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     March 2013
               111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU
               Sunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.
               We are a member of the United Reformed Church.
               We believe in Justice and Peace.
Principal Contacts
Minister:              Rev. Sue Powell           Tel: 020 8462 2212
Church Secretary:      Mrs Mavis Righini         Tel: 020 8462 1168
Fabric Steward         Mr. Chris Wood            Tel: 020 8462 2444
Treasurer:             Mr. Simon Narracott       Tel: 020 8462 2004
Lettings Secretary:    Mrs Undine Connolly       Tel: 020 8776 0108
Caretaker:             Mr. Ian Jones             Tel: 020 8313 1556
Church Website
Editor:               Mr Richard Brown
             Contents : - Items not covered by the diary of events.
Sunday Services, Ed’s notice       2   Bromley Borough Foodbank 12
Church Notices                 3-5     How It All Began             13
Hayes Horticultural Society Quiz 5     The Way things once were     14
KAB Thank you                      6   Concert - Messiah             15
Catalyst Needs You                 7   Website of the Month     16 - 17
Bible Society update,                  Samaritans Thank you          17
              Purple Hat poem      8   Lent prayer                   20
Antique & Collectors Fair          9   Church Organisations       IBC
Notice Board                 10 - 11

This month’s website: -
A new, major campaign to tackle food shortages and poverty was
  announced by Sue at the February Parade Service. The campaign
  relies heavily on on-line support. Please visit the website where
  everything is explained.
Now, turn to Page 16 for more details.......     Ed
       Copy for the April 2013 edition needs to be handed in by
                           Sunday, 10th March.
                    Please submit items in good time.
  You can leave copy in the “B” Pigeon Hole for Richard Brown to collect,
             or hand it directly to him on a Sunday morning.
        You can also e-mail copy to
Thank You.     Editor
Letter from the Minister

Dear Friends

Lent is already upon us, we have enjoyed our pan-
 cakes and now we are challenged to give something up, or take some-
 thing on.
There has been a lot of talk recently on the radio about ‘Random
 Acts of Kindness’; and if, like me, giving up chocolate is not an option
 that can be considered (!) may I suggest we try taking on the idea
 of ‘Random Acts of Kindness’. It can be as simple as carrying
 someone’s bag, helping a person on or off the bus, offering to get
 shopping for a neighbour, clearing a path should the snow return…
The biggest challenge with random acts is that they should be unre-
 ported; so only you know if you achieved one random act each day.
We often carry out random acts of kindness in our daily lives without
 even thinking about it; this gives us the opportunity to acknowledge
 what we do and praise God that we are able to share His love in this
 way. It reminds us that we really are God’s people in His world, and
 as much as we can sometimes feel unworthy to call ourselves Chris-
 tians, we can remind ourselves that we are good and kind people for
 most of the time.
Wherever we are, we have the opportunity to be kind; we have the
 chance to compliment others – especially those who serve us – and
 we are able to show God’s love in our words and actions in the world.
So for the rest of Lent (and there is no need to stop there) let us
 try to make one random act of kindness each day.
And I look forward to seeing you all at the Walk Through the New
Testament Saturday on the 16th March.

Sunday and Easter Services
                               March 2013
         10.30 am - Morning Service - Margaret Smith
          6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister
         Mothering Sunday
10th     10.30 am - Parade Service - The Minister
          6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister
         St. Patrick's Day
17th     10.30 am - Morning Service - Rev John Marchant
          6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister
         10.30 am - Holy Communion - The Minister
          6.30 pm - Evening Service - Pastor Roy Powell
28th     Maundy Thursday
          8.00 pm - Joint URC service at HFC - attended by Beckenham,
                    Elmers End, Emmanuel West Wickham & Hayes Free
29th     Good Friday
          9.15 am - Assemble at Hayes Village Hall for procession
         10.00 am - Morning Service - at HFC
         Easter Sunday
          8.00 am - Holy Communion - The Minister
         10.30 am - Family Celebration Service - The Minister
          6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister

                                April 2013
         10.30 am - Morning Service - TBA
          6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister

                 Some notes on the visiting preachers.
v      Mrs. Margaret Smith is a Methodist Lay Preacher.
v      Revd John Marchant is the assistant minister at Coney Hill Baptist
       Church. He has conducted Sunday Worship at HFC on a number
       of occasions
v      Pastor Roy Powell is Lay Preacher at Camberwell Green U.R.C. –
       as well as being Sue’s husband!

Please Note : -
The information provided here is current at the time of going to press.
The editorial team cannot be held responsible for information which is
 provided too late for inclusion in Catalyst.   Ed
News of the Church Family
Announcements are welcome :-
 BMD - Changes of address, etc.
We regret to announce the death of Joyce
 Egan’s husband, John, on 9 February. We send
 our deepest condolences to Joyce and her
 family at this sad time.

Your prayers would be appreciated for: -
Marjorie Curry, Ruth Rees, and Pat Rumble.

Church Meetings
The next Church meeting will be on Sunday 28th April at noon, after
 the morning service.
The next Elders’ meeting will be held at 8.00 pm in the small hall on
 Tuesday 5th March.

Women's Contact Group
The Contact Group will meet at 8.00 pm on Monday 4th of March at
 Connie Russell’s home - 234, Pickhurst Lane. Then on 8th April, we will
 meet at Marion Bowman’s home - 26, Stambourne Way, W. Wickham.
Sylvia Mack
Tuesday Prayer Meetings for March
Held at 10.00 am at the following homes:-
  5th   Martin Nunn’s.           12th Betty Coster’s.
 19th Brenda Cordingley’s.       26th The Church
 2nd Martin Nunn’s.
Please address any queries to Martin Nunn.

Saturday Fellowship
We will meet at 7, Sedgewood Close at 2.30 pm on the 9th of March -
 (1 week later than normal), and then the 6th of April.
 Martin Nunn leads the discussions.

Men's Group
The next Men's Group meeting is on Thursday 21st March at 8.00 pm in
 the small hall when it will be Desert Island Discs organised by Malcolm

Ministry of Flowers
Thanks are due to those who will be providing flowers in March 2013
 3rd - TBA                             10th - Joan Bolam
17th - Maggie Greenwood         24th - TBA
31st - Easter
A big thank you to those who kindly arrange the flowers when needed.
After the Sunday evening services, the flowers are distributed to
members and friends, bringing joy to the recipients.
Mavis Righini
Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club
We welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied
 by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Friday
 afternoons between 2 and 4 pm during term time. The fee is £1 per
 family – tea, squash and biscuits are provided.
This is a time when adults can meet up, while the children in their care
 are busy playing with toys and activities in the company of other
Our Spring term ends on Friday March 22nd.
We meet again for the Summer term on Friday April 19th.
We look forward to seeing you all.
Judith Stoner   - Secretary.

Bible Study Group
The Bible Study group meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each
 month at 2.30 pm in the small hall.
 To confirm, listen for announcements & check Sunday Link.

Worship Group
The Church will be open for Quiet Meditation & Prayer every
 Wednesday - 6.00 - 7.00 pm.
 To confirm, listen for announcements & check Sunday Link.

