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The acquisition of science competencies 
through ICT real-time experiments 
Ref. 517587-LLP-1-2011-1-ES-COMENIUS-CMP 
Montserrat Tortosa 
(COMBLAB coordinator, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) 
Brussels 26th October 2014
1. Generalities 
2. Specific needs that COMBLAB addresses 
3. Project objectives and outcomes obtained 
4. Final remarks: beyond COMBLAB
1. Generalities 
COMBLAB (COmpetency Microcomputer Based LABoratory) 
EU Comenius project. From Jan 2012- Dec 2014 
Ref. 517587-LLP-1-2011-1-ES-COMENIUS-CMP 
PARTICIPANTS: 6 universities from five EU countries 
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Montserrat Tortosa, 
Esther Rasal) 
Charles University in Prague (Petr Smejkal, Eva Stratilová- 
Urvalková, PavelTeply) 
PH-NOE- Vienna (Hildegard Urban –Woldron) Austria 
Universitat de Barcelona (Fina Guitart, Carme Artigas) Spain 
University of Helsinki (Maija Aksela, Simo Tolvanen, Päivi 
Bel Matej University (Marek Skorsepa) Slovakia
Real time experiments 
What are they and what are they useful for? 
ICT Technology MBL : Microcomputer based laboratory . MBL. Thornton, 1990
Real time experiments 
What are they and what are they useful for? 
 ICT Technology MBL : Microcomputer based laboratory 
- It improves understanding of graphs (Mokros & Tinker, 1987; McDermott et al., 
1987; Brasell, 1987; Testa et al., 2002 ). 
- MBL is a tool, a good pedagogical approach is needed (Pintó & Aliberas, 1996) 
- High order learning skills can be enhanced using MBL (Aksela, 2005) 
 There is agreement (Rocard et al., 2007) that inquiry is a good way of 
presenting laboratory work, and to improve scientific literacy. 
 -Supporting students learning with MBL 
- Research-based frameworks for practice in MBL activities have been proposed 
(Pintó et al, 2010 ; Tortosa, 2012). 
• - It is necessary that students see the point of what they are doing, so that 
the process of teaching and learning probably makes more sense to them 
(Lijnse, 2004)
2. Specific needs that COMBLAB addresses 
Teachers: some do no know 
How to use in an efficient way 
Sensors exist in 
Real life/jobs 
Have to be capable to 
with them 
Short time of data capture, 
It leaves time that can be used 
For competencial activities 
Teaching materials: 
MBL no common framework 
Students: low achievement of 
scientific competencies 
Researchers and policy-makers 
New evidences
3. The objectives of COMBLAB are to… 
1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance students ‘acquisition of 
science competencies through ICT real time experiments. 
2) Obtain research based teacher training materials to enhance the mentioned 
competencies. As ICT real time experiments are a new technology, few teacher 
training materials are available, and in the project we aim to develop such 
3) Share within the consortium and to disseminate the outcomes in a public 
website and in the future in national and international conferences and journals. 
4) Create a community of teachers/researchers from different countries of the 
consortium to exchange experiences and good practices in the field. To contact 
with existing communities. 
5) Create synergies with national and local education authorities of each of the 
countries of the consortium to promote that the use of the outcomes of the 
project is taken into account both in initial and continuous teacher training. 
3.The objectives of COMBLAB are to… 
1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance 
students ‘acquisition of science competencies through ICT 
real time experiments. 
A New research based framework for MBL has 
been created (contextualized, IBSE, student 
centered, enhance design of experiments, 
interpretation and communication of results).
3.The objectives of COMBLAB are to… 
1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance 
students ‘acquisition of science competencies through ICT 
real time experiments. 
Student’s activities created: 
8 Physics activities 
8 Biology activities 
14 Chemistry activities 
+ Teacher guides 
 Work curricular concepts 
 Not possible without MBL 
Some examples… 
1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance students ‘acquisition 
of science competencies through ICT real time experiments. 
Coal power 
Why burning coal can produce acid rain?
1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance students ‘acquisition 
of science competencies through ICT real time experiments. 
Results, variation of water pH when 
Coal power sulphur is burnt on water 
Why burning coal can produce acid rain?
1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance students ‘acquisition 
of science competencies through ICT real time experiments. 
Can oceans save us of climate change? Design of experiments by 
Students (Rubí, Barcelona)
1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance students ‘acquisition 
of science competencies through ICT real time experiments. 
How a radar knows the speed of a car? 
Guided inquiry to modelize the situation 
How should we move to obtain this graph?
1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance students ‘acquisition 
of science competencies through ICT real time experiments. 
1)Obtener materiales de aula basados en la investigación que mejoren en el 
alumnado la competencia científica mediante experimentos en tiempo real. 
Why plants do not grew in this 
greenhouse made with green glass? 
