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School	of	Social	Sciences	
January,	2014	
Assignment	nr.	2	
Metzler	(1941):	
Insertion	 of	 modifications	 in	 the	 Metzler-model(s)	
to	account	for	nonlinearities.	Dynamic	IS-LM	
Macroeconomics	-	PhD	-	School	of	Social	Sciences	
Instructor:	Prof.	Stefano	Zambelli	
PhD	Student	:	Boccardo	Serena
In	Metzler’s	view,	production	and	employment	adapt	to	cyclical	changes	of	some	parametres.	
Given	 values	 and	 oscillations	 of	 these	 parametres,	 we	 have	 unstable	 business	 cycles	 that	
would	otherwise	be	stable.		Starting	from	the	general	function	of	production	in	Metzler	:	
YP(t)	=	CP(t)	+	IP(t)	
how	a	change	in	parametres	can	affect	the	above	equation?...	The	following	equation	shows	
how	they	affects	production	:	Yp	changes	according	to	the	“law	of	motion”	of	the	system	set	up	
by	 the	 producer	 as	 well	 as	 his	 desired	 level	 of	 investment	 in	 inventories	 and	 the	 relation	
between	the	level	of	non-induced	investment	(I0)	and	the	production	function:	
YP(t)	=	Et-1(CD(t))	+	s*(t)	+	I0	
First	model	
The	model	"Simple	system	with	passive	expectations	and	inventory	adjustments"	represents	a	
business	cycle	based	uniquely	on	the	initial	level	of	inventories	which	thus	decrease	passively	
exactly	of	the	same	amount	of	sales	per	each	period.	Because	of	the	continuos	reduction	of	
inventories,	 the	 income	 equilibrium	 varies	 according	 to	 the	 initial	 level	 of	 non-induced	
investments.		That	is,	an	equilibrium	level	of	income	is	assumed	to	correspond	to	any	given	
level	of	non-induced	investment	and	the	system	is	assumed	to	move	toward	this	equilibrium.		
Second	model	
"The	Pure	Inventory	Cycle"	model	assumes	the	emergence	of	cycles	as	a	consequence	of	an	
additional	assumption	in	the	production	function:	the	producer’s	desire	to	keep	the	level	of	
investment	stocks	constant	over	time.		In	order	to	do	that,	he	will	produce	or	deplete	a	certain	
amount	of	production	goods	in	addition	to	sells	at	time	t.		The	level	of	additional	stocks	to	be	
produced	can	be	either	positive	or	negative,	basing	on	the	“law	of	motion”	of	the	expected	
sales	for	that	period.	This	generates	a	certain	oscillation	in	production	(which	ultimately	will	
reach	the	equilibrium)	and	in	the	amount	of	inventories	over	time.
Third	model:	“Passive	inventory	adjustments	and	positive	expectations”	
Since	expectations	about	future	sales	are	realistically	based	not	only	on	previous	sales	but	
also	on	the	direction	of	change	of	those	sales,	Metzler	introduces	a	coefficient	of	expectations	
(eta)	defined	as	the	ratio	between	the	expected	change	of	sales	between	period	t	and	t-1	and	
the	observed	change	of	sales	between	periods	t-1	and	t-2	(when	the	coefficient	is	zero,	no	
change	is	expected,	as	in	the	Lundberg	model.	If	the	coefficient	is	0.5		sales	are	expected	to	
increase	by	50%	between	t-1	and	t).	So	a	positive	coefficient	creates	expectations	of	a	further	
rise	in	sales	and	viceversa.	In	the	positive	case,	income	will	approach	a	higher	equilibrium	
comparing	to	before,	given	the	role	of	the	multiplier	assuming	passive	inventory	adjustments	.	
Obviously,	 the	 marginal	 propensity	 to	 consume	 plays	 also	 a	 role	 in	 changing	 our	 results,	
because	it	implies	different	savings	which	ultimately	act	as	stabilizer.	So	whether	the	system	
approach	 the	 first	 or	 the	 second	 equilibrium	 in	 the	 below	 graphs	 depends,	 indeed,	 on	 the	
relation	between	eta	and	c,	given	the	role	of	savings.	
