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  September 2011
               111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU
               Sunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.
               We are a member of the United Reformed Church.
               We believe in Justice and Peace.
Principal Contacts
Minister:                Rev. Sue Powell           Tel: 020 8462 2212
Church Secretary:        Mr Alistair Wilson        Tel: 020 8402 0026
Fabric Steward           Mr. Chris Wood            Tel: 020 8462 2444
Treasurer:               Mr. Bill Michie           Tel: 020 8658 4167
Lettings Secretary:      Mrs Undine Connolly       Tel: 020 8776 0108
Caretaker:               Mr. Ian Jones         Tel: 020 8313 1556
Church Website 
Editor:                  Mr Richard Brown
             Contents : - Items not covered by the diary of events.
Sunday Services; Preachers’ info 2       Church Caretaker; Security       13
Church notices;                3-4       The way things once were         13
Comments after Minister’s Letter 5       Recipe - HFC Cookery Book        14
Holiday from Home              6-7       Thank you note; Just a push      15
Prayer for the week 14th Aug       8     Creed from Urban Community 16
The HFC J&P Statement              8     Bexhill URC; Commitment for Life 17
Justice & Peace Group              9     Oxfam GROW; A Hymn               20
Notice board                 10 - 11     Church Organisations           IBC
It’s 101 for London Police        12
This month’s website - Oxfam’s food campaign
Have you really read your receipt for purchases made at Oxfam’s
  shop? The receipt which I am reading right now has a statement
  on it. “The System’s bust. Rising food prices, climate change and
  complacent world leaders are letting people down. Join our GROW
  campaign “
Turn to Page 20 for more information.        Ed
     Copy for the October 2011 edition needs to be handed in by
                        Sunday, 11th September.
                   Please submit items in good time.
 You can leave copy in the “B” Pigeon Hole for Richard Brown to collect,
            or hand it directly to him on a Sunday morning.
       You can also e-mail copy to
Thank You.      Editor
Letter from the Minister
Dear Friends
“The word Community refers to a group of
  people living together in one locality who
    inhabit a culture of shared values.”1**
Do you remember how, in your youth, any adult was allowed to
challenge your behaviour? Now it would seem that we are all far
too scared to challenge anything – just in case...
Our Bromley community has recently suffered riots in the street
simply because those taking part       do so, not because they
have a cause to fight for… The outcome of all this is that people
have lost their homes, their livelihoods, even family members and
In our society have we placed undue emphasis on the autonomy of
 the individual? Is the word ‘community’ now old fashioned; do we
 view ‘community’ almost as nostalgia for the good old days when
 we knew who lived next door and along our street? Perhaps that
 is what we have lost – the knowledge of our area, our street, and
 who our neighbours are. Our local police have been busy recently
 updating our local Neighbourhood Watch schemes – if you’re not
 involved in yours, find out about it; be involved in community
 events and find out what is going on in your area.
As Christians we are called to a realism based on the fact that
 we serve a God who works in history, who looks to us to give hope
 and refuge, and to work in this world, in the here and now, to-
 ward justice and peace.
It is our job to be part of our community, working together with
 others in Jesus’ name, and we ought to be seen as God’s people
 involved in and caring about all those around us.
Together in Christ.
    ** ‘Christian Ethics and Pastoral Theology’ pg 108.   Turn to page 5 ...............

Sunday Services
                             September 2011
4th      10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Geoff Larcombe
          6.30 p.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister

11th     Back to Church Sunday
         10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - The Minister
          6.30 p.m. - Evening Service - The Minister
18th     10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Martin Sweet, Spinnaker
          5.30 p.m. - Evening Service - CTH at The Rosary
25th     10.30 a.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister
          6.30 p.m. - Evening Service - Allan Evison

                              October 2011

2nd      10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Rev. John Marchant
          6.30 p.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister

                Some notes on the visiting preachers.
v      Geoff Larcombe is a local representative from the Bible Society.
       He spoke at the Bible celebration supper in the spring of 2011.
v      Martin Sweet, Spinnaker's Development Director, loves to inspire
       children to think about and react to Bible stories, and consider
       how Christian faith can relate to life today. He encourages
       churches to get involved with their local school. Martin also
       serves on the SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious
       Education) for both Southwark and Bromley local authorities, and
       is a member of the Free Church Federal Council Education
v      Allan Evison is a lay preacher at Hayes Parish Church. He has
       conducted worship on a number of occasions.
v      Revd John Marchant is the assistant minister at Coney Hill Baptist
       Church. He has conducted Sunday Worship at HFC on a number
       of occasions.

         Experience is that marvellous thing that enables you
           to recognize a mistake when you make it again.

News of the Church Family
Announcements are welcome :-
 BMD - Changes of address, etc.

On 26 June it was a pleasure to welcome Chris
and Sam Brittain who brought their four children,
Stanley, Lola, Archie and Buster for Baptism.

We regret to announce that Grace Porter and one of our former
 members, Daisy Priest, both died on 3 July. We send our deepest
 condolences to both of their families.

Church Meetings
The next Church meeting will be held on Sunday, 18th September at
 12.00 noon.
The next Elders’ meeting will be held on Tuesday, 20th September, at
 8.00 pm in the small hall.

Women's Contact Group
The Contact Group will next meet at 8.00 pm on Monday 5 September
   at Sylvia Mack’s home - 7 Dene Close
Sylvia Mack

Tuesday Prayer Meetings
Held at 10.00 am at the following homes:-
September 6th Martin Nunn’s.              13th      Betty Coster’s.
           20th Brenda Cordingley’s.      27th      The Church.
Please address any queries to Martin Nunn.

Saturday Fellowship
We will meet at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday the 3rd of September at
 7 Sedgewood Close.
There will be a Bible discussion lead by Martin Nunn.
All are welcome to join us.

Men's Group
The next meeting is on Thursday 15 September at 8.00 pm and will be
 a meal in a local restaurant arranged by John Curry. Please contact
 John for further details.

Ministry of Flowers
Thanks are due to those who will be providing flowers in September.
 4th - Cath Brown                       11th - Pat Marshall. Celebrating
                                                 50th wedding anniversary
 18th - Win Browne                      25th -

 A big thank you to those who kindly arrange the flowers when
After the Sunday evening services, the flowers are distributed to
 members and friends, bringing joy to the recipients.
Mavis Righini

Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club
We welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied
 by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Friday
 afternoons between 2 and 4 pm during term time.
The fee is £1 per family – tea, squash and biscuits are provided.
This is a time when adults can meet up, while the children in their care
 are busy playing with toys and activities in the company of other
The Autumn term starts on Friday, September 9th.

A photographer is to visit in October - details to follow next month.

Do come and join us!

Judith Stoner   - Secretary.

Notice Sheets - September - 1st Sunday in October 2011
   4th              Brenda Cordingley 8462 3867
 11th & 18th        Pam Collison          8658 0748
 25th               Joan Smith            8462 3920
  2nd               Joan Smith
If you require items to be included in the notice sheets, please contact
the appropriate person by the previous Tuesday.

Women's Fellowship

M    eetings are in the small hall at 2.00 p.m., unless otherwise
     stated,on Tuesdays and finish about 3.30 p.m.
The programme for September is:-
 13th Service conducted by Martin Nunn
 20th Quizzes
 27th Hayes Ladies' Choir
4th   "A Holiday in Spain", by Linda Jennings.

Jessie Martin has now retired from leading Women's Fellowship after
 many years of devoted service. Thank you Jessie for all your hard
 work. At our summer lunch, Jessie was presented with a beautiful
 hydrangea in a pot to go on her patio.
Linda Jennings, Marion Swanborough and myself are now jointly
 following in Jessie's footsteps and leading Women's Fellowship. We
 welcome ladies of all ages . Do come along for a friendly hour or so
 and relax in pleasant company. We do have a very varied
 programme with plenty to interest everyone.

   Sylvia Mack

........... Continued from the Minister’s letter.

