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May – December 2011

200 Wheeler Road, Burlington, MA 01803 • 781.402.5555 •
Atlanta • Boston • New York • San Francisco • Athens • Bangalore • Brussels • Hamilton • Hong Kong •
Istanbul • Johannesburg • Kuala Lumpur • Kuwait City • Mexico City • Rome • Seoul • Shanghai • Singapore •
Sydney • Vilnius
Look for this icon
 throughout the catalog.                                                                                          Linkage was named a Top 20 Leadership Training

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         table of contents
                                                                                                                  Company by Training Industry in 2009 and 2010.

                                                                                         change & transition management
                                                                                             Leading Organizational Transition: Train-The-Trainer Program ..................................................................... 4
                                                                                             Managing Organizational Transition .......................................................................................................... 5
                                                                                             Change Leadership: How Leaders Drive Organizational Change .................................................................. 6

                                                                                         organizational development
                                                                                             The Organizational Development Certificate Program ................................................................................. 8
                                                                                             Introduction to Organizational Development ............................................................................................. 10
                                                                                             Organizational Analysis and Design......................................................................................................... 10
                                                                                             The OD Lab for Experienced Practitioners ............................................................................................... 11
                                                                                             Consulting Skills .................................................................................................................................... 13
                                                                                             Today’s HR: Designs for Strategic Partnerships ........................................................................................ 14

                                                                                         leadership & management development
                                                                                             The Leadership Development Certificate Program.................................................................................... 16
                                                                                             Design and Implement Leadership Development Systems ........................................................................ 17
                                                                                             Design and Implement Succession Management Systems ....................................................................... 17
                                                                                             The Coaching Leaders Certification Program ........................................................................................... 18
                                                                                             Strategic Thinking.................................................................................................................................. 20
                                                                                             Systems Thinking .................................................................................................................................. 20
                                                                                             High Impact Relationships: Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence ............................................................... 21

Why attend?                                                                              on-site workshops
                                                                                             Managing Organizational Transition......................................................................................................... 22
                                                                                             Individual Transition in Organizations....................................................................................................... 22
                                                                                             Linkage’s Change Master Certification Program....................................................................................... 23
 Linkage Online delivers:                                                                    Coaching for Business Leaders .............................................................................................................. 24
    • live, facilitated courses, blended learning solutions, and interactive toolkits        Driving Innovation .................................................................................................................................. 24
    • hands-on learning without leaving your desk                                            Achieving Results: Winning Through Alignment and Flawless Execution .................................................... 25
                                                                                             Leading Across Organizational Boundaries: Finding Common Ground........................................................ 25
    • feedback from Linkage’s consultants and peers on business challenges
                                                                                             Linkage Leadership Academy ................................................................................................................. 26
    • interactive tools to help with action planning
                                                                                             Enhancing Your Management Skills ........................................................................................................ 26
    • blended learning and custom options                                                    Powerful Conversations for Building Commitment .................................................................................... 27
                                                                                             Leading Teams ...................................................................................................................................... 27
                                                                                             Maximizing Your Influence: A Program Designed for Women Leaders ........................................................ 28
 Current offerings include:                                                                  Decisive Leadership: Using Creativity, Experimentation and Data in Decision Making .................................. 28
    • Connecting as a Leader: Communicating for Impact—see p. 30                             How Leaders Connect: Crafting and Delivering Impactful Presentations ..................................................... 29
    • Management Skills Online—see p. 31                                                     Leadership Assessment Instrument™ (LAI) Certification Program .............................................................. 29
    • Change Leadership Online—see p. 32
                                                                                         virtual & blended learning solutions
    • Leadership Assessment Instrument™ (LAI) Online Certification Program—
                                                                                             Connecting as a Leader: Communicating for Impact ................................................................................ 30
      see p. 33
                                                                                             Management Skills Online ...................................................................................................................... 31
                                                                                             Change Leadership Online ..................................................................................................................... 32
                                                                                             Leadership Assessment Instrument™ (LAI) Online Certification Program .................................................... 33
 Available in an open-enrollment format or as private sessions for your teams.
                                                                                        Linkage Training Programs are approved by the following
                                                                                        Please visit or call 781-402-5555 for more details.
Offered in exclusive partnership with William                                                                          Offered in exclusive partnership with William
                                 Bridges & Associates                                                                  April 26-28                      Bridges & Associates                                                               May 2
change & transition management

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           change & transition management
                                                                                                                       BOS ................ LOT411                                                                                         CHI ................MOT511*
                                 Leading Organizational Transition:                                                    May 17-19                        Managing Organizational Transition
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Tuition: $795
                                 Train-The-Trainer Program                                                             SF ................... LOT511
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Duration: 1 day
                                                                                                                       June 21-23                       Today’s business challenges require organizations to be prepared for
                                                                                                                       DC................... LOT611     the effects of change. If not managed correctly, even change derived
                                 Even with a change strategy in place, plans are abandoned, implemen-                                                                                                                                      *Special pre-summit
                                                                                                                       September 13-15                  from the best intentions can have an adverse effect on an organiza-                 workshop at the OD
                                 tation is delayed or employee resistance is unexpectedly high. Proper                                                                                                                                      Summit. Register for
                                                                                                                       CHI .................. LOT911    tion. The assumption that individuals will automatically learn to
                                 management of the human side of change is the critical missing link                                                                                                                                        both and save $100.
                                                                                                                                                        adjust to change is false. Experience suggests that if not properly
                                 in change initiatives. In exclusive partnership with William Bridges                  October 18-20                    implemented, change has the potential to leave people feeling resent-
                                 & Associates, Linkage offers the highly-acclaimed Three-Phase                         BOS .............. LOT1011
                                                                                                                                                        ful, unmotivated, and confused at a time when commitment to the
                                 Transition Model to address the human side of change. William
                                                                                                                       December 13-15                   organization is crucial.
                                 Bridges’ model has provided individuals and organizations across sec-
                                                                                                                       ATL................ LOT1211
                                 tors with a framework and tools for successfully embracing change.                                                     Learn how to facilitate your employees successfully through the chal-
                                                                                                                                                        lenges of transition, whether in the context of a merger, downsizing,
                                                                                                                       Tuition: $2,595
                                                                                                                                                        or other organizational change. Walk away with the skills necessary to
                                 Who should attend                                                                                                                                                                                              RegisTeR
                                                                                                                       Duration: 3 days                 guide your employees smoothly through the change process.
                                 HR and OD professionals with a background in change management
                                                                                                                            RegisTeR                    Who should attend
                                 Benefits & outcomes
                                                                                                                                                        Managers who are responsible for implementing and facilitating change within their organization
                                 •	 Lead individuals through strategic change initiatives
                                 •	 Develop coaching skills to help employees deal with change and loss                                                 Benefits & outcomes                                                    Three-Phase
                                 •	 Become part of an established network of Certified Bridges Trainers                                                 •	 Ensure that an adequate change management plan is in place          TransITIOn MOdel

                                                                                                                                                        •	 Determine where people are in the transition process
                                 Program curriculum                                                        Free bOOk!
                                                                                                                                                        •	 Develop steps for helping people let go of the old way of do-
                                 This program certifies participants to deliver two skill-building         All attendees                                   ing things and make clear endings
                                 workshops:                                                                receive a free copy of
                                                                                                           Managing Transitions:                        •	 Understand the critical difference between managing change
                                 •	 In Managing Organizational Transition, learn to teach                  Making the Most of                              and facilitating transition
                                    leaders the skills to successfully lead others through                 Change.
                                                                                                                                                        •	 Assess the effectiveness of a current change plan
                                    transition with less disruption and sustained productivity
                                                                                                                                                        •	 Create and implement effective strategies to facilitate the         The Three-Phase Transition Model,
                                 •	 In Individual Transition in Organizations, learn to teach individuals how to handle internal                                                                                               developed by William Bridges will serve
                                                                                                                                                           endings, the neutral zone, and new beginnings
                                    transitions caused by change with less disruption and distress to their lives                                                                                                              as a critical tool to help managers their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               direct reports through the human side
                                                                                                                                                        To become certified in delivering this program, register for The       of change.
                                 Complimentary ongoing resources
                                                                                                                                                        Leading Organizational Transition: Train-The-Trainer Program
                                 •	 Order materials online for your deliveries                                                                          on page 4.
                                 •	 Attend free quarterly webinars on transition topics

                                 Program based on the change and transition work of William and susan Bridges
                                                 For over two decades, William Bridges & Associates has helped organizations and
                                                 individuals deal more effectively with change. A pioneer and leader in the field of
                                                 transition management, William Bridges is widely recognized for his breakthrough
                                                 thinking on how to help people deal productively with change.

