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   November 2011
               111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU
               Sunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.
               We are a member of the United Reformed Church.
               We believe in Justice and Peace.
Principal Contacts
Minister:                Rev. Sue Powell            Tel: 020 8462 2212
Church Secretary:        Mr Alistair Wilson         Tel: 020 8402 0026
Fabric Steward           Mr. Chris Wood             Tel: 020 8462 2444
Treasurer:               Mr. Bill Michie            Tel: 020 8658 4167
Lettings Secretary:      Mrs Undine Connolly        Tel: 020 8776 0108
Caretaker:               Mr. Ian Jones         Tel: 020 8313 1556
Church Website 

Editor:                  Mr Richard Brown
             Contents : - Items not covered by the diary of events.
Sunday Services; Preachers’ info 2       Justice & Peace Group            9
Gas and Electricity Charges      2       Notice board               10 - 11
Church Notices                 3-4       Our Community                   13
Anerley Church                   5       The way things once were        13
A Gentle Reminder                5       Hole Park                       16
Catalyst needs you               7       Local Education; A Reunion      17
Two Obituaries                   8       Angie Shier Jones               20

This month’s website
The November website is Hole Park. They are the company that
  supply our Christmas Trees. Hole Park is an attractive garden deep
  in Kent. There are more details on page 16.
The website is                    Ed

   Copy for the December 2011 - January 2012 edition needs to be
                handed in by Sunday, 13th November.
                   Please submit items in good time.
 You can leave copy in the “B” Pigeon Hole for Richard Brown to collect,
            or hand it directly to him on a Sunday morning.
       You can also e-mail copy to
Thank You.      Editor
Letter from the Minister
Dear Friends

November already, and yet another year almost
over, how time flies! Thermostats are turned up
and the winter duvet gets its first airing as we
prepare for the onset of winter and November fireworks.

Do you remember making ‘Guy Fawkes’ ready for a bonfire, perhaps even
 collecting a ‘penny for the Guy’? We have been remembering ‘Guy
 Fawkes’ in this way since 1605, although why we have decided as a
 nation to celebrate someone who tried to blow up parliament is beyond
 me – quite why we reconstruct the possible fireworks of that night as
 an annual event seems most peculiar. Or maybe we just celebrate the
 failure – which seems a most British thing to do!

Remembrances are an important part of each nation’s history, and for
 our nation the date of 11th November is a most important one. It is a
 day when we stop at 11am and remember all those who have given their
 lives that we today might live in freedom. So many wars have been
 fought, and some are still being fought around the world, so that we
 may have the right to govern ourselves as we see fit. It is a gift we
 have been given at high cost, and we disregard it at our peril.

Perhaps as the fireworks light our skies this month, we can remember
 each spark as a life given that we might have the freedom to
 remember our history and Mr Guy Fawkes.

And as we remember, let us remember Jesus Christ, who gave his life
 that we may have full freedom to live in God’s love, every day, and know
 life in all its fullness.


Sunday Services
                           November 2011
 6th     10.30 am - Morning Service - Allan Evison
          6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister
13th     10.30 am - Parade Service; Remembrance Day - The Minister
          6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister
20th     10.30 am - Morning Service - Bill Michie
          6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister
27th     10.30 am - Holy Communion - The Minister
          6.30 pm - Evening Service - Pastor Roy Powell

                           December 2011
4th      10.30 am - Morning Service - Rev Geoff Larcombe
          6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister and Pickhurst School

                Some notes on the visiting preachers.
v      Bill Michie is well known to us all. He is a Lay Preacher at HFC.
v      Pastor Roy Powell is Lay Preacher at Camberwell Green U.R.C. –
       as well as being Sue’s husband!
v      Geoff Larcombe is a local representative from the Bible Society.
       He spoke at the Bible celebration supper in the spring of 2011.

                     Gas and Electricity Charges
This heading is the essence of some newspapers’ stories these days.
We are told that huge savings, possibly over £300 p.a., can be made
  with Internet duel fuel deals.
Well, it’s true. At home, we have made the switch, and we are making
The journalists state that many, especially the elderly, cannot get on-
  line to save and are being penalised. This really doesn’t have to be.
The annual savings which can be made are just about the cost of
  buying a computer. Then savings in future years will go a long way
  to cover running costs, such as security and connection charges.
There are a lot of benefits from going on-line. I am sure family
  members and friends can advise.
If you don’t want to go it alone, then why not form a group to buy
  and run a computer, etc?
News of the Church Family
Announcements are welcome :-
 BMD - Changes of address, etc.

We regret to announce the death of Angie Shier
 Jones on Sunday,11th September. Angie was
 the minister of the Methodist Church with close
 ties with Beckenham URC.
 Please turn to page 20 for items related to Angie.

In the Church telephone directory, Jenny Carr’s e-mail address should

Church Meetings
The next Church meeting will be held on Sunday, 27th November at
 12.00 noon.
The next Elders’ meeting will be held on Tuesday, 15th November,
  at 8.00 pm in the small hall.

Women's Contact Group
The Contact Group will next meet at 8.00 pm on Monday 7th
 November at Jean Ritchie’s home - 25 Burford Road, Bickley.
Sylvia Mack

Tuesday Prayer Meetings
Held at 10.00 am at the following homes:-
November      1st Martin Nunn’s.              8th     Betty Coster’s.
              15th Brenda Cordingley’s.       22nd    The Church.
              29th Martin Nunn’s
December      6th   Martin Nunn’s
Please address any queries to Martin Nunn.

Saturday Fellowship
We will meet at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday the 5th of November at
 7 Sedgewood Close. There will be a Bible discussion lead by
 Martin Nunn.
All are welcome to join us.

Men's Group
The next meeting is a Bingo Night at the Old Wilsonian’s Sports Ground
 on Thursday 17th November at 8.00 pm, organised by Les Mollison.

Ministry of Flowers
Thanks are due to those who will be providing flowers in November.
 A big thank you to those who kindly arrange the flowers when
  6th - Joan and Bob Cook.         13th - T.B.A.
 20th - T.B.A.                     27th - Mavis Righini I.m.o. Mum & Dad
After the Sunday evening services, the flowers are distributed to
 members and friends, bringing joy to the recipients.
Mavis Righini

Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club
We welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied
 by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Friday
 afternoons between 2 and 4 pm during term time.
The fee is £1 per family – tea, squash and biscuits are provided.
This is a time when adults can meet up, while the children in their care
 are busy playing with toys and activities in the company of other
Our Christmas party is on December 2nd. Tickets priced £2.50 will be
 on sale from November 18th.
 We look forward to seeing you all.

Judith Stoner   - Secretary.

Notice Sheets - November - 1st Sunday in December 2011
  6th & 13th        Pam Collison          8658 0748
 20th & 27th        Joan Smith            8462 3920
  4th               Daphne Cummings       8777 2487

If you require items to be included in the notice sheets, please contact
the appropriate person by the previous Tuesday.

