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                 Name                                                               Date               Class

                   LESSON        Practice B
                   14-3 Adding Polynomials
                   1. (a 2 ؉ a ؉ 3) ؉ (15a 2 ؉ 2a ؉ 9)                          2. (5x ؉ 2x 2) ؉ (3x ؊ 2x 2 )

                                 16a 2 ؉ 3a ؉ 12                                               8x
                   3. (mn ؊ 10 ؉ mn 2 ) ؉ (5 ؉ 3mn ؊ 4mn 2 ) 4. (7y 2z ؉ 9 ؉ yz 2 ) ؉ (y 2z ؊ 2yz 2 )

                             ؊3mn 2 ؉ 4mn ؊ 5                                               8a ؉ 5
                   5. (s 3 ؉ 3s ؊ 3) ؉ (2s 3 ؉ 9s ؊ 2) ؉ (s ؊ s 3)

                         2s 3 ؉ 13s ؊ 5

                   6. (6wv ؊ 4w 2v ؉ 7wv 2) ؉ (5w 2v ؊ 7wv 2) ؉ (wv 2 ؊ 5wv ؉ 6w 2v)

                         7w 2v ؉ wv 2 ؉ wv

                   7. (6b 2c 2 ؊ 4b 2c ؉ 3bc) ؉ (9b 2c 2 ؊ 4bc ؉ 12) ؉ (2b 2c ؊ 3bc ؊ 8)

                         15b 2c 2 ؊ 2b 2c ؊ 4bc ؉ 4

                   8. (7e 2 ؉ 3e ؉ 2) ؉ (9 ؊ 6e ؉ 4e 2) ؉ (9e ؉ 2 ؊ 6e 2) ؉ (4e 2 ؊ 7e ؉ 8)

                         9e 2 ؊ e ؉ 21

                   9. (f 4g ؊ fg 3 ؉ 2fg ؊ 4) ؉ (3fg 3 ؉ 3) ؉ (4f 4g ؊ 5fg) ؉ (3 ؊ 12fg 3 ؉ f 4g)


                 10. Six blocks of height 4h ؉ 4 each and 3 blocks of height 8 ؊ 2h
                     each are stacked on top of each other to form one big tower.
                     Find an expression for the overall height of the tower.

                         18h ؉ 48

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                  All rights reserved.                                     21                              Holt Mathematics                                       2/15/06          11:10 AM             Page 56

         LESSON Puzzles, Twisters & Teasers                                                                           LESSON Practice A
         14-2 Fix It!                                                                                                 14-3 Adding Polynomials
        A magic square has the same sum for every column, row and                                                    Add.
        diagonal. The sum is called the magic sum. In the magic square
                                                                                                                      1. (3a ؉ 3) ؉ (5a ؉ 2)                                               2. (4x ؊ x 2 – 9) ؉ (2 – 2x ؉ 6x 2 )
        below, one of the polynomials is incorrect. Find the magic sum.
        Then, find the polynomial that does not fit, circle it, and FIX IT!
                                                                                                                                              8a ؉ 5                                                   5x 2 ؉ 2x ؊ 7
                                                                                                                                              2                           2
                                                                                                                      3. (5y ؉ 2y ؉ 3) ؉ (؊5y ؉ 2y)                                        4. (3k ؉ 7k 2 ؉ k) ؉ (k 3 – 2k 2 – 10)

                                                                                                                                    ؊ 3y 2 ؉ 7y ؉ 3                                            4k 3 ؉ 5k 2 ؉ k ؉ 10
                4x 2 ؊ 2                             9x 2 ؊ 7             2x 2 ؊ 6
                                                                                                                      5. (2wv ؊ 2w v) ؉ (7wv + 6w v ) ؉ (؊ 3wv ؉ wv 2)
                                                                                                                                                  2                   2           2

                                                                                                                            4w 2v ؉ 8wv 2 ؊ wv

                                                                                                                      6. (b 2c 2 ؊ b 2c ؉ 3bc) ؉ (b 2c 2 ؊ bc ؉ 1) ؉ (2b 2c – bc – 1)

                                                                                                                            2b 2c 2 ؉ b 2c ؉ bc
                          2                              2                     2
                3x ؊ 9                               5x ؊ 5               7x ؊ 1                                      7. (e 2 ؉ 3e ؉ 2) ؉ (9 ؊ 6e ؉ e 2) ؉ (9e ؊ 2 ؊ e 2) ؉ (4e 2 – 7e – 8)