			Metzler	with	eta=0.8	e	c=0.6																															Metzler	with	eta=0.1	and	c=0.9
U=unstable	S=stable	equilibrium	
Fourth	model:	“Inventories	at	the	constant	level	attempt	and	expectations”	
The	above	table	showing	the	relation	between	Eta	and	Beta	changes	significantly	when	the	
producer	attempts	to	maintain	the	inventories	at	the	constant	level.	Meaning	that	parametres	
play	a	key	role	as	well	as	the	initial	conditions	set	by	the	producer:	in	this	fourth	model,	a	high	
coefficient	of	expectation	may	create	an	unstable	situation	even	with	a	marginal	propensity	to	
consume	less	than	unity.		
1.stable	case	
With	eta	and	c	into	the	positive	area	(nothing	change	with	eta	negative	for	istance	eta=-0.5	
and	c=0.6)	
2.unstable	case
Model	5	:	“Inventory	accelerator	model”	
By	introducing	an	accelerator	we	set	the	desired	inventory	level	of	firms	as	proportional	to	
expected	sales;	firms	may	not	correctly	predict	consumer	demand	and	thus	if	the	firms	have	
been	too	optimistic	(pessimistic)	with	respect	to	consumer	demand,	the	inventory	stock	is	
higher	(lower)	than	the	desired	inventory	stock.	
I=Y	t	−	b(2	+	k)Y	t	−1	+	b(1+	k)Y	t	−2			
And	so	setting	Y	=	Yt	=	Yt−	1	=	Yt−	2	
The	above	is	satisfied	for	Y =
∗ I,	which	is	identical	to	the	traditional	Keynesian	
multiplier	solution.	
The	below	figure	represents	this	model	with	c=0.6	and	eta=0.5,	which	reaches	the	equilibrium	
at	a		slower	convergence	rate:	the	model	generates	business	cycles	with	decreasing	amplitude	
when	some	conditions	are	satisfied,	otherwise	it	explodes.	Differences	between	the	regions	of	
explosion	of	the	business	cycles	have	to	be	attributed	to	different	assumptions	on	the	nature	
of	inventories	(economic	and	technological	factors	versus	others).	
The	critical	conditions	for	the	equilibrium	are:		
b =
	and	b <
!!! !
In	this	case,	both	quantities	fluctuate	around	their	equilibrium	values	and	eventually	
approach	them	as	time	proceeds.	
However,	if	only	the	first	condition	holds,	the	model	generates	oscillations	with	increasing	
amplitude,	as	from	the	second	graph	where	only	the	value	of	k	has	been	changed.		
The	right-hand	panel	shows	that	the	inventory	stock	quickly	takes	on	negative	values,	which,	
in	reality,	is	not	possible.	
Thus,	introducing	an	accelerator	imposes	severe	limitations	upon	stability	of	the	system:	for
low	values	of	and	k	,	the	model	thus	always	generates	cycles	with	decreasing	amplitude.	If	one	
or	both	parameters	increase	sufficiently	enough,	the	b =
	gets	violated	and	we	observe	
cycles	with	increasing	amplitude.		
General	Metzler’s	model		
The	 substantial	 amplitude	 of	 cycles	 when	 we	 make	 even	 a	 small	 change	 to	 parametres	
suggests	 that	 even	 when	 small	 changes	 production	 can	 become	 unstable,	 leading	 to	 major	
consequences	into	the	economy.	The	consequences	are	exploding	cycles	and	irregular	flow	of	
inventories,	as	we	can	observe	in	the	following	graphs:
Introducing	pseudo-random	shocks:	
Ceilings	and	floors:	
Since	in	reality	it	is	not	possible	for	inventory	stocks	to	assume	negative	values,	in	order	to	
add	more	realism	to	the	values	of	the	production	function,	we	could	set	a	ceiling	and	floor	to	
the	 values	 the	 function	 can	 assume	 (Hicks,	 1950):	 this	 additional	 hypothesis	 shows	 the	
importance	of	inventory	adjustments	for	the	emergence	of	endogenous	business	cycles.		
