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What Is Attitude Essay
Attitude is a choice in which each of us choose to take but often, we forget we have a choice at
all. Attitude can be a powerful tool for positive action or a poison that cripples your ability to fulfil
your potential. Your attitude determines whether you are living life or life is living you. It also
determines whether you are on the way or in the way. So to speak, self–confident people may suffer
setbacks, get dragged down by hard times, or make mistakes, but they still believe they will be
successful and come out being victorious. In the other way round, those who don't believe in
themselves never seem to find their way and due to this, they often seem to drift with the tides. To
everything we do in life, choice is the beginning or starting point and by changing our attitudes, we
automatically change our lives. If you want a positive attitude, you will need to be committed
enough to work at/on it and once you have discovered those things that have been holding you
back, then it is time to look ahead and analyze where you want to go. To achieving success in life, it
is more content...
The limits of our mind–set is enough to determine the boundaries of our future. When we become
fixated on the problems, we become paralyzed but when we look ahead for solutions, we are
indirectly taking responsibility and some measure of control over our lives. Thus, it is up to you
to assign a value or meaning on the point of view you decide to take. You can turn attitude into
action to find purpose and passion but lack of vision will definitely get you lost. Comfort zones
can be treacherous when you believe that, "I just can't leave what I'm familiar with, no matter the
level of frustration I get." So, it is easy to become angry about standing still but being afraid to
move and if you don't make the move, sooner or later, life makes a move on
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Examples Of Positive Attitude Essay
Positive Attitudes
If gives a choice of to being a positive person or negative person, I think that most of us prefer to be a
positive person rather than negative. Positive thinking sounds grateful and useful. A Positive attitude
is important nowadays society because the positive attitude can lead to healthier lifestyle. Many of
us think that successful people of this world have created amazing lifestyle because they were given
more opportunities than others. But these perceptions in this society are not true. The thing that
people need to understand about to being a successful people, we have to think the differently than
the rest of society. We should change the perception out thoughts away from life's daily obstacles to
the future that we want and the solutions we want to create in more content...
Positive attitudes can actually create real value in our working life.
When working we need to think positive. With the positive attitude that we have, there is the way to
shows people seeing, thinking and responding to our attitude when working. When working we
might think that 'Why I need to do so much work compared to him?' But when a boss gives us do
something there must be a reason. With a positive thinking we know that there is the place that we
need to improve.
Other than that, in working place a person with a positive attitude will almost always outperform a
person with a negative attitude. A successful people in working they have a positive attitude may
influence their life and its aspects in a way such as how they think, socialize with customers. All
these aspects might be affected by a positive attitude because as a worker, we need to know
differentiate what should we do when working time and what we should not do.
Goal of My
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Positive Attitude
People say that a positive attitude is the key to success. My grandma always told me that she had
a negative attitude towards love. It seems strange I know but she despised couples. She told me
that she was jealous of other people, especially her older siblings. Love was something she was
afraid of because she didn't want to get broken up with. When she was about 16 she decided that if
she got broken up with that she would just shake it off and wait for the right person to come along.
She said there was no point in having a negative attitude towards something so comforting. When she
was 17, she met my grandpa. They fell in love and when they were 18 they got married. If you have
a positive attitude, then you can make more friends, have better job interviews, and learn to cope
with rejection from others.
First and foremost, making friends is easier with a positive attitude. In other words, if someone
approaches you and you act mean and hateful then they won't want to talk to you. I always
struggled with making friends. I never know the right words to say. Making friends is something
most people can do because they have done it since they were little. Whenever we go on our band
trips, my friends always want to talk to the other bands. When we go over to them, I stand there
awkwardly while they start conversations. I always worry that I will say something and offend
someone. Since we first started band I've gotten a lot better at talking to people. All it took was me
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Attitude Is the Key to Success
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedom– to choose one's
attitude in any given set of circumstances" – Viktor E. Frankl
A very simple but true saying is that the only thing you can't take away from me is the way I choose
to respond to what you do to me. The last of the human freedom is the power to choose one's attitude
in any given circumstance and seemingly hopeless environment.
The important question is what is attitude? Attitude is the way we mentally look at the world around
us and act so. A well researched book "Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman brings the
scientific proof that "its our attitude more than aptitude that determines our altitude." more
Attitude is often based on past experiences. So most of the times, we get stuck because of the bad
experiences we went through. Old tapes are hard to erase but for success one should make a
deliberate effort to approach each situation with a fresh and positive outlook. Whatever challenges
are to be faced, focus on the future and not on the history.
These are some of the ways of incorporating positive attitudes to get success in life. * Expect the
best, Focus on what's right, not what's wrong. To reinforce the positive attitude in others, use
every opportunity to encourage desired behaviour. * Observe how our own attitude affects those
around us. The attitude of the individual often determines the attitude of a group. * Do we enjoy
our job? Are we spending most of our time on something that makes us feel purposeful and
fulfilled. If not consider exploring other career options and moving towards a job we love. When
we regularly do things that make us happy, we feel better about ourselves and our own life which
fosters positive attitude. * Think and speak positively to and about ourself everyday. Most of us are
in the habit of talking down to ourselves, which leaves us feeling hopeless, frustrated and pessimistic.
Get into the habit of building onself up with positive self–talk and positive thoughts. * The more we
focus on emphasizing the positive in others the more likeable we are going to be,
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Speech On Positive Attitude
What is a positive attitude?
If our attitude is how we think or feel, our reaction, to something, whether it is a person, an idea, or
a circumstance, to have a positive attitude is to stay upbeat, optimistic, to look at the good side; it is
a cheerful perspective or point–of–view of different facets in life.
"People who wonder whether the glass is half empty or half full miss the point. The glass is
("People who wonder," n.d.)
View the big picture, and notice the nearby pitcher ... positive attitude!
To what extent do you have it?
I have positive attitude the majority of the time about family, friends, work, life, but it is not
always easily due to life's little quirks and surprises. There are times the negativity gets me down,
an ugly thought appears, or someone says something depressing, etc... but ... once I realize what is
happening, or has happened, I gently push it away as soon as possible. It's not always immediate,
can take a little longer, but I do it. I have a better understanding of myself and my attitude than I did
many years ago.
