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April 2014
Copy for the May 2014 edition needs to be handed in by
Sunday, 13th April.
Please submit items in good time.
You can leave copy in the “B” Pigeon Hole for Richard Brown to collect,
or hand it directly to him on a Sunday morning.
You can also e-mail copy to
Thank You. Editor
Principal Contacts
Minister: Rev. Sue Powell Tel: 020 8462 2212
Church Secretary: Mrs Mavis Righini Tel: 020 8462 1168
Fabric Steward Mr. Chris Wood Tel: 020 8462 2444
Treasurer: Mr. Simon Narracott Tel: 020 8462 2004
Lettings Secretary: Mrs Undine Connolly Tel: 020 8776 0108
Caretaker: Mr. Ian Jones Tel: 020 8313 1556
Church Website
Editor: Mr Richard Brown
Contents : - Items not covered by the diary of events.
111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU
Sunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.00 p.m.
We are a member of the United Reformed Church.
We believe in Justice and Peace.
This month’s website: -
The website of the month is Bible Society. Do visit their website for
news, events listings, etc.
Here is the web address:
Now, turn to Page 16 for more details. Ed
Sunday Services; a thought.. 2
Church Notices 3 - 4
Sainsbury Schools Vouchers 3
Christian Aid Week 5
Rhoda Leeds - Obituary 6 - 7
Retiring collection; A puzzle 7
Big Brew; Know what to do 8
Holiday Companion;
Catalyst Needs You! 9
Notice Board 10 - 11
Website of the month 12
Sue Powell’s interview Cont'd 13
Agape Supper 14
Proposed charity for Christmas
Tree Festival; a saying 15
Praying for the suffering church 16
For those in need;
The way things once were 17
Quiz/Puzzle answer 19
Sue Powell’s interview ends;
A quote 20
Church Organisations I B C
Letter from the Minister
Dear Friends,
April with its showers is upon us; the gardens bloom
with flowers – it is officially spring – and Easter is
with us.
One of the most moving services of the Easter season for me is Maundy
Thursday: the moment Jesus kneels before his disciples and washes
their feet. Such a moment of servanthood and tenderness, teaching
those present that to be one that leads means to be one that serves –
with love. The institution of our Lord’s Supper follows; followed by that
evening of Maundy Thursday when Jesus prays in the garden and asks
his friends to pray with and for him – and they sleep… such a moment of
isolation for Jesus.
And the soldiers come…
We have such a powerful telling of that day in all our Gospels, and try as
I might, I cannot begin to imagine myself into the shoes of Christ that
In Luke 22:43, an angel comes to Jesus to give him strength – and I
often wonder how often angels come to us all in our moments of deep
stress and worry.
An old hymn reminds us to Trust and Obey – difficult words at times.
And perhaps the angels come to remind us to trust in God, to remind us
that we can leave it all in His hands.
The joy of Easter Morning gifts us with such joy, an overwhelming sense
of relief from the darkness of the past days. The gift of Easter
Resurrection reminds us all that dark days pass, and new life comes as a
gift to us all.
As we gather on Easter Sunday to celebrate the glorious Resurrection
I pray that we will all experience the sheer joy and gift that is Easter.
May God bless us all as we strive to be faithful to the God of Love.
Sunday and Easter Services
April 2014
6th Sun
10.30 am - Morning Service - Martin Wilcox, Child Aid
6.00 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister
13th Sun
10.30 am - Morning Service - The Minister
6.00 pm - Evening Service - The Minister
17th Thu
Maundy Thursday
8.00 pm - Holy Communion - joint service at
Emmanuel URC West Wickham
18th Fri
Good Friday
9.00 am - Walk of Witness - From Hayes Free Church
10.00 am - Morning Service - The Rosary Church
20th Sun
Easter Sunday
8.00 am - Holy Communion - The Minister
10.30 am - Morning Service - Bill Michie
6.00 pm - Evening Service - The Minister
27th Sun
10.30 am - Holy Communion - Marion Bayley
6.00 pm - Evening Service -
v Martin Wilcox represents Child Aid, a charity which is transforming
the lives of children and young people in Belarus, Moldova,
Russia and the Ukraine.
v Bill Michie is well known to us all. He is a Lay Preacher at HFC.
v Mrs. Marion Bayley is a Lay Preacher and an Elder from our sister
church in Beckenham. She regularly leads our services.
v Jim Holman is a Methodist preacher. He has led services at HFC
in the past.
v David Stoner is well known to us. He is a member of various
groups at HFC.
Some notes on the visiting preachers.
May 2014
4th Sun
10.30 am - Morning Service - Jim Holman
6.00 pm - Holy Communion - David Stoner
A Thought for Today
Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day.
Author Unknown
News of the Church Family
Announcements are welcome :-
BMD - Changes of address, etc.
Your prayers would be appreciated for: -
Jim Pearson, Mike Duke, Ruth Rees, Jessie Martin,
and Helen Hebbes.
Church Meetings
The next Elders’ meeting will be on Tuesday, 1st April at 8.00 pm in the
small hall.
The next Church meeting, will be on Sunday 27th April at 12.00 noon
after the morning service.
Women's Contact Group
The Contact Group will be meeting on 7th April at Marion Bowman’s
home - 26 Stambourne Way, West Wickham. On the 12th of May we will
enjoy a meal out - details TBA.
Meetings start at 8.00 pm.
Sylvia Mack
Tuesday Prayer Meetings for April
Held at 10.00am at the following homes:-
1st Martin Nunn’s. 8th Betty Coster’s.
15th Brenda Cordingley’s. 22nd The Church.
29th Martin Nunn’s.
Then in May: -
6th Martin Nunn’s.
Please address any queries to Martin Nunn.
Saturday Fellowship
The next meeting will be on the 5th of April at 2.30pm at Barbara Jones’
home. Martin Nunn will be leading a Bible Study. We will then meet
at the same time and place on the 3rd of May. You are welcome to
join us.
Men's Group
Our next meeting, the lunch, will now be at The New Inn, Hayes
meeting on Thursday the 17th of April at 12.30pm.
he Sainsbury Schools Voucher Scheme for 2014 has now started.
The uniformed groups will be collecting vouchers in support of this.
More details will appear in next month’s Catalyst.
Ministry of Flowers
Thank you to those who will be providing flowers this month.
A big thank you to those who kindly arrange the flowers when needed.
After the Sunday evening services, the flowers are distributed to
members and friends, bringing joy to the recipients.
Mavis Righini
Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club
We welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied
by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Friday
afternoons between 2 and 4pm during term time. The fee is £1 per
family – tea, squash and biscuits are provided. This is a time when
adults can meet up, while the children in their care are busy playing
with toys and activities in the company of other children.
Our last meeting of term was on March 28th. We will start the new
term after Easter on April 25th.
We look forward to seeing you.
Judith Stoner - Secretary.
Bible Study Group
The Bible Study group meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each
month at 2.30pm in the small hall.
Worship Group
The Wednesday Reflections Group meets at 6.30pm on the 4th
Wednesday of each month.
Linda Michie
Notice Sheets - April & 1st Sunday in May
6th & 13th Pam Collison 8658 0748
20th & 27th Joan Smith 8462 3920
4th Daphne Cummings 8777 2487
If you require items to be included in the notice sheets, please contact
the appropriate person by the previous Tuesday.
6th - Linda Michie - i.m.o. Mum 13th -
20th - Margaret Tannock - i.m.o.
her Mother Helen Wentworth
27th - Sylvia & Laurie Mack
- wedding anniversary
Women's Fellowship
Meetings are in the small hall at 2.00 p.m., unless otherwise stated,
on Tuesdays and finish about 3.30 p.m.
