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Module 3
shiwani gupta 3
• An agent is an entity that can be viewed as perceiving its
environment through sensors and acting upon that environment
through effectors/actuators to achieve goals
• Ideal, rational, human, robotic, software, autonomous
• Simple reflex, Model Based, Goal based, Utility based
• The Simple Reflex Agent will work only if the correct decision
can be made on the basis of the current percept.
Drawback of Simple reflex agents (Module2)
• unable to plan ahead
• limited in what they can do because their actions are determined
only by the current percept
• have no knowledge of what their actions do nor of what they are
trying to achieve.
one kind of goal-based agent… problem-solving agent.
(Problem-solving agents decide what to do by finding sequences of
actions that lead to desirable states)
• Goal formulation based on current situation
• Problem Formulation is the process of deciding what actions and
states to consider
• Search is the process of looking for different possible sequences of
actions leading to goal state
• Execution is carrying out actions recommended as solution by search
A goal and a set of means for achieving the goal is called a problem, and
the process of exploring what the means can do is called search
Problem-solving agents
(formulate - search – execute)
Problem-Solving Agent
Problem-Solving Agent
• Formulate Goal
• Formulate Problem
• Find Solution
Toy Problems vs.
Real-World Problems
Toy Problems
– concise and exact
– used for illustration
– used for performance
• Simple to describe
• Trivial to solve
Real-World Problems
– no single, agreed-upon
– people care about the
• Hours to define
Toy problems
– Touring in Romania
– 8-Puzzle/Sliding Block Puzzle
– Robotic Assembly
– 8 Queen
– Missionaries and Cannibals
– Cryptarithmetic
– Water Jug Problem
Real-World Problem:
Touring in Romania
Rimnicu Vilcea
Aim: find a course of action that satisfies a number of specified conditions
Touring in Romania:
Search Problem Definition
• initial state:
– In(Arad)
• possible Actions:
– DriveTo(Zerind), DriveTo(Sibiu), DriveTo(Timisoara), etc.
• goal state:
– In(Bucharest)
• step cost:
– distances between cities
Example: 8-puzzle
• states?
• actions?
• goal test?
• path cost?
8-puzzle contd.
• states? locations of tiles
• actions? move blank left, right, up, down
• goal test? = goal state (given)
• path cost? 1 per move
[Note: optimal solution of n-Puzzle family is NP-hard]
Example: robotic assembly
• states?
• actions?
• goal test?
• path cost?
Example: robotic assembly
• states?: real-valued coordinates of robot joint angles; parts of the
object to be assembled
• actions?: continuous motions of robot joints
• goal test?: complete assembly
• path cost?: time to execute
Example: 8 queens problem
The incremental formulation involves placing queens one by one,
the complete-state formulation starts with all 8 queens on the board
and moves them around.
In either case, the path cost is of no interest because only the final
state counts; algorithms are thus compared only on search cost.
Goal test: 8 queens on board, none attacked.
Path cost: zero.
States: any arrangement of 0 to 8 queens on board.
Operators: add a queen to any square.
Incremental formulation
The fact that placing a queen where it is already attacked cannot work,
because subsequent placing of other queens will not undo the attack.
So we might try the following:
States: arrangements of 0 to 8 queens with none attacked
Operators: place a queen in the left-most empty column such that it is not
attacked by any other queen
It is easy to see that the actions given
can generate only states with no attacks;
but sometimes no actions will be possible.
For example, after making the first seven
choices (left-to-right)
A quick calculation shows that there are only
Much fewer sequences to investigate.
The right formulation makes a big
difference to the size of the search space.
Complete formulation
• States: arrangements of 8 queens, one in each column.
• Operators: move any attacked queen to another square in the
same column.
