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Glad Tidings
                                                                                                               March 2011

          A   monthly            publication             of    the     church           of    the     Nativity

       Issue No. 03-11
                                                            Come to the Celebration
     Your Attention                             Nativity’s 25th Anniversary Celebration And Brunch
                                                         Saturday, March 12, service at 9 am
        Please                                                    Brunch at 11 am
  Worship Schedule for Lent,                   Bishop Curry and Bishop Estill will be present to help us celebrate
   Holy Week and Easter                                             this momentous occasion!
                                     Childcare will be provided during the worship service for ages infant through 2nd grade.
Tuesday, March 8 5:30-7:30 pm                          The children may join their families for communion.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
         Dinner is free
    Donations are welcome
                                                 Help Needed for Anniversary Brunch
    March 9 Ash Wednesday                                                                   Brenda Johnston, Brunch Committee
12 noon Holy Eucharist with         As part of the anniversary celebration on Saturday, March 12, brunch will be held in Estill
Imposition of Ashes, said service   House from 11 am–12:30 pm. To make this a more festive occasion, we hope you will be-
7 pm Holy Eucharist with imposi-    come involved by donating a needed item. To this end, there will be two sign-up sheets, one
tion of Ashes, with music           in the Narthex and one in Estill House. These sheets will indicate types of foods and other
                                    items that are needed to make this day special. There are many different opportunities—
     April 17 Palm Sunday
                                    something for everyone! Please think about how you can contribute to this special day.
8 am Holy Eucharist, said service
                                    Thanks for your help. Contact me with questions:
10:30 am Holy Eucharist, with
  April 12 Maundy Thursday              A Living Celebration of Stewardship at Nativity
7 pm Service of Holy Eucharist                                                                                 Kevin Burke, vestry
with foot-washing ceremony          The Church of the Nativity has a robust Christian Education Program that has remained an
                                    important focal point throughout the Church’s history. As we mark the official opening of
     April 22 Good Friday           Nativity’s Education Building, I thought we should reflect on the significance of this event
12 noon Stations of the Cross       as an example of Stewardship in all its dimensions.
with Holy Eucharist                   First and foremost, we must never lose sight of the end goal of investment in Christian
7 pm Good Friday Liturgy with       education. One of the fundamental objectives of Christian education is to nurture strong
Holy Eucharist, with music          values which become the building blocks to prepare us for future change and whatever life
                                    may throw at us.
     April 24 Easter Sunday
                                      Then in terms of time and talent, there have been so many groups and individuals who
7:30 am Holy Eucharist, said ser-
                                    have contributed. The final structure is the culmination of tens of thousands of hours of
                                    teacher lesson plans, class instruction, student engagement, healthy dialogue, committee
9:30 am Holy Eucharist, with
                                    meetings, drawing revisions and contract negotiations.
                                      Equally important it is the financial contribution of parishioners. The Build It Forward
11 am Holy Eucharist with music
                                    (BIF) program was launched in 2008. Since that time, the program has raised approxi-
                                    mately $505,000 in cash and commitments with over 52% already received in-house. This
                                    covers about 72% of the costs incurred, which is a great position for the parish balance
                                    sheet. But perhaps with the opening of the building, we should have a quick revisit.
                                      Therefore, from March 6 to April 3, we will re-open the BIF program, primarily for those
                                    households who did not have the opportunity to contribute during the original campaign.
                                    Look for more written material and forms in the Church and Education Building.
                                      Contact: Kevin Burke, e-mail: or home phone 919-788-7774
Glad Tidings March 2011

                                                     Parish Life
                                From the desk of the Interim Rector
                       Lenten Season 2011                            that is hard to stop. What do I stand for in my life? And who
 The liturgical calendar says March 9th is Ash Wednesday.            are my companions on the journey that I want to stand with?
 Hopefully, you will find your way to a service to have ashes         Lent is a time for hope and gratitude. Lent doesn’t have to be
 imposed upon your forehead. This practice reminds us of our         a “downer” - a time of discouragement. The Christian life is, in
 mortality and our humanity. I don’t want to impose ashes upon       part, a decision to keep looking at the One who went through
 you; rather, I want ashes to impress upon you the                                all we have to go through and then some, the One
 opportunities of Lent.                                                           who gave everything, including His life so that we
  Lent offers us time for discernment. It was a time                              could have a more abundant life.
 of deep introspection for our LORD. He had 40                                      Lent is a time to imitate Christ. Make an effort to
 days in the wilderness to sort things out and make                               mimic the 40 day journey of Christ through the
 some decisions. He had to wrestle with what kind                                 wilderness. Then at the close of Lent, may we be
 of ministry he would have. Jesus confronted head-                                willing to travel the moral high road, willing to be
 on the temptations before him in order to make                                   a sacrificial giver, willing to make choices that
 choices about what road he would travel for the                                  consistently contribute to improved general health
 rest of His life.                                                                and well-being, willing to discover the will of God
  Lent gives us time for introspection. Am I becoming the kind       for our lives and our ministries. Such is what Christ did during
 of person I want to become? Or am I letting things slide, giving    that first Lent so many years ago. It would be of great value for
 way to the comfortable, the easiest way, and the popular way?       each of us to take the opportunity to do the same.
 Am I simply taking the course of least resistance? When we                                             Faithfully, Rev. Sara C. Batson
 “go along to get along,” we find ourselves on a slippery slope

                                    Letter from the Senior Warden
                                                                                                                           Chuck Till

