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Cyber-law; Consumer Protection in Cybersecurity
The law has been interested in ensuring that necessary it
protects people under it not just physically but just in terms of
their connectivity. This is the purpose that is served by cyber
law. There are many topics under cyber law, all of which seem
to encourage observance of safety by providers of cyber
services and consumers of such services. Cybersecurity is
growing in volume due to increased interconnectivity among
devices all over the world. This has made it possible for cyber-
attacks to perform various cybercrimes to anyone in the cloud
irrespective of where they are located on a global basis. To
ensure consumers of cyber services are protected, the law comes
in and intervenes on how consumers relate with their cloud
services providers. In this case, the cyber law intervenes
security at the cloud through legislative of consumer protection.
This is an act that is developed and captured by the legal system
pertaining protection of the consumer of cloud service by their
providers. This paper sheds light on the legislation of consumer
protection by assessing different parameters and areas of
interest of cyber law in consumer protection at the cloud.
Therefore, the paper discusses what has been achieved under the
legislation of consumer protection in the enhancement of
cybersecurity, what is yet to be done, and how it should be
Consumer protection at the cloud is a business functionality
whose complexity is growing day by day. Big businesses that
are associated with cloud connectivity are being closely
watched by the law to ascertain if they have appropriate policies
in place to assure the protection of their customers in
cyberspace. Majorly, the legal system is determined to ensure
that consumer's digital identities are protected by businesses
that operate in the cloud, and their financial details are not
leaked at any given instance (Howells, G., & Weatherill, 2017).
Attackers at the cyberspace are majorly interested in
compromising financial information r digital documentation of
cloud users. This is because they can enrich themselves
massively when they successfully breach consumer’s financial
documentation in the cloud. Therefore, consumers have been
changing their pattern on how they consumer cyber services. In
this case, consumers have been willing to as much as they can
afford provided that they get to enjoy the benefits. This implies
that consumers in modern times do not hesitate to pay more to
service providers who can protect consumer’s financial details.
Governmental bodies have been set in place to screen
companies that operate in the cloud space to ascertain how
much they protect any identify that is associated with their
customers. Federal Communications Commission has been
responsible for the assessment of companies that have a virtual
life. Their assessment has been in action since 2014 across the
United States, which was a legislation that was issued by the
president. This was after increased cases of leakage of
consumer financial details, which were then used against
consumers by cyber attackers to enrich themselves. Legislation
of consumer protection at the cyberspace has been used or some
years now to serve two primary purposes.
The first purpose served by the legislation of consumer
protection at the cyber is to raise awareness to consumers that
their safety begins with them. They are responsible in deciding
who they can disclose their financial information to in the
cloud. Therefore this legislation improves consumer's level of
alert whenever they are leaking any of their financial
information in the cloud space. The second purpose that is
serviced by the legislation of consumer protection at the
cyberspace is educating consumers and providers of
cybersecurity services on how they can protect cyber
Problem statement
Consumers of cyber services are losing millions of money on an
annual basis when their financial information is leaked to third
parties with malicious intentions. Their own information is used
against them by cyber attackers to make a significant amount of
money from innocent consumers of cyber services. However,
this is only possible in a relaxed environment where risk is not
analyzed as much as they should. To mitigate the about of
money that innocent consumers of cyber services lose to
hackers, cybersecurity is a business function that should not be
left at the hands of providers of cyber services entirely. There
has to be legal interest in the interaction of service providers
and their consumers to ensure service providers remain on their
toes in facilitating the cybersecurity of financial information of
their clients.
Literature review:
As a topic under cyber law, cybersecurity, and protection of
consumers involve subjecting providers of cyber services into
fines and penalties when they are hacked, and financial
information of their customers leaked. Therefore, it consists in
punishing providers of cyber services like the case with
punishment, which destroyers of physical laws are subjected to.
This is an exercise that is practiced by the Federal
Communication Commission (FCC) and is impacted by the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). In the recent
past, C has exercised CFPB y subjecting some companies which
had not implemented sufficient protection measures to secure
financial information of their customers. Therefore, when cyber
attackers victimized such companies, cyber law was manifested
through fines to these companies. An excellent example, in this
case, is TerraCom and YourTel, which were heavily fined due to
their failure to protect their consumer's financial information
against loss. These companies were taxed $10 million, on
account that they violated the communication act.
This was a violation that attracted reference to cyber law to
ascertain how these companies were going to be fined. From
cyber law, it was clear that a company should give factual
information to their customers about how safe their information
in the cloud is. However, for these two companies, they mislead
their customers in that they claimed to have established
sufficient measures of cloud security only to be exploited by
cyber attackers in the future. This was one case that was a
manifestation of how financial information of consumers can be
compromised. In this event, it was due to the negligence of the
provider of cyber service to ensure that they had installed
sufficient measures to protect their customer’s information.
Cyberlaw continues expanding its functionality in 2015 when
another scenario pertaining to loss of consumer's financial
information was manifested. In this case, ATT&T was
vict9mized and had to feel the pinch of cyber law. For them,
they had sufficient security measures in place to guard their
consumer's financial information, but a data breach could not be
avoided. This coasted the company $25 million fine by the FCC.
This was meant to impact the notion that FCC was there for the
welfare of consumers. The body was not intended to penalize
any form of negligence by providers of cyber services.
Therefore, it assumed it as their duty to ascertain that they
anticipate all events in which financial information can be
leaked to attackers. In the case of ATT&T, this event was
avoidable only if authorization was closely monitored.
Therefore, the FCC impacted the notion that companies had the
responsibility of assessing the loyalty of their staff before
entrusting them with their consumer's confidential financial
information. At this time, companies were already on their toes
to avoid such high penalties on the risk that they can prevent.
This increased demand for cybersecurity services because
customers were now more sensitive to who they allowed having
their information. In the same measure, companies were
determined to improve their reputation.
Need for consumer protection in the cyberspace
The world is evolving at a faster rate than maybe we can
manage. This is why we are advancing technology that is being
used against us. We are inventing cyber functionalities to
increase capabilities of the functionality of cyberspace to suffer
management issues of this advanced technology. This is why it
is necessary for aw o take its course to demand consumer
protection by providers of cyber services. This is people who
force customers to avail of their financial information in the
cloud space. Players at the market place have taken their
operation in the cloud, and soon, the market place will have
mainly shifted from physical retailers to online retailers.
