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100 word minimum for each paper.. give your feedback(your
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PAPER#1 darla
Paraphrasing and summary are used to show the
understanding of the literary work by recalling direct statements
which are paraphrasing or giving a summary which is an
overview over the entire content (Barnet et al., 2018).
Paraphrasing is best understood as explaining and discussing
someone’s work through the use of your own words. It shows
the form of the language the author is using. Explication is the
detail of the literary work that explains how the author said it
and why they said it in that way. (Wilson, 2021). The summary
is different from the paraphrase by providing an overview of the
work’s points and arguments. This supports the development of
analyzing and supporting ideas for the essay. All summaries and
paraphrasing must be cited (Barnet et al., 2018).
The poem “Spellbound” by Emily Brontë uses great
symbolism by use of the weather. The first stanza describes a
dark, gloomy, and eerie setting. The first line “The night is
darkening round me” is letting us know by the use of imagery
that it is happening all around her right in front of her eyes.
This gives the reader the sense of urgency that this is scary, and
she needs to get out of there fast. Next, she tells us a “tyrant
spell” has bound her, so she can not go. She mentions several
times she cannot go, telling us she is helpless to whatever fate
is about to happen. Bronte adds to the gloom in the second
stanza that the “storm is fast descending, still not knowing what
the spell is or why she cannot go. The last stanza gives light to
what is happening to the speaker. She describes “clouds above
me, Wastes beyond wastes below”. The speaker is caught
between heaven and hell. The last line is very interesting, in
that she states “I will not, cannot go” (Corfman, 2016). Her
voice changes here and this could be free will refusing death
and the spell is of her own design holding her from moving on.
Bronte uses imagery, voice, symbolism, rhyme, and rhythm to
pull the reader in to feel what she is feeling.
I chose this poem because I like the feeling of being scared.
We truly do not know what will happen in the end or what we
will see. This poem makes you think wow, this is scary and
there is nothing you can do. There are different interpretations
you can gather from this poem such as something terrible could
have happened out of the blue, and she is scared and feels her
life is closing in on her. I refer to her because that is the voice I
hear as I read the poem.
Barnet, S., Burto, W., Cain, W., & Nixon, C. (2018). Literature
for composition: An introduction to literature (11th ed.).
Wilson, J., (2021). Aphorisms on Explication. Harvard.EDU.
Retrieved October 19, 2021,
Corfman, A., (2016, July 2). Spellbound by Emily Bronte. Poem
Analysis. Retrieved from
Paper#2 Curtis;
Paraphrases, summaries, and explications are used when
writing an essay and are often used to demonstrate a general
understanding of the text that has been read. Although each of
the terms assists in describing a broad knowledge, they are still
different when broken down in-depth (Barnett et al., 2016). A
paraphrase is a statement taken from a text that describes a
specific idea or knowledge. A summary would describe a
general overview of the text itself, describing many ideas.
Using explication again shows a broad understanding of the
literary text but argues the text's meaning.
When writing an essay, the author should be able to
demonstrate knowledge of the topic being discussed. Having the
ability to show the information being reported is indeed
accurate can be confirmed through sources. In certain portions
of an essay, specific ideas may need to be covered, and using a
paraphrase could be beneficial. A general overview of a topic is
discussed in other circumstances, and a summary may be the
correct formatting. The writer will often use all three aspects
during an essay, including explications, to ensure the paper is
clear and compelling to the reader.
The poem I chose is “Spellbound” by Emily Bronte. The
general setting in this poem is not described in detail; however,
the text places the reader in a dark, doom environment. The
beginning of the verse states, “the night is darkening round
me.” This sentence sets the primary focus of the poem and lets
the readers see that the author is in a dark place. The poem
describes “wild winds” and mentions the author being under a
spell as the poem continues. The spellbinding atmosphere later
includes the author being frozen and unable to leave the dark,
depressing world that she is currently in. By describing “and yet
I cannot go,” she tells readers that she is stuck within that
moment. The author, in the end, mentions “waste beyond waste
below” but then still describes the inability to move away from
the darkness. The author appears to be the character and
represents some dark personal time in their life.
