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Newsletter: July 2014 
Let’s professionalize the professionals… 
It was jokingly said that whereas all the countries have armies, it is Pakistani Army which has got the 
country. Soon same expression underwent change and in reference to Nepal it was said that, ‘all 
terrorists aspire to rule a Nation whereas now ruling is to nationalize the terrorists in Nepal! The 
Maoists were not even comfortable in changing role they were to play from terrorists to ruling outfit 
that something dramatic has happened in Syria and Iraq! 
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The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria 
(ISIS) has reportedly declared the 
areas it occupies in Iraq and Syria 
as a new Islamic state, removing 
Iraq and the Levant from its name. 
ISIS declares its territories a new 
Islamic state with 'restoration of 
caliphate' in Middle East. It is 
known as Islamic State of 
Khorasan. The Militants name Abu 
Bakr al-Baghdadi as Caliph in a 
move representing 'new era of 
international jihad'. The 
announcement will see ISIS now 
simply refer to itself as ‘The Islamic 
State’, and the group has called on 
al-Qa’ida and other related militant Sunni factions operating in the region to immediately pledge their 
In recent fast paced advances, ISIS has captured large areas of western and northern Iraq and for 
two years has held parts of Syria, imposing a harsh interpretation of Islamic law and in many cases, 
killing large numbers of opposition Shia Muslims. 
The Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, has voiced support for Kurdish statehood, taking a 
position that appears to clash with the US preference to keep sectarian war-torn Iraq united. 
Netanyahu has called for the establishment of an independent Kurdistan as part of a broader alliance 
with moderate forces across the region, adding that Israel would have to maintain a long-term military 
presence in the West Bank even after any future peace agreement with the Palestinians. This 
posturing will lead to more deaths and destruction. 
We have much more mayhem and madness to witness before order is restored in the region.
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“When a man in soul, the intellect is dead, unchecked evil prevails” – so said 
Eckhart! Certain things are for certain, and must happen with passage of time. 
These could both be positive or negative. Let us face the reality; most of these 
are negative in nature. Pearl S Buck, in ‘The Good Earth’ stated that, ‘when 
the rich get too rich, the poor shall not sit back but react to correct the 
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That the ‘rate of crimes shall definitely continue to rise’ should be the foregone deduction of the 
conditions prevailing in our society. Because… 
 Inflation rates notwithstanding, the money shall continue to buy less and less. 
 The good old values shall continue to erode. 
 The forces of nature shall continue to be challenged by the technology growth. 
 Industrialization and mechanization shall continue to affect the nature adversely, thereby 
adding to the pollution and environmental degradation. 
 Our vulnerabilities in the areas of fire, safety and security are going to go up! 
 We need to focus on Total Loss Prevention Program (TLPP) 
The ruthless ambitious nature of the human being shall continue to harness unhealthy competition. 
This shall result in personal aggrandizement of wealth in the hands of the few, conversely poverty 
shall increase, and so shall the numbers that shall be afflicted by it. All the deteriorating conditions 
shall have multiplier adverse effect on the security and safety of our society, as also the Corporate 
and Industry. 
The prevailing conditions in India have focused every body’s attention to the security measures in the 
industry which started taking appropriate measures in this regard. The concerted and tangible 
attempts by the industries have been visible since last three decades as far as security manpower is 
concerned. Introduction of technical gadgets is hardly a decade old phenomenon. 
Three developments are taking place in India – 
 Opening-up of economy in last decade and despite odds, most stable 
 Tremendous development of Information technology 
 Realization that India can, and, will be a major power in the world, and, efforts of Industries to 
get ready for it. 
As a result ‘Industrial Security’ has gained importance and it is being treated as profit making activity. 
We all have a responsibility to safeguard the company’s assets and interests, including its name, 
image and reputation, by treating all company property with the same respect as we would our own. 
Bloom time or gloom time, security and safety industry is going to grow as during bloom time asset 
creation and profit making will lead to enhanced security and gloom time will lead to depression, short 
supply and high demands and will lead to anarchy when higher security is needed by 
Industry. Safety will be hand-in-hand with changing security landscapes. 
As in war, in field of security it is not who is right, but who is ‘left’. We will be known not by what we 
have done, but, by what we have not done! 
Let’s do it right!!! 
