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Modesty in Dress
(A Good Sacrifice that
Would Please Our Lady)
In 1919, Our Lady
appeared to
Jacinta, telling her
that Francisco
would die very
soon, that she
would suffer a
great deal and that
she would die
alone in a hospital
in Lisbon.
“Our Lady wants me to go
to two hospitals, not to be
cured, but to suffer more for
love of Our Lord and for
Jacinta to Lucia:
Jacinta to Lucia:
“She told me that I am going to
Lisbon to another hospital; that
I will not see you again, nor my
parents either, and after
suffering a great deal, I shall die
alone. But she said I must not be
afraid, since she herself is
coming to take me to heaven.”
However, she was made to stay first at the
because arrangements were made for her internment in
It took quite a while for these arrangements because of
the nature of the sickness of Jacinta.
Orphanage of “Nossa Senhora dos Milagros,”
Estefania Hospital.
While in the
passed all
the time
she was
allowed in
the tribune
of the
- a raised platform
from which the
speakers address
an assembly.
She would sit on her
little chair, for she was
not allowed to kneel,
and would fix her
eyes on the
Tabernacle, praying
and meditating.
Whenever she saw people
inside the Church below talking
or behaving unnecessarily, she
would complain to
Mother Godinho, the
Superior in the
orphanage, saying
that Our Blessed
Mother was
displeased whenever
she saw people not
giving proper
respect to the Most
Blessed Sacrament. Mother Godinho
The Superior in the Orphanage
fashions will
be introduced
that will
offend Our
Lady very
Our Lady told Jacinta in 1920:
(“Fatima From the Beginning” by Fr. John
De Marchi, I.M.C., 13th Edition, pp. 198)
“Fashions will much offend
Our Lord.
People who
serve God should
not follow the
The Church has no
Our Lord is always
the same.”
Our Lady told
Jacinta in 1920:
(“Fatima From the Beginning” by Fr. John
De Marchi, I.M.C., 13th Edition, pp. 198)
Who are these people who are
serving God?
Are they priests and religious only?
Or the lay ministers and members of
religious organizations?
Everyone who
desires to see
and enjoy God
in heaven
must not follow
the immodest
“The Church has no fashions;
Our Lord is always the same.”
Hebrews 13:8
“Jesus Christ is the
same yesterday,
today, and forever.”
Malachi 3:6a
“For I, the Lord,
do not change.”
Our Lady said:
fashions will be
introduced that
will offend Our
Lady very
(“A Flower of Fatima” by Reverend
Galamba de Oliveira – p. 164; 1959)
How true this is! So many unbelievably
sexy, immodest fashions have been
introduced in every part of the world.
in streets, restaurants,
department stores, movie
houses, malls, in our own
homes through books,
magazines, comics, playing
cards, calendars, television
shows, advertisements and
internet websites; even in
social media like Facebook; and
most of all in person inside our
schools, offices and churches.
Just because
of immodest
people who see
you wearing
them may
commit mortal
sins with you
as the cause of
the sin.
Then Our Lady
revealed to Jacinta a
very enlightening
truth which will make
us always watchful
and prayerful.
Our Lady said:
“The sins which
cause most souls
to go to hell
are the
sins of the flesh.”
The sins of the flesh
is the number one
sin which causes
most souls to go to
Although the sin of
the flesh is not the
most grievous of all
sins. However it is
the easiest sin to
Church of Lucifer in Colombia
Immodest Fashion
The Sins of the Flesh
and Other Sins that
May Result from
Wearing Immodest
Many women
refuse to
believe that
clothes is the
source of
and serious
to the
opposite sex.
They say that it is not their fault if men sin
upon seeing them in their immodest
dresses. They argue that it is the lustful eyes
of the men that cause themselves to sin,
not the immodest fashions they wear,
saying: “They must have a dirty mind.”
But who really is to be
blamed more?
The woman who
The man
who looked at
the immodestly
dressed woman?
Just what
when a man
looks at a
1. Evil Thoughts and Desires
On seeing an
immodestly dressed
woman, temptation
creeps it in the form
of evil thoughts, and
instead of rejecting
them, men entertain
them to the point of
consenting as to
desire them, then sin
is already committed.
Matthew 5:28
“But I say to you, everyone
who looks at a woman with lust
has already committed
adultery with her in his heart.”
2. Masturbation / Self-Abuse
- impure
thoughts or
desires, if not
rejected, can lead
to impure acts
and a life of vice.
- is a grievous sin
But many, especially the youth,
claim that masturbation is not a sin.
While it once was regarded as a perversion
and a sign of a mental problem.
Pope Pius XII
“The greatest
sin of our
generation is
that it has
lost all sense
of sin.”
(The Pope of Fatima):
“Sin is not
the worst
thing in the
world. The
worst thing
is the denial
of sin.”
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen:
3. Homosexuality / Lesbianism
- is the sexual attraction to people of
one's own sex.
“Homosexuality refers to
relations between men or
between women who experience
an exclusive or predominant
sexual attraction toward
persons of the same sex…”
CCC 2357:
Leviticus 18:22
“You shall not lie with a male as with a
woman; such a thing is an abomination.”
Leviticus 20:13
“If a man lies with a male as with a
woman, they have committed an
abomination; the two of them shall be put
to death; their bloodguilt is upon them.”
