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Inside Hive (for beginners) 1 Takeshi NAKANO / Recruit Co. Ltd.
Why? Hive is good tool for non-specialist! The number of M/R controls the Hive processing time. ↓ How can we reduce the number? What can we do for this on writing HiveQL? ↓ How does Hive convert HiveQLto M/R jobs? On this, what optimizing processes are adopted? 7/6/2011 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework 2
Don’t you have.. This fb’s paper has a lot of information! But this is a little old.. 7/6/2011 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework 3
Component Level Analysis 7/6/2011 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework 4
Hive Architecture / Exec Flow 7/6/2011 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework 5 Client Hadoop Metastore Driver Compiler
Client Hadoop Driver Compiler Hive Workflow Hive has the operators which are minimum processing units. The process of each operator is done with HDFS operation or M/R jobs. The compiler converts HiveQL to the sets of operators. 7/6/2011 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework 6 Metastore
Hive Workflow Operators 7/6/2011 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework 7
Client Hadoop Metastore Driver Compiler Hive Workflow For M/R processing, Hiveuses ExecMaper and ExecReducer. On processing, we have 2 modes. Local processing mode Distributed processing mode 7/6/2011 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework 8
Client Hadoop Metastore Driver Compiler Hive Workflow On 1(Local mode)Hive fork the process with hadoop command.The plan.xml is made just on 1 and the single node processes this. On 2(Distributed mode).Hive send the process to exsistingJobTracker.The information is housed on DistributedCacheand processed on multi nodes. 7/6/2011 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework 9
Compiler : How to Process HiveQL 7/6/2011 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework 10 Client Hadoop Metastore Driver Compiler
“Plumbing” of HIVE compiler 7/6/2011 11 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework
“Plumbing” of HIVE compiler 7/6/2011 12 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework
Compiler Overview 13 Parser Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer
Compiler Overview 14 Hive QL Parser AST Semantic Analyzer QB Logical Plan Gen. Operator  Tree Logical Optimizer Operator  Tree Physical Plan Gen. Task Tree Physical Optimizer Task Tree
Parser Hive QL AST INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2  SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price  FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono); Hive QL TOK_QUERY   + TOK_FROM       + TOK_JOIN           + TOK_TABREF               + TOK_TABNAME                   + "access_log_hbase"               + a           + TOK_TABREF               + TOK_TABNAME                   + "product_hbase"               + "p"           + "="               + "."                   + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                       + "a"                   + "access_log_hbase"               + "."                   + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                       + "p"                   + "prono“ AST   + TOK_INSERT       + TOK_DESTINATION           + TOK_TAB               + TOK_TABNAME                   + "access_log_temp2"       + TOK_SELECT           + TOK_SELEXPR               + "."                   + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                       + "a"                   + "user"           + TOK_SELEXPR               + "."                   + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                       + "a"                   + "prono"           + TOK_SELEXPR               + "."                   + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                       + "p"                   + "maker"           + TOK_SELEXPR               + "."                   + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                       + "p"                   + "price" Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser
Parser SQL AST INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2  SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price  FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono); SQL TOK_QUERY   + TOK_FROM       + TOK_JOIN           + TOK_TABREF               + TOK_TABNAME                   + "access_log_hbase"               + a           + TOK_TABREF               + TOK_TABNAME                   + "product_hbase"               + "p"           + "="               + "."                   + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                       + "a"                   + "access_log_hbase"               + "."                   + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                       + "p"                   + "prono“   + TOK_INSERT       + TOK_DESTINATION           + TOK_TAB               + TOK_TABNAME                   + "access_log_temp2"       + TOK_SELECT           + TOK_SELEXPR               + "."                   + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                       + "a"                   + "user"           + TOK_SELEXPR               + "."                   + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                       + "a"                   + "prono"           + TOK_SELEXPR               + "."                   + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                       + "p"                   + "maker"           + TOK_SELEXPR               + "."                   + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                       + "p"                   + "price" AST 1 2 3 Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser
