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Marketing through the Secrets of LIFE!
Preface / Introduction

What makes each of us better is what we are willing to pass on to our partners or friends that makes
each of us unique and important as each person moves to achieve ambitions in our business. I have
complied a great many resources of information that will help you as each one has clearly added
value to my goals.
Regards and happy reading:
Denis Darling - President & Worldprofit Dealer
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Table of Contents
1. 3 Easy Ways To Generate Website Traffic
2. 5 Ways To Earn Extra Money At Home On The Internet
3. 7 Steps To Internet Marketing Success
4. Advanced Internet Marketing - Taking It To Another Level
5. 'What are we to do with that Yank Lant?' My year at the University of St. Andrews, 1967-1968.
Not a minute wasted... not a hide-bound traditionalist unaffronted.
Marketing through the Secrets of LIFE!

3 Easy Ways To Generate Website Traffic
There are literally hundreds of ways that you can generate website traffic. They all work, but what
you need to keep in mind is that they may not work immediately, so start with one, master it, and
then move on to the next. As you do this, you will find the ones that you like better, or the ones that
work better for your business and website, or both.
Here are just three popular ways to generate website traffic.
1. YouTube. is one of the most visited sites in the world (with over 73 million visits
per day) and its visitor numbers continue to climb. If you want to be where the people, and your
potential leads or customers, are, sign up for an account on YouTube, post a video, and put your link
in the description of the video. YouTube also allows you to put your website on the video itself, but
it is not a do-follow link so it is just there for visual purposes. As with all of your marketing efforts,
you need to do some keyword research before preparing your video. Pick a keyword that you want
to use, use it in the title of your video, in the tags of your video, and in the description of your video.
The video must be under ten minutes long but you can do a very effective video for under a minute,
which is another great advantage to using YouTube to generate traffic to your site. It doesn't take
much time, and it's absolutely free. If you further want to leverage your video, you can submit it to
one of the video submission sites which then sends it out to other popular video sites.
2. PPC. Most people think of Google Adwords when they hear the term pay-per-click advertising.
Google is the best place to start because it is inexpensive to register (only $5.00) and it currently gets
the most traffic. Again, you need to pick your keywords carefully. If you have a low budget, start
out with the most uncompetitive keywords, use them in the first lines of your ads and even choose
for your ad to show only when someone searches exactly that keyword. This will get you fewer
clicks, but they will be more targeted. Once you start gaining ground, you can start to target more
competitive keywords as well. You can also try the other PPC platforms like Yahoo and Bing. They
have less visitors but the bids are also less expensive.
3. WordPress. You can really use any blogging platform to get traffic to your website but WordPress
is very good from an SEO point of view, meaning you can get some incredibly effective, and free,
plug-ins that will help you raise the ranking of your website. Include the link to your website in your
posts and when you comment on other blogs to generate website traffic.                          Copyright Denis Darling - 2012             4 of 12
Marketing through the Secrets of LIFE!

5 Ways To Earn Extra Money At Home On The Internet
The internet truly represents a whole new world of opportunities, offering more than you can even
imagine. Whether you're just looking to earn extra money at home or you've decided you'd like to
try full-time online marketing, here are just a few ideas that can get you started.
Unlike what you may be used to in the past with traditional jobs, it's extremely important to focus
your internet work activities on things that you are interested in and good at. These opportunities
aren't just jobs but ways that you can connect your skills, knowledge and interests with others who
are seeking them out.
1. Become a freelance writer: If you like to write, the opportunities are boundless on the web. To
start out, you can write for sites like eHow or find some of your own private clients on sites like
Rent-a-coder, Elance, Guru, Keen and others.
2. Sell your graphic design skills: If you are good at graphic design, you can use your skills to design
websites, photo greeting cards, business materials like brochures, pamphlets, business cards, etc for
small businesses. You can advertise your services on CraigsList and Ebay, just to name a couple.
3. Give LiveOps a try: With this company, you can earn extra money at home by receiving calls
from a people who are looking for information about different things. With LiveOps, you follow a
written script and you get paid by the minute and extra for any add-ons you sell. You do need a fast
internet connection and certain software capabilities, but that's all before you're up and running.
How many calls you receive depends on how well you do so expect to get paid more as you go
4. Become an Expert on JustAnswer: JustAnswer is a site where people type in their questions and
the "experts" respond. If your skills are in demand, you can earn money by answering some
questions on this site!