Scriptures on
1 Corinthians 6: 9-10
“Do you not know that the unjust will
not inherit the kingdom of God? Do
not be deceived; neither fornicators
nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy
prostitutes nor sodomites
“nor thieves nor the
greedy nor drunkards
nor slanderers nor
robbers will inherit the
kingdom of God.”
Active Homosexuality: one that
does sinful, homosexual sexual acts.
Passive Homosexuality: one who
has the homosexual orientation but
refrains from doing homosexual acts.
There are (2) two kinds
of homosexuality
according to action:
There are (2) two kinds
of homosexuality
according to permanency:
The curable forms, it is said, are the result
of false education, a lack of normal sexual
development, habit, bad example, or other
similar causes.
The incurable when their homosexuality is
some kind of innate instinct or a
pathological constitution of their nature.”
The punishment of the fire over the
Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah
caution us about homosexuality.
Masturbation and
homosexuality are the
sins that Catholic
moralists call
There is no good intention which can
reduce the immorality of these acts.
4. Fornication
(trial marriages or live-in arrangements)
CCC 2353:
“Fornication is
carnal union between
an unmarried man
and an unmarried
1 Corinthians 6: 9-10
“Do you not know that the unjust will
not inherit the kingdom of God? Do
not be deceived; neither fornicators
nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy
prostitutes nor sodomites
“nor thieves nor the
greedy nor drunkards
nor slanderers nor
robbers will inherit the
kingdom of God.”
Several priests report
that they have hard time trying to
get the boys in Catholic schools,
particularly coeducational, to go to
the Sacraments. When asked
why, some of the boys
will be honest enough
to admit that they feel
they would be
hypocrites to go to the
Sacraments, when they
know they will fall again
and again into sins of
They admit that they
are greatly disturbed
by the way the girls
dress, even in
Catholic schools.
They find it difficult to
keep from having impure
thoughts and desires
concerning them, often
resulting in impure
action with
themselves or with
For the sake of the
spiritual welfare of
others, especially the
weak, may our ladies
wear modest dresses
Romans 15:1
“We who are strong
ought to put up with
the failings of the weak
and not to please
5. Adultery
CCC 2380:
“Adultery refers to marital
infidelity. When two partners,
of whom at least one is
married to another party,
have sexual relations –
even transient ones – they
commit adultery...”
(extra-marital sex; spouse swapping)
Adultery is so
displeasing to God!
1 Corinthians 7:5
“Do not deprive each other, except
perhaps by mutual consent for a time,
to be free for prayer, but then return to
one another, so that Satan may not
tempt you through your lack of self-
6. Rape
Many men would like to respect women.
But how can a man respect a woman if she
has no respect for herself and puts her body
on public display.
Immodest dresses cause not only a sharp increase of accidents but also a
sharp increase of rape and sex crimes of more than 100 to 200 percent.
“Most rape cases are male-female where
1 in 6 women versus 1 in 33 men are
victims of rape”
“80% of the victims are women
under the age of 30”
“Women aged 16-25 are three times more
likely to be raped than other women”
(US National Crime Victimisation Survey 2005)
(Tjaden and Thoennes 2000)
(Bureau of Justice Statistics. Criminal Victimisation in the United States.
US Department of Justice, Washington, DC 1991)
“Rape statistics show young and
sexually attractive females are
raped far more often than older,
less sexually attractive females
(Warren Farrell, The Myth of Male Power).”
Rapists have no mercy
even on very old women!
“Hastang tigulang na kayo, dili
na pasayloon sa mga rapists!”
“Kahit sa mga matandang-
matanda na, walang awa ang
mga rapists sa kanila!”
“Old women, you still have
‘beauty’! So dress
yourselves modestly!”
*Rape of little girls
(11 months to 13 years old)
*Rape of old women
(even senior citizens)
What has become of us
7. Prostitution
There is a
greater lack
of respect
for women
Philippine Statistics on Prostitution:
There are 500,000 to 800,000
female prostitutes in the Philippines:
It is so sad and
shameful to know that
there are now many
child prostitutes, both
boys and girls.
8. Abortion
Unwanted children
are often the fruit
of illicit or
unexpected sexual
acts including those
acts which are
triggered from
immodest dresses.
Both of the
Church and
science believe,
the fetus is a
person from the
very moment of
its generation.
“Do you not know that
your body is a temple
of the holy Spirit within
you, whom you have
from God, and that
you are not your
“For you have been
purchased at a price.
Therefore, glorify
God in your body.”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
CCC 2270:
“Human life must be
respected and
protected absolutely
from the moment of
“Life must be
protected with the
utmost care from
the moment of
abortion and
infanticide are
Take note
that the no.
1 killer in
the whole
world is not
war but
It takes a bishop
to forgive the
sin of abortion.
CCC 2272:
“Formal cooperation in an abortion
constitutes a grave offense.
The Church attaches the canonical
penalty of excommunication to this crime
against human life.
Take note also that
One who commits
is automatically
excommunicated from
the Catholic Church:
9. Contraception
- are the
things that
are done
to prevent a
woman from
Contraception Methods
10. Divorce
Many married
couples when
faced with so
much problems
between each
other forget their
vows and end up
in divorce.
Our Lord Jesus has
explicitly condemned
divorce as sinful.
CCC 2384:
“Divorce is a grave
offense against the
natural law. It claims to
break the contract, to
which the spouses freely
consented, to live with
each other till death.
Divorce does injury to
the covenant of
salvation, of which
sacramental marriage
is the sign.
