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The BMW Guggenheim Lab was
open in Berlin from June 15, 2012
through July 29, 2012.

100 Urban Trends: A Glossary of Ideas
from the BMW Guggenheim Lab Berlin
was developed by Maria Nicanor, Cura-                 A
                                              BM of Id Glos

tor, BMW Guggenheim Lab, and Amara              W eas sar
                                                  Gu           y
Antilla, Curatorial Assistant, BMW Gug-               gg from
genheim Lab.                                        Be enhe the
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Design: Sulki & Min, Seoul
Photos: Luke Abiol

All text and photos © 2012 Solomon R.
Guggenheim Foundation, New York

100 Urban Trends:                                and “collaborate” seem to have become         1	    3-D Printer                              52	    Innovation
                                                 the three big Cs of urban thinking of         2	    Accessibility Design                     53	    Intergenerational Interaction
A Glossary of Ideas from                         late — but that story is not new. Cluster-    3	    Active Transformation                    54	    Intuition
the BMW Guggenheim Lab                           ing, searching for a concentration of         4	    Activist Citizen                         55	    Laser Cutter
Berlin                                           people, and finding ways to collaborate       5	    Aging Population                         56	    Learning by Doing
                                                 have been part of the human experience        6	    Anthropocentric Urbanism                 57	    Liegenschaftsfond politik
 After opening in New York in the sum-           since prehistoric times. Then, as now,        7	    Architecture of Necessity                       (Property-fund politics)
 mer of 2011, the BMW Guggenheim Lab             people gathered in search of protection,      8	    Arduino                                  58	    Maker Movement
 traveled to Berlin. Over the course of          conviviality, and exchange.                   9	    Behavior Change                          59	    Megacity
 thirty-three days, the Berlin Lab offered           The terms that follow reflect this type   10	   Bike Sharing                             60	    Minimum Variation — 
 free programs, including workshops,             of urban exchange. Their definitions aim      11	   Biking and Traffic Regulations                  Maximum Impact
 screenings, and tours, and implemented          to document and take the “temperature”        12	   Biking Safety                            61	    Mixed-Use
 urban projects in Berlin neighborhoods          of a particular time and place — Berlin in    13	   Body Language                            62	    Multidisciplinary
 and online — all centered around the            the summer of 2012 — and to understand        14	   Bottom-Up Urban Engagement               63	    Non-Expert
 topic of life in cities today. As part of the   what city experts and non-experts alike       15	   City Center versus Periphery             64	    Open Governance
 culmination of the Lab’s experience in          gathered to discuss: what cities were,        16	   Cities as Idea Generators                65	    Open-Source
 Berlin, this glossary aims to identify 100      are, and can be. The terms included           17	   Citizen Empowerment                      66	    Ownership of Public Space
 of the most talked-about trends in urban        are new and old, classic and ephemer-         18	   City as Organism                         67	    Participation
 thinking, all of which played a role during     ally fashionable. Among them are some         19	   Climate Change                           68	    Place-Making
 the Lab’s first European venue.                 of urbanism’s “usual suspects,” which         20	   Closing the Loop                         69	    Rapid Prototypying
      Created as a resource, the glos-           interestingly, keep reappearing in the        21	   Collaboration                            70	    Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
 sary offers contextualized definitions          urban discourse of the early twenty-first     22	   Collaborative Urban Mapping              71	    Responsive Infrastructure
 that apply to the way we understand,            century. Each definition concludes with       23	   Comfort                                  72	    Self-Regulation
 design, and live in cities. Integral to         an example of a Berlin Lab program that       24	   Connectivity                             73	    Self-Solving
 this glossary is the concept of cities as       illustrated the relevance and context of      25	   Creativity                               74	    Sensor
“idea makers.” In cities, people come            each term.                                    26	   Crowdfunding                             75	    Share Culture
 together, share their thoughts and com-              What do people talk about today          27	   Crowdsourcing                            76	    Skill Share
 mon interests, and generate the ideas           when they discuss the future of cities?       28	   Customization                            77	    Smart City
 that shape our world. Dense, growing            Many things. One hundred of them follow.      29	   Data Visualization                       78	    Space Activation
 cities have been and continue to be the                                                       30	   Decentralization                         79	    Space Consumer / Space Producer
 catalyst for human progress, powered by                                                       31	   Deregulation                             80	    Sustainable City
 daily proximity among their citizens as                                                       32	   Design-Build                             81	    Sustainable Tourism
 much as anything else. Despite some of                                                        33	   Digital Democracy                        82	    Temporary Architecture
 the drawbacks of such massive urban                                                           34	   Disneyfication                           83	    The New Architect
 centers, they may well embody the future                                                      35	   Do-It-Yourself (DIY)                     84	    Thinkering
 for human life. Today’s cities are compet-                                                    36	   Electric Car                             85	    Tinkering
 ing to attract more people; greater urban                                                     37	   Emission Reduction                       86	    Transformation
 density can mean more conflict, but it                                                        38	   Emotional Connections                    87	    Trust
 can also produce a greater diversity of                                                       39	   Emotional Intelligence                   88	    Upcycling
 viewpoints and more opportunity for                                                           40	   Empowerment Technologies                 89	    Urban Beauty
 positive change.                                                                              41	   Environmental Footprint                  90	    Urban Data
      In recent years, there has been an                                                       42	   Experiential Technology                  91	    Urban Fatigue
 unequivocal shift in the study of cit-                                                        43	   Experimentation                          92	    Urban History
 ies. Urban thinking, whether related to                                                       44	   Food Consumption                         93	    Urban Intervention
 architecture or urbanism, has become                                                          45	   Forecasting                              94	    Urban Livability
 dramatically less focused on infrastruc-                                                      46	   Future of Parking                        95	    Urban Microhistories
 ture, and more on the ultimate goal and                                                       47	   Gentrification                           96	    Urban Mobility
 reason for the existence of cities — that                                                     48	   Hacker Space                             97	    Urban Psychology
 is, the well-being of the people that                                                         49	   Happy City                               98	    Urban Sound
 inhabit them and constitute their very                                                        50	   Hybridity                                99	    Urban Ugliness
 soul and essence. “Cluster,” “concentrate,”                                                   51	   Influencer                               100	   Vacant Space

3-D Printer
                                                 Accessibility Design
                                                                                               Active Transformation
                                                                                                                                              Activist Citizen
A 3-D printer is a machine that prints           Accessibility design is urban design that     Active transformation is a state of            Activist citizens are committed to com-
objects by laying down successive layers         takes into account the full spectrum of       continual movement, improvement, and           munity life and the urban environment.
of plastic or other materials. 3-D print-        other-abled (including elderly, disabled,     change of the urban commons. Moti-             Rather than relying on institutions or
ers have existed since the 1980s. Today,         and handicapped) individuals by creating      vated individuals can trigger moments          the government to fix things, they lead
several companies are working to create          a user-friendly urban and domestic envi-      of transformation, changing city life into     change independently and embrace
models that are available for personal           ronment. The Americans with Disabilities      something more collaborative, sustain-         active community involvement. In 2011,
use and at a low price point. In the last        Act of 1990 (ADA) was revised in 2010         able, and conducive to well-being.             Time named “The Protester” the person
few years, the rise of 3-D printers in           to include regulations and standards for                                                     of the year. This choice came after a
                                                                                               Lab Team member Rachel Smith’s Lab
rapid prototyping has popularized and            accessibility design in the United States.                                                   turbulent year of uprisings in the Arab
                                                                                               Platz program called attention to the
democratized the creation of objects at          Accessibility design allows for an urban                                                     world that influenced the development of
                                                                                               importance of public space, by trans-
an individual level, proving that there is a     landscape that is more considerate of                                                        the Occupy movement worldwide. These
                                                                                               forming parking spaces for one whole
viable alternative to the previous depen-        the needs of every citizen.                                                                  movements illustrated the central role
                                                                                               day and turning them into places for
dence on industrial mass production.                                                                                                          activism plays in city life.
                                                 Designer John Schimmel and acces-             leisure, cooking, socializing, and learning.
This radical change has meant a turning
                                                 sibility activist and organizer Raul                                                         At the Lab, Ernst-Dieter Lantermann of
point for a variety of fields, most notably                                                    Transforming Parking Space: Lab Platz
                                                 Krauthausen conducted a workshop                                                             the Institute for Psychology at the Uni-
biomedicine, architecture, and design.                                               
                                                 intended to identify and map locations                                                       versity Kassel examined activist groups
Thus, 3-D printers are changing the way                                                        lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/
                                                 with and without equal access.                                                               from a psychological perspective, explor-
we understand and construct our built                                                          transforming-parking-space?instance_
                                                                                                                                              ing how activism works and what positive
environment.                                     Accessibility Walkabout                       id=1179
                                                                                                                                              and negative effects it can have on sat-
The BMW Guggenheim Lab in Berlin                                                               The Marathon of Transformation gath-           isfaction in life. Lantermann argued that
hosted a two-week period of programs                                                           ered together a group of more than             the way an individual sees himself as a
focused on making in which visitors used                                                       fifteen international and Berlin-based         part of the larger society hugely affects
3-D printers to do rapid prototyping. Por-                                                     influencers and transformers and               that individual’s emotional well-being.
table 3-D printers were also developed,                                                        presented the ways in which they are
                                                                                                                                              Social Involvement — Life Satisfaction
built, and donated to various cultural                                                         actively bringing about urban change.