5. Join the blogging wave: It's incredibly easy to set up your own blog these days. You can do it for
free on and then take a look at the other platforms like WordPress and SquareSpace
as you become more familiar with the whole concept. The best money-making blog is deemed the
"Niche blog", which is basically a blog that focuses on only one sub-topic instead of everything and
You can make money from your blog in many ways, the easiest being AddSense (which is very
easily added to your free Blogger blog). This takes a little more time but you can also sell ad space
on your blog either by going out and finding advertisers or waiting for them to come to you. The
extremely important thing to remember is that you want to maintain high-quality content on your
blog in order to attract advertisers.
Nowadays it's extremely easy to earn extra money at home on the internet. The route you choose
should be based on your interests, skills, knowledge and time-flexibility.                        Copyright Denis Darling - 2012            5 of 12
Marketing through the Secrets of LIFE!

7 Steps To Internet Marketing Success
Many people are wondering if there is a real way to market their business on the internet for free. In
our current day and age, it is highly possible to market your business or product on the internet and
to get excellent amounts of traffic using free methods. As long as you know what is involved and the
specific steps to take in marketing your business, you will begin to see your traffic and sales increase
quite a bit in a short amount of time.
It is a fact that people want to be successful in their endeavors. If they put time and effort into
creating a website or a business, they want it to be successful. Promoting your website or product is
a great way to help achieve this success. So, the question then becomes how do you market your site
There are seven steps that should be followed in order to get the most out of free marketing and
advertising venues. This will ensure the most effective marketing campaign and often ensures a
higher success rate.
The first thing is to sign your site up. Look for the newest, most famous directories online and list
your website with them. This is the easiest and by far most efficient way to get free website
promotion. Start with this idea and you are guaranteed to have more prosperity later on. However, it
is imperative to make sure that your website is prepared before you list it. This will make it much
more likely that you will be accepted into the directory that you are submitting to.
Next, identify your forums. The reason that forums exist is because they offer free promotion to
everyone. Simply sign up, log in, participate and post actively, and let other people know about your
website in every post that you submit. This is a sure way to attract visitors to your site.
The next step is to create press releases that will be helpful to you. Free your writing spirit and write
a press release that focuses on promoting your website. This is a free promotion tool that can be done
as often as you would like. Write a short paragraph and then send it to friends, family, online ezines,
and other sources of media. By doing this, you are almost guaranteeing yourself massive amounts of
Remind yourself that you always need to be friendly on the internet. By utilizing free promotion
methods, you need to be sociable and friendly. This is because the friendlier are with people, the
more they can help get your site linked in many places. Make contact with people and welcome link
exchanges and requests that you receive.
Make sure to produce relevant, high quality articles. Make sure that what you are writing and
submitting to people has to do with what you are selling or offering. It does not make sense to have a
travel website that has articles written about home improvement. Focus on your particular area of
expertise. Articles are your advertisements and are a great source of free promotion.
Let the whole world know about your site. When you are having conversations, add your URL into
them. People will in turn tell others about your site. This is an effective way to bring in traffic and
potential sales.
Create banner advertisements that get attention. Create a banner for your site. Then, offer to make
banners exactly like it for other webmasters. Do this in exchange for links or credit on their sites. If
you get in with the popular sites, you are guaranteed greater exposure.
Take a free website promotion course. There are many courses online that are completely free and
can teach you a lot. Most of these programs ask you to join their newsletters. If you create a site,
there is no fee for advertising it. You only have to do some research about this type of promotion.                         Copyright Denis Darling - 2012            6 of 12
Marketing through the Secrets of LIFE!

If you follow these steps, you will maximize your internet marketing and advertisement with no cost
to you. All it takes is some time and a small amount of effort. Most of these steps are simple to
follow.                      Copyright Denis Darling - 2012         7 of 12
Marketing through the Secrets of LIFE!

Advanced Internet Marketing - Taking It To Another Level
Once you have mastered the basics of marketing on the internet and are seeing results, you need to
move onto advanced internet marketing. Even if you aren?t ready to actually implement advanced
marketing, knowing about it in advance can help you prepare for jumping into it when the time is
Why Worry About Advanced Internet Marketing?
Many people learn the basics of internet marketing and then stop. They figure they are doing well
right where they are, so there is no reason to move forward. Why mess with a good thing?
There are plenty of reasons why you need to know as much about internet marketing as you can.