Women's Fellowship

M     eetings are in the small hall at 2.00 p.m., unless otherwise stated,
      on Tuesdays and finish about 3.30 p.m.
The programme for November is:-
  1st Brian and Marion Edwards entertain.
  8th A Beetle Drive.
15th Illustrated talk on Deaf Access by Susan Craney, Centre Director
      of Deaf Access.
22nd Musical afternoon, by Mike Duke and Alan Kienlen.
29th Jo Livingston talks on Face Blindness - Inability to Recognise
     Familiar People.
December starts off with: -
6th   Illustrated talk on Bromley, by John Ruler.
As always, we welcome all ladies to our meetings . Please come
      along for a pleasant afternoon. We do have a very varied
      programme with plenty to interest everyone.

  Linda, Marion and Sylvia

                                   The Congregational Church,
                                          Anerley 1941
                              This church, like so many in the Borough,
                               was ‘blitzed’.
                              The money received in compensation
                               was used to build Hayes Free Church
                               where new housing was in want of a
                               good church.

                          A Gentle Reminder
I am sure there are many wonderful cooks in the church and I just
  wondered if there would be any interest in compiling a Hayes Free
  Church Cookery book to mark the 75th anniversary of the church
  next year.
If you think this is a good idea look out your favourite starters, main
  courses and desserts as well as cake and biscuit recipes and hand
  them to me or email them to:
Alistair Wilson

Hayes Free Church
                 Christmas Tree
                      In aid of Parkinson’s UK
   From Friday 2nd December to Sunday 11th December 2011
 The Festival will be open each day from 2.00pm from December 3 to December 10
 The church will be open at service times each Sunday (10.30am and 6.30pm)
Programme of Entertainment for the Festival
Friday       2nd December Opening Concert by Just Voices           7.30pm
             Shortlands Poetry Group and Friends of Hayes Free Church
Saturday     3rd December Fettuccine Opera                7.30 for 7.45pm

Sunday       4th December Pickhurst Junior School                   6.30pm

Monday       5th December Bishop Justus School                      7.30pm

Tuesday   6th December Variety Show                         7.30 for 7.45pm
           by The Talent Optional Players
Wednesday 7th December Wandle Ringers                               7.30pm

Thursday     8th December Bromley Boy Singers                       7.30pm
Friday    9th December An Evening of Songs from the Shows 7.30pm
                       by In Harmony
Saturday 10th December Beckenham Concert Band             7.45pm

Sunday     11th December     Churches Together in Hayes with         6.30pm
                             the Musicians from Hayes School
Admission to Fettuccine Opera, the Variety Show All the money raised will
and Songs from the Shows is £8.00 per person
Please book a table for 4 or more and bring your
own drinks, crockery, cutlery, glasses etc
 (Call Alistair Wilson on 020 8402 0026 to reserve
 seats for these 3 events.)
 Cheques payable to Hayes Free Church Tree Appeal
    Hayes Free Church, 111 Pickhurst Lane, Bromley BR2 7HU
Catalyst needs you
This page will be kept for YOUR contributions - NOTHING ELSE will go on this page.
It would be great to receive items from          Leaders - please encourage your charges
  other groups - Mothers and Toddlers, the       to be creative. Catalyst has wonderful
  cubs, brownies, Sunday Club. Also,             material from the adult members and
  family members are most welcome to             friends, but this magazine should be for all
  submit material.                               of us to enjoy. Also, isn’t it nice to see your
Uniformed groups - can your members              message or creation in print?
 earn a badge for contributions to this
                                             Surely, an important aspect of our lives is to
 page?                                       encourage the youngsters to develop - to
Pictures, poems, letters or thoughts are all be creative. So, this page is here to help
welcome.                                     with this.

                              After the Harvest Service.
                Photographs taken by Brenda Cordingley.

                                    “I took these on the morning after the
                                     Harvest Thanksgiving when I was in the
                                     church to remove the display.
                                     The pre-school children filed in to look at
                                     the Harvest gifts and as I had my
                                     camera with me I was able to get this

Grahame Arthur Mundy
                   19th September 1920 - 8th September 2011
                  Grahame, whose death on 8th September, just short of his
                  91st birthday was briefly reported in last month’s Catalyst.
                  He came to live in Hayes in 1954 with his wife Dorothy, and
                  their two sons, Roger and Colin. They quickly established
                  themselves in H.F.C., and Grahame and Dorothy were
                  active members here for almost 30 years before moving to
 Littlehampton (and later to Wisbech) on Grahame’s retirement from
 Muirhead’s, Elmers End, where he worked as a design engineer.
 Grahame, like Dorothy, was a musician - he played the violin in the Hayes
 Orchestra for many years, whilst Dorothy taught the piano. They both
 shared a deep Christian faith which they passed on to their two sons, who
 remain ever grateful for their love, care and encouragement down the
 years. After Dorothy died in 2008 Grahame moved from Wisbech to Hall
 Grange , the Methodist retirement home in Shirley, where the last three
 years of his life were comfortable and contented.

                         Paul and Jackie Charles
We were all shocked and saddened to learn of the deaths of Paul and
 Jackie on the Isle of Wight in an apparent suicide pact at the end of
August. They had come to live in Hayes in 2006 with four children, Carla,
 Lou, Rebecca and George. Although Carla and George soon left to live
 with other relatives, the rest of the family settled happily into the life at
 H.F.C. for the next three years. We were saddened to see them leave us
 for the Isle of Wight following Paul’s retirement from the police force on
 health grounds. Life there threw up problems and complications which
 led to the tragedy. We shall remember Paul and Jackie with affection,
 and hold their children in our prayers as they all adjust to life without them.

                                                  Martin Nunn

The Justice and Peace Group.             (Traidcraft highlights)
This month we would like to focus on some of the areas in
 which Traidcraft is making a real difference to peoples’ lives.
The Autumn 2011 edition of “The Extra Mile Magazine” has reports on:-
v New Hope after the tsunami. More than 5,500 young people in
    areas of Tamil Nadu affected by the 2004 tsunami have benefited
    from a Traidcraft project to help them rebuild their livelihoods.
    Through this scheme, people are given training in new skills. Over
    4,000 of the participants have found work.
v Tea projects build on success. Smallholder tea growers in India are
    enjoying meaningful and lasting changes to their lives. Their
    disposable income has increased by 40% with real improvements to
    their standard of living.
v WTO betrays the world’s poor. Apparently promises to benefit the
    poorest countries is unlikely to succeed, thanks to a crisis. Traidcraft
    is saying that it’s time to consider alternative approaches to help,
    such as setting up a trading organisation where the traders and
    producers drive the process, with companies fairly regulated.
v The new chair of the Traidcraft Board, Ram Gidoomal, is
Do ask Barbara or Richard for the Extra Mile Magazine if you would like
 to read more.
Please remember that the collective efforts of stall holders and their
 customers in organisations, such as churches, make a great
 difference. You could compare this work to the spirit of the nation
 during times of war.
Women’s Contact Coffee Morning 10.00 am - 12.00
We continue to raise funds for disaster relief causes.
Our next coffee morning will be on the 12th of November.
We hope to see you there, and why not bring a friend.
  Barbara Jones
The Fairtrade Sunday Stall
There will be a stall after the morning services on the 13th and 27th of
The regular items for sale are food and drink - all of very good quality.
 Remember that by purchasing Fairtrade goods you are helping to
 support communities in the poorer countries of the world, and to give
 those communities a chance to enjoy a better life for their families -
 standards which we may take for granted here in the UK.
Please continue to support your fair trade stall. Thank you.
        Richard, Barbara and Helen.
                  Subscriptions for Catalyst
     Subscriptions for 2012 are due in December. The cost is
 £5 if you wish to receive Catalyst via the pigeonholes at the
 back of the church. Please let Judith or David Stoner have this
 amount as soon as possible. There is an envelope attached to
 this issue of Catalyst for you to use.
If you wish to have the magazine sent by post, the cost is £8
 and you should send your subscription to:
                         Judith and David Stoner
                         113 Bourne Way
                         Bromley BR2 7EX
Cheques should be made payable to Hayes Free Church.
         It would be helpful if subscribers who no longer wish
             to receive Catalyst by post would let us know.