This increase of online platforms to carry business under cloud
utilization is what calls for stick monitoring of how these
payers protect the financial information of their customers
(Markou, 2019). Technology is promoting development in
inefficient markets. This is because customers do not know how
good has a particular dealer in the web has facilitated the
implementation of security measures. This, therefore, leaves
consumers very vulnerable chances of making the wrong choice
are very high. Equally, any dealer in the web can be attacked
provide that attackers have identified a loophole that they can
exploit to their advantage. This is why cyber law is essential in
that it assesses security measures adopted by each dealer in the
web on behalf of the consumer. Therefore, cyber law reduces
the inherent risk of consumers falling in the trap of providing
incompetent dealers at the cyberspace with their financial
Consumer protection as a consideration of this act is also
necessary because of the consumer education gap. Not all
consumers have relevant knowledge of assessing quality
assurance of their financial information. This, in most cases,
fall within the middle-class people who are most at the market
place. Therefore, if this responsibility to assess the
cybersecurity quality of a dealer at the cloud space, then it can
be the widest loophole that the law can be exposing customers
to. Thus, it should be a shared responsibility between the law,
customers, and dealers in the cloud space. Each should have
their role to play, all for the benefit and security assurance of
consumer's financial information. With that being said, cyber
law should audit dealers who utilize the cloud space for any
monetary consideration with their customers. The cyber law
should also be exercised against those dealers who are
victimized, and financial information of their customers lost.
With dealers and companies who utilize and avails financial
information of their customers in the cloud, they have the duty
of making the strategic decision of which the third party to use
to oversee the cybersecurity of their customer's financial
documentation. From the customer's point of view, they have to
research how efficient a company has been on protecting its
customer's information against compromise before making the
actual decision to provide them with your financial information.
A financial institution is growing in terms of interconnections
with each other. They are developed systems that are developed
to facilitate inter transfer of data pertaining to customers from
one financial information to another. This is very dangerous and
is a loophole that arguably, takes more to protect that the
benefit associated with it. This is a high-risk financial
information conveyance from one financial information to
another. This is because, if any information system of
interconnected financial information is compromised, millions
of financial information is at risk among interconnected
financial institutions.
Therefore, cyber law needs to be amended in a way they it is
very elastic to capture new business functionalities that utilize
the cloud. At the moment, cyber law is yet to rate, which is the
beast bureau of consumer protection for businesses that use the
cloud space. Because this seems to be the future of the global
and local market, more losses will be suffered at the market
place due to events of a data breach. Thus, to minimize these
losses in the future marketplace, there is a need to impact the
necessary pressure, especially companies that offer their
services to customers in the cloud.
Cyberlaw must be enacted all over the globe to protect global
economic activity from being eroded. In the present, customer’s
awareness is increasing as the first role of cyberlaw has been
enacted to the public. The cyber law has, by far, increases
people aware of the type of risk and what they can suffer in case
of leakage of their financial information. This impacts fear to
avail of their financial information in any online platform which
facilitates the global market. This implies that there are reduced
transactions in the local and global market for companies that
serve their customers from online platforms (Markou, 2019).
Some of these financial losses to cyber attackers are used to
finance criminal and terrorist gangs. Therefore, failure to take
chances by legislation exposes not only consumes of
cybersecurity services but has a far reach to an ordinary human
being who does not use cyber pace. Thus, this raises the cost of
its management, making it an expensive exercise for the
government. Therefore, instead of incurring a cost to fight
initiates from money stolen from cyberspace, it is better to bear
the cost of stopping the storage of funds at the cyberspace.
Benefits of the government initiating cyberlaw as a legislation
Consumers of cyber services have all reason to cost their fears
due to legal interest in their protection. Of course, they enjoy
the most benefits of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
It is consumer's right o get educated on the kind of risk that
they can expose themselves to by providing their financial
information in the cloud space. The cyber law comes in and
educates consumers of cyber services on the risk that are
underlying to their financial prowess as much as they transact
through the web. Therefore, their alert level is increased
significantly and, consequently, their strategic decision making.
Through CFB, it has become compulsory for the government to
take it as their responsibility in educating the public on
financial risk at the cloud space (David, 2015) consumer
protection and cybersecurity: the consumer educational gap,
retrievable from
032&context=brookings_pubs. Therefore, this increases
people's literacy level and relevance of their decisions. Besides,
CFPB educates consumers on a timely response when they
discover that their financial information has been compromised.
Therefore, the government's complements on knowledge of risk
mitigation that consumers might have to reduce the level of
financial loss that they can suffer in the event of a compromise
of their financial information.
Consumers and companies who interact through the cloud space
do enjoy the benefit of increased efficiency of the market place.
The government promotes cybersecurity hence increasing users
of cloud services confidence and trust to those who share
personal financial information within cyberspace. This increases
economic activity, thus the efficient market for both companies
and their customers. This benefit increases customer
satisfaction and increases the profitability of industries that
utilize cloud services for financial transactions from their
customers. Besides, the government helps companies to evade
fines and penalties that they could have suffered by motivating
them to accept to bear the cost of enhancement of cybersecurity.
Government involvement in consumer protection through
consumer protection of cybersecurity promotes the development
of a friendly market place in which players enjoy air
competition (David, 2015) consumer protection and
cybersecurity: the consumer educational gap, retrievable from
032&context=brookings_pubs. In this case, the government
forces companies to increase their efficiency by implementing
guaranteed measures of cybersecurity protection. This, in turn,
promotes a company's reputation at the market place. At this
point, the company finds it easy to retain their market share,
attract new customers, and even penetrate new markets. Hence,
the legislation of cyber law is a policy to impact fair and
healthy competition of players in the cloud space.
This is an opportunity that the government develops for players
in the cloud space to build their competitive advantage. Anyone
who wants to be most competitive than their players would
accept to meet the cost of the most efficient and guaranteed
measure of facilitating cloud security. If this measure proves to
be unbreakable by attackers, other players would be looking at
such a company. This is where most customers would prefer to
consume. This consequently identifies such a measure as a
company's competitive advantage that would work for them in
the retention and attraction of new customers. This would
impact increased capital flow in such company at regulated
losses hence increased profitability.
Educating customers through the CFPB is more effective than
demanding implementation of specific cybersecurity measures
by providers of cyber services. Therefore, this would induce
servers to improve their cybersecurity even without demand r
strict and consistent monitoring by the government. Thus, this
would promote the automatic improvement of the efficiency of
the market place. It is more cost-effective for the government
that forced alteration of the market forces to restore its integrity
and competence (David, 2015) consumer protection and
cybersecurity: the consumer educational gap, retrievable from
Achievement of the cyber law in the establishment of consumer
It has been able to improve economic performance significantly,
whereby a crisis of financial performance have been
strategically avoided. Specifically, the mandated role of CFPB
to educate consumers from cloud service has promoted alert of
consumers, total implementation of up to date policies by
servers hence an efficient market. Therefore, market forces have
been structured in a way that predetermines the safety of
consumer's financial information at the cloud space,
consequently increased trust to providers of cyber services.
