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The commissioning
hen the fullness of time
had come, the day of April
2nd, 2004 beheld its place
in history. It all took place between
2:00-4:00pm in the afternoon of that
memorable day. That was the day when
the LORD decided to take me into the
spirit between 2:00 - 4:00pm. At its
onset, I did not right away perceive the
gravity that this day would behold in
the prophetic calendar of GOD MOST
HIGH. Likewise, I did not at that time
fully comprehend that this would later
turn out to be the visitation of our time
in today’s church, as she veers into the
final stretch towards the coming of the
Messiah. In this one-of-a-kind vision
of the LORD, all of a sudden the LORD
brought me to a place that had been
heavily glorified and made lofty. The
glory that encompassed this place was
so tremendous that everything within
its vicinity became glorious and began
to glow. As this happened, I quickly
grasped that all the glory that abound
the place was as a matter of fact
radiating from the mighty Presence
of the LORD that was right in front
of me. In the nick-of-time, the LORD
made me know that He was present in
the immense mountain of glory that
radiated right ahead of me. The place
was so dreadfully holy and glorious to
the extent that I could even pick out
a very fine hissing sound of the glory
of the LORD as it flowed across. It was
a fearful and most revered place to
be because it was right in front of the
Fearsome Throne of GOD ALMIGHTY.
What I can still vividly recollect todate,
is the tremendous trepidation that
finally gripped me upon apprehending
that I was standing right before
the Mighty Glory of the LORD GOD
Almighty, the Creator of heaven and
earth. His glory was like a heap of a
huge brilliant mountain right before
me. But this mountain-like glory of the
LORD that stood in front of me, was
not static, but flowed in clouds of glory
hoovering around affecting the entire
Four Glorious Horses
mmediately I lifted up my eyes
to look at this mighty glory of
the presence of the LORD, GOD
ALMIGHTY opened my eyes further and
permitted me to see the four powerful
glorious horses that surround the
Throne of GOD. The horses I saw were
slightly behind the massive mountain
of glory that stood in front of me. As
they moved around within the glory of
the LORD, in a state of readiness, I saw
that they were more glorious than any
radiance I had ever witnessed. Besides,
these horses were very powerful and
fully covered with the glory of the
LORD that beamed out like flashes of
lightning. At this moment, the LORD
GOD Almighty then made me know
that these glorious horses were ready
to be released to the four ends of the
earth. I further noticed a sense of the
revered and severe judgment of GOD
that was about to befall the nations
of the earth, owing to the sin of this
generation. The LORD also made me
know at this juncture, that these four
glorious horses were being sent to the
four corners of the earth to prepare
the way for the glorious coming of
the Messiah. As the four glorious
horses traversed left and right across
the breadth and width of the glory of
heaven, I saw their tails wagging in a
clear demonstration of their readiness
to go. The glorious horses I saw in this
vision, moved around with so much
power and glory that at one point I was
caused to stop and just marvel at this
might! Aware that they were inside the
same glory of GOD MOST HIGH, I was
indeed taken abreath by the fact that
the LORD had permitted my eyes to see
the happenings within HIS Majesty.
The Glorious Moon
hile still caught up in this
apocalyptic vision of our
time, and marvelled by the
tremendous power and glory around
the four horses, a new event began
to roll out right before my very eyes.
John The Baptist speaks
with him in front of GOD
mighty and startling as it happened
right before my eyes. Initially, only the
left half of the moon had gotten fully
covered by the blood. But as things
progressed on in this impressive and
very spectacular apocalyptic vision,
the blood began to cover the entire
surface of the moon thereby rendering
the moon totally swathed by the
blood. The complete covering of the
glorious moon by the blood essentially
changed the scene into a near-eclipse
experience as the glory of the LORD
now became tinged with the blood.
At this juncture, the radiance of the
glory of the LORD appeared to have
been stepped up in the entire vicinity
of this mighty revelation of GOD. The
glory of the LORD mantled the entire
expanse and depth around the chosen
place of this mighty visitation.
John The Baptist Appears ...
n this magnificently illustrated
vision of GOD, the most
momentous occasion was yet to
unfold. With the mountain-like glory
of the LORD still standing high, and
the glorious moon fully enveloped with
the blood, a near eclipse-like radiance
of the tinge of blood continued to
surround the moon. At this moment
Part of the Crowd at the Eldoret Revival Meeting April 2014.
to get gradually covered with blood
(Joel 2:31). The glorious moon I saw
was now beginning to assume not only
a condition of the glory of the LORD,
but also a red-blood tinge. This was so
Recently, NASA
posted this
picture on their
website, and
that on APRIL
15th, 2014,
the earth will
witness a major lunar event that has not
happened in 500 years, and the moon will be
covered with blood. This appears to be what the
Baptist visitation. Given that in that visitation
when John the Baptist Spoke with Him, the
moon turn red and the LAMB OF GOD came to
the Man of GOD. What then does this mean
towards the Coming of the Messiah! Should
we wait for another red moon? Remember
the bible says that nobody knows the day or
the hour, but please be ready because these
prophecies are being fulfilled right before our
own eyes.
APRIL 15, 2014
Come April 15th, 2014
this Prophecy was
fulfilled and the Blood-
Stained Moon appeared.
The moon appeared just above
the four glorious horses that
the LORD paraded in this
mighty once-in-a-lifetime vision
of the LORD. The moon that I
saw appeared to have moved
much closer to the glory of
the LORD, to the extent that
it began to glow together with
the splendorous glory of the
LORD. This glorious moon I was
privileged to see, was as a matter
of fact now being strategically
positioned towards the end
of the sky, and hence came
very close to the glory of the
LORD'S presence at the Throne.
Suddenly, green grass appeared
before the Throne of GOD, and
was instantly covered by the
glory of the LORD in the place
of this mighty visitation. Without
a warning, the green grass also
began to glow with such glory of
the LORD that it hence began to
behold resplendent radiance, and
a hissing sound of GOD's Glory.
However, it was particularly
astonishing to observe what appeared
to be a mighty sign and wonder of our
time, unfold right before my eyes. This
is because the glorious moon began
in the vision, little did I know that all
this would be, but just an introduction
into events that would unfold towards
the most critical and crucial highlight.
Such a climax was just about to unfold
even as the four glorious horses still
maintained their readiness to go. From
a distance, I could still very clearly
hear the occasional neighing of the
four glorious horses as they longed
to be released. To me, this point in
time marked the very finest hour of
this mighty visitation. As I stood there
in the presence of the LORD GOD
Almighty, then totally unannounced
in a surprise move, John the Baptist
instantly appeared on my right-hand
side. The manner in which he appeared
prior to speaking with me, is what
took my breath away because it really
took me by surprise. The appearance
of John the Baptist at the scene,
almost sharply coincided with when
GOD Almighty made me know that
he was watching and paying every
particular attention to this encounter,
from the Majesty of HIS Glory. Seeing
that all was well aligned for the mighty
visitation to hit its intended peak, the
LORD GOD Almighty then allowed
John the Baptist to walk around
me and stop on my right-hand side.
John the Baptist again walked a
little bit ahead of me and came back,
as in a triangular path, and then came
to me in what appeared to be the
setting of a centre stage for the mighty
conversation to behold. In an innocent
disposition, I geared-up without
knowing that this would have to be
the conversation that clearly defines
the derring-do mission on which the
LORD was just about to launch me.
Until now, I cannot estimate just how
I would have reacted if I had fully
comprehended then that this was to
be the conversation and vision of my
lifetime. For me, this also became the
most critical threshold at which the
LORD would have to empower me for
the mission defined here. During this
time, the LORD further opened my
spiritual eyes to another level, to the
extent that I finally recognized that
there was a little ridge that separated
the mountain-like glory of the LORD
and the two of us, John the Baptist
and I. Todate, I am still aware that as
John the Baptist began to elaborate
on what was about to happen, there
was a heightened attention by GOD the
Father from inside the glory of his
The First Change of
Leadership in Jerusalem
The literary that this apocalyptic vision
presents, is an archetype narrative
that foretells of the endtime drama to
befall the earth. The presence of grass
at the place of this mighty visitation,
may hold the key to revealing its
proximate locality on the earth.
However, locating the moon close
to the vicinity of the glory of GOD'S
presence, coupled with the mountain-
like manifestation of glory, all hint to
the fact that this visitation may have
been taking place on a mountain
summit. At this point in this vision,
John the Baptist finally began to
articulately speak with me about events
that were about to happen. JOHN THE
BAPTIST immediately confided in me
about three major changes that were
about to take place on the earth. JOHN
THE BAPTIST further went on to assert
that these said changes would mark
the proximity of events towards the
coming of the Messiah. These changes
HE asserted, would present significant
landmarks in the zero-count down
towards the wedding of the Lamb. In
this context, John the Baptist then
said to me,
"Come and see what is
about to happen."
That is when the Spirit of the LORD
immediately lifted me up and took me
to the Promised Land, and specifically
to Jerusalem. We came unseen to
Jerusalem by the sacred oracles of
the LORD in order to witness that
which was about to befall this city.
Already the Forerunner had spoken
with me and his mission attested by
the significance of the glory of GOD
before which we dialogued. I knew
it too well that the wonderful tidings
of this mission would be spread
abroad, from Jerusalem even unto the
ends of the earth. Yet in as much as
I looked at Jerusalem in this unseen
visitation, I saw that Jerusalem like
the church, was not yet preparing
to receive her Redeemer, and yet
there we were to make unto her this
holy announcement. I could see that
she was prefaced with insinuation
of distrust. While in Jerusalem, the
LORD lifted me up and I saw the city
from above, then I saw two changes
of leadership coming to her. When
the first change took place, I saw a
new leadership, installed and take its
Christians Travel to Jerusalem
In the intermediate period, after the
first change of leadership in Jerusalem,
the LORD then lifted me up above the
earth, into the clouds and I saw a lot
of people in aircrafts travelling. The
LORD made me know that the aircrafts
I saw in this vision, were travelling to
Israel. As they flew between the clouds,
the LORD allowed me to see christians
inside those aircrafts, through the
windows. JEHOVAH placed specific
christians inside those aircrafts, in
order that I could see them through
the windows of the aircrafts, and
identify them as christians. Towards
the end of this prophecy, I saw that
final landmark take place, and a
lot of christians make a pilgrimage
to Jerusalem, in record numbers.
In that vision, this was to be an on-
going influx of christians into Israel,
and meant to serve a very important
spiritual landmark. This particular
event in this vision, was once more
intended to be a defining moment
on GOD'S prophetic timeline towards
rapture. The aircrafts I saw were
landing in the Promised Land at a rate
that had never been seen before.
The Second Change of
Leadership in Jerusalem
As the first leadership went on in
Jerusalem, I saw its reign waning off
and its popularity dwindling by the
day. That is when all of a sudden I
saw a second leadership change take
place in Jerusalem. However, unlike
the first change, this second change of
leadership is what caught my utmost
attention because of the manner in
which it was globally received. When
the second change of leadership
occurred in Jerusalem, the LORD in
that dream paraded the leaders on the
Temple Mount in Jerusalem, as I looked
on from the sky above, where I had
been lifted. When this leadership came
into being, what stunned me most, is
the way in which they were received
across the major capitals of the world.
At this juncture, the LORD took me all
across the globe, and into every capital
city of the world, and I observed from
above, their demeanour towards this
new Israeli leadership. From where
the LORD had lifted me in the clouds,
I could see and hear the anguish that
consumed every major capital of the
world, as they were astonished and
disturbed at the leadership change
in Jerusalem. This anxiety arose from
the fact that this second change of
leadership was mainly composed
of by very right wing coalition. The
animosity that was in the offing
towards Israel, appeared more like a
state of overwhelming recentfulness at
their leaning on matters of peace with
Palestine. It was as though the wily foe
himself had presented against GOD'S
covenant people, Israel! And thus,
I could hear every leadership in the
major western capitals of the world ask
themselves, "How then shall we engage
this new leadership in Jerusalem, on
the question of Palestine?"
The Lamb Enthroned
sin of the world (Revelation 5:6). In
speaking with me, John the Baptist
further said that it nevertheless was
the will of GOD the Father for the
PERFECT Lamb OF GOD to be slain. I
remember having what appeared to be
a difficult conversation with him on the
slaying of the Lamb of GOD. I was
hence quickened to the deep pain and
sorrow that accompanied the slaying
of the Lamb. At one point, I can vividly
recall telling him that I was very deeply
saddened and mortified that this had
to happen to the PERFECT LAMB OF
GOD for the redemption of man. What
perplexes me is the fact that in this
vision I was consumed by grief on
the LORD'S crucifixion, to the extent
that I re-asserted to him that I did not
understand why that had to happen!