     We already allow people to jeer at our faith, to ignore the simple
      good sense of Biblical Justice, to seemingly disregard the basic
      human need for love. When do we stand up and tell people of the
      unrelenting and freely available love of God – no questions, no
      strictures, simply limitless and free to all? When do we stand up
      and question the behaviour of those who ignore basic justice and
      the rights of the people to live in peace and harmony?
     All right, you may well say that we are not strong enough, it’s too
      dangerous, it’s not our job… but we surely don’t expect the
      police to do it alone… do we? Government cut-backs to our police
      force means that it is already overstretched – we cannot expect
      others to do the job of being community for us.

Holiday from Home

T  he first week in August saw the 3rd Holiday from
   Home held at the church. A full programme of
 different activities catered for the interests of the
 many who attended, starting and ending each
 day with light refreshments with a 2-course meal
 midday setting us up for the afternoon activities. It
 would have been interesting if each person
 attending had been weighed on his or her arrival and subsequent
 departure as the fare received each day was magnificent. I feel
 Weight Watchers would have had some new members.
During the week it was great to renew
 acquaintances from Beckenham and meet new
 people from Hayes.
Activities, which were optional, consisted of quizzes,
 with demonstrations from a dance group showing
 dances from Serbia, Russia and Israel. At the end
 those more nimble were able to join in. Costumes from the countries
 were also shown.
In addition to making greeting cards, an arts and craft session enabled
 decoration of porcelain cups and saucers with
 many different designs and those involved keenly
 await their return following firing in the kilns. Though
 optional the men performed well in the Flower
 Arranging later that day.
The following day commenced with ‘gentle
                     exercising’, a short time showing how to keep fit,
                     preventing ‘seizing up’ as so often is the case as age
                     creeps up on us. A talk by John Thompson on village
                     signs with a power point presentation kicked off the
                     afternoon followed by Roland on the piano and Dave
                     on the accordion leading a Sing-a-Long. No new
                     choir members were recruited but it was a very
                     rousing sound that hit the roof
Outing day weather wise was a bit of a damp
 squib as we made our way to Hever Castle but
 despite the rain it was enjoyable especially as
 after the visit we went through the picturesque
 countryside making our way to the Station Tea
 Room at Shoreham in Kent for a lovely cream tea.
 [Worth a visit 10.00 a.m. -4.30 p.m. including
 weekends but excluding Mondays and Tuesdays however open Bank
 Holiday Mondays]
The week ended with some informative talks from the Emergency
 Services followed after lunch with a Farkle Party, something new to most
There was a good spirit throughout the whole week with plenty of laughs.
Some were heard to say “When is the next one being
 held.” but I’m afraid at present they will have to wait
 until next year. Each person attending will receive
 copies of photos taken as they engaged in the
 activities as a reminder of this short holiday.
Without the organisers, helpers, cooks who provided
 such filling meals, the various speakers and performers with people who
 provided transport, in particular Allan Evison who drove the minibus, this
 special week could not have taken place.
Many thanks to you all.
Mike Duke

Monday’s                                 Tuesday’s
members                                  members
were fair                                were full
of face,                                 of grace,

Wednesday’s                       Thursday’s
members                           members
were full of                      had far to
woe,                              go,

Friday’s                                 Saturday’s
members                                  members
were loving                              worked hard
and giving,                              for their living,

And the member that is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.

A Prayer for the week 14th August
                     Based on Matthew 15: 21-28
O God of all,
we come many times to ask your help
and sometimes it seems that you turn away.
Our cries are unheard.
The hungry are still hungry.
Wars still wound and destroy.
People we love become ill and die.
So we read the story of the Canaanite woman and we cheer her on.
She shouted, and she knelt, and she argued, and her prayer was
And we will go on shouting for those who need your help;
and we will kneel and pray with all our hearts;
and we will argue and protest and make a fuss;
until our cries are heard, and the hungry are fed,
until peace comes and the sick are healed.
Our faith too is great and our resolve,
to keep on longing and praying and hoping
for what we believe is your will for all your children.
God, help us.

by Susan Durber
In the URC prayer book

              "The HFC Justice & Peace Statement"
A few months ago I put something into Catalyst about the statement
 we make inside the front cover of Catalyst that we believe in justice
 and peace. I suggested that it was something to think about and
 perhaps give a reason for that belief.
Recently John Moren brought me a copy of the Magazine from Bexhill
 URC, where John and Janet attend when down there.
It seems to give a very clear statement of the church’s aim and also
  an interesting paragraph on the formation of the URC.
Has anyone else picked up the magazine from a church they have
 visited while away – could we perhaps gather them and sometime
 have a display to show us how other churches proclaim their belief’.

Brenda Cordingley
         The Bexley URC statement is reproduced on page 17.

The Justice and Peace Group.

Even if we are no longer personally caught up in the
 academic year, this is the time when, refreshed by the
 holidays and watching everyone in education knuckling down to the
 autumn term, we should perhaps give some thought to those issues of
 peace and justice on which we want to concentrate in the coming
The riots of early August certainly gave us much food for thought -
 about the need to keep the peace, and exactly what is meant by
 that; the issue of justice in relation to the offences committed and the
 punishments meted out, (or proposed in national discussion); and the
 wider social issues associated with these events.
But then there is another perspective - here we are concentrating on
 the fate of, say, designer clothing and trendy TV sets while many
 thousands in the horn of Africa lack basic food and shelter: where
 and what are our priorities? We cannot concentrate on everything -
 we must leave that to God - so where should we turn our individual
 and our church's attention?
Perhaps we should include this question in our prayers as the children
 set off for their new schools in their new uniforms.

Women’s Contact Coffee Morning 10.00 am - 12.00
We continue to raise funds for disaster relief causes.
Our next coffee mornings will be on the 10th of September.
We hope to see you there, and why not bring a friend.
 Our cakes are to die for!!    (Yum, yum)
  Barbara Jones

The Fairtrade Sunday Stall
There will be a stall after the morning services on the 11th and 25th of
Do visit the stall; we have restocked those favourite lines, and have
 some refreshing summer goods for sale.
The regular items for sale are food and drink - all of very good quality.
 Remember that by purchasing Fairtrade goods you are helping to
 support communities in the world, and to give those communities a
 chance to enjoy a better life for their families - standards which we
 may take for granted here in the UK.
Please continue to support your fair trade stall. Thank you.
         Richard, Barbara and Helen.

        Commitment for Life                              VIVALDI’S GLORIA
                                                       HAYES PHILHARMONIC
         The choice is yours
  It is now that time of year when your
                                                       Our ‘Come and Sing
commitment for life envelope is attached
                                                      Workshop’ will be held on
          to your copy of Catalyst.
                                                         Wed 14th Sept 2011
  Please turn to page 17 for more details.
See the posters in the church and take the                    at 8.00 pm
 information leaflets from the table at the          at the Old Church Schools,
             back of the church.                            86 Hayes Street,
       FURTHER INFORMATION FROM                             Hayes, BR2 7BA
       CHRIS WOOD ON 0208 462 2444                  (next to the car show-room)
                                                      For further details please
                                                           call 07989 192928

                                                       Events planner
         HAYES FREE CHURCH                             From now on, a
                                                       new section will
       Saturday, 29 October 2011                      follow the diary. It
              10am - 2pm                               gives notification
        Refreshments Available
             ****************                           of future events.

        Fascinating Rhythms – on tour

   HFC will be hosting a cabaret style evening on Friday 30th
   September starting at 7pm.
   Tickets , costing only £8, are available from Teresa Cheyne –
   020 8777 6042 – and the money raised will go towards the
   Mercia Sanson Mounthurst Development and
   St Christopher’s Hospice.
      Come along and enjoy the waitress bar service whilst being
      entertained with music, dance and sketches.

           Minister's Surgery                       SONGS OF PRAISE
                                             We are proposing to start a
        Sue’s monthly surgery
                                             Songs of Praise on the second
         at the Church will be                Wednesday of each month
         held on the SECOND                   starting on 12 October from
         Wednesday of each                             3.00 – 5.00 p.m.
                month                                 in the small hall.
          from 3.00 - 5.45 pm.               The Hayes Community Bus is
                                              available for those requiring
           Help please                      This is an opportunity for you to
     Your editor is looking for                bring your spouse, family,
      material for your page                  friends and neighbours for a
        Catalyst needs you                    good sing-song followed by
                                                       tea and cakes.