       Choir Practice
 For Carols by Candlelight                   The Leprosy Mission
        Will start on                    Martin Nunn has taken over
   Friday, 4th November                  the reins from Jessie Martin.
        At 7.30 p.m.                     So, in future, please contact
 New voices are needed                     Martin with material, or
 Please see Martin Nunn if                 make payments for the
       you wish to join.                      Mission’s work to him.

       Top of The Pew                     The Church’s external
        Grand Final                           Notice-boards
  At 8.00 p.m. on 11th Nov               Martin Nunn has the keys
At Bromley Methodist Church,             to the notice-boards, so
       College Road                       please contact him if
  Tickets £1.00 on the door               you have any items to
                                               go onto them.
 Proceeds in aid of Bromley
     Alzheimer’s Society

                CHRISTMAS CARDS
    If you prefer not to give Christmas Cards,
      then why not place a notice, such as:
    “Greetings to our friends at HFC from -------".
    There will be space in December’s Catalyst
     for notices. Please submit by the press
        date, and don’t forget your donation to
        the Christmas Post for the charity.

                  Minister's Surgery
               Sue’s monthly surgery
                at the Church will be
                held on the SECOND
                Wednesday of each
                 from 3.00 - 5.45 pm.

             Are you a War Widow whose husband
            died in action in the Second World War?
        If so, then you may be eligible for a grant
          from the Lottery fund set aside to cover
          travel expenses to visit the town, battle-
          field etc where he served.
        Now you have to make a claim before the
          end of December 2011.
        More details and help from former POW
         Ted Cachert, aged 86.
        Contact Ted either on 01773 853 181,
              or by e-mail at


        Saturday 5 th November
             10.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m.

                HAYES FREE CHURCH
                  PICKHURST LANE
 Interested table holders – tables available David Connolly.
                        Tel: 020 8776 0108.

                     ENTRANCE £1.00
Sponsored by:- Ennis-Webb & Co. Solicitors, Wills, Probate, Tax & Trusts
       Elite House, 155 Main Road, Biggin Hill, Kent TN16 3JP
                           tel. 01959 577000

Dear Friends
I have been reading a book called; Radical Welcome: Embracing God, The
 Other, and the Spirit of Transformation. As we have mentioned in
 Church Meeting, we have signed up to be part of the Zero Intolerance
 (ZI) campaign. One of the things the books asks us to do is to find out
 who is “The Other” in our community; who is it that simply isn’t part of
 God’s Church? Which part of our local community is not involved with
 Church? Then we have to work out how to invite them – and what we have
 to do to make them welcome.
Part of our Radical Welcome has to be the willingness to allow ourselves to
 be changed in the accommodating of “The Other”. We are asked to be
 willing to have different music, to do things in alternative ways, to change
 how things have ‘always’ been done (which usually means in recent living
 memory rather than ‘always’!)
Being ‘Radical’ means being able to accept difference, live with it and allow
 it to change us – which is not always easy. But then God never promised
 us an easy ride when we became Christians, what he promises is to be with
 us always, whatever we face. And we face the death of the church if we
 don’t manage to make ourselves more Radically Welcoming to the others
 around us.
Who should we be targeting? What should we be willing to change/give up?
These are questions we all need to be thinking about, and at our next
 church meeting trying to answer.
Who is left out of God’s kingdom in this place, and how can we invite them in?
Please give this prayerful consideration.


                       The way things once were
         From The Nottinghamshire Almanac for November 1841.
A new theme will now start - the monthly verse

        The tide of life, swift always in its course,
        May run in cities with a brisker force,
        But nowhere with a current so serene,
        Or half as clear, as in a rural scene.

Our Christmas Fair
       Saturday 12th November
         10.30 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.
The following people have kindly offered to run stalls: -
CAKES - Connie Russell & Daphne Cummings.
CHRISTMAS FAYRE - (cakes, puddings & fancies) - Joan Smith.
BOOKS - Tony Russell
BOTTLES - John Moren
CHRISTMAS FLOWERS - Margaret Tannock.
SANTA’S GROTTO - Jayne Carvell.
PUZZLES - Teresa Cheyne.
BRIC-A-BRAC - Doreen Hobbs.
Please give your contributions to the above people, OR
 place them in a box in the vestibule.
The BOTTLE stall would welcome alcoholic and non-alcoholic
 drinks, cans of drink, washing up liquid, after shave, perfume,
 shampoo, tomato ketchup etc. Please bring your bottles to
 the hall on Friday 11th November after 8.00 p.m.
      Any other offers of help will be greatly appreciated.
              Please ring John Curry on 8249 3663

Hole Park
                        Taken from the web-site.

Tucked away in the Weald of Kent, between the pretty village of
 Rolvenden and the charming town of Cranbrook, lies Hole Park
 Gardens which has to be one of the best gardens in Kent.
An attractively laid out, privately owned 15 acre garden, Hole Park is
 often referred to as a hidden gem, and there are plenty of treasures
 to be found within its walls and hedges.
Hole Park is set in over 200 acres of superb classic parkland. The
 colourful gardens enjoy far reaching views over the hills, woods and
 fields of the picturesque Kentish Weald. They are a skilful mix of
 formal design and more naturalised planting, giving colour
 throughout the seasons.
In spring visitors can enjoy the wonderful carpet of bluebells, daffodils,
 camellias, wisteria, magnolia and other spring delights. In summer the
 long borders are filled with colourful herbaceous plants with the
 exotic border coming to life in late summer. The woodland area and
 gardens are also a delight in autumn with trees planted specifically
 with autumn colour in mind.
The house, which is a private family home is not open to the public.