Therefore, cyber law has been able to facilitate an economy
where people are not afraid of uncertainty.
The cyber law has also achieved the increased trust of
government policies by the public. This, as an initiation to
protect consumers, is portraying the government's concern and
good intent to consumers. Therefore, both consumers and
servers have been cooperative with FCC and CFPB in the fight
against cyber compromises of financial information. This has
made it simple and useful for the government to look out
attackers who could have exploited disagreements of
cybersecurity policy between the government and serves and a
loophole to exploit and compromise consumer’s financial
The government has also facilitated strategic decision making
by consumers before they decide who to share their financial
information with. From screening and assessment of companies
by the FCC, the government gives feedback on its findings in
the field. This feedback is essential to customers in decision
making. This is what they use to decide which retailers they can
share with their financial information online. It also helps
consumers in the determination of hospitals that they can trust
by sharing their medical financial information. Therefore, cyber
law has facilitated research on behalf of consumers. Thus, cyber
law has significantly eliminated delayed decision making due to
the lengthy assessment of servers by customers.
Areas for improvement in cyber law
Although cyber law has significantly achieved a lot in
facilitating cybersecurity in consumer's financial information, it
is not yet fully effective. Something has to be done before
thinking that the war against cyber attackers has been won.
There is a gap that needs to be addressed cyber law that has not
been addressed since the legislation of cyber law. If this will
not be addressed, consumers of cyber services are not yet safe
enough to trust their servers. In addition, failure to address this
gap will leave some people more vulnerable to suffer
compromise of their financial information more than others.
Millions of people have accepted to entrust their financial
information to companies at the cloud apace, although they fail
to have the relevant knowledge to ascertain how secure they are.
This leaves them vulnerable and increases the degree of
uncertainty of their safety.
Besides, companies avoid negotiating on cybersecurity policies
by their customers (Serabian, 2015). This hinders a
comprehensive understanding by customers of how much their
financial information is secured before sharing it with such
providers of cyber services. In this case, CFPB should exercise
its mandate more strictly to ensure that companies communicate
factual to their customers. This s to increase consumer’s
awareness of guaranteed security of their information. This
would reduce events of avoidable compromise consumer’s
financial information. The payment card industry should be
standardized and graded accordingly. This would mitigate
incidences where consumers fall in the trap of sharing their
financial information to servers without the relevant knowledge
of the server's degree of guaranteed cybersecurity. In the long
run, attackers will be rendered irrelevant, and consumers, as
well as companies, would be saved too much cost that would be
others incurred as losses and treatment of such losses.
Technology is advancing very fast, enabling more loopholes
that can be exploited by cyber attackers to compromise financial
information of consumers of cyber services (v 2019). Therefore,
cyber law should also be dynamic and elastic to capture new
areas that are opened up by advancing technology. This way, it
will be more useful to impact the implementation of relevant
cybersecurity measures by companies that use customer's
financial information in the cloud. This will also enable the law
to exercise up to date regulations while impacting the
establishment of robust cybersecurity measures by companies or
servers in the cloud space. Also, consumers of cloud services
should not leave their security under the hands of their online
dealers. Instead, they should make efforts to ascertain the
reputation that a particular dealer has regarding firm protection
of consumer's financial information. Equally, dealers in the
online market should ensure they have in place the right
cybersecurity policies to provide financial details that
consumers, as shared, is optimally protected and guarded
against the compromise of a data breach.
In conclusion, it has been explained that the cybersecurity of
consumers of cyber services cannot be left entirely on the hands
of companies utilizing cloud functionality. This is why it is
crucial to have a legal interest that examines how companies
facilitate the protection of their customer's financial
information in the cloud. The paper has discussed
comprehensively the benefits that are enjoyed by both
consumers and companies in the cloud space by the legislation
of cyber law. The paper has also discussed what has been
achieved by cyber law since its legislation. The paper has used
a holistic approach to recommend areas that need to be of great
concern to cyber law. These are areas that cyber law as not
anticipated, yet they handle a lot for the protection of
consumer's financial information.
Serabian, D. (2015). Consumer Protection and Cybersecurity:
The Consumer Education Gap.
Williams, A. M. (2019). Reliance on Technology and the
Increased Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities It Poses to Our
Transportation Industry (Doctoral dissertation, Utica College).
Howells, G., & Weatherill, S. (2017). Consumer protection law.
Markou, C. N. (2019). Consumer protection, automated
shopping platforms, and EU law.
TRAFFICKING Comment by DR: Please do not use all caps
– check APA format for title.
Jonas Akpassa
Dr. Rice
Walden University
Problem Statement: Comment by DR: Please provide citations
for all of the material contained in this paragraph that is not
your own.
The identification of victims of human trafficking has not
only been neglected for a long time but has also been a global
issue. Combatting the issue of victim identification and service
provision has also been a significant problem due to the lack of
understanding and knowledge of trafficking schemes and
mechanisms. Victimized and sexually exploited women are at a
higher risk during the process of this criminal activity because
it is in some respect related to prostitution. Trapped by illegal
status, lack of money in a foreign land, both men and women, as
well as entire families, not only entrust their lives to human
smugglers but face prosecution in the process becoming slaves
to the traffickers who buy and sell them as goods. Social
workers are one of the human services practitioners who are
often at the forefront when dealing with actual victims of
human trafficking in their social work practice. It is, therefore,
vital for social workers to be able to identify, meddle, and
campaign for this population. The driving force behind this
study was to investigate social workers' awareness in
identifying the human trafficking victims in the city of Atlanta,
Georgia. Comment by DR: Word choice?
Theoretical Framework Comment by DR: Please revise as this
is should describe the theory you will use to conduct your
study, who the theorist is, the key concepts of the theory, and
how the theory relates to the study you propose.
The study made use of a system examination approach that
concentrated on victims' experiences, utilizing a survey
questionnaire design with the use of transcript content and
coded topics. The collection of Data originated from survivors
in ten nations. Eight of whom had encountered residential
bondage, three had endured sex trafficking, and one had
encountered both. A large portion of the survivors detailed that
they had visited a doctor while in their dealers' control, and
another worked in a medicinal services office. Every single Key
Informant gave a picture of different exploited people who had
gotten medicinal consideration. For residential hirelings,
medicinal visits were activated by damage and respiratory or
fundamental ailment, while wellbeing experts saw sex
trafficking victims for explicitly transmitted contaminations and
premature birth. Trafficking victims were kept from revealing
their status to social insurance suppliers by dread, disgrace,
language obstructions, and constrained cooperation with a
restorative workforce, among different snags.