I've learned...
      That I wish I could have told my Mom that I love her
      one more time before she passed away.
                                                     Andy Rooney

Notice Sheets - March, & 1st Sunday in April
    3rd   Pam Collison    8658 0748
  10th    Joan Smith      8462 3920
  17th    Joan Smith
  24th    Daphne Cummings 8777 2487
  31st    Daphne Cummings
   7th    Brenda Cordingley      8462 3867
If you require items to be included in the notice sheets, please contact
the appropriate person by the previous Tuesday.
Women's Fellowship

M     eetings are in the small hall at 2.00 p.m., unless otherwise stated,
      on Tuesdays and finish about 3.30 p.m.
The March meetings will be: -
    5th      A visit from a Chislehurst chiropractor
   12th      Mission Aviation Fellowship.
   19th      Service taken by David Stoner.
   26th      Looking after Hayes Village Hall by Laurie Mack - with hot
             cross buns!
   Then, in April we will not start back until: -
    23rd     Service taken by Sue Powell.
 If you have any questions, do contact Sylvia Mack on 8462 1938.
Members who use the mini-ambulance are asked to phone Sylvia Mack on
  8462 1938 by 9.00 am on any Tuesday when they are unable to come to
  the meetings.
As always, we welcome all ladies to our meetings . Please come along for
  a pleasant afternoon. We do have a very varied programme with plenty
  to interest everyone.
  Marion and Sylvia
                        Hayes Horticultural Society
                               Quiz Night
                        2nd March 2013 – 7.45pm
                          at Hayes Village Hall
                              Tables of 8
                        Fish & chip supper included
                        Please bring cutlery & drinks
               Tickets £10 available from Brenda Cordingley
                              0208 462 3867
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Catalyst Needs You!
This page will be kept for YOUR contributions - NOTHING ELSE will go on this page.
 Hopefully, you will be inspired to share some Christmas / New Year break stories.

                            SUPPORT AT HOME
        If you are living independently at home, but getting older
           and would like help with household tasks, meals,
         shopping or transport; or would like help using your
         computer, pursuing indoor interests or getting out by
         wheelchair or by car; or would like to give a break to
        someone who usually looks after you; or would like help
        with something not mentioned here - please get in touch
        with me. My goal is to maintain your independent lifestyle
                     with a kind and committed service.
                   Christopher White 020 8149 6933 or

               Your contributions to Catalyst will be most
               welcome. Can you fill this space?
               How about a picture, or a poem? What did you
               do at Sunday School? Do you have any New
               Year’s stories? This page is yours to use, so
               please feed your imagination!

                           Please contact
                      Richard Brown - The Editor.
                    I would love to hear from you.

Bible Society update

 L ast summer the Bible Society focused on Cambodia where many
   people are not only poor, but illiterate.
 Pastor Nom Saim’s mission is teaching his congregation to read -
  particularly the women and children.
                                          They sit around an old
                                          cassette player connected
                                          up to a battery and start their
                                          lesson. It is encouraging to
                                          learn that the Church in this
                                          country is growing at an
                                          extraordinary rate, and
                                          literacy is vital for these new
                                          Christians to grow in their
                                          new-found faith.

                                         I now have collecting boxes
 from the Bible Society for anyone who would like to contribute to the
 work of the Society. May I add that it costs only £8 to teach one
 person to read in Cambodia. It is a priceless gift to be literate.
                          Betty Coster - Bible Society .representative
                        Give me my purple hat....
                            from Caroline Cotton
A beautiful woman looks in the               Age 40: She looks at herself and sees
 mirror...........                           "clean" and goes out anyway.
Age 3: She looks at herself and sees         Age 50: She looks at herself and sees
 a Queen.                                    "I am" and goes wherever she wants
Age 8: She looks at herself and sees          to go.
 Cinderella.                                 Age 60: She looks at herself and
Age 15: She looks at herself and sees         reminds herself of all the people
 an Ugly Sister (Mum I can't go to            who can't even see themselves in
 school looking like this!)                   the mirror anymore. Goes out and
Age 20: She looks at herself and sees         conquers the world.
"too fat/too thin, too short/too tall,       Age 70: She looks at herself & sees
 too straight/too curly"- but decides         wisdom, laughter and ability, goes
 she's going out anyway.                      out and enjoys life.
Age 30: She looks at herself and sees        Age 80: She doesn't bother to look.
"too tat/too thin, too short/too tall,        She just puts on a purple hat and
 too straight/too curly" - but decides        goes out to have fun with the world.
 she doesn't have time to fix it, so
 she's going out anyway.

            Saturday 2 March
               10.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m.

                  HAYES FREE CHURCH
                    PICKHURST LANE
  Interested table holders – tables available David Connolly.
                       Tel: 020 8776 0108.

                       ENTRANCE £1.00
Sponsored by:- Ennis-Webb & Co. Solicitors, Wills, Probate, Tax & Trusts
         Elite House, 155 Main Road, Biggin Hill, Kent TN16 3JP
                            tel. 01959 57700


                      The Easter Services
 Details are as follows:
 Maundy Thursday -
     8.00 pm at Hayes Free Church - attended by
          Beckenham URC, Elmers End URC and Emmanuel
          West Wickham URC, as well as Hayes Free people.
 Good Friday -
    9.15 am meet at the Village Hall in Hayes to walk to St
          Mary's, then on to the Rosary, and up to Hayes Free
    10.00 am service. As many people as possible to join in
          the walk please.
 Easter Sunday -
      8.00 am Communion Service followed by breakfast.
     10.30 am Family Celebration.
      6.30 pm Easter Service

                    Concerts in Bromley
           The series of lunchtime concerts for 2013
                held in Bromley Central library
               and organised by Alan Boynton
              start again on Thursday, 7th March
                    from 12 Noon - 2.00 pm.
          Tickets cost £5.00, and are obtained from
                   the Reference Library desk.
    The next concerts will be on 4th July, 3rd October and
                       19th December.
It’s always very enjoyable to hear the excellent live artists who
                         perform for us.

                                            Betty Coster

                     Information about

T   he editor has been approached on a number of occasions
    by people asking why certain information has not been
 included in the current edition of Catalyst.
The information is up to date at the time Catalyst is printed. If
 you are giving information to a 3rd party to pass on to the
 editor, then please ensure the third party receives the
 information a couple of days in advance of the copy date.
It is important to check inside the front cover for the date by
 which copy is required.
The date is usually 3 Sundays before Catalyst is distributed.
             Please help by submitting material in time.
  Handwritten material has to be typed up and this takes more
 time than dealing with material provided electronically.

I n the diary, only events which are held at HFC, or events put
  on by HFC organisations and groups will be shown. Events by
 other organisations, etc will appear in Catalyst from time-to-
 time and will be included in the table of contents as usual.