                                                 Susan Bridges has provided leadership consulting and executive development services
                                                 to individuals and organizations experiencing transition management issues for over
                                                 twenty years, partnering with leaders who must initiate change and transition in their

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Fantastic. Thought provoking, practical, and very
                                 For large organizational roll-outs, call Linkage at 781-402-5555 to learn about cost effective licensing op-
                                 tions.                                                                                                                                                      “          relevant.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Murdo Mackay // group HR Manager, Cairn energy PLC

      4                                                                                                                                                ( 781.402.5555 8                                                                                               5
Change Leadership: How Leaders Drive
                                                                                                                       June 15-16
                                      Organizational Change
change & transition management

                                                                                                                       CHI .................... CL611

                                                                                                                       August 16-17
                                                                                                                                                        >>   inTeraCTive, LiCensabLe TooLkiTs.
                                                                                                                       BOS .................. CL811
                                      Leaders today recognize the imperative to change—yet only a handful
                                                                                                                                                             These toolkits are designed to help you and your team successfully manage change and
                                      are equipped with the right tools to create effective change within their        October 19-20
                                      teams, divisions, and organizations—leading to approximately 75% of              DC................... CL1011          transition initiatives, and sustain and track progress. They are a great fit for organizational
                                      change initiatives failing. Learn how to apply critical change leadership
                                                                                                                                                             roll-outs and support change-related training initiatives.
                                      concepts and tools, and receive a change leadership process to ensure            Tuition: $1,395
                                      your organization realizes the benefits of real change. Discussions,
                                                                                                                       Duration: 2 days
                                      activities, assessments, simulations, and application to participants’
                                      own real-world changes help embed the learning and ensure skill
                                      development.                                                                          RegisTeR                         Change                            Managing                           individuaL
                                      This program is also offered in a facilitated online format. (see p. 32
                                                                                                                                                             Leadership                        organizaTionaL                     TransiTion in
                                      for details)                                                                                                           TooLkiT                           TransiTions                        organizaTions
                                      Note: This program is not open to independent consultants or consulting firms.                                         13 best practice tools and ap-    TooLkiT                            TooLkiT
                                                                                                                                                             proaches for successfully lead-   Offered in exclusive partner-      Offered in exclusive partner-
                                                                                                                                                             ing change with your team and     ship with William Bridges &        ship with William Bridges &
                                      Who should attend                                                                                                      within your organization.         Associates                         Associates
                                      Leaders and managers charged with driving change, as well as HR/OD professionals                                       A partial list of tools in this   10 tools designed to equip         10 tools designed to give em-
                                                                                                                                                             toolkit:                          managers with effective meth-      ployees effective methods for
                                      Benefits & outcomes                                                                                                    •	 Tool 1—drivers of Change       ods for helping teams transi-      more successfully transitioning
                                                                                                                                                                Map                            tion through change.               through change.
                                      •	 Learn a step-by-step process for leading successful change
                                                                                                                                                                A template to inventory and    A partial list of tools in this    •	 Tool 1—Individual
                                      •	 Communicate a compelling change message to gain greater commitment                                                     surface the forces that are    toolkit:                              Transition readiness
                                      •	 Unlock resistance and remove obstacles to change                                                                       driving the need for change.                                         assessment
                                                                                                                                                                                               •	 Tool 1—how “FIT” Is Your
                                                                                                                                                             •	 Tool 2—Pre-                                                          An assessment that mea-
                                      •	 Assess personal and organizational readiness to take on the challenge of change                                                                          Team?
                                                                                                                                                                Implementation survey                                                sures your resilience in un-
                                                                                                                                                                                                  A survey of the readiness of
                                                                                                                                                                A survey that considers how                                          dertaking a specific change.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  your team to deal effectively
                                                                                                                                                                well thought-out the current      with a specific change.         •	 Tool 2—Changes in Your
                                                                                                                                                                change initiative is to plan                                         life
                                                                                                                                                                accordingly.                   •	 Tool 2—Transition Map
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     A template for categoriz-
                                                                                                                                                                                                  A process to enable you to:
                                                                                                                                                             •	 Tool 3—business Case for                                             ing and capturing current
                                                                                                                                                                                                  a) collect observations about
                                                                                                                                                                Change                                                               changes in key areas of your
                                                                                                                                                                                                  the reactions of team mem-
                                                                                                                                                                A template for constructing                                          life.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  bers to a specific change
                                                                                                                                                                a compelling business case.       and; b) gauge where each of     •	 Tool 3—resilience
                                                                                                                                                             … and 10 other tools designed        your team members are in           building Plan
                                                                                                                                                             to help make your next change        relation to their acceptance       A process for identifying
                                                                                                                                                             initiative a success.                of the change.                     how you are impacted by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     change and healthy actions
                                                                                                                                                                                               •	 Tool 3—Personal Impact
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     that can help you cope.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  A framework for consider-       … and 7 other tools to equip
                                 Linkage Training is right in your backyard.                                                                                                                      ing the impact of a specific    your employees to successfully
                                                                                                                                                                                                  change on individuals on        face transition head-on.
                                 Save on time and travel.                                                                                                                                         your team.

                                                                                               Linkage training offers over 35                                                                 … and 7 other tools to help you
                                                                                                                                                                                               manage through transition.
                                                                                               skill-building workshops in cities
                                                                                               across the U.S. including:
                                 Want us to come to your city?                                    •	 Boston
                                                                                                                                                                                               Both transition toolkits are a complement to transition pro-
                                                                                                                                                                                               grams offered through Linkage. Call 781-402-5555 to learn
                                 Call 781-402-5555 for pricing on                                 •	 Chicago                                                                                   how you can use these toolkits to make your next change initia-
                                 hosting a program at your site.                                                                                                                               tive a success.
                                                                                                  •	 Dallas
                                                                                                  •	 New York
                                 See the inside back cover for a complete                         •	 San Francisco
                                 schedule of workshops available in each city.                    •	 Washington, D.C.

Offered in cooperation with DePaul                                                                                                       Certificate curriculum

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Processes & Tools
                             University in Chicago                                                                                       Certificate length:
                                                                                                                                                                      Based on your career and development interests, select programs in align-
organizational development

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       organizational development
                                                                                                                                         Four courses (not

                                                                                                                                                                      ment with the dimensions of the Organizational design Wheel™ that are
                             The Organizational Development Certificate                                                                  concurrent), at least
                                                                                                                                         one of which must be         most relevant to your work.

