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1. The egoism of the rich Countries and the poverties of the poor Countries Page 1
2. The conflicts, the Europeans and the other rich citizens of the world " 2
3. The responsibilities of the rich Countries of the world and of the U.N. and
the voice of the wise men " 6
4. The disorder of the world is too much great " 7
5. Do we want to cooperate to improve the world? " 8
6. We learn and we reflect on the Decalogue, that is on the Ten Commandments,
and on the Commandments of the love " 9
7. The teaching of the to Know itself is very useful " 11
8. We reflect on the love and on the unity of the life that is a mosaic " 11
9. The wheel of the births, of the deaths and the Islamic radical expansionism " 12
10. The religions " 14
The history teaches us that also the religions have often been a justification and an a mean
to bait armed conflicts, as if we were not all brothers and sons of the sole Father-Mother-God 1
But the organizations that the war do, also those Islamic are not God’s religions but they are the
Antireligions of the Antichrist, that is of Satan, that wants the war and the hate 2
The war has always been daughter of the egoism and the egocentrism of the peoples and
sometimes of the religions, especially when the divine Revelations are distorted from wrong and
malicious interpretations of the men. In the case of the Arabs we have discovered and listed in the
Elaborate N°4 the astute ones and wicked ones interpretations of the Radicals Islamic warmongers
of even 14 themes of the Koran in how much we have not found in the bookstore an analogous
job. Such wrong interpretations twist at multilevel the general meaning of the Divine Revelation to
the Prophet of the pagan Arabs, Mohammed. You will find the aforesaid Elaborate N°4 in our
Catechism in the Deepenings of the Religions in the folder of the Islam. Such wrong interpretations
of the Arabic expansionists have been since seven centuries the principal cause of the Islamic
wars in the world, from the death of the prophet Mohammed to our days (Beginning of the Third
Millennium: Christians' slaughters in Africa); these Islamic wars are all satanic wars.
The egoism of the rich Countries and the poverties of the poor People: As it regards the
poverties of the poor people, they have been the prevailing fruit of the egoism of the rich or strong
Countries of the world since the antiquity. In these last centuries the egoism of the rich Nations is
demonstrated by the enormous accumulation of the wealths of every type in the banks and in the
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated 25 September 2001, Shalom
treasure chest of the world and from the unbridled luxury of so many peoples that live in the lap of
luxury, to start from the gentlemen of the oil.
The wicked fruit of such egoisms is noticed in the poor Countries, of Africa particularly, from
which originate the greatest part of the natural resources that such rich Countries use without
moderation with cheap market quotations, while every year the populations of such poor Countries
are reduced drastically by the hunger, by the thirst and by the illnesses; all of this is intolerable and
The U.N. should intervene for preventing these serious situations.
The natural wealths of the Earth and those created by the man must fairly be distribute among
all men.
The conflicts, the Europeans and the other rich people of the world: all wars,
revolutions and similar they are due to the wrong sense of separation from God that the man is
created, after Lucifer and the other rebellious Angels 3
; as Europe regards, that it has been
conquering the peace since fifty years, they now (end of the second Millennium) blow winds of war
moved by the Islamic expansionism and by a plethora of fundamentalist imans, that use the
mosques that we have granted them to build for their malignant purposes of overwhelming entirely
contrary to the teachings of the Koran, as we demonstrate in the quoted Elaborate N°4 regarding
the errors of interpretation of the Koran committed with astuteness and wickedness by the Islamic
Fundamentalists 4
European peace has been broken at the end of the twentieth century by a war of religion in
the Balkans between Serbs and Moslems; peace has been imposed again by the United Nations,
but it is not easy to maintain it, considered the hate of the parts that they oppose them, as recent
fights demonstrate. But it is not everything, unfortunately, because the multi secular Arabic
expansionism it is appearing again in Europe from the inside, taking advantage of the Islamic
fighters that the Moslem Fundamentalists have infiltrated in the European Countries included Italy.
It derives of it therefore that the ghost of the war reappears in Europe because of the Arabic
expansionism, in the form of Jihad inside the European Nations 5
and of Islamic Terrorism. The
European Rulers have their serious guilts, as Oriana Fallaci demonstrates in her work, recently
published; but it would be too much convenient for the Europeans to give the whole guilt to the
radical Moslems, to the political ones and their friends. If us Europeans we want to resolve the
serious problems that new inside threat sets we also owe to recognize also that we have some
serious guilts or sins to do penance for (causes) because we have collective responsibilities and
the Islamic winds of war they are karmic corrections / teachings (effects), that the Sky makes us
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163, Armenia
You see in our Catechism three Deepenings in the religions (In the folder of the Islam)
Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, Oscar Mondadori
also give from the Lords or Teachers of the Karma 6
at level of people also 7
. And which such
responsibilities can they be? In the distant past the Europeans have made war among them and to
other peoples, while in the distant, recent and contemporary past the Europeans have conceived,
built and sold weapons to all the other peoples.
Such guilts and responsibilities (causes) undoubtedly concern the time passed distant,
recent or contemporary of the peoples of Europe, but now the Europeans they have become
mature to understand them and therefore they receive the karmic corrections / teachings (effects)
in the form of terrorist attacks, because << The effect fall when the subject is ready to understand,
that is when the subject, from the effect, it finds the conscience that it missed to him/her 8
>>. And
this is divine Mercy!
L' existence of the law of the karma emerges from many pages of the Gospels; for an
instance from those that the miracles report served by the Lord Jesus that had in itself God's
power in addition to the Word.
If we will demonstrate with the facts (brotherly behaviours with the other peoples and
therefore true assistance to the poor peoples and cessation of the production and sale of the
weapons) us Europeans can limit the unavoidable karmic teachings 9
that donate understanding
because the merciful law of the Karma has the purpose to make to understand to the man the
errors that he/she has committed and therefore the karma widens the conscience of the man
himself/herself and when the man has understood the karma it is not more necessary. In other
terms the karmic corrections / teachings make to understand to the man what he/she must do and
what he/she must not do according to the Decalogue and the Commandments of the love; the
karma therefore it teaches to the man as he/she must behave and practically it widens him/her the
conscience 10
Only an active and disinterested charity it can demonstrate to the Sky that we have
understood the karmic teaching and in such way we can limit the unavoidable lessons of the pain
that are not punishments but teachings or corrections because pain has an evolutionary function
The active and disinterested charity of the Europeans, the search of the peace among the
peoples and the cessation of the manufacture and sale of weapons they would be the signs that
we would have understood the karmic teachings. Such understanding and new ways of behaviour
would also demonstrate our conversion to the teachings of the Lord Jesus because the Europeans,
so pragmatists, have become atheists, but mean, superb and insensitive atheists to the needs of
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 266 (Signori del Karma), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dai mondi invisibili, page 166-167 (The karma does not punishes, it teaches; familiar and
collective karmas) ; Dizionario del Cerchio, page 156 (Karma collettivo), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 46 (n°6) and 158 ; Dizionario del Cerchio pages 60-63
(Coscienza), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 209 (Karma), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 154 (Karma) : Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 46 (n°6)
and 158 ; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 60-63 (Coscienza),Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dai mondi invisibili, pages 167-168 (La funzione evolutiva del dolore), Mediterranee
the poor men. The Europeans don't know that their human self, so selfish and so egocentric it
dominates them. In such way they ignore, refolded as they are on their idle thoughts and
materialists and their affairs that the life on the Earth it has the purpose to widen their conscience
and therefore to teach them to love as the Lord Jesus teaches with His Gospels.
The life on the Earth is precious because it has the purpose to realize the law of the
Evolution that is a << Process for which life, by means of forms more and more organized, it
always expresses great degrees of Mind and of Spirit 12
>>. (My note: for Spirit you intend
Conscience because the Divine Spark is not created and is not subject to evolution 13
Life has been conceived and realized by the almighty God for the Salvation of the demons
by means of the living beings, to whose vertex there is the man 14
, with the fundamental law of the
Evolution - that a French anthropologist priest of the Company of Jesus, Pierre Teilhard De
Chardin, nicknamed the <<Christian Darwin>>, it admirably realized - and then the law of the
Reincarnation 15
and the merciful law of the Karma.
It doesn't result us that the works of Teilhard are been published in Italy, except that for
initiative of a meritorious Italian journalist, Giancarlo Vigorelli 16
Fortunately a great French scientist, the experimental physicist, Jean E. Charon, knew of
the work of the priest Teilhard, he studied it and then he discovered and he represented to the
Physicists of the world the theory of the complex Relativity that it represents the complex Reality,
made of Spirit and Matter or the great Unification.
In his first book on the Spirit, The Spirit this stranger Charon quoted this sentence of
Teilhard: << The moment has come to realize that that an interpretation positivist also, of the
universe it owes, to be satisfactory, to cover the inside in addition to the out of the things, the Spirit
at the same mode of the Matter. The true Physics is that that one day or the other will succeed
come to integrate the total man in a coherent representation of the world 17
Since long time the Europeans have available the Revelation of the Lord Jesus to Jakob
Lorber, the scientific demonstration that the whole it is Spirit and Matter, served by Charon and the
Revelation of the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) but the
Europeans have not understood yet that the tribulations of the life they make us realize during the
terrestrial existences as we must behave living on the Earth, because pain is revealed to the
omniscience of God the only way to induce the men to try to understand for which reason they are
subject of it: because the pain makes the man to understand how they must behave 18
that is
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 206 (Evoluzione) and 210 (Legge di evoluzione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 207 (Goccia o Scintilla Divina – Spirito – Sé), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163, Armenia (You see the page proceeding the Foreword)
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 214 (Reincarnazione) and Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240
(Reincarnazione), Mediterranee
Giancarlo Vigorelli, Il Gesuita proibito, Vita e opere di Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Il Saggiatore
Jean E. Charon, Lo Spirito questo Sconosciuto; you will find the sentence of Teilhard in the page preceding page the
Preface of the book above mentioned, Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 75-77 (Dolore), Mediterranee
observing the Decalogue and the Commandments of the love; after such understanding the
conscience of the man becomes larger.