Chlorophyll absorbs radiation of the 
same wavelenght than the one 
absorbed by the green glass
1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance students ‘acquisition 
of science competencies through ICT real time experiments. 
The best antacid 
Expected results: teacher’s guide
1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance students ‘acquisition 
of science competencies through ICT real time experiments. 
1)Obtener materiales de aula basados en la investigación que mejoren en el 
alumnado la competencia científica mediante experimentos en tiempo real. 
New designed activities: 
 Inquiry based (IBSE) 
 Are Contextualized 
 Competencies of design of 
experiments and 
evaluation of results are 
 Could not be made 
without sensors 
 Are curriculum-based
4. Validation of students’ activities: collaborative 
work in five EU countries 
Design of 
First version 
(English) Data on students/teachers 
1st Implementation 
Revised version 
Possible new adaptations 
Creative Commons License 
Non comercial, quoting the original
4. Validation of students’ activities: collaborative 
work in five EU countries 
1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance students ‘acquisition 
of science competencies through ICT real time experiments. 
Two main lines of research in COMBLAB 
Perception of 
Do students 
the activity? 
It is necessary that students see the point of 
what they are doing, so that the process of 
teaching and learning probably makes more 
sense to them (Lijnse, 2004) 
Motivational and cognitive factors interact in 
complex ways to lead learning (Schunk, 2005) 
Motivated Strategies for Learning 
Questionnaire (MSLQ) Pintrich et al, 1991)
4.Validating students’ materials… 
First Implementations 
N = 865 secondary and high school students in five countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Finland, 
Slovakia and Spain). 
After implementation students answered a post-questionnaire on the activities 
To evaluate quality of the first version of activities, analysis of students answers to four questions 
is presented: 
a) The instructions were clear to me (item 2) 
b) I needed my teacher’s help to understand the activity (item 5) 
c) Do you understand the objectives of the activity? (Item 6) 
d) List the objectives of the activity. (Item 7) 
e) MBL approach helped me to interpret the results correctly.(Item 11) 
f) Which parts of the activity did you like the most? Why? 
g) Which parts of the activity did you find more difficult? Why? 
d) The activity could have been done without MBL equipment.(Item 14)
4. Validation of students’ activities: collaborative 
Methods and samples 
Partner Country Physics Chemistry Biology Total 
UAB Spain 46 S 186 S -- 232 
CU Czech 
-- 126 U 76 S 202 
UW Austria 40 S/U -- -- 40 
UB Spain 98 S 83 S -- 181 
UH Finland -- 168 S/U -- 168 
UMB Slovakia -- 42 U -- 42 
Total 184 605 76 865 
First Implementations (October 2012-June 2013) 
Number of students who have implemented the first version of activities 
S: school U: University 
work in five EU countries
4.Validating students’ materials… 
• Descriptive analyses 
• Statistical analyses of mean 
• Analysis of frequencies 
• Comparative analysis (subject, country, age, gender). 
Significance is determined based on Kurskal- Wallis test or based on 
Mann-Whitney U test. (significant level 0,05),
COMBLAB Researches on students learning 
and motivation 
 91.6 % of students say that they understand the objectives of the 
 54.7 % of the students mention correctly the objectives of the 
 Students understand the activity but they need their teachers’ help: 
teachers are a key factor 
 91.4 % of students say that MBL helps them to interpret the results 
 There is a strong relationship between students‘ perceptions of 
their motivational orientations prior and after performing the MBL-activity 
 Self-reported perceptions of motivational orientations only partially 
depend on gender but much more on the particular MBL-activity
COMBLAB Researches: 
How to scaffold teachers to implement MBL 
 Results support the requirement for science and inquiry PCK 
in curriculum material (Davis and Krajcik 2005) and support 
with technology (Gerard et al. 2011) 
 Additional focus on teachers own inquiry skills is also needed.
Some of COMBLAB Publications 
ŠMEJKAL, P., STRATILOVÁ URVÁLKOVÁ, E., TEPLÝ, P., SKORŠEPA, M., TORTOSA MORENO, M.: Koncepce úlohy pro školní měřicí systém s využitím 
prvků badatelsky orientovaného vyučování. In: Zborník z medzinárodnej konferencie “Súčasnosť a perspektívy didaktiky chémie III, Donovaly 2013”. 
Banská Bystrica : Fakulta prírodných vied UMB, 2013. s. 90-96. 
Experiments to Enhance Chemistry Competences in Secondary Students. In: 12th European Conference on Research in Chemistry Education 
(ECRICE 2014, Jyväskylä, Finland). Jyväskylä : University of Jyväskylä, 2014, ISBN 978-951-39-5744-5, p. 45. 
SKORŠEPA, M.: Ako „uhasiť“ pálenie záhy – príklad školského chemického experimentu s podporou výpočtovej techniky. In: Biológia, ekológia, 
chémia. roč. 16, 2012, č. 3-4, s. 8-11. 