Garden opening dates for 2012
All openings 11am to 6pm
Spring: 8th April to 31st May – Open daily (including the renowned
        bluebell season late April / early May)
Summer: 1st June to 31st October - Wednesdays & Thursdays


Autumn Sundays
7th, 14th, & 21st & 28th October 2012
All other times by appointment

Admission: - Adults £6.00 Children £1.00

Contact details: - Edward Barham
  Tel:    01580 241 344 - 01580 241 386

Local Education
I spent a day in October at the House of Commons, meeting with the
 Beckenham MP Bob Stewart plus others, and discussing ‘Localism’ and
 the role of the churches in politics, and especially education, today.
A highly enlightening few hours (followed by a wonderful tour of the
 Palace of Westminster) which left all the Bromley clergy who attended
 with much to think about.
One of the points raised, which made a lot of sense to a number of us,
 was that each church should ‘adopt’ a local school; offering the use of
 its buildings for carol services, as an ‘outside space’ for school work, and
 as a place where faith discussion could take place; offering people to
 work as volunteers in classrooms, to being governors. The argument
 being that if we are not involved with our schools, how do we expect the
 Christian faith to be a part of school life? Praying regularly for
 teaching and support staff, head teachers and governors as part of our
 daily prayer life was also suggested.
So – adopt a school?
Here at Hayes Free it would make sense to make the most of our
 existing links with Pickhurst Infant and Pickhurst Academy (Juniors).
Is anyone willing to volunteer to get involved?


                                A Reunion
Did you read the story in the papers in mid October about 2 D-Day
 veterans? Two close friends, Bill Betts, 88, and Clifford Baker, 97 lost
 touch after Bill was wounded and returned to Britain from the
 Normandy beaches.
They lost touch after that separation. 67 years later, they returned to
 the beaches as tourists in separate parties, but on the same day. Bill
 looked at the visitors’ book at the D-Day Museum in Arromanches,
 and saw that the last person to sign was his long lost pal, Clifford.
Clifford had signed the book 20 minutes earlier. Bill rushed out to the
 coach park, and found Clifford’s coach before it left. The 2 old
 soldiers were reunited to the cheers of the other passengers on the

November 2011
1st    Tue    2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship                    Page 5
             10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting                Page 3
2nd    Wed
3rd    Thu

4th    Fri    2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club       Page 4
              7.30 pm - Choir Practice                        Page 10

5th    Sat   10.00 am - Antique and Collectors Fair           Page 12
             2.30 pm - Saturday Fellowship                    Page 3

6th    Sun   10.30 am - Morning Service - Allan Evison
              6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister
7th    Mon

8th    Tue    2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship                    Page 5
             10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting                Page 3
9th    Wed    3.00 pm - Minister’s Surgery                    Page 11
10th   Thu
             Remembrance Day
11th   Fri    2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club       Page 4
              8.00 pm - Top of The Pew final                  Page 10

12th   Sat   10.00 am - Women’s Contact Coffee Morning        Page 9
             10.30 am - Christmas Fair                        Page 15
             10.30 am - Parade Service; Remembrance Day -
                                                       The Minister
13th   Sun              Followed by Fairtrade Stall          Page 9
                        Catalyst Press day                      I.F.C.
              6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister
14th   Mon
             10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting                Page 3
15th   Tue    2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship                    Page 5
              8.00 pm - Elders’ Meeting                       Page 3
16th   Wed
17th   Thu    8.00 pm - Men’s Group                           Page 4
18th   Fri    2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club       Page 4
19th   Sat    7.45 pm - Hayes Philharmonic Choir Concert      Page 14

20th   Sun   10.30 am - Morning Service - Bill Michie
              6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister
November 2011
21st   Mon

22nd Tue     10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting                  Page 3
              2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship                      Page 5
23rd   Wed
24th   Thu
25th   Fri       2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club      Page 4
26th   Sat
             10.30 am - Holy Communion - The Minister
27th   Sun              Followed by Fairtrade Stall             Page 9
             12.00     Church Meeting                           Page 3
              6.30 pm - Evening Service - Pastor Roy Powell
28th   Mon

29th   Tue   10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting                  Page 3
              2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship                      Page 5
30th   Wed St. Andrew's Day

                             December 2011
1st    Thu

2nd    Fri    2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club         Page 4
              7.30 pm - Christmas Tree Festival Concert         Page 6

3rd    Sat    7.30 pm - Christmas Tree Festival Event           Page 6

             10.30 am - Morning Service - Rev Geoff Larcombe
4th    Sun   6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister and
                                                   Pickhurst School

 2-11December           CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL
 10 December            CRAFT FAIR
 11 December            CHURCH PARADE
 18 December            CAROLS by CANDLELIGHT
  7    January          NEW YEAR SOCIAL

Angie Shier Jones

During her final illness, Angie wrote a blog. The following is an extract: -

   Life and Death are gifts from God, and the knowledge of both are
       means of grace.
   Just because we don’t like death, doesn't make it wrong or evil!
   It is not a mistake, a flaw, or a failure to die.
   Death is NOT a sign of God's displeasure.
   Neither did it result from any human wrong doing.
   It is not a punishment for any real or imagined sin either now or in
       some distant mythical past.
   Death is a part of God's gift of 'being' - whether we like it or not!
   Life and death are inseparable - without life there is no death, but
       without death there is no life!
   This is at the heart of the Good News.
   Without incarnation there is no crucifixion, without crucifixion there is
       no resurrection.
   The sad truth is that those who don’t know they are dying, probably
       don’t know that they are alive either.

Angie also wrote this prayer: -

   Gracious God,
   Enable those who love me
   And those who know me and care for me
   To do so without pity or sorrow,
   Rejoicing in fullness of life
   That you have given to us all.
   Grant them the ability to see all of me,
   The life and the heart of me,
   And help them to know that what matters most
   Is not how many years we have to live
   But how, with you,
   We are able to live the lives we have
   Growing in grace and holiness.
   Help me to live so that my whole life proclaims the good news
   That whoever believes in you,
   Will not perish
   But have everlasting life.

Day              Organisation          Contact          Phone
10.25 am         Sunday Club           Mike Duke        8462 5103
9.15 - 12.00 pm Pre School Group       Jayne Carvell    07913 299773
2.30 & 7.30 pm West Wickham            Carol Crouch     8462 3642
                  Arts Association
5.45 pm        Brownies                Sarah Humphrey   8249 9982
6.30 pm        Cubs                    Brenda Petts     8325 3956
8.00 pm - 1st  Women's Contact         Sylvia Mack      8462 1938
 Mon monthly    Group
2.00 pm          Women's Fellowship    Linda Jennings   07778 238587
7.00 - 8.00 pm   Weight Watchers       Area Office      0845 345 1500
7.15 pm          Scouts                Paul Hasling     3236 0083
5.00 pm          Rainbows              Tania Venables   8462 9759
6.00 pm          Beavers               Brenda Petts     8325 3956
6.30 pm          Worship Group         Bill Michie      8658 4167
6.45 pm          Slimming World        Val              0750 6015064
7.30 pm          Explorers             Tom Strachan     07745 813 295
2.30 pm - See    Justice & Peace       David Stoner     8462 3023
 Catalyst         Group
5.30 pm          Brownies              Stevie Blair.    8325 3469
7.00 - 8.30 pm   Senior Guides         Kerry Sullivan   8777 3139
8.00 pm - 3rd    Men's Group           Bruce Tannock    8325 6264
 Thu monthly
9.00 - 12.00 pm Coffee morning during term times
2.00 pm         Mothers & Toddlers   Judith Stoner      8462 3023
6.30 pm          Guides                Teresa Cheyne    8777 6042
7.30 pm          Choir                 Martin Nunn      8462 5918
2.30 pm          Saturday Fellowship   Martin Nunn      8462 5918
Final Thought

              Time for God
Jesus sat down, and when his disciples
had gathered round him, he began to
address them.
                         - Matthew 5:1 -
Prayer for Reflection

I sit down, Lord,
     to watch television,
     to write a letter,
     to mend clothes,
     to rest my feet,
     to listen to music,
     to read the paper,
     to shut my eyes and forget.