The April meetings will be: -
1st Bromley Museum
8th Child Aid – Martin Wilcox
15th Service – led by Sue
22nd No meeting
29th No meeting
The first meeting in May will be: -
6th TBA
Members who use the mini-ambulance are asked to phone
Marion Swanborough on 8462 3981 by 9.00 am on any Tuesday when
they are unable to come to the meetings.
As always, we welcome all ladies to our meetings. Please come along for a
pleasant afternoon. We do have a very varied programme with plenty to
interest everyone.
Sue & Marion
After 34 years (!), John Curry is standing down as the Christian Aid
Representative for HFC.
I have agreed to take on this role for 2014 as I think Christian Aid is
charity which is well worth supporting. HFC has consistently
managed to collect over £1,000 each year and I think it would be
a shame if we were not able to continue raising such funds.
John and I are fully aware that a number of members do not like
door-to-door collections and it has become increasingly difficult
over recent years to cover the roads allocated to us. However,
we have a number of stalwarts who have undertaken the street
collections who, I hope, are willing to continue - are there
perhaps others amongst you who would be willing to consider
delivering envelopes if others are able to collect?
I would be interested to hear from anyone who may have
suggestions for raising an equivalent amount in any other way.
Kathryn Strachan
Rhoda May Leeds
6th September 1914 -9th February 2014
Rhoda (née Thompson) was born just a month into the First World War
and spent her childhood in Camberwell, where one of her earliest
memories was seeing a Zeppelin fly overhead. Her father was a
master baker, and she had an older sister who was evacuated to
Hampshire during the war, so Rhoda didn’t get to know her for several
Throughout her childhood and teens Rhoda was a faithful attendee at
a church in Camberwell Green, and it was at a church camp in Surrey
that she met and soon fell in love with a young man named John
Leeds, who was ten years older than her. They married in 1935, a
happy partnership that was to last nearly 70 years, till John’s death in
March 2005, aged 101. In their courting days and early married life
they were keen walkers and cyclists - they walked in their shorts to
church and back for their wedding and then cycled off to their
honeymoon! They set up house in Hayes, where Rhoda became a
founder member (and eventually the longest survivor) of the newly-
formed Hayes Free Church.
For several years Rhoda worked in London in a shop called
‘Needlewoman’, but after her children - a son and two daughters -
arrived, she limited herself for a while to cleaning work in local homes.
She adored her family and proved a resourceful, caring and talented
mother, a very good cook, knitter and dress-maker; she grew her own
vegetables and fruit - her Bramley apple trees became so prolific
down the years that most of her friends shared in their bounty! Rhoda
also developed her talent for painting pictures and making pottery;
she enjoyed producing cards and pictures using pressed flowers.
Rhoda was in her 50’s when John retired, and with the children by now
all grown up, the pair were free to travel. During the Second World
War, John had been billeted with a family in Rhodesia (now
Zimbabwe) and had kept in touch with them, so one of their first long
trips was to stay with that family, the Shipworths, on their large estate
there. That visit lasted about 9 months! Over the years they visited
Australia several times to stay for some months with their daughter
Margaret (Maggie), and they travelled widely in Europe, particularly
liking Switzerland, Spain and Russia (Rhoda said that she fell in love
with Moscow!).
Rhoda was very involved with the life of H.F.C. She was our Leprosy
Mission Secretary for 50 years or so, and a devoted member of the
The retiring collection at
Rhoda Leeds Service of Thanksgiving
for Action on Hearing Loss
(the new name for RNID)
amounted to £400.
Women’s Fellowship, where she was always willing to lead the opening
devotions - and ready to regale the ladies with a joke or two from the
store she kept in her handbag! She also attended Saturday Fellowship
and (in her younger years) the Scottish Dancing Group. Except when
away on her travels, she hardly ever missed a Church meeting or
major social event, and for many years came regularly to both
morning and evening services on Sundays. Her faith was both real
and alive!
Rhoda was always a happy, social and contented lady, modest, yet
always firm in her beliefs and opinions. She was much loved and
respected by all her family, and indeed by all who knew her - a truly
genuine Christian disciple, who is assuredly now in the presence of the
Lord she served through her long and fulfilled life.
Martin Nunn
(With acknowledgements to Sue
and to Rhoda’s family)
Rhoda enjoyed the puzzles and quizzes which appeared in Catalyst.
I think she would have enjoyed this one ...... (Ed)
Only 5% of Stanford University graduates figured it out!
Can you answer all seven of the following questions with the same
1. The word has seven letters....
2. Preceded God...
3. Greater than God...
4. More Evil than the devil...
5. All poor people have it...
6. Wealthy people need it....
7. If you eat it, you will die.
Did you figure it out? Try hard before turning to the answer on page 19.
Women’s Contact Coffee Morning
We will be holding the next coffee morning in the Small
Hall on the 12th of April from 10.00am to 12.00 Noon.
We are continuing to raise monies to contribute to
disaster relief funds in different parts of the world.
We hope to see you at the Coffee Morning, and why not bring a friend?
Please note that the monies raised from the coffee mornings are
separate from those raised through the refreshments trolley after
Sunday morning services.
Barbara Jones
The Fairtrade Sunday Stall
We hold a fair trade stall after the morning service on the 2nd and 4th
Sunday of each month.
In April, the stall will be held on the 13th and the 27th.
Please continue to support your fair trade stall. Thank you.
Richard and Barbara.
Big Brew
This year we had a great turn out for our Big Brew
Saturday coffee morning. Thank you to all who came.
I was able to send a cheque for £123 to Fair Trade.
The new catalogue is out. You can see it at the back
of the church. Anything you order from it will be post
free if you place your order with Richard or myself.
Know what to do
The town's fire prevention officer was conducting a health and safety
course at the local church. The officer said to the minister: "Now
imagine this: it is a Sunday morning and you have a number of
people, spread throughout your church building. Some are in the
choir stalls, some are in the kitchen, and some are in the nave.
Suddenly, a big fire breaks out. What are the first steps you would
The minister thought carefully for a moment. "Really big ones," he said.
Catalyst Needs You!
This page will be kept for YOUR contributions - NOTHING ELSE will go on this page.
Hopefully, you will be inspired to share some pictures, poetry or stories.
A lady to share a holiday with
Jeanette Hornsey is wanting a
lady to go on holiday with her
to Lake Garda for 10 days at
the beginning of June.
Anyone interested, please
contact her on 020 8462 3354
Those wonderful entries
- such as Pictures, text, thoughts
or drawings -
which may be shared on this
Quiz and The Trading Game with fish and chip supper
7-9pm on Saturday 17 May in the large hall
Enter a team of 4-6 people for the quiz and game, or just
join up with other people on the evening to make a
team. The Trading Game is a Christian Aid game
exploring how a country's prosperity is affected by trade.
Tickets cost £10 and are available from John Curry.
All profits to Christian Aid.
More details from:
John Curry ( 8249 3663) or
David Hawthorn ( 8249 7188) or
davidw. hawthorn l @
Christian Aid Week
11 - 17 May, 2014
On Sunday 11 May the evening service will be
on the Christian Aid Week theme of
“Give people a future without fear”.
We'll be using prayer stations (displays of text,
images and objects) to explore the theme in
the light of our lives.
If you would be interested in preparing one of
the prayer stations, either alone or with some
other people, please let David Hawthorn know.
Contact details in the notice below.
At the March
Church Meeting
it was decided
to have
Church Meetings
EVERY month
on the fourth
Kent Association for the Blind … VIPAS group
Visually Impaired Persons Activity and Social group.
Invite you to a Quiz night at the Hayes Free Church.
All proceeds in aid of the Visually Impaired in the local area.
