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Mathematics I


Module 3.3: Applications of Rational Algebraic Expressions

EXPLORE Your Understanding

                                       Assess your understanding of the different
                                 mathematics concepts previously studied. This may
                                 help    you   in  understanding    the    different
                                 Applications of Rational Algebraic Expressions.
                                 Perform each given activity. If you find any
                                 difficulty in answering the exercises, seek the
                                 assistance of your teacher or peers or refer to
                                 modules you have previously gone over.

Activity 1

Directions: Perform each indicated operation, then express your answer in simplest
form. Answer the questions that follow.

                  a 4b c                                    5n  5 9
             1.                                  6.                   
                  b3c a3                                      3     n 1

                10n3 12n3 x 9                            2a  7c       36
             2.                                  7.                           
                 6x 7 25n5 x 5                               6          7c  2a

                              5b 3 
                 2a                                   a 2  b 2 16
             3.            
                              16a  
                                                  8.                 
                 b                                      4      ab
                                                              x  y  
                 8m  n 
                         2                                             2
             4.  4      
                                                  9.       
                 n  2m                              xy      6

                7x 3 y 5 44z 5                           x5       x2  4
             5.                                  10. 2                 
                11z 2 21x 7 y 2                       x  7x  10 x  2

3 2                                    1 2
             11.                                21.     
                p p                                   2y y
                3r 2 8r 4                              2    3
             12. 3  5                           22.      2 
                9r   6r                               10x 5x

                 25m10 15m6                              1  1
             13.                                23.       
                  9m5   20m 4                           a8 a

                    3s     6s 2                          2x     3x
             14.         2                      24.                
                   s  2 2s  4s                        x  y 2x  2y

                   5m  25 6m  30                       m3       m2
             15.                                               2        
                                                  25. m  4m  4 m  m  6
                     10      12
                 2r  2p r 2  rp                      m     1
             16.                                26.           
                    8       72                        m 1 m 1
                 2y y2                              ab ab
             17.                                27.           
                   8     12y                            7     7
                 4y  12    y2  9                        3a      5a
             18.                                28.           2      
                 2y  10 y 2  y  20                   2a  4a 2a  4a

                      3           12                     6      3
         19.                 2                  29.                
                 b  5b  6 b  b  2
                                                        p  4 2p  4

                  6r  18    4r  12                  2t  1 2t  1
             20. 2                              30.              
                3r  2r  8 12r  16                   t 1   t 1

             How did you perform each operation?

             Which operation did you find difficult to perform? Why?

             Were you able to express you answers in simplest forms? How?

Activity 2

Directions: Translate each of the following English phrases into algebraic
         1. Twice the difference of two numbers

             2. Six times a number increased by three

             3. The difference of two numbers divided by twice their sum

             4. Five times the sum of a number and 4 divided by their product

             5. A fraction whose numerator is 5 less than the denominator

6. The total cost of a number of folders that cost Php2 each

          7. A distance that is 10 m shorter than x meters

          8. The cost of one banana if a number of bananas costs Php350

          9. The distance (d) travelled by a car divided by its rate (r) of travel when

             d = 120 and r = x + 10.

          10. A train that travelled 100 km farther than the distance a bus had

          11. The part of the work Edna could finish in 5 hr, if she could finish it in x

          12. The cost of a motorcycle that is ten times the cost of a mountain bike

          13. The ratio of the length of a rectangle to its width when its length is 7 cm
              more than its width.

          14. The ratio of the amount of water in a cleaning solution when the
              amount of solution is 10 cups less than the amount of water.

          15. The time it took a bus to travel a distance of 90 km when its rate of
              travel is (x + 15) kph.

FIRM UP Your Understanding

       Read and understand important notes about the
 different   Applications   of   Rational    Algebraic
 Expressions. Use the mathematical ideas and the
 examples that will be presented here in answering the
 activity provided.

Learn About These

        The concept of rational algebraic expressions finds its applications in different
fields such as agriculture, physics, biology, business, economics, industry, and many
others. Many real-life situations in these fields could be modeled and solved by
applying the different operations on rational algebraic expressions.

