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Table of Contents:

Step 1. Website Objective………………………………………………………………………………… Page 4

Key elements of an Effective Website………………………………………………………………Page 5

Boost Sales with Direct Response Copy………………………………………………………..Page 7

Step 2. Website Promotion…………………………………………………………………………………Page 10

The Basic Elements of SEO………………………………………………………………………….Page 10

Website Promotion Tactics…………………………………………………………………………...Page 16

Social Media Marketing………………………………………………………………………………. Page 19

SEO Press Releases……………………………………………………………………………………… Page 21

Step 3. Keep in Touch……………………………………………………………………………………..Page 26

5 Reasons to have a Newsletter…………………………………………………………………….Page 26

What are Auto Responders……………………………………………………………………………Page 29

Offline Marketing Strategies………………………………………………………………………. Page 31

Make Money with Teleseminars…………………………………………………………………...Page 34

Note from the Author……………………………………………………………………………….. Page 36

Bonus Chapter: Information Products……………………………………………………..Page 37

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It can be quite overwhelming to try something new, especially when that something new is marketing
your business on the Internet. Yes, it is scary. There are so many gurus and experts telling you what you
should do and how you should do it. But, do the tactics they suggest really work for your particular type
of business? Most likely yes, however, there are certain things you must do before you even apply a

As an Internet Marketing expert, I discovered that no matter what type of tactic or strategy you
promote, when you are marketing on the Internet it narrows your business down to 3 key elements.
And that’s what I am going to discuss throughout this book to give you clarity about what you should be
doing and why.

When it comes to marketing your business and growing your business, it boils down to 3 key factors and
those are:

Step1. Website Objective

Step 2. Website Promotion

Step 3. Keep in Touch

This book is designed to give you a step by step approach to marketing your business via the Internet.
Once you master the basics of Internet marketing, you will be well on your way to attracting all the
clients you can handle. Each chapter is filled with simple, yet effective advice that you can start
implementing today. However, I suggest that you take a week or 2 to focus on each step before you
move on to the following steps.

Hint: Don’t worry about perfection, worry about completion. You can always come back and tweak
what you need to later. But right now, we just want to get you up and running online so you can have
the business that you always dreamed of. So, let’s get started.

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STEP 1 – Website Objective

You hear a lot of people saying they want traffic coming to their site. However, they are obsessed with
the quantity of the traffic and not the Quality. Yes, having 100,000 visitors to your site is great. But it
means nothing if they are not interested in your products and services. So, before you implement any
traffic building strategy, you have to figure out what you want your website to do for you.

 Most companies use their websites as an information portal to give prospects enough information to
call them. Nowadays, people can buy a car directly on a website and then go pick it up a few days later!

Many people spend thousands of dollars on a pretty website that just doesn’t sell. If you are developing
an online marketing strategy, having a website is a must. However, there is a certain way to create your
website to make it effective. The First step is figuring out your website objective.

What do you want your website to do for you?

What do you want your website to do for you? Do you want to provide information? Collect new leads?
Have an e-commerce site? Once you figure out the objective of your website, it will be easier to drive
“qualified” traffic to your website. Let me give you some common website objectives:

1. Lead Generation - attracting quality leads that are interested in your products and services.

2. Research - Are you giving your prospects enough information to make an informed decision about
your products and services?

3. E-commerce- Are you making sales directly from your website. and are great examples of e-commerce sites.

4. A Combination of Lead Generation, E-commerce and Research, who says you can’t have all 3?

Once you figure out your objective you have to make sure your prospect understands what your website
is about.

When it comes to online marketing, you only have 3-7 seconds to intrigue the reader. Web Surfers
attention spans are short; they have so many attractive nuisances vying for their attention. Once a
visitor comes to your website, within seconds, he should know who you are, what you do and how he
can contact you so you can help him.

The objective is not enough to sell the website. You also want to make sure that you have enough
compelling content on your website that requires your prospect to take action. This means you have to
explain your product or service in such a way that your prospect has no choice but to send you an email,
phone call, download a report, or whatever you want him to do. You don’t want a floating brochure;

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you want an interactive website that engages your prospect to build a relationship with you even before
they meet you.

                          Discover the 10 Key Elements of an Effective Website.

Now that you know your objectives, you have to make it super easy for your prospects to do business
with you. I will explain the following elements of an effective website below:

1. Opt in Box- Have a way to collect names of visitors that come to your website. Chances are when
people come to your website they are not going to stay on there for long. They usually browse around,
do some research and then come back. So, what do you do when they don’t come back? You keep in
contact with them. You should have some kind of opt in box on your website to allow your visitor to
leave their information. Email Marketing Software or Autoreponders (More in part 3) are the perfect
solution for capturing names of your prospects. This way, you can build your list and sell products and
services to them over time.

2. Appearance- Would you date a guy who wasn’t well dressed and sloppy? I didn’t think so. So, why
would someone want to buy from you if your website is unattractive and unclean (cluttered)? So, make
sure you follow these guidelines when it comes to appearance:

Good Color Scheme (Avoid loud colors, Avoid white text on black background).

Have easy to read fonts

Have graphics that compliment the theme of your website

Have quality photos that match the theme of your website. (If you have a website about pets, don’t
have picture of naked girls. Have pictures of pets on your website).

Avoid excessive use of flash (your website won’t be found by the Search Engines if you use flash).

3. Build Trust by Creating Compelling Content

On the online world, “Content is King.” I know the term is cliché, but it’s true. As you read on, in Step 2,
you will discover why content is so important when you are marketing your business online. Content
can be in the form of articles, videos, audios, surveys, special reports, case studies, slideshows, and
more. Simply put, content is any type of information that encourages the reader to find out more
information about you. Here are a few tips to help make your content work for you:

    •   Organize your text

    •   Update Content Frequently

    •   Make your content “You” oriented. For example, talk to the reader.

    •   Interact with your prospect with surveys/quizzes/games/videos

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4. Functionality- Make sure your website is working properly. This means, no broken links. And proper
hyperlinks. For example, if you have a webpage that says “ click here” for more information about
grooming pets, it should link to a page about grooming pets and not ballerinas. And it should go directly
to a new page about grooming pets, not a “File not Found” page.

5. Usability- Make sure your site is not cluttered with irrelevant content & too many links. Remember,
you only have 3-7 seconds to grab the attention of your prospects. Within seconds of visiting your site,
they should know who you are, what you do, and how to contact you. Make sure it is easy for prospect
to find the information they need when they need it. Have your phone numbers and contact
information in visible places on your website. Usually on the top of the web page.

6. Navigation- Make it easy for your prospects to find the information they need on your site. All pages
should have the same navigation bar. You know, home page, about me, services. Every time a prospect
views a new page, the navigation menu should stay in place. Another important aspect of your site is to
have contact information.

7. Create “Sticky” Content-When we talk about content, content can be in the form of:

     Informative Articles (make sure they are keyword rich).

     Video

     Audio

     Pictures

     Quizzes

     Slideshows

     Case Studies

     Testimonials

“Sticky” means people stay on your site longer. And the reason you want people to stay on your site is
because they are getting to know, like and trust you through your content. And the more they stay on
your site to learn about your products and services-they are more likely to buy from you.

8. Offer a “Free Taste”- Have you ever visited a website and they asked you for your email address and
offered you a free special report./E-Book/Audio program?
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Well, that is their “Free Taste”. It’s basically an incentive to get you to sign up for their newsletter. The
“Free Taste” should be something of value, something people would actually pay for. Make your
prospects feel like they are the elite by offering a “Free Sample” of your services. If you ever heard the
term “It’s in the list”. It’s true, because once someone signs up for your email list; you have the
opportunity to build that quality relationship with them. And over time you can create products,
services and programs that are solutions to their problems and market to them over and over again.

9. Good Copy- Copywriting is the process of writing to sell a product or service. You want to make sure
your Website copy is compelling enough that it converts the visitors into buyers. Copywriting is 1 of the
most important skill sets when it comes to marketing. Therefore, I decided to devote the next section to
copywriting so you can get an understanding of how it works.

                  Boost Sales with Direct Response Copywriting

Copywriting is writing to sell a product or service. When it comes to writing to sell, it’s an art & a
science. You have to write to persuade without being too “salesy.” Simply put, stress the benefits of
your products and services and make an offer your prospect can’t refuse.

 The rule of thumb to remember when writing copy is to be compelling, clear and concise. So, you have
to craft a message that is easy to understand and gets your prospects attention.

Once you get a grasp on copywriting and start implementing the copywriting techniques, you will see a
significant increase in the amount of clients you attract. Before I delve into the nitty gritty of
Copywriting, I want to address a few blunders that you may be making when it comes to writing about
your business. So, let’s explore what mistakes need to be fixed right now.

Make sure you are not making these Copywriting Mistakes:

Mistake # 1. Talking about yourself. A lot of business owners make the mistake of talking about
themselves. And there is nothing wrong with that. I understand you need to sell yourself and promote
your services. But here’s the secret: Your prospects don’t really care about you.” Sad to say, they are
tuned into the WIIFM radio station all day long. (What’s in it For Me?).

When prospects come to your site, open your brochure or read any marketing piece, their only concern
is; I have a problem and can this person fix it? Of course, your awards and accreditations are important,
but there is a time and place to mention that. Your prospect needs a solution to his problem and that
should be your main focus. So the objective here is: To write a message that resonates with your
target markets deepest desires.

Address their pain and show them that you are the solution.

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Mistake # 2 Not Showing Proof- If I had a dime for every time I went to a website that said “We are the
Best, because we said so”. I would be swimming in pools of money.

You may be the best in your field, but your prospects want to hear that from other people besides you.
If you say you are the best, back it up with proof by satisfied clients. Someone else’s word over your
own holds more weight, especially when they are raving about your product or services.

The new economy has forced consumers to be more wary of their purchases. You simply can’t say: buy
because I said so anymore. You have to show proof to back your claims. There are two ways you can
do this:

    1. Statistical Proof- If you have to prove your point so people can see the value in what you do.
       Use statistical quotes from proven research that backs up your claim. Throughout this report,
       you will see that I added some “stats” to show how effective Internet Marketing really is.

    2. Testimonials- There is nothing like a powerful testimonial from a satisfied client that will tell the
       world how good you are. Don’t be afraid to put testimonials on your website. (I like case
       studies because they show the challenge your client had and how you help solve it.).

Mistake # 3- Stressing Features & Not Benefits

This is very common, and if you do it, it’s not your fault. So, what’s the difference? Well, Features are
just a description of a product. While benefits are the benefit people will get from using your product or

For example, let’s say we are talking about a Mini Notebook (like the one I am using now.) A feature
would be; the laptop is lightweight. If you are describing a benefit you would say the mini notebook is
lightweight, I can carry it everywhere and it even fits in my purse. This netbook helps me write my
projects when I am on the go. It helps me become more productive. Another good example of Benefits
vs. features that you can relate to is this:

Feature: We are open 24/7

Benefit: We are here when you need us around the clock 24/7. We Provide answers when you need
them. On your time. On your schedule.

As Bob Bly, “Americas Top Copywriters says in his book “The Copywriters Handbook”: Copywriting is
meant to do 3 things:

1. Get Attention

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2. Communicate

3. Persuade

And when it comes to reaching prospects online, you only have a few seconds to engage your reader.
You need to let them know that you are the solution to their problems. And there is a way you can
create compelling copy without hiring an expensive copywriter.

Copywriters use different formulas to test the effectiveness of their marketing materials. One formula
you can use is A.I.D.A. This is nothing new; it has been around for years and is used by most new and
veteran copywriters alike. So let’s meet the lovely A.I.D.A Now:

A= Attention. Write a compelling headline to lure the reader into the body of the copy.

I= Interest. Show them that you’re the solution. Tap into their pain and empathize with them.

D= Desire. Tap into their deepest desires and wants. (Show them what their life will be like after
working with you).

A= Action. Let them know you can solve their problems and tell them how to reach you. I.e., Call me
now; Book now. This is known as a Call to Action. Always tell your prospect what you want them to do.
You will be surprised by how many people skip right over you because you don’t tell them what to do.

I encourage you to take advantage of A.I.D.A when you are writing your own copy. However, I do
recommend that you find a great quality writer who has experience in writing direct response copy. Or
at least find an experienced copywriter who can give you an objective view on your copy.

Now that you know the basics of how your website should be used, it’s time to start promoting your

Drum roll please….. Without further ado, we jump to the core of website marketing; driving traffic to
your website. Let’s explore this in further detail in step 2.

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Step 2 - Website Promotion
Website Promotion

Gone are the days when they say “Build it and they will come.” With millions of websites going live every
day, you have to stand out from the crowd. And the perfect way to do this is to let people know that
your website exists.

There are literally thousands of ways you can promote your website. In this section we are going to
discuss some of the most powerful, low-cost & effective traffic building strategies that you can start
implementing today. Here is a list of a few:

     Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

     Article Marketing

     SEO Press Releases

     Social Media & Web 2.0

     Teleseminars

     Direct Mail

Let’s start with Search Engine Optimization also know as SEO. There are numerous books written on
the art of SEO. My goal is to give you a basic understanding of this powerful strategy, so you can
understand it and apply it to your particular business.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

I am sure that you are probably familiar with Google, Yahoo & MSN. Well, those are all search engines.
Search engines have huge databases that store web content. Think of a search engine as an automated
phone book, they have listings of almost every website on the web. In a nutshell, Search Engine
Optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing visibility to your website.

How do Search Engines Work?

Search engines have programs called bots also known as “spiders”. These spiders “crawl” the web
looking for web pages that they can store in their database.

 That way when you type a keyword into Google, Google will have a listing of all the websites containing
that particular word. For example, let’s just say you were searching Google for the term “Red Shoes”.
Google will display a list of websites that have the term “red shoes”. This is where it gets tricky. Google
returns the result from the most relevant to the least relevant. How does Google know which is the

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most relevant website? No one knows for sure, but there are over 200 variables that Google measures
to determine which pages to display first.

 That’s what makes SEO so interesting, the algrothims (mathematical process to determine rank of a
web page) are changing all the time to weed out the bad SEO Consultants. (People who practice illegal
techniques to trick Google into thinking their sites are the # 1 authority on a give topic).

How can you help the search engines?

Google and the other search engines have no idea what your website is about. They send out “spiders”
to find out what your website is about. However, “spiders” can only read text. Therefore, it is your job
to help the “spiders” identify what your site is about. In the following paragraphs you will find out the
steps you need to take to help Google and the other search engines find your site.

Keywords. What are they and why are they important?

Simply put, keywords are the actual words and phrases that surfer’s type to find the information they
need on the Internet. So, it’s crucial to have keywords on your site that is relevant to your business. Let
me explain. For example, let’s say Mary is looking for an acupuncturist. She goes to Google and types in
“acupuncture Las Vegas”. Google returns a list of 10 websites with the word “Acupuncture Las Vegas”.
Mary clicks on the first link and finds Dr. Acupuncture. Why was Dr. Acupuncture listed first? Most
likely he had a lot of keyword rich content that contained his keyword “acupuncture”. However, there
are other factors that contribute to why he was listed on the first page. Google has over 200 variables
and counting to decide which websites/pages should appear first.