If you have a positive attitude, what actions might you display? How do you communicate it?
Mentally – with facial features, eye contact, exhibiting happiness & joy with a smile, laughing
Physically – with body movement, listen intently, a bounce in my step, relaxed posture, health
Verbally– don't criticize or complain, lighten the mood, tell a joke, be enthusiastic
Show confidence in how you talk, what you talk about, be proactive, and encourage. Contentment
implies happiness and positivity, as does activity, energy, and interest in a topic or discussion.
What does a positive attitude "look" like to others?
With facial features, physical movement, and intent listening.
How I approach people, noticing a smiling, a happy person implies positivity
How I approach problems, enthusiastically, eagerly vs. cool or uninterested
How I have a positive impact on others' lives by bringing the good out in others
Confidence, self–esteem, respect, agreement, giving praise
How do we differ in expressing our respective positive attitudes?
Our differing personal values or beliefs may influence our positive attitudes and how we express
them; if someone is
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What Is Positive Attitude Essay
What is an attitude? According to the dictionary, attitude means a feeling or opinion about
something or somebody, or a method for behaving that you can express just by standing a specific
way. For example, putting your hands on your hips and rolling eyes express one kind of attitude.
However, in psychology area, an attitude is an outflow of support or disapproval toward a man,
spot, thing, or event. What is a positive attitude? A positive attitude can affect each part of your
life. People who keep up a positive way to deal with life circumstances and difficulties will be able
to move forward more constructively than those who get to be stuck in a negative attitude. Your
mental and physical health can be enhanced by learning how to hold more content...
Learn how to spot keywords that tend to show negative attitudes. When you recognize what you're
stating or considering, you can keep them from showing themselves in your life. A negative
attitude will affect your quality of life. It will take control of your life and see everything in the
worst possible way. It also keeps you from trying some new and nice things that may be wonderful.
Besides that, it also can keep you from maturing and learning how to cope the challenges and
difficulties of your life. From a physical point of view, negativity, unhappiness, and stress will
weaken your immune system. When this thing occurs, you can become susceptible to many
diseases, including one's that happen because of stress, like ulcers and heart disease. Now, that is a
story about a negative attitude that my ex–housemate shows. Her name is Mei Foong. She is
younger than me and she is a very talkative girl. From her outlook, she gives us a very good
impression. Every time, after she attended classes, she told me sadly how her friends ignore her,
pushed her aside and not good to her. I also believe her because I treat her just like my younger
sister. However, after I knew that she had a bad attitude that is she like to talk bad of a person and
distorted the fact that happen to everyone she knows, I start to doubt that she is telling the real or
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Positive And Negative Attitudes In The Workplace
IV.ATTITUDES IN THE WORKPLACE Attitudes are thoughts that you have accepted as true
and that lead you to think, feel, or act positively or negatively toward a person, idea or event.
They represent an emotional readiness to behave in a particular manner. (Reece) Positive and
negative attitudes affect how you work and how you influence other people around you. These
attitudes can absolutely be changed though because we are not born with those attitudes. We form
them as time passes, depending on the situations that we have been through. For instance, if you
had a job where your supervisor was racist toward you, you would begin to form a negative
attitude about supervisors thinking that all of them are going to be racist. Instead, you can change
your attitude by thinking that not everyone acts the same way. A positive attitude can make a
difference between an amazing life and a nonsense one. Therefore, a lot of people should try to
change their attitude to a positive one. In addition, attitude is the way we behave and the way we
react to daily situations. For example, every one of us has passed through a difficult situation but
that does not mean that we are going to put a negative attitude to what we do after that situation
because we can influence people around us. For instance, if we got to work with a negative attitude
because we got into an argument with someone, that could lead to a bad day for everyone because
you are going to let out your frustration against
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Importance of Positive Attitude and Relationships
Relationships between people have an important place in social psychology, and having a healthy,
positive relationship is even more important. People are different; no one person is alike another.
Each is unique and special with different capabilities and methods that are used to gain their own
benefits. However, maybe not everyone has developed their communication skills as well as others,
but society is built on communication and positive thinking. In my opinion, it is very good thing
that we, as a society, are positive. There may be many different reasons why some are negative;
however, negativity is not good in any way. For example, there are some who do not want to
maintain more content...
I thought if I would be involved in a small group in the class, it would change everything, but nothing
particularly changed.
When people grow up, they better understand why it is so important to be positive and polite to
everybody. Later, the high school class composition changed and no longer had any special
assigned classes; of course, it was the same age that clung together more than students of different
age groups did. But suddenly there was an ability and understanding about helping each other; we
became united. There was a feeling that we were one big family. The reason I give this is
teaching–psychology, and we are learning to understand the true nature of the case. Also, our past
experiences have taught us. We learned not only from our mistakes, but also from fellow friends'
mistakes. We wanted to be the best, and those who were the best realized the important values that
were needed from an early age. We evolved, people improved and were able to capture more of a
positive attitude and teach others why it is so important to understand that.
My weakness is I still struggle to create such a relationship. I need remove such things as shyness
and seclusion from my life. I often worry about the presence of strangers; I do not know what to
say and what to do because of the feeling of insecurity. I have concluded
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What Is A Positive Attitude Essay
When I go to a store and see the employees working at the store, I see they display a positive
attitude towards the customers. In some occasions I feel like I am not welcome at the store, or
even any place of the mater due to the fact that they sometimes do not display a positive attitude. I
guess what I am trying to say is that when you display a negative attitude the people around you
feel uncomfortable. No one likes a person who displays negative attitude because it is disrespectful
to the people around you, and it is bad for business if the person displaying bad attitude works
somewhere. People think that if you display a negative attitude that it is good for business because it
tells the boss of the business that you have competitiveness. Yes that is more content...