                             Program                                                                                                     a core course and the
                                                                                                                                         remaining three courses
                                                                                                                                         must be chosen from
                             The practice of organizational development—the focus on structures,                                         the selected track and/
                                                                                                                                                                      Core CurriCulum
                             systems, and processes that impact people and performance—has                                               or shared electives;         introduction to Organizational Development (p. 10)                                  X
                             never been more critical. Organizations that aspire to greatness are                                        recommended program
                             increasingly turning to OD practitioners to help them get there.                                            completion is within 12      Organizational Analysis and Design (p. 10)                                          X
                                                                                                                                                                      The OD Lab for experienced Practitioners (p. 11)                                    X
                             Who should attend            OrganIzaTIOnal desIgn Wheel™                                                                                eLeCTiVe COURses
                                                                                                                                         See individual courses
                             OD, training, and HR                                                                                        for complete schedule
                                                                                                                                                                      Change Leadership: How Leaders Drive Organizational Change (p. 6)*                                  X
                             professionals who want                                                                                      with locations.
                             to acquire best-in-class                       Organization
                                                                                                           Strategy                                                   Organizational Development Summit (see below)                                       X
                                                                                                             and                         Dual certification:
                             OD methodology and                                                             Goals
                                                                                                                                         If you are interested        Consulting Skills (p. 13)                                                           X
                             techniques to enhance                                                    Dire                               in The Organizational
                                                                Learning                     n             cti
                             their impact and drive           Information
                                                                                      za                       o
                                                                                                               n-          Leadership
                                                                                                                                         Development Certificate      Today’s HR: Designs for Strategic Partnerships (p. 14)                                              X


                             true business results

                                                                                                                                         Program as well

                                                                                                                                                                      Design and Implement Leadership Development Systems (p. 17)*                                        X
                                                                                                                                         as The Leadership

                                                                                                                           Performance   Development Certificate      Design and Implement Succession Management Systems (p. 17)*                                         X
                             Benefits & outcomes

                                                                                    es                                      Measures

                                                              Processes                                        o

                                                                                       &   Tool              Pe                and       Program—see p. 16,
                                                                                                                                         you may be able to           Strategic Thinking (p. 20)                                                                                                       X
                             •	 Learn practical OD
                                                                                                                                         leverage up to two
                                tools and resources                           Systems                      Culture                                                    Systems Thinking (p. 20)                                                                                                         X
                                                                                                                                         electives to accelerate
                             •	 Earn enhanced                                                                                            the completion of both.      High Impact Relationships: Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence (p. 21)*                                              X
                                credibility as an OD                                                                                     Tuition:                     Change Leadership Online (p. 32)*                                                                   X
                                professional                                                                                             $4,895 which repre-
                                                                                                                                         sents a 15% discount         Leadership Assessment Instrument (LAI) Online Certification Program (p. 33)*
                             •	 Strengthen your own OD platform
                                                                                                                                         when paid in full at
                             •	 Join an expanded network of OD professionals                                                             the time of registra-        *Also a course in The Leadership Development Certificate Program (p. 16)
                                                                                                                                         tion. (Note: There is an
                                                                                                                                         additional fee of $180 if
                             Program curriculum                                                                                          you select High Impact
                                                                                                                                         Relationships, $450
                             The curriculum is based on Linkage’s Organizational design Wheel™.
                             This model defines the characteristics—organization, direction-
                                                                                                                                         for the LAI™ Online          Did you know that Linkage’s Organizational Development Summit is
                                                                                                                                         Certification Program
                             setting, people, process, and tools—common to high-performance                                              or Change Leadership         an elective in the Organizational Development Certificate program?
                             workplaces:                                                                                                 Online as one of your
                                                                                                                                                                      Don’t miss this opportunity to receive best practices as part of
                             •	 Organization: Programs that define how high-performing orga-
                                nizations connect their resources to ensure the utmost levels of                                                                      your curriculum!
                             •	 direction-setting: Programs that help practitioners become business partners on critical is-
                                sues—such as where is the organization heading, who should be leading it, and how the vision
                                should be communicated
                             •	 People: Programs to guide practitioners through the methods and tools needed to drive a culture
                                of performance and trust in order to optimize the organization’s capabilities
                             •	 Processes & Tools: Programs designed to help facilitate change initiatives that add direct value to
                                the bottom line
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     May 15–17, 2012 • Chicago, IL
                                                                                                                                                                      Here’s how it works:
                                                                                                                                                                      1. Call 781-402-5555 to register for the OD Certificate.
                                                                                                                                                                      2. Attend the Organizational Development Summit in
                                                                                                                                                                         Chicago on May 15–17 and receive credit towards
                                                                                                                                                                         the completion of your OD Certificate.
                                                                                                                                                                      3. Choose three other OD-related workshops to
                                                                                                                                                                         complete your OD Certificate.                                 
     8                                                                                                                                                               ( 781.402.5555 8                                                                                                                           9
Core offering in the OD Certificate Program                                                                     Offered in exclusive partnership with Geoff Bellman and a core offering in
                                                                                                            May 17-18                        the OD Certificate Program                                                     October 13-14
organizational development

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          organizational development
                             Introduction to Organizational Development                                     DC.................... OD511                                                                                    CHI ............... ODL1011

                                                                                                            September 13-14                  The OD Lab for Experienced Practitioners
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Tuition: $1,495
                                                                                                            CHI ................... OD911
                             To compete in today’s marketplace, organizations must design and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Duration: 2 days
                             implement the structures, processes, and systems that will allow their         November 15-16                   Influence and credibility are essential for the experienced consul-
                             people to flourish—and that will spur change and growth. In this               SF .................. OD1111     tant to make a strategic organizational impact. In this collaborative
                             program, receive an introduction to the discipline of organizational                                            learning environment, you will share best practices and discuss real               RegisTeR
                                                                                                            December 6-7
                             development, a simple yet effective lens to help you properly view             CHI ................. OD1211     business cases to analyze the effectiveness of your own approach. You
                             organizational change. You’ll learn how to apply a core OD process to                                           will also gain practical insights, based on the work of Geoff Bellman,
                             diagnose issues and build momentum for change.                                 Tuition: $1,395                  on the core competencies needed to drive the consulting process. This
                                                                                                                                             program will be facilitated by select Linkage faculty.
                                                                                                            Duration: 2 days
                             Who should attend
                                                                                                                                             Who should attend
                             New OD practitioners and anyone with little or no background in OD                  RegisTeR
                                                                                                                                             OD practitioners who want to strengthen their ability to forge more powerful client partnerships
                             Benefits & outcomes
                                                                                                                                             Benefits & outcomes
                             •	 Connect your OD initiatives to strategic business models
                                                                                                                                             •	 Identify and avoid the most common derailers of your OD initiatives
                             •	 Use the action research process to diagnose opportunities for improving the organization
                                                                                                                                             •	 Develop your individual action plan to focus your OD approach
                             •	 Define critical success factors and target specific interventions for hard-hitting, bottom-line OD
                                                                                                                                             •	 Sharpen the metrics of your OD initiatives to drive business results
                             •	 Articulate your role as an internal OD consultant
                             •	 Walk away with practical tools and advice that are immediately applicable to your OD initiatives
                                                                                                                                             Program based on the content and research of geoff Bellman
                                                                                                                                                           Geoff Bellman has been consulting to organizations for forty years. Geoff’s five books are
                                                                                                                                                           in print and available in ten languages. Titles include Getting Things Done When You Are
                                                                                                                                                           Not In Charge, The Beauty of the Beast, and The Consultant’s Calling. Geoff helped found
                                                                                                                                                           the Community Consulting Partnership, a network of consultants who grow by giving their
                                                                                                                                                           time to the not-for-profit world.