And as for the Buddhists they don't have the humility and the wisdom to admit that it cannot
be denied in the man the existence of the Spirit of God, the Divine Spark 19
, the God Creator’s
gift, Father and Mother of everybody; neither it can be denied in the man the existence of the Soul
or Conscience, the second spiritual body of the man, only because we are not able of "to touch"
neither the One - that it belongs to God - neither the other, the Soul or Conscience that the man
contributes to form, but " the voice of the conscience 20
" or " the impulses "of this last one we know
them all, also the Buddhists, and they are the evidence of the existence of the Conscience in the
man; it Conscience or Soul completes itself after numerous terrestrial existences 21
and very many
karmic corrections / teachings.
The Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) individualizes the more serious guilts
of the rich Countries in their selfish behaviours, among which their lack of Charity toward the poor
Countries of the world, but it is thought that the greatest guilts (causes) have been the wars and
the guilts to have planned, built and sold weapons, bombs, mines and war machines of every type
to the whole world, as well as the Know how to build them.
What is happening us in the world in this epoch (end of the second Millennium and
beginning of the third one) it is also due to the violent expansionism of the Moslem satanic sects -
(The violent Islam) for which to act they will receive corrections/teachings with ineluctable
corrections, according to the iron rules of the law of cause and of effect 22
The Lord Jesus implicitly said that the men's transformation from material beings into
spiritual beings happens under the press of struggles, temptations and pains 23
The rich Countries of the world have other great guilts: for instance, the unbridled
consumerism, the lack of the sense of the modesty, the vicious sexuality that we have made to
become a commodity exchanged at international level by criminal organizations and by single
criminals; the excessive admiration for today's superstars, both for those of the show and for the
players of football or of other sports trespasses in the adoration of idols that it is forbidden by the
first Commandment of the Decalogue 24
, because only God must be adored.
The Europeans, being selfishly behaved or very bad they have seen to return in their
Countries the ghost of the war, despite that they had already conquered the peace aiming to a
Federation of States brothers. The ghost of the war has also returned in other rich Countries, for an
instance in the USA.
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 207 (Goccia o Scintilla Divina – Spirito – Sé), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 311 (Voce della coscienza), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 60-64 (Coscienza) and pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione),
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 209 (Karma) and Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156 (Karma),
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia
Deuteronomio 5, 6-22
For the law of cause and of effect, in base to which it is picked up what it is sowed 25
, also
the war reverts on us in the form of terrorist slaughters of Arabic matrix. The Islamic ones also -
rather the Moslems – for their guilts that they are enormous received, receive and will receive
karmic corrections/teachings, since they have habitually been programming the occupation of
foreign earths since the time of one of the first Caliphs (excluded Abu Bark, to seem of whom
Among the guilts of the Europeans there is also that not to have considered that the
inhabitants of the South of the world are our brothers. Neither we have had compassion of them,
also as it regards the greater value of their raw materials.
We have not known realize that the wealths that Europe was able to produce, as other
States rich of the world, they would have had you to be used for helping the poor Peoples also to
free them from the hunger, from the thirst, from the illnesses and from the ignorance, because from
the poor Countries they originated and they originate almost all the raw materials. In spite of this
the wealth of the natural resources has almost exclusively been used by the rich peoples for
itselves. And then among Europeans there is this wish diffused to always enjoy more of the
terrestrial goods, to amuse oneself, to run after the fatuous happiness that the man idealizes,
aiming more and more to the pleasures of the world and the flesh and the sale of industrial
products, included weapons, ammunitions, war machines and similar.
The rich ones prefer the fun and the consumerism to gratify itselves. And, concerning the
religion, they become in good part atheists or indifferent. The majority of the rich ones also fails to
attend the ecclesiastic functions forgetting God or remembering Him once in a while or on the
occasion of the tribulations, that "they contain" karmic corrections/ teachings, even if they don't
know it.
Us European we have also stopped procreating for enjoying us the sexuality without filial
appointments and we have institutionalized the abortion, that is the infanticide of our same children
similarly to the primitive populations of the antiquity 26
. We have also institutionalized the job of the
woman, as if their children didn't need their mother at least half day a day; we have also lost the
sense of the modesty, and so on. This way being the things we won't escape the Divine pedagogy
of the merciful law of cause and of effect or law of the karma 27
. And as us European they have
done, more or less, all the rich peoples, but also they are subject to the law karmica as all the other
The responsibilities of the rich Countries of the world and the U.N. and the voice of the
conscience of the wise men:
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 43-49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVI 57-61 and sura XVII 32-33, Ulrico Hoepli
Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, pages 71-94 (La legge del karma), Mediterranee
If we have thought and acted so badly it means that we have not understood the sense and
the purpose of the terrestrial life, because "…the man in the prosperity doesn't understand 28
Lord God has said of the terrestrial existences: "… because a happy, but sterile life is not so much
precious as one tormented that give understanding…. 29
Many voices that were raised in these last twenty / twenty-five years (1975 -2000) to
suggest to the rich peoples to help the poor peoples to "to build for themselves" a dignified life in
the South of the world, that is in their house, they are not been listened. For different selfish
reasons, that all of us know, it was preferred to do some interested charity; for instance " building
cathedrals in the desert" or other useless works or almost or selling machineries that the Africans
have not been able to use, or worse still, as it is already said, selling weapons, mines and war
The voices of the wise men had suggested and they keep on suggesting us:
- you renounce the credits toward the poor Countries (on which there would be a lot to say,
since those people who have called to pay such loans, that is the citizens, have received
only the crumbs of such loans, as it are easy to understand, among things for them
useless and traffickers and thieves here and there from the sea). Unfortunately the
reimbursement of the foreign debt is not asked to whom profited of exorbitant earnings or
of embezzlements and illegal distractions of funds on their own personal accounts in a
fiscal heaven, but the reimbursement of the done debt is asked to the State of the Third
World in the name of which had raised the same debt. Such Nations to pay the interests
or the instalments of the loans cannot face the costs of the essential services to the
populations, while the demagogues and the rich middle class and their families, splash
about in the luxury as pigs in a pigsty;
- you do simple, useful and lasting works, they said and they keep on saying the wise men,
those works that – for an instance – the water would make available that there is in depth
- for an instance in Africa - without which the fruits of the earth are not born or they don't
- You help the poor Countries to go out of the so many difficulties, effectively taking care of
the endemic illnesses, to which since over thirty years (since 1980 in then) the terrifying
epidemic Hiv / Aids is added;
- speaking of this last destructive disease of men and economies and the very rich
pharmaceutical industries it was said: you give the medicines to the poor Countries (for
instance in Africa where the disease raged) to recover them and to enable them to get
back on their feet their poor economies and their sanitary services. We know that
something was done, but then the powerful persons of the world, USA head of everybody,
preferred to distribute more profits to their shareholders, while the disease raged; recently
Salmo 49, 21
Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 230, Mediterranee
the medicines anti Aids they are produced in India and Brazil for which they cost less to
the poor peoples.
- In the Third World they have been elevated innumerable protests for the use of the funds
from the so many agencies U.N., funds that would have had to serve to free them from
the slavery of the hunger, of the thirst, of the illnesses and of the illiteracy. The poor men,
directly or through the Missionaries, they said: the huge funds appropriated for us are
practically absorbed by salaries paid to white personnel and by fixed costs and by
general expenditures spent to make to work such Agencies of the U.N.; it had also asked
to hire local personnel. Which measures they were taken by the powerful persons of the
world in the U.N.? Probably none, while the years kept on passing and the poor men kept
on dying or to live below the poverty also.