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D.C. Nath, IPS (Retd.) 
Mr. DC Nath is Chief Patron of International Council of Security & Safety 
Management. Superannuated in January, 1995, as the Special Director, 
Intelligence Bureau, Mr. D.C. Nath (IPS-1960) has been a visiting faculty to a 
number of Institutes (like the Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), Sardar 
Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy (SVPNPA), Lal Bahadur Shastri 
National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA) and Academies, including 
Management Training Institutes, covering different aspects of security and 
industrial security management. 
He is recipient of both the honors available in the police service, namely, Indian 
Police Medal for meritorious services and the President’s Police Medal for 
distinguished services. His name figures in the American Police Hall of Fame, a Trust of the US National 
Association of Chiefs of Police. In December 2010, the International Who’s Who Historical Society included 
his name in the 2010-2011 edition of the “International Who’s Who of Professionals”. 
It is a common sarcasm to say that the medical profession is the largest profession. There is hardly 
anyone who does not or who cannot prescribe a medicine the moment one hears of a disease. 
Slightly on a similar scale, any one with police or army background almost intuitively or instantly lays 
claim on being an expert in security – no matter what kind of security is being referred to. The fact 
that many such claimants might not have had any security-related assignment whatsoever during 
their long service career is a distinct possibility and a fact of life. 
In this situation, it is difficult where and how to start analyzing the factors leading to a successful 
industrial security career. Do the present-day industrial security practitioners really have any 
professional training or one might even say, indoctrination into what industrial security is? The 
answer generally is in the negative. There are many factors to explain this situation and it is not 
intended to put blame on any individual. By and large, there is considerable lack of institutional 
training in this field. Even where some such system is available, proportionately more attention is 
focused on making young entrants physically fit and mentally alert in security duties. Resultantly, not 
much emphasis is paid on teaching the basic concepts of industrial security. It was a sad experience 
while talking to some young or budding industrial security managers that many of them were not 
really cognizant about the different facets of industrial security, as it has come to develop in the 
modern days. Most of them remain engaged in supervision and guiding guard duties and some of 
them excel in that as well, without ever knowing or appreciating the overall concepts or problems of 
security. That is unfortunate. Lack of adequate knowledge content stands in their way of turning into 
true professionals which they must become at all cost. 
Where does really industrial security start? It starts with security survey. Is that often done? A 
security manager receives an assignment of guarding or escorting. He completes his assignment 
successfully and feels contented. Thus all the skill or talents he might have had get rusted. He 
receives no systematic exposure to what industrial security is really comprised of. Then, security 
assignments are indeed varied, such as, bank security, office security, shop security, M.S. building 
security, open area residential security, plant security, etc. Yes, guarding and patrolling are essential 
and basic to the security needs in these assignments but the overall security perception would 
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certainly require more than these basic skills. Very soon it happens that the security managers start 
feeling neglected as belonging to a second class profession, so to say, put under the charge of 
Administration or Personnel or HRD Department, to many of whom security management or 
arrangement is an anathema. This is notwithstanding the fact that at times one finds good HRD Chief 
with the correct security perception. 
A true security professional will, however, have to start from there or from this situation. How should 
he or she go about it? A few questions would clarify. Does he or she think about the overall scope of 
security in his/her assignment, particularly if it is in any installation or in office or any such big unit? 
This thinking exercise is imperative so as to develop the correct perception of the task in hand. 
Does the security expert maintain any record to build up database, which is absolutely necessary to 
drive home any contentious issues not otherwise acceptable? Often there is lethargy in drawing up 
the factual record of an incident where security has played some definite role under the misconceived 
perception that it was unimportant or might not be taken note of. The strength of a security unit will lie 
primarily on record or database built up over a period of time. Facts speak for themselves if 
marshaled and projected in a professional manner. 
Does a security expert think that he is a drain on the management unless he could prove the positive 
aspects of his function? It is more or less like the law enforcement machinery in the society. The 
police were generally considered a necessary evil but now enlightened citizens cannot turn blind eye 
to the social and corrective role of the police in the society. Similarly, many will not like a security 
functionary but the latter will have to have the missionary zeal to befriend others and make them 
understand their role in security, i.e., security is the concern of all. 