                      Back to Church Sunday
                            11th September 2011
This is the BIG opportunity we have to invite spouses, relatives, friends
 and neighbours to come to church.
First, pray about inviting people, then decide whom you will invite
 and pray about them and inviting them. Then invite them.
 Suggested invitation words are “My church is having a special
 Sunday, would you like to come along?” A refusal is of the church,
 not of the person making the invitation - you will not lose a friend by
There are special invitation cards which can be obtained from either
 John Curry or Sue. These are in 2 parts. You can give one part to
 the invitee (after filling out the date and time) and keep the other
 half which reminds you to continue praying for the person holding
 the other half of the invitation.
Try the 3 minute rule - after church each Sunday try to talk to
 someone you would not normally talk to - for three minutes.
        Do this before talking to your friends. By the time Back to
           Church Sunday arrives, you will be used to doing this.

It's 101 for London's police
101 is a new Police phone number
As latest figures reveal that less than a quarter of 999 calls require an
 emergency response. The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), together
 with other police forces in the south east, launched a new contact
 number for the public on Monday 11 July.
For example, the public should call 101 to report a crime that has
 already happened, seek crime prevention advice or make us aware of
 local policing issues.
In London the new number is just one of the ways the Metropolitan
 Police Service is modernising and improving our services while making
 them more accessible to the public.
Only about 20% of 999 calls require an emergency response from the
police. You can also get in touch with your local (Safer
Neighbourhoods) policing team to discuss policing or crime concerns in
your area.
It will make crime easier to report and help the police to tackle crime
  and disorder."
Commander Ian Dyson, City of London Police and ACPO lead on
 contact management, said: "101 is a number to ring your local police
 force. If it's an emergency call 999, if it's not call 101. This number
 provides a universal, easy to remember 3-digit telephone number for
 people living or working in London.
·    Help communities to keep their neighbourhoods safe by giving
     them one easy way to contact their local police and to report
     non-emergency crime and disorder;
·    Help the police to cut crime by making it easier for the public to
     pass on information about crimes in their neighbourhoods and
     allowing the police to take swift action.

Sheila Humphreys
  Secretary, Hayes & Coney Hall Safer Neighbourhood Panel

The numbers to dial are: -
·    999 for emergencies
·    101 for information, advice and access to your local policing
     teams. This number will replace 0300 for London.

Church Caretaker.
On Sunday evening 17th July a good number of members attended
the evening service and the supper organised by Margaret Tannock
to thank Colin Ramsell for his work these past 17 years as Caretaker.
Colin was presented with a cheque for £650.00 and his wife Alex
received a bouquet of flowers. We wish them both a long and Happy
Our new Caretaker Ian Jones will commence his duties on the 26th
July and is contracted to 20 hours per week. There will be no
Caretaker on duty on Sundays or Mondays.
Ian will be opening up and setting up for all of the weekday hall lets
 with the exception of the Guides, Senior Guides and the CA Group
 who will be responsible for their own opening and locking up.
Ian will not be living in the flat so be prepared to see him working
 around the building when you are attending your meetings. I am sure
 he would appreciate a cup of tea of coffee if you are making one
 any afternoon.
Do welcome him and make yourself known to him.


             A little girl flying in an aeroplane during a storm,
              said, when asked by a friend, “she is not
              frightened because her daddy is the pilot.
            “He is in control and will take her home.
            “Don’t worry.”

             Perhaps we should think of God, our Father, who
              will take us home, when the need arises.

                       The way things once were
       From The Nottinghamshire Almanac for September 1841.
Take up all the potatoes, and prepare the ground and plant it with
  savoys and brocoli (sic). Potatoes keep best during the winter in
  clumps, that is, covered over with dry straw, fern and earth, to keep
  from frost. Turnips sown last month should be hoed and thinned to a
  foot apart. Draw earth to the stems of the cabbages, and earth up
  the celery as it advances.
                                           Passages transcribed as shown Ed

At the farewell reception for Colin Ramsell several people asked for the recipe
for the Courgette and Walnut loaf that was served. (See the recipe below.)

I am sure there are many wonderful cooks in the church and I just wondered
if there would be any interest in compiling a Hayes Free Church Cookery
Book to mark the 75th anniversary of the church next year.

If you think this is a good idea look out your favourite starters, main courses
and desserts as well as cake and biscuit recipes and hand them to me or
email them to:


                           Courgette Loaf

Serves 8-10                   1. Coarsely grate the courgettes, put them into a
250g (8 oz) courgettes           sieve, and leave for about 30 minutes to drain.

2 eggs                        2. Beat the eggs until light and foamy. Add the
                                 sunflower oil, sugar, vanilla essence, and
125ml (4fl oz) sunflower oil,    courgettes and mix lightly until combined.
plus extra for greasing       3. Sift flour, cinnamon, and salt into a large bowl.
250g (80z) caster sugar          Make a well in the middle, pour in the
                                 courgette mixture, and stir to mix thoroughly.
¼ tsp vanilla essence
                                 Stir in the chopped walnuts.
375g (120z) self- raising
                              4. Pour the mixture into the greased loaf tin and
                                 bake in a preheated oven at 180deg C (350F,
1 tsp ground cinnamon ½          Gas 4) for about 50 minutes until firm. Turn
tsp salt                         out and cool.
60g (2oz) walnut pieces,      Cook’s Tip. For best results, the courgettes
coarsely chopped               should be thoroughly drained. Press into the
* 1kg (2lb) loaf tin           sieve with your hand or the back of a spoon to
                               extract the excess juices.

    Sign on motorway garage: "Please do not smoke near our petrol
       pumps... your life may not be worth much, but our petrol is."

Just a short note to thank
                      all of you for sending get
                      well wishes over the
                      many weeks I have been
                      out of action. From
                      cards to flowers to visits,
                      all have been very wel-
                      come, and it has been a
                      great boost to me to
                      know how much care
                      there is in our church.

                             Just a push
                         Old but funny!
A man and his wife are awakened at 3 o'clock in the morning by a
 loud pounding on the door. The man gets up and goes to the
 door where a drunken stranger, standing in the pouring rain, is
 asking for a push.

"Not a chance," says the husband. "It is 3 o'clock in the morning." He
  slams the door and returns to bed.

"Who was that?" asked his wife. "Just some drunk guy asking for a
 push!" "Did you help him?" she asks. "No. I did not. It is 3 o'clock in
 the morning and it is pouring with rain outside!" His wife said, "Can't
 you remember about three months ago when we broke down
 and those two guys helped us? You should be ashamed of

The man reluctantly gets dressed and goes out into the pouring rain.
 He calls out into the dark, "Hello. Are you still there?" "Yes," comes
 back the answer. "Do you still need a push?" calls out the husband.
"Yes! Please!" comes the reply from the darkness. "Where are you?"
 asks the husband. "Over here on the swing!" replies the drunk.

"Creed from an Urban Community in Britain"

We believe in God who made the world,
  loves it and laughs at it.
Who created human beings each to be different
  and asked them to get on with each other,
Who took the risk of leaving us alone,
  knowing that one day our differences
  might become a threat to the earth's safety.
Who trusts us with full knowledge of our frailty.

We believe in Jesus Christ, who came among us insignificantly,
Who grew among us uneventfully, who walked among us incognito;
Who to change the world, became redundant and called others to
 do likewise;
Who befriended those whose company would discredit him,
Who pardoned those who were hopeless cases,
Who spoke the deepest truths in the language of the living room,
Who contradicted common sense
  by accepting the cross and taking on the grave
  and was liberated on the third day.
Who calls us now, as then, to a life which is absurd
  by the standards of the world.

We believe in the Holy Spirit through whom God surprises,
  disappoints, cajoles and questions us;
Who is the bringer of strength and source of humour,
Who leads us to discover the truth we avoid,
Who is a paradox... ever present yet predictable;
And we believe that the foolishness of God is wiser
  than the wisdom of the world
And we rejoice that God has made it so.