I feel most authors use personal items when writing
doomsday-style literature: concise stories or poems with
powerful meanings. Emily Bronte lost her mother and two
sisters at a very young age (Corfman, 2016). Could it be that
this poem is a direct reflection of her feelings during this time
in her life? The waste under her could represent the family she
lost and is now buried. The poem describes dark times in the
beginning, which could mean the struggle of losing her mother,
and as the darkness continues could represent the never-ending
feeling of continued loss through her two sisters.
As with many poems, authors often leave subjects open for
interpretation. I had no specific reason why I chose this poem
other than it felt appealing to me. I often think I can relate to
dark times and use my darkness to find light for a positive life.
By sharing difficulties, I have faced, so others can learn to deal
with hardships they might encounter.
Barnet, S., Burto, W., Cain, W., & Nixon, C.
(2016). Literature for Composition (11th Edition). Pearson
Education (US).
Corfman, A., (2016, July 2). Spellbound by Emily
Bronte. Poem Analysis. Retrieved from
Paper#3 Travis
As we read this week (Pollock, 2018), the book says that
correctional officers and law enforcement officers are legal
professionals and have a large decision over other lives. So, as
you can tell from just that statement, law enforcement officers
and correctional officers are very similar, but they are not the
same. Law enforcement officers on the streets deal with
different ethical choices and dilemmas than correctional officers
might. I could somewhat compare this to the non-
commissioned and officers in the Army. As enlisted members
(non-commissioned officers), we can only do so much before
we must refer them to our commanding officer or higher, but as
an officer in the Army, you can decide punishment and such
before consulting with others. As stated in some research I
completed on the subcultures it says “the correctional officer
subculture has both positive and negative effects. The
subculture can help other correctional officers find support in a
job and environment that is full of stress and pressure.” (Dial,
2010, p. 50) Digging into that theory, I could see why some may
say that. It appears that many citizens study police officers and
judge them, but me included, do not do much research what
happens next. I have noticed reading through many articles, if
something happens inside a prison or jail, the police officers are
once again judged, not the correctional officers. So, I could see
that there may be a difference. Not just because a police officer
goes through several weeks of training and/or may have a
college degree, but the things that they endure are different. I
look forward to reading more on these two types of
-Pollock, J. M. (2018). Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in
Criminal Justice (10th Edition). Cengage Learning US.
-Dial, K. C. (2010). Stress and the Correctional Officer. LFB
Scholarly Publishing LLC.[em
ail protected]sessionmgr102&vid=2&format=EB&ppid=pp_50
Paper#4 Tina;
As we have learned, there are subcultures in all areas that a
group of people come together and inhabit, whether through
their family, peer groups, neighborhoods, affiliations of specific
groups, or at their place of employment. Subculture is a
development of a set of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors
displayed by a particular group. Speaking specifically on
correctional officer subculture, this relates to our discussion
earlier in week two’s unit on police subculture. Although they
are both law enforcement professions, they have different
obligations, practices, and policies than police officers, so the
subcultures resemble but are not the same. Still, they are also
different since the environment and purpose of their duties are
different. (GreggU, 2018) & (Pollock, 2018) expressed that the
correctional officer subculture has seminal elements resembling
police subcultures. However, they are not as extensive and more
structured due to the duties/ protection of their job. (Dial, 2010)
emphasized that correctional officer subculture is an essential
part of integrating the norms and customary practices in the
department to the recruits. This hands-on personal training of a
senior officer and a recruit develops communication and
socialization on the job. A profession in law enforcement takes
discretion, honesty, morals, ethics, and more than anything, the
trust and respect between oneself and coworkers. Correctional
officers are subject to a very different atmosphere than all other
law enforcement professions. Instead of patrolling the streets or
being in a courtroom having security and protection of those
around you, they are isolated. The only protection and safety
they have been rests in their coworkers’ training, reliability,
and protection. In brief correctional officers are the foundatio n
that can make or break the effectiveness in increasing or
decreasing recidivism rates by what they show and prove to the
inmates through a professional attitude and their subculture.