In his response, John the Baptist
furthermore asserted to me that;
“It was the will of GOD
the Father that the
Lamb be slain for the sin
of the world.”
As this conversation between JOHN THE
BAPTIST and I progressed regarding
the Lamb of GOD that was slain, GOD
ALMIGHTY made it absolutely clear
to me that as I stood there, HE WAS
PROGRESSION. As a result, John the
Baptist once more turned to me and
spoke with me about the slaying of
the Lamb of GOD for the sin of this
world (Revelation 5:6). It was a very
heavy conversation that made my heart
very pensive, and generated in me
such deep sorrow, that caused me to
weep bitterly in that mighty apocalyptic
vision of the LORD. Notably, John the
Baptist prevailed over the direction
of this conversation, navigating it into
a totally new dimension, when he said
that the same Lamb of GOD who was
slain, would come back very soon for
the church. Afterwards, I saw John the
Baptist leave where I was standing
with him and walk towards the Glory
of the LORD at the Throne. When John
the Baptist entered into the Glory
of the LORD, the LORD opened my
eyes further, hence enabling me to
see through the glory even as John
went in. Then that was the time when I
saw the LAMB OF GOD that was SLAIN
Seated on a Lofty Glorious Throne.
The Seat of that Throne was so highly
decorated that it indeed beheld the
Glory and Power, Authority and Wealth
that befitted the LAMB OF GOD. When
I saw the LAMB OF GOD Seated on that
Colourful and Glorious Throne, I was
shocked to notice that as John the
Baptist spoke with HIM, HE would
stretch HIS Head through the Glory
in order to look at me, in a manner
that indeed bespoke the fact that HE
wanted me to know that they were
talking about me. However, it was
when the LAMB OF GOD Stretched HIS
Neck and face towards me a second
time, that I was most stunned! This was
owing to the fact that when I looked
at the tremendous Glory that covered
HIM, I saw blood dripping from around
the collar of HIS neck. HIS Glory was
so immense that as the blood dripped
from around HIS neck, it would become
very clearly magnified! It was as though
the LAMB OF GOD had just been SLAIN!
Nonetheless, it is the manner in which
the LAMB OF GOD looked at me, that
indeed startled me! In stretching HIS
Neck, and looking through the Cloud
of Glory, I could almost hear the silent
message that HE was passing on to me
as HE Spoke with John the Baptist.
When the LAMB OF GOD stretched HIS
blood stained Neck, it was as though
HE was telling me:
"Yes indeed it is ME that died
for the sin of the world, and
what John the Baptist is telling
you is TRUE. So please, will
you just go for ME, and tell the
nations to prepare!"
That is what shook my life to the core
until this day. That sight has never
ever left me in all the years of my
commissioning. It is a sight that has
never ever gotten out of my brain,
my mind, my heart, my soul and my
strength. It became so engrained in my
mind that I could not let go. It is like
everytime I am on the trail for HIM, that
is what gets perpetually rekindled in
my heart. And HE asked, "will you go
for me please?" I felt as though HE was
pleading with me and saying, "Please
can you help me and just go for me
he eventual appearance of
John the Baptist into this
mighty and unfolding vision of
the LORD GOD, is indeed what marked
the beginning of a new chapter in this
visitation, and the final stretch towards
its highlight. After the Spirit of the
LORD returned me from Jerusalem,
I found myself still standing at the
same place right in front of the Glory
of GOD THE FATHER. At this moment,
I was quick to realize that John the
Baptist too, was still standing there,
before the THRONE OF GOD. That is
when John the Baptist right away
began to speak with me about the
Lamb of GOD that was slain for the
and tell them!" And so it was, and so
it has been, and so shall it be, that the
LAMB OF GOD who was SLAIN for the
sin of man, will one day come to HIS
House. For that reason, I have never
tired, neither have I rested nor tarried
to go! And neither shall I ever tarry
until HIS coming catches me on the
The Lamb Comes
had finished talking with
the LAMB OF GOD, then all
of a sudden I saw him still standing
there on my right-hand side. That
is when all of a sudden, I looked at
him and noticed that his raiment
had been totally glorified. John the
Baptist’s raiment became shiny and
exceedingly white as snow, so as no
fuller on earth can whiten them. That
was also the moment at which I noticed
that the glory abound his garment
was so immense that if any little dot
touched it, that stain would have
been magnified manifold. That is how
the brilliance of his garment looked
like. It was at that very time that I so
happened to have looked at myself,
and realized that my own garment too,
had been totally transfigured. I at once
understood that my countenance had
shifted to glorious and that God's glory
of the now resurrected Son of GOD,
was in reign. Now I well understood
that the authority of the glory that the
LORD GOD Almighty has apportioned
Christ, is unmatched. This to me
marked yet another highlight of the
conversation between the LORD and
HIS Servant. Immediately I turned my
eyes off my glorified garment, then
looked at JOHN THE BAPTIST, I realized
that he too had turned towards
the Glory at the Throne. While still
totally engrossed in this developing
conversation with John the Baptist,
I right away was able to grasp that he
was holding something back in store,
something that he considered highly
treasured. The LORD GOD made me
understand that John the Baptist would
have to release the treasure when the
rightful moment presented. That was
then the moment at which he stretched
his right-hand towards the Glory of
GOD and said, "
“Behold, The Lamb Of God
That Is Coming Back For The
It is at this exact place that I can
vividly remember turning to look in
the direction that John the Baptist
pointed towards as he spoke, only
to be completely shocked by what
I saw. No sooner had he finished
uttering those words, than I saw the
most glorious Lamb of GOD leave the
Throne and come out of the Glory that
covered where GOD was. I was totally
awe-struck and speechless as the LAMB
OF GOD who had been released by
the Father, began to come all the
way as HE gradually made HIS way
towards me. The awe with which this
event overtook me cannot be relayed
in words. What is particularly striking
is that this shocking visitation surely
marked one of the mightiest moments
since the creation of heaven and
planet earth. Coming all the way, HE
changed every single portion of the
place HE touched with HIS Feet from
glorious into super glorious. This must
have surely marked the inscription
and writing of a new chapter of a new
physical and spiritual dispensation in
the church.
The ridge disappears
When the LAMB OF GOD drew closer
and closer to me, then I noticed that
there was a ridge which lay between
where JOHN and I were standing, and
the Glorious Throne of GOD. However,
as the LAMB moved from the Throne
towards me, I noticed a most profound
phenomenon take hold. I realized that
the more the LAMB moved from the
Throne towards where JOHN and I were
standing, the more everything else
The Day When Heaven Obeyed Man & Instantly Opened
including the vicinity became super
glorious. The LAMB OF GOD came all
the way and when he arrived close
to the little ridge that separated us
from the glory of GOD the Father,
that ridge disappeared as the whole
place took on the glory of the Lamb.
And as the LAMB arrived to where
I was standing, JOHN THE BAPTIST
disappeared, and the rest the Holy
Spirit has never every allowed me to
reveal unto this day. This was the place
at which it finally dawned on me that
John the Baptist was as a matter of
fact sent of the LORD to INSTRUCT ME
the nations of the earth, on the coming
of the Messiah. This was GOD'S grand
commissioning statement for me to go.
What amount of unmatched blessing
that I would now have to hear directly
in this vision the ANNOUNCEMENT on
the much awaited coming of the LORD!
What amount of unmatched blessing
that I would now have to hear directly
in this vision the ANNOUNCEMENT on
the much awaited coming of the LORD!
This white most glorious Lamb is Christ
the Messiah, the Jesus of Nazareth,
the King of glory, the Anointed One,
Wonderful Counsellor, Everlasting
Father of all of the human family,
Prince of Peace, LORD of Lords, King
of all kings, Redeemer, our LORD and
Saviour who defeated death on the Cross.
Save for the overwhelming cascade of
events that had already rolled out, this
was yet another momentous juncture at
which the culmination of this visitation
ushered. Within this complex vision,
one thing that could not escape my
mind was the fact that having come
back from Jerusalem with him, the
raiment of John the Baptist and
mine became super glorious and totally
transfigured. Moreover, I was also
perpetually awakened to the fact that
the raiments were so glorious that I
could literally see them glowing.
Moreover, they were so pure that if
any dirt would have touched them,
their dirt would have been magnified
a billion times meaning that the
anointing at this conversation is
indeed geared for exposing sin.
In the amazement and awe of this
overwhelming occurrence, I trembled
when GOD eventually released the
white most powerful and glorious
Lamb to me. The rousing sound of
the frightful Voice of GOD filled the
background, accompanied occasionally
by the fear of its transforming power,
pretty much in the fashion of the
Baptism narrative (Matthew 3:16-17). It
is as though the LORD was displaying
a semblance to the transfiguration
visitation, where there was glory, a
Cloud and the mighty Voice of the
LORD. The tremendous astounding
Voice of the LORD from the Throne
“Go tell the four corners
of the earth to prepare the
way for the coming of the
All this happened while the glorious
most powerful Lamb of GOD was still
standing next to me. At this point, I
woke up. It took me some time before
I could get my orientation as to what
had just happened to me. While still
feeling very exhausted, the reality
of the magnitude of what had just
transpired then dawned on me. In all
this confusion and fear that gripped
me, one thing for sure stood out, was
that GOD Almighty had finally spoken
to the church in a very monumental
and historic way. And I knew that it
would take me sometime before I
would be able to not only perceive but
also uncode the true significance and
consequence that his visitation beheld
world over. On a personal basis, I
began to come to terms with the fact
that my life had just changed for ever
and ever!
of John the Baptist and mine to
become exceedingly white as snow,
that no fuller on earth can whiten.
It is incredibly impressive that this
vision avails a special import into
understanding the role of the latter
anointing of the Holy Spirit that was
supposed to reign in the present-
day church. Just as by faith Abraham
went forth at the call of GOD, not
knowing whither he went, so is the
church required to go by faith without
questioning the command of the
Holy Spirit. Likewise, just as Abraham
ultimately won favour with GOD, so
will this endtime church find herself
endeared unto the LORD, and her
salvation purged-off dross, if she will
obediently submit to the righteous
command of this hour. This is the
only way in which the present-day
apostate church of Christ will have her
raiment whitened for the wedding of
the Lamb. This marks a very important
step that calls for her total submission
to the Mighty Voice of the LORD as
she navigates her bearing towards
rapture. As I sought to fathom the
hidden mystery around the power of
the LORD'S glory that whitened John
the Baptist’s and my raiment, as no
fuller on earth could, I arrived at one
pivotal place that points to the fact
that no amount of effort from this
world will be capable of washing the
tainted wedding gown that today’s
church wears. And in the same breath,
no amount of human greatness and
wealth will be able to do that novel
job. Only the LORD in heaven can
cleanse the church through his mighty
latter anointing of the Holy Spirit. For
this noble reason the tremendous
glory of the LORD beheld prior to any
conversation, for this reason alone
heaven assembled this conversation.
Thus the glory evidently had to appear
before I could commence any discourse
with either John the Baptist or the
precious most glorious Lamb of GOD.
GOD MOST HIGH is highlighting the
most powerful latter glory of our time.
HIS longing to release the captive
church back to HIMSELF, cannot be
concealed in this apocalyptic vision.
By faith Israel followed the Pillar of
Cloud to the Promised Land, hence
the church too is required to faithfully
follow the Cloud of HIS Glory that has
already visited. The awe-inspiring
Voice that came from this enormous
mountain-like Pillar of the Holy Spirit,
is intended to bring back the leading
of GOD into the present-day church. It
would be an injustice to fail to mention
the shock and revered Presence
of GOD that consumed this entire
visitation owing to fact that inside
this Pillar of glory was the LORD GOD
Almighty himself. This is a catalytic
vision that is squarely intended to
stir up the church and hence bring
her face-to-face with the fact that
she needs to reconcile herself to the
price that Jesus paid on the Calvary
Cross. It is a sober reminder that, be
it the disappearance of the humanity
or the heavens, the Cross that the
LAMB brought, can never be erased!
Equally, the fact that this apocalyptic
vision takes place right in front of the
Throne of GOD THE FATHER, greatly
underscores the reality of the moment.