SKORŠEPA, M., TORTOSA, M.: Faktory ovplyvňujúce motivačnú orientáciu žiakov v počítačom podporovanom laboratóriu. In: Acta Universitatis 
Matthiae Belii, ser. chem. 2014, č. 15, (in press). 
STRATILOVÁ URVÁLKOVÁ, E., ŠMEJKAL, P., TEPLÝ, P., SKORŠEPA, M., TORTOSA MORENO, M.: MBL activites using IBSE: Learning Biology in Context. In: 
Proceedings of 6th international Conference on Research in Didactics of the Science. Krakow, 2014. (in press) 
SKORŠEPA, M., TORTOSA, M.: Čiastková štúdia z overovania nových aktivít pre počítačové prírodovedné laboratórium. In: Acta Universitatis Matthiae 
Belii, ser. chem. 2014, č. 15, (in press). 
SKORŠEPA, M., TORTOSA MORENO, M., URBAN-WOLDRON, H., STRATILOVÁ URVÁLKOVÁ, E.: Implementácia aktivít do vyučovania v počítačom 
podporovanom laboratóriu na stredných školách. In: Zborník z medzinárodnej konferencie “Súčasnosť a perspektívy didaktiky chémie III, Donovaly 
2013”. Banská Bystrica : Fakulta prírodných vied UMB, 2013. s. 78-83. 
ŠMEJKAL, P., STRATILOVÁ URVÁLKOVÁ, E., SKORŠEPA, M.: iPad and iPhone – Alternativní způsob sběru dat při měření školním experimentálním 
systémem PASCO – postoje a názory žáků. In: Zborník z medzinárodnej konferencie “Aktuálne trendy vo vyučovaní prírodných vied, Smolenice 
2012”. Trnava : Pedagogická fakulta Trnavskej univerzity, 2012. s. 195-201. 
SKORŠEPA, M., ŠMEJKAL, P.: Rozvoj kompetencií študentov a učiteľov prostredníctvomreálnych počítačom podporovaných experimentov vo 
vyučovaní prírodných vied. In: Zborník z medzinárodnej konferencie “Aktuálne trendy vo vyučovaní prírodných vied, Smolenice 2012”. Trnava : 
Pedagogická fakulta Trnavskej univerzity, 2012. s. 256-262. 
TOLVANEN, S, AKSELA, M., GUITART MAS, J., WOLDRON-URBAN: Research-based future science teacher training on using ICT- enhanced inquiry 
activities. In C. P. Constantinou, N. Papadouris & A. Hadjigeorgiou (Eds.), E-Book Proceedings of the ESERA 2013 Conference: Science Education 
Research For Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning. Part 4. Nicosia, Cyprus : European Science Education Research Association. 
2013, pp. 181-190. ISBN: 978-9963-700-77-6.
Some of COMBLAB Publications 
actividades de laboratorio diseñadas para la adquisición de competencia científica mediante experimentos en tiempo real: visión del alumnado. 
Enseñanza de las ciencias. (num. extra), 2013, pp. 3547-3553. ISSN 0212-4521. 
GUITART MAS, F., TORTOSA MORENO, M., AKSELA, M., TOLVANEN, S.: Diseño e implementación de propuestas de formación basadas en la 
investigación didáctica para promover la utilización de actividades mbl centradas en la adquisición de competencias científicas. Enseñanza de las 
Ciencias 2013; : 1708-1713. 
P.: Design of research-based lab sheets for the acquisition of science competencies using ICT real-time experiments. Do students get the point of 
what they are doing? In C. P. Constantinou, N. Papadouris & A. Hadjigeorgiou (Eds.), E-Book Proceedings of the ESERA 2013 Conference: Science 
Education Research For Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning. Part 4. Nicosia, Cyprus : European Science Education Research 
Association. 2013, pp. 12-20. ISBN: 978-9963-700-77-6. 
WOLDRON-URBAN, H., TORTOSA MORENO, M., SKORŠEPA, M.: Implementing learning with sensors in science education: Students’ motivational 
orientations toward using MBL. In C. P. Constantinou, N. Papadouris & A. Hadjigeorgiou (Eds.), E-Book Proceedings of the ESERA 2013 
Conference: Science Education Research For Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning. Part 4. Nicosia, Cyprus : European Science 
Education Research Association. 2013, pp. 165-171. ISBN: 978-9963-700-77-6. 
GUITART MAS, F.; STRATILOVA URVALKOVA, E,; SMEJKAL, P.; TORTOSA MORENO, M.. Analysis of students questionnaires after implementation of 
research-based activities on the acquisition of science competencies using sensors to real classrooms. In: Constantinos P. Constantinou, Nicos 
Papadouris, Angela Hadjigeorgiou. Science Education Research For Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning Proceedings of the ESERA 
2013 Conference. 1 ed. Al Isma'iliyah: ESERA; 2013. 
SKORŠEPA, M., STRATILOVÁ URVÁLKOVÁ, E., ŠMEJKAL, P., TORTOSA MORENO, M., URBAN-WOLDRON, H.: Activities with sensors in laboratory of 
biology: Students’ motivation and understanding the results. In: Proceedings of 6th international Conference on Research in Didactics of the Science. 
