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Pornography and Women Empowerment Essay
Women today have made strides in narrowing the gender gap with men, beating them in college admission (Francis), and reducing the pay–gap between
the sexes by about 17 cents on the dollar over the past 20 years (United States). Despite noticeable advances for women, the notions of sexual female
taboo and misogyny still remain ever present. Gender roles and sexuality are a major conflict in American politics today. In the race for the republican
nomination for president, Rick Santorum has stated that "America is suffering a pandemic of harm from pornography (Friedersdorf)." A self–described
crusader for family values, he has also detailed in his writing that "In far too many families with young children, both parents are working... Here, we ...
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To understand the internal debate of feminists, you have to understand the history of feminist views on sexuality. The sexual empowerment of
women has seen two major revolutions. According to Leila Rupp at the University of California Santa Barbara, the first movement began in the
1910s with the push for women's suffrage and legal equality. In the first revolution, equality was demanded for a more equal partnership within the
family, and the institution of marriage. The second revolution in the 1960s gave rise to the idea of freedom and equality outside of the bounds of
marriage (Rupp). The two sexual revolutions disperse at essentially the same rift which occurs in the feminist view of pornography, and at the root of
the rift is a sexual identity crisis. Does free love, liberation from marriage, and breaking of sexual taboo liberate women, or is a fixation on sex a
masculine idea at heart.
Women who see pornography as negative (anti–porn) focus on four major arguments against pornography as a positive force for women, the
arguments include the following generalizations: "Pornography is degrading to women, Pornography leads to violence against women, Pornography
is violence because women are coerced into pornography, Pornography is violence because women who pose for porn are so traumatized by
patriarchy they cannot give real consent (McElroy)." All four of these arguments are oversimplified and/or not true. While it is an easy a seemingly
effective argument to say
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Essay on The Government Should NOT Censor Pornography
Pornography is an issue that has and will continue to cause much debate. While there are many people who see pornography as degrading, sinful, and
disgusting, there is also a large number of people who see it as a turn on, a form of sexual expression, and entertainment. Webster's Dictionary defined
pornography as merely "the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement." Yet there is still the
everlasting question which is "does pornography serve a real purpose, and if so what purpose it that?" continues. I happen to acknowledge
pornography with only a few minor glitches. I don't believe in censoring pornography, yet analyzing pornography that is already censored. ... Show
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The message this is sending out is that women enjoy having sex with a man until the man is finished, and then there is no need to continue till the
woman is also sexually indebted. The issue of censorship and pornography is split into two parts. There are the people fighting to censor pornography
by banning it, and we have people that argue that by banning pornography, the consequences would proceed to be an infringement on their rights to
free speech and equality. What I believe is that both of these issues are brought about in the wrong way. The group that is arguing to ban pornography
all together is using their freedom of speech to ban someone else's. I find it hypocritical and unjust. At the same time, however, the "pro–pornography"
group is also being duplicitous in the sense that they are claiming to fight against censorship, when they themselves are defending something that is
already censored. From a woman's perspective, there is a significant amount of dispute surrounding the porn industry. "The anti–pornography feminists
were interested in making the streets safe for women by means of punitive and far reaching legislation against pornography" (Schwartz & Rutter
p.181). In other words, these women felt that pornography reveals negative signals, and makes it easier for a man to take advantage and control
women sexually. To the conservative woman, pornography is seen as painful and a
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The Supreme Court Standard of Obscenity Evolution since 1950
There has been a lot of debate on the legal understandings of term obscene and its usage. Constitutionally, the term is used to define certain behaviors
or expressions in motion pictures, art or literature. The law tries to look at the effects that obscenity would have on the morals of the people or on the
minds of those that see the material. It also considered the effect some publications would have on the hands that they might fall in. There has been an
evolution of the whole idea over the years since the inception and the legalities behind it. The issue of obscenity was mostly associated with movies and
visual productions that produced materials that were accessible to the public. The United States Supreme Court was at the forefront ... Show more
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A case by Roth tried to challenge the idea regarding the nature of obscenity whether it was a variable or a constant matter. Obscenity in any case took
many dimensions when it came to matters relating to the material and the contented they contained. Roth challenged the Supreme Court that obscenity
was not constitutional and there it needed to be given a different approach. He argued that this term did not have a specific meaning and it could take
any shape based on circumstances. Pornographic material was another matter that was quite a debate in this case. Such a material became a debate as
some argued that it may have an impact depending on the type of people it reached. Such a material was supposed to draw a distinction to show the
varying nature of ideological or hardcore pornography. In this case there was a need for observing the moral values and doing things that are right and
desirable to people in the community. Pornography was an obscenity that was more of an offensive idea to the moral standards of the community.
Kingsley also was of the idea that adultery was desirable and right to specific people in some circumstances. The Supreme Court, however argued that
this was not an obscene case, but rather it fell under the protected area of the constitution. In such a case this idea was a matter of ideological obscenity
which the court need to stand clear about since it laid an imminent danger in the type of substance it
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Pros And Cons Of Porn
Spreading immorality? Ruining relationships? Perpetuating sexism and increasing crime rate? On top of any religious objections, pornography has
always been a very controversial subject, an issue with various opinions and also blatant facts.
Especially for the past few decades, the porn debate with its cons and pros has been raging constantly. Those who link pornography to countless crimes
and ill effects are definitely ideologically motivated, but the actual scientific evidence hardly supports their conclusions.
Here are some of the most essential cons of pornography and the facts that prove them wrong:
1.Porn is obscene, ill and against religion! Throughout the world, porn is considered in most cultures quite morally questionable and obscene and
religious beliefs are against it, considering it a type of ... Show more content on ...
Studies have shown that you can be a devoted church–going kind of person and also watch porn and still be faithful in reality to your better half.
Pornography is responsible for improvements regarding the opinions towards the human body and its needs. Watching porn is also safe because it
obviously does not lead to contacting some sexually transmitted diseases.
2.Porn is a form of exploitation to people with lower incomes!
Porn has actually some benefits of economic nature. The pornography industry is a multi–billion dollar one and it provides an extremely large number
of jobs which include acting, directing, editing, film crews and technical staff etc. And, let's be serious, anyone can watch porn for free nowadays.
3.Pornography spreads disease!
Porn is actually promoting the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Pornographic actors and actresses are required to undergo tests of STDs
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Pornography on the Internet Essay
Porn, its everywhere! Go to any major search engine and you are well on your way to viewing some of the finest cyber porn around. No age
verification, no credit card required, all it takes is just a couple of clicks on the mouse. But wait a second, why is it so easy, was it always like this?
Not really, as we have seen, the Internet and the pornography industry have come together to make quite an explosion that has brought many issues to
the surface. It's a scary fact to realize that 83.5% images available on the Internet are pornographical. And it is even more of a problem when the
Internet's pornography is available to curious children that happen to bump onto them. One of the more drawing freatures of the young Internet was its
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Although it is not words, the message is being conveyed through pictures. MacKinnon argues that this speech is causing many women to be
discriminated against and degraded, not just the ones in the pictures but all women. "Words and images are how people are placed in hierarchies,
how social stratification is made to seem inevitable and right, how feelings of inferiority and superiority are engendered, and how indifference to
violence against those on the bottom is rationalized and normalized" (MacKinnon 31). Men view images of women performing degrading acts in
order to gain pleasure. They will then act on these sexual desires with their partners. In other words, men begin to look at women purely as sex
objects and less like people. This will cause more instances of rape and harassment in our society which, without a doubt, is not going to bring us
closer to equality. I don't think this is new news to many folks, but I think now with the Internet more people becoming alarmed because
pornographic material is becoming so widespread. 10 years ago pornographic material was confined to the walls and magazine racks in adult stores.
If you looked young, the clerk would check your I.D to make sure you were over the age of 18. If they failed to do this then the business would be
held accountable and took the risk of being forced to shut its doors to the public.
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Limiting Children's Access To Internet Pornography Essay
Pornography is one of mankind's most revered, respected, and repulsed pastimes. Adults can use pornography to relieve stress, enhance their sex lives,
or simply as a means of entertainment. One of the easiest and most popular ways of obtaining pornographic material is over the Internet. The only
downside is that the Internet is accessible to children; therefore, pornography is accessible to children. While adults should have limitless access to
Internet porn, minors should be kept away from this concubine. Usage of Internet pornography grows rapidly every day. It can be accessed easily
enough by anyone that wishes to see the material, has a modem, and some times a wishful intent. The material ranges from semi–nude photos to videos
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Their biggest reason is the endangerment of American children that use the Internet. Children can be endangered in many ways, one of which is
being lured by a pedophile and possibly sexually assaulted. A pedophile is an adult with a psychosexual disorder where children stimulate sexual
arousal. There is evidence that children who have been sexually victimized are more likely to be troubled adults. Advocates worry about the safety of
the American children and wish to eliminate this from happening. A recent example is People v. Barrows, 174 Misc. 2d 367, 664 N.Y.S. 2d 410
(1997): an adult, James Barrows, entered an AOL chat room and seduced what he thought was a thirteen year old girl, who in actuality was an officer of
Kings County District Attorney. Barrows had transmitted pictures of under–aged children having sex, engaged in sexually explicit conversations and
attempted to lure the child to engage in sexual acts. Barrows was one of the few pedophiles to be caught and brought to justice.
One proposal that was struck down from protecting children is the Communications Decency Act (CDA). Janet Reno, Attorney General of the United
States, argued that the CDA was in violation of the U.S. Constitution and laws that would be enacted were clear and undefined. If made into law, the
CDA could severely censor the Internet in ways that were never attempted before. It would filter out anything that is deemed obscene and
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Internet Censorship Essay
All I wanted to do was shop for new shoes online, but instead I was staring at a webpage packed with lewd photographs. I was only 14. I certainly was
not looking to be directed to such a vulgar website; however, much to my dismay, I had simply mistyped the URL to a popular sporting goods store
and found myself face–to–face with something I was much too young to see. Unfortunately, this happens all too often. A staggering amount of young
children are accessing pornographic material online, whether they want to or not. In this day in age where just about everything is regulated in one
fashion or another, many are calling for the censorship of Internet pornography. While some say it is a necessity when it comes to the industry, others...
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This is the foundation of the conservative debate in favor of censorship. Many believe that it is government's role to protect us from harm (West). As
long as the government is protecting the well being of society, censorship of Internet pornography appears to be a legitimate means to an end. It would
seem to many that this is a solid foundation for their argument. So, following this lead, the Communications Decency Act of 1996 was imposed, a law
"making it a crime to display 'indecent' material on–line" (Net Mania). This law would essentially put measures in place to protect individuals from
unwanted pornographic encounters online. Problem solved, right? Wrong.
Just a short time later this very law was overturned, and to that I say thank goodness. My stance on censorship of the Internet may surprise some,
considering my all too graphic teenage experience with the Internet. However, I am a firm believer in the First Amendment. The Communications
Decency Act of 1996 was an honest attempt at a solution. Unfortunately, it was also unlawful. Which, therein, lays the basis for the liberal argument
against censorship. Trying to censor Internet pornography would be a clear violation of our rights under the First Amendment, namely, freedom of
speech. Not only that, but I see very little need for government intervention at all. "Legal moralism" is a nice concept, don't
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The Effects Of Pornography On The United States And Canada...
Pornogrophy is currently as legal in the United States and Canada as alcohol and tylenol, but should it be? Firstly, we must define what pornogrophy
constitutes, as it can be seen as anything from a raunchy adult comedy to Penthouse Magazine. It seems as though many definitions of porogrophy use
terms like that of "explicit" sex, but that is only a surface–level conclusion. Within Sociology, pornogrophy is defined, typically, in three ways:
Functional, Genre, and Labelling. Functional definitions of pornogrophy put forward that pornogrophy is anything used for the intentional purpose of
sexual arousal (Goode, 1997). However, this is noted as a broad statement, as even the likes of romantic novels could be concidered as pornogrophy if
an individual uses it to become aroused. Genre definitions suggest that pornography is described as a product created for the purpose of sexual arousal.
However, this also causes issues in definition, as products like that of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue may be seen as intentional sexual arousal and
also simple photography. Labelling definitions suggest that pornography is anything that a community deem as obscene (Goode, 1997). This view is
the most commonly supported view in law, as even the Canadian Criminal Code defines what is considered obscenity under Section 163. Again,
however, we have to question this view because it only takes into account what individuals tolerate other individuals seeing and not what they
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J.M Coetzee's "The Harms of Pornography"
J.M Coetzee's "The Harms of Pornography"
As the debate over pornography and its place in society grows hotter every day, several authors in particular shed a new light on the subject. Both their
intuition and insight involving their beliefs can help the reader a great deal in seeing aspects of this debate that might have otherwise gone without the
consideration that they so deserve. I believe that pornography is not only okay, but is allowing our country to take a step back and ask ourselves how far
we are willing to go and what we are willing to sacrifice in order to preserve free speech and our rights to personal choice. The argument over
pornography is not merely the debate over right or wrong, but also involves the theory ... Show more content on ...
Coetzee goes to great lengths to bring to light indescrepancies and unclarified ideas throughout MacKinnon's article. One of Coetzee's most prominent
points is that the differences between "obscenity" and "pornography" go far beyond a difference in term based on either political or moral argument.
While at times Coetzee seems to generally disagree with or at least greatly challenge MacKinnon's ideas, there are times at which the two authors
trains of thought almost seem to coincide. One such issue would be that MacKinnon is not necessarily looking to hunt out all occurrences of
pornography in today's literature and media, but to snuff out the commercial end of it. The end that makes billions based on women being "used" by
men, and does nothing at all to improve their social standing in our society. But why must everything be used to bolster the social position of women?
It is this topic specifically that seems to have gone un–argued by Coetzee. Coetzee's stand on this issue of pornography and obscenity as a part of
today's culture is never quite addressed may very well remain a mystery to the reader. From many of the author's statements and criticism's of
MacKinnon, one could gather that he takes a much more liberal stand and yet somehow successfully avoids pressing his opinions. He also does a
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Censorship Issues In China
China is a complex and fascinating country with numerous controversial health and social policies. Recently China's Communist Party leadership
ended its highly disputed one–child policy due to concerns of an aging population that could jeopardize China's economic boom and severe imbalances
in many aspects in the Chinese society. Being born in China at the peak of the one–child policy's implementation, I was a product of this historically
rare and problematic rule myself. I have lived my entire life experiencing and witnessing firsthand both positive and negative consequences that
followed, and have a profound comprehension on how a single health strategy could shape up an entire generation and catalyze public health issues.