I assume that by the time you read this, the Education Building      this office will remain locked.
will have opened. Child and teen classes are moving into the        ♦The workroom will move into the former Rector's office.
Education Building as quickly as the delivery of furniture al-       There is already a convenience PC in this room. The photo-
lows. Classrooms in the Education Building are numbered              copier will move there too, along with some parish supplies.
201-208. Adult classes will move (or have already moved) into        The workroom will usually be open.
the trailer; its three rooms will be numbered 301-303. Room         ♦Portholes will be inserted into many interior doors of Estill
numbers help visitors and newcomers find their way around            House to reassure people of safety. Sadly, all of us have read
our four-building campus. They also simplify the process of          that church buildings have been the sites of misconduct and
assigning and making reservations for rooms.                         even crime—although I want to stress that there are no such
  Let me describe some further facilities improvements that          allegations at Nativity. Nevertheless, portholes are becoming
you'll see in the coming months:                                     the norm for interior doors of church buildings. Our Nursery
♦New exterior signage will help visitors navigate our campus.        already has visibility from the hallway, and all classrooms in
♦The remaining half of the old trailer will be removed from          the Education Building have portholes. They also prevent
  our campus (if it hasn't been already). The area vacated by        inadvertent disruption of meetings in progress.
  the trailer will be graded, and our playground will go there.     ♦Rooms in Estill House will be assigned numbers from 1 to
♦A wall phone will be installed in the Education Building so         14, and new interior signs with these numbers will be in-
  that 911 can be dialed in case of injury or illness. Three         stalled.
  phones will be installed in the Worship Building for the same     ♦After 20 years we have lost track of who has keys to Estill
  purpose (one in the Nursery, one in the Sacristy, and one in       House. Therefore, all exterior and interior door locks for Es-
  the Music Office).                                                 till House will be re-keyed. Clergy, staff, Vestry members,
♦A new floodlight will be installed on the rear of our campus        parish officers, and designated volunteers will be assigned
  between the trailer and the Education Building.                    keys on the basis of their need to access specific rooms; there
♦The lobby of Estill House will be rearranged so that one of         will no longer be any "hidden" keys that open certain doors
  the double-doors into Corlett Hall is no longer obstructed.        in Estill House. This plan is a balance of accessibility, con-
  The desk in the lobby will be taken out.                           venience, security, and confidentiality. Only the Rector, the
♦The office volunteer will move to the workstation where             Senior Warden, and the Sexton will have a master key to
  Jennie Herrick, the Parish Coordinator, currently sits.            Estill House.
♦The Parish Coordinator will move into the rear office, cur-         Your Vestry believes these improvements will make our cam-
  rently a workroom. When the Parish Coordinator is not in,         pus more functional, more attractive, and more user-friendly.
Glad Tidings March 2011

                                                       Parish Life

                                                 Important Notice!
      Parishioners are reminded that it is a violation of fire regulations to obstruct exit doors in our buildings. Nativity can
      incur heavy fines or have our doors padlocked for repeat violations (no kidding!). A lieutenant from the Raleigh
      Fire Department made an unscheduled inspection of Nativity in December and found numerous problems that we
      have since corrected.
        However, we have a serious recurring problem in Corlett Hall; specifically, the rear doorway that now leads to the
      walkway to the Education Building. Parishioners often fill the short hallway to this exit door with tables and chairs
      from Corlett Hall. This MUST stop. There is a storage room in the rear of Corlett Hall, and it is the ONLY approved
      place to store tables and chairs.
        If this problem continues, the Vestry will be forced to dispose of the circular tables we have enjoyed so much.
      Please don’t make us do that.

                                                                                 Seniors Luncheon
                                                                                                                     Billie Hurmence
 Faith Connections Workshop                                A fresh-baked muffin awaits every diner at Mimi's Café-venue of COTN
                                            Carolyn Kerr   Seniors' lunch/bunch March 13, at 12:30 pm. Co-hosts Marian Oswald,
Faith Connections on Mental Illness is an inter-faith      862-8966, and Betty Smith, 848-1363, request early RSVPs. Mimi's is
coalition of faith communities dedicated to increasing     located at 6320 Plantation Center, just off Capital Blvd.
understanding of mental illness though education,           Questions? Billie Hurmence, 848-7011.
advocacy and support. They are hosting a workshop
entitled: “Mental Illness as a Spiritual Journey: Creat-                               Altar Guild
ing Caring Communities” on April 1, from 8:30 am-4                                                               Marguerite Emmons
pm at St. Thomas More Catholic Church, 940 Carmi-          The Nativity Altar Guild is gearing up for the Lent and Easter seasons.
chael St., Chapel Hill, NC. If you would like to regis-    We are also looking for new members to help with this special service to
ter for this workshop the cost is $15 prior to March 12,   Nativity's communal worship.
$25 after. Brochures can be found in the foyer of Estill    What does the Altar Guild do? We wash and polish the silver and/or
House. If you would rather register online, go to:         pottery vessels, keep the linens and silk hangings clean and pressed, and          make certain all is placed and ready for the clergy during services. We
spiritualjourney2011.pdf                                   are divided into teams who usually serve one weekend a month.
                                                            If you are interested in this service, contact Marguerite Emmons at
                                                           848-9741 or email me at .

                                            Musings from the Bench
                                                                                                              Timothy Owens, organist
“Lean into your discomfort.” That’s a phrase I learned from a       out there and the challenge is finding something I’m able to play
colleague a number of years ago and it reminds me of the            that is appropriate for the day. I appreciate Waltye’s efforts in
charge from a recent sermon to do something new, or, like the       choosing the hymns and those selections offer a good starting
wise men, take a different road. Just over a year and                              point. Occasionally, I find something based on the
a half ago, I took the plunge and started organ les-                               tune from one of the hymns. Dr. Lynch has steered
sons. It continues to be a challenging and rewarding                               me toward collections of suitable music within my
experience, and I appreciate the opportunity from                                  reach; a frequent source is a collection of chorale
Nativity (and the gentle push from my mentor and                                   preludes from German Baroque composers that
piano teacher, Jim Clyburn). I am very fortunate to                                covers much of the liturgical year (hence the titles
study organ with Dr. David Lynch (organist, Christ                                 in German that frequently appear in the bulletin).
Church). The support of Waltye Rasulala as choir-                                  I’m studying several Bach chorale preludes as well
master is invaluable. The encouragement of the                                     as working through the eight little preludes and
choir and the patience and kindness of the congrega-                               fugues (attributed to Bach), but most of those are
tion make the way brighter, too.                                    not yet ready for prime time – coming soon, I hope. There are a
  As I approach the organ bench these days, my discomfort has       few favorites that I fall back on from time to time, and I keep
softened a wee bit. In addition to finding practice time and re-    working to expand my repertoire.
hearsing the hymns, one of the weekly challenges is selecting a      The piano remains my real comfort zone. But for now, though
prelude and postlude. To support the service, I try to match the    my feet still trip me up now and then, I’ll continue my journey
selections to the appointed readings. There’s a wealth of music     down this new road.
Glad Tidings March 2011

