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100 sleep solutions by creative master
1- Changing your sleeping position
    might make a huge difference in the
          quality of your sleep.

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
2- Sleeping on your left side can cause
  stress on your vital organs (liver,
  stomach, lungs), so if fetus is your
  position of choice, curl up on the right
  side of your body.

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
3- Sleeping in the position called a log
 will be beneficial for those who suffer
 from back pain, this position keeps the
 spine straight.

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
4- Resting on your side can help alleviate
 some problems associated with acid
 reflux disease and sleep apnea. But if
 such symptoms are a common
 occurrence, you may need to see a

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
5- sleeping on your back may lead to
 snoring, difficulty in breathing, and an
 overall bad night's sleep

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
6- For this sleep posture which we
  call the starfish one is more likely to
  snore and have breathing problems
  while they sleep, resulting in a less
  refreshing night's rest

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
7- Eat a light dinner tonight: Keep the
 portions small in the evenings. Going
 to bed on a full stomach is not healthy,
 and it also keeps you from getting the
 deepest possible sleep

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
8- Have a glass of wine: One fine glass will
relax you and help you unwind from the
week’s pressures. It’s tempting to go out
and let loose a bit on Friday, but practice
moderation so you’ll feel your freshest

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
9- Toss back a handful of nuts:
 this was new to me, I found out
 that the magnesium and
 tryptophan in nuts – just before
 bed – can help you get to sleep
 faster. This one I’m going try out!

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
10- Write it out: By Fridays many of us
are frazzled and stressed out. We want
to relax and sleep peacefully, Take a few
minutes to write out everything from
your week- It’s easier to arrive at
solutions if you don’t try to consciously
force them

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
11- set up black-out shades in your
 bedroom, and ditched the alarm clock
 with its blinking disruptive lights in favor
 of a personal rooster.

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
12- Exposing yourself to light during
  the day is also essential. The whole
  problem with light at night is that it’s
  tricking your body into thinking it’s
  daytime. When it’s actually daytime,
  however, you need light

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
13- Eating late at night might be
 affecting some people’s ability to get
 a good night’s sleep. Its been
 discovered that eating late depresses
 melatonin, that’s the sleep hormone
 necessary for getting us ready to

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
14- You’re exercising right before bed
 and failing to give yourself time to

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
15- You’re taking vitamin D too late in
   the day: The timing of our
   supplementation with vitamin D might
   affect our sleep. Because what is vitamin
   D but an indication of daylight, of bright
   morning or afternoon sun emanating UV
   rays? If getting sunlight “tells” our body
   that it’s daytime, perhaps taking vitamin
   D sends a similar message. Although
   there’s no clinical trial showing this effect
100 sleep solutions by creative masters
16- Have a nighttime ritual. Sadly in
 our world today we’ve got different
 stressors thus the need to use some
 sort of nighttime ritual to wind the
 night down and get ready for sleep

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  It is important that you feel rested,
  relaxed, and calm. You might find a
  fifteen minute session of stretching
  does the trick for you, or taking a
  warm shower

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
18- You’re still staying up too late.
 Your body can try to get you to go to
 sleep all it wants, it can secrete
 enough melatonin to fill a shot glass,
 but if you consciously make the
 decision to stay up and do whatever it
 is that’s somehow so important,
 you’re not going to sleep and you will
 suffer for your lack of it
100 sleep solutions by creative masters
19- Turn out the lights

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
20-Maintain your mattress

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
21-Exercise Regularly

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
22- Avoid leaving
          your TV or music on

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
100 sleep solutions by creative masters
24- Avoid eating sugary snacks before
bedtime instead try a glass of milk

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
25- Unplug the alarm clock: For many
  people, the knowledge that the clock
  will blare all too soon is enough to
  prevent deep sleep. The alarm clock
  can create anxiety and snooze-
  buttonitis. Try going to bed early
  enough to wake naturally at the desired

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
26- Talk to your boss about a slightly
  different work schedule that
  accommodates your health needs. Be
  willing to part with some other
  benefits if a different schedule
  means a lot to you..err!!! Good

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
27- Give yourself a “worry time” that is
 not near bedtime: The beauty of this is
 that by giving yourself a specific, non-
 bedtime “Fret Fix” you begin to see how
 silly and needless worrying really is – it’s
 a great little cure for worrying and
 stressing in general.