CCC 2385:
“Divorce is
immoral also
because it
disorder into
the family and
into society.
This disorder brings
grave harm to the
deserted spouse, to
children traumatized
by the separation of
their parents and often
torn between them,
and because of its contagious effect which
makes it truly a plague on society.”
“Apart from the Vatican,
the Philippines is the only country
in the world without a divorce law
after Malta legalized divorce in 2011.”
“In The Know: Only the Vatican and
the Philippines”
In summary,
these are the
sins of the
flesh and
other sins
which may
result from
1) Evil thoughts and Desires,
2) Masturbation /
3) Homosexuality /
4) Fornication,
5) Adultery,
6) Rape,
7) Abortion,
8) Prostitution,
9) Contraception, and
10) Divorce.
Many who have heard about Our Lady’s
message regarding Immodest Fashions
and the Sins of the Flesh:
a) “Certain fashions will be introduced
that will offend Our Lady very much.”
b) “The sins which cause most souls
to go to hell are the sins of the
We must believe
all that the Word
of God tells us
including the
Fatima Message
which is the
reaffirmation of
the Gospel.
According to the Pope of
Fatima, Pius XII.
Matthew 4:4
“He said in reply, “It is written: ‘One does not
live by bread alone, but by every word that
comes forth from the mouth of God.’”
Take note: “every word that comes forth from the
mouth of God”! That means every Word of God!
Choose not only the Daily Rosary
and the Brown Scapular, but also
Modesty in Dress!
Remember these words of the
Apostle of Sinners:
St. Jacinta Marto:
“If men knew what
eternity is, they
would do
everything to
change their lives.”
God’s Plan of Procreation:
CCC 1605 “Holy Scripture affirms that
man and woman were created for
one another: ‘It is not good that the
man should be alone.’
Genesis 2:18
Women were
created by God to
have greater
physical attraction
and beauty of body
and face in order to
draw man and
woman together in
God created men and women
different from each other.
Men were
created with
much greater
appetite and
desire or
interest in
matters of sex
than women.
When a man gazes into a woman’s eyes
with what she thinks of love and devotion,
she is not seeing the same thing.
“Can this be
love? It must
What a
St. Augustine:
“Chastity, or cleanness of
heart, holds a glorious and
distinguished place among
the virtues, because she,
alone, enables man to see
God; hence Truth itself
said, ‘Blessed are the
clean of heart, for they
shall see God.’”
Always observe modesty in dress
to guard and protect your chastity.
1. One who dresses
modestly avoids
clothes that are
known or
expected to cause
sexual arousal in
oneself or others.
IV. Popes, Saints, the Word of
God and Modesty in Dress:
"Christian girls, think also of this: the
more elegant you will be, and the more
pleasing, if you dress with simplicity
and discreet modesty."
Pope Pius XII:
St. Pio of
Pietrelcina on
Modesty in Dress:
a) Padre Pio wouldn't
tolerate low-necked
dresses or short,
tight skirts, and he
forbade his spiritual
daughters to wear
transparent stockings.
1 Timothy 2:9-10
“Similarly, [too,] women should adorn
themselves with proper conduct, with
modesty and self-control, not with
braided hairstyles and gold ornaments,
or pearls, or expensive clothes, “but
rather, as befits women who profess
reverence for God, with good deeds.”
The Psychology of Fashions:
What is fashion? Fashion, in dress and
adornment, is any mode of dressing
that is prevalent during a particular
time or in a particular place.
Fashion psychology is about
understanding why people wear what
they wear and the effects their clothes
have upon other people and on their
own their thoughts and emotions.
Pius XII declared:
“It might be said that
society speaks
through the
clothing it wears.
Through its clothing
it reveals its secret
aspirations and uses
it, at least in part, to
build or destroy
the future.”
1) To manifest one’s faithful devotion
to God
2) To provide warmth and protection;
3) To provide information about sex,
age, occupation, or other
4) To appear more attractive; and
5) To observe hygiene, decency and
Why do we wear clothes?
The purposes of wearing clothes are as follows:
There are various reasons why styles of dresses change.
The motives for modern fashions are:
1. Excessive Pride: vanity, conceit and
2. Rebellion: open opposition toward a
person or group in authority; refusal to
obey rules or accept normal standards
of behavior, dress, etc.
3. Seduction: the act of persuading
someone to have sex with you
Many dress designers have admitted
that the purpose of the design of
clothing today is not to be in style, but
to attract the opposite sex.
women must
wear dresses
that are first
modest and then
fashionable but
seductive or
1. Look at your own self when I mention these
immodest clothes. Do not look at others and
them because of their immodest attire.
2. Do not judge immediately that the woman
wearing these immodest clothes has already
committed sin
3. Do not wear these immodest dresses in the
presence of men so that they will not commit sin.
Do not take the risks of wearing immodest clothes
even when you are with your male friends or
cousins, your brothers, fathers, godfathers or
holy people especially priests and lay leaders.
(3) Three Points to Agree
St. Thomas Aquinas:
“The holiest
persons attract
the most
1. Dresses or skirts with lengthy slits
Apparently when a man’s eye sees a long slit that comes
up to the knee or above on a tight skirt or dress, he can
think, “Oh, a few more inches and what would I see?” That
is the way a man’s mind works. The slit is a magnet to
men’s eyes.
2. Dresses, skirts or jeans which tightly cling to the butt
A skirt that tightly clings to our butt is a skirt that not only
comes down over our butt, but deep into the back of the
thighs. We’re not talking about fitted clothing here, but
rather skin tight clothing. It draws men’s attention.
