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• W. -- Gentlemen, as your names are called, you will answer and assume your position in
line as directed by my aides. This position you shall maintain.
(The W. calls the names. The aides place the candidates in the order in which they
are called.)
• W.-- Gentlemen, listen attentively to the F.S. as he instructs you on procedures prior to
your entry into the council chamber
(The W. returns to the council chamber, leaving his aides in the room with the
candidates and the F.S.)
• F.S. – (Addressing the Candidates) Gentlemen, on behalf of Zambales Council Number
3694 of the Knights of Columbus, I am directed to obtain your promise of obedience to
our Constitution, Laws and Rules. Answer me, gentlemen, do you promise?
(Candidates respond, “I do”)
• F.S. – You shall now each sign the Constitutional Roll and pay your initiation fee and one
installment of dues, if you have not already done so. Before signing the roll, let me
explain its covenants to you.
(F.S. explains the Covenants printed on the Constitutional Roll and places the Aides so that the
candidates may proceed in an orderly manner, and then calls the roll of the candidates). Each candidate
shall, as he is called, pay his fees and dues and sign the Constitutional Roll, if he has not
already done so.)
(When finished, the F.S. will continue).
• F.S. – Gentlemen: Each degree of the Order has its own special membership card. Your
admission to the Council of the Order depends upon your possession of the current
membership card. The officer, from whom you will receive this card, is the Financial
Secretary of your council, providing your dues are paid. At the close of this degree, I
shall present to you, your current membership card. Men, you will here await the coming
of the W. of this Council, who will conduct you to the council chamber.
(The F.S. then returns to the council chamber, leaving the aides in charge of the candidates.
The O.G. shall permit none of the candidates to depart, nor allow others to join them.)
• G.K. – (X one rap of gavel.) Brothers, we are about to open this council in
the First Degree. All persons not having received the honors of membership
in the First Degree shall please retire from the chamber. The doors shall
now be closed and the guards assume their stations.
• G.K. – Worthy W.
(He pauses and waits for the W. to approach the Salutation Table and
Do you vouch that all present are in possession of a current membership
(W. proceeds to inspect membership cards, if not inspected at doors upon
entry and reports accordingly.)
• W. – Worthy G.K. I vouch that all present are in possession of a current
membership card.(Salutes G.K and returns to his station)
• G.K – Brothers, let us invoke the Divine blessing by repeating aloud the
Lord’s Prayer.
(X X X X Four raps for all to kneel in prayer. G.K so prays.)
( G.K. stands, then announces and leads the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag or the
National Anthem of the Country, or some other suitable display of loyalty.)
(X X X Three raps)
• G.K. – Brothers, we shall now sing the Opening Ode.
( At conclusion. X One rap.)
(Note: Candidates are to be addressed as strangers until after the pledge of secrecy.)
• G.K. – Brothers of this council, we shall now proceed to the
exemplification of the First Degree of our Order.
• G.K. – Worthy F. S.
(The G.K. will pause until the F.S. takes his place at the Prepared table and
. G.K. – How many candidates await the honors of the First Degree?
• F. S. – Worthy G.K. (salutes), there are ________ candidates seeking
admission into our Order and desiring to join the ranks of Knighthood as
followers of the great Christopher Columbus. They have paid all lawful
dues. They have signed our Constitutional Roll. They now await the
conferring upon them the honor of the First Degree. I present to you a list
of the candidates and the Constitutional Roll signed by them.
(He salutes the G.K. and places the Constitutional Roll on the Prepared Table and
returns to his place.)
• G.K. – Worthy W., you will conduct the strangers from the
antechamber to the presence of the Chancellor of this Council.
(The W. salutes and returns to the antechamber.)
Let me admonish each knight here present that during the
conferring of this degree, his conduct should be such as to cause these
strangers to be edified by the beauty and dignity of the lessons
exemplified to them. After the entry of the strangers, no brother will be
allowed to enter or leave this council chamber during the working of the
degree unless he has asked and obtained the permission of the G.K. The
I.G. shall strictly enforce this command. There will be no smoking
during the ceremonial. All cellphones and pagers must be turned off.
• G.K. – The sound man will be in readiness.
• (The W., then places the strangers in single file. He then forms the
procession in the following order: W., and then an aide, the
candidates, followed by an aide. Procession proceeds to door of
• W. – Forward march.
(In leading any march, the W. shall always issue appropriate commands, e.g.,
“Left face”; Right face”; “About face”; “Halt”)
(When the W. is ready with the candidates, he raps for admission.)
• I. G. – Who comes there?
• W. – The W. of this Council requests admission for himself and strangers,
who have pledged obedience to our Constitution, Laws and Rules.
• I. G. -- (Salutes.) Worthy G.K, the W. of this Council requests admission for himself
and strangers, who have pledged obedience to our Constitution, Laws and Rules. Shall
the doors of our chamber be opened?
• G.K. – Worthy I. G. make no hindrance, admit the W. and strangers
• W. – Forward march.
(The G.K. gives X X X Three raps)
(The lights are lowered, and the procession enters to designated music. The W. halts the
candidates, arranged in a semi-circle, in front of the Chan., who stands at the prepared
table. The G.K. remains at the podium. At the end of the music, the G.K. gives X One
rap, for members to be seated.)
• W. – Members be seated, stranger(s) remain standing.
(W. approaches and addresses the Chan.)
• W.– Worthy Chan., in the name of Christopher Columbus, I present to you
these strangers, who desire to enter on their journey to Knighthood, and
who now seek the honors of the First Degree of our Order.
(W. salutes and returns to his station, leaving his aides flanking the
(Chan. Addresses the strangers.)
• Chan. – Brother Knights, we have strangers among us who wish to join our Order.
They should know that the Knights of Columbus was, is and always be a
brotherhood bound together by the lessons of Charity, unity and fraternity.
(Chan. addresses the strangers.)
• Chan. – Strangers, as you will come to learn, we take these principles seriously
and we strive to make them a part of our lives.
Our lessons are imparted only to those who would be Knights and we do this
through our ceremonials, which go back to the time of our founding by Father
Michael J. McGivney in 1882.