However, if you are the acupuncturist, you can be missing out on some keywords. Instead of using the
keyword acupuncture, you can use the keywords you help heal. Many people don’t know that
acupuncture is a great way to relieve stress, anxiety & depression. Figure out what people’s pressing
issues are and then use the same exact words they are using to find solutions to their issues.

How do you know what Keywords people are using to find you?

Well, that’s where a little bit of research comes in. Before you put keywords on your site, you have to
figure out what terms people are actually using to find your site. Here are the top 3 ways that most
people find out who is searching for what.

1. Brainstorm- Think about your products and services. What terms have people identified with them
in the past? What are the synonmns to your products and services?

2. Survey- Ask your past clients how did they find you. What words were they looking for in particular
when they were searching for a solution to their problem? Or what words did they use to find you on
the Internet.

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3. Keyword Tools. My personal favorite. There’s nothing like a good old research tool that tells you
exactly what words your prospect is typing to find your great products and services. There are free to
fee based tools that allow you to find out the exact words that people are using to find you. Here are
some of the free ones that I use.

1. (Free)

2. (Free to Paid)

3. to Paid)

Keyword Research is an art and a science. It is so much more than just placing a list of keywords on your
site to increase your Search Engine Rankings. The words you think people are using to find you are
usually not the words people are searching for.

That’s why a good keyword researcher will get inside of the mind of your prospects and help you
identify words you may never have thought of. For example, let’s say you are a Colon Hydrotherapist,
you may think that people are searching for Detox and Cleanse Colon, which they are. However, you
may not be aware that many people are searching for constipation relief, clear brain fog, get more
energy and so on. Your prospect may not be aware that a colon cleanse can relieve their symptoms.

So it’s your job to strategically place those same words your prospects are using on your website. A
good Keyword Researcher will give you insight into the words that can increase your conversion rates.
In addition to that, some keywords will be very difficult to compete for. So, you have to come up with a
list of keywords that will help you drive traffic to your site. A good way to see if your keywords will
hold any weight is to type your keywords into Google. Analyze the sites that are ranking high in the
search engines, and see what you have to do to beat them.

That means if your competitor has 20 pages of high quality keyword rich content- that means you may
have to create 21 plus pages of high quality keyword rich content. But, that’s not always the case.

Of course, there is more to SEO than that, but that is just to give you a basic understanding on how
some of the variables may work in your favor. However, realize that there are some sites that you will
not be able to beat. So, you may have to take a different approach or choose less well-known keywords,
which are known as the long-tail keyword. Simply put, the long-tail keyword is ultra-specific keywords
that have low competition, but high conversions. For example Shoes is a generic keyword, however, a
prospect is more likely to make a purchase if they are looking for something ultra specific like 6 inch red

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Once you know what words prospects are using to find your site, you can start strategically begin placing
those words on your site. And I will go on how to do that in just a moment. But

First, I wanted to tell you a little bit about Keyword Density.

What is Keyword Density?

Simply put, Keyword Density is the amount of Keywords you put on your website. You

Know the phrase “Less is more”. Well, that’s true when it comes to placing keywords on your site.

You want to have enough keywords to attract the search engines. But you don’t want to stuff your
website with keywords that won’t make since to the reader. For example, if you had a website about
“Red Shoes”, you want to strategically place the term “Red Shoes” where it fits into the text of the site.
You simply can’t put the word “Red Shoes” 1000 times throughout the site. This is known as Keyword
Stuffing and that is something you want to avoid at all cost. Search Engines dislike it, and putting
keywords all over your site doesn’t provide any value to the reader.

Where to place the keywords?

Now that you know the importance of keywords, you have to know where to place them. Strategically
placing your keywords on your site will increase your chances of being indexed in the search engines.
To help search engines find your site, you can place keywords on certain tags on your website. There
are 3 important tags. I will list from the most important to the least important.

1. Title Tags (The Blue Bar at the top of your website) - Title tags are considered to be one of the most
important elements of Search Engine Optimization. The reason being, the Title tags of a page tells the
search engine as well as the web surfer what the page is about.

2. Header Tags- These are tags that structure your web content. Think of these tags as a magazine or
newspaper article. You know when you read an article, it’s the Headline and the sub headline follows.
Well, that’s the purpose of the header tags. This makes it easier for the search engines to read your
website. But more importantly, it organizes your content and makes it an easy read for your web visitor.

3. META Tags- Meta is the code that doesn’t appear in the search engine result pages. There have been
some debates if Meta tags are important. Back in the old days, a lot of ruthless SEO’s used to stuff
keywords in the Meta tags to trick the search engines. That’s why Google really doesn’t care about
them anymore. However, other Search Engines like Yahoo & Bing deem them to be important. Within
the meta-tag there is also the meta-description. Meta -descriptions are great because they give you a
little snippet about what the page is about. So, it doesn’t hurt to write a compelling description that
will intrigue your reader to click on your site. (The Meta description gives a brief snippet about what
your site is about). Below is an example of what a Meta description may look like on the Search Engine
Results page:

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Las Vegas SEO, Internet Marketing Strategy, SEO Content, Nina Online!
Nina Online! is a Las Vegas Based SEO Content Writing Firm. Call 702-699-7319 to schedule
your Initial Internet Marketing Strategy Session today! - Cached

How Google & Other Search Engines Identify Your Important Keywords.

Google and other search engines don’t know what keywords are most important and relevant to your
site. So, it’s your job to let Google and the other Search Engines know which keywords are most
important to your site. And you can do this by playing around with the keywords a bit. And here are
some of the ways Google and the other search engines will identify the most important keywords. Get
your keywords noticed by doing the following:

    •    Bold Text

    •    Highlighted Text

    •    Underlined Text

    •    Capitalize the 1st letter of your Keyword

    •    Different font from the rest of the text

    •    Italicized Text

It’s that simple. The key is to place these keywords in prominent positions which include the Title tags,
Header tags, Meta tags and throughout the body of the copy.

Another important aspect of SEO is linking. Before I get into the linking structures, I want to discuss
Navigation. Because Navigation and linking go hand in hand.

Easy Navigation

Okay now that you know how to find keywords & place them properly, you have to learn good linking
structure. It’s important because you don’t want your website to look cluttered.

You want to make it easy for your prospect to find information on your website. This type of linking is
known as internal linking or anchor text. Have you ever gone to a website that says “click here” for
more information? Once you click on that link, it takes you to another page that has more detailed
information about a particular topic. If it weren’t for the anchor text, you would have 100 plus links on
your website and that isn’t pretty.

So, let’s briefly go over some of the linking structures you will hear about once you start learning more
about SEO:

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1. Internal Links- These are links that link to other pages within your website.

2. Outbound/External links- these are links that point to website pages other than yours.

3. Backlinks/Inbound Links - back links are the links that are pointing back to your site. These backlinks
are one of the most important elements of Search Engine optimization. In the next paragraph you will
find out why.

What are Backlinks?

Simply put, backlinks are links pointing back to your website. Search Engines like backlinks because it
positions you as an authority site. It’s kind of like a popularity system. The more people who link to
your site, the more Google thinks your site is important. However, there is a certain way you must
obtain a backlink to increase your chances of being on the first page of Google.

You need websites that complement yours to link back to you. For example, it would be wise for an
auto dealership to link to an auto insurance provider. However, it won’t make sense for an auto dealer
to link to a ballet school. They don’t have anything in common. Of course, you can have a mixture of
sites linking to you that have nothing to do with your subject matter, but keep those to a minimum. The
key is to have people link to your website with the keyword phrase you want to rank for. For example
let’s say Mary is a personal trainer in Las Vegas. She needs more links to her website, so she asks Dr.
Nancy, a local nutrionist to link back to her site. Dr. Nancy agrees. Dr. Nancy’s page will read something
like this if you are looking for a “Personal Trainer in Las Vegas visit” You see the word
“Personal Trainer in Las Vegas” is hyperlinked instead of the actual web address. And that can be tricky.
There are several other ways that you can obtain high quality backlinks. I will show you what methods
are highly effective for obtaining backlinks in the next few pages.

Get Listed in Directories

One way to get links back to your site is to link to directories. There are thousands of directories on the
net. The key is to link to directories that support your industry. It would make since for a Holistic
Practitioner or Naturopathic doctor to get a backlink on a directory like

It’s important that you target those niche directories. However, if you are a local business, it is
beneficial to get listed in local directories. Most local directories have a high ranking within the search
engines. This means if someone is looking for your product or service locally, your business can pop up
in a directory, which is usually on the first page of Google. Here are a few to get started with:




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• (One of the # 1 Directory on the web. However, you may never get listed in
         dmoz). This site is run by helpful volunteers.

Once you have your SEO in place, it will put your marketing on auto pilot. You no longer have to go and
look for clients. You will get a flood of qualified people who are ready and eager to buy from you. Why?
Because you were smart enough to place the actual words they were looking for on your website. And
who doesn’t want to put their marketing on auto pilot? Of course there is much more to SEO than
Keywords and Directories, however, I wanted to give you the basics to get started. Now, let’s move on
to other website promotion tactics that compliment SEO.

                             Website Promotion Tactics

Ah let the fun begin! This is the core of any website marketing strategy; Website Promotion. Now you
got your site ready for visitors, you have to start letting people know about it. This is the fun part,
because you want to drive traffic to your site, not just any traffic, but qualified traffic.

Qualified meaning: people who are actually interested in your products and services that will most likely
buy from you. So, how do you get people to your website? Well, there are a lot of ways that you can
get people to your website. But I like to focus on the FREE to low-cost strategies that give you stellar
results. So in this section, I am going to give you a step by step plan to follow to get people coming to
your site and buying from you. Here is a quick taste of what I am going to cover in this section:

1. Forum Posting

2. Article Marketing

3. Press Releases

4. Social Media

5. Offline Promotion

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Forum Posting

Forums are one of the most overlooked Internet Marketing Strategies. And you may be missing out on
your part of the market share if you are not implementing a forum posting strategy in your marketing
efforts. Forums and online discussion boards are where like minded people go to find solutions to their
problems. The online world is filled with forums from weight loss to video game solutions. For every
industry or given topic there is a forum. So, if you have a business and know that you can provide a
valuable answer, then you should be online interacting with your prospects and creating value for them.

How to Participate in a Forum

Don’t get me wrong. Forum posting is great. However, there may be some disadvantages. Forum
posting is very time consuming. If you don’t have a knack for research and sifting through information,
forum posting may not be for you. Believe it or not, there is an art to posting on forums. You have to
really provide value; this not a place to do promotion. You can ask a question relevant to your industry.
Or you can supply certain tips. But don’t go to a forum strictly for advertising purposes, if you do, you
will be consider a spammer. Some forums disable accounts if they feel spammer activity is going on.

Choosing a Forum

Remember that little brief about SEO? Well, now you can put it to use because you will be using a
search engine to find forums. It is really simple; just go to one of your favorite Search Engines (Google,
Yahoo, and MSN) and type in specific keywords. For example, let’s say you are a personal trainer and
you are looking for some clients. All you have to do is type in “weight loss forum”. “Fitness forum” or
any variation of what your specialty is and then just put the magic word “forum” right after that. It is
that simple. However, make sure once you find a forum that you like, that you are consistent in your
forum posting strategy. The more you provide good value, the more likely your prospect will choose
you when they are ready to make a purchase! However, don’t just think of the monetary gain you will
receive from a forum. Participating in a forum is about building trust and becoming the “go to” guy in
your industry.

Forums are also a great way to get content for your articles. Just look at the most commonly asked
questions, write an article about it and post it on your site. And send it to article directories for
maximum exposure. This leads us into the next traffic building strategy:

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Article Marketing

Article Marketing is a highly effective free website marketing strategy that will lead prospects back to
your website. Sometimes you may not have the time or the budget for a SEO campaign. This is where
Article Marketing comes in.

 Simply put, Article marketing is the process of where you write articles about what you do and
distribute them to online article directories and ezines for maximum exposure. . Ezines like your free
content because they get paid by advertisers. For example, let’s say, you are writing an article on anti-
aging. You write the article and post it to the directory. There is an advertiser that is willing to pay xx
amount of dollars to post his ad about his new anti-aging cream on the directory that will be displayed
next to your article. It’s a win win for all. You get immediate exposure. The advertiser gets noticed.
And the directory gets paid. It’s that easy.

Key to Article Marketing

The key to Article Marketing is to write an article with basic information about your product or service.
Give your prospect just enough information to whet their appetite. They will have no choice, but to
click your link and see what you have to offer. Think of your article as bait to reel your prospects to
your website. For example, if you owned a website where you sold vitamins, you can write an article
titled “5 Simple Ways Vitamins Can Improve Your Health.” You can list the primary benefits of B-12
vitamins and then note in your resource box (I will explain later). “To start improving your health, invest
in b-12 supplements from liquid form to time-released capsules visit to sign up
for our free report and find out more”.

What is a Resource Box?

A resource box is your time to shine. Most article directories allow you to place a brief bio of who you
are and what you do. The resource box is where you work your magic. You can simply invite your
prospects to visit your site. You will be surprised on how many people don’t have a compelling resource
box. A good resource box will read something like this:

Nina Lewis is an Online Marketing Expert who helps small businesses increase their sales and profits by
teaching them free to low-cost internet marketing strategies. If you are ready to put your marketing on
autopilot and master the Internet visit to get a copy of her free report “7 Free and
Easy ways to Market Your Business on a Budget”.

Did that statement compel you to click on the link? If so, your statement should do the same. Offer
your prospect an incentive for clicking on the link. (Remember the “Free Taste” we talked about in
previous chapters?”).

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The Relationship between Article Marketing & Backlinks

What’s a surefire way to get backlinks to your website? Distributing articles of course, Articles don’t
only position you as an expert, but they also help with SEO. You see, Article Directories already have a
high ranking with the search engines. This means 2 things.

 1. Your article has the possibility of appearing on the first page of Google.

2. By submitting your article to an article directory, it shows Google that your site is important.

Social Media Marketing

I am pretty sure you heard the entire buzz about Social Media and how important it is for your business
to be on these social sites. There are millions of users on these sites. If you haven’t heard of the power
of Social Media, you may be missing out on millions of prospects who are eager to buy from you.

Social Media is about building relationships.

A recent study confirmed the claims about social media being all about relationship building, the study
was titled “How People Use Social Media,” showed that 83% of social network users were online to
interact with their friends and family, and not to make purchasing decisions.

63% of social media users say that ads are a “fair price to pay” for the use of sites and features.

16% said that they are more likely to buy from advertising brands.

54% said that they stay connected to friends and family, and also enjoy meeting new people.

60% of Social Media participants say they only access social media sites and features from home.


What does this mean to you?

Well, if social media fans and followers are not online to make a purchase how do you interact with
them? Well, the report says that these users like to meet new people. So, why not introduce yourself?
The key is to be a real person and not a big brand. Of course, Dunkin Donuts can get away with it. But
the key here is to build relationships and provide value to your “fans and “followers.” Once you build a
connection with your new found friends, you will see it will be much easier to sell your products and
services to them. Matter of fact, you can roll out promotions especially for your social media followers.
I am sure you heard about the 3 sites that I am about to mention, even if you haven’t these are sites
that you definitely want to be interacting on.

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1. www.



Join the Conversation

Social Media is more than just selling your products and services. Social Media is about connecting with
your audience and discovering their wants and needs. It’s about building high quality relationships and
listening to what people are saying about your brand.

