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The Lord God, the men and the religions
1. What relationship do we have with God, the Lord? Page 1
2. The wrong concept of separation of the man from God is a work of Satan and ours “ 7
3. The religions are sisters " 10
4. Jesus Christ, the Messiah is the Redeemer and Savior of the man, of every people
and religion “ 11
What relationship do we have with God the Lord?
Of rule we don't think that rarely about the Lord as if He were not the Supreme Being that
He includes every existence, also those of the Father, of the Son Jesus and of the Great Mother
Holy Spirit, the SS. Trinity. These three Divine Manifestations have been served by God to become
visible and understandable to the men 1
in the three material floors of the Cosmos (physical,
astral and mental) 2
. The Lord God is present and also operates in Every One of Them 3
. Then
the Tall One is the true Essence of all the living Beings 4
. The spiritual Teachers of the Circle
Florence 77 have said speaking of God:
A. << God is over the Spirit; it is the Spirit and the whole rest 233a. The relationship that
exists between our individuality and we, is the same that exists between our individuality and God,
241a, 115b, 133b, 269b, 276b,278b, 281b, 283b, 285b, 286b. The Absolute Conscience (you see)
- God - it is not a "me", it is not a subject; and He could not be Him from the moment that in such "
state of being " nothing else exists if not God, 43c, 149c, (you see "Perception") 157c, 187c, 96d
and next., 116d, 276d.
My Lord., I won't have need to travel in long and in wide the world to find you, but rather as
much the world will be for me extraneous and indifferent, also remaining in it, and I will find more
easily You 54e. On the absolute plan, objective, it doesn't exist neither creation, neither
emanation, neither demonstration, neither beings, neither worlds. Only God exists, and it is
therefore absurd to look for the why of the demonstration on the absolute plan, 154f and next.,
162f and next.
To identify ourselves in God means to be everything and nothing particularly. It means "to
feel" beyond to spend, of the becoming, of the illusion. It means to be Him. And also from that little
that we can imagine, can it can call annulment such an existence? 168f.
One can know God only if he has the conscience (you see) that allows this. God, therefore,
is essentially a state of conscience. Look for Him also, o ignorant people, in different places, in
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 40, Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Armenia
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 28th
and July 17th, Amrita ; Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a
Findhorn, page 61 (le risposte interiori), Mediterranee
Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 20 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of the July 17th
, Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77,
La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee
different doctrines; you won't find Him if not in yourselves when you will have made to fall all the
limitations that your true being envelops, 187f, 196f.
Even if God doesn't look at us from above, but He has us in Itself, even if He is not a
person, He knows us. Rather it feels it more than an anthropomorphous God, because we
belong to the His feeling, of His Reality, that is His as it is our. Not only: in His way to be,
more similar to the pantheism that to the theism, He speaks to us, it constantly assists our
necessities and it guides better us of what a personalized God could do, 214f, 249f, (you see
" Maya") 26h, 27h, (you see "to Become") 30h, 35h, 40h, 47h and next. Wrong it would be from
human values to imagine the Reality of God and on that to create an ethics; and it seems me that
"really this error" it has been done: that is, departing from what our senses they make us believe
reality, the men has drawn all those conceptions of the divine one that they do an
anthropomorphous Being, if not in the aspect, at least in the behavior. It seems to me instead more
proper to think that Him be the "cause" of everything, and that "cause" and "caused" be is the "only
Reality", 53h. Immanence and God's transcendence, 55h and next, 63h, 85h and next, 93h and
next, 193h and next, 225h and next 5
And here it’s better that I keep silent.
B. ABSOLUTE - 96a. Illustrative scheme, 208a, 233a, 93b. The Absolute One can be
compared to a sun with so many rays. To every ray it refer to head a drop or divine spark and
every ray it is a theory of individual "feeling", that goes from a "feeling" said in power up to a
"feeling" defined in action, 209b, 214b, 215b, 258b, 94c, 153c. The absolute Reality is a state of
conscience of "Present Eternity" (you see) and of Endless Presence, in which everything is fused
and transcended in the "communion (you see) of the unity", 174c, 202f. We have made you a
general picture of that that is the reality that we succeed in seeing, in perceiving: this picture can
be faced by whatever part and it follows a logical discourse, as a garment knitted done is not that a
thread worked in a certain way. From whatever part we can start to observe this picture of the
reality, there is a thread conductor, extremely logical, that ends in a principal concept or last : the
concept of God - Absolute, 22h and next, 27h 6
C. << WHOLE - (you see "God"). The real dimension of existence of the whole, 93h and
next 7
D. << THE WHOLE IS PERFECT – Little by little that we succeeds in understanding that
everything is God; that the physical world is not an earth of frontier separate, where the man must
prove himself worthy of to be welcomed in the divine world, the conviction that everything is perfect
is purchased and, at the same time, perfectible. In other words, such perfection must not be
intended an end in itself, as, otherwise, it would not be it; it is a perfection that has a purpose and it
is really keeping in mind the purpose, the order, that the disposition of what it is becomes perfect.
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71/72 (Dio), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 33/34 (Assoluto), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 296 (Tutto), Mediterranee
For example: the instincts that dominate all the animals make the demonstration possible of the
first “feelings"; therefore they belong entirely to the perfection of the whole ; nevertheless they
don't have absolute value, because it is really from the escape to the domination of these instincts
that the man realizes in itself "feelings" ampler. Equally the men's errors, the cruelties, the pain
and all of this that the man debits to God - if nothing else for the fact that God doesn't prevent the
of it to happen - it happens really to make to find to everyone the sense of the responsibility (you
see), the conscience (you see) of his/her own actions; to make to understand to each one that no
one escapes his/her own duties, that nobody can live only for himself 137c. 8
E. << ALL-ONE-ABSOLUTE. Everything is spirit. 230a, 126b. As a human organism is a
harmonious whole of billion and billion of cells, that nevertheless reveals always and in every point
the pluralist nature of a perfect democracy (while the awareness, you see) that it manifests itself in
that organism in the single existential moments, it has an extremely unitary and monolithic
character, being articulated only in the sense of the succession of the time, so the All-One-
Absolute One has more the unitary and monolithic character of the awareness – setting aside from
the temporal succession- that not that of an organic whole constituted by the multiplicity, 182c,
130d, 201d.
A beatitude exists given by the fullness, from the cheerfulness, from the exultation, from the
joy, from the happiness that it spontaneously springs because it is tied up to one "state of being "
in which - as I have said - we feel integral part of a marvelous whole, in which it is understood that
all of this that happens has the only purpose to bring every being to the tallest form of existence.
Making himself/herself aware of this, it feels it landed in a sure harbor, beyond every storm, in the
calm sea of the fullness, to the point that he/she would close in themselves if there was not the
push to identify himself with that Whole of which it is understood to be integral parts but that only it
gradually comes to a "feeling" as such. To say it with human concepts, the embrace it is looked
for, the union with the others (you see "Communion” and "Fusion"); but not for the reason that the
man always pushes, that is to take, to have something, even though affection; on the contrary to
give, to knowingly give themselves to that part of the existing one that it doesn't feel it united to
itself yet, 209d.