                                                   On Being Green
                       I brought you into a plentiful land to eat its fruit and its good things. But when
                       you entered you defiled my land and made my heritage an abomination.
                                                                                                 Jeremiah 2:7
                          Next Environmental Stewardship
                           Meeting Wednesday, March 23                         Wakeup Call on our Coast
                                7 pm in Corlett Hall                                                                          Carl Sigel
                                                                       A series of articles in North Carolina newspapers recently
                                                                       warned that sea levels are likely to rise at least 39 inches in
  This Month’s Energy Saving Tips from Interfaith Power &
                                                                       this century. Some NC scientists like Rob Young and Orrin
  Light, a program of the NC Council of Churches.
                                                                       Pilkey say recent data indicate that higher levels may occur
  ∗ Reduce Waste-Reuse and Recycle More - Reduce Con-
                                                                       sooner. The oceans have retained much of the heat trapped
                                                                       by greenhouse gases. That heat is causing expansion of the
  ∗ Shop with reusable bags. Look for products that use less           water as well as melting of polar ice fields and glaciers faster
      packaging material. Did you know that recycling one              than predicted by climate models. The wakeup call on our
      aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three           coast is amplified by the variability and intensity of storms
      hours - or the equivalent of half a gallon of gasoline?          throughout the world causing both unprecedented heat and
      Find recycling centers at                      cold as well as devastating flooding in Pakistan, Australia,
                                                                       and Brazil. The warmer oceans have led to increased evapo-
                                                                       ration of water that falls to the earth as rain and snow. Forty-
                   Water, Water                                        five years ago, President Johnson said the atmosphere was
                  NOT Everywhere!                                      being changed by a steady increase of CO2 from the burning
                                                       Ailsa Tessier   of fossil fuels. CO2 levels are now the highest in at least
 Did you know that we are currently in a state of drought in           800,000 years. The evidence of a warming world is clearly
 Wake County?                                                          before us, and it is morally wrong to delay action on the cli-
   The City of Raleigh has a rebate program related to a water-        mate.
 saving upgrade in your home, in addition to tips and sugges-            The Environmental Stewardship at Nativity (ESN) group
 tions for conserving water. There is still a lot of money left in     meets at 7 pm in Corlett Hall on the third Wednesday of each
 this fiscal year for this program, so check out the requirements      month to consider how we as individuals and as a faith com-
 on the website:                                                       munity can be involved in Care for Creation. While we alone                   cannot find a way to stop the current changes in the earth's
 Articles/WaterMatters.html                                            climate, we can be a model for our neighbors and a good
 You may also call the City’s Public Utilities department at 857-      place to start would be for Nativity to become a truly Green
 4540 to find out more.                                                Congregation. Please join ESN and let's together see what we
                                                                       can accomplish.

                                          Honduras Health Mission
                                                                                                                           Pete Crow
Please plan to attend intergenerational Sunday School class at 9:15, March 6, Church of the Nativity, Raleigh, to get the latest
scoop on the Honduras Health Mission. Watch an eight-minute video of the trip just returned in January. Find yourself caught up
in a humorous health skit just like the hundreds of people in Honduras waiting in line for a clinic. Get a first-hand report from
leaders Priscilla and Derek Shows, who after ten productive years are stepping out of that role, as well as from Cheri Janning,
who will be making her first public appearance as the new boss in town. Cheri is a nurse who has excelled in many important
tasks during her three years with the mission and hopes to become even more involved in this kind of work when she retires from
Duke in five years or so.
  If you have ever considered going on this trip yourself, have helped with a pill packing, or just have wondered what the heck is
going on with this mission, this may be the best chance you will get to find out. Just what goes on in those five days of medical
and dental clinics, as well as eyeglass fittings? What brings out those 1,800 patients, some of whom travel by foot over three
hours to get there, one of whom arrived this year brandishing his machete?
  For those who cannot attend, the video will be available shortly after February 27. You will be able to link to it through the
Honduras Mission Resources page, or by navigating through the websites
at St. Stephen’s (Durham) or Church of the Nativity (Raleigh).
Glad Tidings March 2011

                                                Parish Life in Pictures

 Congratulations, Rite-13’ers! Michael Whitmeyer, Jillian Schuler, Julia Meyer,             Patience Fojut baked beautiful
 Anna Widin, Tyler Magdanz, Wesley Carroll, Michael Norris, Darius Fojut                    Valentine cookies for Fellowship

                                                                                          Assembling new tables for the Education Building went
                                                                                          quickly with many helpers. L: Janet Alford, Charly Kerr
                                                                                          Above: Gordon Christian, Liam and Mark Marotta

              Benjamin Longenecker helps
              with Fellowship

                                                                 YAC’s learn Nativity history through photo posters. Perry Schneider (leader)
                                                                 Morgan Burke, Alex Schuler, Galen Tim, Bailey Maloney, Sara Newman
Farewell old mobile classroom, hello new Education Building      Come to the 25th Anniversary Celebration and see our history in pictures!
Glad Tidings March 2011

                                                            Have You Met
                                          What folks do, past and/or present church involvement
                             We’ll put names to faces and introduce several Nativity parishioners each month.
                                               This is a work in progress, watch it evolve…
                                We seek to spotlight both new members and been-here-a-while members.

                                                                                      Becky Showalter. Member of Nativity 16 years. Engineer for elec-
Harlan Hagge. Member of Nativity 12 years. Staff Mechanical Engi-                     tronics manufacturing company. Likes to travel and spend time
neer at Kidde Aerospace and Defense. Member of Society of Me-                         with friends. Previously volunteered in Nursery, taught preschool
chanical Engineers and Society of Automotive Engineers. Com-                          through 4th grade Sunday school, helped with Vacation Bible
petes in autocross events with Sports Car Club of America and                         School, was EYC leader for 7 years as well as YAC leader. Now
Tarheel Sports Car Club. Past activities: bell choir, Faith and Sci-                  serves on Altar Guild, organizes Family Foyer, teaches 1st-2nd
ence, Foyer, Education for Ministry. Shepherds, organ and architec-                   grade Sunday School and is on Rector Search Committee. “I love
                                                                                      that my children are growing up in an environment that allows
ture committees. Present activities: choir, LEM, Blue Candle Bible
                                                                                      them to question the world around them while still teaching them
Study, Environmental Stewardship, Spirituality in the Arts. Fre-                      of God’s immeasurable love.” Loves that for herself as well.
quently rings bell at start of 10:30 service. “Nativity has always felt
like home.”

