IN AID OF DEAF ACCESS FROM FRIDAY 28th NOVEMBER to SATURDAY 13th DECEMBER The Festival will be open each day from 2.00 pm from 1 December to 6 December. The Church will be open at service times each Sunday (10.30 am and 6.30 pm) Programme of Entertainment for the Festival NOVEMBER Friday 28th Opening Concert - The Kaos Signing Choir For Deaf & Hearing Children They sang at The Opening Ceremony at The London 2012 Olympic Games, and have appeared at the Royal Albert Hall. Plus items from Hayes Free Church performers. 8 All money raised will go to Deaf Access in Bromley. Registered Charity l050990 Admission charges: - The Silver Lane 7 Jazz Band £8.00 and The Velvet Harmony Choir £6.00. Tickets from John Moren 020 8460 6726. Father Christmas film & tea. Children £2.00 Adults £4.00. Tickets from John Curry 020 8249 3663. 7.30 pm Saturday 29th The Silver Lane 7 Jazz band 7.30 pm Sunday 30th Pickhurst Junior School 6.30 pm DECEMBER Monday 1st Bishop Justus School 7.30 pm Tuesday 2nd Velvet Harmony Ladies Choir 7.30 pm Wednesday 3rd Wandle Ringers 7.30 pm Thursday 4th Sing Choir (a Cappella Choir) 7.30 pm Friday 5th Film “A Man Called Peter”. A true story starring Richard Todd and Jean Peters. 1955 7.30 pm Saturday 6th Beckenham Concert Band 7.45 pm Sunday 7th Churches Together in Hayes with musical accompaniment by Hayes School musicians. 6.30 pm Saturday 13th Film Raymond Briggs “Father Christmas” followed by tea for children 3.00 pm HAYES FREE CHURCH 111, Pickhurst Lane Bromley BR2 7HU Cheques should be made payable to: - HAYES FREE CHURCH TREE APPEAL Deaf Access
  • 11. Hayes Free Church Christmas Tree Appeal More information Deaf Access One in six people nationally have a hearing loss. In Bromley, that is over 55,000 people. They are 44% more likely to have a mental health issue caused by inaccessible services, frustration, isolation and communication worries. Since 1996 Deaf Access have been here for people who are deaf or hard of hearing their families, carers and professionals. As a team with over 45 years experience they are experts on hearing loss, equipment, support and information. Registered charity no: 1050990. Kaos Signing Choir for Deaf & Hearing Children A choir of 60 children from London who are appearing at the Royal Festival Hall, have taken part in the opening ceremony for the London Olympics and have been on television. 9 Registered charity no: 1080310. Turn to Page 13 for more information about Kaos. COMMITMENT FOR LIFE 2014 You may not remember exactly what this is so here is a quick reminder. ‘It is the world development programme of the United Reformed Church. Churches are encouraged to take action, pray and give for people across the world especially in our four partner countries - region of Bangladesh, Central America [Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua and El Salvador] Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory and Zimbabwe. We work in partnership with Christian Aid and the World Development Movement raising over half a million pounds per annum from contributing churches.’ At the rear of this Catalyst is attached a small booklet which will provide an insight into how the money is spent also an envelope should you like to make a contribution to the work being undertaken. If you wish to write a cheque please make it payable to Hayes Free [UR] Church. It is suggested this year for a number of reasons that before you make your donation you show by placing a tick alongside the name of the country on the gift envelope you wish to receive your contribution. Details of the countries notified in this way will be collated and the details of the one receiving the largest support will be notified when our church’s monies are forwarded for processing. If possible could you put any contribution you wish to make in the offertory plate by the end of October. Many thanks Mike Duke
  • 12. 10 NOTICE THE READING GAME on 6 SEPTEMBER Teresa organised a very enjoyable game and raised £215 for church funds. Our grateful thanks go to Teresa and also to Margaret for the Ploughman’s Supper. Another enjoyable and successful evening. 25 October WESTMINSTER COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE OPEN DAY Have a look at all the changes! All will be welcome A Reminder The Women's Fellowship will spend an afternoon on November 25th filling shoe boxes for Smile International. We would be grateful for contributions for these boxes. For guidance about suitable contents see the Smile leaflets on the table at the back of the Church. There is also a box on the table waiting for your contributions. The boxes are given to children in the third world by the Smile Organisation.