3                                     1
Examples:   1. Mang Pedro planted       of his piece of land with rice and     of the
                                      5                                     2
                  remaining was planted with corn. What part of his land is planted
                  with rice and corn?


                    Let x = total area of Mang Pedro’s land
                          x = part of the land that is planted with rice
                          x = remaining part of Mang Pedro’s land not planted with
                       1 2  1
                          x   x = part of the land that is planted with corn
                       2 5  5
                       3      1
                          x  x = part of the land that is planted with rice and corn
                       5      5
                       3      1      4
                          x x x
                       5      5      5
                 Answer: The part of the land that is planted with rice and corn is

                 Problem Extension:

                     Suppose x = 15,000 m2, what is the area of the land that is
                     planted with rice? How about corn?

                     The part of the land that is planted with rice is     x.
                     Substituting the value of x gives     15,000   9,000 m 2 .

                 Answer:     9,000 m2 is planted with rice.

                     The part of the land that is planted with corn is     x. Again,
                     substituting the value of x gives    15,000   3,000 m 2 .
                     Answer:        3,000 m is planted with tomatoes.

            2.    Alexa left her home at 6:30 AM and took a bus going to the
                  university where she teaches. After travelling for about 20 km, the
                  bus stopped due to engine malfunction. No other buses passed by

that time so she decided to ride in a jeepney and travelled 12 km
                  more. The bus travelled twice as fast as the jeepney. What
                  expression represents Alexa’s total time of travel from her home to
                  the university?


                     Let x = speed of the jeepney
                         2x = speed of the bus
                         tb = time of travel riding in the bus
                         tj = time of travel riding in a jeepney

                     The time of travel can be determined by getting the ratio of the
                     distance travelled to the rate of travel. Since Alexa travelled
                     20 km riding in the bus, her time of travel is given by tb      .
                     Likewise, since she travelled 12 km riding a jeepney, her time of
                     travel is given by t j     .

                                                            20 12
                     Alexa’s total time of travel then is        .
                                                            2x x

                                    Check Learned Processes or Skills

                                 Apply the processes or skills learned
                           related to the Applications of Rational
                           Algebraic   Expressions   by    performing
                           Activity 3.
Activity 3

Directions: Read each situation then answer the questions that follow.

        1. A boat travels 15 km upstream and 15 km back. The speed of the
           current is 10 kph.
           a. How would you represent the speed of the boat in still water?

                How about its speed upstream? downstream?

             b. What expression represents the boat’s time of travel upstream?

                How about downstream?

             c. What expression represents the boat’s total time of travel?

        2. Melecio and Brian are asked to paint a room. If Melecio works alone, he
           can do the job in 6 days. If they work together, they can paint the room in
           4 days.

a. What part of the job can Melecio finish in 1 day?

        How about the part of the job that Brian can finish in 1 day?

     b. If they work together, what expression would represent the part of the
        job they can finish in 1 day?

 3. Grace spent three-fourths of her money for a blouse. Then she spent
    half of the remaining for a handkerchief.
    a. How would you represent the amount of money Grace originally had?

     b. What expression represents the amount of money Grace spent for a

        How about for the handkerchief?
     c. If Php25 is left from her money, what expression represents the
        amount of money she originally had?

     d. If the handkerchief costs Php25, how much did Grace spend for the

4.   Ariel drove a distance of 290 km, part at 70 kph and part at 50 kph.
     a. If x represents the distance traveled at 70 kph, how would you
        represent the distance traveled at 50 kph?

     b. The distance (d) traveled is equal to the rate (r) of travel multiplied by
        the time (t) of travel or d = rt. How would you represent the time of
        travel at 70 kph?

        How about the time of travel at 50 kph?

     c. What expression represents the total time spent in traveling 290 km?

5.   The time it took a faster runner to run a distance of 80 m is the same as
     the time it took a slower runner to run a distance of 60 m. The rate of the
     faster runner was 1.5 meters per sec (m/s) more than the rate of the
     slower runner.
     a. What expression represents the time it took the faster runner to run a
         distance of 80 m?