In order to achieve success, a security officer will have to prepare periodical reports or individual 
case studies or even normal incident reports in a manner bringing out the implications of an incident, 
such as, if some steps were not taken, what further loss would have resulted or what further dangers 
will lurk ahead. A security expert will have to visualize and may perhaps have to imagine realistically, 
to put this in a figure of speech fashion, to work out the loss prevention aspect of security functions. 
All this, however, is not so simple or easy. A security expert will have to acquaint himself with the 
functioning of all other departments to appreciate their relevance to the management concerned, 
which by and large and basically is to earn profit. An inter-departmental exposure to various functions 
and adaptation of an inter-disciplinary approach have often paid dividends hands down. Many 
security experts will be amazed to know that not infrequently extremely valuable suggestions relevant 
to security have come from non-security personnel. 
An aspect often lost sight of or is not considered relevant is the intelligence angle behind security 
functions. Even without having had problems, such as, relating to business espionage, intelligence 
input is essential not only for success but for survival as well. This had been true in the beginning of 
human civilization and holds good even today. 
A pitfall often noticed among many security experts is the lack of orientation towards modern or the-state- 
of-the-art technological aids now available to security. This is primarily because of the financial 
implications, as on the face of it security equipment require initial investment not easily seen to be 
commensurate with the apparent or immediate result. Systematic efforts will be required to 
demonstrate and prove how such technical measures will eventually be cost-effective and prove to 
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be economical. There has to be a correct mix of men and machine in working out a typical integrated 
security system. This needs knowledge and self-education. In these days of stiff competition where 
the management themselves find it difficult to survive unless well up in business strategy, security 
experts will also have to learn to anticipate and adjust to face emerging challenges which keep on 
changing both in variety and quality. A proactive approach backed up by professional knowledge and 
commitment integrating oneself with the management is the need of the day. 
Another basic drawback a security expert needs to guard against in order to achieve any kind of 
success is lack of knowledge about the management’s overall perception or attitude towards security. 
Whereas a security expert will have to bring round his management to the correct line of security 
concern, he in his turn needs to merge himself with the business trend so to say. He will have to 
make efforts to fit in and justify his existence proving that security is not an unnecessary expense but 
an essential management tool and function. After all, no management will like to place themselves in 
any insecure position but the onus is on the security practitioners to prove that they can provide the 
same – both in physical and financial terms. 
All successful men in life have necessarily been able leaders. There cannot, therefore, be any 
gainsaying the fact that a security manager has to develop himself into a good leader, confident in his 
professional outlook, committed to discharging his tasks with honesty and integrity, looking after his 
men with love and care, while gearing up himself all the time to face emerging challenges with 
To sum up, a security practitioner, aspiring to make a successful career will have to: 
 think, learn and learn 
 be a true and knowledgeable professional 
 apply himself with commitment 
 build up database with case studies 
 prove his worth or usefulness 
 have intelligence back-up system 
 know about the business in totality 
 adopt an inter-disciplinary approach 
 integrate with the management 
 be a true leader of men 
Success cannot, and will not, elude such a security practitioner! 
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Capt G Raj Kumar is ICISS State Councilor for Andhra Pradesh. He has total 25 years of 
experience out of which he served 14 years in the Armed Forces and rest 11 years in the 
industry. He has unique distinction of serving in Air forces as well as in Army. While in Armed 
Forces he has been extensively involved in Counter Insurgency Operations. 
He holds degree of MBA (HRD) from Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur. Presently he is 
pursuing a Ph. D in Personnel Management. At present he is working in GAIL and is posted at 
Vizag, Andhra Pradesh. A keen sports enthusiast, he represents Andhra Pradesh Badminton 
Team. Previously he has played in badminton tournaments conducted by Petroleum Sports 
Control Board of India. 