T  he list of organisations inside the Back Cover has been
   updated. Because of space restrictions, certain information
 is now displayed differently. Where an organisation meets on
 a certain day of the month, this is indicated as follows: -
For example: 2nd Tuesday monthly Shown as 2nd
               1st Thursday monthly     Shown as 1st
Please remember that 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th indicate
 which day of the month, not the actual date in the calendar.
                 Thank you for you understanding



You may not have thought it but 30,000 people in Bromley Borough
 are living on the edge of poverty. Bromley Borough foodbank is part
 of a national network of foodbanks giving out nutritionally balanced
 emergency food to people in crisis who have nowhere else to turn.
 By donating food on a regular basis the church enables the
 compassion of God to be shown in our community.

Currently the most necessary items are as follows:
           Milk (UHT or powdered)
           Sugar 500 gram packets
           Fruit juice (Long-life carton)
           Potatoes (Tinned)
           Sponge pudding (tinned)
           Rice pudding (tinned)
           Custard (tinned)
           Tea bags/Instant coffee
           Tinned meat/fish
           Tinned fruit
           Biscuits or snack bars

We do not require any soup, beans, tomatoes or vegetables at the

As well as food we like to offer clients toiletries. At the moment our
 stock of shampoo, shower gel and deodorants is quite low.
Foodbank gives three days of emergency food to individuals and
 families in crisis. Local care professionals in the area are referring
 people to us using a food voucher. At the foodbank centre clients
 exchange their voucher for food supplies. Here they also receive a
 cup of tea or coffee, a listening ear and signposting to other
 professionals who can help them out of their crisis.


How It All Began
In ancient Israel, it came to pass that a trader by the name of Abraham Com
 did take unto himself a young wife by the name of Dot. And Dot Com was a
 comely woman, broad of shoulder and long of leg. Indeed, she had been
 called Amazon Dot Com.
She said unto Abraham, her husband, "Why doth thou travel far from town to
 town with thy goods when thou can trade without ever leaving thy tent?"
 Abraham did look at her as though she were several saddle bags short of a
 camel load, but simply said, "How, Dear?"
And Dot replied, "I will place drums in all the towns and drums in between to
 send messages saying what you have for sale and they will reply telling you
 which hath the best price. And the sale can be made on the drums and
 delivery made by Uriah's Pony Stable (UPS)."
Abraham thought long and decided he would let Dot have her way with the
 drums. The drums rang out and were an immediate success. Abraham sold all
 the goods he had at the top price, without ever moving from his tent.
To prevent neighbouring countries from overhearing what the drums were
 saying, Dot devised a system that only she and the drummers knew. It was
 known as Must Send Drum Over Sound (MSDOS), and she also developed a
 language to transmit ideas and pictures - Hebrew To The People (HTTP).
But this success did arouse envy. A man named Maccabia did secret himself
 inside Abraham's drum and was accused of insider trading. And the young
 men did take to Dot Com's trading as doth the greedy horsefly take to camel
 dung. They were called Nomadic Ecclesiastical Rich Dominican Siderites, or
 NERDS for short.
And lo, the land was so feverish with joy at the new riches and the deafening
 sound of drums that no one noticed that the real riches were going to the
 drum maker, one Brother William of Gates, who bought up every drum
 company in the land. And indeed did insist on making drums that would work
 only with Brother Gates' drumheads and drumsticks.
Dot did say, "Oh, Abraham, what we have started is being taken over by
And as Abraham looked out over the Bay of Ezekiel, or as it came to be known
"eBay" he said, "We need a name that reflects what we are," and Dot replied,
"Young Ambitious Hebrew Owner Operators." "YAHOO", said Abraham.
And because it was Dot's idea, they named it YAHOO Dot Com. Abraham's
 cousin, Joshua, being the young Gregarious Energetic Educated Kid (GEEK)
 that he was, soon started using Dot's drums to locate things around the
It soon became known as God's Own Official Guide to Locating Everything
That is how it all began. And that's the truth.
Women’s Contact Coffee Morning 10.00 am - 12.00
        We will be holding a coffee morning on the
        9th of March, 2013.
We are continuing to raise monies to contribute to disaster
 relief funds in different parts of the world. This month, the monies
 raised will be in support of the Fairtrade Big Brew.
We hope to see you at the Coffee Mornings, and why not bring a friend.
Please note that the monies raised from the coffee mornings are
 separate from those raised through the refreshments trolley after
 Sunday morning services.
   Barbara Jones
The Fairtrade Sunday Stall
We will be holding a fair trade stall after the morning service on the
 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month.
         So, in March the stall will be held on the 10th and 24th.
The message is please buy Fairtrade. Every purchase helps in a good

We support Fairtrade Fortnight. A percentage of takings from the stall
 on the 10th of March will go to the Big Brew.
Please continue to support your fair trade stall. Thank you.
        Richard and Barbara.
Footnote: -
Traidcraft, part of the Fairtrade movement is involved in the
campaign to tackle food poverty worldwide. Please check inside
the front cover and page 16 of Catalyst for campaign information.
Also, please speak to an elder or the Minister for further information.

                     The way things once were
                What did those nursery rhymes mean?
       We will be looking at this up to the October edition, 2013
                             Doctor Foster
In the verse the word puddle is rhymed with middle and some
  researchers believe that it was originally piddle, which once meant a
  stream. This gives weight to the theory that it relates to a story about
  Edward I, King of England in the 13th century, who, whilst visiting
  Gloucester during a storm, rode his horse through a stream which
  was deeper than he thought and had to be pulled out.

Website of the Month         Enough Food for Everyone - IF
Major new campaign to tackle hunger launched
The largest anti-poverty coalition since Make Poverty History in 2005,
 made up of Britain’s leading development charities and faith groups,
 has launched a major new campaign: Enough Food for Everyone IF.
In its first report out on 23 January the group, which currently numbers
 100 organisations and has the backing of philanthropist Bill Gates and
 Archbishop Desmond Tutu, warns that in a world where there is
 enough food for everyone, the scandal of children growing up hungry
 also imposes a grave economic burden on the developing world.
The Revd Dr Michael Jagessar, moderator of the General Assembly of
 the United Reformed Church, said: “I’m delighted that the United
 Reformed Church is part of this vital campaign – it’s only together that
 we can make a loud enough noise to ensure we are heard by those
 with the power to change the damaging policies, habits and mind
 sets that we are locked into. The simple truth is the world produces
 enough food to ensure no one goes to bed hungry and we must act
 together to challenge a system that accepts this scandal to be
 inevitable. Join us and act now.”
We urge everyone to sign up now and get involved to make sure that
2013 is the beginning of the end of hunger.
Groundbreaking campaign calls for donors
The United Reformed Church is proud to be part of a groundbreaking
 campaign that calls on church members to help increase the number
 of blood and organ donors in the UK. Founded as a two-year
 partnership between creative agency KORE and NHS Blood and
 Transplant (NHSBT), the initiative aims to profile the need for more
 blood and organ donors and encourage donation as an alternative
 way of personal giving.
The campaign has three main calls to action, all of which can be
 accessed through the website:
ü    Register online: Sign up to give blood or join the NHS Organ Donor
ü    Make a date to donate: Book a date to give blood at a centre
     near you
ü    Be an advocate: Lend your voice, raise awareness, and find
     ways to involve others.
                                         Continued on the next page ....
.... Continued from the previous page
Speaking of the URC’s decision to support this campaign, Francis
 Brienen, the URC’s secretary for mission, said: “The flesh and blood
 campaign gives a fresh perspective to Christian giving. I particularly
 like the simplicity of the idea – that it enables people to do something
 so simple and yet as profound and important as giving blood or
 deciding to become an organ donor. I hope it encourages people in
 the United Reformed Church to consider giving blood as part of their
 Christian giving and in response to God’s boundless generosity to us.”
Sponsored by and in association with several denominations,
 organisations and festivals, the flesh and blood campaign marks the
 first time the NHS has worked alongside the church on a national
 initiative of this kind.