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
28- Siesta: If your lunch is an hour,
 consider napping for half of it from
 now on. This will refresh you enough
 so that you may not need extra sleep
 at night. Mind you not on your lunch

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
29- Enforce a strict bedtime rule:
    You might just need to go to bed
    earlier. Whenever you go to bed,
    make it a rule.

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
30- Unplug the phone: Cut out any
  possible interruptions that may
  interfere repeatedly with your sleep

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
31- Switch off your I pad               !

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
32- Wear earplugs: This works
     wonders! If you are a light sleeper
     or are sensitive in general,
     reducing the effectiveness of one
     of your senses can be more
     powerful than sleeping pills

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
33- Try writing a journal before bed

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
34-It’s been found that ditching all
artificial lighting after dark (including
computers and TV) in favor of candles can
make an enormous difference. This is likely
due to the fact that fire, especially the tiny
flames lighting up a simple candle, emits
little to no blue light. You know how candle
light is “soft” and somehow soothing?

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
35- Get Cooler: Some people
  associate warmth with sleepiness,
  but I’m the opposite. I need crisp,
  cool air if I’m going to get a good
  night’s sleep. Lowering your body
  temperature a bit can help you get
  sleepy. It works for me. Try making
  your environment cooler and/or
  making your body cooler.
100 sleep solutions by creative masters
36- Try Guided Meditation:
         Yeah, yeah, I know it sounds
         cheesy… but it’s worth a try

100 sleep solutions by creative masters

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
38- Do ten minutes of foam rolling
   before bed, focusing on the legs and
   upper back. You may not slip off to
   sleep while foam rolling yourself (if
   you’re doing it right, you’ll be in
   pain), but you’ll release a lot of
   physical and mental tension that
   should make sleep easier and more
100 sleep solutions by creative masters
39- PRAY!!!

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
40- Fix Your Stress

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
41- If it’s a congested nose
 keeping you up at night use a
 nasal spray or nasal strip

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
42- Decongest. There are a number
     of non-prescription methods that
     can help allay congestion. A steam
     bath can help to clear the nasal
     passages before bed (and help you
     relax in the process), and a nasal
     wash with a saline solution can also
     be effective in reducing congestion

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
43- Elevate: Keeping a snorer’s
 head and neck elevated can help
 to keep the airway open and aid
 to better night rest.

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
44- Invest in a foam wedge pillow or
  specialty pillow that tilts the head
  back to open the airway

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
45- Limit alcohol. Alcohol relaxes
 the muscles of the airway, which can
 contribute to snoring. Keep drinking
 moderate, and don’t consume
 alcohol within 3 hours of bedtime        .

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
46- Lose weight. Even a modest
     weight loss for snorers – 5% of
     body weight – can make a
     difference in the severity of

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
47- Get someone to talk you
  to sleep….that always works
  for me

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
48- Get a Pillow that feels comfortable
(Oxygen pillow)

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
49- Get a Pillow that can be adjustable:
 this helps the pillow conform to various
 sleep positions, to fit the unique shape
 and curves and sleeping position of the
 user. A pillow should mold to one's
 individual shape and alleviate any
 pressure points

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
50- Get Pillows for each sleep
    position: One's sleep position will
    dictate how a traditional mattress
    top pillow can be used to provide
    the appropriate support

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
51-Using a pillow while sleeping on one's
back. When lying on the back, a pillow
should support the natural curvature of
the cervical spine, with adequate support
under the head, neck, and shoulders.
When sleeping on the back, the height of
the pillow should be lower than in the
sideways position. Placing a pillow or two
beneath the knees further alleviates any
back strain, and is the gentlest position on
the back
100 sleep solutions by creative masters
52- Using a pillow while sleeping on
    one's side. When lying on one's side, a
    pillow should support the head and neck
    such that the spine maintains a straight
    and natural horizontal line. Weight
    should be evenly distributed so as not to
    create unnatural bending or pressure.
    Some people may prefer placing a small
    pillow or rolled up towel under their
    waist while lying on the side for
    additional support
100 sleep solutions by creative masters
53- Using a pillow while sleeping on one's
 stomach. If sleeping or resting on the
 stomach is preferred, the pillow should be
 relatively flat, or the head should rest
 directly on the mattress, so that the head
 and neck aren't turned unnaturally to either
 side. In this position, it is often best to place
 another relatively flat pillow under the
 stomach to help the spine keep its natural
100 sleep solutions by creative masters
54- Ensure that your
       sleep space is not