                                                                                                                            5e 2 ؊ e ؉ 1

                                                                                                                      8. (f 4 ؊ 2f ؉ f 3 ؊ 4) ؉ (3f 3 ؉ 3) ؉ (f 4 ؊ f ) ؉ (3 ؊ f 3 ؉ f 4 ؊ f ) ؉ (4 ؊ f )

                                                                                                                            3f 4 ؉ 3f 3 ؊ 5f ؉ 6
                          2                               2                    2
                8x ؊ 4                               10x ؊ 2              6x ؊ 8                                      9. Micah is putting a frame of width w around an 18-inch by 24-inch
                                                                                                                         poster. Find an expression for the length of framing material
                                                                                                                         she needs.

                                                                                                                            4w ؉ 84

                                                                                                                     10. Each side of an equilateral triangle has length w ؉ 3. Each side
                                                                                                                         of a square has length 2w ؉ 2. Write an expression for the sum
                                                                                                                         of the perimeter of the equilateral triangle and the perimeter of
                                                                                                                         the square.
        Magic sum                           15x 2 ؊ 15
                                                                                                                            11w ؉ 17
        Incorrect polynomial                          10x 2 ؊ 2
        Corrected polynomial                             x2 ؊ 3

        Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
        All rights reserved.
                                                                  19                              Holt Mathematics   Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
                                                                                                                     All rights reserved.
                                                                                                                                                                                      20                                   Holt Mathematics

         LESSON Practice B                                                                                            LESSON Practice C
         14-3 Adding Polynomials                                                                                      14-3 Adding Polynomials
       Add.                                                                                                          Add.
         1. (a 2 ؉ a ؉ 3) ؉ (15a 2 ؉ 2a ؉ 9)                           2. (5x ؉ 2x 2) ؉ (3x ؊ 2x 2 )                  1. (3a 2 ؉ 3a ؉ 3) ؉ (15a 2 ؉ 2a – 9)                                2. (3g 2 ؉ 2hg) ؉ (5g 2 ؉ hg ؊ 9h 2g)

                       16a 2 ؉ 3a ؉ 12                                                8x                                             18a 2 ؉ 5a ؊ 6                                               8g 2 ؊ 9h 2g ؉ 3hg
         3. (mn ؊ 10 ؉ mn 2 ) ؉ (5 ؉ 3mn ؊ 4mn 2 ) 4. (7y 2z ؉ 9 ؉ yz 2 ) ؉ (y 2z ؊ 2yz 2 )                                                              2
                                                                                                                      3. (5x ؊ 4y ؉ 6y ) ؉ (–5y ؉ 2y ؊ 3x)                2
                                                                                                                                                                                           4. (m 2 ؉ 3m ؊ 2) ؉ (4m 2 ؉ m ؊ 9)

                   ؊3mn 2 ؉ 4mn ؊ 5                                           8y 2z ؊ yz 2 ؉ 9                                           y 2 ؉ 2x ؊ 2y                                             5m 2 ؉ 4m ؊ 11

                                                                                                                             ΂                                        ΃ ΂             ΃
                                                                                                                                3       1        1      1       1
         5. (s 3 ؉ 3s ؊ 3) ؉ (2s 3 ؉ 9s ؊ 2) ؉ (s ؊ s 3)                                                              5.        ᎏᎏ s3 ؉ ᎏᎏ s 2 ؉ ᎏᎏ t ؉ ᎏᎏ s3 ؉ ᎏᎏ t
                                                                                                                                2       6        3      2       3
               2s 3 ؉ 13s ؊ 5                                                                                                      1        2
                                                                                                                            2s 3 ؉ ᎏᎏ s 2 ؉ ᎏᎏ t
                                                                                                                                             6                    3
         6. (6wv ؊ 4w 2v ؉ 7wv 2) ؉ (5w 2v ؊ 7wv 2) ؉ (wv 2 ؊ 5wv ؉ 6w 2v)                                            6. (6wv ؊ 4w 2v ؉ 7wv 2) ؉ (5w 2v ؊ 7wv 2) ؉ (wv 2 ؊ 5wv ؉ 6w 2v) ؊ 7w 2v

               7w 2v ؉ wv 2 ؉ wv                                                                                            wv 2 ؉ wv

