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This is not a “get rich quick” guide. However, the result may not be the
same with everyone.
But the worst thing you will do is not to apply it at all.
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I am David Chinaza, A certified digital marketing consultant, Business
coach and Internet marketing Coach. My friends call me "The growth
master strategist" because I know how to grow any idea or business
into a profitable one, even if it’s dead or dying.
I own a Digital Marketing Agency (Pixely Digital) amongst other
agencies I own. I have consulted and partnered with firms within
Africa and Europe.
Since 2013, I have been a "Behind the Scene" Digital Marketer, till
lately 2016 a friend encouraged me to start coaching others. Then,
I founded Simply Digital Academy. My team and I have trained over a
hundred students across Africa and Europe with our free and paid
Enough of the intro, you will get to know me better, as you move on
with me.
We hope you learn and grow with us...
I'm committed to your success online.
David Chinaza
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You will be learning how to grow your subscriber list from 0 to 3000 in a
month by taking just 7 simple steps.
All you need to do is take action (practice) as you receive my mails.
This is not a get-it-quick system, I must warn! Your effort and hard work
and how you put the things I teach you into practice, will determine how
fast your list will grow... You can get more than 3,000 subscribers.
I have a student who grew his list to 5,362 subscribers within two week
after following the 7 days list building challenge.
I hope to receive your testimony soon...
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I love keeping it simple and will do just that.
Do you think building an email list is not necessary for your business
Do you think email marketing is dead?
If you must succeed online, you need a list
Have you heard the saying "THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST?"
List simply means subscribers, (active subscribers)
Don’t joke with list building.
Do you know, despite how popular Facebook is, they are stilling
advertising, asking people to sign up... I do see their ads, I don’t know if
you do.
Do you know what Facebook is doing? They are simply building their list,
they are never tired of it... And as long as people keep signing up, and
logging onto Facebook, Facebook makes MONEY.
No matter they purpose (Niche) you decided to go into online business, for
you to succeed, you need a LIST.
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Yes, take that from me. "A LIST"
Any business online without a list will gradually die down.
No matter the business you do, (services or goods).
You need a list. People who are interested for what you have to offer and
as such the follow you by willingly giving you their Names, Emails, Phone
Numbers or any other information you require from them.
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There are so many questions people ask about LIST building.
And today i am going to answer three most important and common
question people ask.
Q. Do I need a website to build my list?
A. Yes and No.
Let me explain.
No, because, without having a website, there are services online that
creates landing pages for you with a special link, all you need to do is direct
people to it to subscribe.
Such tools online include ClickFunnel, Privy, Mailerlite, Convertkit,
Getresponse, Provely, Sumo, Provesource etc. I have used them, and they
are great.
Yes, because you need a website to create your sales, landing and thanks
you pages. You need a website to house your pop-ups, opt in forms, bar
and other list building tools that a landing page building sites may not offer
You will have full control of the activities when using your own website.
Most importantly, your website brands you as an authority. It becomes your
location (office) online, where people can visit, read, and contact you.
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Q. Broad List vs Targeted List, which one should I go for?
A. This one mistake people do when building their list. A broad list is a list
with people of different interest while a targeted list is a list of people with
common interest.
Targeted list is the best. Never build a broad list, it’s a waste of time and
A targeted list of 100 persons is better than a broad list of 1000 persons.
When building your list, focus on people interested in what you have to
Q. How do I get a lead magnet?
A. A lead magnet is simply what you give people in exchange for their
Names, Emails, phone number or any other info you want. It’s called
"Ethical Bribe".
You get your lead magnet by creating yours from the knowledge you have
acquired, or you use someone's own, who has given you the right to
modify, use and give it away as your own.
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Q. How do I promote? (Traffic)
A. There are two was to drive traffic to your landing page. They are
ORGANIC and PAID Traffic.
I will break it down in details… Just read on!
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I will be breaking down the 4 major steps you need to build your list.
#1. Get a Lead Magnet
Just like I explained in the previously,
A lead magnet is simply what you give people in exchange for their Names,
Emails, phone number or any other info you want. It’s called "Ethical Bribe".