        Source Unknown
        from: A Place for Us - compiler and editor Geoffrey Duncan

                 A church with Welcome and a Clear Christian
Our aim is to be a welcoming Community Church and the local beacon for
communicating God's Word through Preaching, Prayer, Pastoral Care & Social
Fellowship, and to be The Church in the area.
Here you can come to worship God with us. You can meet with Jesus Christ,
who is head of the Church, because he lives in the hearts of his people. Here
you can find companionship & build lasting relationships with us, & much more.
The Minister and Elders are available to help you. Notify the Minister for prayer
support through the 'Prayer Chain'. For a visit or to leave a message, please write
in the 'Contact Book' to be found in the church.
Although we belong to one of the smaller mainstream denominations, the URC
plays a dynamic and challenging part in the British Christian community. It has
brought together English Presbyterians, English, Welsh and Scottish
Congregationalists, and members of the Churches of Christ, through unions in
1972, 1981 and 2000. 100,000 people make up 1600 congregations, with
nearly 800 ministers.
As part of the United Reformed Church, we are called to be God's people,
transformed by the Gospel, making a difference in today's world.

                              Commitment for Life
“Money’s too tight to mention” is the opening line sung by Mick Hucknell of the
  band Simply Red, which paraphrases our modern life where however much
  we own there is always something else ‘we must have’.
 The recent unedifying spectacle of people rampaging through our streets
  burning and looting had no better reason than society’s ideal of spend,
  spend, spend, or in their case steal, steal, steal. I guess very few of those
  mindless individual’s stole to feed themselves or their families.
 But the one thing the journalists forget to tell us is that the looters represent a
  very small minority and we the silent majority need to put ourselves above
  the immediate social problems in England.
 We at HFC have, over time, done a remarkable job with Commitment for Life,
  which along with Christian Aid is the U.R.C’s major recipient of your generous
  donations to support people with a genuine need; who have just the most
  basic essentials to survive. Money is too tight to mention, but we in Hayes are
  amongst the luckiest in the U.K. We are the lucky few born in the right place.
 That is how thin the line is between a Mum and Dad in Hayes and a couple in
  Bangladesh, which has momentarily slipped from our newsreels but the
  problems there are huge, the need is immense BUT YOU CAN HELP every
  penny is needed, I know you care, Gilly and I have experienced your Love
  over the last few months (for which we thank you). Please give what you
  can for the needy, worthy people of Bangladesh.
       With thanks - Chris Wood

September 2011
1st   Thu
2nd   Fri
3rd   Sat    2.30 p.m. - Saturday Fellowship                    Page 3

4th   Sun   10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Geoff Larcombe
             6.30 p.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister
5th   Mon    8.00 p.m. - Women’s Contact Group                  Page 3
6th   Tue   10.00 a.m. - Tuesday Prayer Meeting                 Page 3
7th   Wed
8th   Thu
9th   Fri    2.00 p.m. - Mothers’ and Toddlers’ Group           Page 4
10th Sat    10.00 a.m. - Women’s Contact Coffee Morning        Page 9

            Back to Church Sunday                               Page 11
11th Sun    10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - The Minister
                         Followed by the Fairtrade Stall
             6.30 p.m. - Evening Service - The Minister
12th Mon

13th Tue    10.00 a.m. - Tuesday Prayer Meeting                 Page 3
             2.00 p.m. - Women’s Fellowship                     Page 5

14th Wed     3.00 p.m. - Minister’s Surgery                     Page 11
             8.00 p.m. - Hayes Philharmonic Choir               Page 10
15th Thu     8.00 p.m. - Men’s Group                            Page 3
16th Fri     2.00 p.m. - Mothers’ and Toddlers’ Group           Page 4
17th Sat

            10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Martin Sweet, Spinnaker
18th Sun    12.00 Noon - Church Meeting                        Page 3
             5.30 p.m. - Evening Service - CTH at The Rosary
19th Mon            Today is the first of the Scottish Autumn days

            10.00 a.m. - Tuesday Prayer Meeting                 Page 3
20th Tue     2.00 p.m. - Women’s Fellowship                     Page 5
             8.00 p.m. - Elders’ Meeting                        Page 3
21st Wed

September 2011
22    Thu              Today is the start of Autumn in the UK
23rd Fri     2.00 p.m. - Mothers’ and Toddlers’ Group           Page 4
24th Sat

25th Sun    10.30 a.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister
                         Followed by the Fairtrade Stall
26th Mon

27th Tue    10.00 a.m. - Tuesday Prayer Meeting                 Page 3

28th Wed
29th Thu

30th Fri     2.00 p.m. - Mothers’ and Toddlers’ Group           Page 4
             7.00 p.m. - Fascinating Rhythms on tour            Page 10

                           October 2011
1st   Sat

2nd   Sun 10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Rev. John Marchant
          6.30 p.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister


13 October           BIBLE IN VOICE & VERSE - Bromley Central Library
29 October           CHARITY CARD FAIR

12    November       CHRISTMAS FAIR
27    November       CHURCH MEETING 12.00 noon

2-11 December        CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL
10 December          CRAFT FAIR
11 December          CHURCH PARADE
18 December          CAROLS by CANDLELIGHT

Oxfam GROW Campaign
GROW is an Oxfam campaign and a movement of individuals who
 care and act.
There is a short video on our web-site which offers an example of why
 the campaign is so important so please share it with your friends –
 either online or face-to-face. Simply ask people to have a look.
Whatever you can do you’ll be raising awareness of our broken food
 system – and what can be done to fix it. If you haven’t already, join
 us or learn more about the campaign to fix the System.
The global campaign is growing into something massive; soon, with
 your help, we'll be taking on businesses and governments.
Your school can get involved by learning and thinking about the issues,
 and taking action to help create a world where everyone has
 enough to eat.
We will have a range of inspiring new active global citizenship
 resources to help 7-14 year olds learn about food- available from
 September 2011.
These resources will cover 3 topics: Growing, Selling and Eating.
                               A Hymn
Let His Dawn Light New Horizons    When the storm clouds of Good
When a blind man came to Jesus      Friday
asking for the gift of sight;      drained the light out from the sky,
in those first few anxious moments broken ones who followed Jesus
he could only see faint light.     could not see the reason why.
Then the full truth dawned upon    Only with the dawn of Easter
 him,                              could their heads be lifted high.
broke through his eternal night.
                                   When our lives are drowned in
When a widow, lost in grieving,     darkness,
knowing that her son was dead,     when our faith is under strain,
followed, weeping, to his burial,  we can also look to Jesus,
Jesus saw what lay ahead.          give to him our fear and pain.
With compassion he approached Let his dawn light new horizons
 her,                              as our hope is born again.
raised the boy up from his bed.
                                   (Marjorie Dobson, England)

        Collection at the CTH Open Air Service 17th July
Just to let you know that the collection for the East African Emergency
 Appeal amounted to £263.

Day              Organisation          Contact          Phone
10.25 am         Sunday Club           Mike Duke        8462 5103
9.15 - 12.00 pm Pre School Group       Jayne Carvell    07913 299773
2.30 & 7.30 pm West Wickham            Carol Crouch     8462 3642
                  Arts Association
5.45 pm        Brownies                Sarah Humphrey   8249 9982
6.30 pm        Cubs                    Brenda Petts     8325 3956
8.00 pm - 1st  Women's Contact         Sylvia Mack      8462 1938
 Mon monthly    Group
2.00 pm          Women's Fellowship    Linda Jennings   07778 238587
7.00 - 8.00 pm   Weight Watchers       Area Office      0845 345 1500
7.15 pm          Scouts                Paul Hasling     3236 0083
5.00 pm          Rainbows              Tania Venables   8462 9759
6.00 pm          Beavers               Brenda Petts     8325 3956
6.30 pm          Worship Group         Bill Michie      8658 4167
6.45 pm          Slimming World        Val              0750 6015064
7.30 pm          Explorers             Tom Strachan     07745 813 295
2.30 pm - See    Justice & Peace       David Stoner     8462 3023
 Catalyst         Group
5.30 pm          Brownies              Stevie Blair.    8325 3469
7.00 - 8.30 pm   Senior Guides         Kerry Sullivan   8777 3139
8.00 pm - 3rd    Men's Group           Bruce Tannock    8325 6264
 Thu monthly
9.00 - 12.00 pm Coffee morning during term times
2.00 pm         Mothers & Toddlers   Judith Stoner      8462 3023
6.30 pm          Guides                Teresa Cheyne    8777 6042
7.30 pm          Choir                 Martin Nunn      8462 5918
2.30 pm          Saturday Fellowship   Martin Nunn      8462 5918
Final Thought

           It’s easy to be happy. All you need
           Is to add up your assets: strength and health
           (Well more or less), a home, a life to lead,
           An interesting job, sufficient wealth
           To keep me comfortable, things to do --
           Like books to read, a garden to be -- well,
           Not dug, but cultivated -- one or two
           Good friends, a voice, etcetera. To spell
           My various interests and pastimes out
           In detail here would take too long. But think
           Of these, put all your discontents to rout,
           Let all those fears and lacks and wants just sink
           From consciousness. It’s easy: just thank God,
           Forget the rest. Except I don’t. How odd!