The correctional officer subculture follows nine definite
elements to operate effectively and efficiently while being
united as coworkers and essentially a family unit. These nine
norms in the correctional subculture are 1. To always go to the
aid of another officer. 2. Do not “lug drugs” bring drugs or
other weaponry into the facility for the inmates. 3. Do not “rat”
tell on other officers. 4. Never making a fellow officer look bad
in front of other inmates can jeopardize the effectiveness and
unity of the department. 5. Always support an officer in a
dispute with an inmate again to show solidarity and unity of the
facility. 6. Always support officer sanctions against inmates
whether the force and discipline are not entirely justifiable,
again showing uniformity. 7. Don’t be a “white hat,” meaning
not showing empathy or emotions towards inmates to be seen as
a pushover. 8. Maintain officer solidarity against all outside
groups to keep relations with like-minded fellow law
enforcement officers and not become involved in the media or
public. 9. Show positive concern for fellow officers; respect is
earned by respect being shown through doing your job and not
leaving the other officers more work. In my studies of chapter
eleven, “The Ethics of Punishment and Corrections,” and my
research, all three sources collaborated on the nine elements/
norms in the correctional subculture while also elaborating the
similarities of the police subculture. (Dial, 2010, p. 51) &
(GreggU, 2018, time 2:51-3:03) (Pollock, 2018, p. 356) noted
that “the acceptance of the use of force, the preference toward
redefining job roles to meet only minimum requirements, and
the willingness to use deceit to cover up wrongdoing seem to
have support in both subcultures.” In short, law enforcement
has similar codes of ethics and subcultures that they fol low to
keep solidarity, effectiveness, trust, and respect in the
department. Correctional Officers subculture specifically is
even more vital for the protection and safety of themselves and
their coworkers since their duty is isolated in a hostile and
locked down facility with higher rates of threats and danger.
Dial, K. C. (2010). Stress and the Correctional Officer. LFB
Scholarly Publishing
GreggU. (2018, November 26). The Culture of
Corrections [Video]. Lighthouse
Pollock, J. M. (2018). Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in
Criminal Justice (10th Edition). Cengage Learning
Paper#5 John;
I have served on a jury trial for a traffic accident that was a
civil trial. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was the first taste of the
law that I had received, and I got to sit next to the Sergeant
from Durham Police Department, NC gang unit. As an officer I
get severe anxiety on days before court, but once on the stand in
front of a jury I feel like this is where we make our paychecks.
According to the text, only two percent of court cases in
criminal trials are disposed of through jury trials (Bohm, 2020,
P. 347). No other person in my family has served on a jury. My
wife has been wanting to serve on a major investigation but
according to her “she lucks out every time.”
Since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has largely infringed
on the constitutional right of a jury trial. “Although this loss
especially hurts the accused,9 it also causes great harm to
victims, prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, jurors, and the
public” (Draper, 2021, P. 3). Since the start of the pandemic,
many court cases have been pled out through plea bargaining or
have allowed people back into society with no end to the case in
sight. Some who claim their innocence are left to a plea due to
not being forwarded the opportunity to a jury trial.
Bohm, R. M. (2020). Introduction to Criminal Justice (10th
Edition). McGraw-Hill Higher
DRAPER, B. M. (2021). And Justice for None: How Covid-19
Is Crippling the Criminal Jury Right. Boston College Law
Review, 62, 1–10.
Paper#6 Randal
I have been summoned to court to be a juror on two separate
occasions. The cases I appeared to be a juror on were criminal
cases, cases where an individual is accused of committing a
crime against society as a whole ("Learn About Jury Service,"
2021). When summoned, a certain number of jurors were
selected out of the numerous people in the courtroom. The
defense and the prosecution went through the list of jurors and
asked questions regarding any bias and other seemingly random
questions at the time. Several jurors were dismissed and
replaced. Both times, my name was far enough on the list that I
did not have to sit through the entirety of a criminal trial;
however, I was a second alternate should something happen to a
juror present on one of the occasions. I was not called back to
service when I was the second alternate, but I did have to
provide contact information if needed.
As Bohm (2021, p. 342-343) discussed, I remember
people dismissed from jury service immediately. I had an old
school teacher who was called to jury service at the same time
as me. I did not know why she was immediately dismissed from
jury service, but I now know she has an indispensable career. I
did receive a small amount of compensation for jury service. I
spent one-day completing jury service, and I received around a
thirteen-dollar check. The employer I worked for nor the county
compensated for the other lost wages. The times called to jury
service were before I had any career in law enforcement.
Although they were a burden at the time, I understand the
necessity in hindsight.