You come to us as strangers. We must be convinced that you are receptive to
these lessons and that they will make an impact upon you for the good. Therefore,
to assure us of this, we require of you a first and symbolic act. Strangers , please
close your eyes while you listen to my words. Shortly thereafter, I will ask you to
reopen your eyes and you will no longer be strangers.
(Short pause)
• Chan. – Strangers, the eye is the most delicate, beautiful and useful organ
of the human body. It is a master-piece of God’s handiwork, the index of
character, the window of the soul.
We have deprived you for a time of its use and we do so to symbolize
the darkness in which all stumble who are not guided by the light of faith and
the teachings of our Holy Church.
We have, moreover, thus shut out all distractions that you may better
meditate upon the first requirement of our Order-Secrecy. The secrecy of our
ceremonials is one of the most valuable charms of our Order and is, therefore,
to be faithfully guarded.
So, before you shall behold even a glimpse of the ceremonials work of
this Order, we require of you a first and indispensable pledge. Repeat it
solemnly and slowly, weighing every word, speaking it clearly and
understandingly. Pay attention to the full significance of this pledge. Allow it
to sink into your very soul, there ever to remain. For violation of it will bring
you dishonor as a man; disgrace as a Knight and dismissal from our ranks.
So that you may fully realize what we are asking you to do, I will first recite
the pledge to you:
“I promise/ never to reveal/directly or indirectly/ any of the ceremonials of
this Order/ that are restricted to the membership/to anyone not absolutely known to
me/ to be an equally qualified brother/ in good standing/ it being understood,
however,/ that I do not bind myself/ in any manner/ that might conflict with my
religious or civil duties./
This promise/ I regard/ as forever binding upon me/ on my honor as a
Catholic gentleman”
If any stranger here thinks he should not take, or cannot keep this obligation,
let him so announce and he will be permitted to depart, still a stranger to our
(The Chan. Will here pause for a moment)
Strangers, You will now repeat the pledge of secrecy after me. My Brother
Knights, I invite you to do the same.
• G.K. – (XXX Three raps)
• W.—Strangers – Brother Knights, raise your right hands.
(Chan. Leads candidates in reciting the pledge. After pledge,
strangers are referred to as “candidates”.)
• W. – Candidates and Brother Knights, lower your right hands.
• Chan. – To impress this pledge more firmly upon you, I shall now
give you each a reminder.
(Music plays while Chan. stops at each candidate. He gives each
candidate a light tap on the mouth with the back of his hand while
whispering the word “Secrecy”. At the same time, W. and aides unviel
prepared table and fold the cover into a square. The W. takes and sets
the cover on the table at the position of the Chan.)
• Chan. – Candidates, having taken the pledge of secrecy, you are no longer
strangers to this society, Candidates open your eyes.
(Chan. Salutes G.K. and returns to his place.)
G.K. X one rap for the members to be seated)
• W. – Brother Knights be seated; candidates remain standing.
• G.K. – Candidates, in the presence of these assembled brothers, confronted
with these mystical and impressive objects, reminding us of Time and
Eternity of Life and Death, (G.K. points to the skull and cross-bones), upon
your honor, answer truthfully the questions I am about to ask.
(The G.K. holds the Constitutional Roll of the Council)
(The candidates must answer satisfactorily this and the following
questions. The G.K. shall be the judge and shall forbid anyone to be
advanced further who shall fail to answer satisfactorily any of the questions.)
• W. – Candidates, answer loudly and clearly.
• G.K. – Did you sign this Constitutional Roll and thus and then agree
to be amenable to our laws?
• G.K.-- Did you read, or have read to you, your application for
• G.K.-- Did you fully understand the same?
• G.K.– I shall now ask each candidate separately the following
questions and he shall answer clearly so that all may hear.
(The W. will touch the shoulder of each to indicate that he is to
answer. In case any candidate answers “No”, the G.K. ask him to leave
the chamber with the Chaplain if present. If he is not, the candidate is to
leave with the Chan. If the matter cannot be resolved, the candidate
should be retired and referred to his Pastor.)
. G.K. --Are you a practical Catholic as understood by the Church? And
you, Sir? (etc.)
.G.K.– Do you solemnly promise obedience in all things lawful and
righteous to your superior officers and the laws of the Order? And you,
Sir? (etc.)
(Either remaining in front, or walking to both sides of the
chamber and around candidates in full view of the membership.)
.G.K.– And now let all in this chamber hear me. Does anyone present
know of any valid objection to the admission of any of these
candidates? If so, let him at once, privately, make his objection known
to me, or hold his peace forever!
(The G.K. pauses s moment to give opportunity for objection. He
then returns to his station and continue.)
.G.K--Worthy Chan., the candidates have answered satisfactorily (If one or more
has not, or if good objection to someone’s admission has been made, here add:
“except those retired”) and no objection has been made. Therefore, I bid you
( X One rap)
.W.-- Candidates, be seated
(Chan. Approaches banner and turns it over so that the words are
.Chan.– Candidates, Behold the inscription displayed on this banner. It is the
perpetual watchword of our Order, “Tempus Fugit, Memento Mori.” You will repeat
it after me. (Chan. Repeats Latin words, followed by candidates). Translated it
means- “Time flies, remember death”. While we want you to be mindful of the
sleep of death, do not forget that, for the steadfast and noble man, life on God’s
good Earth has many compensations. Yes, gentlemen, life is short. But to him who
observes and discharges his duties faithfully, a short life can be a happy one, with
the promise of an eternity in the kingdom of God.
(Chan. Picks up skull from prepared table)
.Chan.– Candidates, observe closely what I hold in my hands, What you
behold here is a relic of mortality, an empty casket that once contained the
precious treasure of a human mind.
Here, (pointing to the eyes) from these empty sockets, fashioned by the
hand of God, did once look out on life and light, eyes, fresh and bright and
young as yours. Here did once well up tears that flowed from joy or grief.
Here, (pointing to the mouth) in this stronghold, guarded by these
sentinels of bone, the tongue was placed.
By it, we praise God, Our Father, and by it, we curse our fellow man,
who is made in God’s image and likeness. Out of the same mouth proceed
blessing and cursing. Let us then please God by moderation in its use, by
truth and purity in its utterance and by reverence for His Holy name.
Here, (pointing to the ears) were channels through which instruction
flowed, bringing knowledge to the thirsty mind. Listen ever to the weak and
the oppressed, for he who stops his ears against the cry of the poor shall also
cry himself; and not be heard.