You may be doing very well on your website right now, but you need to be constantly growing your
marketing and adapting to the changing demands of your potential customers if you are going to stay
ahead. This is where advanced internet marketing comes into the picture.
In regular marketing, the store across town is your competition. You may only have to worry about
staying ahead of a few other businesses in your area. But online, stores all over the world are your
competition. You potentially have to worry about hundreds of other businesses trying to steal away
your customers. Since the world seems to be growing more impersonal, and customer loyalty is hard
to come by anymore, this can represent a big problem to be overcome.
So What Do You Do?
The first thing you should do before focusing on advanced internet marketing is to give yourself a
refresher course on any internet marketing strategies you already use. Use updated materials and
sources to see if any new strategies have become available. This is a great start because you can put
these to work for you without having to learn entire new methods.
Then turn to books, magazines on internet marketing, and well established websites that are
recommended. See what is next in line for you to tackle in your marketing campaign.
There are plenty of options available, so you should be able to sift through them to find one that you
are not only comfortable using, but is also relevant to your business. Certain advanced internet
marketing methods work better for some businesses than others, so only you can decide which
direction you wish to take your marketing efforts.
Don?t Rush, but Move Forward
You don?t have to go racing into new marketing right away if you are doing well at the moment.
You can use the opportunity to just learn all you can about the methods you are going to implement
next. But you do need to always be learning something and preparing for the next stage of your
website and business. This keeps progress and growth from catching you off guard.
If your current internet marketing efforts are based around the same tried and true tactics that seem
to be working well, consider adding video marketing or perhaps even social networking to your
overall marketing.
It may not be obvious right now, but you are doing yourself a big favor by learning about advanced
internet marketing. Even if you just research it in your spare time, you will begin to formulate ideas
and plans for the future of your business. This sort of preparedness and forward thinking will keep
you going strong in the market for many years to come.                        Copyright Denis Darling - 2012           8 of 12
Marketing through the Secrets of LIFE!

'What are we to do with that Yank Lant?' My year at the
University of St. Andrews, 1967-1968. Not a minute wasted...
not a hide-bound traditionalist unaffronted.
Author's Program Note. When you're a Scot like I am, you know there is at the heart of our national
story a great sadness for if we are to prosper and live well, we are forced to leave the most beautiful
land on Earth, grand, poetic, family loving, a place of intellect, learning, quick wits and laughter...
for there is no one who laughs like a Scotsman, not dour at all but not quick to share with just
anyone. Centuries of treachery made that caution necessary.
And so the story of Scotland is the story of loss and people pulled apart, never to meet again and to
lament one's whole life for all that one has lost and shall never regain this side of Heaven. My
family, of the Clan MacMillan, knew all this only too well. And so an ambitious Scotsman named
Daniel MacMillan left his native land in the middle of the eighteenth century to embrace a new
destiny in the South Carolina Colony, a land of endless promise where everyone was new,
hard-working, undeterred by any obstacle, beholden to no one.
Unsurprisingly many of these people were Scots, usually mis-called Scotch-Irish (for scotch is a
drink, not a people). Andrew Jackson, in time the Great Republic's 7th president, was one of them...
and his feistiness and choler were hallmarks of the entire breed.
They took guff from no one... not least the Crown of England. And so in due course when that
Crown decided to meddle and the proud settlers decided it would be constrained from doing so,
Daniel MacMillan joined his friends and neighbors in a war they would rather not have had but
were determined to win if they must fight. Daniel was a citizen-soldier, distinguished at the Battle of
Cowpens (January 17, 1781)... and because of my valiant ancestor I became a Son of the American
Revolution... the true nobility of the nation.
I vowed I would go see that land that bred such righteous folk, and thus was I determined to go to
Scotland, sooner rather than later. Dr. Clark Kerr's study abroad program for the University of
California's most meritorious students made it possible. And so, in 1967, this proud descendant of
impoverished exiles came home.
Yes, unlike the other students who were studying abroad... I matriculated at the proudest university
of my homeland (founded 1413). I had come home at last and nothing about my experience there
was foreign. And so just three weeks after my arrival, I submitted myself as a candidate for the
Students Representative Council for the Faculty of Arts... and so became, and by a landslide, too, the
elected representative of the largest faculty of the university, the first American citizen ever so
elected, ever so honored.
Now what? I was determined to do good and leave a sterling record behind, but how? Especially
given that I had only 8 months at my disposal before returning to the University of California. It was
a tall order...just my style. Challenge is my metier.