For example, I remember my first day at high school, and the first thing I wanted to do is meet
new people. In some cases in meeting new people I would be myself, but what if being myself is
not a good thing? Maybe I am a jerk when I am being myself, so that is why I must display a
positive attitude so I can make the people around me feel more comfortable. Then as they feel
more comfortable being around me, I can start being myself. Displaying a positive attitude to others
can help me in the long run because when I mess up on something the people that I have
encouraged will encourage me to do better and to never give up. Furthermore, displaying a positive
attitude will show the boss that you are customer friendly. For instance, I remember working at a
store and I was helping people putting their items in grocery bags. I was being so polite to the
people I was helping with and they liked my positive behavior, but what I did not know was that
the boss saw my positive attitude towards the customers. I still did not knew he noticed me until one
day to told me to come to
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Positive Attitude
INTRODUCTION A good attitude or positive attitude is the outward manifestation of a mind that
dwells primarily on positive matters. It is a mind–set tipped in favour of creative activity rather than
boredom, joy over sadness, hope over futility. A positive attitude is that state of mind which can be
maintained only through conscious effort. When something jars one's mental focus into a negative
direction, those who are positive know that in order to bounce back adjustments must be made.
THE CHOSEN ISSUE Attitude is the way you communicate your mood to others. When you are
optimistic and anticipate successful encounters, you transmit a positive attitude and people usually
respond favourably. When you are pesimistic and more content...
If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life becomes filled with light. This light affects not
only you and the way you look at the world, but also your whole environment and the people around
you. If it is strong enough, it becomes contagious.
HOW TO KEEP IN GOOD ATTITUDE We all want to keep our minds sharp and fresh. By working
to keep your mind sharp, you can improve your
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Definition Essay On Positivity
Who Am I? I'm in 7.125 billion of you, humans, I'm a spirit inside of you. I normally don't want to
hurt you, but I have to or else I'll die. I'm only active in 350 million people in counting and it's not
fun. They didn't choose this life I chose it for them with your help of course. Together we caused
those 350 million people to hurt themselves and others, and make them feel like a waste of space.
Some humans think that I am switch that other humans can turn on and off. It's not, the only way to
get rid of me is to get treatment and surround yourselves with positivity. Positivity is the only way to
get rid of me. I only come when you let my thoughts into yours, when you're done with everything,
when you've been through something traumatic, more content...
The answer is simple, they forgot about her, now it sounds sad, but it's true, she'd run and stay with
Bakers for weeks and months at a time, and her parents never notice, they were too self–absorbed.
Now Kathleen and Vincent heard about a group called the Flames, a group of Lighters and
thought, " we'll make a group of Celebrities, to fight back". The named their group of 100 the
Socialites. They aren't very organized, all the "members", more like servants, just take orders from
Vincent and Kathleen, and most of the time Kathleen and Vincent can't decide on what the order is
and wound up bickering. The Socialites may be unorganized, but they do know how to fight. By
now the Flames have killed over half of the Celebrity population all they have left is the Socialites
and a few outliers. The other outliers should be easy to take out, it's the Socialites that I'm concern
about. Kathleen and Vincent have no idea that Astrid runs the Flames, but Astrid knows her parents
run the Socialites. Also, the Socialites aren't that organized, but they're very skilled with weapons
and they all want to defeat the Flames. They'll ban together somehow, just to defeat the Flames. If
you are wondering why they have to defeat the Socialites, it's because defeating them will take the
fear and hold the Socialites have over the rest of the population. Ghost look up to the Socialites for
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Positive Effects Of Attitude
Effects of Attitude
Distance, time, money, tiredness and several other things in life are just a question of one's attitude.
Context and situations decide the attitude.
If a person has to travel say 15 to 20 miles per day to his workplace, he will definitely be cribbing.
On the other hand, if the remuneration is going to be hefty he will not mind travelling the same
distance. The distance has not changed, but his attitude towards remuneration makes this passable.
One often complains that he does not have time for even the small things in life. Just an
introspection shall reveal that it is an excuse one gives to oneself. Aperson who does not have time
for a courtesy call to a related person will definitely be able to squeeze in time to spend time with
his friend in spite of any tight schedule. After a whole day of work, spending hours at the gym
seem alright, but helping out your mother or spouse at home may seem a burden or vice versa. Or
else if a friend calls for an outing will freak out forgetting both the above. It more content...
On the contrary they do not mind giving generous 'Tips' in fancy restaurants because of attitude.
Perceptions of Attitude are more important and can change during periods of Natural disasters.
During a recent flood havoc in a major city in India, the people's attitude was so positive that they
were able to render all assistance to those affected without any inhibitions of class, creed, rich, poor,
People may throw stones at your path. It is your attitude with which you face the hurdle, that will
lead to 'a wall or a bridge'. Remember your attitude is the architect of your life.
Success requires more than talent. While talent and knowledge are essential, the key that unlocks
them both is your state of mind. Being positive makes you more dependable. When you are positive
you will find that you instinctively respect others, and are therefore more considerate.
Developing Positive
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Victoria Day: A Positive Attitude
2.A positive attitude is having an optimistic state of mind. Kelly shows signs of having a positive
attitude while entering and coping with stressful situations at work. As previously stated, Victoria
Day is one Deco's busiest time of the year. With little notice, two of Kelly's associates informed
her that they wouldn't be able to attend work. Empathically, she allowed her employees to take
time off. Regardless of the busy situation, Kelly still took on the leadership role in her company's
success. On Victoria Day, Malibu only had only one trained employee and fortunately was able to
get her mom to fill in absent employees. In addition to that, Kelly became a substitute sales
representative. Considering the circumstances, it is clear Kelly
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Keeping an Optimistic Attitude in Life Essay
Keeping an Optimistic Attitude in Life Optimistic and pessimistic attitudes constantly affect the
outcome of people's lives. In my life, I try to keep an optimistic attitude about the things I do
because I know it will help lead me to more desirable ends. There have been many situations in
which optimism has helped me through difficult times. Two areas in particular have provided me
optimistic experiences: athleticsand academics. First, optimism was very apparent while I was the
co–captain of my high school soccer team. I was captain during my senior year, perhaps the year
we had the best team since I had begun playing in eighth grade. Right from the start of the season I
had to show leadership and bring improvement more content...