You get your lead magnet by creating yours from the knowledge you have
acquired, or you use someone's own, who has given you the right to
modify, use and give it away as your own. It’s commonly called PLR.
You can get PLR from sites such as
It can be a software, a video tutorial, or an eBook.
#2. Get a Squeeze Page
Also known as landing page. This is simply a page people will come to in
order to subscribe to your list and get your lead magnet. Your can design it
by yourself on your website with softwares like Instabuilder, Landing page
Monkey, Conversion Gorilla or outsource it. Even if you don’t have a
websites, you can use web services like ClickFunnel, Privy, Mailerlite,
Convertkit, Getresponse, to get your landing page with a special link.
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sketch-pro are perfect example of a landing page.
#3. Get an Auto-responder
This is another major element you cannot neglect in list building. You need
it serious.
Auto responder, simple performs a task automatically.
Let’s say you are offering an eBook on web design, and every day at
different time intervals, people sign up to download it, you will not be online
always to direct them to the download page..
That is what an auto responder does for you. Hope you get the picture
It automatically performs a task according to your instruction, it keeps your
subscribers engaged in your absence according to your setting and
Example. When Mr. A signs up, do this immediately, or after 1, 2 or 3 days
of sign up.
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I have used several auto responders over the years and I strongly
recommend Convertkit, Getresponse , Mailerlite, Privy.
Currently I am using Getresponse and Convertkit. It’s an all in one suite... I
have not found any reason to change to another auto responder. Their free
service is fantastic, it give you complete access to all their features without
restrictions. You can check out privy here and signup and upgrade later.
#4. Setup Your Optin Forms on your squeeze page
This is essentials for every website owner. Have you heard of the word
Optin forms helps you increase conversion on your website.
With good optin forms strategically positions and designed on your website,
you can have 70-100% conversion on your website.
Meaning, If 100 persons visits your site in an hour, 70-100% of the persons
that visited your site will end up becoming your subscribers and as such
you can always keep in touch with them, direct them to your website,
services, and offers any time any day.
Opt-ins include Bars (side, top and bottom bars), pop ups, embedded
forms, chat bar quizzes, surveys and lots more... I am sure you must have
seen all or some of these on most websites you visit.
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You can visit these websites , spend up to 5mins in either of them, and you will
see all of these opt-in mentioned above.
These websites are perfect examples.
How can I build my optin?
There are plugins, softwares and websites that do that for you, with
integration to your auto responder.
Currently I am using privy and sumo in all my websites. It’s an all in one
suite... I have not found any reason to change to another opt-in provider.
Their free service is fantastic, it give you complete access to all their
features without restrictions. You can check out privy here and signup and
upgrade later.
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7 Free Traffic Sources
Once you have created a quality product, you are well on your way to
building your Info Product Digital Business. However, “if you build it, they
will come” doesn’t quite work. You need to put in some work to generate
“traffic” – people checking your stuff out.
There are two types of traffic. Paid traffic is, meaning you pay for it. Free
traffic is traffic that you don’t pay anything for.
The upside of paid traffic is that you can get fast results. You pay some
money, traffic comes your way almost instantaneously.
With free traffic, you have to invest time instead of money. It usually takes
longer to see results.
Which should you use? Both, of course!
We are going to focus on free traffic. While all of these are good ways to
bring people to your website, they do require some time to get going. Just
be prepared for that.
Best Sources of Free Traffic
1. Forum: This is where people go to discuss a certain topics. If you can
position yourself as an expert on forums in your niche, then you can
draw people to your products.
Best of all, you don’t have to spend any money!
That is why forums are a fantastic source of traffic.
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2. Social media: Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and
Instagram are places where people come together to make
connections and share content.
If you create shareable content and create compelling profiles on
these sites, then social media can be a great tool to build your
3. Youtube: This another great source of free traffic. Youtube is one of
the most popular websites online. That means if you are able to
create and promote videos on it, you can carve out a tiny piece of that
traffic pie – which can be huge.