Remaining unheeded such voices, here then that it provides the law of cause and effect or
law of the Karma about to induce us to return to reason with the slaughters served by the Islamic
Fundamentalists, the Jihad and the clandestine immigration, that are the effects of the causes by
us moved (our selfish or malevolent behaviours, among which the indifference). As a matter of
fact, for reaction and for desperation tired ones and the oppressed ones of the South of the world
have come to live in the hemisphere North and with them many ugly people they have also come,
among which violent Islamic fundamentalists, imans warmongers and fighting Islamic, some of
which potential terrorists are 30
The disorder of the world is too much great by now: therefore, for our same good and
to do thing pleasant to God and all the men that suffer, the time has come that us Europeans (and
with us all the rich people of the North, of the South, of the East and of the West of the world) the
sense and the purpose of the terrestrial Life is understood: to overcome the self or me, the egoism
and the egocentrism to understand that we are not separate from the God of the love and from the
other men 31
; contrarily, in Spirit we are a family 32
procreated by the God of the love 33
therefore united by a relationship of love 34
, even if we don't know it or we don't want to believe it:
of this human family we indissolubly make part, we like or less, is wanted or less since it is a
Reality of the life in which Everything is One 35
. All men are a part of God because God is
absolute; therefore the Lord is not limited neither from some living being, neither from some thing
or world or universe because God is the Whole and the Whole is One 36
. I hope that this will
become clear for everybody, since if God was there and we were here, divided by Him, the Lord
Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, pages 23, 42, 67, 95, 102, 106, 115, 134, 136, 138, 141, 142, 143, 144, 165, 166, 169
and 192,unless others pages, Oscar Mondadori
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 29th and September 4th and 12th , Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated September 4th, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th , Amrita
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 26, Mediterranee
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 6th , pages 7 and 231, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR),
Italy; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 29th , Amrita
would not be endless, since everyone of us would limit Him. And the same is said of all the things
and of the worlds that are God, the Whole-One-Absolute 37
. The Tall One has said with certainty
since the antiquity, that He is within us 38
, since it is a Reality of the Spirit. He is our God and to
Him the men owe obedience, even if Lucifer, the other Demons, Eva and Adam did not given us
certain the good example forcing the Creator, to save the demons from the yoke of Satan and the
Matter, to invent and to realize the life as we know it, exposed to struggles, temptations and pains
, with the purpose to readmit all the demons in the Kingdom of God after having made to grow
their conscience by means of the life in the Cosmos (worlds physical, with the Earth, astral, mental
and akasico or of the conscience 40
) and of the man, but respecting the liberty of choice of every
man because the principle of freedom is the first principle of the life and that of the perfecting is the
second 41
It derives from above that all men must do the Christian effort of the true conversion, of the
to change - that is - mentality and style of life, founding them upon the teachings that the
Redeemer gives us in the Gospels, from the observance of the Decalogue, of the Commandments
of the love, from new values of the discourses on the Beatitudes 42
and from the golden Rule: “You
also do to the others everything that that you want that they do to you; this way it commands the
law of Mosè and so the prophets have taught 43
Do we want to cooperate to improve the world? Each one can do it for his/her
infinitesimal part, but we must convert us 44
changing the purposes of our life; we must stop
thinking about ourselves and we must start to devote our life to the others; from this it will derive a
change of mentality, because they will also change our thoughts and therefore our desires because
we will have become unselfish. If we will start to think about the good of the others and to do them
what we would want it was done to us trying to understand them without criticizing them or to judge
them, will start then - interesting us of them and thinking about their good - to love them 45
becoming so true Christians without purposes of personal affairs to get something from them, from
God or from others. Only then we will start, without realizing it, to love the others on the basis of
the second commandment of the love " to love the others as ourselves 46
", because " the love is
necessary everywhere; the love is service, it is action; the love is not one confused, vague emotion
of which to speak. It learns to show it in all of this that you do 47
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-
Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee
Deuteronomio 30, 11-14 ; Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura L 15, Ulrico Hoepli
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia
Vangelo di Matteo 5, 1-12 and Vangelo di Luca 6, 20-23
Vangelo di Matteo 7, 12
Vangelo di Matteo 4, 17
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 13th , Amrita
Levitico 19, 18
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 77, Mediterranee
This way doing we will also change the human purpose of our existence; and this will like a
lot to God ; every man starting to love can indeed cooperate with God to improve the world, first of
all because we will have improved ourselves, also through the self knowledge 48
and of the of the
self psychoanalysis 49
. There are no other ways with which the men can improve the world, if not
improving itselves as the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) teach.
And so acting we will cooperate to decrease the greed of power, of wealth and of dominion and
consequently the conflict on the Earth.
We learn and we reflect on the Decalogue, that is on the Ten Commandments) and on
the Commandments of the love: The Law of God of the Sinai. The Decalogue, is eternal and is
not worth for the Jewish solos and for the Christian solos, but it is worth for all men because all are
sons of God to whatever people or religion belongs. The Decalogue has been written by same God
on two tables of stone 50
: the Ten Commandments are the Way that all men must cover for
becoming holy and therefore to enter the Kingdom of God. Men and religions must know and to
reflect on the Decalogue to know how they must behave them in the relationships with God and the
other men their brothers because <<…all individuals have origin from God and they form a sole
.>>. In the twentieth century the Lord God has told Eileen Caddy of the Community of
Findhorn << For many souls it is difficult to accept their relationship of love with all the other
human beings. Such separation is at the origin of all the sufferings of the world of the conflicts and
of the wars. The place from which to start to put again order in the things is in yourself and in the
personal relationships with all the souls that you meet: you stop pointing the finger and to be
critical towards those souls with which you don't succeed in intending you, puts in order your
house. You have enough to do in yourself, without reducing in pieces the human beings your
companions and without underlining the defects, the failures and the wrongs. When you will be
prepared to look you in face and to correct the things inside of you, can simply help then the
human beings your companions through the example, without criticisms, intolerance and words of
reproach. It loves yours similar as I love you, Help them, bless them, encourage them and you see
in them only the best side 52
Returning to the Ten Commandments is essential that is learned by heart by every man and
be observed every day "living" such precepts.
Speaking of the Decalogue the Lord Jesus has said: <<…You see that what I say it is still
Decalogue. It is always Decalogue the word of the Rabbi. Because the good, the justice, the glory
is in to do what the Decalogue it teaches and it orders to do, there is no other doctrine. Then given
among the thunderbolts of the Sinai, now given among the splendours of the Mercy, but the
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 35-36 (Autoconoscenza), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 37 (Autopsicanalisi), Mediterranee
Esodo 31, 18
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th, Anrita
doctrine is that. And it doesn't change and it cannot change. Many, to them excuse, will tell in
Israel, to justify not to be saint also after the passage on the Earth of the Saviour: "I have not had
the opportunity to follow him and to listen to him." But them excuse doesn't have any value.
Because the Saviour has not come to put a new law, but to recognize the first one the only Law.
Rather to reaffirm it really in its holy nudity, in its perfect simplicity. To reaffirm with love, and with
promises of certain love of God, what before had been said with rigor on one side and listened with
fear by the other… 53
The Ten Commandments are:
a. First Commandment: I am the Lord your God: You won't have god other then Me;
b. Second Commandment: Don't name in vain the name of God;
c. Third Commandment: Remember to sanctify the feasts;
d. Fourth Commandment: Honour the father and the mother;
e. Fifth Commandment: Don't kill;
f. Sixth Commandment: Don't commit impure actions;
g. Seventh Commandment: Don't steal;
h. Eighth Commandment: Don't say false testimony;
i. Ninth Commandment: Don't desire the woman of others;
l. Tenth Commandment: Don't desire the stuff of others 54
The Commandments of the love are:
<<. The Lord love, your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.
This is the greatest commandment and the most important >>.
The second is equally important: << Love the your neighbour as yourself. The whole law of
Mosè and the whole teaching of the prophets depend on these two commandments 55
It is indispensable that all men besides the Decalogue they also know the Commandments
of the love and puts them into practice at a certain point of their spiritual evolution on the Earth,
when they will have overcome their self or me and their egoism 56
, if they will want to become
saints and to enter the Kingdom of God, because <<The love fulfils the law. You fulfil the law of the
love and all the other they will find their fulfilment. The love is the greatest power of union of the
universe. The love opens all doors. The love brings harmony and understanding where there is not
anything else other than discordance and incomprehension. You open your heart and it leaves that
My divine love freely flows of it. You express this divine love in one hundred and one way 57
The teaching of the to Know itself 58
is very useful: therefore it is important to learn to
know itselves because our human selfish self or me and therefore our egoism they can be
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 7th , pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR),
Marcello Morgante. I Dieci Comandamenti, Editrice Rogate - Roma
Vangelo di Matteo 22, 37-40
Cerchio Firenze 77, Las voce dell’ignoto, pages 45-50, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 146, Mediterranee
overcome only discovering what capital vices and what defects we have simply by making us
aware of them "… because it is this awareness that, for a natural process, it will free you from
those limits that they are at the base of every selfish conception, cutting off so at the root the cause
of every incomprehension and every pain 59
"; in this natural process we must see the hand of God
that always helps us for making us spiritually grow, widening our conscience.
The reflections on our transgressions to the three most important spiritual laws of God:
Decalogue 61
and Commandments of the love 62
, transgressions that usually we call sins, they will
help us to decide us to make the first footstep toward the conversion 63
; taken such decision it is
indispensable that through the introspection or auto psychoanalysis 64
we objectively starts to
know ourselves seeking the truth of our internal being 65
. It is also very important that we starts to
think with our head and that truths are sought inside of us, instead that in the outside 66
. When we
meet difficulties let's turn to the Redeemer to have the help of which we have need, because the
conversion is not an easy walk, not at all! And the initiative must be always of the man. God and
His Christ are always ready to help us, but it is up to us to help us for first, as it remembers us the
wise proverb "help you that God helps you " because in the spiritual life each one must do his/her
job and to think with his/her head finding the solutions to his/her problems, walking with his/her
legs, without ever waiting that someone does it at his/her place, everything that that must be done
it is to turn the look inside of us seeking the truth of ourselves and inside us we will find it 67
We reflect on the love and on the unity of the life that is a mosaic 68
: If we want indeed
to improve the world, if we want to avoid that the chaos of the world increases, for our same good,
we have to understand that the time has come that each one of us reflects on the love, that will
cement the union of the single ones and the peoples in the variety of the many in the One,
because we are all sons of the sole Father-Mother-God and therefore we form an sole family 69
every man it is as a tessera of an endless spiritual mosaic 70
, each one of them with his/her
peculiar qualities. (his/her talents and his/her gifts). We must do in such way, with the help of the
religions, All together in their whole, that is not more exploitation from the strong one and of the rich
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 45-61 (Conosci te stesso) ; Maestro perché, pagine 121-130
(Conosci te stesso), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, La voce dell’ignoto, pages 45-50, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated November 14th and December 14th , Amrita
Deuteronomio 5, 6-22
Levitico 19, 18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9
Vangelo di Matteo 4, 17
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 37 (Autopsicanalisi), Mediterranee
Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 17-19, Macroedizioni and Cerchio Firenze 77,
Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 23rd
, 24th
and 28th
, April 8th
, May 30th
and August 29th
Amrita ; Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 30th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 17th
and August 14th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 17th
and August 17th
, Amrita
one on the more weaks because all have the right to an equitable division of the value of the
terrestrial resources, gift of God, but also of those created by the man.