  • 13. 11 BOARD HARVEST LUNCH SUNDAY 12 OCTOBER For those of you who attended last year you'll be pleased to know that we're doing another this year and for those of you who couldn't make it do please come along. A Three Course meal is on offer after the Morning Service @ a price of £10 per head. The money will be used to boost the Church finances in order to pay for repairs of our ageing boiler enabling us to sit comfortably in Church and at the various meetings which will take place during the cold winter which lies ahead. If you have any special dietary needs please let me know and I will endeavour to accommodate you. Entry is by ticket only to assist with catering. Margaret Tannock CHRISTMAS Is all under one roof. We are combining our popular CHRISTMAS FAIR And our CHARITY CHRISTMAS CARD FAIR on Saturday 15th November from 10.30 a.m. Including all of your favourite things PLUS Coffees, Lunches and Santa’s Grotto A warm welcome is guaranteed for all. Entance at 50p per person.
  • 14. Saints’ Days in October. --------------- 18th Saint Luke the Evangelist. Patron saint of artists, physicians and 12 surgeons. 28th Saint Simon and Saint Jude, Apostles. Simon, patron saint of woodcutters and tanners. Jude, patron saint of lost causes and desperate cases. Saint Luke The Collect ALMIGHTY God, who called St Luke the Physician, whose praise is in the Gospel, to be an Evangelist, and Physician of the soul: May it please thee that, by the wholesome medicines of the doctrine delivered by him, all the diseases of our souls may be healed; through the merits of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Epistle - 2 St. Timothy 4.5-15 The Gospel - St. Luke 10.1-7 St Simon and St Jude The Collect O ALMIGHTY God, who hast built thy Church upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the head corner-stone: Grant us so to be joined together in unity of spirit by their doctrine, that we may be made an holy temple acceptable unto thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Epistle - St. Jude 1-8 The Gospel - St. John 15.17-end -------------------------------------- All information taken from the Church of England website
  • 15. Website of the Month Kaos Organisation This page compliments the Hayes Free Church Christmas Tree Festival.. Extracts from the current website follow. The Kaos Organisation is a Youth Arts Charity based in Haringey. Established in February 1995, with a firm belief in the vital importance of the creative arts, we have a practical ethos of creativity, communication and co-operation. Our motto is: Excellence through teamwork and fun! Deaf Awareness and Inclusion We actively work to raise Deaf Awareness and promote inclusion in all of our workshops and groups. In all of our weekly workshops participants learn to sing and sign, and all our productions are Sign Language interpreted. Since 1995, 15 young hearing people have passed Level 1 BSL after attending Kaos’s ‘Hands Up’ British Sign Language Course. Several have now gone on to Level 2 BSL. One of our students has gone on to university to read Deaf Studies and another is now a Qualified BSL Interpreter with Deaf and Deaf-Blind people. Two of our regular volunteers have passed their BSL Level 1 exam after studying at Blanche Nevile School for Deaf Children. Company Structure The Kaos Organisation is a company limited by guarantee with charitable status. Company number: 3692918 Registered charity no: 1080310 Our Board of Trustees is: Chris Parrish (Chair) Aleata Simpson Julia Coyne Tessa Thomas 13
  • 16. DID GOD CREATE EVIL? ------------ Did God create everything that exists? Does evil exist? Did God create evil? A University professor at a well known institution of higher learning challenged his students with this question: "Did God create everything that exists?" A student bravely replied, "Yes he did!" "God created everything?" The professor asked. "Yes sir, he certainly did," the student replied. The professor answered, "If God created everything, then God created evil. And, since evil exists, and according to the principal that our works define who we are, then we can assume God is evil." The student became quiet and did not answer the professor's hypothetical definition. The professor, quite pleased with himself, boasted to the students that he had proven once more that the Christian faith was a myth. Another student raised his hand and said, "May I ask you a question, professor?" "Of course," replied the professor. The student stood up and asked, "Professor, does cold exist?" "What kind of question is this? Of course it exists. Have you never been cold?" The other students snickered at the young man's question. The young man replied, "In fact, sir, cold does not exist. According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is in reality the absence of heat. Every body or object is susceptible to study when it has or transmits energy, and heat is what makes a body or matter have or transmit energy. Absolute zero (-460 F) is the total absence of heat; and all matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction at that temperature. Cold does not exist. We have created this word to describe how we feel if we have no heat." The student continued, "Professor, does darkness exist?" The professor responded, "Of course it does." The student replied, "Once again you are wrong, sir, darkness does not exist, either. Darkness is in reality the absence of light. Light we can study, but not darkness. In fact, we can use Newton's prism to break white light into many colours and study the various wave lengths of each color. You cannot measure darkness. A simple ray of light can break into a world of darkness and illuminate it. How can you know how dark a certain space is? You measure the amount of light present. Isn't this correct? Darkness is a term used by man to describe what happens when there is no light present." 14 Continued on next page ....