4. Blogs: These are also popular online. These are basically online
“journals” that people come to consume content on a particular
content. If you create your own blog and feed it with content, then you
can start attracting an audience, which can translate into customers.
For this reason, creating your own blog is another great way to
generate free traffic.
Also, commenting on other people’s blogs related to your niche can
help bring people to your content. If you are able to provide useful
feedback on a popular post that generates thousands of hits, then
you will have lots of eyeballs on you and the site you link to on your
5. Writing and publishing a free eBook on Amazon Kindle can also
generate free traffic to your website. Millions of people browse the
Kindle marketplace for eBooks. If you offer a less expensive eBook
with great content, then promoting your products in the eBook is a
great way to drive free traffic to your website by offering links in the
eBook that will lead readers to your site.
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6. List swapping: If you have an email list or subscribers on your blog,
you can leverage that audience by swapping emails or blog posts
with another person with a large following. Basically you’re saying to
them “I’ll promote your stuff if you promote mine.”
Most people will take that deal, making this an effective way to bring
people to your products.
I recommend you get my book: 0-3000 list building technique. The
FREE download link is at the recommendation area below.
7. Influencer Review: This is another great way to generate free buzz
and traffic to your product. It simply getting a respected person in
your niche to review your product.
One positive review to a large enough audience can open up a flood
of traffic to your product.
Two Great Paid Traffic Sources
Once you have created a quality product, you are well on your way to
building your Info Product Digital Business. However, “if you build it, people
will come” doesn’t quite work. You need to put in some work to generate
“traffic” – people checking your stuff out.
We will take a look at two paid traffic sources.
The upside of paid traffic is that you can get fast results. You pay some
money, traffic comes your way almost instantaneously.
With free traffic, you have to invest time instead of money. It usually takes
longer to see results.
Which should you use? Both, of course!
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1. Facebook Advertising: This is the #1 key to getting the biggest bang
for your buck with paid traffic. (Google is still great, but Facebook
gives you buyer traffic if well targeted, and it’s simple to setup and
relatively cheap). It is one of the most popular sources of paid traffic.
If done right, it’s gives huge great results.
You can see Facebook ads on the right side of the page when you
login. There are also ads that appear in your newsfeed. (Both have
“sponsored” attached to it.) One of the best parts of Facebook ads is
that you can target them for your audience.
In fact, Facebook’s targeting is so good that you can target your ads
by traits like age, gender, relationship status, and even interests. Best
of all, you can get a campaign going at a low cost and scale it up
when you find something that works.
2. Solo Ads: Solo ads are emails that email marketers send to their
subscribers to promote your website. Solo ads are awesome because
you’re able to put your message in front of people who are eager to
consume the kind of information you’re offering. After all, they have
already subscribed to this person’s list. Best of all, you only pay for
each click you get, which would be like only paying for a TV
commercial when someone who watched that commercial walks into
your store.
Some website to buy solo ads, They are
solo ad marketplace with hundreds of vendors selling solo ads in
every niche imaginable.
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There is one important key word you need to keep in mind with paid
advertising to make it work: testing. Instead of throwing hundreds of dollars
at an advertising campaign, start small and see if it works first.
If you don’t properly test, you can waste a lot of money. It’s one of the
biggest mistake new marketers make online. Do not same mistake.
Both of the paid advertising approaches discussed above allows you to
start small and see how well your ads perform. Only when you see that an
ad is giving you a positive rate of return you should throw lots of money at
it. Do you get it!
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We will be looking at how you can build relationship with your subscribers
which is very important.
One of the ways to get your subscribers remain in your list, increase open
rate (open your mails to read) is to build relationship.
But don’t worry I will teach what you need to have a good relationship with
your subscribers.
#1. Mail them frequently.
For every new subscriber that signs up on your list, keep them engage with
you for minimum of 7 consecutive days or maximum of 30 days with
insightful mails.
By doing so, you Mailer ID gets registered in their mind, then you can start
mailing them 3-5 times in a week as the case may be.
That is why you need an auto responder, with it you can set up email
sequence and series that delivers to new subscribers that signs up on your
list, even in your absence.