                                 9b Station Road,


                                       Kent BR6 ORZ

Tel: 07837958557                                 9th February 2013

Dear John,
Please thank your congregation for their generous contribution to
 Samaritans from your Christmas Day collections. Also, please accept my
 apologies for taking so long to write this letter to you.
As you probably know Samaritans Branches are entirely staffed by
 volunteers and funding of this type enables us to continue our support
 services to those who need us. In addition it contributes to our ability to
 undertake more outreach activities, where we go out into the community.

Yours sincerely

Director, Bromley and Orpington Samaritans

March 2013
             St. David's Day
1st    Fri   2.00 pm - Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Group                Page 4
             2.00 pm - Hayes Service for Women’s World Day of
                        Prayer at Hayes Village Hall Pg 8 of Feb Catalyst
2nd    Sat   10.00 am - Antique & Collectors Fair               Page 9

3rd    Sun   10.30 am - Morning Service - Margaret Smith
              6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister
4th    Mon    8.00 pm - Women’s Contact Group                   Page 3
             10.00 am - Prayer Meeting                          Page 3
5th    Tue    2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship                      Page 5
              8.00 pm - Elders’ Meeting                         Page 3
6th    Wed    6.00 pm - Worship Group                           Page 4
7th    Thu
8th    Fri    2..00 pm - Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club              Page 4

9th    Sat   10.00 am - Women’s Contact Coffee Morning          Page 14
             2..30 pm - Saturday Fellowship                     Page 3
             Mothering Sunday
10th   Sun   10.30 am - Parade Service - The Minister
                            Followed by Fairtrade stall         Page 14
              6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister
11th   Mon

12th   Tue   10.00 am - Prayer Meeting                          Page 3
              2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship                      Page 5
13th   Wed    6.00 pm - Worship Group                           Page 4
14th   Thu    2.30 pm - Bible Study Group                       Page 4
15th   Fri    2..00 pm - Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club              Page 4
16th   Sat
             St. Patrick's Day
17th   Sun   10.30 am - Morning Service - Rev John Marchant
              6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister
18th   Mon

19th   Tue   10.00 am - Prayer Meeting                          Page 3
              2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship                      Page 5
20th   Wed    6.00 pm - Worship Group                           Page 4
21st   Thu    8.00 pm - Men’s Group                             Page 3
22nd Fri      2..00 pm - Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club              Page 4
March 2013
23rd   Sat
             10.30 am - Holy Communion - The Minister
24th   Sun                   Followed by Fairtrade stall       Page 14
              6.30 pm - Evening Service - Pastor Roy Powell
25th   Mon

26th   Tue   10.00 am - Prayer Meeting                         Page 3
              2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship                     Page 5
27th   Wed    6.00 pm - Worship Group                          Page 4
             Maundy Thursday (page 10 for Easter services notice)
28th   Thu    2.30 pm - Bible Study Group                     Page 4
              8.00 pm - Joint URC service at HFC - Beckenham,
                    Elmers End, Emmanuel West Wickham & Hayes Free
             Good Friday        (page 10 for Easter services notice)
29th   Fri    9.15 am - Assemble at Hayes Village Hall for procession
             10.00 am - Morning Service - at HFC
30th   Sat
             Easter Sunday      (page 10 for Easter services notice)
                        BST Begins
31st   Sun    8.00 am - Holy Communion - The Minister
             10.30 am - Family Celebration Service - The Minister
              6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister

                               April 2013
1st    Mon Easter Monday
2nd    Tue   10.00 am - Prayer Meeting                         Page 3
3rd    Wed    6.00 pm - Worship Group                          Page 4
4th    Thu
5th    Fri
6th    Sat    2.30 pm - Saturday Fellowship                    Page 3

7th    Sun   10.30 am - Morning Service - TBA
              6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister
There were no further dates at the time of going to press.

This Lenten time, as we prepare for our journey to the cross:

Fast from grumbling and feast on thanksgiving
Fast from criticism and feast on praise.
Fast from self pity and feast on thinking about others.
Fast from anger and feast on peace.
Fast from despair and feast on hope.
Fast from greed and feast on contentment.

Fast from complaining and feast on gratitude
Fast from pessimism and feast on optimism.
Fast from harsh judgments and feast on kindly thoughts.
Fast from worry and feast on trusting Divine Providence.
Fast from discouragement and feast on being full of hope.
Fast from bitterness and feast on forgiveness.
Fast from hatred and feast on returning good for evil.

Fast from negativism and feast on being positive.
Fast from anger and feast on more patience.
Fast from pettiness and feast on becoming mature.
Fast from gloom and feast on enjoying the beauty that is all
          around you.
Fast from jealousy and feast on praying for trust.
Fast from gossiping and feast on controlling your tongue.
Fast from sin and feast on turning to virtue.
Fast from giving up and feast on embracing life for all it's

   Prayer said at the Morning Service on 17th February, and
                       published with Cliff Kent’s permission

Day              Organisation          Contact            Phone
10.25 am         Sunday Club           Mike Duke          8462 5103
9.15 - 12.00 pm Pre School Group       Jayne Carvell      07913 299773
5.45 pm          Brownies              Sarah Humphrey     8249 9982
6.30 pm          Cubs                  Brenda Petts       8325 3956
8.00 pm - 1st    Women's Contact       Sylvia Mack        8462 1938
10.00 am         Prayer Meeting        Martin Nunn        8462 5918
2.00 pm          Women's Fellowship    Sylvia Mack        8462 1938
7.00 pm          Scouts                Paul Hasling       3236 0083
4.00 pm - 2nd    Messy Church          Sue Powell         8462 2212
5.00 pm          Rainbows              Tania Venables     8462 9759
6.00 pm          Beavers               Brenda Petts       8325 3956
6.00 - 7.00 pm   Worship Group         Bill Michie        8658 4167
8.00 pm          Explorers             Tom Strachan       07745 813 295
2.30 pm - 2 nd, Bible Study            Sue Powell         8462 2212
          & 4th
5.30 pm         Brownies               Stevie Blair.      8325 3469
7.15 - 8.45 pm   Senior Guides         Georgina Chappell 07983 471308
8.00 pm - 3rd    Men's Group           Bruce Tannock      8325 6264
9.00 - 12.00 pm Coffee morning during term times
2.00 pm         Mothers & Toddlers   Judith Stoner        8462 3023
6.30 pm          Guides                Teresa Cheyne      8777 6042
2.30 pm - 1st    Saturday Fellowship   Martin Nunn        8462 5918

   NOTE: - Some of the organisations meet once or twice per month.
   This is indicated by 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. The numbers relate to which
               week day of the month, NOT the calendar date.
Final Thought
            Where your treasure is . . . .
 'Treasure' was the theme of Iona Youth Festival 2012.