Example: Missionaries and cannibals problem
(Three missionaries and three cannibals are on one side of a river, along with a boat that can
hold max two people. Find a way to get everyone to the other side, without ever leaving a group
of missionaries in one place outnumbered by the cannibals in that place)
States: a state consists of an ordered sequence of three numbers representing
the number of missionaries, cannibals, and boats on the bank of the river
from which they started. Thus, the start state is (3,3,1)
Operators: from each state the possible operators are to take either one
missionary, one cannibal, two missionaries, two cannibals, or one of each
across in the boat. Thus, there are at most five operators, although most
states have fewer because it is necessary to avoid illegal states. Note that if
we had chosen to distinguish between individual people then there would
be 27 operators instead of just 5
Goal test: reached state (0,0,1)
Path cost: number of crossings
Missionaries and Cannibals:
Successor Function
state set of <action, state>
(L:3m,3c,b-R:0m,0c) → {<2c, (L:3m,1c-R:0m,2c,b)>,
<1m1c, (L:2m,2c-R:1m,1c,b)>,
<1c, (L:3m,2c-R:0m,1c,b)>}
(L:3m,1c-R:0m,2c,b) → {<2c, (L:3m,3c,b-R:0m,0c) >,
<1c, (L:3m,2c,b-R:0m,1c)>}
(L:2m,2c-R:1m,1c,b) → {<1m1c, (L:3m,3c,b-R:0m,0c) >,
<1m, (L:3m,2c,b-R:0m,1c)>}
Missionaries and Cannibals: State
0 Initial setup: MMMCCC B -
1 Two cannibals cross over: MMMC B CC
2 One comes back: MMMCC B C
3 Two cannibals go over again: MMM B CCC
4 One comes back: MMMC B CC
5 Two missionaries cross: MC B MMCC
6 A missionary & cannibal return: MMCC B MC
7 Two missionaries cross again: CC B MMMC
8 A cannibal returns: CCC B MMM
9 Two cannibals cross: C B MMMCC
10 One returns: CC B MMMC
11 And brings over the third: - B MMMCCC
Missionaries and Cannibals: Goal
State and Path Cost
• goal state:
– all missionaries, all
cannibals, and the
boat are on the right
• path cost
– step cost: 1 for each
– path cost: number of
crossings = length of path
• solution path:
– 4 optimal solutions
– cost: 11
Example: Cryptarithmetic
States: a cryptarithmetic puzzle with some letters replaced by digits.
Operators: replace all occurrences of a letter with a digit not already
appearing in the puzzle.
Goal test: puzzle contains only digits, and represents a correct sum.
Path cost: zero. All solutions equally valid.
One way to do this is to adopt a fixed order, e.g., alphabetical order.
A better choice is to do whichever is the most constrained substitution,
that is, the letter that has the fewest legal possibilities given the
constraints of the puzzle.
Crypt-Arithmetic puzzle
• Problem Statement:
– Solve the following puzzle by assigning numeral (0-9) in such a way that
each letter is assigned unique digit which satisfy the following addition.
– Constraints : No two letters have the same value. (The constraints of
• Initial Problem State
– S = ? ; E = ? ;N = ? ; D = ? ; M = ? ;O = ? ; R = ? ;Y = ?
+ M O R E
C4 = ? ;C3 = ? ;C2 = ? ;C1 = ?
Constraint equations:
Y = D + E C1
E = N + R + C1 C2
N = E + O + C2 C3
O = S + M + C3 C4
M = C4
C4 C3 C2 C1 Carry
+ M O R E
• We can easily see that M has to be non zero
digit, so the value of C4 =1
1. M = C4  M = 1
2. O = S + M + C3 → C4
For C4 =1, S + M + C3 > 9 
S + 1 + C3 > 9  S+C3 > 8.
If C3 = 0, then S = 9 else if C3 = 1,
then S = 8 or 9.
• We see that for S = 9
– C3 = 0 or 1
– It can be easily seen that C3 = 1 is not
possible as O = S + M + C3  O = 11 
O has to be assigned digit 1 but 1 is
already assigned to M, so not possible.
– Therefore, only choice for C3 = 0, and
thus O = 10. This implies that O is
assigned 0 (zero) digit.
• Therefore, O = 0
M = 1, O = 0
C4 C3 C2 C1 Carry
+ M O R E
Y = D + E → C1
E = N + R + C1 → C2
N = E + O + C2 → C3
O = S + M + C3 → C4
M = C4
3. Since C3 = 0; N = E + O + C2 produces no
• As O = 0, N = E + C2 .
• Since N  E, therefore, C2 = 1.
Hence N = E + 1
• Now E can take value from 2 to 8 {0,1,9
already assigned so far }
– If E = 2, then N = 3.
– Since C2 = 1, from E = N + R + C1 ,
we get 12 = N + R + C1
• If C1 = 0 then R = 9, which is not
possible as we are on the path with
S = 9
• If C1 = 1 then R = 8, then
» From Y = D + E , we get 10 +
Y= D + 2 .
» For no value of D, we can get Y.
– Try similarly for E = 3, 4. We fail in
each case.
C4 C3 C2 C1 Carry
+ M O R E
Y = D + E → C1
E = N + R + C1 → C2
N = E + O + C2 → C3
O = S + M + C3 → C4
M = C4
• If E = 5, then N = 6
– Since C2 = 1, from E = N + R + C1 ,
we get 15 = N + R + C1 ,
– If C1 = 0 then R = 9, which is not
possible as we are on the path with
S = 9.
– If C1 = 1 then R = 8, then
• From Y = D + E , we get 10 + Y=
D + 5 i.e., 5 + Y = D.
• If Y = 2 then D = 7. These values
are possible.
• Hence we get the final solution as
given below and on backtracking, we
may find more solutions.