Friday 11th April. Quiz Night.
Meet 6.45 pm for 7 pm Quiz.
Hayes Free Church, Church Hall. 111 Pickhurst Lane, Hayes,
Bromley. BR2 7HU. A friendly fun Quiz night, with Raffle. Teams will
be up to 8 people so why not try to raise your own team.
Don't worry if you are coming along on your own as we will
organize teams on the night.
Finish approximately 9.30 pm. Cost £3 per person.
Please bring your own drink and nibbles, (and take home with
you any rubbish, bottles plates etc.)
Book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
To book… Contact: Joan Dixon 020 8462 7903
An Appeal for Wool
Denise Benbow is looking for
donations of skeins or balls of
double knitting wool.
She needs the wool for
knitting blankets which are
given to whomever needs
Please leave donations with
Denise or in her pigeon hole
at the back of the Church.
Thank you
I am pleased to report that
the total amount donated
for “White Gables”, the
Alzheimer’s Day Centre in
Bromley Common was
My grateful thanks to all
who contributed to this
magnificent total.
Website of the Month (The) Bible Society
Two pages from the website appear here.
The society has been in existence for a very long time.
Our Bible Society representative is Betty Coster.
Main topics in
the website: -
· Who we are
· What we
· Our work
· Where we
· Appeals
· Reports and
· Contact us
· Jobs
Sue Powell’s interview on the Huffington Post website
Continued from last month.......
5 Considering that so many of Christianity's ideas are profound and
relevant - in your mind, why have people turned away from
religion? why are less people attending church regularly?
This is a question I often ask myself, and others. 'What is the point?' is
the answer I usually get. I can pray in my own home, I don't need to
do it with a group of people I might not even like. Yet the point of
coming together in church is to encourage each other - being a
Christian is not an easy task, it is a daily challenge, and we need the
support and encouragement of others if we are to get it right. Others
also help us stay on task and on track, it is easy to get carried away
along one path only to find yourself spending a lot of time and
energy doing something to no great good. Just as family groups are
now spread far and wide and no longer together in community, the
same has happened with the Christian community - to the point that
just as family become so far spread that we hardly know our own
cousins any more, so the Christian family seems to have become the
part of the family that we have lost touch with. The problem that
causes is that the message of the Christian faith, the love and hope
and joy that God gifts us, loses its place within us too...
6 I recently wrote about the elderly and my 'search for a secular
church' - I observed that the lack of community has a tragic effect
on people's lives. I saw that the elderly who are church members,
were the ones with an 'extended family' and were cared for by
fellow church goers. I asked the question of what are non church
goers to replace this with? how can they create a network of people
they know, trust and can depend on in time of need? hence the
search for a 'secular church' can you please reflect on that?
Secular church comes in many guises! My mothers Bingo Club was
always a great source of help to her, if she missed her usual session
someone would ring to check! Age UK has a contingent of
volunteers who go out and shop for the elderly and visit. Local pubs
are often good places for the elderly, bar staff usually know them by
name, and their restaurants often know their favourite meals! Very
often churches have groups with non-church members in them,
Fellowship groups, Friendship groups, several men's groups in my area.
I think secular church exists in many surprising places, and is called a
whole variety of names! But apart from small groups, (like mothers
Bingo group) where do we go together? Village halls don't really exist
much any more, the local library no longer has the time to keep
Continued on page 20 ....
Hayes Philharmonic Choir
Saturday 12 April 2014, 7.45pm, Hayes Parish Church
If you would like to join in a commemoration of 1914 which seeks to
reflect both the deep sadness and the camaraderie of the First World
War, then come along to our concert (details above).
We have chosen some music from that time which you may not hear
elsewhere during this centenary year. Without realising it, you may
know the work of British composer Alan Gray through his Christmas
descants; he lost three sons in the war, and we shall be performing his
mournful, but beautiful, settings of some of Rupert Brooke’s most
famous poems. There will be music by Walford Davis, written in 1915
for fallen soldiers, as well as short pieces by Elgar and others.
In contrasting mood, we shall invite our audience to join the choir in
singing some of those wartime songs that are still so well known.
Finally, we will remember that innocent world which was shattered
(but not altogether destroyed) by the war, with some other pieces of
the time, including Vaughan Williams’ ever-popular “Lark Ascending”,
to be played by young local violinist Charlotte Fletcher.
So come and listen – and sing along (at appropriate points!).
To coin a phrase – THIS CONCERT NEEDS YOU!!
Agape Supper
Churches together in Hayes
are again holding an Agape Supper
at our Church
on Friday 9th May at 7.00 p.m.
Our speaker this year is Andrew Dunsmore, the Official Photographer
at Westminster Abbey . He will regale us with stories and photos of his
This is always a very enjoyable evening in the company of friends from
other Churches in Hayes and includes a two course meal.
The price will again be £5 and we hope that many from the Church
will support this event.
Please see Sylvia Mack for more information
and to add your name to the list.
What is Bromley Talking News?
One of the proposed charities for the 2014 Christmas
Tree Festival
· A weekly digest of local news and views in audio
· Delivered direct to our listeners door
· Completely FREE to registered and partially
sighted residents or the borough
Bromley District Talking News is a free weekly digest of local news,
comment, interesting articles, what’s on and useful information
designed to keep our listeners fully informed about what is happening
in the local community.
Talking News is recorded onto USB memory sticks and listeners are
provide with a small easy-to-use player-no fuss, no bother!
Alternatively, you can listen on your own audio equipment or
Talking News is produced specially for people with sight impairment
and is delivered by mail each week to hundreds of people in all
areas of the borough.
We will also send you Talking News if you have moved out of the
borough but still want to keep in touch.
Each week a team of volunteers reads the local papers and extracts
the most interesting articles.
These are then edited and recorded by volunteers.
As well as the weekly news edition, BTN also produce seasonal extras
which include stories and longer features.
Keeping up- to- date helps our listeners maintain an active interest in
life in and around the borough.
The Association is independent and supported entirely by voluntary
contributions. It is a registered
charity and all administration and production is underwritten by
When you reach the end of your tether,
you will find the hem of HIS garment.
- Adapted from the signature of
a Roots L Genealogy forum member.
Praying for the suffering church
From the URC Website
Revd Brian Harley, United Reformed Church minister and chairman
of GEAR, the Group for Evangelism and Renewal within the URC,
encourages us to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who suffer
for their faith
“Paul writes to the church at Corinth about the Body of Christ saying:
“When one part suffers, every part suffers with it.” (1 Cor 12:26 NIV).
We can all relate to this idea because when you stub your toe
everything and everyone knows about it! Parts of the Body of Christ
are hurting or living in fear as you read this. Events in Pakistan, Egypt
and Nigeria have hit the headlines this year but the church is heavily
oppressed or even banned in many countries and such ongoing
persecution rarely features in the news. We can keep informed
through organisations like Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Open
Doors, Release and Barnabas which all do great work in supporting
those who need our help and provide channels for giving and
“Sunday, 3 November 2013, was designated International Day of
Prayer for Persecuted Christians. Whilst it is, of course, good to have
a day to focus on an issue, the suffering goes on around the clock
so prayer is always needed. There is a monthly ecumenical prayer
group in Shanklin focussing on the plight of persecuted Christians
and these folks had been meeting faithfully for nearly 30 years
because they feel the call of God to uphold members of our
Christian family around the world who are paying a high price for
being disciples of Jesus.
“The writer to the Hebrews urges readers to “Continue to remember
those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those
who are ill-treated as if you yourselves were suffering.” (13:2 NIV).
Some people certainly have a calling to be intercessors and some
are called to a particular prayer focus as the Lord places a burden
on their hearts – but the whole family ought to look out for and care
for its most vulnerable members. We are in it together folks.”