He can be reached at 
Security professional challenges within are of utmost importance than that of external. It has been 
evident that lack of professionalism is haunting the security profession, of late. As the threats have 
seemingly complex and are faceless. Adding fuel to the fire, the rapid growth of technology is aiding 
the anti-socials / thieves to have edge over us. Crimes of faceless, boundary less, virtual, remote-controlled, 
hi-tech and criminal cosmopolitanism have further burdened our shoulders. To my insight, 
in this environment the only way to survive is to follow the way as enumerated by the great Sun Tzu - 
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred 
battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also 
suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every 
Thus it is warranting us to be more tech-savvy and forethoughtful. As everyone in this profession 
would agree with me that unlike other departments or professions, we do not have scope of pass 
percentage or % of target achieved. We have only two parameters i.e., either we pass or fail. In other 
words, we may conclude saying that if we provide an incident free period, we may call it 100% 
In recent times, more and more companies are tilting towards technology and acquiring various 
technical gadgets in a big way. Everyone talks about CCTV, Baggage Scanners of various types, 
Bollards, Access Control Systems, etc. 
It is definitely a good sign, but then, there are certain aspects which need to be deliberated upon for a 
better output and ROI (return on Investment). Technology abundance, variety of gadgets and 
mushrooming business firms selling them has created a type of confusion in the minds of us i.e. end-users 
/ security professionals. This is an inherent challenge we are facing now. In this situation either 
we depend on some technical departments or copy the specifications from someone who have 
already done some homework on this. 
The other intriguing aspect of present day is that someone has installed a high-tech security gadget, 
and, we decide to install similar or preferably a better or higher technology gadget in our organization. 
This results into a situation when most of the advanced features and applications remain unused or 
undesired. Someone has said that, “If we think that technology is going to solve all our problems then 
we either do not understand our problems or we do not understand the technology!” 
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I am of firm opinion that ‘Science is good servant, but a bad master’! Let us use it optimally. Let us 
not totally depend on technology. Technology after all is as good as men behind the machine! 
Emphasis on human resources improvement / development should be given priority at par with 
technology. Whereby, the technology would complement the manpower to get maximum benefit 
/outcome. In this process there are certain points which I would like bring out here: 
 Man behind the machine has equal or more importance than the gadget. Hence, to be given due 
diligence in selecting. 
 Train and re-train the available human resources at our disposal for augmentation of existing 
security set-up. 
 Acquire compatible, suitable and relevant security gadgets rather than going for sake of it or 
following others or going for higher technology. 
 Lack of customer oriented and suiting software for various technical gadgets available in the 
market and complex & ever changing nature of threats compelling us to declare gadgets as 
‘obsolete’ in very short period. 
 Adding to this is rapid technological advancement and substandard equipment floating in the 
markets. The price range of these equipment is mind boggling. You would get a CCTV camera 
with almost similar specifications for a very surprising price range. One can use a Rs.350 camera 
brought from Gaffar Market, New Delhi or use a reputed brand camera costing almost Rs.7,000/-, 
the quality of the footage has no drastic difference. This is an example to state that the range is 
 There is a short-fall or slackness in developing a road map for implementing a well-planned 
enterprise level integrated security systems set-up. Most of the organizations go for a piece-meal 
procurement and installation of few security gadgets. We as professionals can chalk out a plan 
for systematized implementation of ‘Enterprise Security Solution’. Wherein any gadget procured 
should fall in the already chalked out plan only. This way one can, over a period of time, 
implement the road map and integrate the gadgets on one platform. This we may call it enterprise 
security umbrella. This is good for bigger organizations as well as small organizations or 
residential houses/apartment. 
 We, Security professionals, should develop a habit of making notes of events, incidents, 
accidents and other activities nearby or concerning. 
By generating lot of data, we should also be able to analyse the same and put to use for benefit our 
profession. As it is rightly said that “Noticing small changes early helps you adapt to the bigger 
changes that are to come”. Many organizations do not take in to account the security aspect at 
blue print stage whereby end-up in spending a lot in modifying the already built structures / 
perimeters. In many western countries, and, in fact in many of our country’s top business houses, the 
Security Department’s input is considered at blue print stage itself. Here it is the security 
professional’s task in proving his / her competence by implementing CPTED (Crime Prevention 
through Environmental Design). This helps the management decisions, since it gives due importance 
and value for environment as well as aesthetics. Finally come what may be, the vital element of 
Industrial Security or Residential Security or any form of security is ‘right manpower’ for it to be 
effective and efficient. 