S = 9 ; E = 5 ; N = 6 ; D = 7 ;
M = 1 ; O = 0 ; R = 8 ;Y = 2
C4 C3 C2 C1 Carry
+ M O R E
Y = D + E → C1
E = N + R + C1 → C2
N = E + O + C2 → C3
O = S + M + C3 → C4
M = C4
Y = D + E C1
E = N + R + C1 C2
N = E + O + C2 C3
O = S + M + C3 C4
M = C4
Initial State
M = 1 → C4 = 1
O = 1 + S + C3
S = 9 S = 8
C3 = 0 C3 = 1
O = 0 O = 1
Fixed 
M = 1
O = 0
N = E + O + C2 = E + C2 → C2 = 1 (must) → N = E + 1
E = 2 E = 3 ….. E = 5
N = 3 N = 6
E = N + R + C1 E = N + R + C1
10 + 2 = 3 + R + C1 10 + 5 = 6 + R + C1
O  O
R = 9 R = 8 R = 9 R = 8
C1 =0 C1 = 1 C1 = 0 C1 = 1
 O  O
10 + Y = D + E = D + 2 10 + Y = D + E = D + 5
D = 8 D = 9 D = 7
Y = 0 Y = 1 Y = 2
   
The first solution obtained is:
M = 1, O = 0, S = 9, E = 5, N = 6, R = 8, D = 7, Y = 2
C4 C3 C2 C1  Carries
+ B A L L
Constraints equations are:
E + L = S → C1
S + L + C1= E → C2
2A + C2 = M → C3
2B + C3 = A → C4
G = C4
Initial Problem State
G = ?; A = ?;M = ?; E = ?; S = ?; B = ?; L = ?
1. G = C4  G = 1
2. 2B+ C3 = A → C4
2.1 Since C4 = 1, therefore, 2B+ C3 > 9  B can take values from 5 to 9.
2.2 Try the following steps for each value of B from 5 to 9 till we get a
possible value of B.
if C3 = 0 A = 0  M = 0 for C2 = 0 or M = 1 for C2 = 1 
• If B = 5
if C3 = 1  A = 1  (as G = 1 already)
• For B = 6 we get similar contradiction while generating the search tree.
• If B = 7 , then for C3 = 0, we get A = 4  M = 8 if C2 = 0 that leads to
contradiction, so this path is pruned. If C2 = 1, then M = 9 .
3. Let us solve S + L + C1 = E and E + L = S
• Using both equations, we get 2L + C1 = 0  L = 5 and C1 = 0
• Using L = 5, we get S + 5 = E that should generate carry C2 = 1 as shown
• So S+5 > 9  Possible values for E are {2, 3, 6, 8} (with carry bit C2 = 1 )
• If E = 2 then S + 5 = 12  S = 7  (as B = 7 already)
• If E = 3 then S + 5 = 13  S = 8.
• Therefore E = 3 and S = 8 are fixed up.
4. Hence we get the final solution as given below and on backtracking, we may find
more solutions. In this case we get only one solution.
G = 1; A = 4; M = 9; E = 3; S = 8;B = 7; L = 5
MARS Each of the ten letters (m, a, r, s, v, e,
+ VENUS n, u, t, and p) represents a unique number
+ URANUS in the range 0 .. 9.
NEPTUNE Solution: NEPTUNE = 1078610
M=4, A=5, R=9, etc.
Water Jug Problem
• Problem Statement: "You are given two jugs, a
4-gallon one and a 3-gallon one. Neither has
any measuring markers on it. There is a tap
that can be used to fill the jugs with water.
How can you get exactly 2 gallons of water
into the 4-gallon jug?"
Production Rules
Rules Conclusions
R1:(X, Y | X < 4) → (4, Y) {Fill 4-gallon jug}
R2:(X, Y | Y < 3) →(X, 3) {Fill 3-gallon jug}
R3:(X, Y | X > 0) →(0, Y) {Empty 4-gallon jug}
R4:(X, Y | Y > 0) →(X, 0) {Empty 3-gallon jug}
R5:(X, Y | X+Y >= 4 ΛY > 0) →(4, Y –(4 –X)) {Pour water from 3-gallon jug into 4-
gallon jug until 4-gallon jug is full}
R6:(X, Y | X+Y >= 3 ΛX > 0) →(X –(3 –Y), 3)) {Pour water from 4-gallon jug into 3-
gallon jug until 3-gallon jug is full}
R7:(X, Y | X+Y <= 4 ΛY > 0) → (X+Y, 0) {Pour all water from 3-gallon jug into 4- gallon jug }
R8:(X, Y | X+Y <= 3 ΛX > 0) →(0, X+Y) {Pour all water from 4-gallon jug into 3- gallon jug }
R9:(X, Y | X > 0) → (X –D, Y) {Pour some water D out from 4- gallon jug}
R10:(X, Y | Y > 0) →(X, Y -D) {Pour some water D out from 3- gallon jug}
2 0
Number Rules applied 4-g jug 3-g jug
of steps
1 Initial State 0 0
2 R1 {Fill 4-gallon jug} 4 0
3 R6 {Pour from 4 to 3-g jug until it is full } 1 3
4 R4 {Empty 3-gallon jug} 1 0
5 R8 {Pour all water from 4 to 3-gallon jug} 0 1
6 R1 {Fill 4-gallon jug} 4 1
7 R6 {Pour from 4 to 3-g jug until it is full} 2 3
8 R4 {Empty 3-gallon jug}
Goal State
Water Jug Problem
Given a full 5-gallon jug and a full 2-gallon jug, fill the 2-gallon jug with
exactly one gallon of water.