Censorship issue ... Show more content on ...
However, the relevance of pornography has emerged in my multi–faceted and multi–disciplinary education, whether in criminology or community
health, forensics or foreign policy, deviance or domestic violence. As an experienced researcher and avid scholar, I dare say that pornography use as a
growing public health problem should be explored with a nuanced and thorough academic approach that I could provide, in spite of it being a
contentious issue with some pre–existing bias. Luckily, after attending the October Open House, I recognized the interdisciplinary support that I could
receive from (Name of University)'s (Name of the PhD) program. (Name of University)'s uniquely integrative but much need (Name of the PhD)
program and my uniquely extensive credentials should be a perfect match. My goal is to utilize the intellectual richness and diversity of (Name of
University) to conduct an epidemiological health behavior research that could enhance the existing perceptions of people. If I am privileged enough to
be part of (Name of University)'s 2016 PhD cohort, you are guaranteed a team player with a truly extraordinary perspective: highly motivated and
immensely passionate about the subject, strong interdisciplinary education background, outstanding research experiences, equipped with the all the
right tools after years of training and practicing,
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Limiting Children's Access to Internet Pornography
Pornography is one of mankind's most revered, respected, and repulsed pastimes. Adults can use pornography to relieve stress, enhance their sex lives,
or simply as a means of entertainment. One of the easiest and most popular ways of obtaining pornographic material is over the Internet. The only
downside is that the Internet is accessible to children; therefore, pornography is accessible to children. While adults should have limitless access to
Internet porn, minors should be kept away from this concubine.
Usage of Internet pornography grows rapidly every day. It can be accessed easily enough by anyone that wishes to see the material, has a modem, and
some times a wishful intent. The material ranges from semi–nude photos to videos ... Show more content on ...
The Internet has experienced an extraordinary growth. The number of host computersВ—those that store information and relay
communicationsВ—increased from about 300 in 1981 to approximately 9,400,000 by the time of the trial in 1996. Roughly 60% of these hosts are
located in the United States. About 40 million people used the Internet at the time of trial, a number that expected to mushroom to 200 million by 2000.
How can it be possible to regulate all Internet transmissions with user numbers at 200 million?
Another problem that arises is the fact that not all Internet sites can quantifiably prove that the user wishing to browse their domain is of legal age. An
annoy–mailer can be used to hide the identity of the user. Some sites require the use of a credit card in order to view its contents, but credit card
numbers are easy to obtain. This limitation of proof is being minutely controlled by a number of sites dedicated to helping parents censor what their
children see. This might possibly be the first step in what will protect the American children from viewing obscene material.One such site,, gives Internet safety tips for parents. It explains to tell children about the Internet, and how to let parents know if there are any materials
or persons online that makes a child feel uncomfortable. In addition, never meet with anyone face to face from which they have met
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Internet Censorship Of China, South Africa And Other...
Internet censorship in China, South Africa and other countries is something that prohibits real discussion from taking place regarding issues that affect
the public. For instance, in China, certain key word searches are automatically filtered out so that users cannot find the information they are seeking.
While Internet censorship may be good from one perspective (in terms of stemming the flow of child pornography, curbing false information, or
putting a nation's interests first), it can be viewed as bad from another perspective (in terms of cutting down on the opportunity to inform sides of a
dialogue, promoting free exchange of ideas, or discussing why one form of pornography is allowed but not another). This paper will show why
Internet censorship can be interpreted in both positive and negative ways depending on the perspective that one adopts (whether one is pro–Statist or
anti–Statist). In short, pros and cons depend wholly upon one's worldview and outlook. The first pro may be, as Lorentzen (2014) notes, that "a partial
censorship strategy" is an effective way for governments to control the levels of discontent in their respective countries (p. 405). Lorentzen (2014)
observes that this is a model that could be applied in China as it attempts to control its Internet content, though he argues that all nations could utilize it,
"permitting half of the discontent to be reported when discontent is high and all of the discontent to be reported when discontent is
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People V. Larry Flynt Essay examples
The movie of focus, 'People vs. Larry Flynt', is a film by Milos Forman which stars Woody Harrelson as Flynt. Larry Flynt is the president and
publisher of Hustler magazine. Hustler is sort of the Mad magazine of written pornography which was started in the early 1970's. The interest for me
was seeing how this movie depicts the sexual exploitation of women in the sex industry with a specific look at how the material devalues women.
The movie starts out in 1952 with a young Larry Flynt along with his younger brother peddling moonshine somewhere in Kentucky. Twenty years later
they own a strip club in Cincinnati, Ohio called Hustler. Larry says, "If we could let people know what great lays these girls are, we'd have
something." His ... Show more content on ...
However, they don't agree as a whole; the groups are split in half. Some feminists believe that pornography doesn't degrade women; it empowers them
and censorship of things like pornography would only bring further discrimination. On the other hand, we have those right winged feminist who
sincerely believe that degradation of women in pornography leads to criminal acts such as rape. They only reach a consensus in regards to
strengthening their 1st Amendment Right by protesting against pornography or supporting it.
Unsure of my opinion on the correlation of pornography and rape, I considered two articles: (1) Egalitarian, sexist, and aggressive sexual materials:
attitude effects and viewer responses; and (2) Men's enjoyment of explicit erotica: effects of person–specific attitudes and gender–specific norms. In the
first article, research on sexual attitudes was conducted among a sample of college students in Syracuse University. "Hypothesis one was that both
sexist and sexually aggressive scenes would increase acceptance of sexist attitudes; Hypthothesis two was that only sexually aggressive scenes would
increase acceptance of rape myths and sexual coercion" (Bauserman, 1988). Study one was conducted to identify the ways in which the sample
described what sexism and sexual aggression meant to the sample. The second study examined change in attitude. Hypothesis one was weakly
supported. Hypothesis two was totally rejected. This
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Relationship Between Pornography And Rape
The connection between pornography and rape has always been a contentious one. Some feminists like Catharine Mackinnon have long argued that
pornography directly leads to the rape; that pornography by its very nature is an expression of and endorsement of sexual violence that effectively
deprives women of their rights. Others such as Wendy McElroy and J.S. Mill have argued just as forcefully that the importance of free speech takes
precedence in any debate about this issue and even, in McElroy's case, that pornography is actually socially beneficial in a number of ways. The authors
of the scientific study excerpted in the case study "Pornography and Rape" seek to evaluate this supposed link in an empirical manner, and the findings
of their study lead them to the conclusion that the evidence "would seem sufficient to discard the hypothesis that pornography causes rape."
I am of the opinion that this study does not prove conclusively that pornography does not lead to rape. It is obvious that watching pornography does
not directly lead people to commit rape, as was confirmed in the Attorney General Meese's report in 1986; however this does not necessarily mean
that there is no correlation between the two, especially across a large population over a period of time. The study notes that in the four countries
studied, though there was a general increase in the crime rate overall, there was not a greater increase in sexual violence as compared to other types of
crime, despite the
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The Social World
Sexualisation of the social world has become a very prominent social issue since the early 90's. It has affected many influential individuals in
devastating ways such as that of eating disorders, body image issues and mental illnesses. This essay will explore sociological explanations to
understand and draw conclusions on why the sexualisation of culture has and continues to occur today. I will explore feminism and how it has
influenced sexualisation of culture today and how pornography has influenced todays pornification problems.
One sociological explanation for this is that of a multitude of factors related to that of feminism. In the mid–1970s child abuse was brought to public
eye by a group of second wave feminists also known as ... Show more content on ...
This is the most significant of the factors that laid the ground for shift of sexualisation to become a recognised social issue from its former clinical
term (Fredrickson 1992).
However, positioning the innocence of a child to symbolise femininity began to counter benefit the movement by setting the tone for the return of
traditional family values. For example, the innocent girl was remobilized to attack the legalization of child abortion, a goal that feminists had
achieved years earlier. This debacle however did provide the ideal social conditions for today's sexualisation problem to be identified as in 1981
journalists were beginning to investigate the sudden sexualisation of young females. Sexualisation being used to describe mal socialization which in
fact separates children from their natural essence causing premature entry in adult forms of sexual subjectivity. For example, that of play makeup for
girls (Schiro 1981).
Another sociological explanation that is provided for the pornification of media today is that of the evolution of porn. Pornographic content has
always been in existence with our culture with prehistoric rock art dated before civilisation depicting sexual acts. This can also be seen in art work
during the Victorian era such as that of the painting by Г‰douard Manet titled Olympia which was a nude picture of a French courtesan which
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Pornography Margaret Atwood
Tropp, Sandra Fehl., and Ann Pierson. D'Angelo. "Pornography (1983)." Essays in Context. New York: Oxford UP, 2001. 543
–47. Print. Margaret
Atwood begins her essay by explaining the distinction between mild pornorgraphy, which portrays the nude form and sexual activities, and violent
pornography, which depicts extremely violent activities in a sexual manner. When discussingpornography, people often assume Atwood is referring to
mild pornography; however, even though this pornography is considered "mild" by Atwood, the reactions and perspectives from people are rarely
mild. The passionate accusations declaring opposing sides "prudish" or "perverted" lead to the question of what is the meaning of pornography, if there
is any? Whether it
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The Pros And Cons Of Censorship
Censorship is the prohibition of anything that can be taken offensive or considered obscene. Censorship can be suppressed through images, videos,
books, or news. Anything viewed or considered to be indecent, such as pornography, can be considered censored. Pornography is a visual or printed
representation of explicit content or sexual features to stimulate a desire or sexual feeling in others. In a debate between Mark R. Wicclair and Andrea
Dworkin, the argument is based upon whether porn should be censored or tolerated (Waller 26). Mark R. Wicclair, philosopher and professor of
community medicine in West Virginia University, argues thatpornography is a "Private Choice that Must be Tolerated". His view imposes a claim that
we should be concerned about any use of censorship. Instead, ... Show more content on ...
On the opposing side of Wicclair's claim, writer and activist Andrea Dworkin has claimed that pornography is a "Public Harm that Should be
Censored". Pornography, defined by Andrea Dworkin, is a "graphic, sexually explicit subordination of women whether in pictures or in words that also
includes one or more of the following: women are presented dehumanized as sexual objects, things, or commodities ..." (29). Dworkin's argument
suggests that if pornography did not send a vulgar message about women then she believes it should not be censored or considered harmful. However,
since the message promotes a message to "subjugate women and silence women" (27) then it should be protected under the first amendment.
However, the first amendment is what protects the right to freedom of expression. The first amendment
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The Concerns of Internet Censorship Essays
The Concerns of Internet Censorship
As a professional Internet publisher and avid user of the Internet, I have become concerned with laws like the Communications Decency Act of 1996
(CDA) that censor free speech on the Internet. By approving the CDA, Congress has established a precedent which condones censorship regulations for
the Internet similar to those that exist for traditional broadcast media. Treating the Internet like broadcast media is a grave mistake because the Internet
is unlike any information medium that has been created.
My concerns about Internet censorship prompted me to write "Internet Censorship is Absurd and Unconstitutional." In the essay, I outline why I
believe that the Internet should not be censored in any ... Show more content on ...
Though the laws that Congress are proposing to regulate the Internet are well intentioned, I strongly believe that the Internet should not be censored
because any law encroaching on the people's right to free speech is a obvious breach of First Amendment rights and because laws limiting Internet
speech are too broad and unenforceable on this global medium.
To understand why legislators are attempting to censor the Internet despite the fact that it is absurd and Unconstitutional, one must first understand
how the Internet came to be and how it conceptually works. According to Internet historian Dave Kristula, the first inklings of the Internet began in
the United States in 1969 as a network of four servers called the APRANET. ARPA (the Advanced Research Projects Agency), a division of the
Department of Defense, created the ARPANET for military research so that the information on the network would be decentralized and could survive
a nuclear strike. The network continued to grow in size and speed as technology increased over the next two decades. Standards began to set in such
as the TCP/IP protocol for network transmission of data. By 1990 the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) had been created to standardize the way in
which Internet documents are sent and received (Kristula).
By 1994, the APRANET was disbanded, and the Internet became a public network connecting more than 3,000,000 computers together worldwide.
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Pornography Does NOT Cause Violence Against Women
Introduction Pornography is a controversial subject all around the world. Part of its appeal is its taboo nature. It has been argued that pornography is
harmful. Porn is an underground market that is more or less legal but is it harmful? An article written by Diana E.H. Russell in "Dangerous
Relationships: Pornography, Misogyny, and Rape" argues that it is. Diana E.H. Russell is a sociology professor. She has researched the issue and
argues that pornography is profoundly harmful. Professor Russell believes that it inclines men to want to rape women and that it encourages them to
act out rape fantasies. However, Michael C. Seto disputes Professor Russell's theory that pornography is harmful. Michael Seto's article, written with ...
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The rapists admitted that they did not see the woman as human until it was too late and some still don't see their crime. They were asked if they
believed that women enjoyed being raped. Many would say that women cause their own rape because of what they wear or how they act, they believe
that most men are innocent of rape. All of the evidence provided was pulled from male rapists or men that proved to be force oriented. Experiments
should be done based on healthy, non–rapist individuals, including women. Women view pornography, women are capable of ill thoughts andviolence,
and women are capable of committing rape. It would seem that there was plenty of evidence provided by Ms. Russell but I do not think that it is
adequate to substantiate her theory that pornography is harmful.
"No" Article From the "No" aspect written by Michael Seto, Alexandra Maric, and Howard E. Barbaree, they argue that 1) there is enough evidence
any where proving that pornography is the cause of rape or rape crimes. They do not feel that it proves that men objectify and dehumanize women or
that violent pornography desensitizes men to rape, 2) Knowing the definition of pornography and understanding the different versions help to identify
where the issue lies, and 3) there are causal models that link pornography and aggression. The debate on pornography being harmful is so big because
sexual victimization being such a major social problem. There is not enough
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Feminism and Pornography: Differing Views
The pornography debate has been an issue within the feminist movement that has been pushed to the periphery in recent times. It is not as widely seen
on the main stage of the feminist agenda and this may be because of a division in feminist thought with regards to pornography. Generally speaking,
there are "pro–sex" feminists who believe that women have the right to do what they wish with their bodies and there are "pro–censorship" feminists
who believe pornography is inherently degrading and violent towards women. In this paper I am going to discuss the views and opinions held by
each faction of the pornography debate and I will discuss the pros and cons of each view and discuss how every day women (i.e. not scholars
/academics) feel about pornography. To begin I would like to discuss "pro–sex" feminists and their views on pornography. These feminists believe that
women have the choice "to participate in and consume pornography" and many believe that pornography can have positive effects for women. If
participation in pornography is consensual then there is no reason that a woman cannot partake in the production of pornography. This is summed up
in the mantra "a woman's body, a woman's right" and as long as she is not being coerced then she has the right to do what she would like with her
own body. This is where the opinions and views of sex workers themselves come in to play. Self identified feminist porn star Nina Hartley has called
herself an exhibitionist and has been
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Arguments Against Censorship
Censorship has became a controversial topic during recent years due to people's perception of concepts such as sex, violence, and hate speech. Many
people and governments want things such as those to be erased from media and art to prevent them within our society. Others however, feel that
children and others should be exposed to aspects such as these and that restricting the use of them in the arts would be a violation of their 1st
amendment. Both sides have strong, deeply rooted views based in law, morals, or religious belief. Both sides also, however, have points that seem
slightly extreme. For years the government and people of the United States and many other countries have worked to "shield" our population from
violence, sexuality, and... Show more content on ...