This investigation of survivors' encounters in medicinal services
settings bolsters recounted reports that US social insurance
suppliers may accidentally experience human trafficking
exploited people. Expanding familiarity with human trafficking,
and altering practice to encourage divulgence, could improve
injured individual distinguishing proof. As indicated by the
shared history of social issues hypothesis, the issues had four
unmistakable stages: 1) guaranteeing and publicizing of the
issue, 2) an official reaction to the issue, 3) new cases
developing because of disappointment with the official reaction,
and 4) foundation of new establishments to manage the issue
(Spector and Kitsuse, 2015). The trafficking of people is a
significant issue. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act
(TVPA) is the principle authoritative exertion in the US that
tends to this issue. Given social work esteems, the article gives
an evaluation of the TVPA, recommends administrative
arrangement, and provides reinforcement to those who serve
human trafficking victims. Worldwide patterns, endeavors, and
looking more into confinements in lessening trafficking.
Explicit mediations by social specialists in unfortunate casualty
ID and administration, an arrangement is exhibited, and taken
across the outskirts every year and between two to 4,000,000
individuals are victims inside their nations (Trafficking in
Persons Report, 2016, United Countries Office of Drugs and
Crime, 2016). The United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime
(UNODC) referred to human trafficking as one of the main
crooks' undertakings of the mid-21st century. Trafficking
excessively influences women and kids (Angel, 2017). This
piece aims to develop an honest and necessary approach in the
investigation of the US Trafficking Victims Protection Act
(TVPA), the highlight of the US government's endeavors to
battle trafficking Worldwide. Also, taking into account the
patterns in human trafficking from chosen nations.
Methodology Comment by DR: Please revise to meet the
requirements for this section. You are required to conduct
action research using a qualitative design to gather data from
social workers through focus groups.
In 2002, members of the European Union (EU) reached an
agreement to cooperate in making and enforcing anti-trafficking
laws (Miko, 2013). Krieg (2012) contends that efforts of the
European Union have, however, been minimal due to its
definition of human trafficking within a limited criminal text,
much to the chagrin of the United Nations and other agencies
that propose a human rights definition. Krieg warns that anti-
trafficking efforts will fail if the European Union's focus does
not go beyond immigration fears in Europe. For example, Spain
treats trafficking as just a criminal issue, leaving the human
rights and service provision aspects to nongovernmental
organizations (NGOs). The Spanish system imposes harsh
punishments on perpetrators but provides little support to
victims, such as resources for social integration (De Leon,
2010). Different US agencies, including local law enforcement,
the CIA, FBI, Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE)
Human Smuggling/Trafficking Unit, the Department of Justice,
and the State Department, helped to enact anti-trafficking laws
and statutes (Torg, 2016). Initiatives included the FBI's
'Innocence Lost,' which targets child prostitution, and ICE's
'Operation Predator,' with its' purpose to protect children from
international predators (Torg, 2016). Also, creating a Worker's
Exploitation Task Force and a database on human trafficking
worldwide. Initiatives such as the involvement of multiple Task
Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons were made
use of to promote interagency collaboration (Miko, 2013).
Recognizing the identification of human trafficking is the
largest hurdle in accessing relief under the TVPA (Angel,
2017). Since 2000, the approximate number of victims
trafficked into the US has been decreased from 50,000 persons
annually to roughly 17,000 (Siskin, 2018). While this
diminishing number may suggest exaggeration of the original
estimate or that the penalties may have reduced the problem, it
also indicates an increase in the proportion of unidentified
victims. According to the US State Department, only 2000 out
of 45,000 available T-Visas were given to victims and their
families between the year 2000 and January of 2008 (US
Department of State, 2019). Social workers should be attentive
to the thousands of unidentified victims that we suspect need
care and protection when extending services. The identification
of victims is one of the most challenging tasks in human
trafficking intervention. According to (Kappelhoff, 2018), the
identification of most trafficking cases was by a member of a
community service organization.
Since these agents are not the only ones who come into contact
with victims, greater emphasis should be placing community
education about trafficking, including its prevalence, its sub-
types, potential warning signs, rights of victims, and available
resources. While service organizations may administer the
implementation of community awareness, minor changes should
be made by the TVPA to extend and provide funding for such
programs. (Kotrla, 2015) suggested screening records in
agencies where victims are likely to be encountered. A useful
resource is the Administration for Children and Families'
Campaign to Rescue and Restore Victims of Human trafficking.
The site has toolkits that include screening questions for social
service, health care, and law enforcement professionals that
social workers can incorporate into their intake and assessment
forms. The provision of effective services to identified victims
requires several changes. A basic step is to ensure that victims
are first-served, and only after that asked to participate in
prosecution (Angel, 2017). Social service agencies can
collaborate with agencies offering legal services to help law
enforcement officers to prosecute trafficking. Our involvement
on the ground with victims can be of critical importance in
ensuring the successful prosecution of traffickers. Important
elements in evaluating social service delivery systems are
accessibility and eligibility criteria (Chambers and Wedel,
2019). Services to victims should be made available from the
moment of the identification to the point they are self-sufficient
and in good psychological and physical health. A significant
test for social laborers is enough to address the
multidimensional parts of neediness among women and young
ladies in creating nations. This assignment is presently
significantly all the more testing considering the ongoing
worldwide downturn. For instance, it will expand financial
variations leading to expanded dealings? In what manner will
residents and administrators in getting nations outline dealing
inside the more extensive social and monetary settings? Will the
current government furthermore, state spending reductions
encroach on hostile to dealing endeavors? It is essential to
address what are now and then called 'push variables' (for
example, neediness, joblessness, numbness) in more unfortunate
beginning nations that make it helpful for dealers to select
unfortunate casualties. Experts engaged with universal practice
and arrangement backing should address these factors.
Regularly, existing endeavors address push factors, especially
assuming acceptance of such endeavors with an emphasis on
avoidance (Hodge, 2018).
REFERENCES Comment by DR: Not capitalized.
Please update all entries to APA format.
Angel, C. (2017) ‘Immigration Relief for Human Trafficking
Victims: Focusing the Lens on the Human Rights of Victims’,
University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender
& Class 7(1): 23–36.
Chambers, D. and K. Wedel (2019) Social Policy and Social
Programs. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Hodge, D.R. (2018) ‘Sexual Trafficking in the United States: A
Domestic Problem with Transnational Dimensions’, Social
Work 53(2): 143–52.
Kotrla, K. (2015) ‘Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking in the
United States’, Social Work 55(2): 181–7. Krieg, S.H. (2009)
Spector, M. and J. Kitsuse (2015) ‘Social Problems: A Re-
formulation’, Social Problems 21(2): 146–59.