                                                                                                     Liz Chi. Member of Nativity 15 years. Insurance
 Nancy Stoller. Member of Nativity 6                    Pat Kenney. Member of Nativity 12            and financial business systems consultant.
 years. Design Director for Savvy Homes.                years. Active in fishing, boating, golf,     Joined Singles group similar to Foyer. Adopted
 Designs home plans. A painter, studies                 running and triathlon training. For-         Annie 2001; Annie christened at Nativity 2002.
 with local artist Beverly McIver. Has                  mer Vestry representative, Sunday            Moved to Virginia 2005 but always came back for
 helped with various receptions or sales                school teacher, softball team. Cur-          Christmas Eve service. Returned 2009 and re-
 at Nativity. Vacation Bible School. Many               rently, usher and J2A leader. Likes          joined Nativity. Involved in children’s programs.
 other activities at prior churches. Son                family-friendly atmosphere, worship          “It’s important for children to love their church
 and family has moved to Raleigh with                   services, children and youth pro-            home and all it has to offer.” Works with VBS and
 first grandchild. Daughter just ordained               grams, and summer softball season            now Fixers (1st level youth program). Helped
 as priest and married to a priest. Single              for fun and fellowship. “I’ve enjoyed        group bake and donate goods to Raleigh Rescue
 son lives in Atlanta. “I like Sunday                   raising two children in Nativity’s faith     Mission for Thanksgiving meals. Annie in chil-
 School book discussion classes best.”                  community, and am excited about              dren’s choir. “The best job I ever had is being
                                                        the new education building.”                 Annie’s mom.”
Glad Tidings March 2011

                             From the Parish Coordinator’s Office
Happy Birthday to all those         Aaron Israel                    1     Gail Gyurek                    11     William Conley, Jr.           21
with March birthdays! If your       Becca Israel                    1     Bea Spence                     11     Olivia Herrick                21
birthday is this month, but not     Dirk Barrett                    4     Grayson Holmes                 12     Jonathan Edwards              23
listed here, our parish database    Carson-Michael Register         5     Joel Haas                      13     Dorothy Jane Youtz            23
is incomplete. Please contact       Olive Howell                    6     Kyle Hankins                   13     Phil Massey                   24
Jennie in the parish office         Charly Kerr                     6     Don Cariss                     14     Tom Schuler                   26
(846-8338) to correct your          Sue Young                       6     Tyler Magdanz                  14     Brad Stevens                  27
information.                        Jeff Farnham                    7     Stephen Heagarty               16     Marina Garbutt                28
                                    Joan Parente                    7     David Ridout                   16     Carol Meyer                   28
                                    Chris Christiansen Jr.          8     Mary Leah Singletary           16     Peggy Wade                    28
                                    Kerry Troester                  8     Mary Whitaker-Sauls            16     Nick Gromow                   29
                                    Bruce Walter                    8     Gay Davis                      17     Jennifer Mulrooney            29
                                    Janet O'Bryhim                  9     Carl Gilmore                   18     Charlie Wehland               29
                                    Alan Hamm                       10    Rachel Whitmeyer               19     Ginny Thompson                30
                                    Claire Hester                   10    Emilie Sigel                   20     Marian Oswald                 31
                                    Gene Kimmick                    10    Erin Burke                     21

                                   Tyler Thomas Wojton, grandson of Gail and Alfred Christensen

                                         Our congregation extends its sympathy and prayers to:

                                 The Brown family on the death of Ruth’s father James Reade Mayer
                                         May his soul, and all the souls of the faithful departed,
                                           through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

                                                   What Does It Mean?
 Some of the acronyms and abbreviations you’ll see and hear at Nativity:
 ♦ COTN – Church of the Nativity
 ♦ LEM – Lay Eucharistic Minister (serving at the altar)
 ♦ J2A – Journey to Adulthood (youth ministry program of spiritual formation)
 ♦ YAC – Young Adults at Church (teens at last level of J2A)
 ♦ MON – Men of Nativity (men’s group open to all men of Nativity)
 ♦ WON – Women of Nativity (women’s group open to all women of Nativity)
 ♦ DOK – Daughters of the King (prayer and service group-see article in this issue, page 8)
 ♦ EFM – Education for Ministry (premier adult education program in the Episcopal Church)
 We’ll add more as we think of them. If there’s an abbreviation you’ve been wondering about, please email us at and we’ll include the explanation next time!

   Prayer Chain: To begin a confidential prayer request, or to have names added to the Prayers of the People list for Sunday services,
   please contact the church office. If you have an illness, hospitalization, or death in your family, please contact the church office. If
   you do not receive a response in 24 hours, please call back. If you have an emergency, please contact Mother Sara directly, home
   (477-0129) or her cell (397-2311). Her email address is
                                                                         Address Service Requested                    US POSTAGE
                                                                                                                      RALEIGH, NC
                                                                                                                     PERMIT NO. 2464

 8849 Ray Road
 Raleigh NC 27613

 Phone: 919-846-8338
 Email office:
 Visit us on the web at:

 Glad Tidings Team
 Jennie Herrick
 Emilie Sigel
 Ailsa Tessier
 Brenda Johnston

          Glad Tidings Deadline
            for April 2011 Issue
         Friday, March 25 at noon
          Mailing date: March 30