Of it will derive that it won't be many migrants from the poor Countries and almost anybody,
saved the usual exceptions, will go away more from his/her beautiful Country and from his/her
affections, because all can have what it serves him/her to their house, to start from the job, from
the social services and from the education and therefore there won't be or they will decrease a lot
both the hate that the envy from the poor men toward the rich ones. As for the hate, source of
pains and terrible troubles, it must be remembered always that it had origin in Satan, that is still
now he who wants the war and the hate 71
, that he deceives and that it is still powerful, also as our
persecutor 72
The wheel of the births of the deaths 73
and the Islamic radical expansionism 74
: Men
must understand that for the principle of liberty the initiative and the work to be saved from the
chain of the births and the deaths and that is from the chain of the struggles, of the temptations
and of the pains it exclusively impends on everyone of us 75
. To us the choice, therefore, to us the
first movement, as the Lord Jesus teaches us “ convert you because the Kingdom of the Skies is
near 76
" (my note: the proximity seems me spatial and temporal together).
The man must understand, thinking with his/her head, finding alone the solution to his/her
problems and walking with his/her legs 77
, that its transformation from to selfish being to an
unselfish being can start only from himself/herself, since there is nobody, not even the Lord Jesus,
that is also the merciful Redeemer and the Savior of the man that He wants to do it in our place,
since - if it did it - it would bring in the Sky of the spiritual automatons, unworthy to live there
without the light of the self-conscience 78
. Therefore the Lord Jesus will help us only if we will take
the initiative of the lasting conversion for ours free and autonomous choice, with consequent
commitment of life, because the principle of liberty is the first principle of the Life and that of the
improvement it is the second 79
. The Lord Jesus attends with trust our conversion, to redeem us
during the walk in our peculiar spiritual path, because He has faith in us. This help is available for
whoever - to whatever religion or people belongs - but it would be better to turn to Him with trust
after we started to study the Gospels.
The way of the transformation of the man as selfish being into an unselfish being it is not
neither easy, neither very difficult; particularly in the Gospel of the apostle John in the chapters 14
and 15: "who loves me it observes my commandments; if you love me you will observe my
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated September 25th 2001, Shalom
You see the documents regarding Satan in this same Catechism in the Deepenings of Angels and Demons
Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché, pages 45-70 (La ruota delle nascite e delle morti), Mediterranee
Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, pages 40, 115, 132, 187 and next, 194, 198 and next, unless others
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th
and August 29th
, Amrita
Vangelo di Matteo4, 17
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th
and August 29th
, Amrita
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 161, Armenia
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia
commandments", that are those of the love. We cannot certain to say that men don't know how
what to do for becoming unselfish person 80
doing to the others what we would want was done to
us 81
The time has come that the peoples of the world reflect on the fact that Islam has been inspired
by the Fundamentalists of the La Mecca (the heads Saudis of yesterday and of today 82
) since the
ancient times (made exception, in our opinion, only for the first Caliph Abu Bark, the faithful
companion of the prophet Mohammed probably a true Muslim, that is a man devoted entirely to
God 83
). According to one study of ours, available in this Catechism, the Arabic expansionism is
founded upon the wrong interpretation of several themes of the Koran, since the Fundamentalists
of the La Mecca they were avid notoriously of wealth and of dominion at the times of Mohammed
also 84
and so in the centuries they have adapted and they keep on adapting the Koranic
Revelation to their greeds, sources of innumerable and serious conflicts also in this epoch, end of
the second Millennium and beginning of the third, (for instance, the Christians' slaughter in the
South, South Sudan 85
We know that the Islamic Fundamentalists want make become Arab the world and for them,
primitive men spiritually, the end justifies also the slaughters of innocents as that of New York and
of Madrid. The propaganda for the Jihad and for the revenge is an evidence of it. Whatever greed
or excuse it becomes, for them, a reason to fight the infidels. - that is all the Not moslems - even if
the prophet's Mohammed war had to stop with the affirmation of the new religion among the Arabs,
as it shows the behaviour of the prophet after the conquest of the Mecca. Mohammed “ did not
ask and not imposed conversions ” to the pagan Bedouins, but he ordered “ the ending of the idols
cult for everybody and in every home “ : “ the person who believes in God and in the Prophet don’t
leave idols in their own home, but break them and burn them: the selling of the idols is not allowed.
Besides Mohammed makes “ to destroy systematically the pagan sanctuaries around the Mecca
and to knock down systematically the idols 86
According to the Koran for unfaithful it must be intended only a polytheist, a Bedouin that is,
of the time of Mohammed, but not certainly a Hebrew, a Christian, a Sabeo 87
or others that believe
in God. In every case the Lord Allah prescribed to the Arabs to respect the religious liberty
- There is no coercion some in the religion… 88
", or, once affirmed the religion of the true
God in Arabia, the Bedouin ones were free to continue or less to be polytheistic and, all
Vangelo di Luca 10, 29-37
Vangelo di Matteo 7, 12
Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, pages 33 and 141, Oscar Mondadori
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 5, sura III 67 (Abramo), Xenia Tascabili
Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 126-127, Oscar Mondadori
For correct information you ask to Mazzolari, Bishop of the Diocese of Rumbeck, care of CESAR. Ass. Onlus, Via
Piemonte 16; 25062, Concesio (Brescia), tel. 030-2751710; fax 030-2751827
Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 244-245, Oscar Mondadori
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 73, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura II 257-259, Ulrico Hoepli
the more reason for, we believe that Mohammed would have respected the religious
liberty of other peoples ;
- " Say: the truth comes from your Lord, and who wants, believes and who wants, doesn't
believes. Us certain we have prepared for the iniquitous ones a fire, whose whirl of smoke
will wrap up them from every part; and, if they will implore help, they will be assisted with
water as fused copper, that, when they will drink it, it will roast them the faces; what
horrible drink and what sad bed 89
An evidence of the most bestial ferocity of the Islamic Terrorists and their thirst of blood -
not unknown to the Bedouin ones of the time of Mohammed 90
, primitive people 91
- it is provided
by the slaughters in New York and Madrid.
With the slaughters, as a matter of fact, the Terrorists fiercely kill, indiscriminately and
cowardly all those people who are in a datum hour and in a datum place, without some respect for
children, women, old men and innocent men, doing much worse of how they make today also all
other primitive societies that teach to kill the enemies 92
Nothing seems had been changing for the times of the wars among adverse tribes in
Arabia, for the contemporary Islamic Fundamentalists that preach the Jihad, demoniac war surely,
since it is Satan that hates and he wants the war 93
. Above all the Terrorists, incredibly fanatical,
merciless, coward and abject, they have increased the fearness, the unpredictability, the
dangerousness and the demoniac ferocity of the actions military done in the world against civil
unarmed, with the coverage of the anonymity and the unexpected and sudden event.
That that it surprises it is that the Islamic Moderates - whereas there is not the dominion of
the Islamic Terrorists and therefore the danger of life or serious retaliations - the Terrorists have not
declared incompatible criminal organizations with the Islam, that means submission to God 94
Yet the prophet Mohammed was not a fanatical religious and after he defeated the
Coreisciti (his enemies) he was clement with everybody, especially with the Christians 95
; He
ordered to kill only who attached him 96
The religions: the religions together, <<All together, in their whole>> they must ally
themselves as soon as possible to practice a continuous and clear pressure on the
Fundamentalists of the world, both inside the single Nations that in the International Organizations
to eliminate so many human tragedies. Gathering themselves in the name of the Lord Jesus the
religions pray together the Lord God 97
for giving a new heart and a new mind to the violent ones of
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVIII 28, Ulrico Hoepli
Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 217 and 241, Oscar Mondadori
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVII 33, Ulrico Hoepli
Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, page 101, Mediterranee
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated September 25th, 2001
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 62 (sura III 19 ), Ulrico Hoepli
Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, page 269, Oscar Mondadori
Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 243, 246 and 257, Oscar Mondadori
Vangelo di Matteo 18, 19-20
all world and particularly to the Terrorists for the love God same has for the Righteous ones of the
various Nations. But are there many of them of Righteous ones or they are there ten of them for
Nation only as it happened at the times of Sodoma and Gomorra 98
It be as it be, let us work more, together, anywhere in the world the good battles bloodless for
the poor ones, the justice and the peace; they are the good battles that God likes to improve the
life of this planet, but we can compete among us in doing good deeds 99
And so doing we will give more courage and hope to all those people that will turn them to
the Lord Jesus, especially the tired ones and the oppressed ones 100
, to realize the dream of a
best, better, more correct and pacific world.