VI. The Kinds of
Immodest Dresses:
3. A skin tight upper garment
It is one thing for our garment to come down and hang
loosely upon the breast, but if it tightly clings to our breasts as
well as closely shapes and isolates them we can create a big
distraction! People should not receive an anatomy lesson in
mammary glands when they look at us!
4. Unbuttoned blouses, low neck lines or cleavage
Some women unbutton down to one button away from
bearing their bras. Apparently when a man sees only one
button to go his mind can go, ‘I wonder what is under that one
more button’. John Piper shared in a sermon: “Women,
remember that in a church setting you need to at times
bend over and pick up a child. Bend over and look at
yourself in the mirror before you leave the home. What
may seem to cover you well standing up, does not cover
you sufficiently when you bend over.”
5. Sleeveless tops with large, gaping arm holes
We look down on our sleeveless dress and see nothing
but our shoulders. But if it has a large gaping arm hole,
a man sitting behind us looks up at the pulpit, sees
through to the bra and his mind can go where he
doesn’t want it to go. If the arm holes are tight enough
that no one can see in.
6. Low rise skirts or jeans
This is the style made popular by Brittany Spears,
Jennifer Lopez and other celebrities. We’re talking
skirts that barely hang on the hip bones and jeans that
barely come up and cover the crack of the buttocks.
7. Skirts and dresses that are just plain too short
If we find it difficult when we are seated to adequately cover
ourselves, then our skirt/dress is probably too short. We can
get engrossed in something in a public setting and forget to
keep our knees locked together. Before long our legs end
up spreading a bit and anyone just happening to glance can
see clean up to our underwear. Mrs. Albert Mohler advises,
“If you arrive at church dressed in such a way that by
the end of the service the people around you, by no
fault of their own, know the colour of your underwear
and they have watched you do a shimmy dance as you
try to get your too short, too tight skirt to go under you,
there is a big problem.”
8. See-through clothing
Clothing that fails to fully cover our underwear that could
benefit from a camisole or a slip underneath.
9. Skin tight trousers or jeans that tightly hug the
buttocks, the thighs and the crotch.
Some of us rock up to church in jeans that either have
spandex/lycra in them or a kind of very stretchy material that
hugs the buttocks, comes around and hugs the thigh and
presses up on our crotch and the crack of our buttocks (think
jeggings). Pastor Albert says we have no idea what that does
to many a man when he sees it. It draws his eye to the most
erotic part of our body. That whole area becomes a magnet
for men’s eyes.
10. A bare midriff and back
We’re talking about where tops come down and just barely, if
at all, meet the low rise jeans. We may look in the mirror and
say, “Well, I am fully covered,” but all we need to do is to
reach over a couple of inches and our belly is showing. If we
just bend over, people can see our back and usually the top
of our underwear.
General Rule for Modest Dress
must be strictly observed.
Dresses or clothes should
be designed and worn to
conceal rather than reveal
the female figure.
Here is the official statement given by the
Cardinal Vicar of Pius XI regarding dresses:
“A dress cannot be called decent
which is cut deeper than two
fingers breadth under the pit of
the throat; which does not cover
the arms at least to the elbows;
and scarcely reaches a bit
beyond the knees.”
Church’s Standards for Modest Dress:
According to Pope Pius XI
1. Should not be
too low the
neckline or
2. Should
have sleeves
even if only
to the
3. Should
not be
too tight.
4. Should
be below
the knee
when sitting.
5. Should
not be
made of
1) Dresses should not be too low the neckline or throat;
2) Dresses should not be cut deeper than two fingers’
breath under the pit of the throat. (in front, back & Shoulders);
3) Dresses should have sleeves even if only to the
4) Dresses should not be too tight; and
5) Dresses should be below the knee especially when
6) Dresses should not be made of transparent material.
Church’s Standards
for Modest Dress:
Our Lady of Fatima
(August 19, 1917):
“Pray, pray very
much and make
sacrifices for
sinners, for many
souls go to hell,
because there are
none to sacrifice
themselves and
to pray for them.”
In his book, “‘Calls’ from the Message
of Fatima”, Sister Lucia further said:
“The sacrifice we can and must make in the matter of clothing: putting up
with a little cold or heat without complaining; if we are in a room with
other people, let them close or open the doors and windows as they wish.
Dress decently and modestly, without
becoming enslaved to the latest fashion,
and refrain from adopting it whenever it is
not in accordance with those two virtues,
so that we ourselves may not be, by our
way of dressing, a cause of sin for others,
bearing in mind that we are responsible for
the sins that others commit because of us.
VIII. Take Good Care of Your Heart:
St. Josemaria Escriva:
“If you guard
your eyes,
you’ll be
assured of
guarding your
VIII. Take Good Care of Your Heart:
St. Augustine:
“Do not say you
have chaste minds
if you have
unchaste eyes,
because an
unchaste eye is the
messenger of an
unchaste heart.”
St. Augustine:
your eyes may
perhaps fall
on a woman,
they must
never be fixed
on her.”
We, therefore, need to mortify our eyes!
Sr. Lucia:
Would be a
good sacrifice
to offer
Our Lady,
It would
Please her.
Continue to
Pray the
Every day!
Pray the
Three Hail Mary Devotion
in the morning and in the evening before going to sleep.