Let's turn to He Who it is entirely the Reality (you see) of the Whole, let's disclose us to Him
that it is real dimension of existence of every being, and we will overcome the contingent
limitations (you see "Limitation"), 277d, 67e, 132f. We have tried to make you understand as the
All-One-Absolute One, that is God, considered even though absurdly as the whole of the parts, the
worlds, in continuous mutation, in effects it doesn't change at all. This because what we see to
change, in reality it is unchangeable, it is a whole of "situations" - let's call them so - "fixed" in the
eternity of the not time; and the " mutation “ (you see "Cosmic Mutations") it is born from the
perception (you see) in succession of these mutations, as the history narrated in a book (you see
Example of the book) it purchases life and development in the mind of the reader only and in
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 296, Mediterranee
operation of it. From this it is understood as creation or emanation (you see) or it has never
happened or it has always been; that is it is an event that is gathered in the illusory game of the
subjective perception and therefore it doesn't affects on the objectivity of God. "This" it is the true
reason for which creation or emanation don't touch the Reality of God, 153f, 250g, 76h. 9
F. The spiritual Teachers of the Circle Florence 77 report that the Lord God has said of
Itself same:
<< I am spirit and Matter and nothing of everything this. I am male and female and nothing
of everything this.
I am not even a self, because in me distinction, separation, limitation don't exist: in fact I
include the whole.
To understand the whole means not to know exclusion some, deprivation some; don't
know the anguish that is born from the desire to have or to be what that it is not had or he is not.
Being the Whole means to Be and, therefore, to have the absolute fullness.
For you I am everything what it misses to be absolute.
Everything you experiment it conducts you to me, because I am your destiny.
I appear hidden to your eyes, yet I am evident to whom wants to find me.
Don't attribute me qualities that has a contrary, because you limit me. Therefore I am
boundless. But also this is a quality, therefore I am indefinable.
I am your being and yours not to be, in strength of which you are as you are, because
every thing of the relative world exists because his contrary exists. But I am the explanation of the
contrary ones, because I transcend them. I am the One Who from the raw material it draws the
conscience in strength of which everything exists. If in fact what is it didn't feel or it was not felt, it
would not exist.
This way the prodigy of the existence, is the prodigy of the conscience.
To exist is to feel to exist. I am the absolute existence. Therefore, to feel to exist is to feel
Every being feels me because it feels to exist, and in strength of it same existence I am
present in every being.
The simple conscience to exist is my most veiled manifestation in the beings, but I am also
what it feeds their conscience. Therefore I am the joy that you yearn for and the pain that breaks
yourself. I am the ambition that pushes you to the conquest and the void that it takes over to the
To widen your conscience I don't hesitate to build a civilization or to destroy it. All of this I
do in your interest, of your true good.
Do you see those people who surround you? They take delight, they suffer, they stir, they
live and what you see of them it happens for you.
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dictionary of the Circle, pages 296 and 297, Mediterranean
Do you see that it happens in the world? It happens for you. Also this of which you have
had only a thin news, felt a distant echo, it has happened for you my child.
The sun rises and sunset, the seasons follow one another, the planets cover their orbits,
the universes are born and they perish and all of this I make it happen for you my child.
Therefore I am the substance that constitutes you and the spirit that animates yourself,
since you are in me and I am in you, my child.
But I don’t stop only me at this, because I make you sharing of myself every being and to
everyone I devote without reservations entirely me, up to the point that every distinction you and I,
every separation, is only illusory, and they are so much necessary to make you exist, to donate the
absolute conscience to the being.
This I am 10
With the aforesaid quotations it is learned to know better the Lord God than could have
taught the traditional religions. Sincere thanks I express to the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio
Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77).
Due to the scarce or wrong teachings of the traditional religions, the men of this epoch
( end of the second Millennium and beginnings of the third ) also think to a large extent that the
Lord God is very far, who knows where, despite that He have told us since the antiquity that He is
within us 11
. He has confirmed that from Findhorn in the 20th century: " I am within you hidden in
the very depths waiting to be recognize and drawn forth 12
Among the existential purposes of the life of the man, that man purpose is the discovery
that we belong to that All-One-Absolute that we call God 13
. It derives of it that any angelic creature,
human, animal or vegetable and any thing, included all the worlds they are not indeed separated
from the Lord, because, if it were so it would exist Him and the creatures, Him and the things, him
and the worlds and this would mean that the Lord God would not be anymore neither absolute,
neither endless as limited by one or more angelic creatures or terrestrial or from one or more
things or worlds.
The Presence of the Spirit of God in the living creatures, in the things and in the whole
Matter 14
it is essential for the life of all that exists as the existence of the Creation depends on the
presence of the Holy Spirit that ia at the root of everything and all beings, from a grain of sand to a
whole universe. In accordance with the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 the Holy Spirit
it is also “ Divine undiversified substance “ 15
Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, pages 266/267, Mediterranee
Deuteronomio 30, 11-14
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-
Uno-Assoluto, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated March 28th
and July 17th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 74-75 (Divina sostanza Indifferenziata); pages 278-279 (Spirito),
The Lord, the Tall One, waits for being discovered and beloved since He is within us,
hidden inside our depths ( of the heart 16
), and He waits for to be recognized and made to emerge
; He desires our love and He has told it in so many ways in the Bible and He contrives the ways
to wake up us from the numbness that the pleasures of the world and the flesh induce in our mind:
one of the ways it is the repentance and the remorse and also a special attraction of conscience
for people having similar evolution18
; in this connection the Lord God told Eileen Caddy :
a. " What do you wait yourself from the life? Do you wait yourself for the best, or are you
one of those souls that always fear the worse and that the things will go wrong ? If it is so you
deserve yourself what it happens to you, since you attract to you that which you love or that which
you hate and fear. When your conscience is negative, you attract on you the negativity, as the
magnet attracts the iron: you will find yourself together with the souls similar to you, since the
similar ones are attracted by the similar. When yours conscience is of love, when you overflow with
the joys of the life and when your heart is full of gratitude for everyone and everything, you will
discover to attract those happy souls that radiate love and joy anywhere them goes. Your life will
be filled with the very best life can offer. Why not to see the good side in every situation? See the
very best being drawn to you now 19
b. " ...The souls that are aware of the Conscience of Christ they feel them now attracted
reciprocally as the iron toward the magnet; it can happen that he/she are not them aware of it at
the moment, but they will be it in the days to come. It is this conscience which is drawing more
and more souls together, so that you all may become of the internal Christ aware and can eternally
make thanks for this awareness 20
... ".
c. "Day after day, you fill yourself and you infused yourself with the conscience of the Christ
more and more. You are able to walk in the light and to become one with it, until in you there won't
be more darkness; and when such process will be established you will succeed in bringing more
light in the world. You must realize that everything has beginning in you. It starts with to put order
in your house first, have faith and trust in your abilities and then do it 21
d. The Lord God is Spirit; as we know it, the Tall One is anywhere and in every thing and
there is no place where He is not present 22
. After which He said : " ... When you entirely take
conscience and you are able to accept it, you discover that the Kingdom of the Skies is inside of
you; you can stop your search and to look within you: you will find there all that you looks for. A
few souls behave this way today, because too busy to look everywhere for the answers except that
inside themselves . When you will accept the fact that I am within you, you won't feel yourself
alone anymore, and you won't have anymore to look outside for the answer to your problems.