  • 17. .... Continued from previous page Finally the young man asked the professor, "Sir, does evil exist?" Now uncertain, the professor responded, "Of course, as I have already said. We see it everyday. It is in the daily examples of man's inhumanity to man. It is in the multitude of crime and violence everywhere in the world. These manifestations are nothing else but evil." To this the student replied, "Evil does not exist, sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat, or the darkness that comes when there is no light." The professor sat down. The young man's name - - Albert Einstein.... So it is written --------------- A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey, they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, he wrote in the sand: Today my best friend slapped me in the face. They kept on walking, until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but his friend saved him. After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone: Today my best friend saved my life. The friend, who had slapped and saved his best friend, asked him, "After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand, and now, you write on a stone, why?" The other friend replied: "When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand, where the winds of forgiveness can erase it away, but when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it. Learn to write your hurts in the sand and to carve your blessings in stone. 15
  • 18. HOPE - + - Churches in Carlisle washed cars and GAVE people a surprise gift of 50p rather than asking them for money - putting faith into words and action as part of Hope14. A white-van-man came to get his van cleaned and was stunned when they gave him money. He asked them why and they explained. So he went to church where he heard that they were going to help a family whose home needed a make-over. He went too and brought his work-mates. Together they carpeted the whole house for the family. And now he has signed up for an Alpha course. That's what Hope14 is about: faith in action AND words. Be prepared to tell your story and who knows what God will do! Roy Crowne, HOPE Director The way things once were This year’s theme covers sayings or poetry from the First World War British Casualties. At Heilly, France - Sept 1916 This item, held at the Imperial War Museum Photographic Archive, is from The First World War Poetry Digital Archive. (; © University of Oxford 16
  • 19. To be 8 again! ------------------------- A man was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching his wife, who was looking at herself in the mirror. Since her birthday was not far off he asked what she'd like to have for her birthday. 'I'd like to be eight again', she replied, still looking in the mirror. On the morning of her Birthday, he arose early, made her a nice big bowl of Coco Pops, and then took her to Adventure World theme park. What a day! He put her on every ride in the park; the Death Slide, the Wall of Fear, the Screaming Roller Coaster, everything there was. Five hours later they staggered out of the theme park. Her head was reeling and her stomach felt upside down. He then took her to a McDonald's where he ordered her a Happy Meal with extra fries and a chocolate shake. Then it was off to a movie, popcorn, a soda pop, and her favourite candy, M&M's. What a fabulous adventure! Finally she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed exhausted. He leaned over his wife with a big smile and lovingly asked, 'Well Dear, what was it like being eight again? Her eyes slowly opened and her expression suddenly changed. 'I meant my dress size, you stupid old fool.' The moral of the story: Even when a man is listening, he is going to get it wrong. 17
  • 20. October 2014 1st Wed 2nd Thu 8.00 pm - Book Club Page 4 3rd Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Group Page 4 4th Sat 2.30 pm - Saturday fellowship Page 3 5th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - John Cox 6.30 pm - Holy Communion - Marion Bayley 6th Mon 12.30 pm - Women’s Contact Group Page 3 7th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 8.00 pm - Elders’ Meeting Page 3 8th Wed 9th Thu 10th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Group Page 4 11th Sat 10.00 am - Women’s Contact Coffee Morning Page 6 18 12th Sun 10.30 am - Parade Service - Jim Holman. Harvest Festival Followed by Fairtrade Stall Page 6 12.00 pm - Harvest Lunch Page 11 6.30 pm - Evening Service - Judy Davies 13th Mon 14th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 15th Wed 16th Thu 10.00 am - Men’s Group Page 3 17th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Group Page 4 18th Sat 19th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - John Cox 6.30 pm - Evening Service - Alan Kienlen 20th Mon 21st Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 22nd Wed 6.30 pm - Worship Group Page 4 23rd Thu 24th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Group Page 4