Where pro–censorship supports would claim that movie and television violence sparks violent thoughts in those who watch it, anti–censorship supports
would claim otherwise. One of the most backed up arguments presented by anti–censorship supporters is the restriction of artists creative control and
freedom. Songwriters and filmmakers have been berated and shunned for their works of art due to its subject matter. A prime example would be the
famous director Quentin Tarantino. Tarantino's films have covered many controversial topics such as racism and misogyny, however, even though
these are films the subject matter is thrown back onto the creator. "We both realised we'd cooled on his shtick considerably, for two main reasons: his
obsession with the N–word, and his obsession with sexualised violence." (The Age). Tarantino has been targeted for censorship due to the subject
matter and because of this his creative control and artistic freedom have been violated. While on the topic of film, the PCA "Production Code
Administration", has sought to make restrictions on the number of deaths allowed within films and the manner of said deaths (Greenhaven Press).
However, film and music isn't the only concern in the eyes of those who oppose censorship. Another large concern is the fact that if everything is
censored youth will be ignorant to anything perceived as negative. A large concern is that children will grow up without exposure to any sort of
knowledge about sex, and therefore be uneducated in their later life when the time actually comes (Heins). Artists freedom and exposure to sex all
have deeply rooted bases when it comes to arguments, but one of the strongest arguments is one of the most simple. People live difficult lives with
difficult aspects and these would–be–censored ideas are something that they can relate to (Hopkins). People can easily relate
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Censorship Online
This essay talks about issues regarding Censorship of the Internet.
According to the textbook, censorship is a way used by governments or religious institutions to supervise or regulate the public access to offensive or
harmful materials (Quinn 2012, p.496). Internet censorship applies the same discipline which regulates the public access to harmful content on internet.
Nowadays, internet is a place with huge potential for growth. Statistics suggest that the total growth of new internet users is 566.4% from December
31, 2000 to 2012 (Internet World Stats 2012) (Refer to Appendix one). In the mean time, the resources and contents on the internet are growing rapidly
at an uncontrollable rate. To some extent, there are almost no... Show more content on ...
For example, there is a non–profit company called Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) which is set up by Australian authors, visual artists, journalists,
photographers and publishers to protect and control their copyrights. Every member gives CAL a non–exclusive license with regard to their works. The
code of product for CAL is designed to make sure that the rights of all members are clearly stated, and the process of collecting their own works is
transparent and approachable. No one can copy their materials from the internet without their permission (Copyright Agency Limited 2009, p.2). Those
websites that commit copyright infringement would be blocked. It's really hard to eliminate the copyright problems on internet, but internet censorship
can reduce or limit the possibility of copyright infringement to some extent.
Censorship can also work when it comes to sensitive issues on the internet. Due to political motivation, many groups or individuals provoke the internet
users against the government. It's a dangerous action that may lead to strife throughout the nation in the future. Apparently, these groups and
individuals are agitators, hoping to cause conflicts between people and government. These illegal activities should be censored on internet. Another
sensitive issue would be the terrorist and racist organizations on internet, internet is a powerful tool for terrorist and racist, usually these organizations
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Risky Pleasures: Club Cultures And Feminine Identities
"Risky Pleasures: Club Cultures and Feminine Identities" identifies the lack of literature available on women and their experiences of clubbing. The
author's aim is to explore women's stories, as well as to challenge stereotypes of femininity, and explore new discourses of and changing ways in
which women express their femininity. A key focus in the book is that (sub)cultures are formed and developed in very different ways in a society that
is fragmenting and changing. This has implications for how issues such as drug use, sexuality and risk taking are explored and analyzed. Overall, the
main arguments presented in the book are discussed further to present new questions about the nature of femininities, sexualities, risk and pleasure for
drug–using... Show more content on ...
Primarily, Rortian irony backs the author's claims that the possibilities of porn are a worthwhile area for continuing discussions between anitporn and
sex–radical feminists. This article stresses the importance of how pornography must be a part of a larger dialogue about sex, sexual health, and the
construction of identity. Furthermore, everyone must discern whether porn can be, or should be, a part of her belief structures and her identity. For
feminists, this must include persistent examinations of all facets of social discourse that impact female sexual and gender formations. "Moreover,
Pornography can neither be ousted from nor adopted wholly into all feminist discourse (Fallas, 104)." These actions would ensure that these feminist
conversations remain stagnant and thereby future activisms and advocates become nullified before they begin. Fallas mentions that to make progress
and ensure stability for all women in society, it's necessary for feminists on all sides of this argument to come to an acceptance of each other's terms.
For women to be perceived as full and equal partners in society, they must be "privy" to the same rights (including erotic, sexual, pleasurable) as men.
Through an ironist point of view, these individual truths can be incorporated into feminist dialects and the definitions for
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Essay on The Pornography Debate
The Pornography Debate
Pornography has been the topic of discussion in the court systems for years. Many would like to see legislation against it and software to filter it. The
problem is it's not that easy and making laws against it would pose a problem against the first amendment. There have many issues brought up on the
grounds that it is demoralizing to women and is filth for the eyes of children. But, is pornography really that harmful?
There are many reasons why the government is having trouble putting restrictions on pornography. AsCynthia Stark states in Social Theory and
Practice," just because some find certain materials offensive is not a sufficient reason for restricting those materials." There has to be proper grounds ...
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We also need to determine was is appropriate for children and why is it so "dirty" for the viewing of children that we need to use software to block
it. The internet is free to roam by anyone and it's not hard to stumble across websites that use "mask" web addresses to lure people into them. So
how can we block these websites that are explicit for our kids to view? These pornographic sites are free to show whatever they want due to the free
speech clause, so isn't the CIPA going against that? Another act that is in progress right now that the House of Representatives have recently
reinstated is an act that outlaws virtual child pornography. This act would ban any computer images that were real child pornography and not
digitally created images. The problem with this act as Texas Republican Lamar Smith says is that prosecutors would find it impossible to prove if the
digital picture or movie was an actual photograph or a digitally made image on a scanner or computer. There is no way to tell and so the court system
is just adding more problems to their list because it is such a touchy subject when regarding the Constitution.
On the other hand, a lot of people think pornography is demoralizing to women, is "filth" and should be restricted from public display. There have
been instances were women are sexually assaulted, beaten, abused and harassed on camera. There are also records of children that have been raped and
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Media Essay
In the late Seventies, America became shocked and outraged by the rape, mutilation, and murder of over a dozen young, beautiful girls. The man who
committed these murders, Ted Bundy, was later apprehended and executed. During his detention in various penitentiaries, he was mentally probed and
prodded by psychologist and psychoanalysts hoping to discover the root of his violent actions and sexual frustrations. Many theories arose in attempts
to explain the motivational factors behind his murderous escapades. However, the strongest and most feasible of these theories came not from the
psychologists, but from the man himself, "as a teenager, my buddies and I would all sneak around and watch porn. As I grew... Show more
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As time has passed, this definition of pornography has grown to include any and all obscene literature and pictures. At the present date, the term is
basically a blanket which covers all types of material such as explicit literature, photography, films, and video tapes with varying degrees of sexual
For Catherine Itzin's research purposes pornogrpahy has been divided into three categories: The sexually explicit and violent; the sexually explicit and
nonviolent, but subordinating and dehumanizing; and the sexually explicit, nonviolent, and nonsubordinating that is based upon mutuality. The
sexually explicit and violent is graphic, showing penetration and ejaculation. Also, it shows the violent act toward a woman. The second example
shows the graphic sexual act and climax, but not a violent act. This example shows the woman being dressed is a costume or being 'talked down' to
in order to reduce her to something not human; such as a body part or just something to have sex with, a body opening or an orifice. Not only does
'erotica' show the entire graphic sexual act, it also depicts an attraction between two people. Her research consistently shows that harmful effects are
associated with the first two, but that the third 'erotica', is harmless (22). These three categories basically exist as
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The Effects Of Internet Pornography On College Students
Internet pornography is an easily accessible and highly affordable form of entertainment for anyone and especially the average college student. It is,
arguably, a very simple and entertaining way to pass the time between exams, essays, and classes. However, pornography can pose a threat to college
students because they do not realize the very powerful underlying danger that is present every time they click "Yes, I am over 18 years of age." Much
debate exists over whether or not Internet pornography is a real threat to college students. Internet pornography is said to provide "the materials for
identity formation for marginalized sexual communities such as gay men and lesbians, challenging restrictive gender roles, or therapeutic benefits
such as overcoming shame about sex" (McKee 2007). Still, there has yet to surface enough evidence proving any substantial positive effects of
pornography on the viewer. What most college students do not realize about Internet pornography is that it acts similarly to certain illegal drugs. The
article "Porn is like a drug," cites the similarities between porn and drug use saying,
As the addiction deepens, users not only become more impulsive, making it more likely that they'll give into their cravings, but also whenever they
encounter a stressful situation, they're more likely to feel like they don't have any way to deal with the stress other than by turning to porn's temporary
distraction. And the more they turn back to their habit, the
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Restricting the Production, Distribution, and Sale of...
Many women have been mistreated at one point or another in their lives. This form of abuse assumes many forms and is not always visible to the
naked eye. One of these such hardships that women of the 20th century have had to face is the struggle for equality. In Canada, the Charter of Rights
and Freedoms affords women full equality before and under law and equal protection and benefit of the law.1 But yet, this society openly contributions
to the production, sale, and distribution of pornography which implies that women are second class citizens. Destroying these stereotypes which portray
women as slaves, objects, toys, and mindless, sex–driven beings must be accomplished in order for women to attain true equality. The censorship ...
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Proof of this claim can be seen in society's acceptance of the publication and distribution of pornography. One must remember that pornography is not
objectionable simply because of its sexual contents, but rather because of its portrayal of women. Unfortunately, in Canadian Law, pornography is not
automatically considered obscene and is therefore deemed to be legal. It is important to note that the term "pornography" does not appear even once in
the pages of the Criminal Code of Canada. Instead, the Criminal Code only refers to items which are "obscene." In Canada, the ability of the federal
government to legislate public morals through criminal law allows it only to censor material "tending to corrupt morals."3 There is however, a
definite correlation between pornography and obscenity as can be seen in section 159 (8) of the Criminal Code:
...And publication a dominant characteristics of which is the undue exploitation of sex, or of sex and any one or more of the following subjects,
namely, crime, horror, cruelty, and violence, shall be deemed to be obscene.4
Since the Criminal Code offers no definition of the term pornography, it is important to establish one for the purposes of this argument. A working
definition of pornography can be provided by Helen Longino, a legal expert and social
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The Perspective Of Women Against Pornography
The controversy and perspective of women against pornography is one of the most beetling debates waged between modern–day feminists amongst
themselves as well as between other opinionated individuals. As defined in this essay, pornography is any printed or visual material containing the
explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to arouse erotic, sexual rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings. The growing
feminist population hosts many apprehensions as well as positive outlooks concerning the pornography industry and its portrayal of women, thus
causing it to be a highly debated affair amongst those that share contrasting opinions on the matter. With the increasing interest on the matter, more
feminists develop reasoning as to why they either support or oppose pornography. A copious number of those that oppose pornography believe it
regresses the movement of feminist in its entirety.
The pro–pornography supporters back the idea that pornography is beneficial and enforces the empowerment and development of the feminist
movement. The anti–pornography feminist perspective of the deliberation is veritably legitimate, and the feminist movement is marred by pornography
because it leads to violence against women, porn is violence due to women who pose for it being so traumatized by patriarchy that they cannot give
real consent, and is disparaging to women, leading it to contravene women's civil equality. The high exposure to pornography that men
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The Debate On Virtual Child Pornography
Lindsay Hall
Thinking and Doing Ethics
Professor Wisniewski
November December 8, 2015
Word count 849
Case 1(Ruggiero 173). We have the debate and Supreme Court ruling in 2002 that stated the ban on 'virtual child pornography' was unconstitutional,
and in turn, The Federal Child Pornography Prevention Act was overturned. The parties involved are the disgusting, scum of the earth who produce
this ungodly entertainment for sick minded pedophiles, the US Supreme Court who have taken an oath to protect the innocent, and the putrid
pedophiles who watch this abomination of god and all that is evil. In addition to every child that ever was, and every child that will be sexually
abused in the future because some sick f!*k gets his/her jollies off by watching children being tortured, and will at some point in time inflict the
lifelong pain and suffering that one goes through, because they were sexually abused. (Emphasis intentionally and harshly added)The morals are,
sex with children is immoral, an abomination to God's teachings, watching the same, even if only graphics is still a grave sin. If you think of doing
sin, it is as bad as the sin itself. Therefore, watching a cartoon of a child being abused and having sexual gratification in that act, is as bad as one who
actually commits the act. "You heard it was said, 'Do not commit adultery,' but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman in order to covet her
has already committed adultery with her in his heart." (Matthew
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The Anti-Pornography Feminist Movement Essay
"I don't need statistics to tell me that there is a relationship between pornography and real violence. My body remembers." This chilling testimony from
a female rape victim to a grand jury in 1983 represents the evils that pornography represents in the
United States. There are strong correlations between sex crimes and pornography that have divided feminists over whether free speech is worth the
sheer magnitude of sex–crime victims. Free speech is protected by the First Amendment and most people have differing views on its meaning. One
thing that cannot be ignored is the fact that
90% of sexual offenders have used pornography "frequently." I believe that the anti–pornography movement is not only just, but essential. I ... Show
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Out of these theories, writers like Andrea Dworkin, Catherine MacKinnon and
Dr. Diana Russell founded and encouraged many anti–porn groups around the country.