Jonas Akpassa
Dr. Rice
Walden University
Jonas Akpassa
Dr. Rice
Walden University

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  • 1. 1 Running head: CYBERLAW CONSUMER PROTECTION IN CYBERSECURITY Cyber-law; Consumer Protection in Cybersecurity STUDENT’S NAME: INSTRUCTOR’S NAME CORSE: DATE: Abstract The law has been interested in ensuring that necessary it protects people under it not just physically but just in terms of their connectivity. This is the purpose that is served by cyber law. There are many topics under cyber law, all of which seem to encourage observance of safety by providers of cyber services and consumers of such services. Cybersecurity is growing in volume due to increased interconnectivity among devices all over the world. This has made it possible for cyber- attacks to perform various cybercrimes to anyone in the cloud irrespective of where they are located on a global basis. To ensure consumers of cyber services are protected, the law comes in and intervenes on how consumers relate with their cloud services providers. In this case, the cyber law intervenes security at the cloud through legislative of consumer protection. This is an act that is developed and captured by the legal system pertaining protection of the consumer of cloud service by their providers. This paper sheds light on the legislation of consumer
  • 2. protection by assessing different parameters and areas of interest of cyber law in consumer protection at the cloud. Therefore, the paper discusses what has been achieved under the legislation of consumer protection in the enhancement of cybersecurity, what is yet to be done, and how it should be done. Introduction Consumer protection at the cloud is a business functionality whose complexity is growing day by day. Big businesses that are associated with cloud connectivity are being closely watched by the law to ascertain if they have appropriate policies in place to assure the protection of their customers in cyberspace. Majorly, the legal system is determined to ensure that consumer's digital identities are protected by businesses that operate in the cloud, and their financial details are not leaked at any given instance (Howells, G., & Weatherill, 2017). Attackers at the cyberspace are majorly interested in compromising financial information r digital documentation of cloud users. This is because they can enrich themselves massively when they successfully breach consumer’s financial documentation in the cloud. Therefore, consumers have been changing their pattern on how they consumer cyber services. In this case, consumers have been willing to as much as they can afford provided that they get to enjoy the benefits. This implies that consumers in modern times do not hesitate to pay more to service providers who can protect consumer’s financial details. Governmental bodies have been set in place to screen companies that operate in the cloud space to ascertain how much they protect any identify that is associated with their customers. Federal Communications Commission has been responsible for the assessment of companies that have a virtual life. Their assessment has been in action since 2014 across the United States, which was a legislation that was issued by the president. This was after increased cases of leakage of consumer financial details, which were then used against consumers by cyber attackers to enrich themselves. Legislation
  • 3. of consumer protection at the cyberspace has been used or some years now to serve two primary purposes. The first purpose served by the legislation of consumer protection at the cyber is to raise awareness to consumers that their safety begins with them. They are responsible in deciding who they can disclose their financial information to in the cloud. Therefore this legislation improves consumer's level of alert whenever they are leaking any of their financial information in the cloud space. The second purpose that is serviced by the legislation of consumer protection at the cyberspace is educating consumers and providers of cybersecurity services on how they can protect cyber compromises. Problem statement Consumers of cyber services are losing millions of money on an annual basis when their financial information is leaked to third parties with malicious intentions. Their own information is used against them by cyber attackers to make a significant amount of money from innocent consumers of cyber services. However, this is only possible in a relaxed environment where risk is not analyzed as much as they should. To mitigate the about of money that innocent consumers of cyber services lose to hackers, cybersecurity is a business function that should not be left at the hands of providers of cyber services entirely. There has to be legal interest in the interaction of service providers and their consumers to ensure service providers remain on their toes in facilitating the cybersecurity of financial information of their clients. Literature review: As a topic under cyber law, cybersecurity, and protection of consumers involve subjecting providers of cyber services into fines and penalties when they are hacked, and financial information of their customers leaked. Therefore, it consists in punishing providers of cyber services like the case with punishment, which destroyers of physical laws are subjected to. This is an exercise that is practiced by the Federal
  • 4. Communication Commission (FCC) and is impacted by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). In the recent past, C has exercised CFPB y subjecting some companies which had not implemented sufficient protection measures to secure financial information of their customers. Therefore, when cyber attackers victimized such companies, cyber law was manifested through fines to these companies. An excellent example, in this case, is TerraCom and YourTel, which were heavily fined due to their failure to protect their consumer's financial information against loss. These companies were taxed $10 million, on account that they violated the communication act. This was a violation that attracted reference to cyber law to ascertain how these companies were going to be fined. From cyber law, it was clear that a company should give factual information to their customers about how safe their information in the cloud is. However, for these two companies, they mislead their customers in that they claimed to have established sufficient measures of cloud security only to be exploited by cyber attackers in the future. This was one case that was a manifestation of how financial information of consumers can be compromised. In this event, it was due to the negligence of the provider of cyber service to ensure that they had installed sufficient measures to protect their customer’s information. Cyberlaw continues expanding its functionality in 2015 when another scenario pertaining to loss of consumer's financial information was manifested. In this case, ATT&T was vict9mized and had to feel the pinch of cyber law. For them, they had sufficient security measures in place to guard their consumer's financial information, but a data breach could not be avoided. This coasted the company $25 million fine by the FCC. This was meant to impact the notion that FCC was there for the welfare of consumers. The body was not intended to penalize any form of negligence by providers of cyber services. Therefore, it assumed it as their duty to ascertain that they anticipate all events in which financial information can be leaked to attackers. In the case of ATT&T, this event was