"But where does he go?"
It goes without saying that students at the most traditional of universities are the most traditional
people of all. Conservative to the core, they desire to be perceived as the cutting edge, without the
bother and intense application needed to shape current and coming events. To be thought liberal,
even progressive, was desirable but too much labor altogether. Thus to have me thrown into their
ranks, and as representative for the largest faculty of all, proved most unsettling, because I was a
man of energy, ideas, determination; in short an American, no respecter of persons or anything else.
I came, after all, from Revolutionary stock.                        Copyright Denis Darling - 2012            9 of 12
Marketing through the Secrets of LIFE!

I came, after all, from Revolutionary stock.
My elected colleagues greeted me as a curiosity, something acknowledged and forgotten, the odd
duck. But even the most unwelcoming were aware that I was entitled to head a committee and so
shape student and university policy. But which committee had the least power, prestige and
authority? And so by general consent I was made chairman of the Rectoral Inauguration.
Deemed a thing of no importance; I turned it into the cynosure of every eye, an event in which every
member of the university could participate. Rector-Elect Sir Learie Constantine aided and abetted
me. And so first a working relationship, then a friendship ensued between two most unlikely people,
I believe to the joy and satisfaction of each.
Sir Learie Nicholas Constantine, Baron Constantine (21 September 1901-1 July 1971).
Sir Learie Constantine (he was elevated to Baron in 1969) was a man of many parts; West Indian
cricketer, lawyer, and politician who served as Trinidad's High Commissioner to the United
Kingdom and became the first U.K. black peer of the realm. Fanciers of this most English of sports
called him the champagne of the game, elegant, restrained, lithe, lyric, a natural champion, a credit
to the game, always a gentleman.
I came to know him well because my erstwhile SRC colleagues thought the job of arranging the
ceremony and events of no consequence but neither Constantine nor I agreed. Having won the
tri-annual election as Lord Rector of the University, the students representative on the governing
board, he did not deem it a paper honor but a job of real importance and influence. In short, he
meant to make a difference... and I was determined to get him off to the best possible start.
"Vote for Connery!"
My friendship and association with Sir Learie and his charming wife Lady Constantine might so
easily have never happened, that one is forced to summon fate as the likely option. I might never
have run, never been elected, never selected to head the rectoral celebrations. And never have been
approved by Constantine for the job, given the fact that I was campaign manager for actor Sean
Connery's run for Rector. I backed Connery because he promised to provide the university with an
Olympic- sized pool if he won, and so I did my bit for 007, like Her Majesty the Queen was to do for
the London Olympics of 2012.
At that point I had never heard of Constantine and knew nothing about the many achievements of his
distinguished life. His candidacy was endorsed by the student Conservative Party, and he was the
comfortable victor joining an astonishing array of celebrities who had since the Universities
(Scotland) Act of 1858 served the students of St. Andrews as Rector, one of just 4 Scottish
universities with the post; Glasgow, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh, the University of Dundee added
Thus I became that most valuable of people, the man in the know, checking plans and agendas with
my new friend Lord Rector Constantine, squiring his wife and ensuring her comfort, and making
sure my friends and supporters got all the plums, and the best camera angles, they desired. As for the
university, it got a splendid new Rector and the splendid ceremonies appropriate for such a man on
such an occasion.
As for me, I learned the features of a beatific smile. Clark Kerr sent the warmest possible letter of
commendation, noting that my actions were just what he had in mind when he imagined the
program. A copy went to Professor Earl Leslie Griggs, UC's man in London, who sent me another
turgid letter of frosty approval verging on insult. I couldn't have liked it more.
Last word. Before leaving this article, go to any search engine and find "The Bonnie Banks O' Loch                       Copyright Denis Darling - 2012           10 of 12
Marketing through the Secrets of LIFE!

Lomond". It is a well-known traditional Scottish tune first published in 1841. It is often played as
the final piece of music after an evening of merriment and high revelry. If there is a drop of Scottish
blood in your veins, yes even a single drop, you will let fall the blessed tear, tribute to the land and
its people, for you are of them and beloved. I prefer the infinitely touching version by John
McDermott, wistful, haunting, prayer-like.                       Copyright Denis Darling - 2012            11 of 12
Marketing through the Secrets of LIFE!