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 29th
, August 30th
September 4th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th
, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of December 24th
and 25th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of December 26th , Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of December 24th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of December 25th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of March 28th
and July 17th
, Amrita
When it will rise one of them, you will seek this internal peace and calm. You will turn Me your
questions and you will submit Me your problems and I will furnish you the answers. It is however
necessary that you learn to obey and to exactly follow what I internally reveal you. You must learn
to live according to My word, rather than to limit yourself to listen to it 23
“ .
It derives from it that the Lord God is also present in the most wicked man; therefore He is
also in the Terrorists, hidden in the immense thinness of the Matter of their hearths, as it is for the
better man of the world, because to His " …eyes all the souls are equal 24
"; therefore the Lord
also loves the Terrorists because He is love 25
. The Lord waits for us in our heart 26
for being
recognized and accepted in order that “all become possible 27
“. It is important to know that God is
within us because so we will never feel alone. the Father-Mother-God 28
said without specifying it:
" Your bodies are My sacred temple. Then they must be treated with love and respect. Since this
territory is sacred and I am inside My temple 29
.... The Divine Spark of each man is also a virtual
fraction of the Spirit of God. The Lord is everywhere and there is nowhere where He is not 30
The wrong concept of separation of the man from God is a wrong work of Satan and
Therefore we can say that the feeling of the separation that had origin in Lucifer -.Satan;
since then every man feels himself separated from the Whole, that It is God, but that it is an illusion
that depends on – ours small self, son of our mind 31
, our physical body, with the five senses and
the needs of such body, through which we see us and we feel us separated by all the other living
creatures by the things and by the Environment.
Such sensation is also due to the ignorance of almost all what it concerns the reality of the
Spirit; however, knowing that the Spirit is One, all we can imagine that our Spirit or Divine Spark is
a cell of that endless spiritual organism that is God. Equally we can also make sense of the Reality
of the Mystical Body of the Christ "…I am in the Father, and you are in me and me in you 32
". Of
the Christ Body also every man is a cell; in such way so we can also imagine there the
Communion of the Beings which corresponds to a sole Being all 33
and of the Communion of the
Saints 34
; also of this last we are cells. Nevertheless it is to remember well that because of the
transcendence the Lord God, the Absolute, is beyond the Matter, “ … beyond the Spirit and the
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of March 28th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of March 16th
and May 16th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of September 4th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated October 21st
, Amrita
Eleen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104 (Accetta l’evidenza), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 158-159 (I vostri corpi sono il Mio tempio sacro), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of March 28th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io), Mediterranee
Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 20 and chapters 15, 16 and 17
Cerchio Firenze, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 52-53 (Comunione) and 249-250 (Santo), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 249-250 (Santo), Mediterranee
whole rest … God is not a " self or me ", He is not a subject; and He could not be it from the
moment that in such << state of being >> nothing exists except God 35
While in the Spirit of God the unity reigns, even if we don't perceive it to us and, perhaps,
we don't even understand it - in this physical universe the separation reigns, with the consequent
egoism; separation from God and egoism are two bad things inherited by Satan, that created in its
mind that artificial self or me 36
that we also have us humans that makes us feel egocentric, that is
separate; nevertheless nothing and nobody can really be separate from God for the motives that
we have already explained 37
; therefore the man's separation from its God is also purely deceptive
even in the relative reality of this physical world, since if such separation existed God would not be
more absolute, neither endless, as each one of us would limit him. What we must remember it is
that our concrete Essence it is not the human self (the small self) or our physical body, on the
contrary the Divine Spark; the Divine Spark and the individual Conscience are the two spiritual
Bodies of the man that live for all eternity and they form together the Ego 38
, that is our true
Not even this incommensurable physical universe is not separate from God; also it sure
enough has at its root the Spirit and it makes entirely part of the All – One - Absolute that is God.
The Whole in the Absolute Reality is Spirit, as we have already said. We know, from the Teachers
of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) that God has said: " ….every distinction, you and I,
every separation they are only deceptive, and they are that so much that it is necessary to make
you exist, to donate the absolute conscience to the being 39
“. Oh, how much is great, good and
beautiful our God, because it is also the Beauty; all should agree upon the example of St. Francis
Di Assisi of it, the Great Saint of the Christianity 40
The diabolic concept of separation from God, with the egocentrism and the egoism that
derive from it those they are the cause " ….of all the sufferings of the world of the conflicts and the
wars. The place from which to begin to put again order in the things is in yourself and in your
personal relationships with all the souls that you meet: you stop aiming the finger and to be critical
towards those souls with which you don't succeed in intending you, put in order your house. You
have enough to do in yourself, without reducing in pieces the human beings your companions and
without underlining the defects, the failures and the blames of it. When you will be prepared to look
you in face and to correct the things inside of you, can help then the human beings your
companions, simply through the example, without criticisms, intolerances and words of reproach. It
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-
Uno-Assoluto Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th
, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Ego), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee
Samuele Duranti, Preghiere di San Francesco D’Assisi, Le lodi di Dio Altissimo, page 116, Porziuncola, Assisi
loves yours similar as Me I love them. Help them, bless them, encourage them and you see in
them only the best side 41
It derives of it that if we want justice and peace on the Earth we first of all have to start to
know ourselves through the auto knowledge 42
. To know ourselves is the only way that we have
for improving the world. To improve therefore the world we must start to consider us for what we
are, with our defects first of all (through the auto psychoanalysis 43
), never forgetting that we are
cells of an endless spiritual Organism that we call God and therefore brothers each other 44
, as
the Lord Jesus taught us 45
We exist, but we exist in Christ and with Christ we exist in God; in reality God is the only
Being existing, while He is at the same time, a Father and a Mother 46
for each one of us and our
The three Divine Beings that form the Ss. Trinity 47
they live, they feel ( you see to feel 48
they love and they operate for acting in Them of the unique God. The three spiritual Beings have
been manifested by God in the eternity to become visible and understandable to the men 49
. As we
know the three Divine Beings they are the Father, the Son Jesus and the Great Mother Holy Spirit.
The Lord God loves us of a complete love, that is divine, that is fatherly, maternal, and friendly
together. Our God is an Absolute Being that however He takes care of us, directly or indirectly, but
that He desires that we undertake the spiritual fight 50
because he wishes the return of His love
from the human beings.
We hope therefore that when we will hear His voice the Father-Mother-God don't tell us:
<< I have not given you the life in the world because you brought the death.
I have not given you the desire because you became avid.
I have not given you the mind because you make yourself enslaved of its traps.
Neither I have given you the calm because you vegetated, and the progress because you
surrounded yourself of useless things or you lost your life in the search of those.
I have not given you the greatness because you despised the humble ones.
Neither I have given you the power because you oppressed and you operated injustices.
Neither have given you the peace because you destroyed it.
And if I have allowed the war it is because you appreciated the agreement.