Not keep engaged with new subscriber make them forget your name, and
increases unsubscription from your list.
#2. Give value to them
Let them know that you are interested in giving them value, or helping to
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As a subscriber, you are automatically their coach. And what does a coach
He helps this students succeed.
Therefore send mails that are educative in your niche and entertaining
(Edu-tainment). If you sell or recommend products, sell products that are of
value to them, not junks, because there are many junk products out there.
#3. Your subject Line
In mailing, your subject lines or title will increase your open rate and
A good subject line will make subscribers look out and open your mails as
they come.
Title A "How to burn belly fats"
Title B "5 exercises that burns belly fats"
These are good subject lines, but I bet you, "Title B" will open more than
"Title A"
To know a better subject line, it is advisable to split test your emails using
different subject lines, by so doing, you can track the email title that your
subscribers opened more, and then work on using better titles.
#4. Ask them.
From time to time, as questions.
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Ask them to take surveys of you and services. It makes them know that you
are interested in offering them they best. And build relationship between
you and them.
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I will be sharing with you something you should do with your LIST.
Any List you are not doing something with, will one day die and become
someone else.
In other not to loose the people in your list, what should you do?
1. Engage Your List.
Mail your list as often as you can, build rapport with your subscribers...
Make them watch out for your emails always.
I explained in detail earlier in this eBook.
Let your list know why you have them... If you are an affiliate marketer or
you have a product or service you sell.
Don’t hesitate, start promoting and selling to your list.
As you engage them, start selling.
I have encountered a lot of people who have large list but where hesitating
to sell to them, when they started selling to their list, it actually caused
some chaos.
What am saying is that, whatever is your purpose of building a list, as soon
as you get subscribes (in that niche), start promoting your purpose.
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No matter how small or big your list may be, start engaging them and
Just like I always say: "Take action".
Even if it’s not a perfect action... take a step... start building your list. Your
steps becomes perfect day-by-day.
You know, am committed to your success online.
What if I give you a DFY (Done-For-You) package free?
Yes, I want to help you build your list and I am giving you list freebies to
help you start growing your list immediately.
Package #1: An already made landing page and squeeze page with 5-7
day Email Series.
All you need to do is: Download, Upload to your server and drive traffic.
The hurdle of designing a landing page and writing emails have been fixed.
I covered the following niches (Internet marketing...)
Download HERE
Package #2: I am giving you access to by one of my list building funnel
and chart. I developed these funnel myself and it has converted 100% for
me. It going to be a guide for you to grow your list and engage your
subscribers. Download HERE
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Package #3: POP and Optin Form Builder. If you have a website, its good
news for you.
It’s practically difficult to find plugins that can build optins that converts
There are a lot of plugins out there, but with so much dissatisfactions.
This plugin am giving you its free that you may never pay for the paid
version... most people don’t know about it.
You can integrate with most popular auto responders.
Click here to download MailOptin
 20+ Super List Building Techniques and Tools
 Mailerlite: Click here to sign up FREE
 Get response: Click here to sign up FREE
 Convertkit: Click here to sign up FREE
Opt-in, CTAs
 Sumo: Click here to sign up FREE
 Privy: Click here to sign up FREE
 Provely: Click here to get it
 Provesource: Click here to sign up FREE
25 | P a g e
Page Builders (Squeeze page, Sales page, Funnels)
 Clickfunnel: Click here to sign up FREE
 Conversion Gorilla: Click here to get it
 Landing page Monkey: Click here to get it
 Download Instabuilder here
Join the following groups on Facebook

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0 to 3000 list building technique

  • 1. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 1 | P a g e
  • 2. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 2 | P a g e This is not a “get rich quick” guide. However, the result may not be the same with everyone. But the worst thing you will do is not to apply it at all.