                                                   W. S. Beattie

This year, the image on this page was a visual variation of this scene -
 to challenge how we see things, and to help us appreciate how
 different people may actually see the world around them.
From next month, the image will revert to one which will compliment
 Final Thought.

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2011 sep

  • 1. Catalyst THE MAGAZINE OF HAYES FREE CHURCH (U.R.C.) September 2011
  • 2. HAYES FREE CHURCH 111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU Sunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. We are a member of the United Reformed Church. We believe in Justice and Peace. Principal Contacts Minister: Rev. Sue Powell Tel: 020 8462 2212 Church Secretary: Mr Alistair Wilson Tel: 020 8402 0026 Fabric Steward Mr. Chris Wood Tel: 020 8462 2444 Treasurer: Mr. Bill Michie Tel: 020 8658 4167 Lettings Secretary: Mrs Undine Connolly Tel: 020 8776 0108 Caretaker: Mr. Ian Jones Tel: 020 8313 1556 Church Website Catalyst Editor: Mr Richard Brown Contents : - Items not covered by the diary of events. Sunday Services; Preachers’ info 2 Church Caretaker; Security 13 Church notices; 3-4 The way things once were 13 Comments after Minister’s Letter 5 Recipe - HFC Cookery Book 14 Holiday from Home 6-7 Thank you note; Just a push 15 Prayer for the week 14th Aug 8 Creed from Urban Community 16 The HFC J&P Statement 8 Bexhill URC; Commitment for Life 17 Justice & Peace Group 9 Oxfam GROW; A Hymn 20 Notice board 10 - 11 Church Organisations IBC It’s 101 for London Police 12 This month’s website - Oxfam’s food campaign Have you really read your receipt for purchases made at Oxfam’s shop? The receipt which I am reading right now has a statement on it. “The System’s bust. Rising food prices, climate change and complacent world leaders are letting people down. Join our GROW campaign “ Turn to Page 20 for more information. Ed Copy for the October 2011 edition needs to be handed in by Sunday, 11th September. Please submit items in good time. You can leave copy in the “B” Pigeon Hole for Richard Brown to collect, or hand it directly to him on a Sunday morning. You can also e-mail copy to Thank You. Editor
  • 3. Letter from the Minister Dear Friends “The word Community refers to a group of people living together in one locality who inhabit a culture of shared values.”1** Do you remember how, in your youth, any adult was allowed to challenge your behaviour? Now it would seem that we are all far too scared to challenge anything – just in case... Our Bromley community has recently suffered riots in the street simply because those taking part do so, not because they have a cause to fight for… The outcome of all this is that people have lost their homes, their livelihoods, even family members and friends. In our society have we placed undue emphasis on the autonomy of the individual? Is the word ‘community’ now old fashioned; do we view ‘community’ almost as nostalgia for the good old days when we knew who lived next door and along our street? Perhaps that is what we have lost – the knowledge of our area, our street, and who our neighbours are. Our local police have been busy recently updating our local Neighbourhood Watch schemes – if you’re not involved in yours, find out about it; be involved in community events and find out what is going on in your area. As Christians we are called to a realism based on the fact that we serve a God who works in history, who looks to us to give hope and refuge, and to work in this world, in the here and now, to- ward justice and peace. It is our job to be part of our community, working together with others in Jesus’ name, and we ought to be seen as God’s people involved in and caring about all those around us. Together in Christ. Sue 1 ** ‘Christian Ethics and Pastoral Theology’ pg 108. Turn to page 5 ............... 1
  • 4. Sunday Services September 2011 4th 10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Geoff Larcombe 6.30 p.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister 11th Back to Church Sunday 10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - The Minister 6.30 p.m. - Evening Service - The Minister 18th 10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Martin Sweet, Spinnaker 5.30 p.m. - Evening Service - CTH at The Rosary 25th 10.30 a.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister 6.30 p.m. - Evening Service - Allan Evison October 2011 2nd 10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Rev. John Marchant 6.30 p.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister Some notes on the visiting preachers. v Geoff Larcombe is a local representative from the Bible Society. He spoke at the Bible celebration supper in the spring of 2011. v Martin Sweet, Spinnaker's Development Director, loves to inspire children to think about and react to Bible stories, and consider how Christian faith can relate to life today. He encourages churches to get involved with their local school. Martin also serves on the SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) for both Southwark and Bromley local authorities, and is a member of the Free Church Federal Council Education Committee. v Allan Evison is a lay preacher at Hayes Parish Church. He has conducted worship on a number of occasions. v Revd John Marchant is the assistant minister at Coney Hill Baptist Church. He has conducted Sunday Worship at HFC on a number of occasions. Experience is that marvellous thing that enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again. 2
  • 5. News of the Church Family Announcements are welcome :- BMD - Changes of address, etc. On 26 June it was a pleasure to welcome Chris and Sam Brittain who brought their four children, Stanley, Lola, Archie and Buster for Baptism. Deaths We regret to announce that Grace Porter and one of our former members, Daisy Priest, both died on 3 July. We send our deepest condolences to both of their families. Church Meetings The next Church meeting will be held on Sunday, 18th September at 12.00 noon. The next Elders’ meeting will be held on Tuesday, 20th September, at 8.00 pm in the small hall. Women's Contact Group The Contact Group will next meet at 8.00 pm on Monday 5 September at Sylvia Mack’s home - 7 Dene Close Sylvia Mack Tuesday Prayer Meetings Held at 10.00 am at the following homes:- September 6th Martin Nunn’s. 13th Betty Coster’s. 20th Brenda Cordingley’s. 27th The Church. Please address any queries to Martin Nunn. Saturday Fellowship We will meet at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday the 3rd of September at 7 Sedgewood Close. There will be a Bible discussion lead by Martin Nunn. All are welcome to join us. Men's Group The next meeting is on Thursday 15 September at 8.00 pm and will be a meal in a local restaurant arranged by John Curry. Please contact John for further details. 3
  • 6. Ministry of Flowers Thanks are due to those who will be providing flowers in September. September 4th - Cath Brown 11th - Pat Marshall. Celebrating 50th wedding anniversary 18th - Win Browne 25th - A big thank you to those who kindly arrange the flowers when needed. After the Sunday evening services, the flowers are distributed to members and friends, bringing joy to the recipients. Mavis Righini Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club We welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Friday afternoons between 2 and 4 pm during term time. The fee is £1 per family – tea, squash and biscuits are provided. This is a time when adults can meet up, while the children in their care are busy playing with toys and activities in the company of other children. The Autumn term starts on Friday, September 9th. A photographer is to visit in October - details to follow next month. Do come and join us! Judith Stoner - Secretary. Notice Sheets - September - 1st Sunday in October 2011 4th Brenda Cordingley 8462 3867 11th & 18th Pam Collison 8658 0748 25th Joan Smith 8462 3920 October 2nd Joan Smith If you require items to be included in the notice sheets, please contact the appropriate person by the previous Tuesday. 4
  • 7. Women's Fellowship M eetings are in the small hall at 2.00 p.m., unless otherwise stated,on Tuesdays and finish about 3.30 p.m. The programme for September is:- 13th Service conducted by Martin Nunn 20th Quizzes 27th Hayes Ladies' Choir October 4th "A Holiday in Spain", by Linda Jennings. Note: Jessie Martin has now retired from leading Women's Fellowship after many years of devoted service. Thank you Jessie for all your hard work. At our summer lunch, Jessie was presented with a beautiful hydrangea in a pot to go on her patio. Linda Jennings, Marion Swanborough and myself are now jointly following in Jessie's footsteps and leading Women's Fellowship. We welcome ladies of all ages . Do come along for a friendly hour or so and relax in pleasant company. We do have a very varied programme with plenty to interest everyone. Sylvia Mack ........... Continued from the Minister’s letter. We already allow people to jeer at our faith, to ignore the simple good sense of Biblical Justice, to seemingly disregard the basic human need for love. When do we stand up and tell people of the unrelenting and freely available love of God – no questions, no strictures, simply limitless and free to all? When do we stand up and question the behaviour of those who ignore basic justice and the rights of the people to live in peace and harmony? All right, you may well say that we are not strong enough, it’s too dangerous, it’s not our job… but we surely don’t expect the police to do it alone… do we? Government cut-backs to our police force means that it is already overstretched – we cannot expect others to do the job of being community for us. 5