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of September 12th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 35-36 (Autoconoscenza), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 37 (Autopsicanalisi), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of September 4th
, Amrita
Vangelo di Matteo 12, 46-50
Isaia 49, 15 and 66 ; Tommaso Apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 101/105, Macroedizioni ;
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104 (Accetta l’evidenza), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-45, Armenia and Lucia racconta Fatima, page 48, Editrice Queriniana
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pagina 257-263 ( I differenti sentire), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 40, Armenia
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of May 30th
, and August 29th
, Amrita
And if I have allowed the pain that comes from the egoism of yours similar and from yours,
it is because you understood the shine of the altruism.
If I have allowed the intolerance, the offense, the slavery, is because you pursued the
contrary virtues.
And if I have allowed that you were humiliated, exploited, misunderstood, it is because you
learned not to humiliate, not to exploit, to understand, because a happy but sterile life is not
as very precious as one tormented that give understanding.
But I have given you the life in the world because you made it more beautiful. I have given
you the abundance because it was you easier to give. I have given you the welfare
because you had pity of whom suffers. I have given you the knowledge because you
I have given you the desire because you desired the good of yours similar and the mind
because you understood that an only thing is necessary, and that you chose: that thing that
conducts you beyond the opposite ones, whereas there is no separation, where cause and
effect are an only Reality 51
Such Message there has been reported by the Teacher Kempis of the Cerchio Firenze 77
(Circle Florence 77).
The religions are sisters
because men are all brothers, as sons of the sole Father-Mother-God and because men
they are united by a loving relationship 52
The Teacher Teresa of the Cerchio Firenze 77 said: << …Who in the intention it is given
to other people's good he/she lives united to You oh Father, and all of this that he/her does it
becomes supernatural... Lord, in Christ you are the God of the peace, of the mercy, of the truth, of
the love. You do that that peace, that mercy, that goodness, that love unites us and is with us and
among us in every day of our life. You are the God of the union: you do that the spirit unites
knowingly us the one to the others in a body with the communion of the love, of the
understanding of an only truth. Lord, God of the whole, entirely make us worthy of the miracle
that we are living. Amen, Amen, Amen 53
Brothers of all religions, included Atheists and Buddhists, intentionally giving us to other
people's good, each in his/her littleness, it will receive a celestial prize: the union with God on the
Earth even if we won't know Him or we won't realize of it. Unbelievable, but true: we will be united
in the Spirit of God because All is Spirit and we are destined to became again Spirit. Actually the
Lord Jesus said: << Thomas, everything that that you see up here, everything that you touch and
that you feel it is Matter, it is flesh. This is the Great Mother. Teacher, is therefore the flesh noble
as the Spirit? A great deal more Thomas! If the Spirit turns him into flesh it is marvelous, but if the
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 278, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 99-100, Mediterranee
flesh turns it into Spirit, this is the wonder of all the wonder. It is extraordinary as such a wealth can
be born from so much presumed poverty 54
If we will devote our life to other people's good we will live united to God and what we will
do it will gain supernatural value.
Jesus Christ, the Messiah, is the Redeemer and Savior of men of every people and
you know sisters religions and brothers men that the way of the Sky for everybody of men
it is the Lord Jesus that said: << I am the way, I am the truth and the life. No one goes to the
Father without me 55
>>. Nobody offends of it, because this is not certain our intention and certainly
it is not the intention of the Messiah, that wants only your good! We want only to help you in the
only possible way: telling you the truth also about the Lord Jesus!
The confirmation that the Lord Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life directly it comes us
from the Father-Mother-God of all men; it came us from Findhorn in the 20th century and it is
included in the above-mentioned Messages of God to Eileen Caddy of December, 24th
and 25th
Furthermore at Florence: the celestial Teachers of the Circle Florence 77 said, always in the 20th
century: << ….Christ will rise in the intimate of every man, belongs to the one or to the other
religion, to the one or to the other political faith. The man calls Christian when he/she loves his/her
neighbour. To believe to change the man bathing him or circumcising him it is the same as saying
to believe to be able to change him changing him the suit. But the good work of the Christ is not
bankrupt. Christ - the Charity, the brotherly love – He will rise in the intimate of every man and not
for recognition of any religious organization that was named of or not His name 56
>> .
That's why, brothers, we intuitively want 57
always to more tightly join forces with all
the religions, without wanting that your believers become ours! What all the men must do it
is to evangelically live as Jesus, the Messiah of all peoples, has taught us in the Gospels
It follows that every man can keep on professing his/her religion, but if they want to live in
the celestial fullness and joy they must integrate the Sacred Writing of their religion with the
Decalogue 58
and the Laws of the love 59
for living the Gospels to the best of their possibilities,
trying to imitate the Christ 60
; that that it will eventually miss the same Lord Jesus to every one of
us it will give it.
Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, page 101, Macroedizioni
Vangelo di Giovanni 14,6
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 160, Mediterranee
The intuition base itself on the teaching of the Teachers of the Circle Florence 77, reported in the Elaborate N°1 of
this Catechism: “Contribution to the knowledge of the origin of the life, of the nature and of the destiny of the man “,
from which it emerges that all the religions are essential in every Nation because three different races of souls become
incarnate there.
Deuteronomio 5, 6-22
Levitico 19, 18 ; Deuteronomio 6, 4-9
Tommaso da Kempis, l’imitazione di Cristo, San Paolo
There is no man in the world, to whatever religion and people belongs, that he/she doesn't
need the redemption and the rescue of the Christ because the Salvation comes from God 61
, that
He made man Himself in the man Jesus of Nazareth 62
, son of the Virgin Mary and of the God’s
will 63
All men must think about the living Christ when they need help; all, but especially the Not
Christians must turn to Him with sincerity and respect, but they must be certain that they will be
listened. All of them talk to the Lord as if He were in the same room where they are them.
Jesus, the Christ, in Palestine already had the power of God within Himself. He can recover
the Not Christians one’s health from whatever spiritual and physical illness or to give them Peace
and Meekness 64
; peace and Meekness are often the signs that He has listened to us, but if you
will have faith, patience and perseverance the Lord can be revealed to each one of you and to
answer all the correct prayers.
The Not Christians know that Jesus said: “ You ask and it will be given you, you look for
and you will find it, you knock and it will be you open; because whoever asks it receives, and who
looks for it finds and to who knock will be opened. Who among you to his/her child that asks him a
bread it will give a stone? Or if he/she asks him a fish will he give a snake? If you therefore that
are bad give good things to your children, how much more your Father that is in the skies will give
good things to those that ask Him ! 65
But remember! Jesus asks you to love, that is " to do to the other ones what you would
want was done to you 66
Serving the others, encouraging them and blessing them you will evangelically live; that that
it misses you in the love it will be given to you by the Lord Jesus by means of His Conscience.
Praise be to God and Jesus Christ.