• State: ?
• Initial State: ?
• Operators: ?
• Goal State: ?
Real World problems
• Route Finding applications, such as routing in computer networks,
automated travel advisory systems, and airline travel planning systems.
• Touring and traveling salesperson problem is a famous touring problem
in which each city must be visited exactly once. The aim is to find the
shortest tour.
• VLSI layout with cell layout and channel routing.
• Robot navigation is a generalization of the route-finding problem
described earlier. Rather than a discrete set of routes, a robot can move in a
continuous space with (in principle) an infinite set of possible actions and
• Assembly sequencing of complex objects by a robot, the problem is to
find an order in which to assemble the parts of some object. If the wrong
order is chosen, there will be no way to add some part later in the sequence
without undoing some of the work already done.
• Monkey Banana Problem
General Route Finding Problem
• Problem Statement
• States: Locations
• Initial State: Starting Point
• Successor Function(Operators): Move from one location
to other
• Goal Test: Arrive at certain location
• Path Cost: Money, time, travel, comfort, scenery,…
Travelling Salesman Problem
• Problem Statement
• States: Locations/cities
• Initial State: Starting Point
• Successor Function(Operators): Move from one location
to other
• Goal Test: All locations visited, Agent at initial location
• Path Cost: Distance between locations
VLSI layout problem
• Problem Statement
• States: Positions of components, wires on chip
• Initial State:
– Incremental
– Complete State
• Successor Function(Operators)
– Incremental
– Complete State
• Goal Test: All components placed and connected as specified
• Path Cost: distance, capacity, no. of connections per component
Robot Navigation
• Problem Statement
• States: Locations, Position of actuator
• Initial State: Start pos
• Successor Function(Operators): Movement, actions of
• Goal Test: Task Dependent
• Path Cost: Distance, Energy consumption
Assembly Sequencing
• Problem Statement
• States: Location of components
• Initial State: No components assembled
• Successor Function(Operators): Place component
• Goal Test: System fully assembled
• Path Cost: Number of moves
Monkey Banana Problem
• Problem Statement
• States:
• Initial State: Monkey on the floor without bananas
• Successor Function(Operators)
• Goal Test
• Path Cost: The number of moves by monkey to get bananas
Search Problem
• State space
– each state is an abstract representation of the
– the state space is discrete
• Initial state
• Successor function
• Goal test
• Path cost
Search Problem
• State space
• Initial state:
– usually the current state
– sometimes one or several hypothetical states
(“what if …”)
• Successor function
• Goal test
• Path cost
Search Problem
• State space
• Initial state
• Successor function:
– [state → subset of states]
– an abstract representation of the possible actions
• Goal test
• Path cost
Search Problem
• State space
• Initial state
• Successor function
• Goal test:
– usually a condition
– sometimes the description of a state
• Path cost
Search Problem
• State space
• Initial state
• Successor function
• Goal test
• Path cost:
– [path → positive number]
– usually, path cost = sum of step costs
– e.g., number of moves of the empty tile
Assumptions in Basic Search
• The environment is static
• The environment is discretizable
• The environment is observable
• The actions are deterministic
University Questions
• Solve the following Crypt arithmetic problem:
• You are given 2 jugs of cap 4l and 3l each. Neither of the jugs have
any measuring markers on them. There is a pump that can be used to
fill jugs with water. How can u get exactly 2l of water in 4l jug?
Formulate the problem in state space and draw complete diagram
• Consider jugs of volumes 3 and 7 units are available. Show the trace
to measure 2 and 5 units.
• Solve Wolf Goat Cabbage problem.

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Problem solving

  • 3. shiwani gupta 3 Agents • An agent is an entity that can be viewed as perceiving its environment through sensors and acting upon that environment through effectors/actuators to achieve goals • Ideal, rational, human, robotic, software, autonomous • Simple reflex, Model Based, Goal based, Utility based • The Simple Reflex Agent will work only if the correct decision can be made on the basis of the current percept.