The most challenging times for me were those when we would be losing and all the players
would get angry with one another. This was especially apparent when one of the defenders on our
team would make a mistake and allow the other team to score. Many players would then yell at
him creating a negative attitude both toward themselves and the player. At that time, even though
I was actually angry myself, I would both stop the other players from yelling and offer
encouragement to the one who had made the mistake. For the most part, I would simply offer
some advice by pointing out what he had done wrong and told him how to do it right the next
time. Thereby, I would always keep a very positive attitude and told the players that they were
doing well, but they just had to do it better next time. I know that the way I approached the problem
helped maintain a positive attitude among all the players. This approach led to the team playing
better and winning more. Another application in which an optimistic attitude has proven to be very
beneficial has been in academics. Notably, there have been classes in which assignments were
difficult for me and led to less than sufficient grades. Even though I was disappointed with my poor
performance, I always stayed optimistic about bringing the grades back up. The one time that stood
out among
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Positive Attitude Essay
Can having a positive attitude bring success into your life? Having a positive attitude can get you
far in life. Bringing negativity into your life doesn't get you anywhere, all it does is makes your life
harder. Having a positive attitude may lead to success, happiness, and inspiration. Positivity is a
wonderful trait to carry with you throughout your life. Having a positive attitude makes it easier to
avoid worries and negative thoughts that's going on in your mind. Most importantly, it can bring
success into your life. For example, Martin Luther King had a high level of positivity. No matter
what was going on around him, he always had an affirmative attitude. Martin Luther King was going
through racism at the time, he was beaten, more content...
One day I went to the gym and saw this kid crying in the stands, so I went over to him to see what
was wrong. He was upset because no one would pick him on their team and he really wanted to
play, so I told him that he could play with me on my team. It was our turn to play, we added an
extra three players to complete the team. As we were playing the other team I realized that he
hasn't touched the ball yet and he was wide open, so I passed it to him and as soon as he touch
the ball he scored. Everyone in the gym was so surprised, including myself. The game got better
each time we passed him the ball, and he was having a great time. The opposite team was letting
him score because he was new to basketball. It warmed my heart to see what they were doing for
him. Having a positive attitude can be contagious and spread to others. When having a positive
attitude it brings inspiration into your life. If you believe hard enough that you can achieve it,
then you will succeed. Negativity will bring you down and crush all of your dreams. If you are
having negative thoughts, all you are doing is bringing yourself down. My freshman year in high
school I had to take my Spanish exam and I was afraid of how poor I would do on the test. That
whole week I was thinking about how bad and embarrassing my test results would look like. The
night before the exam, I had just finished studying and my mom had told me" If you believe it, the
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Positive Attitudes
With reference to appropriate consumer behaviour models and theories explain how marketers try to
generate positive attitudes towards brands. Your answer should make frequent use of examples of
the marketing activities of an organisation of your choice.
|consumer attitudes are learned, stored and retrieved and use of examples (attention, perception,
learning, |
|memory systems and processes) 35% |
|attitude models and use of examples (multi–attribute models, theory of reasoned action, heuristic
models). 30%|
|role of attitude in the decision making process and use of examples (consumer decision process,
evaluation of |
|alternatives, consideration set, more content...
Apple is associated with excitment, which is the message they portray in all their marketing material
from adverts, to store and packing. So consumers who want to see themselves as young and with it
need the latest apple product. (kotler,Armstrong)
Steve Jobs the late CEO of Apple was known worldwide for his unique personality, even if people
didn't like him they respected him which plays a big part in emotional branding.
"A successful brand is an identifiable product, service, person or place, augmented in such a way
that the buyer or user perceives relevant, unique added values which match their needs more closely.
Furthermore, its success results from being able to sustain those added values in the face of
competition." (DeChernatony, L. McDonald, M. 1998)
Greg Joswiak part of the iPhone marketing team told the audience at Silicon Valley Comes to
Cambridge what Apple marketers focus on.
Simplicity–"Make complex things simple. A lot of people think it means take something simple and
leave it at its core essence.
Courage–"Courage drives a lot of decisions in business. Don't hang on to ideas from the past even
if they have been successful for you. You don't build a product just because everyone else has one.
"(Wall Street Journal)
Psychologist Sigmund Freud has a theory
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In the book "The Little Engine That Could" the train keeps telling himself " I think I can I think I
can". This train keeps a positive attitude about it. In the end the train does succeed. I do think that his
positive attitude did help him succeed although, I don't think that a positive attitude is necessary for
I do think that having a positive mindset will for sure help you succeed, I just don't think that it's
impossible to succeed without a positive attitude. So for example, a couple of weeks ago I went to
Oklahoma for something and I ran cross country. I did not have a positive attitude about this AT
ALL!!!! I thought I was going to come in last place and even just give up. When we started running I
was like ''I CAN'T DO
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Most people with a positive attitude are more likely to be successful in life. Those who disagree
are less likely to be caring towards other's feelings. People who a have a positive outlook on life;
in general are likable, more prosperous, and have a better sense of community. The importance of
having a positive attitude is that it helps you improve your standard of living and someone else's
day. In conclusion, just being positive helps everyone no matter have much you use. People who
are positive towards themselves and others are more likable. Many have different daily life styles.
Say if two same teenagers went to a interview for the same job. Teenager 1 is a young man that
comes with the wrong type of clothing on; but his grades are amazing.