Here are the quotes on treasure from the seven
groups of young people

v Treasure can be found in memories and friendships
  as well as in what we have achieved.

v Treasuring material has no value and can be lost
  too easily: find your treasure in creation.

v Happiness, love and thought are the treasures of a

v Discover who you treasure, as good friends and
  family are the true treasures of life.

v Many of life's treasures are bypassed - we must
  stop and enjoy them!

v We choose to treasure the joy we find in life,
  relationships and nature.

v You won't find your treasure at the end of the
  journey, rather you will find it within yourself and
  the journey itself.

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2013 mar

  • 1. Catalyst THE MAGAZINE OF HAYES FREE CHURCH (U.R.C.) March 2013
  • 2. HAYES FREE CHURCH 111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU Sunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. We are a member of the United Reformed Church. We believe in Justice and Peace. Principal Contacts Minister: Rev. Sue Powell Tel: 020 8462 2212 Church Secretary: Mrs Mavis Righini Tel: 020 8462 1168 Fabric Steward Mr. Chris Wood Tel: 020 8462 2444 Treasurer: Mr. Simon Narracott Tel: 020 8462 2004 Lettings Secretary: Mrs Undine Connolly Tel: 020 8776 0108 Caretaker: Mr. Ian Jones Tel: 020 8313 1556 Church Website Catalyst Editor: Mr Richard Brown Contents : - Items not covered by the diary of events. Sunday Services, Ed’s notice 2 Bromley Borough Foodbank 12 Church Notices 3-5 How It All Began 13 Hayes Horticultural Society Quiz 5 The Way things once were 14 KAB Thank you 6 Concert - Messiah 15 Catalyst Needs You 7 Website of the Month 16 - 17 Bible Society update, Samaritans Thank you 17 Purple Hat poem 8 Lent prayer 20 Antique & Collectors Fair 9 Church Organisations IBC Notice Board 10 - 11 This month’s website: - A new, major campaign to tackle food shortages and poverty was announced by Sue at the February Parade Service. The campaign relies heavily on on-line support. Please visit the website where everything is explained. Now, turn to Page 16 for more details....... Ed Copy for the April 2013 edition needs to be handed in by Sunday, 10th March. Please submit items in good time. You can leave copy in the “B” Pigeon Hole for Richard Brown to collect, or hand it directly to him on a Sunday morning. You can also e-mail copy to Thank You. Editor
  • 3. Letter from the Minister Dear Friends Lent is already upon us, we have enjoyed our pan- cakes and now we are challenged to give something up, or take some- thing on. There has been a lot of talk recently on the radio about ‘Random Acts of Kindness’; and if, like me, giving up chocolate is not an option that can be considered (!) may I suggest we try taking on the idea of ‘Random Acts of Kindness’. It can be as simple as carrying someone’s bag, helping a person on or off the bus, offering to get shopping for a neighbour, clearing a path should the snow return… The biggest challenge with random acts is that they should be unre- ported; so only you know if you achieved one random act each day. We often carry out random acts of kindness in our daily lives without even thinking about it; this gives us the opportunity to acknowledge what we do and praise God that we are able to share His love in this way. It reminds us that we really are God’s people in His world, and as much as we can sometimes feel unworthy to call ourselves Chris- tians, we can remind ourselves that we are good and kind people for most of the time. Wherever we are, we have the opportunity to be kind; we have the chance to compliment others – especially those who serve us – and we are able to show God’s love in our words and actions in the world. So for the rest of Lent (and there is no need to stop there) let us try to make one random act of kindness each day. And I look forward to seeing you all at the Walk Through the New Testament Saturday on the 16th March. Sue 1
  • 4. Sunday and Easter Services March 2013 10.30 am - Morning Service - Margaret Smith 3rd 6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister Mothering Sunday 10th 10.30 am - Parade Service - The Minister 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister St. Patrick's Day 17th 10.30 am - Morning Service - Rev John Marchant 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister 10.30 am - Holy Communion - The Minister 24th 6.30 pm - Evening Service - Pastor Roy Powell 28th Maundy Thursday 8.00 pm - Joint URC service at HFC - attended by Beckenham, Elmers End, Emmanuel West Wickham & Hayes Free 29th Good Friday 9.15 am - Assemble at Hayes Village Hall for procession 10.00 am - Morning Service - at HFC Easter Sunday 8.00 am - Holy Communion - The Minister 31st 10.30 am - Family Celebration Service - The Minister 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister April 2013 10.30 am - Morning Service - TBA 7th 6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister Some notes on the visiting preachers. v Mrs. Margaret Smith is a Methodist Lay Preacher. v Revd John Marchant is the assistant minister at Coney Hill Baptist Church. He has conducted Sunday Worship at HFC on a number of occasions v Pastor Roy Powell is Lay Preacher at Camberwell Green U.R.C. – as well as being Sue’s husband! Please Note : - The information provided here is current at the time of going to press. The editorial team cannot be held responsible for information which is provided too late for inclusion in Catalyst. Ed 2
  • 5. News of the Church Family Announcements are welcome :- BMD - Changes of address, etc. Deaths We regret to announce the death of Joyce Egan’s husband, John, on 9 February. We send our deepest condolences to Joyce and her family at this sad time. Your prayers would be appreciated for: - Marjorie Curry, Ruth Rees, and Pat Rumble. Church Meetings The next Church meeting will be on Sunday 28th April at noon, after the morning service. The next Elders’ meeting will be held at 8.00 pm in the small hall on Tuesday 5th March. Women's Contact Group The Contact Group will meet at 8.00 pm on Monday 4th of March at Connie Russell’s home - 234, Pickhurst Lane. Then on 8th April, we will meet at Marion Bowman’s home - 26, Stambourne Way, W. Wickham. Sylvia Mack Tuesday Prayer Meetings for March Held at 10.00 am at the following homes:- 5th Martin Nunn’s. 12th Betty Coster’s. 19th Brenda Cordingley’s. 26th The Church April 2nd Martin Nunn’s. Please address any queries to Martin Nunn. Saturday Fellowship We will meet at 7, Sedgewood Close at 2.30 pm on the 9th of March - (1 week later than normal), and then the 6th of April. Martin Nunn leads the discussions. Men's Group The next Men's Group meeting is on Thursday 21st March at 8.00 pm in the small hall when it will be Desert Island Discs organised by Malcolm Cheyne. 3
  • 6. Ministry of Flowers Thanks are due to those who will be providing flowers in March 2013 3rd - TBA 10th - Joan Bolam 17th - Maggie Greenwood 24th - TBA (birthday) 31st - Easter A big thank you to those who kindly arrange the flowers when needed. After the Sunday evening services, the flowers are distributed to members and friends, bringing joy to the recipients. Mavis Righini Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club We welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Friday afternoons between 2 and 4 pm during term time. The fee is £1 per family – tea, squash and biscuits are provided. This is a time when adults can meet up, while the children in their care are busy playing with toys and activities in the company of other children. Our Spring term ends on Friday March 22nd. We meet again for the Summer term on Friday April 19th. We look forward to seeing you all. Judith Stoner - Secretary. Bible Study Group The Bible Study group meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 2.30 pm in the small hall. To confirm, listen for announcements & check Sunday Link. Worship Group The Church will be open for Quiet Meditation & Prayer every Wednesday - 6.00 - 7.00 pm. To confirm, listen for announcements & check Sunday Link. I've learned... That I wish I could have told my Mom that I love her one more time before she passed away. Andy Rooney 4