Genesi 18, 16-33 and 19, 1-29
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 53, Ulrico Hoepli
Vangelo di Matteo 11, 28-30

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  • 1. THE GREED OF POWER, OF WEALTH AND OF DOMINION IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE CAUSE OF THE WARS AND OF THE POVERTIES OF THE PEOPLE SUMMARY 1. The egoism of the rich Countries and the poverties of the poor Countries Page 1 2. The conflicts, the Europeans and the other rich citizens of the world " 2 3. The responsibilities of the rich Countries of the world and of the U.N. and the voice of the wise men " 6 4. The disorder of the world is too much great " 7 5. Do we want to cooperate to improve the world? " 8 6. We learn and we reflect on the Decalogue, that is on the Ten Commandments, and on the Commandments of the love " 9 7. The teaching of the to Know itself is very useful " 11 8. We reflect on the love and on the unity of the life that is a mosaic " 11 9. The wheel of the births, of the deaths and the Islamic radical expansionism " 12 10. The religions " 14 The history teaches us that also the religions have often been a justification and an a mean to bait armed conflicts, as if we were not all brothers and sons of the sole Father-Mother-God 1 . But the organizations that the war do, also those Islamic are not God’s religions but they are the Antireligions of the Antichrist, that is of Satan, that wants the war and the hate 2 . The war has always been daughter of the egoism and the egocentrism of the peoples and sometimes of the religions, especially when the divine Revelations are distorted from wrong and malicious interpretations of the men. In the case of the Arabs we have discovered and listed in the Elaborate N°4 the astute ones and wicked ones interpretations of the Radicals Islamic warmongers of even 14 themes of the Koran in how much we have not found in the bookstore an analogous job. Such wrong interpretations twist at multilevel the general meaning of the Divine Revelation to the Prophet of the pagan Arabs, Mohammed. You will find the aforesaid Elaborate N°4 in our Catechism in the Deepenings of the Religions in the folder of the Islam. Such wrong interpretations of the Arabic expansionists have been since seven centuries the principal cause of the Islamic wars in the world, from the death of the prophet Mohammed to our days (Beginning of the Third Millennium: Christians' slaughters in Africa); these Islamic wars are all satanic wars. The egoism of the rich Countries and the poverties of the poor People: As it regards the poverties of the poor people, they have been the prevailing fruit of the egoism of the rich or strong Countries of the world since the antiquity. In these last centuries the egoism of the rich Nations is demonstrated by the enormous accumulation of the wealths of every type in the banks and in the 1 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee 2 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated 25 September 2001, Shalom 1
  • 2. treasure chest of the world and from the unbridled luxury of so many peoples that live in the lap of luxury, to start from the gentlemen of the oil. The wicked fruit of such egoisms is noticed in the poor Countries, of Africa particularly, from which originate the greatest part of the natural resources that such rich Countries use without moderation with cheap market quotations, while every year the populations of such poor Countries are reduced drastically by the hunger, by the thirst and by the illnesses; all of this is intolerable and unacceptable. The U.N. should intervene for preventing these serious situations. The natural wealths of the Earth and those created by the man must fairly be distribute among all men. The conflicts, the Europeans and the other rich people of the world: all wars, revolutions and similar they are due to the wrong sense of separation from God that the man is created, after Lucifer and the other rebellious Angels 3 ; as Europe regards, that it has been conquering the peace since fifty years, they now (end of the second Millennium) blow winds of war moved by the Islamic expansionism and by a plethora of fundamentalist imans, that use the mosques that we have granted them to build for their malignant purposes of overwhelming entirely contrary to the teachings of the Koran, as we demonstrate in the quoted Elaborate N°4 regarding the errors of interpretation of the Koran committed with astuteness and wickedness by the Islamic Fundamentalists 4 . European peace has been broken at the end of the twentieth century by a war of religion in the Balkans between Serbs and Moslems; peace has been imposed again by the United Nations, but it is not easy to maintain it, considered the hate of the parts that they oppose them, as recent fights demonstrate. But it is not everything, unfortunately, because the multi secular Arabic expansionism it is appearing again in Europe from the inside, taking advantage of the Islamic fighters that the Moslem Fundamentalists have infiltrated in the European Countries included Italy. It derives of it therefore that the ghost of the war reappears in Europe because of the Arabic expansionism, in the form of Jihad inside the European Nations 5 and of Islamic Terrorism. The European Rulers have their serious guilts, as Oriana Fallaci demonstrates in her work, recently published; but it would be too much convenient for the Europeans to give the whole guilt to the radical Moslems, to the political ones and their friends. If us Europeans we want to resolve the serious problems that new inside threat sets we also owe to recognize also that we have some serious guilts or sins to do penance for (causes) because we have collective responsibilities and the Islamic winds of war they are karmic corrections / teachings (effects), that the Sky makes us 3 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163, Armenia 4 You see in our Catechism three Deepenings in the religions (In the folder of the Islam) 5 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, Oscar Mondadori 2
  • 3. also give from the Lords or Teachers of the Karma 6 at level of people also 7 . And which such responsibilities can they be? In the distant past the Europeans have made war among them and to other peoples, while in the distant, recent and contemporary past the Europeans have conceived, built and sold weapons to all the other peoples. Such guilts and responsibilities (causes) undoubtedly concern the time passed distant, recent or contemporary of the peoples of Europe, but now the Europeans they have become mature to understand them and therefore they receive the karmic corrections / teachings (effects) in the form of terrorist attacks, because << The effect fall when the subject is ready to understand, that is when the subject, from the effect, it finds the conscience that it missed to him/her 8 >>. And this is divine Mercy! L' existence of the law of the karma emerges from many pages of the Gospels; for an instance from those that the miracles report served by the Lord Jesus that had in itself God's power in addition to the Word. If we will demonstrate with the facts (brotherly behaviours with the other peoples and therefore true assistance to the poor peoples and cessation of the production and sale of the weapons) us Europeans can limit the unavoidable karmic teachings 9 that donate understanding because the merciful law of the Karma has the purpose to make to understand to the man the errors that he/she has committed and therefore the karma widens the conscience of the man himself/herself and when the man has understood the karma it is not more necessary. In other terms the karmic corrections / teachings make to understand to the man what he/she must do and what he/she must not do according to the Decalogue and the Commandments of the love; the karma therefore it teaches to the man as he/she must behave and practically it widens him/her the conscience 10 . Only an active and disinterested charity it can demonstrate to the Sky that we have understood the karmic teaching and in such way we can limit the unavoidable lessons of the pain that are not punishments but teachings or corrections because pain has an evolutionary function 11 . The active and disinterested charity of the Europeans, the search of the peace among the peoples and the cessation of the manufacture and sale of weapons they would be the signs that we would have understood the karmic teachings. Such understanding and new ways of behaviour would also demonstrate our conversion to the teachings of the Lord Jesus because the Europeans, so pragmatists, have become atheists, but mean, superb and insensitive atheists to the needs of 6 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 266 (Signori del Karma), Mediterranee 7 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dai mondi invisibili, page 166-167 (The karma does not punishes, it teaches; familiar and collective karmas) ; Dizionario del Cerchio, page 156 (Karma collettivo), Mediterranee 8 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 46 (n°6) and 158 ; Dizionario del Cerchio pages 60-63 (Coscienza), Mediterranee 9 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 209 (Karma), Mediterranee 10 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 154 (Karma) : Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 46 (n°6) and 158 ; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 60-63 (Coscienza),Mediterranee 11 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dai mondi invisibili, pages 167-168 (La funzione evolutiva del dolore), Mediterranee 3
  • 4. the poor men. The Europeans don't know that their human self, so selfish and so egocentric it dominates them. In such way they ignore, refolded as they are on their idle thoughts and materialists and their affairs that the life on the Earth it has the purpose to widen their conscience and therefore to teach them to love as the Lord Jesus teaches with His Gospels. The life on the Earth is precious because it has the purpose to realize the law of the Evolution that is a << Process for which life, by means of forms more and more organized, it always expresses great degrees of Mind and of Spirit 12 >>. (My note: for Spirit you intend Conscience because the Divine Spark is not created and is not subject to evolution 13 ). Life has been conceived and realized by the almighty God for the Salvation of the demons by means of the living beings, to whose vertex there is the man 14 , with the fundamental law of the Evolution - that a French anthropologist priest of the Company of Jesus, Pierre Teilhard De Chardin, nicknamed the <<Christian Darwin>>, it admirably realized - and then the law of the Reincarnation 15 and the merciful law of the Karma. It doesn't result us that the works of Teilhard are been published in Italy, except that for initiative of a meritorious Italian journalist, Giancarlo Vigorelli 16 . Fortunately a great French scientist, the experimental physicist, Jean E. Charon, knew of the work of the priest Teilhard, he studied it and then he discovered and he represented to the Physicists of the world the theory of the complex Relativity that it represents the complex Reality, made of Spirit and Matter or the great Unification. In his first book on the Spirit, The Spirit this stranger Charon quoted this sentence of Teilhard: << The moment has come to realize that that an interpretation positivist also, of the universe it owes, to be satisfactory, to cover the inside in addition to the out of the things, the Spirit at the same mode of the Matter. The true Physics is that that one day or the other will succeed come to integrate the total man in a coherent representation of the world 17 >>. Since long time the Europeans have available the Revelation of the Lord Jesus to Jakob Lorber, the scientific demonstration that the whole it is Spirit and Matter, served by Charon and the Revelation of the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) but the Europeans have not understood yet that the tribulations of the life they make us realize during the terrestrial existences as we must behave living on the Earth, because pain is revealed to the omniscience of God the only way to induce the men to try to understand for which reason they are subject of it: because the pain makes the man to understand how they must behave 18 that is 12 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 206 (Evoluzione) and 210 (Legge di evoluzione), Mediterranee 13 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 207 (Goccia o Scintilla Divina – Spirito – Sé), Mediterranee 14 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163, Armenia (You see the page proceeding the Foreword) 15 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 214 (Reincarnazione) and Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee 16 Giancarlo Vigorelli, Il Gesuita proibito, Vita e opere di Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Il Saggiatore 17 Jean E. Charon, Lo Spirito questo Sconosciuto; you will find the sentence of Teilhard in the page preceding page the Preface of the book above mentioned, Armenia 18 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 75-77 (Dolore), Mediterranee 4