Bohm, R. M. (2020). Introduction to Criminal Justice (10th
Edition). McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Learn About Jury Service. United States Courts. (2021).
Retrieved October 18, 2021, from

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100 word minimum for each paper.. give your feedback(your opinion)

  • 1. 100 word minimum for each paper.. give your feedback(your opinion) on each paper PAPER#1 darla Paraphrasing and summary are used to show the understanding of the literary work by recalling direct statements which are paraphrasing or giving a summary which is an overview over the entire content (Barnet et al., 2018). Paraphrasing is best understood as explaining and discussing someone’s work through the use of your own words. It shows the form of the language the author is using. Explication is the detail of the literary work that explains how the author said it and why they said it in that way. (Wilson, 2021). The summary is different from the paraphrase by providing an overview of the work’s points and arguments. This supports the development of analyzing and supporting ideas for the essay. All summaries and paraphrasing must be cited (Barnet et al., 2018). The poem “Spellbound” by Emily Brontë uses great symbolism by use of the weather. The first stanza describes a dark, gloomy, and eerie setting. The first line “The night is darkening round me” is letting us know by the use of imagery that it is happening all around her right in front of her eyes. This gives the reader the sense of urgency that this is scary, and she needs to get out of there fast. Next, she tells us a “tyrant spell” has bound her, so she can not go. She mentions several times she cannot go, telling us she is helpless to whatever fate is about to happen. Bronte adds to the gloom in the second stanza that the “storm is fast descending, still not knowing what the spell is or why she cannot go. The last stanza gives light to what is happening to the speaker. She describes “clouds above
  • 2. me, Wastes beyond wastes below”. The speaker is caught between heaven and hell. The last line is very interesting, in that she states “I will not, cannot go” (Corfman, 2016). Her voice changes here and this could be free will refusing death and the spell is of her own design holding her from moving on. Bronte uses imagery, voice, symbolism, rhyme, and rhythm to pull the reader in to feel what she is feeling. I chose this poem because I like the feeling of being scared. We truly do not know what will happen in the end or what we will see. This poem makes you think wow, this is scary and there is nothing you can do. There are different interpretations you can gather from this poem such as something terrible could have happened out of the blue, and she is scared and feels her life is closing in on her. I refer to her because that is the voice I hear as I read the poem. Reference: Barnet, S., Burto, W., Cain, W., & Nixon, C. (2018). Literature for composition: An introduction to literature (11th ed.). Pearson. Wilson, J., (2021). Aphorisms on Explication. Harvard.EDU. Retrieved October 19, 2021, from Corfman, A., (2016, July 2). Spellbound by Emily Bronte. Poem Analysis. Retrieved from bronte/spellbound/ Paper#2 Curtis; Paraphrases, summaries, and explications are used when writing an essay and are often used to demonstrate a general understanding of the text that has been read. Although each of the terms assists in describing a broad knowledge, they are still
  • 3. different when broken down in-depth (Barnett et al., 2016). A paraphrase is a statement taken from a text that describes a specific idea or knowledge. A summary would describe a general overview of the text itself, describing many ideas. Using explication again shows a broad understanding of the literary text but argues the text's meaning. When writing an essay, the author should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the topic being discussed. Having the ability to show the information being reported is indeed accurate can be confirmed through sources. In certain portions of an essay, specific ideas may need to be covered, and using a paraphrase could be beneficial. A general overview of a topic is discussed in other circumstances, and a summary may be the correct formatting. The writer will often use all three aspects during an essay, including explications, to ensure the paper is clear and compelling to the reader. The poem I chose is “Spellbound” by Emily Bronte. The general setting in this poem is not described in detail; however, the text places the reader in a dark, doom environment. The beginning of the verse states, “the night is darkening round me.” This sentence sets the primary focus of the poem and lets the readers see that the author is in a dark place. The poem describes “wild winds” and mentions the author being under a spell as the poem continues. The spellbinding atmosphere later includes the author being frozen and unable to leave the dark, depressing world that she is currently in. By describing “and yet I cannot go,” she tells readers that she is stuck within that moment. The author, in the end, mentions “waste beyond waste below” but then still describes the inability to move away from the darkness. The author appears to be the character and represents some dark personal time in their life. I feel most authors use personal items when writing doomsday-style literature: concise stories or poems with powerful meanings. Emily Bronte lost her mother and two sisters at a very young age (Corfman, 2016). Could it be that this poem is a direct reflection of her feelings during this time