        How about the expression that represents the time it took the slower
        runner to run a distance of 60 m?

     b. Suppose the speed of the slower runner is 1.5 m/s, how long did the
        faster runner cover the distance of 80 m?

6.   A train left the terminal with some passengers. At the first station, one-
     fourth of the passengers got off, and fifteen new ones got on.
     a. How would you represent the number of passengers when the train
         left the terminal?

How about the number of passengers who got off at the first station?

     b. Suppose there were 120 passengers in the train when it left the
        terminal, how many passengers were aboard after leaving the first
        station? Justify your answer

7.   A furniture shop can produce a table for Php1,200 in addition to an initial
     investment of Php35,000.
     a. If a number of tables is to be produced, how would you represent the
        total cost of manufacturing the product?
     b. What expression represents the average cost of each table?

     c. If 200 tables are to be manufactured, what would be the cost of

8.   The graduating class of Mangaldan National High School went on an
     educational tour. A portion of their total expenses was shouldered by
     their municipal mayor and other sponsors. The remaining part amounting
     to Php42,000 was divided equally by the students who joined the tour.
     The day before the trip, 100 students decided not to join the tour. This
     increased the cost by Php10 per student.
     a. What expression represents the amount each student is supposed to
         pay if all of them joined the tour?
     b. What expression represents the amount each student paid after 100
         of them decided not to join?
     c. Suppose each student paid Php70, how many of them joined the

9.   Andres goes to work by walking 1 km and traveling 8 km more by riding
     a tricycle. He observes that the tricycle’s rate of travel is eight times his
     rate in walking.
     a. How would you represent Andres’ rate in walking?

        How about the rate of travel of the tricycle?

     b. How would you represent Andres’ time spent in walking?

        How about his time of travel in riding a tricycle?

     c. Suppose Andres walks at a rate of 4 kph, how much time does he
        spend in walking?

     d. How about the time that he spends in riding a tricycle?

10. The time it takes for a bus to travel a distance of 300 km is the same as
    the time a car takes to travel a distance of 200 km. The bus travels 25
    kph faster than the car.
    a. How would you represent the rate of travel of the bus?

        How about the car’s rate of travel?

b. How would you represent the bus’ time of travel in terms of the
                 distance travelled and its rate of travel?

                  How about the car’s time of travel?

DEEPEN Your Understanding

                             Think deeper and check your
                       understanding of the Applications of
                       Rational Algebraic Expressions by doing
                       the following activity.

Activity 4

Directions: Answer the following items. Show your complete solutions or
          1. It take 6 hr for Angelo to install an air conditioning unit. If Allan helps
              him, it would take them 4 hr.
              a. How would you represent the part of the work that Angelo could
                 finish in 1 hr?

                b. If Allan works alone, how would you represent the part of the work
                   he can finish in 1 hr?

                c. How would you represent the part of the work they will finish in 1 hr
                   if they work together?

                d. Suppose Allan can do the same job in 6 hr, do you think they will
                   take more than 4 hr in doing the job if they work together? Justify
                   your answer.

             2. Mr. Fernandez, a rice retailer, purchased a number of sacks of rice
                over 3 months. In the first month, he bought one-fourth of the total
                number of sacks of rice. In the second month, he purchased two-thirds
                of the total number of sacks of rice. In the third month, he bought 10
                sacks of rice.
                a. How would you represent the number of sacks of rice Mr.
                    Fernandez bought in the first month?

                   How about in the second month?

                b. What expression represents the total number of sacks Mr.
                   Fernandez bought?

c. Suppose the total number of sacks of rice bought by Mr. Fernandez
                   is 120. How many sacks of rice did the retailer purchased in the first
                   How about in the second month?

                d. Suppose you are a rice retailer or somebody who is engaged in
                   business. Would you purchase a big number of goods and keep it in
                   your storage then sell these when the right time comes? Explain
                   your answer.

             3. A shoe factory can produce a pair of shoes for Php700 in addition to an
                initial investment of Php50,000.
                a. If x is the number of pairs of shoes to be produced, what expression
                     represents the average cost of each pair?

                b. Suppose the production cost increases from Php700 to Php800 and
                   the number of pairs to be produced remains the same. How would it
                   affect the average cost of each pair of shoes?