                                                                                                                                              and Participation
producers in Berlin.
                                                                                               Marathon of Transformation           
Marathon of Making Things                                                                             lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/                                                             the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/          social-involvementlife-satisfactionpartici
lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/                                                        event/marathon-of-transformation-how-          pation?instance_id=1307
marathon-of-making-things?instance_                                                            would-you-transform-your-city?instance_
                                                                                                                                              Related terms
id=659                                                                                         id=1161
                                                                                                                                              Bottom-Up Urban Engagement
Related terms                                                                                                                                 Citizen Empowerment
Do-It-Yourself (DIY)
Empowerment Technologies
Maker Movement
Aging Population
                                              Anthropocentric Urbanism
                                                                                             Architecture of Necessity
                                                                                                                                                                                         Bicycle Safety
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       13, 14,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Body Language                                  Bottom-Up Urban
Today, twenty percent of the population       Anthropocentric urbanism refers to urban       The architecture of necessity is design        An Arduino is a piece of electronic hard-    Bicycle safety includes rules and strate-      Copenhagenize Index presented a                Body language is a form of non-verbal          Engagement
is older than sixty-five; in 2060, every      planning and city design that revolves         conducted by everyday citizens in              ware — a single-board microcontroller        gies designed to protect cyclists from         program at the Lab about the world’s           human communication. While we mainly           Bottom-up urban engagement places
third person will have reached that age.      solely around the needs and desires            response to individual or collective needs     used to create basic hardware-to-soft-       risks associated with riding. Some of          most bike-friendly cities. The Copenha-        focus on verbal strategies for sharing         the citizen at the root of urban change.
The effect of the aging population on the     of human beings. Mostly as a result of         and site-specific conditions. Due to           ware communication through circuitry         these include personal safety precau-          genize Index was developed in 2011 by          information, body language is a power-         The term “bottom-up” first appeared in
urban environment and on social ser-          the anthropocentric theories developed         political restrictions and/or low-income       control. Developed by a team of inven-       tions like helmets and lights. Others          Copenhagen Consulting as an index for          ful form of communication that connects        relation to its opposite, “top-down,” in
vices is one of the most significant global   during the Enlightenment in the eigh-          scenarios, neighborhoods and individuals       tors led by Massimo Banzi, Arduinos          require collective action from govern-         measuring support of urban cycling in          with our senses. Most of the communica-        the 1942 edition of Harvard University’s
challenges and opportunities of the next      teenth century, the human being has            make customized and informal alterations       are widely used in computer program-         ment or community organizations                cities worldwide. The index measures           tion that occurs in urban public space         Quarterly Journal of Economics: “In the
fifty years. Intergenerational exchange       long constituted the gold standard by          to their living spaces, thus creating inno-    ming. As an easy-to-use module, the          including bikeways, traffic laws, and rid-     eighty major cities around the world           occurs through conscious or uncon-             long run it is part of the larger question
creates opportunities for knowledge           which all things are measured. Historical      vative new typologies for architecture and     device can be employed to test basic         ing conduct. Higher bicycle-safety levels      based on specific criteria including           scious body language signals. For this         of whether ‘bottom-up’ control can be as
sharing and social interaction. Urban         architectural styles have operated on this     urbanism. Ernesto Oroza coined the term        programming functionality or even            result in a greater number of bicycle          bicycle infrastructure, bike share pro-        reason, understanding, learning, and           efficient as ‘top-down’ control.”
design, community initiatives, and public     assumption for centuries. However, more        in his 2006 book, For an Architecture of       operate a small robot. The Arduino is        riders sharing city streets.                   grams, perception of safety, and politics.     analyzing body language is of crucial               In an urban context, this approach
services can help meet the needs of           recent thinking and twentieth-century          Necessity and Disobedience, to refer           particularly practical for rapid prototyp-                                                  When these needs are met, cities               importance for urban psychologists.            has two key, complementary directions:
                                                                                                                                                                                         During the Cycling Fast Facts presenta-
young and old citizens alike.                 urban and environmental theories               to the efficiency and ingenuity of Cuban       ing. Its design is distributed under the                                                    experience an increase in cyclists, which                                                     first, a trend that encourages social,
                                                                                                                                                                                         tions, Jorg Leben spoke about the needs                                                       At the Lab, the programs devoted to the
                                              advocate for a separation from anthro-         citizens under Fidel Castro’s regime and       Creative Commons license and low-cost                                                       has a positive effect on city livability and                                                  cooperative models of city organiza-
The Ageless Evening at the Berlin Lab                                                                                                                                                    of cyclists and other road users. He                                                          topic of Urban Micro Lens explored how
                                              pocentric thinking in urban planning           their approach to self-made solutions          kits are available through a number of                                                      infrastructure.                                                                               tion; second, a growing interest from
offered an evening of intergenerational                                                                                                                                                  touched upon the importance of bicycle                                                        all forms of communication represent a
                                              and argue that it is this mindset that has     for their everyday needs. Virserum Art         organizations.                                                                                                                                                                            government officials, academia, and the
encounters through cooking, dance, age                                                                                                                                                   safety, the problematic of mixed traffic       The World’s Most Bike-Friendly Cities          skill that can be developed and perfected.
                                              caused many of the challenges faced by         Museum has also used the term to talk                                                                                                                                                                                                    professional sector in resorting to digital,
simulation, and more.                                                                                                                       At the Lab, Making Sense with ­ rduinos
                                                                                                                                                                            A            issues, the inefficiency of pavers, and the             When this is done successfully it can
                                              cities today. Cities that flourished under     about sustainability in architecture.                                                                                                                                                                                                    open-sourced data and models as key
                                                                                                                                            was a workshop that empowered                issues of rights-of-way in different coun-     lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/        dramatically improve our urban life.
Ageless Evening                               an anthropocentric mindset were not                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     resources for understanding urban
                                                                                             Ernesto Oroza led a two-part workshop          visitors to engage with basic electronics    tries. Leben concluded that sufficient         sidsel-birk-hjuler-the-worlds-most-bike-            created with a larger context in mind that                                                                                                                                                                                               The Basics of Perception and Urban             interactions.
                                                                                             at the Berlin Lab that had visitors docu-      and programming in an effort to make         space and keeping bikers away from             friendly-cities?instance_id=1156
lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/       could be inclusive of the environment                                                                                                                                                                                                    Micro Lens
                                                                                             menting architectural hacks in Berlin          small-scale interventions into our urban     main roads would lead to an increase in                                                                                                      Dietmar Offenhuber’s research centers
ageless-evening?instance_id=1243              and other living creatures.                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                                                                                             neighborhoods and compiling them into          environment.                                 bicycle use.                                                                                                                                 on the possibilities and limitations of
Related term                                  Natalie Jeremijenko, artist and engineer,      a customized tabloid. He also gave a                                                                                                                                                                                                     self-organized infrastructure. Based on
                                                                                                                                            Making Sense with Arduinos                   Cycling Fast Facts                                                                            basics-of-perception-and-the-urban-
Intergenerational Interaction                 explained how artistic interventions           lecture about the Architecture of Neces-                                                                                                                                                                                                 the work of the SENSEable City Lab,
                                              and urban actions can be successful            sity in Cuba.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Offenhuber discussed the effectiveness
                                                                                                                                            the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/        lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/
                                              prescriptions for a more inclusive urban                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and potential of bottom-up infrastructure
                                                                                             Ernesto Oroza:                                 event/making-things-sense-with-              cycling-fast-facts?instance_id=1143
                                              design that tackles environmental issues                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                at the Berlin Lab in a lecture titled Can
                                                                                             Provisional Space/Collaborative Design         arduinos?instance_id=698
                                              including pollution, overcrowded cities,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Infrastructure Be Crowdsourced?
                                              and lack of wildlife in city areas.
                                                                                             berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ernesto-                                                                                                                                                                                              Can Infrastructure Be Crowdsourced?