Isaia 56, 5 and 61, 1
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message of April 25th, 1988, MIR
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40 and 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli
Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, page 31 and next, EMI
Vangelo di Matteo 7, 7 -11
Vangelo di Matteo 7, 12

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008a - The Lord God, the men and the religions

  • 1. The Lord God, the men and the religions Summary 1. What relationship do we have with God, the Lord? Page 1 2. The wrong concept of separation of the man from God is a work of Satan and ours “ 7 3. The religions are sisters " 10 4. Jesus Christ, the Messiah is the Redeemer and Savior of the man, of every people and religion “ 11 What relationship do we have with God the Lord? Of rule we don't think that rarely about the Lord as if He were not the Supreme Being that He includes every existence, also those of the Father, of the Son Jesus and of the Great Mother Holy Spirit, the SS. Trinity. These three Divine Manifestations have been served by God to become visible and understandable to the men 1 in the three material floors of the Cosmos (physical, astral and mental) 2 . The Lord God is present and also operates in Every One of Them 3 . Then the Tall One is the true Essence of all the living Beings 4 . The spiritual Teachers of the Circle Florence 77 have said speaking of God: A. << God is over the Spirit; it is the Spirit and the whole rest 233a. The relationship that exists between our individuality and we, is the same that exists between our individuality and God, 241a, 115b, 133b, 269b, 276b,278b, 281b, 283b, 285b, 286b. The Absolute Conscience (you see) - God - it is not a "me", it is not a subject; and He could not be Him from the moment that in such " state of being " nothing else exists if not God, 43c, 149c, (you see "Perception") 157c, 187c, 96d and next., 116d, 276d. My Lord., I won't have need to travel in long and in wide the world to find you, but rather as much the world will be for me extraneous and indifferent, also remaining in it, and I will find more easily You 54e. On the absolute plan, objective, it doesn't exist neither creation, neither emanation, neither demonstration, neither beings, neither worlds. Only God exists, and it is therefore absurd to look for the why of the demonstration on the absolute plan, 154f and next., 162f and next. To identify ourselves in God means to be everything and nothing particularly. It means "to feel" beyond to spend, of the becoming, of the illusion. It means to be Him. And also from that little that we can imagine, can it can call annulment such an existence? 168f. One can know God only if he has the conscience (you see) that allows this. God, therefore, is essentially a state of conscience. Look for Him also, o ignorant people, in different places, in 1 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 40, Armenia 2 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Armenia 3 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 28th and July 17th, Amrita ; Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61 (le risposte interiori), Mediterranee 4 Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 20 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of the July 17th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee 1
  • 2. different doctrines; you won't find Him if not in yourselves when you will have made to fall all the limitations that your true being envelops, 187f, 196f. Even if God doesn't look at us from above, but He has us in Itself, even if He is not a person, He knows us. Rather it feels it more than an anthropomorphous God, because we belong to the His feeling, of His Reality, that is His as it is our. Not only: in His way to be, more similar to the pantheism that to the theism, He speaks to us, it constantly assists our necessities and it guides better us of what a personalized God could do, 214f, 249f, (you see " Maya") 26h, 27h, (you see "to Become") 30h, 35h, 40h, 47h and next. Wrong it would be from human values to imagine the Reality of God and on that to create an ethics; and it seems me that "really this error" it has been done: that is, departing from what our senses they make us believe reality, the men has drawn all those conceptions of the divine one that they do an anthropomorphous Being, if not in the aspect, at least in the behavior. It seems to me instead more proper to think that Him be the "cause" of everything, and that "cause" and "caused" be is the "only Reality", 53h. Immanence and God's transcendence, 55h and next, 63h, 85h and next, 93h and next, 193h and next, 225h and next 5 >>. And here it’s better that I keep silent. B. ABSOLUTE - 96a. Illustrative scheme, 208a, 233a, 93b. The Absolute One can be compared to a sun with so many rays. To every ray it refer to head a drop or divine spark and every ray it is a theory of individual "feeling", that goes from a "feeling" said in power up to a "feeling" defined in action, 209b, 214b, 215b, 258b, 94c, 153c. The absolute Reality is a state of conscience of "Present Eternity" (you see) and of Endless Presence, in which everything is fused and transcended in the "communion (you see) of the unity", 174c, 202f. We have made you a general picture of that that is the reality that we succeed in seeing, in perceiving: this picture can be faced by whatever part and it follows a logical discourse, as a garment knitted done is not that a thread worked in a certain way. From whatever part we can start to observe this picture of the reality, there is a thread conductor, extremely logical, that ends in a principal concept or last : the concept of God - Absolute, 22h and next, 27h 6 >>. C. << WHOLE - (you see "God"). The real dimension of existence of the whole, 93h and next 7 >>. D. << THE WHOLE IS PERFECT – Little by little that we succeeds in understanding that everything is God; that the physical world is not an earth of frontier separate, where the man must prove himself worthy of to be welcomed in the divine world, the conviction that everything is perfect is purchased and, at the same time, perfectible. In other words, such perfection must not be intended an end in itself, as, otherwise, it would not be it; it is a perfection that has a purpose and it is really keeping in mind the purpose, the order, that the disposition of what it is becomes perfect. 5 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71/72 (Dio), Mediterranee 6 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 33/34 (Assoluto), Mediterranee 7 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 296 (Tutto), Mediterranee 2
  • 3. For example: the instincts that dominate all the animals make the demonstration possible of the first “feelings"; therefore they belong entirely to the perfection of the whole ; nevertheless they don't have absolute value, because it is really from the escape to the domination of these instincts that the man realizes in itself "feelings" ampler. Equally the men's errors, the cruelties, the pain and all of this that the man debits to God - if nothing else for the fact that God doesn't prevent the of it to happen - it happens really to make to find to everyone the sense of the responsibility (you see), the conscience (you see) of his/her own actions; to make to understand to each one that no one escapes his/her own duties, that nobody can live only for himself 137c. 8 >>. E. << ALL-ONE-ABSOLUTE. Everything is spirit. 230a, 126b. As a human organism is a harmonious whole of billion and billion of cells, that nevertheless reveals always and in every point the pluralist nature of a perfect democracy (while the awareness, you see) that it manifests itself in that organism in the single existential moments, it has an extremely unitary and monolithic character, being articulated only in the sense of the succession of the time, so the All-One- Absolute One has more the unitary and monolithic character of the awareness – setting aside from the temporal succession- that not that of an organic whole constituted by the multiplicity, 182c, 130d, 201d. A beatitude exists given by the fullness, from the cheerfulness, from the exultation, from the joy, from the happiness that it spontaneously springs because it is tied up to one "state of being " in which - as I have said - we feel integral part of a marvelous whole, in which it is understood that all of this that happens has the only purpose to bring every being to the tallest form of existence. Making himself/herself aware of this, it feels it landed in a sure harbor, beyond every storm, in the calm sea of the fullness, to the point that he/she would close in themselves if there was not the push to identify himself with that Whole of which it is understood to be integral parts but that only it gradually comes to a "feeling" as such. To say it with human concepts, the embrace it is looked for, the union with the others (you see "Communion” and "Fusion"); but not for the reason that the man always pushes, that is to take, to have something, even though affection; on the contrary to give, to knowingly give themselves to that part of the existing one that it doesn't feel it united to itself yet, 209d. Let's turn to He Who it is entirely the Reality (you see) of the Whole, let's disclose us to Him that it is real dimension of existence of every being, and we will overcome the contingent limitations (you see "Limitation"), 277d, 67e, 132f. We have tried to make you understand as the All-One-Absolute One, that is God, considered even though absurdly as the whole of the parts, the worlds, in continuous mutation, in effects it doesn't change at all. This because what we see to change, in reality it is unchangeable, it is a whole of "situations" - let's call them so - "fixed" in the eternity of the not time; and the " mutation “ (you see "Cosmic Mutations") it is born from the perception (you see) in succession of these mutations, as the history narrated in a book (you see Example of the book) it purchases life and development in the mind of the reader only and in 8 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 296, Mediterranee 3