  • 4. SHIWANI GUPTA 4 Drawback of Simple reflex agents (Module2) • unable to plan ahead • limited in what they can do because their actions are determined only by the current percept • have no knowledge of what their actions do nor of what they are trying to achieve. Solution: one kind of goal-based agent… problem-solving agent. (Problem-solving agents decide what to do by finding sequences of actions that lead to desirable states) • Goal formulation based on current situation • Problem Formulation is the process of deciding what actions and states to consider • Search is the process of looking for different possible sequences of actions leading to goal state • Execution is carrying out actions recommended as solution by search algorithm A goal and a set of means for achieving the goal is called a problem, and the process of exploring what the means can do is called search
  • 5. SHIWANI GUPTA 5 Problem-solving agents (formulate - search – execute)
  • 7. Problem-Solving Agent environment agent ? sensors actuators • Formulate Goal • Formulate Problem •States •Actions • Find Solution
  • 8. 8 Toy Problems vs. Real-World Problems Toy Problems – concise and exact description – used for illustration purposes – used for performance comparisons • Simple to describe • Trivial to solve Real-World Problems – no single, agreed-upon description – people care about the solutions • Hours to define
  • 9. SHIWANI GUPTA 9 Toy problems – Touring in Romania – 8-Puzzle/Sliding Block Puzzle – Robotic Assembly – 8 Queen – Missionaries and Cannibals – Cryptarithmetic – Water Jug Problem
  • 10. 10 Real-World Problem: Touring in Romania Oradea Bucharest Fagaras Pitesti Neamt Iasi Vaslui Urziceni Hirsova Eforie Giurgiu Craiova Rimnicu Vilcea Sibiu Dobreta Mehadia Lugoj Timisoara Arad Zerind 120 140 151 75 70 111 118 75 71 85 90 211 101 97 138 146 80 99 87 92 142 98 86 Aim: find a course of action that satisfies a number of specified conditions
  • 11. 13 Touring in Romania: Search Problem Definition • initial state: – In(Arad) • possible Actions: – DriveTo(Zerind), DriveTo(Sibiu), DriveTo(Timisoara), etc. • goal state: – In(Bucharest) • step cost: – distances between cities
  • 12. SHIWANI GUPTA 14 Example: 8-puzzle • states? • actions? • goal test? • path cost?
  • 13. SHIWANI GUPTA 15 8-puzzle contd. • states? locations of tiles • actions? move blank left, right, up, down • goal test? = goal state (given) • path cost? 1 per move [Note: optimal solution of n-Puzzle family is NP-hard]
  • 14. SHIWANI GUPTA 16 Example: robotic assembly • states? • actions? • goal test? • path cost?
  • 15. SHIWANI GUPTA 17 Example: robotic assembly • states?: real-valued coordinates of robot joint angles; parts of the object to be assembled • actions?: continuous motions of robot joints • goal test?: complete assembly • path cost?: time to execute
  • 16. SHIWANI GUPTA 18 Example: 8 queens problem The incremental formulation involves placing queens one by one, whereas the complete-state formulation starts with all 8 queens on the board and moves them around. In either case, the path cost is of no interest because only the final state counts; algorithms are thus compared only on search cost. Goal test: 8 queens on board, none attacked. Path cost: zero. States: any arrangement of 0 to 8 queens on board. Operators: add a queen to any square.
  • 17. SHIWANI GUPTA 19 Incremental formulation The fact that placing a queen where it is already attacked cannot work, because subsequent placing of other queens will not undo the attack. So we might try the following: States: arrangements of 0 to 8 queens with none attacked Operators: place a queen in the left-most empty column such that it is not attacked by any other queen It is easy to see that the actions given can generate only states with no attacks; but sometimes no actions will be possible. For example, after making the first seven choices (left-to-right) A quick calculation shows that there are only Much fewer sequences to investigate. The right formulation makes a big difference to the size of the search space.
  • 18. SHIWANI GUPTA 20 Complete formulation • States: arrangements of 8 queens, one in each column. • Operators: move any attacked queen to another square in the same column.