                                              Natalie Jeremijenko: Toward a Healthy          oroza-provisional-spacecollaborative-                                                                                                                                                                                          
                                              Urban Environmental Commons                    design?instance_id=708                                                                                                                                                                                                                   is-the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-
                                                                                             Architecture of Necessity and
                                              lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 crowdsourced?instance_id=761
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Related terms
                                                                                             the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/                                                                                                                                                                                                    Activist Citizen
                                                                                             event/architecture-of-necessity-and-                                                                                                                                                                                                     Citizen Empowerment
                                                                                             Related term

Behavior Change
                                              Bike Sharing
                                                                                                                                            Biking and Traffic
                                                                                                                                                                                         City Center versus Periphery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       16, 17,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Cities as Idea Generators                      Citizen Empowerment
Behavioral change is an ongoing pro-          Bicycle-sharing programs provide bikes         Copenhagenize Index presented a                Regulations                                  The city center is often the location of the   C-Zone I                                       Cities are successful forms of organiza-       Citizen empowerment is the state of feel-
cess of replacing the ways we respond         for rent or temporary use in urban envi-       program at the Lab about the world’s           Biking and traffic regulations are the       most significant, historical, cultural, and                 tion because they attract people. And          ing that one’s actions actively contribute
to our environment with newly acquired        ronments. Today, there are bike-sharing        most bike-friendly cities. The Copenha-        rules that ensure the orderly and safe       political landmarks and institutions. At       the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/          when people gather together and inter-         to urban decision-making processes
patterns of action. Behavior standards        programs in 165 cities around the world.       genize Index was developed in 2011 by          operation and interaction of motor vehi-     times, this area also serves as the eco-       event/c-zone-i?instance_id=1250                act, innovation happens and new ideas          and change. By creating opportunities
respond to social norms and needs; in an      Bike-sharing systems typically involve         Copenhagen Consulting as an index for          cles, bicycles, pedestrians, and others      nomic hub, and is commonly frequented                                                         are generated. Thus, urban theorists and       for communication and participation, citi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        C-Zone II
urban context, certain targeted behavior-     customized bike design, docking sta-           measuring support of urban cycling in          during transit. More recently, some urban    by tourists. Hence cities are often                                                           economists identify cities as engines of       zens feel empowered to contribute their
al shifts can lead to important changes       tions, and an affordable membership            cities worldwide. The index measures           and traffic planners have come to believe    characterized or known by the more                                                            progress and idea generation since their       time, energy, and ideas in the city.
in urban interaction and design. The key      fee to avoid theft and promote financial       eighty major cities around the world           that over-regulation of traffic and pedes-   stereotyped postcard visions of their                                                         inception.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        event/c-zone-ii?instance_id=1256                                                              Carsten Joost, a well-known Berlin activ-
to large-scale urban improvement lies in      sustainability. Bike sharing provides free     based on specific criteria including           trian flows can be counterproductive to      city centers. Traditionally, the center is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Identifying cities as centers for innovation   ist from Media Spree Versenken, shared
the majority of the population adopting       or low-cost transportation with no emis-       bicycle infrastructure, bike-sharing           the safety and efficiency of urban mobil-    the most highly valued area, in contrast       Related term
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and collaborative thinking, Barry Kudrow-      various strategies for social involvement
and maintaining more behaviors that pro-      sions. The system was first employed           programs, perception of safety, and poli-      ity, and that adequately designed, more      with the city periphery, which has often       Gentrification
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       itz ran a workshop on idea generation          during his lecture at the Lab, while giving
duce small but incremental change for         in Amsterdam in 1969 when a fleet of           tics. When these needs are met, cities         flexible and intuitive systems can lead to   housed artists, immigrants, and those
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       through improvisational practices that         examples of how activists had changed
the common good. These could include          bikes was painted white and distributed        experience an increase in cyclists, which      better mobility performance in cities.       with low income. This creates a tension
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       engaged visitors and encouraged them           the urban landscape in Berlin.
more responsible consumption and              throughout the city. Other cities with bike-   has a positive effect on city livability and                                                that leads to various types of urban
                                                                                                                                            Philipp Poll from ADFC Berlin e.V. ex-                                                                                                     to interact.
waste practices and greater conviviality      sharing programs include Berlin (with          infrastructure.                                                                             regeneration and gentrification process-                                                                                                     A Waste of Time and Effort?
and sharing.                                  two programs, started in 2003 and 2009)                                                       plained biking and traffic regulations and   es. Both areas require attention and can                                                      Idea Generation through Improvisation          Twenty Years of Civic Participation
                                                                                             Sidsel Birk Hjuler:                            showed how pedestrians, drivers, and
                                              Paris (2007), Barcelona (2007), and                                                                                                        serve as creative incubators and urban                                                     
Through his programs, which explored                                                         The World’s Most Bike Friendly Cities          bikers can be conditioned not to break
                                              London (2010), among others. New York                                                                                                      transformation sites for rapid gentrifica-                                                    the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/          lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/a-
the power of technology in cities, Lab                                                          traffic rules. Poll discussed how thought-
                                              City will be launching one in the spring                                                                                                   tion. With the development of megacities,                                                     event/idea-generation-through-                 waste-of-time-and-effort-twenty-years-
Team member Carlo Ratti argued that                                                          lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/        ful design and planning that responds to
                                              of 2013. In major cities around the world,                                                                                                 the notion of center versus periphery is                                                      improvisation?instance_id=653                  of-civic-participation?instance_id=1281
sensing and actuating is a powerful                                                          sidsel-birk-hjuler-the-worlds-most-bike-       psychological responses to space can
                                              the programs are typically sponsored by                                                                                                    a blurred one, as cities develop multiple
transformative process that can lead to                                                      friendly-cities?instance_id=1156               offer intuitive guidance for those on the                                                                                                  Related term                                   Ernst-Dieter Lantermann of the Institute
                                              major corporations.                                                                                                                        centers and urban sprawl continues to
behavior change — the first step in large-                                                                                                  road. Such improved planning efforts can                                                                                                   Multidisciplinary                              for Psychology at the University Kassel,
                                                                                                                                                                                         expand urban surfaces beyond precise
scale transformation.                         Cycling Fast Facts featured a group of                                                        be more effective than mandatory rules                                                                                                                                                    examined activist groups from a psy-
                                              biking experts to showcase a crosssec-                                                        in promoting road safety.                                                                                                                                                                 chological perspective, exploring how
Carlo Ratti’s Introduction
                                              tion of the Berlin cycling community to                                                                                                    Maurice de Martin organized C-Zone, a                                                                                                        activism works and what positive and                                                                                                          Cycling Fast Facts
                                              discuss the challenges and opportunities                                                                                                   tour of Berlin’s fringe and often-neglected                                                                                                  negative effects it can have on satisfac-
                                              of biking in cities.                                                                                                                       outer ring in the East Berlin neighbor-                                                                                                      tion in life. Lantermann argued that the
sanitary-cities-and-the-senseable-                                                                                                          lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/      hoods of Lichtenberg, Treptow-Köpenick,                                                                                                      way an individual sees himself as a part
city?instance_id=760                          Cycling Fast Facts                                                                            cycling-fast-facts?instance_id=1143          and Marzahn. The tour visited local                                                                                                          of the larger society hugely affects that
                                                                                                                                                                                         experts and residents of non-central                                                                                                         individual’s emotional wellbeing.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Berlin areas to underscore the fact that
                                              cycling-fast-facts?instance_id=1143                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Social Involvement — Life Satisfaction — 
                                                                                                                                                                                         Berlin consists of more than just the cen-
                                                                                                                                                                                         tral zone more usually seen by tourists.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Related terms
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Activist Citizen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Bottom-Up Urban Engagement
18, 19, 20, 21, 26,
City as Organism                                Climate Change                                Closing the Loop                               Collaboration                                 Crowdfunding
“City as organism” refers to the similarity     Climate change is the slow alteration of      “Closing the loop” is an expression used       Collaboration — the act of cooperative        Crowdfunding is a fundraising strategy         Living by Sharing:                           Crowdsourcing is a problem-solving              Karma Economy and Book Release
 between an urban system and a complex          weather patterns that occurs over time         to define the closure of a process, from      work undertaken to achieve a common           that relies on the collective support of       Heidemarie Schwermer                         model that relies on the voluntary              Hartz IV Moebel
 live organism formed by multiple, interre-     as a result of various conditions, includ-     its inception to its end, in a manner         goal — is at the core of human interaction.   many individuals who contribute a small               sharing of information or skills with an
 lated components. As with an organism,         ing natural geographic transformation,         that leaves no loose ends. In the urban       Since the beginning of civilization, peo-     amount of money to support a cause,            the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/        undefined public. Often relying on the          lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/
 many of the elements that form a city          orbital variations, evolution, and human       context, “closing the loop” is increasingly   ple have gathered in search of protection,    start-up, artistic project, or relief fund.    event/living-by-sharing-heidemarie-          Internet, crowdsourcing allows for col-         karma-economy-and-book-release-
 are not apparent to the naked eye, yet         influence. There is serious debate about       used to allude to the effectiveness of        conviviality, and exchange. Within cities,    This strategy relies primarily on the Inter-   schwermer?instance_id=1273                   laboration and participation between            hartz-iv-moebel-hatje-cantz?instance_
 they are essential to the city’s ability to    the current and future repercussions of        digital-to-physical interactions in cities.   collaboration is crucial to the achieve-      net to market needs and garner support.                                                     a variety of people from different back-        id=1252
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Karma Economy and Book Release
 function. It is important to give equal        climate change. These effects may be           Successful uses of digital technolo-          ment of common goals for improving the        Websites like Kickstarter have made this                                                    grounds and levels of expertise. The term
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Hartz IV Moebel                                                                              Related terms
 importance to both the visible and invis-      ultimately irreversible and are largely        gies in cities, through sensor devices        shared urban experience.                      type of fundraising popular. The trend                                                      was coined in 2006 by author Jeff Howe
 ible areas of a city, as both are crucial to   due to an increase in carbon dioxide           or social media, for instance, are of no                                                    has extended to the world of architecture                                                   in an article for Wired.