Though movements against pornography had existed prior to feminist anti–pornography groups, they were previously conservative or moral majority
inspired. Then came groups such as the Anti–Porn Feminists (APFEM) and the Women Against Violence in
Pornography in the Media (WAVPM). These groups had limited following because of the feminist ideology of freedom of speech and expression. Due
to this lack of agreement on terms and standards, the supporters have never been centralized.
Supporters may be varied and polarized but most believe that there is a real problem and there must be suitable action. The reason that this movement
exists are due to findings of surveys and studies as well as testimony of women who have suffered from pornography at one time or another.
The studies are varied and numerous. To provide examples of these surveys I would like to illustrate the findings of several of them. The first finding
comes from a 1983 study by Edward Donnerstein. He polled male high–school and college students on 37 states and came to the following conclusion.
25% to 30% of male students who admit that there is some likelihood that they would rape a woman if the could be assured of getting away with it,
increases to 57% after exposure to sexually violent images depicting women enjoying
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Feminism and Porn Essay
The idea that pornography gives feminists of differing opinions this middle ground that they can meet on and see how to articulate the different
desires of feminism and what they want to turn it into is one of the main reasons Catherine Lumby argues that feminists need pornography (par 60).
As Lumby writes in "Why Feminists Need Porn," chapter five of her book Bad Girls, "the notion that you can draw a cause and effect line between
fantasy and social practice is disturbing and distasteful to some feminists," (par 60). Feminists, by questioning that line, can find the need reevaluate
their political position and how they relate the issues of feminism to other ideas and movements. The realization that feminists should constantly ...
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Certain parts of her article can be seen as support for either side of the issue, but in the overall effect of the work Purcell is just trying to show the
faults of both arguments and how they could each become stronger, and how we could "engage in this research [and argument] in more sensitive and
responsive ways." (par 5) One issue that feminists should bring to the open and question is the definition of pornography. Often times anti–porn
feminists argue that we can tell what is and isn't porn easily. Yet the definition these feminists use to decide what counts as porn and whether it
should be censored from the public applies to many things as Lumby points out in paragraphs nine and twelve. She draws up the movie Siren as an
example of how Elle Macpherson's nudity in the movie was widely accepted and went uncontested, but then Lumby points out how Macpherson's
shoot for Playboy was more modest than some of the shots in the film yet the photo shoot receives more flack because it's categorized as porn (par 9).
Lumby uses the shoot and film to frame the way anti–porn feminists believe that porn should be easy to spot. She brings up the point for her audience
to show them the logic of anti–porn feminists and how that logic doesn't make the strongest argument when the audience questions it. The fact that
Lumby can make her audience suspicious of the strength of anti–porn arguments makes the
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Hustler Magazine, Inc. V. Frequency
In our contemporary society, pornography verses propriety has been a topic of debate for decades. Fortunately, child pornography is consistently
labeled as obscene and possession of this type of pornography is criminal. The Communications Decency Act (CDA) was signed into law in 1996 by
then President Bill Clinton (Schmalleger, 2008, p. 235). A portion of this law criminalized the knowledge that obscene or indecent messages were being
transmitted to recipients under 18 (Schmalleger, 2008, p. 235). However, the ACLU had to get involved challenging the law stating that one person's
perception of indecent may not be that of another's; in other words, this would violate the First Amendment Rights of those without a moral compass.
In 1997... Show more content on ...
Fine art exemplifies the beauty of God's creation, whereas porn focuses strictly on lust and comes from a place of darkness. The sexualization and
objectification of women in the media teach girls that as women, life is vanity; all they have to offer is their body and a pretty face, so all efforts
should focus on achieving and maintaining superficial beauty. God is the Supreme Psychologist and His words provide the wisdom needed to avert
and counteract the influence of the media/pornography. "Counseling needs Christian DNA if it is to call people out of the death spiral of
self–preoccupation" (Powlison, 2012, p. 19). For centuries, Spiritual and Religious leaders have conceded that our vessel [body] can be codified by
the actions of language, words, and thought forms; "Scientific evidence now supports this and has proven that our DNA can be reprogrammed by
words and frequencies" (Fosar & Bludorf, 2001, p. 50). Sexualization can be averted and counteracted by receiving the right messages through the
power of sound and what better sound than that of the Lord (John 1:1, 10:27). God has given us His DNA, transferring His divine power, which gives
us the privilege of participating in His divine
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Pornographic Controversy
Pornography is the depiction of sexual behavior that is from explicit material (books, films, photographs, etc.) that intends to cause sexual excitement.
This definition of pornography that we know of was not the same meaning for centuries. In The Secret Museum, Walter Kendrick evaluate the idea of
pornography and how it has emerged into the modern definition of pornography. The concept of pornography first emerged in European between 1755
and 1857 at a museum. This created controversy that was caused by the discovery of the Pompeii erotic artifacts that depict sexual bodily practices.
Pornography have changed the public attitudes toward it since then. Archaeology has discovered the erotic artifacts that revealed sculptures and ... Show
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The word pornography was derived from Greek root; writing the life of prostitutes. However, the first time when the term pornography appear was
in an English medical dictionary in 1957, which they defined as "licentious paintings employed to decorate the walls of rooms sacred to bacchanalian
orgies, examples of which exist in Pompeii" (Kendrick, 13). The definition of pornography has been redefined multiple times since then. In attempt to
combine the old definition with the modern definition, the OED created two divergent lines "Description of the life, manners, etc., of prostitutes and
their patron; hence, the expression or suggestion of obscene or unchaste subjects in literature or art" (Kendrick, 17). Ongoing debate perpetuates
itself as our culture keep interpreted and refining the definition and hiding the images away, which causes the paradox of pornography to publicize
itself further. In the documentary, The Secret History of Civilization, states that "these images of sex are frame in an alien culture and think that is
okay. But as soon as we turn to our own culture and start to examine our attitudes toward sexual representation. It is the same power the Victorian
gave to sex". This eventually affects the people and made them believe that the image of sex have power over them for good or for bad the more
discussion they have of it. Lastly, Kendrick has been
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Effects Of Modern Technology On Society
How does Modern Technology affect the way we think/act? Within this essay I plan to discuss and debate my and other's opinions on the matter of
technology and not only how it effects the way we think/act, but whether those effects are positive or negatively impactful. Of course, modern
technology has only developed within the last 30 years; with the information age of technology arriving in the 1980's. So, it hasn't at all been prevalent
in our society for very long at all; not by comparison to other innovative movements such as industrialism. Despite this, I believe modern technology has
dramatically affected our thoughts and behaviours as human beings. Gaming is a revolutionary, and large part of modern technology; one that has
indisputably changed people, especially in regard to socialisation and problem solving. The common first thought towards gaming is that it has turned
many into jobless, socially unequipped recluses. Or even perhaps a violent, and un–empathic person. This of course is a stereotypical architype; though
all clichГ©s do have some root of truth. It has been made apparent that men who engage in violent first–person shooter style games are far more likely
to feel a lack of empathy towards women, according to an American study. Grand theft Auto, a game in which women are made to be viewed as
sexual objects was used in a study containing a large group of teenage boys. This reported significantly lower levels of empathy and sympathy towards
an image of a
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The Polarization Of Pornography And The Feminist Movement
Polarization occurred in the feminist movement as differences of opinion ascended regarding broad issues pertaining to sexuality, sex, and the
relationship between man and woman, of all of which are demonstrated in pornography. Pornography meaning, sexually explicit material intended to
cause sexual sensations or arousal. Pornographic consumption became into question during the 1970s and 80s as anti–pornography feminists found it
perilous, and sex–positive feminists found it to be a vital component in gaining women's freedom. Though many feminists exhibit harsh criticism
towards pornography, this criticism is ultimately unwarranted and laced with assumptions. The sex–positive movement has demonstrated itself to be
far more practical in executing societal changes and beneficial in achieving gender equality through the acceptance they illustrate to individual
differences. Unfair constrictions and regulations exist to destroy womanhood in an attempt to better manhood as if the two can't correlate beneficially
together. Condemning a woman's sexuality as being taboo and placing pornography in the hands of only men, is preposterous. In a society with such
restrictions, sex–positive feminists advocate for an outlet that allows women to investigate their own sexual desires and preferences without the
nuisance of societal expectations. Pornography grants women a world in which empowerment and sexual liberation are accepted freely. Fantasies can
be explored and discovered
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Does Pornography Exploit or Liberate Women? Essay
Almost as lucrative as the oil industry; the omnipresent multi–media pornography industry is said to be more profitable than the music and video
industries combined. The European Parliament (2003) estimates that more than two–thirds of the ВЈ252 million spent by European internet users
during 2001 was received by various pornographic websites. This recorded expenditure does not, however, account for the widely available
non–internet based pornographic literature, theatre and DVD trade, or for prostitution – the age–old trade from which the term pornography is derived
(Potter, 1998); thus effectively deeming the pornography industry to be indescribably profitable. As the pornography industry is undeniably
extortionately profitable, such an ... Show more content on ...
The wide availability of pornographic material can be argued to be the main attraction to employment within the industry; a notion anti–porn
campaigners often utilise for their argument that pornography exploits women. Although the spectrum of pornography caters for almost all types of
personal sexual gratification, the vast majority of conventional pornographic material is heterosexual male oriented (Castleman, 2009), therefore
allowing for seemingly endless opportunities for willing female actresses to gain employment. Whilst pro–porn campaigners and liberal feminists alike
argue that such demand allows for potentially lucrative career prospects, opponents of pornography and radical feminists respond in a much more
aversive manner (Haralambos & Holborn, 2004). Westerstrand (O'Connor, 2006) likens the 'trading' of women's bodies to the black market organ
trade, noting that although some people may decide to sell their organs out of financial desperation, purchasers of organs should be prosecuted. This
notion is furthered by O'Connor, who states that "The sale of women for sexual exploitation is therefore an intrinsic violation,
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The Pros And Cons Of Pornography Addiction
There are cultural norms which indicate the how, when, what, and why's of responding to any sexual behavior. While some individuals may come
across as being more sexualized than others, their behavior often fits within cultural norms. Issues arise when behaviors become culturally abnormal.
Sex addiction and its subtypes, which would include pornography addiction, have not yet found their way into the DSM; while it was considered for
inclusion in the DSM–5, it was reported that there was not enough evidence that sex addictions fit the characteristics needed for the approval
(Bridges & Morokoff, 2011; Levine, 2010; Weir, 2014). For the purposes of this paper, we will address those whose pornography habits are outside of
the cultural norms, as having a pornography addiction. This would be any type of excessive use, which fits within the definition of a sex addiction.
As a cultural guide, the results from a study conducted by the Kinney Institute in 2002, using the most common answers from the individual
categories, can be used as a guideline of normal cultural pornography use. The Kinney Institute (2002) found that 27% of people viewed pornographic
material several times a week and 37% of people spent 1–5 hours per week viewing porn. It would then be assumed that usage above these numbers
would start to fall within the abnormal ranges. Using these statistics, along with definitions of sexually deviant behavior can help determine what
pornography addiction entails.
Levine (2010) defines an addict and their behaviors when "they are sometimes expensive in economic, psychologic, and social terms. They may
persist despite negative consequences. The patient may not be able to stop the behavior when he or she states that goal." The introduction of the
internet has opened a whole new world to many sex addicts. In the online world, a person can find easy access to pornography including specific
types that are tailored to individual interests (Levine, 2010; Weir, 2014). Studies have shown that pornography is viewed often. Weir (2014) cites
several studies showing that more than 50% of all men and more than 30% of women view it on a regular basis. The debate is whether or not
pornography causes harm to those who view it.
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Porn and Censorship
Pornography and Censorship
Should the government be allowed to legitimately prohibit citizens from publishing or viewing pornography, or would this be an unjustified violation
of basic freedoms?
Traditionally, liberals defended the freedom of consenting adults to publish and consume pornography in private from moral and religious
conservatives who wanted pornography banned for its obscenity, its corrupting impact on consumers and its corrosive effect on traditional family and
religious values. But, in more recent times, the pornography debate has taken on a somewhat new and surprising shape. Some feminists have found
themselves allied with their traditional conservative foes in calling on the state to regulate or prohibit ... Show more content on ...
Other sexually explicit representations depict acts of violent coercion: people being bound, whipped, beaten, tortured, penetrated by objects, mutilated,
raped and even killed. Some sexually explicit material may be degrading, without necessarily being overtly violent. This material depicts people (most
often women) in positions of servility and subordination in their sexual relations with others, or engaged in sexual acts that many people would regard
as humiliating. Some sexually explicit material involves or depicts children. Some portrays bestiality and necrophilia; and so on.
On the first definition of pornography as sexually explicit material, all such material would count as pornography, insofar as it is sexually explicit. But
this simple definition is not quite right. Anatomy textbooks for medical students are sexually explicit–they depict exposed genitalia, for example–but
are rarely, if ever, viewed as pornography. Sexual explicitness may be a necessary condition for material to count as pornographic, but it does not seem
to be sufficient. So something needs to be added to the simple definition. What else might be required?
Here is a second definition. Pornography is sexually explicit material (verbal or pictorial) that is primarily designed to produce sexual arousal in
viewers. This definition is better: it deals with the problem of anatomy textbooks and the like. Indeed, this
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Argumentative Essay On Pornography
ntroduction Throughout the long history of pornography there has been an ongoing debate as to whether pornography is something that should be
accepted in society or condemned as immoral. The way pornography is often viewed by individuals is either from an anti or pro–porn perspective.
This essay will discuss why pornography is seen in such a black and white manner and also aims to present reasons why it should not be. It will
discuss how the 'grey' areas around the porn industry, freedom of speech and consumerism in today's society have together made the way porn is
viewed and created, and how this has affected certain parts of society. Five topics surrounding pornography– 'pornification', production and
consumption, discourses of ... Show more content on ...