Trenches In the moonlight, In the lulling moonlight
Have had their loveliness; when dancing dewy grasses
Caressed us passing along their earthy lanes;
When the crucifix hanging over was strangely illumined,
And one Imagined music, one even heard the brave bird
In the sighing orchards flute above the weedy well.
There are such moments; forgive as that I note them,
Nor glaze that there comes soon the nemesis of beauty,
In the fluttering relics that at first glimmer awakened
Terror — the no — man's ditch suddenly forking:
There, the enemy's best with bombs and brains and courage!
- Softly, swiftly, at once be animal and angel.-
But O no, no, they're Death's malkins dangling In the wire
For the moon's interpretation.
The typescript of this poem by Edmund Blunden includes corrections
in black ink in his own hand. The poem is in the book “Undertones of
War” (1928).
Repository: The Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin.
A scan of the poem is in The Great War Archive, University of Oxford
The way things once were
This year’s theme covers sayings or poetry from the First World War
For those in need
Because of the oppression of the weak and the groaning of the needy,
I will now arise," says the LORD.’ (Psalm 12:5;NIV)
Lord God, creator and giver of all that is,
defender and protector of those in need,
we ask you to bring the peoples of East Africa
beneath your loving care.
Their children are hungry and their land is dry.
Lord God, bringer of hope,
your love brings water to flow in the desert
and light into the darkness of despair.
Show us how to be witnesses to your love
and bearers of your light,
alongside our sisters and brothers,
who face the urgent challenges
and terrible fears of lasting drought.
Linda Jones/CAFOD
April 2014
1st Tue
10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3
2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5
8.00 pm - Elders’ Meeting Page 3
2nd Wed
3rd Thu
4th Fri
5th Sat 2.30 pm - Saturday Fellowship Page 3
6th Sun
10.30 am - Morning Service - Martin Wilcox, Child Aid
6.00 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister
7th Mon 8.00 pm - Women's Contact Group Meeting Page 3
8th Tue
10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3
2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5
9th Wed
10th Thu 2.30 pm - Bible Study Group Page 4
11th Fri 6.45 pm - KAB Quiz Night Page 11
12th Sat
10.00 am - Women’s Contact Coffee Morning Page 8
7.45 pm - Hayes Philharmonic Choir Page 14
13th Sun
10.30 am - Morning Service - The Minister
Followed by Fairtrade Stall Page 8
Catalyst Press Date I.F.C.
6.00 pm - Evening Service - The Minister
14th Mon
15th Tue
10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3
2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5
16th Wed
17th Thu
Maundy Thursday
2.30 pm - Men’s Group Page 3
8.00 pm - Holy Communion - joint service at
Emmanuel West Wickham URC
18th Fri
Good Friday
9.00 am - Walk of Witness - From Hayes Free Church
10.00 am - Morning Service - The Rosary Church
9th May Agape Supper - (Page 14)
17 May Quiz and Supper for Christian Aid (see Page 10)
25 May AGM. And Church Meeting at 12.00 noon
7 June Hayes Fair
Quiz Answer
NOTHING has 7 letters. NOTHING preceded God. NOTHING is
greater than God. NOTHING is more Evil than the devil. All poor
people have NOTHING. Wealthy people need NOTHING. If you
eat NOTHING, you will die.
May 2014
1st Thu 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3
2nd Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4
3rd Sat 2.30 pm - Saturday Fellowship Page 3
4th Sun
10.30 am - Morning Service - Jim Holman
6.00 pm - Holy Communion - David Stoner
5th Mon May Day Bank Holiday
April 2014
19th Sat
20th Sun
Easter Sunday
8.00 am - Holy Communion - The Minister
10.30 am - Morning Service - Bill Michie
6.00 pm - Evening Service - The Minister
21st Mon Easter Monday
22nd Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3
23rd Wed
St. George's Day
6.30 pm - Worship Group Page 4
24th Thu 2.30 pm - Bible Study Group Page 4
25th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4
26th Sat
27th Sun
10.30 am - Holy Communion - Marion Bayley
Followed by Fairtrade Stall Page 8
12.00 Noon - Church Meting Page 3
6.00 pm - Evening Service -
28th Mon
29th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3
30th Wed
check on regulars, the milk man who would notice the unused milk,
or the postman who would be aware of the collection of mail behind
the door have all but disappeared... there was even a time when I
knew my local park-keepers name...! The danger for the elderly is not
going out and joining in something - there are many things out there
to be involved in, and we need to encourage the elderly to attend
whatever group it is that interests them, arranging transport where
necessary. Perhaps it is the need to be more informative about what
is out there and getting the information in usable ways to those at risk.
7 What do you wish for this Christmas?
That the peoples of this world find and know hope. There can be
nothing worse than an existence without hope.
8 The question of questions - do we need god to be moral? can you
be a kind, moral, ethical person without religious faith in your life?
All humanists would consider themselves to be kind, moral and ethical.
All good people are kind, moral and ethical.
The difference for a Christian are the teachings of Christ.
Jesus didn't ask us just to be kind, moral and ethical - Jesus expects us
to stand up against injustice and to protect those who are weak; to
seek out His call on our lives and be the best that we can be
whatever it is that we are doing; Jesus calls us to love our enemies
and our neighbours, to hold on to the eternal hope, and to bring joy
to his world... Jesus expects that as we know ourselves forgiven, we
will forgive. Jesus expects that we will go the extra mile, and then the
other 500...
And with love, hope and joy, and with the message of forgiveness, we
will celebrate the birth of Christ!
Thank you so much for taking the time
That concludes the interview.
............ Continued from page 13
Thomas Alva Edison’s last words in life before dying were,
"It is very beautiful over there."
........ This may surprise you, as he was an atheist.
Day Organisation Contact Phone
10.25am Sunday Club Mike Duke 8462 5103
9.15 -12.15pm
12.15 -12.45pm
Pre School Group
P/School lunch club
Jayne Carvell 07913 299773
5.45pm Brownies Sarah Humphrey 8249 9982
6.30pm Cubs Brenda Petts 8325 3956
8.00pm - 1st Women's Contact
Sylvia Mack 8462 1938
10.00am Prayer Meeting Martin Nunn 8462 5918
2.00pm Women's Fellowship Sue Powell 8462 2212
7.00pm Scouts Paul Hasling 3236 0083
3.30pm - 4th Messy Church Sue Powell 8462 2212
5.15pm Rainbows Jenny Longman 07730 574962
6.00pm Beavers Brenda Petts 8325 3956
6.30pm - 4th Reflections Group Bill Michie 8658 4167
8.00pm Explorers Tom Strachan 07745 813 295
2.30pm - 2nd,
& 4th
Bible Study Sue Powell 8462 2212
5.30pm Brownies Stevie Blair. 8325 3469
7.15 - 8.45pm Senior Guides Georgina Chappell 07983 471308
8.00pm - 3rd Men's Group Bruce Tannock 8325 6264
8.00pm - 2nd,
& 4th
Ignatian Spirituality
David Hawthorn 8249 7188
9.00 - 12.00pm Coffee morning during term times
2.00pm Mothers & Toddlers Judith Stoner 8462 3023
6.30pm Guides Teresa Cheyne 8777 6042
2.30pm - 1st Saturday Fellowship Martin Nunn 8462 5918
NOTE: - Some of the organisations meet once or twice per month.
This is indicated by 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. The numbers relate to which
week day of the month, NOT the calendar date.
Final Thought
At the beginning of the 1990s John Robinson, our minister
then, asked me to take over from him putting a
quotation on the bottom of the weekly notice sheet. Over
the years this changed to “Thought for the month” on the
back page of Catalyst, and now re-named “final Thought”.