  • 8. Holiday from Home T he first week in August saw the 3rd Holiday from Home held at the church. A full programme of different activities catered for the interests of the many who attended, starting and ending each day with light refreshments with a 2-course meal midday setting us up for the afternoon activities. It would have been interesting if each person attending had been weighed on his or her arrival and subsequent departure as the fare received each day was magnificent. I feel Weight Watchers would have had some new members. During the week it was great to renew acquaintances from Beckenham and meet new people from Hayes. Activities, which were optional, consisted of quizzes, with demonstrations from a dance group showing dances from Serbia, Russia and Israel. At the end those more nimble were able to join in. Costumes from the countries were also shown. In addition to making greeting cards, an arts and craft session enabled decoration of porcelain cups and saucers with many different designs and those involved keenly await their return following firing in the kilns. Though optional the men performed well in the Flower Arranging later that day. The following day commenced with ‘gentle exercising’, a short time showing how to keep fit, preventing ‘seizing up’ as so often is the case as age creeps up on us. A talk by John Thompson on village signs with a power point presentation kicked off the afternoon followed by Roland on the piano and Dave on the accordion leading a Sing-a-Long. No new choir members were recruited but it was a very rousing sound that hit the roof Outing day weather wise was a bit of a damp squib as we made our way to Hever Castle but despite the rain it was enjoyable especially as after the visit we went through the picturesque countryside making our way to the Station Tea Room at Shoreham in Kent for a lovely cream tea. [Worth a visit 10.00 a.m. -4.30 p.m. including weekends but excluding Mondays and Tuesdays however open Bank Holiday Mondays] 6
  • 9. The week ended with some informative talks from the Emergency Services followed after lunch with a Farkle Party, something new to most present. There was a good spirit throughout the whole week with plenty of laughs. Some were heard to say “When is the next one being held.” but I’m afraid at present they will have to wait until next year. Each person attending will receive copies of photos taken as they engaged in the activities as a reminder of this short holiday. Without the organisers, helpers, cooks who provided such filling meals, the various speakers and performers with people who provided transport, in particular Allan Evison who drove the minibus, this special week could not have taken place. Many thanks to you all. Mike Duke Monday’s Tuesday’s members members were fair were full of face, of grace, Wednesday’s Thursday’s members members were full of had far to woe, go, Friday’s Saturday’s members members were loving worked hard and giving, for their living, And the member that is born on the Sabbath day Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay. 7
  • 10. A Prayer for the week 14th August Based on Matthew 15: 21-28 O God of all, we come many times to ask your help and sometimes it seems that you turn away. Our cries are unheard. The hungry are still hungry. Wars still wound and destroy. People we love become ill and die. So we read the story of the Canaanite woman and we cheer her on. She shouted, and she knelt, and she argued, and her prayer was heard. And we will go on shouting for those who need your help; and we will kneel and pray with all our hearts; and we will argue and protest and make a fuss; until our cries are heard, and the hungry are fed, until peace comes and the sick are healed. Our faith too is great and our resolve, to keep on longing and praying and hoping for what we believe is your will for all your children. God, help us. by Susan Durber In the URC prayer book "The HFC Justice & Peace Statement" A few months ago I put something into Catalyst about the statement we make inside the front cover of Catalyst that we believe in justice and peace. I suggested that it was something to think about and perhaps give a reason for that belief. Recently John Moren brought me a copy of the Magazine from Bexhill URC, where John and Janet attend when down there. It seems to give a very clear statement of the church’s aim and also an interesting paragraph on the formation of the URC. Has anyone else picked up the magazine from a church they have visited while away – could we perhaps gather them and sometime have a display to show us how other churches proclaim their belief’. Brenda Cordingley The Bexley URC statement is reproduced on page 17. 8
  • 11. The Justice and Peace Group. Even if we are no longer personally caught up in the academic year, this is the time when, refreshed by the holidays and watching everyone in education knuckling down to the autumn term, we should perhaps give some thought to those issues of peace and justice on which we want to concentrate in the coming months. The riots of early August certainly gave us much food for thought - about the need to keep the peace, and exactly what is meant by that; the issue of justice in relation to the offences committed and the punishments meted out, (or proposed in national discussion); and the wider social issues associated with these events. But then there is another perspective - here we are concentrating on the fate of, say, designer clothing and trendy TV sets while many thousands in the horn of Africa lack basic food and shelter: where and what are our priorities? We cannot concentrate on everything - we must leave that to God - so where should we turn our individual and our church's attention? Perhaps we should include this question in our prayers as the children set off for their new schools in their new uniforms. Women’s Contact Coffee Morning 10.00 am - 12.00 We continue to raise funds for disaster relief causes. Our next coffee mornings will be on the 10th of September. We hope to see you there, and why not bring a friend. Our cakes are to die for!! (Yum, yum) Barbara Jones The Fairtrade Sunday Stall There will be a stall after the morning services on the 11th and 25th of September. Do visit the stall; we have restocked those favourite lines, and have some refreshing summer goods for sale. The regular items for sale are food and drink - all of very good quality. Remember that by purchasing Fairtrade goods you are helping to support communities in the world, and to give those communities a chance to enjoy a better life for their families - standards which we may take for granted here in the UK. Please continue to support your fair trade stall. Thank you. Richard, Barbara and Helen. 9
  • 12. NOTICE Commitment for Life VIVALDI’S GLORIA HAYES PHILHARMONIC The choice is yours CHOIR It is now that time of year when your Our ‘Come and Sing commitment for life envelope is attached Workshop’ will be held on to your copy of Catalyst. Wed 14th Sept 2011 Please turn to page 17 for more details. See the posters in the church and take the at 8.00 pm information leaflets from the table at the at the Old Church Schools, back of the church. 86 Hayes Street, FURTHER INFORMATION FROM Hayes, BR2 7BA CHRIS WOOD ON 0208 462 2444 (next to the car show-room) For further details please call 07989 192928 ******** Events planner HAYES FREE CHURCH From now on, a CHARITY CHRISTMAS CARD SALE ******************* new section will Saturday, 29 October 2011 follow the diary. It 10am - 2pm gives notification Refreshments Available **************** of future events. Fascinating Rhythms – on tour HFC will be hosting a cabaret style evening on Friday 30th September starting at 7pm. Tickets , costing only £8, are available from Teresa Cheyne – 020 8777 6042 – and the money raised will go towards the Mercia Sanson Mounthurst Development and St Christopher’s Hospice. Come along and enjoy the waitress bar service whilst being entertained with music, dance and sketches. 10