  • 7. Notice Sheets - March, & 1st Sunday in April March 3rd Pam Collison 8658 0748 10th Joan Smith 8462 3920 17th Joan Smith 24th Daphne Cummings 8777 2487 31st Daphne Cummings April 7th Brenda Cordingley 8462 3867 If you require items to be included in the notice sheets, please contact the appropriate person by the previous Tuesday. Women's Fellowship M eetings are in the small hall at 2.00 p.m., unless otherwise stated, on Tuesdays and finish about 3.30 p.m. The March meetings will be: - 5th A visit from a Chislehurst chiropractor 12th Mission Aviation Fellowship. 19th Service taken by David Stoner. 26th Looking after Hayes Village Hall by Laurie Mack - with hot cross buns! Then, in April we will not start back until: - 23rd Service taken by Sue Powell. If you have any questions, do contact Sylvia Mack on 8462 1938. MINI-AMBULANCE Members who use the mini-ambulance are asked to phone Sylvia Mack on 8462 1938 by 9.00 am on any Tuesday when they are unable to come to the meetings. As always, we welcome all ladies to our meetings . Please come along for a pleasant afternoon. We do have a very varied programme with plenty to interest everyone. Marion and Sylvia Hayes Horticultural Society Quiz Night 2nd March 2013 – 7.45pm at Hayes Village Hall Tables of 8 Fish & chip supper included Please bring cutlery & drinks Tickets £10 available from Brenda Cordingley 0208 462 3867 5
  • 8. the atio n for site t As so ci he W eb Ken will be t nth d o Blin of the m 013 ril, 2 fo r Ap 6
  • 9. Catalyst Needs You! This page will be kept for YOUR contributions - NOTHING ELSE will go on this page. Hopefully, you will be inspired to share some Christmas / New Year break stories. SUPPORT AT HOME If you are living independently at home, but getting older and would like help with household tasks, meals, shopping or transport; or would like help using your computer, pursuing indoor interests or getting out by wheelchair or by car; or would like to give a break to someone who usually looks after you; or would like help with something not mentioned here - please get in touch with me. My goal is to maintain your independent lifestyle with a kind and committed service. Christopher White 020 8149 6933 or Your contributions to Catalyst will be most welcome. Can you fill this space? How about a picture, or a poem? What did you do at Sunday School? Do you have any New Year’s stories? This page is yours to use, so please feed your imagination! Please contact Richard Brown - The Editor. I would love to hear from you. 7
  • 10. Bible Society update L ast summer the Bible Society focused on Cambodia where many people are not only poor, but illiterate. Pastor Nom Saim’s mission is teaching his congregation to read - particularly the women and children. They sit around an old cassette player connected up to a battery and start their lesson. It is encouraging to learn that the Church in this country is growing at an extraordinary rate, and literacy is vital for these new Christians to grow in their new-found faith. I now have collecting boxes from the Bible Society for anyone who would like to contribute to the work of the Society. May I add that it costs only £8 to teach one person to read in Cambodia. It is a priceless gift to be literate. Betty Coster - Bible Society .representative Give me my purple hat.... from Caroline Cotton A beautiful woman looks in the Age 40: She looks at herself and sees mirror........... "clean" and goes out anyway. Age 3: She looks at herself and sees Age 50: She looks at herself and sees a Queen. "I am" and goes wherever she wants Age 8: She looks at herself and sees to go. Cinderella. Age 60: She looks at herself and Age 15: She looks at herself and sees reminds herself of all the people an Ugly Sister (Mum I can't go to who can't even see themselves in school looking like this!) the mirror anymore. Goes out and Age 20: She looks at herself and sees conquers the world. "too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, Age 70: She looks at herself & sees too straight/too curly"- but decides wisdom, laughter and ability, goes she's going out anyway. out and enjoys life. Age 30: She looks at herself and sees Age 80: She doesn't bother to look. "too tat/too thin, too short/too tall, She just puts on a purple hat and too straight/too curly" - but decides goes out to have fun with the world. she doesn't have time to fix it, so she's going out anyway. 8
  • 11. ROTARY CLUB OF LANGLEY PARK & DEAF ACCESS nd Saturday 2 March 2013 10.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m. AT HAYES FREE CHURCH PICKHURST LANE HAYES KENT LUNCHES & REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE Interested table holders – tables available David Connolly. Tel: 020 8776 0108. ENTRANCE £1.00 Sponsored by:- Ennis-Webb & Co. Solicitors, Wills, Probate, Tax & Trusts Elite House, 155 Main Road, Biggin Hill, Kent TN16 3JP tel. 01959 57700 9
  • 12. NOTICE The Easter Services Details are as follows: Maundy Thursday - 8.00 pm at Hayes Free Church - attended by Beckenham URC, Elmers End URC and Emmanuel West Wickham URC, as well as Hayes Free people. Good Friday - 9.15 am meet at the Village Hall in Hayes to walk to St Mary's, then on to the Rosary, and up to Hayes Free for 10.00 am service. As many people as possible to join in the walk please. Easter Sunday - 8.00 am Communion Service followed by breakfast. 10.30 am Family Celebration. 6.30 pm Easter Service Concerts in Bromley The series of lunchtime concerts for 2013 held in Bromley Central library and organised by Alan Boynton start again on Thursday, 7th March from 12 Noon - 2.00 pm. Tickets cost £5.00, and are obtained from the Reference Library desk. The next concerts will be on 4th July, 3rd October and 19th December. It’s always very enjoyable to hear the excellent live artists who perform for us. Betty Coster 10
  • 13. BOARD Information about Catalyst T he editor has been approached on a number of occasions by people asking why certain information has not been included in the current edition of Catalyst. The information is up to date at the time Catalyst is printed. If you are giving information to a 3rd party to pass on to the editor, then please ensure the third party receives the information a couple of days in advance of the copy date. It is important to check inside the front cover for the date by which copy is required. The date is usually 3 Sundays before Catalyst is distributed. Please help by submitting material in time. Handwritten material has to be typed up and this takes more time than dealing with material provided electronically. I n the diary, only events which are held at HFC, or events put on by HFC organisations and groups will be shown. Events by other organisations, etc will appear in Catalyst from time-to- time and will be included in the table of contents as usual. T he list of organisations inside the Back Cover has been updated. Because of space restrictions, certain information is now displayed differently. Where an organisation meets on a certain day of the month, this is indicated as follows: - For example: 2nd Tuesday monthly Shown as 2nd 1st Thursday monthly Shown as 1st Please remember that 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th indicate which day of the month, not the actual date in the calendar. Thank you for you understanding Editor 11