In those early years Rhoda Leeds gave me some quotations,
and in her memory I will be using them over the next few
Despise not small opportunities.
They are often the beginnings of great opportunities.
(First used in April 1992)

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2014 apr

  • 1. Catalyst April 2014 THE MAGAZINE OF HAYES FREE CHURCH (U.R.C.)
  • 2. Copy for the May 2014 edition needs to be handed in by Sunday, 13th April. Please submit items in good time. You can leave copy in the “B” Pigeon Hole for Richard Brown to collect, or hand it directly to him on a Sunday morning. You can also e-mail copy to Thank You. Editor Principal Contacts Minister: Rev. Sue Powell Tel: 020 8462 2212 Church Secretary: Mrs Mavis Righini Tel: 020 8462 1168 Fabric Steward Mr. Chris Wood Tel: 020 8462 2444 Treasurer: Mr. Simon Narracott Tel: 020 8462 2004 Lettings Secretary: Mrs Undine Connolly Tel: 020 8776 0108 Caretaker: Mr. Ian Jones Tel: 020 8313 1556 Church Website Catalyst Editor: Mr Richard Brown Contents : - Items not covered by the diary of events. HAYES FREE CHURCH 111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU Sunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.00 p.m. We are a member of the United Reformed Church. We believe in Justice and Peace. This month’s website: - The website of the month is Bible Society. Do visit their website for news, events listings, etc. Here is the web address: Now, turn to Page 16 for more details. Ed Sunday Services; a thought.. 2 Church Notices 3 - 4 Sainsbury Schools Vouchers 3 Christian Aid Week 5 Rhoda Leeds - Obituary 6 - 7 Retiring collection; A puzzle 7 Big Brew; Know what to do 8 Holiday Companion; Catalyst Needs You! 9 Notice Board 10 - 11 Website of the month 12 Sue Powell’s interview Cont'd 13 Agape Supper 14 Proposed charity for Christmas Tree Festival; a saying 15 Praying for the suffering church 16 For those in need; The way things once were 17 Quiz/Puzzle answer 19 Sue Powell’s interview ends; A quote 20 Church Organisations I B C
  • 3. 1 Letter from the Minister Dear Friends, April with its showers is upon us; the gardens bloom with flowers – it is officially spring – and Easter is with us. One of the most moving services of the Easter season for me is Maundy Thursday: the moment Jesus kneels before his disciples and washes their feet. Such a moment of servanthood and tenderness, teaching those present that to be one that leads means to be one that serves – with love. The institution of our Lord’s Supper follows; followed by that evening of Maundy Thursday when Jesus prays in the garden and asks his friends to pray with and for him – and they sleep… such a moment of isolation for Jesus. And the soldiers come… We have such a powerful telling of that day in all our Gospels, and try as I might, I cannot begin to imagine myself into the shoes of Christ that night. In Luke 22:43, an angel comes to Jesus to give him strength – and I often wonder how often angels come to us all in our moments of deep stress and worry. An old hymn reminds us to Trust and Obey – difficult words at times. And perhaps the angels come to remind us to trust in God, to remind us that we can leave it all in His hands. The joy of Easter Morning gifts us with such joy, an overwhelming sense of relief from the darkness of the past days. The gift of Easter Resurrection reminds us all that dark days pass, and new life comes as a gift to us all. As we gather on Easter Sunday to celebrate the glorious Resurrection I pray that we will all experience the sheer joy and gift that is Easter. May God bless us all as we strive to be faithful to the God of Love.
  • 4. 2 Sunday and Easter Services April 2014 6th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Martin Wilcox, Child Aid 6.00 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister 13th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - The Minister 6.00 pm - Evening Service - The Minister 17th Thu Maundy Thursday 8.00 pm - Holy Communion - joint service at Emmanuel URC West Wickham 18th Fri Good Friday 9.00 am - Walk of Witness - From Hayes Free Church 10.00 am - Morning Service - The Rosary Church 20th Sun Easter Sunday 8.00 am - Holy Communion - The Minister 10.30 am - Morning Service - Bill Michie 6.00 pm - Evening Service - The Minister 27th Sun 10.30 am - Holy Communion - Marion Bayley 6.00 pm - Evening Service - v Martin Wilcox represents Child Aid, a charity which is transforming the lives of children and young people in Belarus, Moldova, Russia and the Ukraine. v Bill Michie is well known to us all. He is a Lay Preacher at HFC. v Mrs. Marion Bayley is a Lay Preacher and an Elder from our sister church in Beckenham. She regularly leads our services. v Jim Holman is a Methodist preacher. He has led services at HFC in the past. v David Stoner is well known to us. He is a member of various groups at HFC. Some notes on the visiting preachers. May 2014 4th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Jim Holman 6.00 pm - Holy Communion - David Stoner A Thought for Today Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day. Author Unknown
  • 5. 3 News of the Church Family Announcements are welcome :- BMD - Changes of address, etc. Your prayers would be appreciated for: - Jim Pearson, Mike Duke, Ruth Rees, Jessie Martin, and Helen Hebbes. Church Meetings The next Elders’ meeting will be on Tuesday, 1st April at 8.00 pm in the small hall. The next Church meeting, will be on Sunday 27th April at 12.00 noon after the morning service. Women's Contact Group The Contact Group will be meeting on 7th April at Marion Bowman’s home - 26 Stambourne Way, West Wickham. On the 12th of May we will enjoy a meal out - details TBA. Meetings start at 8.00 pm. Sylvia Mack Tuesday Prayer Meetings for April Held at 10.00am at the following homes:- 1st Martin Nunn’s. 8th Betty Coster’s. 15th Brenda Cordingley’s. 22nd The Church. 29th Martin Nunn’s. Then in May: - 6th Martin Nunn’s. Please address any queries to Martin Nunn. Saturday Fellowship The next meeting will be on the 5th of April at 2.30pm at Barbara Jones’ home. Martin Nunn will be leading a Bible Study. We will then meet at the same time and place on the 3rd of May. You are welcome to join us. Men's Group Our next meeting, the lunch, will now be at The New Inn, Hayes meeting on Thursday the 17th of April at 12.30pm. T he Sainsbury Schools Voucher Scheme for 2014 has now started. The uniformed groups will be collecting vouchers in support of this. More details will appear in next month’s Catalyst.