  • 5. observing the Decalogue and the Commandments of the love; after such understanding the conscience of the man becomes larger. And as for the Buddhists they don't have the humility and the wisdom to admit that it cannot be denied in the man the existence of the Spirit of God, the Divine Spark 19 , the God Creator’s gift, Father and Mother of everybody; neither it can be denied in the man the existence of the Soul or Conscience, the second spiritual body of the man, only because we are not able of "to touch" neither the One - that it belongs to God - neither the other, the Soul or Conscience that the man contributes to form, but " the voice of the conscience 20 " or " the impulses "of this last one we know them all, also the Buddhists, and they are the evidence of the existence of the Conscience in the man; it Conscience or Soul completes itself after numerous terrestrial existences 21 and very many karmic corrections / teachings. The Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) individualizes the more serious guilts of the rich Countries in their selfish behaviours, among which their lack of Charity toward the poor Countries of the world, but it is thought that the greatest guilts (causes) have been the wars and the guilts to have planned, built and sold weapons, bombs, mines and war machines of every type to the whole world, as well as the Know how to build them. What is happening us in the world in this epoch (end of the second Millennium and beginning of the third one) it is also due to the violent expansionism of the Moslem satanic sects - (The violent Islam) for which to act they will receive corrections/teachings with ineluctable corrections, according to the iron rules of the law of cause and of effect 22 . The Lord Jesus implicitly said that the men's transformation from material beings into spiritual beings happens under the press of struggles, temptations and pains 23 . The rich Countries of the world have other great guilts: for instance, the unbridled consumerism, the lack of the sense of the modesty, the vicious sexuality that we have made to become a commodity exchanged at international level by criminal organizations and by single criminals; the excessive admiration for today's superstars, both for those of the show and for the players of football or of other sports trespasses in the adoration of idols that it is forbidden by the first Commandment of the Decalogue 24 , because only God must be adored. The Europeans, being selfishly behaved or very bad they have seen to return in their Countries the ghost of the war, despite that they had already conquered the peace aiming to a Federation of States brothers. The ghost of the war has also returned in other rich Countries, for an instance in the USA. 19 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 207 (Goccia o Scintilla Divina – Spirito – Sé), Mediterranee 20 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 311 (Voce della coscienza), Mediterranee 21 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 60-64 (Coscienza) and pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee 22 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 209 (Karma) and Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156 (Karma), Mediterranee 23 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 24 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 5
  • 6. For the law of cause and of effect, in base to which it is picked up what it is sowed 25 , also the war reverts on us in the form of terrorist slaughters of Arabic matrix. The Islamic ones also - rather the Moslems – for their guilts that they are enormous received, receive and will receive karmic corrections/teachings, since they have habitually been programming the occupation of foreign earths since the time of one of the first Caliphs (excluded Abu Bark, to seem of whom writes). Among the guilts of the Europeans there is also that not to have considered that the inhabitants of the South of the world are our brothers. Neither we have had compassion of them, also as it regards the greater value of their raw materials. We have not known realize that the wealths that Europe was able to produce, as other States rich of the world, they would have had you to be used for helping the poor Peoples also to free them from the hunger, from the thirst, from the illnesses and from the ignorance, because from the poor Countries they originated and they originate almost all the raw materials. In spite of this the wealth of the natural resources has almost exclusively been used by the rich peoples for itselves. And then among Europeans there is this wish diffused to always enjoy more of the terrestrial goods, to amuse oneself, to run after the fatuous happiness that the man idealizes, aiming more and more to the pleasures of the world and the flesh and the sale of industrial products, included weapons, ammunitions, war machines and similar. The rich ones prefer the fun and the consumerism to gratify itselves. And, concerning the religion, they become in good part atheists or indifferent. The majority of the rich ones also fails to attend the ecclesiastic functions forgetting God or remembering Him once in a while or on the occasion of the tribulations, that "they contain" karmic corrections/ teachings, even if they don't know it. Us European we have also stopped procreating for enjoying us the sexuality without filial appointments and we have institutionalized the abortion, that is the infanticide of our same children similarly to the primitive populations of the antiquity 26 . We have also institutionalized the job of the woman, as if their children didn't need their mother at least half day a day; we have also lost the sense of the modesty, and so on. This way being the things we won't escape the Divine pedagogy of the merciful law of cause and of effect or law of the karma 27 . And as us European they have done, more or less, all the rich peoples, but also they are subject to the law karmica as all the other men. The responsibilities of the rich Countries of the world and the U.N. and the voice of the conscience of the wise men: 25 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 43-49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee 26 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVI 57-61 and sura XVII 32-33, Ulrico Hoepli 27 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, pages 71-94 (La legge del karma), Mediterranee 6
  • 7. If we have thought and acted so badly it means that we have not understood the sense and the purpose of the terrestrial life, because "…the man in the prosperity doesn't understand 28 “;The Lord God has said of the terrestrial existences: "… because a happy, but sterile life is not so much precious as one tormented that give understanding…. 29 ". Many voices that were raised in these last twenty / twenty-five years (1975 -2000) to suggest to the rich peoples to help the poor peoples to "to build for themselves" a dignified life in the South of the world, that is in their house, they are not been listened. For different selfish reasons, that all of us know, it was preferred to do some interested charity; for instance " building cathedrals in the desert" or other useless works or almost or selling machineries that the Africans have not been able to use, or worse still, as it is already said, selling weapons, mines and war machines. The voices of the wise men had suggested and they keep on suggesting us: - you renounce the credits toward the poor Countries (on which there would be a lot to say, since those people who have called to pay such loans, that is the citizens, have received only the crumbs of such loans, as it are easy to understand, among things for them useless and traffickers and thieves here and there from the sea). Unfortunately the reimbursement of the foreign debt is not asked to whom profited of exorbitant earnings or of embezzlements and illegal distractions of funds on their own personal accounts in a fiscal heaven, but the reimbursement of the done debt is asked to the State of the Third World in the name of which had raised the same debt. Such Nations to pay the interests or the instalments of the loans cannot face the costs of the essential services to the populations, while the demagogues and the rich middle class and their families, splash about in the luxury as pigs in a pigsty; - you do simple, useful and lasting works, they said and they keep on saying the wise men, those works that – for an instance – the water would make available that there is in depth - for an instance in Africa - without which the fruits of the earth are not born or they don't grow; - You help the poor Countries to go out of the so many difficulties, effectively taking care of the endemic illnesses, to which since over thirty years (since 1980 in then) the terrifying epidemic Hiv / Aids is added; - speaking of this last destructive disease of men and economies and the very rich pharmaceutical industries it was said: you give the medicines to the poor Countries (for instance in Africa where the disease raged) to recover them and to enable them to get back on their feet their poor economies and their sanitary services. We know that something was done, but then the powerful persons of the world, USA head of everybody, preferred to distribute more profits to their shareholders, while the disease raged; recently 28 Salmo 49, 21 29 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 230, Mediterranee 7
  • 8. the medicines anti Aids they are produced in India and Brazil for which they cost less to the poor peoples. - In the Third World they have been elevated innumerable protests for the use of the funds from the so many agencies U.N., funds that would have had to serve to free them from the slavery of the hunger, of the thirst, of the illnesses and of the illiteracy. The poor men, directly or through the Missionaries, they said: the huge funds appropriated for us are practically absorbed by salaries paid to white personnel and by fixed costs and by general expenditures spent to make to work such Agencies of the U.N.; it had also asked to hire local personnel. Which measures they were taken by the powerful persons of the world in the U.N.? Probably none, while the years kept on passing and the poor men kept on dying or to live below the poverty also. Remaining unheeded such voices, here then that it provides the law of cause and effect or law of the Karma about to induce us to return to reason with the slaughters served by the Islamic Fundamentalists, the Jihad and the clandestine immigration, that are the effects of the causes by us moved (our selfish or malevolent behaviours, among which the indifference). As a matter of fact, for reaction and for desperation tired ones and the oppressed ones of the South of the world have come to live in the hemisphere North and with them many ugly people they have also come, among which violent Islamic fundamentalists, imans warmongers and fighting Islamic, some of which potential terrorists are 30 . The disorder of the world is too much great by now: therefore, for our same good and to do thing pleasant to God and all the men that suffer, the time has come that us Europeans (and with us all the rich people of the North, of the South, of the East and of the West of the world) the sense and the purpose of the terrestrial Life is understood: to overcome the self or me, the egoism and the egocentrism to understand that we are not separate from the God of the love and from the other men 31 ; contrarily, in Spirit we are a family 32 procreated by the God of the love 33 and therefore united by a relationship of love 34 , even if we don't know it or we don't want to believe it: of this human family we indissolubly make part, we like or less, is wanted or less since it is a Reality of the life in which Everything is One 35 . All men are a part of God because God is absolute; therefore the Lord is not limited neither from some living being, neither from some thing or world or universe because God is the Whole and the Whole is One 36 . I hope that this will become clear for everybody, since if God was there and we were here, divided by Him, the Lord 30 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, pages 23, 42, 67, 95, 102, 106, 115, 134, 136, 138, 141, 142, 143, 144, 165, 166, 169 and 192,unless others pages, Oscar Mondadori 31 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 29th and September 4th and 12th , Amrita 32 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated September 4th, Amrita 33 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee 34 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th , Amrita 35 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 26, Mediterranee 36 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 6th , pages 7 and 231, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 29th , Amrita 8