Another explanation is that they are someone who does not see the worth in paying for pornography when there is plenty to be found for free. The
main reasons for paying for pornography online would be to access something specific or to purposefully support a pornstar or producer. This
poses the question, would more people be prepared to pay if free porn was harder to access? Even so, with the porn industry missing out on paying
consumers due to the availability of free porn online, it has still managed to keep afloat, though how well it has is unknown. The actual size of the
industry is still largely disputed, mainly because statisticians can not agree as to what products should constitute as porn (Slade 1093), though a 1995
Times article "liberally categorised 83.5 percent of all photographs online as pornographic" (Paasonen 166). In many reports written on pornography
there is a different definition of pornography and erotica. Diana Russell sums it up as "feminists of the anti–pornography–equals–censorship school
deliberately obfuscate any distinction between erotica and pornography, using the term erotica for all sexually explicit materials. In contrast,
anti–pornography feminists consider it vitally important to distinguish between pornography and erotica" (2). She then goes on to give her definitions
of pornography, which includes "abuse or degradation that appears to endorse, condone, or encourage such behaviour" and erotica,
... Get more on ...

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Pornography And Women Empowerment Essay

  • 1. Pornography and Women Empowerment Essay Women today have made strides in narrowing the gender gap with men, beating them in college admission (Francis), and reducing the pay–gap between the sexes by about 17 cents on the dollar over the past 20 years (United States). Despite noticeable advances for women, the notions of sexual female taboo and misogyny still remain ever present. Gender roles and sexuality are a major conflict in American politics today. In the race for the republican nomination for president, Rick Santorum has stated that "America is suffering a pandemic of harm from pornography (Friedersdorf)." A self–described crusader for family values, he has also detailed in his writing that "In far too many families with young children, both parents are working... Here, we ... Show more content on ... To understand the internal debate of feminists, you have to understand the history of feminist views on sexuality. The sexual empowerment of women has seen two major revolutions. According to Leila Rupp at the University of California Santa Barbara, the first movement began in the 1910s with the push for women's suffrage and legal equality. In the first revolution, equality was demanded for a more equal partnership within the family, and the institution of marriage. The second revolution in the 1960s gave rise to the idea of freedom and equality outside of the bounds of marriage (Rupp). The two sexual revolutions disperse at essentially the same rift which occurs in the feminist view of pornography, and at the root of the rift is a sexual identity crisis. Does free love, liberation from marriage, and breaking of sexual taboo liberate women, or is a fixation on sex a masculine idea at heart. Women who see pornography as negative (anti–porn) focus on four major arguments against pornography as a positive force for women, the arguments include the following generalizations: "Pornography is degrading to women, Pornography leads to violence against women, Pornography is violence because women are coerced into pornography, Pornography is violence because women who pose for porn are so traumatized by patriarchy they cannot give real consent (McElroy)." All four of these arguments are oversimplified and/or not true. While it is an easy a seemingly effective argument to say ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Essay on The Government Should NOT Censor Pornography Pornography is an issue that has and will continue to cause much debate. While there are many people who see pornography as degrading, sinful, and disgusting, there is also a large number of people who see it as a turn on, a form of sexual expression, and entertainment. Webster's Dictionary defined pornography as merely "the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement." Yet there is still the everlasting question which is "does pornography serve a real purpose, and if so what purpose it that?" continues. I happen to acknowledge pornography with only a few minor glitches. I don't believe in censoring pornography, yet analyzing pornography that is already censored. ... Show more content on ... The message this is sending out is that women enjoy having sex with a man until the man is finished, and then there is no need to continue till the woman is also sexually indebted. The issue of censorship and pornography is split into two parts. There are the people fighting to censor pornography by banning it, and we have people that argue that by banning pornography, the consequences would proceed to be an infringement on their rights to free speech and equality. What I believe is that both of these issues are brought about in the wrong way. The group that is arguing to ban pornography all together is using their freedom of speech to ban someone else's. I find it hypocritical and unjust. At the same time, however, the "pro–pornography" group is also being duplicitous in the sense that they are claiming to fight against censorship, when they themselves are defending something that is already censored. From a woman's perspective, there is a significant amount of dispute surrounding the porn industry. "The anti–pornography feminists were interested in making the streets safe for women by means of punitive and far reaching legislation against pornography" (Schwartz & Rutter p.181). In other words, these women felt that pornography reveals negative signals, and makes it easier for a man to take advantage and control women sexually. To the conservative woman, pornography is seen as painful and a ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Supreme Court Standard of Obscenity Evolution since 1950 There has been a lot of debate on the legal understandings of term obscene and its usage. Constitutionally, the term is used to define certain behaviors or expressions in motion pictures, art or literature. The law tries to look at the effects that obscenity would have on the morals of the people or on the minds of those that see the material. It also considered the effect some publications would have on the hands that they might fall in. There has been an evolution of the whole idea over the years since the inception and the legalities behind it. The issue of obscenity was mostly associated with movies and visual productions that produced materials that were accessible to the public. The United States Supreme Court was at the forefront ... Show more content on ... A case by Roth tried to challenge the idea regarding the nature of obscenity whether it was a variable or a constant matter. Obscenity in any case took many dimensions when it came to matters relating to the material and the contented they contained. Roth challenged the Supreme Court that obscenity was not constitutional and there it needed to be given a different approach. He argued that this term did not have a specific meaning and it could take any shape based on circumstances. Pornographic material was another matter that was quite a debate in this case. Such a material became a debate as some argued that it may have an impact depending on the type of people it reached. Such a material was supposed to draw a distinction to show the varying nature of ideological or hardcore pornography. In this case there was a need for observing the moral values and doing things that are right and desirable to people in the community. Pornography was an obscenity that was more of an offensive idea to the moral standards of the community. Kingsley also was of the idea that adultery was desirable and right to specific people in some circumstances. The Supreme Court, however argued that this was not an obscene case, but rather it fell under the protected area of the constitution. In such a case this idea was a matter of ideological obscenity which the court need to stand clear about since it laid an imminent danger in the type of substance it ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Pros And Cons Of Porn Spreading immorality? Ruining relationships? Perpetuating sexism and increasing crime rate? On top of any religious objections, pornography has always been a very controversial subject, an issue with various opinions and also blatant facts. Especially for the past few decades, the porn debate with its cons and pros has been raging constantly. Those who link pornography to countless crimes and ill effects are definitely ideologically motivated, but the actual scientific evidence hardly supports their conclusions. Here are some of the most essential cons of pornography and the facts that prove them wrong: 1.Porn is obscene, ill and against religion! Throughout the world, porn is considered in most cultures quite morally questionable and obscene and religious beliefs are against it, considering it a type of ... Show more content on ... Studies have shown that you can be a devoted church–going kind of person and also watch porn and still be faithful in reality to your better half. Pornography is responsible for improvements regarding the opinions towards the human body and its needs. Watching porn is also safe because it obviously does not lead to contacting some sexually transmitted diseases. 2.Porn is a form of exploitation to people with lower incomes! Porn has actually some benefits of economic nature. The pornography industry is a multi–billion dollar one and it provides an extremely large number of jobs which include acting, directing, editing, film crews and technical staff etc. And, let's be serious, anyone can watch porn for free nowadays. 3.Pornography spreads disease! Porn is actually promoting the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Pornographic actors and actresses are required to undergo tests of STDs ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Pornography on the Internet Essay Porn, its everywhere! Go to any major search engine and you are well on your way to viewing some of the finest cyber porn around. No age verification, no credit card required, all it takes is just a couple of clicks on the mouse. But wait a second, why is it so easy, was it always like this? Not really, as we have seen, the Internet and the pornography industry have come together to make quite an explosion that has brought many issues to the surface. It's a scary fact to realize that 83.5% images available on the Internet are pornographical. And it is even more of a problem when the Internet's pornography is available to curious children that happen to bump onto them. One of the more drawing freatures of the young Internet was its ... Show more content on ... Although it is not words, the message is being conveyed through pictures. MacKinnon argues that this speech is causing many women to be discriminated against and degraded, not just the ones in the pictures but all women. "Words and images are how people are placed in hierarchies, how social stratification is made to seem inevitable and right, how feelings of inferiority and superiority are engendered, and how indifference to violence against those on the bottom is rationalized and normalized" (MacKinnon 31). Men view images of women performing degrading acts in order to gain pleasure. They will then act on these sexual desires with their partners. In other words, men begin to look at women purely as sex objects and less like people. This will cause more instances of rape and harassment in our society which, without a doubt, is not going to bring us closer to equality. I don't think this is new news to many folks, but I think now with the Internet more people becoming alarmed because pornographic material is becoming so widespread. 10 years ago pornographic material was confined to the walls and magazine racks in adult stores. If you looked young, the clerk would check your I.D to make sure you were over the age of 18. If they failed to do this then the business would be held accountable and took the risk of being forced to shut its doors to the public. ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Limiting Children's Access To Internet Pornography Essay Pornography is one of mankind's most revered, respected, and repulsed pastimes. Adults can use pornography to relieve stress, enhance their sex lives, or simply as a means of entertainment. One of the easiest and most popular ways of obtaining pornographic material is over the Internet. The only downside is that the Internet is accessible to children; therefore, pornography is accessible to children. While adults should have limitless access to Internet porn, minors should be kept away from this concubine. Usage of Internet pornography grows rapidly every day. It can be accessed easily enough by anyone that wishes to see the material, has a modem, and some times a wishful intent. The material ranges from semi–nude photos to videos ... Show more content on ... Their biggest reason is the endangerment of American children that use the Internet. Children can be endangered in many ways, one of which is being lured by a pedophile and possibly sexually assaulted. A pedophile is an adult with a psychosexual disorder where children stimulate sexual arousal. There is evidence that children who have been sexually victimized are more likely to be troubled adults. Advocates worry about the safety of the American children and wish to eliminate this from happening. A recent example is People v. Barrows, 174 Misc. 2d 367, 664 N.Y.S. 2d 410 (1997): an adult, James Barrows, entered an AOL chat room and seduced what he thought was a thirteen year old girl, who in actuality was an officer of Kings County District Attorney. Barrows had transmitted pictures of under–aged children having sex, engaged in sexually explicit conversations and attempted to lure the child to engage in sexual acts. Barrows was one of the few pedophiles to be caught and brought to justice. One proposal that was struck down from protecting children is the Communications Decency Act (CDA). Janet Reno, Attorney General of the United States, argued that the CDA was in violation of the U.S. Constitution and laws that would be enacted were clear and undefined. If made into law, the CDA could severely censor the Internet in ways that were never attempted before. It would filter out anything that is deemed obscene and ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Internet Censorship Essay All I wanted to do was shop for new shoes online, but instead I was staring at a webpage packed with lewd photographs. I was only 14. I certainly was not looking to be directed to such a vulgar website; however, much to my dismay, I had simply mistyped the URL to a popular sporting goods store and found myself face–to–face with something I was much too young to see. Unfortunately, this happens all too often. A staggering amount of young children are accessing pornographic material online, whether they want to or not. In this day in age where just about everything is regulated in one fashion or another, many are calling for the censorship of Internet pornography. While some say it is a necessity when it comes to the industry, others... Show more content on ... This is the foundation of the conservative debate in favor of censorship. Many believe that it is government's role to protect us from harm (West). As long as the government is protecting the well being of society, censorship of Internet pornography appears to be a legitimate means to an end. It would seem to many that this is a solid foundation for their argument. So, following this lead, the Communications Decency Act of 1996 was imposed, a law "making it a crime to display 'indecent' material on–line" (Net Mania). This law would essentially put measures in place to protect individuals from unwanted pornographic encounters online. Problem solved, right? Wrong. Just a short time later this very law was overturned, and to that I say thank goodness. My stance on censorship of the Internet may surprise some, considering my all too graphic teenage experience with the Internet. However, I am a firm believer in the First Amendment. The Communications Decency Act of 1996 was an honest attempt at a solution. Unfortunately, it was also unlawful. Which, therein, lays the basis for the liberal argument against censorship. Trying to censor Internet pornography would be a clear violation of our rights under the First Amendment, namely, freedom of speech. Not only that, but I see very little need for government intervention at all. "Legal moralism" is a nice concept, don't ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Effects Of Pornography On The United States And Canada... Pornogrophy is currently as legal in the United States and Canada as alcohol and tylenol, but should it be? Firstly, we must define what pornogrophy constitutes, as it can be seen as anything from a raunchy adult comedy to Penthouse Magazine. It seems as though many definitions of porogrophy use terms like that of "explicit" sex, but that is only a surface–level conclusion. Within Sociology, pornogrophy is defined, typically, in three ways: Functional, Genre, and Labelling. Functional definitions of pornogrophy put forward that pornogrophy is anything used for the intentional purpose of sexual arousal (Goode, 1997). However, this is noted as a broad statement, as even the likes of romantic novels could be concidered as pornogrophy if an individual uses it to become aroused. Genre definitions suggest that pornography is described as a product created for the purpose of sexual arousal. However, this also causes issues in definition, as products like that of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue may be seen as intentional sexual arousal and also simple photography. Labelling definitions suggest that pornography is anything that a community deem as obscene (Goode, 1997). This view is the most commonly supported view in law, as even the Canadian Criminal Code defines what is considered obscenity under Section 163. Again, however, we have to question this view because it only takes into account what individuals tolerate other individuals seeing and not what they themselves ... Get more on ...