Republished with author's permission by Denis Darling                  Copyright Denis Darling - 2012      12 of 12

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E book 27561_45282917

  • 1. Marketing through the Secrets of LIFE!
  • 2. Preface / Introduction What makes each of us better is what we are willing to pass on to our partners or friends that makes each of us unique and important as each person moves to achieve ambitions in our business. I have complied a great many resources of information that will help you as each one has clearly added value to my goals. Regards and happy reading: Denis Darling - President & Worldprofit Dealer ==> Call me at ==> Email me at ==> Visit my online office ==> The Ultimate home business you've been looking for is our VIP Platinum Home Business Package! This Turn-Key package includes EVERYTHING you need to make money online NOW! ==> As a special bonus for registering you'll get these goodies... * 50,000 Visitors To ANY Website! * Access to live, DAILY, online WEBCAST Presentations so you can learn from the master himself.
  • 3. Table of Contents 1. 3 Easy Ways To Generate Website Traffic 2. 5 Ways To Earn Extra Money At Home On The Internet 3. 7 Steps To Internet Marketing Success 4. Advanced Internet Marketing - Taking It To Another Level 5. 'What are we to do with that Yank Lant?' My year at the University of St. Andrews, 1967-1968. Not a minute wasted... not a hide-bound traditionalist unaffronted.
  • 4. Marketing through the Secrets of LIFE! 3 Easy Ways To Generate Website Traffic There are literally hundreds of ways that you can generate website traffic. They all work, but what you need to keep in mind is that they may not work immediately, so start with one, master it, and then move on to the next. As you do this, you will find the ones that you like better, or the ones that work better for your business and website, or both. Here are just three popular ways to generate website traffic. 1. YouTube. is one of the most visited sites in the world (with over 73 million visits per day) and its visitor numbers continue to climb. If you want to be where the people, and your potential leads or customers, are, sign up for an account on YouTube, post a video, and put your link in the description of the video. YouTube also allows you to put your website on the video itself, but it is not a do-follow link so it is just there for visual purposes. As with all of your marketing efforts, you need to do some keyword research before preparing your video. Pick a keyword that you want to use, use it in the title of your video, in the tags of your video, and in the description of your video. The video must be under ten minutes long but you can do a very effective video for under a minute, which is another great advantage to using YouTube to generate traffic to your site. It doesn't take much time, and it's absolutely free. If you further want to leverage your video, you can submit it to one of the video submission sites which then sends it out to other popular video sites. 2. PPC. Most people think of Google Adwords when they hear the term pay-per-click advertising. Google is the best place to start because it is inexpensive to register (only $5.00) and it currently gets the most traffic. Again, you need to pick your keywords carefully. If you have a low budget, start out with the most uncompetitive keywords, use them in the first lines of your ads and even choose for your ad to show only when someone searches exactly that keyword. This will get you fewer clicks, but they will be more targeted. Once you start gaining ground, you can start to target more competitive keywords as well. You can also try the other PPC platforms like Yahoo and Bing. They have less visitors but the bids are also less expensive. 3. WordPress. You can really use any blogging platform to get traffic to your website but WordPress is very good from an SEO point of view, meaning you can get some incredibly effective, and free, plug-ins that will help you raise the ranking of your website. Include the link to your website in your posts and when you comment on other blogs to generate website traffic. Copyright Denis Darling - 2012 4 of 12
  • 5. Marketing through the Secrets of LIFE! 5 Ways To Earn Extra Money At Home On The Internet The internet truly represents a whole new world of opportunities, offering more than you can even imagine. Whether you're just looking to earn extra money at home or you've decided you'd like to try full-time online marketing, here are just a few ideas that can get you started. Unlike what you may be used to in the past with traditional jobs, it's extremely important to focus your internet work activities on things that you are interested in and good at. These opportunities aren't just jobs but ways that you can connect your skills, knowledge and interests with others who are seeking them out. 1. Become a freelance writer: If you like to write, the opportunities are boundless on the web. To start out, you can write for sites like eHow or find some of your own private clients on sites like Rent-a-coder, Elance, Guru, Keen and others. 2. Sell your graphic design skills: If you are good at graphic design, you can use your skills to design websites, photo greeting cards, business materials like brochures, pamphlets, business cards, etc for small businesses. You can advertise your services on CraigsList and Ebay, just to name a couple. 3. Give LiveOps a try: With this company, you can earn extra money at home by receiving calls from a people who are looking for information about different things. With LiveOps, you follow a written script and you get paid by the minute and extra for any add-ons you sell. You do need a fast internet connection and certain software capabilities, but that's all before you're up and running. How many calls you receive depends on how well you do so expect to get paid more as you go along. 