  • 6. 4 Ministry of Flowers Thank you to those who will be providing flowers this month. A big thank you to those who kindly arrange the flowers when needed. After the Sunday evening services, the flowers are distributed to members and friends, bringing joy to the recipients. Mavis Righini Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club We welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Friday afternoons between 2 and 4pm during term time. The fee is £1 per family – tea, squash and biscuits are provided. This is a time when adults can meet up, while the children in their care are busy playing with toys and activities in the company of other children. Our last meeting of term was on March 28th. We will start the new term after Easter on April 25th. We look forward to seeing you. Judith Stoner - Secretary. Bible Study Group The Bible Study group meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 2.30pm in the small hall. Worship Group The Wednesday Reflections Group meets at 6.30pm on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Linda Michie Notice Sheets - April & 1st Sunday in May April 6th & 13th Pam Collison 8658 0748 20th & 27th Joan Smith 8462 3920 May 4th Daphne Cummings 8777 2487 If you require items to be included in the notice sheets, please contact the appropriate person by the previous Tuesday. 6th - Linda Michie - i.m.o. Mum 13th - 20th - Margaret Tannock - i.m.o. her Mother Helen Wentworth 27th - Sylvia & Laurie Mack - wedding anniversary
  • 7. 5 Women's Fellowship Meetings are in the small hall at 2.00 p.m., unless otherwise stated, on Tuesdays and finish about 3.30 p.m. The April meetings will be: - 1st Bromley Museum 8th Child Aid – Martin Wilcox 15th Service – led by Sue 22nd No meeting 29th No meeting The first meeting in May will be: - 6th TBA MINI-AMBULANCE Members who use the mini-ambulance are asked to phone Marion Swanborough on 8462 3981 by 9.00 am on any Tuesday when they are unable to come to the meetings. As always, we welcome all ladies to our meetings. Please come along for a pleasant afternoon. We do have a very varied programme with plenty to interest everyone. Sue & Marion CHRISTIAN AID WEEK - MAY 11th - 17th --------------------- After 34 years (!), John Curry is standing down as the Christian Aid Representative for HFC. I have agreed to take on this role for 2014 as I think Christian Aid is charity which is well worth supporting. HFC has consistently managed to collect over £1,000 each year and I think it would be a shame if we were not able to continue raising such funds. John and I are fully aware that a number of members do not like door-to-door collections and it has become increasingly difficult over recent years to cover the roads allocated to us. However, we have a number of stalwarts who have undertaken the street collections who, I hope, are willing to continue - are there perhaps others amongst you who would be willing to consider delivering envelopes if others are able to collect? I would be interested to hear from anyone who may have suggestions for raising an equivalent amount in any other way. Kathryn Strachan
  • 8. 6 Rhoda May Leeds 6th September 1914 -9th February 2014 ----------------------- Rhoda (née Thompson) was born just a month into the First World War and spent her childhood in Camberwell, where one of her earliest memories was seeing a Zeppelin fly overhead. Her father was a master baker, and she had an older sister who was evacuated to Hampshire during the war, so Rhoda didn’t get to know her for several years. Throughout her childhood and teens Rhoda was a faithful attendee at a church in Camberwell Green, and it was at a church camp in Surrey that she met and soon fell in love with a young man named John Leeds, who was ten years older than her. They married in 1935, a happy partnership that was to last nearly 70 years, till John’s death in March 2005, aged 101. In their courting days and early married life they were keen walkers and cyclists - they walked in their shorts to church and back for their wedding and then cycled off to their honeymoon! They set up house in Hayes, where Rhoda became a founder member (and eventually the longest survivor) of the newly- formed Hayes Free Church. For several years Rhoda worked in London in a shop called ‘Needlewoman’, but after her children - a son and two daughters - arrived, she limited herself for a while to cleaning work in local homes. She adored her family and proved a resourceful, caring and talented mother, a very good cook, knitter and dress-maker; she grew her own vegetables and fruit - her Bramley apple trees became so prolific down the years that most of her friends shared in their bounty! Rhoda also developed her talent for painting pictures and making pottery; she enjoyed producing cards and pictures using pressed flowers. Rhoda was in her 50’s when John retired, and with the children by now all grown up, the pair were free to travel. During the Second World War, John had been billeted with a family in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and had kept in touch with them, so one of their first long trips was to stay with that family, the Shipworths, on their large estate there. That visit lasted about 9 months! Over the years they visited Australia several times to stay for some months with their daughter Margaret (Maggie), and they travelled widely in Europe, particularly liking Switzerland, Spain and Russia (Rhoda said that she fell in love with Moscow!). Rhoda was very involved with the life of H.F.C. She was our Leprosy Mission Secretary for 50 years or so, and a devoted member of the
  • 9. 7 The retiring collection at Rhoda Leeds Service of Thanksgiving for Action on Hearing Loss (the new name for RNID) amounted to £400. Women’s Fellowship, where she was always willing to lead the opening devotions - and ready to regale the ladies with a joke or two from the store she kept in her handbag! She also attended Saturday Fellowship and (in her younger years) the Scottish Dancing Group. Except when away on her travels, she hardly ever missed a Church meeting or major social event, and for many years came regularly to both morning and evening services on Sundays. Her faith was both real and alive! Rhoda was always a happy, social and contented lady, modest, yet always firm in her beliefs and opinions. She was much loved and respected by all her family, and indeed by all who knew her - a truly genuine Christian disciple, who is assuredly now in the presence of the Lord she served through her long and fulfilled life. Martin Nunn (With acknowledgements to Sue and to Rhoda’s family) Rhoda enjoyed the puzzles and quizzes which appeared in Catalyst. I think she would have enjoyed this one ...... (Ed) THE MOTHER OF ALL RIDDLES......!! Only 5% of Stanford University graduates figured it out! Can you answer all seven of the following questions with the same word? 1. The word has seven letters.... 2. Preceded God... 3. Greater than God... 4. More Evil than the devil... 5. All poor people have it... 6. Wealthy people need it.... 7. If you eat it, you will die. Did you figure it out? Try hard before turning to the answer on page 19.
  • 10. 8 Women’s Contact Coffee Morning We will be holding the next coffee morning in the Small Hall on the 12th of April from 10.00am to 12.00 Noon. We are continuing to raise monies to contribute to disaster relief funds in different parts of the world. We hope to see you at the Coffee Morning, and why not bring a friend? Please note that the monies raised from the coffee mornings are separate from those raised through the refreshments trolley after Sunday morning services. Barbara Jones The Fairtrade Sunday Stall We hold a fair trade stall after the morning service on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. In April, the stall will be held on the 13th and the 27th. Please continue to support your fair trade stall. Thank you. Richard and Barbara. Big Brew This year we had a great turn out for our Big Brew Saturday coffee morning. Thank you to all who came. I was able to send a cheque for £123 to Fair Trade. The new catalogue is out. You can see it at the back of the church. Anything you order from it will be post free if you place your order with Richard or myself. Barbara Know what to do The town's fire prevention officer was conducting a health and safety course at the local church. The officer said to the minister: "Now imagine this: it is a Sunday morning and you have a number of people, spread throughout your church building. Some are in the choir stalls, some are in the kitchen, and some are in the nave. Suddenly, a big fire breaks out. What are the first steps you would take?" The minister thought carefully for a moment. "Really big ones," he said.
  • 11. 9 Catalyst Needs You! This page will be kept for YOUR contributions - NOTHING ELSE will go on this page. Hopefully, you will be inspired to share some pictures, poetry or stories. A lady to share a holiday with Jeanette Hornsey is wanting a lady to go on holiday with her to Lake Garda for 10 days at the beginning of June. Anyone interested, please contact her on 020 8462 3354 Those wonderful entries - such as Pictures, text, thoughts or drawings - which may be shared on this page
  • 12. 10 NOTICE SOCIAL EVENING FOR CHRISTIAN AID WEEK ------------------------------------------- Quiz and The Trading Game with fish and chip supper 7-9pm on Saturday 17 May in the large hall Enter a team of 4-6 people for the quiz and game, or just join up with other people on the evening to make a team. The Trading Game is a Christian Aid game exploring how a country's prosperity is affected by trade. Tickets cost £10 and are available from John Curry. All profits to Christian Aid. More details from: John Curry ( 8249 3663) or Or David Hawthorn ( 8249 7188) or davidw. hawthorn l @ Christian Aid Week 11 - 17 May, 2014 --------------------------- On Sunday 11 May the evening service will be on the Christian Aid Week theme of “Give people a future without fear”. We'll be using prayer stations (displays of text, images and objects) to explore the theme in the light of our lives. If you would be interested in preparing one of the prayer stations, either alone or with some other people, please let David Hawthorn know. Contact details in the notice below. IMPORTANT At the March Church Meeting it was decided to have Church Meetings EVERY month on the fourth Sunday.
