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Table of Contents
Galfar Eng. & Contracting............................................................................................................. 3
Distributed system........................................................................................................................ 3
Types of Distributed..................................................................................................................... 4
References of distributed system ............................................................................................. 4
Quires.......................................................................................................................................... 4
Insert........................................................................................................................................ 5
Update ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Recover.................................................................................................................................... 6
Redo log file................................................................................................................................. 8
Backup Policy............................................................................................................................... 8
Effect........................................................................................................................................... 9
References of redo log files .........................................................................................................10
Task: 2
Galfar Engineering and Contracting SAOG:
Galfar is a multinational company in Muscat Oman that provides services all over the world.
Galfar Company has been established in 1972. The founder of this company is P Muhammad
Ali, P Muhammad Ali basically from India.
Galfar provides services in the field of oil and gas. It will also give the services in the field of
engineering and contracting, industry, energy, and other infrastructure. The company has
worked in the Middle East and earned revenue of about the 1billion USD.
 Qatar
 India
 Kuwait
 Dubai etc.
Oil and Gas:
The Galfar started the services of oil and gas in the Dukhan Qatar in 1995. It provides the
services with quality and become the famous sector in Qatar. It has been working for the last
26 years. The company works hard and get its first contract in 2000. Then working and becomes
the most reputation sector in Qatar.
Civil Engineering:
The Galfar engineering supplies the services in the field of Civil Engineering. Because it has
the firstoperating unit in willissuethe services inthe fieldof civilis landmark projects
like the educational institutions, stadia, showrooms, hospitals, housing complex, and the
residence, etc. The Galfar Company also gives the chance to the electrical and mechanical
engineers to work with the company.
The Galfar company has also delivered the services of the investment because any company
invests the amount in the Galfar company for earned the money from it. Many companies
invested the amount for shareholding for the main companies which invested the amount is
Aspire projects and services and the second company name is ready to mix. These are the two
companies which invested the money.
Database Architecture:
The given statement as a data administers which database we used for this multinational
company. We use distributes architecture because the company has offices in different
The distributed architecture we can see from the name that distributes means divided the
anything that’s way distributed architecture used for the multinational companies. Because the
multinational company has the different sectors in the world.
Therefore, the distributed architecture follows the client-server model which is used for the
client will always request the server and the server provide the output to the client. In this
statement same way, different countries request the services for and the Galfar gives the
services which the client has to be needed. The distributed provides the services of the oil and
gas, civil and many others infrastructure.
The distributes systems the Galfar company come with up the client-server model. For this
model, the Galfar delivers the different countries like Qatar, Kuwait, and Dubai. For these
services, the Galfar company hires an employee from outside the country. Now the Galfar
become the most famous company in the world providing the services. For this purpose, the
figure is given below describes the services of the Galfar Company. Galfar company gives the
satisfaction of his client. It will also issue the quality work given to the client to improve their
Homogenous DistributedArchitecture:
Homogenous distributes architecture means the Galfar Company worked with his branches
which works outside the country. Because his branches work on the different sectors. In
homogenous the sectors are worked with his database all over the world where the branches
are working.
Heterogeneous DistributedArchitecture:
The heterogeneous distributed architecture we will see from the name means that the Galfar
company worked with different organizations. In the different sectors, the Galfar will work
with impressive work and also gives some quality things means give the discount on some
sectors to work with the other organization. so in this way, we will use the distributes system
for any multinational company which has different sectors are working in different countries.
Task: 3
Part: (a)
Create Tablespace Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi15F14344 datafile ‘Al Magd
Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi15F14344.dbf’ is the size 5m table reuse index auto-extend will
be on the forward 5m and the maximum size of 100m;
In the first, we will identify the tablespace after generating the tablespace of the keyword.
Therefor the following case the name of the table is tbs1.
In the 2nd we will also identify the path of the tablespace of the datafiles in the clause of the
In the 3rd we can identify the tablespace size of the clause. In the given problem we see that
the 5m donate the 5MB value this is a little quiet.