                   How about if the production cost decreases from Php700 to

                c. Suppose you are the shoe factory owner and you have noticed that
                   the production cost of each pair of shoes is increasing. What would
                   you do if you wanted the average cost to remain the same?

TRANSFER Your Understanding

                                     Apply your understanding on Rational
                                Algebraic Expressions through the following
                                culminating activities that reflect meaningful
                                and relevant problems/situations.

Activity 5

   1. Visit any factory in your community and take note of the number of workers,
      number of hours each worker does a particular job, and the number of
      particular product each worker makes. If possible, ask also the owner of the
      factory the amount of his investment and the production cost for each product.
      Out of the information that you could obtain, formulate and solve problems
      involving rational algebraic expressions. If given the chance, discuss with the
      factory owner how he could increase his profit. You may use the problems
      formulated and solved.

2. Find at least 3 situations in real life where rational algebraic expressions are
      applied. Model each situation by rational algebraic expression and formulate
      problems out of these situations.

                                 Answers Key

Module 3.3: Applications of Rational Algebraic Expressions

Activity 1
        a                             3                           5
   1. 2                           11.                        21.
       b                              2                          2y
        4n                            1                          2x  6
   2.                             12.                        22.
       5x 3                           4                          10x 2
       5a 2                           100m3                      2a  8
   3.                             13.                        23. 2
         2                              27                       a  8a
       n2                                                           7x
   4.                             14. 1                      24.
       m2                                                        2( x  y )
        4y 3 z3                                                    2m2  2m  13
   5.                             15. 1                      25.
         x4                                                        (m  2)2 (m  3)
   6. 15                          16.                        26. -1
                                         3y                      2b
   7. 6                           17.                        27.
                                           2                       7
                                        2( y  4)                    1
   8. 4(a + b)                    18.                        28. 
                                           y3                     a2
        xy                                  b 1                 3p  6
   9.                             19.                       29.
         2                                 4(b  3)              2p 2  8
                                          6                        6t
   10. 1                          20.                        30. 2
                                        r2                      t 1

Activity 2 (Any variable could be used.)
   1. 2(x – y)                    6. 2x                      11.
   2. 6t + 3                      7. x – 10                  12.   10x
        xy                          350                           w 7
   3.                             8.                         13.
      2( x  y )                       x                             w
        x  4                       120                          x  10
   4. 5                         9.                         14.
        4x                         x  10                           x
      x 5                                                           90
   5.                             10. x + 100                15.
         x                                                         x  15

Activity 3
   1. a. speed of boat in still water: x

speed of boat upstream: x – 10
        speed of boat downstream: x + 10
     b. time of travel upstream:
                                    x  10
        time of travel downstream:
                                        x  10
                                        15     15
     c. boat’s total time of travel:         +
                                      x  10 x  10

2. a. part of the job Melecio can finish in 1 day:
        part of the job Bryan can finish in 1 day:
     b. part of the job Melecio and Bryan can finish in 1 day working together:
      1 1
     6 x
3.   a. amount of money Grace originally had: x
     b. amount of money Grace spent for a blouse:          x
                                                                  1 1       1
         amount of money Grace spent for the handkerchief:          x  or x
                                                                  24        8
          3     1
     c.     x  x  25             d. Php150
          4    8
4.   a. 290 – x
                                    x                                        290  x
     b. time of travel at 70 kph:               time of travel at 50 kph:
                                   70                                          50
           x 290  x
     c.      
         70       50
5.   a. time it took the faster runner to run a distance of 80 m:
                                                                     x  1 .5
         time it took the slower runner to run a distance of 60 m:
     b. 26 sec
6.   a. number of passengers when the train left the terminal: x
         number of passengers who got off at the first station:      x
     b. 105

7. a. total cost of manufacturing the product: 1,200x + 35,000
                                    1200x  35,000
   b. average cost of each table:
   c. Php1,375