  • 3. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 3 | P a g e ABOUT THE AUTHOR I am David Chinaza, A certified digital marketing consultant, Business coach and Internet marketing Coach. My friends call me "The growth master strategist" because I know how to grow any idea or business into a profitable one, even if it’s dead or dying. I own a Digital Marketing Agency (Pixely Digital) amongst other agencies I own. I have consulted and partnered with firms within Africa and Europe. Since 2013, I have been a "Behind the Scene" Digital Marketer, till lately 2016 a friend encouraged me to start coaching others. Then, I founded Simply Digital Academy. My team and I have trained over a hundred students across Africa and Europe with our free and paid courses. Enough of the intro, you will get to know me better, as you move on with me. We hope you learn and grow with us... I'm committed to your success online. David Chinaza Facebook:
  • 4. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 4 | P a g e INTRODUCTION You will be learning how to grow your subscriber list from 0 to 3000 in a month by taking just 7 simple steps. All you need to do is take action (practice) as you receive my mails. This is not a get-it-quick system, I must warn! Your effort and hard work and how you put the things I teach you into practice, will determine how fast your list will grow... You can get more than 3,000 subscribers. I have a student who grew his list to 5,362 subscribers within two week after following the 7 days list building challenge. I hope to receive your testimony soon...
  • 5. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 5 | P a g e WHY YOU SHOULD BUILD A LIST? I love keeping it simple and will do just that. Do you think building an email list is not necessary for your business online? Do you think email marketing is dead? If you must succeed online, you need a list Have you heard the saying "THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST?" List simply means subscribers, (active subscribers) Don’t joke with list building. Do you know, despite how popular Facebook is, they are stilling advertising, asking people to sign up... I do see their ads, I don’t know if you do. Do you know what Facebook is doing? They are simply building their list, they are never tired of it... And as long as people keep signing up, and logging onto Facebook, Facebook makes MONEY. No matter they purpose (Niche) you decided to go into online business, for you to succeed, you need a LIST.
  • 6. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 6 | P a g e Yes, take that from me. "A LIST" Any business online without a list will gradually die down. No matter the business you do, (services or goods). You need a list. People who are interested for what you have to offer and as such the follow you by willingly giving you their Names, Emails, Phone Numbers or any other information you require from them. Remember, "THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST".
  • 7. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 7 | P a g e QUESTIONS ABOUT BUILDING A LIST There are so many questions people ask about LIST building. And today i am going to answer three most important and common question people ask. Q. Do I need a website to build my list? A. Yes and No. Let me explain. No, because, without having a website, there are services online that creates landing pages for you with a special link, all you need to do is direct people to it to subscribe. Such tools online include ClickFunnel, Privy, Mailerlite, Convertkit, Getresponse, Provely, Sumo, Provesource etc. I have used them, and they are great. Yes, because you need a website to create your sales, landing and thanks you pages. You need a website to house your pop-ups, opt in forms, bar and other list building tools that a landing page building sites may not offer you. You will have full control of the activities when using your own website. Most importantly, your website brands you as an authority. It becomes your location (office) online, where people can visit, read, and contact you.
  • 8. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 8 | P a g e Q. Broad List vs Targeted List, which one should I go for? A. This one mistake people do when building their list. A broad list is a list with people of different interest while a targeted list is a list of people with common interest. Targeted list is the best. Never build a broad list, it’s a waste of time and money. A targeted list of 100 persons is better than a broad list of 1000 persons. When building your list, focus on people interested in what you have to offer. Q. How do I get a lead magnet? A. A lead magnet is simply what you give people in exchange for their Names, Emails, phone number or any other info you want. It’s called "Ethical Bribe". You get your lead magnet by creating yours from the knowledge you have acquired, or you use someone's own, who has given you the right to modify, use and give it away as your own.
  • 9. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 9 | P a g e Q. How do I promote? (Traffic) A. There are two was to drive traffic to your landing page. They are ORGANIC and PAID Traffic. I will break it down in details… Just read on!