17 Semantic Analyzer (1/2) AST QB + TOK_FROM       + TOK_JOIN           + TOK_TABREF               + TOK_TABNAME                   + "access_log_hbase"               + a           + TOK_TABREF               + TOK_TABNAME                   + "product_hbase"               + "p"           + "="               + "."                   + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                       + "a"                   + "access_log_hbase"               + "."                   + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                       + "p"                   + "prono“ AST 1 QB MetaData AliasTo Table Info “a”=Table Info(“access_log_hbase”) “p”=Table Info(“product_hbase”) ParseInfo Join Node + TOK_JOIN     + TOK_TABREF         …     + TOK_TABREF         …     + “=”         … Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 17
18 Semantic Analyzer (2/2) AST QB       + TOK_DESTINATION           + TOK_TAB               + TOK_TABNAME                   + "access_log_temp2” AST 2 QB ParseInfo NameTo Destination Node + TOK_TAB     + TOK_TABNAME         +"access_log_temp2” Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 18 18
19 Semantic Analyzer (2/2) AST QB       + TOK_SELECT           + TOK_SELEXPR               + "."                   + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                       + "a"                   + "user"           + TOK_SELEXPR               + "."                   + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                       + "a"                   + "prono"           + TOK_SELEXPR               + "."                   + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                       + "p"                   + "maker"           + TOK_SELEXPR               + "."                   + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                       + "p"                   + "price" AST QB ParseInfo 3 Name To Select Node + TOK_SELECT     + TOK_SELEXPR         …      + TOK_SELEXPR         …     + TOK_SELEXPR         …     + TOK_SELEXPR         … Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 19 19
20 Logical Plan Generator (1/4) QB OP Tree QB MetaData AliasTo Table Info “a”=Table Info(“access_log_hbase”) “p”=Table Info(“product_hbase”) OP Tree TableScanOperator(“access_log_hbase”) TableScanOperator(“product_hbase”) Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 20 20
21 Logical Plan Generator (2/4) QB OP Tree QB ParseInfo  + TOK_JOIN           + TOK_TABREF               + TOK_TABNAME                   + "access_log_hbase"               + a           + TOK_TABREF               + TOK_TABNAME                   + "product_hbase"               + "p"           + "="               + "."                   + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                       + "a"                   + "access_log_hbase"               + "."                   + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                       + "p"                   + "prono“ ReduceSinkOperator(“access_log_hbase”) ReduceSinkOperator(“product_hbase”) OP Tree JoinOperator Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser
22 Logical Plan Generator (3/4) QB OP Tree QB ParseInfo Name To Select Node + TOK_SELECT     + TOK_SELEXPR         + "."              + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                  + "a"              + "user"     + TOK_SELEXPR          + "."              + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                  + "a"              + "prono"     + TOK_SELEXPR          + "."              + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                  + "p"              + "maker"     + TOK_SELEXPR          + "."              + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL                  + "p"              + "price" OP Tree SelectOperator Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser
23 Logical Plan Generator (4/4) QB OP Tree QB MetaData Name To Destination Table Info “insclause-0”=     Table Info(“access_log_temp2”) OP Tree FileSinkOperator Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser
Logical Plan Generator (result) 24 LCF  OP Tree TableScanOperator TS_1 TableScanOperator TS_0 ReduceSinkOperator RS_2 ReduceSinkOperator RS_3 JoinOperator JOIN_4 SelectOperator SEL_5 FileSinkOperator FS_6 Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser
Logical Optimizer Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 25 25 25
Logical Optimizer (Predicate Push Down) INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2  SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price  FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono); INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2  SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price  FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono)  WHERE p.maker = 'honda'; Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 26 26
Logical Optimizer (Predicate Push Down) TableScanOperator TS_1 TableScanOperator TS_0 INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2  SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price  FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono); ReduceSinkOperator RS_3 ReduceSinkOperator RS_2 JoinOperator JOIN_4 INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2  SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price  FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono)  WHERE p.maker = 'honda'; SelectOperator SEL_6 FileSinkOperator FS_7 Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 27 27