42,000                42,000
   8. a.                      b.                            c. 600
                x                  x  100
   9. a. Andres rate of walking: x                                 c.     hr or 15 min
           rate of travel of the tricycle: 8x
      b. Andres’ time spent in walking:                            d. 15 min
           time of travel in riding a tricycle:
   10. a. rate of travel of the bus: x + 25                        b. bus’ time of travel:
                                                                                              x  25
           car’s rate of travel: x                                      car’s time of travel:

Activity 4
             1                       1                           1   1    1
   1. a.                      b.                            c.     +   or                 d. No
             6                       x                           6   x    4
                       1                                   2
   2. a. 1st month:      x               2nd month:          x
                       4                                   3
            1    2
      b.      x + x + 10
            4    3
      c.   1st month: 30          2nd month: 80
            700x  50,000
   3. a.
      b.   The average cost would increase.
           The average cost would decrease.
      c.   Increase the number of shoes to be manufactured


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Module 3 3

  • 1. Mathematics I Quarter 3: RATIONAL ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS Module 3.3: Applications of Rational Algebraic Expressions EXPLORE Your Understanding Assess your understanding of the different mathematics concepts previously studied. This may help you in understanding the different Applications of Rational Algebraic Expressions. Perform each given activity. If you find any difficulty in answering the exercises, seek the assistance of your teacher or peers or refer to modules you have previously gone over. Activity 1 Directions: Perform each indicated operation, then express your answer in simplest form. Answer the questions that follow. a 4b c 5n  5 9 1.   6.   b3c a3 3 n 1 10n3 12n3 x 9  2a  7c  36 2.   7.   6x 7 25n5 x 5 6  7c  2a  5b 3  3  2a  a 2  b 2 16 3.     16a    8.    b    4 ab x  y   3  8m  n  2 2 3 4.  4     9.   n  2m  xy 6 7x 3 y 5 44z 5 x5 x2  4 5.   10. 2   11z 2 21x 7 y 2 x  7x  10 x  2 1
  • 2. 3 2 1 2 11.   21.   p p 2y y 3r 2 8r 4 2 3 12. 3  5  22.  2  9r 6r 10x 5x 25m10 15m6 1 1 13.   23.   9m5 20m 4 a8 a 3s 6s 2 2x 3x 14.  2  24.   s  2 2s  4s x  y 2x  2y 5m  25 6m  30 m3 m2 15.    2  25. m  4m  4 m  m  6 2 10 12 2r  2p r 2  rp m 1 16.   26.   8 72 m 1 m 1 2y y2 ab ab 17.   27.   8 12y 7 7 4y  12 y2  9 3a 5a 18.   28.  2  2y  10 y 2  y  20 2a  4a 2a  4a 2 3  12 6 3 19.  2  29.   b  5b  6 b  b  2 2 p  4 2p  4 2 6r  18 4r  12 2t  1 2t  1 20. 2   30.   3r  2r  8 12r  16 t 1 t 1 How did you perform each operation? Which operation did you find difficult to perform? Why? Were you able to express you answers in simplest forms? How? Activity 2 Directions: Translate each of the following English phrases into algebraic expressions. 1. Twice the difference of two numbers 2. Six times a number increased by three 3. The difference of two numbers divided by twice their sum 4. Five times the sum of a number and 4 divided by their product 5. A fraction whose numerator is 5 less than the denominator 2
  • 3. 6. The total cost of a number of folders that cost Php2 each 7. A distance that is 10 m shorter than x meters 8. The cost of one banana if a number of bananas costs Php350 9. The distance (d) travelled by a car divided by its rate (r) of travel when d = 120 and r = x + 10. 10. A train that travelled 100 km farther than the distance a bus had travelled 11. The part of the work Edna could finish in 5 hr, if she could finish it in x hours. 12. The cost of a motorcycle that is ten times the cost of a mountain bike 13. The ratio of the length of a rectangle to its width when its length is 7 cm more than its width. 14. The ratio of the amount of water in a cleaning solution when the amount of solution is 10 cups less than the amount of water. 15. The time it took a bus to travel a distance of 90 km when its rate of travel is (x + 15) kph. FIRM UP Your Understanding Read and understand important notes about the different Applications of Rational Algebraic Expressions. Use the mathematical ideas and the examples that will be presented here in answering the activity provided. Learn About These The concept of rational algebraic expressions finds its applications in different fields such as agriculture, physics, biology, business, economics, industry, and many others. Many real-life situations in these fields could be modeled and solved by applying the different operations on rational algebraic expressions. 3