      An Invitation to Quietness                                   Greeters Ministry Dinner March 1
                                               Susan Garrison              All are Welcome!
                    Daughters of the King (DOK) Nativity                                                            Geyer Longenecker
                    is the Jubilee Chapter. It is an order                Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has
                    open to ALL women who are communi-                     welcomed you, for the glory of God. Roman 15:7
                    cants of the Episcopal Church. The mis-     In his letter to the first Christians in Rome, Paul instructed the con-
                    sion of the Order is the extension of       gregation to accept people of all nations into the early church. He
                    Christ’s Kingdom through Prayer, Ser-       reminds us that Jesus welcomed all to his table - the rich and the
vice, and Evangelism. All women are welcome to attend           poor, the healthy and the sick, the neighbor and the foreigner.
the meetings on the first Sunday of the month following the       Nativity's Greeters Ministry strives to offer a warm, friendly and
10:30 service.                                                  helpful welcome to all that come here seeking God's love. By mak-
  The Jubilee Chapter is sponsoring a Quiet Day entitled        ing room at our table for all newcomers, we enrich the lives of all
“An Invitation to Quietness” on Saturday, April 9, from 9       church members, and increase our understanding and love of all
am to 1 pm in Estill House. A light breakfast of juice, cof-    God's people.
fee, tea, bagels and cream cheese will be served. The Rev-        Please consider giving of your time and talents to this vital minis-
erend Nancy Titus will facilitate directed readings, medita-    try. This is an excellent ministry for newer church members. We
tion, and journaling so please plan on bringing your Bible,     need help not only greeting newcomers, but also producing publica-
a notebook and/or a journal. Plan this as a time to rest, re-   tions, updating our web site, maintaining a visitor tracking data-
flect and restore… In quietness and trust, you will gain        base, and distributing newcomer gifts.
strength. Reservations are not required. If you have any          To be part of this important ministry, please join us for an infor-
questions, please call Gail McNally at 376-1869.                mal dinner at Nativity:
                                                                When: Tuesday, March 1 at 7 pm
     Motto of the Order                                         Where: Corlett Hall in Estill House
    I am but one, but I am one.                                 RSVP: Contact Kari Marotta at or
    I cannot do everything, but I can do something.             424-7714 by Sunday, February 27
    What I can do, I ought to do.                               Feel free to contact me, Geyer Longenecker, at
    What I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do. or 271-9795 if you have any questions or
    Lord, what will you have me do?                             comments. Thank you!