Krakow, 2014. (in press) 
SKORŠEPA, M., TORTOSA, M.: What do pre-service and in-service teachers think of education in computer based lab? In: Science and technology 
education for the 21st century. Proceedings of the 9th IOSTE Symposium for Central and Eastern Europe. Hradec Králové : Gaudeamus, 2014, pp. 
183-195. ISBN 978-80-7435-416-8. 
biology – design and evaluation. In: Science and technology education for the 21st century. Proceedings of the 9th IOSTE Symposium for Central and 
Eastern Europe. Hradec Králové : Gaudeamus, 2014, pp. 247-285. ISBN 978-80-7435-416-8.
3. The objectives of COMBLAB are to… 
2) Obtain research based teacher training materials to enhance the mentioned 
competencies. As ICT real time experiments are a new technology, few teacher 
training materials are available, and in the project we aim to develop such 
Actions made to scaffold teachers: 
- Local groups de of implementation of activities 
- Future teachers (Master for future teachers UB, UH) 
- In service teachers (training course, piloted April 2014, Barcelona). 
teachers: (a training course has been designed, 
piloted April 2014 in Barcelona; May 2014 in Helsinki; October 2014 in Prague).
3. The objectives of COMBLAB are to… 
3) Share within the consortium and to disseminate the outcomes in a public 
website and in national and international conferences and journals.
3. The objectives of COMBLAB are to… 
4) Create a community of 
teachers/researchers from 
different countries of the 
consortium to exchange 
experiences and good practices 
in the field. To contact with 
existing communities. 
5) Create synergies with national 
and local education authorities 
of each of the countries of the 
consortium to promote that the 
use of the outcomes of the 
project is taken into account both 
in initial and continuous teacher 
Comblab has been included in 
Scientix, and in Stencil databases
3. The objectives of COMBLAB are to… 
4) Create a community of 
teachers/researchers from 
different countries of the 
consortium to exchange 
experiences and good practices 
in the field. To contact with 
existing communities. 
5) Create synergies with national 
and local education authorities 
of each of the countries of the 
consortium to promote that the 
use of the outcomes of the 
project is taken into account both 
in initial and continuous teacher 
3. The objectives of COMBLAB are to… 
5) Create synergies with national 
and local education authorities 
of each of the countries of the 
consortium to promote that the 
use of the outcomes of the 
project is taken into account both 
in initial and continuous teacher 
4. Beyond COMBLAB… 
Local groups of teachers 
Other people involved
Teachers and students who have implemented the activities 
Project: 517587-LLP-1-2011-1-ES-COMENIUS-CMP. 
Thank you for your attention

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COMBLAB, Montserrat Tortosa

  • 1. The acquisition of science competencies through ICT real-time experiments Ref. 517587-LLP-1-2011-1-ES-COMENIUS-CMP Montserrat Tortosa (COMBLAB coordinator, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Brussels 26th October 2014
  • 2. 1. Generalities 2. Specific needs that COMBLAB addresses 3. Project objectives and outcomes obtained 4. Final remarks: beyond COMBLAB
  • 3. 1. Generalities COMBLAB (COmpetency Microcomputer Based LABoratory) EU Comenius project. From Jan 2012- Dec 2014 Ref. 517587-LLP-1-2011-1-ES-COMENIUS-CMP PARTICIPANTS: 6 universities from five EU countries Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Montserrat Tortosa, Esther Rasal) Spain Charles University in Prague (Petr Smejkal, Eva Stratilová- Urvalková, PavelTeply) Czech Republic PH-NOE- Vienna (Hildegard Urban –Woldron) Austria Universitat de Barcelona (Fina Guitart, Carme Artigas) Spain University of Helsinki (Maija Aksela, Simo Tolvanen, Päivi Kousa) Finland Bel Matej University (Marek Skorsepa) Slovakia
  • 4. Real time experiments What are they and what are they useful for? ICT Technology MBL : Microcomputer based laboratory . MBL. Thornton, 1990
  • 5. 5 Real time experiments What are they and what are they useful for?  ICT Technology MBL : Microcomputer based laboratory - It improves understanding of graphs (Mokros & Tinker, 1987; McDermott et al., 1987; Brasell, 1987; Testa et al., 2002 ). - MBL is a tool, a good pedagogical approach is needed (Pintó & Aliberas, 1996) - High order learning skills can be enhanced using MBL (Aksela, 2005)  There is agreement (Rocard et al., 2007) that inquiry is a good way of presenting laboratory work, and to improve scientific literacy.  -Supporting students learning with MBL - Research-based frameworks for practice in MBL activities have been proposed (Pintó et al, 2010 ; Tortosa, 2012). • - It is necessary that students see the point of what they are doing, so that the process of teaching and learning probably makes more sense to them (Lijnse, 2004)
  • 6. 2. Specific needs that COMBLAB addresses Teachers: some do no know How to use in an efficient way Students: Sensors exist in Real life/jobs Have to be capable to work with them Classroom: Short time of data capture, It leaves time that can be used For competencial activities Teaching materials: MBL no common framework Students: low achievement of scientific competencies Researchers and policy-makers New evidences
  • 7. 3. The objectives of COMBLAB are to… 1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance students ‘acquisition of science competencies through ICT real time experiments. 2) Obtain research based teacher training materials to enhance the mentioned competencies. As ICT real time experiments are a new technology, few teacher training materials are available, and in the project we aim to develop such materials. 3) Share within the consortium and to disseminate the outcomes in a public website and in the future in national and international conferences and journals. 4) Create a community of teachers/researchers from different countries of the consortium to exchange experiences and good practices in the field. To contact with existing communities. 5) Create synergies with national and local education authorities of each of the countries of the consortium to promote that the use of the outcomes of the project is taken into account both in initial and continuous teacher training. .