         7. (6b 2c 2 ؊ 4b 2c ؉ 3bc) ؉ (9b 2c 2 ؊ 4bc ؉ 12) ؉ (2b 2c ؊ 3bc ؊ 8)                                        7. (6b 2c 2 ؊ 11b 2c ؉ 3.25bc) ؉ (9b 2c 2 ؊ 45bc ؉ 12) ؉ (2b 2c ؊ 3.25bc ؊ 8)
                         2 2                 2
               15b c ؊ 2b c ؊ 4bc ؉ 4                                                                                       15b 2c 2 ؊ 9b 2c ؊ 45bc ؉ 4

                                                                                                                            ΂                                ΃ ΂                      ΃ ΂                    ΃ ؉ (4e
                                                                                                                         1                          1                 6
         8. (7e 2 ؉ 3e ؉ 2) ؉ (9 ؊ 6e ؉ 4e 2) ؉ (9e ؉ 2 ؊ 6e 2) ؉ (4e 2 ؊ 7e ؉ 8)                                     8. ᎏᎏ e 2 ؉ 3e ؉ 2 ؉ 9 ؊ 6e ؉ ᎏᎏ e 2 ؉ 9e ؊ 2 ؉ ᎏᎏ e 2                                           2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ؊ 7e ؊ 8)
                                                                                                                         7                          4                 7
               9e ؊ e ؉ 21                                                                                                     1
                                                                                                                             5 ᎏᎏ e 2 ؊ e ؉ 1
         9. (f 4g ؊ fg 3 ؉ 2fg ؊ 4) ؉ (3fg 3 ؉ 3) ؉ (4f 4g ؊ 5fg) ؉ (3 ؊ 12fg 3 ؉ f 4g)

                                                                                                                                ΂ᎏ2ᎏ f                                        ΃               ΂               ΃
                                                                                                                                 1 4            1                         2         5
                                                                                                                                    g ؊ 2fg 3 ؉ ᎏᎏ fg ؊ 4 ؉ (3fg 3 ؉ 3) ؉ ᎏᎏ f 4g ؊ ᎏᎏ fg ؉ (3 ؊ 12fg 3 ؉ f 4g)
               6f 4g ؊ 10fg 3 ؊ 3fg ؉ 2                                                                               9.                        2                         4         2
                                                                                                                            2f 4g ؊ 11fg 3 ؊ 2fg ؉ 2
       10. Six blocks of height 4h ؉ 4 each and 3 blocks of height 8 ؊ 2h
           each are stacked on top of each other to form one big tower.                                              10. The area of Kenny’s back yard is 2h 2 ؊ 9h ؉ 8 square yards.
           Find an expression for the overall height of the tower.                                                       The area of Kenny’s front yard is h 2 ؊ 38 square yards. Write
                                                                                                                         an expression for the total area of Kenny’s back and front yards.
               18h ؉ 48
                                                                                                                            3h 2 ؊ 9h ؊ 30 square yards

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        All rights reserved.
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      All rights reserved.
                                                                                                                56                                                                                        Holt Mathematics