Here, (pointing to the back of the skull where the spinal cord was
placed) was placed the vital cord connecting wisdom’s seat to the sympathetic
heart that prompted acts of love in charity’s sweet name.
Candidates, look closely upon this remnant of a being once endowed
with life and health as you are now.
May it remind you that the Angel of Death is ever hovering about; that
before too long these bodies, now animated by our souls, will return to the
dust from which they came.
Let this lesson challenge you to live your lives from this day
forward in honesty, integrity, purity and charity, so that on the last day
your souls, filled with happiness, may enjoy the reward of a life well
spent -- an eternity with God.
(Chan. returns skull to prepared table and then pick up a Rosary
from the prepared table.)
In times past, a candidate for Knighthood spent the eve before his
knighting in a church, in silent vigil, upon his knees, placing his sword
and shield before the alter of the King of Kings, his Lord and his God.
Our sword is prayer, our shield good works informed by faith.
So, before you are knighted, I ask you to watch and pray. Know that
your enemy, the devil goes about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he
might devour.
To aid you in this prayer, it is now my happy privilege to show
you one more symbol on your quest for knighthood.
• W. – Candidates, please stand.
(Chan. Holds up Rosary with cross hanging down.)
• Chan. – The Rosary of Mary, our Mother and patroness. Devotion to
this prayer will strengthen you along your way.
(Begin soft background music.)
Her Rosary in our hands, in our pockets, going where we go! The
salutation “Hail Mary” ever on our lips! Who can conquer, what
victories can we not achieve, with Mary on our side!
Mary and her Knights – a team beyond compare, in the service of
her Divine Son.
Mary, the Mother of Jesus, with her Knights, for human life in all its
stages! Mary, heart of the Holy Family, with her Knights, for Christian
marriages and happy families! Mary, Lily of the Valley and Tower of Ivory,
with her Knights, for decency and purity in our world! Mary, to whom her
Son would refuse nothing, with her Knights, for justice for the downtrodden,
love and concern for God’s neediest children!
Before I invest you with this Rosary, symbolic of our Order’s
dedication to her holy cause, I ask each of you for one further promise—a
promise to yourself made in the solitude of your heart. Yes, gentlemen, I ask
you to resolve to carry this Rosary with you always, and pray it as often as
you can.
( Pause, in silence, for about 10 seconds.)
I shall now invest each of you with this Rosary, yours to keep and
ever more to pray. As I come before you, you will present your
hands, joined as if in prayer (he demonstrates). I shall encircle your
hands with these beads, to signify that our Mother’s love encircles us
all, drawing us ever closer to her Divine Son.
(Music volume increases as Chan. presents Rosaries to each candidate in
turn. After the last candidate, he presents a rosary to the W. and continues.)
Now, satisfied that you have made this resolve in your heart, we shall
further advance you on the journey you have undertaken to Knighthood in our
Order. The Worthy W. will introduce you to the Worthy D.G.K., to whom he
will present a Rosary, symbolic of the one with which you have been
W. proceed.
(W. salutes Chan. and waits for the D.G.K. to assume his position in
front of the candidates and then salutes D.G.K.).
.W. -- Worthy D.G.K., I present to you these candidates for further
advancement in the First Degree of our Order. On their behalf, I present to
you this Rosary, proof of their worthiness and emblematic of their devotion to
Mary, Mother of the Church.
(W. hands rosary to D.G.K., then it is placed on the table.)
.W.-- Candidates, you may place your Rosary in your pockets and be
(W. salutes and retires to his station.)
D.G.K.– Candidates, I congratulate you upon having passed the careful
scrutiny of the Council. Convinced that you have shown yourselves
possessed of all necessary qualifications for your advancement, I shall
now explain to you the first and foremost principle upon which our
Order is founded. We draw all our principles from God’s Holy law and
by their practice seek to attain the ideals that they teach. Under the
Divine guidance, by conforming our lives to them, we trust to knit firm
and steadfast our common love as brothers and win the regard and favor
of our fellowmen. Then know, candidates, the basic principle of our
Order is charity, the greatest of all virtues and the crowning glory of a
Christian life.
Charity was the motive that gave rise to chivalry and in its exercise is
ever found the essence of true Knighthood. It is the priceless gift placed by
God in the human soul to measure man’s allegiance to his Creator, that virtue,
the holy exercise of which is within the reach of prince or peasant, of him of
high or low degree, and which makes the World harmonious.
It is proper that charity should come from a poor man as from a rich
one: Where there is plenty, charity is a duty, not a courtesy. It is tribute
imposed by heaven upon rich and poor alike, and he is not a good subject
who refuses to pay it. You will bear in mind that true charity does not consist
alone in gifts of money. It springs from a kindly heart to soothe the unhappy,
to relieve distress, to sympathize with the unfortunate and to restore peace to
the troubled soul. This is the charity that gladdens the heart of the giver. This
is the ennobling virtue in the exercise of which lies the essence of true
knighthood in our Order. Then let noble impulses expand the practice of this
heavenly virtue, without the exercise of which wealth has no power, the heart
no love and life no charm. Banded together for this purpose, let us, brothers
in this chamber and you, candidates, be inspired with the true spirit of this
theological virtue and discharge our full duty to God, our neighbors and
Remember also, that “ Charity begins at home.” Members of our society
have no more binding, no more compelling duty than care of the widow and
children of a departed brother.
Fortunately due to the foresight of our founder, Father Michael J.
MacGivney, the Knights of Columbus is in a position to do this. From its small but
promising beginnings in 1882, our insurance program has become a pillar of
financial strength.
But, if our Order is to provide a secure future for you and your family, -- you
– must take the first step. Insurance with our Order is voluntary. But death is not
voluntary – it will come to each of us, we know not when, nor where, nor how.
Avail yourself of this fraternal benefit and soon, become an insurance
member of our Order.
• W. – Candidates, please stand.
(D.G.K. pick up Compass of Virtue and pauses for a moment, while studying
• D.G.K. –Behold, the chosen emblem of the First degree—The
Compass of Virtue.
(D.G.K holds out the compass)
Instead of north, south, east and west, its points are Charity,
Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism, the main principles of our Order. Our
faithful needle, though moveable, always points to Charity. I shall now
show you the Compass of Virtue and ask you to note its peculiarities.