  • 4. 3 1 Examples: 1. Mang Pedro planted of his piece of land with rice and of the 5 2 remaining was planted with corn. What part of his land is planted with rice and corn? Solution: Let x = total area of Mang Pedro’s land 3 x = part of the land that is planted with rice 5 2 x = remaining part of Mang Pedro’s land not planted with 5 rice 1 2  1  x   x = part of the land that is planted with corn 2 5  5 3 1 x  x = part of the land that is planted with rice and corn 5 5 3 1 4 x x x 5 5 5 Answer: The part of the land that is planted with rice and corn is 4 x. 5 Problem Extension: Suppose x = 15,000 m2, what is the area of the land that is planted with rice? How about corn? Solution: 3 The part of the land that is planted with rice is x. 5 3 Substituting the value of x gives 15,000   9,000 m 2 . 5 Answer: 9,000 m2 is planted with rice. 1 The part of the land that is planted with corn is x. Again, 5 1 substituting the value of x gives 15,000   3,000 m 2 . 5 2 Answer: 3,000 m is planted with tomatoes. 2. Alexa left her home at 6:30 AM and took a bus going to the university where she teaches. After travelling for about 20 km, the bus stopped due to engine malfunction. No other buses passed by 4
  • 5. that time so she decided to ride in a jeepney and travelled 12 km more. The bus travelled twice as fast as the jeepney. What expression represents Alexa’s total time of travel from her home to the university? Solution: Let x = speed of the jeepney 2x = speed of the bus tb = time of travel riding in the bus tj = time of travel riding in a jeepney The time of travel can be determined by getting the ratio of the distance travelled to the rate of travel. Since Alexa travelled 20 20 km riding in the bus, her time of travel is given by tb  . 2x Likewise, since she travelled 12 km riding a jeepney, her time of 12 travel is given by t j  . x 20 12 Alexa’s total time of travel then is  . 2x x Check Learned Processes or Skills Apply the processes or skills learned related to the Applications of Rational Algebraic Expressions by performing Activity 3. Activity 3 Directions: Read each situation then answer the questions that follow. 1. A boat travels 15 km upstream and 15 km back. The speed of the current is 10 kph. a. How would you represent the speed of the boat in still water? How about its speed upstream? downstream? b. What expression represents the boat’s time of travel upstream? How about downstream? c. What expression represents the boat’s total time of travel? 2. Melecio and Brian are asked to paint a room. If Melecio works alone, he can do the job in 6 days. If they work together, they can paint the room in 4 days. 5
  • 6. a. What part of the job can Melecio finish in 1 day? How about the part of the job that Brian can finish in 1 day? b. If they work together, what expression would represent the part of the job they can finish in 1 day? 3. Grace spent three-fourths of her money for a blouse. Then she spent half of the remaining for a handkerchief. a. How would you represent the amount of money Grace originally had? b. What expression represents the amount of money Grace spent for a blouse? How about for the handkerchief? c. If Php25 is left from her money, what expression represents the amount of money she originally had? d. If the handkerchief costs Php25, how much did Grace spend for the blouse? 