  • 8. 3.The objectives of COMBLAB are to… 1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance students ‘acquisition of science competencies through ICT real time experiments. A New research based framework for MBL has been created (contextualized, IBSE, student centered, enhance design of experiments, interpretation and communication of results).
  • 9. 3.The objectives of COMBLAB are to… 1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance students ‘acquisition of science competencies through ICT real time experiments. Student’s activities created: 8 Physics activities 8 Biology activities 14 Chemistry activities + Teacher guides  Work curricular concepts  Not possible without MBL equipment
  • 10. 10 Some examples… 1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance students ‘acquisition of science competencies through ICT real time experiments. Coal power Why burning coal can produce acid rain?
  • 11. Examples 1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance students ‘acquisition of science competencies through ICT real time experiments. Results, variation of water pH when Coal power sulphur is burnt on water Why burning coal can produce acid rain?
  • 12. Examples 1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance students ‘acquisition of science competencies through ICT real time experiments. Can oceans save us of climate change? Design of experiments by Students (Rubí, Barcelona)
  • 13. Examples 1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance students ‘acquisition of science competencies through ICT real time experiments. How a radar knows the speed of a car? Guided inquiry to modelize the situation How should we move to obtain this graph?
  • 14. 14 Examples 1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance students ‘acquisition of science competencies through ICT real time experiments. 1)Obtener materiales de aula basados en la investigación que mejoren en el alumnado la competencia científica mediante experimentos en tiempo real. Why plants do not grew in this greenhouse made with green glass? Chlorophyll absorbs radiation of the same wavelenght than the one absorbed by the green glass
  • 15. 15 Examples 1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance students ‘acquisition of science competencies through ICT real time experiments. The best antacid Expected results: teacher’s guide
  • 16. Examples 1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance students ‘acquisition of science competencies through ICT real time experiments. 1)Obtener materiales de aula basados en la investigación que mejoren en el alumnado la competencia científica mediante experimentos en tiempo real. New designed activities:  Inquiry based (IBSE)  Are Contextualized  Competencies of design of experiments and evaluation of results are enhanced  Could not be made without sensors  Are curriculum-based
  • 17. 17 4. Validation of students’ activities: collaborative work in five EU countries Design of worksheets Revision (other researcher) First version (English) Data on students/teachers Translation local languages 2nd Implementation 2013-2014 1st Implementation 2012-2013 Revised version Possible new adaptations (teachers) Creative Commons License Non comercial, quoting the original
  • 18. 4. Validation of students’ activities: collaborative work in five EU countries 1) Obtain research based teaching materials to enhance students ‘acquisition of science competencies through ICT real time experiments. 18 Two main lines of research in COMBLAB Motivation, Perception of capacities Do students understand the activity? It is necessary that students see the point of what they are doing, so that the process of teaching and learning probably makes more sense to them (Lijnse, 2004) Motivational and cognitive factors interact in complex ways to lead learning (Schunk, 2005) Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) Pintrich et al, 1991)
  • 19. COMBLAB 19 Methods 4.Validating students’ materials… First Implementations N = 865 secondary and high school students in five countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Finland, Slovakia and Spain). After implementation students answered a post-questionnaire on the activities To evaluate quality of the first version of activities, analysis of students answers to four questions is presented: a) The instructions were clear to me (item 2) b) I needed my teacher’s help to understand the activity (item 5) c) Do you understand the objectives of the activity? (Item 6) d) List the objectives of the activity. (Item 7) e) MBL approach helped me to interpret the results correctly.(Item 11) f) Which parts of the activity did you like the most? Why? g) Which parts of the activity did you find more difficult? Why? d) The activity could have been done without MBL equipment.(Item 14)