In given example need four optional features of the tablespace.
 Table
 Reuse
 Index
 autoextend
In tablespace, we can create in the form of rows and columns where we can add the values of
any data about any person. Because in the table there are rows and columns. The rows are
horizontal and the columns are vertical in the table where we can store the data of the
If we want to use the table which already taken in the tablespace. We will use the reuse to
specify the files in the table.
We use the index to identify the value of the tables in the database. The index tells us the
location of the database of any tablespace.
Autoextend is the feature of the tablespace. It will extend automatically when it reaches the
value which value is given to the size of the limit.
Part: (b)
We can generate the user easily CREATE USER Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al
Shukairi15F14344 IDENTIFIED By My Password;
ALTER USER Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi15F14344 DEFAULT TABLESPACE
Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi QUOTA 3M ON Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi;
Gives SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi
branch, Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi branch supplier TO Al Magd Abdullah Sloum
Al Shukairi;
Part: (C)
I will select the company and generate the name of two tables of the organization. The company
name is here first name Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector and the second name of
this sector is Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi
Branch supplier, so now we create the two tables of the company.
 Generate the table Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector (sector name char(30),
not null, sector id primary key, product char(20), the date of transition date)
 Make the table Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector supplier (sector supply
name char(30) not null and unique, sector suppliers id primary key, product details of
char(400), the supplier date, Foreign key (sector id) )
Now we can insert the values into the table:
 INSERT the table INTO Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector (sector id, sector
name, transaction of the date, product of the company name) VALUES ('111', 'Dell',
'1/11/21', 'PC');
 INSERT the table INTO Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector (sector id, sector
name, transaction of the date, product of the company name) VALUES ('113',
'instruments ', '10/9/21', 'Oppo');
 INSERT the table INTO Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector (sector id, sector
name, transaction of the date, product of the company name) VALUES ('112', 'Iphone',
'3/10/21', 'Oppo');
 INSERT the table INTO Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector (sector id, sector
name, transaction of the date, product of the company name) VALUES ('113',
'instruments ', '10/9/21', 'Loud speakers');
Now we generate the sector supplier:
 INSERT the table INTO Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector supplier (sector
id, sector name, transaction of the date, product of the company name) VALUES ('200',
'Ali', '4/4/20', 'Lenovo');
 INSERT the table INTO Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector (sector id, sector
name, transaction of the date, product of the company name) VALUES ('201', 'Smith',
'3/10/21', 'I phone');
 INSERT the table INTO Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector (sector id, sector
name, transaction of the date, product of the company name) VALUES ('202', 'Akbar ',
'10/9/21', 'Galaxy phone');
 INSERT the table INTO Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector (sector id, sector
name, transaction of the date, product of the company name) VALUES ('203', 'Usman
', '10/9/21', 'Oppo')
Part: (d)
As we know that we can we can use the flashback data use for retrieving the past data which
we lost and make the old data into the previous state. That’s called flashback data.
Record Recover: 1
Select *from Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector
Update Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector set=’John’ where sector id= 111;
Select *from Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector
Select Sector id, name from Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector
As of timestamp
T0 timestamp (‘2021-09-09 12:30:59 ’,yyyy-mm-dd:mi:ss’);
Record Recover: 2
Select *from Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector
Update Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector set=’smith’ where sector id= 112;
Select *from Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector
Select Sector id, name from Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector
As of timestamp
T0 timestamp (‘2021-08-08 1:20:20 ’,yyyy-mm-dd:mi:ss’);
Task: 4
RedoLog Files:
As we know that the redo log files are those files that we can use for the recovery of the
database. In redo log files if we want to change the data of the database. We need a space where
we can store the data. We can change this data and store it in the redo log file. If the data is lost
in the time of changes the data will store in this redo log files?
Backup Policy:
Redo log files are operating system files used by Oracle to maintain logs of all transactions
performed against the database. The primary purpose of these log files is to allow Oracle to
recover changes made to the database in the case of a failure.