  • 5. avoidable only if authorization was closely monitored. Therefore, the FCC impacted the notion that companies had the responsibility of assessing the loyalty of their staff before entrusting them with their consumer's confidential financial information. At this time, companies were already on their toes to avoid such high penalties on the risk that they can prevent. This increased demand for cybersecurity services because customers were now more sensitive to who they allowed having their information. In the same measure, companies were determined to improve their reputation. Need for consumer protection in the cyberspace The world is evolving at a faster rate than maybe we can manage. This is why we are advancing technology that is being used against us. We are inventing cyber functionalities to increase capabilities of the functionality of cyberspace to suffer management issues of this advanced technology. This is why it is necessary for aw o take its course to demand consumer protection by providers of cyber services. This is people who force customers to avail of their financial information in the cloud space. Players at the market place have taken their operation in the cloud, and soon, the market place will have mainly shifted from physical retailers to online retailers. This increase of online platforms to carry business under cloud utilization is what calls for stick monitoring of how these payers protect the financial information of their customers (Markou, 2019). Technology is promoting development in inefficient markets. This is because customers do not know how good has a particular dealer in the web has facilitated the implementation of security measures. This, therefore, leaves consumers very vulnerable chances of making the wrong choice are very high. Equally, any dealer in the web can be attacked provide that attackers have identified a loophole that they can exploit to their advantage. This is why cyber law is essential in that it assesses security measures adopted by each dealer in the web on behalf of the consumer. Therefore, cyber law reduces the inherent risk of consumers falling in the trap of providing
  • 6. incompetent dealers at the cyberspace with their financial information. Consumer protection as a consideration of this act is also necessary because of the consumer education gap. Not all consumers have relevant knowledge of assessing quality assurance of their financial information. This, in most cases, fall within the middle-class people who are most at the market place. Therefore, if this responsibility to assess the cybersecurity quality of a dealer at the cloud space, then it can be the widest loophole that the law can be exposing customers to. Thus, it should be a shared responsibility between the law, customers, and dealers in the cloud space. Each should have their role to play, all for the benefit and security assurance of consumer's financial information. With that being said, cyber law should audit dealers who utilize the cloud space for any monetary consideration with their customers. The cyber law should also be exercised against those dealers who are victimized, and financial information of their customers lost. With dealers and companies who utilize and avails financial information of their customers in the cloud, they have the duty of making the strategic decision of which the third party to use to oversee the cybersecurity of their customer's financial documentation. From the customer's point of view, they have to research how efficient a company has been on protecting its customer's information against compromise before making the actual decision to provide them with your financial information. A financial institution is growing in terms of interconnections with each other. They are developed systems that are developed to facilitate inter transfer of data pertaining to customers from one financial information to another. This is very dangerous and is a loophole that arguably, takes more to protect that the benefit associated with it. This is a high-risk financial information conveyance from one financial information to another. This is because, if any information system of interconnected financial information is compromised, millions of financial information is at risk among interconnected
  • 7. financial institutions. Therefore, cyber law needs to be amended in a way they it is very elastic to capture new business functionalities that utilize the cloud. At the moment, cyber law is yet to rate, which is the beast bureau of consumer protection for businesses that use the cloud space. Because this seems to be the future of the global and local market, more losses will be suffered at the market place due to events of a data breach. Thus, to minimize these losses in the future marketplace, there is a need to impact the necessary pressure, especially companies that offer their services to customers in the cloud. Cyberlaw must be enacted all over the globe to protect global economic activity from being eroded. In the present, customer’s awareness is increasing as the first role of cyberlaw has been enacted to the public. The cyber law has, by far, increases people aware of the type of risk and what they can suffer in case of leakage of their financial information. This impacts fear to avail of their financial information in any online platform which facilitates the global market. This implies that there are reduced transactions in the local and global market for companies that serve their customers from online platforms (Markou, 2019). Some of these financial losses to cyber attackers are used to finance criminal and terrorist gangs. Therefore, failure to take chances by legislation exposes not only consumes of cybersecurity services but has a far reach to an ordinary human being who does not use cyber pace. Thus, this raises the cost of its management, making it an expensive exercise for the government. Therefore, instead of incurring a cost to fight initiates from money stolen from cyberspace, it is better to bear the cost of stopping the storage of funds at the cyberspace. Benefits of the government initiating cyberlaw as a legislation Consumers of cyber services have all reason to cost their fears due to legal interest in their protection. Of course, they enjoy the most benefits of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. It is consumer's right o get educated on the kind of risk that they can expose themselves to by providing their financial
  • 8. information in the cloud space. The cyber law comes in and educates consumers of cyber services on the risk that are underlying to their financial prowess as much as they transact through the web. Therefore, their alert level is increased significantly and, consequently, their strategic decision making. Through CFB, it has become compulsory for the government to take it as their responsibility in educating the public on financial risk at the cloud space (David, 2015) consumer protection and cybersecurity: the consumer educational gap, retrievable from 032&context=brookings_pubs. Therefore, this increases people's literacy level and relevance of their decisions. Besides, CFPB educates consumers on a timely response when they discover that their financial information has been compromised. Therefore, the government's complements on knowledge of risk mitigation that consumers might have to reduce the level of financial loss that they can suffer in the event of a compromise of their financial information. Consumers and companies who interact through the cloud space do enjoy the benefit of increased efficiency of the market place. The government promotes cybersecurity hence increasing users of cloud services confidence and trust to those who share personal financial information within cyberspace. This increases economic activity, thus the efficient market for both companies and their customers. This benefit increases customer satisfaction and increases the profitability of industries that utilize cloud services for financial transactions from their customers. Besides, the government helps companies to evade fines and penalties that they could have suffered by motivating them to accept to bear the cost of enhancement of cybersecurity. Government involvement in consumer protection through consumer protection of cybersecurity promotes the development of a friendly market place in which players enjoy air competition (David, 2015) consumer protection and cybersecurity: the consumer educational gap, retrievable from