The established wisdom of criminology is “Crime follows Opportunity”, hence our prime motto 
should be “Opportunity Reduction”. To my knowledge, common-sense, forethought, planning, 
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timely implementation, system monitoring including feedback, review and redesigning are the vital 
elements of security profession. With this emerges a thumb rule of Security ‘ASC’: 
Assume Nothing Suspect Anything Check Everything 
ICISS at LinkedIn: 
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Suggestions & feedback may be sent to us on e-mail: 
P.S. - If you don't like to receive our newsletter, we apologize for bothering you. Please let us know 
your mail address and we will move it out from our contact list, thank you! 
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14 july

  • 1. Newsletter: July 2014 Let’s professionalize the professionals… It was jokingly said that whereas all the countries have armies, it is Pakistani Army which has got the country. Soon same expression underwent change and in reference to Nepal it was said that, ‘all terrorists aspire to rule a Nation whereas now ruling is to nationalize the terrorists in Nepal! The Maoists were not even comfortable in changing role they were to play from terrorists to ruling outfit that something dramatic has happened in Syria and Iraq! C:UserssbtyagiDownloadsNews Letter July 14.docx The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has reportedly declared the areas it occupies in Iraq and Syria as a new Islamic state, removing Iraq and the Levant from its name. ISIS declares its territories a new Islamic state with 'restoration of caliphate' in Middle East. It is known as Islamic State of Khorasan. The Militants name Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as Caliph in a move representing 'new era of international jihad'. The announcement will see ISIS now simply refer to itself as ‘The Islamic State’, and the group has called on al-Qa’ida and other related militant Sunni factions operating in the region to immediately pledge their allegiance. In recent fast paced advances, ISIS has captured large areas of western and northern Iraq and for two years has held parts of Syria, imposing a harsh interpretation of Islamic law and in many cases, killing large numbers of opposition Shia Muslims. The Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, has voiced support for Kurdish statehood, taking a position that appears to clash with the US preference to keep sectarian war-torn Iraq united. Netanyahu has called for the establishment of an independent Kurdistan as part of a broader alliance with moderate forces across the region, adding that Israel would have to maintain a long-term military presence in the West Bank even after any future peace agreement with the Palestinians. This posturing will lead to more deaths and destruction. We have much more mayhem and madness to witness before order is restored in the region.
  • 3. “When a man in soul, the intellect is dead, unchecked evil prevails” – so said Eckhart! Certain things are for certain, and must happen with passage of time. These could both be positive or negative. Let us face the reality; most of these are negative in nature. Pearl S Buck, in ‘The Good Earth’ stated that, ‘when the rich get too rich, the poor shall not sit back but react to correct the C:UserssbtyagiDownloadsNews Letter July 14.docx
  • 4. imbalance’. That the ‘rate of crimes shall definitely continue to rise’ should be the foregone deduction of the conditions prevailing in our society. Because…  Inflation rates notwithstanding, the money shall continue to buy less and less.  The good old values shall continue to erode.  The forces of nature shall continue to be challenged by the technology growth.  Industrialization and mechanization shall continue to affect the nature adversely, thereby adding to the pollution and environmental degradation.  Our vulnerabilities in the areas of fire, safety and security are going to go up!  We need to focus on Total Loss Prevention Program (TLPP) The ruthless ambitious nature of the human being shall continue to harness unhealthy competition. This shall result in personal aggrandizement of wealth in the hands of the few, conversely poverty shall increase, and so shall the numbers that shall be afflicted by it. All the deteriorating conditions shall have multiplier adverse effect on the security and safety of our society, as also the Corporate and Industry. The prevailing conditions in India have focused every body’s attention to the security measures in the industry which started taking appropriate measures in this regard. The concerted and tangible attempts by the industries have been visible since last three decades as far as security manpower is concerned. Introduction of technical gadgets is hardly a decade old phenomenon. Three developments are taking place in India –  Opening-up of economy in last decade and despite odds, most stable  Tremendous development of Information technology  Realization that India can, and, will be a major power in the world, and, efforts of Industries to get ready for it. As a result ‘Industrial Security’ has gained importance and it is being treated as profit making activity. We all have a responsibility to safeguard the company’s assets and interests, including its name, image and reputation, by treating all company property with the same respect as we would our own. Bloom time or gloom time, security and safety industry is going to grow as during bloom time asset creation and profit making will lead to enhanced security and gloom time will lead to depression, short supply and high demands and will lead to anarchy when higher security is needed by Industry. Safety will be hand-in-hand with changing security landscapes. As in war, in field of security it is not who is right, but who is ‘left’. We will be known not by what we have done, but, by what we have not done! Let’s do it right!!! C:UserssbtyagiDownloadsNews Letter July 14.docx