                             Core offering in the OD Certificate Program
                                                                                                            April 19-20                      Looking for a world-class curriculum for
                             Organizational Analysis and Design                                             DC.....................DA411

                                                                                                            June 22-23
                                                                                                                                             your managers and leaders?
                                                                                                            CHI ....................DA611
                             The design of an organization can impact everything, from proper                                                Call 781-402-5555 to learn more about bringing key programs to your
                             work flow to ultimate success at the bottom line. Participants in this         September 13-14
                             program will learn the dynamics, processes, and challenges inherent in         BOS ..................DA911      organization or see pages 22–29 for details on our best-selling on-
                             analyzing and designing an organization to achieve business results.           October 25-26                    site offerings available in a variety of flexible formats.
                             Explore a systematic approach for guiding an organizational design             BOS ................DA1011
                             effort—from problem identification, to design recommendations and
                             planning the transformation.                                                   November 17-18                   Bring one of our expert facilitators to deliver a Linkage program at your site and:
                                                                                                            SF ...................DA1111
                                                                                                                                                • Realize cost savings on travel and program design
                             Who should attend                                                              Tuition: $1,395                     • Receive targeted content tailored to your organization’s needs
                             OD practitioners and anyone with a background in OD methodology                Duration: 2 days                    • Explore proprietary issues while fostering a greater level of communication
                                                                                                                                                • Decide when, where, and how the program should be rolled out for greatest impact
                             Benefits & outcomes                                                                 RegisTeR

                             •	 Identify problems, key roles, and phases in the organizational analy-
                                sis and design (OAD) process
                             •	 Leverage the two critical domains of OAD work—analyzing the current business model and facili-
                                tating design enhancements
                             •	 Ensure your analysis, design, and transformation efforts follow a systemic approach aligned with
                                the organization’s mission and values

     10                                                                                                                                     ( 781.402.5555 8                                                                               11
Announcing a revolutionary way to                                               Consulting Skills
                                                                                                                                                               April 26-27

                                                                                                                                                                                               organizational development
accelerate the development of leaders—                                          Every day, consulting extends throughout organizations on an
                                                                                                                                                               CHI ....................CS411

the Linkage Leadership Institute.                                               informal and formal basis. In its more challenging manifestation,
                                                                                consulting requires the ability to build a trusted relationship and
                                                                                                                                                               Tuition: $1,395
                                                                                                                                                               Duration: 2 days
                                                                                provide advisory services to others. Through this program, learn how
                                                                                to consult effectively from experienced consulting professionals who
                                                                                have developed a process to construct, contract, engage, and gauge                  RegisTeR
The Linkage Leadership      How will your leaders benefit?                      consulting relationships from concept to measurable results.
Institute is built on a
                             •	 Learn from world-class faculty
proven model that has                                                           Who should attend

developed leaders in over    •	 Compare best practices in teams                 Professionals from any industry including HR and OD, as well as consultants with less than five years
                                comprised of high impact leaders
60 countries.                                                                   of internal or external consulting experience
                             •	 Develop the competencies and skills
Bring this program to           necessary to become a better leader             Benefits & outcomes

your organization or join    •	 Receive facilitation, assessments, coaching,    •	 Learn the critical roles a consultant must play (from Linkage’s Compleat Consultant Competency
                                activity-based simulations, case studies,
our open-enrollment             and company specific projects
offerings.                                                                      •	 Frame consulting projects and engage participants from the start
                             •	 Become part of the LinkageNetwork—a
                                learning community designed to fast track       •	 Identify and overcome natural hurdles in the consulting process
                                your high performers’ development               •	 Debrief and refuel yourself for the next consulting challenge that comes your way
                                                                                •	 Introduce mutually-agreeable criteria for success from the client’s standpoint

Call 781-402-5555 to learn more.

                                                                                Linkage’s targeted assessments drive the
                                                                                bottom line.
                                                                                ✓     Leadership Assessment Instrument™—based on Linkage’s research
                                                                                      with Warren Bennis—measure the critical competencies of your leadership
                                                                                      team (See our Online Certification program on p. 33)

                                                                                ✓     C-Sail—Linkage’s powerful 360-degree assessment focused on critical
                                                                                      communication abilities and distinctive styles for success as a leader

                                                                                ✓     HiPlay—in-depth assessment of your team to enable them to achieve true,
                                                                                      lasting breakthroughs and commit to key actions

                                                                                ✓     Essential Coach™—provides in-depth data on how a coach is
                                                                                      performing, building partnerships, and maximizing professional

                                                                                Linkage offers flexible certification
                                                                                options for resellers, and OD and LD
                                                                                professionals. Call 781-402-5555 to learn more.
                                                                               ( 781.402.5555 8                                                                                 13
Offered in exclusive partnership with William Rothwell, Ph.D., SPHR
                                                                                                              November 8-9
                                                                                                                                             Linkage                                             Help your executives
organizational development

                             Today’s HR: Designs for Strategic Partnerships                                   CHI ..................HR1111
                                                                                                                                                                                                 become great leaders. Equip

                             As businesses become more complex and leaders are forced to rise to
                                                                                                              Tuition: $1,595
                                                                                                              Duration: 2 days
                                                                                                                                             executive                                           them to meet new leadership
                                                                                                                                                                                                 challenges, drive mission-
                             the occasion during times of uncertainty and change, it is vital that HR
                             does the same. Some HR organizations have gone through the process
                                                                                                                                             assessment                                          critical change, and affect
                             of fundamentally re-purposing what they do and why they exist, but                                                                                                  individual transformation.
                             little has been shared on which organizational design option will ef-
                             fectively achieve strategic goals.                                                                              soLutions
                             In this program, participants will examine a case study on how HR
                             departments have transformed their resources by employing business and OD skills to become a                    We offer signature assessment solutions that will drive the best succession, promotion,
                             strategic partner and leader. This program will be facilitated by select Linkage faculty.                       and development decisions for your leaders and ultimately your organization.

                             Who should attend                                                                                               Our approach is:
                             HR and OD professionals who want to make their HR team function as strategic business agents                      •	 Built on a clear and structured process
                                                                                                                                               •	 Centered around practical assessment instruments
                             Benefits & outcomes                                                          bOOk!                                •	 Designed to utilize multiple assessors who offer a unique but accurate
                             •	 Implement a formal plan on how to best configure your HR                  All attend-                             perspective
                                organization to meet business goals                                       ees receive
                                                                                                          a free copy
                                                                                                                                               •	 Guaranteed to help you make accurate succession/promotion and development
                             •	 Understand key global trends in the workforce that will have the          of Human                                decisions
                                greatest impact on HR
                                                                                                          Transform-                           •	 Proven to dramatically improve senior team effectiveness
                             •	 Transform the role of your HR function at an individual and
                                organizational level

                             Based on the work of William Rothwell                                                                           Linkage’s executive assessment four-phase
                                           William J. Rothwell, Ph.D., is recognized globally as an expert on succession planning            process includes:
                                           and management, serving as the national thought leader for a best practices study of
                                           succession that examined 18 multinational corporations. Rothwell’s publications include             1. Understanding your situation
                                           Effective Succession Planning and The Competency Toolkit.
                                                                                                                                               2. Conducting assessments
                                                                                                                                               3. Combining assessment data and feedback
                                                                                                                                               4. Executive coaching and follow up

                                                                                                                                             For more information, call 781-402-5555
                                                                                                                                             or visit

                                                                         It is clear that Linkage instructors are experts in the

                                                                 “       field; they have a sincere desire to impart knowledge
                                                                         and see others do well; and they have a variety of
                                                                         new ideas and tools that are practical enough to use
                                                                         in the “real world.”
                                                                         Linda Ontiveros // sr. Manager, Training and Organizational
                                                                         Development, interDigital Communications, LLC

The Leadership Development Certificate                                                                       Core offering in the Leadership Development Certificate Program
                                                                                                                      Certificate length:                                                                                           September 27-28
leadership & management development