4. Become an Expert on JustAnswer: JustAnswer is a site where people type in their questions and the "experts" respond. If your skills are in demand, you can earn money by answering some questions on this site! 5. Join the blogging wave: It's incredibly easy to set up your own blog these days. You can do it for free on and then take a look at the other platforms like WordPress and SquareSpace as you become more familiar with the whole concept. The best money-making blog is deemed the "Niche blog", which is basically a blog that focuses on only one sub-topic instead of everything and anything. You can make money from your blog in many ways, the easiest being AddSense (which is very easily added to your free Blogger blog). This takes a little more time but you can also sell ad space on your blog either by going out and finding advertisers or waiting for them to come to you. The extremely important thing to remember is that you want to maintain high-quality content on your blog in order to attract advertisers. Nowadays it's extremely easy to earn extra money at home on the internet. The route you choose should be based on your interests, skills, knowledge and time-flexibility. Copyright Denis Darling - 2012 5 of 12
  • 6. Marketing through the Secrets of LIFE! 7 Steps To Internet Marketing Success Many people are wondering if there is a real way to market their business on the internet for free. In our current day and age, it is highly possible to market your business or product on the internet and to get excellent amounts of traffic using free methods. As long as you know what is involved and the specific steps to take in marketing your business, you will begin to see your traffic and sales increase quite a bit in a short amount of time. It is a fact that people want to be successful in their endeavors. If they put time and effort into creating a website or a business, they want it to be successful. Promoting your website or product is a great way to help achieve this success. So, the question then becomes how do you market your site properly? There are seven steps that should be followed in order to get the most out of free marketing and advertising venues. This will ensure the most effective marketing campaign and often ensures a higher success rate. The first thing is to sign your site up. Look for the newest, most famous directories online and list your website with them. This is the easiest and by far most efficient way to get free website promotion. Start with this idea and you are guaranteed to have more prosperity later on. However, it is imperative to make sure that your website is prepared before you list it. This will make it much more likely that you will be accepted into the directory that you are submitting to. Next, identify your forums. The reason that forums exist is because they offer free promotion to everyone. Simply sign up, log in, participate and post actively, and let other people know about your website in every post that you submit. This is a sure way to attract visitors to your site. The next step is to create press releases that will be helpful to you. Free your writing spirit and write a press release that focuses on promoting your website. This is a free promotion tool that can be done as often as you would like. Write a short paragraph and then send it to friends, family, online ezines, and other sources of media. By doing this, you are almost guaranteeing yourself massive amounts of traffic. Remind yourself that you always need to be friendly on the internet. By utilizing free promotion methods, you need to be sociable and friendly. This is because the friendlier are with people, the more they can help get your site linked in many places. Make contact with people and welcome link exchanges and requests that you receive. Make sure to produce relevant, high quality articles. Make sure that what you are writing and submitting to people has to do with what you are selling or offering. It does not make sense to have a travel website that has articles written about home improvement. Focus on your particular area of expertise. Articles are your advertisements and are a great source of free promotion. Let the whole world know about your site. When you are having conversations, add your URL into them. People will in turn tell others about your site. This is an effective way to bring in traffic and potential sales. Create banner advertisements that get attention. Create a banner for your site. Then, offer to make banners exactly like it for other webmasters. Do this in exchange for links or credit on their sites. If you get in with the popular sites, you are guaranteed greater exposure. Take a free website promotion course. There are many courses online that are completely free and can teach you a lot. Most of these programs ask you to join their newsletters. If you create a site, there is no fee for advertising it. You only have to do some research about this type of promotion. Copyright Denis Darling - 2012 6 of 12
  • 7. Marketing through the Secrets of LIFE! If you follow these steps, you will maximize your internet marketing and advertisement with no cost to you. All it takes is some time and a small amount of effort. Most of these steps are simple to follow. Copyright Denis Darling - 2012 7 of 12