  • 13. BOARD Minister's Surgery SONGS OF PRAISE We are proposing to start a Sue’s monthly surgery Songs of Praise on the second at the Church will be Wednesday of each month held on the SECOND starting on 12 October from Wednesday of each 3.00 – 5.00 p.m. month in the small hall. from 3.00 - 5.45 pm. The Hayes Community Bus is available for those requiring transport. Help please This is an opportunity for you to Your editor is looking for bring your spouse, family, material for your page friends and neighbours for a Catalyst needs you good sing-song followed by tea and cakes. Back to Church Sunday 11th September 2011 This is the BIG opportunity we have to invite spouses, relatives, friends and neighbours to come to church. First, pray about inviting people, then decide whom you will invite and pray about them and inviting them. Then invite them. Suggested invitation words are “My church is having a special Sunday, would you like to come along?” A refusal is of the church, not of the person making the invitation - you will not lose a friend by asking. There are special invitation cards which can be obtained from either John Curry or Sue. These are in 2 parts. You can give one part to the invitee (after filling out the date and time) and keep the other half which reminds you to continue praying for the person holding the other half of the invitation. Try the 3 minute rule - after church each Sunday try to talk to someone you would not normally talk to - for three minutes. Do this before talking to your friends. By the time Back to Church Sunday arrives, you will be used to doing this. 11
  • 14. It's 101 for London's police 101 is a new Police phone number As latest figures reveal that less than a quarter of 999 calls require an emergency response. The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), together with other police forces in the south east, launched a new contact number for the public on Monday 11 July. For example, the public should call 101 to report a crime that has already happened, seek crime prevention advice or make us aware of local policing issues. In London the new number is just one of the ways the Metropolitan Police Service is modernising and improving our services while making them more accessible to the public. Only about 20% of 999 calls require an emergency response from the police. You can also get in touch with your local (Safer Neighbourhoods) policing team to discuss policing or crime concerns in your area. It will make crime easier to report and help the police to tackle crime and disorder." Commander Ian Dyson, City of London Police and ACPO lead on contact management, said: "101 is a number to ring your local police force. If it's an emergency call 999, if it's not call 101. This number provides a universal, easy to remember 3-digit telephone number for people living or working in London. · Help communities to keep their neighbourhoods safe by giving them one easy way to contact their local police and to report non-emergency crime and disorder; · Help the police to cut crime by making it easier for the public to pass on information about crimes in their neighbourhoods and allowing the police to take swift action. Sheila Humphreys Secretary, Hayes & Coney Hall Safer Neighbourhood Panel The numbers to dial are: - · 999 for emergencies · 101 for information, advice and access to your local policing teams. This number will replace 0300 for London. 12
  • 15. Church Caretaker. On Sunday evening 17th July a good number of members attended the evening service and the supper organised by Margaret Tannock to thank Colin Ramsell for his work these past 17 years as Caretaker. Colin was presented with a cheque for £650.00 and his wife Alex received a bouquet of flowers. We wish them both a long and Happy Retirement Our new Caretaker Ian Jones will commence his duties on the 26th July and is contracted to 20 hours per week. There will be no Caretaker on duty on Sundays or Mondays. Ian will be opening up and setting up for all of the weekday hall lets with the exception of the Guides, Senior Guides and the CA Group who will be responsible for their own opening and locking up. Ian will not be living in the flat so be prepared to see him working around the building when you are attending your meetings. I am sure he would appreciate a cup of tea of coffee if you are making one any afternoon. Do welcome him and make yourself known to him. Alistair. A little girl flying in an aeroplane during a storm, said, when asked by a friend, “she is not frightened because her daddy is the pilot. “He is in control and will take her home. “Don’t worry.” Perhaps we should think of God, our Father, who will take us home, when the need arises. The way things once were From The Nottinghamshire Almanac for September 1841. GARDEN. Take up all the potatoes, and prepare the ground and plant it with savoys and brocoli (sic). Potatoes keep best during the winter in clumps, that is, covered over with dry straw, fern and earth, to keep from frost. Turnips sown last month should be hoed and thinned to a foot apart. Draw earth to the stems of the cabbages, and earth up the celery as it advances. Passages transcribed as shown Ed 13
  • 16. At the farewell reception for Colin Ramsell several people asked for the recipe for the Courgette and Walnut loaf that was served. (See the recipe below.) I am sure there are many wonderful cooks in the church and I just wondered if there would be any interest in compiling a Hayes Free Church Cookery Book to mark the 75th anniversary of the church next year. If you think this is a good idea look out your favourite starters, main courses and desserts as well as cake and biscuit recipes and hand them to me or email them to: Alistair. Courgette Loaf Serves 8-10 1. Coarsely grate the courgettes, put them into a 250g (8 oz) courgettes sieve, and leave for about 30 minutes to drain. 2 eggs 2. Beat the eggs until light and foamy. Add the sunflower oil, sugar, vanilla essence, and 125ml (4fl oz) sunflower oil, courgettes and mix lightly until combined. plus extra for greasing 3. Sift flour, cinnamon, and salt into a large bowl. 250g (80z) caster sugar Make a well in the middle, pour in the courgette mixture, and stir to mix thoroughly. ¼ tsp vanilla essence Stir in the chopped walnuts. 375g (120z) self- raising 4. Pour the mixture into the greased loaf tin and flour bake in a preheated oven at 180deg C (350F, 1 tsp ground cinnamon ½ Gas 4) for about 50 minutes until firm. Turn tsp salt out and cool. 60g (2oz) walnut pieces, Cook’s Tip. For best results, the courgettes coarsely chopped should be thoroughly drained. Press into the * 1kg (2lb) loaf tin sieve with your hand or the back of a spoon to extract the excess juices. Sign on motorway garage: "Please do not smoke near our petrol pumps... your life may not be worth much, but our petrol is." 14
  • 17. Just a short note to thank all of you for sending get well wishes over the many weeks I have been out of action. From cards to flowers to visits, all have been very wel- come, and it has been a great boost to me to know how much care there is in our church. Sue Just a push Old but funny! A man and his wife are awakened at 3 o'clock in the morning by a loud pounding on the door. The man gets up and goes to the door where a drunken stranger, standing in the pouring rain, is asking for a push. "Not a chance," says the husband. "It is 3 o'clock in the morning." He slams the door and returns to bed. "Who was that?" asked his wife. "Just some drunk guy asking for a push!" "Did you help him?" she asks. "No. I did not. It is 3 o'clock in the morning and it is pouring with rain outside!" His wife said, "Can't you remember about three months ago when we broke down and those two guys helped us? You should be ashamed of yourself!" The man reluctantly gets dressed and goes out into the pouring rain. He calls out into the dark, "Hello. Are you still there?" "Yes," comes back the answer. "Do you still need a push?" calls out the husband. "Yes! Please!" comes the reply from the darkness. "Where are you?" asks the husband. "Over here on the swing!" replies the drunk. 15
  • 18. "Creed from an Urban Community in Britain" We believe in God who made the world, loves it and laughs at it. Who created human beings each to be different and asked them to get on with each other, Who took the risk of leaving us alone, knowing that one day our differences might become a threat to the earth's safety. Who trusts us with full knowledge of our frailty. We believe in Jesus Christ, who came among us insignificantly, Who grew among us uneventfully, who walked among us incognito; Who to change the world, became redundant and called others to do likewise; Who befriended those whose company would discredit him, Who pardoned those who were hopeless cases, Who spoke the deepest truths in the language of the living room, Who contradicted common sense by accepting the cross and taking on the grave and was liberated on the third day. Who calls us now, as then, to a life which is absurd by the standards of the world. We believe in the Holy Spirit through whom God surprises, disappoints, cajoles and questions us; Who is the bringer of strength and source of humour, Who leads us to discover the truth we avoid, Who is a paradox... ever present yet predictable; And we believe that the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of the world And we rejoice that God has made it so. Source Unknown from: A Place for Us - compiler and editor Geoffrey Duncan 16