                                                                                                                                             Lab Team member Corinne Rose’s Make                                                          lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/                                                      Digital Democracy
 its development.                               levels — of which the highest levels are       use if they do not manage to achieve an                                                     and design: a variety of product-design
                                                                                                                                             Space project initiated and implemented                                                      karma-economy-and-book-release-              At the Lab, Dietmar Offenhuber dis-             Open Governance
                                                produced in cities. Through large-scale        impact on the physical world. That is, if                                                   and urban projects have sought funding
Maurice de Martin organized C-Zone, a                                                                                                        a collaborative process through which a                                                      hartz-iv-moebel-hatje-cantz?instance_        cussed how crowdsourcing could be               Open-Source
                                                governmental guidelines (such as the           we amass large quantities of urban data                                                     through these avenues. Crowdfunding is
tour of Berlin’s fringe and often-neglected                                                                                                  group of senior citizens worked together                                                     id=1252                                      applied to city infrastructure. In this talk,
                                                Kyoto Protocol of 1997) and individual ini-    through cutting-edge sensors, but we fail                                                   a symptom of a larger social trend toward
outer ring in the East Berlin neighbor-                                                                                                      to create a community garden in a                                                                                                         he gave examples of how this is being
                                                tiatives, urban planners and citizens are      to implement a practical solution in the                                                    sharing and gift-based transactions.           Related term
hoods of Lichtenberg, Treptow-Köpenick,                                                                                                      Berlin neighborhood. Through a blog                                                                                                       done and explained the main issues and
                                                becoming more aware of these issues,           real world to the questions the data was                                                                                                   Crowdsourcing
and Marzahn. The tour visited local                                                                                                          that described the working process, the       At the Lab, Coralie Winn and Ryan                                                           possibilities of this approach. Crowd-
                                                resulting in more responsible design and       asking, we will not have closed the loop.
experts and residents of non-central                                                                                                         project functioned as a how-to guide for      Reynolds from Gap Filler spoke about                                                        sourcing is thought to be a tool that could
                                                lifestyle choices that can lead to urgently    Similarly, if we have thousands of friends
Berlin areas to underscore the fact that                                                                                                     brainstorming solutions for spaces for        DIY urbanism and regeneration in post-                                                      create smarter cities by allowing the
                                                needed reductions in emissions.                on Facebook, yet fail to meet anyone for
Berlin consists of more than just the cen-                                                                                                   common use. The garden and blog also          quake Christchurch, New Zealand, and                                                        addition of real-time sensing to all ele-
                                                                                               coffee in weeks, the digital-physical loop
tral zone usually seen by tourists.             Climate Media Factory presented a                                                            served as sources of inspiration for resi-    gave examples of crowdsourced projects                                                      ments of an urban system.
                                                                                               is not closed.
                                                session on climate change, cities, and                                                       dents and neighbors ready to transform a      that had changed the fabric of the city
C-Zone I                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Can Infrastructure Be Crowdsourced?
                                                mobility and questioned how we can            Carlo Ratti devoted a series of programs       space of their own.                           after a natural disaster; Heidemarie                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
                                                better communicate climate change to          to the topic of Scripted Spaces in which                                                     Schwermer developed her views on a
the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/                                                                                                        Make Space/Räume schaffen:                                                                                                                is-the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-
                                                encourage more individual action. They        he analyzed the ways in which physi-                                                         society based on sharing; and Van Bo
event/c-zone-i?instance_id=1250                                                                                                              A Community Garden Project                                                                                                                events/event/can-infrastructure-be-
                                                presented a variety of methods, includ-       cal “actuation” has become increasingly                                                      Le-Mentzel presented his crowd-sourced
C-Zone II                                       ing social media, which could encourage       important in the highly digital cities that                                                  Karma Economy project and book.
                                                                                                                                             lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-city-projects/                  better education on Berlin’s climate-         we inhabit.                                                                                                                                                                              Van Bo Le-Mentzel held a book-release
                                                                                                                                             make-space-community-garden                   Marathon of Transformation
the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/           change data.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           event for a text that he created with
                                                                                              Scripted Spaces                                                                    
event/c-zone-ii?instance_id=1256                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       collaborators from around the world — 
                                                Tell Your City: Lectures on Narrating                                                           the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       a project that was facilitated through
                                                Climate Change                                lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/                                                      event/marathon-of-transformation-how-
                                                  scripted-spaces?instance_id=1323                                                             would-you-transform-your-city?instance_
                                                lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/                                                                                                    id=1161

22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31,
Collaborative Urban                             Comfort                                       Connectivity                                   Creativity                                    Customization                                  Data Visualization                           Decentralization                                Deregulation
Mapping                                         Comfort is a sense of physical or psy-        Connectivity refers to the ability to          Creativity is the ability to make connec-     Customization is the method of respond-        Data visualization is the representa-        Decentralization is the process by which        Deregulation is a process whereby the
People have been documenting place              chological ease, often characterized as       connect people in better, more efficient       tions that are not necessarily obvious        ing to individual needs and directives.        tion of information through graphs and       elements of a whole are dispersed. The          government decreases its involvement
and advancing the science of cartog-            a lack of hardship. Maximizing comfort        ways that allow them to thrive to the best     between seemingly unconnected things,         Customization is often used to refer to        other visual means. The purpose of data      term is commonly used in the context            and limits its amount of regulations. It
raphy for thousands of years. Unlike            has not only fostered the ability to cope     of their capacity. Cities have become          leading to new ideas. Associative learn-      a shift in manufacturing and production        visualization is to translate complex        of government to refer to a process             has been argued that, in some cases,
early maps, today’s mapping offers the          with sometimes grueling urban condi-          the larger connective tissue that can          ing theories support a variety of methods     to a more flexible methodology. The            data sets or subjective information into     that involves a greater sharing of power        deregulation can increase individual or
ability to display a plurality of data and      tions, but it has also become a measure       provide the basis for connective strate-       to connect abstract concepts in our           term, which dates back at least as far         easily digestible, graphic forms, bringing   among various sectors and players. In           institutional initiative, which allows for
information with a high level of precision.     of individual wealth, success, and status.    gies. In urban environments, citizens          brains in order to find novel outcomes,       as the turn of the twentieth century, was      together the practical need to com-          the field of economics, the term refers         more personalized and localized solu-
Furthermore, the role of the cartographer       Unfortunately, the irrepressible human        can connect through the proliferation          thus promoting creativity.                    featured in the 1997 book Future Perfect       municate with an aesthetic sensibility.      to responsible investment strategies            tions to emerge in cities. However, the
as a singular author has been replaced          aspiration to find ease often creates         of widespread technology, and just as                                                        by Stan Davis in which he discussed its        Visualizing urban behavior and patterns      that allocate funds to diverse lots, rather     term and its applications are the subject
                                                                                                                                             Barry Kudrowitz led an active and
with a form of mapping that is produced         behaviors that challenge individual           importantly, through personal, narrative                                                     application to mass production. The last       can create awareness about important         than keeping all assets in one place. In        of highly polarized debate.
                                                                                                                                             engaged workshop and talk about idea
through collaboration and open-source           health, ecological sustainability, and        connections that reflect microhistories of                                                   decade has seen a dramatic increase in         urban conditions (traffic, cell phone use,   urban planning, decentralization has
                                                                                                                                             generation and creativity and suggested                                                                                                                                                   Ben Hamilton Baille, architect and urban
data sharing, leading to maps that can          economic moderation — hence the need          place.                                                                                       products and services that are designed        bike usage, pollution levels) and can also   been referred to as an alternative to cities’
                                                                                                                                             a variety of tools to increase innovative                                                                                                                                                 designer, explained the principles of
contain several layers of information in        to look for sustainable, responsible ways                                                                                                  and built to user specifications. Custom-      lead to diagnosing situations that need      central infrastructure and social systems.