Get Paid to Use Social Media

Most people limit their Social Media efforts to sites like Facebook and Twitter, but there are other social
media sites where you can actually get paid to talk about your services.

Nowadays, anyone can build a community and create a social networking site. But if you don’t have
time to upload pictures, download files, or interact with your “fans” on a daily basis, there is an
alternative way to still interact with your potential clients. By using Social Article marketing sites, like, and

Some of these social networking sites are great because you can write an article about what you do.
People can give you feedback on your ideas. You can build a large network of fans. And the best part:
you can actually make money off of these sites! Some sites are different; some use Google Ad sense,
while others pay you a certain percentage of how many views your page gets. Another great thing
about social marketing sites is they already have a high traffic rank. So, if you are not all gung-ho for a
SEO campaign, try using a Social Article Marketing strategy instead. You will be able to get bonus points
with the top search engines.

Social Networking Etiquette

Please keep in mind, when you start a Social Media Campaign, your number one priority should be: to
create value to your target market. Most people go online to research a product/service before they
purchase. If you have a business, don’t come off as someone trying to make a quick dollar. Instead,
offer your prospects and clients value. So, when they are ready to make a purchase they will choose
you. Also, use social media as a way to find out what your customers are saying about you, good and
bad. That way, you will be able to focus on improving your company to meet the needs of your

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SEO Press Releases

Got news? If you have some compelling news about your business, you may be able to get some free
publicity. Writing a Press Release is a sure fire way to get media exposure. However, there is an art and
a science to writing a press release. You have to make sure your information is newsworthy. Editors are
busy people looking for great story ideas. They can care less if Chef Roger got promoted to executive
chef. But they may care that Chef Roger got promoted, and he has no arms! However, in the past few
years there has been a big shift on how Press Releases are being used. Now many savvy businesses are
rolling out press releases on a weekly basis, not for the media, but for their direct buyers. So, if you
want the upper hand, you will have to learn how to use an effective SEO press release to gain media
attention. But more importantly use SEO Press Release to reach your direct buyers. So, let’s explore
the old and new of the trustworthy press release.

Traditional Media

Opening of a new business

Introducing a new product or service

Special Events (contests, sales, etc.)

Controversial Issues

Disagreement on Various Issues

Business Merger

Joint Venture

Business tied in with current trends

Why Online Press Releases Rock?

According to a 2009 survey from, a public relations & marketing firm says that 92% of
journalists get their story ideas from news releases. Not only that, but the report also revealed some
other interesting facts about journalists. So, I am going to share them with you to see how easy it will
be to implement an effective SEO Press Release Strategy:

How Journalists use the Internet

95% use search engines like Google, MSN, and Yahoo.

87% say finding new sources

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89% say finding story ideas

75% say reading blogs

64% say watching webinars/webcasts

59% say Social networks

You see, journalists are using the power of Search Engines, blogs and Social media. So, if you are trying
to get media exposure, you need to put yourself in a position where journalists will come to you. And
the Internet has made it easier than ever to do just that.

Of course, any press release you write, you should try to aim to get media exposure. However, new
media rules have made it possible for you to submit your Press Release so it can be seen directly by your
target audience. Why wait for a busy editor to write a piece about your product, when you can embed
the release with a few keywords that will drive qualified traffic to your site? Here are some benefits of
an online/SEO press release:

    •    High Rankings in the Search Engines

    •    You can Reach Direct Buyers

    •    Promote products/ services

You can also find many reasons to submit an online press release, which include:

New Media

Hosting a Teleseminar

Completed a Business Development Program

Offering New Products/Services

Promoting a Special Report

Promoting an E-book

Promoting a Guest Appearance

Hosting a Tele-summit

Updates to Website

Promoting New Packages & Services

And the list can go on. You can always find some unique news about your business.

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Writing a Press Release

When it comes to writing a Press Release you have to have a certain amount of spunk in your writing
that gets noticed. Remember, editors are busy people looking for a great story. A good rule of thumb to
remember; sum up the story in the headline of your press release. Within in seconds, an editor should
know the who, what, where, when and why. (5W’s).

Here is a sample template on a newsworthy press release:

Scroll Down to Look at Sample Press Release.

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Sample Press Release:

Las Vegas Based Online Marketing Firm offers Social Media Service that is for Sale

Nina Online, a Las Vegas Based Internet Marketing Firm Offers a Social Media Service that is not
available for purchase unless you have certain elements of an effective website.

Las Vegas, NV January 20, 2010- Social Media Marketing is all the rage. Small Business owners are
learning how to use this new media tactic to connect with their customers. However, Social Media can
be quite time consuming. But one Las Vegas Based Online Marketing Firm Developed a New Social
Media service called the ‘SEO Content Club’ to help small business save time on their social media

“Social Media is having a huge impact on the way we do business, it give your business a voice. And
most importantly it is a great way to engage clients to try out your brand. I think every small business
owner should implement a social media strategy into their overall marketing plan.” Says Nina Lewis,
President of Nina Online! A Las Vegas Based Internet Marketing Firm that helps small to medium sized
business increase their sales and profits by teaching them free to low-cost marketing strategies.

The SEO Content Club is a service where small business owners can have Nina Online perform their
social media tasks for them. However, this is not like any other social media service. The unique selling
point of this particular service is that in addition to updating your social media on a daily basis, Lewis will
also provide 1 SEO Press Release and 1 SEO Article to increase your website visibility on a monthly basis.
But, you can’t purchase this service just yet. Lewis notes that if you plan to use your social media
marketing plans for lead generation, it’s crucial that you have your website in order. And having your
website in order simply means, making sure you have a visible opt-in box for people to sign up for your
list, an irresistible free taste to increase your conversion rates. And Direct Response Copy techniques
that compel your visitor to take the desired action. Lewis offers SEO Website Audits to make sure your
website is up to par. Once Lewis gives you the seal of approval for a High Converting website, you can
order the SEO Content Club Service and watch your sales and profits increase. To find out more about
how you can take advantage of this service visit

Nina Online is an Internet Marketing Firm that helps small to medium sized business increase their sales
and profits by teaching them free to low-cost marketing strategies.

Press Release Distribution Online

The Internet has changed the rules of the game on how you write and distribute a press release. Please
don’t get me wrong, it is very important that you still write a release to get the media’s attention.
However, the purpose of getting the media’s attention is so you can get exposure in magazines
&publications promoting your service. Simply put, SEO Press Releases, skip the middle man and go

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straight to the people you want to reach. It’s all about choosing the most profitable keywords and
crafting a release around the keywords your prospects are most likely to search for. You get more pull
with SEO Press Releases, because you can promote your products and services. You can make a special
tips report: Internet Marketing Reveals 7 ways to Increase Website Traffic. Or you can write a
journalistic style piece.

The Internet has made it easier than ever to get your press release hot off the presses and instantly into
an editors email in-box. From free to fee-based, there are large amounts of press release distribution

The advantage of submitting your release online is that it can be picked up by the search engines. Simply
put, distributing your releases online will help you acquire high quality backlinks. The release will stay
online as long as you want it to. So, if you write a release sprinkled with some keywords, chances are
your prospects will be clicking on your site long after your media campaign is over. Here are some of
the most popular Press Release Distribution sites online:

1. (Low-Cost, but worth the investment).

2. (Free)

3. (Free)

4. (Low-Cost, but worth the investment).

Scroll down to Discover How You can Keep in Touch with Your Prospects

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Step 3: Keep in Touch

Keeping in Touch

One of the most effective, but highly overlooked marketing strategies is the “Follow -Up”. How many
times have you went to a networking event, had a great conversation, exchanged business cards and
didn’t follow up? It happens all the time. But you have to remember: your leads want to buy from
you, but they are too busy running the everyday demands of their business.

Make it easy for them to contact you. Follow up with your prospect on a weekly, bi-weekly, daily or
monthly basis. Luckily, with the power of the Internet, it has never been easier to build quality
relationships with your prospects. Here are three ways you can start building relationships with your
customers today.

1. Newsletters /Ezines

2. Auto Reponders

3. Web 2.0 Beyond Social Media

Let’s start with Newsletters/Ezines

It’s no secret that in today’s economy businesses are looking for low-cost and innovative ways to
connect with their prospects and customers. Newsletter or Ezines (online newsletters) are the perfect
solution. They are very affordable and can reach millions of people with the click of a mouse. But there
are some hurdles that one may go through to make sure their email is delivered correctly. Which I will
explain later. But first, let’s get into 5 good reasons why developing and promoting a newsletter will be
good for your business.

5 Good Reasons to Have a Newsletter

1. To build relationships with existing customers and potential clients.

2. To promote your own products and services

3. Build Trust and rapport with your target market

4. Sell your colleagues Products (Affiliate Program)

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5. Sell Advertising Space (Have other people place ads in your newsletter).

I know it sounds cliché, but people do business with people they know, like and trust. And the only way
to get to know like and trust someone is to communicate with them on a consistent basis. And offer
value to them.

Is a newsletter right for your business?

You may be hearing all the hype about people telling you to start a newsletter because it will make you
millions of dollars. Well, that maybe true for some companies. However, you have to decide what the
purpose of your ezine/newsletter is and what works best for you. Here are some things to consider:

Do you want to sell products?

Do you want to provide content?

Do you want to offer promotions?

It’s entirely up to you. However, it’s important to remember that you are keeping in touch with your
prospects and clients. To help you get the most out of your email marketing strategy, it is wise to
analyze these 3 elements:

1. Figure out what you are going to be sending (Articles, Announcements, and Promotions).

2. Mailing Frequency- How many times a month or day will you send out your newsletter.

3. Software- What type of Software provider will you use (varies depending on your needs).

When it comes to choosing software, it is wise to choose software that matches your needs. Here are a
few key elements to choosing an Email Software program

1. Affordability- Most email software range from monthly fees of $ 19 and up.

2. Delivery of Email- Are you going to be sending HTML (Pretty graphics and photos). Or just plain text?

3. Integration with other systems (Great for selling your own products, you can integrate with shopping
carts like and

How to Build Your Email List

Okay you decided on what software to use and what you are going to send out. Now, here’s the fun
part: actually getting people on your list. So, what can you do to turn your leads into subscribers of
your newsletter?

1. Start with everyone you know. If you go to networking events, interact with prospects and ask them
if it’s okay if you can send them a sample newsletter.

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2. Reach out to people who are already reaching your target market.

3. Get listed in the

4. Use the Website Promotion tactics you learn in this book (SEO, Press Releases, Article Marketing, and
Social Media).

There are literally hundreds of ways to build your list, but for starters you can try some of the strategies
listed above and watch your list increase overtime. However, once you start building your list, the goal
is to keep your list. That’s why there are some basic Email Rules you must follow if you want to continue
to build relationships.

If you really want to maximize your email open rates, you should avoid some tactics that will put your
email into a spam folder. If you are doing any of the following, I suggest you stop while you are ahead:

1. Excessive use of punctuation. (ALL CAPS, Excessive use of Punctuation!!!!!!!!).

2. Subject lines that don’t intrigue the reader to open the email.

3. Information that no one cares about but the person who wrote it.

4. Loud and Bright Colors

5. Assuming everyone wants an Html version. Offer both Html and text.

*** Html gives your prospect the availability to see pretty graphics and photos within your email***

                            5 Simple Ways to Increase Your Email Open Rates

The main goal of sending an email is to get the reader to open it and take action. Unfortunately, most
people don’t open emails because the subject lines are boring and unappealing. There are numerous
subject lines that can help you increase your conversion rate, but I will start you off with 5 today.

1. “The List” Subject line. Everyone loves lists; 7 ways; 3 Secrets… 5 Mistakes. No matter what the
prospect issue is they are going to find out a certain amount of ways to fix their problem.

2. “The Reason Why”. “5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Stocks Today. People are curious and they
will be intrigued to know why they should invest in stocks.

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3. The How to- There are a numerous amount of “How to”- books this world has a handful of human
beings that have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. People want to shorten their learning curve and
learn from someone who has already done what they are trying to do. “How to Put your Teenager
through College on a Budget.”

4. Personalized- Personalized emails gives the prospect the feeling that you know them. Using their
name in an email is always a plus. “Hi Nina, I would like to share a 3 marketing tips with you I think you
should know.”

5. Urgency Email – Give people a sense of urgency. Let them know if they don’t act soon, they may miss
out on a really good thing. “You have 15 minutes to respond to this email or this offer will be gone
forever.” The urgency email lets people act immediately and make decisions on the spot.

See how you can use these 5 subject lines in your own business to increase your email open rates?

What are Auto Responders?

Auto responders are automatic follow up messages. They can be used as a stand alone feature or in
conjunction with email software or a shopping cart system. Auto Responders are great because they
put your marketing on autopilot.

How do Auto responders work?

Have you ever visited a website and signed up for a newsletter? And a day later, you get a follow up
message. And in another 2 days you get other follow-up messages? Well, that’s an auto responder.

 When you have an auto responder system, you have the ability to write all your follow up messages at
one time. Just select the dates and times you would like to send them out. Some auto responders
come with your email marketing software or shopping cart system.

Auto responders are a great feature for when you are selling products online. Take this E-book for
example. Most likely, you landed on my sales page and purchased this book. My shopping cart (PayPal)
is integrated with my Auto responder service (Aweber). Here is what happened after you downloaded
the book:

1. You were sent an automatic email saying thank you for your purchase and giving you the download
link to get the book.

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2. In the next few days you will receive an auto responder seeing if you need any clarification on
       certain topics in the book.

    3. Over the next few weeks, you will be receiving auto responders with action steps for each
       section. (I already wrote the auto responders before I finished the book.).

How can you use Auto Responders to help you grow your business?

Luckily, Auto responders are not only for the follow up. There are many who create e-courses and other
information to provide value to their prospects and clients. So, here are 3 ways you can use auto
responders in your own business.

1. You can develop an e-course (class delivered through email). You can offer for free or charge if you
have content you think people will pay for.

2. Develop a 10 day Tip Report. (Helps keep your name fresh in the minds of your prospect, if you give
them a tip a day.).

3. Develop a 10 page follow-up series (great for when someone buys your product, you want to follow
up with them to make sure you answer all questions they may have).

4. Use them to guide the prospect through your sales process. Develop a series of content, showcasing
your products and services then provide clickable links to your order page.

As you can see, making auto responders part of your marketing strategy will save you time and help you
connect with your clients on a more frequent basis.

WEB 2.0 Beyond Social Media

I know I wrote in previous chapters that Social Media is an effective promotion strategy; however you
can use social media to interact with your clients and prospects on a daily basis. And there is much
more to Web 2.0 than just Social Media. Web 2.0 can include blogging, forum posting, and customer
surveys. Simply put anything that will engage your customers and make it easy for you to build
relationships with them.

It’s no secret that Facebook & Twitter have been taking the Internet world by storm. However, Social
Media is a Term that is here to stay. Social Media users are looking for connection and to engage with

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their favorite brands. You can use Social Media as a lead generation strategy, but you can also use
your social media strategy to interact with your followers and fans. Let them know about new
promotions. Give them the feeling of exclusivity and offer promotions specifically for you social media
followers to get them more involved in your brand.