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   leadership & management development
                                                                                                                      Four courses (not con-       Design and Implement Leadership Development                                      CHI ..................DLC911
                                                                                                                      current), at least one of
                                                                                                                      which must be a core         Systems                                                                          Tuition: $1,395
                                      Linkage’s Leadership Development Certificate Program offers an efficient        course; recommended
                                      means to develop the critical behaviors and attitudes across leadership         program completion is                                                                                         Duration: 2 days
                                      levels that will enable your organization to achieve desired business           within 12 months.            When it comes to developing the leaders within your organization, the
                                      results.                                                                                                     stakes are high—and the potential payoff is enormous. Through our                       RegisTeR
                                                                                                                                                   hands-on approach, learn how to design and implement the critical
                                                                                                                      See individual courses
                                                                                                                                                   elements of a leadership development system that integrates career
                                                                                                                      for complete schedule
                                      Who should attend                                                                                            planning, “fast track” development programs for high potentials.
                                                                                                                      with locations.
                                      Leadership development, OD and HR professionals as well as mid- to
                                      senior-level managers responsible for developing leaders                                                     Who should attend
                                                                                                                      Combined prices of
                                                                                                                      selected programs as
                                                                                                                                                   HRD specialists as well as HR, training, executive, and management development directors
                                      Benefits & outcomes                   bluePrInT FOr                             identified below. Tuition
                                                                            leadershIP develOPMenT                    represents a 15% dis-
                                      •	 Enhanced ability to develop                                                  count from the regular       Benefits & outcomes
                                                                            PrOFessIOnals MOdel™
                                         the behaviors most critical to                                               fees when paid in full at
                                         an organization’s success                                                    registration.                •	 Create a rationale for developing leaders in your organization
                                                                                                       ie             Dual certification:          •	 Identify the leadership skills required in the near future, and assess talent gaps
                                      •	 Assess leadership capabilities

                                         using proven tools                                                           If you are interested
                                                                                                                      in The Leadership            •	 Determine the most efficient and effective means of developing the talent you need

                                      •	 Apply techniques to develop                                                  Development Certificate      •	 Incorporate action learning in your leadership development initiatives
                                         winning leadership develop-                                                  Program as well as
                                         ment systems that generate                                                   The Organizational           •	 Create a system that aligns your organization’s leadership programs with elements of strategy,
                                         success                                                                      Development Certificate         culture, and business initiatives
                                                                                                                      Program (p. 8), you
                                                                                                                      may be able to leverage
                                      Program curriculum                                     skills
                                                                                                                      up to two electives to
                                                                                                                      accelerate the comple-
                                      The curriculum for The Leadership                                               tion of both. Contact us
                                      Development Certificate Program is based on Linkage’s blueprint for             for assistance.
                                      leadership development Professionals Model™:
                                      •	 systems that support the development of your leaders within the context of your business plan             Core offering in the Leadership Development Certificate Program
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    November 2-3
                                      •	 strategies that close the gaps between business goals and the capabilities of your leaders
                                                                                                                                                   Design and Implement Succession Management                                       DC...................SU1111
                                      •	 skills that you need as an HR/OD professional to drive leadership development
                                                                                                                                                   Systems                                                                          Tuition: $1,395
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Duration: 2 days
                                       element        Courses available                                                                            Do you know the depth of your organization’s talent pool? In today’s
                                                                                                                                                   business environment, companies must examine future leadership                     RegisTeR
                                       Systems        Design and implement Leadership Development systems ($1,185) (p. 17)*                        requirements, assess current capabilities, and determine the steps
                                                      Design and implement succession Management systems ($1,185) (p. 17)*                         necessary to close identified gaps. Through this hands-on program,
                                                                                                                                                   learn about critical decision points and a step-by-step approach to designing and implementing an
                                       Strategies     Change Leadership: How Leaders Drive Organizational Change ($1,185) (p. 6)* or               effective succession management system.
                                                      Change Leadership Online ($1,440) (p. 32)*
                                                                                                                                                   Who should attend
                                       Skills         Leading Organizational Transition: Train-The-Trainer Program ($2,205) (p. 4)
                                                      The Coaching Leaders Certification Program ($3,395) (p. 18)                                  Executive and management development directors, OD practitioners, and HRD executives interested
                                                                                                                                                   in designing (or redesigning) their succession management processes
                                                      High Impact Relationships: Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence ($1,355) (p. 21)*
                                                      Leadership Assessment Instrument™ (LAI) Online Certification Program ($1,695) (p.            Benefits & outcomes
                                                                                                                                                   •	 Craft a business case and blueprint for succession management
                                                      bold text = core course
                                                                                                                                                   •	 Select options for assessing your talent pool, and identifying and supporting your high potentials
                                                                                                                                                   •	 Set up and execute effective succession planning review meetings
                                                                                                                                                   •	 Integrate succession management with your broader human resource system

                                      *Also a course in The Organizational Development Certificate Program (p. 8)

       16                                                                                                                                         ( 781.402.5555 8                                                                                   17
2011 Spring Training Catalog
2011 Spring Training Catalog
2011 Spring Training Catalog
2011 Spring Training Catalog
2011 Spring Training Catalog
2011 Spring Training Catalog
2011 Spring Training Catalog
2011 Spring Training Catalog
2011 Spring Training Catalog
2011 Spring Training Catalog

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2011 Spring Training Catalog