The redo log entries (log backups) are required to recover the database instance after certain
system breakdowns. Redo log entries are where the database system logs all changes that
database users make to data
As a database administrator to solve the problem of the failure of the database I will use each
portion of the oracle database is attached within the files of the redone logo. Because those files
of redo logo files protect the database from any failure of the oracle database. If any component
is not working due to any reason it will only destroy the data of this component, not the whole
database oracle.
To backup all archived redo log files in the database, use this command:
 RMAN> backup archive log all; additionally, backup of archived redo log files may
be done after every backup command. ...
 SQL> select. ...
 RMAN> backup tablespace users plus archive log; Starting backup at 17-AUG-09.
A redo log file might become corrupted while the database is open, and ultimately stop
database activity because archiving cannot continue. In this situation the ALTER
DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE statement can be used to reinitialize the file without
shutting down the database.
It is permissible to drop redo log files so that a multiplexed redo log becomes temporarily
asymmetric. For example, if you use duplexed groups of redo log files, you can drop one
member of one group, even though all other groups have two members each.
If the redo log files are not working properly for this purpose we can use the achieve log mode.
Arhieve log mode we will use for determining the online redo log files will not be overwritten
the data. These achieve log files are placed in the disk for safety.
To determine the achieve log not task their performance. There are issues are created for this
purpose they issue solved by the achieve log mode.
Achieve log mode generate the high usage of the CPU.LGWR is the archive mode which will
be word hard to achieve the goals because in this the rate of generation of the achieve mode is
In achieving log mode because high log generation will produce the frequent log switches that’s
cause the checkpoint of the frequency and slow down the disk. It will also use to additional
CPU to get the backup data of the oracle database administration.
Redo Groups:
The redo log for a database consists of groups of redo log files. A group consists of a redo log
file and its multiplexed copies. Each identical copy is considered to be a member of that group.
Each group is defined by a number, such as group 1 and group 2.
If we want to create the groups of redo log files we create the instance with at least the two
groups for making the groups in the redo log file. For this purpose, you can inactive the redo
logo file. You want to put the group. We will first force them to switch off a log is occur.
To create a new group of redo log files, use the SQL statement ALTER DATABASE with the
ADD LOGFILE clause. The following statement adds a new group of redo logs to the database:
ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE ('/oracle/dbs/log1c. rdo', '/oracle/dbs/log2c).
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[2] C.-O.e.a. Truică, "Truică,Ciprian-Octavian,etal."TextBenDS:agenerictextualdatabenchmark
for distributedsystems."InformationSystemsFrontiers23.1(2021): 81-100.".
[3] "".
[4] R. A. e.a. Tomakova,"Tomakova,R.A.,et al."Analysisandclassificationof X-rayimages based
on intelligentagentsindistributedsystems."Journal of Physics:Conference Series.Vol.1801.
No.1. IOPPublishing,2021.".
[5] A. Li,"Li, Yiwu."ResearchonRedo Log RecordLocatingMechanisminSQL ServerInstance
Recovery."Journal of Physics:Conference Series.Vol.1952. No.3. IOPPublishing,2021.".
[6] D. a. T. K. ". R. Kuhn,"Kuhn,Darl,andThomas Kyte."InvestigatingRedo."Oracle Database
Transactionsand LockingRevealed.Apress,Berkeley,CA,2021. 189-218.".
[7] D. a. T. K. Kuhn, "Kuhn,Darl,and ThomasKyte."RedoandUndo." Oracle Database Transactions
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[9] Z. e.a. Bin,"Bin,Zhang,et al."DesignandImplementationof Incremental DataCapturingin
WirelessNetworkPlanningbasedonLogMining."2021 IEEE 5th AdvancedInformation
Technology,ElectronicandAutomationControl Conference (IAEAC).Vol.5.IEEE, 2021.".