When you incorporate a social media strategy into your business, you are creating and nurturing
relationships. Once you start joining the conversation, you will have an understanding of what your
target market really wants and needs from you. This way you can improve your brand by listening to the
positive and negative feedback that is being distributed on these social networking sites. If you are not
utilizing social media as a way to grow your business, start using it today!

Offline Marketing to Drive Qualified Traffic to Your site.

It’s unfortunate that many people are confusing Internet Marketing as a business. It’s important to
understand the Internet is not a business; it is just another medium to reach your prospects effectively.
In my opinion, one of the best mediums.

 However, you should never get too dependent on one medium to generate leads. What happens if the
internet dries up? Remember the dotcom bust? Most likely, that won’t happen again. But hey you
never know. So, what do you do?

You choose offline strategies to promote to the online world. Yeah networking is great. I noticed at
most networking events I attend, I meet other business owners. For my business that is fine, because I
market to Small Business Owners who need help with building their online presence. Let’s just say that
you were marketing to Moms. Yes, Moms are business owners too. However, you may find a larger
share of your target market if you market outside of networking events. You may find more qualified
leads at a local meet up group for mothers than you would at a generic networking event.

The Power of Direct Mail

 I would like to introduce you to an offline strategy that is very effective if implemented correctly. And
that’s Direct Mail. You know the mail you know as junk mail? Well, apparently it’s not junk mail, since it
is one of the few TRILLION Dollar industries in the world!

 Why is this industry booming? Because it’s effective! I admit it has shown a rapid decline, since
everyone is becoming Goo Goo Gaga over the Internet. But, people still get excited about opening the
mail. However, when it comes to implementing a Direct Mail campaign there is an art and a science.
You can’t simply mail out 1 letter or postcard and expect a huge ROI. It all comes down to testing.
Testing your market, your list, your copy, your message. Testing different variables of your marketing
message to see who resonates with you the most.

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There are a lot of variables that go into Direct Mail. However, if you are just starting out the fastest way
to build rapport with your market is to send a simple postcard mailing. And with affordable services like it has become easy to purchase postcards and send them to your list.

What’s more important? The list or the copy?

There has been some debate which is more important the list or the copy (words that sell). Don’t get
me wrong both are very important aspects of a Direct Mail campaign. But it is safe to say that the list
holds the most weight. If you are a problem solver and you have a solution, most people won’t care
about the bells and whistles of your copy, all they care about is that you fix their problem and you fix it

On the other hand, you can have award-winning copy that will make people throw their wallets at you;
however, if you send that copy to the wrong list you will be smacking your empty wallet against your
head. When it comes to direct mail make sure you have a targeted list of people who are actually
interested in buying from you. How do you do that?

1. Get a copy of SRDS - Standard Rate & Data Services; it has a list of all the people who purchased
similar products to yours in the past.

2. Buy a list from a list broker.

3. Do your own research via internet-survey clients to see what they actually want.

4. Strategic Alliance- Partner with someone who is already serving your market. This way, you can
leverage their name so your direct mail efforts won’t be deemed as interruption marketing.

Once you have your list, you can start thinking of ways you can market your business.

I admit 44 cents for a stamp can get quite pricey to target a large group of people. That’s why many
smart marketers use “Test Marketing.” Test Marketing is simply the process of taking a list and dividing
it in half and sending 1 message to 1 half of the list and the other message to the other half to see which
one gets a higher response rate. (You can do something similar online with A/B Testing, which is an
advanced Internet Marketing Strategy.).

For instance, let’s say you had a list of 1,000 names, you wouldn’t send the same promotion/offer to all
1000 names. Instead you will send 1 Sales letter to 500 people on that list and then the other 500 you
will send another Sales letter, but this time a variable is changed. It can be the headline, price, copy, or
the offer.

 Once you figure out who is the most receptive to your winning offer you can compile or purchase a
bigger list and start marketing to more people.

The average response rate is about 2%. That means if you market to 100 people only 2 will respond.
But what if those 2 people who respond happen to be life long clients that pay you over and over again?
They can make up for the cost of all the stamps you spent in a matter of months.

      32   All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
If you implement a Direct Mail campaign, there are a few steps that you have to follow to ensure
success. First of all, you have to remember that CEO & Presidents of companies don’t open their own
mail. Mail gets opened by an Office Manager and tossed if it is not something they need. So, how do
you get your mailing in front of The Big Boss? Customize. Customize. Customize.

Make sure your mail gets opened

 There is nothing like a personal touch. Yes, it takes extra work, but at least your marketing piece will
get into the hands of the right person. You can maximize your conversion by having the letter/package
certified, that means someone has to sign to receive your package. And when someone signs to receive
your package they perceive that it must be important. But that is not enough to ensure your direct mail
is getting opened. Remember, CEO’s are very busy people. They may take a quick glance at your piece
and make a mental note to call, but they get so bogged up with their day to day operations.

The Money is in the Follow -Up

That’s why it’s your job to “Follow-up.” Its okay to call, because you are not cold calling, you are calling
just to let them know that a package is on the way. You can send them a brief email to let them know
that they will be receiving a package from you, and to let them know that you will be calling them in a
few days to make sure the package arrived. Then wait a few days and make the call and see if you are
a perfect fit.

Rule of Thumb: Whenever you send out any direct mail piece (Sales Letter, Postcard, etc). Make sure
you always give the prospect a way to respond to the offer. Tell them to call if you want them to call.
Tell them to go to a website and download a free report. Whatever you want them to do tell them,
and make it super easy for them to understand what it is that you want them to do. Always have an
effective Call to Action.

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Teleseminars: Make Money with a Free Call

Teleseminars are all the rage right now. Why? Because they are free and they give your prospect the
luxury of not leaving their home to connect with you. Plus think about the global advantage you have.
You can reach people from all around the world with a simple phone line. Just think no more waiting in
line at the airport or sharing a hotel room with a stranger. So all you need is a bridge line and a hot
topic you are all good to go. The key to teleseminars is leverage. You want to give a free call to
prospects to get them interested in your service. But don’t be cheap on the content, give them all you
got. And the reason for providing high quality content is you have the ability to record the call and turn
it into a product that you can sell.

It’s simple to get started; you can use a free service like All you need is
a name and an email address to get an account. Once you set up your account, you will automatically
be sent a phone # which is known as a bridge line. You get a bridge line along with a Moderator pass
code and a Participant pass code. Usually the dial in # is the same for the moderator and the
participant. However, the pass codes are different because the moderator has the ability to record or
mute the call, where the participant may not have access to certain features.

Most successful Internet Marketers use free teleseminars to promote upcoming products and events.
Some even create 3-6 week paid teleclasses that benefit their audience. As you can see there is no limit
to what you can do with a teleseminar.

Hosting a teleseminar is no different than speaking in front of a live audience. The only difference is
that you are in the comfort of your home. Speaking on the telephone may work to your advantage,
because it seems like you are just having a good ole conversation with your friend.

What to talk about on your Money Making Call?

 Sometimes coming up with a compelling topic can be difficult. However, you can use a free tool like to create a survey and ask your prospects what topics or solutions they are
most interested in learning about. Once you get your responses to the survey it is time to start
producing content outline. Teleseminars can run anywhere from 20 minutes up to 2 hours. However,
the average time is about 75 minutes. And it is broken down like this

5 minute Introduction & Background of host

5 minute to go over upcoming promotions/events

5 minutes to give overview of what will be discussed on the call

     34   All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
45 minutes of the content being delivered

15 minutes for Questions & Answers. (Some host request that you send in the answers before the call,
so they don’t have to keep answering the same question over and over again).

It’s a pretty simple process. And you don’t have to be a tech guru to set it up. It’s one thing to set up
the teleseminar. It’s another thing to promote it. Remember the auto responder series I was talking
about? Well, start promoting the call to your list about 1-2 weeks before the actual call. And use auto
responders to send friendly reminders every 2 or 3 days up until the event. After you promote to your
list, you can use special teleseminar promotions sites to get more exposure for your call. Here are a





    • (And any of your other social networks).

There are two ways that you can go about turning your free call into a paid product.

1. You can record it and place it for sale on your website.

2. Or you can go over a list of frequently asked questions regarding the call, and take those questions
and turn them into an info product that you can sell.

Teleseminars are a great way to promote your business. However, remember consistency is key. You
can offer free teleseminars, but always make sure you have something to upsell to the client so you can
make a profit.

        35   All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
A Final Word from the Nina Lewis

The Internet is a highly competitive market; there are millions of websites on the World Wide Web. I
am sure there are hundreds if not thousands of business owners who sell the same product and service
as you. So, how do you stand out from the crowd? You have to differentiate yourself and show your
prospects that you are worthy of their time. However, if you want to build and grow your business, you
have to understand that it takes time and energy. The strategies that I discussed in this book are highly
effective, but time consuming. You have two choices; Invest in Learning how to implement these
strategies to your own business. Or Invest in someone who has the time to do the work for you.

As long as you are marketing to the right people (people who need your services and are willing to pay
you what you are worth) all it takes some persistence and dedication. Of course, there are more
advanced strategies, however, if you just take 1 or 2 of these strategies that resonate with you and
master them- you will be well on your way to Online Success! However, it is important to remember
that if a specific strategy is not working for your specific business- tweak before you toss. And toss if it is
still not working after tweaking. There are literally thousands of ways you can market your business.
Find the marketing strategies that are authentic to you and you will see your business flourish.

I would like to help you get clear on your Online Marketing Strategy. Give me a call at 702-699-7319 so
we can see if we are a perfect fit. To find out how you can increase your sales and profits visit

Scroll Down to View a List of Resources and Services & a Bonus Chapter

Bonus Chapter:

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Take the Knowledge in your head and turn it into an Information Product

At times, you may feel that you are answering the same question over and over again. And take that
from first hand experience, which can be quite tedious. But thanks to the development of information
products, they have made my life much easier. And it can make your life easier too. First, let me explain
what an Information Product is.

Simply put, Information products are all of the knowledge stored in your head, packed into a tangible
product. Information products come in forms of EBooks, Audio Cds, Home Study Kits, Special Reports,
Videos and more.

Why are Information Products Important?

First and foremost, you do the work once and get paid many times over. However, Information
Products position you as an expert. Write a book, it doesn’t even have to be a best –seller and you
automatically get clout. Or how about an Audio? (One of the fastest info products to create). Most
people will think that you spent dreaded hours in a studio with engineers trying to get the perfect
recording. And that is far from the case, what if I told you that you can make a high quality audio cd
over the phone in one weekend. You can also get an attractive design and get duplicates of the audio
for less than $ 200.00. You can and it is simpler than you think.

Information products not only put your bank account on autopilot, but they are a great way to capture
qualified leads. This saves up your time, because the lead that shows he is interested will gather your
information and contact you. That way you don’t have to chase him down like a homeless dog looking
for scraps of food. He will come to you because you positioned yourself as someone who knows what
they are doing. Here are a few quick ways you can use your information products to capture leads:

     You Can Give Away a Free Download (EBook, Audio, Special Report, Etc.) When your prospect
      comes to your site.

     Hand out your Audio Cd at Networking Events (Make sure you qualify your lead first, Cd’s can
      cost a hefty penny if you are not careful).

     Send an Information Kit via Mail once the prospect request more information from you.

     Post them on popular sites like or and make money in the

People Like to Learn in Different Formats

This world is made up of a diverse group of people. Fortunately, to your advantage, people like to learn
in different ways. Some people like to read, some like to see, and some like to hear. And you can please
all of them with this one little secret; Rinse & Repeat. Why reinvent the wheel when you don’t have to?
If you have a popular topic that is worth mentioning just distribute the topics in different formats. For

     37   All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
example, you can take your “popular topic” and write an e-book, then record an audio, then make it into
a home study course.

The possibilities are limitless with what you can do with Information Products. I am going to give you
some tips for easy information products you can create today.

E- Books- It’s reported that the Kindle (Amazons E-book Reader) will be purchased by close to ½ a
million people this year. As you can see there is definitely a demand for e-books. You can write a
simple 20 page or 168 pages E-book.

 The great thing about e-books is that they don’t have to be a lot of pages. Most people who purchase
E-books are looking for “How to “information. And if you have the knowledge to do something
someone else doesn’t- Why not share your wealth and make profit by doing so? E-books have a high
perceived value, so it’s no surprise that you can sell an E-book for $ 27-$97.00.

Don’t worry if you don’t like to write, you can hire a freelance writer to do the work for you. It can cost
less than $ 500.00 to have a complete E-book written, formatted and ready to sell in no time.

 Insider Secret: Record what you want to say, and then have a transcriptionist transcribe it into PDF
(Portable Document File) Format and voila! You will have an instant E-book that you actually written.

Audio Programs- An audio CD is one of the quickest ways to make an info product. You can record the
topic or you can have someone interview you. Audio is great, because it takes less time than writing an
E-book. It also gives your prospect a high perceived value. There is just something about a tangible
product that makes people feel all gitty inside. An audio is something your prospect can actually hold in
their hand, they can listen to it while they are cleaning the house, working out, or driving the car. If you
want to add higher value to the CD, you can always include workbook and checklists to allow your
prospect to do something. I like to use to record audio. After you record audio
they allow you to have download links that you can place to your website or send to a fulfillment service
that can produce the actual tangible product.

In closing, Information Products position you as an expert in your field. They also leverage your time, by
answering the most frequently asked questions in product form. Start creating your information
products today and watch your profits explode!

     38    All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
Quick Resource Guide

1. Web hosting

2. Article Marketing Websites

3. Press Release Distribution Services

4. Social Media Marketing

5. Blogging Software

6. Ezine/Newsletter Providers

     39    All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
7. Shopping carts (For Business on a Budget)

8. Directories

9. SEO Education

     40    All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
About the Author:

 My name is Nina Lewis and I’m a Freelance Writer & Internet Marketing Consultant. My primary niche
is SEO writing. In addition to SEO Writing, I also provide website promotion techniques to small &
medium sized businesses.

About Nina Online!

Nina Online is an Internet Marketing Firm that helps small to medium size businesses increase their sales
and profits by teaching them free to low-cost marketing strategies. Our specialty is website promotion
(traffic building strategies). We are open to serving small business owners who has a desire to grow
their business. However, we have a passion for working with the Health & Wellness Industry, some of
our past clients Include; Colon Hydrotherapists, Life Coaches, Intuitive Psychics, Reflexologists, Pilates
Instructors and Fitness Trainers. Just to name a few.

We have a free monthly newsletter “The Holistic Connection” where you can get updates on
Copywriting and Internet Marketing. To register for my free newsletter visit

Services from Nina Online! :

Done With You Services

Internet Marketing Strategy Session (1 Hour)

Are you feeling stuck in your business and you are trying to figure out the best strategy to increase
traffic to your website. Or perhaps you need help crafting a marketing plan. Visit

½ Day Virtual Retreat

If you need more than 1 hour to focus on one specific strategy, a ½ day virtual retreat is for you. This ½
day will take approximately 3 ½ hours. We will focus on a specific strategy together. Maybe it will be
understanding SEO, Setting up an Article Marketing Campaign or Writing and Submitting a Press
     41    All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
Release. Whatever it is by the end of the session you will have a tangible result. To find out more send
       an email to with ½ day Virtual Retreat in the subject line.