  • 19. BEXHILL UNITED REFORMED CHURCH A church with Welcome and a Clear Christian message Our aim is to be a welcoming Community Church and the local beacon for communicating God's Word through Preaching, Prayer, Pastoral Care & Social Fellowship, and to be The Church in the area. Here you can come to worship God with us. You can meet with Jesus Christ, who is head of the Church, because he lives in the hearts of his people. Here you can find companionship & build lasting relationships with us, & much more. The Minister and Elders are available to help you. Notify the Minister for prayer support through the 'Prayer Chain'. For a visit or to leave a message, please write in the 'Contact Book' to be found in the church. Although we belong to one of the smaller mainstream denominations, the URC plays a dynamic and challenging part in the British Christian community. It has brought together English Presbyterians, English, Welsh and Scottish Congregationalists, and members of the Churches of Christ, through unions in 1972, 1981 and 2000. 100,000 people make up 1600 congregations, with nearly 800 ministers. As part of the United Reformed Church, we are called to be God's people, transformed by the Gospel, making a difference in today's world. Commitment for Life “Money’s too tight to mention” is the opening line sung by Mick Hucknell of the band Simply Red, which paraphrases our modern life where however much we own there is always something else ‘we must have’. The recent unedifying spectacle of people rampaging through our streets burning and looting had no better reason than society’s ideal of spend, spend, spend, or in their case steal, steal, steal. I guess very few of those mindless individual’s stole to feed themselves or their families. But the one thing the journalists forget to tell us is that the looters represent a very small minority and we the silent majority need to put ourselves above the immediate social problems in England. We at HFC have, over time, done a remarkable job with Commitment for Life, which along with Christian Aid is the U.R.C’s major recipient of your generous donations to support people with a genuine need; who have just the most basic essentials to survive. Money is too tight to mention, but we in Hayes are amongst the luckiest in the U.K. We are the lucky few born in the right place. That is how thin the line is between a Mum and Dad in Hayes and a couple in Bangladesh, which has momentarily slipped from our newsreels but the problems there are huge, the need is immense BUT YOU CAN HELP every penny is needed, I know you care, Gilly and I have experienced your Love over the last few months (for which we thank you). Please give what you can for the needy, worthy people of Bangladesh. With thanks - Chris Wood 17
  • 20. September 2011 1st Thu 2nd Fri 3rd Sat 2.30 p.m. - Saturday Fellowship Page 3 4th Sun 10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Geoff Larcombe 6.30 p.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister 5th Mon 8.00 p.m. - Women’s Contact Group Page 3 6th Tue 10.00 a.m. - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 7th Wed 8th Thu 9th Fri 2.00 p.m. - Mothers’ and Toddlers’ Group Page 4 10th Sat 10.00 a.m. - Women’s Contact Coffee Morning Page 9 Back to Church Sunday Page 11 11th Sun 10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - The Minister Followed by the Fairtrade Stall 6.30 p.m. - Evening Service - The Minister 12th Mon 13th Tue 10.00 a.m. - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 p.m. - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 14th Wed 3.00 p.m. - Minister’s Surgery Page 11 8.00 p.m. - Hayes Philharmonic Choir Page 10 15th Thu 8.00 p.m. - Men’s Group Page 3 16th Fri 2.00 p.m. - Mothers’ and Toddlers’ Group Page 4 17th Sat 10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Martin Sweet, Spinnaker 18th Sun 12.00 Noon - Church Meeting Page 3 5.30 p.m. - Evening Service - CTH at The Rosary 19th Mon Today is the first of the Scottish Autumn days 10.00 a.m. - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 20th Tue 2.00 p.m. - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 8.00 p.m. - Elders’ Meeting Page 3 21st Wed 18
  • 21. September 2011 22 Thu Today is the start of Autumn in the UK 23rd Fri 2.00 p.m. - Mothers’ and Toddlers’ Group Page 4 24th Sat 25th Sun 10.30 a.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister Followed by the Fairtrade Stall 26th Mon 27th Tue 10.00 a.m. - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 28th Wed 29th Thu 30th Fri 2.00 p.m. - Mothers’ and Toddlers’ Group Page 4 7.00 p.m. - Fascinating Rhythms on tour Page 10 October 2011 1st Sat 2nd Sun 10.30 a.m. - Morning Service - Rev. John Marchant 6.30 p.m. - Holy Communion - The Minister DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 9 October HARVEST FESTIVAL, CHURCH PARADE and LUNCH 13 October BIBLE IN VOICE & VERSE - Bromley Central Library 29 October CHARITY CARD FAIR 12 November CHRISTMAS FAIR 13 November REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY and CHURCH PARADE 27 November CHURCH MEETING 12.00 noon 2-11 December CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL 10 December CRAFT FAIR 11 December CHURCH PARADE 18 December CAROLS by CANDLELIGHT 19
  • 22. Oxfam GROW Campaign GROW is an Oxfam campaign and a movement of individuals who care and act. There is a short video on our web-site which offers an example of why the campaign is so important so please share it with your friends – either online or face-to-face. Simply ask people to have a look. Whatever you can do you’ll be raising awareness of our broken food system – and what can be done to fix it. If you haven’t already, join us or learn more about the campaign to fix the System. The global campaign is growing into something massive; soon, with your help, we'll be taking on businesses and governments. Your school can get involved by learning and thinking about the issues, and taking action to help create a world where everyone has enough to eat. We will have a range of inspiring new active global citizenship resources to help 7-14 year olds learn about food- available from September 2011. These resources will cover 3 topics: Growing, Selling and Eating. A Hymn Let His Dawn Light New Horizons When the storm clouds of Good When a blind man came to Jesus Friday asking for the gift of sight; drained the light out from the sky, in those first few anxious moments broken ones who followed Jesus he could only see faint light. could not see the reason why. Then the full truth dawned upon Only with the dawn of Easter him, could their heads be lifted high. broke through his eternal night. When our lives are drowned in When a widow, lost in grieving, darkness, knowing that her son was dead, when our faith is under strain, followed, weeping, to his burial, we can also look to Jesus, Jesus saw what lay ahead. give to him our fear and pain. With compassion he approached Let his dawn light new horizons her, as our hope is born again. raised the boy up from his bed. (Marjorie Dobson, England) Metre: Collection at the CTH Open Air Service 17th July Just to let you know that the collection for the East African Emergency Appeal amounted to £263. 20
  • 23. CHURCH ORGANISATIONS Day Organisation Contact Phone Sunday 10.25 am Sunday Club Mike Duke 8462 5103 Weekdays 9.15 - 12.00 pm Pre School Group Jayne Carvell 07913 299773 Monday 2.30 & 7.30 pm West Wickham Carol Crouch 8462 3642 Arts Association 5.45 pm Brownies Sarah Humphrey 8249 9982 6.30 pm Cubs Brenda Petts 8325 3956 8.00 pm - 1st Women's Contact Sylvia Mack 8462 1938 Mon monthly Group Tuesday 2.00 pm Women's Fellowship Linda Jennings 07778 238587 7.00 - 8.00 pm Weight Watchers Area Office 0845 345 1500 7.15 pm Scouts Paul Hasling 3236 0083 Wednesday 5.00 pm Rainbows Tania Venables 8462 9759 6.00 pm Beavers Brenda Petts 8325 3956 6.30 pm Worship Group Bill Michie 8658 4167 6.45 pm Slimming World Val 0750 6015064 7.30 pm Explorers Tom Strachan 07745 813 295 Thursday 2.30 pm - See Justice & Peace David Stoner 8462 3023 Catalyst Group 5.30 pm Brownies Stevie Blair. 8325 3469 7.00 - 8.30 pm Senior Guides Kerry Sullivan 8777 3139 8.00 pm - 3rd Men's Group Bruce Tannock 8325 6264 Thu monthly Friday 9.00 - 12.00 pm Coffee morning during term times 2.00 pm Mothers & Toddlers Judith Stoner 8462 3023 6.30 pm Guides Teresa Cheyne 8777 6042 7.30 pm Choir Martin Nunn 8462 5918 Saturday 2.30 pm Saturday Fellowship Martin Nunn 8462 5918
  • 24. Final Thought It’s easy to be happy. All you need Is to add up your assets: strength and health (Well more or less), a home, a life to lead, An interesting job, sufficient wealth To keep me comfortable, things to do -- Like books to read, a garden to be -- well, Not dug, but cultivated -- one or two Good friends, a voice, etcetera. To spell My various interests and pastimes out In detail here would take too long. But think Of these, put all your discontents to rout, Let all those fears and lacks and wants just sink From consciousness. It’s easy: just thank God, Forget the rest. Except I don’t. How odd! W. S. Beattie This year, the image on this page was a visual variation of this scene - to challenge how we see things, and to help us appreciate how different people may actually see the world around them. From next month, the image will revert to one which will compliment Final Thought. Editor