  • 13. 11 BOARD Kent Association for the Blind … VIPAS group Visually Impaired Persons Activity and Social group. Invite you to a Quiz night at the Hayes Free Church. --------------------------- All proceeds in aid of the Visually Impaired in the local area. Friday 11th April. Quiz Night. Meet 6.45 pm for 7 pm Quiz. At Hayes Free Church, Church Hall. 111 Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Bromley. BR2 7HU. A friendly fun Quiz night, with Raffle. Teams will be up to 8 people so why not try to raise your own team. Don't worry if you are coming along on your own as we will organize teams on the night. Finish approximately 9.30 pm. Cost £3 per person. ------------------------------ Please bring your own drink and nibbles, (and take home with you any rubbish, bottles plates etc.) Book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. To book… Contact: Joan Dixon 020 8462 7903 An Appeal for Wool ---------- Denise Benbow is looking for donations of skeins or balls of double knitting wool. She needs the wool for knitting blankets which are given to whomever needs them. Please leave donations with Denise or in her pigeon hole at the back of the Church. Thank you ---------- I am pleased to report that the total amount donated for “White Gables”, the Alzheimer’s Day Centre in Bromley Common was £1,810. My grateful thanks to all who contributed to this magnificent total. John.
  • 14. 12 Website of the Month (The) Bible Society Two pages from the website appear here. The society has been in existence for a very long time. Our Bible Society representative is Betty Coster. Main topics in the website: - · Who we are · What we do · Our work · Where we work · Appeals · Reports and accounts · Contact us · Jobs
  • 15. 13 Sue Powell’s interview on the Huffington Post website Continued from last month....... 5 Considering that so many of Christianity's ideas are profound and relevant - in your mind, why have people turned away from religion? why are less people attending church regularly? This is a question I often ask myself, and others. 'What is the point?' is the answer I usually get. I can pray in my own home, I don't need to do it with a group of people I might not even like. Yet the point of coming together in church is to encourage each other - being a Christian is not an easy task, it is a daily challenge, and we need the support and encouragement of others if we are to get it right. Others also help us stay on task and on track, it is easy to get carried away along one path only to find yourself spending a lot of time and energy doing something to no great good. Just as family groups are now spread far and wide and no longer together in community, the same has happened with the Christian community - to the point that just as family become so far spread that we hardly know our own cousins any more, so the Christian family seems to have become the part of the family that we have lost touch with. The problem that causes is that the message of the Christian faith, the love and hope and joy that God gifts us, loses its place within us too... 6 I recently wrote about the elderly and my 'search for a secular church' - I observed that the lack of community has a tragic effect on people's lives. I saw that the elderly who are church members, were the ones with an 'extended family' and were cared for by fellow church goers. I asked the question of what are non church goers to replace this with? how can they create a network of people they know, trust and can depend on in time of need? hence the search for a 'secular church' can you please reflect on that? Secular church comes in many guises! My mothers Bingo Club was always a great source of help to her, if she missed her usual session someone would ring to check! Age UK has a contingent of volunteers who go out and shop for the elderly and visit. Local pubs are often good places for the elderly, bar staff usually know them by name, and their restaurants often know their favourite meals! Very often churches have groups with non-church members in them, Fellowship groups, Friendship groups, several men's groups in my area. I think secular church exists in many surprising places, and is called a whole variety of names! But apart from small groups, (like mothers Bingo group) where do we go together? Village halls don't really exist much any more, the local library no longer has the time to keep Continued on page 20 ....
  • 16. 14 Hayes Philharmonic Choir Saturday 12 April 2014, 7.45pm, Hayes Parish Church ---------------------------------------------- If you would like to join in a commemoration of 1914 which seeks to reflect both the deep sadness and the camaraderie of the First World War, then come along to our concert (details above). We have chosen some music from that time which you may not hear elsewhere during this centenary year. Without realising it, you may know the work of British composer Alan Gray through his Christmas descants; he lost three sons in the war, and we shall be performing his mournful, but beautiful, settings of some of Rupert Brooke’s most famous poems. There will be music by Walford Davis, written in 1915 for fallen soldiers, as well as short pieces by Elgar and others. In contrasting mood, we shall invite our audience to join the choir in singing some of those wartime songs that are still so well known. Finally, we will remember that innocent world which was shattered (but not altogether destroyed) by the war, with some other pieces of the time, including Vaughan Williams’ ever-popular “Lark Ascending”, to be played by young local violinist Charlotte Fletcher. So come and listen – and sing along (at appropriate points!). To coin a phrase – THIS CONCERT NEEDS YOU!! Agape Supper Churches together in Hayes are again holding an Agape Supper at our Church on Friday 9th May at 7.00 p.m. Our speaker this year is Andrew Dunsmore, the Official Photographer at Westminster Abbey . He will regale us with stories and photos of his work. This is always a very enjoyable evening in the company of friends from other Churches in Hayes and includes a two course meal. The price will again be £5 and we hope that many from the Church will support this event. Please see Sylvia Mack for more information and to add your name to the list.
  • 17. 15 What is Bromley Talking News? One of the proposed charities for the 2014 Christmas Tree Festival · A weekly digest of local news and views in audio form · Delivered direct to our listeners door · Completely FREE to registered and partially sighted residents or the borough Bromley District Talking News is a free weekly digest of local news, comment, interesting articles, what’s on and useful information designed to keep our listeners fully informed about what is happening in the local community. Talking News is recorded onto USB memory sticks and listeners are provide with a small easy-to-use player-no fuss, no bother! Alternatively, you can listen on your own audio equipment or computer. Talking News is produced specially for people with sight impairment and is delivered by mail each week to hundreds of people in all areas of the borough. We will also send you Talking News if you have moved out of the borough but still want to keep in touch. Each week a team of volunteers reads the local papers and extracts the most interesting articles. These are then edited and recorded by volunteers. As well as the weekly news edition, BTN also produce seasonal extras which include stories and longer features. Keeping up- to- date helps our listeners maintain an active interest in life in and around the borough. The Association is independent and supported entirely by voluntary contributions. It is a registered charity and all administration and production is underwritten by volunteers. When you reach the end of your tether, you will find the hem of HIS garment. - Adapted from the signature of a Roots L Genealogy forum member.
  • 18. 16 Praying for the suffering church From the URC Website ------------------ Revd Brian Harley, United Reformed Church minister and chairman of GEAR, the Group for Evangelism and Renewal within the URC, encourages us to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who suffer for their faith “Paul writes to the church at Corinth about the Body of Christ saying: “When one part suffers, every part suffers with it.” (1 Cor 12:26 NIV). We can all relate to this idea because when you stub your toe everything and everyone knows about it! Parts of the Body of Christ are hurting or living in fear as you read this. Events in Pakistan, Egypt and Nigeria have hit the headlines this year but the church is heavily oppressed or even banned in many countries and such ongoing persecution rarely features in the news. We can keep informed through organisations like Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Open Doors, Release and Barnabas which all do great work in supporting those who need our help and provide channels for giving and lobbying. “Sunday, 3 November 2013, was designated International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians. Whilst it is, of course, good to have a day to focus on an issue, the suffering goes on around the clock so prayer is always needed. There is a monthly ecumenical prayer group in Shanklin focussing on the plight of persecuted Christians and these folks had been meeting faithfully for nearly 30 years because they feel the call of God to uphold members of our Christian family around the world who are paying a high price for being disciples of Jesus. “The writer to the Hebrews urges readers to “Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are ill-treated as if you yourselves were suffering.” (13:2 NIV). Some people certainly have a calling to be intercessors and some are called to a particular prayer focus as the Lord places a burden on their hearts – but the whole family ought to look out for and care for its most vulnerable members. We are in it together folks.”