  • 4. operation of it. From this it is understood as creation or emanation (you see) or it has never happened or it has always been; that is it is an event that is gathered in the illusory game of the subjective perception and therefore it doesn't affects on the objectivity of God. "This" it is the true reason for which creation or emanation don't touch the Reality of God, 153f, 250g, 76h. 9 >>. F. The spiritual Teachers of the Circle Florence 77 report that the Lord God has said of Itself same: << I am spirit and Matter and nothing of everything this. I am male and female and nothing of everything this. I am not even a self, because in me distinction, separation, limitation don't exist: in fact I include the whole. To understand the whole means not to know exclusion some, deprivation some; don't know the anguish that is born from the desire to have or to be what that it is not had or he is not. Being the Whole means to Be and, therefore, to have the absolute fullness. For you I am everything what it misses to be absolute. Everything you experiment it conducts you to me, because I am your destiny. I appear hidden to your eyes, yet I am evident to whom wants to find me. Don't attribute me qualities that has a contrary, because you limit me. Therefore I am boundless. But also this is a quality, therefore I am indefinable. I am your being and yours not to be, in strength of which you are as you are, because every thing of the relative world exists because his contrary exists. But I am the explanation of the contrary ones, because I transcend them. I am the One Who from the raw material it draws the conscience in strength of which everything exists. If in fact what is it didn't feel or it was not felt, it would not exist. This way the prodigy of the existence, is the prodigy of the conscience. To exist is to feel to exist. I am the absolute existence. Therefore, to feel to exist is to feel me. Every being feels me because it feels to exist, and in strength of it same existence I am present in every being. The simple conscience to exist is my most veiled manifestation in the beings, but I am also what it feeds their conscience. Therefore I am the joy that you yearn for and the pain that breaks yourself. I am the ambition that pushes you to the conquest and the void that it takes over to the conquest. To widen your conscience I don't hesitate to build a civilization or to destroy it. All of this I do in your interest, of your true good. Do you see those people who surround you? They take delight, they suffer, they stir, they live and what you see of them it happens for you. 9 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dictionary of the Circle, pages 296 and 297, Mediterranean 4
  • 5. Do you see that it happens in the world? It happens for you. Also this of which you have had only a thin news, felt a distant echo, it has happened for you my child. The sun rises and sunset, the seasons follow one another, the planets cover their orbits, the universes are born and they perish and all of this I make it happen for you my child. Therefore I am the substance that constitutes you and the spirit that animates yourself, since you are in me and I am in you, my child. But I don’t stop only me at this, because I make you sharing of myself every being and to everyone I devote without reservations entirely me, up to the point that every distinction you and I, every separation, is only illusory, and they are so much necessary to make you exist, to donate the absolute conscience to the being. This I am 10 >>. With the aforesaid quotations it is learned to know better the Lord God than could have taught the traditional religions. Sincere thanks I express to the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77). Due to the scarce or wrong teachings of the traditional religions, the men of this epoch ( end of the second Millennium and beginnings of the third ) also think to a large extent that the Lord God is very far, who knows where, despite that He have told us since the antiquity that He is within us 11 . He has confirmed that from Findhorn in the 20th century: " I am within you hidden in the very depths waiting to be recognize and drawn forth 12 ". Among the existential purposes of the life of the man, that man purpose is the discovery that we belong to that All-One-Absolute that we call God 13 . It derives of it that any angelic creature, human, animal or vegetable and any thing, included all the worlds they are not indeed separated from the Lord, because, if it were so it would exist Him and the creatures, Him and the things, him and the worlds and this would mean that the Lord God would not be anymore neither absolute, neither endless as limited by one or more angelic creatures or terrestrial or from one or more things or worlds. The Presence of the Spirit of God in the living creatures, in the things and in the whole Matter 14 it is essential for the life of all that exists as the existence of the Creation depends on the presence of the Holy Spirit that ia at the root of everything and all beings, from a grain of sand to a whole universe. In accordance with the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 the Holy Spirit it is also “ Divine undiversified substance “ 15 . 10 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, pages 266/267, Mediterranee 11 Deuteronomio 30, 11-14 12 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th , Amrita 13 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto- Uno-Assoluto, Mediterranee 14 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated March 28th and July 17th , Amrita 15 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 74-75 (Divina sostanza Indifferenziata); pages 278-279 (Spirito), Mediterranee 5
  • 6. The Lord, the Tall One, waits for being discovered and beloved since He is within us, hidden inside our depths ( of the heart 16 ), and He waits for to be recognized and made to emerge 17 ; He desires our love and He has told it in so many ways in the Bible and He contrives the ways to wake up us from the numbness that the pleasures of the world and the flesh induce in our mind: one of the ways it is the repentance and the remorse and also a special attraction of conscience for people having similar evolution18 ; in this connection the Lord God told Eileen Caddy : a. " What do you wait yourself from the life? Do you wait yourself for the best, or are you one of those souls that always fear the worse and that the things will go wrong ? If it is so you deserve yourself what it happens to you, since you attract to you that which you love or that which you hate and fear. When your conscience is negative, you attract on you the negativity, as the magnet attracts the iron: you will find yourself together with the souls similar to you, since the similar ones are attracted by the similar. When yours conscience is of love, when you overflow with the joys of the life and when your heart is full of gratitude for everyone and everything, you will discover to attract those happy souls that radiate love and joy anywhere them goes. Your life will be filled with the very best life can offer. Why not to see the good side in every situation? See the very best being drawn to you now 19 "; b. " ...The souls that are aware of the Conscience of Christ they feel them now attracted reciprocally as the iron toward the magnet; it can happen that he/she are not them aware of it at the moment, but they will be it in the days to come. It is this conscience which is drawing more and more souls together, so that you all may become of the internal Christ aware and can eternally make thanks for this awareness 20 ... ". c. "Day after day, you fill yourself and you infused yourself with the conscience of the Christ more and more. You are able to walk in the light and to become one with it, until in you there won't be more darkness; and when such process will be established you will succeed in bringing more light in the world. You must realize that everything has beginning in you. It starts with to put order in your house first, have faith and trust in your abilities and then do it 21 ." d. The Lord God is Spirit; as we know it, the Tall One is anywhere and in every thing and there is no place where He is not present 22 . After which He said : " ... When you entirely take conscience and you are able to accept it, you discover that the Kingdom of the Skies is inside of you; you can stop your search and to look within you: you will find there all that you looks for. A few souls behave this way today, because too busy to look everywhere for the answers except that inside themselves . When you will accept the fact that I am within you, you won't feel yourself alone anymore, and you won't have anymore to look outside for the answer to your problems. 16 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 29th , August 30th September 4th , Amrita 17 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th , Mediterranee 18 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of December 24th and 25th , Amrita 19 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of December 26th , Amrita 20 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of December 24th , Amrita 21 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of December 25th , Amrita 22 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of March 28th and July 17th , Amrita 6