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The Importance Of Positive Attitudes In Students
Students at one point or another might hear from their teachers that they need to keep a positive
attitude to be successful, and they are correct. Keeping a positive attitude has been linked to higher
grades in school, thus helping students increase academic achievement (Callahan, 1971; Larose,
Robertson, Roy, & Legault, 1998; Ryan & Patrick, 2001; Whitin, 2007). It is not uncommon to
observe different attitudes towards different subject areas or even topics within a class. Students
who have a positive attitude are more likely to be motivated to learn about the subject or topic and
such motivation helps students perform better in the unit or course (Ryan & Patrick, 2001). As a
student continues to have positive and successful learning experiences, they are able to maintain a
positive attitude. Positive or negative experiences in a class are therefore influential in the
development of attitudes towards certain classes. For example, a student with positive learning
experiences in science can help the student approach future science courses with optimism (Bloomer
& Hodkinson, 2000). Entering a new course similar to which a student has already experienced
success, is likely to encourage the student to be actively engaged, take risks, and practice
self–advocacy as needed as a result of having a positive attitude, increased motivation, and
self–confidence. Therefore, the student that loves science classes because of prior success and
positive experiences is likely to not only
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Positive Attitude Essay

  • 1. What Is Attitude Essay Attitude is a choice in which each of us choose to take but often, we forget we have a choice at all. Attitude can be a powerful tool for positive action or a poison that cripples your ability to fulfil your potential. Your attitude determines whether you are living life or life is living you. It also determines whether you are on the way or in the way. So to speak, self–confident people may suffer setbacks, get dragged down by hard times, or make mistakes, but they still believe they will be successful and come out being victorious. In the other way round, those who don't believe in themselves never seem to find their way and due to this, they often seem to drift with the tides. To everything we do in life, choice is the beginning or starting point and by changing our attitudes, we automatically change our lives. If you want a positive attitude, you will need to be committed enough to work at/on it and once you have discovered those things that have been holding you back, then it is time to look ahead and analyze where you want to go. To achieving success in life, it is more content... The limits of our mind–set is enough to determine the boundaries of our future. When we become fixated on the problems, we become paralyzed but when we look ahead for solutions, we are indirectly taking responsibility and some measure of control over our lives. Thus, it is up to you to assign a value or meaning on the point of view you decide to take. You can turn attitude into action to find purpose and passion but lack of vision will definitely get you lost. Comfort zones can be treacherous when you believe that, "I just can't leave what I'm familiar with, no matter the level of frustration I get." So, it is easy to become angry about standing still but being afraid to move and if you don't make the move, sooner or later, life makes a move on Get more content on
  • 2. Examples Of Positive Attitude Essay Positive Attitudes If gives a choice of to being a positive person or negative person, I think that most of us prefer to be a positive person rather than negative. Positive thinking sounds grateful and useful. A Positive attitude is important nowadays society because the positive attitude can lead to healthier lifestyle. Many of us think that successful people of this world have created amazing lifestyle because they were given more opportunities than others. But these perceptions in this society are not true. The thing that people need to understand about to being a successful people, we have to think the differently than the rest of society. We should change the perception out thoughts away from life's daily obstacles to the future that we want and the solutions we want to create in more content... Positive attitudes can actually create real value in our working life. When working we need to think positive. With the positive attitude that we have, there is the way to shows people seeing, thinking and responding to our attitude when working. When working we might think that 'Why I need to do so much work compared to him?' But when a boss gives us do something there must be a reason. With a positive thinking we know that there is the place that we need to improve. Other than that, in working place a person with a positive attitude will almost always outperform a person with a negative attitude. A successful people in working they have a positive attitude may influence their life and its aspects in a way such as how they think, socialize with customers. All these aspects might be affected by a positive attitude because as a worker, we need to know differentiate what should we do when working time and what we should not do. Goal of My Get more content on
  • 3. Positive Attitude People say that a positive attitude is the key to success. My grandma always told me that she had a negative attitude towards love. It seems strange I know but she despised couples. She told me that she was jealous of other people, especially her older siblings. Love was something she was afraid of because she didn't want to get broken up with. When she was about 16 she decided that if she got broken up with that she would just shake it off and wait for the right person to come along. She said there was no point in having a negative attitude towards something so comforting. When she was 17, she met my grandpa. They fell in love and when they were 18 they got married. If you have a positive attitude, then you can make more friends, have better job interviews, and learn to cope with rejection from others. First and foremost, making friends is easier with a positive attitude. In other words, if someone approaches you and you act mean and hateful then they won't want to talk to you. I always struggled with making friends. I never know the right words to say. Making friends is something most people can do because they have done it since they were little. Whenever we go on our band trips, my friends always want to talk to the other bands. When we go over to them, I stand there awkwardly while they start conversations. I always worry that I will say something and offend someone. Since we first started band I've gotten a lot better at talking to people. All it took was me Get more content on
  • 4. Attitude Is the Key to Success ATTITUDE IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedom– to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances" – Viktor E. Frankl A very simple but true saying is that the only thing you can't take away from me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me. The last of the human freedom is the power to choose one's attitude in any given circumstance and seemingly hopeless environment. The important question is what is attitude? Attitude is the way we mentally look at the world around us and act so. A well researched book "Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman brings the scientific proof that "its our attitude more than aptitude that determines our altitude." more content... Attitude is often based on past experiences. So most of the times, we get stuck because of the bad experiences we went through. Old tapes are hard to erase but for success one should make a deliberate effort to approach each situation with a fresh and positive outlook. Whatever challenges are to be faced, focus on the future and not on the history. These are some of the ways of incorporating positive attitudes to get success in life. * Expect the best, Focus on what's right, not what's wrong. To reinforce the positive attitude in others, use every opportunity to encourage desired behaviour. * Observe how our own attitude affects those around us. The attitude of the individual often determines the attitude of a group. * Do we enjoy our job? Are we spending most of our time on something that makes us feel purposeful and fulfilled. If not consider exploring other career options and moving towards a job we love. When we regularly do things that make us happy, we feel better about ourselves and our own life which fosters positive attitude. * Think and speak positively to and about ourself everyday. Most of us are in the habit of talking down to ourselves, which leaves us feeling hopeless, frustrated and pessimistic. Get into the habit of building onself up with positive self–talk and positive thoughts. * The more we focus on emphasizing the positive in others the more likeable we are going to be, Get more content on