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2  SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price  FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono); INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2  SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price  FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono)  WHERE p.maker = 'honda'; Logical Optimizer (Predicate Push Down) TableScanOperator TS_1 TableScanOperator TS_0 ReduceSinkOperator RS_3 ReduceSinkOperator RS_2 JoinOperator JOIN_4 FilterOperator FIL_5 (_col8 = 'honda') SelectOperator SEL_6 FileSinkOperator FS_7 Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 28 28
Logical Optimizer (Predicate Push Down) TableScanOperator TS_1 TableScanOperator TS_0 INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2  SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price  FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono); FilterOperator FIL_8 (maker = 'honda') ReduceSinkOperator RS_2 ReduceSinkOperator RS_3 JoinOperator JOIN_4 INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2  SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price  FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono)  WHERE p.maker = 'honda'; FilterOperator FIL_5 (_col8 = 'honda') SelectOperator SEL_6 FileSinkOperator FS_7 Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 29 29
30 Physical Plan Generator OP Tree Task Tree MoveTask(Stage-0) Ope Tree LoadTableDesc TableScanOperator(TS_0) TableScanOperator(TS_1) ReduceSinkOperator(RS_2) MapRedTask(Stage-1/root) ReduceSinkOperator(RS_3) JoinOperator(JOIN_4) SelectOperator(SEL_5) FileSinkOperator(FS_6)  StatsTask(Stage-2) Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 30 30
OP Tree Task Tree MapRedTask (Stage-1/root) TableScanOperator(TS_0) Physical Plan Generator (result) 31 LCF  Mapper TableScanOperator TS_1 TableScanOperator TS_0 TableScanOperator(TS_1) ReduceSinkOperator RS_2 ReduceSinkOperator RS_3 ReduceSinkOperator(RS_2) MapRedTask(Stage-1/root) ReduceSinkOperator(RS_3) Reducer JoinOperator JOIN_4 JoinOperator(JOIN_4) SelectOperator SEL_5 SelectOperator(SEL_5) FileSinkOperator FS_6 Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 31 31 31
32 Physical Optimizer Task Tree Task Tree java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/optimizer/physical/以下 Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser
33 Physical Optimizer (MapJoinResolver) Task Tree Task Tree MapRedTask (Stage-1) Mapper TableScanOperator TS_1 TableScanOperator TS_0 MapJoinOperator MAPJOIN_7 SelectOperator SEL_8 SelectOperator SEL_5 FileSinkOperator FS_6 Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 33
34 Physical Optimizer (MapJoinResolver) Task Tree Task Tree MapredLocalTask(Stage-7) MapRedTask (Stage-1) TableScanOperator TS_0 Mapper TableScanOperator TS_1 TableScanOperator TS_0 HashTableSinkOperator HASHTABLESINK_11 MapJoinOperator MAPJOIN_7 MapRedTask (Stage-1) SelectOperator SEL_8 Mapper TableScanOperator TS_1 SelectOperator SEL_5 MapJoinOperator MAPJOIN_7 FileSinkOperator FS_6 SelectOperator SEL_8 SelectOperator SEL_5 FileSinkOperator FS_6 Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 34
In the end 7/6/2011 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework 35 Client Hadoop Metastore Driver Compiler
In the end 36 Hive QL Parser AST Semantic Analyzer QB Logical Plan Gen. Operator  Tree Logical Optimizer Operator  Tree Physical Plan Gen. Task Tree Physical Optimizer Task Tree
End 7/6/2011 37
Appendix: What does Explain show? 7/6/2011 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework 38
Appendix: What does Explain show? hive> explain INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2     >  SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price     >  FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono); OK ABSTRACT SYNTAX TREE:   (TOK_QUERY (TOK_FROM (TOK_JOIN (TOK_TABREF (TOK_TABNAME access_log_hbase) a) (TOK_TABREF (TOK_TABNAME product_hbase) p) (= (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL a) prono) (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL p) prono)))) (TOK_INSERT (TOK_DESTINATION (TOK_TAB (TOK_TABNAME access_log_temp2))) (TOK_SELECT (TOK_SELEXPR (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL a) user)) (TOK_SELEXPR (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL a) prono)) (TOK_SELEXPR (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL p) maker)) (TOK_SELEXPR (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL p) price))))) STAGE DEPENDENCIES:   Stage-1 is a root stage   Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1   Stage-2 depends on stages: Stage-0 STAGE PLANS:   Stage: Stage-1     Map Reduce       Alias -> Map Operator Tree:         a TableScan             alias: a             Reduce Output Operator               key expressions: expr: prono                     type: int               sort order: +               Map-reduce partition columns: expr: prono                     type: int               tag: 0               value expressions: expr: user                     type: string expr: prono                     type: int         p TableScan             alias: p             Reduce Output Operator               key expressions: expr: prono                     type: int               sort order: +               Map-reduce partition columns: expr: prono                     type: int               tag: 1               value expressions: expr: maker                     type: string expr: price                     type: int Reduce Operator Tree:         Join Operator           condition map:                Inner Join 0 to 1           condition