                                                                                              As a nexus for the exchange of ideas,          thinking, from mind mapping to games                                                                                                                                                      street design and place-making by
one single digital source.                      to find comfort in urban environments.                                                                                                     ization has the potential to transform the     improvement.                                 A dispersion of centers is seen as a way
                                                                                              the Lab functioned as a connective hub         that can help release our inhibitions. The                                                                                                                                                presenting new approaches to traffic
                                                                                                                                                                                           way we build and inhabit cities, making                                                     to avoid dependency on a centralized
During the Marathon of Transformation           Anton Burdakov’s Anchor Points program        for experts and non-experts alike to put       most successful designers and thinkers                                                       Dissected Trash Objects allowed visitors                                                     engineering, speed, safety, and civility
                                                                                                                                                                                           them ever more flexible, personalized,                                                      system whose malfunction could cause
day of programs, Joe Peach, the founder         revealed how our perception of space          forward urban theories, test out new           don’t innovate through seriousness, but                                                      to engage in real-time data collec-                                                          practices. He claimed that deregulation
                                                                                                                                                                                           and livable.                                                                                widespread disruption.
of This Big City, explained how digital         can create feelings of comfort and secu-      methods of urban participation, and            through playful brainstorming and idea-                                                      tion, analysis, and visualization. Led by                                                    of traffic and pedestrian rules is a crucial
urban citizen engagement projects, in           rity by identifying whether we are inside     share personal stories of transformation       association, which are proven to foster       Dale Dougherty discussed the turn              Dietmar Offenhuber and Pablo Rey from        A key component of decentralization has         step towards street safety.
particular collaborative urban mapping,         or outside a so-called protected space.       and experimentation.                           creativity.                                   towards customization and personal             Basurama, the workshop exposed the           been the increase in democratizing the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Street Design and Place-Making:
contribute to city transformation.                                                                                                                                                         fabrication rather than mass production        hidden waste processes associated with       uses of technology. This concept was the
                                                Anchor Points                                 Through his programs, Lab Team                 How Play and Humor Help Us Innovate                                                                                                                                                       New Approaches to Traffic Engineering,
                                                                                                                                                                                           in his talk What is the Maker Movement?        global consumables.                          core element of José Gómez Márquez’s
The Marathon of Transformation                    member Carlo Ratti explored the power                                                                                                                                                            Speed, Safety, and Civility
                                                                                                                                                                                           He claimed that making has created a                                                        programs at the Lab.                  lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/       of technology in cities. In a video for        the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/                                                        Dissected Trash Objects                                                            
                                                                                                                                                                                           prototyping revolution that fosters experi-
the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/           anchor-points?instance_id=1241                the Lab, Carlo explains how the Lab is         event/how-play-and-humor-help-us-                                                             Empowerment Technologies                        lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/
                                                                                                                                                                                           mentation, customization, and innovation.
event/marathon-of-transformation-how-                                                         a mobile platform that gives people an         innovate?instance_id=654                                                                     lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/                      street-design-and-place-making-new-
would-you-transform-your-city?instance_                                                       opportunity to think about architecture                                                      What is the Maker Movement?                    dissected-trash-objects?instance_            is-the-lab/people/berlin-lab-team/              approaches-to-traffic-engineering-
                                                                                                                                             Related term
id=1161                                                                                       and design — and how both relate to                                                             id=1282                                      jose-gomez-marquez                              speed-safety-and-civility-?instance_
                                                                                              cities. Ratti points out that today, new                                                     lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/                                                                                                     id=1144
Foodscape Mapping engaged visitors in                                                                                                                                                                                                     Related term                                 Related term
                                                                                              technologies have allowed people to                                                          dale-dougherty-what-is-the-maker-
collaboratively mapping waste and para-                                                                                                                                                                                                   Collaborative Urban Mapping                  Empowerment Technologies                        Related term
                                                                                              connect and act on a different level and                                                     movement?instance_id=685
sites, sewage systems, smells, markets,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Self-Regulation
                                                                                              come together in new ways.
and the food supply chain, as well as the
economic trends in the area connected                                                         Carlo Ratti on the BMW Guggenheim Lab
with food.                                                                          
Foodscape Mapping                                                            Related term
lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/                                                       Urban Microhistories
100 urban trends_1106_3_mb
100 urban trends_1106_3_mb
100 urban trends_1106_3_mb
100 urban trends_1106_3_mb
100 urban trends_1106_3_mb
100 urban trends_1106_3_mb

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100 urban trends_1106_3_mb

  • 1. 100 The BMW Guggenheim Lab was open in Berlin from June 15, 2012 through July 29, 2012. 100 Urban Trends: A Glossary of Ideas from the BMW Guggenheim Lab Berlin was developed by Maria Nicanor, Cura- A BM of Id Glos Urban tor, BMW Guggenheim Lab, and Amara W eas sar Gu y Antilla, Curatorial Assistant, BMW Gug- gg from genheim Lab. Be enhe the rlin im La b Design: Sulki & Min, Seoul Photos: Luke Abiol All text and photos © 2012 Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York Trends
  • 2. 100 Urban Trends: and “collaborate” seem to have become 1 3-D Printer 52 Innovation the three big Cs of urban thinking of 2 Accessibility Design 53 Intergenerational Interaction A Glossary of Ideas from late — but that story is not new. Cluster- 3 Active Transformation 54 Intuition the BMW Guggenheim Lab ing, searching for a concentration of 4 Activist Citizen 55 Laser Cutter Berlin people, and finding ways to collaborate 5 Aging Population 56 Learning by Doing have been part of the human experience 6 Anthropocentric Urbanism 57 Liegenschaftsfond politik After opening in New York in the sum- since prehistoric times. Then, as now, 7 Architecture of Necessity (Property-fund politics) mer of 2011, the BMW Guggenheim Lab people gathered in search of protection, 8 Arduino 58 Maker Movement traveled to Berlin. Over the course of conviviality, and exchange. 9 Behavior Change 59 Megacity thirty-three days, the Berlin Lab offered The terms that follow reflect this type 10 Bike Sharing 60 Minimum Variation —  free programs, including workshops, of urban exchange. Their definitions aim 11 Biking and Traffic Regulations Maximum Impact screenings, and tours, and implemented to document and take the “temperature” 12 Biking Safety 61 Mixed-Use urban projects in Berlin neighborhoods of a particular time and place — Berlin in 13 Body Language 62 Multidisciplinary and online — all centered around the the summer of 2012 — and to understand 14 Bottom-Up Urban Engagement 63 Non-Expert topic of life in cities today. As part of the what city experts and non-experts alike 15 City Center versus Periphery 64 Open Governance culmination of the Lab’s experience in gathered to discuss: what cities were, 16 Cities as Idea Generators 65 Open-Source Berlin, this glossary aims to identify 100 are, and can be. The terms included 17 Citizen Empowerment 66 Ownership of Public Space of the most talked-about trends in urban are new and old, classic and ephemer- 18 City as Organism 67 Participation thinking, all of which played a role during ally fashionable. Among them are some 19 Climate Change 68 Place-Making the Lab’s first European venue. of urbanism’s “usual suspects,” which 20 Closing the Loop 69 Rapid Prototypying Created as a resource, the glos- interestingly, keep reappearing in the 21 Collaboration 70 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle sary offers contextualized definitions urban discourse of the early twenty-first 22 Collaborative Urban Mapping 71 Responsive Infrastructure that apply to the way we understand, century. Each definition concludes with 23 Comfort 72 Self-Regulation design, and live in cities. Integral to an example of a Berlin Lab program that 24 Connectivity 73 Self-Solving this glossary is the concept of cities as illustrated the relevance and context of 25 Creativity 74 Sensor “idea makers.” In cities, people come each term. 26 Crowdfunding 75 Share Culture together, share their thoughts and com- What do people talk about today 27 Crowdsourcing 76 Skill Share mon interests, and generate the ideas when they discuss the future of cities? 