( Music.) (D.G.K. shows the compass to each, being accompanied
by the W. with candlelight. The W. returns to his place and the D.G.K.
The compass was the faithful, steadfast guide of the mariner and
through its constancy, the mysteries of unknown seas were disclosed
and the triumph of Columbus was made possible. For these reasons we
have chosen it as the emblem of the First Degree of our Order.
Let Charity, the principle taught in this degree, be a guide to you
through the stormy sea of life, even as the compass was to Columbus
while he traveled the uncharted ocean. Henceforth, in Charity’s sweet
name, raise up the weak and fallen; the tear of anguish brush away; and
with loving hearts and hands bent on one another’s welfare, weave for
each a crown of eternal glory.
Let the light that lingers like a halo around the name and memory
of Columbus illuminate our footsteps and make bright the way that
leads to moral, virtuous, honest and upright lives.
You will now be addressed by the G.K.
.W.—Candidate, please be seated.
G.K.—Candidates, in the days of our fathers when Knighthood was the
strong pillar of the Church and the State, it was the custom to prepare
for its duties by years of instruction and training those who would one
day take upon themselves its obligation. None could be admitted who
had not qualified themselves for the burden.
Therefore, by training of body, of heart and of mind, did the
pages of old fit themselves for the honor they sought and the duties they
would undertake. Unlike our fathers, we need not strive in physical
combat, but by example and by word must we contend against the foes
of Church and State. You, like the pages in days past, have taken the
first step in your journey to Knighthood, and like them, you must now
fit yourselves for your further advancement.
Let me briefly recall the main incidents of this degree. At the
threshold. You took a pledge of absolute secrecy as to our ceremonials, saving
only your religious and civil duties. You then listened to the warning words
of the Chan. upon death, upon the importance of constantly forming yourself
in the faith and received from him the rosary of Our Lady, to which you
promised to be loyal in your heart. Following this, you heard a lesson on
Charity, the principle of the First Degree and the significance of the Compass
as its emblem. You were instructed on the importance of keeping your dues
current. You are expected to remember the main features of this work and to
show by your words and deeds that you have profited by the lessons taught.
As you strive to continue your journey to full Knighthood in the Third
Degree, you should acquire a proper knowledge of the principles and the
commandments of our holy religion and of certain laws and rules of our
Order. As to the former, instruct and prepare yourselves, as to the latter, the
booklet “These Men They Call Knights” which will be given to you will be a
Remember that the obligation you have taken to reveal none of the
doings of this degree, except to an equally qualified member in good
standing, have been taken by those who have received the higher degrees of
the Order. Therefore, lest you cause such a one unwittingly to disclose what
he has promised to keep secret, when introduced to a K. of C., always say “I
am a First Degree member.” You will thus properly keep the pledge of
secrecy you have taken and will not cause your fellow members to violate
their pledge.
.W.– Candidates, please rise.
.G.K. -- And now, worthy candidates, by the authority vested in me by the
Supreme Council, I declare you members of the Knights of Columbus in the
First Degree. (X One rap). It is now my privilege to invest you with the
emblem of the Order, which you should always wear with pride, dignity and
honor. Each degree has its own membership card and your F.S. will present
you with your current membership card.
(G.K. affixes the emblem to the new member’s left lapel and the
F.S. will give to each his current membership card, a copy of “These
Men They Call Knights” and a Form 100. The W. follows him and
inspects the membership card. The W. and G.K. return to their chairs.)
(The F.S. addressed the new members.)
.F.S.– My Brother Knights, welcome to our Order. I shall now instruct
you on how to gain admission to the council and how to conduct
yourself therein. You have been given the emblem of the Order and
your First Degree membership card. The membership card says what
degree you have attained. You should attend your council meetings and
your membership card is necessary for admittance. The W. or the G.’s
will inspect your membership card at every meeting.
Once admitted, go directly to a seat and take an active part in the meeting.
When rising to speak, you will do so in your place. Address the G.K. as
“Worthy G.K. and having gained his attention, salute him, making this sign (the
F.S. will demonstrate as he talks) representing the tree of the cross. The G.K.
will respond with this sign, the sign of the arm of the cross, and state your name,
(The G.K. will rap the gavel as the F.S. announces the directions. The F.S.
pauses until the G.K. gives the number of raps called, the Council remains
seated.) Lights are lowered even further, and accent light is put on Cross.)
One rap of the gavel is the sign for the Council to come to order or be seated.
Two raps for the officers to rise.
Three raps for the council to arise
Four raps for all to kneel in prayer.
Worthy G.K., I have instructed the new brothers, please proceed.
.G.K.– I congratulate you, gentlemen, upon your successful taking of
this first step in your journey. May you, by your study, words and
deeds, show that you are worthy of advancement to the 2nd and 3rd
degree. To you, officers and members of this Council, I now present
these members, duly and regularly advanced into the First Degree of the
K. of C., I solicit for them your continued and kindly consideration.
(XXX three raps)
(All in chamber rise and join in a hearty applause for them.)
(Lights shall be turned up)
(The officers and members of the Council will follow the F.S.,
introduce themselves to and congratulate the new members.)
.G.K. – My brother knights, let us officially close this exemplification
of the First Degree with prayer.
(XXXX four raps)
(Chaplain, or G.K. so prays.)
.G.K.– Please be seated. (X one rap).)
(G.K. may ask each new member individually to state his name and parish
( At this point, it is advisable to introduce the Program Director, the Membership
Director, who makes reference to the Form 100, the various Activity Directors and the
operating Committee Chairmen of the Council . It should be pointed out that the
opportunities for service, as described in their previous contacts with the Admission
Committee, are available through the various committees. The Program Director could
distribute special program literature to the new members so that they would be familiar
with the opportunities for personal service to the Council. The G.K. will then introduce the
Degree Staff.)
(If being followed by a regular meeting or if the meeting was suspended for the
degree then continue in accordance with “The Method of Conducting a Council Meeting,”
affording the new members full participation.)
(New members and visiting officials should be invited by G.K. to be guests of the
Council for refreshments following the meeting.)