  • 1. May – December 2011 200 Wheeler Road, Burlington, MA 01803 • 781.402.5555 • Atlanta • Boston • New York • San Francisco • Athens • Bangalore • Brussels • Hamilton • Hong Kong • Istanbul • Johannesburg • Kuala Lumpur • Kuwait City • Mexico City • Rome • Seoul • Shanghai • Singapore • Sydney • Vilnius
  • 2. Look for this icon throughout the catalog. Linkage was named a Top 20 Leadership Training table of contents Company by Training Industry in 2009 and 2010. change & transition management Leading Organizational Transition: Train-The-Trainer Program ..................................................................... 4 Managing Organizational Transition .......................................................................................................... 5 Change Leadership: How Leaders Drive Organizational Change .................................................................. 6 organizational development The Organizational Development Certificate Program ................................................................................. 8 Introduction to Organizational Development ............................................................................................. 10 Organizational Analysis and Design......................................................................................................... 10 The OD Lab for Experienced Practitioners ............................................................................................... 11 Consulting Skills .................................................................................................................................... 13 Today’s HR: Designs for Strategic Partnerships ........................................................................................ 14 leadership & management development The Leadership Development Certificate Program.................................................................................... 16 Design and Implement Leadership Development Systems ........................................................................ 17 Design and Implement Succession Management Systems ....................................................................... 17 The Coaching Leaders Certification Program ........................................................................................... 18 Strategic Thinking.................................................................................................................................. 20 Systems Thinking .................................................................................................................................. 20 High Impact Relationships: Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence ............................................................... 21 Why attend? on-site workshops Managing Organizational Transition......................................................................................................... 22 Individual Transition in Organizations....................................................................................................... 22 Linkage’s Change Master Certification Program....................................................................................... 23 Linkage Online delivers: Coaching for Business Leaders .............................................................................................................. 24 • live, facilitated courses, blended learning solutions, and interactive toolkits Driving Innovation .................................................................................................................................. 24 • hands-on learning without leaving your desk Achieving Results: Winning Through Alignment and Flawless Execution .................................................... 25 Leading Across Organizational Boundaries: Finding Common Ground........................................................ 25 • feedback from Linkage’s consultants and peers on business challenges Linkage Leadership Academy ................................................................................................................. 26 • interactive tools to help with action planning Enhancing Your Management Skills ........................................................................................................ 26 • blended learning and custom options Powerful Conversations for Building Commitment .................................................................................... 27 Leading Teams ...................................................................................................................................... 27 Maximizing Your Influence: A Program Designed for Women Leaders ........................................................ 28 Current offerings include: Decisive Leadership: Using Creativity, Experimentation and Data in Decision Making .................................. 28 • Connecting as a Leader: Communicating for Impact—see p. 30 How Leaders Connect: Crafting and Delivering Impactful Presentations ..................................................... 29 • Management Skills Online—see p. 31 Leadership Assessment Instrument™ (LAI) Certification Program .............................................................. 29 • Change Leadership Online—see p. 32 virtual & blended learning solutions • Leadership Assessment Instrument™ (LAI) Online Certification Program— Connecting as a Leader: Communicating for Impact ................................................................................ 30 see p. 33 Management Skills Online ...................................................................................................................... 31 Change Leadership Online ..................................................................................................................... 32 Leadership Assessment Instrument™ (LAI) Online Certification Program .................................................... 33 Available in an open-enrollment format or as private sessions for your teams. Linkage Training Programs are approved by the following organizations: Please visit or call 781-402-5555 for more details.
  • 3. Offered in exclusive partnership with William Offered in exclusive partnership with William Bridges & Associates April 26-28 Bridges & Associates May 2 change & transition management change & transition management BOS ................ LOT411 CHI ................MOT511* Leading Organizational Transition: May 17-19 Managing Organizational Transition Tuition: $795 Train-The-Trainer Program SF ................... LOT511 Duration: 1 day June 21-23 Today’s business challenges require organizations to be prepared for DC................... LOT611 the effects of change. If not managed correctly, even change derived Even with a change strategy in place, plans are abandoned, implemen- *Special pre-summit September 13-15 from the best intentions can have an adverse effect on an organiza- workshop at the OD tation is delayed or employee resistance is unexpectedly high. Proper Summit. Register for CHI .................. LOT911 tion. The assumption that individuals will automatically learn to management of the human side of change is the critical missing link both and save $100. adjust to change is false. Experience suggests that if not properly in change initiatives. In exclusive partnership with William Bridges October 18-20 implemented, change has the potential to leave people feeling resent- & Associates, Linkage offers the highly-acclaimed Three-Phase BOS .............. LOT1011 ful, unmotivated, and confused at a time when commitment to the Transition Model to address the human side of change. William December 13-15 organization is crucial. Bridges’ model has provided individuals and organizations across sec- ATL................ LOT1211 tors with a framework and tools for successfully embracing change. Learn how to facilitate your employees successfully through the chal- lenges of transition, whether in the context of a merger, downsizing, Tuition: $2,595 or other organizational change. Walk away with the skills necessary to Who should attend RegisTeR Duration: 3 days guide your employees smoothly through the change process. HR and OD professionals with a background in change management RegisTeR Who should attend Benefits & outcomes Managers who are responsible for implementing and facilitating change within their organization • Lead individuals through strategic change initiatives • Develop coaching skills to help employees deal with change and loss Benefits & outcomes Three-Phase • Become part of an established network of Certified Bridges Trainers • Ensure that an adequate change management plan is in place TransITIOn MOdel • Determine where people are in the transition process Program curriculum Free bOOk! • Develop steps for helping people let go of the old way of do- This program certifies participants to deliver two skill-building All attendees ing things and make clear endings workshops: receive a free copy of Managing Transitions: • Understand the critical difference between managing change • In Managing Organizational Transition, learn to teach Making the Most of and facilitating transition leaders the skills to successfully lead others through Change. • Assess the effectiveness of a current change plan transition with less disruption and sustained productivity • Create and implement effective strategies to facilitate the The Three-Phase Transition Model, • In Individual Transition in Organizations, learn to teach individuals how to handle internal developed by William Bridges will serve endings, the neutral zone, and new beginnings transitions caused by change with less disruption and distress to their lives as a critical tool to help managers their direct reports through the human side To become certified in delivering this program, register for The of change. Complimentary ongoing resources Leading Organizational Transition: Train-The-Trainer Program • Order materials online for your deliveries on page 4. • Attend free quarterly webinars on transition topics Program based on the change and transition work of William and susan Bridges For over two decades, William Bridges & Associates has helped organizations and individuals deal more effectively with change. A pioneer and leader in the field of transition management, William Bridges is widely recognized for his breakthrough thinking on how to help people deal productively with change. Susan Bridges has provided leadership consulting and executive development services to individuals and organizations experiencing transition management issues for over twenty years, partnering with leaders who must initiate change and transition in their organizations. Fantastic. Thought provoking, practical, and very For large organizational roll-outs, call Linkage at 781-402-5555 to learn about cost effective licensing op- tions. “ relevant. Murdo Mackay // group HR Manager, Cairn energy PLC 4 ( 781.402.5555 8 5