You sit down, Lord
  to wait for me
  to be ready for you.

Help me, among the other things
  for which l sit,
  to remember you
  waiting for me.

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2011 nov

  • 1. Catalyst THE MAGAZINE OF HAYES FREE CHURCH (U.R.C.) November 2011
  • 2. HAYES FREE CHURCH 111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU Sunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. We are a member of the United Reformed Church. We believe in Justice and Peace. Principal Contacts Minister: Rev. Sue Powell Tel: 020 8462 2212 Church Secretary: Mr Alistair Wilson Tel: 020 8402 0026 Fabric Steward Mr. Chris Wood Tel: 020 8462 2444 Treasurer: Mr. Bill Michie Tel: 020 8658 4167 Lettings Secretary: Mrs Undine Connolly Tel: 020 8776 0108 Caretaker: Mr. Ian Jones Tel: 020 8313 1556 Church Website Catalyst Editor: Mr Richard Brown Contents : - Items not covered by the diary of events. Sunday Services; Preachers’ info 2 Justice & Peace Group 9 Gas and Electricity Charges 2 Notice board 10 - 11 Church Notices 3-4 Our Community 13 Anerley Church 5 The way things once were 13 A Gentle Reminder 5 Hole Park 16 Catalyst needs you 7 Local Education; A Reunion 17 Two Obituaries 8 Angie Shier Jones 20 This month’s website The November website is Hole Park. They are the company that supply our Christmas Trees. Hole Park is an attractive garden deep in Kent. There are more details on page 16. The website is Ed Copy for the December 2011 - January 2012 edition needs to be handed in by Sunday, 13th November. Please submit items in good time. You can leave copy in the “B” Pigeon Hole for Richard Brown to collect, or hand it directly to him on a Sunday morning. You can also e-mail copy to Thank You. Editor
  • 3. Letter from the Minister Dear Friends November already, and yet another year almost over, how time flies! Thermostats are turned up and the winter duvet gets its first airing as we prepare for the onset of winter and November fireworks. Do you remember making ‘Guy Fawkes’ ready for a bonfire, perhaps even collecting a ‘penny for the Guy’? We have been remembering ‘Guy Fawkes’ in this way since 1605, although why we have decided as a nation to celebrate someone who tried to blow up parliament is beyond me – quite why we reconstruct the possible fireworks of that night as an annual event seems most peculiar. Or maybe we just celebrate the failure – which seems a most British thing to do! Remembrances are an important part of each nation’s history, and for our nation the date of 11th November is a most important one. It is a day when we stop at 11am and remember all those who have given their lives that we today might live in freedom. So many wars have been fought, and some are still being fought around the world, so that we may have the right to govern ourselves as we see fit. It is a gift we have been given at high cost, and we disregard it at our peril. Perhaps as the fireworks light our skies this month, we can remember each spark as a life given that we might have the freedom to remember our history and Mr Guy Fawkes. And as we remember, let us remember Jesus Christ, who gave his life that we may have full freedom to live in God’s love, every day, and know life in all its fullness. Sue 1
  • 4. Sunday Services November 2011 6th 10.30 am - Morning Service - Allan Evison 6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister 13th 10.30 am - Parade Service; Remembrance Day - The Minister 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister 20th 10.30 am - Morning Service - Bill Michie 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister 27th 10.30 am - Holy Communion - The Minister 6.30 pm - Evening Service - Pastor Roy Powell December 2011 4th 10.30 am - Morning Service - Rev Geoff Larcombe 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister and Pickhurst School Some notes on the visiting preachers. v Bill Michie is well known to us all. He is a Lay Preacher at HFC. v Pastor Roy Powell is Lay Preacher at Camberwell Green U.R.C. – as well as being Sue’s husband! v Geoff Larcombe is a local representative from the Bible Society. He spoke at the Bible celebration supper in the spring of 2011. Gas and Electricity Charges This heading is the essence of some newspapers’ stories these days. We are told that huge savings, possibly over £300 p.a., can be made with Internet duel fuel deals. Well, it’s true. At home, we have made the switch, and we are making savings. The journalists state that many, especially the elderly, cannot get on- line to save and are being penalised. This really doesn’t have to be. The annual savings which can be made are just about the cost of buying a computer. Then savings in future years will go a long way to cover running costs, such as security and connection charges. There are a lot of benefits from going on-line. I am sure family members and friends can advise. If you don’t want to go it alone, then why not form a group to buy and run a computer, etc? Ed 2
  • 5. News of the Church Family Announcements are welcome :- BMD - Changes of address, etc. Deaths We regret to announce the death of Angie Shier Jones on Sunday,11th September. Angie was the minister of the Methodist Church with close ties with Beckenham URC. Please turn to page 20 for items related to Angie. Correction In the Church telephone directory, Jenny Carr’s e-mail address should be Church Meetings The next Church meeting will be held on Sunday, 27th November at 12.00 noon. The next Elders’ meeting will be held on Tuesday, 15th November, at 8.00 pm in the small hall. Women's Contact Group The Contact Group will next meet at 8.00 pm on Monday 7th November at Jean Ritchie’s home - 25 Burford Road, Bickley. Sylvia Mack Tuesday Prayer Meetings Held at 10.00 am at the following homes:- November 1st Martin Nunn’s. 8th Betty Coster’s. 15th Brenda Cordingley’s. 22nd The Church. 29th Martin Nunn’s December 6th Martin Nunn’s Please address any queries to Martin Nunn. Saturday Fellowship We will meet at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday the 5th of November at 7 Sedgewood Close. There will be a Bible discussion lead by Martin Nunn. All are welcome to join us. 3
  • 6. Men's Group The next meeting is a Bingo Night at the Old Wilsonian’s Sports Ground on Thursday 17th November at 8.00 pm, organised by Les Mollison. Ministry of Flowers Thanks are due to those who will be providing flowers in November. A big thank you to those who kindly arrange the flowers when needed. 6th - Joan and Bob Cook. 13th - T.B.A. 20th - T.B.A. 27th - Mavis Righini I.m.o. Mum & Dad After the Sunday evening services, the flowers are distributed to members and friends, bringing joy to the recipients. Mavis Righini Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club We welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Friday afternoons between 2 and 4 pm during term time. The fee is £1 per family – tea, squash and biscuits are provided. This is a time when adults can meet up, while the children in their care are busy playing with toys and activities in the company of other children. Our Christmas party is on December 2nd. Tickets priced £2.50 will be on sale from November 18th. We look forward to seeing you all. Judith Stoner - Secretary. Notice Sheets - November - 1st Sunday in December 2011 6th & 13th Pam Collison 8658 0748 20th & 27th Joan Smith 8462 3920 December 4th Daphne Cummings 8777 2487 If you require items to be included in the notice sheets, please contact the appropriate person by the previous Tuesday. 4