  • 19. SHIWANI GUPTA 21 Example: Missionaries and cannibals problem (Three missionaries and three cannibals are on one side of a river, along with a boat that can hold max two people. Find a way to get everyone to the other side, without ever leaving a group of missionaries in one place outnumbered by the cannibals in that place) States: a state consists of an ordered sequence of three numbers representing the number of missionaries, cannibals, and boats on the bank of the river from which they started. Thus, the start state is (3,3,1) Operators: from each state the possible operators are to take either one missionary, one cannibal, two missionaries, two cannibals, or one of each across in the boat. Thus, there are at most five operators, although most states have fewer because it is necessary to avoid illegal states. Note that if we had chosen to distinguish between individual people then there would be 27 operators instead of just 5 Goal test: reached state (0,0,1) Path cost: number of crossings
  • 20. 22 Missionaries and Cannibals: Successor Function state set of <action, state> (L:3m,3c,b-R:0m,0c) → {<2c, (L:3m,1c-R:0m,2c,b)>, <1m1c, (L:2m,2c-R:1m,1c,b)>, <1c, (L:3m,2c-R:0m,1c,b)>} (L:3m,1c-R:0m,2c,b) → {<2c, (L:3m,3c,b-R:0m,0c) >, <1c, (L:3m,2c,b-R:0m,1c)>} (L:2m,2c-R:1m,1c,b) → {<1m1c, (L:3m,3c,b-R:0m,0c) >, <1m, (L:3m,2c,b-R:0m,1c)>}
  • 21. 23 Missionaries and Cannibals: State Space 1c 1m 1c 2c 1c 2c 1c 2m 1m 1c 1m 1c 1c 2c 1m 2m 1c 2c 1c 1m
  • 22. SHIWANI GUPTA 24 LEFT BANK RIGHT BANK 0 Initial setup: MMMCCC B - 1 Two cannibals cross over: MMMC B CC 2 One comes back: MMMCC B C 3 Two cannibals go over again: MMM B CCC 4 One comes back: MMMC B CC 5 Two missionaries cross: MC B MMCC 6 A missionary & cannibal return: MMCC B MC 7 Two missionaries cross again: CC B MMMC 8 A cannibal returns: CCC B MMM 9 Two cannibals cross: C B MMMCC 10 One returns: CC B MMMC 11 And brings over the third: - B MMMCCC
  • 23. 25 Missionaries and Cannibals: Goal State and Path Cost • goal state: – all missionaries, all cannibals, and the boat are on the right bank. • path cost – step cost: 1 for each crossing – path cost: number of crossings = length of path • solution path: – 4 optimal solutions – cost: 11
  • 24. SHIWANI GUPTA 30 Example: Cryptarithmetic States: a cryptarithmetic puzzle with some letters replaced by digits. Operators: replace all occurrences of a letter with a digit not already appearing in the puzzle. Goal test: puzzle contains only digits, and represents a correct sum. Path cost: zero. All solutions equally valid. One way to do this is to adopt a fixed order, e.g., alphabetical order. A better choice is to do whichever is the most constrained substitution, that is, the letter that has the fewest legal possibilities given the constraints of the puzzle.
  • 25. Crypt-Arithmetic puzzle • Problem Statement: – Solve the following puzzle by assigning numeral (0-9) in such a way that each letter is assigned unique digit which satisfy the following addition. – Constraints : No two letters have the same value. (The constraints of arithmetic). • Initial Problem State – S = ? ; E = ? ;N = ? ; D = ? ; M = ? ;O = ? ; R = ? ;Y = ? S E N D + M O R E _________________________________ M O N E Y _________________________________
  • 26. Carries: C4 = ? ;C3 = ? ;C2 = ? ;C1 = ? Constraint equations: Y = D + E C1 E = N + R + C1 C2 N = E + O + C2 C3 O = S + M + C3 C4 M = C4 C4 C3 C2 C1 Carry S E N D + M O R E _________________________________ M O N E Y _________________________________
  • 27. • We can easily see that M has to be non zero digit, so the value of C4 =1 1. M = C4  M = 1 2. O = S + M + C3 → C4 For C4 =1, S + M + C3 > 9  S + 1 + C3 > 9  S+C3 > 8. If C3 = 0, then S = 9 else if C3 = 1, then S = 8 or 9. • We see that for S = 9 – C3 = 0 or 1 – It can be easily seen that C3 = 1 is not possible as O = S + M + C3  O = 11  O has to be assigned digit 1 but 1 is already assigned to M, so not possible. – Therefore, only choice for C3 = 0, and thus O = 10. This implies that O is assigned 0 (zero) digit. • Therefore, O = 0 M = 1, O = 0 C4 C3 C2 C1 Carry S E N D + M O R E _________________________________ M O N E Y _________________________________ Y = D + E → C1 E = N + R + C1 → C2 N = E + O + C2 → C3 O = S + M + C3 → C4 M = C4