       Done for You Services

       If you want to jumpstart your website promotion, Nina Online can take care of all your Internet
       Marketing needs while you take care of your clients. We can take care of Search Engine Optimization,
       Article Marketing, SEO Press Releases, Website Copywriting, Social Media Marketing and more. To view
       a list of services and pricing visit:

       To discuss your needs email: or call 1-888-308-NINA (6462)

       3 Steps to Online Success for the Small Business Owner:

       A Step by Step Guide to Effective Website Promotion

       ©2010 Nina Lewis- Visit for more on Internet Marketing.

                                                    Nina Online!

By Purchasing this E-book you received a complimentary 1 Hr Internet Marketing Consultation with Nina Lewis of Nina

                                        $ 88 Internet Marketing Consultation

                         Call 1-888-308-NINA (6462) to book your Free Consultation Today!

                            Mention Code: 3stepsfree when booking your consultation.

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  • 1. 1 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 2. Table of Contents: Step 1. Website Objective………………………………………………………………………………… Page 4 Key elements of an Effective Website………………………………………………………………Page 5 Boost Sales with Direct Response Copy………………………………………………………..Page 7 Step 2. Website Promotion…………………………………………………………………………………Page 10 The Basic Elements of SEO………………………………………………………………………….Page 10 Website Promotion Tactics…………………………………………………………………………...Page 16 Social Media Marketing………………………………………………………………………………. Page 19 SEO Press Releases……………………………………………………………………………………… Page 21 Step 3. Keep in Touch……………………………………………………………………………………..Page 26 5 Reasons to have a Newsletter…………………………………………………………………….Page 26 What are Auto Responders……………………………………………………………………………Page 29 Offline Marketing Strategies………………………………………………………………………. Page 31 Make Money with Teleseminars…………………………………………………………………...Page 34 Note from the Author……………………………………………………………………………….. Page 36 Bonus Chapter: Information Products……………………………………………………..Page 37 2 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 3. Introduction It can be quite overwhelming to try something new, especially when that something new is marketing your business on the Internet. Yes, it is scary. There are so many gurus and experts telling you what you should do and how you should do it. But, do the tactics they suggest really work for your particular type of business? Most likely yes, however, there are certain things you must do before you even apply a tactic. As an Internet Marketing expert, I discovered that no matter what type of tactic or strategy you promote, when you are marketing on the Internet it narrows your business down to 3 key elements. And that’s what I am going to discuss throughout this book to give you clarity about what you should be doing and why. When it comes to marketing your business and growing your business, it boils down to 3 key factors and those are: Step1. Website Objective Step 2. Website Promotion Step 3. Keep in Touch This book is designed to give you a step by step approach to marketing your business via the Internet. Once you master the basics of Internet marketing, you will be well on your way to attracting all the clients you can handle. Each chapter is filled with simple, yet effective advice that you can start implementing today. However, I suggest that you take a week or 2 to focus on each step before you move on to the following steps. Hint: Don’t worry about perfection, worry about completion. You can always come back and tweak what you need to later. But right now, we just want to get you up and running online so you can have the business that you always dreamed of. So, let’s get started. 3 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 4. STEP 1 – Website Objective You hear a lot of people saying they want traffic coming to their site. However, they are obsessed with the quantity of the traffic and not the Quality. Yes, having 100,000 visitors to your site is great. But it means nothing if they are not interested in your products and services. So, before you implement any traffic building strategy, you have to figure out what you want your website to do for you. Most companies use their websites as an information portal to give prospects enough information to call them. Nowadays, people can buy a car directly on a website and then go pick it up a few days later! Many people spend thousands of dollars on a pretty website that just doesn’t sell. If you are developing an online marketing strategy, having a website is a must. However, there is a certain way to create your website to make it effective. The First step is figuring out your website objective. What do you want your website to do for you? What do you want your website to do for you? Do you want to provide information? Collect new leads? Have an e-commerce site? Once you figure out the objective of your website, it will be easier to drive “qualified” traffic to your website. Let me give you some common website objectives: 1. Lead Generation - attracting quality leads that are interested in your products and services. 2. Research - Are you giving your prospects enough information to make an informed decision about your products and services? 3. E-commerce- Are you making sales directly from your website. and are great examples of e-commerce sites. 4. A Combination of Lead Generation, E-commerce and Research, who says you can’t have all 3? Once you figure out your objective you have to make sure your prospect understands what your website is about. When it comes to online marketing, you only have 3-7 seconds to intrigue the reader. Web Surfers attention spans are short; they have so many attractive nuisances vying for their attention. Once a visitor comes to your website, within seconds, he should know who you are, what you do and how he can contact you so you can help him. The objective is not enough to sell the website. You also want to make sure that you have enough compelling content on your website that requires your prospect to take action. This means you have to explain your product or service in such a way that your prospect has no choice but to send you an email, phone call, download a report, or whatever you want him to do. You don’t want a floating brochure; 4 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 5. you want an interactive website that engages your prospect to build a relationship with you even before they meet you. Discover the 10 Key Elements of an Effective Website. Now that you know your objectives, you have to make it super easy for your prospects to do business with you. I will explain the following elements of an effective website below: 1. Opt in Box- Have a way to collect names of visitors that come to your website. Chances are when people come to your website they are not going to stay on there for long. They usually browse around, do some research and then come back. So, what do you do when they don’t come back? You keep in contact with them. You should have some kind of opt in box on your website to allow your visitor to leave their information. Email Marketing Software or Autoreponders (More in part 3) are the perfect solution for capturing names of your prospects. This way, you can build your list and sell products and services to them over time. 2. Appearance- Would you date a guy who wasn’t well dressed and sloppy? I didn’t think so. So, why would someone want to buy from you if your website is unattractive and unclean (cluttered)? So, make sure you follow these guidelines when it comes to appearance: Good Color Scheme (Avoid loud colors, Avoid white text on black background). Have easy to read fonts Have graphics that compliment the theme of your website Have quality photos that match the theme of your website. (If you have a website about pets, don’t have picture of naked girls. Have pictures of pets on your website). Avoid excessive use of flash (your website won’t be found by the Search Engines if you use flash). 3. Build Trust by Creating Compelling Content On the online world, “Content is King.” I know the term is cliché, but it’s true. As you read on, in Step 2, you will discover why content is so important when you are marketing your business online. Content can be in the form of articles, videos, audios, surveys, special reports, case studies, slideshows, and more. Simply put, content is any type of information that encourages the reader to find out more information about you. Here are a few tips to help make your content work for you: • Organize your text • Update Content Frequently • Make your content “You” oriented. For example, talk to the reader. • Interact with your prospect with surveys/quizzes/games/videos 5 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 6. 4. Functionality- Make sure your website is working properly. This means, no broken links. And proper hyperlinks. For example, if you have a webpage that says “ click here” for more information about grooming pets, it should link to a page about grooming pets and not ballerinas. And it should go directly to a new page about grooming pets, not a “File not Found” page. 5. Usability- Make sure your site is not cluttered with irrelevant content & too many links. Remember, you only have 3-7 seconds to grab the attention of your prospects. Within seconds of visiting your site, they should know who you are, what you do, and how to contact you. Make sure it is easy for prospect to find the information they need when they need it. Have your phone numbers and contact information in visible places on your website. Usually on the top of the web page. 6. Navigation- Make it easy for your prospects to find the information they need on your site. All pages should have the same navigation bar. You know, home page, about me, services. Every time a prospect views a new page, the navigation menu should stay in place. Another important aspect of your site is to have contact information. 7. Create “Sticky” Content-When we talk about content, content can be in the form of:  Informative Articles (make sure they are keyword rich).  Video  Audio  Pictures  Quizzes  Slideshows  Case Studies  Testimonials “Sticky” means people stay on your site longer. And the reason you want people to stay on your site is because they are getting to know, like and trust you through your content. And the more they stay on your site to learn about your products and services-they are more likely to buy from you. 8. Offer a “Free Taste”- Have you ever visited a website and they asked you for your email address and offered you a free special report./E-Book/Audio program? 6 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 7. Well, that is their “Free Taste”. It’s basically an incentive to get you to sign up for their newsletter. The “Free Taste” should be something of value, something people would actually pay for. Make your prospects feel like they are the elite by offering a “Free Sample” of your services. If you ever heard the term “It’s in the list”. It’s true, because once someone signs up for your email list; you have the opportunity to build that quality relationship with them. And over time you can create products, services and programs that are solutions to their problems and market to them over and over again. 9. Good Copy- Copywriting is the process of writing to sell a product or service. You want to make sure your Website copy is compelling enough that it converts the visitors into buyers. Copywriting is 1 of the most important skill sets when it comes to marketing. Therefore, I decided to devote the next section to copywriting so you can get an understanding of how it works. Boost Sales with Direct Response Copywriting Copywriting is writing to sell a product or service. When it comes to writing to sell, it’s an art & a science. You have to write to persuade without being too “salesy.” Simply put, stress the benefits of your products and services and make an offer your prospect can’t refuse. The rule of thumb to remember when writing copy is to be compelling, clear and concise. So, you have to craft a message that is easy to understand and gets your prospects attention. Once you get a grasp on copywriting and start implementing the copywriting techniques, you will see a significant increase in the amount of clients you attract. Before I delve into the nitty gritty of Copywriting, I want to address a few blunders that you may be making when it comes to writing about your business. So, let’s explore what mistakes need to be fixed right now. Make sure you are not making these Copywriting Mistakes: Mistake # 1. Talking about yourself. A lot of business owners make the mistake of talking about themselves. And there is nothing wrong with that. I understand you need to sell yourself and promote your services. But here’s the secret: Your prospects don’t really care about you.” Sad to say, they are tuned into the WIIFM radio station all day long. (What’s in it For Me?). When prospects come to your site, open your brochure or read any marketing piece, their only concern is; I have a problem and can this person fix it? Of course, your awards and accreditations are important, but there is a time and place to mention that. Your prospect needs a solution to his problem and that should be your main focus. So the objective here is: To write a message that resonates with your target markets deepest desires. Address their pain and show them that you are the solution. 7 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 8. Mistake # 2 Not Showing Proof- If I had a dime for every time I went to a website that said “We are the Best, because we said so”. I would be swimming in pools of money. You may be the best in your field, but your prospects want to hear that from other people besides you. If you say you are the best, back it up with proof by satisfied clients. Someone else’s word over your own holds more weight, especially when they are raving about your product or services. The new economy has forced consumers to be more wary of their purchases. You simply can’t say: buy because I said so anymore. You have to show proof to back your claims. There are two ways you can do this: 1. Statistical Proof- If you have to prove your point so people can see the value in what you do. Use statistical quotes from proven research that backs up your claim. Throughout this report, you will see that I added some “stats” to show how effective Internet Marketing really is. 2. Testimonials- There is nothing like a powerful testimonial from a satisfied client that will tell the world how good you are. Don’t be afraid to put testimonials on your website. (I like case studies because they show the challenge your client had and how you help solve it.). Mistake # 3- Stressing Features & Not Benefits This is very common, and if you do it, it’s not your fault. So, what’s the difference? Well, Features are just a description of a product. While benefits are the benefit people will get from using your product or service. For example, let’s say we are talking about a Mini Notebook (like the one I am using now.) A feature would be; the laptop is lightweight. If you are describing a benefit you would say the mini notebook is lightweight, I can carry it everywhere and it even fits in my purse. This netbook helps me write my projects when I am on the go. It helps me become more productive. Another good example of Benefits vs. features that you can relate to is this: Feature: We are open 24/7 Benefit: We are here when you need us around the clock 24/7. We Provide answers when you need them. On your time. On your schedule. As Bob Bly, “Americas Top Copywriters says in his book “The Copywriters Handbook”: Copywriting is meant to do 3 things: 1. Get Attention 8 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 9. 2. Communicate 3. Persuade And when it comes to reaching prospects online, you only have a few seconds to engage your reader. You need to let them know that you are the solution to their problems. And there is a way you can create compelling copy without hiring an expensive copywriter. Copywriters use different formulas to test the effectiveness of their marketing materials. One formula you can use is A.I.D.A. This is nothing new; it has been around for years and is used by most new and veteran copywriters alike. So let’s meet the lovely A.I.D.A Now: A= Attention. Write a compelling headline to lure the reader into the body of the copy. I= Interest. Show them that you’re the solution. Tap into their pain and empathize with them. D= Desire. Tap into their deepest desires and wants. (Show them what their life will be like after working with you). A= Action. Let them know you can solve their problems and tell them how to reach you. I.e., Call me now; Book now. This is known as a Call to Action. Always tell your prospect what you want them to do. You will be surprised by how many people skip right over you because you don’t tell them what to do. I encourage you to take advantage of A.I.D.A when you are writing your own copy. However, I do recommend that you find a great quality writer who has experience in writing direct response copy. Or at least find an experienced copywriter who can give you an objective view on your copy. Now that you know the basics of how your website should be used, it’s time to start promoting your website. Drum roll please….. Without further ado, we jump to the core of website marketing; driving traffic to your website. Let’s explore this in further detail in step 2. 9 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 10. Step 2 - Website Promotion Website Promotion Gone are the days when they say “Build it and they will come.” With millions of websites going live every day, you have to stand out from the crowd. And the perfect way to do this is to let people know that your website exists. There are literally thousands of ways you can promote your website. In this section we are going to discuss some of the most powerful, low-cost & effective traffic building strategies that you can start implementing today. Here is a list of a few:  Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  Article Marketing  SEO Press Releases  Social Media & Web 2.0  Teleseminars  Direct Mail Let’s start with Search Engine Optimization also know as SEO. There are numerous books written on the art of SEO. My goal is to give you a basic understanding of this powerful strategy, so you can understand it and apply it to your particular business. What is Search Engine Optimization? I am sure that you are probably familiar with Google, Yahoo & MSN. Well, those are all search engines. Search engines have huge databases that store web content. Think of a search engine as an automated phone book, they have listings of almost every website on the web. In a nutshell, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing visibility to your website. How do Search Engines Work? Search engines have programs called bots also known as “spiders”. These spiders “crawl” the web looking for web pages that they can store in their database. That way when you type a keyword into Google, Google will have a listing of all the websites containing that particular word. For example, let’s just say you were searching Google for the term “Red Shoes”. Google will display a list of websites that have the term “red shoes”. This is where it gets tricky. Google returns the result from the most relevant to the least relevant. How does Google know which is the 10 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 11. most relevant website? No one knows for sure, but there are over 200 variables that Google measures to determine which pages to display first. That’s what makes SEO so interesting, the algrothims (mathematical process to determine rank of a web page) are changing all the time to weed out the bad SEO Consultants. (People who practice illegal techniques to trick Google into thinking their sites are the # 1 authority on a give topic). How can you help the search engines? Google and the other search engines have no idea what your website is about. They send out “spiders” to find out what your website is about. However, “spiders” can only read text. Therefore, it is your job to help the “spiders” identify what your site is about. In the following paragraphs you will find out the steps you need to take to help Google and the other search engines find your site. Keywords. What are they and why are they important? Simply put, keywords are the actual words and phrases that surfer’s type to find the information they need on the Internet. So, it’s crucial to have keywords on your site that is relevant to your business. Let me explain. For example, let’s say Mary is looking for an acupuncturist. She goes to Google and types in “acupuncture Las Vegas”. Google returns a list of 10 websites with the word “Acupuncture Las Vegas”. Mary clicks on the first link and finds Dr. Acupuncture. Why was Dr. Acupuncture listed first? Most likely he had a lot of keyword rich content that contained his keyword “acupuncture”. However, there are other factors that contribute to why he was listed on the first page. Google has over 200 variables and counting to decide which websites/pages should appear first. However, if you are the acupuncturist, you can be missing out on some keywords. Instead of using the keyword acupuncture, you can use the keywords you help heal. Many people don’t know that acupuncture is a great way to relieve stress, anxiety & depression. Figure out what people’s pressing issues are and then use the same exact words they are using to find solutions to their issues. How do you know what Keywords people are using to find you? Well, that’s where a little bit of research comes in. Before you put keywords on your site, you have to figure out what terms people are actually using to find your site. Here are the top 3 ways that most people find out who is searching for what. 1. Brainstorm- Think about your products and services. What terms have people identified with them in the past? What are the synonmns to your products and services? 