  • 9. J.M Coetzee's "The Harms of Pornography" J.M Coetzee's "The Harms of Pornography" As the debate over pornography and its place in society grows hotter every day, several authors in particular shed a new light on the subject. Both their intuition and insight involving their beliefs can help the reader a great deal in seeing aspects of this debate that might have otherwise gone without the consideration that they so deserve. I believe that pornography is not only okay, but is allowing our country to take a step back and ask ourselves how far we are willing to go and what we are willing to sacrifice in order to preserve free speech and our rights to personal choice. The argument over pornography is not merely the debate over right or wrong, but also involves the theory ... Show more content on ... Coetzee goes to great lengths to bring to light indescrepancies and unclarified ideas throughout MacKinnon's article. One of Coetzee's most prominent points is that the differences between "obscenity" and "pornography" go far beyond a difference in term based on either political or moral argument. While at times Coetzee seems to generally disagree with or at least greatly challenge MacKinnon's ideas, there are times at which the two authors trains of thought almost seem to coincide. One such issue would be that MacKinnon is not necessarily looking to hunt out all occurrences of pornography in today's literature and media, but to snuff out the commercial end of it. The end that makes billions based on women being "used" by men, and does nothing at all to improve their social standing in our society. But why must everything be used to bolster the social position of women? It is this topic specifically that seems to have gone un–argued by Coetzee. Coetzee's stand on this issue of pornography and obscenity as a part of today's culture is never quite addressed may very well remain a mystery to the reader. From many of the author's statements and criticism's of MacKinnon, one could gather that he takes a much more liberal stand and yet somehow successfully avoids pressing his opinions. He also does a wonderful ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Censorship Issues In China China is a complex and fascinating country with numerous controversial health and social policies. Recently China's Communist Party leadership ended its highly disputed one–child policy due to concerns of an aging population that could jeopardize China's economic boom and severe imbalances in many aspects in the Chinese society. Being born in China at the peak of the one–child policy's implementation, I was a product of this historically rare and problematic rule myself. I have lived my entire life experiencing and witnessing firsthand both positive and negative consequences that followed, and have a profound comprehension on how a single health strategy could shape up an entire generation and catalyze public health issues. Censorship issue ... Show more content on ... However, the relevance of pornography has emerged in my multi–faceted and multi–disciplinary education, whether in criminology or community health, forensics or foreign policy, deviance or domestic violence. As an experienced researcher and avid scholar, I dare say that pornography use as a growing public health problem should be explored with a nuanced and thorough academic approach that I could provide, in spite of it being a contentious issue with some pre–existing bias. Luckily, after attending the October Open House, I recognized the interdisciplinary support that I could receive from (Name of University)'s (Name of the PhD) program. (Name of University)'s uniquely integrative but much need (Name of the PhD) program and my uniquely extensive credentials should be a perfect match. My goal is to utilize the intellectual richness and diversity of (Name of University) to conduct an epidemiological health behavior research that could enhance the existing perceptions of people. If I am privileged enough to be part of (Name of University)'s 2016 PhD cohort, you are guaranteed a team player with a truly extraordinary perspective: highly motivated and immensely passionate about the subject, strong interdisciplinary education background, outstanding research experiences, equipped with the all the right tools after years of training and practicing, ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Limiting Children's Access to Internet Pornography Pornography is one of mankind's most revered, respected, and repulsed pastimes. Adults can use pornography to relieve stress, enhance their sex lives, or simply as a means of entertainment. One of the easiest and most popular ways of obtaining pornographic material is over the Internet. The only downside is that the Internet is accessible to children; therefore, pornography is accessible to children. While adults should have limitless access to Internet porn, minors should be kept away from this concubine. Usage of Internet pornography grows rapidly every day. It can be accessed easily enough by anyone that wishes to see the material, has a modem, and some times a wishful intent. The material ranges from semi–nude photos to videos ... Show more content on ... The Internet has experienced an extraordinary growth. The number of host computersВ—those that store information and relay communicationsВ—increased from about 300 in 1981 to approximately 9,400,000 by the time of the trial in 1996. Roughly 60% of these hosts are located in the United States. About 40 million people used the Internet at the time of trial, a number that expected to mushroom to 200 million by 2000. How can it be possible to regulate all Internet transmissions with user numbers at 200 million? Another problem that arises is the fact that not all Internet sites can quantifiably prove that the user wishing to browse their domain is of legal age. An annoy–mailer can be used to hide the identity of the user. Some sites require the use of a credit card in order to view its contents, but credit card numbers are easy to obtain. This limitation of proof is being minutely controlled by a number of sites dedicated to helping parents censor what their children see. This might possibly be the first step in what will protect the American children from viewing obscene material.One such site,, gives Internet safety tips for parents. It explains to tell children about the Internet, and how to let parents know if there are any materials or persons online that makes a child feel uncomfortable. In addition, never meet with anyone face to face from which they have met ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Internet Censorship Of China, South Africa And Other... Internet censorship in China, South Africa and other countries is something that prohibits real discussion from taking place regarding issues that affect the public. For instance, in China, certain key word searches are automatically filtered out so that users cannot find the information they are seeking. While Internet censorship may be good from one perspective (in terms of stemming the flow of child pornography, curbing false information, or putting a nation's interests first), it can be viewed as bad from another perspective (in terms of cutting down on the opportunity to inform sides of a dialogue, promoting free exchange of ideas, or discussing why one form of pornography is allowed but not another). This paper will show why Internet censorship can be interpreted in both positive and negative ways depending on the perspective that one adopts (whether one is pro–Statist or anti–Statist). In short, pros and cons depend wholly upon one's worldview and outlook. The first pro may be, as Lorentzen (2014) notes, that "a partial censorship strategy" is an effective way for governments to control the levels of discontent in their respective countries (p. 405). Lorentzen (2014) observes that this is a model that could be applied in China as it attempts to control its Internet content, though he argues that all nations could utilize it, "permitting half of the discontent to be reported when discontent is high and all of the discontent to be reported when discontent is ... Get more on ...
  • 13. People V. Larry Flynt Essay examples The movie of focus, 'People vs. Larry Flynt', is a film by Milos Forman which stars Woody Harrelson as Flynt. Larry Flynt is the president and publisher of Hustler magazine. Hustler is sort of the Mad magazine of written pornography which was started in the early 1970's. The interest for me was seeing how this movie depicts the sexual exploitation of women in the sex industry with a specific look at how the material devalues women. The movie starts out in 1952 with a young Larry Flynt along with his younger brother peddling moonshine somewhere in Kentucky. Twenty years later they own a strip club in Cincinnati, Ohio called Hustler. Larry says, "If we could let people know what great lays these girls are, we'd have something." His ... Show more content on ... However, they don't agree as a whole; the groups are split in half. Some feminists believe that pornography doesn't degrade women; it empowers them and censorship of things like pornography would only bring further discrimination. On the other hand, we have those right winged feminist who sincerely believe that degradation of women in pornography leads to criminal acts such as rape. They only reach a consensus in regards to strengthening their 1st Amendment Right by protesting against pornography or supporting it. Unsure of my opinion on the correlation of pornography and rape, I considered two articles: (1) Egalitarian, sexist, and aggressive sexual materials: attitude effects and viewer responses; and (2) Men's enjoyment of explicit erotica: effects of person–specific attitudes and gender–specific norms. In the first article, research on sexual attitudes was conducted among a sample of college students in Syracuse University. "Hypothesis one was that both sexist and sexually aggressive scenes would increase acceptance of sexist attitudes; Hypthothesis two was that only sexually aggressive scenes would increase acceptance of rape myths and sexual coercion" (Bauserman, 1988). Study one was conducted to identify the ways in which the sample described what sexism and sexual aggression meant to the sample. The second study examined change in attitude. Hypothesis one was weakly supported. Hypothesis two was totally rejected. This ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Relationship Between Pornography And Rape The connection between pornography and rape has always been a contentious one. Some feminists like Catharine Mackinnon have long argued that pornography directly leads to the rape; that pornography by its very nature is an expression of and endorsement of sexual violence that effectively deprives women of their rights. Others such as Wendy McElroy and J.S. Mill have argued just as forcefully that the importance of free speech takes precedence in any debate about this issue and even, in McElroy's case, that pornography is actually socially beneficial in a number of ways. The authors of the scientific study excerpted in the case study "Pornography and Rape" seek to evaluate this supposed link in an empirical manner, and the findings of their study lead them to the conclusion that the evidence "would seem sufficient to discard the hypothesis that pornography causes rape." I am of the opinion that this study does not prove conclusively that pornography does not lead to rape. It is obvious that watching pornography does not directly lead people to commit rape, as was confirmed in the Attorney General Meese's report in 1986; however this does not necessarily mean that there is no correlation between the two, especially across a large population over a period of time. The study notes that in the four countries studied, though there was a general increase in the crime rate overall, there was not a greater increase in sexual violence as compared to other types of crime, despite the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Social World Sexualisation of the social world has become a very prominent social issue since the early 90's. It has affected many influential individuals in devastating ways such as that of eating disorders, body image issues and mental illnesses. This essay will explore sociological explanations to understand and draw conclusions on why the sexualisation of culture has and continues to occur today. I will explore feminism and how it has influenced sexualisation of culture today and how pornography has influenced todays pornification problems. One sociological explanation for this is that of a multitude of factors related to that of feminism. In the mid–1970s child abuse was brought to public eye by a group of second wave feminists also known as ... Show more content on ... This is the most significant of the factors that laid the ground for shift of sexualisation to become a recognised social issue from its former clinical term (Fredrickson 1992). However, positioning the innocence of a child to symbolise femininity began to counter benefit the movement by setting the tone for the return of traditional family values. For example, the innocent girl was remobilized to attack the legalization of child abortion, a goal that feminists had achieved years earlier. This debacle however did provide the ideal social conditions for today's sexualisation problem to be identified as in 1981 journalists were beginning to investigate the sudden sexualisation of young females. Sexualisation being used to describe mal socialization which in fact separates children from their natural essence causing premature entry in adult forms of sexual subjectivity. For example, that of play makeup for girls (Schiro 1981). Another sociological explanation that is provided for the pornification of media today is that of the evolution of porn. Pornographic content has always been in existence with our culture with prehistoric rock art dated before civilisation depicting sexual acts. This can also be seen in art work during the Victorian era such as that of the painting by Г‰douard Manet titled Olympia which was a nude picture of a French courtesan which ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Pornography Margaret Atwood Tropp, Sandra Fehl., and Ann Pierson. D'Angelo. "Pornography (1983)." Essays in Context. New York: Oxford UP, 2001. 543 –47. Print. Margaret Atwood begins her essay by explaining the distinction between mild pornorgraphy, which portrays the nude form and sexual activities, and violent pornography, which depicts extremely violent activities in a sexual manner. When discussingpornography, people often assume Atwood is referring to mild pornography; however, even though this pornography is considered "mild" by Atwood, the reactions and perspectives from people are rarely mild. The passionate accusations declaring opposing sides "prudish" or "perverted" lead to the question of what is the meaning of pornography, if there is any? Whether it ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Pros And Cons Of Censorship Censorship is the prohibition of anything that can be taken offensive or considered obscene. Censorship can be suppressed through images, videos, books, or news. Anything viewed or considered to be indecent, such as pornography, can be considered censored. Pornography is a visual or printed representation of explicit content or sexual features to stimulate a desire or sexual feeling in others. In a debate between Mark R. Wicclair and Andrea Dworkin, the argument is based upon whether porn should be censored or tolerated (Waller 26). Mark R. Wicclair, philosopher and professor of community medicine in West Virginia University, argues thatpornography is a "Private Choice that Must be Tolerated". His view imposes a claim that we should be concerned about any use of censorship. Instead, ... Show more content on ... On the opposing side of Wicclair's claim, writer and activist Andrea Dworkin has claimed that pornography is a "Public Harm that Should be Censored". Pornography, defined by Andrea Dworkin, is a "graphic, sexually explicit subordination of women whether in pictures or in words that also includes one or more of the following: women are presented dehumanized as sexual objects, things, or commodities ..." (29). Dworkin's argument suggests that if pornography did not send a vulgar message about women then she believes it should not be censored or considered harmful. However, since the message promotes a message to "subjugate women and silence women" (27) then it should be protected under the first amendment. However, the first amendment is what protects the right to freedom of expression. The first amendment ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Concerns of Internet Censorship Essays The Concerns of Internet Censorship As a professional Internet publisher and avid user of the Internet, I have become concerned with laws like the Communications Decency Act of 1996 (CDA) that censor free speech on the Internet. By approving the CDA, Congress has established a precedent which condones censorship regulations for the Internet similar to those that exist for traditional broadcast media. Treating the Internet like broadcast media is a grave mistake because the Internet is unlike any information medium that has been created. My concerns about Internet censorship prompted me to write "Internet Censorship is Absurd and Unconstitutional." In the essay, I outline why I believe that the Internet should not be censored in any ... Show more content on ... Though the laws that Congress are proposing to regulate the Internet are well intentioned, I strongly believe that the Internet should not be censored because any law encroaching on the people's right to free speech is a obvious breach of First Amendment rights and because laws limiting Internet speech are too broad and unenforceable on this global medium. To understand why legislators are attempting to censor the Internet despite the fact that it is absurd and Unconstitutional, one must first understand how the Internet came to be and how it conceptually works. According to Internet historian Dave Kristula, the first inklings of the Internet began in the United States in 1969 as a network of four servers called the APRANET. ARPA (the Advanced Research Projects Agency), a division of the Department of Defense, created the ARPANET for military research so that the information on the network would be decentralized and could survive a nuclear strike. The network continued to grow in size and speed as technology increased over the next two decades. Standards began to set in such as the TCP/IP protocol for network transmission of data. By 1990 the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) had been created to standardize the way in which Internet documents are sent and received (Kristula). By 1994, the APRANET was disbanded, and the Internet became a public network connecting more than 3,000,000 computers together worldwide. Commercial ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Pornography Does NOT Cause Violence Against Women Introduction Pornography is a controversial subject all around the world. Part of its appeal is its taboo nature. It has been argued that pornography is harmful. Porn is an underground market that is more or less legal but is it harmful? An article written by Diana E.H. Russell in "Dangerous Relationships: Pornography, Misogyny, and Rape" argues that it is. Diana E.H. Russell is a sociology professor. She has researched the issue and argues that pornography is profoundly harmful. Professor Russell believes that it inclines men to want to rape women and that it encourages them to act out rape fantasies. However, Michael C. Seto disputes Professor Russell's theory that pornography is harmful. Michael Seto's article, written with ... Show more content on ... The rapists admitted that they did not see the woman as human until it was too late and some still don't see their crime. They were asked if they believed that women enjoyed being raped. Many would say that women cause their own rape because of what they wear or how they act, they believe that most men are innocent of rape. All of the evidence provided was pulled from male rapists or men that proved to be force oriented. Experiments should be done based on healthy, non–rapist individuals, including women. Women view pornography, women are capable of ill thoughts andviolence, and women are capable of committing rape. It would seem that there was plenty of evidence provided by Ms. Russell but I do not think that it is adequate to substantiate her theory that pornography is harmful. "No" Article From the "No" aspect written by Michael