expressions:             0 {VALUE._col0} {VALUE._col2}             1 {VALUE._col1} {VALUE._col2} handleSkewJoin: false outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2, _col6, _col7           Select Operator             expressions: expr: _col0                   type: string expr: _col2                   type: int expr: _col6                   type: string expr: _col7                   type: int outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3             File Output Operator               compressed: false GlobalTableId: 1               table:                   input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat                   output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe                   name: default.access_log_temp2   Stage: Stage-0     Move Operator       tables:           replace: true           table:               input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat               output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe               name: default.access_log_temp2   Stage: Stage-2     Stats-Aggr Operator Time taken: 0.1 seconds hive>
Appendix: What does Explain show? hive> explain INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2     >  SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price     >  FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono); OK ABSTRACT SYNTAX TREE:   (TOK_QUERY (TOK_FROM (TOK_JOIN (TOK_TABREF (TOK_TABNAME access_log_hbase) a) (TOK_TABREF (TOK_TABNAME product_hbase) p) (= (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL a) prono) (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL p) prono)))) (TOK_INSERT (TOK_DESTINATION (TOK_TAB (TOK_TABNAME access_log_temp2))) (TOK_SELECT (TOK_SELEXPR (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL a) user)) (TOK_SELEXPR (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL a) prono)) (TOK_SELEXPR (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL p) maker)) (TOK_SELEXPR (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL p) price))))) STAGE DEPENDENCIES:   Stage-1 is a root stage   Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1   Stage-2 depends on stages: Stage-0 STAGE PLANS:   Stage: Stage-1     Map Reduce       Alias -> Map Operator Tree:         a TableScan             alias: a Reduce Output Operator               key expressions: expr: prono                     type: int               sort order: +               Map-reduce partition columns: expr: prono                     type: int               tag: 0               value expressions: expr: user                     type: string expr: prono                     type: int         p TableScan             alias: p Reduce Output Operator               key expressions: expr: prono                     type: int               sort order: +               Map-reduce partition columns: expr: prono                     type: int               tag: 1               value expressions: expr: maker                     type: string expr: price                     type: int ABSTRACT SYNTAX TREE: STAGE DEPENDENCIES:   Stage-1 is a root stage   Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1   Stage-2 depends on stages: Stage-0 STAGE PLANS:   Stage: Stage-1     Map Reduce       Map Operator Tree: TableScan             Reduce Output Operator TableScan             Reduce Output Operator       Reduce Operator Tree:         Join Operator           Select Operator             File Output Operator   Stage: Stage-0     Move Operator   Stage: Stage-2     Stats-Aggr Operator Reduce Operator Tree:         Join Operator           condition map:                Inner Join 0 to 1           condition expressions:             0 {VALUE._col0} {VALUE._col2}             1 {VALUE._col1} {VALUE._col2} handleSkewJoin: false outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2, _col6, _col7           Select Operator             expressions: expr: _col0                   type: string expr: _col2                   type: int expr: _col6                   type: string expr: _col7                   type: int outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3 File Output Operator               compressed: false GlobalTableId: 1               table:                   input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat                   output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe                   name: default.access_log_temp2   Stage: Stage-0     Move Operator       tables:           replace: true           table:               input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat               output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe               name: default.access_log_temp2   Stage: Stage-2     Stats-Aggr Operator Time taken: 0.1 seconds hive>
Appendix: What does Explain show? ABSTRACT SYNTAX TREE: STAGE DEPENDENCIES:   Stage-1 is a root stage   Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1   Stage-2 depends on stages: Stage-0 STAGE PLANS:   Stage: Stage-1     Map Reduce       Map Operator Tree: TableScan             Reduce Output Operator TableScan             Reduce Output Operator       Reduce Operator Tree:         Join Operator           Select Operator             File Output Operator   Stage: Stage-0     Move Operator   Stage: Stage-2     Stats-Aggr Operator MapRedTask (Stage-1/root) Mapper TableScanOperator TS_1 TableScanOperator TS_0 ReduceSinkOperator RS_2 ReduceSinkOperator RS_3 Reducer JoinOperator JOIN_4 ≒ SelectOperator SEL_5 FileSinkOperator FS_6 MoveTask (Stage-0) Stats Task (Stage-2)

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Internal Hive

  • 1. Inside Hive (for beginners) 1 Takeshi NAKANO / Recruit Co. Ltd.