The	above	models	can	be	considered	as	special	cases	of	the	general	one	where,	in	order	to	be	
stable,	a	business	cycle	should	have	parametres	ranging	around	certain	values,	in	particular	
they	have	to	satisfy	:		
1 + 𝛼 2 + 𝛼 𝜂𝛽!
− 1 + 𝛼 1 + 2𝜂 𝛽 + 1 > 0	
																															and							3 − 𝛽(2𝛼 + 3) > 0
NB	k=alfa,	b=marg.prop.consume	in	this	graph	
Parametres	which	lead	to	business	cycles	stability	are	in	the	red	area.		
In	light	gray,	parametres	values	which	lead	to	explosion.		
The	dark	gray	area	is	associated	with	dynamics	where	production	is	positive	and	negative.	
The	 parameter	 space	 between	 the	 red	 and	 the	 dark	 gray	 area	 generates	 dynamics	 where	
production	is	always	positive.	
The	white	area	stands	for	cycles	with	a	period	length	larger	than	42	or	quasi-periodic	motion.	
The	other	colors	indicate	lower	cycle	lengths:	in	this	parameter	space,	the	simple	model	of	
Metzler,	 buffeted	 with	 an	 inventory	 floor,	 yields	 interesting	 endogenous	 business	 cycle	
dynamics.	 This	 may	 in	 particular	 be	 relevant	 when	 the	 marginal	 propensity	 to	 consume	 is	
relatively	high.		
Main	points:		
1)	when	𝑏 <
	,			𝑌𝑝 =
∗ 𝐼(𝑡)	oscillates.		
3)	 when	 alfa=0.15	 (and	 other	 parameters	 have	 not	 been	 changed)	 the	 model	 generates	
oscillations	with	increasing	amplitude;	
4)	the	larger	the	marginal	propensity	to	consume,	the	lower	the	critical	value	of	alfa	which	
ensures	local	stability	of	the	fixed	point.	
5)	 for	 low	 values	 of	 b	 and	 alfa	 ,	 the	 model	 thus	 always	 generates	 cycles	 with	 decreasing	
amplitude,	 whereas	 if	 one	 or	 both	 parameters	 increase	 sufficiently	 enough,	𝑏 <
violated	and	we	observe	cycles	with	increasing	amplitude.	
The	inventory	model	of	Metzler	may	produce	dampened	fluctuations	in	economic	activity	and	
thus	 contributes	 to	 our	 understanding	 of	 business	 cycle	 dynamics.	 For	 some	 parameter	
combinations,	however,	the	model	generates	oscillations	with	increasing	amplitude,	implying	
that	the	inventory	stock	of	the	firms	eventually	turns	negative.		
Hicks	(1950)	thus	suggested	adding	boundaries	for	some	economic	variables	to	such	models.	
In	 particular,	 his	 focus	 was	 on	 the	 investment	 part	 of	 the	 multiplier-accelerator	 model	 for	
which	he	introduced	a	floor	and	a	ceiling.
Metzler	assumes	that	the	producers	desire	to	keep	inventory	proportional	to	expected	sales	of	
consumption	goods.	This	may	have	some	important	consequences.	Suppose,	for	instance,	that	
the	economy	enters	a	recession	so	that	consumer	demand	shrinks.		
Besides	reducing	production	of	consumption	goods,	the	firms	may	further	decide	to	cut	their	
inventory	stock,	i.e.	they	produce	even	less	than	the	consumers	demand.	Obviously,	this	may	
deepen	the	recession.	The	opposite	occurs	in	an	upswing	where	the	firms	produce	more	than	
the	consumers	demand.	Adjustment	of	the	inventory	stock	may	thus	amplify	business	cycles.	
If	 the	 firms	 have	 been	 too	 optimistic	 (pessimistic)	 with	 respect	 to	 consumer	 demand,	 the	
inventory	stock	is	higher	(lower)	than	the	desired	inventory	stock.	