(If candidates are retired for the conducting of the Second Degree play designated
• G.K. – Worthy W. – conduct these First Degree members to the
• W. – First Degree members. Please stand. Forward march.
(Recessional music.)

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1st degree exemplification ceremonials.pptx

  • 1. ACTIVITIES IN THE ANTECHAMBER • W. -- Gentlemen, as your names are called, you will answer and assume your position in line as directed by my aides. This position you shall maintain. (The W. calls the names. The aides place the candidates in the order in which they are called.) • W.-- Gentlemen, listen attentively to the F.S. as he instructs you on procedures prior to your entry into the council chamber (The W. returns to the council chamber, leaving his aides in the room with the candidates and the F.S.) • F.S. – (Addressing the Candidates) Gentlemen, on behalf of Zambales Council Number 3694 of the Knights of Columbus, I am directed to obtain your promise of obedience to our Constitution, Laws and Rules. Answer me, gentlemen, do you promise? (Candidates respond, “I do”)
  • 2. ACTIVITIES IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER • F.S. – You shall now each sign the Constitutional Roll and pay your initiation fee and one installment of dues, if you have not already done so. Before signing the roll, let me explain its covenants to you. (F.S. explains the Covenants printed on the Constitutional Roll and places the Aides so that the candidates may proceed in an orderly manner, and then calls the roll of the candidates). Each candidate shall, as he is called, pay his fees and dues and sign the Constitutional Roll, if he has not already done so.) (When finished, the F.S. will continue). • F.S. – Gentlemen: Each degree of the Order has its own special membership card. Your admission to the Council of the Order depends upon your possession of the current membership card. The officer, from whom you will receive this card, is the Financial Secretary of your council, providing your dues are paid. At the close of this degree, I shall present to you, your current membership card. Men, you will here await the coming of the W. of this Council, who will conduct you to the council chamber. (The F.S. then returns to the council chamber, leaving the aides in charge of the candidates. The O.G. shall permit none of the candidates to depart, nor allow others to join them.)
  • 3. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER • G.K. – (X one rap of gavel.) Brothers, we are about to open this council in the First Degree. All persons not having received the honors of membership in the First Degree shall please retire from the chamber. The doors shall now be closed and the guards assume their stations. • G.K. – Worthy W. (He pauses and waits for the W. to approach the Salutation Table and salute.) Do you vouch that all present are in possession of a current membership card? (W. proceeds to inspect membership cards, if not inspected at doors upon entry and reports accordingly.)
  • 4. • W. – Worthy G.K. I vouch that all present are in possession of a current membership card.(Salutes G.K and returns to his station) • G.K – Brothers, let us invoke the Divine blessing by repeating aloud the Lord’s Prayer. (X X X X Four raps for all to kneel in prayer. G.K so prays.) ( G.K. stands, then announces and leads the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag or the National Anthem of the Country, or some other suitable display of loyalty.) (X X X Three raps) • G.K. – Brothers, we shall now sing the Opening Ode. ( At conclusion. X One rap.) (Note: Candidates are to be addressed as strangers until after the pledge of secrecy.)
  • 5. • G.K. – Brothers of this council, we shall now proceed to the exemplification of the First Degree of our Order. • G.K. – Worthy F. S. (The G.K. will pause until the F.S. takes his place at the Prepared table and salutes.) . G.K. – How many candidates await the honors of the First Degree? • F. S. – Worthy G.K. (salutes), there are ________ candidates seeking admission into our Order and desiring to join the ranks of Knighthood as followers of the great Christopher Columbus. They have paid all lawful dues. They have signed our Constitutional Roll. They now await the conferring upon them the honor of the First Degree. I present to you a list of the candidates and the Constitutional Roll signed by them. (He salutes the G.K. and places the Constitutional Roll on the Prepared Table and returns to his place.)
  • 6. • G.K. – Worthy W., you will conduct the strangers from the antechamber to the presence of the Chancellor of this Council. (The W. salutes and returns to the antechamber.) Let me admonish each knight here present that during the conferring of this degree, his conduct should be such as to cause these strangers to be edified by the beauty and dignity of the lessons exemplified to them. After the entry of the strangers, no brother will be allowed to enter or leave this council chamber during the working of the degree unless he has asked and obtained the permission of the G.K. The I.G. shall strictly enforce this command. There will be no smoking during the ceremonial. All cellphones and pagers must be turned off. • G.K. – The sound man will be in readiness.
  • 7. IN ANTECHAMBER • (The W., then places the strangers in single file. He then forms the procession in the following order: W., and then an aide, the candidates, followed by an aide. Procession proceeds to door of chamber.) • W. – Forward march. (In leading any march, the W. shall always issue appropriate commands, e.g., “Left face”; Right face”; “About face”; “Halt”) (When the W. is ready with the candidates, he raps for admission.)
  • 8. IN CHAMBER • I. G. – Who comes there? • W. – The W. of this Council requests admission for himself and strangers, who have pledged obedience to our Constitution, Laws and Rules. • I. G. -- (Salutes.) Worthy G.K, the W. of this Council requests admission for himself and strangers, who have pledged obedience to our Constitution, Laws and Rules. Shall the doors of our chamber be opened? • G.K. – Worthy I. G. make no hindrance, admit the W. and strangers (Music).
  • 9. • W. – Forward march. (The G.K. gives X X X Three raps) (The lights are lowered, and the procession enters to designated music. The W. halts the candidates, arranged in a semi-circle, in front of the Chan., who stands at the prepared table. The G.K. remains at the podium. At the end of the music, the G.K. gives X One rap, for members to be seated.) • W. – Members be seated, stranger(s) remain standing. (W. approaches and addresses the Chan.) • W.– Worthy Chan., in the name of Christopher Columbus, I present to you these strangers, who desire to enter on their journey to Knighthood, and who now seek the honors of the First Degree of our Order. (W. salutes and returns to his station, leaving his aides flanking the candidates.)