It is realization that today crystalized
the fact that time has come for the
church of Christ to prepare to appear
right before GOD THE FATHER. Such
an appearance, I bet, would require
a thorough preparation. However
fallen the present-day church may be,
she will have to ensure that is able
to stand in front of the HOLY GOD of
Heaven (Exodus 3:5; Leviticus 11:44;
Romans 6:22; 1 Corinthians 1:2;
Habakkuk 1:13). Such a clarion call
could not have come at a better time,
especially that today’s church has
evaded confronting GOD himself, for
a very long time. Yet the only reason
for which our LORD Jesus purchased
her, was that she may be able to
stand alone, as holy, pure, blameless,
spotless, mature and righteous right
before GOD himself (Revelation 5:9-
10; Ephesians 5:25-27). Though the
journey along this vision was a long
one, like the events at transfiguration
hile the message in this
timely vision may seem
obvious, unveiling the
revelation thereof nonetheless requires
prudence and the wisdom of GOD. It
is imperative that in her worship, the
present-day church underscores the
symbolism expressed by the blood-
swatched moon; the four glorious
horses; manifestation of John the
Baptist; and finally the appearance of
the most glorious Lamb of GOD into the
scene. It is key to contextualize this
vision on the basis of the Voice of the
LORD that ultimately commanded the
preparing of the way for the coming
of the Messiah. This visitation presents
many priorities that focus sharply
on the quality of the heart-searching
gospel truth than on the different
schools of thought propagating the
evangelism of today. The main focus of
this vision is essentially the preparing
of the way for the LORD through the
much relinquish old gospel of the
Blood and the Cross. It comes through
as a foremost restorative vision. The
account of events as they unfolded
in this mighty vision of the LORD
discloses a lot on the season in which
the church of Christ has entered today.
The immense and tremendous glory of
GOD Almighty that appeared at the
onset of this vision indeed prefigures
an important spell in which GOD
Almighty is extending the privilege of
opening a portal from heaven into the
church. It presents a season of open
heaven in which the LORD would now
have to directly communicate with the
church (Zechariah 2:4-5). Such a spell
has long been prophesied and awaited
in the church (Joel 2:28-32; Haggai
2:6-9). Seeking a clearer understanding
on this new dispensation, requires
that the church grasp the significance
of the moment at which the glory of
the LORD transformed the raiments
The message to the church
it ends with the centralization of Christ
Jesus as the most important figure in
the present-day church (John 1:14; John
12:37-43). Spectacular exuberance of
such tremendous glory of GOD in this
mighty visitation, highlights the fact
that the LORD is bestowing the season
of open heaven. The only way the
present-day church can celebrate this
endtime outpour of the Holy Spirit is
when she embraces this open heaven
of holiness that the LORD is proffering
now (Isaiah 60:13; John 12:27-28:
John 13:31-32; Revelation 16:8-9;
Habakkuk 3:3-4; 2 Corinthians 3:7-
18; Daniel 4:37). Since this prophecy
was fulfilled at Pentecost the bride
of Christ can now receive the gift of
the Holy Spirit in order to change her
sinful and disarrayed life back to the
holiness of GOD (Acts 2). The Spirit
whom Prophet Joel prophesied about,
and who changed the first-century
church, is also accessible to change
the present-day church. In this vision
therefore, GOD ALMIGHTY is asking
the church to turn away from seeking
worldly deliverance, and trust him with
the healing of her broken and chaotic
lifestyle. This sole entrustment unto
the LORD will bring about her total
redemption. All the church needs to do
is to call on the name of the LORD, and
find deliverance as no amount of sin
of any kind can keep her from GOD's
grace that has been poured through
repentance (Titus 2:11-14). In this
way, the restoration of the church of
Christ will be complete and salvation
will be hers eternally. Right now, she
is precariously treading on temporary
form of salvation that lacks in the
eternal foundation of holiness. Such
infinite holiness that Jesus bestowed
upon her by the blood is all she needs
in order to embrace repentance. This
latter outpour of the Holy Spirit will
bring the much needed renewal and
colossal harvest into the church (Joel
2:21-24). This glorious and apocalyptic
vision was about Christ Jesus the
Messiah, HIS holy redemptive works,
and preparations in church for HIS
eventual return (Mark 8:38; Mark
13:26; Titus 2:13-14).
Glorious Horses
n the spiritual battlefield of
the souls, vim and vigour are
strict christian characteristics
that today’s church must possess in
this dark world. By disclosing in this
mighty vision HIS intention to release
the four glorious horses, the LORD
fundamentally unveiled the spiritual
roadmap that would bring revival to
the four corners of the earth. These
four glorious and most powerful horses
embody the restoration of the church
through the four glorious gospels of
our LORD Jesus, to the four ends of the
earth. This portion of the apocalyptic
vision meaningfully deals with the
purification of the current defiled and
corrupt gospel that is being peddled
in the present-day church. It is the
four glorious gospels of the LORD that
are meant to hush-up the personality
of the noises from prosperity gospel
which have totally deafened the ears of
the church (Titus 2:13-14). Prosperity
gospel has shown an awful lack in
delivering the church of Christ since
it promotes the accumulation of the
excesses of this world, at the expense
of the most valued holiness (1 John
2:15-17). Most notably is that the very
finest hour of the church has long been
expected as the moment when she
would finally experience repentance
revival. And needless to say, this
message of restoration sketches its
preferred model by making clear the
flowing and dynamic element of the
original gospel as already symbolized
by the four streams in paradise which
flowed out of the garden of Eden
into the whole known earth (Genesis
2:10-14). It is the only meaning of
the four glorious and most powerful
horses that the LORD released in this
mighty endtime vision. Such a release
makes the fourfold gospel and the
Holy Spirit the foundation and Pillar
of the church (1 Timothy 1:8-11).
The life giving Spirit of the LORD in
the latter anointing is charged with
the responsibility of propelling the
four glorious gospels into an endtime
global repentance revival of holiness
(Isaiah:40:1-5; Acts 17:30; Joel 2:28-
32; Hebrews 12:14).
Blood On The Moon
he initial portion of this mighty
vision reveals much about
purification to the four winds
Universities from all across the nation came receive the instruction of the LORD on Purity and Leadership. The MIGHTY PROPHET
OF THE LORD urged them to put back the Calvary Cross back into their lives, that they may be healed from sexual immorality,
pornography, abortion, immoral dressing, homosexuality, lesbianism, drug addiction, pregnancies, HIV/AIDS infections etc, and instead
begin walking in the HOLINESS of the LORD and prepare for the coming of the Messiah.
of the earth, while the latter part is
already arrayed with the glorious
moon that dazzles with the Blood of
the Lamb. It has become the display
of the beautiful work in the spiritual
skilfulness of GOD Almighty. A
mighty manifestation of GOD's glory
of this magnitude, undoubtedly
pronounces the change in spiritual
season across the nations. That this
was biblically prophesied, and finally
presented in this glorious vision,
testifies to an opulent expression of
uncommon favour to today’s church
(Joel 2:31). What should be worrying
to the present-day church is the reality
that this particular episode of moon-
turned bloody not only expresses
the advent of endtime occurrences,
but also communicates a message
surpassing rapture. This projects
the prophetic timeline in heaven and
the mind of GOD. Most importantly,
GOD Almighty is at this juncture
making a profound reference to the
supremacy of the Blood of the Lamb
in redeeming the church from her
precipitous course (Isaiah 53:1-12;
Titus 2:13-14; 1 Samuel 4:21). Such
a precipitous path had earlier on led
Israel too, into desolation (Matthew
23:37). To this extent, the church is
now able to realize the truth embedded
in this experience and is capable
of finding restoration. The Blood of
the Lamb overshadowing the moon
explores the gospel notion of divinity
in the moon being the faithful witness
in heaven (Psalms 89:37). The Blood
of the Lamb is established forever just
like the moon, is the faithful witness
in heaven. It is this return to the Blood
of the Lamb that will finally restore the
church through a decisive defeat of the
flesh, and earn her another spiritual
victory (Joel 2:31; Amos 9:11-12; Jude
24-25; Hebrews 2:14-18). The tinge
of the glorious moon with Blood was
a foretold prophecy to the church.
Previously, Jesus had foretold of the
true identity of such times even as the
endtime approaches (Matthew 24:29).
John The Baptist
In The Vision
n no place does the bible come
out more clearer on the presence
of John the Baptist in this
vision, than does the book of Isaiah
chapter forty verses one through verse
five. Having said so, it is important
to realize that preparing the way for
the LORD in today’s world, is a matter
of major spiritual warfare. In here
lies the definition of the revelation
that the LORD is conveying to the
church. Regrettably, in preparing
the way for the LORD, as in other
battles, the church will always be
divided. Some will oppose an all-out
offensive of the devil of prosperity
in the church, while others will most
fervently support the declaration of
total war on sin and the world that
has encroached into the church. Many
may just be hesitant. Therefore, right
from the start it becomes clear that
the presentation of John the Baptist in
this mighty apocalyptic vision of the
LORD, affirms to the church on the
need to proceed and prepare the way
without any compromise whatsoever.
It doesn’t matter anymore what left or
right say, but what makes a difference
is that an all-out offensive be launched
to forcefully purge the dross off the
church and prepare the bride. This
brings to mind the scripture that says
“You broods of vipers, who warned
you to flee from the coming wrath?
Produce fruit in keeping with
repentance and do not start to say
to yourselves we have Abraham as
our father for I say unto you that
out of these stones GOD will raise
sons and daughters for Abraham...”
(Luke 3:7)
In this way, the appearance of John
the Baptist in the vision seemed to
be saying that; transformation of the
church means stepping completely
out in faith, believing that GOD is able
to turn even the watery depths of the
oceans into a pathway towards himself
and HIS good plan for the church
(Matthew 14:23-33).
Revival Of Baptism...
he appearance of John the
Baptist in the beginning of the
climax events of this vision,
points the church directly towards
the revival of baptism in the house.
Such a revival baptism indicates that
GOD is longing for a church that will
now examines her life honestly. The
duality of the baptism revival that the
LORD GOD is announcing here has the
capacity to flush out the worldliness
that has marked the church. It is a
plush blessing the LORD is extending
to the church as HE emphasizes the
water baptism of complete immersion,
and the open heaven for all the
baptised to enter into sonship with
GOD. It is a Holy Ghost revival that
the LORD is announcing at this time
since the heavens are now open (Joel
2:28-32; Ezekiel 36:25-30). GOD
Almighty is swishly developing a new
apocalyptic narrative with the church
on the baby steps of revival. The LORD
is now emphasizing that restoration of
today’s defiled church will come from
none other than the sanctification of
water baptism as the prerequisite.
This is synonymous with the church
packing her bags in readiness for the
wilderness. The LORD is saying, that
water baptism precedes the baptism of
the Holy Spirit and fire. It is this fire of
the LORD that will purge the dross off
the church with such an unquenchable
impunity (Matthew 3:11-17). The
Holy Spirit will then quicken the
church’s feet towards the wilderness
like did Jesus. This will restore the
connectedness of the church with the
11:59pm calendar events in heaven.
Such a connectedness has largely
been lost in today’s church because of
rampant sin. The LORD is also saying
that this is the season in which empty
repentance will not tip the scale. Only
the repentance which produces fruit
will cause a significant tipping of the
scale in the direction of the rapture
(Matthew 3:7-8; Mark 1:7 Act 2:1-13;
Acts 1:11-16). The fire of the LORD
in this John the Baptist season also
prefigures the judgment to come!
Wilderness . . .
he message that John the
Baptist’s visitation tailors
to today's church is a no
compromise message of separation
worldliness and the immediate entry
into wilderness purification. Such is the
purification the Lamb that was slain,
went through. But even more revealing
is the glory that the brightness of his
raiment presented to today’s church.
It conveys the need for the church to
rebuke sin and take a stand for the
zero-tolerance to evil. This is the only
way there will be a highway of holiness
for the wedding of the Lamb that was
slain (Isaiah 35:8). The present-day
church has bargained with the world
to the extent that the two are now one.
For GOD Almighty to present John
the Baptist in this vision at this time,
HE is reminding the church of her role
as the rod of GOD on the earth. But
the rod of GOD brings rebuke to sin.