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14 +3+practice+b+adv

  • 1. 2/15/06 10:44 AM Page 21 Name Date Class LESSON Practice B 14-3 Adding Polynomials Add. 1. (a 2 ؉ a ؉ 3) ؉ (15a 2 ؉ 2a ؉ 9) 2. (5x ؉ 2x 2) ؉ (3x ؊ 2x 2 ) 16a 2 ؉ 3a ؉ 12 8x 3. (mn ؊ 10 ؉ mn 2 ) ؉ (5 ؉ 3mn ؊ 4mn 2 ) 4. (7y 2z ؉ 9 ؉ yz 2 ) ؉ (y 2z ؊ 2yz 2 ) ؊3mn 2 ؉ 4mn ؊ 5 8a ؉ 5 5. (s 3 ؉ 3s ؊ 3) ؉ (2s 3 ؉ 9s ؊ 2) ؉ (s ؊ s 3) 2s 3 ؉ 13s ؊ 5 6. (6wv ؊ 4w 2v ؉ 7wv 2) ؉ (5w 2v ؊ 7wv 2) ؉ (wv 2 ؊ 5wv ؉ 6w 2v) 7w 2v ؉ wv 2 ؉ wv 7. (6b 2c 2 ؊ 4b 2c ؉ 3bc) ؉ (9b 2c 2 ؊ 4bc ؉ 12) ؉ (2b 2c ؊ 3bc ؊ 8) 15b 2c 2 ؊ 2b 2c ؊ 4bc ؉ 4 8. (7e 2 ؉ 3e ؉ 2) ؉ (9 ؊ 6e ؉ 4e 2) ؉ (9e ؉ 2 ؊ 6e 2) ؉ (4e 2 ؊ 7e ؉ 8) 9e 2 ؊ e ؉ 21 9. (f 4g ؊ fg 3 ؉ 2fg ؊ 4) ؉ (3fg 3 ؉ 3) ؉ (4f 4g ؊ 5fg) ؉ (3 ؊ 12fg 3 ؉ f 4g) 62 10. Six blocks of height 4h ؉ 4 each and 3 blocks of height 8 ؊ 2h each are stacked on top of each other to form one big tower. Find an expression for the overall height of the tower. 18h ؉ 48 Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 21 Holt Mathematics
  • 2. 2/15/06 11:10 AM Page 56 LESSON Puzzles, Twisters & Teasers LESSON Practice A 14-2 Fix It! 14-3 Adding Polynomials A magic square has the same sum for every column, row and Add. diagonal. The sum is called the magic sum. In the magic square 1. (3a ؉ 3) ؉ (5a ؉ 2) 2. (4x ؊ x 2 – 9) ؉ (2 – 2x ؉ 6x 2 ) below, one of the polynomials is incorrect. Find the magic sum. Then, find the polynomial that does not fit, circle it, and FIX IT! 8a ؉ 5 5x 2 ؉ 2x ؊ 7 2 2 3. (5y ؉ 2y ؉ 3) ؉ (؊5y ؉ 2y) 4. (3k ؉ 7k 2 ؉ k) ؉ (k 3 – 2k 2 – 10) 3 ؊ 3y 2 ؉ 7y ؉ 3 4k 3 ؉ 5k 2 ؉ k ؉ 10 4x 2 ؊ 2 9x 2 ؊ 7 2x 2 ؊ 6 5. (2wv ؊ 2w v) ؉ (7wv + 6w v ) ؉ (؊ 3wv ؉ wv 2) 2 2 2 4w 2v ؉ 8wv 2 ؊ wv 6. (b 2c 2 ؊ b 2c ؉ 3bc) ؉ (b 2c 2 ؊ bc ؉ 1) ؉ (2b 2c – bc – 1) 2b 2c 2 ؉ b 2c ؉ bc 2 2 2 3x ؊ 9 5x ؊ 5 7x ؊ 1 7. (e 2 ؉ 3e ؉ 2) ؉ (9 ؊ 6e ؉ e 2) ؉ (9e ؊ 2 ؊ e 2) ؉ (4e 2 – 7e – 8) 5e 2 ؊ e ؉ 1 8. (f 4 ؊ 2f ؉ f 3 ؊ 4) ؉ (3f 3 ؉ 3) ؉ (f 4 ؊ f ) ؉ (3 ؊ f 3 ؉ f 4 ؊ f ) ؉ (4 ؊ f ) 3f 4 ؉ 3f 3 ؊ 5f ؉ 6 2 2 2 8x ؊ 4 10x ؊ 2 6x ؊ 8 9. Micah is putting a frame of width w around an 18-inch by 24-inch poster. Find an expression for the length of framing material she needs. 