  • 10. (Chan. Addresses the strangers.) • Chan. – Brother Knights, we have strangers among us who wish to join our Order. They should know that the Knights of Columbus was, is and always be a brotherhood bound together by the lessons of Charity, unity and fraternity. (Chan. addresses the strangers.) • Chan. – Strangers, as you will come to learn, we take these principles seriously and we strive to make them a part of our lives. Our lessons are imparted only to those who would be Knights and we do this through our ceremonials, which go back to the time of our founding by Father Michael J. McGivney in 1882. You come to us as strangers. We must be convinced that you are receptive to these lessons and that they will make an impact upon you for the good. Therefore, to assure us of this, we require of you a first and symbolic act. Strangers , please close your eyes while you listen to my words. Shortly thereafter, I will ask you to reopen your eyes and you will no longer be strangers. (Short pause)
  • 11. • Chan. – Strangers, the eye is the most delicate, beautiful and useful organ of the human body. It is a master-piece of God’s handiwork, the index of character, the window of the soul. We have deprived you for a time of its use and we do so to symbolize the darkness in which all stumble who are not guided by the light of faith and the teachings of our Holy Church. We have, moreover, thus shut out all distractions that you may better meditate upon the first requirement of our Order-Secrecy. The secrecy of our ceremonials is one of the most valuable charms of our Order and is, therefore, to be faithfully guarded. So, before you shall behold even a glimpse of the ceremonials work of this Order, we require of you a first and indispensable pledge. Repeat it solemnly and slowly, weighing every word, speaking it clearly and understandingly. Pay attention to the full significance of this pledge. Allow it to sink into your very soul, there ever to remain. For violation of it will bring you dishonor as a man; disgrace as a Knight and dismissal from our ranks.
  • 12. So that you may fully realize what we are asking you to do, I will first recite the pledge to you: “I promise/ never to reveal/directly or indirectly/ any of the ceremonials of this Order/ that are restricted to the membership/to anyone not absolutely known to me/ to be an equally qualified brother/ in good standing/ it being understood, however,/ that I do not bind myself/ in any manner/ that might conflict with my religious or civil duties./ This promise/ I regard/ as forever binding upon me/ on my honor as a Catholic gentleman” If any stranger here thinks he should not take, or cannot keep this obligation, let him so announce and he will be permitted to depart, still a stranger to our brotherhood. (The Chan. Will here pause for a moment) Strangers, You will now repeat the pledge of secrecy after me. My Brother Knights, I invite you to do the same.
  • 13. • G.K. – (XXX Three raps) • W.—Strangers – Brother Knights, raise your right hands. (Chan. Leads candidates in reciting the pledge. After pledge, strangers are referred to as “candidates”.) • W. – Candidates and Brother Knights, lower your right hands. • Chan. – To impress this pledge more firmly upon you, I shall now give you each a reminder. (Music plays while Chan. stops at each candidate. He gives each candidate a light tap on the mouth with the back of his hand while whispering the word “Secrecy”. At the same time, W. and aides unviel prepared table and fold the cover into a square. The W. takes and sets the cover on the table at the position of the Chan.)
  • 14. • Chan. – Candidates, having taken the pledge of secrecy, you are no longer strangers to this society, Candidates open your eyes. (Chan. Salutes G.K. and returns to his place.) G.K. X one rap for the members to be seated) • W. – Brother Knights be seated; candidates remain standing. • G.K. – Candidates, in the presence of these assembled brothers, confronted with these mystical and impressive objects, reminding us of Time and Eternity of Life and Death, (G.K. points to the skull and cross-bones), upon your honor, answer truthfully the questions I am about to ask. (The G.K. holds the Constitutional Roll of the Council) (The candidates must answer satisfactorily this and the following questions. The G.K. shall be the judge and shall forbid anyone to be advanced further who shall fail to answer satisfactorily any of the questions.)
  • 15. • W. – Candidates, answer loudly and clearly. • G.K. – Did you sign this Constitutional Roll and thus and then agree to be amenable to our laws? • G.K.-- Did you read, or have read to you, your application for membership? • G.K.-- Did you fully understand the same? • G.K.– I shall now ask each candidate separately the following questions and he shall answer clearly so that all may hear. (The W. will touch the shoulder of each to indicate that he is to answer. In case any candidate answers “No”, the G.K. ask him to leave the chamber with the Chaplain if present. If he is not, the candidate is to leave with the Chan. If the matter cannot be resolved, the candidate should be retired and referred to his Pastor.)
  • 16. . G.K. --Are you a practical Catholic as understood by the Church? And you, Sir? (etc.) .G.K.– Do you solemnly promise obedience in all things lawful and righteous to your superior officers and the laws of the Order? And you, Sir? (etc.) (Either remaining in front, or walking to both sides of the chamber and around candidates in full view of the membership.) .G.K.– And now let all in this chamber hear me. Does anyone present know of any valid objection to the admission of any of these candidates? If so, let him at once, privately, make his objection known to me, or hold his peace forever! (The G.K. pauses s moment to give opportunity for objection. He then returns to his station and continue.)
  • 17. .G.K--Worthy Chan., the candidates have answered satisfactorily (If one or more has not, or if good objection to someone’s admission has been made, here add: “except those retired”) and no objection has been made. Therefore, I bid you proceed. ( X One rap) .W.-- Candidates, be seated (Chan. Approaches banner and turns it over so that the words are displayed.) .Chan.– Candidates, Behold the inscription displayed on this banner. It is the perpetual watchword of our Order, “Tempus Fugit, Memento Mori.” You will repeat it after me. (Chan. Repeats Latin words, followed by candidates). Translated it means- “Time flies, remember death”. While we want you to be mindful of the sleep of death, do not forget that, for the steadfast and noble man, life on God’s good Earth has many compensations. Yes, gentlemen, life is short. But to him who observes and discharges his duties faithfully, a short life can be a happy one, with the promise of an eternity in the kingdom of God. (Chan. Picks up skull from prepared table)
  • 18. .Chan.– Candidates, observe closely what I hold in my hands, What you behold here is a relic of mortality, an empty casket that once contained the precious treasure of a human mind. Here, (pointing to the eyes) from these empty sockets, fashioned by the hand of God, did once look out on life and light, eyes, fresh and bright and young as yours. Here did once well up tears that flowed from joy or grief. Here, (pointing to the mouth) in this stronghold, guarded by these sentinels of bone, the tongue was placed. By it, we praise God, Our Father, and by it, we curse our fellow man, who is made in God’s image and likeness. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. Let us then please God by moderation in its use, by truth and purity in its utterance and by reverence for His Holy name.