Seto, Alexandra Maric, and Howard E. Barbaree, they argue that 1) there is enough evidence any where proving that pornography is the cause of rape or rape crimes. They do not feel that it proves that men objectify and dehumanize women or that violent pornography desensitizes men to rape, 2) Knowing the definition of pornography and understanding the different versions help to identify where the issue lies, and 3) there are causal models that link pornography and aggression. The debate on pornography being harmful is so big because sexual victimization being such a major social problem. There is not enough ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Feminism and Pornography: Differing Views The pornography debate has been an issue within the feminist movement that has been pushed to the periphery in recent times. It is not as widely seen on the main stage of the feminist agenda and this may be because of a division in feminist thought with regards to pornography. Generally speaking, there are "pro–sex" feminists who believe that women have the right to do what they wish with their bodies and there are "pro–censorship" feminists who believe pornography is inherently degrading and violent towards women. In this paper I am going to discuss the views and opinions held by each faction of the pornography debate and I will discuss the pros and cons of each view and discuss how every day women (i.e. not scholars /academics) feel about pornography. To begin I would like to discuss "pro–sex" feminists and their views on pornography. These feminists believe that women have the choice "to participate in and consume pornography" and many believe that pornography can have positive effects for women. If participation in pornography is consensual then there is no reason that a woman cannot partake in the production of pornography. This is summed up in the mantra "a woman's body, a woman's right" and as long as she is not being coerced then she has the right to do what she would like with her own body. This is where the opinions and views of sex workers themselves come in to play. Self identified feminist porn star Nina Hartley has called herself an exhibitionist and has been ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Arguments Against Censorship Censorship has became a controversial topic during recent years due to people's perception of concepts such as sex, violence, and hate speech. Many people and governments want things such as those to be erased from media and art to prevent them within our society. Others however, feel that children and others should be exposed to aspects such as these and that restricting the use of them in the arts would be a violation of their 1st amendment. Both sides have strong, deeply rooted views based in law, morals, or religious belief. Both sides also, however, have points that seem slightly extreme. For years the government and people of the United States and many other countries have worked to "shield" our population from violence, sexuality, and... Show more content on ... Where pro–censorship supports would claim that movie and television violence sparks violent thoughts in those who watch it, anti–censorship supports would claim otherwise. One of the most backed up arguments presented by anti–censorship supporters is the restriction of artists creative control and freedom. Songwriters and filmmakers have been berated and shunned for their works of art due to its subject matter. A prime example would be the famous director Quentin Tarantino. Tarantino's films have covered many controversial topics such as racism and misogyny, however, even though these are films the subject matter is thrown back onto the creator. "We both realised we'd cooled on his shtick considerably, for two main reasons: his obsession with the N–word, and his obsession with sexualised violence." (The Age). Tarantino has been targeted for censorship due to the subject matter and because of this his creative control and artistic freedom have been violated. While on the topic of film, the PCA "Production Code Administration", has sought to make restrictions on the number of deaths allowed within films and the manner of said deaths (Greenhaven Press). However, film and music isn't the only concern in the eyes of those who oppose censorship. Another large concern is the fact that if everything is censored youth will be ignorant to anything perceived as negative. A large concern is that children will grow up without exposure to any sort of knowledge about sex, and therefore be uneducated in their later life when the time actually comes (Heins). Artists freedom and exposure to sex all have deeply rooted bases when it comes to arguments, but one of the strongest arguments is one of the most simple. People live difficult lives with difficult aspects and these would–be–censored ideas are something that they can relate to (Hopkins). People can easily relate ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Censorship Online This essay talks about issues regarding Censorship of the Internet. According to the textbook, censorship is a way used by governments or religious institutions to supervise or regulate the public access to offensive or harmful materials (Quinn 2012, p.496). Internet censorship applies the same discipline which regulates the public access to harmful content on internet. Nowadays, internet is a place with huge potential for growth. Statistics suggest that the total growth of new internet users is 566.4% from December 31, 2000 to 2012 (Internet World Stats 2012) (Refer to Appendix one). In the mean time, the resources and contents on the internet are growing rapidly at an uncontrollable rate. To some extent, there are almost no... Show more content on ... For example, there is a non–profit company called Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) which is set up by Australian authors, visual artists, journalists, photographers and publishers to protect and control their copyrights. Every member gives CAL a non–exclusive license with regard to their works. The code of product for CAL is designed to make sure that the rights of all members are clearly stated, and the process of collecting their own works is transparent and approachable. No one can copy their materials from the internet without their permission (Copyright Agency Limited 2009, p.2). Those websites that commit copyright infringement would be blocked. It's really hard to eliminate the copyright problems on internet, but internet censorship can reduce or limit the possibility of copyright infringement to some extent. Censorship can also work when it comes to sensitive issues on the internet. Due to political motivation, many groups or individuals provoke the internet users against the government. It's a dangerous action that may lead to strife throughout the nation in the future. Apparently, these groups and individuals are agitators, hoping to cause conflicts between people and government. These illegal activities should be censored on internet. Another sensitive issue would be the terrorist and racist organizations on internet, internet is a powerful tool for terrorist and racist, usually these organizations ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Risky Pleasures: Club Cultures And Feminine Identities "Risky Pleasures: Club Cultures and Feminine Identities" identifies the lack of literature available on women and their experiences of clubbing. The author's aim is to explore women's stories, as well as to challenge stereotypes of femininity, and explore new discourses of and changing ways in which women express their femininity. A key focus in the book is that (sub)cultures are formed and developed in very different ways in a society that is fragmenting and changing. This has implications for how issues such as drug use, sexuality and risk taking are explored and analyzed. Overall, the main arguments presented in the book are discussed further to present new questions about the nature of femininities, sexualities, risk and pleasure for drug–using... Show more content on ... Primarily, Rortian irony backs the author's claims that the possibilities of porn are a worthwhile area for continuing discussions between anitporn and sex–radical feminists. This article stresses the importance of how pornography must be a part of a larger dialogue about sex, sexual health, and the construction of identity. Furthermore, everyone must discern whether porn can be, or should be, a part of her belief structures and her identity. For feminists, this must include persistent examinations of all facets of social discourse that impact female sexual and gender formations. "Moreover, Pornography can neither be ousted from nor adopted wholly into all feminist discourse (Fallas, 104)." These actions would ensure that these feminist conversations remain stagnant and thereby future activisms and advocates become nullified before they begin. Fallas mentions that to make progress and ensure stability for all women in society, it's necessary for feminists on all sides of this argument to come to an acceptance of each other's terms. For women to be perceived as full and equal partners in society, they must be "privy" to the same rights (including erotic, sexual, pleasurable) as men. Through an ironist point of view, these individual truths can be incorporated into feminist dialects and the definitions for ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Essay on The Pornography Debate The Pornography Debate Pornography has been the topic of discussion in the court systems for years. Many would like to see legislation against it and software to filter it. The problem is it's not that easy and making laws against it would pose a problem against the first amendment. There have many issues brought up on the grounds that it is demoralizing to women and is filth for the eyes of children. But, is pornography really that harmful? There are many reasons why the government is having trouble putting restrictions on pornography. AsCynthia Stark states in Social Theory and Practice," just because some find certain materials offensive is not a sufficient reason for restricting those materials." There has to be proper grounds ... Show more content on ... We also need to determine was is appropriate for children and why is it so "dirty" for the viewing of children that we need to use software to block it. The internet is free to roam by anyone and it's not hard to stumble across websites that use "mask" web addresses to lure people into them. So how can we block these websites that are explicit for our kids to view? These pornographic sites are free to show whatever they want due to the free speech clause, so isn't the CIPA going against that? Another act that is in progress right now that the House of Representatives have recently reinstated is an act that outlaws virtual child pornography. This act would ban any computer images that were real child pornography and not digitally created images. The problem with this act as Texas Republican Lamar Smith says is that prosecutors would find it impossible to prove if the digital picture or movie was an actual photograph or a digitally made image on a scanner or computer. There is no way to tell and so the court system is just adding more problems to their list because it is such a touchy subject when regarding the Constitution. On the other hand, a lot of people think pornography is demoralizing to women, is "filth" and should be restricted from public display. There have been instances were women are sexually assaulted, beaten, abused and harassed on camera. There are also records of children that have been raped and ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Media Essay In the late Seventies, America became shocked and outraged by the rape, mutilation, and murder of over a dozen young, beautiful girls. The man who committed these murders, Ted Bundy, was later apprehended and executed. During his detention in various penitentiaries, he was mentally probed and prodded by psychologist and psychoanalysts hoping to discover the root of his violent actions and sexual frustrations. Many theories arose in attempts to explain the motivational factors behind his murderous escapades. However, the strongest and most feasible of these theories came not from the psychologists, but from the man himself, "as a teenager, my buddies and I would all sneak around and watch porn. As I grew... Show more content on ... As time has passed, this definition of pornography has grown to include any and all obscene literature and pictures. At the present date, the term is basically a blanket which covers all types of material such as explicit literature, photography, films, and video tapes with varying degrees of sexual content. For Catherine Itzin's research purposes pornogrpahy has been divided into three categories: The sexually explicit and violent; the sexually explicit and nonviolent, but subordinating and dehumanizing; and the sexually explicit, nonviolent, and nonsubordinating that is based upon mutuality. The sexually explicit and violent is graphic, showing penetration and ejaculation. Also, it shows the violent act toward a woman. The second example shows the graphic sexual act and climax, but not a violent act. This example shows the woman being dressed is a costume or being 'talked down' to in order to reduce her to something not human; such as a body part or just something to have sex with, a body opening or an orifice. Not only does 'erotica' show the entire graphic sexual act, it also depicts an attraction between two people. Her research consistently shows that harmful effects are associated with the first two, but that the third 'erotica', is harmless (22). These three categories basically exist as ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Effects Of Internet Pornography On College Students Internet pornography is an easily accessible and highly affordable form of entertainment for anyone and especially the average college student. It is, arguably, a very simple and entertaining way to pass the time between exams, essays, and classes. However, pornography can pose a threat to college students because they do not realize the very powerful underlying danger that is present every time they click "Yes, I am over 18 years of age." Much debate exists over whether or not Internet pornography is a real threat to college students. Internet pornography is said to provide "the materials for identity formation for marginalized sexual communities such as gay men and lesbians, challenging restrictive gender roles, or therapeutic benefits such as overcoming shame about sex" (McKee 2007). Still, there has yet to surface enough evidence proving any substantial positive effects of pornography on the viewer. What most college students do not realize about Internet pornography is that it acts similarly to certain illegal drugs. The article "Porn is like a drug," cites the similarities between porn and drug use saying, As the addiction deepens, users not only become more impulsive, making it more likely that they'll give into their cravings, but also whenever they encounter a stressful situation, they're more likely to feel like they don't have any way to deal with the stress other than by turning to porn's temporary distraction. And the more they turn back to their habit, the ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Restricting the Production, Distribution, and Sale of... Many women have been mistreated at one point or another in their lives. This form of abuse assumes many forms and is not always visible to the naked eye. One of these such hardships that women of the 20th century have had to face is the struggle for equality. In Canada, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms affords women full equality before and under law and equal protection and benefit of the law.1 But yet, this society openly contributions to the production, sale, and distribution of pornography which implies that women are second class citizens. Destroying these stereotypes which portray women as slaves, objects, toys, and mindless, sex–driven beings must be accomplished in order for women to attain true equality. The censorship ... Show more content on ... Proof of this claim can be seen in society's acceptance of the publication and distribution of pornography. One must remember that pornography is not objectionable simply because of its sexual contents, but rather because of its portrayal of women. Unfortunately, in Canadian Law, pornography is not automatically considered obscene and is therefore deemed to be legal. It is important to note that the term "pornography" does not appear even once in the pages of the Criminal Code of Canada. Instead, the Criminal Code only refers to items which are "obscene." In Canada, the ability of the federal government to legislate public morals through criminal law allows it only to censor material "tending to corrupt morals."3 There is however, a definite correlation between pornography and obscenity as can be seen in section 159 (8) of the Criminal Code: ...And publication a dominant characteristics of which is the undue exploitation of sex, or of sex and any one or more of the following subjects, namely, crime, horror, cruelty, and violence, shall be deemed to be obscene.4 Since the Criminal Code offers no definition of the term pornography, it is important to establish one for the purposes of this argument. A working definition of pornography can be provided by Helen Longino, a legal expert and social ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Perspective Of Women Against Pornography The controversy and perspective of women against pornography is one of the most beetling debates waged between modern–day feminists amongst themselves as well as between other opinionated individuals. As defined in this essay, pornography is any printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to arouse erotic, sexual rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings. The growing feminist population hosts many apprehensions as well as positive outlooks concerning the pornography industry and its portrayal of women, thus causing it to be a highly debated affair amongst those that share contrasting opinions on the matter. With the increasing interest on the matter, more feminists develop reasoning as to why they either support or oppose pornography. A copious number of those that oppose pornography believe it regresses the movement of feminist in its entirety. The pro–pornography supporters back the idea that pornography is beneficial and enforces the empowerment and development of the feminist movement. The anti–pornography feminist perspective of the deliberation is veritably legitimate, and the feminist movement is marred by pornography because it leads to violence against women, porn is violence due to women who pose for it being so traumatized by patriarchy that they cannot give real consent, and is disparaging to women, leading it to contravene women's civil equality. The high exposure to pornography that men ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Debate On Virtual Child Pornography Lindsay Hall Thinking and Doing Ethics Professor Wisniewski November December 8, 2015 Word count 849 Case 1(Ruggiero 173). We have the debate and Supreme Court ruling in 2002 that stated the ban on 'virtual child pornography' was unconstitutional, and in turn, The Federal Child Pornography Prevention Act was overturned. The parties involved are the disgusting, scum of the earth who produce this ungodly entertainment for sick minded pedophiles, the US Supreme Court who have taken an oath to protect the innocent, and the putrid pedophiles who watch this abomination of god and all that is evil. In addition to every child that ever was, and every child that will be sexually abused in the future because some sick f!