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
55- Avoid Caffeine: As any coffee lover
 knows, caffeine is a stimulant that can
 keep you awake. So avoid caffeine
 (found in coffee, tea, chocolate, cola,
 and some pain relievers) for four to six
 hours before bedtime

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
56- Smokers should refrain
      from using tobacco products
      too close to bedtime

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
57- Go to Sleep When You’re
Truly Tired

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
58- Choose soothing color
  themes for your sleep space

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
59- Drop your worrying thoughts
  for the night and if you must you
  can pick them up when you wake

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
60- Keep Your Internal Clock Set with a
    Consistent Sleep Schedule: Going to
    bed and waking up at the same time
    each day sets the body’s "internal
    clock" to expect sleep at a certain time
    night after night. Try to stick as closely
    as possible to your routine on
    weekends to avoid a Monday morning
    sleep hangover
100 sleep solutions by creative masters
61- Nap Early—Or Not at All: Many
 people make naps a regular part of their
 day. However, for those who find falling
 asleep or staying asleep through the
 night problematic, afternoon napping
 may be one of the culprits. This is
 because late-day naps decrease sleep
 drive. If you must nap, it’s better to keep
 it short and before 5 p.m.

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
62- Create an Environment that Will Help
You Sleep

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
63- Take a walk before bed-time

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
64- Get lost in fantasy world and
just drift away

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
65- Listen to soft music

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
66- Have a soothing ambience
 sound e.g. water crashing
 against the sea shore

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
67- Change the position of
your bed or just change
base like our kitty friend.

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
68- So have you been a room to
  long and nothing has changed?
  Redecorate your sleep space

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
69- Drink a warm cup of milk or

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
70- Look out the window and
count stars

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
71- Take the sleep position you are
more inclined to

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
72- Balance Fluid Intake: Drink
  enough fluid at night to keep from
  waking up thirsty—but not so much
  and so close to bedtime that you
  will be awakened by the need for a
  trip to the bathroom.

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
73- Go through an old
photo album.

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
74- Imagine yourself as your
favorite super hero, and
destroying all that prevent you
from sleeping

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
75- For your back problems
sleep on a hard surface for

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
76- Get off the chair and
     move to your bedroom

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
77- Not getting enough sleep
 cos of work then its time you
 Change your job

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
78-Take out all electronic
 devices far away from your
 sleep space.

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
79- Don’t bring work in
your sleep space

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
80- Take a nice easy

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
81- Go to your happy

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
82- Cuddle with your
favorite pet or teddy (if
you’re into that sort of

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
83- Ensure you have
fresh sheets on your
bed (That helps you
settle in fast)

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
84- For the ladies picture your
  dream wedding dress and how
  you would like that day to go

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
85- For the guys (or
everybody) picture how big
you want next cheque to big
and the things you would do
with it.

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
86- If the center of your
mattress is hollow, change

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
87- Remind yourself how not
getting enough sleep could
grossly affect your health

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
88- Have a long soak in the
bath tub

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
89- See your doctor if you are
concerned that you might have a
sleep disorder

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
90- Try Hypnosis

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
91- Imagine you’re in
your favorite city in
the world

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
92- Try Talk with a

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
93- Watch instead of read:
    Reading is better for your mind
    than watching television. But
    sometimes it’s a wise idea to
    intentionally do something

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
94- But, of course, if
    reading helps you fall
    asleep, do what works for
    you. For me I’ll stick to
    watching movies!!!

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
95- Take Magnesium (and/or Zinc): A
 high quality of magnesium supplement
 is used by many people for sleep
 support. Eating leafy greens like
 spinach, and nuts like almonds for
 magnesium, and meat/shellfish for zinc
 are the best ways to obtain either
 mineral, of course.