  • 5. Speech On Positive Attitude What is a positive attitude? If our attitude is how we think or feel, our reaction, to something, whether it is a person, an idea, or a circumstance, to have a positive attitude is to stay upbeat, optimistic, to look at the good side; it is a cheerful perspective or point–of–view of different facets in life. "People who wonder whether the glass is half empty or half full miss the point. The glass is refillable." Unknown ("People who wonder," n.d.) View the big picture, and notice the nearby pitcher ... positive attitude! To what extent do you have it? I have positive attitude the majority of the time about family, friends, work, life, but it is not always easily due to life's little quirks and surprises. There are times the negativity gets me down, an ugly thought appears, or someone says something depressing, etc... but ... once I realize what is happening, or has happened, I gently push it away as soon as possible. It's not always immediate, can take a little longer, but I do it. I have a better understanding of myself and my attitude than I did many years ago. If you have a positive attitude, what actions might you display? How do you communicate it? Mentally – with facial features, eye contact, exhibiting happiness & joy with a smile, laughing Physically – with body movement, listen intently, a bounce in my step, relaxed posture, health Verbally– don't criticize or complain, lighten the mood, tell a joke, be enthusiastic Show confidence in how you talk, what you talk about, be proactive, and encourage. Contentment implies happiness and positivity, as does activity, energy, and interest in a topic or discussion. What does a positive attitude "look" like to others? With facial features, physical movement, and intent listening. How I approach people, noticing a smiling, a happy person implies positivity How I approach problems, enthusiastically, eagerly vs. cool or uninterested How I have a positive impact on others' lives by bringing the good out in others Confidence, self–esteem, respect, agreement, giving praise How do we differ in expressing our respective positive attitudes? Our differing personal values or beliefs may influence our positive attitudes and how we express them; if someone is
  • 6. Get more content on
  • 7. What Is Positive Attitude Essay What is an attitude? According to the dictionary, attitude means a feeling or opinion about something or somebody, or a method for behaving that you can express just by standing a specific way. For example, putting your hands on your hips and rolling eyes express one kind of attitude. However, in psychology area, an attitude is an outflow of support or disapproval toward a man, spot, thing, or event. What is a positive attitude? A positive attitude can affect each part of your life. People who keep up a positive way to deal with life circumstances and difficulties will be able to move forward more constructively than those who get to be stuck in a negative attitude. Your mental and physical health can be enhanced by learning how to hold more content... Learn how to spot keywords that tend to show negative attitudes. When you recognize what you're stating or considering, you can keep them from showing themselves in your life. A negative attitude will affect your quality of life. It will take control of your life and see everything in the worst possible way. It also keeps you from trying some new and nice things that may be wonderful. Besides that, it also can keep you from maturing and learning how to cope the challenges and difficulties of your life. From a physical point of view, negativity, unhappiness, and stress will weaken your immune system. When this thing occurs, you can become susceptible to many diseases, including one's that happen because of stress, like ulcers and heart disease. Now, that is a story about a negative attitude that my ex–housemate shows. Her name is Mei Foong. She is younger than me and she is a very talkative girl. From her outlook, she gives us a very good impression. Every time, after she attended classes, she told me sadly how her friends ignore her, pushed her aside and not good to her. I also believe her because I treat her just like my younger sister. However, after I knew that she had a bad attitude that is she like to talk bad of a person and distorted the fact that happen to everyone she knows, I start to doubt that she is telling the real or Get more content on
  • 8. Positive And Negative Attitudes In The Workplace IV.ATTITUDES IN THE WORKPLACE Attitudes are thoughts that you have accepted as true and that lead you to think, feel, or act positively or negatively toward a person, idea or event. They represent an emotional readiness to behave in a particular manner. (Reece) Positive and negative attitudes affect how you work and how you influence other people around you. These attitudes can absolutely be changed though because we are not born with those attitudes. We form them as time passes, depending on the situations that we have been through. For instance, if you had a job where your supervisor was racist toward you, you would begin to form a negative attitude about supervisors thinking that all of them are going to be racist. Instead, you can change your attitude by thinking that not everyone acts the same way. A positive attitude can make a difference between an amazing life and a nonsense one. Therefore, a lot of people should try to change their attitude to a positive one. In addition, attitude is the way we behave and the way we react to daily situations. For example, every one of us has passed through a difficult situation but that does not mean that we are going to put a negative attitude to what we do after that situation because we can influence people around us. For instance, if we got to work with a negative attitude because we got into an argument with someone, that could lead to a bad day for everyone because you are going to let out your frustration against Get more content on
  • 9. Importance of Positive Attitude and Relationships Relationships between people have an important place in social psychology, and having a healthy, positive relationship is even more important. People are different; no one person is alike another. Each is unique and special with different capabilities and methods that are used to gain their own benefits. However, maybe not everyone has developed their communication skills as well as others, but society is built on communication and positive thinking. In my opinion, it is very good thing that we, as a society, are positive. There may be many different reasons why some are negative; however, negativity is not good in any way. For example, there are some who do not want to maintain more content... I thought if I would be involved in a small group in the class, it would change everything, but nothing particularly changed. When people grow up, they better understand why it is so important to be positive and polite to everybody. Later, the high school class composition changed and no longer had any special assigned classes; of course, it was the same age that clung together more than students of different age groups did. But suddenly there was an ability and understanding about helping each other; we became united. There was a feeling that we were one big family. The reason I give this is teaching–psychology, and we are learning to understand the true nature of the case. Also, our past experiences have taught us. We learned not only from our mistakes, but also from fellow friends' mistakes. We wanted to be the best, and those who were the best realized the important values that were needed from an early age. We evolved, people improved and were able to capture more of a positive attitude and teach others why it is so important to understand that. My weakness is I still struggle to create such a relationship. I need remove such things as shyness and seclusion from my life. I often worry about the presence of strangers; I do not know what to say and what to do because of the feeling of insecurity. I have concluded Get more content on