“O Mary, by your pure
and immaculate
conception, make my
body pure and
my soul holy.”
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori:
“The practice of this devotion (of the Hail Mary) is: first, to say every
morning on rising and every evening on going to bed, three “Hail
Marys,” prostrate, or at least kneeling, adding at each that short
prayer: ‘By your pure and immaculate conception, Oh, Mary, make
my body pure and my soul holy.’”

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06 Modesty in Dress - A Good Sacrifice that Would Please Our Lady 2022 November 26-27.pptx

  • 1. Modesty in Dress (A Good Sacrifice that Would Please Our Lady)
  • 2. In 1919, Our Lady appeared to Jacinta, telling her that Francisco would die very soon, that she would suffer a great deal and that she would die alone in a hospital in Lisbon.
  • 3. “Our Lady wants me to go to two hospitals, not to be cured, but to suffer more for love of Our Lord and for sinners.” Jacinta to Lucia:
  • 4. Jacinta to Lucia: “She told me that I am going to Lisbon to another hospital; that I will not see you again, nor my parents either, and after suffering a great deal, I shall die alone. But she said I must not be afraid, since she herself is coming to take me to heaven.”
  • 5.
  • 6. However, she was made to stay first at the because arrangements were made for her internment in It took quite a while for these arrangements because of the nature of the sickness of Jacinta. Orphanage of “Nossa Senhora dos Milagros,” Estefania Hospital.
  • 7. While in the orphanage, Jacinta passed all the time she was allowed in the tribune of the Church.
  • 8. Tribune - a raised platform from which the speakers address an assembly. She would sit on her little chair, for she was not allowed to kneel, and would fix her eyes on the Tabernacle, praying and meditating.
  • 9. Whenever she saw people inside the Church below talking or behaving unnecessarily, she would complain to Mother Godinho, the Superior in the orphanage, saying that Our Blessed Mother was displeased whenever she saw people not giving proper respect to the Most Blessed Sacrament. Mother Godinho The Superior in the Orphanage Jacinta Marto
  • 10.
  • 11. “Certain fashions will be introduced that will offend Our Lady very much.” Our Lady told Jacinta in 1920: (“Fatima From the Beginning” by Fr. John De Marchi, I.M.C., 13th Edition, pp. 198)
  • 12. “Fashions will much offend Our Lord. People who serve God should not follow the fashions. The Church has no fashions; Our Lord is always the same.” Our Lady told Jacinta in 1920: (“Fatima From the Beginning” by Fr. John De Marchi, I.M.C., 13th Edition, pp. 198)
  • 13. Who are these people who are serving God? Are they priests and religious only? Or the lay ministers and members of religious organizations?
  • 14. Everyone who desires to see and enjoy God in heaven must not follow the immodest fashions.
  • 15. “The Church has no fashions; Our Lord is always the same.” Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Malachi 3:6a “For I, the Lord, do not change.”
  • 16. Our Lady said: “Certain fashions will be introduced that will offend Our Lady very much.” (“A Flower of Fatima” by Reverend Galamba de Oliveira – p. 164; 1959)
  • 17. How true this is! So many unbelievably sexy, immodest fashions have been introduced in every part of the world.
  • 18. IMMODEST DRESSES ARE BEING INTRODUCES EVERYWHERE: in streets, restaurants, department stores, movie houses, malls, in our own homes through books, magazines, comics, playing cards, calendars, television shows, advertisements and internet websites; even in social media like Facebook; and most of all in person inside our schools, offices and churches.
  • 19. Just because of immodest fashions, people who see you wearing them may commit mortal sins with you as the cause of the sin.
  • 20. Then Our Lady revealed to Jacinta a very enlightening truth which will make us always watchful and prayerful. Our Lady said: “The sins which cause most souls to go to hell are the sins of the flesh.”
  • 21. The sins of the flesh is the number one sin which causes most souls to go to hell. Although the sin of the flesh is not the most grievous of all sins. However it is the easiest sin to commit.
  • 22. Church of Lucifer in Colombia
  • 23. Immodest Fashion SINS of the FLESH Direct Connection
  • 24. The Sins of the Flesh and Other Sins that May Result from Wearing Immodest Clothes:
  • 25. Many women refuse to believe that their immodest clothes is the source of numerous and serious temptations to the opposite sex.
  • 26. They say that it is not their fault if men sin upon seeing them in their immodest dresses. They argue that it is the lustful eyes of the men that cause themselves to sin, not the immodest fashions they wear, saying: “They must have a dirty mind.”
  • 27. But who really is to be blamed more? The woman who dressed immodestly? The man who looked at the immodestly dressed woman? vs
  • 28. Just what happens when a man looks at a woman dressed immodestly?
  • 29. 1. Evil Thoughts and Desires On seeing an immodestly dressed woman, temptation creeps it in the form of evil thoughts, and instead of rejecting them, men entertain them to the point of consenting as to desire them, then sin is already committed.
  • 30. Matthew 5:28 “But I say to you, everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
  • 31. 2. Masturbation / Self-Abuse - impure thoughts or desires, if not rejected, can lead to impure acts and a life of vice. Masturbation - is a grievous sin
  • 32. But many, especially the youth, claim that masturbation is not a sin. While it once was regarded as a perversion and a sign of a mental problem.