  • 20. 20 4. Validation of students’ activities: collaborative Methods and samples Partner Country Physics Chemistry Biology Total UAB Spain 46 S 186 S -- 232 CU Czech Rep -- 126 U 76 S 202 UW Austria 40 S/U -- -- 40 UB Spain 98 S 83 S -- 181 UH Finland -- 168 S/U -- 168 UMB Slovakia -- 42 U -- 42 Total 184 605 76 865 First Implementations (October 2012-June 2013) Number of students who have implemented the first version of activities S: school U: University work in five EU countries
  • 21. COMBLAB 21 Methods 4.Validating students’ materials… • Descriptive analyses • Statistical analyses of mean • Analysis of frequencies • Comparative analysis (subject, country, age, gender). Significance is determined based on Kurskal- Wallis test or based on Mann-Whitney U test. (significant level 0,05),
  • 22. COMBLAB Researches on students learning and motivation  91.6 % of students say that they understand the objectives of the activities.  54.7 % of the students mention correctly the objectives of the activities  Students understand the activity but they need their teachers’ help: teachers are a key factor  91.4 % of students say that MBL helps them to interpret the results  There is a strong relationship between students‘ perceptions of their motivational orientations prior and after performing the MBL-activity  Self-reported perceptions of motivational orientations only partially depend on gender but much more on the particular MBL-activity
  • 23. COMBLAB Researches: How to scaffold teachers to implement MBL  Results support the requirement for science and inquiry PCK in curriculum material (Davis and Krajcik 2005) and support with technology (Gerard et al. 2011)  Additional focus on teachers own inquiry skills is also needed.
  • 24. 24 Some of COMBLAB Publications ŠMEJKAL, P., STRATILOVÁ URVÁLKOVÁ, E., TEPLÝ, P., SKORŠEPA, M., TORTOSA MORENO, M.: Koncepce úlohy pro školní měřicí systém s využitím prvků badatelsky orientovaného vyučování. In: Zborník z medzinárodnej konferencie “Súčasnosť a perspektívy didaktiky chémie III, Donovaly 2013”. Banská Bystrica : Fakulta prírodných vied UMB, 2013. s. 90-96. TORTOSA, M., ŠMEJKAL, P., STRATILOVÁ-URVÁLKOVÁ, E., URBAN-WOLDRON, H., GUITART, F. AKSELA, M., TOLVANEN, S., SKORŠEPA, M.: Real-time Experiments to Enhance Chemistry Competences in Secondary Students. In: 12th European Conference on Research in Chemistry Education (ECRICE 2014, Jyväskylä, Finland). Jyväskylä : University of Jyväskylä, 2014, ISBN 978-951-39-5744-5, p. 45. SKORŠEPA, M.: Ako „uhasiť“ pálenie záhy – príklad školského chemického experimentu s podporou výpočtovej techniky. In: Biológia, ekológia, chémia. roč. 16, 2012, č. 3-4, s. 8-11. SKORŠEPA, M., TORTOSA, M.: Faktory ovplyvňujúce motivačnú orientáciu žiakov v počítačom podporovanom laboratóriu. In: Acta Universitatis Matthiae Belii, ser. chem. 2014, č. 15, (in press). STRATILOVÁ URVÁLKOVÁ, E., ŠMEJKAL, P., TEPLÝ, P., SKORŠEPA, M., TORTOSA MORENO, M.: MBL activites using IBSE: Learning Biology in Context. In: Proceedings of 6th international Conference on Research in Didactics of the Science. Krakow, 2014. (in press) SKORŠEPA, M., TORTOSA, M.: Čiastková štúdia z overovania nových aktivít pre počítačové prírodovedné laboratórium. In: Acta Universitatis Matthiae Belii, ser. chem. 2014, č. 15, (in press). SKORŠEPA, M., TORTOSA MORENO, M., URBAN-WOLDRON, H., STRATILOVÁ URVÁLKOVÁ, E.: Implementácia aktivít do vyučovania v počítačom podporovanom laboratóriu na stredných školách. In: Zborník z medzinárodnej konferencie “Súčasnosť a perspektívy didaktiky chémie III, Donovaly 2013”. Banská Bystrica : Fakulta prírodných vied UMB, 2013. s. 78-83. ŠMEJKAL, P., STRATILOVÁ URVÁLKOVÁ, E., SKORŠEPA, M.: iPad and iPhone – Alternativní způsob sběru dat při měření školním experimentálním systémem PASCO – postoje a názory žáků. In: Zborník z medzinárodnej konferencie “Aktuálne trendy vo vyučovaní prírodných vied, Smolenice 2012”. Trnava : Pedagogická fakulta Trnavskej univerzity, 2012. s. 195-201. SKORŠEPA, M., ŠMEJKAL, P.: Rozvoj kompetencií študentov a učiteľov prostredníctvomreálnych počítačom podporovaných experimentov vo vyučovaní prírodných vied. In: Zborník z medzinárodnej konferencie “Aktuálne trendy vo vyučovaní prírodných vied, Smolenice 2012”. Trnava : Pedagogická fakulta Trnavskej univerzity, 2012. s. 256-262. TOLVANEN, S, AKSELA, M., GUITART MAS, J., WOLDRON-URBAN: Research-based future science teacher training on using ICT- enhanced inquiry activities. In C. P. Constantinou, N. Papadouris & A. Hadjigeorgiou (Eds.), E-Book Proceedings of the ESERA 2013 Conference: Science Education Research For Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning. Part 4. Nicosia, Cyprus : European Science Education Research Association. 2013, pp. 181-190. ISBN: 978-9963-700-77-6.