  • 4. in her life? The waste under her could represent the family she lost and is now buried. The poem describes dark times in the beginning, which could mean the struggle of losing her mother, and as the darkness continues could represent the never-ending feeling of continued loss through her two sisters. As with many poems, authors often leave subjects open for interpretation. I had no specific reason why I chose this poem other than it felt appealing to me. I often think I can relate to dark times and use my darkness to find light for a positive life. By sharing difficulties, I have faced, so others can learn to deal with hardships they might encounter. References: Barnet, S., Burto, W., Cain, W., & Nixon, C. (2016). Literature for Composition (11th Edition). Pearson Education (US). 9780134101743 Corfman, A., (2016, July 2). Spellbound by Emily Bronte. Poem Analysis. Retrieved from Paper#3 Travis As we read this week (Pollock, 2018), the book says that correctional officers and law enforcement officers are legal professionals and have a large decision over other lives. So, as you can tell from just that statement, law enforcement officers and correctional officers are very similar, but they are not the same. Law enforcement officers on the streets deal with different ethical choices and dilemmas than correctional officers might. I could somewhat compare this to the non- commissioned and officers in the Army. As enlisted members
  • 5. (non-commissioned officers), we can only do so much before we must refer them to our commanding officer or higher, but as an officer in the Army, you can decide punishment and such before consulting with others. As stated in some research I completed on the subcultures it says “the correctional officer subculture has both positive and negative effects. The subculture can help other correctional officers find support in a job and environment that is full of stress and pressure.” (Dial, 2010, p. 50) Digging into that theory, I could see why some may say that. It appears that many citizens study police officers and judge them, but me included, do not do much research what happens next. I have noticed reading through many articles, if something happens inside a prison or jail, the police officers are once again judged, not the correctional officers. So, I could see that there may be a difference. Not just because a police officer goes through several weeks of training and/or may have a college degree, but the things that they endure are different. I look forward to reading more on these two types of subcultures. References: -Pollock, J. M. (2018). Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice (10th Edition). Cengage Learning US. 0876 -Dial, K. C. (2010). Stress and the Correctional Officer. LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC.[em ail protected]sessionmgr102&vid=2&format=EB&ppid=pp_50 Reply Paper#4 Tina; As we have learned, there are subcultures in all areas that a group of people come together and inhabit, whether through
  • 6. their family, peer groups, neighborhoods, affiliations of specific groups, or at their place of employment. Subculture is a development of a set of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors displayed by a particular group. Speaking specifically on correctional officer subculture, this relates to our discussion earlier in week two’s unit on police subculture. Although they are both law enforcement professions, they have different obligations, practices, and policies than police officers, so the subcultures resemble but are not the same. Still, they are also different since the environment and purpose of their duties are different. (GreggU, 2018) & (Pollock, 2018) expressed that the correctional officer subculture has seminal elements resembling police subcultures. However, they are not as extensive and more structured due to the duties/ protection of their job. (Dial, 2010) emphasized that correctional officer subculture is an essential part of integrating the norms and customary practices in the department to the recruits. This hands-on personal training of a senior officer and a recruit develops communication and socialization on the job. A profession in law enforcement takes discretion, honesty, morals, ethics, and more than anything, the trust and respect between oneself and coworkers. Correctional officers are subject to a very different atmosphere than all other law enforcement professions. Instead of patrolling the streets or being in a courtroom having security and protection of those around you, they are isolated. The only protection and safety they have been rests in their coworkers’ training, reliability, and protection. In brief correctional officers are the foundatio n that can make or break the effectiveness in increasing or decreasing recidivism rates by what they show and prove to the inmates through a professional attitude and their subculture. The correctional officer subculture follows nine definite elements to operate effectively and efficiently while being united as coworkers and essentially a family unit. These nine norms in the correctional subculture are 1. To always go to the aid of another officer. 2. Do not “lug drugs” bring drugs or other weaponry into the facility for the inmates. 3. Do not “rat”