The heart of the LORD is clamouring
for the church and asking, how come
she cannot see that since the time of
John the Baptist, the kingdom has
suffered violence, and yet now, she
cannot yet perceive that it is the violent
that will take it by force for the Lamb
that was slain (Matthew 11:12). This
becomes the awakening question of
our time. The church then becomes
a witness to this apocalyptic vision
that poses a serious challenge to her
on the fact that much as she often
talks of the remnant of the LORD, she
ought to be purified first by the fire
of the Holy Spirit (Zechariah 13:7-9).
This purification only takes place in
the wilderness of repentance where
John the Baptist has now taken
the remnant church. It is a massive
global call on the church to return
to the wilderness of repentance
and purification. The advocates of
unlimited grace and love of GOD have
mishandled the new law (Hebrews
10:26-31). Perhaps they might think
to themselves that such a total war on
evil has no end in the horizon as the
days draw closer to the rapture. Such
erroneous gospel notions, should be
carefully taken account of, because
they most certainly almost come to a
fatal conclusion that it is not necessary
to wage war at all since evil days
were prophesied for this dispensation
(2 Timothy 3:1-10). This essentially
speaks of the admittance to defeat
and giving in to the comfort zone of
compromise to sin. However, the catch
is that this very scripture forecasting
excessive evil today, detours with the
remnant when it says,
“you have nothing to do with them”
(2 Timothy 3:1-10; 2 Corinthians
It was in an apparent reference to the
separation that the remnant would
have to go through. As a matter of fact,
this was all the ticket she ever needed
to reach into the heart of wilderness.
It is very reassuring, to note that the
Holy Spirit is sufficient to empower
the church to go to battle against
sin. This demands that the church
fights a good fight in order to emerge
victorious against the sin that has
infiltrated her. A careful scrutiny into
the final episodes of John the Baptist
in this apocalyptic vision, appears to
be appealing to this endtime church
that only Joel’s assertions would be the
deliverer of her fall as she prepares
for the wedding of the Lamb that was
slain (Joel 2:28-32; Isaiah 42:8; Isaiah
48:11; Proverbs 23:20-21).
The significance of the spiritual
separation that the LORD is
introducing here emerges out of the
great concern that worldliness has
infiltrated and overtaken worship
in the church. It is the numbness
towards sin in the church that has
led to her preacher-heroes openly
falling to sin and seeing less at stake
(Galatians 1:6-10). Moreover, because
the good sensational conduct doesn’t
get enough high-rating to lure the
perishing people of the world to
Jesus, the church has not been able to
the Baptist essentially announced a
new dispensation into the church, one
that would now require that the church
returns to the true gospel of the Blood
of the Lamb (Isaiah 1:18; Jeremiah
The Lamb Of God
That Was Slain
significantly harvest during this peak
season (2 Timothy 4:3-5). It is for this
reason that not after John the Baptist
separated out into the wilderness, did
he make a significant harvest as they
came to hear about the way of the
LORD. The church too is now being
prompted through this vision that the
harvest is great in the wilderness. For
that matter, the appearance of John
the Baptist in this conversation
with the LORD carrying with it the
dual features of separation from the
world, and purification seem to pose a
question to this modern church as to
what deliverance means anymore, in
a house founded upon the amassing
of earthly wealth, and pursuit of post-
modernism (Matthew 6:19-24)? The
LORD is taking the present-day church
back to the primitive old Rugged Cross
that bears the Blood of the Lamb that
was slain. By recalling the church to
return to the wilderness of repentance
GOD Almighty is in other words
rejecting as inadequate and vulnerable,
the popular notion of one-step final
entry into the Kingdom of GOD
because many that have confessed
Christ, have entered with their world
and sat undelivered in church for many
years. This is why it was prophesied
that time will come to prepare the way
for the coming of the Lamb of GOD
in an all-out repentance and holiness
revival (Isaiah 40:1-5). This was meant
for both the believer and world may
be counted as children of GOD. The
LORD Jesus HIMSELF bespoke a parable
about the wedding of the Lamb of
GOD, when HE referred to the ten
virgins that stepped out to wait for the
Lamb that was slain. The withdrawal
to wait for the Lamb that was slain
is the separation that the presence
of John the Baptist in this vision
is speaking to the church (Matthew
25: 1-13). This wilderness separation
therefore becomes a necessity for any
christian to enter into the wedding of
the Lamb. By the way, the highway of
holiness that leads into the Kingdom
of GOD is found in the wilderness of
repentance in which the Father has
now launched the voice of John the
Baptist (Isaiah 40:3; Isaiah 35:8-10;
Deuteronomy 5:24). By presenting the
Lamb that was slain at my feet, John
holy splendour. Why is the church
not presenting the glorious most
powerful Lamb, the one that is coming
for the church, in the midst of earthly
treasures (Matthew 6:19-24)? Why
wasn’t the love of Christ enough to
the church? And if the leap to present
the world is irresistible, the church is
still GOD's conduit of salvation to the
perishing world, thereby still requiring
purification and separation. These are
the questions the LORD is asking when
HE presented the Lamb that was slain,
with Blood dripping around his neck.
The LORD is practically redirecting
the present-day church by asking her
never forget the Blood of the Lamb. Of
course, it is possible to live in this dark
world, while still observing this well-
told, and biblically well-documented
separation, yet recognizing the purity-
requirements of the latter glory, and
its celebrated novelty. The gospel of
the Blood of Jesus as presented by
GOD Almighty is purely separation
and purification. These are the
identity changers that the LORD GOD
is compelling the church today, to
embrace in the last days. Preparing the
way for the LORD will most definitely
require this duo. Even today’s leisured
preachers, one hopes, that if they can
see this apocalyptic vision as pulling
people away from the world, then a
good thing is happening to the church.
This would be the most important
awakening in the priesthood, a stirring
that GOD ALMIGHTY presents in this
vision. The Spirit of the LORD is calling
the church of Christ back to the Blood
of Jesus as the foundation for a holy
and lasting repentance revival. Such
revival must take place for the church
to partake of the wedding supper
of the Lamb. The most important
message arising from this one-of-a-
kind visitation of John the Baptist
in today’s church, is the message of
the sanctifying blood of Jesus that this
perishing world desperately requires.
The blood of Jesus inevitably exposes
the sins of man and the need for both
today’s defiled church and dark world
to be washed anew. In this apocalyptic
vision of our time, an unusual notice
is taken here of Jesus the Messiah
inserting the facial radiance and
motives of light after the pattern much
t random the LORD GOD
popped open this apocalyptic
vision of Christ in the eyes of
today’s church, and lighted it upon
this wonderfully represented Messiah.
Many have for centuries anticipated
such a time when the church of Christ
would finally return to the old gospel
of the blood and the Rugged Cross
at Calvary. Multitudes have theorized
that the advent of this kind of Blood
and the Cross gospel would mark
the pinnacle of evangelism unto the
four ends of the earth. Unfortunately
today’s church appears to have drifted
away from this foundational life-saving
gospel. The church of Christ is ever
reminded of the ransom price that
GOD gave in order that she might
have access to HIM. THE LORD GOD
ALMIGHTY offered HIS one and only
Son as the Lamb of the sacrifice so
that the unworthy human family can be
restored to a Godly and joyful life. The
LORD wants today's church to come
to HIM in total surrender, forfeiting
the worldly solutions she has been
pursuing, and prepare for the wedding
of this slain Lamb. It is spiritual
separation that the LORD longs to see
among those called by HIS name. And
although this kind of simple spiritual
separation doesn’t intend to be a
great theological thought-provoker,
it nonetheless puts to question as to
whether the church today has really
dissociated from sin. For example,
why would it be that most revival
campaigns today compel the church
by luring converts with promises of
earthly bounties of land, cars, homes,
financial wealth, etc, when the LORD
on the other hand is actually offering
the slain Lamb in the presence of HIS
greater and superseding Moses on the
Mount Sinai (2 Corinthians 3:7-18). In
this visitation, the GOD of our LORD
Jesus is highlighting the most common
and most subtle sin in today’s church-
culture as greed and materialism.
Almost everyone in church is trying
to get more money so that they can
buy more things and do more things.
There is nothing wrong with money
itself but it is the endless pursuit
of it for our own pleasure that GOD
condemns (Matthew 6:19-24). True joy
and salvation comes from the Blood of
the Lamb presented in this vision, and
definitely not from material things. The
LORD Jesus overcame the world with its
materialism. This mighty vision of the
LORD further lays bare an exposition
of the tertiary level of this materialism
and how it has infiltrated the present-
day church. By presenting the Blood of
the Lamb, GOD is directing the Bride
of Christ to turn focus on the quality-
bringing redemptive power of the
Cross. Most pastors are today busy
building the Tower of Babel inside the
church instead of raising heavenly
quality congregation of holiness
(Hebrews 12:14; 1 Peter 1:15; 1 John
3:3). The blood of the Lamb that the
moon bore testimony of, in this vision,
certainly begs the question; Does GOD,
speaking through the Holy Spirit, prefer
numbers and earthly glamour, or a
more holy church? Separation becomes
imperative. When the LORD said that
rapture is for the ‘elect’ HE literally
hinted on this dispensation when the
gospel of the Blood would be rejected,
and only the spiritually enlightened
would embrace it (1 Corinthians 1:18;
Acts 13:48). Furthermore, the blood
of the Lamb has so much eternal
redeeming power, that the church
ought to know about. If the church
claims to have known about it, then
why would the LORD Almighty have
to bring it up now, this late in the
day? That indicates GOD Almighty
has seen the church wandering in the
wilderness for forty years looking for
the true gospel to no avail. It is for
this reason that he presents John
the Baptist again, together with
the Lamb that was slain. GOD is
sounding a reminder that the church
may never forget, but live to remember
the spiritual ordinance of the LORD'S
passover on her life (Exodus 12:1
Corinthians 11:17-34). This revival
and restoration of the church has
long been overdue. And when, in the
recent years of ‘prosperity revival’
preachers claimed that “providence
favoured them” did they for a moment
really believe that GOD was with their
cause in the church? Like has been
the case in Kenya and many other
nations across the globe, the church
thought she walked with GOD and
yet is alone because of sin. However,
this apocalyptic vision of the blood of
the Lamb still asks the question; was
much of the supposedly theological
language we have seen displayed in
church just euphorical expressions or a
mere discussion of worthless christian
thought? It is absolutely pitiful because
in her worship, the church has not
touched the heart of GOD. No wonder,
in the November 20th, 2007 vision
of the LORD, HE presented not only
a desolate, but also an empty house.
This is what the LORD sees despite the
euphoria that goes on in church today.
The church is being called to return
to the blood and the Rugged Cross at
Calvary. When she gets there, then the
LORD will begin to receive her worship.
Only the blood of the Lamb that was
slain does GOD receive as sacrifice
today. But today's church of Christ has
abused and trampled this blood of the
grace. In this mighty presentation of
the Lamb that was slain GOD is saying
with all absolute certainty that no one
can erase the original true worth of
the blood of the Lamb that was slain
(Number 15:27-31; Hebrews 10:26-31;
Hebrews 6:4-6; 2 Peter 2:19-22).
When the LORD finally released from
HIS glory, the glorious most powerful
Lamb that was slain, coming all the
way towards John the Baptist and I,
HE literally pronounced that the coming
of the Lamb for the rapture is near
(Matthew 24;36-42; Revelation 16:15;
1 Thessalonians 4;16-17; 1 Corinthians
15:50-56). It is very crucial that the
present-day bride of Christ will prepare
in holiness, through the help of the
Holy Spirit. Moreover, it is noteworthy
that only the raptured saints will come
with the Messiah to Jerusalem during
the Second Coming of the LORD, seven
years after the wedding of the Lamb
(Revelation 1:7). The Blood that I saw
dripping around the neck of the Lamb
that was slain is a vivid reminder to
today's church that only through the
upholding of the Blood of the Lamb
can she inherit the Kingdom of GOD
(Isaiah 53:1-12; Titus 2:13-14). The
most spiritually celebrative moment is
the rapture.
The Messiah
Is Coming!
hat today's church ought
to grasp from this mighty
apocalyptic encounter I had
with John the Baptist, is the specific
place at which he turned towards the
glory of GOD Almighty and said,
“Behold, this is the Lamb of
GOD that takes away the
sin of the world. It was the
Father’s will that he be slain.”