4. Ariel drove a distance of 290 km, part at 70 kph and part at 50 kph. a. If x represents the distance traveled at 70 kph, how would you represent the distance traveled at 50 kph? b. The distance (d) traveled is equal to the rate (r) of travel multiplied by the time (t) of travel or d = rt. How would you represent the time of travel at 70 kph? How about the time of travel at 50 kph? c. What expression represents the total time spent in traveling 290 km? 5. The time it took a faster runner to run a distance of 80 m is the same as the time it took a slower runner to run a distance of 60 m. The rate of the faster runner was 1.5 meters per sec (m/s) more than the rate of the slower runner. a. What expression represents the time it took the faster runner to run a distance of 80 m? How about the expression that represents the time it took the slower runner to run a distance of 60 m? b. Suppose the speed of the slower runner is 1.5 m/s, how long did the faster runner cover the distance of 80 m? 6. A train left the terminal with some passengers. At the first station, one- fourth of the passengers got off, and fifteen new ones got on. a. How would you represent the number of passengers when the train left the terminal? 6
  • 7. How about the number of passengers who got off at the first station? b. Suppose there were 120 passengers in the train when it left the terminal, how many passengers were aboard after leaving the first station? Justify your answer 7. A furniture shop can produce a table for Php1,200 in addition to an initial investment of Php35,000. a. If a number of tables is to be produced, how would you represent the total cost of manufacturing the product? b. What expression represents the average cost of each table? c. If 200 tables are to be manufactured, what would be the cost of each? 8. The graduating class of Mangaldan National High School went on an educational tour. A portion of their total expenses was shouldered by their municipal mayor and other sponsors. The remaining part amounting to Php42,000 was divided equally by the students who joined the tour. The day before the trip, 100 students decided not to join the tour. This increased the cost by Php10 per student. a. What expression represents the amount each student is supposed to pay if all of them joined the tour? b. What expression represents the amount each student paid after 100 of them decided not to join? c. Suppose each student paid Php70, how many of them joined the tour? 9. Andres goes to work by walking 1 km and traveling 8 km more by riding a tricycle. He observes that the tricycle’s rate of travel is eight times his rate in walking. a. How would you represent Andres’ rate in walking? How about the rate of travel of the tricycle? b. How would you represent Andres’ time spent in walking? How about his time of travel in riding a tricycle? c. Suppose Andres walks at a rate of 4 kph, how much time does he spend in walking? d. How about the time that he spends in riding a tricycle? 10. The time it takes for a bus to travel a distance of 300 km is the same as the time a car takes to travel a distance of 200 km. The bus travels 25 kph faster than the car. a. How would you represent the rate of travel of the bus? How about the car’s rate of travel? 7
  • 8. b. How would you represent the bus’ time of travel in terms of the distance travelled and its rate of travel? How about the car’s time of travel? DEEPEN Your Understanding Think deeper and check your understanding of the Applications of Rational Algebraic Expressions by doing the following activity. Activity 4 Directions: Answer the following items. Show your complete solutions or explanations. 1. It take 6 hr for Angelo to install an air conditioning unit. If Allan helps him, it would take them 4 hr. a. How would you represent the part of the work that Angelo could finish in 1 hr? b. If Allan works alone, how would you represent the part of the work he can finish in 1 hr? c. How would you represent the part of the work they will finish in 1 hr if they work together? d. Suppose Allan can do the same job in 6 hr, do you think they will take more than 4 hr in doing the job if they work together? Justify your answer. 2. Mr. Fernandez, a rice retailer, purchased a number of sacks of rice over 3 months. In the first month, he bought one-fourth of the total number of sacks of rice. In the second month, he purchased two-thirds of the total number of sacks of rice. In the third month, he bought 10 sacks of rice. a. How would you represent the number of sacks of rice Mr. Fernandez bought in the first month? How about in the second month? b. What expression represents the total number of sacks Mr. Fernandez bought? 8