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GT 03-11

  • 1. Glad Tidings March 2011 A monthly publication of the church of the Nativity Issue No. 03-11 Come to the Celebration Your Attention Nativity’s 25th Anniversary Celebration And Brunch Saturday, March 12, service at 9 am Please Brunch at 11 am Worship Schedule for Lent, Bishop Curry and Bishop Estill will be present to help us celebrate Holy Week and Easter this momentous occasion! Childcare will be provided during the worship service for ages infant through 2nd grade. Tuesday, March 8 5:30-7:30 pm The children may join their families for communion. Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Dinner is free Donations are welcome Help Needed for Anniversary Brunch March 9 Ash Wednesday Brenda Johnston, Brunch Committee 12 noon Holy Eucharist with As part of the anniversary celebration on Saturday, March 12, brunch will be held in Estill Imposition of Ashes, said service House from 11 am–12:30 pm. To make this a more festive occasion, we hope you will be- 7 pm Holy Eucharist with imposi- come involved by donating a needed item. To this end, there will be two sign-up sheets, one tion of Ashes, with music in the Narthex and one in Estill House. These sheets will indicate types of foods and other items that are needed to make this day special. There are many different opportunities— April 17 Palm Sunday something for everyone! Please think about how you can contribute to this special day. 8 am Holy Eucharist, said service Thanks for your help. Contact me with questions: 10:30 am Holy Eucharist, with music April 12 Maundy Thursday A Living Celebration of Stewardship at Nativity 7 pm Service of Holy Eucharist Kevin Burke, vestry with foot-washing ceremony The Church of the Nativity has a robust Christian Education Program that has remained an important focal point throughout the Church’s history. As we mark the official opening of April 22 Good Friday Nativity’s Education Building, I thought we should reflect on the significance of this event 12 noon Stations of the Cross as an example of Stewardship in all its dimensions. with Holy Eucharist First and foremost, we must never lose sight of the end goal of investment in Christian 7 pm Good Friday Liturgy with education. One of the fundamental objectives of Christian education is to nurture strong Holy Eucharist, with music values which become the building blocks to prepare us for future change and whatever life may throw at us. April 24 Easter Sunday Then in terms of time and talent, there have been so many groups and individuals who 7:30 am Holy Eucharist, said ser- have contributed. The final structure is the culmination of tens of thousands of hours of vice teacher lesson plans, class instruction, student engagement, healthy dialogue, committee 9:30 am Holy Eucharist, with meetings, drawing revisions and contract negotiations. music Equally important it is the financial contribution of parishioners. The Build It Forward 11 am Holy Eucharist with music (BIF) program was launched in 2008. Since that time, the program has raised approxi- mately $505,000 in cash and commitments with over 52% already received in-house. This covers about 72% of the costs incurred, which is a great position for the parish balance sheet. But perhaps with the opening of the building, we should have a quick revisit. Therefore, from March 6 to April 3, we will re-open the BIF program, primarily for those households who did not have the opportunity to contribute during the original campaign. Look for more written material and forms in the Church and Education Building. Contact: Kevin Burke, e-mail: or home phone 919-788-7774
  • 2. Glad Tidings March 2011 Parish Life From the desk of the Interim Rector Lenten Season 2011 that is hard to stop. What do I stand for in my life? And who The liturgical calendar says March 9th is Ash Wednesday. are my companions on the journey that I want to stand with? Hopefully, you will find your way to a service to have ashes Lent is a time for hope and gratitude. Lent doesn’t have to be imposed upon your forehead. This practice reminds us of our a “downer” - a time of discouragement. The Christian life is, in mortality and our humanity. I don’t want to impose ashes upon part, a decision to keep looking at the One who went through you; rather, I want ashes to impress upon you the all we have to go through and then some, the One opportunities of Lent. who gave everything, including His life so that we Lent offers us time for discernment. It was a time could have a more abundant life. of deep introspection for our LORD. He had 40 Lent is a time to imitate Christ. Make an effort to days in the wilderness to sort things out and make mimic the 40 day journey of Christ through the some decisions. He had to wrestle with what kind wilderness. Then at the close of Lent, may we be of ministry he would have. Jesus confronted head- willing to travel the moral high road, willing to be on the temptations before him in order to make a sacrificial giver, willing to make choices that choices about what road he would travel for the consistently contribute to improved general health rest of His life. and well-being, willing to discover the will of God Lent gives us time for introspection. Am I becoming the kind for our lives and our ministries. Such is what Christ did during of person I want to become? Or am I letting things slide, giving that first Lent so many years ago. It would be of great value for way to the comfortable, the easiest way, and the popular way? each of us to take the opportunity to do the same. Am I simply taking the course of least resistance? When we Faithfully, Rev. Sara C. Batson “go along to get along,” we find ourselves on a slippery slope Letter from the Senior Warden Chuck Till I assume that by the time you read this, the Education Building this office will remain locked. will have opened. Child and teen classes are moving into the ♦The workroom will move into the former Rector's office. Education Building as quickly as the delivery of furniture al- There is already a convenience PC in this room. The photo- lows. Classrooms in the Education Building are numbered copier will move there too, along with some parish supplies. 201-208. Adult classes will move (or have already moved) into The workroom will usually be open. the trailer; its three rooms will be numbered 301-303. Room ♦Portholes will be inserted into many interior doors of Estill numbers help visitors and newcomers find their way around House to reassure people of safety. Sadly, all of us have read our four-building campus. They also simplify the process of that church buildings have been the sites of misconduct and assigning and making reservations for rooms. even crime—although I want to stress that there are no such Let me describe some further facilities improvements that allegations at Nativity. Nevertheless, portholes are becoming you'll see in the coming months: the norm for interior doors of church buildings. Our Nursery ♦New exterior signage will help visitors navigate our campus. already has visibility from the hallway, and all classrooms in ♦The remaining half of the old trailer will be removed from the Education Building have portholes. They also prevent our campus (if it hasn't been already). The area vacated by inadvertent disruption of meetings in progress. the trailer will be graded, and our playground will go there. ♦Rooms in Estill House will be assigned numbers from 1 to ♦A wall phone will be installed in the Education Building so 14, and new interior signs with these numbers will be in- that 911 can be dialed in case of injury or illness. Three stalled. phones will be installed in the Worship Building for the same ♦After 20 years we have lost track of who has keys to Estill purpose (one in the Nursery, one in the Sacristy, and one in House. Therefore, all exterior and interior door locks for Es- the Music Office). till House will be re-keyed. Clergy, staff, Vestry members, ♦A new floodlight will be installed on the rear of our campus parish officers, and designated volunteers will be assigned between the trailer and the Education Building. keys on the basis of their need to access specific rooms; there ♦The lobby of Estill House will be rearranged so that one of will no longer be any "hidden" keys that open certain doors the double-doors into Corlett Hall is no longer obstructed. in Estill House. This plan is a balance of accessibility, con- The desk in the lobby will be taken out. venience, security, and confidentiality. Only the Rector, the ♦The office volunteer will move to the workstation where Senior Warden, and the Sexton will have a master key to Jennie Herrick, the Parish Coordinator, currently sits. Estill House. ♦The Parish Coordinator will move into the rear office, cur- Your Vestry believes these improvements will make our cam- rently a workroom. When the Parish Coordinator is not in, pus more functional, more attractive, and more user-friendly.