  • 14. BROMLEY BOROUGH FOODBANK You may not have thought it but 30,000 people in Bromley Borough are living on the edge of poverty. Bromley Borough foodbank is part of a national network of foodbanks giving out nutritionally balanced emergency food to people in crisis who have nowhere else to turn. By donating food on a regular basis the church enables the compassion of God to be shown in our community. Currently the most necessary items are as follows: Milk (UHT or powdered) Sugar 500 gram packets Fruit juice (Long-life carton) Potatoes (Tinned) Sponge pudding (tinned) Cereals Rice pudding (tinned) Custard (tinned) Tea bags/Instant coffee Tinned meat/fish Tinned fruit Jam Biscuits or snack bars We do not require any soup, beans, tomatoes or vegetables at the moment. As well as food we like to offer clients toiletries. At the moment our stock of shampoo, shower gel and deodorants is quite low. Foodbank gives three days of emergency food to individuals and families in crisis. Local care professionals in the area are referring people to us using a food voucher. At the foodbank centre clients exchange their voucher for food supplies. Here they also receive a cup of tea or coffee, a listening ear and signposting to other professionals who can help them out of their crisis. THANK YOU 12
  • 15. How It All Began In ancient Israel, it came to pass that a trader by the name of Abraham Com did take unto himself a young wife by the name of Dot. And Dot Com was a comely woman, broad of shoulder and long of leg. Indeed, she had been called Amazon Dot Com. She said unto Abraham, her husband, "Why doth thou travel far from town to town with thy goods when thou can trade without ever leaving thy tent?" Abraham did look at her as though she were several saddle bags short of a camel load, but simply said, "How, Dear?" And Dot replied, "I will place drums in all the towns and drums in between to send messages saying what you have for sale and they will reply telling you which hath the best price. And the sale can be made on the drums and delivery made by Uriah's Pony Stable (UPS)." Abraham thought long and decided he would let Dot have her way with the drums. The drums rang out and were an immediate success. Abraham sold all the goods he had at the top price, without ever moving from his tent. To prevent neighbouring countries from overhearing what the drums were saying, Dot devised a system that only she and the drummers knew. It was known as Must Send Drum Over Sound (MSDOS), and she also developed a language to transmit ideas and pictures - Hebrew To The People (HTTP). But this success did arouse envy. A man named Maccabia did secret himself inside Abraham's drum and was accused of insider trading. And the young men did take to Dot Com's trading as doth the greedy horsefly take to camel dung. They were called Nomadic Ecclesiastical Rich Dominican Siderites, or NERDS for short. And lo, the land was so feverish with joy at the new riches and the deafening sound of drums that no one noticed that the real riches were going to the drum maker, one Brother William of Gates, who bought up every drum company in the land. And indeed did insist on making drums that would work only with Brother Gates' drumheads and drumsticks. Dot did say, "Oh, Abraham, what we have started is being taken over by others." And as Abraham looked out over the Bay of Ezekiel, or as it came to be known "eBay" he said, "We need a name that reflects what we are," and Dot replied, "Young Ambitious Hebrew Owner Operators." "YAHOO", said Abraham. And because it was Dot's idea, they named it YAHOO Dot Com. Abraham's cousin, Joshua, being the young Gregarious Energetic Educated Kid (GEEK) that he was, soon started using Dot's drums to locate things around the countryside. It soon became known as God's Own Official Guide to Locating Everything (GOOGLE). That is how it all began. And that's the truth. 13
  • 16. Women’s Contact Coffee Morning 10.00 am - 12.00 We will be holding a coffee morning on the 9th of March, 2013. We are continuing to raise monies to contribute to disaster relief funds in different parts of the world. This month, the monies raised will be in support of the Fairtrade Big Brew. We hope to see you at the Coffee Mornings, and why not bring a friend. Please note that the monies raised from the coffee mornings are separate from those raised through the refreshments trolley after Sunday morning services. Barbara Jones The Fairtrade Sunday Stall We will be holding a fair trade stall after the morning service on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. So, in March the stall will be held on the 10th and 24th. The message is please buy Fairtrade. Every purchase helps in a good way. We support Fairtrade Fortnight. A percentage of takings from the stall on the 10th of March will go to the Big Brew. Please continue to support your fair trade stall. Thank you. Richard and Barbara. Footnote: - Traidcraft, part of the Fairtrade movement is involved in the campaign to tackle food poverty worldwide. Please check inside the front cover and page 16 of Catalyst for campaign information. Also, please speak to an elder or the Minister for further information. The way things once were What did those nursery rhymes mean? We will be looking at this up to the October edition, 2013 Doctor Foster In the verse the word puddle is rhymed with middle and some researchers believe that it was originally piddle, which once meant a stream. This gives weight to the theory that it relates to a story about Edward I, King of England in the 13th century, who, whilst visiting Gloucester during a storm, rode his horse through a stream which was deeper than he thought and had to be pulled out. 14
  • 17. 15
  • 18. Website of the Month Enough Food for Everyone - IF Major new campaign to tackle hunger launched The largest anti-poverty coalition since Make Poverty History in 2005, made up of Britain’s leading development charities and faith groups, has launched a major new campaign: Enough Food for Everyone IF. In its first report out on 23 January the group, which currently numbers 100 organisations and has the backing of philanthropist Bill Gates and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, warns that in a world where there is enough food for everyone, the scandal of children growing up hungry also imposes a grave economic burden on the developing world. The Revd Dr Michael Jagessar, moderator of the General Assembly of the United Reformed Church, said: “I’m delighted that the United Reformed Church is part of this vital campaign – it’s only together that we can make a loud enough noise to ensure we are heard by those with the power to change the damaging policies, habits and mind sets that we are locked into. The simple truth is the world produces enough food to ensure no one goes to bed hungry and we must act together to challenge a system that accepts this scandal to be inevitable. Join us and act now.” We urge everyone to sign up now and get involved to make sure that 2013 is the beginning of the end of hunger. Groundbreaking campaign calls for donors The United Reformed Church is proud to be part of a groundbreaking campaign that calls on church members to help increase the number of blood and organ donors in the UK. Founded as a two-year partnership between creative agency KORE and NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT), the initiative aims to profile the need for more blood and organ donors and encourage donation as an alternative way of personal giving. The campaign has three main calls to action, all of which can be accessed through the website: ü Register online: Sign up to give blood or join the NHS Organ Donor Register ü Make a date to donate: Book a date to give blood at a centre near you ü Be an advocate: Lend your voice, raise awareness, and find ways to involve others. Continued on the next page .... 16