  • 7. tell on other officers. 4. Never making a fellow officer look bad in front of other inmates can jeopardize the effectiveness and unity of the department. 5. Always support an officer in a dispute with an inmate again to show solidarity and unity of the facility. 6. Always support officer sanctions against inmates whether the force and discipline are not entirely justifiable, again showing uniformity. 7. Don’t be a “white hat,” meaning not showing empathy or emotions towards inmates to be seen as a pushover. 8. Maintain officer solidarity against all outside groups to keep relations with like-minded fellow law enforcement officers and not become involved in the media or public. 9. Show positive concern for fellow officers; respect is earned by respect being shown through doing your job and not leaving the other officers more work. In my studies of chapter eleven, “The Ethics of Punishment and Corrections,” and my research, all three sources collaborated on the nine elements/ norms in the correctional subculture while also elaborating the similarities of the police subculture. (Dial, 2010, p. 51) & (GreggU, 2018, time 2:51-3:03) (Pollock, 2018, p. 356) noted that “the acceptance of the use of force, the preference toward redefining job roles to meet only minimum requirements, and the willingness to use deceit to cover up wrongdoing seem to have support in both subcultures.” In short, law enforcement has similar codes of ethics and subcultures that they fol low to keep solidarity, effectiveness, trust, and respect in the department. Correctional Officers subculture specifically is even more vital for the protection and safety of themselves and their coworkers since their duty is isolated in a hostile and locked down facility with higher rates of threats and danger. References Dial, K. C. (2010). Stress and the Correctional Officer. LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC. Type=ip,sso&db=e000xna&AN=520524&site=eds- live&scope=site&custid=s4928909&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_47
  • 8. GreggU. (2018, November 26). The Culture of Corrections [Video]. Lighthouse OD. Pollock, J. M. (2018). Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice (10th Edition). Cengage Learning US. Paper#5 John; I have served on a jury trial for a traffic accident that was a civil trial. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was the first taste of the law that I had received, and I got to sit next to the Sergeant from Durham Police Department, NC gang unit. As an officer I get severe anxiety on days before court, but once on the stand in front of a jury I feel like this is where we make our paychecks. According to the text, only two percent of court cases in criminal trials are disposed of through jury trials (Bohm, 2020, P. 347). No other person in my family has served on a jury. My wife has been wanting to serve on a major investigation but according to her “she lucks out every time.” Since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has largely infringed on the constitutional right of a jury trial. “Although this loss especially hurts the accused,9 it also causes great harm to victims, prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, jurors, and the public” (Draper, 2021, P. 3). Since the start of the pandemic, many court cases have been pled out through plea bargaining or have allowed people back into society with no end to the case in sight. Some who claim their innocence are left to a plea due to not being forwarded the opportunity to a jury trial. References: Bohm, R. M. (2020). Introduction to Criminal Justice (10th Edition). McGraw-Hill Higher DRAPER, B. M. (2021). And Justice for None: How Covid-19 Is Crippling the Criminal Jury Right. Boston College Law Review, 62, 1–10. Paper#6 Randal
  • 9. I have been summoned to court to be a juror on two separate occasions. The cases I appeared to be a juror on were criminal cases, cases where an individual is accused of committing a crime against society as a whole ("Learn About Jury Service," 2021). When summoned, a certain number of jurors were selected out of the numerous people in the courtroom. The defense and the prosecution went through the list of jurors and asked questions regarding any bias and other seemingly random questions at the time. Several jurors were dismissed and replaced. Both times, my name was far enough on the list that I did not have to sit through the entirety of a criminal trial; however, I was a second alternate should something happen to a juror present on one of the occasions. I was not called back to service when I was the second alternate, but I did have to provide contact information if needed. As Bohm (2021, p. 342-343) discussed, I remember people dismissed from jury service immediately. I had an old school teacher who was called to jury service at the same time as me. I did not know why she was immediately dismissed from jury service, but I now know she has an indispensable career. I did receive a small amount of compensation for jury service. I spent one-day completing jury service, and I received around a thirteen-dollar check. The employer I worked for nor the county compensated for the other lost wages. The times called to jury service were before I had any career in law enforcement. Although they were a burden at the time, I understand the necessity in hindsight. References Bohm, R. M. (2020). Introduction to Criminal Justice (10th Edition). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US). 260813630 Learn About Jury Service. United States Courts. (2021). Retrieved October 18, 2021, from