  • 25. 25 Some of COMBLAB Publications TORTOSA MORENO, M., GUITART MAS, J., SKORŠEPA, M., URBAN-WOLDRON, H., STRATILOVÁ URVÁLKOVÁ, E., ŠMEJKAL, P.: Los objetivos de actividades de laboratorio diseñadas para la adquisición de competencia científica mediante experimentos en tiempo real: visión del alumnado. Enseñanza de las ciencias. (num. extra), 2013, pp. 3547-3553. ISSN 0212-4521. GUITART MAS, F., TORTOSA MORENO, M., AKSELA, M., TOLVANEN, S.: Diseño e implementación de propuestas de formación basadas en la investigación didáctica para promover la utilización de actividades mbl centradas en la adquisición de competencias científicas. Enseñanza de las Ciencias 2013; : 1708-1713. TORTOSA MORENO, M., SKORŠEPA, M., GUITART MAS, J., WOLDRON-URBAN, H., AKSELA M., TOLVANEN, S., STRATILOVÁ URVÁLKOVÁ, E., ŠMEJKAL, P.: Design of research-based lab sheets for the acquisition of science competencies using ICT real-time experiments. Do students get the point of what they are doing? In C. P. Constantinou, N. Papadouris & A. Hadjigeorgiou (Eds.), E-Book Proceedings of the ESERA 2013 Conference: Science Education Research For Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning. Part 4. Nicosia, Cyprus : European Science Education Research Association. 2013, pp. 12-20. ISBN: 978-9963-700-77-6. WOLDRON-URBAN, H., TORTOSA MORENO, M., SKORŠEPA, M.: Implementing learning with sensors in science education: Students’ motivational orientations toward using MBL. In C. P. Constantinou, N. Papadouris & A. Hadjigeorgiou (Eds.), E-Book Proceedings of the ESERA 2013 Conference: Science Education Research For Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning. Part 4. Nicosia, Cyprus : European Science Education Research Association. 2013, pp. 165-171. ISBN: 978-9963-700-77-6. GUITART MAS, F.; STRATILOVA URVALKOVA, E,; SMEJKAL, P.; TORTOSA MORENO, M.. Analysis of students questionnaires after implementation of research-based activities on the acquisition of science competencies using sensors to real classrooms. In: Constantinos P. Constantinou, Nicos Papadouris, Angela Hadjigeorgiou. Science Education Research For Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning Proceedings of the ESERA 2013 Conference. 1 ed. Al Isma'iliyah: ESERA; 2013. SKORŠEPA, M., STRATILOVÁ URVÁLKOVÁ, E., ŠMEJKAL, P., TORTOSA MORENO, M., URBAN-WOLDRON, H.: Activities with sensors in laboratory of biology: Students’ motivation and understanding the results. In: Proceedings of 6th international Conference on Research in Didactics of the Science. Krakow, 2014. (in press) SKORŠEPA, M., TORTOSA, M.: What do pre-service and in-service teachers think of education in computer based lab? In: Science and technology education for the 21st century. Proceedings of the 9th IOSTE Symposium for Central and Eastern Europe. Hradec Králové : Gaudeamus, 2014, pp. 183-195. ISBN 978-80-7435-416-8. STRATILOVÁ URVÁLKOVÁ, E., ŠMEJKAL, P., TEPLÝ, P., SKORŠEPA, M., TORTOSA MORENO, M., URBAN-WOLDRON, H.: New IBSE oriented activities for biology – design and evaluation. In: Science and technology education for the 21st century. Proceedings of the 9th IOSTE Symposium for Central and Eastern Europe. Hradec Králové : Gaudeamus, 2014, pp. 247-285. ISBN 978-80-7435-416-8.
  • 26. 3. The objectives of COMBLAB are to… 2) Obtain research based teacher training materials to enhance the mentioned competencies. As ICT real time experiments are a new technology, few teacher training materials are available, and in the project we aim to develop such materials. Actions made to scaffold teachers: - Local groups de of implementation of activities - Future teachers (Master for future teachers UB, UH) - In service teachers (training course, piloted April 2014, Barcelona). teachers: (a training course has been designed, piloted April 2014 in Barcelona; May 2014 in Helsinki; October 2014 in Prague).