  • 7. Women's Fellowship M eetings are in the small hall at 2.00 p.m., unless otherwise stated, on Tuesdays and finish about 3.30 p.m. The programme for November is:- 1st Brian and Marion Edwards entertain. 8th A Beetle Drive. 15th Illustrated talk on Deaf Access by Susan Craney, Centre Director of Deaf Access. 22nd Musical afternoon, by Mike Duke and Alan Kienlen. 29th Jo Livingston talks on Face Blindness - Inability to Recognise Familiar People. December starts off with: - 6th Illustrated talk on Bromley, by John Ruler. As always, we welcome all ladies to our meetings . Please come along for a pleasant afternoon. We do have a very varied programme with plenty to interest everyone. Linda, Marion and Sylvia The Congregational Church, Anerley 1941 This church, like so many in the Borough, was ‘blitzed’. The money received in compensation was used to build Hayes Free Church where new housing was in want of a good church. A Gentle Reminder I am sure there are many wonderful cooks in the church and I just wondered if there would be any interest in compiling a Hayes Free Church Cookery book to mark the 75th anniversary of the church next year. If you think this is a good idea look out your favourite starters, main courses and desserts as well as cake and biscuit recipes and hand them to me or email them to: Alistair Wilson 5
  • 8. Hayes Free Church Christmas Tree Festival In aid of Parkinson’s UK From Friday 2nd December to Sunday 11th December 2011 The Festival will be open each day from 2.00pm from December 3 to December 10 The church will be open at service times each Sunday (10.30am and 6.30pm) Programme of Entertainment for the Festival Friday 2nd December Opening Concert by Just Voices 7.30pm Shortlands Poetry Group and Friends of Hayes Free Church Saturday 3rd December Fettuccine Opera 7.30 for 7.45pm Sunday 4th December Pickhurst Junior School 6.30pm Monday 5th December Bishop Justus School 7.30pm Tuesday 6th December Variety Show 7.30 for 7.45pm by The Talent Optional Players Wednesday 7th December Wandle Ringers 7.30pm Thursday 8th December Bromley Boy Singers 7.30pm Friday 9th December An Evening of Songs from the Shows 7.30pm by In Harmony Saturday 10th December Beckenham Concert Band 7.45pm Sunday 11th December Churches Together in Hayes with 6.30pm the Musicians from Hayes School Admission to Fettuccine Opera, the Variety Show All the money raised will and Songs from the Shows is £8.00 per person Please book a table for 4 or more and bring your own drinks, crockery, cutlery, glasses etc (Call Alistair Wilson on 020 8402 0026 to reserve seats for these 3 events.) Cheques payable to Hayes Free Church Tree Appeal Hayes Free Church, 111 Pickhurst Lane, Bromley BR2 7HU 6
  • 9. Catalyst needs you This page will be kept for YOUR contributions - NOTHING ELSE will go on this page. It would be great to receive items from Leaders - please encourage your charges other groups - Mothers and Toddlers, the to be creative. Catalyst has wonderful cubs, brownies, Sunday Club. Also, material from the adult members and family members are most welcome to friends, but this magazine should be for all submit material. of us to enjoy. Also, isn’t it nice to see your Uniformed groups - can your members message or creation in print? earn a badge for contributions to this Surely, an important aspect of our lives is to page? encourage the youngsters to develop - to Pictures, poems, letters or thoughts are all be creative. So, this page is here to help welcome. with this. After the Harvest Service. Photographs taken by Brenda Cordingley. “I took these on the morning after the Harvest Thanksgiving when I was in the church to remove the display. The pre-school children filed in to look at the Harvest gifts and as I had my camera with me I was able to get this picture.” 7
  • 10. Grahame Arthur Mundy 19th September 1920 - 8th September 2011 Grahame, whose death on 8th September, just short of his 91st birthday was briefly reported in last month’s Catalyst. He came to live in Hayes in 1954 with his wife Dorothy, and their two sons, Roger and Colin. They quickly established themselves in H.F.C., and Grahame and Dorothy were active members here for almost 30 years before moving to Littlehampton (and later to Wisbech) on Grahame’s retirement from Muirhead’s, Elmers End, where he worked as a design engineer. Grahame, like Dorothy, was a musician - he played the violin in the Hayes Orchestra for many years, whilst Dorothy taught the piano. They both shared a deep Christian faith which they passed on to their two sons, who remain ever grateful for their love, care and encouragement down the years. After Dorothy died in 2008 Grahame moved from Wisbech to Hall Grange , the Methodist retirement home in Shirley, where the last three years of his life were comfortable and contented. Paul and Jackie Charles We were all shocked and saddened to learn of the deaths of Paul and Jackie on the Isle of Wight in an apparent suicide pact at the end of August. They had come to live in Hayes in 2006 with four children, Carla, Lou, Rebecca and George. Although Carla and George soon left to live with other relatives, the rest of the family settled happily into the life at H.F.C. for the next three years. We were saddened to see them leave us for the Isle of Wight following Paul’s retirement from the police force on health grounds. Life there threw up problems and complications which led to the tragedy. We shall remember Paul and Jackie with affection, and hold their children in our prayers as they all adjust to life without them. Martin Nunn 8
  • 11. The Justice and Peace Group. (Traidcraft highlights) This month we would like to focus on some of the areas in which Traidcraft is making a real difference to peoples’ lives. The Autumn 2011 edition of “The Extra Mile Magazine” has reports on:- v New Hope after the tsunami. More than 5,500 young people in areas of Tamil Nadu affected by the 2004 tsunami have benefited from a Traidcraft project to help them rebuild their livelihoods. Through this scheme, people are given training in new skills. Over 4,000 of the participants have found work. v Tea projects build on success. Smallholder tea growers in India are enjoying meaningful and lasting changes to their lives. Their disposable income has increased by 40% with real improvements to their standard of living. v WTO betrays the world’s poor. Apparently promises to benefit the poorest countries is unlikely to succeed, thanks to a crisis. Traidcraft is saying that it’s time to consider alternative approaches to help, such as setting up a trading organisation where the traders and producers drive the process, with companies fairly regulated. v The new chair of the Traidcraft Board, Ram Gidoomal, is interviewed. Do ask Barbara or Richard for the Extra Mile Magazine if you would like to read more. Please remember that the collective efforts of stall holders and their customers in organisations, such as churches, make a great difference. You could compare this work to the spirit of the nation during times of war. Women’s Contact Coffee Morning 10.00 am - 12.00 We continue to raise funds for disaster relief causes. Our next coffee morning will be on the 12th of November. We hope to see you there, and why not bring a friend. Barbara Jones The Fairtrade Sunday Stall There will be a stall after the morning services on the 13th and 27th of November. The regular items for sale are food and drink - all of very good quality. Remember that by purchasing Fairtrade goods you are helping to support communities in the poorer countries of the world, and to give those communities a chance to enjoy a better life for their families - standards which we may take for granted here in the UK. Please continue to support your fair trade stall. Thank you. Richard, Barbara and Helen. 9