  • 19. .... Continued from the previous page Speaking of the URC’s decision to support this campaign, Francis Brienen, the URC’s secretary for mission, said: “The flesh and blood campaign gives a fresh perspective to Christian giving. I particularly like the simplicity of the idea – that it enables people to do something so simple and yet as profound and important as giving blood or deciding to become an organ donor. I hope it encourages people in the United Reformed Church to consider giving blood as part of their Christian giving and in response to God’s boundless generosity to us.” Sponsored by and in association with several denominations, organisations and festivals, the flesh and blood campaign marks the first time the NHS has worked alongside the church on a national initiative of this kind. Editor BROMLEY AND ORPINGTON SAMARITANS 9b Station Road, Orpington Kent BR6 ORZ Tel: 07837958557 9th February 2013 Dear John, Please thank your congregation for their generous contribution to Samaritans from your Christmas Day collections. Also, please accept my apologies for taking so long to write this letter to you. As you probably know Samaritans Branches are entirely staffed by volunteers and funding of this type enables us to continue our support services to those who need us. In addition it contributes to our ability to undertake more outreach activities, where we go out into the community. Yours sincerely John Director, Bromley and Orpington Samaritans 17
  • 20. March 2013 St. David's Day 1st Fri 2.00 pm - Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Group Page 4 2.00 pm - Hayes Service for Women’s World Day of Prayer at Hayes Village Hall Pg 8 of Feb Catalyst 2nd Sat 10.00 am - Antique & Collectors Fair Page 9 3rd Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Margaret Smith 6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister 4th Mon 8.00 pm - Women’s Contact Group Page 3 10.00 am - Prayer Meeting Page 3 5th Tue 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 8.00 pm - Elders’ Meeting Page 3 6th Wed 6.00 pm - Worship Group Page 4 7th Thu 8th Fri 2..00 pm - Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 9th Sat 10.00 am - Women’s Contact Coffee Morning Page 14 2..30 pm - Saturday Fellowship Page 3 Mothering Sunday 10th Sun 10.30 am - Parade Service - The Minister Followed by Fairtrade stall Page 14 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister 11th Mon 12th Tue 10.00 am - Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 13th Wed 6.00 pm - Worship Group Page 4 14th Thu 2.30 pm - Bible Study Group Page 4 15th Fri 2..00 pm - Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 16th Sat St. Patrick's Day 17th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Rev John Marchant 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister 18th Mon 19th Tue 10.00 am - Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 20th Wed 6.00 pm - Worship Group Page 4 21st Thu 8.00 pm - Men’s Group Page 3 22nd Fri 2..00 pm - Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 18
  • 21. March 2013 23rd Sat 10.30 am - Holy Communion - The Minister 24th Sun Followed by Fairtrade stall Page 14 6.30 pm - Evening Service - Pastor Roy Powell 25th Mon 26th Tue 10.00 am - Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 27th Wed 6.00 pm - Worship Group Page 4 Maundy Thursday (page 10 for Easter services notice) 28th Thu 2.30 pm - Bible Study Group Page 4 8.00 pm - Joint URC service at HFC - Beckenham, Elmers End, Emmanuel West Wickham & Hayes Free Good Friday (page 10 for Easter services notice) 29th Fri 9.15 am - Assemble at Hayes Village Hall for procession 10.00 am - Morning Service - at HFC 30th Sat Easter Sunday (page 10 for Easter services notice) BST Begins 31st Sun 8.00 am - Holy Communion - The Minister 10.30 am - Family Celebration Service - The Minister 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister April 2013 1st Mon Easter Monday 2nd Tue 10.00 am - Prayer Meeting Page 3 3rd Wed 6.00 pm - Worship Group Page 4 4th Thu 5th Fri 6th Sat 2.30 pm - Saturday Fellowship Page 3 7th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - TBA 6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister DATES FOR YOUR DIARY There were no further dates at the time of going to press. 19
  • 22. LENT This Lenten time, as we prepare for our journey to the cross: Fast from grumbling and feast on thanksgiving Fast from criticism and feast on praise. Fast from self pity and feast on thinking about others. Fast from anger and feast on peace. Fast from despair and feast on hope. Fast from greed and feast on contentment. Fast from complaining and feast on gratitude Fast from pessimism and feast on optimism. Fast from harsh judgments and feast on kindly thoughts. Fast from worry and feast on trusting Divine Providence. Fast from discouragement and feast on being full of hope. Fast from bitterness and feast on forgiveness. Fast from hatred and feast on returning good for evil. Fast from negativism and feast on being positive. Fast from anger and feast on more patience. Fast from pettiness and feast on becoming mature. Fast from gloom and feast on enjoying the beauty that is all around you. Fast from jealousy and feast on praying for trust. Fast from gossiping and feast on controlling your tongue. Fast from sin and feast on turning to virtue. Fast from giving up and feast on embracing life for all it's worth. Prayer said at the Morning Service on 17th February, and published with Cliff Kent’s permission 20
  • 23. CHURCH ORGANISATIONS Day Organisation Contact Phone Sunday 10.25 am Sunday Club Mike Duke 8462 5103 Weekdays 9.15 - 12.00 pm Pre School Group Jayne Carvell 07913 299773 Monday 5.45 pm Brownies Sarah Humphrey 8249 9982 6.30 pm Cubs Brenda Petts 8325 3956 8.00 pm - 1st Women's Contact Sylvia Mack 8462 1938 Group Tuesday 10.00 am Prayer Meeting Martin Nunn 8462 5918 2.00 pm Women's Fellowship Sylvia Mack 8462 1938 7.00 pm Scouts Paul Hasling 3236 0083 Wednesday 4.00 pm - 2nd Messy Church Sue Powell 8462 2212 5.00 pm Rainbows Tania Venables 8462 9759 6.00 pm Beavers Brenda Petts 8325 3956 6.00 - 7.00 pm Worship Group Bill Michie 8658 4167 8.00 pm Explorers Tom Strachan 07745 813 295 Thursday 2.30 pm - 2 nd, Bible Study Sue Powell 8462 2212 & 4th 5.30 pm Brownies Stevie Blair. 8325 3469 7.15 - 8.45 pm Senior Guides Georgina Chappell 07983 471308 8.00 pm - 3rd Men's Group Bruce Tannock 8325 6264 Friday 9.00 - 12.00 pm Coffee morning during term times 2.00 pm Mothers & Toddlers Judith Stoner 8462 3023 6.30 pm Guides Teresa Cheyne 8777 6042 Saturday 2.30 pm - 1st Saturday Fellowship Martin Nunn 8462 5918 NOTE: - Some of the organisations meet once or twice per month. This is indicated by 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. The numbers relate to which week day of the month, NOT the calendar date.
  • 24. Final Thought Where your treasure is . . . . 'Treasure' was the theme of Iona Youth Festival 2012. Here are the quotes on treasure from the seven groups of young people v Treasure can be found in memories and friendships as well as in what we have achieved. v Treasuring material has no value and can be lost too easily: find your treasure in creation. v Happiness, love and thought are the treasures of a lifetime. v Discover who you treasure, as good friends and family are the true treasures of life. v Many of life's treasures are bypassed - we must stop and enjoy them! v We choose to treasure the joy we find in life, relationships and nature. v You won't find your treasure at the end of the journey, rather you will find it within yourself and the journey itself.