The	IS-LM	model	is	an	Hicks’	interpretation	of	the	fundamental	relationships	present	in	the	
General	Theory:	in	Keynes	IS-LM	model	we	can	see	an	orbitating	area	of	equilibrium	rather	
than	 a	 single	 point	 because	 money-income	 is	 not	 considered	 as	 fixed	 and	 given.	 As	 a	
consequence,	 the	 IS	 and	 LM	 curves	 are	 not	 linear.	 Money	 demand	 is	 indeed	 fluctuating	
because	of	expectations,	uncertainty,	propensity	to	consume,	state	of	confidence	concerning	
the	prospective	yelds	of	capital-assets,etc	(the	so	colled	“animal	spirits”)	and	this	affects	in	
turn	the	level	of	the	interest	rate,	which	in	turn,	affects	the	marginal	efficiency	of	capital.	The	
rate	of	new	investments,	thus,	will	be	affected	(and	in	turn,	aggregate	production).	So	one	of	
the	main	difference	between	Keynes	and	the	neoclassicals	arises:	it	is	income	which	pushes	
production,	not	supply	which	creates	its	own	demand	(Say’s	law).	It	is	the	demand	of	money,	
which	is	driven	by	many	factors,	to	be	the	driver	of	the	economic	system.	The	“one	point-
equilibrium”	 IS-LM	 exists	 only	 in	 an	 unrealistic	 world	 where	 the	 level	 of	 money-income	 is	
given:	 by	 assuming	 that	 income	 is	 given,	 the	 neoclassicals	 are	 implicitly	 assuming	 that	 the	
monetary	policy	is	such	as	to	maintain	the	rate	of	interest	at	that	level	which	is	compatible	
with	full	employment.		
Taxation=Government	expenditures	Hypothesis	
With	government	expenditure	equal	to	tax	and	eta=0	we	have	convergence	to	the	equilibrium.	
(Meaning	the	system	is	stable	under	some	unrealistic	assumptions)
Changes	 in	 the	 values	 of	 eta,	 tax	 and	 alfa	 lead	 to	 damped	 oscillations	 in	 production	 and	
demand	and	in	a	not	orbitating	equilibrium	but	rather	an	irregular	trend	of	IS-LM:	
Government	debt	hypothesis	
If	we	introduce	some	more	realistic	assumptions,	such	as	:	Government	exp>Taxation	with	a	
major	public	debt	value	(i.e.	20,000)	,	an	increased	tax	rate	from	0.3	to	0.6	in	case	of	arising	
public	debt,	a	certain	eta=0.3,	debt	owned	by	households	and	so	affecting	their	income,	a	non-
negative	 production	 function,	 we	 can	 see	 that	 our	 aggregate	 income	 and	 production	
function,after	some	years	of	decreasing	trend,	reach	a	cycle	with	regular	oscillations	of	the	
same	 amplitude	 of	 production	 and	 demand.	 (Nevertheless,	 changing	 the	 values	 of	 initial	
parametres	produces	damped	and	irregular	oscillations).
Government	debt	hypothesis	with	ceilings	and	floors	
We	 can	 observe	 a	 totally	 different	 trend	 when,	 keeping	 a	 high	 value	 of	 gamma,	 low	
expectations	(0.3)	and	the	same	level	of	high	public	debt,	we	insert	reasonable	assumptions	
about	 the	 values	 of	 production,	 inventories,	 consumption	 demand	 and	 even	 interest	 rate	
(which	 can	 be	 limited	 in	 order	 to	 not	 to	 fall	 in	 any	 liquidity	 trap	 or	 produce	 inflationary	
effects).	 The	 result	 is	 not	 converging	 demand	 and	 production	 trends,	 and	 their	 increasing	
magnitude.	The	IS-LM	is	definitely	not	orbitating	around	any	equilibrium:		
No	initial	Government	debt,		Government	debt	hypothesis,	ceilings	and	floors	
We	can	observe	meaningful	differences	in	production	and	demand	trends	over	the	long	run	
when	we	erasing	the	initial	situation	of	a	high	public	debt:		
Extention	to	the	model:	Basic	Income	Hypothesis	
Under	this	simplified	model,	we	can	imagine	to	introduce	a	policy	change	in	the	direction	of	a	
basic	income	for	all	citizen.	How	would	this	affect	the	business	cycle?...	Two	alternative	trends	
can	 be	 expected:	 either	 a	 higher	 level	 of	 taxation/increased	 public	 debt	 undermines	 the	
business	cycle,	since	households	will	save	more	than	before	keeping	consumption	constant;	
or	an	increasing	disposable	income	pushes	expectations	about	future	consumption	demand	
up	 since	 producers	 will	 expect	 a	 higher	 propensity	 to	 consume,	 given	 a	 higher	 aggregate	
disposable	income	(consequently	increasing	investments	and	so	boosting	production).