  • 12. NOTICE Subscriptions for Catalyst Subscriptions for 2012 are due in December. The cost is £5 if you wish to receive Catalyst via the pigeonholes at the back of the church. Please let Judith or David Stoner have this amount as soon as possible. There is an envelope attached to this issue of Catalyst for you to use. If you wish to have the magazine sent by post, the cost is £8 and you should send your subscription to: Judith and David Stoner 113 Bourne Way Bromley BR2 7EX Cheques should be made payable to Hayes Free Church. It would be helpful if subscribers who no longer wish to receive Catalyst by post would let us know. Choir Practice For Carols by Candlelight The Leprosy Mission Will start on Martin Nunn has taken over Friday, 4th November the reins from Jessie Martin. At 7.30 p.m. So, in future, please contact New voices are needed Martin with material, or Please see Martin Nunn if make payments for the you wish to join. Mission’s work to him. Top of The Pew The Church’s external Grand Final Notice-boards At 8.00 p.m. on 11th Nov Martin Nunn has the keys At Bromley Methodist Church, to the notice-boards, so College Road please contact him if Tickets £1.00 on the door you have any items to go onto them. Proceeds in aid of Bromley Alzheimer’s Society 10
  • 13. BOARD CHRISTMAS CARDS If you prefer not to give Christmas Cards, then why not place a notice, such as: “Greetings to our friends at HFC from -------". There will be space in December’s Catalyst for notices. Please submit by the press date, and don’t forget your donation to the Christmas Post for the charity. Minister's Surgery Sue’s monthly surgery at the Church will be held on the SECOND Wednesday of each month from 3.00 - 5.45 pm. Are you a War Widow whose husband died in action in the Second World War? If so, then you may be eligible for a grant from the Lottery fund set aside to cover travel expenses to visit the town, battle- field etc where he served. Now you have to make a claim before the end of December 2011. More details and help from former POW Ted Cachert, aged 86. Contact Ted either on 01773 853 181, or by e-mail at 11
  • 14. ROTARY CLUB OF LANGLEY PARK & DEAF ACCESS Saturday 5 th November 2011 10.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m. AT HAYES FREE CHURCH PICKHURST LANE HAYES KENT LUNCHES & REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE Interested table holders – tables available David Connolly. Tel: 020 8776 0108. ENTRANCE £1.00 Sponsored by:- Ennis-Webb & Co. Solicitors, Wills, Probate, Tax & Trusts Elite House, 155 Main Road, Biggin Hill, Kent TN16 3JP tel. 01959 577000 12
  • 15. Dear Friends I have been reading a book called; Radical Welcome: Embracing God, The Other, and the Spirit of Transformation. As we have mentioned in Church Meeting, we have signed up to be part of the Zero Intolerance (ZI) campaign. One of the things the books asks us to do is to find out who is “The Other” in our community; who is it that simply isn’t part of God’s Church? Which part of our local community is not involved with Church? Then we have to work out how to invite them – and what we have to do to make them welcome. Part of our Radical Welcome has to be the willingness to allow ourselves to be changed in the accommodating of “The Other”. We are asked to be willing to have different music, to do things in alternative ways, to change how things have ‘always’ been done (which usually means in recent living memory rather than ‘always’!) Being ‘Radical’ means being able to accept difference, live with it and allow it to change us – which is not always easy. But then God never promised us an easy ride when we became Christians, what he promises is to be with us always, whatever we face. And we face the death of the church if we don’t manage to make ourselves more Radically Welcoming to the others around us. Who should we be targeting? What should we be willing to change/give up? These are questions we all need to be thinking about, and at our next church meeting trying to answer. Who is left out of God’s kingdom in this place, and how can we invite them in? Please give this prayerful consideration. Sue The way things once were From The Nottinghamshire Almanac for November 1841. A new theme will now start - the monthly verse The tide of life, swift always in its course, May run in cities with a brisker force, But nowhere with a current so serene, Or half as clear, as in a rural scene. 13
  • 16. 14
  • 17. Our Christmas Fair on Saturday 12th November 10.30 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. The following people have kindly offered to run stalls: - CAKES - Connie Russell & Daphne Cummings. CHRISTMAS FAYRE - (cakes, puddings & fancies) - Joan Smith. BOOKS - Tony Russell BOTTLES - John Moren CHRISTMAS FLOWERS - Margaret Tannock. SANTA’S GROTTO - Jayne Carvell. PUZZLES - Teresa Cheyne. BRIC-A-BRAC - Doreen Hobbs. Please give your contributions to the above people, OR place them in a box in the vestibule. The BOTTLE stall would welcome alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, cans of drink, washing up liquid, after shave, perfume, shampoo, tomato ketchup etc. Please bring your bottles to the hall on Friday 11th November after 8.00 p.m. Any other offers of help will be greatly appreciated. Please ring John Curry on 8249 3663 15
  • 18. Hole Park Taken from the web-site. Tucked away in the Weald of Kent, between the pretty village of Rolvenden and the charming town of Cranbrook, lies Hole Park Gardens which has to be one of the best gardens in Kent. An attractively laid out, privately owned 15 acre garden, Hole Park is often referred to as a hidden gem, and there are plenty of treasures to be found within its walls and hedges. Hole Park is set in over 200 acres of superb classic parkland. The colourful gardens enjoy far reaching views over the hills, woods and fields of the picturesque Kentish Weald. They are a skilful mix of formal design and more naturalised planting, giving colour throughout the seasons. In spring visitors can enjoy the wonderful carpet of bluebells, daffodils, camellias, wisteria, magnolia and other spring delights. In summer the long borders are filled with colourful herbaceous plants with the exotic border coming to life in late summer. The woodland area and gardens are also a delight in autumn with trees planted specifically with autumn colour in mind. The house, which is a private family home is not open to the public. Garden opening dates for 2012 All openings 11am to 6pm Spring: 8th April to 31st May – Open daily (including the renowned bluebell season late April / early May) Summer: 1st June to 31st October - Wednesdays & Thursdays * PLEASE NOTE THAT DUE TO A SEPARATE FUNCTION THE GARDENS WILL NOT BE OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC ON 14TH & 15TH JUNE. BUT GROUP BOOKINGS CAN BE ACCOMMODATED ON THOSE DAYS. Autumn Sundays 7th, 14th, & 21st & 28th October 2012 All other times by appointment Admission: - Adults £6.00 Children £1.00 Contact details: - Edward Barham Tel: 01580 241 344 - 01580 241 386 e-mail: 16