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5952 database systems administration (comp 1011.1)-cw1

  • 2. 1 Table of Contents Galfar Eng. & Contracting............................................................................................................. 3 Distributed system........................................................................................................................ 3 Types of Distributed..................................................................................................................... 4 References of distributed system ............................................................................................. 4 Quires.......................................................................................................................................... 4 Insert........................................................................................................................................ 5 Update ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Recover.................................................................................................................................... 6 Redo log file................................................................................................................................. 8 Backup Policy............................................................................................................................... 8 Effect........................................................................................................................................... 9 Groups........................................................................................................................................10 References of redo log files .........................................................................................................10 References..................................................................................................................................11
  • 3. 2 Task: 2 Galfar Engineering and Contracting SAOG: History: Galfar is a multinational company in Muscat Oman that provides services all over the world. Galfar Company has been established in 1972. The founder of this company is P Muhammad Ali, P Muhammad Ali basically from India. Galfar provides services in the field of oil and gas. It will also give the services in the field of engineering and contracting, industry, energy, and other infrastructure. The company has worked in the Middle East and earned revenue of about the 1billion USD. Countries:  Qatar  India  Kuwait  Dubai etc. Diagram:
  • 4. 3 Oil and Gas: The Galfar started the services of oil and gas in the Dukhan Qatar in 1995. It provides the services with quality and become the famous sector in Qatar. It has been working for the last 26 years. The company works hard and get its first contract in 2000. Then working and becomes the most reputation sector in Qatar. Civil Engineering: The Galfar engineering supplies the services in the field of Civil Engineering. Because it has the firstoperating unit in willissuethe services inthe fieldof civilis landmark projects like the educational institutions, stadia, showrooms, hospitals, housing complex, and the residence, etc. The Galfar Company also gives the chance to the electrical and mechanical engineers to work with the company. Investment: The Galfar company has also delivered the services of the investment because any company invests the amount in the Galfar company for earned the money from it. Many companies invested the amount for shareholding for the main companies which invested the amount is Aspire projects and services and the second company name is ready to mix. These are the two companies which invested the money. Database Architecture: The given statement as a data administers which database we used for this multinational company. We use distributes architecture because the company has offices in different countries. DistributedArchitecture: The distributed architecture we can see from the name that distributes means divided the anything that’s way distributed architecture used for the multinational companies. Because the multinational company has the different sectors in the world. Therefore, the distributed architecture follows the client-server model which is used for the client will always request the server and the server provide the output to the client. In this statement same way, different countries request the services for and the Galfar gives the services which the client has to be needed. The distributed provides the services of the oil and gas, civil and many others infrastructure. The distributes systems the Galfar company come with up the client-server model. For this model, the Galfar delivers the different countries like Qatar, Kuwait, and Dubai. For these services, the Galfar company hires an employee from outside the country. Now the Galfar become the most famous company in the world providing the services. For this purpose, the figure is given below describes the services of the Galfar Company. Galfar company gives the satisfaction of his client. It will also issue the quality work given to the client to improve their quality.
  • 5. 4 Diagram: Types: Homogenous DistributedArchitecture: Homogenous distributes architecture means the Galfar Company worked with his branches which works outside the country. Because his branches work on the different sectors. In homogenous the sectors are worked with his database all over the world where the branches are working. Heterogeneous DistributedArchitecture: The heterogeneous distributed architecture we will see from the name means that the Galfar company worked with different organizations. In the different sectors, the Galfar will work with impressive work and also gives some quality things means give the discount on some sectors to work with the other organization. so in this way, we will use the distributes system for any multinational company which has different sectors are working in different countries.