  • 28. 3. Since C3 = 0; N = E + O + C2 produces no carry. • As O = 0, N = E + C2 . • Since N  E, therefore, C2 = 1. Hence N = E + 1 • Now E can take value from 2 to 8 {0,1,9 already assigned so far } – If E = 2, then N = 3. – Since C2 = 1, from E = N + R + C1 , we get 12 = N + R + C1 • If C1 = 0 then R = 9, which is not possible as we are on the path with S = 9 • If C1 = 1 then R = 8, then » From Y = D + E , we get 10 + Y= D + 2 . » For no value of D, we can get Y. – Try similarly for E = 3, 4. We fail in each case. C4 C3 C2 C1 Carry S E N D + M O R E _________________________________ M O N E Y _________________________________ Y = D + E → C1 E = N + R + C1 → C2 N = E + O + C2 → C3 O = S + M + C3 → C4 M = C4
  • 29. • If E = 5, then N = 6 – Since C2 = 1, from E = N + R + C1 , we get 15 = N + R + C1 , – If C1 = 0 then R = 9, which is not possible as we are on the path with S = 9. – If C1 = 1 then R = 8, then • From Y = D + E , we get 10 + Y= D + 5 i.e., 5 + Y = D. • If Y = 2 then D = 7. These values are possible. • Hence we get the final solution as given below and on backtracking, we may find more solutions. S = 9 ; E = 5 ; N = 6 ; D = 7 ; M = 1 ; O = 0 ; R = 8 ;Y = 2 C4 C3 C2 C1 Carry S E N D + M O R E _________________________________ M O N E Y _________________________________ Y = D + E → C1 E = N + R + C1 → C2 N = E + O + C2 → C3 O = S + M + C3 → C4 M = C4
  • 30. Constraints: Y = D + E C1 E = N + R + C1 C2 N = E + O + C2 C3 O = S + M + C3 C4 M = C4 Initial State M = 1 → C4 = 1 O = 1 + S + C3 O S = 9 S = 8 O C3 = 0 C3 = 1 O = 0 O = 1 Fixed  M = 1 O = 0 N = E + O + C2 = E + C2 → C2 = 1 (must) → N = E + 1 E = 2 E = 3 ….. E = 5 N = 3 N = 6 E = N + R + C1 E = N + R + C1 10 + 2 = 3 + R + C1 10 + 5 = 6 + R + C1 O  O R = 9 R = 8 R = 9 R = 8 C1 =0 C1 = 1 C1 = 0 C1 = 1  O  O 10 + Y = D + E = D + 2 10 + Y = D + E = D + 5 O O D = 8 D = 9 D = 7 Y = 0 Y = 1 Y = 2     The first solution obtained is: M = 1, O = 0, S = 9, E = 5, N = 6, R = 8, D = 7, Y = 2
  • 31. C4 C3 C2 C1  Carries B A S E + B A L L _________________________________ G A M E S _________________________________ Constraints equations are: E + L = S → C1 S + L + C1= E → C2 2A + C2 = M → C3 2B + C3 = A → C4 G = C4 Initial Problem State G = ?; A = ?;M = ?; E = ?; S = ?; B = ?; L = ?
  • 32. 1. G = C4  G = 1 2. 2B+ C3 = A → C4 2.1 Since C4 = 1, therefore, 2B+ C3 > 9  B can take values from 5 to 9. 2.2 Try the following steps for each value of B from 5 to 9 till we get a possible value of B. if C3 = 0 A = 0  M = 0 for C2 = 0 or M = 1 for C2 = 1  • If B = 5 if C3 = 1  A = 1  (as G = 1 already) • For B = 6 we get similar contradiction while generating the search tree. • If B = 7 , then for C3 = 0, we get A = 4  M = 8 if C2 = 0 that leads to contradiction, so this path is pruned. If C2 = 1, then M = 9 . 3. Let us solve S + L + C1 = E and E + L = S • Using both equations, we get 2L + C1 = 0  L = 5 and C1 = 0 • Using L = 5, we get S + 5 = E that should generate carry C2 = 1 as shown above • So S+5 > 9  Possible values for E are {2, 3, 6, 8} (with carry bit C2 = 1 ) • If E = 2 then S + 5 = 12  S = 7  (as B = 7 already) • If E = 3 then S + 5 = 13  S = 8. • Therefore E = 3 and S = 8 are fixed up. 4. Hence we get the final solution as given below and on backtracking, we may find more solutions. In this case we get only one solution. G = 1; A = 4; M = 9; E = 3; S = 8;B = 7; L = 5
  • 33. SHIWANI GUPTA 39 MARS Each of the ten letters (m, a, r, s, v, e, + VENUS n, u, t, and p) represents a unique number + URANUS in the range 0 .. 9. + SATURN ------------ NEPTUNE Solution: NEPTUNE = 1078610 M=4, A=5, R=9, etc.