  • 9. c. Suppose the total number of sacks of rice bought by Mr. Fernandez is 120. How many sacks of rice did the retailer purchased in the first month? How about in the second month? d. Suppose you are a rice retailer or somebody who is engaged in business. Would you purchase a big number of goods and keep it in your storage then sell these when the right time comes? Explain your answer. 3. A shoe factory can produce a pair of shoes for Php700 in addition to an initial investment of Php50,000. a. If x is the number of pairs of shoes to be produced, what expression represents the average cost of each pair? b. Suppose the production cost increases from Php700 to Php800 and the number of pairs to be produced remains the same. How would it affect the average cost of each pair of shoes? How about if the production cost decreases from Php700 to Php600? c. Suppose you are the shoe factory owner and you have noticed that the production cost of each pair of shoes is increasing. What would you do if you wanted the average cost to remain the same? TRANSFER Your Understanding Apply your understanding on Rational Algebraic Expressions through the following culminating activities that reflect meaningful and relevant problems/situations. Activity 5 1. Visit any factory in your community and take note of the number of workers, number of hours each worker does a particular job, and the number of particular product each worker makes. If possible, ask also the owner of the factory the amount of his investment and the production cost for each product. Out of the information that you could obtain, formulate and solve problems involving rational algebraic expressions. If given the chance, discuss with the factory owner how he could increase his profit. You may use the problems formulated and solved. 9
  • 10. 2. Find at least 3 situations in real life where rational algebraic expressions are applied. Model each situation by rational algebraic expression and formulate problems out of these situations. Answers Key Module 3.3: Applications of Rational Algebraic Expressions Activity 1 a 3 5 1. 2 11. 21. b 2 2y 4n 1 2x  6 2. 12. 22. 5x 3 4 10x 2 5a 2 100m3 2a  8 3. 13. 23. 2 2 27 a  8a n2 7x 4. 14. 1 24. m2 2( x  y ) 4y 3 z3 2m2  2m  13 5. 15. 1 25. x4 (m  2)2 (m  3) 18 6. 15 16. 26. -1 r  3y  2b 7. 6 17. 27. 2 7 2( y  4) 1 8. 4(a + b) 18. 28.  y3 a2 xy b 1  3p  6 9. 19.  29. 2 4(b  3) 2p 2  8 6  6t 10. 1 20. 30. 2 r2 t 1 Activity 2 (Any variable could be used.) 5 1. 2(x – y) 6. 2x 11. x 2. 6t + 3 7. x – 10 12. 10x xy 350 w 7 3. 8. 13. 2( x  y ) x w  x  4 120 x  10 4. 5  9. 14.  4x  x  10 x x 5 90 5. 10. x + 100 15. x x  15 Activity 3 1. a. speed of boat in still water: x 10
  • 11. speed of boat upstream: x – 10 speed of boat downstream: x + 10 15 b. time of travel upstream: x  10 15 time of travel downstream: x  10 15 15 c. boat’s total time of travel: + x  10 x  10 1 2. a. part of the job Melecio can finish in 1 day: 6 1 part of the job Bryan can finish in 1 day: x b. part of the job Melecio and Bryan can finish in 1 day working together: 1 1  6 x 1 or 4 3. a. amount of money Grace originally had: x 3 b. amount of money Grace spent for a blouse: x 4 1 1  1 amount of money Grace spent for the handkerchief:  x  or x 24  8 3 1 c. x  x  25 d. Php150 4 8 4. a. 290 – x x 290  x b. time of travel at 70 kph: time of travel at 50 kph: 70 50 x 290  x c.  70 50 80 5. a. time it took the faster runner to run a distance of 80 m: x  1 .5 60 time it took the slower runner to run a distance of 60 m: x 2 b. 26 sec 3 6. a. number of passengers when the train left the terminal: x 1 number of passengers who got off at the first station: x 4 b. 105 7. a. total cost of manufacturing the product: 1,200x + 35,000 1200x  35,000 , b. average cost of each table: x c. Php1,375 11
  • 12. 42,000 42,000 8. a. b. c. 600 x x  100 1 9. a. Andres rate of walking: x c. hr or 15 min 4 rate of travel of the tricycle: 8x 1 b. Andres’ time spent in walking: d. 15 min x 8 time of travel in riding a tricycle: 8x 300 10. a. rate of travel of the bus: x + 25 b. bus’ time of travel: x  25 200 car’s rate of travel: x car’s time of travel: x Activity 4 1 1 1 1 1 1. a. b. c. + or d. No 6 x 6 x 4 1 2 2. a. 1st month: x 2nd month: x 4 3 1 2 b. x + x + 10 4 3 c. 1st month: 30 2nd month: 80 700x  50,000 3. a. x b. The average cost would increase. The average cost would decrease. c. Increase the number of shoes to be manufactured 12