2. Survey- Ask your past clients how did they find you. What words were they looking for in particular when they were searching for a solution to their problem? Or what words did they use to find you on the Internet. 11 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 12. 3. Keyword Tools. My personal favorite. There’s nothing like a good old research tool that tells you exactly what words your prospect is typing to find your great products and services. There are free to fee based tools that allow you to find out the exact words that people are using to find you. Here are some of the free ones that I use. 1. (Free) 2. (Free to Paid) 3. to Paid) Keyword Research is an art and a science. It is so much more than just placing a list of keywords on your site to increase your Search Engine Rankings. The words you think people are using to find you are usually not the words people are searching for. That’s why a good keyword researcher will get inside of the mind of your prospects and help you identify words you may never have thought of. For example, let’s say you are a Colon Hydrotherapist, you may think that people are searching for Detox and Cleanse Colon, which they are. However, you may not be aware that many people are searching for constipation relief, clear brain fog, get more energy and so on. Your prospect may not be aware that a colon cleanse can relieve their symptoms. So it’s your job to strategically place those same words your prospects are using on your website. A good Keyword Researcher will give you insight into the words that can increase your conversion rates. In addition to that, some keywords will be very difficult to compete for. So, you have to come up with a list of keywords that will help you drive traffic to your site. A good way to see if your keywords will hold any weight is to type your keywords into Google. Analyze the sites that are ranking high in the search engines, and see what you have to do to beat them. That means if your competitor has 20 pages of high quality keyword rich content- that means you may have to create 21 plus pages of high quality keyword rich content. But, that’s not always the case. Of course, there is more to SEO than that, but that is just to give you a basic understanding on how some of the variables may work in your favor. However, realize that there are some sites that you will not be able to beat. So, you may have to take a different approach or choose less well-known keywords, which are known as the long-tail keyword. Simply put, the long-tail keyword is ultra-specific keywords that have low competition, but high conversions. For example Shoes is a generic keyword, however, a prospect is more likely to make a purchase if they are looking for something ultra specific like 6 inch red pumps. 12 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 13. Once you know what words prospects are using to find your site, you can start strategically begin placing those words on your site. And I will go on how to do that in just a moment. But First, I wanted to tell you a little bit about Keyword Density. What is Keyword Density? Simply put, Keyword Density is the amount of Keywords you put on your website. You Know the phrase “Less is more”. Well, that’s true when it comes to placing keywords on your site. You want to have enough keywords to attract the search engines. But you don’t want to stuff your website with keywords that won’t make since to the reader. For example, if you had a website about “Red Shoes”, you want to strategically place the term “Red Shoes” where it fits into the text of the site. You simply can’t put the word “Red Shoes” 1000 times throughout the site. This is known as Keyword Stuffing and that is something you want to avoid at all cost. Search Engines dislike it, and putting keywords all over your site doesn’t provide any value to the reader. Where to place the keywords? Now that you know the importance of keywords, you have to know where to place them. Strategically placing your keywords on your site will increase your chances of being indexed in the search engines. To help search engines find your site, you can place keywords on certain tags on your website. There are 3 important tags. I will list from the most important to the least important. 1. Title Tags (The Blue Bar at the top of your website) - Title tags are considered to be one of the most important elements of Search Engine Optimization. The reason being, the Title tags of a page tells the search engine as well as the web surfer what the page is about. 2. Header Tags- These are tags that structure your web content. Think of these tags as a magazine or newspaper article. You know when you read an article, it’s the Headline and the sub headline follows. Well, that’s the purpose of the header tags. This makes it easier for the search engines to read your website. But more importantly, it organizes your content and makes it an easy read for your web visitor. 3. META Tags- Meta is the code that doesn’t appear in the search engine result pages. There have been some debates if Meta tags are important. Back in the old days, a lot of ruthless SEO’s used to stuff keywords in the Meta tags to trick the search engines. That’s why Google really doesn’t care about them anymore. However, other Search Engines like Yahoo & Bing deem them to be important. Within the meta-tag there is also the meta-description. Meta -descriptions are great because they give you a little snippet about what the page is about. So, it doesn’t hurt to write a compelling description that will intrigue your reader to click on your site. (The Meta description gives a brief snippet about what your site is about). Below is an example of what a Meta description may look like on the Search Engine Results page: 13 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 14. Las Vegas SEO, Internet Marketing Strategy, SEO Content, Nina Online! Nina Online! is a Las Vegas Based SEO Content Writing Firm. Call 702-699-7319 to schedule your Initial Internet Marketing Strategy Session today! - Cached How Google & Other Search Engines Identify Your Important Keywords. Google and other search engines don’t know what keywords are most important and relevant to your site. So, it’s your job to let Google and the other Search Engines know which keywords are most important to your site. And you can do this by playing around with the keywords a bit. And here are some of the ways Google and the other search engines will identify the most important keywords. Get your keywords noticed by doing the following: • Bold Text • Highlighted Text • Underlined Text • Capitalize the 1st letter of your Keyword • Different font from the rest of the text • Italicized Text It’s that simple. The key is to place these keywords in prominent positions which include the Title tags, Header tags, Meta tags and throughout the body of the copy. Another important aspect of SEO is linking. Before I get into the linking structures, I want to discuss Navigation. Because Navigation and linking go hand in hand. Easy Navigation Okay now that you know how to find keywords & place them properly, you have to learn good linking structure. It’s important because you don’t want your website to look cluttered. You want to make it easy for your prospect to find information on your website. This type of linking is known as internal linking or anchor text. Have you ever gone to a website that says “click here” for more information? Once you click on that link, it takes you to another page that has more detailed information about a particular topic. If it weren’t for the anchor text, you would have 100 plus links on your website and that isn’t pretty. So, let’s briefly go over some of the linking structures you will hear about once you start learning more about SEO: 14 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 15. 1. Internal Links- These are links that link to other pages within your website. 2. Outbound/External links- these are links that point to website pages other than yours. 3. Backlinks/Inbound Links - back links are the links that are pointing back to your site. These backlinks are one of the most important elements of Search Engine optimization. In the next paragraph you will find out why. What are Backlinks? Simply put, backlinks are links pointing back to your website. Search Engines like backlinks because it positions you as an authority site. It’s kind of like a popularity system. The more people who link to your site, the more Google thinks your site is important. However, there is a certain way you must obtain a backlink to increase your chances of being on the first page of Google. You need websites that complement yours to link back to you. For example, it would be wise for an auto dealership to link to an auto insurance provider. However, it won’t make sense for an auto dealer to link to a ballet school. They don’t have anything in common. Of course, you can have a mixture of sites linking to you that have nothing to do with your subject matter, but keep those to a minimum. The key is to have people link to your website with the keyword phrase you want to rank for. For example let’s say Mary is a personal trainer in Las Vegas. She needs more links to her website, so she asks Dr. Nancy, a local nutrionist to link back to her site. Dr. Nancy agrees. Dr. Nancy’s page will read something like this if you are looking for a “Personal Trainer in Las Vegas visit” You see the word “Personal Trainer in Las Vegas” is hyperlinked instead of the actual web address. And that can be tricky. There are several other ways that you can obtain high quality backlinks. I will show you what methods are highly effective for obtaining backlinks in the next few pages. Get Listed in Directories One way to get links back to your site is to link to directories. There are thousands of directories on the net. The key is to link to directories that support your industry. It would make since for a Holistic Practitioner or Naturopathic doctor to get a backlink on a directory like It’s important that you target those niche directories. However, if you are a local business, it is beneficial to get listed in local directories. Most local directories have a high ranking within the search engines. This means if someone is looking for your product or service locally, your business can pop up in a directory, which is usually on the first page of Google. Here are a few to get started with: • • • 15 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 16. (One of the # 1 Directory on the web. However, you may never get listed in dmoz). This site is run by helpful volunteers. Once you have your SEO in place, it will put your marketing on auto pilot. You no longer have to go and look for clients. You will get a flood of qualified people who are ready and eager to buy from you. Why? Because you were smart enough to place the actual words they were looking for on your website. And who doesn’t want to put their marketing on auto pilot? Of course there is much more to SEO than Keywords and Directories, however, I wanted to give you the basics to get started. Now, let’s move on to other website promotion tactics that compliment SEO. Website Promotion Tactics Ah let the fun begin! This is the core of any website marketing strategy; Website Promotion. Now you got your site ready for visitors, you have to start letting people know about it. This is the fun part, because you want to drive traffic to your site, not just any traffic, but qualified traffic. Qualified meaning: people who are actually interested in your products and services that will most likely buy from you. So, how do you get people to your website? Well, there are a lot of ways that you can get people to your website. But I like to focus on the FREE to low-cost strategies that give you stellar results. So in this section, I am going to give you a step by step plan to follow to get people coming to your site and buying from you. Here is a quick taste of what I am going to cover in this section: 1. Forum Posting 2. Article Marketing 3. Press Releases 4. Social Media 5. Offline Promotion 16 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 17. Forum Posting Forums are one of the most overlooked Internet Marketing Strategies. And you may be missing out on your part of the market share if you are not implementing a forum posting strategy in your marketing efforts. Forums and online discussion boards are where like minded people go to find solutions to their problems. The online world is filled with forums from weight loss to video game solutions. For every industry or given topic there is a forum. So, if you have a business and know that you can provide a valuable answer, then you should be online interacting with your prospects and creating value for them. How to Participate in a Forum Don’t get me wrong. Forum posting is great. However, there may be some disadvantages. Forum posting is very time consuming. If you don’t have a knack for research and sifting through information, forum posting may not be for you. Believe it or not, there is an art to posting on forums. You have to really provide value; this not a place to do promotion. You can ask a question relevant to your industry. Or you can supply certain tips. But don’t go to a forum strictly for advertising purposes, if you do, you will be consider a spammer. Some forums disable accounts if they feel spammer activity is going on. Choosing a Forum Remember that little brief about SEO? Well, now you can put it to use because you will be using a search engine to find forums. It is really simple; just go to one of your favorite Search Engines (Google, Yahoo, and MSN) and type in specific keywords. For example, let’s say you are a personal trainer and you are looking for some clients. All you have to do is type in “weight loss forum”. “Fitness forum” or any variation of what your specialty is and then just put the magic word “forum” right after that. It is that simple. However, make sure once you find a forum that you like, that you are consistent in your forum posting strategy. The more you provide good value, the more likely your prospect will choose you when they are ready to make a purchase! However, don’t just think of the monetary gain you will receive from a forum. Participating in a forum is about building trust and becoming the “go to” guy in your industry. Forums are also a great way to get content for your articles. Just look at the most commonly asked questions, write an article about it and post it on your site. And send it to article directories for maximum exposure. This leads us into the next traffic building strategy: 17 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 18. Article Marketing Article Marketing is a highly effective free website marketing strategy that will lead prospects back to your website. Sometimes you may not have the time or the budget for a SEO campaign. This is where Article Marketing comes in. Simply put, Article marketing is the process of where you write articles about what you do and distribute them to online article directories and ezines for maximum exposure. . Ezines like your free content because they get paid by advertisers. For example, let’s say, you are writing an article on anti- aging. You write the article and post it to the directory. There is an advertiser that is willing to pay xx amount of dollars to post his ad about his new anti-aging cream on the directory that will be displayed next to your article. It’s a win win for all. You get immediate exposure. The advertiser gets noticed. And the directory gets paid. It’s that easy. Key to Article Marketing The key to Article Marketing is to write an article with basic information about your product or service. Give your prospect just enough information to whet their appetite. They will have no choice, but to click your link and see what you have to offer. Think of your article as bait to reel your prospects to your website. For example, if you owned a website where you sold vitamins, you can write an article titled “5 Simple Ways Vitamins Can Improve Your Health.” You can list the primary benefits of B-12 vitamins and then note in your resource box (I will explain later). “To start improving your health, invest in b-12 supplements from liquid form to time-released capsules visit to sign up for our free report and find out more”. What is a Resource Box? A resource box is your time to shine. Most article directories allow you to place a brief bio of who you are and what you do. The resource box is where you work your magic. You can simply invite your prospects to visit your site. You will be surprised on how many people don’t have a compelling resource box. A good resource box will read something like this: Nina Lewis is an Online Marketing Expert who helps small businesses increase their sales and profits by teaching them free to low-cost internet marketing strategies. If you are ready to put your marketing on autopilot and master the Internet visit to get a copy of her free report “7 Free and Easy ways to Market Your Business on a Budget”. Did that statement compel you to click on the link? If so, your statement should do the same. Offer your prospect an incentive for clicking on the link. (Remember the “Free Taste” we talked about in previous chapters?”). 18 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 19. The Relationship between Article Marketing & Backlinks What’s a surefire way to get backlinks to your website? Distributing articles of course, Articles don’t only position you as an expert, but they also help with SEO. You see, Article Directories already have a high ranking with the search engines. This means 2 things. 1. Your article has the possibility of appearing on the first page of Google. 2. By submitting your article to an article directory, it shows Google that your site is important. Social Media Marketing I am pretty sure you heard the entire buzz about Social Media and how important it is for your business to be on these social sites. There are millions of users on these sites. If you haven’t heard of the power of Social Media, you may be missing out on millions of prospects who are eager to buy from you. Social Media is about building relationships. A recent study confirmed the claims about social media being all about relationship building, the study was titled “How People Use Social Media,” showed that 83% of social network users were online to interact with their friends and family, and not to make purchasing decisions. 63% of social media users say that ads are a “fair price to pay” for the use of sites and features. 16% said that they are more likely to buy from advertising brands. 54% said that they stay connected to friends and family, and also enjoy meeting new people. 60% of Social Media participants say they only access social media sites and features from home. Source: What does this mean to you? Well, if social media fans and followers are not online to make a purchase how do you interact with them? Well, the report says that these users like to meet new people. So, why not introduce yourself? The key is to be a real person and not a big brand. Of course, Dunkin Donuts can get away with it. But the key here is to build relationships and provide value to your “fans and “followers.” Once you build a connection with your new found friends, you will see it will be much easier to sell your products and services to them. Matter of fact, you can roll out promotions especially for your social media followers. I am sure you heard about the 3 sites that I am about to mention, even if you haven’t these are sites that you definitely want to be interacting on. 19 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 20. 1. www. 2. 