  • 19. Here, (pointing to the ears) were channels through which instruction flowed, bringing knowledge to the thirsty mind. Listen ever to the weak and the oppressed, for he who stops his ears against the cry of the poor shall also cry himself; and not be heard. Here, (pointing to the back of the skull where the spinal cord was placed) was placed the vital cord connecting wisdom’s seat to the sympathetic heart that prompted acts of love in charity’s sweet name. Candidates, look closely upon this remnant of a being once endowed with life and health as you are now. May it remind you that the Angel of Death is ever hovering about; that before too long these bodies, now animated by our souls, will return to the dust from which they came.
  • 20. Let this lesson challenge you to live your lives from this day forward in honesty, integrity, purity and charity, so that on the last day your souls, filled with happiness, may enjoy the reward of a life well spent -- an eternity with God. (Chan. returns skull to prepared table and then pick up a Rosary from the prepared table.) In times past, a candidate for Knighthood spent the eve before his knighting in a church, in silent vigil, upon his knees, placing his sword and shield before the alter of the King of Kings, his Lord and his God. Our sword is prayer, our shield good works informed by faith. So, before you are knighted, I ask you to watch and pray. Know that your enemy, the devil goes about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he might devour.
  • 21. To aid you in this prayer, it is now my happy privilege to show you one more symbol on your quest for knighthood. • W. – Candidates, please stand. (Chan. Holds up Rosary with cross hanging down.) • Chan. – The Rosary of Mary, our Mother and patroness. Devotion to this prayer will strengthen you along your way. (Begin soft background music.) Her Rosary in our hands, in our pockets, going where we go! The salutation “Hail Mary” ever on our lips! Who can conquer, what victories can we not achieve, with Mary on our side! Mary and her Knights – a team beyond compare, in the service of her Divine Son.
  • 22. Mary, the Mother of Jesus, with her Knights, for human life in all its stages! Mary, heart of the Holy Family, with her Knights, for Christian marriages and happy families! Mary, Lily of the Valley and Tower of Ivory, with her Knights, for decency and purity in our world! Mary, to whom her Son would refuse nothing, with her Knights, for justice for the downtrodden, love and concern for God’s neediest children! Before I invest you with this Rosary, symbolic of our Order’s dedication to her holy cause, I ask each of you for one further promise—a promise to yourself made in the solitude of your heart. Yes, gentlemen, I ask you to resolve to carry this Rosary with you always, and pray it as often as you can. ( Pause, in silence, for about 10 seconds.) I shall now invest each of you with this Rosary, yours to keep and ever more to pray. As I come before you, you will present your hands, joined as if in prayer (he demonstrates). I shall encircle your hands with these beads, to signify that our Mother’s love encircles us all, drawing us ever closer to her Divine Son.
  • 23. (Music volume increases as Chan. presents Rosaries to each candidate in turn. After the last candidate, he presents a rosary to the W. and continues.) Now, satisfied that you have made this resolve in your heart, we shall further advance you on the journey you have undertaken to Knighthood in our Order. The Worthy W. will introduce you to the Worthy D.G.K., to whom he will present a Rosary, symbolic of the one with which you have been invested. W. proceed. (W. salutes Chan. and waits for the D.G.K. to assume his position in front of the candidates and then salutes D.G.K.). .W. -- Worthy D.G.K., I present to you these candidates for further advancement in the First Degree of our Order. On their behalf, I present to you this Rosary, proof of their worthiness and emblematic of their devotion to Mary, Mother of the Church. (W. hands rosary to D.G.K., then it is placed on the table.)
  • 24. .W.-- Candidates, you may place your Rosary in your pockets and be seated. (W. salutes and retires to his station.) D.G.K.– Candidates, I congratulate you upon having passed the careful scrutiny of the Council. Convinced that you have shown yourselves possessed of all necessary qualifications for your advancement, I shall now explain to you the first and foremost principle upon which our Order is founded. We draw all our principles from God’s Holy law and by their practice seek to attain the ideals that they teach. Under the Divine guidance, by conforming our lives to them, we trust to knit firm and steadfast our common love as brothers and win the regard and favor of our fellowmen. Then know, candidates, the basic principle of our Order is charity, the greatest of all virtues and the crowning glory of a Christian life.
  • 25. Charity was the motive that gave rise to chivalry and in its exercise is ever found the essence of true Knighthood. It is the priceless gift placed by God in the human soul to measure man’s allegiance to his Creator, that virtue, the holy exercise of which is within the reach of prince or peasant, of him of high or low degree, and which makes the World harmonious. It is proper that charity should come from a poor man as from a rich one: Where there is plenty, charity is a duty, not a courtesy. It is tribute imposed by heaven upon rich and poor alike, and he is not a good subject who refuses to pay it. You will bear in mind that true charity does not consist alone in gifts of money. It springs from a kindly heart to soothe the unhappy, to relieve distress, to sympathize with the unfortunate and to restore peace to the troubled soul. This is the charity that gladdens the heart of the giver. This is the ennobling virtue in the exercise of which lies the essence of true knighthood in our Order. Then let noble impulses expand the practice of this heavenly virtue, without the exercise of which wealth has no power, the heart no love and life no charm. Banded together for this purpose, let us, brothers in this chamber and you, candidates, be inspired with the true spirit of this theological virtue and discharge our full duty to God, our neighbors and ourselves.
  • 26. Remember also, that “ Charity begins at home.” Members of our society have no more binding, no more compelling duty than care of the widow and children of a departed brother. Fortunately due to the foresight of our founder, Father Michael J. MacGivney, the Knights of Columbus is in a position to do this. From its small but promising beginnings in 1882, our insurance program has become a pillar of financial strength. But, if our Order is to provide a secure future for you and your family, -- you – must take the first step. Insurance with our Order is voluntary. But death is not voluntary – it will come to each of us, we know not when, nor where, nor how. (Pause) Avail yourself of this fraternal benefit and soon, become an insurance member of our Order. • W. – Candidates, please stand. (D.G.K. pick up Compass of Virtue and pauses for a moment, while studying it.)