These words from John the Baptist
reflect the LORD'S priorities standing
in stark contrast to the way the church
and the world perceived. It is a picture
that speaks of how late it is in the day
and hence presents an urgent need
for the nations of the earth to prepare
for the coming of the Messiah. To
further intensify the urgency of this
encounter, immediately after John
the Baptist uttered these weighty and
idyllic words, the LORD released the
glorious most powerful and holy Lamb
of GOD. This then becomes the most
critical message to befall the church of
Christ. GOD Almighty was in essence
urging the nations of the earth that
the Lamb of GOD who was slain
for the sin of the world, is returning
very soon. However, the return of
the Messiah will take place in a flash,
in the twinkling of an eye and like a
thief (Revelation 16:15; 1 Corinthians
15:50-56; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).
The old wineskin of the Jewish religious
practice (physical temple in Jerusalem)
were too rigid to carry the expansive,
life-changing message of GOD's love in
Christ Jesus, through the Holy Spirit.
Similarly, the religious activities of the
present-day church will not suffice
on the day of HIS return, unless they
are coupled with genuine repentance
and holiness. This particular holiness
is what GOD ALMIGHTY will seek out
when the Lamb returns for the church
(Revelation 22:12; Hebrews 12:14; 1
Peter 1:15-16). Consequently, the LORD
in this apocalyptic visitation, is sending
me to call on the church to prepare
well and hastily because HE has also
shown me His Clock in heaven, a Clock
that has ticked 11:59pm (Matthew
11:10). The church of Christ ought
to be very cognizant with extreme
care of the biblical fact that everytime
this voice appears in the wilderness,
proclaiming and announcing the
coming of the LORD, it normally takes
a very short time and the Messiah
appears (John 1:29-30; Matt 3:1-13).
A historic number of totally deaf including pupils brought from the School of the Deaf had their ears opened. GLORY TO GOD!

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The Commisioning - Mighty Visitation with John the Baptist on April 2 2004.

  • 1. 26 The commissioning W hen the fullness of time had come, the day of April 2nd, 2004 beheld its place in history. It all took place between 2:00-4:00pm in the afternoon of that memorable day. That was the day when the LORD decided to take me into the spirit between 2:00 - 4:00pm. At its onset, I did not right away perceive the gravity that this day would behold in the prophetic calendar of GOD MOST HIGH. Likewise, I did not at that time fully comprehend that this would later turn out to be the visitation of our time in today’s church, as she veers into the final stretch towards the coming of the Messiah. In this one-of-a-kind vision of the LORD, all of a sudden the LORD brought me to a place that had been heavily glorified and made lofty. The glory that encompassed this place was so tremendous that everything within its vicinity became glorious and began to glow. As this happened, I quickly grasped that all the glory that abound the place was as a matter of fact radiating from the mighty Presence of the LORD that was right in front of me. In the nick-of-time, the LORD made me know that He was present in the immense mountain of glory that radiated right ahead of me. The place was so dreadfully holy and glorious to the extent that I could even pick out a very fine hissing sound of the glory of the LORD as it flowed across. It was a fearful and most revered place to be because it was right in front of the Fearsome Throne of GOD ALMIGHTY. What I can still vividly recollect todate, is the tremendous trepidation that finally gripped me upon apprehending that I was standing right before the Mighty Glory of the LORD GOD Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth. His glory was like a heap of a huge brilliant mountain right before me. But this mountain-like glory of the LORD that stood in front of me, was not static, but flowed in clouds of glory hoovering around affecting the entire place. Four Glorious Horses I mmediately I lifted up my eyes to look at this mighty glory of the presence of the LORD, GOD ALMIGHTY opened my eyes further and permitted me to see the four powerful glorious horses that surround the Throne of GOD. The horses I saw were slightly behind the massive mountain of glory that stood in front of me. As they moved around within the glory of the LORD, in a state of readiness, I saw that they were more glorious than any radiance I had ever witnessed. Besides, these horses were very powerful and fully covered with the glory of the LORD that beamed out like flashes of lightning. At this moment, the LORD GOD Almighty then made me know that these glorious horses were ready to be released to the four ends of the earth. I further noticed a sense of the revered and severe judgment of GOD that was about to befall the nations of the earth, owing to the sin of this generation. The LORD also made me know at this juncture, that these four glorious horses were being sent to the four corners of the earth to prepare the way for the glorious coming of the Messiah. As the four glorious horses traversed left and right across the breadth and width of the glory of heaven, I saw their tails wagging in a clear demonstration of their readiness to go. The glorious horses I saw in this vision, moved around with so much power and glory that at one point I was caused to stop and just marvel at this might! Aware that they were inside the same glory of GOD MOST HIGH, I was indeed taken abreath by the fact that the LORD had permitted my eyes to see the happenings within HIS Majesty. The Glorious Moon W hile still caught up in this apocalyptic vision of our time, and marvelled by the tremendous power and glory around the four horses, a new event began to roll out right before my very eyes. John The Baptist speaks with him in front of GOD 26
  • 2. 27 mighty and startling as it happened right before my eyes. Initially, only the left half of the moon had gotten fully covered by the blood. But as things progressed on in this impressive and very spectacular apocalyptic vision, the blood began to cover the entire surface of the moon thereby rendering the moon totally swathed by the blood. The complete covering of the glorious moon by the blood essentially changed the scene into a near-eclipse experience as the glory of the LORD now became tinged with the blood. At this juncture, the radiance of the glory of the LORD appeared to have been stepped up in the entire vicinity of this mighty revelation of GOD. The glory of the LORD mantled the entire expanse and depth around the chosen place of this mighty visitation. John The Baptist Appears ... I n this magnificently illustrated vision of GOD, the most momentous occasion was yet to unfold. With the mountain-like glory of the LORD still standing high, and the glorious moon fully enveloped with the blood, a near eclipse-like radiance of the tinge of blood continued to surround the moon. At this moment Part of the Crowd at the Eldoret Revival Meeting April 2014. to get gradually covered with blood (Joel 2:31). The glorious moon I saw was now beginning to assume not only a condition of the glory of the LORD, but also a red-blood tinge. This was so Recently, NASA posted this picture on their website, and announced that on APRIL 15th, 2014, the earth will witness a major lunar event that has not happened in 500 years, and the moon will be covered with blood. This appears to be what the ManofGODprophesiedafterthemegaJohnthe Baptist visitation. Given that in that visitation when John the Baptist Spoke with Him, the moon turn red and the LAMB OF GOD came to the Man of GOD. What then does this mean towards the Coming of the Messiah! Should we wait for another red moon? Remember the bible says that nobody knows the day or the hour, but please be ready because these prophecies are being fulfilled right before our own eyes. APRIL 15, 2014 NEWS REPORT Come April 15th, 2014 this Prophecy was fulfilled and the Blood- Stained Moon appeared. The moon appeared just above the four glorious horses that the LORD paraded in this mighty once-in-a-lifetime vision of the LORD. The moon that I saw appeared to have moved much closer to the glory of the LORD, to the extent that it began to glow together with the splendorous glory of the LORD. This glorious moon I was privileged to see, was as a matter of fact now being strategically positioned towards the end of the sky, and hence came very close to the glory of the LORD'S presence at the Throne. Suddenly, green grass appeared before the Throne of GOD, and was instantly covered by the glory of the LORD in the place of this mighty visitation. Without a warning, the green grass also began to glow with such glory of the LORD that it hence began to behold resplendent radiance, and a hissing sound of GOD's Glory. However, it was particularly astonishing to observe what appeared to be a mighty sign and wonder of our time, unfold right before my eyes. This is because the glorious moon began
  • 3. 28 in the vision, little did I know that all this would be, but just an introduction into events that would unfold towards the most critical and crucial highlight. Such a climax was just about to unfold even as the four glorious horses still maintained their readiness to go. From a distance, I could still very clearly hear the occasional neighing of the four glorious horses as they longed to be released. To me, this point in time marked the very finest hour of this mighty visitation. As I stood there in the presence of the LORD GOD Almighty, then totally unannounced in a surprise move, John the Baptist instantly appeared on my right-hand side. The manner in which he appeared prior to speaking with me, is what took my breath away because it really took me by surprise. The appearance of John the Baptist at the scene, almost sharply coincided with when GOD Almighty made me know that he was watching and paying every particular attention to this encounter, from the Majesty of HIS Glory. Seeing that all was well aligned for the mighty visitation to hit its intended peak, the LORD GOD Almighty then allowed John the Baptist to walk around me and stop on my right-hand side. John the Baptist again walked a little bit ahead of me and came back, as in a triangular path, and then came to me in what appeared to be the setting of a centre stage for the mighty conversation to behold. In an innocent disposition, I geared-up without knowing that this would have to be the conversation that clearly defines the derring-do mission on which the LORD was just about to launch me. Until now, I cannot estimate just how I would have reacted if I had fully comprehended then that this was to be the conversation and vision of my lifetime. For me, this also became the most critical threshold at which the LORD would have to empower me for the mission defined here. During this time, the LORD further opened my spiritual eyes to another level, to the extent that I finally recognized that there was a little ridge that separated the mountain-like glory of the LORD and the two of us, John the Baptist and I. Todate, I am still aware that as John the Baptist began to elaborate on what was about to happen, there was a heightened attention by GOD the Father from inside the glory of his presence. The First Change of Leadership in Jerusalem The literary that this apocalyptic vision presents, is an archetype narrative that foretells of the endtime drama to befall the earth. The presence of grass at the place of this mighty visitation, may hold the key to revealing its proximate locality on the earth. However, locating the moon close to the vicinity of the glory of GOD'S presence, coupled with the mountain- like manifestation of glory, all hint to the fact that this visitation may have been taking place on a mountain summit. At this point in this vision, John the Baptist finally began to articulately speak with me about events that were about to happen. JOHN THE BAPTIST immediately confided in me about three major changes that were about to take place on the earth. JOHN THE BAPTIST further went on to assert that these said changes would mark the proximity of events towards the coming of the Messiah. These changes HE asserted, would present significant landmarks in the zero-count down towards the wedding of the Lamb. In this context, John the Baptist then said to me, "Come and see what is about to happen." That is when the Spirit of the LORD immediately lifted me up and took me to the Promised Land, and specifically to Jerusalem. We came unseen to Jerusalem by the sacred oracles of the LORD in order to witness that which was about to befall this city. Already the Forerunner had spoken with me and his mission attested by the significance of the glory of GOD before which we dialogued. I knew it too well that the wonderful tidings of this mission would be spread abroad, from Jerusalem even unto the ends of the earth. Yet in as much as I looked at Jerusalem in this unseen visitation, I saw that Jerusalem like the church, was not yet preparing to receive her Redeemer, and yet there we were to make unto her this holy announcement. I could see that she was prefaced with insinuation of distrust. While in Jerusalem, the LORD lifted me up and I saw the city from above, then I saw two changes of leadership coming to her. When the first change took place, I saw a new leadership, installed and take its reigns. Christians Travel to Jerusalem In the intermediate period, after the first change of leadership in Jerusalem, the LORD then lifted me up above the earth, into the clouds and I saw a lot of people in aircrafts travelling. The LORD made me know that the aircrafts I saw in this vision, were travelling to Israel. As they flew between the clouds, the LORD allowed me to see christians inside those aircrafts, through the windows. JEHOVAH placed specific christians inside those aircrafts, in order that I could see them through the windows of the aircrafts, and identify them as christians. Towards the end of this prophecy, I saw that final landmark take place, and a lot of christians make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, in record numbers. In that vision, this was to be an on- going influx of christians into Israel, and meant to serve a very important spiritual landmark. This particular event in this vision, was once more intended to be a defining moment on GOD'S prophetic timeline towards rapture. The aircrafts I saw were landing in the Promised Land at a rate that had never been seen before. The Second Change of Leadership in Jerusalem As the first leadership went on in Jerusalem, I saw its reign waning off and its popularity dwindling by the day. That is when all of a sudden I saw a second leadership change take place in Jerusalem. However, unlike the first change, this second change of leadership is what caught my utmost attention because of the manner in which it was globally received. When