  • 34. Water Jug Problem • Problem Statement: "You are given two jugs, a 4-gallon one and a 3-gallon one. Neither has any measuring markers on it. There is a tap that can be used to fill the jugs with water. How can you get exactly 2 gallons of water into the 4-gallon jug?" SHIWANI GUPTA 40
  • 35. Production Rules Rules Conclusions R1:(X, Y | X < 4) → (4, Y) {Fill 4-gallon jug} R2:(X, Y | Y < 3) →(X, 3) {Fill 3-gallon jug} R3:(X, Y | X > 0) →(0, Y) {Empty 4-gallon jug} R4:(X, Y | Y > 0) →(X, 0) {Empty 3-gallon jug} R5:(X, Y | X+Y >= 4 ΛY > 0) →(4, Y –(4 –X)) {Pour water from 3-gallon jug into 4- gallon jug until 4-gallon jug is full} R6:(X, Y | X+Y >= 3 ΛX > 0) →(X –(3 –Y), 3)) {Pour water from 4-gallon jug into 3- gallon jug until 3-gallon jug is full} R7:(X, Y | X+Y <= 4 ΛY > 0) → (X+Y, 0) {Pour all water from 3-gallon jug into 4- gallon jug } R8:(X, Y | X+Y <= 3 ΛX > 0) →(0, X+Y) {Pour all water from 4-gallon jug into 3- gallon jug } R9:(X, Y | X > 0) → (X –D, Y) {Pour some water D out from 4- gallon jug} R10:(X, Y | Y > 0) →(X, Y -D) {Pour some water D out from 3- gallon jug} SHIWANI GUPTA 41
  • 36. SHIWANI GUPTA 42 2 0 Number Rules applied 4-g jug 3-g jug of steps 1 Initial State 0 0 2 R1 {Fill 4-gallon jug} 4 0 3 R6 {Pour from 4 to 3-g jug until it is full } 1 3 4 R4 {Empty 3-gallon jug} 1 0 5 R8 {Pour all water from 4 to 3-gallon jug} 0 1 6 R1 {Fill 4-gallon jug} 4 1 7 R6 {Pour from 4 to 3-g jug until it is full} 2 3 8 R4 {Empty 3-gallon jug} Goal State Solution
  • 37. Water Jug Problem Given a full 5-gallon jug and a full 2-gallon jug, fill the 2-gallon jug with exactly one gallon of water. • State: ? • Initial State: ? • Operators: ? • Goal State: ? 5 2
  • 38. SHIWANI GUPTA 45 Real World problems • Route Finding applications, such as routing in computer networks, automated travel advisory systems, and airline travel planning systems. • Touring and traveling salesperson problem is a famous touring problem in which each city must be visited exactly once. The aim is to find the shortest tour. • VLSI layout with cell layout and channel routing. • Robot navigation is a generalization of the route-finding problem described earlier. Rather than a discrete set of routes, a robot can move in a continuous space with (in principle) an infinite set of possible actions and states. • Assembly sequencing of complex objects by a robot, the problem is to find an order in which to assemble the parts of some object. If the wrong order is chosen, there will be no way to add some part later in the sequence without undoing some of the work already done. • Monkey Banana Problem
  • 39. General Route Finding Problem • Problem Statement • States: Locations • Initial State: Starting Point • Successor Function(Operators): Move from one location to other • Goal Test: Arrive at certain location • Path Cost: Money, time, travel, comfort, scenery,… SHIWANI GUPTA 46
  • 40. Travelling Salesman Problem • Problem Statement • States: Locations/cities • Initial State: Starting Point • Successor Function(Operators): Move from one location to other • Goal Test: All locations visited, Agent at initial location • Path Cost: Distance between locations SHIWANI GUPTA 47
  • 41. VLSI layout problem • Problem Statement • States: Positions of components, wires on chip • Initial State: – Incremental – Complete State • Successor Function(Operators) – Incremental – Complete State • Goal Test: All components placed and connected as specified • Path Cost: distance, capacity, no. of connections per component SHIWANI GUPTA 48
  • 42. Robot Navigation • Problem Statement • States: Locations, Position of actuator • Initial State: Start pos • Successor Function(Operators): Movement, actions of actuators • Goal Test: Task Dependent • Path Cost: Distance, Energy consumption SHIWANI GUPTA 49
  • 43. Assembly Sequencing • Problem Statement • States: Location of components • Initial State: No components assembled • Successor Function(Operators): Place component • Goal Test: System fully assembled • Path Cost: Number of moves SHIWANI GUPTA 50
  • 44. Monkey Banana Problem • Problem Statement • States: • Initial State: Monkey on the floor without bananas • Successor Function(Operators) • Goal Test • Path Cost: The number of moves by monkey to get bananas SHIWANI GUPTA 51
  • 45. Search Problem • State space – each state is an abstract representation of the environment – the state space is discrete • Initial state • Successor function • Goal test • Path cost
  • 46. Search Problem • State space • Initial state: – usually the current state – sometimes one or several hypothetical states (“what if …”) • Successor function • Goal test • Path cost
  • 47. Search Problem • State space • Initial state • Successor function: – [state → subset of states] – an abstract representation of the possible actions • Goal test • Path cost
  • 48. Search Problem • State space • Initial state • Successor function • Goal test: – usually a condition – sometimes the description of a state • Path cost
  • 49. Search Problem • State space • Initial state • Successor function • Goal test • Path cost: – [path → positive number] – usually, path cost = sum of step costs – e.g., number of moves of the empty tile
  • 50. Assumptions in Basic Search • The environment is static • The environment is discretizable • The environment is observable • The actions are deterministic
  • 51. University Questions • Solve the following Crypt arithmetic problem: FORTY CROSS SEND BASE TEN EAT ROADS MORE BALL TEN THAT DANGER MONEY GAMES SIXTY APPLE • You are given 2 jugs of cap 4l and 3l each. Neither of the jugs have any measuring markers on them. There is a pump that can be used to fill jugs with water. How can u get exactly 2l of water in 4l jug? Formulate the problem in state space and draw complete diagram • Consider jugs of volumes 3 and 7 units are available. Show the trace to measure 2 and 5 units. • Solve Wolf Goat Cabbage problem.