28 Customization 77 Smart City that shape our world. Dense, growing Many things. One hundred of them follow. 29 Data Visualization 78 Space Activation cities have been and continue to be the 30 Decentralization 79 Space Consumer / Space Producer catalyst for human progress, powered by 31 Deregulation 80 Sustainable City daily proximity among their citizens as 32 Design-Build 81 Sustainable Tourism much as anything else. Despite some of 33 Digital Democracy 82 Temporary Architecture the drawbacks of such massive urban 34 Disneyfication 83 The New Architect centers, they may well embody the future 35 Do-It-Yourself (DIY) 84 Thinkering for human life. Today’s cities are compet- 36 Electric Car 85 Tinkering ing to attract more people; greater urban 37 Emission Reduction 86 Transformation density can mean more conflict, but it 38 Emotional Connections 87 Trust can also produce a greater diversity of 39 Emotional Intelligence 88 Upcycling viewpoints and more opportunity for 40 Empowerment Technologies 89 Urban Beauty positive change. 41 Environmental Footprint 90 Urban Data In recent years, there has been an 42 Experiential Technology 91 Urban Fatigue unequivocal shift in the study of cit- 43 Experimentation 92 Urban History ies. Urban thinking, whether related to 44 Food Consumption 93 Urban Intervention architecture or urbanism, has become 45 Forecasting 94 Urban Livability dramatically less focused on infrastruc- 46 Future of Parking 95 Urban Microhistories ture, and more on the ultimate goal and 47 Gentrification 96 Urban Mobility reason for the existence of cities — that 48 Hacker Space 97 Urban Psychology is, the well-being of the people that 49 Happy City 98 Urban Sound inhabit them and constitute their very 50 Hybridity 99 Urban Ugliness soul and essence. “Cluster,” “concentrate,” 51 Influencer 100 Vacant Space 1, 3-D Printer 2, Accessibility Design 3, Active Transformation 4, Activist Citizen A 3-D printer is a machine that prints Accessibility design is urban design that Active transformation is a state of Activist citizens are committed to com- objects by laying down successive layers takes into account the full spectrum of continual movement, improvement, and munity life and the urban environment. of plastic or other materials. 3-D print- other-abled (including elderly, disabled, change of the urban commons. Moti- Rather than relying on institutions or ers have existed since the 1980s. Today, and handicapped) individuals by creating vated individuals can trigger moments the government to fix things, they lead several companies are working to create a user-friendly urban and domestic envi- of transformation, changing city life into change independently and embrace models that are available for personal ronment. The Americans with Disabilities something more collaborative, sustain- active community involvement. In 2011, use and at a low price point. In the last Act of 1990 (ADA) was revised in 2010 able, and conducive to well-being. Time named “The Protester” the person few years, the rise of 3-D printers in to include regulations and standards for of the year. This choice came after a Lab Team member Rachel Smith’s Lab rapid prototyping has popularized and accessibility design in the United States. turbulent year of uprisings in the Arab Platz program called attention to the democratized the creation of objects at Accessibility design allows for an urban world that influenced the development of importance of public space, by trans- an individual level, proving that there is a landscape that is more considerate of the Occupy movement worldwide. These forming parking spaces for one whole viable alternative to the previous depen- the needs of every citizen. movements illustrated the central role day and turning them into places for dence on industrial mass production. activism plays in city life. Designer John Schimmel and acces- leisure, cooking, socializing, and learning. This radical change has meant a turning sibility activist and organizer Raul At the Lab, Ernst-Dieter Lantermann of point for a variety of fields, most notably Transforming Parking Space: Lab Platz Krauthausen conducted a workshop the Institute for Psychology at the Uni- biomedicine, architecture, and design. intended to identify and map locations versity Kassel examined activist groups Thus, 3-D printers are changing the way lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ with and without equal access. from a psychological perspective, explor- we understand and construct our built transforming-parking-space?instance_ ing how activism works and what positive environment. Accessibility Walkabout id=1179 and negative effects it can have on sat- The BMW Guggenheim Lab in Berlin The Marathon of Transformation gath- isfaction in life. Lantermann argued that lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ hosted a two-week period of programs ered together a group of more than the way an individual sees himself as a accessibility-walkabout?instance_ focused on making in which visitors used fifteen international and Berlin-based part of the larger society hugely affects id=1280 3-D printers to do rapid prototyping. Por- influencers and transformers and that individual’s emotional well-being. table 3-D printers were also developed, presented the ways in which they are Social Involvement — Life Satisfaction built, and donated to various cultural actively bringing about urban change. and Participation producers in Berlin. Marathon of Transformation Marathon of Making Things lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/ social-involvementlife-satisfactionpartici lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ event/marathon-of-transformation-how- pation?instance_id=1307 marathon-of-making-things?instance_ would-you-transform-your-city?instance_ Related terms id=659 id=1161 Bottom-Up Urban Engagement Related terms Citizen Empowerment Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Empowerment Technologies Maker Movement
  • 3. 5, Aging Population 6, Anthropocentric Urbanism 7, Architecture of Necessity 8, Arduino 12, Bicycle Safety 13, 14, Body Language Bottom-Up Urban Today, twenty percent of the population Anthropocentric urbanism refers to urban The architecture of necessity is design An Arduino is a piece of electronic hard- Bicycle safety includes rules and strate- Copenhagenize Index presented a Body language is a form of non-verbal Engagement is older than sixty-five; in 2060, every planning and city design that revolves conducted by everyday citizens in ware — a single-board microcontroller gies designed to protect cyclists from program at the Lab about the world’s human communication. While we mainly Bottom-up urban engagement places third person will have reached that age. solely around the needs and desires response to individual or collective needs used to create basic hardware-to-soft- risks associated with riding. Some of most bike-friendly cities. The Copenha- focus on verbal strategies for sharing the citizen at the root of urban change. The effect of the aging population on the of human beings. Mostly as a result of and site-specific conditions. Due to ware communication through circuitry these include personal safety precau- genize Index was developed in 2011 by information, body language is a power- The term “bottom-up” first appeared in urban environment and on social ser- the anthropocentric theories developed political restrictions and/or low-income control. Developed by a team of inven- tions like helmets and lights. Others Copenhagen Consulting as an index for ful form of communication that connects relation to its opposite, “top-down,” in vices is one of the most significant global during the Enlightenment in the eigh- scenarios, neighborhoods and individuals tors led by Massimo Banzi, Arduinos require collective action from govern- measuring support of urban cycling in with our senses. Most of the communica- the 1942 edition of Harvard University’s challenges and opportunities of the next teenth century, the human being has make customized and informal alterations are widely used in computer program- ment or community organizations cities worldwide. The index measures tion that occurs in urban public space Quarterly Journal of Economics: “In the fifty years. Intergenerational exchange long constituted the gold standard by to their living spaces, thus creating inno- ming. As an easy-to-use module, the including bikeways, traffic laws, and rid- eighty major cities around the world occurs through conscious or uncon- long run it is part of the larger question creates opportunities for knowledge which all things are measured. Historical vative new typologies for architecture and device can be employed to test basic ing conduct. Higher bicycle-safety levels based on specific criteria including scious body language signals. For this of whether ‘bottom-up’ control can be as sharing and social interaction. Urban architectural styles have operated on this urbanism. Ernesto Oroza coined the term programming functionality or even result in a greater number of bicycle bicycle infrastructure, bike share pro- reason, understanding, learning, and efficient as ‘top-down’ control.” design, community initiatives, and public assumption for centuries. However, more in his 2006 book, For an Architecture of operate a small robot. The Arduino is riders sharing city streets. grams, perception of safety, and politics. analyzing body language is of crucial In an urban context, this approach services can help meet the needs of recent thinking and twentieth-century Necessity and Disobedience, to refer particularly practical for rapid prototyp- When these needs are met, cities importance for urban psychologists. has two key, complementary directions: During the Cycling Fast Facts presenta- young and old citizens alike. urban and environmental theories to the efficiency and ingenuity of Cuban ing. Its design is distributed under the experience an increase in cyclists, which first, a trend that encourages social, tions, Jorg Leben spoke about the needs At the Lab, the programs devoted to the advocate for a separation from anthro- citizens under Fidel Castro’s regime and Creative Commons license and low-cost has a positive effect on city livability and cooperative models of city organiza- The Ageless Evening at the Berlin Lab of cyclists and other road users. He topic of Urban Micro Lens explored how pocentric thinking in urban planning their approach to self-made solutions kits are available through a number of infrastructure. tion; second, a growing interest from offered an evening of intergenerational touched upon the importance of bicycle all forms of communication represent a and argue that it is this mindset that has for their everyday needs. Virserum Art organizations. government officials, academia, and the encounters through cooking, dance, age safety, the problematic of mixed traffic The World’s Most Bike-Friendly Cities skill that can be developed and perfected. caused many of the challenges faced by Museum has also used the term to talk professional sector in resorting to digital, simulation, and more. At the Lab, Making Sense with ­ rduinos A issues, the inefficiency of pavers, and the When this is done successfully it can cities today. Cities that flourished under about sustainability in architecture. open-sourced data and models as key was a workshop that empowered issues of rights-of-way in different coun- lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ dramatically improve our urban life. Ageless Evening an anthropocentric mindset were not resources for understanding urban Ernesto Oroza led a two-part workshop visitors to engage with basic electronics tries. Leben concluded that sufficient sidsel-birk-hjuler-the-worlds-most-bike- created with a larger context in mind that The Basics of Perception and