  • 8. Marketing through the Secrets of LIFE! Advanced Internet Marketing - Taking It To Another Level Once you have mastered the basics of marketing on the internet and are seeing results, you need to move onto advanced internet marketing. Even if you aren?t ready to actually implement advanced marketing, knowing about it in advance can help you prepare for jumping into it when the time is right. Why Worry About Advanced Internet Marketing? Many people learn the basics of internet marketing and then stop. They figure they are doing well right where they are, so there is no reason to move forward. Why mess with a good thing? There are plenty of reasons why you need to know as much about internet marketing as you can. You may be doing very well on your website right now, but you need to be constantly growing your marketing and adapting to the changing demands of your potential customers if you are going to stay ahead. This is where advanced internet marketing comes into the picture. In regular marketing, the store across town is your competition. You may only have to worry about staying ahead of a few other businesses in your area. But online, stores all over the world are your competition. You potentially have to worry about hundreds of other businesses trying to steal away your customers. Since the world seems to be growing more impersonal, and customer loyalty is hard to come by anymore, this can represent a big problem to be overcome. So What Do You Do? The first thing you should do before focusing on advanced internet marketing is to give yourself a refresher course on any internet marketing strategies you already use. Use updated materials and sources to see if any new strategies have become available. This is a great start because you can put these to work for you without having to learn entire new methods. Then turn to books, magazines on internet marketing, and well established websites that are recommended. See what is next in line for you to tackle in your marketing campaign. There are plenty of options available, so you should be able to sift through them to find one that you are not only comfortable using, but is also relevant to your business. Certain advanced internet marketing methods work better for some businesses than others, so only you can decide which direction you wish to take your marketing efforts. Don?t Rush, but Move Forward You don?t have to go racing into new marketing right away if you are doing well at the moment. You can use the opportunity to just learn all you can about the methods you are going to implement next. But you do need to always be learning something and preparing for the next stage of your website and business. This keeps progress and growth from catching you off guard. If your current internet marketing efforts are based around the same tried and true tactics that seem to be working well, consider adding video marketing or perhaps even social networking to your overall marketing. It may not be obvious right now, but you are doing yourself a big favor by learning about advanced internet marketing. Even if you just research it in your spare time, you will begin to formulate ideas and plans for the future of your business. This sort of preparedness and forward thinking will keep you going strong in the market for many years to come. Copyright Denis Darling - 2012 8 of 12
  • 9. Marketing through the Secrets of LIFE! 'What are we to do with that Yank Lant?' My year at the University of St. Andrews, 1967-1968. Not a minute wasted... not a hide-bound traditionalist unaffronted. Author's Program Note. When you're a Scot like I am, you know there is at the heart of our national story a great sadness for if we are to prosper and live well, we are forced to leave the most beautiful land on Earth, grand, poetic, family loving, a place of intellect, learning, quick wits and laughter... for there is no one who laughs like a Scotsman, not dour at all but not quick to share with just anyone. Centuries of treachery made that caution necessary. And so the story of Scotland is the story of loss and people pulled apart, never to meet again and to lament one's whole life for all that one has lost and shall never regain this side of Heaven. My family, of the Clan MacMillan, knew all this only too well. And so an ambitious Scotsman named Daniel MacMillan left his native land in the middle of the eighteenth century to embrace a new destiny in the South Carolina Colony, a land of endless promise where everyone was new, hard-working, undeterred by any obstacle, beholden to no one. Unsurprisingly many of these people were Scots, usually mis-called Scotch-Irish (for scotch is a drink, not a people). Andrew Jackson, in time the Great Republic's 7th president, was one of them... and his feistiness and choler were hallmarks of the entire breed. They took guff from no one... not least the Crown of England. And so in due course when that Crown decided to meddle and the proud settlers decided it would be constrained from doing so, Daniel MacMillan joined his friends and neighbors in a war they would rather not have had but were determined to win if they must fight. Daniel was a citizen-soldier, distinguished at the Battle of Cowpens (January 17, 1781)... and because of my valiant ancestor I became a Son of the American Revolution... the true nobility of the nation. I vowed I would go see that land that bred such righteous folk, and thus was I determined to go to Scotland, sooner rather than later. Dr. Clark Kerr's study abroad program for the University of California's most meritorious students made it possible. And so, in 1967, this proud descendant of impoverished exiles came home. Yes, unlike the other students who were studying abroad... I matriculated at the proudest university of my homeland (founded 1413). I had come home at last and nothing about my experience there was foreign. And so just three weeks after my arrival, I submitted