  • 33. Pope Pius XII “The greatest sin of our generation is that it has lost all sense of sin.” (The Pope of Fatima):
  • 34. “Sin is not the worst thing in the world. The worst thing is the denial of sin.” Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen:
  • 35. 3. Homosexuality / Lesbianism - is the sexual attraction to people of one's own sex. “Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex…” CCC 2357:
  • 36. Leviticus 18:22 “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination.” Leviticus 20:13 “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, they have committed an abomination; the two of them shall be put to death; their bloodguilt is upon them.” Scriptures on homosexuality:
  • 37. 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10 “Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites “nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God.”
  • 38. Active Homosexuality: one that does sinful, homosexual sexual acts. Passive Homosexuality: one who has the homosexual orientation but refrains from doing homosexual acts. There are (2) two kinds of homosexuality according to action:
  • 39. There are (2) two kinds of homosexuality according to permanency: The curable forms, it is said, are the result of false education, a lack of normal sexual development, habit, bad example, or other similar causes. The incurable when their homosexuality is some kind of innate instinct or a pathological constitution of their nature.”
  • 40. The punishment of the fire over the Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah caution us about homosexuality.
  • 41. Masturbation and homosexuality are the sins that Catholic moralists call “unnatural.” There is no good intention which can reduce the immorality of these acts.
  • 42. 4. Fornication (trial marriages or live-in arrangements) CCC 2353: “Fornication is carnal union between an unmarried man and an unmarried woman…”
  • 43. 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10 “Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites “nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God.”
  • 44. Several priests report that they have hard time trying to get the boys in Catholic schools, particularly coeducational, to go to the Sacraments. When asked why, some of the boys will be honest enough to admit that they feel they would be hypocrites to go to the Sacraments, when they know they will fall again and again into sins of impurity.
  • 45. They admit that they are greatly disturbed by the way the girls dress, even in Catholic schools. They find it difficult to keep from having impure thoughts and desires concerning them, often resulting in impure action with themselves or with girls.
  • 46. For the sake of the spiritual welfare of others, especially the weak, may our ladies wear modest dresses always. Romans 15:1 “We who are strong ought to put up with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves.”
  • 47. 5. Adultery CCC 2380: “Adultery refers to marital infidelity. When two partners, of whom at least one is married to another party, have sexual relations – even transient ones – they commit adultery...” (extra-marital sex; spouse swapping)
  • 49. 1 Corinthians 7:5 “Do not deprive each other, except perhaps by mutual consent for a time, to be free for prayer, but then return to one another, so that Satan may not tempt you through your lack of self- control.”
  • 50.
  • 51. 6. Rape Many men would like to respect women. But how can a man respect a woman if she has no respect for herself and puts her body on public display. Immodest dresses cause not only a sharp increase of accidents but also a sharp increase of rape and sex crimes of more than 100 to 200 percent.
  • 52. “Most rape cases are male-female where 1 in 6 women versus 1 in 33 men are victims of rape” “80% of the victims are women under the age of 30” “Women aged 16-25 are three times more likely to be raped than other women” (US National Crime Victimisation Survey 2005) (Tjaden and Thoennes 2000) (Bureau of Justice Statistics. Criminal Victimisation in the United States. US Department of Justice, Washington, DC 1991)
  • 53. “Rape statistics show young and sexually attractive females are raped far more often than older, less sexually attractive females (Warren Farrell, The Myth of Male Power).”
  • 54. Rapists have no mercy even on very old women! “Hastang tigulang na kayo, dili na pasayloon sa mga rapists!” “Kahit sa mga matandang- matanda na, walang awa ang mga rapists sa kanila!”
  • 55. CAUTION: “Old women, you still have ‘beauty’! So dress yourselves modestly!” *Rape of little girls (11 months to 13 years old) *Rape of old women (even senior citizens) What has become of us
  • 56. 7. Prostitution There is a greater lack of respect for women prevalent nowadays;
  • 57. Philippine Statistics on Prostitution: There are 500,000 to 800,000 female prostitutes in the Philippines: It is so sad and shameful to know that there are now many child prostitutes, both boys and girls.
  • 58. 8. Abortion Unwanted children are often the fruit of illicit or unexpected sexual acts including those acts which are triggered from immodest dresses.
  • 59. Both of the Church and science believe, the fetus is a person from the very moment of its generation.
  • 60. “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? “For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
  • 61. CCC 2270: “Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception.
  • 62. “Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception: abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes.”
  • 63. Take note that the no. 1 killer in the whole world is not war but abortion!
  • 64. It takes a bishop to forgive the sin of abortion.
  • 65. CCC 2272: “Formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense. The Church attaches the canonical penalty of excommunication to this crime against human life. Take note also that One who commits abortion is automatically excommunicated from the Catholic Church:
  • 66. 9. Contraception - are the things that are done to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant.
  • 68. 10. Divorce Many married couples when faced with so much problems between each other forget their vows and end up in divorce.
  • 69. Our Lord Jesus has explicitly condemned divorce as sinful.
  • 70. CCC 2384: “Divorce is a grave offense against the natural law. It claims to break the contract, to which the spouses freely consented, to live with each other till death. Divorce does injury to the covenant of salvation, of which sacramental marriage is the sign.
  • 71.
  • 72. CCC 2385: “Divorce is immoral also because it introduces disorder into the family and into society. This disorder brings grave harm to the deserted spouse, to children traumatized by the separation of their parents and often torn between them, and because of its contagious effect which makes it truly a plague on society.”