  • 10. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 10 | P a g e 4 MAJOR ELEMENTS TO LIST BUILDING I will be breaking down the 4 major steps you need to build your list. #1. Get a Lead Magnet Just like I explained in the previously, A lead magnet is simply what you give people in exchange for their Names, Emails, phone number or any other info you want. It’s called "Ethical Bribe". You get your lead magnet by creating yours from the knowledge you have acquired, or you use someone's own, who has given you the right to modify, use and give it away as your own. It’s commonly called PLR. You can get PLR from sites such as It can be a software, a video tutorial, or an eBook. #2. Get a Squeeze Page Also known as landing page. This is simply a page people will come to in order to subscribe to your list and get your lead magnet. Your can design it by yourself on your website with softwares like Instabuilder, Landing page Monkey, Conversion Gorilla or outsource it. Even if you don’t have a websites, you can use web services like ClickFunnel, Privy, Mailerlite, Convertkit, Getresponse, to get your landing page with a special link.
  • 11. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 11 | P a g e and sketch-pro are perfect example of a landing page. #3. Get an Auto-responder This is another major element you cannot neglect in list building. You need it serious. Auto responder, simple performs a task automatically. Let’s say you are offering an eBook on web design, and every day at different time intervals, people sign up to download it, you will not be online always to direct them to the download page.. That is what an auto responder does for you. Hope you get the picture now? It automatically performs a task according to your instruction, it keeps your subscribers engaged in your absence according to your setting and automation. Example. When Mr. A signs up, do this immediately, or after 1, 2 or 3 days of sign up.
  • 12. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 12 | P a g e I have used several auto responders over the years and I strongly recommend Convertkit, Getresponse , Mailerlite, Privy. Currently I am using Getresponse and Convertkit. It’s an all in one suite... I have not found any reason to change to another auto responder. Their free service is fantastic, it give you complete access to all their features without restrictions. You can check out privy here and signup and upgrade later. #4. Setup Your Optin Forms on your squeeze page This is essentials for every website owner. Have you heard of the word "conversion"? Optin forms helps you increase conversion on your website. With good optin forms strategically positions and designed on your website, you can have 70-100% conversion on your website. Meaning, If 100 persons visits your site in an hour, 70-100% of the persons that visited your site will end up becoming your subscribers and as such you can always keep in touch with them, direct them to your website, services, and offers any time any day. Opt-ins include Bars (side, top and bottom bars), pop ups, embedded forms, chat bar quizzes, surveys and lots more... I am sure you must have seen all or some of these on most websites you visit.
  • 13. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 13 | P a g e You can visit these websites , spend up to 5mins in either of them, and you will see all of these opt-in mentioned above. These websites are perfect examples. How can I build my optin? There are plugins, softwares and websites that do that for you, with integration to your auto responder. Currently I am using privy and sumo in all my websites. It’s an all in one suite... I have not found any reason to change to another opt-in provider. Their free service is fantastic, it give you complete access to all their features without restrictions. You can check out privy here and signup and upgrade later.
  • 14. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 14 | P a g e PUSH REAL TRAFFIC TO YOUR SQUEEZE PAGE 7 Free Traffic Sources Once you have created a quality product, you are well on your way to building your Info Product Digital Business. However, “if you build it, they will come” doesn’t quite work. You need to put in some work to generate “traffic” – people checking your stuff out. There are two types of traffic. Paid traffic is, meaning you pay for it. Free traffic is traffic that you don’t pay anything for. The upside of paid traffic is that you can get fast results. You pay some money, traffic comes your way almost instantaneously. With free traffic, you have to invest time instead of money. It usually takes longer to see results. Which should you use? Both, of course! We are going to focus on free traffic. While all of these are good ways to bring people to your website, they do require some time to get going. Just be prepared for that. Best Sources of Free Traffic 1. Forum: This is where people go to discuss a certain topics. If you can position yourself as an expert on forums in your niche, then you can draw people to your products. Best of all, you don’t have to spend any money! That is why forums are a fantastic source of traffic.