  • 9. 032&context=brookings_pubs. In this case, the government forces companies to increase their efficiency by implementing guaranteed measures of cybersecurity protection. This, in turn, promotes a company's reputation at the market place. At this point, the company finds it easy to retain their market share, attract new customers, and even penetrate new markets. Hence, the legislation of cyber law is a policy to impact fair and healthy competition of players in the cloud space. This is an opportunity that the government develops for players in the cloud space to build their competitive advantage. Anyone who wants to be most competitive than their players would accept to meet the cost of the most efficient and guaranteed measure of facilitating cloud security. If this measure proves to be unbreakable by attackers, other players would be looking at such a company. This is where most customers would prefer to consume. This consequently identifies such a measure as a company's competitive advantage that would work for them in the retention and attraction of new customers. This would impact increased capital flow in such company at regulated losses hence increased profitability. Educating customers through the CFPB is more effective than demanding implementation of specific cybersecurity measures by providers of cyber services. Therefore, this would induce servers to improve their cybersecurity even without demand r strict and consistent monitoring by the government. Thus, this would promote the automatic improvement of the efficiency of the market place. It is more cost-effective for the government that forced alteration of the market forces to restore its integrity and competence (David, 2015) consumer protection and cybersecurity: the consumer educational gap, retrievable from 032&context=brookings_pubs. Achievement of the cyber law in the establishment of consumer protection It has been able to improve economic performance significantly,
  • 10. whereby a crisis of financial performance have been strategically avoided. Specifically, the mandated role of CFPB to educate consumers from cloud service has promoted alert of consumers, total implementation of up to date policies by servers hence an efficient market. Therefore, market forces have been structured in a way that predetermines the safety of consumer's financial information at the cloud space, consequently increased trust to providers of cyber services. Therefore, cyber law has been able to facilitate an economy where people are not afraid of uncertainty. The cyber law has also achieved the increased trust of government policies by the public. This, as an initiation to protect consumers, is portraying the government's concern and good intent to consumers. Therefore, both consumers and servers have been cooperative with FCC and CFPB in the fight against cyber compromises of financial information. This has made it simple and useful for the government to look out attackers who could have exploited disagreements of cybersecurity policy between the government and serves and a loophole to exploit and compromise consumer’s financial information. The government has also facilitated strategic decision making by consumers before they decide who to share their financial information with. From screening and assessment of companies by the FCC, the government gives feedback on its findings in the field. This feedback is essential to customers in decision making. This is what they use to decide which retailers they can share with their financial information online. It also helps consumers in the determination of hospitals that they can trust by sharing their medical financial information. Therefore, cyber law has facilitated research on behalf of consumers. Thus, cyber law has significantly eliminated delayed decision making due to the lengthy assessment of servers by customers. Areas for improvement in cyber law Although cyber law has significantly achieved a lot in facilitating cybersecurity in consumer's financial information, it
  • 11. is not yet fully effective. Something has to be done before thinking that the war against cyber attackers has been won. There is a gap that needs to be addressed cyber law that has not been addressed since the legislation of cyber law. If this will not be addressed, consumers of cyber services are not yet safe enough to trust their servers. In addition, failure to address this gap will leave some people more vulnerable to suffer compromise of their financial information more than others. Millions of people have accepted to entrust their financial information to companies at the cloud apace, although they fail to have the relevant knowledge to ascertain how secure they are. This leaves them vulnerable and increases the degree of uncertainty of their safety. Besides, companies avoid negotiating on cybersecurity policies by their customers (Serabian, 2015). This hinders a comprehensive understanding by customers of how much their financial information is secured before sharing it with such providers of cyber services. In this case, CFPB should exercise its mandate more strictly to ensure that companies communicate factual to their customers. This s to increase consumer’s awareness of guaranteed security of their information. This would reduce events of avoidable compromise consumer’s financial information. The payment card industry should be standardized and graded accordingly. This would mitigate incidences where consumers fall in the trap of sharing their financial information to servers without the relevant knowledge of the server's degree of guaranteed cybersecurity. In the long run, attackers will be rendered irrelevant, and consumers, as well as companies, would be saved too much cost that would be others incurred as losses and treatment of such losses. Recommendation Technology is advancing very fast, enabling more loopholes that can be exploited by cyber attackers to compromise financial information of consumers of cyber services (v 2019). Therefore, cyber law should also be dynamic and elastic to capture new areas that are opened up by advancing technology. This way, it
  • 12. will be more useful to impact the implementation of relevant cybersecurity measures by companies that use customer's financial information in the cloud. This will also enable the law to exercise up to date regulations while impacting the establishment of robust cybersecurity measures by companies or servers in the cloud space. Also, consumers of cloud services should not leave their security under the hands of their online dealers. Instead, they should make efforts to ascertain the reputation that a particular dealer has regarding firm protection of consumer's financial information. Equally, dealers in the online market should ensure they have in place the right cybersecurity policies to provide financial details that consumers, as shared, is optimally protected and guarded against the compromise of a data breach. Conclusion In conclusion, it has been explained that the cybersecurity of consumers of cyber services cannot be left entirely on the hands of companies utilizing cloud functionality. This is why it is crucial to have a legal interest that examines how companies facilitate the protection of their customer's financial information in the cloud. The paper has discussed comprehensively the benefits that are enjoyed by both consumers and companies in the cloud space by the legislation of cyber law. The paper has also discussed what has been achieved by cyber law since its legislation. The paper has used a holistic approach to recommend areas that need to be of great concern to cyber law. These are areas that cyber law as not anticipated, yet they handle a lot for the protection of consumer's financial information.
  • 13. REFERENCE: Serabian, D. (2015). Consumer Protection and Cybersecurity: The Consumer Education Gap. Williams, A. M. (2019). Reliance on Technology and the Increased Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities It Poses to Our Transportation Industry (Doctoral dissertation, Utica College). Howells, G., & Weatherill, S. (2017). Consumer protection law. Routledge. Markou, C. N. (2019). Consumer protection, automated shopping platforms, and EU law. 032&context=brookings_pubs. HUMAN TRAFFICKING 2 QUALITATIVE STUDY OF SOCIAL WORKER'S AWARENESS IN IDENTIFYING VICTIMS OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING Comment by DR: Please do not use all caps – check APA format for title. 03/11/2020 Jonas Akpassa Dr. Rice Premise Walden University Problem Statement: Comment by DR: Please provide citations for all of the material contained in this paragraph that is not your own.