  • 73. “Apart from the Vatican, the Philippines is the only country in the world without a divorce law after Malta legalized divorce in 2011.” “In The Know: Only the Vatican and the Philippines” vatican-and-the-philippines
  • 74. In summary, these are the sins of the flesh and other sins which may result from immodest fashions: 1) Evil thoughts and Desires, 2) Masturbation / Self-Abuse, 3) Homosexuality / Lesbianism, 4) Fornication, 5) Adultery, 6) Rape, 7) Abortion, 8) Prostitution, 9) Contraception, and 10) Divorce.
  • 75. Many who have heard about Our Lady’s message regarding Immodest Fashions and the Sins of the Flesh: a) “Certain fashions will be introduced that will offend Our Lady very much.” b) “The sins which cause most souls to go to hell are the sins of the flesh.”
  • 76. We must believe all that the Word of God tells us including the Fatima Message which is the reaffirmation of the Gospel. According to the Pope of Fatima, Pius XII.
  • 77. Matthew 4:4 “He said in reply, “It is written: ‘One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.’” Take note: “every word that comes forth from the mouth of God”! That means every Word of God! Choose not only the Daily Rosary and the Brown Scapular, but also Modesty in Dress!
  • 78. Remember these words of the Apostle of Sinners: St. Jacinta Marto: “If men knew what eternity is, they would do everything to change their lives.”
  • 79. God’s Plan of Procreation: Know Love Serve
  • 80. CCC 1605 “Holy Scripture affirms that man and woman were created for one another: ‘It is not good that the man should be alone.’ Genesis 2:18 (Companionship)
  • 81. Women were created by God to have greater physical attraction and beauty of body and face in order to draw man and woman together in marriage. God created men and women different from each other.
  • 82. Men were created with much greater appetite and desire or interest in matters of sex than women.
  • 83. When a man gazes into a woman’s eyes with what she thinks of love and devotion, she is not seeing the same thing. Woman: “Can this be love? It must be!” Man: “Wow! What a body!”
  • 84. St. Augustine: “Chastity, or cleanness of heart, holds a glorious and distinguished place among the virtues, because she, alone, enables man to see God; hence Truth itself said, ‘Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God.’” Always observe modesty in dress to guard and protect your chastity.
  • 85. 1. One who dresses modestly avoids clothes that are known or reasonably expected to cause sexual arousal in oneself or others. IV. Popes, Saints, the Word of God and Modesty in Dress:
  • 86. "Christian girls, think also of this: the more elegant you will be, and the more pleasing, if you dress with simplicity and discreet modesty." Pope Pius XII:
  • 87. St. Pio of Pietrelcina on Modesty in Dress: a) Padre Pio wouldn't tolerate low-necked dresses or short, tight skirts, and he forbade his spiritual daughters to wear transparent stockings.
  • 88. 1 Timothy 2:9-10 “Similarly, [too,] women should adorn themselves with proper conduct, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hairstyles and gold ornaments, or pearls, or expensive clothes, “but rather, as befits women who profess reverence for God, with good deeds.”
  • 89. The Psychology of Fashions: What is fashion? Fashion, in dress and adornment, is any mode of dressing that is prevalent during a particular time or in a particular place. Fashion psychology is about understanding why people wear what they wear and the effects their clothes have upon other people and on their own their thoughts and emotions.
  • 90. Pius XII declared: “It might be said that society speaks through the clothing it wears. Through its clothing it reveals its secret aspirations and uses it, at least in part, to build or destroy the future.”
  • 91. 1) To manifest one’s faithful devotion to God 2) To provide warmth and protection; 3) To provide information about sex, age, occupation, or other characteristics; 4) To appear more attractive; and 5) To observe hygiene, decency and adornment. Why do we wear clothes? The purposes of wearing clothes are as follows:
  • 92. There are various reasons why styles of dresses change. The motives for modern fashions are: 1. Excessive Pride: vanity, conceit and vainglory 2. Rebellion: open opposition toward a person or group in authority; refusal to obey rules or accept normal standards of behavior, dress, etc. 3. Seduction: the act of persuading someone to have sex with you
  • 93. Many dress designers have admitted that the purpose of the design of clothing today is not to be in style, but to attract the opposite sex.
  • 94. Therefore, women must wear dresses that are first modest and then fashionable but never provocative, seductive or sexy.
  • 95. 1. Look at your own self when I mention these immodest clothes. Do not look at others and them because of their immodest attire. 2. Do not judge immediately that the woman wearing these immodest clothes has already committed sin 3. Do not wear these immodest dresses in the presence of men so that they will not commit sin. Do not take the risks of wearing immodest clothes even when you are with your male friends or cousins, your brothers, fathers, godfathers or holy people especially priests and lay leaders. (3) Three Points to Agree
  • 96. St. Thomas Aquinas: “The holiest persons attract the most temptations.”
  • 97. 1. Dresses or skirts with lengthy slits Apparently when a man’s eye sees a long slit that comes up to the knee or above on a tight skirt or dress, he can think, “Oh, a few more inches and what would I see?” That is the way a man’s mind works. The slit is a magnet to men’s eyes. 2. Dresses, skirts or jeans which tightly cling to the butt A skirt that tightly clings to our butt is a skirt that not only comes down over our butt, but deep into the back of the thighs. We’re not talking about fitted clothing here, but rather skin tight clothing. It draws men’s attention. VI. The Kinds of Immodest Dresses:
  • 98. 3. A skin tight upper garment It is one thing for our garment to come down and hang loosely upon the breast, but if it tightly clings to our breasts as well as closely shapes and isolates them we can create a big distraction! People should not receive an anatomy lesson in mammary glands when they look at us! 4. Unbuttoned blouses, low neck lines or cleavage Some women unbutton down to one button away from bearing their bras. Apparently when a man sees only one button to go his mind can go, ‘I wonder what is under that one more button’. John Piper shared in a sermon: “Women, remember that in a church setting you need to at times bend over and pick up a child. Bend over and look at yourself in the mirror before you leave the home. What may seem to cover you well standing up, does not cover you sufficiently when you bend over.”