3. Join the Conversation Social Media is more than just selling your products and services. Social Media is about connecting with your audience and discovering their wants and needs. It’s about building high quality relationships and listening to what people are saying about your brand. Get Paid to Use Social Media Most people limit their Social Media efforts to sites like Facebook and Twitter, but there are other social media sites where you can actually get paid to talk about your services. Nowadays, anyone can build a community and create a social networking site. But if you don’t have time to upload pictures, download files, or interact with your “fans” on a daily basis, there is an alternative way to still interact with your potential clients. By using Social Article marketing sites, like, and Some of these social networking sites are great because you can write an article about what you do. People can give you feedback on your ideas. You can build a large network of fans. And the best part: you can actually make money off of these sites! Some sites are different; some use Google Ad sense, while others pay you a certain percentage of how many views your page gets. Another great thing about social marketing sites is they already have a high traffic rank. So, if you are not all gung-ho for a SEO campaign, try using a Social Article Marketing strategy instead. You will be able to get bonus points with the top search engines. Social Networking Etiquette Please keep in mind, when you start a Social Media Campaign, your number one priority should be: to create value to your target market. Most people go online to research a product/service before they purchase. If you have a business, don’t come off as someone trying to make a quick dollar. Instead, offer your prospects and clients value. So, when they are ready to make a purchase they will choose you. Also, use social media as a way to find out what your customers are saying about you, good and bad. That way, you will be able to focus on improving your company to meet the needs of your customers. 20 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 21. SEO Press Releases Got news? If you have some compelling news about your business, you may be able to get some free publicity. Writing a Press Release is a sure fire way to get media exposure. However, there is an art and a science to writing a press release. You have to make sure your information is newsworthy. Editors are busy people looking for great story ideas. They can care less if Chef Roger got promoted to executive chef. But they may care that Chef Roger got promoted, and he has no arms! However, in the past few years there has been a big shift on how Press Releases are being used. Now many savvy businesses are rolling out press releases on a weekly basis, not for the media, but for their direct buyers. So, if you want the upper hand, you will have to learn how to use an effective SEO press release to gain media attention. But more importantly use SEO Press Release to reach your direct buyers. So, let’s explore the old and new of the trustworthy press release. Traditional Media Opening of a new business Introducing a new product or service Special Events (contests, sales, etc.) Controversial Issues Disagreement on Various Issues Business Merger Joint Venture Business tied in with current trends Why Online Press Releases Rock? According to a 2009 survey from, a public relations & marketing firm says that 92% of journalists get their story ideas from news releases. Not only that, but the report also revealed some other interesting facts about journalists. So, I am going to share them with you to see how easy it will be to implement an effective SEO Press Release Strategy: How Journalists use the Internet 95% use search engines like Google, MSN, and Yahoo. 87% say finding new sources 21 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 22. 89% say finding story ideas 75% say reading blogs 64% say watching webinars/webcasts 59% say Social networks You see, journalists are using the power of Search Engines, blogs and Social media. So, if you are trying to get media exposure, you need to put yourself in a position where journalists will come to you. And the Internet has made it easier than ever to do just that. Of course, any press release you write, you should try to aim to get media exposure. However, new media rules have made it possible for you to submit your Press Release so it can be seen directly by your target audience. Why wait for a busy editor to write a piece about your product, when you can embed the release with a few keywords that will drive qualified traffic to your site? Here are some benefits of an online/SEO press release: • High Rankings in the Search Engines • You can Reach Direct Buyers • Promote products/ services You can also find many reasons to submit an online press release, which include: New Media Hosting a Teleseminar Completed a Business Development Program Offering New Products/Services Promoting a Special Report Promoting an E-book Promoting a Guest Appearance Hosting a Tele-summit Updates to Website Promoting New Packages & Services And the list can go on. You can always find some unique news about your business. 22 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 23. Writing a Press Release When it comes to writing a Press Release you have to have a certain amount of spunk in your writing that gets noticed. Remember, editors are busy people looking for a great story. A good rule of thumb to remember; sum up the story in the headline of your press release. Within in seconds, an editor should know the who, what, where, when and why. (5W’s). Here is a sample template on a newsworthy press release: Scroll Down to Look at Sample Press Release. 23 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 24. Sample Press Release: Las Vegas Based Online Marketing Firm offers Social Media Service that is for Sale Nina Online, a Las Vegas Based Internet Marketing Firm Offers a Social Media Service that is not available for purchase unless you have certain elements of an effective website. Las Vegas, NV January 20, 2010- Social Media Marketing is all the rage. Small Business owners are learning how to use this new media tactic to connect with their customers. However, Social Media can be quite time consuming. But one Las Vegas Based Online Marketing Firm Developed a New Social Media service called the ‘SEO Content Club’ to help small business save time on their social media efforts. “Social Media is having a huge impact on the way we do business, it give your business a voice. And most importantly it is a great way to engage clients to try out your brand. I think every small business owner should implement a social media strategy into their overall marketing plan.” Says Nina Lewis, President of Nina Online! A Las Vegas Based Internet Marketing Firm that helps small to medium sized business increase their sales and profits by teaching them free to low-cost marketing strategies. The SEO Content Club is a service where small business owners can have Nina Online perform their social media tasks for them. However, this is not like any other social media service. The unique selling point of this particular service is that in addition to updating your social media on a daily basis, Lewis will also provide 1 SEO Press Release and 1 SEO Article to increase your website visibility on a monthly basis. But, you can’t purchase this service just yet. Lewis notes that if you plan to use your social media marketing plans for lead generation, it’s crucial that you have your website in order. And having your website in order simply means, making sure you have a visible opt-in box for people to sign up for your list, an irresistible free taste to increase your conversion rates. And Direct Response Copy techniques that compel your visitor to take the desired action. Lewis offers SEO Website Audits to make sure your website is up to par. Once Lewis gives you the seal of approval for a High Converting website, you can order the SEO Content Club Service and watch your sales and profits increase. To find out more about how you can take advantage of this service visit Nina Online is an Internet Marketing Firm that helps small to medium sized business increase their sales and profits by teaching them free to low-cost marketing strategies. Press Release Distribution Online The Internet has changed the rules of the game on how you write and distribute a press release. Please don’t get me wrong, it is very important that you still write a release to get the media’s attention. However, the purpose of getting the media’s attention is so you can get exposure in magazines &publications promoting your service. Simply put, SEO Press Releases, skip the middle man and go 24 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 25. straight to the people you want to reach. It’s all about choosing the most profitable keywords and crafting a release around the keywords your prospects are most likely to search for. You get more pull with SEO Press Releases, because you can promote your products and services. You can make a special tips report: Internet Marketing Reveals 7 ways to Increase Website Traffic. Or you can write a journalistic style piece. The Internet has made it easier than ever to get your press release hot off the presses and instantly into an editors email in-box. From free to fee-based, there are large amounts of press release distribution services. The advantage of submitting your release online is that it can be picked up by the search engines. Simply put, distributing your releases online will help you acquire high quality backlinks. The release will stay online as long as you want it to. So, if you write a release sprinkled with some keywords, chances are your prospects will be clicking on your site long after your media campaign is over. Here are some of the most popular Press Release Distribution sites online: 1. (Low-Cost, but worth the investment). 2. (Free) 3. (Free) 4. (Low-Cost, but worth the investment). Scroll down to Discover How You can Keep in Touch with Your Prospects 25 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 26. Step 3: Keep in Touch Keeping in Touch One of the most effective, but highly overlooked marketing strategies is the “Follow -Up”. How many times have you went to a networking event, had a great conversation, exchanged business cards and didn’t follow up? It happens all the time. But you have to remember: your leads want to buy from you, but they are too busy running the everyday demands of their business. Make it easy for them to contact you. Follow up with your prospect on a weekly, bi-weekly, daily or monthly basis. Luckily, with the power of the Internet, it has never been easier to build quality relationships with your prospects. Here are three ways you can start building relationships with your customers today. 1. Newsletters /Ezines 2. Auto Reponders 3. Web 2.0 Beyond Social Media Let’s start with Newsletters/Ezines It’s no secret that in today’s economy businesses are looking for low-cost and innovative ways to connect with their prospects and customers. Newsletter or Ezines (online newsletters) are the perfect solution. They are very affordable and can reach millions of people with the click of a mouse. But there are some hurdles that one may go through to make sure their email is delivered correctly. Which I will explain later. But first, let’s get into 5 good reasons why developing and promoting a newsletter will be good for your business. 5 Good Reasons to Have a Newsletter 1. To build relationships with existing customers and potential clients. 2. To promote your own products and services 3. Build Trust and rapport with your target market 4. Sell your colleagues Products (Affiliate Program) 26 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 27. 5. Sell Advertising Space (Have other people place ads in your newsletter). I know it sounds cliché, but people do business with people they know, like and trust. And the only way to get to know like and trust someone is to communicate with them on a consistent basis. And offer value to them. Is a newsletter right for your business? You may be hearing all the hype about people telling you to start a newsletter because it will make you millions of dollars. Well, that maybe true for some companies. However, you have to decide what the purpose of your ezine/newsletter is and what works best for you. Here are some things to consider: Do you want to sell products? Do you want to provide content? Do you want to offer promotions? It’s entirely up to you. However, it’s important to remember that you are keeping in touch with your prospects and clients. To help you get the most out of your email marketing strategy, it is wise to analyze these 3 elements: 1. Figure out what you are going to be sending (Articles, Announcements, and Promotions). 2. Mailing Frequency- How many times a month or day will you send out your newsletter. 3. Software- What type of Software provider will you use (varies depending on your needs). When it comes to choosing software, it is wise to choose software that matches your needs. Here are a few key elements to choosing an Email Software program 1. Affordability- Most email software range from monthly fees of $ 19 and up. 2. Delivery of Email- Are you going to be sending HTML (Pretty graphics and photos). Or just plain text? 3. Integration with other systems (Great for selling your own products, you can integrate with shopping carts like and How to Build Your Email List Okay you decided on what software to use and what you are going to send out. Now, here’s the fun part: actually getting people on your list. So, what can you do to turn your leads into subscribers of your newsletter? 1. Start with everyone you know. If you go to networking events, interact with prospects and ask them if it’s okay if you can send them a sample newsletter. 27 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 28. 2. Reach out to people who are already reaching your target market. 3. Get listed in the 4. Use the Website Promotion tactics you learn in this book (SEO, Press Releases, Article Marketing, and Social Media). There are literally hundreds of ways to build your list, but for starters you can try some of the strategies listed above and watch your list increase overtime. However, once you start building your list, the goal is to keep your list. That’s why there are some basic Email Rules you must follow if you want to continue to build relationships. If you really want to maximize your email open rates, you should avoid some tactics that will put your email into a spam folder. If you are doing any of the following, I suggest you stop while you are ahead: 1. Excessive use of punctuation. (ALL CAPS, Excessive use of Punctuation!!!!!!!!). 2. Subject lines that don’t intrigue the reader to open the email. 3. Information that no one cares about but the person who wrote it. 4. Loud and Bright Colors 5. Assuming everyone wants an Html version. Offer both Html and text. *** Html gives your prospect the availability to see pretty graphics and photos within your email*** 5 Simple Ways to Increase Your Email Open Rates The main goal of sending an email is to get the reader to open it and take action. Unfortunately, most people don’t open emails because the subject lines are boring and unappealing. There are numerous subject lines that can help you increase your conversion rate, but I will start you off with 5 today. 1. “The List” Subject line. Everyone loves lists; 7 ways; 3 Secrets… 5 Mistakes. No matter what the prospect issue is they are going to find out a certain amount of ways to fix their problem. 2. “The Reason Why”. “5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Stocks Today. People are curious and they will be intrigued to know why they should invest in stocks. 28 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 29. 3. The How to- There are a numerous amount of “How to”- books this world has a handful of human beings that have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. People want to shorten their learning curve and learn from someone who has already done what they are trying to do. “How to Put your Teenager through College on a Budget.” 4. Personalized- Personalized emails gives the prospect the feeling that you know them. Using their name in an email is always a plus. “Hi Nina, I would like to share a 3 marketing tips with you I think you should know.” 5. Urgency Email – Give people a sense of urgency. Let them know if they don’t act soon, they may miss out on a really good thing. “You have 15 minutes to respond to this email or this offer will be gone forever.” The urgency email lets people act immediately and make decisions on the spot. See how you can use these 5 subject lines in your own business to increase your email open rates? What are Auto Responders? Auto responders are automatic follow up messages. They can be used as a stand alone feature or in conjunction with email software or a shopping cart system. Auto Responders are great because they put your marketing on autopilot. How do Auto responders work? Have you ever visited a website and signed up for a newsletter? And a day later, you get a follow up message. And in another 2 days you get other follow-up messages? Well, that’s an auto responder. When you have an auto responder system, you have the ability to write all your follow up messages at one time. Just select the dates and times you would like to send them out. Some auto responders come with your email marketing software or shopping cart system. Auto responders are a great feature for when you are selling products online. Take this E-book for example. Most likely, you landed on my sales page and purchased this book. My shopping cart (PayPal) is integrated with my Auto responder service (Aweber). Here is what happened after you downloaded the book: 1. You were sent an automatic email saying thank you for your purchase and giving you the download link to get the book. 29 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 30. 2. In the next few days you will receive an auto responder seeing if you need any clarification on certain topics in the book. 3. Over the next few weeks, you will be receiving auto responders with action steps for each section. (I already wrote the auto responders before I finished the book.). How can you use Auto Responders to help you grow your business? Luckily, Auto responders are not only for the follow up. There are many who create e-courses and other information to provide value to their prospects and clients. So, here are 3 ways you can use auto responders in your own business. 1. You can develop an e-course (class delivered through email). You can offer for free or charge if you have content you think people will pay for. 2. Develop a 10 day Tip Report. (Helps keep your name fresh in the minds of your prospect, if you give them a tip a day.). 3. Develop a 10 page follow-up series (great for when someone buys your product, you want to follow up with them to make sure you answer all questions they may have). 