  • 5. D.C. Nath, IPS (Retd.) Mr. DC Nath is Chief Patron of International Council of Security & Safety Management. Superannuated in January, 1995, as the Special Director, Intelligence Bureau, Mr. D.C. Nath (IPS-1960) has been a visiting faculty to a number of Institutes (like the Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy (SVPNPA), Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA) and Academies, including Management Training Institutes, covering different aspects of security and industrial security management. He is recipient of both the honors available in the police service, namely, Indian Police Medal for meritorious services and the President’s Police Medal for distinguished services. His name figures in the American Police Hall of Fame, a Trust of the US National Association of Chiefs of Police. In December 2010, the International Who’s Who Historical Society included his name in the 2010-2011 edition of the “International Who’s Who of Professionals”. It is a common sarcasm to say that the medical profession is the largest profession. There is hardly anyone who does not or who cannot prescribe a medicine the moment one hears of a disease. Slightly on a similar scale, any one with police or army background almost intuitively or instantly lays claim on being an expert in security – no matter what kind of security is being referred to. The fact that many such claimants might not have had any security-related assignment whatsoever during their long service career is a distinct possibility and a fact of life. In this situation, it is difficult where and how to start analyzing the factors leading to a successful industrial security career. Do the present-day industrial security practitioners really have any professional training or one might even say, indoctrination into what industrial security is? The answer generally is in the negative. There are many factors to explain this situation and it is not intended to put blame on any individual. By and large, there is considerable lack of institutional training in this field. Even where some such system is available, proportionately more attention is focused on making young entrants physically fit and mentally alert in security duties. Resultantly, not much emphasis is paid on teaching the basic concepts of industrial security. It was a sad experience while talking to some young or budding industrial security managers that many of them were not really cognizant about the different facets of industrial security, as it has come to develop in the modern days. Most of them remain engaged in supervision and guiding guard duties and some of them excel in that as well, without ever knowing or appreciating the overall concepts or problems of security. That is unfortunate. Lack of adequate knowledge content stands in their way of turning into true professionals which they must become at all cost. Where does really industrial security start? It starts with security survey. Is that often done? A security manager receives an assignment of guarding or escorting. He completes his assignment successfully and feels contented. Thus all the skill or talents he might have had get rusted. He receives no systematic exposure to what industrial security is really comprised of. Then, security assignments are indeed varied, such as, bank security, office security, shop security, M.S. building security, open area residential security, plant security, etc. Yes, guarding and patrolling are essential and basic to the security needs in these assignments but the overall security perception would C:UserssbtyagiDownloadsNews Letter July 14.docx
  • 6. certainly require more than these basic skills. Very soon it happens that the security managers start feeling neglected as belonging to a second class profession, so to say, put under the charge of Administration or Personnel or HRD Department, to many of whom security management or arrangement is an anathema. This is notwithstanding the fact that at times one finds good HRD Chief with the correct security perception. A true security professional will, however, have to start from there or from this situation. How should he or she go about it? A few questions would clarify. Does he or she think about the overall scope of security in his/her assignment, particularly if it is in any installation or in office or any such big unit? This thinking exercise is imperative so as to develop the correct perception of the task in hand. Does the security expert maintain any record to build up database, which is absolutely necessary to drive home any contentious issues not otherwise acceptable? Often there is lethargy in drawing up the factual record of an incident where security has played some definite role under the misconceived perception that it was unimportant or might not be taken note of. The strength of a security unit will lie primarily on record or database built up over a period of time. Facts speak for themselves if marshaled and projected in a professional manner. Does a security expert think that he is a drain on the management unless he could prove the positive aspects of his function? It is more or less like the law enforcement machinery in the society. The police were generally considered a necessary evil but now enlightened citizens cannot turn blind eye to the social and corrective role of the police in the society. Similarly, many will not like a security functionary but the latter will have to have the missionary zeal to befriend others and make them understand