  • 4. Change Leadership: How Leaders Drive June 15-16 Organizational Change change & transition management CHI .................... CL611 August 16-17 >> inTeraCTive, LiCensabLe TooLkiTs. BOS .................. CL811 Leaders today recognize the imperative to change—yet only a handful These toolkits are designed to help you and your team successfully manage change and are equipped with the right tools to create effective change within their October 19-20 teams, divisions, and organizations—leading to approximately 75% of DC................... CL1011 transition initiatives, and sustain and track progress. They are a great fit for organizational change initiatives failing. Learn how to apply critical change leadership roll-outs and support change-related training initiatives. concepts and tools, and receive a change leadership process to ensure Tuition: $1,395 your organization realizes the benefits of real change. Discussions, Duration: 2 days activities, assessments, simulations, and application to participants’ own real-world changes help embed the learning and ensure skill development. RegisTeR Change Managing individuaL This program is also offered in a facilitated online format. (see p. 32 Leadership organizaTionaL TransiTion in for details) TooLkiT TransiTions organizaTions Note: This program is not open to independent consultants or consulting firms. 13 best practice tools and ap- TooLkiT TooLkiT proaches for successfully lead- Offered in exclusive partner- Offered in exclusive partner- ing change with your team and ship with William Bridges & ship with William Bridges & Who should attend within your organization. Associates Associates Leaders and managers charged with driving change, as well as HR/OD professionals A partial list of tools in this 10 tools designed to equip 10 tools designed to give em- toolkit: managers with effective meth- ployees effective methods for Benefits & outcomes • Tool 1—drivers of Change ods for helping teams transi- more successfully transitioning Map tion through change. through change. • Learn a step-by-step process for leading successful change A template to inventory and A partial list of tools in this • Tool 1—Individual • Communicate a compelling change message to gain greater commitment surface the forces that are toolkit: Transition readiness • Unlock resistance and remove obstacles to change driving the need for change. assessment • Tool 1—how “FIT” Is Your • Tool 2—Pre- An assessment that mea- • Assess personal and organizational readiness to take on the challenge of change Team? Implementation survey sures your resilience in un- A survey of the readiness of A survey that considers how dertaking a specific change. your team to deal effectively well thought-out the current with a specific change. • Tool 2—Changes in Your change initiative is to plan life accordingly. • Tool 2—Transition Map A template for categoriz- A process to enable you to: • Tool 3—business Case for ing and capturing current a) collect observations about Change changes in key areas of your the reactions of team mem- A template for constructing life. bers to a specific change a compelling business case. and; b) gauge where each of • Tool 3—resilience … and 10 other tools designed your team members are in building Plan to help make your next change relation to their acceptance A process for identifying initiative a success. of the change. how you are impacted by change and healthy actions • Tool 3—Personal Impact that can help you cope. analysis A framework for consider- … and 7 other tools to equip Linkage Training is right in your backyard. ing the impact of a specific your employees to successfully change on individuals on face transition head-on. Save on time and travel. your team. Linkage training offers over 35 … and 7 other tools to help you manage through transition. skill-building workshops in cities across the U.S. including: Want us to come to your city? • Boston Both transition toolkits are a complement to transition pro- grams offered through Linkage. Call 781-402-5555 to learn Call 781-402-5555 for pricing on • Chicago how you can use these toolkits to make your next change initia- hosting a program at your site. tive a success. • Dallas • New York See the inside back cover for a complete • San Francisco schedule of workshops available in each city. • Washington, D.C. 6
  • 5. Offered in cooperation with DePaul Certificate curriculum Processes & Tools Direction-Setting University in Chicago Certificate length: Based on your career and development interests, select programs in align- organizational development organizational development Four courses (not Organization ment with the dimensions of the Organizational design Wheel™ that are The Organizational Development Certificate concurrent), at least one of which must be most relevant to your work. People Program a core course and the remaining three courses must be chosen from The practice of organizational development—the focus on structures, the selected track and/ Core CurriCulum systems, and processes that impact people and performance—has or shared electives; introduction to Organizational Development (p. 10) X never been more critical. Organizations that aspire to greatness are recommended program increasingly turning to OD practitioners to help them get there. completion is within 12 Organizational Analysis and Design (p. 10) X months. The OD Lab for experienced Practitioners (p. 11) X schedule: Who should attend OrganIzaTIOnal desIgn Wheel™ eLeCTiVe COURses See individual courses OD, training, and HR for complete schedule Change Leadership: How Leaders Drive Organizational Change (p. 6)* X professionals who want with locations. to acquire best-in-class Organization Strategy Organizational Development Summit (see below) X and Dual certification: Structure OD methodology and Goals If you are interested Consulting Skills (p. 13) X techniques to enhance Dire in The Organizational Learning n cti tio their impact and drive Information za o n- Leadership Development Certificate Today’s HR: Designs for Strategic Partnerships (p. 14) X nia Se true business results Org Program as well tting Mission and Design and Implement Leadership Development Systems (p. 17)* X Vision as The Leadership Proc Performance Development Certificate Design and Implement Succession Management Systems (p. 17)* X Benefits & outcomes es es Measures e Processes o pl s & Tool Pe and Program—see p. 16, s Rewards you may be able to Strategic Thinking (p. 20) X • Learn practical OD leverage up to two tools and resources Systems Culture Systems Thinking (p. 20) X electives to accelerate • Earn enhanced the completion of both. High Impact Relationships: Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence (p. 21)* X credibility as an OD Tuition: Change Leadership Online (p. 32)* X professional $4,895 which repre- sents a 15% discount Leadership Assessment Instrument (LAI) Online Certification Program (p. 33)* ™ X • Strengthen your own OD platform when paid in full at • Join an expanded network of OD professionals the time of registra- *Also a course in The Leadership Development Certificate Program (p. 16) tion. (Note: There is an additional fee of $180 if Program curriculum you select High Impact Relationships, $450 The curriculum is based on Linkage’s Organizational design Wheel™. This model defines the characteristics—organization, direction- for the LAI™ Online Did you know that Linkage’s Organizational Development Summit is Certification Program setting, people, process, and tools—common to high-performance or Change Leadership an elective in the Organizational Development Certificate program? workplaces: Online as one of your courses.) Don’t miss this opportunity to receive best practices as part of • Organization: Programs that define how high-performing orga- nizations connect their resources to ensure the utmost levels of your curriculum! productivity • direction-setting: Programs that help practitioners become business partners on critical is- sues—such as where is the organization heading, who should be leading it, and how the vision should be communicated • People: Programs to guide practitioners through the methods and tools needed to drive a culture of performance and trust in order to optimize the organization’s capabilities • Processes & Tools: Programs designed to help facilitate change initiatives that add direct value to the bottom line May 15–17, 2012 • Chicago, IL Here’s how it works: 1. Call 781-402-5555 to register for the OD Certificate. 2. Attend the Organizational Development Summit in Chicago on May 15–17 and receive credit towards the completion of your OD Certificate. 3. Choose three other OD-related workshops to complete your OD Certificate. 8 ( 781.402.5555 8 9
  • 6. Core offering in the OD Certificate Program Offered in exclusive partnership with Geoff Bellman and a core offering in May 17-18 the OD Certificate Program October 13-14 organizational development organizational development Introduction to Organizational Development DC.................... OD511 CHI ............... ODL1011 September 13-14 The OD Lab for Experienced Practitioners Tuition: $1,495 CHI ................... OD911 To compete in today’s marketplace, organizations must design and Duration: 2 days implement the structures, processes, and systems that will allow their November 15-16 Influence and credibility are essential for the experienced consul- people to flourish—and that will spur change and growth. In this SF .................. OD1111 tant to make a strategic organizational impact. In this collaborative program, receive an introduction to the discipline of organizational learning environment, you will share best practices and discuss real RegisTeR December 6-7 development, a simple yet effective lens to help you properly view CHI ................. OD1211 business cases to analyze the effectiveness of your own approach. You organizational change. You’ll learn how to apply a core OD process to will also gain practical insights, based on the work of Geoff Bellman, diagnose issues and build momentum for change. Tuition: $1,395 on the core competencies needed to drive the consulting process. This program will be facilitated by select Linkage faculty. Duration: 2 days Who should attend Who should attend New OD practitioners and anyone with little or no background in OD RegisTeR OD practitioners who want to strengthen their ability to forge more powerful client partnerships Benefits & outcomes Benefits & outcomes • Connect your OD initiatives to strategic business models • Identify and avoid the most common derailers of your OD initiatives • Use the action research process to diagnose opportunities for improving the organization • Develop your individual action plan to focus your OD approach • Define critical success factors and target specific interventions for hard-hitting, bottom-line OD • Sharpen the metrics of your OD initiatives to drive business results • Articulate your role as an internal OD consultant • Walk away with practical tools and advice that are immediately applicable to your OD initiatives Program based on the content and research of geoff Bellman Geoff Bellman has been consulting to organizations for forty years. Geoff’s five books are in print and available in ten languages. Titles include Getting Things Done When You Are Not In Charge, The Beauty of the Beast, and The Consultant’s Calling. Geoff helped found the Community Consulting Partnership, a network of consultants who grow by giving their time to the not-for-profit world. Core offering in the OD Certificate Program April 19-20 Looking for a world-class curriculum for Organizational Analysis and Design DC.....................DA411 June 22-23 your managers and leaders? CHI ....................DA611 The design of an organization can impact everything, from proper Call 781-402-5555 to learn more about bringing key programs to your work flow to ultimate success at the bottom line. Participants in this September 13-14 program will learn the dynamics, processes, and challenges inherent in BOS ..................DA911 organization or see pages 22–29 for details on our best-selling on- analyzing and designing an organization to achieve business results. October 25-26 site offerings available in a variety of flexible formats. Explore a systematic approach for guiding an organizational design BOS ................DA1011 effort—from problem identification, to design recommendations and planning the transformation. November 17-18 Bring one of our expert facilitators to deliver a Linkage program at your site and: SF ...................DA1111 • Realize cost savings on travel and program design Who should attend Tuition: $1,395 • Receive targeted content tailored to your organization’s needs OD practitioners and anyone with a background in OD methodology Duration: 2 days • Explore proprietary issues while fostering a greater level of communication • Decide when, where, and how the program should be rolled out for greatest impact Benefits & outcomes RegisTeR • Identify problems, key roles, and phases in the organizational analy- sis and design (OAD) process • Leverage the two critical domains of OAD work—analyzing the current business model and facili- tating design enhancements • Ensure your analysis, design, and transformation efforts follow a systemic approach aligned with the organization’s mission and values 10 ( 781.402.5555 8 11