  • 2. Why? Hive is good tool for non-specialist! The number of M/R controls the Hive processing time. ↓ How can we reduce the number? What can we do for this on writing HiveQL? ↓ How does Hive convert HiveQLto M/R jobs? On this, what optimizing processes are adopted? 7/6/2011 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework 2
  • 3. Don’t you have.. This fb’s paper has a lot of information! But this is a little old.. 7/6/2011 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework 3
  • 4. Component Level Analysis 7/6/2011 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework 4
  • 5. Hive Architecture / Exec Flow 7/6/2011 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework 5 Client Hadoop Metastore Driver Compiler
  • 6. Client Hadoop Driver Compiler Hive Workflow Hive has the operators which are minimum processing units. The process of each operator is done with HDFS operation or M/R jobs. The compiler converts HiveQL to the sets of operators. 7/6/2011 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework 6 Metastore
  • 7. Hive Workflow Operators 7/6/2011 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework 7
  • 8. Client Hadoop Metastore Driver Compiler Hive Workflow For M/R processing, Hiveuses ExecMaper and ExecReducer. On processing, we have 2 modes. Local processing mode Distributed processing mode 7/6/2011 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework 8
  • 9. Client Hadoop Metastore Driver Compiler Hive Workflow On 1(Local mode)Hive fork the process with hadoop command.The plan.xml is made just on 1 and the single node processes this. On 2(Distributed mode).Hive send the process to exsistingJobTracker.The information is housed on DistributedCacheand processed on multi nodes. 7/6/2011 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework 9
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  • 11. “Plumbing” of HIVE compiler 7/6/2011 11 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework
  • 12. “Plumbing” of HIVE compiler 7/6/2011 12 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework
  • 13. Compiler Overview 13 Parser Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer
  • 14. Compiler Overview 14 Hive QL Parser AST Semantic Analyzer QB Logical Plan Gen. Operator Tree Logical Optimizer Operator Tree Physical Plan Gen. Task Tree Physical Optimizer Task Tree
  • 15. Parser Hive QL AST INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2 SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono); Hive QL TOK_QUERY + TOK_FROM + TOK_JOIN + TOK_TABREF + TOK_TABNAME + "access_log_hbase" + a + TOK_TABREF + TOK_TABNAME + "product_hbase" + "p" + "=" + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "a" + "access_log_hbase" + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "p" + "prono“ AST + TOK_INSERT + TOK_DESTINATION + TOK_TAB + TOK_TABNAME + "access_log_temp2" + TOK_SELECT + TOK_SELEXPR + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "a" + "user" + TOK_SELEXPR + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "a" + "prono" + TOK_SELEXPR + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "p" + "maker" + TOK_SELEXPR + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "p" + "price" Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser
  • 16. Parser SQL AST INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2 SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono); SQL TOK_QUERY + TOK_FROM + TOK_JOIN + TOK_TABREF + TOK_TABNAME + "access_log_hbase" + a + TOK_TABREF + TOK_TABNAME + "product_hbase" + "p" + "=" + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "a" + "access_log_hbase" + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "p" + "prono“ + TOK_INSERT + TOK_DESTINATION + TOK_TAB + TOK_TABNAME + "access_log_temp2" + TOK_SELECT + TOK_SELEXPR + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "a" + "user" + TOK_SELEXPR + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "a" + "prono" + TOK_SELEXPR + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "p" + "maker" + TOK_SELEXPR + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "p" + "price" AST 1 2 3 Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser
  • 17. 17 Semantic Analyzer (1/2) AST QB + TOK_FROM + TOK_JOIN + TOK_TABREF + TOK_TABNAME + "access_log_hbase" + a + TOK_TABREF + TOK_TABNAME + "product_hbase" + "p" + "=" + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "a" + "access_log_hbase" + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "p" + "prono“ AST 1 QB MetaData AliasTo Table Info “a”=Table Info(“access_log_hbase”) “p”=Table Info(“product_hbase”) ParseInfo Join Node + TOK_JOIN + TOK_TABREF … + TOK_TABREF … + “=” … Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 17
  • 18. 18 Semantic Analyzer (2/2) AST QB + TOK_DESTINATION + TOK_TAB + TOK_TABNAME + "access_log_temp2” AST 2 QB ParseInfo NameTo Destination Node + TOK_TAB + TOK_TABNAME +"access_log_temp2” Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 18 18
  • 19. 19 Semantic Analyzer (2/2) AST QB + TOK_SELECT + TOK_SELEXPR + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "a" + "user" + TOK_SELEXPR + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "a" + "prono" + TOK_SELEXPR + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "p" + "maker" + TOK_SELEXPR + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "p" + "price" AST QB ParseInfo 3 Name To Select Node + TOK_SELECT + TOK_SELEXPR … + TOK_SELEXPR … + TOK_SELEXPR … + TOK_SELEXPR … Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 19 19
  • 20. 20 Logical Plan Generator (1/4) QB OP Tree QB MetaData AliasTo Table Info “a”=Table Info(“access_log_hbase”) “p”=Table Info(“product_hbase”) OP Tree TableScanOperator(“access_log_hbase”) TableScanOperator(“product_hbase”) Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 20 20
  • 21. 21 Logical Plan Generator (2/4) QB OP Tree QB ParseInfo + TOK_JOIN + TOK_TABREF + TOK_TABNAME + "access_log_hbase" + a + TOK_TABREF + TOK_TABNAME + "product_hbase" + "p" + "=" + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "a" + "access_log_hbase" + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "p" + "prono“ ReduceSinkOperator(“access_log_hbase”) ReduceSinkOperator(“product_hbase”) OP Tree JoinOperator Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser
  • 22. 22 Logical Plan Generator (3/4) QB OP Tree QB ParseInfo Name To Select Node + TOK_SELECT + TOK_SELEXPR + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "a" + "user" + TOK_SELEXPR + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "a" + "prono" + TOK_SELEXPR + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "p" + "maker" + TOK_SELEXPR + "." + TOK_TABLE_OR_COL + "p" + "price" OP Tree SelectOperator Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser
  • 23. 23 Logical Plan Generator (4/4) QB OP Tree QB MetaData Name To Destination Table Info “insclause-0”= Table Info(“access_log_temp2”) OP Tree FileSinkOperator Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser
  • 24. Logical Plan Generator (result) 24 LCF OP Tree TableScanOperator TS_1 TableScanOperator TS_0 ReduceSinkOperator RS_2 ReduceSinkOperator RS_3 JoinOperator JOIN_4 SelectOperator SEL_5 FileSinkOperator FS_6 Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser
  • 25. Logical Optimizer Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 25 25 25
  • 26. Logical Optimizer (Predicate Push Down) INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2 SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono); INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2 SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono) WHERE p.maker = 'honda'; Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 26 26
  • 27. Logical Optimizer (Predicate Push Down) TableScanOperator TS_1 TableScanOperator TS_0 INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2 SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono); ReduceSinkOperator RS_3 ReduceSinkOperator RS_2 JoinOperator JOIN_4 INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2 SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono) WHERE p.maker = 'honda'; SelectOperator SEL_6 FileSinkOperator FS_7 Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 27 27
  • 28. INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2 SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono); INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2 SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono) WHERE p.maker = 'honda'; Logical Optimizer (Predicate Push Down) TableScanOperator TS_1 TableScanOperator TS_0 ReduceSinkOperator RS_3 ReduceSinkOperator RS_2 JoinOperator JOIN_4 FilterOperator FIL_5 (_col8 = 'honda') SelectOperator SEL_6 FileSinkOperator FS_7 Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 28 28