In	 my	 view,	 the	 way	 this	 policy	 will	 affect	 the	 business	 cycle	 depends	 on	 producers’	
expectations	about	the	potential	effects	of	this	policy	on	the	demand	function,	in	accordance	
with	 Keynes’	 theory.	 Thus,	 consumption	 demand	 function	 should	 increase	 (raising	
expectations	 about	 future	 consumers’	 demand)	 and	 this,	 in	 turn,	 should	 stimulate	 the	
aggregate	production	function.	
A	simulation	could	be	run	on	Matlab	in	order	to	check	for	this	trend:	I	simulated	that	both	in	
the	case	of	a	high	initial	public	debt	and	in	the	case	of	a	null	initial	public	debt.	The	outcomes	
are	significantly	different,	as	we	can	see	from	the	graphs	below:		
Case	with	significant	initial	public	debt:	
Blue:	Yp	
Red:	Yd	
Case	with	zero	initial	public	debt:
Their	trends	appear	definitely	opposite	in	the	short	run:	where	high	public	debt	is	assumed,	
both	 the	 demand	 function	 (red)	 and	 the	 production	 function	 (blue)	 have	 an	 initial	 pick,	
viceversa	 where	 the	 initial	 public	 debt	 is	 zero.	 Moreover,	 in	 the	 latter	 case	 they	 almost	
coincide	 in	 the	 first	 period.	 Nevertheless,	 in	 the	 long	 run	 they	 both	 stabilize	 on	 different	
values	with	the	demand	always	higher	than	production.		
Nevertheless,	 the	 above	 trends	 might	 be	 done	 to	 wrong	 parametres	 modification	 on	 the	
model	(since	I	exogenously	modified	the	marginal	propensity	to	consume,	for	instance).	In	
order	to	run	the	above	models,	the	modifications	I	added	to	the	original	IS-LM	model	are:		
-	increased	government	expenditures	rate	(gov)	and	constant	in	the	for	loop,	regardless	of	the	
trend	of	the	public	debt:	I	found	reasonable	to	increase	the	tax	rate	in	both	the	cases	(zero	and	
consistent	 public	 debt).	 I	 did	 so	 just	 in	 order	 to	 give	 	 the	 model	 a	 more	 realistic	 feature,	
nevertheless	 I	 made	 different	 hypothesis	 on	 public	 debt,	 so	 this	 modification	 was	 not	
-	 increased	 propensity	 to	 consume	 :	 this	 might	 be	 consequential	 to	 an	 increase	 in	 ydisp.	
Should	it	be	exogenously	added	to	the	matlab	equations?.....		
-	higher	floor	for	minimum	demand	function	(as	above)	
The	main	question	concerning	this	modification	of	the	model	is,	in	my	view:	is	the	effect	of	an	
increased	disposable	income	(aggregate)	positive	or	negative	for	the	business	cycle,	given	the	
fact	that	it	can	occur	at	the	cost	of	an	increase	in	public	debt/taxes?.....	
Serena	Boccardo

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COP20 - Vincono le Lobbies (pag. 25-26-27)
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Work Sample - Fact sheet 2
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Work Sample - Fact sheet 2serena boccardo
Externalities of the Car Industry - First Ch. MSc Thesis
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Politiche governative per una mobilità più ecologica: interventi inefficaci?
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Politiche governative per una mobilità più ecologica: interventi inefficaci? serena boccardo
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Gaps in Data Collection on Femicide in Italy
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