  • 10. What Is A Positive Attitude Essay When I go to a store and see the employees working at the store, I see they display a positive attitude towards the customers. In some occasions I feel like I am not welcome at the store, or even any place of the mater due to the fact that they sometimes do not display a positive attitude. I guess what I am trying to say is that when you display a negative attitude the people around you feel uncomfortable. No one likes a person who displays negative attitude because it is disrespectful to the people around you, and it is bad for business if the person displaying bad attitude works somewhere. People think that if you display a negative attitude that it is good for business because it tells the boss of the business that you have competitiveness. Yes that is more content... For example, I remember my first day at high school, and the first thing I wanted to do is meet new people. In some cases in meeting new people I would be myself, but what if being myself is not a good thing? Maybe I am a jerk when I am being myself, so that is why I must display a positive attitude so I can make the people around me feel more comfortable. Then as they feel more comfortable being around me, I can start being myself. Displaying a positive attitude to others can help me in the long run because when I mess up on something the people that I have encouraged will encourage me to do better and to never give up. Furthermore, displaying a positive attitude will show the boss that you are customer friendly. For instance, I remember working at a store and I was helping people putting their items in grocery bags. I was being so polite to the people I was helping with and they liked my positive behavior, but what I did not know was that the boss saw my positive attitude towards the customers. I still did not knew he noticed me until one day to told me to come to Get more content on
  • 11. Positive Attitude INTRODUCTION A good attitude or positive attitude is the outward manifestation of a mind that dwells primarily on positive matters. It is a mind–set tipped in favour of creative activity rather than boredom, joy over sadness, hope over futility. A positive attitude is that state of mind which can be maintained only through conscious effort. When something jars one's mental focus into a negative direction, those who are positive know that in order to bounce back adjustments must be made. THE CHOSEN ISSUE Attitude is the way you communicate your mood to others. When you are optimistic and anticipate successful encounters, you transmit a positive attitude and people usually respond favourably. When you are pesimistic and more content... If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life becomes filled with light. This light affects not only you and the way you look at the world, but also your whole environment and the people around you. If it is strong enough, it becomes contagious. HOW TO KEEP IN GOOD ATTITUDE We all want to keep our minds sharp and fresh. By working to keep your mind sharp, you can improve your Get more content on
  • 12. Definition Essay On Positivity Who Am I? I'm in 7.125 billion of you, humans, I'm a spirit inside of you. I normally don't want to hurt you, but I have to or else I'll die. I'm only active in 350 million people in counting and it's not fun. They didn't choose this life I chose it for them with your help of course. Together we caused those 350 million people to hurt themselves and others, and make them feel like a waste of space. Some humans think that I am switch that other humans can turn on and off. It's not, the only way to get rid of me is to get treatment and surround yourselves with positivity. Positivity is the only way to get rid of me. I only come when you let my thoughts into yours, when you're done with everything, when you've been through something traumatic, more content... The answer is simple, they forgot about her, now it sounds sad, but it's true, she'd run and stay with Bakers for weeks and months at a time, and her parents never notice, they were too self–absorbed. Now Kathleen and Vincent heard about a group called the Flames, a group of Lighters and thought, " we'll make a group of Celebrities, to fight back". The named their group of 100 the Socialites. They aren't very organized, all the "members", more like servants, just take orders from Vincent and Kathleen, and most of the time Kathleen and Vincent can't decide on what the order is and wound up bickering. The Socialites may be unorganized, but they do know how to fight. By now the Flames have killed over half of the Celebrity population all they have left is the Socialites and a few outliers. The other outliers should be easy to take out, it's the Socialites that I'm concern about. Kathleen and Vincent have no idea that Astrid runs the Flames, but Astrid knows her parents run the Socialites. Also, the Socialites aren't that organized, but they're very skilled with weapons and they all want to defeat the Flames. They'll ban together somehow, just to defeat the Flames. If you are wondering why they have to defeat the Socialites, it's because defeating them will take the fear and hold the Socialites have over the rest of the population. Ghost look up to the Socialites for guidance Get more content on
  • 13. Positive Effects Of Attitude Effects of Attitude Distance, time, money, tiredness and several other things in life are just a question of one's attitude. Context and situations decide the attitude. If a person has to travel say 15 to 20 miles per day to his workplace, he will definitely be cribbing. On the other hand, if the remuneration is going to be hefty he will not mind travelling the same distance. The distance has not changed, but his attitude towards remuneration makes this passable. One often complains that he does not have time for even the small things in life. Just an introspection shall reveal that it is an excuse one gives to oneself. Aperson who does not have time for a courtesy call to a related person will definitely be able to squeeze in time to spend time with his friend in spite of any tight schedule. After a whole day of work, spending hours at the gym seem alright, but helping out your mother or spouse at home may seem a burden or vice versa. Or else if a friend calls for an outing will freak out forgetting both the above. It more content... On the contrary they do not mind giving generous 'Tips' in fancy restaurants because of attitude. Perceptions of Attitude are more important and can change during periods of Natural disasters. During a recent flood havoc in a major city in India, the people's attitude was so positive that they were able to render all assistance to those affected without any inhibitions of class, creed, rich, poor, etc. People may throw stones at your path. It is your attitude with which you face the hurdle, that will lead to 'a wall or a bridge'. Remember your attitude is the architect of your life. Success requires more than talent. While talent and knowledge are essential, the key that unlocks them both is your state of mind. Being positive makes you more dependable. When you are positive you will find that you instinctively respect others, and are therefore more considerate. Developing Positive Get more content on
  • 14. Victoria Day: A Positive Attitude 2.A positive attitude is having an optimistic state of mind. Kelly shows signs of having a positive attitude while entering and coping with stressful situations at work. As previously stated, Victoria Day is one Deco's busiest time of the year. With little notice, two of Kelly's associates informed her that they wouldn't be able to attend work. Empathically, she allowed her employees to take time off. Regardless of the busy situation, Kelly still took on the leadership role in her company's success. On Victoria Day, Malibu only had only one trained employee and fortunately was able to get her mom to fill in absent employees. In addition to that, Kelly became a substitute sales representative. Considering the circumstances, it is clear Kelly Get more content on