  • 19. Local Education I spent a day in October at the House of Commons, meeting with the Beckenham MP Bob Stewart plus others, and discussing ‘Localism’ and the role of the churches in politics, and especially education, today. A highly enlightening few hours (followed by a wonderful tour of the Palace of Westminster) which left all the Bromley clergy who attended with much to think about. One of the points raised, which made a lot of sense to a number of us, was that each church should ‘adopt’ a local school; offering the use of its buildings for carol services, as an ‘outside space’ for school work, and as a place where faith discussion could take place; offering people to work as volunteers in classrooms, to being governors. The argument being that if we are not involved with our schools, how do we expect the Christian faith to be a part of school life? Praying regularly for teaching and support staff, head teachers and governors as part of our daily prayer life was also suggested. So – adopt a school? Here at Hayes Free it would make sense to make the most of our existing links with Pickhurst Infant and Pickhurst Academy (Juniors). Is anyone willing to volunteer to get involved? Sue A Reunion Did you read the story in the papers in mid October about 2 D-Day veterans? Two close friends, Bill Betts, 88, and Clifford Baker, 97 lost touch after Bill was wounded and returned to Britain from the Normandy beaches. They lost touch after that separation. 67 years later, they returned to the beaches as tourists in separate parties, but on the same day. Bill looked at the visitors’ book at the D-Day Museum in Arromanches, and saw that the last person to sign was his long lost pal, Clifford. Clifford had signed the book 20 minutes earlier. Bill rushed out to the coach park, and found Clifford’s coach before it left. The 2 old soldiers were reunited to the cheers of the other passengers on the coach. 17
  • 20. November 2011 1st Tue 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2nd Wed 3rd Thu 4th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 7.30 pm - Choir Practice Page 10 5th Sat 10.00 am - Antique and Collectors Fair Page 12 2.30 pm - Saturday Fellowship Page 3 6th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Allan Evison 6.30 pm - Holy Communion - The Minister 7th Mon 8th Tue 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 9th Wed 3.00 pm - Minister’s Surgery Page 11 10th Thu Remembrance Day 11th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 8.00 pm - Top of The Pew final Page 10 12th Sat 10.00 am - Women’s Contact Coffee Morning Page 9 10.30 am - Christmas Fair Page 15 10.30 am - Parade Service; Remembrance Day - The Minister 13th Sun Followed by Fairtrade Stall Page 9 Catalyst Press day I.F.C. 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister 14th Mon 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 15th Tue 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 8.00 pm - Elders’ Meeting Page 3 16th Wed 17th Thu 8.00 pm - Men’s Group Page 4 18th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 19th Sat 7.45 pm - Hayes Philharmonic Choir Concert Page 14 20th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Bill Michie 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister 18
  • 21. November 2011 21st Mon 22nd Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 23rd Wed 24th Thu 25th Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 26th Sat 10.30 am - Holy Communion - The Minister 27th Sun Followed by Fairtrade Stall Page 9 12.00 Church Meeting Page 3 6.30 pm - Evening Service - Pastor Roy Powell 28th Mon 29th Tue 10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 30th Wed St. Andrew's Day December 2011 1st Thu 2nd Fri 2.00 pm - Hayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ Club Page 4 7.30 pm - Christmas Tree Festival Concert Page 6 3rd Sat 7.30 pm - Christmas Tree Festival Event Page 6 10.30 am - Morning Service - Rev Geoff Larcombe 4th Sun 6.30 pm - Evening Service - The Minister and Pickhurst School DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 2-11December CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL 10 December CRAFT FAIR 11 December CHURCH PARADE 17 December SERVICE FOR COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS 18 December CAROLS by CANDLELIGHT 7 January NEW YEAR SOCIAL 19
  • 22. Angie Shier Jones During her final illness, Angie wrote a blog. The following is an extract: - Life and Death are gifts from God, and the knowledge of both are means of grace. Just because we don’t like death, doesn't make it wrong or evil! It is not a mistake, a flaw, or a failure to die. Death is NOT a sign of God's displeasure. Neither did it result from any human wrong doing. It is not a punishment for any real or imagined sin either now or in some distant mythical past. Death is a part of God's gift of 'being' - whether we like it or not! Life and death are inseparable - without life there is no death, but without death there is no life! This is at the heart of the Good News. Without incarnation there is no crucifixion, without crucifixion there is no resurrection. The sad truth is that those who don’t know they are dying, probably don’t know that they are alive either. Angie also wrote this prayer: - Gracious God, Enable those who love me And those who know me and care for me To do so without pity or sorrow, Rejoicing in fullness of life That you have given to us all. Grant them the ability to see all of me, The life and the heart of me, And help them to know that what matters most Is not how many years we have to live But how, with you, We are able to live the lives we have Growing in grace and holiness. Help me to live so that my whole life proclaims the good news That whoever believes in you, Will not perish But have everlasting life. Amen. Sue 20
  • 23. CHURCH ORGANISATIONS Day Organisation Contact Phone Sunday 10.25 am Sunday Club Mike Duke 8462 5103 Weekdays 9.15 - 12.00 pm Pre School Group Jayne Carvell 07913 299773 Monday 2.30 & 7.30 pm West Wickham Carol Crouch 8462 3642 Arts Association 5.45 pm Brownies Sarah Humphrey 8249 9982 6.30 pm Cubs Brenda Petts 8325 3956 8.00 pm - 1st Women's Contact Sylvia Mack 8462 1938 Mon monthly Group Tuesday 2.00 pm Women's Fellowship Linda Jennings 07778 238587 7.00 - 8.00 pm Weight Watchers Area Office 0845 345 1500 7.15 pm Scouts Paul Hasling 3236 0083 Wednesday 5.00 pm Rainbows Tania Venables 8462 9759 6.00 pm Beavers Brenda Petts 8325 3956 6.30 pm Worship Group Bill Michie 8658 4167 6.45 pm Slimming World Val 0750 6015064 7.30 pm Explorers Tom Strachan 07745 813 295 Thursday 2.30 pm - See Justice & Peace David Stoner 8462 3023 Catalyst Group 5.30 pm Brownies Stevie Blair. 8325 3469 7.00 - 8.30 pm Senior Guides Kerry Sullivan 8777 3139 8.00 pm - 3rd Men's Group Bruce Tannock 8325 6264 Thu monthly Friday 9.00 - 12.00 pm Coffee morning during term times 2.00 pm Mothers & Toddlers Judith Stoner 8462 3023 6.30 pm Guides Teresa Cheyne 8777 6042 7.30 pm Choir Martin Nunn 8462 5918 Saturday 2.30 pm Saturday Fellowship Martin Nunn 8462 5918
  • 24. Final Thought Time for God Jesus sat down, and when his disciples had gathered round him, he began to address them. - Matthew 5:1 - Prayer for Reflection I sit down, Lord, to watch television, to write a letter, to mend clothes, to rest my feet, to listen to music, to read the paper, to shut my eyes and forget. You sit down, Lord to wait for me to be ready for you. Help me, among the other things for which l sit, to remember you waiting for me.