myself as a candidate for the Students Representative Council for the Faculty of Arts... and so became, and by a landslide, too, the elected representative of the largest faculty of the university, the first American citizen ever so elected, ever so honored. Now what? I was determined to do good and leave a sterling record behind, but how? Especially given that I had only 8 months at my disposal before returning to the University of California. It was a tall order...just my style. Challenge is my metier. "But where does he go?" It goes without saying that students at the most traditional of universities are the most traditional people of all. Conservative to the core, they desire to be perceived as the cutting edge, without the bother and intense application needed to shape current and coming events. To be thought liberal, even progressive, was desirable but too much labor altogether. Thus to have me thrown into their ranks, and as representative for the largest faculty of all, proved most unsettling, because I was a man of energy, ideas, determination; in short an American, no respecter of persons or anything else. I came, after all, from Revolutionary stock. Copyright Denis Darling - 2012 9 of 12
  • 10. Marketing through the Secrets of LIFE! I came, after all, from Revolutionary stock. My elected colleagues greeted me as a curiosity, something acknowledged and forgotten, the odd duck. But even the most unwelcoming were aware that I was entitled to head a committee and so shape student and university policy. But which committee had the least power, prestige and authority? And so by general consent I was made chairman of the Rectoral Inauguration. Deemed a thing of no importance; I turned it into the cynosure of every eye, an event in which every member of the university could participate. Rector-Elect Sir Learie Constantine aided and abetted me. And so first a working relationship, then a friendship ensued between two most unlikely people, I believe to the joy and satisfaction of each. Sir Learie Nicholas Constantine, Baron Constantine (21 September 1901-1 July 1971). Sir Learie Constantine (he was elevated to Baron in 1969) was a man of many parts; West Indian cricketer, lawyer, and politician who served as Trinidad's High Commissioner to the United Kingdom and became the first U.K. black peer of the realm. Fanciers of this most English of sports called him the champagne of the game, elegant, restrained, lithe, lyric, a natural champion, a credit to the game, always a gentleman. I came to know him well because my erstwhile SRC colleagues thought the job of arranging the ceremony and events of no consequence but neither Constantine nor I agreed. Having won the tri-annual election as Lord Rector of the University, the students representative on the governing board, he did not deem it a paper honor but a job of real importance and influence. In short, he meant to make a difference... and I was determined to get him off to the best possible start. "Vote for Connery!" My friendship and association with Sir Learie and his charming wife Lady Constantine might so easily have never happened, that one is forced to summon fate as the likely option. I might never have run, never been elected, never selected to head the rectoral celebrations. And never have been approved by Constantine for the job, given the fact that I was campaign manager for actor Sean Connery's run for Rector. I backed Connery because he promised to provide the university with an Olympic- sized pool if he won, and so I did my bit for 007, like Her Majesty the Queen was to do for the London Olympics of 2012. At that point I had never heard of Constantine and knew nothing about the many achievements of his distinguished life. His candidacy was endorsed by the student Conservative Party, and he was the comfortable victor joining an astonishing array of celebrities who had since the Universities (Scotland) Act of 1858 served the students of St. Andrews as Rector, one of just 4 Scottish universities with the post; Glasgow, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh, the University of Dundee added later. Thus I became that most valuable of people, the man in the know, checking plans and agendas with my new friend Lord Rector Constantine, squiring his wife and ensuring her comfort, and making sure my friends and supporters got all the plums, and the best camera angles, they desired. As for the university, it got a splendid new Rector and the splendid ceremonies appropriate for such a man on such an occasion. As for me, I learned the features of a beatific smile. Clark Kerr sent the warmest possible letter of commendation, noting that my actions were just what he had in mind when he imagined the program. A copy went to Professor Earl Leslie Griggs, UC's man in London, who sent me another turgid letter of frosty approval verging on insult. I couldn't have liked it more. Last word. Before leaving this article, go to any search engine and find "The Bonnie Banks O' Loch Copyright Denis Darling - 2012 10 of 12
  • 11. Marketing through the Secrets of LIFE! Lomond". It is a well-known traditional Scottish tune first published in 1841. It is often played as the final piece of music after an evening of merriment and high revelry. If there is a drop of Scottish blood in your veins, yes even a single drop, you will let fall the blessed tear, tribute to the land and its people, for you are of them and beloved. I prefer the infinitely touching version by John McDermott, wistful, haunting, prayer-like. Copyright Denis Darling - 2012 11 of 12
  • 12. Marketing through the Secrets of LIFE! Resource Republished with author's permission by Denis Darling Copyright Denis Darling - 2012 12 of 12