  • 15. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 15 | P a g e 2. Social media: Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are places where people come together to make connections and share content. If you create shareable content and create compelling profiles on these sites, then social media can be a great tool to build your audience. 3. Youtube: This another great source of free traffic. Youtube is one of the most popular websites online. That means if you are able to create and promote videos on it, you can carve out a tiny piece of that traffic pie – which can be huge. 4. Blogs: These are also popular online. These are basically online “journals” that people come to consume content on a particular content. If you create your own blog and feed it with content, then you can start attracting an audience, which can translate into customers. For this reason, creating your own blog is another great way to generate free traffic. Also, commenting on other people’s blogs related to your niche can help bring people to your content. If you are able to provide useful feedback on a popular post that generates thousands of hits, then you will have lots of eyeballs on you and the site you link to on your profile! 5. Writing and publishing a free eBook on Amazon Kindle can also generate free traffic to your website. Millions of people browse the Kindle marketplace for eBooks. If you offer a less expensive eBook with great content, then promoting your products in the eBook is a great way to drive free traffic to your website by offering links in the eBook that will lead readers to your site.
  • 16. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 16 | P a g e 6. List swapping: If you have an email list or subscribers on your blog, you can leverage that audience by swapping emails or blog posts with another person with a large following. Basically you’re saying to them “I’ll promote your stuff if you promote mine.” Most people will take that deal, making this an effective way to bring people to your products. I recommend you get my book: 0-3000 list building technique. The FREE download link is at the recommendation area below. 7. Influencer Review: This is another great way to generate free buzz and traffic to your product. It simply getting a respected person in your niche to review your product. One positive review to a large enough audience can open up a flood of traffic to your product. Two Great Paid Traffic Sources Once you have created a quality product, you are well on your way to building your Info Product Digital Business. However, “if you build it, people will come” doesn’t quite work. You need to put in some work to generate “traffic” – people checking your stuff out. We will take a look at two paid traffic sources. The upside of paid traffic is that you can get fast results. You pay some money, traffic comes your way almost instantaneously. With free traffic, you have to invest time instead of money. It usually takes longer to see results. Which should you use? Both, of course!
  • 17. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 17 | P a g e 1. Facebook Advertising: This is the #1 key to getting the biggest bang for your buck with paid traffic. (Google is still great, but Facebook gives you buyer traffic if well targeted, and it’s simple to setup and relatively cheap). It is one of the most popular sources of paid traffic. If done right, it’s gives huge great results. You can see Facebook ads on the right side of the page when you login. There are also ads that appear in your newsfeed. (Both have “sponsored” attached to it.) One of the best parts of Facebook ads is that you can target them for your audience. In fact, Facebook’s targeting is so good that you can target your ads by traits like age, gender, relationship status, and even interests. Best of all, you can get a campaign going at a low cost and scale it up when you find something that works. 2. Solo Ads: Solo ads are emails that email marketers send to their subscribers to promote your website. Solo ads are awesome because you’re able to put your message in front of people who are eager to consume the kind of information you’re offering. After all, they have already subscribed to this person’s list. Best of all, you only pay for each click you get, which would be like only paying for a TV commercial when someone who watched that commercial walks into your store. Some website to buy solo ads, They are solo ad marketplace with hundreds of vendors selling solo ads in every niche imaginable.
  • 18. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 18 | P a g e THE KEY TO MAKING PAID ADS WORK There is one important key word you need to keep in mind with paid advertising to make it work: testing. Instead of throwing hundreds of dollars at an advertising campaign, start small and see if it works first. If you don’t properly test, you can waste a lot of money. It’s one of the biggest mistake new marketers make online. Do not same mistake. Both of the paid advertising approaches discussed above allows you to start small and see how well your ads perform. Only when you see that an ad is giving you a positive rate of return you should throw lots of money at it. Do you get it!
  • 19. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 19 | P a g e BUILDING RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR SUBSCRIBER We will be looking at how you can build relationship with your subscribers which is very important. One of the ways to get your subscribers remain in your list, increase open rate (open your mails to read) is to build relationship. But don’t worry I will teach what you need to have a good relationship with your subscribers. #1. Mail them frequently. For every new subscriber that signs up on your list, keep them engage with you for minimum of 7 consecutive days or maximum of 30 days with insightful mails. By doing so, you Mailer ID gets registered in their mind, then you can start mailing them 3-5 times in a week as the case may be. That is why you need an auto responder, with it you can set up email sequence and series that delivers to new subscribers that signs up on your list, even in your absence. Not keep engaged with new subscriber make them forget your name, and increases unsubscription from your list. #2. Give value to them Let them know that you are interested in giving them value, or helping to succeed.