  • 9. would not be endless, since everyone of us would limit Him. And the same is said of all the things and of the worlds that are God, the Whole-One-Absolute 37 . The Tall One has said with certainty since the antiquity, that He is within us 38 , since it is a Reality of the Spirit. He is our God and to Him the men owe obedience, even if Lucifer, the other Demons, Eva and Adam did not given us certain the good example forcing the Creator, to save the demons from the yoke of Satan and the Matter, to invent and to realize the life as we know it, exposed to struggles, temptations and pains 39 , with the purpose to readmit all the demons in the Kingdom of God after having made to grow their conscience by means of the life in the Cosmos (worlds physical, with the Earth, astral, mental and akasico or of the conscience 40 ) and of the man, but respecting the liberty of choice of every man because the principle of freedom is the first principle of the life and that of the perfecting is the second 41 . It derives from above that all men must do the Christian effort of the true conversion, of the to change - that is - mentality and style of life, founding them upon the teachings that the Redeemer gives us in the Gospels, from the observance of the Decalogue, of the Commandments of the love, from new values of the discourses on the Beatitudes 42 and from the golden Rule: “You also do to the others everything that that you want that they do to you; this way it commands the law of Mosè and so the prophets have taught 43 “. Do we want to cooperate to improve the world? Each one can do it for his/her infinitesimal part, but we must convert us 44 changing the purposes of our life; we must stop thinking about ourselves and we must start to devote our life to the others; from this it will derive a change of mentality, because they will also change our thoughts and therefore our desires because we will have become unselfish. If we will start to think about the good of the others and to do them what we would want it was done to us trying to understand them without criticizing them or to judge them, will start then - interesting us of them and thinking about their good - to love them 45 , becoming so true Christians without purposes of personal affairs to get something from them, from God or from others. Only then we will start, without realizing it, to love the others on the basis of the second commandment of the love " to love the others as ourselves 46 ", because " the love is necessary everywhere; the love is service, it is action; the love is not one confused, vague emotion of which to speak. It learns to show it in all of this that you do 47 ". 37 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto- Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee 38 Deuteronomio 30, 11-14 ; Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura L 15, Ulrico Hoepli 39 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 40 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee 41 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 42 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 1-12 and Vangelo di Luca 6, 20-23 43 Vangelo di Matteo 7, 12 44 Vangelo di Matteo 4, 17 45 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 13th , Amrita 46 Levitico 19, 18 47 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 77, Mediterranee 9
  • 10. This way doing we will also change the human purpose of our existence; and this will like a lot to God ; every man starting to love can indeed cooperate with God to improve the world, first of all because we will have improved ourselves, also through the self knowledge 48 and of the of the self psychoanalysis 49 . There are no other ways with which the men can improve the world, if not improving itselves as the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) teach. And so acting we will cooperate to decrease the greed of power, of wealth and of dominion and consequently the conflict on the Earth. We learn and we reflect on the Decalogue, that is on the Ten Commandments) and on the Commandments of the love: The Law of God of the Sinai. The Decalogue, is eternal and is not worth for the Jewish solos and for the Christian solos, but it is worth for all men because all are sons of God to whatever people or religion belongs. The Decalogue has been written by same God on two tables of stone 50 : the Ten Commandments are the Way that all men must cover for becoming holy and therefore to enter the Kingdom of God. Men and religions must know and to reflect on the Decalogue to know how they must behave them in the relationships with God and the other men their brothers because <<…all individuals have origin from God and they form a sole family…51 .>>. In the twentieth century the Lord God has told Eileen Caddy of the Community of Findhorn << For many souls it is difficult to accept their relationship of love with all the other human beings. Such separation is at the origin of all the sufferings of the world of the conflicts and of the wars. The place from which to start to put again order in the things is in yourself and in the personal relationships with all the souls that you meet: you stop pointing the finger and to be critical towards those souls with which you don't succeed in intending you, puts in order your house. You have enough to do in yourself, without reducing in pieces the human beings your companions and without underlining the defects, the failures and the wrongs. When you will be prepared to look you in face and to correct the things inside of you, can simply help then the human beings your companions through the example, without criticisms, intolerance and words of reproach. It loves yours similar as I love you, Help them, bless them, encourage them and you see in them only the best side 52 >>. Returning to the Ten Commandments is essential that is learned by heart by every man and be observed every day "living" such precepts. Speaking of the Decalogue the Lord Jesus has said: <<…You see that what I say it is still Decalogue. It is always Decalogue the word of the Rabbi. Because the good, the justice, the glory is in to do what the Decalogue it teaches and it orders to do, there is no other doctrine. Then given among the thunderbolts of the Sinai, now given among the splendours of the Mercy, but the 48 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 35-36 (Autoconoscenza), Mediterranee 49 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 37 (Autopsicanalisi), Mediterranee 50 Esodo 31, 18 51 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th, Amrita 52 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th, Anrita 10
  • 11. doctrine is that. And it doesn't change and it cannot change. Many, to them excuse, will tell in Israel, to justify not to be saint also after the passage on the Earth of the Saviour: "I have not had the opportunity to follow him and to listen to him." But them excuse doesn't have any value. Because the Saviour has not come to put a new law, but to recognize the first one the only Law. Rather to reaffirm it really in its holy nudity, in its perfect simplicity. To reaffirm with love, and with promises of certain love of God, what before had been said with rigor on one side and listened with fear by the other… 53 .>>. The Ten Commandments are: a. First Commandment: I am the Lord your God: You won't have god other then Me; b. Second Commandment: Don't name in vain the name of God; c. Third Commandment: Remember to sanctify the feasts; d. Fourth Commandment: Honour the father and the mother; e. Fifth Commandment: Don't kill; f. Sixth Commandment: Don't commit impure actions; g. Seventh Commandment: Don't steal; h. Eighth Commandment: Don't say false testimony; i. Ninth Commandment: Don't desire the woman of others; l. Tenth Commandment: Don't desire the stuff of others 54 . The Commandments of the love are: <<. The Lord love, your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest commandment and the most important >>. The second is equally important: << Love the your neighbour as yourself. The whole law of Mosè and the whole teaching of the prophets depend on these two commandments 55 >>. It is indispensable that all men besides the Decalogue they also know the Commandments of the love and puts them into practice at a certain point of their spiritual evolution on the Earth, when they will have overcome their self or me and their egoism 56 , if they will want to become saints and to enter the Kingdom of God, because <<The love fulfils the law. You fulfil the law of the love and all the other they will find their fulfilment. The love is the greatest power of union of the universe. The love opens all doors. The love brings harmony and understanding where there is not anything else other than discordance and incomprehension. You open your heart and it leaves that My divine love freely flows of it. You express this divine love in one hundred and one way 57 >>. The teaching of the to Know itself 58 is very useful: therefore it is important to learn to know itselves because our human selfish self or me and therefore our egoism they can be 53 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 7th , pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 54 Marcello Morgante. I Dieci Comandamenti, Editrice Rogate - Roma 55 Vangelo di Matteo 22, 37-40 56 Cerchio Firenze 77, Las voce dell’ignoto, pages 45-50, Mediterranee 57 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 146, Mediterranee 11
  • 12. overcome only discovering what capital vices and what defects we have simply by making us aware of them "… because it is this awareness that, for a natural process, it will free you from those limits that they are at the base of every selfish conception, cutting off so at the root the cause of every incomprehension and every pain 59 "; in this natural process we must see the hand of God 60 that always helps us for making us spiritually grow, widening our conscience. The reflections on our transgressions to the three most important spiritual laws of God: Decalogue 61 and Commandments of the love 62 , transgressions that usually we call sins, they will help us to decide us to make the first footstep toward the conversion 63 ; taken such decision it is indispensable that through the introspection or auto psychoanalysis 64 we objectively starts to know ourselves seeking the truth of our internal being 65 . It is also very important that we starts to think with our head and that truths are sought inside of us, instead that in the outside 66 . When we meet difficulties let's turn to the Redeemer to have the help of which we have need, because the conversion is not an easy walk, not at all! And the initiative must be always of the man. God and His Christ are always ready to help us, but it is up to us to help us for first, as it remembers us the wise proverb "help you that God helps you " because in the spiritual life each one must do his/her job and to think with his/her head finding the solutions to his/her problems, walking with his/her legs, without ever waiting that someone does it at his/her place, everything that that must be done it is to turn the look inside of us seeking the truth of ourselves and inside us we will find it 67 . We reflect on the love and on the unity of the life that is a mosaic 68 : If we want indeed to improve the world, if we want to avoid that the chaos of the world increases, for our same good, we have to understand that the time has come that each one of us reflects on the love, that will cement the union of the single ones and the peoples in the variety of the many in the One, because we are all sons of the sole Father-Mother-God and therefore we form an sole family 69 ; every man it is as a tessera of an endless spiritual mosaic 70 , each one of them with his/her peculiar qualities. (his/her talents and his/her gifts). We must do in such way, with the help of the religions, All together in their whole, that is not more exploitation from the strong one and of the rich 58 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 45-61 (Conosci te stesso) ; Maestro perché, pagine 121-130 (Conosci te stesso), Mediterranee 59 Cerchio Firenze 77, La voce dell’ignoto, pages 45-50, Mediterranee 60 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated November 14th and December 14th , Amrita 61 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 62 Levitico 19, 18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 63 Vangelo di Matteo 4, 17 64 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 37 (Autopsicanalisi), Mediterranee 65 Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 17-19, Macroedizioni and Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee 66 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 23rd , 24th and 28th , April 8th , May 30th and August 29th , Amrita ; Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61, Mediterranee 67 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 30th , Amrita 68 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 17th and August 14th , Amrita 69 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th , Amrita 70 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 17th and August 17th , Amrita 12