their role in security, i.e., security is the concern of all. In order to achieve success, a security officer will have to prepare periodical reports or individual case studies or even normal incident reports in a manner bringing out the implications of an incident, such as, if some steps were not taken, what further loss would have resulted or what further dangers will lurk ahead. A security expert will have to visualize and may perhaps have to imagine realistically, to put this in a figure of speech fashion, to work out the loss prevention aspect of security functions. All this, however, is not so simple or easy. A security expert will have to acquaint himself with the functioning of all other departments to appreciate their relevance to the management concerned, which by and large and basically is to earn profit. An inter-departmental exposure to various functions and adaptation of an inter-disciplinary approach have often paid dividends hands down. Many security experts will be amazed to know that not infrequently extremely valuable suggestions relevant to security have come from non-security personnel. An aspect often lost sight of or is not considered relevant is the intelligence angle behind security functions. Even without having had problems, such as, relating to business espionage, intelligence input is essential not only for success but for survival as well. This had been true in the beginning of human civilization and holds good even today. A pitfall often noticed among many security experts is the lack of orientation towards modern or the-state- of-the-art technological aids now available to security. This is primarily because of the financial implications, as on the face of it security equipment require initial investment not easily seen to be commensurate with the apparent or immediate result. Systematic efforts will be required to demonstrate and prove how such technical measures will eventually be cost-effective and prove to C:UserssbtyagiDownloadsNews Letter July 14.docx
  • 7. be economical. There has to be a correct mix of men and machine in working out a typical integrated security system. This needs knowledge and self-education. In these days of stiff competition where the management themselves find it difficult to survive unless well up in business strategy, security experts will also have to learn to anticipate and adjust to face emerging challenges which keep on changing both in variety and quality. A proactive approach backed up by professional knowledge and commitment integrating oneself with the management is the need of the day. Another basic drawback a security expert needs to guard against in order to achieve any kind of success is lack of knowledge about the management’s overall perception or attitude towards security. Whereas a security expert will have to bring round his management to the correct line of security concern, he in his turn needs to merge himself with the business trend so to say. He will have to make efforts to fit in and justify his existence proving that security is not an unnecessary expense but an essential management tool and function. After all, no management will like to place themselves in any insecure position but the onus is on the security practitioners to prove that they can provide the same – both in physical and financial terms. All successful men in life have necessarily been able leaders. There cannot, therefore, be any gainsaying the fact that a security manager has to develop himself into a good leader, confident in his professional outlook, committed to discharging his tasks with honesty and integrity, looking after his men with love and care, while gearing up himself all the time to face emerging challenges with determination. To sum up, a security practitioner, aspiring to make a successful career will have to:  think, learn and learn  be a true and knowledgeable professional  apply himself with commitment  build up database with case studies  prove his worth or usefulness  have intelligence back-up system  know about the business in totality  adopt an inter-disciplinary approach  integrate with the management  be a true leader of men Success cannot, and will not, elude such a security practitioner! C:UserssbtyagiDownloadsNews Letter July 14.docx
  • 8. Capt G Raj Kumar is ICISS State Councilor for Andhra Pradesh. He has total 25 years of experience out of which he served 14 years in the Armed Forces and rest 11 years in the industry. He has unique distinction of serving in Air forces as well as in Army. While in Armed Forces he has been extensively involved in Counter Insurgency Operations. He holds degree of MBA (HRD) from Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur. Presently he is pursuing a Ph. D in Personnel Management. At present he is working in GAIL and is posted at Vizag, Andhra Pradesh. A keen sports enthusiast, he represents Andhra Pradesh Badminton Team. Previously he has played in badminton tournaments conducted by Petroleum Sports Control Board of India. He can be reached at Security professional challenges within are of utmost importance than that of external. It has been evident that lack of professionalism is haunting the security profession, of late. As the threats have seemingly complex and are faceless. Adding fuel to the fire, the rapid growth of technology is aiding the anti-socials / thieves to have edge over us. Crimes of faceless, boundary less, virtual, remote-controlled, hi-tech and criminal cosmopolitanism have further burdened our shoulders. To my insight, in this environment the only way to survive is to follow the way as enumerated by the great Sun Tzu - “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle”. Thus it is warranting us to be more tech-savvy and forethoughtful. As