4. Use them to guide the prospect through your sales process. Develop a series of content, showcasing your products and services then provide clickable links to your order page. As you can see, making auto responders part of your marketing strategy will save you time and help you connect with your clients on a more frequent basis. WEB 2.0 Beyond Social Media I know I wrote in previous chapters that Social Media is an effective promotion strategy; however you can use social media to interact with your clients and prospects on a daily basis. And there is much more to Web 2.0 than just Social Media. Web 2.0 can include blogging, forum posting, and customer surveys. Simply put anything that will engage your customers and make it easy for you to build relationships with them. It’s no secret that Facebook & Twitter have been taking the Internet world by storm. However, Social Media is a Term that is here to stay. Social Media users are looking for connection and to engage with 30 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 31. their favorite brands. You can use Social Media as a lead generation strategy, but you can also use your social media strategy to interact with your followers and fans. Let them know about new promotions. Give them the feeling of exclusivity and offer promotions specifically for you social media followers to get them more involved in your brand. When you incorporate a social media strategy into your business, you are creating and nurturing relationships. Once you start joining the conversation, you will have an understanding of what your target market really wants and needs from you. This way you can improve your brand by listening to the positive and negative feedback that is being distributed on these social networking sites. If you are not utilizing social media as a way to grow your business, start using it today! Offline Marketing to Drive Qualified Traffic to Your site. It’s unfortunate that many people are confusing Internet Marketing as a business. It’s important to understand the Internet is not a business; it is just another medium to reach your prospects effectively. In my opinion, one of the best mediums. However, you should never get too dependent on one medium to generate leads. What happens if the internet dries up? Remember the dotcom bust? Most likely, that won’t happen again. But hey you never know. So, what do you do? You choose offline strategies to promote to the online world. Yeah networking is great. I noticed at most networking events I attend, I meet other business owners. For my business that is fine, because I market to Small Business Owners who need help with building their online presence. Let’s just say that you were marketing to Moms. Yes, Moms are business owners too. However, you may find a larger share of your target market if you market outside of networking events. You may find more qualified leads at a local meet up group for mothers than you would at a generic networking event. The Power of Direct Mail I would like to introduce you to an offline strategy that is very effective if implemented correctly. And that’s Direct Mail. You know the mail you know as junk mail? Well, apparently it’s not junk mail, since it is one of the few TRILLION Dollar industries in the world! Why is this industry booming? Because it’s effective! I admit it has shown a rapid decline, since everyone is becoming Goo Goo Gaga over the Internet. But, people still get excited about opening the mail. However, when it comes to implementing a Direct Mail campaign there is an art and a science. You can’t simply mail out 1 letter or postcard and expect a huge ROI. It all comes down to testing. Testing your market, your list, your copy, your message. Testing different variables of your marketing message to see who resonates with you the most. 31 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 32. There are a lot of variables that go into Direct Mail. However, if you are just starting out the fastest way to build rapport with your market is to send a simple postcard mailing. And with affordable services like it has become easy to purchase postcards and send them to your list. What’s more important? The list or the copy? There has been some debate which is more important the list or the copy (words that sell). Don’t get me wrong both are very important aspects of a Direct Mail campaign. But it is safe to say that the list holds the most weight. If you are a problem solver and you have a solution, most people won’t care about the bells and whistles of your copy, all they care about is that you fix their problem and you fix it now! On the other hand, you can have award-winning copy that will make people throw their wallets at you; however, if you send that copy to the wrong list you will be smacking your empty wallet against your head. When it comes to direct mail make sure you have a targeted list of people who are actually interested in buying from you. How do you do that? 1. Get a copy of SRDS - Standard Rate & Data Services; it has a list of all the people who purchased similar products to yours in the past. 2. Buy a list from a list broker. 3. Do your own research via internet-survey clients to see what they actually want. 4. Strategic Alliance- Partner with someone who is already serving your market. This way, you can leverage their name so your direct mail efforts won’t be deemed as interruption marketing. Once you have your list, you can start thinking of ways you can market your business. I admit 44 cents for a stamp can get quite pricey to target a large group of people. That’s why many smart marketers use “Test Marketing.” Test Marketing is simply the process of taking a list and dividing it in half and sending 1 message to 1 half of the list and the other message to the other half to see which one gets a higher response rate. (You can do something similar online with A/B Testing, which is an advanced Internet Marketing Strategy.). For instance, let’s say you had a list of 1,000 names, you wouldn’t send the same promotion/offer to all 1000 names. Instead you will send 1 Sales letter to 500 people on that list and then the other 500 you will send another Sales letter, but this time a variable is changed. It can be the headline, price, copy, or the offer. Once you figure out who is the most receptive to your winning offer you can compile or purchase a bigger list and start marketing to more people. The average response rate is about 2%. That means if you market to 100 people only 2 will respond. But what if those 2 people who respond happen to be life long clients that pay you over and over again? They can make up for the cost of all the stamps you spent in a matter of months. 32 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 33. If you implement a Direct Mail campaign, there are a few steps that you have to follow to ensure success. First of all, you have to remember that CEO & Presidents of companies don’t open their own mail. Mail gets opened by an Office Manager and tossed if it is not something they need. So, how do you get your mailing in front of The Big Boss? Customize. Customize. Customize. Make sure your mail gets opened There is nothing like a personal touch. Yes, it takes extra work, but at least your marketing piece will get into the hands of the right person. You can maximize your conversion by having the letter/package certified, that means someone has to sign to receive your package. And when someone signs to receive your package they perceive that it must be important. But that is not enough to ensure your direct mail is getting opened. Remember, CEO’s are very busy people. They may take a quick glance at your piece and make a mental note to call, but they get so bogged up with their day to day operations. The Money is in the Follow -Up That’s why it’s your job to “Follow-up.” Its okay to call, because you are not cold calling, you are calling just to let them know that a package is on the way. You can send them a brief email to let them know that they will be receiving a package from you, and to let them know that you will be calling them in a few days to make sure the package arrived. Then wait a few days and make the call and see if you are a perfect fit. Rule of Thumb: Whenever you send out any direct mail piece (Sales Letter, Postcard, etc). Make sure you always give the prospect a way to respond to the offer. Tell them to call if you want them to call. Tell them to go to a website and download a free report. Whatever you want them to do tell them, and make it super easy for them to understand what it is that you want them to do. Always have an effective Call to Action. 33 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 34. Teleseminars: Make Money with a Free Call Teleseminars are all the rage right now. Why? Because they are free and they give your prospect the luxury of not leaving their home to connect with you. Plus think about the global advantage you have. You can reach people from all around the world with a simple phone line. Just think no more waiting in line at the airport or sharing a hotel room with a stranger. So all you need is a bridge line and a hot topic you are all good to go. The key to teleseminars is leverage. You want to give a free call to prospects to get them interested in your service. But don’t be cheap on the content, give them all you got. And the reason for providing high quality content is you have the ability to record the call and turn it into a product that you can sell. It’s simple to get started; you can use a free service like All you need is a name and an email address to get an account. Once you set up your account, you will automatically be sent a phone # which is known as a bridge line. You get a bridge line along with a Moderator pass code and a Participant pass code. Usually the dial in # is the same for the moderator and the participant. However, the pass codes are different because the moderator has the ability to record or mute the call, where the participant may not have access to certain features. Most successful Internet Marketers use free teleseminars to promote upcoming products and events. Some even create 3-6 week paid teleclasses that benefit their audience. As you can see there is no limit to what you can do with a teleseminar. Hosting a teleseminar is no different than speaking in front of a live audience. The only difference is that you are in the comfort of your home. Speaking on the telephone may work to your advantage, because it seems like you are just having a good ole conversation with your friend. What to talk about on your Money Making Call? Sometimes coming up with a compelling topic can be difficult. However, you can use a free tool like to create a survey and ask your prospects what topics or solutions they are most interested in learning about. Once you get your responses to the survey it is time to start producing content outline. Teleseminars can run anywhere from 20 minutes up to 2 hours. However, the average time is about 75 minutes. And it is broken down like this 5 minute Introduction & Background of host 5 minute to go over upcoming promotions/events 5 minutes to give overview of what will be discussed on the call 34 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 35. 45 minutes of the content being delivered 15 minutes for Questions & Answers. (Some host request that you send in the answers before the call, so they don’t have to keep answering the same question over and over again). It’s a pretty simple process. And you don’t have to be a tech guru to set it up. It’s one thing to set up the teleseminar. It’s another thing to promote it. Remember the auto responder series I was talking about? Well, start promoting the call to your list about 1-2 weeks before the actual call. And use auto responders to send friendly reminders every 2 or 3 days up until the event. After you promote to your list, you can use special teleseminar promotions sites to get more exposure for your call. Here are a few: • • • • • (And any of your other social networks). There are two ways that you can go about turning your free call into a paid product. 1. You can record it and place it for sale on your website. 2. Or you can go over a list of frequently asked questions regarding the call, and take those questions and turn them into an info product that you can sell. Teleseminars are a great way to promote your business. However, remember consistency is key. You can offer free teleseminars, but always make sure you have something to upsell to the client so you can make a profit. 35 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 36. A Final Word from the Nina Lewis The Internet is a highly competitive market; there are millions of websites on the World Wide Web. I am sure there are hundreds if not thousands of business owners who sell the same product and service as you. So, how do you stand out from the crowd? You have to differentiate yourself and show your prospects that you are worthy of their time. However, if you want to build and grow your business, you have to understand that it takes time and energy. The strategies that I discussed in this book are highly effective, but time consuming. You have two choices; Invest in Learning how to implement these strategies to your own business. Or Invest in someone who has the time to do the work for you. As long as you are marketing to the right people (people who need your services and are willing to pay you what you are worth) all it takes some persistence and dedication. Of course, there are more advanced strategies, however, if you just take 1 or 2 of these strategies that resonate with you and master them- you will be well on your way to Online Success! However, it is important to remember that if a specific strategy is not working for your specific business- tweak before you toss. And toss if it is still not working after tweaking. There are literally thousands of ways you can market your business. Find the marketing strategies that are authentic to you and you will see your business flourish. I would like to help you get clear on your Online Marketing Strategy. Give me a call at 702-699-7319 so we can see if we are a perfect fit. To find out how you can increase your sales and profits visit Scroll Down to View a List of Resources and Services & a Bonus Chapter Bonus Chapter: 36 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 37. Take the Knowledge in your head and turn it into an Information Product At times, you may feel that you are answering the same question over and over again. And take that from first hand experience, which can be quite tedious. But thanks to the development of information products, they have made my life much easier. And it can make your life easier too. First, let me explain what an Information Product is. Simply put, Information products are all of the knowledge stored in your head, packed into a tangible product. Information products come in forms of EBooks, Audio Cds, Home Study Kits, Special Reports, Videos and more. Why are Information Products Important? First and foremost, you do the work once and get paid many times over. However, Information Products position you as an expert. Write a book, it doesn’t even have to be a best –seller and you automatically get clout. Or how about an Audio? (One of the fastest info products to create). Most people will think that you spent dreaded hours in a studio with engineers trying to get the perfect recording. And that is far from the case, what if I told you that you can make a high quality audio cd over the phone in one weekend. You can also get an attractive design and get duplicates of the audio for less than $ 200.00. You can and it is simpler than you think. Information products not only put your bank account on autopilot, but they are a great way to capture qualified leads. This saves up your time, because the lead that shows he is interested will gather your information and contact you. That way you don’t have to chase him down like a homeless dog looking for scraps of food. He will come to you because you positioned yourself as someone who knows what they are doing. Here are a few quick ways you can use your information products to capture leads:  You Can Give Away a Free Download (EBook, Audio, Special Report, Etc.) When your prospect comes to your site.  Hand out your Audio Cd at Networking Events (Make sure you qualify your lead first, Cd’s can cost a hefty penny if you are not careful).  Send an Information Kit via Mail once the prospect request more information from you.  Post them on popular sites like or and make money in the process. People Like to Learn in Different Formats This world is made up of a diverse group of people. Fortunately, to your advantage, people like to learn in different ways. Some people like to read, some like to see, and some like to hear. And you can please all of them with this one little secret; Rinse & Repeat. Why reinvent the wheel when you don’t have to? If you have a popular topic that is worth mentioning just distribute the topics in different formats. For 37 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 38. example, you can take your “popular topic” and write an e-book, then record an audio, then make it into a home study course. The possibilities are limitless with what you can do with Information Products. I am going to give you some tips for easy information products you can create today. E- Books- It’s reported that the Kindle (Amazons E-book Reader) will be purchased by close to ½ a million people this year. As you can see there is definitely a demand for e-books. You can write a simple 20 page or 168 pages E-book. The great thing about e-books is that they don’t have to be a lot of pages. Most people who purchase E-books are looking for “How to “information. And if you have the knowledge to do something someone else doesn’t- Why not share your wealth and make profit by doing so? E-books have a high perceived value, so it’s no surprise that you can sell an E-book for $ 27-$97.00. Don’t worry if you don’t like to write, you can hire a freelance writer to do the work for you. It can cost less than $ 500.00 to have a complete E-book written, formatted and ready to sell in no time. Insider Secret: Record what you want to say, and then have a transcriptionist transcribe it into PDF (Portable Document File) Format and voila! You will have an instant E-book that you actually written. Audio Programs- An audio CD is one of the quickest ways to make an info product. You can record the topic or you can have someone interview you. Audio is great, because it takes less time than writing an E-book. It also gives your prospect a high perceived value. There is just something about a tangible product that makes people feel all gitty inside. An audio is something your prospect can actually hold in their hand, they can listen to it while they are cleaning the house, working out, or driving the car. If you want to add higher value to the CD, you can always include workbook and checklists to allow your prospect to do something. I like to use to record audio. After you record audio they allow you to have download links that you can place to your website or send to a fulfillment service that can produce the actual tangible product. In closing, Information Products position you as an expert in your field. They also leverage your time, by answering the most frequently asked questions in product form. Start creating your information products today and watch your profits explode! 38 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 39. Quick Resource Guide 1. Web hosting 2. Article Marketing Websites 3. Press Release Distribution Services 4. Social Media Marketing 5. Blogging Software 6. Ezine/Newsletter Providers 39 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 40. 7. Shopping carts (For Business on a Budget) 8. Directories 9. SEO Education 40 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 41. About the Author: My name is Nina Lewis and I’m a Freelance Writer & Internet Marketing Consultant. My primary niche is SEO writing. In addition to SEO Writing, I also provide website promotion techniques to small & medium sized businesses. About Nina Online! Nina Online is an Internet Marketing Firm that helps small to medium size businesses increase their sales and profits by teaching them free to low-cost marketing strategies. Our specialty is website promotion (traffic building strategies). We are open to serving small business owners who has a desire to grow their business. However, we have a passion for working with the Health & Wellness Industry, some of our past clients Include; Colon Hydrotherapists, Life Coaches, Intuitive Psychics, Reflexologists, Pilates Instructors and Fitness Trainers. Just to name a few. We have a free monthly newsletter “The Holistic Connection” where you can get updates on Copywriting and Internet Marketing. To register for my free newsletter visit Services from Nina Online! : Done With You Services Internet Marketing Strategy Session (1 Hour) Are you feeling stuck in your business and you are trying to figure out the best strategy to increase traffic to your website. Or perhaps you need help crafting a marketing plan. Visit ½ Day Virtual Retreat If you need more than 1 hour to focus on one specific strategy, a ½ day virtual retreat is for you. This ½ day will take approximately 3 ½ hours. We will focus on a specific strategy together. Maybe it will be understanding SEO, Setting up an Article Marketing Campaign or Writing and Submitting a Press 41 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 42. Release. Whatever it is by the end of the session you will have a tangible result. To find out more send an email to with ½ day Virtual Retreat in the subject line. Done for You Services If you want to jumpstart your website promotion, Nina Online can take care of all your Internet Marketing needs while you take care of your clients. We can take care of Search Engine Optimization, Article Marketing, SEO Press Releases, Website Copywriting, Social Media Marketing and more. To view a list of services and pricing visit: To discuss your needs email: or call 1-888-308-NINA (6462) 3 Steps to Online Success for the Small Business Owner: A Step by Step Guide to Effective Website Promotion ©2010 Nina Lewis- Visit for more on Internet Marketing. Nina Online! By Purchasing this E-book you received a complimentary 1 Hr Internet Marketing Consultation with Nina Lewis of Nina Online! $ 88 Internet Marketing Consultation Call 1-888-308-NINA (6462) to book your Free Consultation Today! Mention Code: 3stepsfree when booking your consultation. 42 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit
  • 43. 43 All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 2010 | Nina Online! visit