  • 7. When it will rise one of them, you will seek this internal peace and calm. You will turn Me your questions and you will submit Me your problems and I will furnish you the answers. It is however necessary that you learn to obey and to exactly follow what I internally reveal you. You must learn to live according to My word, rather than to limit yourself to listen to it 23 “ . It derives from it that the Lord God is also present in the most wicked man; therefore He is also in the Terrorists, hidden in the immense thinness of the Matter of their hearths, as it is for the better man of the world, because to His " …eyes all the souls are equal 24 "; therefore the Lord also loves the Terrorists because He is love 25 . The Lord waits for us in our heart 26 for being recognized and accepted in order that “all become possible 27 “. It is important to know that God is within us because so we will never feel alone. the Father-Mother-God 28 said without specifying it: " Your bodies are My sacred temple. Then they must be treated with love and respect. Since this territory is sacred and I am inside My temple 29 .... The Divine Spark of each man is also a virtual fraction of the Spirit of God. The Lord is everywhere and there is nowhere where He is not 30 . The wrong concept of separation of the man from God is a wrong work of Satan and ours: Therefore we can say that the feeling of the separation that had origin in Lucifer -.Satan; since then every man feels himself separated from the Whole, that It is God, but that it is an illusion that depends on – ours small self, son of our mind 31 , our physical body, with the five senses and the needs of such body, through which we see us and we feel us separated by all the other living creatures by the things and by the Environment. Such sensation is also due to the ignorance of almost all what it concerns the reality of the Spirit; however, knowing that the Spirit is One, all we can imagine that our Spirit or Divine Spark is a cell of that endless spiritual organism that is God. Equally we can also make sense of the Reality of the Mystical Body of the Christ "…I am in the Father, and you are in me and me in you 32 ". Of the Christ Body also every man is a cell; in such way so we can also imagine there the Communion of the Beings which corresponds to a sole Being all 33 and of the Communion of the Saints 34 ; also of this last we are cells. Nevertheless it is to remember well that because of the transcendence the Lord God, the Absolute, is beyond the Matter, “ … beyond the Spirit and the 23 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of March 28th , Amrita 24 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of March 16th and May 16th , Amrita 25 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61, Mediterranee 26 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of September 4th , Amrita 27 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated October 21st , Amrita 28 Eleen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104 (Accetta l’evidenza), Mediterranee 29 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 158-159 (I vostri corpi sono il Mio tempio sacro), Mediterranee 30 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of March 28th , Amrita 31 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io), Mediterranee 32 Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 20 and chapters 15, 16 and 17 33 Cerchio Firenze, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 52-53 (Comunione) and 249-250 (Santo), Mediterranee 34 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 249-250 (Santo), Mediterranee 7
  • 8. whole rest … God is not a " self or me ", He is not a subject; and He could not be it from the moment that in such << state of being >> nothing exists except God 35 . While in the Spirit of God the unity reigns, even if we don't perceive it to us and, perhaps, we don't even understand it - in this physical universe the separation reigns, with the consequent egoism; separation from God and egoism are two bad things inherited by Satan, that created in its mind that artificial self or me 36 that we also have us humans that makes us feel egocentric, that is separate; nevertheless nothing and nobody can really be separate from God for the motives that we have already explained 37 ; therefore the man's separation from its God is also purely deceptive even in the relative reality of this physical world, since if such separation existed God would not be more absolute, neither endless, as each one of us would limit him. What we must remember it is that our concrete Essence it is not the human self (the small self) or our physical body, on the contrary the Divine Spark; the Divine Spark and the individual Conscience are the two spiritual Bodies of the man that live for all eternity and they form together the Ego 38 , that is our true Being. Not even this incommensurable physical universe is not separate from God; also it sure enough has at its root the Spirit and it makes entirely part of the All – One - Absolute that is God. The Whole in the Absolute Reality is Spirit, as we have already said. We know, from the Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) that God has said: " ….every distinction, you and I, every separation they are only deceptive, and they are that so much that it is necessary to make you exist, to donate the absolute conscience to the being 39 “. Oh, how much is great, good and beautiful our God, because it is also the Beauty; all should agree upon the example of St. Francis Di Assisi of it, the Great Saint of the Christianity 40 . The diabolic concept of separation from God, with the egocentrism and the egoism that derive from it those they are the cause " ….of all the sufferings of the world of the conflicts and the wars. The place from which to begin to put again order in the things is in yourself and in your personal relationships with all the souls that you meet: you stop aiming the finger and to be critical towards those souls with which you don't succeed in intending you, put in order your house. You have enough to do in yourself, without reducing in pieces the human beings your companions and without underlining the defects, the failures and the blames of it. When you will be prepared to look you in face and to correct the things inside of you, can help then the human beings your companions, simply through the example, without criticisms, intolerances and words of reproach. It 35 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto- Uno-Assoluto Mediterranee 36 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io), Mediterranee 37 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th , Mediterranee 38 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Ego), Mediterranee 39 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee 40 Samuele Duranti, Preghiere di San Francesco D’Assisi, Le lodi di Dio Altissimo, page 116, Porziuncola, Assisi 8
  • 9. loves yours similar as Me I love them. Help them, bless them, encourage them and you see in them only the best side 41 . It derives of it that if we want justice and peace on the Earth we first of all have to start to know ourselves through the auto knowledge 42 . To know ourselves is the only way that we have for improving the world. To improve therefore the world we must start to consider us for what we are, with our defects first of all (through the auto psychoanalysis 43 ), never forgetting that we are cells of an endless spiritual Organism that we call God and therefore brothers each other 44 , as the Lord Jesus taught us 45 . We exist, but we exist in Christ and with Christ we exist in God; in reality God is the only Being existing, while He is at the same time, a Father and a Mother 46 for each one of us and our Destiny. The three Divine Beings that form the Ss. Trinity 47 they live, they feel ( you see to feel 48 ) they love and they operate for acting in Them of the unique God. The three spiritual Beings have been manifested by God in the eternity to become visible and understandable to the men 49 . As we know the three Divine Beings they are the Father, the Son Jesus and the Great Mother Holy Spirit. The Lord God loves us of a complete love, that is divine, that is fatherly, maternal, and friendly together. Our God is an Absolute Being that however He takes care of us, directly or indirectly, but that He desires that we undertake the spiritual fight 50 because he wishes the return of His love from the human beings. We hope therefore that when we will hear His voice the Father-Mother-God don't tell us: << I have not given you the life in the world because you brought the death. I have not given you the desire because you became avid. I have not given you the mind because you make yourself enslaved of its traps. Neither I have given you the calm because you vegetated, and the progress because you surrounded yourself of useless things or you lost your life in the search of those. I have not given you the greatness because you despised the humble ones. Neither I have given you the power because you oppressed and you operated injustices. Neither have given you the peace because you destroyed it. And if I have allowed the war it is because you appreciated the agreement. 41 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of September 12th , Amrita 42 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 35-36 (Autoconoscenza), Mediterranee 43 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 37 (Autopsicanalisi), Mediterranee 44 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of September 4th , Amrita 45 Vangelo di Matteo 12, 46-50 46 Isaia 49, 15 and 66 ; Tommaso Apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 101/105, Macroedizioni ; Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104 (Accetta l’evidenza), Mediterranee 47 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-45, Armenia and Lucia racconta Fatima, page 48, Editrice Queriniana 48 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pagina 257-263 ( I differenti sentire), Mediterranee 49 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 40, Armenia 50 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of May 30th , and August 29th , Amrita 9