  • 29. Logical Optimizer (Predicate Push Down) TableScanOperator TS_1 TableScanOperator TS_0 INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2 SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono); FilterOperator FIL_8 (maker = 'honda') ReduceSinkOperator RS_2 ReduceSinkOperator RS_3 JoinOperator JOIN_4 INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2 SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono) WHERE p.maker = 'honda'; FilterOperator FIL_5 (_col8 = 'honda') SelectOperator SEL_6 FileSinkOperator FS_7 Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 29 29
  • 30. 30 Physical Plan Generator OP Tree Task Tree MoveTask(Stage-0) Ope Tree LoadTableDesc TableScanOperator(TS_0) TableScanOperator(TS_1) ReduceSinkOperator(RS_2) MapRedTask(Stage-1/root) ReduceSinkOperator(RS_3) JoinOperator(JOIN_4) SelectOperator(SEL_5) FileSinkOperator(FS_6) StatsTask(Stage-2) Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 30 30
  • 31. OP Tree Task Tree MapRedTask (Stage-1/root) TableScanOperator(TS_0) Physical Plan Generator (result) 31 LCF Mapper TableScanOperator TS_1 TableScanOperator TS_0 TableScanOperator(TS_1) ReduceSinkOperator RS_2 ReduceSinkOperator RS_3 ReduceSinkOperator(RS_2) MapRedTask(Stage-1/root) ReduceSinkOperator(RS_3) Reducer JoinOperator JOIN_4 JoinOperator(JOIN_4) SelectOperator SEL_5 SelectOperator(SEL_5) FileSinkOperator FS_6 Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 31 31 31
  • 32. 32 Physical Optimizer Task Tree Task Tree java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/optimizer/physical/以下 Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser
  • 33. 33 Physical Optimizer (MapJoinResolver) Task Tree Task Tree MapRedTask (Stage-1) Mapper TableScanOperator TS_1 TableScanOperator TS_0 MapJoinOperator MAPJOIN_7 SelectOperator SEL_8 SelectOperator SEL_5 FileSinkOperator FS_6 Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 33
  • 34. 34 Physical Optimizer (MapJoinResolver) Task Tree Task Tree MapredLocalTask(Stage-7) MapRedTask (Stage-1) TableScanOperator TS_0 Mapper TableScanOperator TS_1 TableScanOperator TS_0 HashTableSinkOperator HASHTABLESINK_11 MapJoinOperator MAPJOIN_7 MapRedTask (Stage-1) SelectOperator SEL_8 Mapper TableScanOperator TS_1 SelectOperator SEL_5 MapJoinOperator MAPJOIN_7 FileSinkOperator FS_6 SelectOperator SEL_8 SelectOperator SEL_5 FileSinkOperator FS_6 Semantic Analyzer Logical Plan Gen. Logical Optimizer Physical Plan Gen. Physical Optimizer Parser 34
  • 35. In the end 7/6/2011 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework 35 Client Hadoop Metastore Driver Compiler
  • 36. In the end 36 Hive QL Parser AST Semantic Analyzer QB Logical Plan Gen. Operator Tree Logical Optimizer Operator Tree Physical Plan Gen. Task Tree Physical Optimizer Task Tree
  • 38. Appendix: What does Explain show? 7/6/2011 HIVE - A warehouse solution over Map Reduce Framework 38
  • 39. Appendix: What does Explain show? hive> explain INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2 > SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price > FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono); OK ABSTRACT SYNTAX TREE: (TOK_QUERY (TOK_FROM (TOK_JOIN (TOK_TABREF (TOK_TABNAME access_log_hbase) a) (TOK_TABREF (TOK_TABNAME product_hbase) p) (= (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL a) prono) (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL p) prono)))) (TOK_INSERT (TOK_DESTINATION (TOK_TAB (TOK_TABNAME access_log_temp2))) (TOK_SELECT (TOK_SELEXPR (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL a) user)) (TOK_SELEXPR (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL a) prono)) (TOK_SELEXPR (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL p) maker)) (TOK_SELEXPR (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL p) price))))) STAGE DEPENDENCIES: Stage-1 is a root stage Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1 Stage-2 depends on stages: Stage-0 STAGE PLANS: Stage: Stage-1 Map Reduce Alias -> Map Operator Tree: a TableScan alias: a Reduce Output Operator key expressions: expr: prono type: int sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: expr: prono type: int tag: 0 value expressions: expr: user type: string expr: prono type: int p TableScan alias: p Reduce Output Operator key expressions: expr: prono type: int sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: expr: prono type: int tag: 