everyone in this profession would agree with me that unlike other departments or professions, we do not have scope of pass percentage or % of target achieved. We have only two parameters i.e., either we pass or fail. In other words, we may conclude saying that if we provide an incident free period, we may call it 100% success. In recent times, more and more companies are tilting towards technology and acquiring various technical gadgets in a big way. Everyone talks about CCTV, Baggage Scanners of various types, Bollards, Access Control Systems, etc. It is definitely a good sign, but then, there are certain aspects which need to be deliberated upon for a better output and ROI (return on Investment). Technology abundance, variety of gadgets and mushrooming business firms selling them has created a type of confusion in the minds of us i.e. end-users / security professionals. This is an inherent challenge we are facing now. In this situation either we depend on some technical departments or copy the specifications from someone who have already done some homework on this. The other intriguing aspect of present day is that someone has installed a high-tech security gadget, and, we decide to install similar or preferably a better or higher technology gadget in our organization. This results into a situation when most of the advanced features and applications remain unused or undesired. Someone has said that, “If we think that technology is going to solve all our problems then we either do not understand our problems or we do not understand the technology!” C:UserssbtyagiDownloadsNews Letter July 14.docx
  • 9. I am of firm opinion that ‘Science is good servant, but a bad master’! Let us use it optimally. Let us not totally depend on technology. Technology after all is as good as men behind the machine! Emphasis on human resources improvement / development should be given priority at par with technology. Whereby, the technology would complement the manpower to get maximum benefit /outcome. In this process there are certain points which I would like bring out here:  Man behind the machine has equal or more importance than the gadget. Hence, to be given due diligence in selecting.  Train and re-train the available human resources at our disposal for augmentation of existing security set-up.  Acquire compatible, suitable and relevant security gadgets rather than going for sake of it or following others or going for higher technology.  Lack of customer oriented and suiting software for various technical gadgets available in the market and complex & ever changing nature of threats compelling us to declare gadgets as ‘obsolete’ in very short period.  Adding to this is rapid technological advancement and substandard equipment floating in the markets. The price range of these equipment is mind boggling. You would get a CCTV camera with almost similar specifications for a very surprising price range. One can use a Rs.350 camera brought from Gaffar Market, New Delhi or use a reputed brand camera costing almost Rs.7,000/-, the quality of the footage has no drastic difference. This is an example to state that the range is wider.  There is a short-fall or slackness in developing a road map for implementing a well-planned enterprise level integrated security systems set-up. Most of the organizations go for a piece-meal procurement and installation of few security gadgets. We as professionals can chalk out a plan for systematized implementation of ‘Enterprise Security Solution’. Wherein any gadget procured should fall in the already chalked out plan only. This way one can, over a period of time, implement the road map and integrate the gadgets on one platform. This we may call it enterprise security umbrella. This is good for bigger organizations as well as small organizations or residential houses/apartment.  We, Security professionals, should develop a habit of making notes of events, incidents, accidents and other activities nearby or concerning. By generating lot of data, we should also be able to analyse the same and put to use for benefit our profession. As it is rightly said that “Noticing small changes early helps you adapt to the bigger changes that are to come”. Many organizations do not take in to account the security aspect at blue print stage whereby end-up in spending a lot in modifying the already built structures / perimeters. In many western countries, and, in fact in many of our country’s top business houses, the Security Department’s input is considered at blue print stage itself. Here it is the security professional’s task in proving his / her competence by implementing CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design). This helps the management decisions, since it gives due importance and value for environment as well as aesthetics. Finally come what may be, the vital element of Industrial Security or Residential Security or any form of security is ‘right manpower’ for it to be effective and efficient. The established wisdom of criminology is “Crime follows Opportunity”, hence our prime motto should be “Opportunity Reduction”. To my knowledge, common-sense, forethought, planning, C:UserssbtyagiDownloadsNews Letter July 14.docx
  • 10. timely implementation, system monitoring including feedback, review and redesigning are the vital elements of security profession. With this emerges a thumb rule of Security ‘ASC’: Assume Nothing Suspect Anything Check Everything ICISS at LinkedIn: ICISS at Google Group:!forum/icissm Suggestions & feedback may be sent to us on e-mail: P.S. - If you don't like to receive our newsletter, we apologize for bothering you. Please let us know your mail address and we will move it out from our contact list, thank you! C:UserssbtyagiDownloadsNews Letter July 14.docx