  • 13. one on the more weaks because all have the right to an equitable division of the value of the terrestrial resources, gift of God, but also of those created by the man. Of it will derive that it won't be many migrants from the poor Countries and almost anybody, saved the usual exceptions, will go away more from his/her beautiful Country and from his/her affections, because all can have what it serves him/her to their house, to start from the job, from the social services and from the education and therefore there won't be or they will decrease a lot both the hate that the envy from the poor men toward the rich ones. As for the hate, source of pains and terrible troubles, it must be remembered always that it had origin in Satan, that is still now he who wants the war and the hate 71 , that he deceives and that it is still powerful, also as our persecutor 72 . The wheel of the births of the deaths 73 and the Islamic radical expansionism 74 : Men must understand that for the principle of liberty the initiative and the work to be saved from the chain of the births and the deaths and that is from the chain of the struggles, of the temptations and of the pains it exclusively impends on everyone of us 75 . To us the choice, therefore, to us the first movement, as the Lord Jesus teaches us “ convert you because the Kingdom of the Skies is near 76 " (my note: the proximity seems me spatial and temporal together). The man must understand, thinking with his/her head, finding alone the solution to his/her problems and walking with his/her legs 77 , that its transformation from to selfish being to an unselfish being can start only from himself/herself, since there is nobody, not even the Lord Jesus, that is also the merciful Redeemer and the Savior of the man that He wants to do it in our place, since - if it did it - it would bring in the Sky of the spiritual automatons, unworthy to live there without the light of the self-conscience 78 . Therefore the Lord Jesus will help us only if we will take the initiative of the lasting conversion for ours free and autonomous choice, with consequent commitment of life, because the principle of liberty is the first principle of the Life and that of the improvement it is the second 79 . The Lord Jesus attends with trust our conversion, to redeem us during the walk in our peculiar spiritual path, because He has faith in us. This help is available for whoever - to whatever religion or people belongs - but it would be better to turn to Him with trust after we started to study the Gospels. The way of the transformation of the man as selfish being into an unselfish being it is not neither easy, neither very difficult; particularly in the Gospel of the apostle John in the chapters 14 and 15: "who loves me it observes my commandments; if you love me you will observe my 71 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated September 25th 2001, Shalom 72 You see the documents regarding Satan in this same Catechism in the Deepenings of Angels and Demons 73 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché, pages 45-70 (La ruota delle nascite e delle morti), Mediterranee 74 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, pages 40, 115, 132, 187 and next, 194, 198 and next, unless others 75 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th and August 29th , Amrita 76 Vangelo di Matteo4, 17 77 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th and August 29th , Amrita 78 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 161, Armenia 79 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 13
  • 14. commandments", that are those of the love. We cannot certain to say that men don't know how what to do for becoming unselfish person 80 doing to the others what we would want was done to us 81 . The time has come that the peoples of the world reflect on the fact that Islam has been inspired by the Fundamentalists of the La Mecca (the heads Saudis of yesterday and of today 82 ) since the ancient times (made exception, in our opinion, only for the first Caliph Abu Bark, the faithful companion of the prophet Mohammed probably a true Muslim, that is a man devoted entirely to God 83 ). According to one study of ours, available in this Catechism, the Arabic expansionism is founded upon the wrong interpretation of several themes of the Koran, since the Fundamentalists of the La Mecca they were avid notoriously of wealth and of dominion at the times of Mohammed also 84 and so in the centuries they have adapted and they keep on adapting the Koranic Revelation to their greeds, sources of innumerable and serious conflicts also in this epoch, end of the second Millennium and beginning of the third, (for instance, the Christians' slaughter in the South, South Sudan 85 ). We know that the Islamic Fundamentalists want make become Arab the world and for them, primitive men spiritually, the end justifies also the slaughters of innocents as that of New York and of Madrid. The propaganda for the Jihad and for the revenge is an evidence of it. Whatever greed or excuse it becomes, for them, a reason to fight the infidels. - that is all the Not moslems - even if the prophet's Mohammed war had to stop with the affirmation of the new religion among the Arabs, as it shows the behaviour of the prophet after the conquest of the Mecca. Mohammed “ did not ask and not imposed conversions ” to the pagan Bedouins, but he ordered “ the ending of the idols cult for everybody and in every home “ : “ the person who believes in God and in the Prophet don’t leave idols in their own home, but break them and burn them: the selling of the idols is not allowed. Besides Mohammed makes “ to destroy systematically the pagan sanctuaries around the Mecca and to knock down systematically the idols 86 . According to the Koran for unfaithful it must be intended only a polytheist, a Bedouin that is, of the time of Mohammed, but not certainly a Hebrew, a Christian, a Sabeo 87 or others that believe in God. In every case the Lord Allah prescribed to the Arabs to respect the religious liberty commanding: - There is no coercion some in the religion… 88 ", or, once affirmed the religion of the true God in Arabia, the Bedouin ones were free to continue or less to be polytheistic and, all 80 Vangelo di Luca 10, 29-37 81 Vangelo di Matteo 7, 12 82 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, pages 33 and 141, Oscar Mondadori 83 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 5, sura III 67 (Abramo), Xenia Tascabili 84 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 126-127, Oscar Mondadori 85 For correct information you ask to Mazzolari, Bishop of the Diocese of Rumbeck, care of CESAR. Ass. Onlus, Via Piemonte 16; 25062, Concesio (Brescia), tel. 030-2751710; fax 030-2751827 86 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 244-245, Oscar Mondadori 87 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 73, Ulrico Hoepli 88 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura II 257-259, Ulrico Hoepli 14
  • 15. the more reason for, we believe that Mohammed would have respected the religious liberty of other peoples ; - " Say: the truth comes from your Lord, and who wants, believes and who wants, doesn't believes. Us certain we have prepared for the iniquitous ones a fire, whose whirl of smoke will wrap up them from every part; and, if they will implore help, they will be assisted with water as fused copper, that, when they will drink it, it will roast them the faces; what horrible drink and what sad bed 89 "! An evidence of the most bestial ferocity of the Islamic Terrorists and their thirst of blood - not unknown to the Bedouin ones of the time of Mohammed 90 , primitive people 91 - it is provided by the slaughters in New York and Madrid. With the slaughters, as a matter of fact, the Terrorists fiercely kill, indiscriminately and cowardly all those people who are in a datum hour and in a datum place, without some respect for children, women, old men and innocent men, doing much worse of how they make today also all other primitive societies that teach to kill the enemies 92 . Nothing seems had been changing for the times of the wars among adverse tribes in Arabia, for the contemporary Islamic Fundamentalists that preach the Jihad, demoniac war surely, since it is Satan that hates and he wants the war 93 . Above all the Terrorists, incredibly fanatical, merciless, coward and abject, they have increased the fearness, the unpredictability, the dangerousness and the demoniac ferocity of the actions military done in the world against civil unarmed, with the coverage of the anonymity and the unexpected and sudden event. That that it surprises it is that the Islamic Moderates - whereas there is not the dominion of the Islamic Terrorists and therefore the danger of life or serious retaliations - the Terrorists have not declared incompatible criminal organizations with the Islam, that means submission to God 94 . Yet the prophet Mohammed was not a fanatical religious and after he defeated the Coreisciti (his enemies) he was clement with everybody, especially with the Christians 95 ; He ordered to kill only who attached him 96 . The religions: the religions together, <<All together, in their whole>> they must ally themselves as soon as possible to practice a continuous and clear pressure on the Fundamentalists of the world, both inside the single Nations that in the International Organizations to eliminate so many human tragedies. Gathering themselves in the name of the Lord Jesus the religions pray together the Lord God 97 for giving a new heart and a new mind to the violent ones of 89 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVIII 28, Ulrico Hoepli 90 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 217 and 241, Oscar Mondadori 91 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVII 33, Ulrico Hoepli 92 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, page 101, Mediterranee 93 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated September 25th, 2001 94 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 62 (sura III 19 ), Ulrico Hoepli 95 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, page 269, Oscar Mondadori 96 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 243, 246 and 257, Oscar Mondadori 97 Vangelo di Matteo 18, 19-20 15
  • 16. all world and particularly to the Terrorists for the love God same has for the Righteous ones of the various Nations. But are there many of them of Righteous ones or they are there ten of them for Nation only as it happened at the times of Sodoma and Gomorra 98 ? It be as it be, let us work more, together, anywhere in the world the good battles bloodless for the poor ones, the justice and the peace; they are the good battles that God likes to improve the life of this planet, but we can compete among us in doing good deeds 99 . And so doing we will give more courage and hope to all those people that will turn them to the Lord Jesus, especially the tired ones and the oppressed ones 100 , to realize the dream of a best, better, more correct and pacific world. 98 Genesi 18, 16-33 and 19, 1-29 99 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 53, Ulrico Hoepli 100 Vangelo di Matteo 11, 28-30 16