  • 3. Glad Tidings March 2011 Parish Life Important Notice! Parishioners are reminded that it is a violation of fire regulations to obstruct exit doors in our buildings. Nativity can incur heavy fines or have our doors padlocked for repeat violations (no kidding!). A lieutenant from the Raleigh Fire Department made an unscheduled inspection of Nativity in December and found numerous problems that we have since corrected. However, we have a serious recurring problem in Corlett Hall; specifically, the rear doorway that now leads to the walkway to the Education Building. Parishioners often fill the short hallway to this exit door with tables and chairs from Corlett Hall. This MUST stop. There is a storage room in the rear of Corlett Hall, and it is the ONLY approved place to store tables and chairs. If this problem continues, the Vestry will be forced to dispose of the circular tables we have enjoyed so much. Please don’t make us do that. Seniors Luncheon Billie Hurmence Faith Connections Workshop A fresh-baked muffin awaits every diner at Mimi's Café-venue of COTN Carolyn Kerr Seniors' lunch/bunch March 13, at 12:30 pm. Co-hosts Marian Oswald, Faith Connections on Mental Illness is an inter-faith 862-8966, and Betty Smith, 848-1363, request early RSVPs. Mimi's is coalition of faith communities dedicated to increasing located at 6320 Plantation Center, just off Capital Blvd. understanding of mental illness though education, Questions? Billie Hurmence, 848-7011. advocacy and support. They are hosting a workshop entitled: “Mental Illness as a Spiritual Journey: Creat- Altar Guild ing Caring Communities” on April 1, from 8:30 am-4 Marguerite Emmons pm at St. Thomas More Catholic Church, 940 Carmi- The Nativity Altar Guild is gearing up for the Lent and Easter seasons. chael St., Chapel Hill, NC. If you would like to regis- We are also looking for new members to help with this special service to ter for this workshop the cost is $15 prior to March 12, Nativity's communal worship. $25 after. Brochures can be found in the foyer of Estill What does the Altar Guild do? We wash and polish the silver and/or House. If you would rather register online, go to: pottery vessels, keep the linens and silk hangings clean and pressed, and make certain all is placed and ready for the clergy during services. We spiritualjourney2011.pdf are divided into teams who usually serve one weekend a month. If you are interested in this service, contact Marguerite Emmons at 848-9741 or email me at . Musings from the Bench Timothy Owens, organist “Lean into your discomfort.” That’s a phrase I learned from a out there and the challenge is finding something I’m able to play colleague a number of years ago and it reminds me of the that is appropriate for the day. I appreciate Waltye’s efforts in charge from a recent sermon to do something new, or, like the choosing the hymns and those selections offer a good starting wise men, take a different road. Just over a year and point. Occasionally, I find something based on the a half ago, I took the plunge and started organ les- tune from one of the hymns. Dr. Lynch has steered sons. It continues to be a challenging and rewarding me toward collections of suitable music within my experience, and I appreciate the opportunity from reach; a frequent source is a collection of chorale Nativity (and the gentle push from my mentor and preludes from German Baroque composers that piano teacher, Jim Clyburn). I am very fortunate to covers much of the liturgical year (hence the titles study organ with Dr. David Lynch (organist, Christ in German that frequently appear in the bulletin). Church). The support of Waltye Rasulala as choir- I’m studying several Bach chorale preludes as well master is invaluable. The encouragement of the as working through the eight little preludes and choir and the patience and kindness of the congrega- fugues (attributed to Bach), but most of those are tion make the way brighter, too. not yet ready for prime time – coming soon, I hope. There are a As I approach the organ bench these days, my discomfort has few favorites that I fall back on from time to time, and I keep softened a wee bit. In addition to finding practice time and re- working to expand my repertoire. hearsing the hymns, one of the weekly challenges is selecting a The piano remains my real comfort zone. But for now, though prelude and postlude. To support the service, I try to match the my feet still trip me up now and then, I’ll continue my journey selections to the appointed readings. There’s a wealth of music down this new road.
  • 4. Glad Tidings March 2011 On Being Green I brought you into a plentiful land to eat its fruit and its good things. But when you entered you defiled my land and made my heritage an abomination. Jeremiah 2:7 Next Environmental Stewardship Meeting Wednesday, March 23 Wakeup Call on our Coast 7 pm in Corlett Hall Carl Sigel A series of articles in North Carolina newspapers recently warned that sea levels are likely to rise at least 39 inches in This Month’s Energy Saving Tips from Interfaith Power & this century. Some NC scientists like Rob Young and Orrin Light, a program of the NC Council of Churches. Pilkey say recent data indicate that higher levels may occur ∗ Reduce Waste-Reuse and Recycle More - Reduce Con- sooner. The oceans have retained much of the heat trapped sumption by greenhouse gases. That heat is causing expansion of the ∗ Shop with reusable bags. Look for products that use less water as well as melting of polar ice fields and glaciers faster packaging material. Did you know that recycling one than predicted by climate models. The wakeup call on our aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three coast is amplified by the variability and intensity of storms hours - or the equivalent of half a gallon of gasoline? throughout the world causing both unprecedented heat and Find recycling centers at cold as well as devastating flooding in Pakistan, Australia, and Brazil. The warmer oceans have led to increased evapo- ration of water that falls to the earth as rain and snow. Forty- Water, Water five years ago, President Johnson said the atmosphere was NOT Everywhere! being changed by a steady increase of CO2 from the burning Ailsa Tessier of fossil fuels. CO2 levels are now the highest in at least Did you know that we are currently in a state of drought in 800,000 years. The evidence of a warming world is clearly Wake County? before us, and it is morally wrong to delay action on the cli- The City of Raleigh has a rebate program related to a water- mate. saving upgrade in your home, in addition to tips and sugges- The Environmental Stewardship at Nativity (ESN) group tions for conserving water. There is still a lot of money left in meets at 7 pm in Corlett Hall on the third Wednesday of each this fiscal year for this program, so check out the requirements month to consider how we as individuals and as a faith com- on the website: munity can be involved in Care for Creation. While we alone cannot find a way to stop the current changes in the earth's Articles/WaterMatters.html climate, we can be a model for our neighbors and a good You may also call the City’s Public Utilities department at 857- place to start would be for Nativity to become a truly Green 4540 to find out more. Congregation. Please join ESN and let's together see what we can accomplish. Outreach Honduras Health Mission Pete Crow Please plan to attend intergenerational Sunday School class at 9:15, March 6, Church of the Nativity, Raleigh, to get the latest scoop on the Honduras Health Mission. Watch an eight-minute video of the trip just returned in January. Find yourself caught up in a humorous health skit just like the hundreds of people in Honduras waiting in line for a clinic. Get a first-hand report from leaders Priscilla and Derek Shows, who after ten productive years are stepping out of that role, as well as from Cheri Janning, who will be making her first public appearance as the new boss in town. Cheri is a nurse who has excelled in many important tasks during her three years with the mission and hopes to become even more involved in this kind of work when she retires from Duke in five years or so. If you have ever considered going on this trip yourself, have helped with a pill packing, or just have wondered what the heck is going on with this mission, this may be the best chance you will get to find out. Just what goes on in those five days of medical and dental clinics, as well as eyeglass fittings? What brings out those 1,800 patients, some of whom travel by foot over three hours to get there, one of whom arrived this year brandishing his machete? For those who cannot attend, the video will be available shortly after February 27. You will be able to link to it through the Honduras Mission Resources page, or by navigating through the websites at St. Stephen’s (Durham) or Church of the Nativity (Raleigh).