Urban interactions. at the Berlin Lab that had visitors docu- and programming in an effort to make space and keeping bikers away from friendly-cities?instance_id=1156 lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ could be inclusive of the environment Micro Lens menting architectural hacks in Berlin small-scale interventions into our urban main roads would lead to an increase in Dietmar Offenhuber’s research centers ageless-evening?instance_id=1243 and other living creatures. neighborhoods and compiling them into environment. bicycle use. on the possibilities and limitations of lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ Related term Natalie Jeremijenko, artist and engineer, a customized tabloid. He also gave a self-organized infrastructure. Based on Making Sense with Arduinos Cycling Fast Facts basics-of-perception-and-the-urban- Intergenerational Interaction explained how artistic interventions lecture about the Architecture of Neces- the work of the SENSEable City Lab, micro-lens?instance_id=752 and urban actions can be successful sity in Cuba. Offenhuber discussed the effectiveness the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/ lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ prescriptions for a more inclusive urban and potential of bottom-up infrastructure Ernesto Oroza: event/making-things-sense-with- cycling-fast-facts?instance_id=1143 design that tackles environmental issues at the Berlin Lab in a lecture titled Can Provisional Space/Collaborative Design arduinos?instance_id=698 including pollution, overcrowded cities, Infrastructure Be Crowdsourced? and lack of wildlife in city areas. berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ernesto- Can Infrastructure Be Crowdsourced? Natalie Jeremijenko: Toward a Healthy oroza-provisional-spacecollaborative- Urban Environmental Commons design?instance_id=708 is-the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab- events/event/can-infrastructure-be- Architecture of Necessity and lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ crowdsourced?instance_id=761 Disobedience natalie-jeremijenko?instance_id=1175 Related terms the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/ Activist Citizen event/architecture-of-necessity-and- Citizen Empowerment disobedience?instance_id=1177 Related term Upcycling 9, Behavior Change 10, Bike Sharing 11, Biking and Traffic 15, City Center versus Periphery 16, 17, Cities as Idea Generators Citizen Empowerment Behavioral change is an ongoing pro- Bicycle-sharing programs provide bikes Copenhagenize Index presented a Regulations The city center is often the location of the C-Zone I Cities are successful forms of organiza- Citizen empowerment is the state of feel- cess of replacing the ways we respond for rent or temporary use in urban envi- program at the Lab about the world’s Biking and traffic regulations are the most significant, historical, cultural, and tion because they attract people. And ing that one’s actions actively contribute to our environment with newly acquired ronments. Today, there are bike-sharing most bike-friendly cities. The Copenha- rules that ensure the orderly and safe political landmarks and institutions. At the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/ when people gather together and inter- to urban decision-making processes patterns of action. Behavior standards programs in 165 cities around the world. genize Index was developed in 2011 by operation and interaction of motor vehi- times, this area also serves as the eco- event/c-zone-i?instance_id=1250 act, innovation happens and new ideas and change. By creating opportunities respond to social norms and needs; in an Bike-sharing systems typically involve Copenhagen Consulting as an index for cles, bicycles, pedestrians, and others nomic hub, and is commonly frequented are generated. Thus, urban theorists and for communication and participation, citi- C-Zone II urban context, certain targeted behavior- customized bike design, docking sta- measuring support of urban cycling in during transit. More recently, some urban by tourists. Hence cities are often economists identify cities as engines of zens feel empowered to contribute their al shifts can lead to important changes tions, and an affordable membership cities worldwide. The index measures and traffic planners have come to believe characterized or known by the more progress and idea generation since their time, energy, and ideas in the city. the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/ in urban interaction and design. The key fee to avoid theft and promote financial eighty major cities around the world that over-regulation of traffic and pedes- stereotyped postcard visions of their inception. event/c-zone-ii?instance_id=1256 Carsten Joost, a well-known Berlin activ- to large-scale urban improvement lies in sustainability. Bike sharing provides free based on specific criteria including trian flows can be counterproductive to city centers. Traditionally, the center is Identifying cities as centers for innovation ist from Media Spree Versenken, shared the majority of the population adopting or low-cost transportation with no emis- bicycle infrastructure, bike-sharing the safety and efficiency of urban mobil- the most highly valued area, in contrast Related term and collaborative thinking, Barry Kudrow- various strategies for social involvement and maintaining more behaviors that pro- sions. The system was first employed programs, perception of safety, and poli- ity, and that adequately designed, more with the city periphery, which has often Gentrification itz ran a workshop on idea generation during his lecture at the Lab, while giving duce small but incremental change for in Amsterdam in 1969 when a fleet of tics. When these needs are met, cities flexible and intuitive systems can lead to housed artists, immigrants, and those through improvisational practices that examples of how activists had changed the common good. These could include bikes was painted white and distributed experience an increase in cyclists, which better mobility performance in cities. with low income. This creates a tension engaged visitors and encouraged them the urban landscape in Berlin. more responsible consumption and throughout the city. Other cities with bike- has a positive effect on city livability and that leads to various types of urban Philipp Poll from ADFC Berlin e.V. ex- to interact. waste practices and greater conviviality sharing programs include Berlin (with infrastructure. regeneration and gentrification process- A Waste of Time and Effort? and sharing. two programs, started in 2003 and 2009) plained biking and traffic regulations and es. Both areas require attention and can Idea Generation through Improvisation Twenty Years of Civic Participation Sidsel Birk Hjuler: showed how pedestrians, drivers, and Paris (2007), Barcelona (2007), and serve as creative incubators and urban Through his programs, which explored The World’s Most Bike Friendly Cities bikers can be conditioned not to break London (2010), among others. New York transformation sites for rapid gentrifica- the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/ lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/a- the power of technology in cities, Lab traffic rules. Poll discussed how thought- City will be launching one in the spring tion. With the development of megacities, event/idea-generation-through- waste-of-time-and-effort-twenty-years- Team member Carlo Ratti argued that lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ ful design and planning that responds to of 2013. In major cities around the world, the notion of center versus periphery is improvisation?instance_id=653 of-civic-participation?instance_id=1281 sensing and actuating is a powerful sidsel-birk-hjuler-the-worlds-most-bike- psychological responses to space can the programs are typically sponsored by a blurred one, as cities develop multiple transformative process that can lead to friendly-cities?instance_id=1156 offer intuitive guidance for those on the Related term Ernst-Dieter Lantermann of the Institute major corporations. centers and urban sprawl continues to behavior change — the first step in large- road. Such improved planning efforts can Multidisciplinary for Psychology at the University Kassel, expand urban surfaces beyond precise scale transformation. Cycling Fast Facts featured a group of be more effective than mandatory rules examined activist groups from a psy- limits. biking experts to showcase a crosssec- in promoting road safety. chological perspective, exploring how Carlo Ratti’s Introduction tion of the Berlin cycling community to Maurice de Martin organized C-Zone, a activism works and what positive and Cycling Fast Facts discuss the challenges and opportunities tour of Berlin’s fringe and often-neglected negative effects it can have on satisfac- lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ of biking in cities. outer ring in the East Berlin neighbor- tion in life. Lantermann argued that the sanitary-cities-and-the-senseable- lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ hoods of Lichtenberg, Treptow-Köpenick, way an individual sees himself as a part city?instance_id=760 Cycling Fast Facts cycling-fast-facts?instance_id=1143 and Marzahn. The tour visited local of the larger society hugely affects that experts and residents of non-central individual’s emotional wellbeing. lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ Berlin areas to underscore the fact that cycling-fast-facts?instance_id=1143 Social Involvement — Life Satisfaction —  Berlin consists of more than just the cen- Participation tral zone more usually seen by tourists. lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ social-involvementlife-satisfactionpartici pation?instance_id=1307 Related terms Activist Citizen Bottom-Up Urban Engagement
  • 4. 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, City as Organism Climate Change Closing the Loop Collaboration Crowdfunding 27, Crowdsourcing “City as organism” refers to the similarity Climate change is the slow alteration of “Closing the loop” is an expression used Collaboration — the act of cooperative Crowdfunding is a fundraising strategy Living by Sharing: Crowdsourcing is a problem-solving Karma Economy and Book Release between an urban system and a complex weather patterns that occurs over time to define the closure of a process, from work undertaken to achieve a common that relies on the collective support of Heidemarie Schwermer model that relies on the voluntary Hartz IV Moebel live organism formed by multiple, interre- as a result of various conditions, includ- its inception to its end, in a manner goal — is at the core of human interaction. many individuals who contribute a small sharing of information or skills with an lated components. As with an organism, ing natural geographic transformation, that leaves no loose ends. In the urban Since the beginning of civilization, peo- amount of money to support a cause, the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/ undefined public. Often relying on the lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ many of the elements that form a city orbital variations, evolution, and human context, “closing the loop” is increasingly ple have gathered in search of protection, start-up, artistic project, or relief fund. event/living-by-sharing-heidemarie- Internet, crowdsourcing allows for col- karma-economy-and-book-release- are not apparent to the naked eye, yet influence. There is serious debate about used to allude to the effectiveness of conviviality, and exchange. Within cities, This strategy relies primarily on the Inter- schwermer?instance_id=1273 laboration and participation between hartz-iv-moebel-hatje-cantz?instance_ they are essential to the city’s ability to the current and future repercussions of digital-to-physical interactions in cities. collaboration is crucial to the achieve- net to market needs and garner support. a variety of people from different back- id=1252 Karma Economy and Book Release function. It is important to give equal climate change. These effects may be Successful uses of digital technolo- ment of common goals for improving the Websites like Kickstarter have made this grounds and levels of expertise. The term Hartz IV Moebel Related terms importance to both the visible and invis- ultimately irreversible and are largely gies in cities, through sensor devices shared urban experience. type of fundraising popular. The trend was coined in 2006 by author Jeff Howe Crowdfunding ible areas of a city, as both are crucial to due to an increase in carbon dioxide or social media, for instance, are of no has extended to the