  • 6. 5 Task: 3 Part: (a) Create Tablespace Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi15F14344 datafile ‘Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi15F14344.dbf’ is the size 5m table reuse index auto-extend will be on the forward 5m and the maximum size of 100m; In the first, we will identify the tablespace after generating the tablespace of the keyword. Therefor the following case the name of the table is tbs1. In the 2nd we will also identify the path of the tablespace of the datafiles in the clause of the datafiles. In the 3rd we can identify the tablespace size of the clause. In the given problem we see that the 5m donate the 5MB value this is a little quiet. Features: In given example need four optional features of the tablespace.  Table  Reuse  Index  autoextend Table: In tablespace, we can create in the form of rows and columns where we can add the values of any data about any person. Because in the table there are rows and columns. The rows are horizontal and the columns are vertical in the table where we can store the data of the organization. Reuse: If we want to use the table which already taken in the tablespace. We will use the reuse to specify the files in the table. Index: We use the index to identify the value of the tables in the database. The index tells us the location of the database of any tablespace. Autoextend: Autoextend is the feature of the tablespace. It will extend automatically when it reaches the value which value is given to the size of the limit. Part: (b) We can generate the user easily CREATE USER Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi15F14344 IDENTIFIED By My Password;
  • 7. 6 ALTER USER Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi15F14344 DEFAULT TABLESPACE Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi QUOTA 3M ON Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi; Gives SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi branch, Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi branch supplier TO Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi; Part: (C) I will select the company and generate the name of two tables of the organization. The company name is here first name Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector and the second name of this sector is Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi Branch supplier, so now we create the two tables of the company.  Generate the table Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector (sector name char(30), not null, sector id primary key, product char(20), the date of transition date)  Make the table Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector supplier (sector supply name char(30) not null and unique, sector suppliers id primary key, product details of char(400), the supplier date, Foreign key (sector id) ) Now we can insert the values into the table:  INSERT the table INTO Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector (sector id, sector name, transaction of the date, product of the company name) VALUES ('111', 'Dell', '1/11/21', 'PC');  INSERT the table INTO Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector (sector id, sector name, transaction of the date, product of the company name) VALUES ('113', 'instruments ', '10/9/21', 'Oppo');  INSERT the table INTO Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector (sector id, sector name, transaction of the date, product of the company name) VALUES ('112', 'Iphone', '3/10/21', 'Oppo');  INSERT the table INTO Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector (sector id, sector name, transaction of the date, product of the company name) VALUES ('113', 'instruments ', '10/9/21', 'Loud speakers'); Now we generate the sector supplier:  INSERT the table INTO Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector supplier (sector id, sector name, transaction of the date, product of the company name) VALUES ('200', 'Ali', '4/4/20', 'Lenovo');  INSERT the table INTO Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector (sector id, sector name, transaction of the date, product of the company name) VALUES ('201', 'Smith', '3/10/21', 'I phone');  INSERT the table INTO Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector (sector id, sector name, transaction of the date, product of the company name) VALUES ('202', 'Akbar ', '10/9/21', 'Galaxy phone');  INSERT the table INTO Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector (sector id, sector name, transaction of the date, product of the company name) VALUES ('203', 'Usman ', '10/9/21', 'Oppo')
  • 8. 7 Part: (d) Flashback: As we know that we can we can use the flashback data use for retrieving the past data which we lost and make the old data into the previous state. That’s called flashback data. Record Recover: 1 Select *from Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector Update Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector set=’John’ where sector id= 111; Select *from Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector Select Sector id, name from Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector As of timestamp T0 timestamp (‘2021-09-09 12:30:59 ’,yyyy-mm-dd:mi:ss’); Record Recover: 2 Select *from Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector Update Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector set=’smith’ where sector id= 112; Select *from Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector Select Sector id, name from Al Magd Abdullah Sloum Al Shukairi sector As of timestamp T0 timestamp (‘2021-08-08 1:20:20 ’,yyyy-mm-dd:mi:ss’); Screenshot:
  • 9. 8
  • 10. 9 Task: 4 RedoLog Files: As we know that the redo log files are those files that we can use for the recovery of the database. In redo log files if we want to change the data of the database. We need a space where we can store the data. We can change this data and store it in the redo log file. If the data is lost in the time of changes the data will store in this redo log files?