*k gets his/her jollies off by watching children being tortured, and will at some point in time inflict the lifelong pain and suffering that one goes through, because they were sexually abused. (Emphasis intentionally and harshly added)The morals are, sex with children is immoral, an abomination to God's teachings, watching the same, even if only graphics is still a grave sin. If you think of doing sin, it is as bad as the sin itself. Therefore, watching a cartoon of a child being abused and having sexual gratification in that act, is as bad as one who actually commits the act. "You heard it was said, 'Do not commit adultery,' but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman in order to covet her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." (Matthew ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Anti-Pornography Feminist Movement Essay "I don't need statistics to tell me that there is a relationship between pornography and real violence. My body remembers." This chilling testimony from a female rape victim to a grand jury in 1983 represents the evils that pornography represents in the United States. There are strong correlations between sex crimes and pornography that have divided feminists over whether free speech is worth the sheer magnitude of sex–crime victims. Free speech is protected by the First Amendment and most people have differing views on its meaning. One thing that cannot be ignored is the fact that 90% of sexual offenders have used pornography "frequently." I believe that the anti–pornography movement is not only just, but essential. I ... Show more content on ... Out of these theories, writers like Andrea Dworkin, Catherine MacKinnon and Dr. Diana Russell founded and encouraged many anti–porn groups around the country. Though movements against pornography had existed prior to feminist anti–pornography groups, they were previously conservative or moral majority inspired. Then came groups such as the Anti–Porn Feminists (APFEM) and the Women Against Violence in Pornography in the Media (WAVPM). These groups had limited following because of the feminist ideology of freedom of speech and expression. Due to this lack of agreement on terms and standards, the supporters have never been centralized. Supporters may be varied and polarized but most believe that there is a real problem and there must be suitable action. The reason that this movement exists are due to findings of surveys and studies as well as testimony of women who have suffered from pornography at one time or another. The studies are varied and numerous. To provide examples of these surveys I would like to illustrate the findings of several of them. The first finding comes from a 1983 study by Edward Donnerstein. He polled male high–school and college students on 37 states and came to the following conclusion. 25% to 30% of male students who admit that there is some likelihood that they would rape a woman if the could be assured of getting away with it, increases to 57% after exposure to sexually violent images depicting women enjoying ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Feminism and Porn Essay The idea that pornography gives feminists of differing opinions this middle ground that they can meet on and see how to articulate the different desires of feminism and what they want to turn it into is one of the main reasons Catherine Lumby argues that feminists need pornography (par 60). As Lumby writes in "Why Feminists Need Porn," chapter five of her book Bad Girls, "the notion that you can draw a cause and effect line between fantasy and social practice is disturbing and distasteful to some feminists," (par 60). Feminists, by questioning that line, can find the need reevaluate their political position and how they relate the issues of feminism to other ideas and movements. The realization that feminists should constantly ... Show more content on ... Certain parts of her article can be seen as support for either side of the issue, but in the overall effect of the work Purcell is just trying to show the faults of both arguments and how they could each become stronger, and how we could "engage in this research [and argument] in more sensitive and responsive ways." (par 5) One issue that feminists should bring to the open and question is the definition of pornography. Often times anti–porn feminists argue that we can tell what is and isn't porn easily. Yet the definition these feminists use to decide what counts as porn and whether it should be censored from the public applies to many things as Lumby points out in paragraphs nine and twelve. She draws up the movie Siren as an example of how Elle Macpherson's nudity in the movie was widely accepted and went uncontested, but then Lumby points out how Macpherson's shoot for Playboy was more modest than some of the shots in the film yet the photo shoot receives more flack because it's categorized as porn (par 9). Lumby uses the shoot and film to frame the way anti–porn feminists believe that porn should be easy to spot. She brings up the point for her audience to show them the logic of anti–porn feminists and how that logic doesn't make the strongest argument when the audience questions it. The fact that Lumby can make her audience suspicious of the strength of anti–porn arguments makes the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Hustler Magazine, Inc. V. Frequency In our contemporary society, pornography verses propriety has been a topic of debate for decades. Fortunately, child pornography is consistently labeled as obscene and possession of this type of pornography is criminal. The Communications Decency Act (CDA) was signed into law in 1996 by then President Bill Clinton (Schmalleger, 2008, p. 235). A portion of this law criminalized the knowledge that obscene or indecent messages were being transmitted to recipients under 18 (Schmalleger, 2008, p. 235). However, the ACLU had to get involved challenging the law stating that one person's perception of indecent may not be that of another's; in other words, this would violate the First Amendment Rights of those without a moral compass. In 1997... Show more content on ... Fine art exemplifies the beauty of God's creation, whereas porn focuses strictly on lust and comes from a place of darkness. The sexualization and objectification of women in the media teach girls that as women, life is vanity; all they have to offer is their body and a pretty face, so all efforts should focus on achieving and maintaining superficial beauty. God is the Supreme Psychologist and His words provide the wisdom needed to avert and counteract the influence of the media/pornography. "Counseling needs Christian DNA if it is to call people out of the death spiral of self–preoccupation" (Powlison, 2012, p. 19). For centuries, Spiritual and Religious leaders have conceded that our vessel [body] can be codified by the actions of language, words, and thought forms; "Scientific evidence now supports this and has proven that our DNA can be reprogrammed by words and frequencies" (Fosar & Bludorf, 2001, p. 50). Sexualization can be averted and counteracted by receiving the right messages through the power of sound and what better sound than that of the Lord (John 1:1, 10:27). God has given us His DNA, transferring His divine power, which gives us the privilege of participating in His divine ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Pornographic Controversy Pornography is the depiction of sexual behavior that is from explicit material (books, films, photographs, etc.) that intends to cause sexual excitement. This definition of pornography that we know of was not the same meaning for centuries. In The Secret Museum, Walter Kendrick evaluate the idea of pornography and how it has emerged into the modern definition of pornography. The concept of pornography first emerged in European between 1755 and 1857 at a museum. This created controversy that was caused by the discovery of the Pompeii erotic artifacts that depict sexual bodily practices. Pornography have changed the public attitudes toward it since then. Archaeology has discovered the erotic artifacts that revealed sculptures and ... Show more content on ... The word pornography was derived from Greek root; writing the life of prostitutes. However, the first time when the term pornography appear was in an English medical dictionary in 1957, which they defined as "licentious paintings employed to decorate the walls of rooms sacred to bacchanalian orgies, examples of which exist in Pompeii" (Kendrick, 13). The definition of pornography has been redefined multiple times since then. In attempt to combine the old definition with the modern definition, the OED created two divergent lines "Description of the life, manners, etc., of prostitutes and their patron; hence, the expression or suggestion of obscene or unchaste subjects in literature or art" (Kendrick, 17). Ongoing debate perpetuates itself as our culture keep interpreted and refining the definition and hiding the images away, which causes the paradox of pornography to publicize itself further. In the documentary, The Secret History of Civilization, states that "these images of sex are frame in an alien culture and think that is okay. But as soon as we turn to our own culture and start to examine our attitudes toward sexual representation. It is the same power the Victorian gave to sex". This eventually affects the people and made them believe that the image of sex have power over them for good or for bad the more discussion they have of it. Lastly, Kendrick has been ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Effects Of Modern Technology On Society How does Modern Technology affect the way we think/act? Within this essay I plan to discuss and debate my and other's opinions on the matter of technology and not only how it effects the way we think/act, but whether those effects are positive or negatively impactful. Of course, modern technology has only developed within the last 30 years; with the information age of technology arriving in the 1980's. So, it hasn't at all been prevalent in our society for very long at all; not by comparison to other innovative movements such as industrialism. Despite this, I believe modern technology has dramatically affected our thoughts and behaviours as human beings. Gaming is a revolutionary, and large part of modern technology; one that has indisputably changed people, especially in regard to socialisation and problem solving. The common first thought towards gaming is that it has turned many into jobless, socially unequipped recluses. Or even perhaps a violent, and un–empathic person. This of course is a stereotypical architype; though all clichГ©s do have some root of truth. It has been made apparent that men who engage in violent first–person shooter style games are far more likely to feel a lack of empathy towards women, according to an American study. Grand theft Auto, a game in which women are made to be viewed as sexual objects was used in a study containing a large group of teenage boys. This reported significantly lower levels of empathy and sympathy towards an image of a ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Polarization Of Pornography And The Feminist Movement Polarization occurred in the feminist movement as differences of opinion ascended regarding broad issues pertaining to sexuality, sex, and the relationship between man and woman, of all of which are demonstrated in pornography. Pornography meaning, sexually explicit material intended to cause sexual sensations or arousal. Pornographic consumption became into question during the 1970s and 80s as anti–pornography feminists found it perilous, and sex–positive feminists found it to be a vital component in gaining women's freedom. Though many feminists exhibit harsh criticism towards pornography, this criticism is ultimately unwarranted and laced with assumptions. The sex–positive movement has demonstrated itself to be far more practical in executing societal changes and beneficial in achieving gender equality through the acceptance they illustrate to individual differences. Unfair constrictions and regulations exist to destroy womanhood in an attempt to better manhood as if the two can't correlate beneficially together. Condemning a woman's sexuality as being taboo and placing pornography in the hands of only men, is preposterous. In a society with such restrictions, sex–positive feminists advocate for an outlet that allows women to investigate their own sexual desires and preferences without the nuisance of societal expectations. Pornography grants women a world in which empowerment and sexual liberation are accepted freely. Fantasies can be explored and discovered ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Does Pornography Exploit or Liberate Women? Essay Almost as lucrative as the oil industry; the omnipresent multi–media pornography industry is said to be more profitable than the music and video industries combined. The European Parliament (2003) estimates that more than two–thirds of the ВЈ252 million spent by European internet users during 2001 was received by various pornographic websites. This recorded expenditure does not, however, account for the widely available non–internet based pornographic literature, theatre and DVD trade, or for prostitution – the age–old trade from which the term pornography is derived (Potter, 1998); thus effectively deeming the pornography industry to be indescribably profitable. As the pornography industry is undeniably extortionately profitable, such an ... Show more content on ... The wide availability of pornographic material can be argued to be the main attraction to employment within the industry; a notion anti–porn campaigners often utilise for their argument that pornography exploits women. Although the spectrum of pornography caters for almost all types of personal sexual gratification, the vast majority of conventional pornographic material is heterosexual male oriented (Castleman, 2009), therefore allowing for seemingly endless opportunities for willing female actresses to gain employment. Whilst pro–porn campaigners and liberal feminists alike argue that such demand allows for potentially lucrative career prospects, opponents of pornography and radical feminists respond in a much more aversive manner (Haralambos & Holborn, 2004). Westerstrand (O'Connor, 2006) likens the 'trading' of women's bodies to the black market organ trade, noting that although some people may decide to sell their organs out of financial desperation, purchasers of organs should be prosecuted. This notion is furthered by O'Connor, who states that "The sale of women for sexual exploitation is therefore an intrinsic violation, ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Pros And Cons Of Pornography Addiction There are cultural norms which indicate the how, when, what, and why's of responding to any sexual behavior. While some individuals may come across as being more sexualized than others, their behavior often fits within cultural norms. Issues arise when behaviors become culturally abnormal. Sex addiction and its subtypes, which would include pornography addiction, have not yet found their way into the DSM; while it was considered for inclusion in the DSM–5, it was reported that there was not enough evidence that sex addictions fit the characteristics needed for the approval (Bridges & Morokoff, 2011; Levine, 2010; Weir, 2014). For the purposes of this paper, we will address those whose pornography habits are outside of the cultural norms, as having a pornography addiction. This would be any type of excessive use, which fits within the definition of a sex addiction. As a cultural guide, the results from a study conducted by the Kinney Institute in 2002, using the most common answers from the individual categories, can be used as a guideline of normal cultural pornography use. The Kinney Institute (2002) found that 27% of people viewed pornographic material several times a week and 37% of people spent 1–5 hours per week viewing porn. It would then be assumed that usage above these numbers would start to fall within the abnormal ranges. Using these statistics, along with definitions of sexually deviant behavior can help determine what pornography addiction entails. Levine (2010) defines an addict and their behaviors when "they are sometimes expensive in economic, psychologic, and social terms. They may persist despite negative consequences. The patient may not be able to stop the behavior when he or she states that goal." The introduction of the internet has opened a whole new world to many sex addicts. In the online world, a person can find easy access to pornography including specific types that are tailored to individual interests (Levine, 2010; Weir, 2014). Studies have shown that pornography is viewed often. Weir (2014) cites several studies showing that more than 50% of all men and more than 30% of women view it on a regular basis. The debate is whether or not pornography causes harm to those who view it. ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Porn and Censorship Pornography and Censorship Should the government be allowed to legitimately prohibit citizens from publishing or viewing pornography, or would this be an unjustified violation of basic freedoms? Traditionally, liberals defended the freedom of consenting adults to publish and consume pornography in private from moral and religious conservatives who wanted pornography banned for its obscenity, its corrupting impact on consumers and its corrosive effect on traditional family and religious values. But, in more recent times, the pornography debate has taken on a somewhat new and surprising shape. Some feminists have found themselves allied with their traditional conservative foes in calling on the state to regulate or prohibit ... Show more content on ... Other sexually explicit representations depict acts of violent coercion: people being bound, whipped, beaten, tortured, penetrated by objects, mutilated, raped and even killed. Some sexually explicit material may be degrading, without necessarily being overtly violent. This material depicts people (most often women) in positions of servility and subordination in their sexual relations with others, or engaged in sexual acts that many people would regard as humiliating. Some sexually explicit material involves or depicts children. Some portrays bestiality and necrophilia; and so on. On the first definition of pornography as sexually explicit material, all such material would count as pornography, insofar as it is sexually explicit. But this simple definition is not quite right. Anatomy textbooks for medical students are sexually explicit–they depict exposed genitalia, for example–but are rarely, if ever, viewed as pornography. Sexual explicitness may be a necessary condition for material to count as pornographic, but it does not seem to be sufficient. So something needs to be added to the simple definition. What else might be required? Here is a second definition. Pornography is sexually explicit material (verbal or pictorial) that is primarily designed to produce sexual arousal in viewers. This definition is better: it deals with the problem of anatomy textbooks and the like. Indeed, this ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Argumentative Essay On Pornography ntroduction Throughout the long history of pornography there has been an ongoing debate as to whether pornography is something that should be accepted in society or condemned as immoral. The way pornography is often viewed by individuals is either from an anti or pro–porn perspective. This essay will discuss why pornography is seen in such a black and white manner and also aims to present reasons why it should not be. It will discuss how the 'grey' areas around the porn industry, freedom of speech and consumerism in today's society have together made the way porn is viewed and created, and how this has affected certain parts of society. Five topics surrounding pornography– 'pornification', production and consumption, discourses of ... Show more content on ... Another explanation is that they are someone who does not see the worth in paying for pornography when there is plenty to be found for free. The main reasons for paying for pornography online would be to access something specific or to purposefully support a pornstar or producer. This poses the question, would more people be prepared to pay if free porn was harder to access? Even so, with the porn industry missing out on paying consumers due to the availability of free porn online, it has still managed to keep afloat, though how well it has is unknown. The actual size of the industry is still largely disputed, mainly because statisticians can not agree as to what products should constitute as porn (Slade 1093), though a 1995 Times article "liberally categorised 83.5 percent of all photographs online as pornographic" (Paasonen 166). In many reports written on pornography there is a different definition of pornography and erotica. Diana Russell sums it up as "feminists of the anti–pornography–equals–censorship school deliberately obfuscate any distinction between erotica and pornography, using the term erotica for all sexually explicit materials. In contrast, anti–pornography feminists consider it vitally important to distinguish between pornography and erotica" (2). She then goes on to give her definitions of pornography, which includes "abuse or degradation that appears to endorse, condone, or encourage such behaviour" and erotica, ... Get more on ...