  • 19. 17 ILLUSIONS Trenches In the moonlight, In the lulling moonlight Have had their loveliness; when dancing dewy grasses Caressed us passing along their earthy lanes; When the crucifix hanging over was strangely illumined, And one Imagined music, one even heard the brave bird In the sighing orchards flute above the weedy well. There are such moments; forgive as that I note them, Nor glaze that there comes soon the nemesis of beauty, In the fluttering relics that at first glimmer awakened Terror — the no — man's ditch suddenly forking: There, the enemy's best with bombs and brains and courage! - Softly, swiftly, at once be animal and angel.- But O no, no, they're Death's malkins dangling In the wire For the moon's interpretation. The typescript of this poem by Edmund Blunden includes corrections in black ink in his own hand. The poem is in the book “Undertones of War” (1928). Repository: The Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin. ------------------------------------- A scan of the poem is in The Great War Archive, University of Oxford (; The way things once were This year’s theme covers sayings or poetry from the First World War For those in need Because of the oppression of the weak and the groaning of the needy, I will now arise," says the LORD.’ (Psalm 12:5;NIV) Lord God, creator and giver of all that is, defender and protector of those in need, we ask you to bring the peoples of East Africa beneath your loving care. Their children are hungry and their land is dry. Lord God, bringer of hope, your love brings water to flow in the desert and light into the darkness of despair. Show us how to be witnesses to your love and bearers of your light, alongside our sisters and brothers, who face the urgent challenges and terrible fears of lasting drought. Linda Jones/CAFOD
  • 20. 18 April 2014 1st Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 8.00 pm - Elders’ Meeting Page 3 2nd Wed 3rd Thu 4th Fri 5th Sat 2.30 pm - Saturday Fellowship Page 3 6th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Martin Wilcox, Child Aid 6.00 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister 7th Mon 8.00 pm - Women's Contact Group Meeting Page 3 8th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 9th Wed 10th Thu 2.30 pm - Bible Study Group Page 4 11th Fri 6.45 pm - KAB Quiz Night Page 11 12th Sat 10.00 am - Women’s Contact Coffee Morning Page 8 7.45 pm - Hayes Philharmonic Choir Page 14 13th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - The Minister Followed by Fairtrade Stall Page 8 Catalyst Press Date I.F.C. 6.00 pm - Evening Service - The Minister 14th Mon 15th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 16th Wed 17th Thu Maundy Thursday 2.30 pm - Men’s Group Page 3 8.00 pm - Holy Communion - joint service at Emmanuel West Wickham URC 18th Fri Good Friday 9.00 am - Walk of Witness - From Hayes Free Church 10.00 am - Morning Service - The Rosary Church
  • 21. 19 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 9th May Agape Supper - (Page 14) 17 May Quiz and Supper for Christian Aid (see Page 10) 25 May AGM. And Church Meeting at 12.00 noon 7 June Hayes Fair Quiz Answer NOTHING! NOTHING has 7 letters. NOTHING preceded God. NOTHING is greater than God. NOTHING is more Evil than the devil. All poor people have NOTHING. Wealthy people need NOTHING. If you eat NOTHING, you will die. May 2014 1st Thu 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2nd Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 3rd Sat 2.30 pm - Saturday Fellowship Page 3 4th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Jim Holman 6.00 pm - Holy Communion - David Stoner 5th Mon May Day Bank Holiday April 2014 19th Sat 20th Sun Easter Sunday 8.00 am - Holy Communion - The Minister 10.30 am - Morning Service - Bill Michie 6.00 pm - Evening Service - The Minister 21st Mon Easter Monday 22nd Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 23rd Wed St. George's Day 6.30 pm - Worship Group Page 4 24th Thu 2.30 pm - Bible Study Group Page 4 25th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 26th Sat 27th Sun 10.30 am - Holy Communion - Marion Bayley Followed by Fairtrade Stall Page 8 12.00 Noon - Church Meting Page 3 6.00 pm - Evening Service - 28th Mon 29th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 30th Wed
  • 22. 20 check on regulars, the milk man who would notice the unused milk, or the postman who would be aware of the collection of mail behind the door have all but disappeared... there was even a time when I knew my local park-keepers name...! The danger for the elderly is not going out and joining in something - there are many things out there to be involved in, and we need to encourage the elderly to attend whatever group it is that interests them, arranging transport where necessary. Perhaps it is the need to be more informative about what is out there and getting the information in usable ways to those at risk. 7 What do you wish for this Christmas? That the peoples of this world find and know hope. There can be nothing worse than an existence without hope. 8 The question of questions - do we need god to be moral? can you be a kind, moral, ethical person without religious faith in your life? All humanists would consider themselves to be kind, moral and ethical. All good people are kind, moral and ethical. The difference for a Christian are the teachings of Christ. Jesus didn't ask us just to be kind, moral and ethical - Jesus expects us to stand up against injustice and to protect those who are weak; to seek out His call on our lives and be the best that we can be whatever it is that we are doing; Jesus calls us to love our enemies and our neighbours, to hold on to the eternal hope, and to bring joy to his world... Jesus expects that as we know ourselves forgiven, we will forgive. Jesus expects that we will go the extra mile, and then the other 500... And with love, hope and joy, and with the message of forgiveness, we will celebrate the birth of Christ! Thank you so much for taking the time That concludes the interview. ............ Continued from page 13 Thomas Alva Edison’s last words in life before dying were, "It is very beautiful over there." ........ This may surprise you, as he was an atheist.
  • 23. CHURCH ORGANISATIONS Day Organisation Contact Phone Sunday 10.25am Sunday Club Mike Duke 8462 5103 Weekdays 9.15 -12.15pm 12.15 -12.45pm Pre School Group P/School lunch club Jayne Carvell 07913 299773 Monday 5.45pm Brownies Sarah Humphrey 8249 9982 6.30pm Cubs Brenda Petts 8325 3956 8.00pm - 1st Women's Contact Group Sylvia Mack 8462 1938 Tuesday 10.00am Prayer Meeting Martin Nunn 8462 5918 2.00pm Women's Fellowship Sue Powell 8462 2212 7.00pm Scouts Paul Hasling 3236 0083 Wednesday 3.30pm - 4th Messy Church Sue Powell 8462 2212 5.15pm Rainbows Jenny Longman 07730 574962 6.00pm Beavers Brenda Petts 8325 3956 6.30pm - 4th Reflections Group Bill Michie 8658 4167 8.00pm Explorers Tom Strachan 07745 813 295 Thursday 2.30pm - 2nd, & 4th Bible Study Sue Powell 8462 2212 5.30pm Brownies Stevie Blair. 8325 3469 7.15 - 8.45pm Senior Guides Georgina Chappell 07983 471308 8.00pm - 3rd Men's Group Bruce Tannock 8325 6264 8.00pm - 2nd, & 4th Ignatian Spirituality Group David Hawthorn 8249 7188 Friday 9.00 - 12.00pm Coffee morning during term times 2.00pm Mothers & Toddlers Judith Stoner 8462 3023 6.30pm Guides Teresa Cheyne 8777 6042 Saturday 2.30pm - 1st Saturday Fellowship Martin Nunn 8462 5918 NOTE: - Some of the organisations meet once or twice per month. This is indicated by 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. The numbers relate to which week day of the month, NOT the calendar date.
  • 24. Final Thought At the beginning of the 1990s John Robinson, our minister then, asked me to take over from him putting a quotation on the bottom of the weekly notice sheet. Over the years this changed to “Thought for the month” on the back page of Catalyst, and now re-named “final Thought”. In those early years Rhoda Leeds gave me some quotations, and in her memory I will be using them over the next few months. Barbara Despise not small opportunities. They are often the beginnings of great opportunities. (First used in April 1992)