  • 14. The identification of victims of human trafficking has not only been neglected for a long time but has also been a global issue. Combatting the issue of victim identification and service provision has also been a significant problem due to the lack of understanding and knowledge of trafficking schemes and mechanisms. Victimized and sexually exploited women are at a higher risk during the process of this criminal activity because it is in some respect related to prostitution. Trapped by illegal status, lack of money in a foreign land, both men and women, as well as entire families, not only entrust their lives to human smugglers but face prosecution in the process becoming slaves to the traffickers who buy and sell them as goods. Social workers are one of the human services practitioners who are often at the forefront when dealing with actual victims of human trafficking in their social work practice. It is, therefore, vital for social workers to be able to identify, meddle, and campaign for this population. The driving force behind this study was to investigate social workers' awareness in identifying the human trafficking victims in the city of Atlanta, Georgia. Comment by DR: Word choice? Theoretical Framework Comment by DR: Please revise as this is should describe the theory you will use to conduct your study, who the theorist is, the key concepts of the theory, and how the theory relates to the study you propose. The study made use of a system examination approach that concentrated on victims' experiences, utilizing a survey questionnaire design with the use of transcript content and coded topics. The collection of Data originated from survivors in ten nations. Eight of whom had encountered residential bondage, three had endured sex trafficking, and one had encountered both. A large portion of the survivors detailed that they had visited a doctor while in their dealers' control, and another worked in a medicinal services office. Every single Key Informant gave a picture of different exploited people who had gotten medicinal consideration. For residential hirelings, medicinal visits were activated by damage and respiratory or
  • 15. fundamental ailment, while wellbeing experts saw sex trafficking victims for explicitly transmitted contaminations and premature birth. Trafficking victims were kept from revealing their status to social insurance suppliers by dread, disgrace, language obstructions, and constrained cooperation with a restorative workforce, among different snags. This investigation of survivors' encounters in medicinal services settings bolsters recounted reports that US social insurance suppliers may accidentally experience human trafficking exploited people. Expanding familiarity with human trafficking, and altering practice to encourage divulgence, could improve injured individual distinguishing proof. As indicated by the shared history of social issues hypothesis, the issues had four unmistakable stages: 1) guaranteeing and publicizing of the issue, 2) an official reaction to the issue, 3) new cases developing because of disappointment with the official reaction, and 4) foundation of new establishments to manage the issue (Spector and Kitsuse, 2015). The trafficking of people is a significant issue. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) is the principle authoritative exertion in the US that tends to this issue. Given social work esteems, the article gives an evaluation of the TVPA, recommends administrative arrangement, and provides reinforcement to those who serve human trafficking victims. Worldwide patterns, endeavors, and looking more into confinements in lessening trafficking. Explicit mediations by social specialists in unfortunate casualty ID and administration, an arrangement is exhibited, and taken across the outskirts every year and between two to 4,000,000 individuals are victims inside their nations (Trafficking in Persons Report, 2016, United Countries Office of Drugs and Crime, 2016). The United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) referred to human trafficking as one of the main crooks' undertakings of the mid-21st century. Trafficking excessively influences women and kids (Angel, 2017). This piece aims to develop an honest and necessary approach in the investigation of the US Trafficking Victims Protection Act
  • 16. (TVPA), the highlight of the US government's endeavors to battle trafficking Worldwide. Also, taking into account the patterns in human trafficking from chosen nations. Methodology Comment by DR: Please revise to meet the requirements for this section. You are required to conduct action research using a qualitative design to gather data from social workers through focus groups. In 2002, members of the European Union (EU) reached an agreement to cooperate in making and enforcing anti-trafficking laws (Miko, 2013). Krieg (2012) contends that efforts of the European Union have, however, been minimal due to its definition of human trafficking within a limited criminal text, much to the chagrin of the United Nations and other agencies that propose a human rights definition. Krieg warns that anti- trafficking efforts will fail if the European Union's focus does not go beyond immigration fears in Europe. For example, Spain treats trafficking as just a criminal issue, leaving the human rights and service provision aspects to nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). The Spanish system imposes harsh punishments on perpetrators but provides little support to victims, such as resources for social integration (De Leon, 2010). Different US agencies, including local law enforcement, the CIA, FBI, Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Human Smuggling/Trafficking Unit, the Department of Justice, and the State Department, helped to enact anti-trafficking laws and statutes (Torg, 2016). Initiatives included the FBI's 'Innocence Lost,' which targets child prostitution, and ICE's 'Operation Predator,' with its' purpose to protect children from international predators (Torg, 2016). Also, creating a Worker's Exploitation Task Force and a database on human trafficking worldwide. Initiatives such as the involvement of multiple Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons were made use of to promote interagency collaboration (Miko, 2013). Recognizing the identification of human trafficking is the largest hurdle in accessing relief under the TVPA (Angel, 2017). Since 2000, the approximate number of victims
  • 17. trafficked into the US has been decreased from 50,000 persons annually to roughly 17,000 (Siskin, 2018). While this diminishing number may suggest exaggeration of the original estimate or that the penalties may have reduced the problem, it also indicates an increase in the proportion of unidentified victims. According to the US State Department, only 2000 out of 45,000 available T-Visas were given to victims and their families between the year 2000 and January of 2008 (US Department of State, 2019). Social workers should be attentive to the thousands of unidentified victims that we suspect need care and protection when extending services. The identification of victims is one of the most challenging tasks in human trafficking intervention. According to (Kappelhoff, 2018), the identification of most trafficking cases was by a member of a community service organization. Since these agents are not the only ones who come into contact with victims, greater emphasis should be placing community education about trafficking, including its prevalence, its sub- types, potential warning signs, rights of victims, and available resources. While service organizations may administer the implementation of community awareness, minor changes should be made by the TVPA to extend and provide funding for such programs. (Kotrla, 2015) suggested screening records in agencies where victims are likely to be encountered. A useful resource is the Administration for Children and Families' Campaign to Rescue and Restore Victims of Human trafficking. The site has toolkits that include screening questions for social service, health care, and law enforcement professionals that social workers can incorporate into their intake and assessment forms. The provision of effective services to identified victims requires several changes. A basic step is to ensure that victims are first-served, and only after that asked to participate in prosecution (Angel, 2017). Social service agencies can collaborate with agencies offering legal services to help law enforcement officers to prosecute trafficking. Our involvement on the ground with victims can be of critical importance in
  • 18. ensuring the successful prosecution of traffickers. Important elements in evaluating social service delivery systems are accessibility and eligibility criteria (Chambers and Wedel, 2019). Services to victims should be made available from the moment of the identification to the point they are self-sufficient and in good psychological and physical health. A significant test for social laborers is enough to address the multidimensional parts of neediness among women and young ladies in creating nations. This assignment is presently significantly all the more testing considering the ongoing worldwide downturn. For instance, it will expand financial variations leading to expanded dealings? In what manner will residents and administrators in getting nations outline dealing inside the more extensive social and monetary settings? Will the current government furthermore, state spending reductions encroach on hostile to dealing endeavors? It is essential to address what are now and then called 'push variables' (for example, neediness, joblessness, numbness) in more unfortunate beginning nations that make it helpful for dealers to select unfortunate casualties. Experts engaged with universal practice and arrangement backing should address these factors. Regularly, existing endeavors address push factors, especially assuming acceptance of such endeavors with an emphasis on avoidance (Hodge, 2018). REFERENCES Comment by DR: Not capitalized. Please update all entries to APA format. Angel, C. (2017) ‘Immigration Relief for Human Trafficking
  • 19. Victims: Focusing the Lens on the Human Rights of Victims’, University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender & Class 7(1): 23–36. Chambers, D. and K. Wedel (2019) Social Policy and Social Programs. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. Hodge, D.R. (2018) ‘Sexual Trafficking in the United States: A Domestic Problem with Transnational Dimensions’, Social Work 53(2): 143–52. Kotrla, K. (2015) ‘Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking in the United States’, Social Work 55(2): 181–7. Krieg, S.H. (2009) Spector, M. and J. Kitsuse (2015) ‘Social Problems: A Re- formulation’, Social Problems 21(2): 146–59. 1 QUALITATIVE STUDY OF SOCIAL WORKER'S AWARENESS IN IDENTIFYING VICTIMS OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING 03/11/2020 Jonas Akpassa
  • 20. Dr. Rice Premise Walden University 1 QUALITATIVE STUDY OF SOCIAL WORKER'S AWARENESS IN IDENTIFYING VICTIMS OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING 03/11/2020 Jonas Akpassa Dr. Rice Premise Walden University