  • 4. 29 the second change of leadership occurred in Jerusalem, the LORD in that dream paraded the leaders on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, as I looked on from the sky above, where I had been lifted. When this leadership came into being, what stunned me most, is the way in which they were received across the major capitals of the world. At this juncture, the LORD took me all across the globe, and into every capital city of the world, and I observed from above, their demeanour towards this new Israeli leadership. From where the LORD had lifted me in the clouds, I could see and hear the anguish that consumed every major capital of the world, as they were astonished and disturbed at the leadership change in Jerusalem. This anxiety arose from the fact that this second change of leadership was mainly composed of by very right wing coalition. The animosity that was in the offing towards Israel, appeared more like a state of overwhelming recentfulness at their leaning on matters of peace with Palestine. It was as though the wily foe himself had presented against GOD'S covenant people, Israel! And thus, I could hear every leadership in the major western capitals of the world ask themselves, "How then shall we engage this new leadership in Jerusalem, on the question of Palestine?" The Lamb Enthroned sin of the world (Revelation 5:6). In speaking with me, John the Baptist further said that it nevertheless was the will of GOD the Father for the PERFECT Lamb OF GOD to be slain. I remember having what appeared to be a difficult conversation with him on the slaying of the Lamb of GOD. I was hence quickened to the deep pain and sorrow that accompanied the slaying of the Lamb. At one point, I can vividly recall telling him that I was very deeply saddened and mortified that this had to happen to the PERFECT LAMB OF GOD for the redemption of man. What perplexes me is the fact that in this vision I was consumed by grief on the LORD'S crucifixion, to the extent that I re-asserted to him that I did not understand why that had to happen! In his response, John the Baptist furthermore asserted to me that; “It was the will of GOD the Father that the Lamb be slain for the sin of the world.” As this conversation between JOHN THE BAPTIST and I progressed regarding the Lamb of GOD that was slain, GOD ALMIGHTY made it absolutely clear to me that as I stood there, HE WAS PAYING VERY KEEN ATTENTION TO HIS PROGRESSION. As a result, John the Baptist once more turned to me and spoke with me about the slaying of the Lamb of GOD for the sin of this world (Revelation 5:6). It was a very heavy conversation that made my heart very pensive, and generated in me such deep sorrow, that caused me to weep bitterly in that mighty apocalyptic vision of the LORD. Notably, John the Baptist prevailed over the direction of this conversation, navigating it into a totally new dimension, when he said that the same Lamb of GOD who was slain, would come back very soon for the church. Afterwards, I saw John the Baptist leave where I was standing with him and walk towards the Glory of the LORD at the Throne. When John the Baptist entered into the Glory of the LORD, the LORD opened my eyes further, hence enabling me to see through the glory even as John went in. Then that was the time when I saw the LAMB OF GOD that was SLAIN Seated on a Lofty Glorious Throne. The Seat of that Throne was so highly decorated that it indeed beheld the Glory and Power, Authority and Wealth that befitted the LAMB OF GOD. When I saw the LAMB OF GOD Seated on that Colourful and Glorious Throne, I was shocked to notice that as John the Baptist spoke with HIM, HE would stretch HIS Head through the Glory in order to look at me, in a manner that indeed bespoke the fact that HE wanted me to know that they were talking about me. However, it was when the LAMB OF GOD Stretched HIS Neck and face towards me a second time, that I was most stunned! This was owing to the fact that when I looked at the tremendous Glory that covered HIM, I saw blood dripping from around the collar of HIS neck. HIS Glory was so immense that as the blood dripped from around HIS neck, it would become very clearly magnified! It was as though the LAMB OF GOD had just been SLAIN! Nonetheless, it is the manner in which the LAMB OF GOD looked at me, that indeed startled me! In stretching HIS Neck, and looking through the Cloud of Glory, I could almost hear the silent message that HE was passing on to me as HE Spoke with John the Baptist. When the LAMB OF GOD stretched HIS blood stained Neck, it was as though HE was telling me: "Yes indeed it is ME that died for the sin of the world, and what John the Baptist is telling you is TRUE. So please, will you just go for ME, and tell the nations to prepare!" That is what shook my life to the core until this day. That sight has never ever left me in all the years of my commissioning. It is a sight that has never ever gotten out of my brain, my mind, my heart, my soul and my strength. It became so engrained in my mind that I could not let go. It is like everytime I am on the trail for HIM, that is what gets perpetually rekindled in my heart. And HE asked, "will you go for me please?" I felt as though HE was pleading with me and saying, "Please can you help me and just go for me T he eventual appearance of John the Baptist into this mighty and unfolding vision of the LORD GOD, is indeed what marked the beginning of a new chapter in this visitation, and the final stretch towards its highlight. After the Spirit of the LORD returned me from Jerusalem, I found myself still standing at the same place right in front of the Glory of GOD THE FATHER. At this moment, I was quick to realize that John the Baptist too, was still standing there, before the THRONE OF GOD. That is when John the Baptist right away began to speak with me about the Lamb of GOD that was slain for the
  • 5. 30 and tell them!" And so it was, and so it has been, and so shall it be, that the LAMB OF GOD who was SLAIN for the sin of man, will one day come to HIS House. For that reason, I have never tired, neither have I rested nor tarried to go! And neither shall I ever tarry until HIS coming catches me on the trail of GOING TO TELL THEM. The Lamb Comes w hen JOHN THE BAPTIST had finished talking with the LAMB OF GOD, then all of a sudden I saw him still standing there on my right-hand side. That is when all of a sudden, I looked at him and noticed that his raiment had been totally glorified. John the Baptist’s raiment became shiny and exceedingly white as snow, so as no fuller on earth can whiten them. That was also the moment at which I noticed that the glory abound his garment was so immense that if any little dot touched it, that stain would have been magnified manifold. That is how the brilliance of his garment looked like. It was at that very time that I so happened to have looked at myself, and realized that my own garment too, had been totally transfigured. I at once understood that my countenance had shifted to glorious and that God's glory of the now resurrected Son of GOD, was in reign. Now I well understood that the authority of the glory that the LORD GOD Almighty has apportioned Christ, is unmatched. This to me marked yet another highlight of the conversation between the LORD and HIS Servant. Immediately I turned my eyes off my glorified garment, then looked at JOHN THE BAPTIST, I realized that he too had turned towards the Glory at the Throne. While still totally engrossed in this developing conversation with John the Baptist, I right away was able to grasp that he was holding something back in store, something that he considered highly treasured. The LORD GOD made me understand that John the Baptist would have to release the treasure when the rightful moment presented. That was then the moment at which he stretched his right-hand towards the Glory of GOD and said, " “Behold, The Lamb Of God That Is Coming Back For The Church.” It is at this exact place that I can vividly remember turning to look in the direction that John the Baptist pointed towards as he spoke, only to be completely shocked by what I saw. No sooner had he finished uttering those words, than I saw the most glorious Lamb of GOD leave the Throne and come out of the Glory that covered where GOD was. I was totally awe-struck and speechless as the LAMB OF GOD who had been released by the Father, began to come all the way as HE gradually made HIS way towards me. The awe with which this event overtook me cannot be relayed in words. What is particularly striking is that this shocking visitation surely marked one of the mightiest moments since the creation of heaven and planet earth. Coming all the way, HE changed every single portion of the place HE touched with HIS Feet from glorious into super glorious. This must have surely marked the inscription and writing of a new chapter of a new physical and spiritual dispensation in the church. The ridge disappears When the LAMB OF GOD drew closer and closer to me, then I noticed that there was a ridge which lay between where JOHN and I were standing, and the Glorious Throne of GOD. However, as the LAMB moved from the Throne towards me, I noticed a most profound phenomenon take hold. I realized that the more the LAMB moved from the Throne towards where JOHN and I were standing, the more everything else The Day When Heaven Obeyed Man & Instantly Opened
  • 6. 31 including the vicinity became super glorious. The LAMB OF GOD came all the way and when he arrived close to the little ridge that separated us from the glory of GOD the Father, that ridge disappeared as the whole place took on the glory of the Lamb. And as the LAMB arrived to where I was standing, JOHN THE BAPTIST disappeared, and the rest the Holy Spirit has never every allowed me to reveal unto this day. This was the place at which it finally dawned on me that John the Baptist was as a matter of fact sent of the LORD to INSTRUCT ME to make a DIRECT ANNOUNCEMENT to the nations of the earth, on the coming of the Messiah. This was GOD'S grand commissioning statement for me to go. What amount of unmatched blessing that I would now have to hear directly in this vision the ANNOUNCEMENT on the much awaited coming of the LORD! What amount of unmatched blessing that I would now have to hear directly in this vision the ANNOUNCEMENT on the much awaited coming of the LORD! This white most glorious Lamb is Christ the Messiah, the Jesus of Nazareth, the King of glory, the Anointed One, Wonderful Counsellor, Everlasting Father of all of the human family, Prince of Peace, LORD of Lords, King of all kings, Redeemer, our LORD and Saviour who defeated death on the Cross. Save for the overwhelming cascade of events that had already rolled out, this was yet another momentous juncture at which the culmination of this visitation ushered. Within this complex vision, one thing that could not escape my mind was the fact that having come back from Jerusalem with him, the raiment of John the Baptist and mine became super glorious and totally transfigured. Moreover, I was also perpetually awakened to the fact that the raiments were so glorious that I could literally see them glowing. Moreover, they were so pure that if any dirt would have touched them, their dirt would have been magnified a billion times meaning that the anointing at this conversation is indeed geared for exposing sin. In the amazement and awe of this overwhelming occurrence, I trembled when GOD eventually released the white most powerful and glorious Lamb to me. The rousing sound of the frightful Voice of GOD filled the background, accompanied occasionally by the fear of its transforming power, pretty much in the fashion of the Baptism narrative (Matthew 3:16-17). It is as though the LORD was displaying a semblance to the transfiguration visitation, where there was glory, a Cloud and the mighty Voice of the LORD. The tremendous astounding Voice of the LORD from the Throne Said, “Go tell the four corners of the earth to prepare the way for the coming of the LORD.” All this happened while the glorious most powerful Lamb of GOD was still standing next to me. At this point, I woke up. It took me some time before I could get my orientation as to what had just happened to me. While still feeling very exhausted, the reality of the magnitude of what had just transpired then dawned on me. In all this confusion and fear that gripped me, one thing for sure stood out, was that GOD Almighty had finally spoken to the church in a very monumental and historic way. And I knew that it would take me sometime before I would be able to not only perceive but also uncode the true significance and consequence that his visitation beheld world over. On a personal basis, I began to come to terms with the fact that my life had just changed for ever and ever!