world of architecture in an article for Wired. Lab Team member Corinne Rose’s Make lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ Digital Democracy its development. levels — of which the highest levels are use if they do not manage to achieve an and design: a variety of product-design Space project initiated and implemented karma-economy-and-book-release- At the Lab, Dietmar Offenhuber dis- Open Governance produced in cities. Through large-scale impact on the physical world. That is, if and urban projects have sought funding Maurice de Martin organized C-Zone, a a collaborative process through which a hartz-iv-moebel-hatje-cantz?instance_ cussed how crowdsourcing could be Open-Source governmental guidelines (such as the we amass large quantities of urban data through these avenues. Crowdfunding is tour of Berlin’s fringe and often-neglected group of senior citizens worked together id=1252 applied to city infrastructure. In this talk, Kyoto Protocol of 1997) and individual ini- through cutting-edge sensors, but we fail a symptom of a larger social trend toward outer ring in the East Berlin neighbor- to create a community garden in a he gave examples of how this is being tiatives, urban planners and citizens are to implement a practical solution in the sharing and gift-based transactions. Related term hoods of Lichtenberg, Treptow-Köpenick, Berlin neighborhood. Through a blog done and explained the main issues and becoming more aware of these issues, real world to the questions the data was Crowdsourcing and Marzahn. The tour visited local that described the working process, the At the Lab, Coralie Winn and Ryan possibilities of this approach. Crowd- resulting in more responsible design and asking, we will not have closed the loop. experts and residents of non-central project functioned as a how-to guide for Reynolds from Gap Filler spoke about sourcing is thought to be a tool that could lifestyle choices that can lead to urgently Similarly, if we have thousands of friends Berlin areas to underscore the fact that brainstorming solutions for spaces for DIY urbanism and regeneration in post- create smarter cities by allowing the needed reductions in emissions. on Facebook, yet fail to meet anyone for Berlin consists of more than just the cen- common use. The garden and blog also quake Christchurch, New Zealand, and addition of real-time sensing to all ele- coffee in weeks, the digital-physical loop tral zone usually seen by tourists. Climate Media Factory presented a served as sources of inspiration for resi- gave examples of crowdsourced projects ments of an urban system. is not closed. session on climate change, cities, and dents and neighbors ready to transform a that had changed the fabric of the city C-Zone I Can Infrastructure Be Crowdsourced? mobility and questioned how we can Carlo Ratti devoted a series of programs space of their own. after a natural disaster; Heidemarie better communicate climate change to to the topic of Scripted Spaces in which Schwermer developed her views on a the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/ Make Space/Räume schaffen: is-the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab- encourage more individual action. They he analyzed the ways in which physi- society based on sharing; and Van Bo event/c-zone-i?instance_id=1250 A Community Garden Project events/event/can-infrastructure-be- presented a variety of methods, includ- cal “actuation” has become increasingly Le-Mentzel presented his crowd-sourced crowdsourced?instance_id=761 C-Zone II ing social media, which could encourage important in the highly digital cities that Karma Economy project and book. lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-city-projects/ better education on Berlin’s climate- we inhabit. Van Bo Le-Mentzel held a book-release make-space-community-garden Marathon of Transformation the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/ change data. event for a text that he created with Scripted Spaces event/c-zone-ii?instance_id=1256 collaborators from around the world —  Tell Your City: Lectures on Narrating the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/ a project that was facilitated through Climate Change lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ event/marathon-of-transformation-how- crowdsourcing. scripted-spaces?instance_id=1323 would-you-transform-your-city?instance_ lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ id=1161 tell-your-city-lectures-on-narrating- climate-change?instance_id=1232 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, Collaborative Urban Comfort Connectivity Creativity Customization Data Visualization Decentralization Deregulation Mapping Comfort is a sense of physical or psy- Connectivity refers to the ability to Creativity is the ability to make connec- Customization is the method of respond- Data visualization is the representa- Decentralization is the process by which Deregulation is a process whereby the People have been documenting place chological ease, often characterized as connect people in better, more efficient tions that are not necessarily obvious ing to individual needs and directives. tion of information through graphs and elements of a whole are dispersed. The government decreases its involvement and advancing the science of cartog- a lack of hardship. Maximizing comfort ways that allow them to thrive to the best between seemingly unconnected things, Customization is often used to refer to other visual means. The purpose of data term is commonly used in the context and limits its amount of regulations. It raphy for thousands of years. Unlike has not only fostered the ability to cope of their capacity. Cities have become leading to new ideas. Associative learn- a shift in manufacturing and production visualization is to translate complex of government to refer to a process has been argued that, in some cases, early maps, today’s mapping offers the with sometimes grueling urban condi- the larger connective tissue that can ing theories support a variety of methods to a more flexible methodology. The data sets or subjective information into that involves a greater sharing of power deregulation can increase individual or ability to display a plurality of data and tions, but it has also become a measure provide the basis for connective strate- to connect abstract concepts in our term, which dates back at least as far easily digestible, graphic forms, bringing among various sectors and players. In institutional initiative, which allows for information with a high level of precision. of individual wealth, success, and status. gies. In urban environments, citizens brains in order to find novel outcomes, as the turn of the twentieth century, was together the practical need to com- the field of economics, the term refers more personalized and localized solu- Furthermore, the role of the cartographer Unfortunately, the irrepressible human can connect through the proliferation thus promoting creativity. featured in the 1997 book Future Perfect municate with an aesthetic sensibility. to responsible investment strategies tions to emerge in cities. However, the as a singular author has been replaced aspiration to find ease often creates of widespread technology, and just as by Stan Davis in which he discussed its Visualizing urban behavior and patterns that allocate funds to diverse lots, rather term and its applications are the subject Barry Kudrowitz led an active and with a form of mapping that is produced behaviors that challenge individual importantly, through personal, narrative application to mass production. The last can create awareness about important than keeping all assets in one place. In of highly polarized debate. engaged workshop and talk about idea through collaboration and open-source health, ecological sustainability, and connections that reflect microhistories of decade has seen a dramatic increase in urban conditions (traffic, cell phone use, urban planning, decentralization has generation and creativity and suggested Ben Hamilton Baille, architect and urban data sharing, leading to maps that can economic moderation — hence the need place. products and services that are designed bike usage, pollution levels) and can also been referred to as an alternative to cities’ a variety of tools to increase innovative designer, explained the principles of contain several layers of information in to look for sustainable, responsible ways and built to user specifications. Custom- lead to diagnosing situations that need central infrastructure and social systems. As a nexus for the exchange of ideas, thinking, from mind mapping to games street design and place-making by one single digital source. to find comfort in urban environments. ization has the potential to transform the improvement. A dispersion of centers is seen as a way the Lab functioned as a connective hub that can help release our inhibitions. The presenting new approaches to traffic way we build and inhabit cities, making to avoid dependency on a centralized During the Marathon of Transformation Anton Burdakov’s Anchor Points program for experts and non-experts alike to put most successful designers and thinkers Dissected Trash Objects allowed visitors engineering, speed, safety, and civility them ever more flexible, personalized, system whose malfunction could cause day of programs, Joe Peach, the founder revealed how our perception of space forward urban theories, test out new don’t innovate through seriousness, but to engage in real-time data collec- practices. He claimed that deregulation and livable. widespread disruption. of This Big City, explained how digital can create feelings of comfort and secu- methods of urban participation, and through playful brainstorming and idea- tion, analysis, and visualization. Led by of traffic and pedestrian rules is a crucial urban citizen engagement projects, in rity by identifying whether we are inside share personal stories of transformation association, which are proven to foster Dale Dougherty discussed the turn Dietmar Offenhuber and Pablo Rey from A key component of decentralization has step towards street safety. particular collaborative urban mapping, or outside a so-called protected space. and experimentation. creativity. towards customization and personal Basurama, the workshop exposed the been the increase in democratizing the Street Design and Place-Making: contribute to city transformation. fabrication rather than mass production hidden waste processes associated with uses of technology. This concept was the Anchor Points Through his programs, Lab Team How Play and Humor Help Us Innovate New Approaches to Traffic Engineering, in his talk What is the Maker Movement? global consumables. core element of José Gómez Márquez’s The Marathon of Transformation member Carlo Ratti explored the power Speed, Safety, and Civility He claimed that making has created a programs at the Lab. lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ of technology in cities. In a video for the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/ Dissected Trash Objects prototyping revolution that fosters experi- the-lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/ anchor-points?instance_id=1241 the Lab, Carlo explains how the Lab is event/how-play-and-humor-help-us- Empowerment Technologies lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ mentation, customization, and innovation. event/marathon-of-transformation-how- a mobile platform that gives people an innovate?instance_id=654 lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ street-design-and-place-making-new- would-you-transform-your-city?instance_ opportunity to think about architecture What is the Maker Movement? dissected-trash-objects?instance_ is-the-lab/people/berlin-lab-team/ approaches-to-traffic-engineering- Related term id=1161 and design — and how both relate to id=1282 jose-gomez-marquez speed-safety-and-civility-?instance_ Innovation cities. Ratti points out that today, new lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ id=1144 Foodscape Mapping engaged visitors in Related term Related term technologies have allowed people to dale-dougherty-what-is-the-maker- collaboratively mapping waste and para- Collaborative Urban Mapping Empowerment Technologies Related term connect and act on a different level and movement?instance_id=685 sites, sewage systems, smells, markets, Self-Regulation come together in new ways. and the food supply chain, as well as the economic trends in the area connected Carlo Ratti on the BMW Guggenheim Lab with food. media/157?library_id=1 Foodscape Mapping Related term lab/berlin-lab/berlin-lab-events/event/ Urban Microhistories mapping-the-edible?instance_id=765