  • 5. Glad Tidings March 2011 Parish Life in Pictures Congratulations, Rite-13’ers! Michael Whitmeyer, Jillian Schuler, Julia Meyer, Patience Fojut baked beautiful Anna Widin, Tyler Magdanz, Wesley Carroll, Michael Norris, Darius Fojut Valentine cookies for Fellowship Assembling new tables for the Education Building went quickly with many helpers. L: Janet Alford, Charly Kerr Above: Gordon Christian, Liam and Mark Marotta Benjamin Longenecker helps with Fellowship YAC’s learn Nativity history through photo posters. Perry Schneider (leader) Morgan Burke, Alex Schuler, Galen Tim, Bailey Maloney, Sara Newman Farewell old mobile classroom, hello new Education Building Come to the 25th Anniversary Celebration and see our history in pictures!
  • 6. Glad Tidings March 2011 Have You Met What folks do, past and/or present church involvement We’ll put names to faces and introduce several Nativity parishioners each month. This is a work in progress, watch it evolve… We seek to spotlight both new members and been-here-a-while members. Becky Showalter. Member of Nativity 16 years. Engineer for elec- Harlan Hagge. Member of Nativity 12 years. Staff Mechanical Engi- tronics manufacturing company. Likes to travel and spend time neer at Kidde Aerospace and Defense. Member of Society of Me- with friends. Previously volunteered in Nursery, taught preschool chanical Engineers and Society of Automotive Engineers. Com- through 4th grade Sunday school, helped with Vacation Bible petes in autocross events with Sports Car Club of America and School, was EYC leader for 7 years as well as YAC leader. Now Tarheel Sports Car Club. Past activities: bell choir, Faith and Sci- serves on Altar Guild, organizes Family Foyer, teaches 1st-2nd ence, Foyer, Education for Ministry. Shepherds, organ and architec- grade Sunday School and is on Rector Search Committee. “I love that my children are growing up in an environment that allows ture committees. Present activities: choir, LEM, Blue Candle Bible them to question the world around them while still teaching them Study, Environmental Stewardship, Spirituality in the Arts. Fre- of God’s immeasurable love.” Loves that for herself as well. quently rings bell at start of 10:30 service. “Nativity has always felt like home.” Liz Chi. Member of Nativity 15 years. Insurance Nancy Stoller. Member of Nativity 6 Pat Kenney. Member of Nativity 12 and financial business systems consultant. years. Design Director for Savvy Homes. years. Active in fishing, boating, golf, Joined Singles group similar to Foyer. Adopted Designs home plans. A painter, studies running and triathlon training. For- Annie 2001; Annie christened at Nativity 2002. with local artist Beverly McIver. Has mer Vestry representative, Sunday Moved to Virginia 2005 but always came back for helped with various receptions or sales school teacher, softball team. Cur- Christmas Eve service. Returned 2009 and re- at Nativity. Vacation Bible School. Many rently, usher and J2A leader. Likes joined Nativity. Involved in children’s programs. other activities at prior churches. Son family-friendly atmosphere, worship “It’s important for children to love their church and family has moved to Raleigh with services, children and youth pro- home and all it has to offer.” Works with VBS and first grandchild. Daughter just ordained grams, and summer softball season now Fixers (1st level youth program). Helped as priest and married to a priest. Single for fun and fellowship. “I’ve enjoyed group bake and donate goods to Raleigh Rescue son lives in Atlanta. “I like Sunday raising two children in Nativity’s faith Mission for Thanksgiving meals. Annie in chil- School book discussion classes best.” community, and am excited about dren’s choir. “The best job I ever had is being the new education building.” Annie’s mom.”
  • 7. Glad Tidings March 2011 From the Parish Coordinator’s Office Happy Birthday to all those Aaron Israel 1 Gail Gyurek 11 William Conley, Jr. 21 with March birthdays! If your Becca Israel 1 Bea Spence 11 Olivia Herrick 21 birthday is this month, but not Dirk Barrett 4 Grayson Holmes 12 Jonathan Edwards 23 listed here, our parish database Carson-Michael Register 5 Joel Haas 13 Dorothy Jane Youtz 23 is incomplete. Please contact Olive Howell 6 Kyle Hankins 13 Phil Massey 24 Jennie in the parish office Charly Kerr 6 Don Cariss 14 Tom Schuler 26 (846-8338) to correct your Sue Young 6 Tyler Magdanz 14 Brad Stevens 27 information. Jeff Farnham 7 Stephen Heagarty 16 Marina Garbutt 28 Joan Parente 7 David Ridout 16 Carol Meyer 28 Chris Christiansen Jr. 8 Mary Leah Singletary 16 Peggy Wade 28 Kerry Troester 8 Mary Whitaker-Sauls 16 Nick Gromow 29 Bruce Walter 8 Gay Davis 17 Jennifer Mulrooney 29 Janet O'Bryhim 9 Carl Gilmore 18 Charlie Wehland 29 Alan Hamm 10 Rachel Whitmeyer 19 Ginny Thompson 30 Claire Hester 10 Emilie Sigel 20 Marian Oswald 31 Gene Kimmick 10 Erin Burke 21 Births Tyler Thomas Wojton, grandson of Gail and Alfred Christensen Our congregation extends its sympathy and prayers to: The Brown family on the death of Ruth’s father James Reade Mayer May his soul, and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. What Does It Mean? Some of the acronyms and abbreviations you’ll see and hear at Nativity: ♦ COTN – Church of the Nativity ♦ LEM – Lay Eucharistic Minister (serving at the altar) ♦ J2A – Journey to Adulthood (youth ministry program of spiritual formation) ♦ YAC – Young Adults at Church (teens at last level of J2A) ♦ MON – Men of Nativity (men’s group open to all men of Nativity) ♦ WON – Women of Nativity (women’s group open to all women of Nativity) ♦ DOK – Daughters of the King (prayer and service group-see article in this issue, page 8) ♦ EFM – Education for Ministry (premier adult education program in the Episcopal Church) We’ll add more as we think of them. If there’s an abbreviation you’ve been wondering about, please email us at and we’ll include the explanation next time! Prayer Chain: To begin a confidential prayer request, or to have names added to the Prayers of the People list for Sunday services, please contact the church office. If you have an illness, hospitalization, or death in your family, please contact the church office. If you do not receive a response in 24 hours, please call back. If you have an emergency, please contact Mother Sara directly, home (477-0129) or her cell (397-2311). Her email address is
  • 8. NONPROFIT ORG Address Service Requested US POSTAGE PAID RALEIGH, NC PERMIT NO. 2464 8849 Ray Road Raleigh NC 27613 Phone: 919-846-8338 Email office: Visit us on the web at: Glad Tidings Team Jennie Herrick Emilie Sigel Ailsa Tessier Brenda Johnston Glad Tidings Deadline for April 2011 Issue Friday, March 25 at noon Mailing date: March 30 An Invitation to Quietness Greeters Ministry Dinner March 1 Susan Garrison All are Welcome! Daughters of the King (DOK) Nativity Geyer Longenecker is the Jubilee Chapter. It is an order Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has open to ALL women who are communi- welcomed you, for the glory of God. Roman 15:7 cants of the Episcopal Church. The mis- In his letter to the first Christians in Rome, Paul instructed the con- sion of the Order is the extension of gregation to accept people of all nations into the early church. He Christ’s Kingdom through Prayer, Ser- reminds us that Jesus welcomed all to his table - the rich and the vice, and Evangelism. All women are welcome to attend poor, the healthy and the sick, the neighbor and the foreigner. the meetings on the first Sunday of the month following the Nativity's Greeters Ministry strives to offer a warm, friendly and 10:30 service. helpful welcome to all that come here seeking God's love. By mak- The Jubilee Chapter is sponsoring a Quiet Day entitled ing room at our table for all newcomers, we enrich the lives of all “An Invitation to Quietness” on Saturday, April 9, from 9 church members, and increase our understanding and love of all am to 1 pm in Estill House. A light breakfast of juice, cof- God's people. fee, tea, bagels and cream cheese will be served. The Rev- Please consider giving of your time and talents to this vital minis- erend Nancy Titus will facilitate directed readings, medita- try. This is an excellent ministry for newer church members. We tion, and journaling so please plan on bringing your Bible, need help not only greeting newcomers, but also producing publica- a notebook and/or a journal. Plan this as a time to rest, re- tions, updating our web site, maintaining a visitor tracking data- flect and restore… In quietness and trust, you will gain base, and distributing newcomer gifts. strength. Reservations are not required. If you have any To be part of this important ministry, please join us for an infor- questions, please call Gail McNally at 376-1869. mal dinner at Nativity: When: Tuesday, March 1 at 7 pm Motto of the Order Where: Corlett Hall in Estill House I am but one, but I am one. RSVP: Contact Kari Marotta at or I cannot do everything, but I can do something. 424-7714 by Sunday, February 27 What I can do, I ought to do. Feel free to contact me, Geyer Longenecker, at What I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do. or 271-9795 if you have any questions or Lord, what will you have me do? comments. Thank you!