  • 21. October 2014 November 2014 1st Sat 2.30 pm - Saturday fellowship Page 3 2nd Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Keith Nye 6.30 pm - Holy Communion - Judy Davies DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 7 - 9 Nov WW1 Exhibition in the Village Hall. 15 Nov Christmas Fair & Charity Christmas Card Sale. 22 Nov Christmas Fair at Beckenham URC. 29 Nov - 7 Dec Christmas Tree Festival 13 Dec 6.00 pm - Compassionate Friends Service. 16 Dec 3.45 pm - Christingle Service. 25 Dec 10.30 am - Service. 28 Dec Joint Service with Beckenham URC at HFC. 19 25th Sat 26th Sun BST Ends 10.30 am - Holy Communion - Bill Michie Followed by Fairtrade Stall Page 6 12 Noon - Church Meeting Page 3 6.30 pm - Evening Service - Bill Michie 27th Mon 28th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 29th Wed 30th Thu 31st Fri
  • 22. PRAYER OF THE MONTH From the Buckland Parish magazine - May 2007 May God be with thee in every pass, Jesus be with thee on every knoll, Spirit be with thee by water’s roll, On headland, on ridge, and on grass; Each sea and land, each moor and each mead, Each eve’s lying-down, each rising’s morn, In the wave-trough, or on foam-crest borne, Each step which thy journey doth lead. From Poems of the Western Highlanders Remember Remember me when lam gone away, Gone far away into the silent land; When you can no more hold me by the hand, Nor I half turn to go, yet turning stay. Remember me when no more day by day You tell me of our future that you plann'd: Only remember me; you understand It will be late to counsel then or pray. Yet if you should forget me for a while And afterwards remember, do not grieve: For if the darkness and corruption leave A vestige of the thoughts that once I had, Better by far you should forget and smile Than that you should remember and be sad. 20 By Christina Rossetti
  • 23. CHURCH ORGANISATIONS Day Organisation Contact Phone Sunday 10.25am Sunday Club Mike Duke 8462 5103 Weekdays 9.15 -12.15pm Pre School Group 12.15 -12.45pm P/School lunch club Jayne Carvell 07913 299773 Monday 5.45pm Brownies Sarah Humphrey 8249 9982 6.30pm Cubs Brenda Petts 8325 3956 8.00pm - 1st Women's Contact Group Sylvia Mack 8462 1938 Tuesday 10.00am Prayer Meeting Martin Nunn 8462 5918 2.00pm Women's Fellowship Marion Swanborough 8462 3981 7.00pm Scouts Paul Hasling 3236 0083 Wednesday 3.30pm - 4th Messy Church Mavis Righini 8462 1168 5.15pm Rainbows Jenny Longman 07730 574962 6.00pm Beavers Brenda Petts 8325 3956 6.30pm - 4th Reflections Group Bill Michie 8658 4167 8.00pm Explorers Tom Strachan 07745 813 295 Thursday 5.30pm Brownies Stevie Blair. 8325 3469 7.15 - 8.45pm Rangers Georgina Chappell 07983 471308 8.00pm - 1st HFC Book Club Wendy Smith 8462 1779 8.00pm - 3rd Men's Group Bruce Tannock 8325 6264 8.00pm - 2nd, & 4th Ignatian Spirituality Group David Hawthorn 8249 7188 Friday 9.00 - 12.00pm Coffee morning during term times 2.00pm Mothers & Toddlers Judith Stoner 8462 3023 6.30pm Guides Teresa Cheyne 8777 6042 Saturday 2.30pm - 1st Saturday Fellowship Martin Nunn 8462 5918 NOTE: - Some of the organisations meet once or twice per month. This is indicated by 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. The numbers relate to which week day of the month, NOT the calendar date.
  • 24. Final Thought “God expects the stock in your warehouse to be as good as that in your show window.” From Rhoda - September 1991 --------------- Surprise in Heaven I dreamt death came the other night And heaven's gate swung wide, With kindly grace an angel came To usher me inside. And there, to my astonishment, Stood folk I'd known on earth; Some I had judged as quite unfit Or of but little worth. Indignant words rose to my lips, But never were set free, For every face showed stunned surprise - No one expected me! Louisa E M Dover . ------------------ From "A Book of Prayer" collected and compiled by Canon W.F. Shail Christ Church, Dorset, U.K