  • 10. And if I have allowed the pain that comes from the egoism of yours similar and from yours, it is because you understood the shine of the altruism. If I have allowed the intolerance, the offense, the slavery, is because you pursued the contrary virtues. And if I have allowed that you were humiliated, exploited, misunderstood, it is because you learned not to humiliate, not to exploit, to understand, because a happy but sterile life is not as very precious as one tormented that give understanding. But I have given you the life in the world because you made it more beautiful. I have given you the abundance because it was you easier to give. I have given you the welfare because you had pity of whom suffers. I have given you the knowledge because you created. I have given you the desire because you desired the good of yours similar and the mind because you understood that an only thing is necessary, and that you chose: that thing that conducts you beyond the opposite ones, whereas there is no separation, where cause and effect are an only Reality 51 >>. Such Message there has been reported by the Teacher Kempis of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77). The religions are sisters because men are all brothers, as sons of the sole Father-Mother-God and because men they are united by a loving relationship 52 . The Teacher Teresa of the Cerchio Firenze 77 said: << …Who in the intention it is given to other people's good he/she lives united to You oh Father, and all of this that he/her does it becomes supernatural... Lord, in Christ you are the God of the peace, of the mercy, of the truth, of the love. You do that that peace, that mercy, that goodness, that love unites us and is with us and among us in every day of our life. You are the God of the union: you do that the spirit unites knowingly us the one to the others in a body with the communion of the love, of the understanding of an only truth. Lord, God of the whole, entirely make us worthy of the miracle that we are living. Amen, Amen, Amen 53 >>. Brothers of all religions, included Atheists and Buddhists, intentionally giving us to other people's good, each in his/her littleness, it will receive a celestial prize: the union with God on the Earth even if we won't know Him or we won't realize of it. Unbelievable, but true: we will be united in the Spirit of God because All is Spirit and we are destined to became again Spirit. Actually the Lord Jesus said: << Thomas, everything that that you see up here, everything that you touch and that you feel it is Matter, it is flesh. This is the Great Mother. Teacher, is therefore the flesh noble as the Spirit? A great deal more Thomas! If the Spirit turns him into flesh it is marvelous, but if the 51 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 278, Mediterranee 52 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th , Amrita 53 Cerchio Firenze, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 99-100, Mediterranee 10
  • 11. flesh turns it into Spirit, this is the wonder of all the wonder. It is extraordinary as such a wealth can be born from so much presumed poverty 54 >>. If we will devote our life to other people's good we will live united to God and what we will do it will gain supernatural value. Jesus Christ, the Messiah, is the Redeemer and Savior of men of every people and religion you know sisters religions and brothers men that the way of the Sky for everybody of men it is the Lord Jesus that said: << I am the way, I am the truth and the life. No one goes to the Father without me 55 >>. Nobody offends of it, because this is not certain our intention and certainly it is not the intention of the Messiah, that wants only your good! We want only to help you in the only possible way: telling you the truth also about the Lord Jesus! The confirmation that the Lord Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life directly it comes us from the Father-Mother-God of all men; it came us from Findhorn in the 20th century and it is included in the above-mentioned Messages of God to Eileen Caddy of December, 24th and 25th . Furthermore at Florence: the celestial Teachers of the Circle Florence 77 said, always in the 20th century: << ….Christ will rise in the intimate of every man, belongs to the one or to the other religion, to the one or to the other political faith. The man calls Christian when he/she loves his/her neighbour. To believe to change the man bathing him or circumcising him it is the same as saying to believe to be able to change him changing him the suit. But the good work of the Christ is not bankrupt. Christ - the Charity, the brotherly love – He will rise in the intimate of every man and not for recognition of any religious organization that was named of or not His name 56 >> . That's why, brothers, we intuitively want 57 always to more tightly join forces with all the religions, without wanting that your believers become ours! What all the men must do it is to evangelically live as Jesus, the Messiah of all peoples, has taught us in the Gospels It follows that every man can keep on professing his/her religion, but if they want to live in the celestial fullness and joy they must integrate the Sacred Writing of their religion with the Decalogue 58 and the Laws of the love 59 for living the Gospels to the best of their possibilities, trying to imitate the Christ 60 ; that that it will eventually miss the same Lord Jesus to every one of us it will give it. 54 Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, page 101, Macroedizioni 55 Vangelo di Giovanni 14,6 56 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 160, Mediterranee 57 The intuition base itself on the teaching of the Teachers of the Circle Florence 77, reported in the Elaborate N°1 of this Catechism: “Contribution to the knowledge of the origin of the life, of the nature and of the destiny of the man “, from which it emerges that all the religions are essential in every Nation because three different races of souls become incarnate there. 58 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 59 Levitico 19, 18 ; Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 60 Tommaso da Kempis, l’imitazione di Cristo, San Paolo 11
  • 12. There is no man in the world, to whatever religion and people belongs, that he/she doesn't need the redemption and the rescue of the Christ because the Salvation comes from God 61 , that He made man Himself in the man Jesus of Nazareth 62 , son of the Virgin Mary and of the God’s will 63 . All men must think about the living Christ when they need help; all, but especially the Not Christians must turn to Him with sincerity and respect, but they must be certain that they will be listened. All of them talk to the Lord as if He were in the same room where they are them. Jesus, the Christ, in Palestine already had the power of God within Himself. He can recover the Not Christians one’s health from whatever spiritual and physical illness or to give them Peace and Meekness 64 ; peace and Meekness are often the signs that He has listened to us, but if you will have faith, patience and perseverance the Lord can be revealed to each one of you and to answer all the correct prayers. The Not Christians know that Jesus said: “ You ask and it will be given you, you look for and you will find it, you knock and it will be you open; because whoever asks it receives, and who looks for it finds and to who knock will be opened. Who among you to his/her child that asks him a bread it will give a stone? Or if he/she asks him a fish will he give a snake? If you therefore that are bad give good things to your children, how much more your Father that is in the skies will give good things to those that ask Him ! 65 ". But remember! Jesus asks you to love, that is " to do to the other ones what you would want was done to you 66 ". Serving the others, encouraging them and blessing them you will evangelically live; that that it misses you in the love it will be given to you by the Lord Jesus by means of His Conscience. Praise be to God and Jesus Christ. 61 Isaia 56, 5 and 61, 1 62 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message of April 25th, 1988, MIR 63 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40 and 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli 64 Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, page 31 and next, EMI 65 Vangelo di Matteo 7, 7 -11 66 Vangelo di Matteo 7, 12 12