  • 20. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 20 | P a g e As a subscriber, you are automatically their coach. And what does a coach do? He helps this students succeed. Therefore send mails that are educative in your niche and entertaining (Edu-tainment). If you sell or recommend products, sell products that are of value to them, not junks, because there are many junk products out there. #3. Your subject Line In mailing, your subject lines or title will increase your open rate and relationship. A good subject line will make subscribers look out and open your mails as they come. Title A "How to burn belly fats" Title B "5 exercises that burns belly fats" These are good subject lines, but I bet you, "Title B" will open more than "Title A" To know a better subject line, it is advisable to split test your emails using different subject lines, by so doing, you can track the email title that your subscribers opened more, and then work on using better titles. #4. Ask them. From time to time, as questions.
  • 21. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 21 | P a g e Ask them to take surveys of you and services. It makes them know that you are interested in offering them they best. And build relationship between you and them.
  • 22. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 22 | P a g e WHAT TO DO WITH YOUR LIST I will be sharing with you something you should do with your LIST. Any List you are not doing something with, will one day die and become someone else. In other not to loose the people in your list, what should you do? 1. Engage Your List. Mail your list as often as you can, build rapport with your subscribers... Make them watch out for your emails always. I explained in detail earlier in this eBook. 2. SELL OR PROMOTE Let your list know why you have them... If you are an affiliate marketer or you have a product or service you sell. Don’t hesitate, start promoting and selling to your list. As you engage them, start selling. I have encountered a lot of people who have large list but where hesitating to sell to them, when they started selling to their list, it actually caused some chaos. What am saying is that, whatever is your purpose of building a list, as soon as you get subscribes (in that niche), start promoting your purpose.
  • 23. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 23 | P a g e No matter how small or big your list may be, start engaging them and selling. CONCLUSION: Just like I always say: "Take action". Even if it’s not a perfect action... take a step... start building your list. Your steps becomes perfect day-by-day. You know, am committed to your success online. What if I give you a DFY (Done-For-You) package free? Yes, I want to help you build your list and I am giving you list freebies to help you start growing your list immediately. Package #1: An already made landing page and squeeze page with 5-7 day Email Series. All you need to do is: Download, Upload to your server and drive traffic. The hurdle of designing a landing page and writing emails have been fixed. I covered the following niches (Internet marketing...) Download HERE Package #2: I am giving you access to by one of my list building funnel and chart. I developed these funnel myself and it has converted 100% for me. It going to be a guide for you to grow your list and engage your subscribers. Download HERE
  • 24. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 24 | P a g e Package #3: POP and Optin Form Builder. If you have a website, its good news for you. It’s practically difficult to find plugins that can build optins that converts greatly. There are a lot of plugins out there, but with so much dissatisfactions. This plugin am giving you its free that you may never pay for the paid version... most people don’t know about it. You can integrate with most popular auto responders. Click here to download MailOptin USEFUL LINKS AND RECOMMENDATIONS EBOOK  20+ Super List Building Techniques and Tools AUTO-RESPONDERS  Mailerlite: Click here to sign up FREE  Get response: Click here to sign up FREE  Convertkit: Click here to sign up FREE Opt-in, CTAs  Sumo: Click here to sign up FREE  Privy: Click here to sign up FREE  Provely: Click here to get it  Provesource: Click here to sign up FREE
  • 25. COPYWRITE © DAVID CHINAZA 25 | P a g e Page Builders (Squeeze page, Sales page, Funnels)  Clickfunnel: Click here to sign up FREE  Conversion Gorilla: Click here to get it  Landing page Monkey: Click here to get it  Download Instabuilder here RECOMMENDATIONS: Join the following groups on Facebook DIGITAL MARKETING GUIDE LEGITIMATE ONLINE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (LOBO) COACH ME FOR SUCCESS