  • 27. • D.G.K. –Behold, the chosen emblem of the First degree—The Compass of Virtue. (D.G.K holds out the compass) Instead of north, south, east and west, its points are Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism, the main principles of our Order. Our faithful needle, though moveable, always points to Charity. I shall now show you the Compass of Virtue and ask you to note its peculiarities. ( Music.) (D.G.K. shows the compass to each, being accompanied by the W. with candlelight. The W. returns to his place and the D.G.K. continues.) The compass was the faithful, steadfast guide of the mariner and through its constancy, the mysteries of unknown seas were disclosed and the triumph of Columbus was made possible. For these reasons we have chosen it as the emblem of the First Degree of our Order.
  • 28. Let Charity, the principle taught in this degree, be a guide to you through the stormy sea of life, even as the compass was to Columbus while he traveled the uncharted ocean. Henceforth, in Charity’s sweet name, raise up the weak and fallen; the tear of anguish brush away; and with loving hearts and hands bent on one another’s welfare, weave for each a crown of eternal glory. Let the light that lingers like a halo around the name and memory of Columbus illuminate our footsteps and make bright the way that leads to moral, virtuous, honest and upright lives. You will now be addressed by the G.K. .W.—Candidate, please be seated.
  • 29. G.K.—Candidates, in the days of our fathers when Knighthood was the strong pillar of the Church and the State, it was the custom to prepare for its duties by years of instruction and training those who would one day take upon themselves its obligation. None could be admitted who had not qualified themselves for the burden. Therefore, by training of body, of heart and of mind, did the pages of old fit themselves for the honor they sought and the duties they would undertake. Unlike our fathers, we need not strive in physical combat, but by example and by word must we contend against the foes of Church and State. You, like the pages in days past, have taken the first step in your journey to Knighthood, and like them, you must now fit yourselves for your further advancement.
  • 30. . Let me briefly recall the main incidents of this degree. At the threshold. You took a pledge of absolute secrecy as to our ceremonials, saving only your religious and civil duties. You then listened to the warning words of the Chan. upon death, upon the importance of constantly forming yourself in the faith and received from him the rosary of Our Lady, to which you promised to be loyal in your heart. Following this, you heard a lesson on Charity, the principle of the First Degree and the significance of the Compass as its emblem. You were instructed on the importance of keeping your dues current. You are expected to remember the main features of this work and to show by your words and deeds that you have profited by the lessons taught. As you strive to continue your journey to full Knighthood in the Third Degree, you should acquire a proper knowledge of the principles and the commandments of our holy religion and of certain laws and rules of our Order. As to the former, instruct and prepare yourselves, as to the latter, the booklet “These Men They Call Knights” which will be given to you will be a guide.
  • 31. Remember that the obligation you have taken to reveal none of the doings of this degree, except to an equally qualified member in good standing, have been taken by those who have received the higher degrees of the Order. Therefore, lest you cause such a one unwittingly to disclose what he has promised to keep secret, when introduced to a K. of C., always say “I am a First Degree member.” You will thus properly keep the pledge of secrecy you have taken and will not cause your fellow members to violate their pledge. (Pause) .W.– Candidates, please rise. .G.K. -- And now, worthy candidates, by the authority vested in me by the Supreme Council, I declare you members of the Knights of Columbus in the First Degree. (X One rap). It is now my privilege to invest you with the emblem of the Order, which you should always wear with pride, dignity and honor. Each degree has its own membership card and your F.S. will present you with your current membership card.
  • 32. (G.K. affixes the emblem to the new member’s left lapel and the F.S. will give to each his current membership card, a copy of “These Men They Call Knights” and a Form 100. The W. follows him and inspects the membership card. The W. and G.K. return to their chairs.) (The F.S. addressed the new members.) .F.S.– My Brother Knights, welcome to our Order. I shall now instruct you on how to gain admission to the council and how to conduct yourself therein. You have been given the emblem of the Order and your First Degree membership card. The membership card says what degree you have attained. You should attend your council meetings and your membership card is necessary for admittance. The W. or the G.’s will inspect your membership card at every meeting.
  • 33. Once admitted, go directly to a seat and take an active part in the meeting. When rising to speak, you will do so in your place. Address the G.K. as “Worthy G.K. and having gained his attention, salute him, making this sign (the F.S. will demonstrate as he talks) representing the tree of the cross. The G.K. will respond with this sign, the sign of the arm of the cross, and state your name, Brother___________________.” (The G.K. will rap the gavel as the F.S. announces the directions. The F.S. pauses until the G.K. gives the number of raps called, the Council remains seated.) Lights are lowered even further, and accent light is put on Cross.) One rap of the gavel is the sign for the Council to come to order or be seated. Two raps for the officers to rise. Three raps for the council to arise Four raps for all to kneel in prayer. Worthy G.K., I have instructed the new brothers, please proceed.
  • 34. .G.K.– I congratulate you, gentlemen, upon your successful taking of this first step in your journey. May you, by your study, words and deeds, show that you are worthy of advancement to the 2nd and 3rd degree. To you, officers and members of this Council, I now present these members, duly and regularly advanced into the First Degree of the K. of C., I solicit for them your continued and kindly consideration. (XXX three raps) (All in chamber rise and join in a hearty applause for them.) (Lights shall be turned up) (The officers and members of the Council will follow the F.S., introduce themselves to and congratulate the new members.) .G.K. – My brother knights, let us officially close this exemplification of the First Degree with prayer.
  • 35. (XXXX four raps) (Chaplain, or G.K. so prays.) .G.K.– Please be seated. (X one rap).) (G.K. may ask each new member individually to state his name and parish affiliation.) ( At this point, it is advisable to introduce the Program Director, the Membership Director, who makes reference to the Form 100, the various Activity Directors and the operating Committee Chairmen of the Council . It should be pointed out that the opportunities for service, as described in their previous contacts with the Admission Committee, are available through the various committees. The Program Director could distribute special program literature to the new members so that they would be familiar with the opportunities for personal service to the Council. The G.K. will then introduce the Degree Staff.) (If being followed by a regular meeting or if the meeting was suspended for the degree then continue in accordance with “The Method of Conducting a Council Meeting,” affording the new members full participation.) (New members and visiting officials should be invited by G.K. to be guests of the Council for refreshments following the meeting.) (If candidates are retired for the conducting of the Second Degree play designated music.)
  • 36. • G.K. – Worthy W. – conduct these First Degree members to the antechamber. • W. – First Degree members. Please stand. Forward march. (Recessional music.)