  • 7. 32 of John the Baptist and mine to become exceedingly white as snow, that no fuller on earth can whiten. It is incredibly impressive that this vision avails a special import into understanding the role of the latter anointing of the Holy Spirit that was supposed to reign in the present- day church. Just as by faith Abraham went forth at the call of GOD, not knowing whither he went, so is the church required to go by faith without questioning the command of the Holy Spirit. Likewise, just as Abraham ultimately won favour with GOD, so will this endtime church find herself endeared unto the LORD, and her salvation purged-off dross, if she will obediently submit to the righteous command of this hour. This is the only way in which the present-day apostate church of Christ will have her raiment whitened for the wedding of the Lamb. This marks a very important step that calls for her total submission to the Mighty Voice of the LORD as she navigates her bearing towards rapture. As I sought to fathom the hidden mystery around the power of the LORD'S glory that whitened John the Baptist’s and my raiment, as no fuller on earth could, I arrived at one pivotal place that points to the fact that no amount of effort from this world will be capable of washing the tainted wedding gown that today’s church wears. And in the same breath, no amount of human greatness and wealth will be able to do that novel job. Only the LORD in heaven can cleanse the church through his mighty latter anointing of the Holy Spirit. For this noble reason the tremendous glory of the LORD beheld prior to any conversation, for this reason alone heaven assembled this conversation. Thus the glory evidently had to appear before I could commence any discourse with either John the Baptist or the precious most glorious Lamb of GOD. GOD MOST HIGH is highlighting the most powerful latter glory of our time. HIS longing to release the captive church back to HIMSELF, cannot be concealed in this apocalyptic vision. By faith Israel followed the Pillar of Cloud to the Promised Land, hence the church too is required to faithfully follow the Cloud of HIS Glory that has already visited. The awe-inspiring Voice that came from this enormous mountain-like Pillar of the Holy Spirit, is intended to bring back the leading of GOD into the present-day church. It would be an injustice to fail to mention the shock and revered Presence of GOD that consumed this entire visitation owing to fact that inside this Pillar of glory was the LORD GOD Almighty himself. This is a catalytic vision that is squarely intended to stir up the church and hence bring her face-to-face with the fact that she needs to reconcile herself to the price that Jesus paid on the Calvary Cross. It is a sober reminder that, be it the disappearance of the humanity or the heavens, the Cross that the LAMB brought, can never be erased! Equally, the fact that this apocalyptic vision takes place right in front of the Throne of GOD THE FATHER, greatly underscores the reality of the moment. It is realization that today crystalized the fact that time has come for the church of Christ to prepare to appear right before GOD THE FATHER. Such an appearance, I bet, would require a thorough preparation. However fallen the present-day church may be, she will have to ensure that is able to stand in front of the HOLY GOD of Heaven (Exodus 3:5; Leviticus 11:44; Romans 6:22; 1 Corinthians 1:2; Habakkuk 1:13). Such a clarion call could not have come at a better time, especially that today’s church has evaded confronting GOD himself, for a very long time. Yet the only reason for which our LORD Jesus purchased her, was that she may be able to stand alone, as holy, pure, blameless, spotless, mature and righteous right before GOD himself (Revelation 5:9- 10; Ephesians 5:25-27). Though the journey along this vision was a long one, like the events at transfiguration Introduction W hile the message in this timely vision may seem obvious, unveiling the revelation thereof nonetheless requires prudence and the wisdom of GOD. It is imperative that in her worship, the present-day church underscores the symbolism expressed by the blood- swatched moon; the four glorious horses; manifestation of John the Baptist; and finally the appearance of the most glorious Lamb of GOD into the scene. It is key to contextualize this vision on the basis of the Voice of the LORD that ultimately commanded the preparing of the way for the coming of the Messiah. This visitation presents many priorities that focus sharply on the quality of the heart-searching gospel truth than on the different schools of thought propagating the evangelism of today. The main focus of this vision is essentially the preparing of the way for the LORD through the much relinquish old gospel of the Blood and the Cross. It comes through as a foremost restorative vision. The account of events as they unfolded in this mighty vision of the LORD discloses a lot on the season in which the church of Christ has entered today. The immense and tremendous glory of GOD Almighty that appeared at the onset of this vision indeed prefigures an important spell in which GOD Almighty is extending the privilege of opening a portal from heaven into the church. It presents a season of open heaven in which the LORD would now have to directly communicate with the church (Zechariah 2:4-5). Such a spell has long been prophesied and awaited in the church (Joel 2:28-32; Haggai 2:6-9). Seeking a clearer understanding on this new dispensation, requires that the church grasp the significance of the moment at which the glory of the LORD transformed the raiments The message to the church
  • 8. 33 TOTALLY BLIND EYES OPEN it ends with the centralization of Christ Jesus as the most important figure in the present-day church (John 1:14; John 12:37-43). Spectacular exuberance of such tremendous glory of GOD in this mighty visitation, highlights the fact that the LORD is bestowing the season of open heaven. The only way the present-day church can celebrate this endtime outpour of the Holy Spirit is when she embraces this open heaven of holiness that the LORD is proffering now (Isaiah 60:13; John 12:27-28: John 13:31-32; Revelation 16:8-9; Habakkuk 3:3-4; 2 Corinthians 3:7- 18; Daniel 4:37). Since this prophecy was fulfilled at Pentecost the bride of Christ can now receive the gift of the Holy Spirit in order to change her sinful and disarrayed life back to the holiness of GOD (Acts 2). The Spirit whom Prophet Joel prophesied about, and who changed the first-century church, is also accessible to change the present-day church. In this vision therefore, GOD ALMIGHTY is asking the church to turn away from seeking worldly deliverance, and trust him with the healing of her broken and chaotic lifestyle. This sole entrustment unto the LORD will bring about her total redemption. All the church needs to do is to call on the name of the LORD, and find deliverance as no amount of sin of any kind can keep her from GOD's grace that has been poured through repentance (Titus 2:11-14). In this way, the restoration of the church of Christ will be complete and salvation will be hers eternally. Right now, she is precariously treading on temporary form of salvation that lacks in the eternal foundation of holiness. Such infinite holiness that Jesus bestowed upon her by the blood is all she needs in order to embrace repentance. This latter outpour of the Holy Spirit will bring the much needed renewal and colossal harvest into the church (Joel 2:21-24). This glorious and apocalyptic vision was about Christ Jesus the Messiah, HIS holy redemptive works, and preparations in church for HIS eventual return (Mark 8:38; Mark 13:26; Titus 2:13-14). Glorious Horses O n the spiritual battlefield of the souls, vim and vigour are strict christian characteristics that today’s church must possess in this dark world. By disclosing in this mighty vision HIS intention to release the four glorious horses, the LORD fundamentally unveiled the spiritual roadmap that would bring revival to the four corners of the earth. These four glorious and most powerful horses embody the restoration of the church through the four glorious gospels of our LORD Jesus, to the four ends of the earth. This portion of the apocalyptic vision meaningfully deals with the purification of the current defiled and corrupt gospel that is being peddled in the present-day church. It is the four glorious gospels of the LORD that are meant to hush-up the personality of the noises from prosperity gospel which have totally deafened the ears of the church (Titus 2:13-14). Prosperity gospel has shown an awful lack in delivering the church of Christ since it promotes the accumulation of the excesses of this world, at the expense of the most valued holiness (1 John 2:15-17). Most notably is that the very finest hour of the church has long been expected as the moment when she would finally experience repentance revival. And needless to say, this message of restoration sketches its preferred model by making clear the flowing and dynamic element of the original gospel as already symbolized by the four streams in paradise which flowed out of the garden of Eden into the whole known earth (Genesis 2:10-14). It is the only meaning of the four glorious and most powerful horses that the LORD released in this mighty endtime vision. Such a release makes the fourfold gospel and the Holy Spirit the foundation and Pillar of the church (1 Timothy 1:8-11). The life giving Spirit of the LORD in the latter anointing is charged with the responsibility of propelling the four glorious gospels into an endtime global repentance revival of holiness (Isaiah:40:1-5; Acts 17:30; Joel 2:28- 32; Hebrews 12:14). Blood On The Moon T he initial portion of this mighty vision reveals much about purification to the four winds
  • 9. 34 NATIONAL ANNUAL YOUTH CONFERENCE OCTOBER 24, 2013: KENYATTA UNIVERSITY Universities from all across the nation came receive the instruction of the LORD on Purity and Leadership. The MIGHTY PROPHET OF THE LORD urged them to put back the Calvary Cross back into their lives, that they may be healed from sexual immorality, pornography, abortion, immoral dressing, homosexuality, lesbianism, drug addiction, pregnancies, HIV/AIDS infections etc, and instead begin walking in the HOLINESS of the LORD and prepare for the coming of the Messiah. of the earth, while the latter part is already arrayed with the glorious moon that dazzles with the Blood of the Lamb. It has become the display of the beautiful work in the spiritual skilfulness of GOD Almighty. A mighty manifestation of GOD's glory of this magnitude, undoubtedly pronounces the change in spiritual season across the nations. That this was biblically prophesied, and finally presented in this glorious vision, testifies to an opulent expression of uncommon favour to today’s church (Joel 2:31). What should be worrying to the present-day church is the reality that this particular episode of moon- turned bloody not only expresses the advent of endtime occurrences, but also communicates a message surpassing rapture. This projects the prophetic timeline in heaven and the mind of GOD. Most importantly, GOD Almighty is at this juncture making a profound reference to the supremacy of the Blood of the Lamb in redeeming the church from her precipitous course (Isaiah 53:1-12; Titus 2:13-14; 1 Samuel 4:21). Such a precipitous path had earlier on led Israel too, into desolation (Matthew 23:37). To this extent, the church is now able to realize the truth embedded in this experience and is capable of finding restoration. The Blood of the Lamb overshadowing the moon explores the gospel notion of divinity in the moon being the faithful witness in heaven (Psalms 89:37). The Blood of the Lamb is established forever just like the moon, is the faithful witness in heaven. It is this return to the Blood of the Lamb that will finally restore the church through a decisive defeat of the flesh, and earn her another spiritual victory (Joel 2:31; Amos 9:11-12; Jude 24-25; Hebrews 2:14-18). The tinge of the glorious moon with Blood was a foretold prophecy to the church. Previously, Jesus had foretold of the true identity of such times even as the endtime approaches (Matthew 24:29). John The Baptist In The Vision I n no place does the bible come out more clearer on the presence of John the Baptist in this vision, than does the book of Isaiah chapter forty verses one through verse five. Having said so, it is important to realize that preparing the way for the LORD in today’s world, is a matter of major spiritual warfare. In here lies the definition of the revelation that the LORD is conveying to the church. Regrettably, in preparing the way for the LORD, as in other battles, the church will always be divided. Some will oppose an all-out offensive of the devil of prosperity in the church, while others will most fervently support the declaration of total war on sin and the world that has encroached into the church. Many may just be hesitant. Therefore, right from the start it becomes clear that the presentation of John the Baptist in this mighty apocalyptic vision of the LORD, affirms to the church on the need to proceed and prepare the way without any compromise whatsoever. It doesn’t matter anymore what left or right say, but what makes a difference is that an all-out offensive be launched to forcefully purge the dross off the church and prepare the bride. This brings to mind the scripture that says “You broods of vipers, who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? Produce fruit in keeping with repentance and do not start to say to yourselves we have Abraham as our father for I say unto you that out of these stones GOD will raise sons and daughters for Abraham...” (Luke 3:7) In this way, the appearance of John the Baptist in the vision seemed to be saying that; transformation of the church means stepping completely out in faith, believing that GOD is able to turn even the watery depths of the oceans into a pathway towards himself and HIS good plan for the church (Matthew 14:23-33). Revival Of Baptism... T he appearance of John the Baptist in the beginning of the climax events of this vision, points the church directly towards the revival of baptism in the house. Such a revival baptism indicates that