1 value expressions: expr: maker type: string expr: price type: int Reduce Operator Tree: Join Operator condition map: Inner Join 0 to 1 condition expressions: 0 {VALUE._col0} {VALUE._col2} 1 {VALUE._col1} {VALUE._col2} handleSkewJoin: false outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2, _col6, _col7 Select Operator expressions: expr: _col0 type: string expr: _col2 type: int expr: _col6 type: string expr: _col7 type: int outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3 File Output Operator compressed: false GlobalTableId: 1 table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe name: default.access_log_temp2 Stage: Stage-0 Move Operator tables: replace: true table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe name: default.access_log_temp2 Stage: Stage-2 Stats-Aggr Operator Time taken: 0.1 seconds hive>
  • 40. Appendix: What does Explain show? hive> explain INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE access_log_temp2 > SELECT a.user, a.prono, p.maker, p.price > FROM access_log_hbase a JOIN product_hbase p ON (a.prono = p.prono); OK ABSTRACT SYNTAX TREE: (TOK_QUERY (TOK_FROM (TOK_JOIN (TOK_TABREF (TOK_TABNAME access_log_hbase) a) (TOK_TABREF (TOK_TABNAME product_hbase) p) (= (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL a) prono) (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL p) prono)))) (TOK_INSERT (TOK_DESTINATION (TOK_TAB (TOK_TABNAME access_log_temp2))) (TOK_SELECT (TOK_SELEXPR (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL a) user)) (TOK_SELEXPR (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL a) prono)) (TOK_SELEXPR (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL p) maker)) (TOK_SELEXPR (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL p) price))))) STAGE DEPENDENCIES: Stage-1 is a root stage Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1 Stage-2 depends on stages: Stage-0 STAGE PLANS: Stage: Stage-1 Map Reduce Alias -> Map Operator Tree: a TableScan alias: a Reduce Output Operator key expressions: expr: prono type: int sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: expr: prono type: int tag: 0 value expressions: expr: user type: string expr: prono type: int p TableScan alias: p Reduce Output Operator key expressions: expr: prono type: int sort order: + Map-reduce partition columns: expr: prono type: int tag: 1 value expressions: expr: maker type: string expr: price type: int ABSTRACT SYNTAX TREE: STAGE DEPENDENCIES: Stage-1 is a root stage Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1 Stage-2 depends on stages: Stage-0 STAGE PLANS: Stage: Stage-1 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan Reduce Output Operator TableScan Reduce Output Operator Reduce Operator Tree: Join Operator Select Operator File Output Operator Stage: Stage-0 Move Operator Stage: Stage-2 Stats-Aggr Operator Reduce Operator Tree: Join Operator condition map: Inner Join 0 to 1 condition expressions: 0 {VALUE._col0} {VALUE._col2} 1 {VALUE._col1} {VALUE._col2} handleSkewJoin: false outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2, _col6, _col7 Select Operator expressions: expr: _col0 type: string expr: _col2 type: int expr: _col6 type: string expr: _col7 type: int outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3 File Output Operator compressed: false GlobalTableId: 1 table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe name: default.access_log_temp2 Stage: Stage-0 Move Operator tables: replace: true table: input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat output format: serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe name: default.access_log_temp2 Stage: Stage-2 Stats-Aggr Operator Time taken: 0.1 seconds hive>
  • 41. Appendix: What does Explain show? ABSTRACT SYNTAX TREE: STAGE DEPENDENCIES: Stage-1 is a root stage Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1 Stage-2 depends on stages: Stage-0 STAGE PLANS: Stage: Stage-1 Map Reduce Map Operator Tree: TableScan Reduce Output Operator TableScan Reduce Output Operator Reduce Operator Tree: Join Operator Select Operator File Output Operator Stage: Stage-0 Move Operator Stage: Stage-2 Stats-Aggr Operator MapRedTask (Stage-1/root) Mapper TableScanOperator TS_1 TableScanOperator TS_0 ReduceSinkOperator RS_2 ReduceSinkOperator RS_3 Reducer JoinOperator JOIN_4 ≒ SelectOperator SEL_5 FileSinkOperator FS_6 MoveTask (Stage-0) Stats Task (Stage-2)