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
96- Try the good old
counting sheep

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
97- Aerate your

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
98- Try a different room
in the house

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
99- Ask the neighbors
   nicely to keep it down

100 sleep solutions by creative masters
100- If you stick with
 most of the above
 advices, your chances
 of achieving restful
 sleep will improve
100 sleep solutions by creative masters

100 sleep solutions by creative masters

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100 sleep solutions

  • 2. 1- Changing your sleeping position might make a huge difference in the quality of your sleep. 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 3. 2- Sleeping on your left side can cause stress on your vital organs (liver, stomach, lungs), so if fetus is your position of choice, curl up on the right side of your body. 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 4. 3- Sleeping in the position called a log will be beneficial for those who suffer from back pain, this position keeps the spine straight. 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 5. 4- Resting on your side can help alleviate some problems associated with acid reflux disease and sleep apnea. But if such symptoms are a common occurrence, you may need to see a specialist 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 6. 5- sleeping on your back may lead to snoring, difficulty in breathing, and an overall bad night's sleep 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 7. 6- For this sleep posture which we call the starfish one is more likely to snore and have breathing problems while they sleep, resulting in a less refreshing night's rest 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 8. 7- Eat a light dinner tonight: Keep the portions small in the evenings. Going to bed on a full stomach is not healthy, and it also keeps you from getting the deepest possible sleep 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 9. 8- Have a glass of wine: One fine glass will relax you and help you unwind from the week’s pressures. It’s tempting to go out and let loose a bit on Friday, but practice moderation so you’ll feel your freshest tomorrow 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 10. 9- Toss back a handful of nuts: this was new to me, I found out that the magnesium and tryptophan in nuts – just before bed – can help you get to sleep faster. This one I’m going try out! 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 11. 10- Write it out: By Fridays many of us are frazzled and stressed out. We want to relax and sleep peacefully, Take a few minutes to write out everything from your week- It’s easier to arrive at solutions if you don’t try to consciously force them 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 12. 11- set up black-out shades in your bedroom, and ditched the alarm clock with its blinking disruptive lights in favor of a personal rooster. 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 13. 12- Exposing yourself to light during the day is also essential. The whole problem with light at night is that it’s tricking your body into thinking it’s daytime. When it’s actually daytime, however, you need light 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 14. 13- Eating late at night might be affecting some people’s ability to get a good night’s sleep. Its been discovered that eating late depresses melatonin, that’s the sleep hormone necessary for getting us ready to sleep. 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 15. 14- You’re exercising right before bed and failing to give yourself time to recover 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 16. 15- You’re taking vitamin D too late in the day: The timing of our supplementation with vitamin D might affect our sleep. Because what is vitamin D but an indication of daylight, of bright morning or afternoon sun emanating UV rays? If getting sunlight “tells” our body that it’s daytime, perhaps taking vitamin D sends a similar message. Although there’s no clinical trial showing this effect 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 17. 16- Have a nighttime ritual. Sadly in our world today we’ve got different stressors thus the need to use some sort of nighttime ritual to wind the night down and get ready for sleep 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 18. 17- GET INTO YOUR COMFORT ZONE: It is important that you feel rested, relaxed, and calm. You might find a fifteen minute session of stretching does the trick for you, or taking a warm shower 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 19. 18- You’re still staying up too late. Your body can try to get you to go to sleep all it wants, it can secrete enough melatonin to fill a shot glass, but if you consciously make the decision to stay up and do whatever it is that’s somehow so important, you’re not going to sleep and you will suffer for your lack of it 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 20. 19- Turn out the lights 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 21. 20-Maintain your mattress 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 22. 21-Exercise Regularly 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 23. 22- Avoid leaving your TV or music on overnight 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 24. 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 25. 24- Avoid eating sugary snacks before bedtime instead try a glass of milk 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 26. 25- Unplug the alarm clock: For many people, the knowledge that the clock will blare all too soon is enough to prevent deep sleep. The alarm clock can create anxiety and snooze- buttonitis. Try going to bed early enough to wake naturally at the desired time 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 27. 26- Talk to your boss about a slightly different work schedule that accommodates your health needs. Be willing to part with some other benefits if a different schedule means a lot to you..err!!! Good luck!!! 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 28. 