4w ؉ 84 10. Each side of an equilateral triangle has length w ؉ 3. Each side of a square has length 2w ؉ 2. Write an expression for the sum of the perimeter of the equilateral triangle and the perimeter of the square. Magic sum 15x 2 ؊ 15 11w ؉ 17 Incorrect polynomial 10x 2 ؊ 2 Corrected polynomial x2 ؊ 3 Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 19 Holt Mathematics Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 20 Holt Mathematics LESSON Practice B LESSON Practice C 14-3 Adding Polynomials 14-3 Adding Polynomials Add. Add. 1. (a 2 ؉ a ؉ 3) ؉ (15a 2 ؉ 2a ؉ 9) 2. (5x ؉ 2x 2) ؉ (3x ؊ 2x 2 ) 1. (3a 2 ؉ 3a ؉ 3) ؉ (15a 2 ؉ 2a – 9) 2. (3g 2 ؉ 2hg) ؉ (5g 2 ؉ hg ؊ 9h 2g) 16a 2 ؉ 3a ؉ 12 8x 18a 2 ؉ 5a ؊ 6 8g 2 ؊ 9h 2g ؉ 3hg 3. (mn ؊ 10 ؉ mn 2 ) ؉ (5 ؉ 3mn ؊ 4mn 2 ) 4. (7y 2z ؉ 9 ؉ yz 2 ) ؉ (y 2z ؊ 2yz 2 ) 2 3. (5x ؊ 4y ؉ 6y ) ؉ (–5y ؉ 2y ؊ 3x) 2 4. (m 2 ؉ 3m ؊ 2) ؉ (4m 2 ؉ m ؊ 9) ؊3mn 2 ؉ 4mn ؊ 5 8y 2z ؊ yz 2 ؉ 9 y 2 ؉ 2x ؊ 2y 5m 2 ؉ 4m ؊ 11 ΂ ΃ ΂ ΃ 3 1 1 1 1 5. (s 3 ؉ 3s ؊ 3) ؉ (2s 3 ؉ 9s ؊ 2) ؉ (s ؊ s 3) 5. ᎏᎏ s3 ؉ ᎏᎏ s 2 ؉ ᎏᎏ t ؉ ᎏᎏ s3 ؉ ᎏᎏ t 2 6 3 2 3 2s 3 ؉ 13s ؊ 5 1 2 2s 3 ؉ ᎏᎏ s 2 ؉ ᎏᎏ t 6 3 6. (6wv ؊ 4w 2v ؉ 7wv 2) ؉ (5w 2v ؊ 7wv 2) ؉ (wv 2 ؊ 5wv ؉ 6w 2v) 6. (6wv ؊ 4w 2v ؉ 7wv 2) ؉ (5w 2v ؊ 7wv 2) ؉ (wv 2 ؊ 5wv ؉ 6w 2v) ؊ 7w 2v 7w 2v ؉ wv 2 ؉ wv wv 2 ؉ wv 7. (6b 2c 2 ؊ 4b 2c ؉ 3bc) ؉ (9b 2c 2 ؊ 4bc ؉ 12) ؉ (2b 2c ؊ 3bc ؊ 8) 7. (6b 2c 2 ؊ 11b 2c ؉ 3.25bc) ؉ (9b 2c 2 ؊ 45bc ؉ 12) ؉ (2b 2c ؊ 3.25bc ؊ 8) 2 2 2 15b c ؊ 2b c ؊ 4bc ؉ 4 15b 2c 2 ؊ 9b 2c ؊ 45bc ؉ 4 ΂ ΃ ΂ ΃ ΂ ΃ ؉ (4e 1 1 6 8. (7e 2 ؉ 3e ؉ 2) ؉ (9 ؊ 6e ؉ 4e 2) ؉ (9e ؉ 2 ؊ 6e 2) ؉ (4e 2 ؊ 7e ؉ 8) 8. ᎏᎏ e 2 ؉ 3e ؉ 2 ؉ 9 ؊ 6e ؉ ᎏᎏ e 2 ؉ 9e ؊ 2 ؉ ᎏᎏ e 2 2 ؊ 7e ؊ 8) 7 4 7 2 9e ؊ e ؉ 21 1 5 ᎏᎏ e 2 ؊ e ؉ 1 4 9. (f 4g ؊ fg 3 ؉ 2fg ؊ 4) ؉ (3fg 3 ؉ 3) ؉ (4f 4g ؊ 5fg) ؉ (3 ؊ 12fg 3 ؉ f 4g) ΂ᎏ2ᎏ f ΃ ΂ ΃ 1 4 1 2 5 g ؊ 2fg 3 ؉ ᎏᎏ fg ؊ 4 ؉ (3fg 3 ؉ 3) ؉ ᎏᎏ f 4g ؊ ᎏᎏ fg ؉ (3 ؊ 12fg 3 ؉ f 4g) 6f 4g ؊ 10fg 3 ؊ 3fg ؉ 2 9. 2 4 2 2f 4g ؊ 11fg 3 ؊ 2fg ؉ 2 10. Six blocks of height 4h ؉ 4 each and 3 blocks of height 8 ؊ 2h each are stacked on top of each other to form one big tower. 10. The area of Kenny’s back yard is 2h 2 ؊ 9h ؉ 8 square yards. Find an expression for the overall height of the tower. The area of Kenny’s front yard is h 2 ؊ 38 square yards. Write an expression for the total area of Kenny’s back and front yards. 18h ؉ 48 3h 2 ؊ 9h ؊ 30 square yards Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 21 Holt Mathematics Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 22 Holt Mathematics Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 56 Holt Mathematics