  • 7. Announcing a revolutionary way to Consulting Skills April 26-27 organizational development accelerate the development of leaders— Every day, consulting extends throughout organizations on an CHI ....................CS411 the Linkage Leadership Institute. informal and formal basis. In its more challenging manifestation, consulting requires the ability to build a trusted relationship and Tuition: $1,395 Duration: 2 days provide advisory services to others. Through this program, learn how to consult effectively from experienced consulting professionals who have developed a process to construct, contract, engage, and gauge RegisTeR The Linkage Leadership How will your leaders benefit? consulting relationships from concept to measurable results. Institute is built on a • Learn from world-class faculty proven model that has Who should attend developed leaders in over • Compare best practices in teams Professionals from any industry including HR and OD, as well as consultants with less than five years comprised of high impact leaders 60 countries. of internal or external consulting experience • Develop the competencies and skills Bring this program to necessary to become a better leader Benefits & outcomes your organization or join • Receive facilitation, assessments, coaching, • Learn the critical roles a consultant must play (from Linkage’s Compleat Consultant Competency activity-based simulations, case studies, our open-enrollment and company specific projects Model™) offerings. • Frame consulting projects and engage participants from the start • Become part of the LinkageNetwork—a learning community designed to fast track • Identify and overcome natural hurdles in the consulting process your high performers’ development • Debrief and refuel yourself for the next consulting challenge that comes your way • Introduce mutually-agreeable criteria for success from the client’s standpoint Call 781-402-5555 to learn more. Linkage’s targeted assessments drive the bottom line. ✓ Leadership Assessment Instrument™—based on Linkage’s research with Warren Bennis—measure the critical competencies of your leadership team (See our Online Certification program on p. 33) ✓ C-Sail—Linkage’s powerful 360-degree assessment focused on critical communication abilities and distinctive styles for success as a leader ✓ HiPlay—in-depth assessment of your team to enable them to achieve true, lasting breakthroughs and commit to key actions ✓ Essential Coach™—provides in-depth data on how a coach is performing, building partnerships, and maximizing professional growth Linkage offers flexible certification options for resellers, and OD and LD professionals. Call 781-402-5555 to learn more. ( 781.402.5555 8 13
  • 8. Offered in exclusive partnership with William Rothwell, Ph.D., SPHR November 8-9 Linkage Help your executives organizational development Today’s HR: Designs for Strategic Partnerships CHI ..................HR1111 become great leaders. Equip As businesses become more complex and leaders are forced to rise to Tuition: $1,595 Duration: 2 days executive them to meet new leadership challenges, drive mission- the occasion during times of uncertainty and change, it is vital that HR does the same. Some HR organizations have gone through the process RegisTeR assessment critical change, and affect of fundamentally re-purposing what they do and why they exist, but individual transformation. little has been shared on which organizational design option will ef- fectively achieve strategic goals. soLutions In this program, participants will examine a case study on how HR departments have transformed their resources by employing business and OD skills to become a We offer signature assessment solutions that will drive the best succession, promotion, strategic partner and leader. This program will be facilitated by select Linkage faculty. and development decisions for your leaders and ultimately your organization. Who should attend Our approach is: HR and OD professionals who want to make their HR team function as strategic business agents • Built on a clear and structured process • Centered around practical assessment instruments Free Benefits & outcomes bOOk! • Designed to utilize multiple assessors who offer a unique but accurate • Implement a formal plan on how to best configure your HR All attend- perspective organization to meet business goals ees receive a free copy • Guaranteed to help you make accurate succession/promotion and development • Understand key global trends in the workforce that will have the of Human decisions Resource greatest impact on HR Transform- • Proven to dramatically improve senior team effectiveness ation. • Transform the role of your HR function at an individual and organizational level Based on the work of William Rothwell Linkage’s executive assessment four-phase William J. Rothwell, Ph.D., is recognized globally as an expert on succession planning process includes: and management, serving as the national thought leader for a best practices study of succession that examined 18 multinational corporations. Rothwell’s publications include 1. Understanding your situation Effective Succession Planning and The Competency Toolkit. 2. Conducting assessments 3. Combining assessment data and feedback 4. Executive coaching and follow up For more information, call 781-402-5555 or visit It is clear that Linkage instructors are experts in the “ field; they have a sincere desire to impart knowledge and see others do well; and they have a variety of new ideas and tools that are practical enough to use in the “real world.” Linda Ontiveros // sr. Manager, Training and Organizational Development, interDigital Communications, LLC 14
  • 9. The Leadership Development Certificate Core offering in the Leadership Development Certificate Program Certificate length: September 27-28 Program leadership & management development leadership & management development Four courses (not con- Design and Implement Leadership Development CHI ..................DLC911 current), at least one of which must be a core Systems Tuition: $1,395 Linkage’s Leadership Development Certificate Program offers an efficient course; recommended means to develop the critical behaviors and attitudes across leadership program completion is Duration: 2 days levels that will enable your organization to achieve desired business within 12 months. When it comes to developing the leaders within your organization, the results. stakes are high—and the potential payoff is enormous. Through our RegisTeR schedule: hands-on approach, learn how to design and implement the critical See individual courses elements of a leadership development system that integrates career for complete schedule Who should attend planning, “fast track” development programs for high potentials. with locations. Leadership development, OD and HR professionals as well as mid- to Tuition: senior-level managers responsible for developing leaders Who should attend Combined prices of selected programs as HRD specialists as well as HR, training, executive, and management development directors Benefits & outcomes bluePrInT FOr identified below. Tuition leadershIP develOPMenT represents a 15% dis- • Enhanced ability to develop count from the regular Benefits & outcomes PrOFessIOnals MOdel™ the behaviors most critical to fees when paid in full at an organization’s success registration. • Create a rationale for developing leaders in your organization strat eg ie Dual certification: • Identify the leadership skills required in the near future, and assess talent gaps • Assess leadership capabilities s using proven tools If you are interested in The Leadership • Determine the most efficient and effective means of developing the talent you need systems • Apply techniques to develop Development Certificate • Incorporate action learning in your leadership development initiatives winning leadership develop- Program as well as ment systems that generate The Organizational • Create a system that aligns your organization’s leadership programs with elements of strategy, success Development Certificate culture, and business initiatives Program (p. 8), you may be able to leverage Program curriculum skills up to two electives to accelerate the comple- The curriculum for The Leadership tion of both. Contact us Development Certificate Program is based on Linkage’s blueprint for for assistance. leadership development Professionals Model™: • systems that support the development of your leaders within the context of your business plan Core offering in the Leadership Development Certificate Program November 2-3 • strategies that close the gaps between business goals and the capabilities of your leaders Design and Implement Succession Management DC...................SU1111 • skills that you need as an HR/OD professional to drive leadership development Systems Tuition: $1,395 Duration: 2 days element Courses available Do you know the depth of your organization’s talent pool? In today’s business environment, companies must examine future leadership RegisTeR Systems Design and implement Leadership Development systems ($1,185) (p. 17)* requirements, assess current capabilities, and determine the steps Design and implement succession Management systems ($1,185) (p. 17)* necessary to close identified gaps. Through this hands-on program, learn about critical decision points and a step-by-step approach to designing and implementing an Strategies Change Leadership: How Leaders Drive Organizational Change ($1,185) (p. 6)* or effective succession management system. Change Leadership Online ($1,440) (p. 32)* Who should attend Skills Leading Organizational Transition: Train-The-Trainer Program ($2,205) (p. 4) The Coaching Leaders Certification Program ($3,395) (p. 18) Executive and management development directors, OD practitioners, and HRD executives interested in designing (or redesigning) their succession management processes High Impact Relationships: Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence ($1,355) (p. 21)* Leadership Assessment Instrument™ (LAI) Online Certification Program ($1,695) (p. Benefits & outcomes 33)* • Craft a business case and blueprint for succession management bold text = core course • Select options for assessing your talent pool, and identifying and supporting your high potentials • Set up and execute effective succession planning review meetings • Integrate succession management with your broader human resource system *Also a course in The Organizational Development Certificate Program (p. 8) 16 ( 781.402.5555 8 17