27- Give yourself a “worry time” that is not near bedtime: The beauty of this is that by giving yourself a specific, non- bedtime “Fret Fix” you begin to see how silly and needless worrying really is – it’s a great little cure for worrying and stressing in general. 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 29. 28- Siesta: If your lunch is an hour, consider napping for half of it from now on. This will refresh you enough so that you may not need extra sleep at night. Mind you not on your lunch 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 30. 29- Enforce a strict bedtime rule: You might just need to go to bed earlier. Whenever you go to bed, make it a rule. 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 31. 30- Unplug the phone: Cut out any possible interruptions that may interfere repeatedly with your sleep 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 32. 31- Switch off your I pad ! 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 33. 32- Wear earplugs: This works wonders! If you are a light sleeper or are sensitive in general, reducing the effectiveness of one of your senses can be more powerful than sleeping pills 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 34. 33- Try writing a journal before bed 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 35. 34-It’s been found that ditching all artificial lighting after dark (including computers and TV) in favor of candles can make an enormous difference. This is likely due to the fact that fire, especially the tiny flames lighting up a simple candle, emits little to no blue light. You know how candle light is “soft” and somehow soothing? 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 36. 35- Get Cooler: Some people associate warmth with sleepiness, but I’m the opposite. I need crisp, cool air if I’m going to get a good night’s sleep. Lowering your body temperature a bit can help you get sleepy. It works for me. Try making your environment cooler and/or making your body cooler. 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 37. 36- Try Guided Meditation: Yeah, yeah, I know it sounds cheesy… but it’s worth a try 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 38. 37- GET A MASSAGE 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 39. 38- Do ten minutes of foam rolling before bed, focusing on the legs and upper back. You may not slip off to sleep while foam rolling yourself (if you’re doing it right, you’ll be in pain), but you’ll release a lot of physical and mental tension that should make sleep easier and more satisfying 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 40. 39- PRAY!!! 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 41. 40- Fix Your Stress 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 42. 41- If it’s a congested nose keeping you up at night use a nasal spray or nasal strip 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 43. 42- Decongest. There are a number of non-prescription methods that can help allay congestion. A steam bath can help to clear the nasal passages before bed (and help you relax in the process), and a nasal wash with a saline solution can also be effective in reducing congestion 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 44. 43- Elevate: Keeping a snorer’s head and neck elevated can help to keep the airway open and aid to better night rest. 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 45. 44- Invest in a foam wedge pillow or specialty pillow that tilts the head back to open the airway 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 46. 45- Limit alcohol. Alcohol relaxes the muscles of the airway, which can contribute to snoring. Keep drinking moderate, and don’t consume alcohol within 3 hours of bedtime . 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 47. 46- Lose weight. Even a modest weight loss for snorers – 5% of body weight – can make a difference in the severity of snoring 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 48. 47- Get someone to talk you to sleep….that always works for me 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 49. 48- Get a Pillow that feels comfortable (Oxygen pillow) 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 50. 49- Get a Pillow that can be adjustable: this helps the pillow conform to various sleep positions, to fit the unique shape and curves and sleeping position of the user. A pillow should mold to one's individual shape and alleviate any pressure points 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 51. 50- Get Pillows for each sleep position: One's sleep position will dictate how a traditional mattress top pillow can be used to provide the appropriate support 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 52. 51-Using a pillow while sleeping on one's back. When lying on the back, a pillow should support the natural curvature of the cervical spine, with adequate support under the head, neck, and shoulders. When sleeping on the back, the height of the pillow should be lower than in the sideways position. Placing a pillow or two beneath the knees further alleviates any back strain, and is the gentlest position on the back 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 53. 52- Using a pillow while sleeping on one's side. When lying on one's side, a pillow should support the head and neck such that the spine maintains a straight and natural horizontal line. Weight should be evenly distributed so as not to create unnatural bending or pressure. Some people may prefer placing a small pillow or rolled up towel under their waist while lying on the side for additional support 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 54. 53- Using a pillow while sleeping on one's stomach. If sleeping or resting on the stomach is preferred, the pillow should be relatively flat, or the head should rest directly on the mattress, so that the head and neck aren't turned unnaturally to either side. In this position, it is often best to place another relatively flat pillow under the stomach to help the spine keep its natural alignment 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 55. 54- Ensure that your sleep space is not cluttered 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 56. 55- Avoid Caffeine: As any coffee lover knows, caffeine is a stimulant that can keep you awake. So avoid caffeine (found in coffee, tea, chocolate, cola, and some pain relievers) for four to six hours before bedtime 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 57. 