  • 15. Keeping an Optimistic Attitude in Life Essay Keeping an Optimistic Attitude in Life Optimistic and pessimistic attitudes constantly affect the outcome of people's lives. In my life, I try to keep an optimistic attitude about the things I do because I know it will help lead me to more desirable ends. There have been many situations in which optimism has helped me through difficult times. Two areas in particular have provided me optimistic experiences: athleticsand academics. First, optimism was very apparent while I was the co–captain of my high school soccer team. I was captain during my senior year, perhaps the year we had the best team since I had begun playing in eighth grade. Right from the start of the season I had to show leadership and bring improvement more content... The most challenging times for me were those when we would be losing and all the players would get angry with one another. This was especially apparent when one of the defenders on our team would make a mistake and allow the other team to score. Many players would then yell at him creating a negative attitude both toward themselves and the player. At that time, even though I was actually angry myself, I would both stop the other players from yelling and offer encouragement to the one who had made the mistake. For the most part, I would simply offer some advice by pointing out what he had done wrong and told him how to do it right the next time. Thereby, I would always keep a very positive attitude and told the players that they were doing well, but they just had to do it better next time. I know that the way I approached the problem helped maintain a positive attitude among all the players. This approach led to the team playing better and winning more. Another application in which an optimistic attitude has proven to be very beneficial has been in academics. Notably, there have been classes in which assignments were difficult for me and led to less than sufficient grades. Even though I was disappointed with my poor performance, I always stayed optimistic about bringing the grades back up. The one time that stood out among Get more content on
  • 16. Positive Attitude Essay Can having a positive attitude bring success into your life? Having a positive attitude can get you far in life. Bringing negativity into your life doesn't get you anywhere, all it does is makes your life harder. Having a positive attitude may lead to success, happiness, and inspiration. Positivity is a wonderful trait to carry with you throughout your life. Having a positive attitude makes it easier to avoid worries and negative thoughts that's going on in your mind. Most importantly, it can bring success into your life. For example, Martin Luther King had a high level of positivity. No matter what was going on around him, he always had an affirmative attitude. Martin Luther King was going through racism at the time, he was beaten, more content... One day I went to the gym and saw this kid crying in the stands, so I went over to him to see what was wrong. He was upset because no one would pick him on their team and he really wanted to play, so I told him that he could play with me on my team. It was our turn to play, we added an extra three players to complete the team. As we were playing the other team I realized that he hasn't touched the ball yet and he was wide open, so I passed it to him and as soon as he touch the ball he scored. Everyone in the gym was so surprised, including myself. The game got better each time we passed him the ball, and he was having a great time. The opposite team was letting him score because he was new to basketball. It warmed my heart to see what they were doing for him. Having a positive attitude can be contagious and spread to others. When having a positive attitude it brings inspiration into your life. If you believe hard enough that you can achieve it, then you will succeed. Negativity will bring you down and crush all of your dreams. If you are having negative thoughts, all you are doing is bringing yourself down. My freshman year in high school I had to take my Spanish exam and I was afraid of how poor I would do on the test. That whole week I was thinking about how bad and embarrassing my test results would look like. The night before the exam, I had just finished studying and my mom had told me" If you believe it, the mind Get more content on
  • 17. Positive Attitudes With reference to appropriate consumer behaviour models and theories explain how marketers try to generate positive attitudes towards brands. Your answer should make frequent use of examples of the marketing activities of an organisation of your choice. |consumer attitudes are learned, stored and retrieved and use of examples (attention, perception, learning, | |memory systems and processes) 35% | |attitude models and use of examples (multi–attribute models, theory of reasoned action, heuristic models). 30%| |role of attitude in the decision making process and use of examples (consumer decision process, evaluation of | |alternatives, consideration set, more content... Apple is associated with excitment, which is the message they portray in all their marketing material from adverts, to store and packing. So consumers who want to see themselves as young and with it need the latest apple product. (kotler,Armstrong) Steve Jobs the late CEO of Apple was known worldwide for his unique personality, even if people didn't like him they respected him which plays a big part in emotional branding. "A successful brand is an identifiable product, service, person or place, augmented in such a way that the buyer or user perceives relevant, unique added values which match their needs more closely. Furthermore, its success results from being able to sustain those added values in the face of competition." (DeChernatony, L. McDonald, M. 1998) Greg Joswiak part of the iPhone marketing team told the audience at Silicon Valley Comes to Cambridge what Apple marketers focus on. Simplicity–"Make complex things simple. A lot of people think it means take something simple and leave it at its core essence. Courage–"Courage drives a lot of decisions in business. Don't hang on to ideas from the past even if they have been successful for you. You don't build a product just because everyone else has one. "(Wall Street Journal) Motivation Psychologist Sigmund Freud has a theory
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  • 19. In the book "The Little Engine That Could" the train keeps telling himself " I think I can I think I can". This train keeps a positive attitude about it. In the end the train does succeed. I do think that his positive attitude did help him succeed although, I don't think that a positive attitude is necessary for success. I do think that having a positive mindset will for sure help you succeed, I just don't think that it's impossible to succeed without a positive attitude. So for example, a couple of weeks ago I went to Oklahoma for something and I ran cross country. I did not have a positive attitude about this AT ALL!!!! I thought I was going to come in last place and even just give up. When we started running I was like ''I CAN'T DO Get more content on
  • 20. Most people with a positive attitude are more likely to be successful in life. Those who disagree are less likely to be caring towards other's feelings. People who a have a positive outlook on life; in general are likable, more prosperous, and have a better sense of community. The importance of having a positive attitude is that it helps you improve your standard of living and someone else's day. In conclusion, just being positive helps everyone no matter have much you use. People who are positive towards themselves and others are more likable. Many have different daily life styles. Say if two same teenagers went to a interview for the same job. Teenager 1 is a young man that comes with the wrong type of clothing on; but his grades are amazing. Get more content on
  • 21. The Importance Of Positive Attitudes In Students Students at one point or another might hear from their teachers that they need to keep a positive attitude to be successful, and they are correct. Keeping a positive attitude has been linked to higher grades in school, thus helping students increase academic achievement (Callahan, 1971; Larose, Robertson, Roy, & Legault, 1998; Ryan & Patrick, 2001; Whitin, 2007). It is not uncommon to observe different attitudes towards different subject areas or even topics within a class. Students who have a positive attitude are more likely to be motivated to learn about the subject or topic and such motivation helps students perform better in the unit or course (Ryan & Patrick, 2001). As a student continues to have positive and successful learning experiences, they are able to maintain a positive attitude. Positive or negative experiences in a class are therefore influential in the development of attitudes towards certain classes. For example, a student with positive learning experiences in science can help the student approach future science courses with optimism (Bloomer & Hodkinson, 2000). Entering a new course similar to which a student has already experienced success, is likely to encourage the student to be actively engaged, take risks, and practice self–advocacy as needed as a result of having a positive attitude, increased motivation, and self–confidence. Therefore, the student that loves science classes because of prior success and positive experiences is likely to not only Get more content on