  • 11. 10 Diagram: Backup Policy: Redo log files are operating system files used by Oracle to maintain logs of all transactions performed against the database. The primary purpose of these log files is to allow Oracle to recover changes made to the database in the case of a failure. The redo log entries (log backups) are required to recover the database instance after certain system breakdowns. Redo log entries are where the database system logs all changes that database users make to data As a database administrator to solve the problem of the failure of the database I will use each portion of the oracle database is attached within the files of the redone logo. Because those files of redo logo files protect the database from any failure of the oracle database. If any component is not working due to any reason it will only destroy the data of this component, not the whole database oracle. To backup all archived redo log files in the database, use this command:  RMAN> backup archive log all; additionally, backup of archived redo log files may be done after every backup command. ...  SQL> select. ...  RMAN> backup tablespace users plus archive log; Starting backup at 17-AUG-09.
  • 12. 11 Effect: A redo log file might become corrupted while the database is open, and ultimately stop database activity because archiving cannot continue. In this situation the ALTER DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE statement can be used to reinitialize the file without shutting down the database. It is permissible to drop redo log files so that a multiplexed redo log becomes temporarily asymmetric. For example, if you use duplexed groups of redo log files, you can drop one member of one group, even though all other groups have two members each. If the redo log files are not working properly for this purpose we can use the achieve log mode. Arhieve log mode we will use for determining the online redo log files will not be overwritten the data. These achieve log files are placed in the disk for safety. To determine the achieve log not task their performance. There are issues are created for this purpose they issue solved by the achieve log mode. Achieve log mode generate the high usage of the CPU.LGWR is the archive mode which will be word hard to achieve the goals because in this the rate of generation of the achieve mode is high. In achieving log mode because high log generation will produce the frequent log switches that’s cause the checkpoint of the frequency and slow down the disk. It will also use to additional CPU to get the backup data of the oracle database administration.
  • 13. 12 Redo Groups: The redo log for a database consists of groups of redo log files. A group consists of a redo log file and its multiplexed copies. Each identical copy is considered to be a member of that group. Each group is defined by a number, such as group 1 and group 2. If we want to create the groups of redo log files we create the instance with at least the two groups for making the groups in the redo log file. For this purpose, you can inactive the redo logo file. You want to put the group. We will first force them to switch off a log is occur. To create a new group of redo log files, use the SQL statement ALTER DATABASE with the ADD LOGFILE clause. The following statement adds a new group of redo logs to the database: ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE ('/oracle/dbs/log1c. rdo', '/oracle/dbs/log2c). Diagram:
  • 14. 13 References [1] L. e. a. Gondelman,"Gondelman,Léon,etal."Distributedcausal memory:modular specification and verificationinhigher-orderdistributedseparationlogic."Proceedingsof the ACMon ProgrammingLanguages5. POPL(2021): 1-29.". [2] C.-O.e.a. Truică, "Truică,Ciprian-Octavian,etal."TextBenDS:agenerictextualdatabenchmark for distributedsystems."InformationSystemsFrontiers23.1(2021): 81-100.". [3] "". [4] R. A. e.a. Tomakova,"Tomakova,R.A.,et al."Analysisandclassificationof X-rayimages based on intelligentagentsindistributedsystems."Journal of Physics:Conference Series.Vol.1801. No.1. IOPPublishing,2021.". [5] A. Li,"Li, Yiwu."ResearchonRedo Log RecordLocatingMechanisminSQL ServerInstance Recovery."Journal of Physics:Conference Series.Vol.1952. No.3. IOPPublishing,2021.". [6] D. a. T. K. ". R. Kuhn,"Kuhn,Darl,andThomas Kyte."InvestigatingRedo."Oracle Database Transactionsand LockingRevealed.Apress,Berkeley,CA,2021. 189-218.". [7] D. a. T. K. Kuhn, "Kuhn,Darl,and ThomasKyte."RedoandUndo." Oracle Database Transactions and LockingRevealed.Apress,Berkeley,CA,2021. 161-187.". [8] "". [9] Z. e.a. Bin,"Bin,Zhang,et al."DesignandImplementationof Incremental DataCapturingin WirelessNetworkPlanningbasedonLogMining."2021 IEEE 5th AdvancedInformation Technology,ElectronicandAutomationControl Conference (IAEAC).Vol.5.IEEE, 2021.".