  • 10. 35 GOD is longing for a church that will now examines her life honestly. The duality of the baptism revival that the LORD GOD is announcing here has the capacity to flush out the worldliness that has marked the church. It is a plush blessing the LORD is extending to the church as HE emphasizes the water baptism of complete immersion, and the open heaven for all the baptised to enter into sonship with GOD. It is a Holy Ghost revival that the LORD is announcing at this time since the heavens are now open (Joel 2:28-32; Ezekiel 36:25-30). GOD Almighty is swishly developing a new apocalyptic narrative with the church on the baby steps of revival. The LORD is now emphasizing that restoration of today’s defiled church will come from none other than the sanctification of water baptism as the prerequisite. This is synonymous with the church packing her bags in readiness for the wilderness. The LORD is saying, that water baptism precedes the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. It is this fire of the LORD that will purge the dross off the church with such an unquenchable impunity (Matthew 3:11-17). The Holy Spirit will then quicken the church’s feet towards the wilderness like did Jesus. This will restore the connectedness of the church with the 11:59pm calendar events in heaven. Such a connectedness has largely been lost in today’s church because of rampant sin. The LORD is also saying that this is the season in which empty repentance will not tip the scale. Only the repentance which produces fruit will cause a significant tipping of the scale in the direction of the rapture (Matthew 3:7-8; Mark 1:7 Act 2:1-13; Acts 1:11-16). The fire of the LORD in this John the Baptist season also prefigures the judgment to come! Wilderness . . . T he message that John the Baptist’s visitation tailors to today's church is a no compromise message of separation worldliness and the immediate entry into wilderness purification. Such is the purification the Lamb that was slain, went through. But even more revealing is the glory that the brightness of his raiment presented to today’s church. It conveys the need for the church to rebuke sin and take a stand for the zero-tolerance to evil. This is the only way there will be a highway of holiness for the wedding of the Lamb that was slain (Isaiah 35:8). The present-day church has bargained with the world to the extent that the two are now one. For GOD Almighty to present John the Baptist in this vision at this time, HE is reminding the church of her role as the rod of GOD on the earth. But the rod of GOD brings rebuke to sin. The heart of the LORD is clamouring for the church and asking, how come she cannot see that since the time of John the Baptist, the kingdom has suffered violence, and yet now, she cannot yet perceive that it is the violent that will take it by force for the Lamb that was slain (Matthew 11:12). This becomes the awakening question of our time. The church then becomes a witness to this apocalyptic vision that poses a serious challenge to her on the fact that much as she often talks of the remnant of the LORD, she ought to be purified first by the fire of the Holy Spirit (Zechariah 13:7-9). This purification only takes place in the wilderness of repentance where John the Baptist has now taken the remnant church. It is a massive global call on the church to return to the wilderness of repentance and purification. The advocates of unlimited grace and love of GOD have mishandled the new law (Hebrews 10:26-31). Perhaps they might think to themselves that such a total war on evil has no end in the horizon as the days draw closer to the rapture. Such erroneous gospel notions, should be carefully taken account of, because they most certainly almost come to a fatal conclusion that it is not necessary to wage war at all since evil days were prophesied for this dispensation (2 Timothy 3:1-10). This essentially speaks of the admittance to defeat and giving in to the comfort zone of compromise to sin. However, the catch is that this very scripture forecasting excessive evil today, detours with the remnant when it says, “you have nothing to do with them” (2 Timothy 3:1-10; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18). It was in an apparent reference to the separation that the remnant would have to go through. As a matter of fact, this was all the ticket she ever needed to reach into the heart of wilderness. It is very reassuring, to note that the Holy Spirit is sufficient to empower the church to go to battle against sin. This demands that the church fights a good fight in order to emerge victorious against the sin that has infiltrated her. A careful scrutiny into the final episodes of John the Baptist in this apocalyptic vision, appears to be appealing to this endtime church that only Joel’s assertions would be the deliverer of her fall as she prepares for the wedding of the Lamb that was slain (Joel 2:28-32; Isaiah 42:8; Isaiah 48:11; Proverbs 23:20-21). The significance of the spiritual separation that the LORD is introducing here emerges out of the great concern that worldliness has infiltrated and overtaken worship in the church. It is the numbness towards sin in the church that has led to her preacher-heroes openly falling to sin and seeing less at stake (Galatians 1:6-10). Moreover, because the good sensational conduct doesn’t get enough high-rating to lure the perishing people of the world to Jesus, the church has not been able to
  • 11. 36 the Baptist essentially announced a new dispensation into the church, one that would now require that the church returns to the true gospel of the Blood of the Lamb (Isaiah 1:18; Jeremiah 8:4-8). The Lamb Of God That Was Slain significantly harvest during this peak season (2 Timothy 4:3-5). It is for this reason that not after John the Baptist separated out into the wilderness, did he make a significant harvest as they came to hear about the way of the LORD. The church too is now being prompted through this vision that the harvest is great in the wilderness. For that matter, the appearance of John the Baptist in this conversation with the LORD carrying with it the dual features of separation from the world, and purification seem to pose a question to this modern church as to what deliverance means anymore, in a house founded upon the amassing of earthly wealth, and pursuit of post- modernism (Matthew 6:19-24)? The LORD is taking the present-day church back to the primitive old Rugged Cross that bears the Blood of the Lamb that was slain. By recalling the church to return to the wilderness of repentance GOD Almighty is in other words rejecting as inadequate and vulnerable, the popular notion of one-step final entry into the Kingdom of GOD because many that have confessed Christ, have entered with their world and sat undelivered in church for many years. This is why it was prophesied that time will come to prepare the way for the coming of the Lamb of GOD in an all-out repentance and holiness revival (Isaiah 40:1-5). This was meant for both the believer and world may be counted as children of GOD. The LORD Jesus HIMSELF bespoke a parable about the wedding of the Lamb of GOD, when HE referred to the ten virgins that stepped out to wait for the Lamb that was slain. The withdrawal to wait for the Lamb that was slain is the separation that the presence of John the Baptist in this vision is speaking to the church (Matthew 25: 1-13). This wilderness separation therefore becomes a necessity for any christian to enter into the wedding of the Lamb. By the way, the highway of holiness that leads into the Kingdom of GOD is found in the wilderness of repentance in which the Father has now launched the voice of John the Baptist (Isaiah 40:3; Isaiah 35:8-10; Deuteronomy 5:24). By presenting the Lamb that was slain at my feet, John holy splendour. Why is the church not presenting the glorious most powerful Lamb, the one that is coming for the church, in the midst of earthly treasures (Matthew 6:19-24)? Why wasn’t the love of Christ enough to the church? And if the leap to present the world is irresistible, the church is still GOD's conduit of salvation to the perishing world, thereby still requiring purification and separation. These are the questions the LORD is asking when HE presented the Lamb that was slain, with Blood dripping around his neck. The LORD is practically redirecting the present-day church by asking her never forget the Blood of the Lamb. Of course, it is possible to live in this dark world, while still observing this well- told, and biblically well-documented separation, yet recognizing the purity- requirements of the latter glory, and its celebrated novelty. The gospel of the Blood of Jesus as presented by GOD Almighty is purely separation and purification. These are the identity changers that the LORD GOD is compelling the church today, to embrace in the last days. Preparing the way for the LORD will most definitely require this duo. Even today’s leisured preachers, one hopes, that if they can see this apocalyptic vision as pulling people away from the world, then a good thing is happening to the church. This would be the most important awakening in the priesthood, a stirring that GOD ALMIGHTY presents in this vision. The Spirit of the LORD is calling the church of Christ back to the Blood of Jesus as the foundation for a holy and lasting repentance revival. Such revival must take place for the church to partake of the wedding supper of the Lamb. The most important message arising from this one-of-a- kind visitation of John the Baptist in today’s church, is the message of the sanctifying blood of Jesus that this perishing world desperately requires. The blood of Jesus inevitably exposes the sins of man and the need for both today’s defiled church and dark world to be washed anew. In this apocalyptic vision of our time, an unusual notice is taken here of Jesus the Messiah inserting the facial radiance and motives of light after the pattern much A t random the LORD GOD popped open this apocalyptic vision of Christ in the eyes of today’s church, and lighted it upon this wonderfully represented Messiah. Many have for centuries anticipated such a time when the church of Christ would finally return to the old gospel of the blood and the Rugged Cross at Calvary. Multitudes have theorized that the advent of this kind of Blood and the Cross gospel would mark the pinnacle of evangelism unto the four ends of the earth. Unfortunately today’s church appears to have drifted away from this foundational life-saving gospel. The church of Christ is ever reminded of the ransom price that GOD gave in order that she might have access to HIM. THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY offered HIS one and only Son as the Lamb of the sacrifice so that the unworthy human family can be restored to a Godly and joyful life. The LORD wants today's church to come to HIM in total surrender, forfeiting the worldly solutions she has been pursuing, and prepare for the wedding of this slain Lamb. It is spiritual separation that the LORD longs to see among those called by HIS name. And although this kind of simple spiritual separation doesn’t intend to be a great theological thought-provoker, it nonetheless puts to question as to whether the church today has really dissociated from sin. For example, why would it be that most revival campaigns today compel the church by luring converts with promises of earthly bounties of land, cars, homes, financial wealth, etc, when the LORD on the other hand is actually offering the slain Lamb in the presence of HIS
  • 12. 37 greater and superseding Moses on the Mount Sinai (2 Corinthians 3:7-18). In this visitation, the GOD of our LORD Jesus is highlighting the most common and most subtle sin in today’s church- culture as greed and materialism. Almost everyone in church is trying to get more money so that they can buy more things and do more things. There is nothing wrong with money itself but it is the endless pursuit of it for our own pleasure that GOD condemns (Matthew 6:19-24). True joy and salvation comes from the Blood of the Lamb presented in this vision, and definitely not from material things. The LORD Jesus overcame the world with its materialism. This mighty vision of the LORD further lays bare an exposition of the tertiary level of this materialism and how it has infiltrated the present- day church. By presenting the Blood of the Lamb, GOD is directing the Bride of Christ to turn focus on the quality- bringing redemptive power of the Cross. Most pastors are today busy building the Tower of Babel inside the church instead of raising heavenly quality congregation of holiness (Hebrews 12:14; 1 Peter 1:15; 1 John 3:3). The blood of the Lamb that the moon bore testimony of, in this vision, certainly begs the question; Does GOD, speaking through the Holy Spirit, prefer numbers and earthly glamour, or a more holy church? Separation becomes imperative. When the LORD said that rapture is for the ‘elect’ HE literally hinted on this dispensation when the gospel of the Blood would be rejected, and only the spiritually enlightened would embrace it (1 Corinthians 1:18; Acts 13:48). Furthermore, the blood of the Lamb has so much eternal redeeming power, that the church ought to know about. If the church claims to have known about it, then why would the LORD Almighty have to bring it up now, this late in the day? That indicates GOD Almighty has seen the church wandering in the wilderness for forty years looking for the true gospel to no avail. It is for this reason that he presents John the Baptist again, together with the Lamb that was slain. GOD is sounding a reminder that the church may never forget, but live to remember the spiritual ordinance of the LORD'S passover on her life (Exodus 12:1 Corinthians 11:17-34). This revival and restoration of the church has long been overdue. And when, in the recent years of ‘prosperity revival’ preachers claimed that “providence favoured them” did they for a moment really believe that GOD was with their cause in the church? Like has been the case in Kenya and many other nations across the globe, the church thought she walked with GOD and yet is alone because of sin. However, this apocalyptic vision of the blood of the Lamb still asks the question; was much of the supposedly theological language we have seen displayed in church just euphorical expressions or a mere discussion of worthless christian thought? It is absolutely pitiful because in her worship, the church has not touched the heart of GOD. No wonder, in the November 20th, 2007 vision of the LORD, HE presented not only a desolate, but also an empty house. This is what the LORD sees despite the euphoria that goes on in church today. The church is being called to return to the blood and the Rugged Cross at Calvary. When she gets there, then the LORD will begin to receive her worship. Only the blood of the Lamb that was slain does GOD receive as sacrifice today. But today's church of Christ has abused and trampled this blood of the grace. In this mighty presentation of the Lamb that was slain GOD is saying with all absolute certainty that no one can erase the original true worth of the blood of the Lamb that was slain (Number 15:27-31; Hebrews 10:26-31; Hebrews 6:4-6; 2 Peter 2:19-22). When the LORD finally released from
  • 13. 38 HIS glory, the glorious most powerful Lamb that was slain, coming all the way towards John the Baptist and I, HE literally pronounced that the coming of the Lamb for the rapture is near (Matthew 24;36-42; Revelation 16:15; 1 Thessalonians 4;16-17; 1 Corinthians 15:50-56). It is very crucial that the present-day bride of Christ will prepare in holiness, through the help of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, it is noteworthy that only the raptured saints will come with the Messiah to Jerusalem during the Second Coming of the LORD, seven years after the wedding of the Lamb (Revelation 1:7). The Blood that I saw dripping around the neck of the Lamb that was slain is a vivid reminder to today's church that only through the upholding of the Blood of the Lamb can she inherit the Kingdom of GOD (Isaiah 53:1-12; Titus 2:13-14). The most spiritually celebrative moment is the rapture. The Messiah Is Coming! W hat today's church ought to grasp from this mighty apocalyptic encounter I had with John the Baptist, is the specific place at which he turned towards the glory of GOD Almighty and said, “Behold, this is the Lamb of GOD that takes away the sin of the world. It was the Father’s will that he be slain.” These words from John the Baptist reflect the LORD'S priorities standing in stark contrast to the way the church and the world perceived. It is a picture that speaks of how late it is in the day and hence presents an urgent need for the nations of the earth to prepare for the coming of the Messiah. To further intensify the urgency of this encounter, immediately after John the Baptist uttered these weighty and idyllic words, the LORD released the glorious most powerful and holy Lamb of GOD. This then becomes the most critical message to befall the church of Christ. GOD Almighty was in essence urging the nations of the earth that the Lamb of GOD who was slain for the sin of the world, is returning very soon. However, the return of the Messiah will take place in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye and like a thief (Revelation 16:15; 1 Corinthians 15:50-56; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). The old wineskin of the Jewish religious practice (physical temple in Jerusalem) were too rigid to carry the expansive, life-changing message of GOD's love in Christ Jesus, through the Holy Spirit. Similarly, the religious activities of the present-day church will not suffice on the day of HIS return, unless they are coupled with genuine repentance and holiness. This particular holiness is what GOD ALMIGHTY will seek out when the Lamb returns for the church (Revelation 22:12; Hebrews 12:14; 1 Peter 1:15-16). Consequently, the LORD in this apocalyptic visitation, is sending me to call on the church to prepare well and hastily because HE has also shown me His Clock in heaven, a Clock that has ticked 11:59pm (Matthew 11:10). The church of Christ ought to be very cognizant with extreme care of the biblical fact that everytime this voice appears in the wilderness, proclaiming and announcing the coming of the LORD, it normally takes a very short time and the Messiah appears (John 1:29-30; Matt 3:1-13). MEGA KAKAMEGA REVIVAL - JAN 1, 2014: A historic number of totally deaf including pupils brought from the School of the Deaf had their ears opened. GLORY TO GOD!