56- Smokers should refrain from using tobacco products too close to bedtime 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 58. 57- Go to Sleep When You’re Truly Tired 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 59. 58- Choose soothing color themes for your sleep space 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 60. 59- Drop your worrying thoughts for the night and if you must you can pick them up when you wake up 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 61. 60- Keep Your Internal Clock Set with a Consistent Sleep Schedule: Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day sets the body’s "internal clock" to expect sleep at a certain time night after night. Try to stick as closely as possible to your routine on weekends to avoid a Monday morning sleep hangover 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 62. 61- Nap Early—Or Not at All: Many people make naps a regular part of their day. However, for those who find falling asleep or staying asleep through the night problematic, afternoon napping may be one of the culprits. This is because late-day naps decrease sleep drive. If you must nap, it’s better to keep it short and before 5 p.m. 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 63. 62- Create an Environment that Will Help You Sleep 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 64. 63- Take a walk before bed-time 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 65. 64- Get lost in fantasy world and just drift away 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 66. 65- Listen to soft music 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 67. 66- Have a soothing ambience sound e.g. water crashing against the sea shore 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 68. 67- Change the position of your bed or just change base like our kitty friend. 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 69. 68- So have you been a room to long and nothing has changed? Redecorate your sleep space 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 70. 69- Drink a warm cup of milk or cocoa 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 71. 70- Look out the window and count stars 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 72. 71- Take the sleep position you are more inclined to 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 73. 72- Balance Fluid Intake: Drink enough fluid at night to keep from waking up thirsty—but not so much and so close to bedtime that you will be awakened by the need for a trip to the bathroom. 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 74. 73- Go through an old photo album. 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 75. 74- Imagine yourself as your favorite super hero, and destroying all that prevent you from sleeping 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 76. 75- For your back problems sleep on a hard surface for awhile 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 77. 76- Get off the chair and move to your bedroom 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 78. 77- Not getting enough sleep cos of work then its time you Change your job 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 79. 78-Take out all electronic devices far away from your sleep space. 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 80. 79- Don’t bring work in your sleep space 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 81. 80- Take a nice easy swim 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 82. 81- Go to your happy place 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 83. 82- Cuddle with your favorite pet or teddy (if you’re into that sort of thing) 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 84. 83- Ensure you have fresh sheets on your bed (That helps you settle in fast) 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 85. 84- For the ladies picture your dream wedding dress and how you would like that day to go 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 86. 85- For the guys (or everybody) picture how big you want next cheque to big and the things you would do with it. 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 87. 86- If the center of your mattress is hollow, change it 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 88. 87- Remind yourself how not getting enough sleep could grossly affect your health 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 89. 88- Have a long soak in the bath tub 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 90. 89- See your doctor if you are concerned that you might have a sleep disorder 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 91. 90- Try Hypnosis 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 92. 91- Imagine you’re in your favorite city in the world 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 93. 92- Try Talk with a counselor 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 94. 93- Watch instead of read: Reading is better for your mind than watching television. But sometimes it’s a wise idea to intentionally do something mindless 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 95. 94- But, of course, if reading helps you fall asleep, do what works for you. For me I’ll stick to watching movies!!! 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 96. 95- Take Magnesium (and/or Zinc): A high quality of magnesium supplement is used by many people for sleep support. Eating leafy greens like spinach, and nuts like almonds for magnesium, and meat/shellfish for zinc are the best ways to obtain either mineral, of course. 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 97. 96- Try the good old counting sheep 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 98. 97- Aerate your room 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 99. 98- Try a different room in the house 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 100. 99- Ask the neighbors nicely to keep it down 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 101. 100- If you stick with most of the above advices, your chances of achieving restful sleep will improve 100 sleep solutions by creative masters
  • 102. THE END!!! 100 sleep solutions by creative masters