  • 99. 5. Sleeveless tops with large, gaping arm holes We look down on our sleeveless dress and see nothing but our shoulders. But if it has a large gaping arm hole, a man sitting behind us looks up at the pulpit, sees through to the bra and his mind can go where he doesn’t want it to go. If the arm holes are tight enough that no one can see in. 6. Low rise skirts or jeans This is the style made popular by Brittany Spears, Jennifer Lopez and other celebrities. We’re talking skirts that barely hang on the hip bones and jeans that barely come up and cover the crack of the buttocks.
  • 100. 7. Skirts and dresses that are just plain too short If we find it difficult when we are seated to adequately cover ourselves, then our skirt/dress is probably too short. We can get engrossed in something in a public setting and forget to keep our knees locked together. Before long our legs end up spreading a bit and anyone just happening to glance can see clean up to our underwear. Mrs. Albert Mohler advises, “If you arrive at church dressed in such a way that by the end of the service the people around you, by no fault of their own, know the colour of your underwear and they have watched you do a shimmy dance as you try to get your too short, too tight skirt to go under you, there is a big problem.” 8. See-through clothing Clothing that fails to fully cover our underwear that could benefit from a camisole or a slip underneath.
  • 101. 9. Skin tight trousers or jeans that tightly hug the buttocks, the thighs and the crotch. Some of us rock up to church in jeans that either have spandex/lycra in them or a kind of very stretchy material that hugs the buttocks, comes around and hugs the thigh and presses up on our crotch and the crack of our buttocks (think jeggings). Pastor Albert says we have no idea what that does to many a man when he sees it. It draws his eye to the most erotic part of our body. That whole area becomes a magnet for men’s eyes. 10. A bare midriff and back We’re talking about where tops come down and just barely, if at all, meet the low rise jeans. We may look in the mirror and say, “Well, I am fully covered,” but all we need to do is to reach over a couple of inches and our belly is showing. If we just bend over, people can see our back and usually the top of our underwear.
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  • 122. General Rule for Modest Dress must be strictly observed. Dresses or clothes should be designed and worn to conceal rather than reveal the female figure.
  • 123. Here is the official statement given by the Cardinal Vicar of Pius XI regarding dresses: “A dress cannot be called decent which is cut deeper than two fingers breadth under the pit of the throat; which does not cover the arms at least to the elbows; and scarcely reaches a bit beyond the knees.”
  • 124. Church’s Standards for Modest Dress: According to Pope Pius XI 1. Should not be too low the neckline or throat.
  • 125. 2. Should have sleeves even if only to the elbows.
  • 127. 4. Should be below the knee especially when sitting.
  • 128. 5. Should not be made of transparent material.
  • 129. 1) Dresses should not be too low the neckline or throat; 2) Dresses should not be cut deeper than two fingers’ breath under the pit of the throat. (in front, back & Shoulders); 3) Dresses should have sleeves even if only to the elbows; 4) Dresses should not be too tight; and 5) Dresses should be below the knee especially when sitting. 6) Dresses should not be made of transparent material. Church’s Standards for Modest Dress:
  • 130. Our Lady of Fatima (August 19, 1917): “Pray, pray very much and make sacrifices for sinners, for many souls go to hell, because there are none to sacrifice themselves and to pray for them.”
  • 131. In his book, “‘Calls’ from the Message of Fatima”, Sister Lucia further said: “The sacrifice we can and must make in the matter of clothing: putting up with a little cold or heat without complaining; if we are in a room with other people, let them close or open the doors and windows as they wish. Dress decently and modestly, without becoming enslaved to the latest fashion, and refrain from adopting it whenever it is not in accordance with those two virtues, so that we ourselves may not be, by our way of dressing, a cause of sin for others, bearing in mind that we are responsible for the sins that others commit because of us.
  • 132. VIII. Take Good Care of Your Heart: St. Josemaria Escriva: “If you guard your eyes, you’ll be assured of guarding your heart.”
  • 133. VIII. Take Good Care of Your Heart: St. Augustine: “Do not say you have chaste minds if you have unchaste eyes, because an unchaste eye is the messenger of an unchaste heart.”
  • 134. St. Augustine: “Although your eyes may perhaps fall on a woman, they must never be fixed on her.” We, therefore, need to mortify our eyes!
  • 135. Sr. Lucia: “Modesty Would be a good sacrifice to offer Our Lady, It would Please her.
  • 138. Pray the Three Hail Mary Devotion in the morning and in the evening before going to sleep. “O Mary, by your pure and immaculate conception, make my body pure and my soul holy.” St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori: “The practice of this devotion (of the Hail Mary) is: first, to say every morning on rising and every evening on going to bed, three “Hail Marys,” prostrate, or at least kneeling, adding at each that short prayer: ‘By your pure and immaculate conception, Oh, Mary, make my body pure and my soul holy.’”