  • 27. 3. The objectives of COMBLAB are to… 3) Share within the consortium and to disseminate the outcomes in a public website and in national and international conferences and journals.
  • 28. 3. The objectives of COMBLAB are to… 4) Create a community of teachers/researchers from different countries of the consortium to exchange experiences and good practices in the field. To contact with existing communities. 5) Create synergies with national and local education authorities of each of the countries of the consortium to promote that the use of the outcomes of the project is taken into account both in initial and continuous teacher training. Comblab has been included in Scientix, and in Stencil databases
  • 29. 3. The objectives of COMBLAB are to… 4) Create a community of teachers/researchers from different countries of the consortium to exchange experiences and good practices in the field. To contact with existing communities. 5) Create synergies with national and local education authorities of each of the countries of the consortium to promote that the use of the outcomes of the project is taken into account both in initial and continuous teacher training.
  • 30. 3. The objectives of COMBLAB are to… 5) Create synergies with national and local education authorities of each of the countries of the consortium to promote that the use of the outcomes of the project is taken into account both in initial and continuous teacher training.
  • 31. 4. Beyond COMBLAB… Local groups of teachers Students Other people involved
  • 32. 32 Acknowledgements Teachers and students who have implemented the activities Project: 517587-LLP-1-2011-1-ES-COMENIUS-CMP. Thank you for your attention

Editor's Notes

  1. Características principales: toma de datos con sensores Se tiene el gráfico del experimento en tiempo real
  2. Ejemplos de materiales: Aquí tenemos un ejemplo de la misma actividad “Las Centrales térmicas de Carbón y la lluvia ácida” en Finlandés, Catalán y Checo) Sabemos que actualmente la lluvia ácida es un problema menos importante en Europa que hace unos años, porque existen maneras de capturar los óxidos de azufre, sin embargo es un problema creciente en la China. En la actividad hay una imagen de un Buda Leshan, en China, y otra de un bosque de coníferas en Chequia, ambos afectados por la lluvia ácida. En esta actividad se pregunta a los alumnos por qué al quemar carbón en centrales térmicas se produce la lluvia ácida. Los conceptos que se trabajan son el concepto de mezcla (que está en el curriculo oficial de ESO) y la propiedad de que cada componente de una mezcla reacciona de manera independiente. De manera que los estudiantes deben diseñar experimentos para entender cuál o cuáles de los componentes del carbón son los responsables de la lluvia ácida.
  3. Aquí tenemos un ejemplo de la misma actividad “Las Centrales térmicas de Carbón y la lluvia ácida” en Finlandés, Catalán y Checo) Sabemos que actualmente la lluvia ácida es un problema menos importante en Europa que hace unos años, porque existen maneras de capturar los óxidos de azufre, sin embargo es un problema creciente en la China. En la actividad hay una imagen de un Buda en Leshan, en China, y otra de un bosque de coníferas en Chequia, ambos afectados por la lluvia ácida. En esta actividad se pregunta a los alumnos por qué al quemar carbón en centrales térmicas se produce la lluvia ácida. Los conceptos que se trabajan son el concepto de mezcla (que está en el curriculo oficial de ESO) y la propiedad de que cada componente de una mezcla reacciona de manera independiente. De manera que los estudiantes deben diseñar experimentos para entender cuál o cuáles de los componentes del carbón son los responsables de la lluvia ácida.
  4. En este caso, se pregunta a los alumnos si los ocànos pueden servir como sumidero de dióxido de carbono. Los alumnos diseñan experimentos En este caso han diseñado experimentos para obtener dióxido de carbono. Un grupo lo obtiene con conchas y ácido, otro grupo obtiene utiliza el dióxido de carbono de la coca-cola y un tercero lo obtiene mediante bicarbonato de sodio y vinagre.
  5. En este caso, se pregunta a los alumnos si los ocànos pueden servir como sumidero de dióxido de carbono. Los alumnos diseñan experimentos En este caso han diseñado experimentos para obtener dióxido de carbono. Un grupo lo obtiene con conchas y ácido, otro grupo obtiene utiliza el dióxido de carbono de la coca-cola y un tercero lo obtiene mediante bicarbonato de sodio y vinagre.
  6. En resumen, las actividades diseñadas en el proyecto COMBLAB Son de indagación, están contextualizadas (contextos personales, sociales o globales para el alumno), se promueve la competencia de diseño de experimentos y evaluación de resultados (dentro de la competencia científica), no se podrían hacer sin sensores, son curriculares (útiles para el profesorado ). Cómo saber si cumplen con estas características?
  7. A partir de los resultados de esta primera implementación y de las opiniones del profesorado, se elaboraron segundas versiones y guías didácticas. Han sido utilizadas para una segunda implementación (curso 2013-2014), Aún no se dispone de los datos de esta segunda implementación A partir de ellos se elaborarán las versiones de las actividades que se daran a conocer en la web pública, y se podrán descargar